
                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION

                          GENERAL COMPUTER CORPORATION

                           TIME-SHARE COMPUTER SYSTEMS

                                 JACK GUGGISBERG

                                DAVID C. McGUIRE


                               DARWIN J. DeROSIER

                          Dated as of February 3, 1997


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I.     TRANSFERS........................................................  1

     SECTION 1.01      Transfer of Assets.......................................  1
     SECTION 1.02      Instruments of Conveyance and                               
                       Transfer.................................................  3
     SECTION 1.03      Nonassignable Contracts..................................  3
     SECTION 2.01      Closing..................................................  4
     SECTION 2.02      Purchase Price...........................................  4
     SECTION 2.03      Payment to Seller on Closing Date........................  4
     SECTION 2.04      Non-Assumption of Certain Liabilities....................  5
ARTICLE III.   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES...................................  6
     SECTION 3.01      Representations and Warranties of Seller                    
                         and the Stockholders...................................  6
     SECTION 3.02      Representations and Warranties of                           
                         Buyer and MedE......................................... 21
ARTICLE IV.    COVENANTS........................................................ 22
     SECTION 4.01      Covenants of Seller and the Stockholders................. 22
     SECTION 4.02      Confidentiality.......................................... 24
     SECTION 4.03      Allocation of Purchase Price............................. 24
     SECTION 4.04      Preparation of Certain Financial                            
                         Statement.............................................. 24
     SECTION 4.05      Certain Tax Matters...................................... 24
     SECTION 4.06      Insurance................................................ 25
     SECTION 4.07      Collection of Accounts Receivable........................ 25
     SECTION 4.08      Retention of Employees................................... 26
     SECTION 4.09      Payment of Liabilities................................... 26
     SECTION 4.10      Name Change.............................................. 26

ARTICLE V.     CONDITIONS PRECEDENT............................................. 26

     SECTION 5.01      Conditions Precedent to Obligations
                         of Buyer and MedE...................................... 26
     SECTION 5.02      Conditions Precedent to Obligations
                         of Seller and the Stockholders......................... 28
     SECTION 5.03      Deemed Satisfaction of Certain
                         Conditions............................................. 30

                    INDEMNIFICATION............................................. 30

     SECTION 6.01      Survival of Representations.............................. 30

     SECTION 6.02      Tax Indemnity............................................ 30
     SECTION 6.03      General Indemnity........................................ 31
     SECTION 6.04      Conditions of Indemnification............................ 32
     SECTION 6.05      Basket................................................... 33
ARTICLE VII.   TERMINATION...................................................... 33
      SECTION 7.01      Termination............................................. 33
      SECTION 7.02      Effect of Termination................................... 34
ARTICLE VIII.  MISCELLANEOUS.................................................... 34
      SECTION 8.01      Specific Performance.................................... 34
      SECTION 8.02      Bulk Transfer Laws...................................... 34
      SECTION 8.03      Expenses, Etc........................................... 34
      SECTION 8.04      Execution in Counterparts............................... 35
      SECTION 8.05      Notices................................................. 35
      SECTION 8.06      Waivers................................................. 36
      SECTION 8.07      Amendments, Supplements, Etc............................ 36
      SECTION 8.08      Entire Agreement........................................ 37
      SECTION 8.09      Applicable Law.......................................... 37
      SECTION 8.10      Binding Effect, Benefits................................ 37
      SECTION 8.11      Assignability........................................... 37
TESTIMONIUM .................................................................... 38


                          INDEX TO EXHIBITS AND ANNEXES

Exhibit                               Description
- -------                               -----------

   A                                  Form  of  Bill  of  Sale,  Assignment  and
                                      Assumption Agreement                      
   B                                  Form of Escrow Agreement                  
   C                                  Form of Confidentiality,  Non-Solicitation
                                      and Non-Compete Agreement                 
   D                                  Form of Opinion of Hanson & Associates    
   E                                  Form of Consulting Agreement              
   F                                  Form  of  Opinion  of  Reboul,  MacMurray,
                                      Hewitt, Maynard & Kristol                 


                               INDEX TO SCHEDULES

Schedule                             Description
- --------                             -----------

3.01(a)                              Jurisdictions
3.01(c)                              Capitalization
3.01(e)                              Effect of Agreements
3.01(f)                              Governmental Approvals
3.01(g)                              Financial Statements
3.01(h)                              Certain Changes or Events
3.01(i)                              Liens and Encumbrances

3.01(j)                              List of Properties, Contracts and Other
3.01(k)                              Litigation
3.01(m)                              Employee Benefit Plans
3.01(n)                              Intellectual Property Rights
3.01(o)                              Software
3.01(t)                              Taxes
3.01(v)                              Transactions with Affiliates
3.01(w)                              Governmental Authorizations and Regulations
3.01(x)                              Insurance
4.01(e)                              Written Service Agreements; Supplements  to
4.03                                 Allocation of Purchase Price
4.08                                 Retained Employees
5.03                                 Critical Contracts



                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                  ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT,  dated as of February 3, 1997, among
MEDE AMERICA  CORPORATION,  a Delaware  corporation  ("MedE"),  GENERAL COMPUTER
CORPORATION,   an  Ohio  corporation  and  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  MedE
("Buyer"),   TIME-SHARE   COMPUTER  SYSTEMS,   Inc.,  a  Minnesota   corporation
("Seller"),   Jack   Guggisberg,   David  C.  McGuire  and  Darwin  J.  DeRosier
(collectively, the "Stockholders").

                  WHEREAS,  Seller  is  engaged  in the  business  of  providing
electronic  data  interchange  and  transaction   processing   services  to  the
healthcare industry (the "Business"); and

                  WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell to Buyer, and Buyer desires to
purchase from Seller,  all the assets and  properties of Seller  relating to the
Business   (excluding   certain  specified   assets),   and  to  assume  certain
liabilities, all on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein;

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and the
mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:

                                  I. TRANSFERS

                  SECTION 1.001. Transfer of Assets. () On the terms and subject
to the conditions  hereinafter  set forth,  on the Closing Date (as  hereinafter
defined),  Seller shall sell, convey, transfer, assign and deliver to Buyer, and
Buyer shall  purchase from Seller,  for the  consideration  set forth in Section
2.03 hereof,  all the then existing assets and properties (of every kind, nature
and description,  real,  personal or mixed,  tangible or intangible and wherever
situated, whether or not carried on the books of Seller) of Seller to the extent
that such assets are necessary to, or attributable to, the Business,  or used by
Seller in connection with the Business, except those assets excluded pursuant to
paragraph  (b)  below  (said  assets  and  properties  so to be sold,  conveyed,
transferred,  assigned and delivered being hereinafter  collectively  called the
"Assets"), including, without limitation:

                  (i) all  tangible  personal  property,  inventory,  machinery,
         equipment, supplies, tools, fixtures,  leaseholds,  computer equipment,
         work  in  process,   spare  parts,   vehicles,   furniture  and  office
         furnishings, wherever situated (it being the intention hereby to assign
         and  transfer all the tangible  personal  property  owned or claimed by

                  (ii) all intangible  personal  property of whatsoever  kind or
         character,  whether  evidenced  in  writing or not,

         including  but  not  limited  to  all  customer   lists,   data  bases,
         proprietary  assays,  deferred  charges  and prepaid  expenses,  bonds,
         claims, and causes of action (whether fixed or contingent);

                  (iii) the patents,  trademarks and trade names,  trademark and
         trade name registrations, service marks and service mark registrations,
         copyrights and copyright  registrations,  the applications therefor and
         the licenses and franchises with respect  thereto,  in each case listed
         in clause  (iv) of Schedule  3.01(j)  hereto,  together  with all trade
         secrets,  technology (including technology with respect to which Seller
         is a licensee,  in any such case only  insofar as  permitted  under the
         applicable  license   agreement),   processes,   inventions,   designs,
         drawings, blueprints, specifications,  patterns, royalties, privileges,
         permits   and  all   other   similar   intangible   personal   property
         (collectively, the "Intellectual Property Rights");

                  (iv) all technical materials and guidelines,  brochures, sales
         literature, promotional material and other selling material;

                  (v) all papers,  documents,  instruments,  books and  records,
         files,  agreements,  books of  account  and other  records by which the
         Assets might be identified or enforced,  or otherwise pertaining to the
         Assets  or the  Business  that  are  located  at the  offices  or other
         locations   used  in  connection   with  the  Assets  or  the  Business
         (including,  without  limitation,  customer  invoices,  customer lists,
         vendor and supplier  lists,  drafts and other  documents  and materials
         relating to customer transactions);

                  (vi) the  rights of Seller  under all  contracts,  agreements,
         licenses,  leases, sales orders,  purchase orders and other commitments
         relating to the Assets or the Business;

                  (vii) all computer  software  programs,  the source and object
         codes for such  software  programs and all  documentation  and training
         manuals related thereto owned, held or licensed by Seller; and

                  (viii) all other  assets and rights of every kind and  nature,
         real or personal,  tangible or intangible, that are owned or claimed by
         Seller and that are necessary to, or  attributable  to, the Business or
         used by Seller in  connection  with the  Business  (including,  without
         limitation, all goodwill),  whether or not such assets are reflected in
         the balance sheets and other financial  statements of Seller,  together
         with the right to represent  that Buyer is the successor in interest to
         the Business.


Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Assets shall,  except as
set forth in paragraph  (b) below,  include all assets set forth or reflected on
the unaudited  December 31, 1996 balance sheet of Seller (the "December 31, 1996
Balance  Sheet"),  together  with all such  assets as may be  acquired by Seller
after said date and that would be included on a balance  sheet  prepared in like
manner from such accounting  records as of the Closing Date, except for any such
assets  that may be or have been  disposed  of after  said date in the  ordinary
course of business on a basis consistent with past practice.

                  (b) Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding,
the  following  assets of Seller are  specifically  excluded from the Assets and
shall be retained by Seller:

                  (i)  all  cash  and  cash   equivalents  on  hand,   including
         investment  securities,  bank  accounts,  temporary cash and petty cash
         held by Seller as of the Closing Date;

                  (ii) all accounts receivable accrued on the books of Seller as
         of the  Closing  Date and  resulting  from the  delivery  of goods  and
         services of the Business prior to the Closing Date;

                  (iii) all accrued but unbilled rebate  commissions arising  on
         or prior to the Closing  Date (in the event that such  commissions  are
         paid to Buyer after the Closing Date,  Buyer shall  promptly  remit the
         same to Seller);

                  (iv) The 1995 Jeep Cherokee used by Jack Guggisberg; and

                  (v) any claims or rights  against  third  parties  relating to
         liabilities or  obligations  that are not assumed by the Buyer pursuant
         to this Agreement.

                  SECTION 1.002. Instruments of Conveyance and Transfer. Subject
to Section 1.03 below, on the Closing Date,  Seller shall execute and deliver to
Buyer  (i) a bill of sale in the  form  included  in the  Form of Bill of  Sale,
Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement  annexed hereto as Exhibit A (the "Bill of
Sale,  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement")  and (ii) such other  documents of
transfer that Buyer may reasonably request, transferring to Buyer the properties
and assets to be acquired by Buyer under the terms of this Agreement.

                  SECTION  1.003.  Nonassignable  Contracts.   Nothing  in  this
Agreement  shall be  construed  as an  attempt  or  agreement  to assign (i) any
contract,  agreement,  license,  lease,  sales  order,  purchase  order or other
commitment  that is  nonassignable  without  the  consent of the other  party or
parties thereto unless such


consent shall have been given (subject,  however,  to the covenant of Seller and
the Stockholders in Section 4.01(d) hereof), or (ii) any contract or claim as to
which all the remedies for the  enforcement  thereof enjoyed by Seller would not
pass to Buyer as an incident of the assignments  provided for by this Agreement.
In  order,  however,  that the full  value of every  contract  and  claim of the
character  described in clauses (i) and (ii) above and all claims and demands on
such contracts may be realized,  Seller and the  Stockholders  will use its best
efforts to obtain  approval for assignment and,  failing that,  Seller shall, by
itself or by its agents,  at the request and expense and under the  direction of
Buyer, in the name of Seller or otherwise as Buyer shall specify and as shall be
permitted by law, take all action and do or cause to be done all things as shall
in the opinion of Buyer be reasonably  necessary or proper (x) in order that the
rights and obligations of Seller under such contracts shall be preserved and (y)
for, and to  facilitate,  the  collection of the moneys due and payable,  and to
become due and payable, to Seller in and under every such contract and claim and
in respect of every such claim and  demand,  and Seller  shall hold the same for
the benefit of and shall pay the same over promptly to Buyer.


                  SECTION  2.001   Closing.  The closing (the  "Closing") of the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement shall take place at the offices of
Reboul,  MacMurray,  Hewitt,  Maynard & Kristol, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York,
N.Y.,  10111,  on February  13,  1996,  or on such other date as the parties may
mutually  agree (such date and time of closing  being herein called the "Closing
Date"), and for tax and accounting  purposes shall be deemed effective as of the
close of business on such date.

                  SECTION 2.002   Purchase Price.  The aggregate  purchase price
for the Assets hereunder shall be $11,250,000 (the "Purchase Price").

                  SECTION 2.003   Payment  to  Seller on  Closing  Date.  On the
Closing  Date,  in  full  consideration  for  the  sale,  conveyance,  transfer,
assignment and delivery to Buyer of the Assets, Buyer shall:

                  (a) pay to Seller  $10,125,000 in cash by wire transfer to the
         account specified by Seller, and

                  (b) cause $1,125,000 in cash (the "Retention") to be deposited
         in an escrow  account  pursuant  to an Escrow  Agreement  (the  "Escrow
         Agreement") among Buyer, MedE, Seller and


         the Escrow Agent named therein,  substantially in the form of Exhibit B

Pursuant to the terms of the Escrow  Agreement,  the Escrow Agent shall hold the
Retention  to secure  the  indemnification  obligations  of Seller  pursuant  to
Article VI hereof and the purchase price  adjustment  provisions of Section 2.05

                  SECTION 2.004 Non-Assumption of Certain Liabilities.  Buyer is
not  assuming,  and  shall not be deemed to have  assumed,  any  liabilities  or
obligations  of Seller of any kind or nature  whatsoever,  except (x)  executory
obligations  under the operating  contracts of Seller  assigned to Buyer and (y)
those employment obligations set forth in Section 4.08 hereof, in each case only
to the extent expressly provided in the Bill of Sale,  Assignment and Assumption
Agreement  (collectively,  the  "Assumed  Liabilities").  Without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing,  it is hereby agreed that Buyer is not assuming any
liability for and shall not have any obligation with respect to:

                  (i) any and all (x) accrued but unpaid current liabilities and
         (y)  non-current  liabilities of Seller,  in each case as determined in
         accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently
         applied  ("GAAP"),  either set forth or  reflected  on the December 31,
         1996 Balance Sheet or incurred by Seller after December 31, 1996;

                  (ii) any liabilities or obligations of Seller that arise under
         the  terms of a  contract,  agreement,  license,  lease,  sales  order,
         purchase  order,  or other  commitment  which  shall not be assigned to
         Buyer pursuant to this Agreement;

                  (iii)  any   liabilities  or  obligations  of  Seller  to  the
         Stockholders  and  their  respective   affiliates   (including  without
         limitation any notes payable to the Stockholders);

                  (iv) any  liabilities  or obligations of Seller under any Plan
         (as defined in Section  3.01(m)  hereof,  including  any  obligation to
         adopt or to sponsor  such Plan of Seller  except as Buyer  may,  in its
         sole discretion, elect to adopt or to sponsor);

                  (v) any obligation of Seller  arising out of any action,  suit
         or  proceeding  based upon an event  occurring  or a claim  arising (A)
         prior to or on the Closing  Date or (B) after the  Closing  Date in the
         case of claims in respect of products  or services  sold or provided by
         Seller prior to the Closing Date or  attributable  to acts performed or
         omitted by Seller prior to the Closing Date;


                  (vi) any and all Taxes (as hereinafter defined) incurred by or
         imposed  upon  Seller,  or any  predecessor  company  thereof,  for all
         periods prior to (and up to and including) the close of business on the
         Closing Date,  including  without  limitation  any Taxes incurred by or
         imposed  upon  Seller  and  arising  out  of  the  consummation  of the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

                  (vii) any  liability  in respect  of any  failure of Seller to
         conduct the Business in compliance with any Permit,  law, regulation or
         order,   including   without   limitation  any   Environmental  Law  or
         Environmental  Permit (as  hereinafter  defined),  prior to the Closing


                  SECTION 3.001 Representations and Warranties of Seller and the
Stockholders. Seller and the Stockholders,  jointly and severally, represent and
warrant to Buyer as follows:

                  (a)  Organization,   Power,  Etc.  of  Seller.   Seller  is  a
corporation duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of
the State of  Minnesota.  Seller has all  requisite  power and authority to own,
operate  and  lease  the  Assets,  to carry on the  Business  as it is now being
conducted,  to execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  together  with the Escrow
Agreement,  the  Bill  of  Sale,  Assignment  and  Assumption  Agreement  and  a
Confidentiality, Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete Agreement in substantially the
form attached hereto as Exhibit C  (collectively,  the "Ancillary  Agreements"),
and to perform its respective  obligations  hereunder and thereunder.  Seller is
duly qualified or licensed to do business in each  jurisdiction in which it owns
or leases any real property or in which the nature of the business transacted by
it makes such qualification  necessary,  unless the failure to be so licensed or
qualified would not have a material  adverse effect on the  properties,  assets,
business, prospects, operations, or condition (financial or otherwise) of Seller
(a "Material  Adverse  Effect").  Schedule 3.01(a) sets forth a complete list of
the jurisdictions in which Seller is qualified to do business.

                  (b)   Subsidiaries.   Seller   has  no  direct   or   indirect
subsidiaries,  or any  participating  equity interest in any partnership,  joint
venture or other  non-corporate  business  enterprise.  As used herein, the term
"subsidiary" shall mean any corporation, partnership or other business entity, a
majority of whose voting capital stock (or other voting  interests,  as the case
may be) is at the time owned by Seller and/or any subsidiaries thereof.


                  (c)  Capitalization.  The  authorized  capital stock of Seller
consists of 1,000 shares of common  stock,  no par value,  of which 1,000 shares
are issued and outstanding.  All issued and outstanding  shares of capital stock
of Seller  are  owned as set  forth on  Schedule  3.01(c)  hereto.  There are no
outstanding  options,  warrants,  calls  or other  rights  to  subscribe  for or
purchase  or  acquire  from  Seller,  or any  plans,  contracts  or  commitments
providing  for the  issuance  of, or the  granting  of rights to acquire (i) any
capital stock or  partnership  interests,  as the case may be, of Seller or (ii)
any securities convertible into or exchangeable for any capital stock of Seller.

                  (d) Authorization of Agreements;  Validity.  The execution and
delivery  by Seller of this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements,  and the
consummation by Seller of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, have
been duly authorized by all requisite  corporate action. This Agreement has been
duly and validly executed by Seller and each of the Stockholders and constitutes
the legal,  valid and binding obligation of Seller and each of the Stockholders,
enforceable in accordance with its terms.  Each Ancillary  Agreement,  when duly
executed and delivered by Seller and each  Stockholder  that is a party thereto,
will constitute the legal,  valid and binding obligation of Seller and each such
Stockholder, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  (e)  Effect of  Agreements.  Except  as set forth on  Schedule
3.01(e)  hereto,  the execution and delivery by Seller and the  Stockholders  of
this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements to which each is a party and the
performance  by Seller  and the  Stockholders  of their  respective  obligations
hereunder and thereunder will not (x) violate any provision of law, any order of
any court or other  agency of  government,  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or
By-laws of Seller, or any judgment, award, decree, indenture,  agreement, Permit
(as defined herein) or other  instrument to which Seller or any Stockholder is a
party, or by which Seller, any Stockholder, the Business or any of the Assets is
bound or affected;  (y) conflict with, result in a breach of or constitute (with
due  notice  or lapse  of time or both) a  default  under,  any such  indenture,
agreement,  Permit  or  other  instrument;  or (z)  result  in the  creation  or
imposition of any lien,  charge,  security interest or encumbrance of any nature
whatsoever upon any of the Assets.

                  (f)  Governmental  Approvals.  Except as set forth on Schedule
3.01(f)  hereto,  no  approval,  authorization,  consent,  order or action of or
filing with any court, administrative agency or other governmental authority (i)
is required for the  execution  and delivery by Seller and the  Stockholders  of
this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements  to which  they are party or the
consummation by Seller and the  Stockholders  of the transac-


tions  contemplated  hereby or  thereby or (ii) is  necessary  in order that the
Business may be conducted  immediately  following the Closing Date substantially
in the same manner as theretofore conducted.

                  (g) Financial Statements.

                  (i) Prior to the Closing  Date,  Seller will  furnish to Buyer
         the  December  31,  1996  Balance  Sheet  and  the  related   unaudited
         statements of  operations,  stockholders  equity and cash flows for the
         year then ended, (the "Financial  Statements").  Except as set forth on
         Schedule  3.01(g),  the  Financial  Statements  (including  any related
         schedules  and/or  notes) are  complete  and  correct  in all  material
         respects and have been prepared in accordance with GAAP.  Except as set
         forth on Schedule  3.01(g),  the December 31, 1996 Balance Sheet fairly
         presents the financial  condition of the Business as of such date,  and
         such  statements  of  operations,  stockholders  equity  and cash flows
         fairly  present the results of  operations of the Business for the year
         then ended.

                  (ii)  Except  (x) as  expressly  set  forth  in the  Financial
         Statements,  (y) as disclosed in Schedule  3.01(g) or (iii) as incurred
         after December 31, 1996 in the ordinary  course of business  consistent
         with past  practice,  Seller does not have any material  liabilities or
         obligations of any kind or nature, whether known or unknown, secured or
         unsecured,  absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, and whether due
         or to become due.

                  (iii) The  December  31, 1996 Balance  Sheet  correctly  lists
         and/or  reflects,  in accordance  with GAAP,  substantially  all of the
         Assets to be transferred to Buyer.

                  (h) Absence of Certain  Changes or Events.  Since December 31,
         1996,  except as  otherwise  set forth on Schedule  3.01(h)  hereto and
         except for the transactions contemplated hereby, Seller has not:

                  (i)  incurred any  obligation  or  liability  (whether  fixed,
         absolute, accrued,  contingent,  known or unknown, or otherwise, of any
         kind or nature whatsoever), except normal trade or business obligations
         incurred in the ordinary  course of business and  consistent  with past
         practice  and  except  in  connection   with  this  Agreement  and  the
         transactions contemplated hereby;

                  (ii)  discharged  or  satisfied  any material  lien,  security
         interest or encumbrance  or paid any obligation or liability  (fixed or
         contingent)  of any  kind  or  nature  whatsoever,


         other than in the ordinary  course of business and consistent with past

                  (iii)  mortgaged,  pledged or subjected to any lien,  security
         interest or other encumbrance any of the Assets (other than mechanic's,
         materialman's  and similar  statutory  liens arising as a matter of law
         and purchase money security interests arising in the ordinary course of
         business between the date of delivery and payment);

                  (iv) transferred,  leased or otherwise  disposed of any of the
         Assets  except  for a fair  consideration  in the  ordinary  course  of
         business and  consistent  with past practice or, except in the ordinary
         course of business  and  consistent  with past  practice,  acquired any
         assets or properties to be used by or in connection with the Business;

                  (v) declared,  set aside or paid any distribution  (whether in
         cash,  stock or property or any combination  thereof) in respect of its
         capital  stock or redeemed  or  otherwise  acquired  any of its capital
         stock or split,  combined or  otherwise  similarly  changed its capital
         stock or  authorized  the creation or issuance of or issued or sold any
         capital stock or any  securities  or  obligations  convertible  into or
         exchangeable  therefor, or given any person any right to acquire any of
         its capital stock, or agreed to take any such action;

                  (vi) made any  investment  of a  capital  nature,  whether  by
         purchase of stock or  securities,  contributions  to capital,  property
         transfers  or  otherwise,  in any  partnership,  corporation  or  other

                  (vii) canceled or compromised any debt or claim related to the
         Business, except in the ordinary course of business and consistent with
         past practice;

                  (viii) waived or released any rights of material value related
         to the  Business,  except in any case for a fair  consideration  in the
         ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

                  (ix)  transferred or granted any rights under any concessions,
         leases,  licenses,   sublicenses,   agreements,   patents,  inventions,
         trademarks, trade names, service marks or copyrights or with respect to
         any know-how related to the Business,  except in the ordinary course of
         business and consistent with past practice;

                  (x) made or granted  any wage,  salary or benefit  increase or
         paid any bonus  applicable to any group or clas-


         sification of employees generally, entered into or amended the terms of
         any  employment  contract  with,  or made any loan to, or  granted  any
         severance  benefits  to or  entered  into or  amended  the terms of any
         material  transaction of any other nature with, any officer or employee
         engaged in the operations of the Business;

                  (xi) entered  into any  transaction,  contract or  commitment,
         except  (A)  contracts  listed on  Schedule  3.01(j)  hereto,  (B) this
         Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby and (C) as involve
         payments of less than $25,000;

                  (xii)  suffered  any casualty  loss or damage  (whether or not
         such loss or damage shall have been covered by  insurance)  or received
         any claim or claims in respect of the  Business in excess of  insurable
         limits, or canceled any insurance coverage,  in whole or in part, under
         any policy the coverage limits of which exceed $25,000;

                  (xiii)  suffered  any  material  adverse  change in any of its
         operations or in its financial condition or in its assets,  properties,
         business or prospects;

                  (xiv) surrendered,  had revoked or otherwise terminated or had
         terminated   any   material   license,   Permit   or  other   approval,
         authorization or consent from any court, administrative agency or other
         governmental authority; or

                  (xv) entered  into any  agreement  or  commitment  to take any
         action described in this Section 3.01(h).

                  (i) Title to  Properties,  Absence of Liens and  Encumbrances.
Except as set forth in Schedule  3.01(i) hereto,  Seller has good and marketable
title to all the Assets, free and clear of all liens, charges, pledges, security
interests or other encumbrances of any nature whatsoever. Except as set forth on
Schedule 3.01(i) hereto,  all leases of real and personal  property of Seller to
be assigned to Buyer  hereunder are valid and binding in  accordance  with their
respective terms, and there is not under any such lease any existing default, or
any  condition,  event or act which  with  notice or lapse of time or both would
constitute  such  a  default,   nor  would   consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby result in a default or any such condition, event or act.

                  (j) List of  Properties,  Contracts  and Other  Data.  Annexed
hereto as Schedule 3.01(j) is a list setting forth with respect to the Business,
as of the dates specified on such Schedule, the following:

                  (i) all real properties owned in fee simple by Seller;


                  (ii) all tangible  assets owned by Seller with  original  book
value in excess of $10,000;

                  (iii)  all  leases  of real  or  personal  property  involving
payments  in excess of $10,000 per annum to which  Seller is a party,  either as
lessee or lessor;

                  (iv) (A) all patents,  trademarks  and trade names,  trademark
and trade name  registrations,  service  marks and service  mark  registrations,
copyrights  and  copyright  registrations  which  are  unexpired  as of the date
hereof,  all  applications  pending on said date for  patents or for  trademark,
trade name, service mark or copyright  registrations,  and all other proprietary
rights, owned or held by Seller, and (B) all licenses and sublicenses granted by
or to Seller and all other  agreements  to which Seller is a party which relate,
in whole or in part, to any items of the categories mentioned in (A) above or to
other  Intellectual  Property  Rights  used by  Seller  in  connection  with the
Business, whether owned by Seller or any affiliate thereof;

                  (v)  all  employment  and  consulting  agreements,   executive
compensation plans,  collective  bargaining  agreements,  bonus plans,  deferred
compensation  agreements,  employee pension plans or retirement plans,  employee
profit sharing plans, employee stock purchase and stock option plans, group life
insurance,  hospitalization  insurance or other plans or arrangements  providing
for  benefits to employees of Seller  engaged in the  Business,  whether oral or

                  (vi) all contracts, understandings and commitments (including,
without  limitation,  powers  of  attorney,   mortgages,   indentures  and  loan
agreements or obligations  for borrowed  money  including,  without  limitation,
guarantees),  whether  oral or written,  to which  Seller is a party or to which
Seller or any of the Assets are subject and which are not specifically  referred
to above,  and which  (A) is a  contract  or group of  related  contracts  which
involve payments  exceeding $25,000 per annum in amount, (B) is a sales contract
of an  open-ended  or blanket  nature or  provides  for prepaid  commissions  or
rebates,  (C) contains penalty  provisions for late delivery or completion,  (E)
cannot be performed in the normal  course within 365 days after the Closing Date
or  canceled  within such period by Seller or its  assignees  without  breach or
penalty,  or (F)  contains  a  prohibition  on  the  assignment  thereof  or any
limitation on the ability of Seller to assign the same;

                  (vii) the names and current annual  compensation  rates of all
employees  of Seller  engaged in the  Business  earning in excess of $30,000 per
annum; and


                  (viii) all agreements with third party payors.

True and complete copies of all documents and complete  descriptions of all oral
understandings  (if any)  referred  to in  Schedule  3.01(j)  hereto  have  been
provided or made available to Buyer and its counsel. Except as disclosed in said
Schedule,  there is no claim that any contract  referred to in said  Schedule is
not valid and  enforceable  in accordance  with its terms for the periods stated
therein,  and there does not exist under any such contract any existing  default
or event of  default or event  which with  notice or lapse of time or both would
constitute such a default.

                  (k)  Litigation.  Except as  otherwise  set forth on  Schedule
3.01(k) hereto, there are no actions,  suits or proceedings  involving claims by
or against  Seller  pending  or, to the best  knowledge  of  Seller,  threatened
against Seller or relating to any of the  operations of the Business,  at law or
in equity, or before or by any Federal,  state,  municipal or other governmental
department,  commission,  board, bureau, agency or instrumentality,  nor, to the
best of Seller's knowledge, is there any basis for any such claim. Except as set
forth in Schedule 3.01(k) hereto,  there are no orders,  judgments or decrees of
any court or governmental  agency with respect to which Seller has been named or
is a party.

                  (l) Collective  Bargaining  Agreements;  Labor  Controversies;
Etc. Seller is not a party to any labor or collective bargaining agreement,  and
there are no labor or  collective  bargaining  agreements  which  pertain to any
employees engaged in the operations of the Business.  No employees of Seller are
represented  by any  labor  organization.  No  labor  organization  or  group of
employees of Seller has made a pending demand for recognition,  and there are no
representation  proceedings  or petitions  seeking a  representation  proceeding
presently  pending or, to the  knowledge of Seller,  threatened to be brought or
filed with the National Labor Relations Board or other labor relations tribunal.
There is no organizing activity involving Seller pending or, to the knowledge of
Seller,  threatened by any labor  organization  or group of employees of Seller.
There are no (A) strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, lockouts or arbitrations or
(B) material  grievances or other  material  labor  disputes  pending or, to the
knowledge of Seller, threatened against or involving Seller. There are no unfair
labor practice charges, grievances or complaints pending or, to the knowledge of
Seller,  threatened  against or  involving  Seller or any group of  employees of
Seller.  Hours worked by and payments  made to employees of Seller have not been
in violation of the federal  Fair Labor  Standards  Act or any other law dealing
with such matters.

                  (m) Employee Benefit Plans.


                  (i) Schedule  3.01(m) hereto lists each employee  benefit plan
within the meaning of Section 3(3) of the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security
Act of 1974,  as  amended  ("ERISA"),  maintained  by Seller or to which  Seller
contributes  or is required  to  contribute  or in which any  employee of Seller
participates (a "Plan"). No Plan is a defined benefit plan as defined in Section
3(35) of ERISA.  Seller has complied and currently is in compliance,  both as to
form and  operation,  with the  applicable  provisions of ERISA and the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),  respectively,  with respect to
each Plan.

                  (ii) Each of the  Plans  that is  intended  to  qualify  under
         Section  401(a) of the Code does so qualify and is exempt from taxation
         pursuant  to  Section  501(a)  of the Code,  and  Seller  has  received
         favorable and unrevoked determination letters from the Internal Revenue
         Service to that effect.

                  (iii)  Seller  has  not  maintained,  contributed  to or  been
         required to contribute to, nor do any of its employees  participate in,
         a  "multiemployer  plan" (as  defined  in Section  3(37) of ERISA).  No
         amount is due or owing from Seller on account of a "multiemployer plan"
         (as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA) or on account of any  withdrawal
         therefrom.  In addition,  no withdrawal liability would result if there
         were a partial or complete withdrawal from any multiemployer plan as of
         the Closing Date.

                  (iv)  Notwithstanding  anything else set forth herein,  Seller
         has not  incurred  any  liability  with respect to any Plan under ERISA
         (including, without limitation, Title I or Title IV of ERISA), the Code
         or other  applicable  law, which has not been satisfied in full, and no
         event  has   occurred,   and  there  exists  no  condition  or  set  of
         circumstances  which could result in the  imposition  of any  liability
         under  ERISA  (including,  without  limitation,  Title I or Title IV of
         ERISA),  the Code or other  applicable  law with  respect to any of the

                  (v) No Plan,  other than a Plan which is an  employee  pension
         benefit plan (within the meaning of Section 3(2)(A) of ERISA), provides
         benefits,   including  without  limitation  death,  health  or  medical
         benefits  (whether or not  insured),  with respect to current or former
         employees of Seller  beyond their  retirement or other  termination  of
         service  with Seller  (other than (A) coverage  mandated by  applicable
         law, (B) deferred  compensation  benefits accrued as liabilities on the
         books of Seller, or (C) benefits the full cost of which is borne by the
         current or former employee (or his beneficiary)).


                  (vi) The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
         Agreement  will not (A)  entitle  any  current  or former  employee  or
         officer of Seller to severance pay,  unemployment  compensation  or any
         other payment,  or (B)  accelerate  the time of payment or vesting,  or
         increase the amount of compensation due any such employee or officer.

                  (vii) Seller has provided to Buyer true and complete copies of
         the following:  (A) each of the Plans; (B) summary plan descriptions of
         each of the Plans; (C) each trust agreement,  insurance policy or other
         instrument  relating to the  funding of each of the Plans;  (D) the two
         most  recent  Annual  Reports  (Form  5500  series)  and   accompanying
         schedules  filed with the  Internal  Revenue  Service or United  States
         Department  of Labor with  respect  to each of the Plans;  (E) the most
         recent audited financial  statement for each of the Plans; (F) the most
         recent  actuarial  report  of each of the  Plans;  (G) each  policy  of
         fiduciary   liability   insurance  (and  agreements   related  thereto)
         maintained  in  connection  with the  Plans,  and (H) the  most  recent
         determination  letter  issued  by the  Internal  Revenue  Service  with
         respect to each of the Plans that is intended to qualify  under Section
         401(a) of the Code.

                  (n) Intellectual  Property Rights. The  Intellectual  Property
Rights listed in clause (iv) of Schedule  3.01(j)  hereto,  constitute  all such
proprietary  rights that are  necessary to the conduct of the Business as of the
date  hereof.  Seller  owns or has  valid  rights  to use all such  Intellectual
Property Rights without conflict with the rights of others.  Except as set forth
on Schedule  3.01(n)  hereto,  no person has made or, to the best  knowledge  of
Seller,  threatened to make,  any claims that the operations of the Business are
in violation of or infringe upon any  intellectual  property rights or any other
proprietary  or trade  rights of any third  party,  nor, to the best of Seller's
knowledge,  is there  any  basis for any such  claim.  None of the  Intellectual
Property  Rights  is the  subject  of any  outstanding  order,  ruling,  decree,
judgment or stipulation.  Seller has taken and is taking reasonable  precautions
to  protect  any  material  trade  secrets  and other  confidential  information
included in the Intellectual Property Rights.

                  (o) Software.

                  (i) The operating and applications  computer software programs
         and databases used by Seller in the conduct of the Business (other than
         "off-the-shelf"  programs and databases that are generally commercially
         available  at a per unit cost of less  than  $500)  (collectively,  the
         "Software") are listed on Schedule 3.01(o) hereto.  Except as set forth
         on Schedule  3.01(o),  Seller owns outright or holds valid  licenses to


         copies of the Software used by it in the Business. None of the Software
         used by Seller,  and no use  thereof,  infringes  upon or violates  any
         patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right of any other
         person and, to the best  knowledge of Seller,  no claim with respect to
         any such  infringement or violation is threatened,  nor does any person
         have any basis for such a claim.  Seller has taken all steps  necessary
         to protect its right,  title and interest in and to the Software  owned
         by Seller.

                  (ii) Seller  possesses  or has access to the  original and all
         copies of all Software (including, without limitation, all source code)
         and all  documentation  relating thereto owned or used by Seller.  Upon
         consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,  Buyer
         will (A) own all the Software owned by Seller  immediately prior to the
         Closing, free and clear of all claims, liens, encumbrances, obligations
         and  liabilities  and,  (B) with  respect to all  Software  licensed or
         leased  to  Seller,   have  valid  rights  to  use  such   Software  on
         substantially the same terms as presently apply to Seller.

                  (iii)  Any  programs,  modifications,  enhancements  or  other
         inventions,  improvements,  discoveries, methods or works of authorship
         included in the Software  that were created by employees of Seller were
         made in the regular course of such  employees'  employment  with Seller
         using Seller's facilities and resources,  and as such constitute "works
         made for hire".

                  (p) Use of Real  Property.  The owned and leased real property
listed on Schedule  3.01(h) hereto are used and operated in material  compliance
and conformity with all applicable  leases,  contracts,  commitments,  licenses,
zoning ordinances, codes and Permits.

                  (q) Condition of Assets.  As of the Closing Date, all tangible
personal property,  fixtures, machinery and equipment comprising the Assets will
(i) be in a good state of repair (ordinary wear and tear excepted) and operating
condition  and will be suitable  for the  purposes for which they are being used
and (ii)  substantially  conform with all  ordinances,  codes,  regulations  and
requirements applicable to them.

                  (r) Compliance With Law. The conduct of the Business by Seller
does not (x) violate in any material  respect any federal,  state or local laws,
statutes, ordinances,  regulations or other similar rules relating to either the
federal Medicare program or any federal and/or state Medicaid  programs,  or (y)
to the best  knowledge of Seller and the  Stockholders,  violate in any material
respect any other federal,  state, local or foreign laws, statutes,  ordinances,
regulations, decrees, orders, Permits or


other similar rules presently in force.  Seller is not liable for any arrears of
wages or any taxes or penalties for failure to comply with any of the foregoing.

                  (s) Third-Party Payor and Customer  Contracts.  Since December
31, 1996,  Seller has not lost or been notified that (whether as a result of the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise) it
will  lose or  suffer  diminution  in its  relationships  with  any  third-party
payor(s) or other  customer(s),  other than normal  attrition  (at  historically
consistent levels) associated with independent pharmacy customers.

                  (t) Taxes.

                  (i) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.01(t) hereto, Seller has
         duly and timely filed all returns,  declarations,  reports,  estimates,
         information returns and statements  ("Returns") required to be filed by
         it in  respect  of any  Taxes (as  hereinafter  defined).  All  Returns
         (including  all  informational  Returns)  were  correct  as  filed  and
         correctly  reflect the facts  regarding the income,  business,  assets,
         operations,  activities  and  status  of  Seller  as well as any  Taxes
         required to be paid or collected  by Seller.  Seller has timely paid or
         withheld all Taxes that are due and payable with respect to the Returns
         referred  to  above.  Seller  has  established,  consistent  with  past
         practice,  an adequate  reserve on the December 31, 1996 Balance  Sheet
         for the payment of all Taxes with respect to Seller not yet due for any
         taxable  period or portion  thereof  ending on or prior to the  Closing
         Date  (or  otherwise   relating  or  attributable  to  the  results  of
         operations  of  Seller on or prior to the  Closing  Date).  Seller  has
         complied with all applicable  laws,  rules and regulations  relating to
         the payment and  withholding  of Taxes,  and has timely  withheld  from
         employee  wages and paid over to the  proper  governmental  authorities
         when  due  all  amounts  required  to  be so  withheld  and  paid  over
         (including, but not limited to, federal income taxes, Federal Insurance
         Contribution Act taxes, state and local income and wage taxes,  payroll
         taxes, workers' compensation and unemployment compensation taxes).

                  (ii)  Except  as set forth in  Schedule  3.01(t)  hereto,  (A)
         Seller  is not  delinquent  in the  payment  of any  Taxes  and has not
         requested  any  extension  of time  within  which  to file or send  any
         Return,  which Return has not since been filed or sent; (B) there is no
         deficiency, claim, audit, action, suit, proceeding or investigation now
         pending or  threatened  against or with respect to Seller in respect of
         any Taxes; and (C) there are no requests for rulings or  determinations
         in  respect  of  any  Taxes  pending  between  Seller  and  any


         taxing  authority,  and no such  rulings  or  determinations  have been
         received by Seller.

                  (iii) Seller has not  executed or entered into (and,  prior to
         the  Closing,  Seller will not execute or enter into) with the Internal
         Revenue  Service or any other  taxing  authority  (A) any  agreement or
         other  document  extending or having the effect of extending the period
         for  assessments  or  collection of any Taxes for which Seller would be
         liable or (B) a closing agreement pursuant to Section 7121 of the Code,
         or any  predecessor  provision  thereof  or any  similar  provision  of
         foreign,  state  or  local  Tax  law  that  relates  to the  assets  or
         operations of Seller.

                  (iv) Except as set forth on Schedule  3.01(t)  hereto,  Seller
         has never  (A) been a member of a  consolidated,  combined  or  unitary
         group for federal, state, local or foreign Tax law purposes, (B) been a
         party to any  Tax-sharing  or  allocation  agreement  or (C)  filed any
         election or caused any deemed election under Section 338 of the Code.

                  (v)  Seller  is not a  party  to any  agreement,  contract  or
         arrangement that would result,  by reason of the consummation of any of
         the transactions  contemplated herein,  separately or in the aggregate,
         in the payment of any "excess parachute  payment" within the meaning of
         Section 280G of the Code.

                  (vi) No agreement or consent pursuant to Section 341(f) of the
         Code has ever  been  made  with  respect  to  Seller  or any  assets or
         properties  of  Seller  (or any  predecessor  corporation  of  Seller).
         Further,  Seller shall not make any  agreement  or consent  pursuant to
         said Section 341(f) in respect of the transactions contemplated by this

                  (vii)  Seller has been,  for all Tax periods  beginning  on or
         after  October 10,  1982,  and ending on or before the Closing  Date, a
         validly electing subchapter S corporation within the meaning of Section
         1361 of the Code and the corresponding provisions (if any) of state and
         local income tax laws in all  jurisdictions  in which it is required to
         report its business  operations.  Schedule 3.01(t) hereto lists all the
         states and  localities  with respect to which Seller is or was required
         to file any Returns and sets forth whether  Seller is or was treated as
         the  equivalent  of an S  corporation  by or with  respect to each such
         state and/or locality.

                  (viii)  Except as set forth in Schedule  3.01(t),  each of the
         Stockholders (x) has paid all Taxes relating to the ownership  interest
         of such  Stockholder  in Seller and re-


         quired  to be  paid  on   or  prior  to  December  31,  1996,  by  such

                  (ix)  For  purposes  of  this   Agreement,   "Tax"  (and  with
         correlative  meaning,  "Taxes") means (A) any net income, gross income,
         gross receipts,  franchise,  profits,  license, sales, use, ad valorem,
         value  added,  property,  payroll,   withholding,   excise,  severance,
         transfer, employment, alternative or add-on minimum, stamp, occupation,
         premium,  environmental  or windfall  profits taxes,  customs duties or
         other taxes,  governmental fees or other like assessments or charges of
         any  kind  whatsoever,  together  with  any  interest  or any  penalty,
         addition  to tax  or  additional  amount  imposed  by any  governmental
         authority responsible for the imposition of any such Taxes (domestic or
         foreign); (B) any liability of Seller for the payment of any amounts of
         the  type  described  in  (A) as a  result  of  being  a  member  of an
         affiliated,  consolidated,  combined or unitary group, or being a party
         to any  agreement  or  arrangement  whereby  liability  of  Seller  for
         payments of such  amounts was  determined  or taken into  account  with
         reference to the  liability of any other person for any period prior to
         the Closing  Date;  and (C) any liability of Seller with respect to the
         payment of any amounts  described  in (A) as a result of any express or
         implied obligation to indemnify any other person.

                  (u) Environmental Matters.

                  (i) Neither the business or  operations  of Seller nor, to the
         knowledge of Seller and the  Stockholders,  the real  property  used by
         Seller in the Business (the "Real  Property")  violates any  applicable
         Environmental Law (as defined below) in any material respect.

                  (ii)  Seller  has  not  disposed   of,   stored  or  used  any
         pollutants,  contaminants  or hazardous or toxic wastes,  substances or
         materials  in  violation  of any  Environmental  Law on or at the  Real

                  (iii) Seller is not the subject of any  government  or private
         litigation  or  proceedings  involving  a demand  for  damages or other
         potential  liability  pursuant to any Environmental  Laws or Common Law
         Environmental Principles (as defined below).

                  (ii) For the purposes of this  Agreement,  the following terms
         have the meanings set forth below:

                  "Common Law Environmental  Principles" means any principles of
         common law under  which a person or entity  may be held  liable for the
         release or discharge of any  pollutants,


         contaminants  or hazardous or toxic  wastes,  substances  or  materials
         into the environment.

                  "Environmental  Law" shall mean any law, statute,  regulation,
         rule,  order,  consent  decree,  settlement  agreement or  governmental
         requirement of any governmental  authority, as in effect on the date of
         this  Agreement,  which  relates to or otherwise  imposes  liability or
         standards  of  conduct   concerning   discharges  or  releases  of  any
         pollutants,  contaminants  or hazardous or toxic wastes,  substances or
         materials into ambient air, water or land, or otherwise relating to the
         manufacture,  processing,  generation,  distribution,  use,  treatment,
         storage,  disposal,  cleanup,  transport  or  handling  of  pollutants,
         contaminants or hazardous or toxic wastes, substances or materials.

                  (v)  Transactions  with  Affiliates.  Except  as set  forth on
Schedule 3.01(v) hereto, no partner,  director, officer or Stockholder of Seller
or  any  member  of  such  individual's  immediate  family,  owns,  directly  or
indirectly,  or has an ownership  interest in (i) any  business,  (corporate  or
otherwise)  which is a party to, or in any  property  which is the  subject  of,
business  arrangements  or  relationships  of any kind with Seller,  or (ii) any
business  (corporate or other) which conducts the same  business,  or a business
similar to, that which is conducted by Seller.

                  (w) Governmental Authorizations and Regulations.

                  (i) Seller has all governmental licenses, franchises, permits,
         consents,  certificates,  approvals and all  registrations  and filings
         with  any  governmental   body  with  respect  thereto   (collectively,
         "Permits"),  required  under  applicable  law  for the  conduct  of the
         Business as currently  conducted,  other than any of the  foregoing the
         failure of which to have would not have, in the  aggregate,  a Material
         Adverse Effect. Seller has made all required  registrations and filings
         with all  governmental  bodies  that are  required  to be  obtained  in
         connection  with the  operations of the Business.  All such Permits are
         listed on Schedule  3.01(w)  hereto.  Such  Permits  have been  validly
         issued by the appropriate governmental bodies and are in full force and
         effect. No material default or violation,  or event that with the lapse
         of time or the giving of notice or both would become a material default
         or violation, has occurred in the due observance of such Permit.

                  (ii) The Business is being  conducted  in material  compliance
         with all  applicable  laws,  ordinances,  rules and  regulations of all
         governmental  authorities  relating to Seller's Assets or applicable to
         the Business, including


         without  limitation  the terms of all Permits.  Seller has not received
         any notice of any alleged violation of any of the foregoing.

                  (iii) Neither Seller nor any of its properties,  operations or
         businesses is subject to any court or administrative  order,  judgment,
         injunction or decree.  To the best  knowledge of Seller,  no action has
         been taken or recommended by any  governmental or regulatory  official,
         body or authority, either to revoke, withdraw or suspend any Permit.

                  (x)  Insurance.  All  policies  of fire,  liability,  workers'
compensation,  and other forms of insurance  providing  insurance coverage to or
for Seller are listed in Schedule  3.01(x)  hereto.  All  premiums  with respect
thereto  covering  all  periods  up to and  including  the date as of which this
representation  is being made have been paid, and no notice of  cancellation  or
termination has been received with respect to any such policy. All such policies
are in full force and effect and provide insurance, including without limitation
liability insurance,  in such amounts and against such risks as is customary for
companies engaged in similar businesses to Seller.

                  (y) Broker's or Finders'  Fees. All  negotiations  relative to
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby have been carried out by
Seller directly with Buyer, without the intervention of any persons on behalf of
Seller in such a manner to give rise to any claim by any  person  against  Buyer
for a finder's fee, brokerage commission or similar payment.

                  (z) Termination of Certain Business Arrangements.

                  (i) As of the Closing Date, all  relationships  and agreements
         between Seller and the so-called  "MHC"  business  entity ("MHC") shall
         have been terminated, and neither Buyer nor MedE (either directly or as
         a successor to Seller) shall have any further  obligations with respect

                  (ii)  Certain  of  the  written  contracts   relating  to  the
         provision of Medicaid  eligibility data to health care providers in the
         State of Minnesota  list "MA DATA,  Inc." as the party  providing  such
         data.  Notwithstanding such statement in each such contract, the actual
         party providing such data is Seller, and each such agreement represents
         a valid and binding  agreement  between the health care provider  named
         therein and Seller.

                  (iii) As of the Closing Date,  neither  Seller,  nor Buyer nor
         MedE shall have any obligations of any sort to Andrew Johnson.


                  SECTION  3.002.  Representations  and  Warranties of Buyer and
MedE.  Buyer and MedE jointly and  severally  represent and warrant to Seller as

                  (a) Organization, Corporate Power, Etc. Each of Buyer and MedE
is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Ohio and the State of Delaware, respectively. Each of Buyer
and MedE has all requisite corporate power and authority to acquire,  own, lease
and operate its  properties  and to execute and deliver this  Agreement  and the
Ancillary  Agreements  applicable to such party,  and to perform its obligations
hereunder and thereunder.

                  (b) Authorization of Agreements;  Validity.  The execution and
delivery by Buyer and MedE of this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements,  and
the consummation by Buyer and MedE of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and
thereby,  have been duly  authorized by all  requisite  corporate  action.  This
Agreement has been duly and validly  executed by Buyer and MedE and  constitutes
the  legal,  valid and  binding  obligation  of Buyer and MedE,  enforceable  in
accordance  with its terms.  Each  Ancillary  Agreement,  when duly executed and
delivered by Buyer and MedE (if a party  thereto),  will  constitute  the legal,
valid and binding  obligation of Buyer and MedE,  enforceable in accordance with
its terms.

                  (c) Effect of Agreements.  The execution and delivery by Buyer
and MedE of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which each is a party
and the performance by Buyer and MedE of their respective  obligations hereunder
and thereunder will not (x) violate any provision of law, any order of any court
or other agency of  government,  the charter or By-laws of Buyer or MedE, or any
judgment,  award, decree,  indenture,  agreement,  Permit or other instrument to
which  Buyer or MedE is a party,  or by which Buyer or MedE is bound or affected
or (y) conflict  with,  result in a breach of or constitute  (with due notice or
lapse of time or both) a default under, any such indenture, agreement, Permit or
other instrument.

                  (d) Actions Pending.  There is no action, suit,  investigation
or  proceeding  pending or, to the  knowledge of Buyer and MedE, as the case may
be,  threatened  against or affecting  Buyer or MedE or any of their  respective
properties or rights before any court or by or before any  governmental  body or
arbitration board or tribunal, the outcome of which, if adversely decided, would
prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                  (e)  Governmental  Approvals.   No  approval,   authorization,
consent or order or action of or filing with any court, administrative agency or
other governmental authority is required


for the  execution  and  delivery  by  Buyer or MedE of this  Agreement  and the
Ancillary  Agreements to which each is a party or the  consummation  by Buyer or
MedE of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

                  (f) Broker's or Finders'  Fees. All  negotiations  relative to
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby have been carried out by
Buyer and MedE directly with Seller without the  intervention  of any persons on
behalf of Buyer or MedE in such a manner to give rise to any claim by any person
against Seller for a finder's fee, brokerage commission or similar payment.

                                  IV. COVENANTS

                  SECTION 4.001. Covenants of Seller and the Stockholders.

                  (a) Seller and the  Stockholders  jointly and severally  agree
that, at all times  between the date hereof and the Closing  Date,  unless Buyer
and Seller shall otherwise agree in writing,  Seller shall (and the Stockholders
shall cause Seller to):

                  (i)  operate  the  Business  only in the  usual,  regular  and
         ordinary manner and, to the extent consistent with such operations, use
         its best efforts to preserve the current  business  organization of the
         Business  intact,  keep  available  the services of those  officers and
         employees  currently  engaged in the  operations  of the  Business  and
         preserve its present  relationships  with  customers  of, and all other
         persons having business dealings with, the Business;

                  (ii)  maintain  all its  Assets  in  good  repair,  order  and
         condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted;

                  (iii)  maintain its books of account and records in the usual,
         regular and ordinary manner,  on a basis consistent with past practice,
         and use its best efforts to comply with all laws  applicable  to it and
         to the conduct of the Business and perform all its material obligations
         without default;

                  (iv) not change the  character of the Business in any material

                  (v) not,  with  respect  to the  Business  take any  action or
         undertake  any  commitment  or  obligation  of the types  described  in
         clauses (i) through (xi) and (xiv) of Section 3.01(h) hereof; and


                  (vi) not,  except in the ordinary  course and consistent  with
         past  practice,  amend or modify in any way adverse to the interests of
         Seller any contract listed on Schedule 3.01(k) hereto.

                  (b) Between the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing Date,
Seller will afford the  representatives of Buyer reasonable access during normal
business hours to the offices,  facilities,  books and records of Seller and the
opportunity  to discuss the affairs of Seller with  officers  and  employees  of
Seller familiar therewith.

                  (c) Between the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing Date,
Seller shall not, except as required by GAAP, (i) utilize accounting  principles
different from those used in the preparation of the Financial  Statements,  (ii)
change in any manner its method of maintaining  its books of account and records
from such methods as in effect on December 31, 1996, or (iii) accelerate booking
of revenues or the deferral of expenses,  other than as shall be consistent with
past practice and in the ordinary course of business.

                  (d)  Between  the date  hereof and the  Closing  Date,  Seller
shall,  with Buyer's  assistance and  cooperation  but at the expense of Seller,
promptly  apply  for or  otherwise  seek  and use its  best  efforts  (it  being
understood,  for purposes of paragraphs (d) and (e) hereof,  that "best efforts"
shall not include  either (i) incurring any material cash  expenditures  or (ii)
payment of any material sums) to obtain all  authorizations,  consents,  waivers
and  approvals  as may be  required in  connection  with the  assignment  of the
contracts, agreements, licenses, leases, sales orders, purchase orders and other
commitments and all Permits of which Seller is the beneficiary to be assigned to
Buyer pursuant to Section 1.01(a) hereto  (including  without  limitation  those
contracts listed pursuant to Section 3.01(j)(vi)(F) hereto).

                  (e)  Between  the date  hereof and the  Closing  Date,  Seller
shall, with Buyer's assistance and cooperation but at the expense of Seller, use
its best efforts (i) to enter into written service agreements with its customers
listed on Part I of Schedule 4.01(e) hereto,  and (ii) to enter into supplements
to its  written  service  agreements  with its  customers  listed  on Part II of
Schedule  4.01(e)  hereto.  The terms of such  written  service  agreements  and
supplements shall be reasonably acceptable to Buyer.

                  (f) Between the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing Date,
Seller will not enter into any  transaction or make any agreement or commitment,
or permit any event to occur, which would result in any of the  representations,
warranties or covenants of Seller contained in this Agreement not being true and


correct  at and  as of  the  time  immediately  after  the  occurrence  of  such
transaction or event.

                  SECTION 4.002. Confidentiality. The contents of this Agreement
shall be kept confidential among the parties,  except that each party may reveal
and discuss the contents with its respective  professional  advisors,  including
attorneys and  accountants.  The parties may mutually agree in writing as to the
revealing of the subject  transaction to current employees and to the public. In
so doing,  the  parties  shall agree to the timing and content of the release of
such information.

                  SECTION  4.003.  Allocation  of  Purchase  Price.  Each of the
parties  hereto  agrees to  allocate  the  Purchase  Price (and any  liabilities
assumed  by Buyer from  Seller)  among the  Assets in the  manner  specified  in
Schedule 4.03 hereto.  Each of the parties hereto shall respect such  allocation
for all  financial  accounting  and Tax  purposes and shall file all Returns and
other  documents with all taxing  authorities on a basis  consistent  therewith.
Buyer and Seller  shall timely  complete and file a Form 8594 Asset  Acquisition
Statement of Allocation  consistent  with such  allocation,  and shall provide a
certified  copy of such form to Buyer or  Seller,  as the case may be,  and,  if
applicable, shall file a certified copy of such form with its federal income Tax
Return for the period that includes the Closing Date.

                  SECTION 4.004.  Preparation of Certain  Financial  Statements.
After the date hereof,  Seller and the Stockholders shall provide MedE and Buyer
and their  independent  auditors  with all  reasonable  assistance  required  to
prepare  audited  financial  statements  for the  Business for and as of (x) the
period from  January 1, 1997 through the Closing Date and (y) each of the twelve
month periods ended December 31, 1996, December 31, 1995, and December 31, 1994.
Seller  and the  Stockholders  confirm  and  agree  that such  assistance  shall
include, without limitation, (i) providing MedE, Buyer and their representatives
with all necessary  financial  information and data relating to the Business for
such  periods,  (ii)  making  available  all  employees  of Seller or any of its
affiliates  deemed  necessary by MedE and Buyer to assist in the  preparation of
such financial statements, and (iii) delivering to MedE's independent auditors a
management   representation  letter  for  such  periods  in  a  form  reasonably
acceptable to such auditors.

                  Section 4.005.  Certain Tax Matters.  () All stamp,  transfer,
sales or use Taxes  imposed  upon or incurred  by any of the  parties  hereto in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be
borne by Buyer.  Seller and Buyer shall  jointly  prepare and file all necessary
Returns and other documents with respect to all such stamp,  transfer,  sales or
use taxes and each party shall bear its own expenses in


connection  therewith.  If required by  applicable  law,  any other party hereto
shall join in the execution and filing of any such Returns or other documents.

                  (b) For all  federal,  state,  local and  foreign  income  and
franchise  Tax  purposes,  each  of the  parties  hereto  agrees  to  treat  the
acquisition of the Assets by Buyer, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement,  as a fully  taxable  sale of the assets of Seller to Buyer solely in
exchange for cash (and the liabilities assumed by Buyer from Seller).

                  (c) Seller shall be responsible  for and shall pay (i) any and
all Taxes with respect to Seller, the Business or the Assets relating to any Tax
period or portion  thereof ending on or before the Closing Date and (ii) any and
all Taxes incurred by or imposed upon Seller (other than any Taxes  described in
paragraph (a) above) as a result of the  consummation of any of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.  The  Stockholders  shall be responsible for and
shall pay all Taxes relating to the ownership  interest of such  Stockholders in
Seller and attributable to any period (or portion thereof) ending on or prior to
the Closing Date.

                  SECTION 4.006.  Insurance.  Between the date of this Agreement
and the  Closing  Date,  Seller  shall  maintain  in full  force and  effect all
insurance policies listed on Schedule 3.01(x) hereto.

                  SECTION 4.007.  Collection of Accounts  Receivable.  (a) For a
period of six months from the Closing Date, Buyer will use reasonable efforts to
collect  for the  benefit  of  Seller,  and  with  the  risk  of  non-collection
continuing to be the risk of Seller, the accounts receivable of Seller as of the
Closing Date (such receivables being hereinafter  referred to as the "Collection
Receivables").  Buyer shall  deposit in Seller's  account,  when and as received
(together with appropriate statements of collection), all monies, drafts, checks
and other  instruments  of payment  received by it as payments on the Collection
Receivables,  provided that payments applying to both Collection Receivables and
receivables  of Buyer  shall be  deposited  in Buyer's  account and funds in the
amount attributable to the Collection  Receivables shall be promptly remitted to
Seller.  Buyer shall apply all collections from account debtors owing Collection
Receivables  to the  payment  in  full  of  undisputed  and  matured  Collection
Receivables  in priority to any accounts  receivable  from such account  debtors
with  respect  to  services  rendered,  goods  sold or work done on or after the
Closing Date; provided,  however,  that in the event that any such collection is
received from such an account debtor as to whom transaction  processing services
are  discontinued,  such collection shall be allocated  between Seller and Buyer
pro rata on the basis of the ratio of (A) Collection Receivables


payable by such account debtor to (B) receivables payable by such account debtor
that accrue after the Closing Date.

                  SECTION  4.008.  Retention of  Employees.  Effective as of the
Closing Date,  except for the employees of the Business  listed in Schedule 4.08
hereto,  Buyer will offer to continue the  employment of all employees of Seller
at salaries  equal to those now paid by Seller,  and on such other terms as MedE
and Buyer make  available to their  employees  generally.  It is understood  and
agreed that nothing in this  Agreement  shall be deemed to create any employment
status  other than  employment  at will or  require  Buyer to  continue  for the
benefit  of any  employee  any Plan or other  benefits  program  or  arrangement
maintained by Seller prior to the Closing Date.

                  SECTION  4.009.  Payment of  Liabilities.  Seller shall,  on a
timely basis and in a manner consistent with past practice,  pay all liabilities
of Seller not assumed by Buyer.

                  SECTION 4.10. Name Change. Within 30 days of the Closing Date,
Seller shall  change its name to a name that does not include the words  "time,"
"share," "computer," "systems" or any variations thereon.

                             V. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

                  SECTION  5.001.  Conditions  Precedent to Obligations of Buyer
and MedE. The obligations of Buyer and MedE under this Agreement are subject, at
the option of Buyer and MedE,  to the  satisfaction  at or prior to the  Closing
Date of each of the following conditions:

                  (a)   Accuracy  of   Representations   and   Warranties.   The
representations and warranties of Seller and the Stockholders  contained in this
Agreement or in any  certificate or document  delivered to Buyer pursuant hereto
shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date
as though  made at and as of that date,  and Seller and the  Stockholders  shall
have delivered to Buyer a certificate to that effect.

                  (b) Compliance  with  Covenants.  Seller and the Stock holders
shall have  performed  and  complied in all  material  respects  with all terms,
agreements,  covenants  and  conditions  of this  Agreement  to be  performed or
complied  with  by it at or  prior  to the  Closing  Date,  and  Seller  and the
Stockholders shall have delivered to Buyer a certificate to that effect.

                  (c) Opinion of Counsel to Seller.  Buyer  shall have  received
the  favorable  opinion of Hanson &  Associates,  counsel


for Seller,  dated the Closing Date,  substantially in such form attached hereto
as Exhibit D.

                  (d)  Legal  Actions  or   Proceedings.   No  legal  action  or
proceeding  shall  have been  instituted  or  threatened  seeking  to  restrain,
prohibit,  invalidate or otherwise  affect the  consummation of the transactions
contemplated  hereby or which  would,  if  adversely  decided,  have a  Material
Adverse Effect.

                  (e)  Consents;  Assignment  of  Contracts.  Seller  shall have
obtained all the  authorizations,  consents,  waivers and approvals  required in
connection  with  the  transfer  or  assignment  of  those  Permits,  contracts,
agreements,   licenses,   leases,  sales  orders,   purchase  orders  and  other
commitments listed on Schedule 3.01(j)(vi)(F) hereto.

                  (f)  Written  Service   Agreements;   Supplements  to  Service
Agreements.  Seller shall have entered into written service  agreements with its
customers  listed on Part I of Schedule  4.01(e) hereto,  and shall have entered
into supplements to its written service  agreements with its customers listed on
Part II of Schedule 4.01(e) hereto. The terms of such agreements and supplements
shall be reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel.

                  (g) Ancillary Agreements.  The Ancillary Agreements shall have
been executed and delivered by each party thereto,  and said Agreements shall be
in full force and effect as of the Closing Date.

                  (h) Supporting  Documents.  Buyer and MedE shall have received
copies of the following supporting documents:

                  (i) a  certificate  of the  Secretary of State of the State of
         Minnesota,  dated as of a recent date, as to the due  incorporation and
         good  standing of Seller and listing  all  documents  of Seller on file
         with said Secretary; and

             (ii) a certificate  of the  Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary of
         Seller dated the Closing Date and certifying: (1) that attached thereto
         is a true and  complete  copy of  resolutions  adopted  by the Board of
         Directors of Seller authorizing the execution, delivery and performance
         of this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements  and  that  all such
         resolutions  are  still  in  full  force  and  effect  and  are all the
         resolutions adopted in connection with the transactions contemplated by
         this  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary  Agreements;  and  (2)  as to  the
         incumbency and specimen  signature of each officer of Seller furnishing
         any certificate or instrument  pursuant hereto,  and a certification by
         another  officer of


         Seller as to the  incumbency  and signature of the officer  signing the
         certificate referred to herein.

                  (i) All  Proceedings  To Be  Satisfactory.  All  corporate and
other  proceedings  to be taken by Seller in  connection  with the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and all  documents  incident  thereto  shall be  reasonably
satisfactory in form and substance to Buyer and its counsel,  and Buyer and said
counsel shall have received all such counterpart originals or certified or other
copies of such documents as it or they may reasonably request.

                  (j) Allocation of Purchase Price.  Buyer and Seller shall have
agreed to an  allocation  of the Purchase  Price among the Assets in  accordance
with Section 4.03 hereof.

                  (k) MHC Acknowledgement. MHC shall have executed and delivered
to Buyer an acknowledgement that (i) no contract or understanding exists between
Buyer or MedE (either  directly or as a successor to Seller) and MHC and (ii) no
sums are payable by MedE or Buyer to MHC as of the Closing Date.  The content of
such acknowledgement shall be reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel.

                  SECTION 5.002.  Conditions  Precedent to Obligations of Seller
and the Stockholders.  The obligations of Seller and the Stockholders under this
Agreement  are  subject,  at the option of Seller and the  Stockholders,  to the
satisfaction  at or  prior  to  the  Closing  Date  of  each  of  the  following

                  (a)   Accuracy  of   Representations   and   Warranties.   The
representations  and warranties of Buyer and MedE contained in this Agreement or
in any certificate or document delivered to Seller pursuant hereto shall be true
and correct in all  material  respects  on and as of the Closing  Date as though
made at and as of that date,  and Buyer and MedE shall have delivered to Buyer a
certificate to that effect.

                  (b)  Compliance  with  Covenants.  Buyer and MedE  shall  have
performed  and complied in all  material  respects  with all terms,  agreements,
covenants and  conditions of this  Agreement to be performed or complied with by
it at or prior to the Closing Date,  and Buyer and MedE shall have  delivered to
Seller a certificate to that effect.

                  (c)  Legal  Actions  or   Proceedings.   No  legal  action  or
proceeding  shall  have been  instituted  or  threatened  seeking  to  restrain,
prohibit,  invalidate or otherwise  affect the  consummation of the transactions
contemplated  hereby or which  would,  if  adversely  decided,  have a  Material
Adverse Effect.


                  (d) Ancillary Agreements.  The Ancillary Agreements shall have
been executed and delivered by each party thereto,  and said Agreements shall be
in full force and effect as of the Closing Date.

                  (e)  Consulting  Agreement.   MedE  shall  have  executed  and
delivered to Jack Guggisberg a Consulting Agreement substantially in the form of
Exhibit E attached hereto.

                  (f) Supporting Documents. Seller shall have received copies of
the following supporting documents:

                  (i) a  certificate  of the  Secretary of State of the state of
         incorporation of each of Buyer and MedE dated as of a recent date as to
         the due incorporation and good standing of each of Buyer and MedE; and

             (ii) a certificate  of the  Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary of
         Buyer and MedE dated the Closing Date and certifying: (1) that attached
         thereto is a true and complete copy of resolutions adopted by the Board
         of Directors of Buyer and MedE authorizing the execution,  delivery and
         performance of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements and that all
         such  resolutions  are still in full  force and  effect and are all the
         resolutions adopted in connection with the transactions contemplated by
         this  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary  Agreements;  and  (2)  as to  the
         incumbency  and  specimen  signature  of each officer of Buyer and MedE
         furnishing  any  certificate  or  instrument  pursuant  hereto,  and  a
         certification  by  another  officer of each of Buyer and MedE as to the
         incumbency  and  signature  of  the  officer  signing  the  certificate
         referred to herein.

                  (g) All  Proceedings  To Be  Satisfactory.  All  corporate and
other  proceedings  to be  taken  by  Buyer  and  MedE in  connection  with  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and all documents  incident  thereto shall be
reasonably  satisfactory  in form and  substance to Seller and its counsel,  and
Seller and said counsel  shall have received all such  counterpart  originals or
certified  or  other  copies  of such  documents  as it or they  may  reasonably

                  (h) Allocation of Purchase Price.  Buyer and Seller shall have
agreed to an  allocation  of the Purchase  Price among the Assets in  accordance
with Section 4.03 hereof.

                  (i) Opinion of Buyer's Counsel. Seller shall have received the
favorable opinion of Reboul,  MacMurray,  Hewitt, Maynard & Kristol, counsel for
Buyer and MedE,  dated the Closing  Date,  substantially  in such form  attached
hereto as Exhibit F.


                  5.003.  Deemed  Satisfaction  of  Certain  Conditions.  It  is
understood  that  if (i)  Seller,  acting  diligently  and in  good  faith,  has
substantially  but not fully  met any of the  conditions  set forth in  Sections
5.01(e) and  5.01(f)  hereof,  and (ii) Buyer  reasonably  determines  that such
condition(s)  will  eventually  be met  in  all  material  respects,  then  such
condition(s) shall be deemed to have been satisfied  (subject,  however,  to the
continuing  obligation  of  Seller  to  use  its  best  efforts  to  effect  the
satisfaction  of  such  condition(s)  without  resort  to  this  Section  5.03).
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  it shall in any event be a condition to closing,
at Buyer's option, that the conditions set forth in Sections 5.01(e) and 5.01(f)
hereof shall have been fully  satisfied  with  respect to each of the  customers
and/or contracts listed on Schedule 5.03 hereto.


                  SECTION  6.001.   Survival  of   Representations.   Except  as
otherwise set forth below, all  representations and warranties made by any party
hereto in this  Agreement or pursuant  hereto  shall  survive for a period of 18
months following the Closing Date, except for the representations and warranties
as to Tax and  environmental  matters made by any party hereto in this Agreement
or pursuant hereto (which  representations  and warranties shall survive for the
applicable statute of limitation period, including any extensions thereof).

                  SECTION 6.002.  Tax Indemnity.  () Seller and the Stockholders
hereby jointly and severally agree to indemnify,  defend and hold Buyer and MedE
harmless  from and  against  any and all  Taxes  incurred  by,  imposed  upon or
attributable to Seller or any predecessor company thereof,  including reasonable
legal fees and expenses incurred by any party hereto and relating  thereto,  for
any Tax period or portion thereof ending on or before the Closing Date.

                  (b) Buyer  and MedE  hereby  jointly  and  severally  agree to
indemnify, defend and hold Seller and the Stockholders harmless from and against
any and all Taxes incurred by, imposed upon or  attributable  to Buyer,  MedE or
any predecessor  company thereof,  including  reasonable legal fees and expenses
incurred by any party hereto and relating thereto, for any Tax period or portion
thereof ending after the Closing Date.

                  (c) For purposes of this Section 6.02,  any interest,  penalty
or  additional  charge  included  in Taxes  shall be  deemed to be a Tax for the
period to which  the item or event  giving  rise to such  interest,  penalty  or
additional  charge is  attributable,  and not a Tax for the period  during which
such interest, penalty or additional charge accrues.


                  (d) The  indemnity  provided for in this Section 6.02 shall be
independent  of any other  indemnity  provision  hereof  and,  anything  in this
Agreement to the contrary  notwithstanding shall survive until the expiration of
the applicable statutes of limitation, including any extensions thereof, for the
Taxes  referred  to  herein.  Any  Taxes,  legal  fees and  expenses  subject to
indemnification  under this Section 6.02 shall not be subject to indemnification
under Section 6.03.

                  SECTION 6.003. General Indemnity.  () Subject to the terms and
conditions of this Article VI, Seller and the  Stockholders  hereby  jointly and
severally  agree to indemnify,  defend and hold Buyer and MedE harmless from and
against all demands, claims, actions or causes of action,  assessments,  losses,
damages,  liabilities,   costs  and  expenses,  including,  without  limitation,
interest,  penalties and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses  (collectively,
"Damages"), asserted against, resulting to, imposed upon or incurred by Buyer or
MedE by reason of or resulting from:

                  (i) a breach of any  representation,  warranty  or covenant of
         Seller  or any  Stockholder  contained  in or  made  pursuant  to  this

                  (ii) any  liabilities or obligations  of, or claims against or
         imposed on Seller (whether absolute,  accrued,  contingent or otherwise
         and whether a contractual,  or any other type of liability,  obligation
         or claim) not assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement;

                  (iii)  any  liabilities  or  obligations   (whether  absolute,
         accrued,  contingent or  otherwise)  in respect of any action,  suit or
         proceeding  relating to the conduct of the Business by Seller and based
         upon an event  occurring or a claim  arising on or prior to the Closing
         Date  (including  without  limitation  those actions listed on Schedule
         3.01(k) hereto); and

                  (iv) any  liability  in  respect  of any  failure by Seller to
         conduct the Business in compliance with any Permit,  law, regulation or
         order prior to the Closing Date.

                  (b) Subject to the terms and  conditions  of this  Article VI,
Buyer and MedE hereby jointly and severally agree to indemnify,  defend and hold
Seller and the  Stockholders  harmless  from and against  all  Damages  asserted
against,  result  imposed upon or incurred by Seller or any  Stockholder  to, by
reason of or resulting from:


                  (i) a breach of any  representation,  warranty  or covenant of
         Buyer or MedE contained in or made pursuant to this Agreement;

                  (ii) the failure of Buyer to pay,  perform and discharge  when
         due any Assumed Liabilities;

                  (iii)  any  liabilities  or  obligations   (whether  absolute,
         accrued,  contingent or  otherwise)  in respect of any action,  suit or
         proceeding  relating to the conduct of the  Business by Buyer and based
         upon an event occurring or a claim arising after the Closing Date; and

                  (iv) any  liability  in  respect  of any  failure  by Buyer to
         conduct the Business in compliance with any Permit,  law, regulation or
         order after the Closing Date.

                  SECTION 6.004.  Conditions of Indemnification.  The respective
obligations and liabilities of Seller,  on the one hand, and Buyer, on the other
hand (the  "indemnifying  party"),  to the other (the "party to be indemnified")
under  Sections 6.02 and 6.03 hereof with respect to claims  resulting  from the
assertion of liability by third parties shall be subject to the following  terms
and conditions:

                  (a) within 20 days after receipt of notice of  commencement of
any action or the assertion in writing of any claim by a third party,  the party
to be  indemnified  shall give the  indemnifying  party written  notice  thereof
together  with a copy of such claim,  process or other legal  pleading,  and the
indemnifying  party shall have the right to  undertake  the  defense  thereof by
representatives of its own choosing;

                  (b) in the event that the indemnifying  party, by the 30th day
after  receipt  of notice of any such claim (or,  if  earlier,  by the tenth day
preceding  the day on which an answer or other  pleading must be served in order
to prevent  judgment by default in favor of the person  asserting  such  claim),
does not elect to defend against such claim,  the party to be  indemnified  will
(upon further notice to the indemnifying  party) have the right to undertake the
defense, compromise or settlement of such claim on behalf of and for the account
and risk of the  indemnifying  party,  subject to the right of the  indemnifying
party to assume  the  defense  of such  claim at any time  prior to  settlement,
compromise or final determination thereof,  provided that the indemnifying party
shall be given at least 15 days prior written notice to the effectiveness of any
such proposed settlement or compromise;

                  (c)   anything   in  this   Section   6.04  to  the   contrary
notwithstanding  (i) if  there  is a  reasonable  probability  that a


claim may materially and adversely affect the indemnifying party other than as a
result of money damages or other money payments,  the  indemnifying  party shall
have the right, at its own cost and expense, to compromise or settle such claim,
but (ii) the indemnifying  party shall not, without the prior written consent of
the party to be  indemnified,  settle or compromise  any claim or consent to the
entry of any judgment  which does not include as an  unconditional  term thereof
the giving by the  claimant or the  plaintiff to the party to be  indemnified  a
release from all liability in respect of such claim; and

                  (d)  in  connection   with  any  such   indemnification,   the
indemnified party will cooperate in all reasonable  requests of the indemnifying

                  SECTION  6.005.  Basket.   Notwithstanding   anything  to  the
contrary  contained  herein  or in  the  Escrow  Agreement,  Seller  and/or  the
Stockholders  shall only be required to  indemnify  Buyer  and/or MedE for Taxes
and/or Damages  pursuant to this Article VI to the extent that such Taxes and/or
Damages exceed $100,000 in the aggregate.

                                VII. TERMINATION

                  SECTION 7.001.  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated
at any time prior to the Closing Date:

                  (a) by Buyer,  if the  conditions  set forth in  Section  5.01
         shall not have been complied with or performed in any material  respect
         and such  noncompliance or  nonperformance  shall not have been waived,
         cured or eliminated (or by its nature cannot be cured or eliminated) by
         Seller or the Stockholders on or before February 28, 1997;

                  (b) by Seller,  if the  conditions  set forth in Section  5.02
         shall not have been complied with or performed in any material  respect
         and such  noncompliance or  nonperformance  shall not have been waived,
         cured or eliminated (or by its nature cannot be cured or eliminated) by
         Buyer or MedE on or before February 28, 1997; or

                  (c) by Buyer or Seller,  in the event the Closing Date has not
         occurred on or prior to the close of  business on February  28, 1997 or
         such later date as the parties hereto may agree in writing (unless such
         event has been  caused by the  breach  of this  Agreement  by the party
         seeking such termination).  A failure to satisfy a condition  hereunder
         (including  without limitation a condition set forth in Section 5.01(e)
         or  5.01(f)  hereof)  shall not of itself  constitute  a breach of this


                  SECTION  7.002.  Effect  of  Termination.  In the event of the
termination  of this Agreement  pursuant to Section 7.01 hereof,  this Agreement
shall thereafter become void and have no effect,  and no party hereto shall have
any  liability  to any other party  hereto or its  partners or  stockholders  or
directors  or officers in respect  thereof,  except that  nothing  herein  shall
relieve any party from liability for any willful breach hereof. The terms of the
Non-Disclosure  Agreement,  dated December 6, 1996 between MedE and Seller shall
survive any termination of this Agreement.  Without  limiting the effect of said
Non-Disclosure  Agreement, upon any termination of this Agreement, each of Buyer
and MedE, on the one hand, and Seller and the  Stockholders,  on the other hand,
(i) shall not use any  confidential  information  disclosed by the other for its
own benefit and (ii) shall promptly  return to the other all  documents,  papers
and other confidential  information  delivered to such party by the other at any
time prior to the date of such termination.

                               VII. MISCELLANEOUS

                  SECTION   8.001.   Specific   Performance.   Seller   and  the
Stockholders  acknowledge  that  the  acquisition  of  the  Assets  is a  vital,
necessary  and  unique  part of  Buyer's  strategic  plan,  which  includes  the
acquisition and consolidation of other related  businesses,  and that any breach
of  this  Agreement  by  Seller  or the  Stockholders  could  not be  adequately
compensated  by  damages.  Buyer and MedE  acknowledge  that any  breach of this
Agreement  by Buyer or MedE  could not be  adequately  compensated  by  damages.
Accordingly,  each of Buyer  and  MedE,  on the one  hand,  and  Seller  and the
Stockholders,  on the other hand, shall be entitled, in the event of a breach of
this Agreement by the other, in addition to any other remedies that it may have,
to enforcement of this Agreement by a decree of specific  performance  requiring
that the other party or parties fulfill their respective  obligations under this

                  SECTION 8.002.  Bulk Transfer Laws.  Subject to the provisions
of Section  6.03  hereof,  Buyer  hereby  waives  compliance  by Seller with any
applicable bulk transfer laws, including,  without limitation, the bulk transfer
provisions of the Uniform  Commercial Code of any state, or any similar statute,
with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.

                  SECTION 8.003. Expenses,  Etc. Whether or not the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement are consummated,  Seller and the Stockholders, on
the one  hand,  and  Buyer  and  MedE,  on the  other  hand,  shall not have any
obligation  to pay any of the fees and  expenses of the other party  incident to
the negotiation, preparation and execution of this Agreement, including the fees
and  expenses of counsel,  accountants,  investment  bankers and


other experts. Seller and the Stockholders, on the one hand, and Buyer and MedE,
on the other hand, will indemnify the other and hold the other harmless from and
against any claims for finders fees or brokerage  commissions  in relation to or
in  connection  with  such   transactions  as  a  result  of  any  agreement  or
understanding between such indemnifying party and any third party.

                  SECTION 8.004.  Execution in Counterparts.  This Agreement may
be executed in one or more  counterparts,  or by the parties  hereto on separate
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  SECTION 8.005.  Notices. All notices which are required or may
be given pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall
be  sufficient  in all  respects if given in writing and  delivered  personally,
transmitted by facsimile,  sent by nationally  recognized  overnight  courier or
mailed by registered or certified mail postage prepaid, as follows:

                  If to Seller or to Jack Guggisberg, to:

                           Jack Guggisberg
                           13216 Longview Drive
                           Burnsville, Minnesota  55337

                  with a copy to:

                           Hanson & Associates
                           4900 IDF Center
                           80 South 8th Street
                           Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
                           Attention:  Jack W. Hanson, Esq.
                           Fax:  (612) 332-2116

                  If to David C. McGuire, to:

                           David C. McGuire
                           8620 Eagle Creek Boulevard
                           Shakopee, Minnesota 55379

                  If to Darwin J. DeRosier, to:

                           Darwin J. DeRosier
                           7260 University Avenue
                           Suite 310
                           Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432


                  If to Buyer or MedE, to:

                           MedE America Corporation
                           90 Merrick Avenue, Suite 501
                           East Meadow, New York  11554
                           Attention:  David M. Goldwin, Esq.
                           Fax:  (516) 542-4508

                  with a copy to:

                           Reboul, MacMurray, Hewitt, Maynard & Kristol
                           45 Rockefeller Plaza
                           New York, New York  10111
                           Attention:  Mark J. Tannenbaum, Esq.
                           Fax:  (212) 841-5725

or such other  address or addresses as Seller and the  Stockholders,  on the one
hand, or Buyer and MedE, on the other hand,  shall have  designated by notice to
the other in writing.

                  SECTION 8.006. Waivers. Seller (acting on behalf of itself and
the  Stockholders),  on the one hand,  and MedE  (acting on behalf of itself and
Buyer),  on the other hand, may, by written notice to the other,  (i) extend the
time for the performance of any of the obligations or other actions of the other
under this  Agreement;  (ii) waive any  inaccuracies in the  representations  or
warranties of the other contained in this Agreement or in any document delivered
pursuant to this Agreement; (iii) waive compliance with any of the conditions or
covenants of the other contained in this Agreement; or (iv) waive performance of
any of the obligations of the other under this Agreement.  Except as provided in
the preceding sentence,  no action taken pursuant to this Agreement,  including,
without  limitation,  any  investigation  by or on behalf of any party  shall be
deemed  to   constitute  a  waiver  by  such  party  of   compliance   with  any
representations,   warranties,   covenants  or  agreements   contained  in  this
Agreement.  The  waiver  by any  party  of a  breach  of any  provision  of this
Agreement  shall not  operate  or be  construed  as a waiver  of any  subsequent

                  SECTION 8.007. Amendments,  Supplements, Etc. At any time this
Agreement may be amended or supplemented by such additional agreements, articles
or  certificates  as may be  determined  by the parties  hereto to be necessary,
desirable or expedient to further the purposes of this Agreement,  or to clarify
the intention of the parties hereto, or to add to or modify the covenants, terms
or conditions  hereof or to effect or facilitate  any  governmental  approval or
acceptance of this  Agreement or to effect or facilitate the filing or recording
of this Agreement or the  consummation of any of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby. Any such instrument must be in writing and signed by all parties.


                  SECTION 8.008. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, its Exhibits
and  Schedules,  the  Ancillary  Agreements  and the  documents  executed on the
Closing Date in connection  herewith,  constitute the entire agreement among the
parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior
agreements and understandings, oral and written, between the parties hereto with
respect to the subject  matter hereof.  No  representation,  warranty,  promise,
inducement  or statement  of  intention  has been made by any party which is not
embodied in this Agreement or such other documents,  and no party shall be bound
by, or be liable for, any alleged representation,  warranty, promise, inducement
or statement of intention not embodied herein or therein.

                  SECTION  8.009.   APPLICABLE  LAW.  THIS  AGREEMENT  SHALL  BE

                  SECTION 8.10. Binding Effect;  Benefits.  This Agreement shall
inure to the  benefit  of and be  binding  upon the  parties  hereto  and  their
respective  successors and assigns.  Notwithstanding  anything contained in this
Agreement to the contrary,  nothing in this Agreement,  expressed or implied, is
intended  to  confer  on any  person  other  than the  parties  hereto  or their
respective  successors  and  assigns  any  rights,   remedies,   obligations  or
liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement.

                  SECTION 8.11. Assignability. Neither this Agreement nor any of
the parties'  rights  hereunder  shall be assignable by any party hereto without
the prior written consent of the other parties hereto.


                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Asset  Purchase  Agreement has been
duly  executed  and  delivered  by the  parties  hereto  as of  this  3rd day of
February, 1997.

                                               GENERAL COMPUTER CORPORATION




                                               TIME-SHARE COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC.


                                                           Jack Guggisberg

                                                          David C. McGuire

                                                          Darwin J. DeRosier
