Regular Corporation

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                               KUPN LICENSEE, INC.

         FIRST:  I, Melissa A. Johnson,  whose post office  address is 100 Light
Street, Suite 1100,  Baltimore,  Maryland 21202, being at least 18 years of age,
hereby form a  corporation  under and by virtue of the general laws of the State
of Maryland.

         SECOND:  The name of the corporation (which is hereafter referred to as
the "Corporation") is:
                               KUPN LICENCEE, INC.

         THIRD:  The  purposes  for which  the  Corporation  is  formed  and the
business or object to be carried on and promoted by it are as follows:

         (a) to own the license of television  station KUPN and to engage in any
other lawful purpose and business; and

         (b) to do anything permitted by the Maryland General Corporation Law.

         FOURTH:  The  post  office  address  of  the  principal  office  of the
Corporation in this State is 2000 W. 41st Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21211. The
name and post office  address of the Resident  Agent of the  Corporation in this
State is Steven A. Thomas,  Esquire,  100 Light Street,  Suite 1100,  Baltimore,
Maryland 21202.  Said resident agent is an individual  actually residing in this

         FIFTH:   The  total  number  of  shares  of  capital  stock  which  the
Corporation  has authority to issue is 1,000 shares of common  stock,  par value
$.01 per share, for an aggregate par value of ten dollars  ($10.00),  all of one
class of stock.

         SIXTH:  The number of  Directors of the  Corporation  shall be not less
than three (3) nor more than twelve (12); provided,  however, that (a) if at any
time there is no stock outstanding, the Corporation may have less than three (3)
but not less than one (1) Director;  and (b) if there is stock  outstanding  and
there are less than three (3) stockholders,  the number of Directors may be less
than  three (3) but not less  than the  number of  stockholders.  The  number of
Directors  may  be  increased  or  decreased  pursuant  to  the  By-laws  of the
Corporation, subject, however, to the above provisions.

         The names of the directors who shall act until the first annual meeting
or until their successors are duly elected and qualified are: David D. Smith and
David B. Amy.

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         SEVENTH: The following provisions are hereby adopted for the purpose of
defining,  limiting,  and  regulating the powers of the  Corporation  and of the
directors and stockholders:

         (a) the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  is hereby  empowered to
authorize  the  issuance  from time to time of shares of its stock of any class,
whether now or hereafter authorized;

         (b) the  Corporation  reserves  the right from time to time to make any
amendment of its Charter,  now or hereafter  authorized  by law,  including  any
amendment which alters the contract rights, as set forth in its Charter,  of any
outstanding stock;

         (c)  the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Corporation  may  classify  or.
reclassify  any  unissued  stock  by  setting  or  changing  in any  one or more
respects,  from time to time before  issuance of such  stock,  the  preferences,
conversion,  or  other  rights,  voting  powers,   restrictions  and  terms  and
conditions of redemption of such stock.

         The  enumeration  and definition of a particular  power of the Board of
Directors  included in the foregoing shall in no way be limited or restricted by
reference  to or  inference  from the terms of any  other  clause of this or any
other  Article of the Charter of the  Corporation,  or construed as or deemed by
inference  or  otherwise  in any manner to exclude or limit any power  conferred
upon the Board of Directors  under the Maryland  General  Corporation Law now or
hereafter in force.

         EIGHTH:  No director or officer of the  Corporation  shall be liable to
the Corporation or its  stockholders  for money damages except (i) to the extent
that it is proved that such  director or officer  actually  received an improper
benefit or profit in money,  property, or services for the amount of the benefit
or profit in money,  property,  or services  actually  received,  or (ii) to the
extent that a judgment or other final  adjudication  adverse to such director or
officer is entered in a  proceeding  based on a finding in the  proceeding  that
such  director's or officer's  action,  or failure to act, was (a) the result of
active and deliberate dishonesty,  or (b) that intentionally wrongful,  willful,
or  malicious  end,  in each  such  case,  was  material  to the cause of action
adjudicated in the proceeding.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have signed these Articles of  Incorporation on
this 5th day of February, 1997, and I acknowledge the same to be my act.

                                            /s/ Melissa A. Johnson
                                            Melissa A. Johnson

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