CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                            SUPERIOR KY LICENSE CORP.

I. NAME. The name of the corporation is "Superior KY License Corp.  (hereinafter
referred to as the "Corporation").

II. ADDRESS. The address of the Corporation's  registered office in the State of
Delaware is 1013 Centre Road, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware 19805. The
name of its registered agent at such address is The Corporation Service Company.

III.  PURPOSE.  The  purpose of  Corporation  is to engage in any lawful acts or
activities for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware and to possess and employ all powers and privileges
now or hereafter granted or available under the laws of the State of Delaware to
such corporations.

IV.  AUTHORIZED  CAPITAL.  The  total  number  of  shares  of  stock  which  the
corporation  shall have authority to issue is 1000 shares of Common Stock of the
par value of $0.001 per share.

V.  INCORPORATOR:  The name and mailing address of the incorporator are: John C.
Rodney, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, 1500 Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

VI. INITIAL  BOARD:  The name of the  individuals  who shall compose the initial
board of  directors  are Albert M. Holtz,  Gary J.  Zentner,  Kevin J.  McGinty,
Michael Wagner, and David Hillman.

VII. EXISTENCE. The corporation is to have perpetual existence.

VIII.  BY-LAWS:  In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by
statute,  the Board of  Directors  is expressly  authorized  to adopt,  amend or
repeal the By-laws of the corporation.

IX. MEETINGS OF  STOCKHOLDERS:  Meetings of  stockholders  may be held within or
without the State of  Delaware,  as the by-laws  may  provide.  The books of the
corporation  may be kept  (subject to any  provision  contained in the statutes)
outside the State of Delaware at such place or places as may be designated  from
time to time by the board of  directors  or in the  by-laws of the  corporation.
Elections of directors  need not be by written  ballot unless the by-laws of the
corporation shall so provide.

X. AMENDMENT:  The  corporation  reserves the right to amend,  alter,  change or
repeal any provision  contained in this  certificate  of  incorporation,  in the
manner now or hereafter

prescribed by statute,  and all rights  conferred upon  stockholders  herein are
granted subject to this reservation.

XI. INDEMNIFICATION.  The Corporation shall indemnify, to the fullest extent now
or hereafter  permitted by law, each director or officer of the  Corporation  or
its  Subsidiaries who is made a party or is threatened to be made a party to any
threatened,  pending,  or completed action,  suit or proceeding,  whether civil,
criminal,  administrative or investigative,  by reason of the fact that he is or
was an  authorized  representative  of the  Corporation,  against  all  expenses
(including  attorney's  fees and  disbursements),  judgments,  fines  (including
excise  taxes  and  penalties)  and  amounts  paid in  settlement  actually  and
reasonably  incurred by him in connection with such action,  suit or proceeding.
Expenses (including  attorneys' fees) incurred in defending an action,  suit, or
proceeding may be paid by the Corporation in advance of the final disposition of
such action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the Corporation in advance of the
final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding,  to the fullest extent and
under the circumstances  permitted by Delaware law. The Corporation may purchase
and  maintain  insurance  on  behalf  of any  person  who is or was a  director,
officer,  employee,  fiduciary,  or agent of the Corporation or its Subsidiaries
against any liability  asserted  against and incurred by such person in any such
capacity  or  arising  out  of  such  person's  position,  whether  or  not  the
Corporation  would have the power to indemnify  against such liability under the
provisions  of this Article VII. The rights  conferred by this Article shall not
be  exclusive  of any other  rights to which those  indemnified  may be entitled
under  this  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  any  by-law,  agreement,  vote  of
stockholders or disinterested directors,  statute, or otherwise, and shall inure
to the benefit of their heirs, executors, and administrators.  The provisions of
this Article shall not be deemed to preclude the Corporation  from  indemnifying
other  persons from similar or other  expenses and  liabilities  as the Board of
Directors  or the  stockholders  may  determine  in a  specific  instance  or by
resolution of general application. Any repeal or modification of this Article by
the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  shall not adversely  affect any right or
protection  existing  at the time of such  repeal or  modification  to which any
person may be entitled under this Article. For the purposes of this Article, the
term  "authorized  representative"  shall  mean a  director  or  officer  of the
Corporation or of any subsidiary of the  Corporation or person who is or was, at
the request of the Corporation, serving another corporation,  partnership, joint
venture,  trusts,  association,  or other  entity  as a  director,  officer,  or
partner, or in any position of similar managerial or fiduciary  position,  or as
an employee or agent.

XII. LIABILITY.  A director of the Corporation shall not be personally liable to
the Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a directory,  provided,  however,  that this  provision  shall not limit
liability  (i)  for  any  breach  of  the  director's  duty  of  loyalty  to the
Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or
which involve  intentional  misconduct or a knowing  violation of law, (iii) for
violations of Section 174 of the Delaware  General  Corporation Law, or (iv) for
any transaction from which the director derived any improper  personal  benefit.
If the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law  hereafter  is  amended  to  further
eliminate  or  limit  the  liability  of a  director,  than  a  director  of the
Corporation,  in  addition  to the  circumstances  in  which a  director  is not
personally liable as set


forth in the preceding sentence, shall be liable to the fullest extent permitted
by the amended Delaware  General  Corporation Law. Any repeal or modification of
this Article VIII by the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  shall not adversely
affect any right or protection of a director of the Corporation  existing at the
time of such repeal or modification.

XIII. TRANSACTIONS WITH DIRECTORS, ETC. The Corporation shall have authority, to
the fullest extent now or hereafter  permitted by the General Corporation Law of
the  State of  Delaware,  or by any  other  applicable  law,  to enter  into any
contract or transaction  with one or more of its directors or officers,  or with
any corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, association, or other entity
in which one or more of its directors or officers are directors or officers,  or
have   a   financial   interest,    notwithstanding   such   relationships   and
notwithstanding  the  fact  that  the  director  or  officer  is  present  at or
participates in the meeting of the board of directors or committee thereof which
authorizes the contract or transaction.

XIV. COMPROMISE OR ARRANGEMENT. Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed
between this  Corporation  and its creditors or any class of them and/or between
this  Corporation  and its  stockholders  or any  class  of them,  any  court of
equitable jurisdiction within the State of Delaware may, on the application in a
summary way of this Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder  thereof or on
the  application  of any receiver or receivers  appointed  for this  Corporation
under the  provisions  of Section 291 of Title 8 of the Delaware  Code or on the
application of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed
for this  Corporation  under the  provisions  of  Section  279 of Title 8 of the
Delaware Code order a meeting of the creditors or class of creditors,  and/or of
the stockholders or class of stockholders of this  Corporation,  as the case may
be, to be summoned in such  manner as the said court  directs.  If a majority in
number  representing  three-fourths  in  value  of the  creditors  or  class  of
creditors, and of the stockholders or class of stockholders of this Corporation,
as  the  case  may  be,  agree  to  any  compromise  or  arrangement  and to any
reorganization  of this  Corporation  as a  consequence  of such  compromise  or
arrangement,  the said  compromise or  arrangement  and the said  reorganization
shall,  if sanctioned by the court to which the said  application has been made,
be  binding  on all the  creditors  or class  of  creditors,  and/or  on all the
stockholders or class of stockholders,  of this Corporation, as the case may be,
and also on this Corporation.

XV.  SECTION  203.  The  Corporation  shall not be subject to the  provision  of
Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law.

     I,  the  undersigned,  the  sole  incorporator  of  the  Corporation,  have
accordingly hereunto set my hand.

     Executed this 30th day of November, 1993.

                                                     /s/ John C. Rodney
                                                     John C. Rodney
