EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. ___)

Filed by the Registrant [x]  

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant[ ] 

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement             [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
[x]   Definitive Proxy Statement                   Commission Only (as permitted
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials              by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))         
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                           SANDY SPRING BANCORP, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[x]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee  computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     3.   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     5.   Total Fee Paid:


[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          1.   Amount Previously Paid:


          2.   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


          3    Filing Party:


          4.   Date Filed:


                           SANDY SPRING BANCORP, INC.
                              17801 GEORGIA AVENUE
                              OLNEY, MARYLAND 20832
                                 (301) 774-6400

                                 March 20, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

     We invite you to attend the 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Sandy
Spring Bancorp, Inc. to be held at the Indian Spring Country Club, 13501 Layhill
Road, Silver Spring, Maryland on Wednesday, April 15, 1998 at 3:00 p.m.

     The  enclosed  Notice of Annual  Meeting and Proxy  Statement  describe the
formal  business to be  transacted at the Annual  Meeting.  Also enclosed is the
Annual Report showing the results for 1997.

     YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we urge you to
sign,  date and  return  the  enclosed  proxy as soon as  possible,  even if you
currently  plan to attend the Annual  Meeting.  This will not  prevent  you from
voting in person, but will assure that your vote is counted if you are unable to
attend the Annual Meeting.

     If you have any  questions,  please call Marjorie S.  Holsinger,  Corporate
Secretary, at (301) 774-6400.

     Thank you for the  cooperation  and continuing  support you have given this


                                          /S/ HUNTER R. HOLLAR

                                          Hunter R. Hollar
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

                           SANDY SPRING BANCORP, INC.
                              17801 GEORGIA AVENUE
                              OLNEY, MARYLAND 20832

                                 (301) 774-6400

                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 15, 1998

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Annual  Meeting") of Sandy Spring  Bancorp,  Inc.  ("Bancorp")  will be held on
Wednesday,  April 15,  1998,  at 3:00 p.m.  Eastern  Time at the  Indian  Spring
Country Club, 13501 Layhill Road, Silver Spring, Maryland.

     A Proxy and a Proxy  Statement  for the Annual  Meeting and the 1997 Annual
Report to Shareholders are enclosed.

     The Annual Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

     (1) The election of five directors of Bancorp; and

     (2) Such other  business as may properly come before the Annual  Meeting or
any adjournments thereof.

     NOTE:  The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any other  business to come
before the Annual Meeting.

     Pursuant  to the  Bylaws,  the  Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of
business  on  March  9,  1998  as  the  record  date  for  determination  of the
shareholders  entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  Only holders of record of
Bancorp's Common Stock at the close of business on that date will be entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     In the event that there are not sufficient votes to conduct the election of
directors  or to approve  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
Annual  Meeting,  the Annual Meeting may be adjourned in order to permit further
solicitation of proxies by Bancorp.

     You are requested to fill in and sign the enclosed form of proxy,  which is
solicited by the Board of  Directors,  and to mail it in the enclosed  envelope.
The proxy  will not be used if you  attend  and  choose to vote in person at the
Annual Meeting.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       /S/ MARJORIE S. HOLSINGER

                                       Marjorie S. Holsinger
                                       Corporate Secretary

Olney, Maryland
March 20, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           SANDY SPRING BANCORP, INC.

                              17801 GEORGIA AVENUE
                              OLNEY, MARYLAND 20832

                                 (301) 774-6400


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                 APRIL 15, 1998



     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of Sandy Spring Bancorp,  Inc. ("Bancorp"") to
be used at the 1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting"), to be
held on  Wednesday,  April 15,  1998,  at 3:00 p.m.  Eastern  Time at the Indian
Spring  Country  Club,  13501  Layhill  Road,  Silver  Spring,   Maryland.   The
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting and form of proxy and this Proxy Statement
are being first mailed on or about March 20, 1998 to  shareholders  of record as
of the close of business on March 9, 1998.

     If the enclosed form of proxy is properly  executed and returned to Bancorp
in time to be voted at the Annual Meeting,  the shares represented  thereby will
be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions  marked  thereon.  EXECUTED  BUT
BANCORP'S  BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS DIRECTORS.  Proxies marked as  abstentions  and
shares  held in street name that have been  designated  by brokers on proxies as
not voted will not be counted as votes cast, but will be counted for purposes of
determining a quorum at the Annual  Meeting.  Bancorp does not know of any other
matters  that are to come  before the  Annual  Meeting  except  for  incidental,
procedural  matters. If any other matters are properly brought before the Annual
Meeting,  the  persons  named in the  accompanying  proxy  will vote the  shares
represented  by each such proxy on such matters as  determined  by a majority of
the Board of Directors.

     The presence of a shareholder at the Annual Meeting will not  automatically
revoke that shareholder's proxy. However, shareholders may revoke a proxy at any
time prior to its  exercise by filing with the  Corporate  Secretary of Bancorp,
Marjorie S. Holsinger, a written notice of revocation;  by delivering to Bancorp
a duly executed  proxy bearing a later date; or by attending the Annual  Meeting
and voting in person.

     The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by Bancorp. In addition to the
solicitation of proxies by mail,  Bancorp also may solicit proxies personally or
by telephone or telegraph through its directors, officers and regular employees.
Bancorp also will request persons,  firms,  and  corporations  holding shares in
their names or in the name of nominees that are beneficially  owned by others to
send proxy materials to and obtain proxies from those beneficial owners and will
reimburse the holders for their reasonable expenses in doing so.

     The securities that can be voted at the Annual Meeting consist of shares of
common stock, par value $1.00 per share (the "Common Stock"),  of Bancorp.  Each
share  entitles its owner to one vote on all  matters.  The close of business on
March 9, 1998 has been fixed by the Board of  Directors  as the record  date for
determination of shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting; there were
approximately  2,310  record  holders of the Common  Stock as of such date.  The
number of shares  outstanding on March 9, 1998 was 9,659,938.  The presence,  in
person or by proxy,  of at least a majority of the total  number of  outstanding
shares  of Common  Stock is  necessary  to  constitute  a quorum  at the  Annual

     A copy of the Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended December 31,
1997  accompanies  this Proxy  Statement.  BANCORP IS REQUIRED TO FILE AN ANNUAL

                          STOCK OWNERSHIP OF MANAGEMENT

     The following table sets forth information as of March 9, 1998 with respect
to the shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by each director  continuing in
office and nominee for  director of Bancorp,  by certain  executive  officers of
Bancorp and by all directors and executive  officers of Bancorp as a group. This
information  is based upon the most recent  report of  beneficial  ownership  of
securities filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  To the knowledge
of  management,  no person  beneficially  owns  more than 5% of the  outstanding
shares of Common  Stock.  Share  amounts in the table have been adjusted to give
retroactive effect to a 2-for-1 stock split declared on January 28, 1998.

                                       AMOUNT AND             PERCENT OF
                                  NATURE OF BENEFICIAL       COMMON STOCK
        NAME                       OWNERSHIP(1)(2)(3)         OUTSTANDING

John Chirtea                             18,159                      *
Susan D. Goff                               429                      *
Solomon Graham                            4,682                      *
Gilbert L. Hardesty                       2,000                      *
Joyce R. Hawkins                         32,903                      *
Hunter R. Hollar                         40,317                      *
Thomas O. Keech                          70,596                      *
Charles F. Mess                           5,341                      *
Robert L. Mitchell                       11,000                      *
Robert L. Orndorff, Jr.                 103,195                    1.07%
David E. Rippeon                          1,999                      *
Lewis R. Schumann                         6,100                      *
W. Drew Stabler                          34,798                      *
James H. Langmead                         8,520                      *
Lawrence T. Lewis                        19,988                      *
Stanley L. Merson                        24,194                      *
Frank H. Small                            8,492                      *

All directors and executive officers
  as a group (19 persons)               428,308                    4.40%

- --------------

*    Less than 1% of Bancorp's outstanding Common Stock.

(1)  Under the rules of the SEC, an individual  is  considered to  "beneficially
     own" any share of Common  Stock which he or she,  directly  or  indirectly,
     through  any  contract,   arrangement,   understanding,   relationship,  or
     otherwise,  has or shares:  (1) voting power,  which  includes the power to
     vote,  or to direct the voting of,  such  security;  and/or (2)  investment
     power,  which includes the power to dispose,  or to direct the disposition,
     of such security. In addition, an individual is deemed to be the beneficial
     owner of any  share  of  Common  Stock of which he or she has the  right to
     acquire  voting  or  investment  power  within  60 days of March  9,  1998.
     Includes 74,332 shares of Common Stock subject to outstanding options which
     are exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 1998, of which Hunter R. Hollar,
     James H. Langmead,  Lawrence T. Lewis, Stanley L. Merson and Frank H. Small
     ("Named Executive  Officers") hold options to purchase 33,000 shares, 7,000
     shares,  3,500  shares,  17,000  shares and 7,000  shares of Common  Stock,
     respectively.  Executive officers who are not Named Executive Officers hold
     options for 6,832 shares. Also includes 472 shares, 623 shares, 527 shares,
     2,663  shares and 1,492  shares of Common  Stock owned by Mr.  Hollar,  Mr.
     Langmead,  Mr. Lewis,  Mr. Merson and Mr.  Small,  respectively,  and 6,370
     shares  of  Common  Stock  owned by  executive  officers  who are not Named
     Executive  Officers,  as participants in Bancorp's Cash and Deferred Profit
     Sharing Plan.

                     (Footnotes continued on following page)

(2)  Includes  shares owned  directly by  directors  and  executive  officers of
     Bancorp as well as shares  held by their  spouses  and minor  children  and
     trusts of which certain directors are trustees.

(3)  Fractional shares resulting from participation in the dividend reinvestment
     plan have been rounded to the nearest whole share.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                                  (PROPOSAL 1)

     The Board of  Directors  has set the total number of directors at thirteen,
in accordance with Bancorp's  Articles of  Incorporation  and Bylaws.  Bancorp's
Articles of  Incorporation  divide the directors into three  classes,  as nearly
equal in number as possible. In general, the term of office of only one class of
directors  expires in each year,  and their  successors are elected for terms of
three years and until their successors are elected and qualified.  At the Annual
Meeting a total of five  director-nominees will be elected for three-year terms.
With respect to the election of  directors,  each  shareholder  of record on the
record  date is  entitled  to one vote for each share of Common  Stock  held.  A
plurality  of all the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting  will be  sufficient  to
elect a nominee as a director.


     The following  table sets forth the names of the Board of  Directors'  five
nominees for election as directors. Also set forth is certain other information,
some of which has been  obtained  from  Bancorp's  records and some of which has
been supplied by the nominees and  continuing  directors,  with respect to their
principal  occupations  during the past five years,  their ages at December  31,
1997, the periods during which they have served as directors, and positions they
currently  hold with  Bancorp.  It is the  intention of the persons named in the
proxy to vote the shares  represented  by each properly  executed  proxy for the
election  as  directors  of the five  nominees  listed  below for terms of three
years,  unless  otherwise  directed by the  shareholder.  The Board of Directors
believes  that each of the  nominees  will stand for  election and will serve if
elected as director.  If any person nominated by the Board of Directors fails to
stand for  election or is unable to accept  election,  the proxies will be voted
for the election of such other  person or persons as the Board of Directors  may


                                                                 MEMBER          TERM
                                    POSITION(S) HELD            OF BOARD       CURRENTLY
NAME                     AGE         WITH BANCORP               SINCE (1)       EXPIRES
- ----                     ---        ---------------             ---------      --------
                             THE 2001 ANNUAL MEETING

Solomon Graham           54         Director                       1994           1998

Gilbert L. Hardesty      57         Director                       1997           1998

Charles F. Mess          59         Director                       1987           1998

Lewis R. Schumann        54         Director                       1994           1998

W. Drew Stabler          60         Chairman of the                1986           1998
                                    Board of Directors


                                                                  MEMBER          TERM
                                   POSITION(S) HELD              OF BOARD       CURRENTLY
NAME                       AGE      WITH BANCORP                 SINCE (1)       EXPIRES
- ----                       ---     ---------------               ---------      --------
                                   CONTINUING DIRECTORS

John Chirtea               60      Director                         1990           1999

Joyce R. Hawkins           64      Director                         1995           1999

Hunter R. Hollar           49      President, Chief                 1990           1999
                                   Executive Officer and

Thomas O. Keech            64      Director                         1995           1999

Susan D. Goff              52      Director                         1994           2000

Robert L. Mitchell         61      Director                         1991           2000

Robert L. Orndorff, Jr.    41      Director                         1991           2000

David E. Rippeon           48      Director                         1997           2000

- --------------

(1)  The Boards of  Directors  of Bancorp and its  principal  subsidiary,  Sandy
     Spring  National  Bank (the  "Bank"),  are  composed  of the same  persons.
     Includes term of office as a director of the Bank prior to the formation of
     Bancorp as the holding company for the Bank in January 1988.

     The  principal  occupation(s)  and business  experience of each nominee and
director of Bancorp for the last five years are set forth below.


     SOLOMON GRAHAM is founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of Quality
Biological,  Inc.,  a medical  technology  firm  providing  reagents to research

     GILBERT L. HARDESTY is a retired bank executive, having served as
President  of  Crestar  Bank -  Annapolis  from  June  1994 to June  1997 and as
President of Annapolis  Federal  Savings Bank from April 1986 to June 1994.  Mr.
Hardesty was elected by the Board to fill a newly created  director  position on
November 19, 1997.

     CHARLES F. MESS, M.D. is in the practice of general orthopedics.

     LEWIS R. SCHUMANN is a partner in the law firm of Miller, Miller and Canby,

     W. DREW STABLER is a partner in Pleasant  Valley Farm, a crop and livestock



     JOHN  CHIRTEA is retired  from LCOR,  a national  real  estate  development
company.  In prior  years,  Mr.  Chirtea  was a partner in the Linpro  Co.,  the
predecessor company of LCOR.

     JOYCE R. HAWKINS is a realtor with Weichert Realtors.

     HUNTER R. HOLLAR is President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Bancorp and
the Bank.  From 1990 through 1993, Mr. Hollar served as President of Bancorp and
President and Chief Operating Officer of the Bank.

     THOMAS O. KEECH  retired as Vice  President of Bancorp and  Executive  Vice
President of the Bank effective  December 31, 1995. Mr. Keech previously  served
as Vice  President  and Treasurer of Bancorp and  Executive  Vice  President and
Chief Financial Officer of the Bank.

     SUSAN D. GOFF is President of M.D. IPA,  Inc., a vice  president of Optimum
Choice,  Inc.,  and a senior vice  president  of their parent  holding  company,
Mid-Atlantic Medical Services, Inc., a health maintenance organization.

     ROBERT L. MITCHELL is President and Chief Executive Officer of C-I/Mitchell
and Best Company which is engaged in homebuilding and real estate development.

     ROBERT  L.  ORNDORFF,  JR.  is  President  of  RLO  Contractors,  Inc.,  an
excavating contractor.

     DAVID E. RIPPEON is President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Gaithersburg
Farmers Supply, Inc., a tractor and equipment dealership.


     During 1997,  each of Bancorp's and the Bank's Boards of Directors  held 12
regular meetings.

     The average  attendance  was 95% for meetings of  Bancorp's  and the Bank's
Boards  of  Directors.  All  incumbent  directors  attended  75% or  more of the
aggregate of (a) the total number of meetings of the Boards of Directors and (b)
the total number of meetings held by all  committees on which they served during
the period of their service during the year.

     Bank directors who are not employed by the Bank receive an annual  retainer
of  $4,000  and fees of $400  ($500 for the  Chairman)  for  attendance  at each
meeting of the Board of Directors,  $400 for each Executive  Committee  meeting,
and $300 for other committee meetings. Bancorp directors who are not employed by
Bancorp do not receive any additional compensation except for fees of $400 ($500
in the case of the  Chairman)  for  attendance  at each  meeting of the Board of
Directors  not  held in  conjunction  with a  meeting  of the  Bank's  Board  of
Directors  and  except  for fees of $300  for  each  meeting  of the  Audit  and
Nominating  Committees.  Directors of Sandy Spring Mortgage  Corporation who are
not employed by Bancorp or any of its subsidiaries receive fees of $300 for each
meeting of its Board.

     Directors  of the Bank are eligible to defer all or a portion of their fees
under  Director  Fee  Deferral   Agreements  between  the  Bank  and  individual
directors.  Amounts  deferred accrue  interest at the prime rate.  Except in the
case of death or financial  emergency,  deferred  fees and accrued  interest are
payable only  following  termination of a director's  service on the board.  The
Director Fee  Deferral  Agreements  also  provide for  benefits  that may exceed
deferred fees and accrued interest in the event a party dies while a director of
the Bank, but only to the extent the Bank owns an insurance  policy in effect on
the  director's  life at the time of death that pays a greater  amount  than the
total of deferred fees and accrued interest.


     Bancorp's Board of Directors has standing Audit and Nominating  Committees.
The Bank has a standing Human Resources Committee that performs the functions of
a compensation committee. The functions,  composition and number of meetings for
these committees in 1997 were as follows:

     AUDIT  COMMITTEE  - The  Audit  Committee  is  composed  of  John  Chirtea,
Chairman,  Solomon  Graham,  Gilbert L.  Hardesty,  Joyce R. Hawkins,  Thomas O.
Keech,  and David E.  Rippeon.  The Audit  Committee,  whose members are neither
officers nor employees of Bancorp or the Bank, provides general oversight of the
internal  audit   function,   reviews  the  findings  of  external   audits  and
examinations,  evaluates the adequacy of the Bank's insurance coverage,  reviews
the activities of the Bank's  Compliance  Council,  reviews the annual report to
shareholders and Form 10-K on behalf of the Board and monitors internal controls
for financial reporting. During 1997, five meetings were held.

     NOMINATING  COMMITTEE  - The  Nominating  Committee  is composed of W. Drew
Stabler,  Chairman,  Hunter R. Hollar, John Chirtea, Solomon Graham, and Charles
F.  Mess.  The  Nominating  Committee  makes  recommendations  to the  Board  of
Directors  with  respect  to  nominees  for  election  as  directors.  While the
Nominating Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders,  it has
not actively solicited  recommendations  by Bancorp's  shareholders for nominees
nor has it  established  any procedures for this purpose other than as set forth
in the Bylaws. See "Shareholder Proposals." During 1997, two meetings were held.

     HUMAN RESOURCES (COMPENSATION) COMMITTEE - The Human Resources Committee is
composed of Robert L.  Orndorff,  Jr.,  Chairman,  John Chirtea,  Susan D. Goff,
Charles F. Mess,  Robert L.  Mitcell and W. Drew  Stabler.  The Human  Resources
Committee  recommends  salaries and other  compensation for executive  officers,
conducts an annual review of the salary  budget,  considers  other  compensation
plans and makes  recommendations  to the Board,  deals with matters of personnel
policy and, with the Stock Option Committee, administers the 1992 and 1982 Stock
Option Plans. During 1997, two meetings were held.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


     The following table sets forth the cash and noncash  compensation  for each
of the last three years awarded to or earned by (i) the Chief Executive Officer,
and (ii) each of the four other most highly  compensated  executive  officers of
Bancorp  whose salary and bonus  earned in 1997  exceeded  $100,000  (the "Named
Executive Officers").

                                                    Annual Compensation          ------------                  
Name and Principal                                  -------------------           Stock Option        All Other
 Position in 1997                        Year        Salary       Bonus         Grants (Shares)(1) Compensation(2)
- ------------------                       ----       --------     -------        ------------------ ---------------
Hunter R. Hollar                         1997        $203,885      $31,658            6,000              $6,896
  President and Chief Executive          1996         185,223       33,381            3,000               9,959
  Officer of Bancorp and the Bank        1995         167,335       15,000            3,000               7,425

James H. Langmead                        1997         119,473       17,443            3,000               5,149
  Vice President and Treasurer           1996         107,692       19,423            1,500               5,795
  of Bancorp and Executive Vice          1995          95,115        7,500            2,000               5,079
  President and Chief Financial
  Officer of the Bank

Lawrence T. Lewis                        1997         118,000       17,227            3,000               5,086
  Executive Vice President               1996         105,769       31,760(3)         3,000               3,838
  of the Bank                            1995              --           --               --                  --

Stanley L. Merson                        1997         111,254       16,244            3,000               4,795
  Senior Vice President                  1996          97,115       17,491            1,500               5,218
  of the Bank and                        1995          86,477        7,500            2,000               4,776
  President, Sandy Spring
  Mortgage Corporation

Frank H. Small                           1997         105,342       15,380            3,000               3,027
  Executive Vice President               1996          92,485       16,666            1,500               3,315
  of the Bank                            1995          83,131        7,500            2,000               2,994

- ----------

(1)  Share amounts adjusted to give retroactive  effect to a 2-for-1 stock split
     declared on January 28, 1998.  (2) Amounts shown in this column  pertain to
     deferred compensation under Bancorp's Cash and Deferred

(2)  Profit  Sharing Plan.  The amount of indirect  compensation  in the form of
     personal  benefits  received in 1997 by Messrs.  Hollar,  Langmead,  Lewis,
     Merson and Small did not exceed 10% of the annual compensation paid to each
     such executive officer.

(3)  Includes a $15,000  bonus paid to Mr.  Lewis upon the  commencement  of his


     STOCK OPTION PLANS.  Bancorp maintains two stock option plans, the purposes
of which are to attract,  retain and  motivate  key  officers of Bancorp and the
Bank by  providing  key  officers  with a stake in the  success  of  Bancorp  as
measured by the value of its shares. The following information has been adjusted
to give  retroactive  effect to a 2-for-1  stock  split  declared on January 28,

     The 1992 Stock Option Plan (the "1992 Option Plan"),  which was approved by
the  shareholders  at the 1992 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  authorizes the
issuance of up to 540,000 shares of Common Stock, subject to certain adjustments
for changes in Bancorp's capital  structure.  The 1992 Option Plan has a term of
10 years from its  effective  date  (January  1, 1992) after which date no stock
options may be  granted.  As of March 9, 1998,  options for 102,500  shares were
outstanding  under the 1992 Option Plan. In 1996,  Bancorp also assumed  certain
options (the "ABI Options") outstanding under the Incentive Stock Option Plan of
Annapolis Bancshares,  Inc. (the "ABI Plan"), in connection with the acquisition
of that company by merger.  The 1982 Stock Option Plan (the "1982 Option  Plan")
and the ABI Plan have been terminated, except with respect to options which were
outstanding on each plan's  termination  date. As of March 9, 1998,  options for
12,000  shares were  outstanding  under the 1982 Option Plan and ABI Options for
1,502 shares of the Common stock were outstanding.  The 1992 Option Plan and the
1982 Option Plan are referred to collectively as the "Option Plans."

     The Option Plans provide for the grant of "incentive options" as defined in
Section 422 of the Code.  The 1992 Option  Plan also  provides  for the grant of
"non-incentive  options" to officers and other employees on terms and conditions
established by the Stock Option  Committee,  which administers the Option Plans.
The Stock Option Committee is comprised of all disinterested (outside) directors
(i.e., all directors other than Mr. Hollar).

     Options  have been  granted  under the Option  Plans and may continue to be
granted  under the 1992  Option  Plan only to key  employees  of Bancorp and its
subsidiaries.  Under the Option Plans,  the maximum option term is 10 years from
the date of grant.  Options  granted  under the Option  Plans prior to 1996 were
immediately  exercisable upon grant.  Options granted in 1996 and 1997 under the
1992 Plan were first  exercisable as follows:  one-third upon the date of grant,
one-third upon the first  anniversary  of the date of grant,  and one-third upon
the  second  anniversary  of the date of grant.  The  exercise  price of a stock
option may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on
the date of grant.  The exercise price of stock options must be paid for in full
in cash or shares of Common Stock,  or a combination  of both.  The Stock Option
Committee has the discretion when making a grant of stock options under the 1992
Option Plan to impose  restrictions on the shares to be purchased in exercise of
such options.

     The Committee  also has the  authority to cancel stock options  outstanding
under the 1992  Option Plan with the  consent of the  optionee  and to grant new
options at a lower exercise price in the event that the fair market value of the
Common Stock at any time prior to the exercise of the outstanding  stock options
falls below the exercise price of such option.  Consistent  with Bancorp policy,
however,  the  Committee  does not  intend to use this  authority  to cancel and
reissue stock options at a lower exercise  price,  whether or not any decline in
the  market  price  of  Bancorp's  shares  is the  result  of  general  economic


                              OPTION GRANTS IN 1997

     The following  table  contains  information  concerning  the grant of stock
options  under the Option Plans to the Chief  Executive  Officer and each of the
other Named Executive Officers. The Option Plans do not provide for the grant of
stock  appreciation  rights.  Share  amounts  and  prices in the table have been
adjusted to give retroactive effect to a 2-for-1 stock split declared on January
28, 1998.

                                         Individual Grants                              Potential Realizable 
                           ------------------------------------------                     Value at Assumed   
                                                  % of Total                            Annual Rates of Stock
                              Options       Options       Exercise                       Price Appreciation  
                              Granted     Granted to         or                            for Option Term   
                              (Number      Employees     Base Price      Expiration     ---------------------
Name                       of Shares)(1)    in Year     ($ per Share)       Date          5%            10%
- ----                       -------------  -----------   -------------    ----------    -------       ------

Hunter R. Hollar               6,000 (2)        13.6%         $24.63     12/17/2007     $92,919     $235,475
James H. Langmead              3,000 (2)         6.8           24.63     12/17/2007      46,460      117,738
Lawrence T. Lewis              3,000 (2)         6.8           24.63     12/17/2007      46,460      117,738
Stanley L. Merson              3,000 (2)         6.8           24.63     12/17/2007      46,460      117,738
Frank H. Small                 3,000 (2)         6.8           24.63     12/17/2007      46,460      117,738

- -----------

(1)  In each case,  the exercise price was equal to the fair market value of the
     Common Stock on the date of grant.

(2)  Options  granted during 1997 that were  exercisable  as follows:  one-third
     upon the date of grant, one-third upon the first anniversary of the date of
     grant, and one-third upon the second anniversary of the date of grant.

                         AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN
                         1997 AND YEAR END OPTION VALUES

     The following table sets forth information  concerning the value of options
held by the Chief Executive  Officer and the other Named  Executive  Officers at
December 31, 1997. Such persons  exercised no options during 1997. Share amounts
in the table have been  adjusted to give  retroactive  effect to a 2-for-1 stock
split declared on January 28, 1998.

                               Number of                 Value of
                              Unexercised               Unexercised
                                Options                In-the-Money
                              at Year End                Options
                              -----------             at Year End(1)
                              Exercisable/           ---------------
                              Unexercisable            Exercisable/
    Name                   (Number of Shares)         Unexercisable
    ----                   ------------------        ---------------

Hunter R. Hollar            33,000/5,000            $423,555/$9,875
James H. Langmead            7,000/2,500             59,990/4,938
Lawrence T. Lewis            3,500/2,500             43,505/4,938
Stanley L. Merson           17,000/2,500             214,965/4,938
Frank H. Small               7,000/2,500             59,990/4,938

- -----------
(1)  The difference  between the fair market value of the underlying  securities
     at year-end and the exercise or base price.


                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

     The table below shows estimated  annual benefits payable upon retirement to
persons in the specified  remuneration and  years-of-service  categories if such
retirement had occurred on December 31, 1997.  The benefits  listed are provided
on a 10 year certain-and-life  basis and are not subject to deduction for Social
Security or other offset amounts.

                                                   Years of Credited Service at Retirement
Highest 5-Year              ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Earnings               15            20            25            30             35       40 and above
- ----------------            --------      --------      --------      --------       --------    ------------

   $  25,000               $   5,625      $  7,500     $   9,375      $ 11,250      $  13,125     $  15,000
      75,000                  16,875        22,500        28,125        33,750         39,275        45,000
     125,000                  28,125        37,500        46,875        56,250         65,625        75,000
     150,000                  33,750        45,000        56,250        67,500         78,750        90,000
    160,000 and more          36,000        48,000        60,000        72,000         84,000        96,000

     Earnings  covered by the Pension Plan are total wages,  including  elective
pre-tax  contributions  under Section 401(k) of the Code, overtime pay, bonuses,
and  other  cash  compensation  which for the named  executives  correspond,  in
general,  to the total of the amounts in the "Salary" and "Bonus" columns in the
Summary Compensation Table, up to a total of $160,000.  Benefits are computed on
a  monthly  basis  at the  rate of 1.5% of  highest  five-year  average  monthly
earnings  multiplied  by years of  service up to 40 years for  eligible  persons
retiring at age 65. Early  retirement  is also  permitted by the Pension Plan at
age 55 after at least 10 years of service.  As of February 26,  1998,  Bancorp's
executive officers shown in the compensation table had accumulated the following
years of credited service toward retirement:  Mr. Hollar - 7 years, Mr. Langmead
- - 6 years, Mr. Lewis - 2 years, Mr. Merson 15 years, and Mr. Small - 7 years.

the  recommendation  of the Human Resources  Committee,  entered into individual
Supplemental  Executive Retirement Agreements ("SERA's") with certain executives
of the Bank, including Mr. Hollar and each of the Named Executive Officers.  Mr.
Hollar's  participation  in the  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement Plan, first
adopted by the Bank in 1990 for key executives, was terminated upon his entering
into a SERA and that plan was  terminated.  The SERAs are  designed  to  provide
certain  post-retirement   benefits  to  enable  a  targeted  level  of  covered
retirement  income to be met and to  provide  certain  pre-retirement  death and
disability  benefits  should  the  executive  die or  become  disabled  prior to
retirement  age. The annual  post-retirement  deferred  compensation  benefit is
designed  to replace  between  65% and 70% of the  executive's  projected  final
average pay at retirement  date in conjunction  with the Bank's Pension Plan and
Deferred  Profit Sharing Plan,  Social  Security  retirement  benefits,  and any
benefits payable to the executive under a prior employer's  pension plan. Normal
retirement benefits are payable in equal monthly payments over 15 years or until
the death of the executive,  whichever is longer. Using a 70% income replacement
target for Mr.  Hollar,  an annual amount of $90,000 per year has been projected
to be paid over a 15-year period at age 65.  Executives who reach age sixty with
ten years of service are eligible for reduced  benefits  upon early  retirement,
payable  over 15 years.  Reduced  benefits  also are  available  in the event of
disability,  voluntary  termination,  or  termination  by the Bank  without just
cause.  Benefits  payable by the reason  death of the  executive  are based upon
accrued  retirement  benefits or, if greater,  the approximate value of payments
received  by the  Bank  under  insurance  coverage  obtained  by the Bank on the
executive's life, and are payable over 15 years.

     Change-in-Control  Benefits.  If within six  months  prior to, or two years
after, a  change-in-control,  the Bank terminates the employment of an executive
who is a party  to a SERA  without  just  cause,  or the  executive  voluntarily
terminates  employment  for good  reason,  the  executive is eligible for normal
retirement or early retirement benefits, at his or her election.  These benefits
are payable  beginning at the retirement (or early retirement) age if the change
in control has been approved by a majority of the directors of the Bank who were
directors  prior to the change in control,  or otherwise  beginning in the month
following the executive's termination.


     EMPLOYMENT   AGREEMENTS.   In   December   1990,   Bancorp   and  the  Bank
(collectively,  the "Company")  entered into an Employment  Agreement (the "1990
Agreement") with Hunter R. Hollar (the "Executive").  The Agreement provided for
automatic one-year  extensions on each January 1 after its initial term ended on
December 31, 1993,  provided  that neither the Company nor Mr.  Hollar had given
written  notice at least 90 days  prior to a renewal  date of  intention  not to
renew the Agreement.  The 1990 Agreement,  as renewed,  was in effect throughout
1996.  Effective  January 30, 1997,  the 1990  Agreement was replaced with a new
employment agreement (the "Current Agreement").

     The Boards of  Directors  of Bancorp and the Bank  believe that the Current
Agreement assures fair treatment of the Executive in relation to his career with
the Company by assuring him of some financial  security.  The Current  Agreement
also  protects the  shareholders  by  encouraging  the Executive to continue his
attention to his duties without  distraction  in a potential  merger or takeover
circumstance  and  by  helping  to  maintain  the  Executive's   objectivity  in
considering any proposals to acquire the Company.

     The Current Agreement has an initial term of three years, and is subject to
automatic  one-year  extensions  of such term on each January 30,  provided that
neither  the Company nor Mr.  Hollar has given  written  notice at least 60 days
prior to the renewal date of its intention not to renew.  The Current  Agreement
provides for the payment of cash and other benefits to the Executive,  including
a fixed  salary,  reviewed  annually  and subject to increase or decrease at the
Board of  Directors'  discretion,  provided that the salary may not be less than
$190,000.  The  Executive  also is entitled to  participate  in bonus and fringe
benefit,  incentive  compensation,  life insurance,  medical, profit sharing and
retirement  plans, and to continued  participation in a supplemental  retirement
plan or arrangement.  As under the 1990 Agreement,  the Executive is entitled to
reimbursement of reasonable  business  expenses,  the use of an automobile (with
reimbursement  for expenses),  and membership  dues at a country club located in
the  Olney,  Maryland  area.  With  minor  exceptions,   the  Current  Agreement
terminates,  and there are no additional payments due under it, upon termination
based upon death, retirement, or just cause (as defined) by the Company, or upon
voluntary  termination by the Executive  without good reason (as defined).  Upon
termination  for  disability,  the  Executive  is entitled to receive his salary
through  the term of the  Current  Agreement,  reduced  by  payments  under  any
disability plan maintained by the Company, plus regular employee benefits.  Upon
termination  of the  Executive  without just cause by the Company,  or with good
reason by the Executive, the Executive is entitled to salary and bonuses for the
remaining term of the Current Agreement,  payable in a lump sum based upon prior
year  compensation  levels.  The  Executive  is  prohibited  from  conflicts  of
interest,  and  must  maintain  the  confidentiality  of  nonpublic  information
regarding  the  Company  and its  customers.  The  Executive  also is bound by a
covenant not to compete and not to interfere with other employees of the Company
if the  Executive is  terminated  for just cause,  disability,  or retirement or
resigns without good reason.

     Change in  Control  Benefits.  In the event of a  change-in-control  of the
Company, the Executive is entitled to payment of certain benefits. If within six
months prior to, or two years after, a change-in-control, the Company terminates
the  Executive's  employment  without good cause,  or the Executive  voluntarily
terminates  employment  for good reason (as  defined in the Current  Agreement),
then the Company, or its successor,  is required to make a lump-sum cash payment
to the Executive equal to 2.99 times the sum of the Executive's annual salary at
the highest rate in effect  during the  preceding  twelve months and bonuses for
the  preceding  calendar  year.  The  Executive  also is entitled  to  continued
participation  for a three-year period in certain  Company-sponsored  health and
welfare plans. These payments and benefits,  are limited,  however, so as not to
exceed the amount  allowable as a deduction  under  Section 280G of the Internal
Revenue Code. As of December 31, 1997, if a  change-in-control  had occurred and
the Executive had terminated  employment with good reason or had been terminated
from employment without just cause, then $598,963 would have been payable to the
Executive under the change-in-control provisions of the Current Agreement, after
application  of the  limitations  of Section 280G of the Code.  Bancorp does not
believe that payment of this amount would have a material  adverse affect on the
financial or operating condition of Bancorp or the Bank.


     Agreements with Other Named Executive  Officers.  The other Named Executive
Officers  also entered into  employment  agreements  with the Company  effective
January 30, 1997. The material terms and conditions of each of these  agreements
are similar to those of the Current Agreement entered by Mr. Hollar, except that
(a) each of them is for an initial term of two years, subject to annual renewal,
and (b) the  compensation  and duties,  and  provisions  relating  to them,  are
different in each  agreement.  Under the  agreements,  the other Named Executive
Officers  are not  entitled to club  memberships  or use of an  automobile.  The
agreements call for the employment of Mr. Langmead,  Mr. Lewis, Mr. Merson,  and
Mr. Small at Bancorp,  the Bank and,  with respect to Mr.  Merson,  Sandy Spring
Mortgage Corporation, at minimum base salaries of $110,000,  $110,000, $100,000,
and $95,000, respectively.


     As  members  of the  Human  Resources  Committee,  it is our duty to review
compensation   policies  applicable  to  executive  officers;  to  consider  the
relationship of corporate performance to that compensation;  to recommend salary
and  bonus  levels  and  stock  option   grants  for   executive   officers  for
consideration  by the  Boards  of  Directors  of  Bancorp  and the Bank or their
committees, as appropriate; and to administer various incentive plans of Bancorp
and the Bank.

     Under the  compensation  policy of Bancorp,  which is endorsed by the Human
Resources Committee,  compensation is paid based both on the executive officer's
performance  and  the  performance  of the  entire  company.  In  assessing  the
performance of Bancorp and the Bank for purposes of compensation decisions,  the
Human Resources  Committee  considers a number of factors,  including profits of
Bancorp  and the Bank  during  the past year  relative  to their  profit  plans,
changes  in  the  value  of  Bancorp's  stock,  reports  of  federal  regulatory
examinations of Bancorp and the Bank, growth, business plans for future periods,
and regulatory capital levels. The Human Resources Committee assesses individual
executive  performance  based  upon  the  executive's  responsibilities  and the
Committee's determination of the executive's contributions to the performance of
Bancorp and the  accomplishment  of  Bancorp's  strategic  goals.  In  assessing
performance  for  purposes of  establishing  base  salaries,  the members of the
Committee do not make use of a mechanical formula, but instead weigh the factors
described above as they deem appropriate in the  circumstances.  The 1997 salary
levels of Bancorp's  executive  officers were  established  consistent with this
compensation policy.

     Mr. Hollar became Chief Executive Officer of Bancorp and the Bank effective
January  1, 1994.  During  1997,  the level of Mr.  Hollar's  annual  salary was
subject  to the  terms of  employment  agreements  with  Bancorp  and the  Bank,
including the Agreement (the "Current  Agreement")  effective  January 30, 1997.
Under these  agreements,  Mr. Hollar's annual salary is reviewed annually and is
subject to increase at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

     The Committee  conducted a review of executive officer base compensation in
March 1997.  Changes in base compensation for 1997 were effective on April 1. In
its review,  the Committee  determined  that the  performance  of Mr. Hollar was
excellent,  based upon the 1996 financial performance of Bancorp,  including the
growth  in  assets,  income,  and  capitalization  during  1996;  the  financial
performance  trends for 1996 and the preceding four years,  which include growth
in assets,  net operating  income,  and  stockholders  equity in each year;  the
results of confidential  regulatory  examinations;  Bancorp's  planned levels of
financial  performance for 1997; Mr. Hollar's continued involvement in community
affairs  in  the  communities  served  by  Bancorp;   and  a  general  level  of
satisfaction with the management of Bancorp and its subsidiaries. As a result of
this review,  which  included a comparison  of Mr.  Hollar's  compensation  with
compensation  paid to officers of comparable  institutions,  Mr. Hollar's salary
was increased by $19,000 to $209,000.

     Executive  officers  of Bancorp  and the Bank have been  granted  incentive
stock options  under  Bancorp's  Stock Option  Plans.  The purposes of the Stock
Option Plans are to attract, retain and motivate key officers of Bancorp and the
Bank by providing them with a stake in the success of Bancorp as measured by the
value of its shares.  Options are granted at exercise  prices  equal to the fair
market value of the shares on the dates of grant.  The Stock  Option  Committee,
which  consists  of  the  disinterested   directors  of  Bancorp,   has  general
responsibility for 


granting stock options to key employees and  administering  the plans. The Human
Resources Committee  recommends to the Stock Option Committee the recipients and
the amounts and other terms of options to be  granted.  During  1997,  incentive
stock options for 44,000 shares were granted at an exercise  price of $24.63 per
share, including options for 6,000 shares granted to Mr. Hollar and 3,000 shares
each granted to Mr. Langmead,  Mr. Lewis, Mr. Merson and Mr. Small.  (Numbers of
shares of the  exercise  price have been  adjusted to reflect the 2-for-1  stock
split declared on January 28, 1998.)

     The Human  Resources  Committee  recommends  to the Board of Directors  the
amount  to be  contributed  each year to the  Bank's  Cash and  Deferred  Profit
Sharing Plan.  Under this Plan, each  participant  receives an allocation  based
upon the  participant's  compensation  for the year.  Each executive  officer of
Bancorp participates in the Plan. In 1995, the Human Resources Committee adopted
a formula  to  establish  the  amount of  aggregate  contribution  to the profit
sharing  plan.   This  formula  uses  measures  of  loan  and  deposit   growth,
profitability,  asset  quality,  and  productivity  ratios  compared  with those
measures  for the prior year and target  levels  established  for the Bank.  For
1997, the Human Resources Committee  recommended,  and the Board of Directors of
the Bank approved, an aggregate  contribution of approximately $502,000 or 4.31%
of annual  compensation  of  eligible  participants,  which  was based  upon the
results of the formula.

     The Bank also awards  quarterly  cash  bonuses to  participants,  including
executive  officers,  based upon the  performance of the Bank or business units,
and annual bonuses for executive  officers based solely on Bank performance,  in
each case using the formula  described  above.  Performance  bonuses of $31,658,
$17,443,  $17,227, $16,244 and $15,380 were awarded to Mr. Hollar, Mr. Langmead,
Mr. Lewis, Mr. Merson and Mr. Small, respectively, in 1997.

     No member of the Human  Resources  Committee is a former or current officer
or employee of Bancorp or the Bank.

March 6, 1998                                  HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE
                                               Robert L. Orndorff, Jr., Chairman
                                               John Chirtea
                                               Susan D. Goff
                                               Charles F. Mess
                                               Robert L. Mitchell   
                                               W. Drew Stabler


                          STOCK PERFORMANCE COMPARISONS

     The  following  graph and table  show the  cumulative  total  return on the
Common Stock of Bancorp over the last five years,  compared with the  cumulative
total return of the NASDAQ Stock  Market Index (U.S.  Companies)  and the NASDAQ
Bank  Stock  Index of banks and bank  holding  companies  over the same  period.
Cumulative  total return on the stock or the index equals the total  increase in
value since December 31, 1992, assuming  reinvestment of all dividends paid into
the stock or the index, respectively. The graph and table were prepared assuming
that  $100 was  invested  on  December  31,  1992 in the  Common  Stock  and the
securities included in the indexes.

                   DECEMBER 31, 1992 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1997

                              [PERFORMANCE GRAPH]

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

                   December 31, 1992 through December 31, 1997
                                  1992      1993      1994     1995       1996       1997
                                 ------    ------    ------   ------     ------     -----

Bancorp                          $100.0    $123.8    $134.8   $196.6     $183.7     $294.0
NASDAQ Stock Market Index         100.0     114.8     112.2    158.7      195.2      239.5
(U.S. Companies)

NASDAQ Bank Stock Index           100.0     114.0     113.6    169.2      223.6      337.4
- -------------------------------- --------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------



     Bancorp  and the  Bank  have had in the  past,  and  expect  to have in the
future,  banking  transactions  with  directors  and  executive  officers in the
ordinary course of business on substantially the same terms,  including interest
rates  and  collateral  on  loans,  as those  prevailing  at the  same  time for
comparable transactions with other persons. In the opinion of management,  these
transactions  do not  and  will  not  involve  more  than  the  normal  risk  of
collectibility or present other unfavorable features.

     Director  Susan D.  Goff is  President  of M.D.  IPA,  one of three  health
insurance  providers  that employees of the Bank and Bancorp were able to select
under the Company's health insurance plan prior to January 1, 1998.

     Director  Lewis R. Schumann is a partner in the law firm of Miller,  Miller
and Canby,  Chtd.,  which  Bancorp  and the Bank have  retained  during 1997 and
expect to retain  during the current  year as  corporate  counsel.  The law firm
provides  legal  services  on  matters  such as  routine  litigation,  personnel
policies and practices, customer account forms and issues and Bank properties.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     From time to time,  individual  shareholders  may wish to submit  proposals
which they believe should be voted upon by the shareholders.  The Securities and
Exchange  Commission has adopted  regulations  that govern the inclusion of such
proposals in Bancorp's annual proxy materials. Shareholder proposals intended to
be  presented  at the 1999 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  must be received by
Bancorp at its  executive  offices not later than November 22, 1998, in order to
be eligible for inclusion in Bancorp's proxy materials for that Annual Meeting.

     In addition, Bancorp's Bylaws require that to be properly brought before an
annual meeting,  shareholder  proposals for new business must be delivered to or
mailed and  received  by Bancorp not less than 30 nor more than 90 days prior to
the date of the meeting; provided,  however, that if less than 45 days notice of
the date of the meeting is given to  shareholders,  such notice by a shareholder
must be received not later than the 15th day  following the date on which notice
of the date of the  meeting  was mailed to  shareholders  or two days before the
date  of the  meeting,  whichever  is  earlier.  Each  such  notice  given  by a
shareholder  must  set  forth  certain  information   specified  in  the  Bylaws
concerning the  shareholder  and the business  proposed to be brought before the

     Shareholders may also nominate candidates for director,  provided that such
nominations are made in writing and received by Bancorp at its executive offices
not later than December 22, 1998. The nomination should be sent to the attention
of Bancorp's  Corporate  Secretary  and must  include,  concerning  the director
nominee, the following information:  full name, age, date of birth,  educational
background and business  experience,  including  positions held for at least the
preceding  five years,  home and office  addresses  and telephone  numbers,  and
signed a representation  to timely provide all information  requested by Bancorp
for  preparation of its  disclosures  regarding the  solicitation of proxies for
election of  directors.  The name of each such  candidate  for director  must be
placed in nomination at the Annual  Meeting by a shareholder  present in person.
The nominee must also be present in person at the Annual  Meeting.  A vote for a
person who has not been duly nominated  pursuant to these  requirements  will be
deemed to be void.


     Section 16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires  Bancorp's
executive officers and directors, and persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered  class of Bancorp's equity  securities,  to file reports of ownership
and changes in ownership on Forms 3, 4, and 5 with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission.   Executive  officers,   directors  and  greater  than  ten  percent
stockholders  are required by  applicable  regulations  to furnish  Bancorp with
copies of all Forms 3, 4, and 5 they file.


     Based  solely  on  Bancorp's  review  of the  copies  of such  forms it has
received and written  representations  from certain reporting  persons,  Bancorp
believes that all its executive  officers and directors complied with all filing
requirements  applicable to them with respect to transactions  during 1997 other
than as stated below,  and that there are no stockholders  that own beneficially
more than 10% of the shares of Bancorp's  Common Stock.  Charles F. Mess,  MD, a
director of Bancorp,  did not file a Form 4 to report one transaction within the
prescribed  time. This  transaction was effected by others in Bancorp stock held
by a retirement plan in which this director has a beneficial interest.  Dr. Mess
was not aware that this transaction had occurred until after the date for filing
had passed.

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The Board of  Directors  anticipates  the  selection  of Stegman & Company,
certified public accountants, to audit the books and accounts of Bancorp for the
year ending  December  31,  1998.  Stegman & Company  has served as  independent
auditors for Bancorp and its subsidiary and  predecessor,  Sandy Spring National
Bank of Maryland,  without  interruption  for many years.  Stegman & Company has
advised  Bancorp  that  neither  the  accounting  firm nor any of its members or
associates has any direct  financial  interest in or any connection with Bancorp
and its subsidiaries other than as independent public auditors. A representative
of  Stegman & Company  will be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting,  will have the
opportunity  to make a  statement,  and will also be  available  to  respond  to
appropriate questions.

                         ACTION WITH RESPECT TO REPORTS

     Action  taken at the  Annual  Meeting to  approve  the  minutes of the 1997
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  does not constitute  approval or disapproval of
any of the matters referred to in those minutes.

                                              By order of the Board of Directors

                                              /S/ MARJORIE S. HOLSINGER

                                              Marjorie S. Holsinger
                                              Corporate Secretary

Dated: March 20, 1998


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                           SANDY SPRING BANCORP, INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                 APRIL 15, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The undersigned  hereby constitutes and appoints John Chirtea and Thomas O.
Keech  and each of them the  proxies  of the  undersigned,  with  full  power of
substitution,  to  attend  the  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  (the  "Annual
Meeting") of Sandy Spring  Bancorp,  Inc.  ("Bancorp")  to be held at the Indian
Spring Country Club, 13501 Layhill Road,  Silver Spring,  Maryland on Wednesday,
April 15, 1998 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or at any adjournment  thereof, and to
vote all the shares of stock of Bancorp which the undersigned may be entitled to
vote, upon the following matters:

                                                          FOR           WITHHOLD

  I.     The election as directors of all nominees

         listed below (except as marked to the            +-+               +-+
         contrary below).                                 +-+               +-+

         Solomon Graham

         Gilbert L. Hardesty

         Charles F. Mess

         Lewis R. Schumann

         W. Drew Stabler


II.  The  transaction  of such other  business as may  properly  come before the
     Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.


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     The undersigned  shareholder hereby  acknowledges  receipt of a copy of the
accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  and Proxy Statement and
hereby revokes any proxy or proxies  previously given. This proxy may be revoked
at any time prior to its exercise.

                                    Signature                               Date

                                    Signature                               Date

                                    Signature                               Date

Please  sign  exactly as your name  appears  above.  When  signing as  attorney,
executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, etc., please give your full title.
If the  shareholder  is a  corporation,  please  provide  the  full  name of the
corporation and the name and title of the signing,  duly appointed  officer.  If
shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.

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