
                            HIS HOLDINGS CORPORATION


                  FIRST:   The name of the Corporation is

                           HIS HOLDINGS CORPORATION

                  SECOND:   The  address  of  the   registered   office  of  the
Corporation  in the  State  of  Delaware  is 1013  Centre  Road,  in the City of
Wilmington, County of New Castle. The name of the Corporation's registered agent
at such address is Corporation Service Company.

                  THIRD:    The purposes for which the Corporation is formed are
to engage in any lawful act or activity for which  corporations may be organized
under the Delaware General Corporation Law.

                  FOURTH:   The  total  number  of  shares of  stock  which  the
Corporation  shall have  authority  to issue is 1,000 shares of the par value of
$.01 per share.  All such shares  shall be of one class and shall be  designated
Common Stock.

                  FIFTH:   The name and mailing address of the sole incorporator
of the Corporation are as follows:

                              Revital D. Havazelet
                              45 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, N.Y. 10111


                  SIXTH:   In furtherance  and not in  limitation  of the powers
conferred  by the laws of the State of  Delaware,  the Board of Directors of the
Corporation is expressly  authorized and empowered to make,  alter or repeal the
By-laws  of the  Corporation,  subject to the power of the  stockholders  of the
Corporation to alter or repeal any By-law made by the Board of Directors.

                  SEVENTH: The  Corporation  reserves  the right at any time and
from time to time to amend, alter, change or repeal any provisions  contained in
this Certificate of Incorporation;  and other provisions  authorized by the laws
of the State of Delaware at the time in force may be added or  inserted,  in the
manner now or  hereafter  prescribed  by law;  and all rights,  preferences  and
privileges of whatsoever  nature conferred upon  stockholders,  directors or any
other persons whomsoever by and pursuant to this Certificate of Incorporation in
its  present  form or as  hereafter  amended  are  granted  subject to the right
reserved in this Article.

                  EIGHTH:   No  person  shall  be   personally   liable  to  the
Corporation  or its  stockholders  for monetary  damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a director, provided, however, that the foregoing shall not eliminate or
limit the liability of a director (i) for any breach of the  director's  duty of
loyalty to the Corporation or its  stockholders,  (ii) for acts or omissions not
in good faith or which involve intentional  misconduct or a knowing violation of
law,  (iii) under  Section 174 of the  General  Corporation  Law of the State of
Delaware or (iv) for any transac-


tion from which the director derived an improper personal benefit.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the  undersigned,  being the incorporator
hereinabove  named,  for the  purpose of forming a  corporation  pursuant to the
General  Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  does make this  Certificate,
hereby declaring,  certifying and acknowledging  under penalties of perjury that
the facts herein stated are true and that this  Certificate is her act and deed,
and accordingly has hereunto set her hand, this 13th day of February, 1995.

                                           Revital D. Havazelet


                                                                       Exhibit A

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT


                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                            HIS HOLDINGS CORPORATION


                  HIS HOLDINGS CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the State of Delaware (the "Corporation"), hereby certifies as

                  FIRST:  that the  following  resolutions  were duly adopted by
unanimous written consent of the Board of Directors of the Corporation,  setting
forth  a  proposed   amendment  to  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the
Corporation;  and declaring  such  amendment to be advisable and directing  that
such amendment be submitted to the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  for their
approval. The resolutions are as follows:

                  "RESOLVED  that there is hereby  adopted an  amendment  to the
         Corporation's  amended  Certificate of Incorporation  pursuant to which
         the  name  of  the  Corporation   shall  be  changed  to  MedE  America
         Corporation,  and, in connection with such change, Article FIRST of the
         amended  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Corporation  shall  be
         amended to read in its entirety as follows:

                  'FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is
                           MedE America Corporation .'

                  RESOLVED  that the Board of Directors  declares the  foregoing
         amendment to the Corporation's  amended Certificate of Incorporation to
         be  advisable  and  directs  that the  amendment  be  submitted  to the
         stockholders of the Corporation for their approval  pursuant to Section
         242(b) of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware."

                  SECOND:  that the  Amendment  of the  amended  Certificate  of
Incorporation effected by this Certificate was duly authorized by the holders of
a majority of the outstanding capital stock of the Corporation  entitled to vote
thereon,  after having been declared  advisable by the Board of Directors of the
Corporation, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 228 of the General
Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware and that written notice has been given
as provided in such Section.


                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  HIS HOLDINGS  CORPORATION has caused its
corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and this certificate to be signed by Othon
Prounis, its Assistant Secretary, on this day of March, 1995.

                                                    HIS HOLDINGS CORPORATION

                                                             Othon Prounis
                                                             Assistant Secretary

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT


                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION

                  MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the State of Delaware (the "Corporation"), hereby certifies as

                  FIRST:  that the  following  resolutions  were duly adopted by
unanimous written consent of the Board of Directors of the Corporation,  setting
forth  proposed   amendments  to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation   of  the
Corporation;  determining  that  the  capital  of the  Corporation  will  not be
decreased on account of such  amendments;  and declaring  such  amendments to be
advisable and directing that such amendments be submitted to the stockholders of
the Corporation for its approval. The resolutions are as follows:

                  "RESOLVED,  that there is hereby  adopted an  amendment to the
         Corporation's  Certificate of  Incorporation  pursuant to which (i) the
         authorized  capital  stock of the  Corporation  shall be  changed  from
         40,000  shares  Common Stock,  $.01 par value,  to  25,011,000  shares,
         consisting of 11,000  shares of Preferred  Stock,  $.01 par value,  and
         25,000,000  shares  of  Common  Stock,  $.01  par  value,  and (ii) the
         relative voting,  dividend,  liquidation,  redemption and other rights,
         and  the  qualifications,  limitations  and  restrictions  thereof,  in
         respect of said  Preferred  Stock and Common  Stock shall be  restated;
         and, in connection with such changes, Article FOURTH of the Certificate
         of  Incorporation  of the  Corporation  shall be amended to read in its
         entirety as follows:

                  'FOURTH:  The total  number of shares of all  classes of stock
         which the  Corporation  shall  have  authority  to issue is  25,011,000
         shares,  consisting of 11,000 shares of Preferred Stock, $.01 par value
         ("Preferred  Stock") and  25,000,000  shares of Common Stock,  $.01 par
         value ("Common Stock").

                  All  cross-references  in each  subdivision  of  this  Article
         FOURTH refer to other paragraphs in such  subdivision  unless otherwise

                  The  following  is a statement  of the  designations,  and the
         powers, preferences and rights, and the qualifications,  limitations or
         restrictions  thereof,  in  respect  of  each  class  of  stock  of the


                                 PREFERRED STOCK

                  1.  Cumulative  Dividends.  (i) The holders of Preferred Stock
         shall be  entitled  to  receive,  when and as  declared by the Board of
         Directors  out of  funds  legally  available  for  such  purpose,  cash
         dividends at the rate of $8.00 per share per annum, and no more. In the
         event such  dividends  are  declared,  the dividend  payment dates with
         respect thereto shall be the immediately succeeding March 31.

                  (ii) In no event,  so long as any Preferred Stock shall remain
         outstanding,  shall any dividend  whatsoever  be declared or paid upon,
         nor shall any distribution be made upon, any Common Stock, other than a
         dividend  or  distribution  payable  in shares of  Common  Stock,  nor,
         without  the  written  consent  of  the  holders  of  66  2/3%  of  the
         outstanding  Preferred  Stock,  shall any  shares  of  Common  Stock be
         purchased or redeemed by the Corporation,  nor shall any moneys be paid
         to or made  available for a sinking fund for the purchase or redemption
         of any  Common  Stock,  unless in each  instance  cumulative  dividends
         accrued and unpaid on all outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock for
         all past dividend periods shall have been paid in full.

                  2.       Redemption.

         2A.      Mandatory Redemptions.

         (i) The  Corporation  shall  redeem on March 31,  2000,  all  shares of
         Preferred  Stock which  shall then be  outstanding,  at the  Redemption
         Price (as defined below).

         (ii) Upon the consummation of an underwritten  public offering pursuant
         to an effective  registration  statement  under the  Securities  Act of
         1933, as amended,  covering the offering and sale of the  Corporation's
         Common Stock pursuant to which the Corporation  receives  aggregate net
         proceeds of at least $15 million  (after  underwriters',  brokers'  and
         deal- ers' fees and  commissions  and  underwriters'  discounts and any
         other  offering  expenses  required to be  disclosed  in Part II of the
         applicable registration statement) (a "Qualified Public Offering"), the
         Corporation shall redeem all then outstanding shares of Preferred Stock
         at the Redemption Price.

         2B.   Optional  Redemptions.  The Preferred Stock may  be  redeemed  in
         whole at any time or in part from time to time,  at the  option  of the
         Corporation, at the Redemption Price.

         2C.   Redemption  Date;   Redemption  Price.  Any  date  on  which  the
         Corporation  elects or is required to redeem Preferred Stock under this
         paragraph 2 shall be referred to as a "Redemption  Date." The per share
         "Redemption  Price"  of  the  Preferred  Stock  to  be  redeemed  on  a
         Redemption Date shall be the sum of (x) $100.00 per share, plus (y) any
         accrued but unpaid dividends thereon to the date of such redemption.

         2D. Notice of  Redemption.  Not less than 30 days before any Redemption
         Date,  written  notice shall be given by mail,  postage  prepaid to the
         holders of record of the Preferred  Stock to be redeemed,  addressed to
         each such stockholder at his or its post office address as shown by the
         records  of the  Corporation,  specifying  the  number  of shares to be
         redeemed,  the  subparagraph  or  subparagraphs  of  this  paragraph  2
         pursuant to which such redemption  shall be made, the Redemption  Price
         and the place at which and the date,  which  date shall not be a day on
         which  banks  in the City of New York are  required  or  authorized  to
         close, on which the shares of Preferred Stock will be redeemed. If such
         notice of  redemption  shall  have been duly  given and if on or before
         such Redemption Date the funds necessary for redemption shall have been
         set aside so as to be and  continue  to be  available  therefor,  then,
         notwithstanding  that any  certificate for shares of Preferred Stock to
         be redeemed shall not have been surrendered for cancellation, after the
         close of business on such Redemption  Date, such shares shall no longer
         be deemed outstanding, the dividends thereon shall cease to accrue, and
         all rights with respect to such shares shall  forthwith after the close
         of business on the Redemption Date, cease, except only the right of the
         holders  thereof  to  receive  the  Redemption  Price for such  shares,
         without interest.

         2E. Redeemed or Otherwise Acquired Shares to be Retired.  Any shares of
         Preferred  Stock  redeemed  pursuant to this  paragraph 2 or  otherwise
         acquired  by  the  Corporation  in  any  manner   whatsoever  shall  be
         permanently  retired and shall not under any circumstances be reissued;
         and  the  Corporation  may  from  time to time  take  such  appropriate
         corporate action as may be necessary to reduce the authorized Preferred
         Stock accordingly.

         2F.  Shares  to be  Redeemed,  Purchased  or  Retired.  In  case of the
         redemption,  purchase or retirement,  for any reason, of only a part of
         the outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock on a Redemption Date, all
         shares of Preferred Stock to be redeemed, purchased or retired shall be
         selected pro

         rata,  and there shall be so  redeemed,  purchased or retired from each
         registered  holder in whole  shares,  as nearly as  practicable  to the
         nearest  share,  the  proportion  of all  the  shares  to be  redeemed,
         purchased or retired  which the number of shares held of record by such
         holder bears to the total  number of shares of  Preferred  Stock at the
         time outstanding.

                  3. Liquidation.  Upon any liquidation,  dissolution or winding
         up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, or the sale of
         all or substantially all the assets of the Corporation (each such event
         being  referred  to as a  "Liquidation"),  a holder  of the  shares  of
         Preferred Stock shall be entitled,  before any  distribution or payment
         is made upon any  Common  Stock,  to  receive  out of the assets of the
         Corporation  (x)  $100.00  per share,  plus (y) any  accrued but unpaid
         dividends  thereon  to the date of such  redemption,  for each share of
         Preferred  Stock held by such  holder.  If upon such  Liquidation,  the
         assets to be distributed  among the holders of Preferred Stock shall be
         insufficient  to permit  payment to the holders of  Preferred  Stock of
         that amount  distributable as aforesaid,  then the entire assets of the
         Corporation  to be distributed  shall be distributed  ratably among the
         holders  of  Preferred  Stock.  Upon any such  Liquidation,  after  the
         holders of the Preferred Stock shall have been paid in full the amounts
         to which they shall be  entitled,  the holders of the Common Stock will
         share the remaining net assets of the  Corporation.  Written  notice of
         such  Liquidation,  stating a payment date, the aggregate amount of the
         payments to which such holder of  Preferred  Stock is entitled  and the
         place where said sums shall be payable shall be given by mail,  postage
         prepaid,  not  less  than 30 days  prior  to the  payment  date  stated
         therein,  to the holders of record of the Preferred Stock,  such notice
         to be addressed to each stockholder at its post office address as shown
         by the records of the Corporation.  Neither the consolidation or merger
         of the Corporation into or with any other  corporation or corporations,
         nor the  reduction of the capital  stock of the  Corporation,  shall be
         deemed to be a Liquidation.

                  4. Voting Rights.  Except as otherwise provided by law or this
         Certificate of Incorporation,  the holders of Preferred Stock shall not
         be entitled to vote on matters  presented  to the  stockholders  of the

                  5.  Restrictions.  At any time when shares of Preferred  Stock
         are  outstanding,  except  where  the vote or  written  consent  of the
         holders of a greater number of shares of the Corporation is required by
         law or by this  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  and in addition to any
         other vote required by law, without the prior consent of the holders of
         66 2/3% of the outstanding Preferred Stock, given in person or by

         proxy,  either in  writing  or at a  special  meeting  called  for that
         purpose,  at which meeting the holders of the shares of Preferred Stock
         shall vote together as a class:

                           (i) The Corporation  will not create or authorize the
                  creation  of any  additional  class of shares  unless the same
                  ranks junior to the  Preferred  Stock both as to dividends and
                  as to the  distribution of assets on Liquidation,  or increase
                  the authorized  amount of the Preferred Stock, or increase the
                  authorized amount of any additional class of shares unless the
                  same ranks junior to the Preferred  Stock both as to dividends
                  and as to the distribution of assets on Liquidation, or create
                  or authorize any obligations or securities convertible into or
                  exchangeable  for shares of Preferred  Stock or into shares of
                  any other class unless the same ranks junior to the  Preferred
                  Stock  both  as to  dividends  and as to the  distribution  of
                  assets  on   Liquidation,   whether   any  such   creation  or
                  authorization  or increase  shall be by means of  amendment of
                  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,   merger,  consolidation,
                  recapitalization or otherwise.

                      (ii) The Corporation  will not amend,  alter or repeal the
                  Corporation's  Certificate of  Incorporation or By-laws in any
                  manner, or file any directors' resolutions pursuant to Section
                  151(g) of the Delaware General  Corporation Law containing any
                  provision,   in  either  case  which  affects  the  respective
                  preferences, voting power, qualifications, special or relative
                  rights or  privileges  of the  Preferred  Stock or the  Common
                  Stock or which in any manner  adversely  affects the Preferred
                  Stock or the Common Stock or the holders thereof.


                                  COMMON STOCK

                  All  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall be  identical  and shall
entitle the holders thereof to the same rights and privileges:

                  1.       Dividends

                  When and as  dividends  are  declared  upon the Common  Stock,
         whether  payable  in cash,  in  property  or in  shares of stock of the
         Corporation,  the  holders of Common  Stock  shall be entitled to share
         equally, share for share, in such dividends.

                  2.       Voting Rights

                  Each holder of Common  Stock shall be entitled to one vote per

                  "RESOLVED  that the  Board of  Directors  determines  that the
         capital  of the  Corporation  will not be  decreased  on account of the
         foregoing   amendment,   declares  the   foregoing   amendment  to  the
         Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation to be advisable and directs
         that the amendment be submitted to the  stockholders of the Corporation
         for  their   approval   pursuant  to  Section  242(b)  of  the  General
         Corporation Law of the State of Delaware."

                  SECOND: that the Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation
effected by this Certificate was duly authorized by the holders of a majority of
the outstanding capital stock of the Corporation entitled to vote thereon, after
first  having  been  declared  advisable  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
Corporation,  all in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Section  242 of the
Delaware General Corporation Law.

                  THIRD:  Effective  upon  the  filing  of this  Certificate  of
Amendment  with the Secretary of State of Delaware (the  "Effective  Time") each
(1) share of  Common  Stock,  $.01 par  value,  of the  Corporation  issued  and
outstanding at the Effective Time shall be reclassified as 611.4568797 shares of
Common Stock, $.01 par value, of the Corporation.

                  FOURTH:  that  the  capital  of the  Corporation  will  not be
reduced under,  or by reason of, the foregoing  amendments to the Certificate of
Incorporation of the Corporation.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  MEDE AMERICA  CORPORATION has caused its
corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and this certificate to be signed by Othon
Prounis,  its Assistant  Secretary,  who hereby  acknowledges under penalties of
perjury that the facts herein stated are true and that this  certificate  is his
act and deed, this 31st day of March, 1995.

                                              MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION

                                                    Name: Othon Prounis
                                                    Title: Assistant Secretary


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned,  being all the Directors
of the  Corporation,  have  executed  this Consent as of this 31st day of March,

                                                           Bruce K. Anderson

                                                           Anthony J. deNicola

                                                           Thomas E. McInerney

                                                           Timothy M. Murray

                                                           Dana J. O'Brien

                                                           Thomas P. Staudt


                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION

                         Written Consent of Stockholders


                    Pursuant to Section 228(a) of the General
                    Corporation Law of the State of Delaware


                  The undersigned, being the holders of a majority of the issued
and  outstanding  Common Stock,  $.01 par value of MedE America  Corporation,  a
Delaware corporation (the  "Corporation"),  acting pursuant to Section 228(a) of
the General  Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  DO HEREBY CONSENT to the
adoption of, and DO HEREBY ADOPT the resolutions  hereinafter set forth with the
same force and effect as if they had been duly  adopted at a special  meeting of
the stockholders of the Corporation  duly called and held for such purpose,  and
DO HEREBY DIRECT the Secretary of the  Corporation to file this Consent with the
minutes of proceedings of stockholders of the Corporation:

                  RESOLVED that,  pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the
         State of Delaware, the Corporation be, and it hereby is, authorized and
         empowered,  upon the terms  and  conditions  set forth in the  proposed
         Certificate  of  Amendment  to  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the
         Corporation  attached as Exhibit A to the Unanimous  Written Consent of
         the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  dated as of the date hereof
         ("the  Certificate  of  Amendment"),  to file with the Secretary of the
         State of the  state of  Delaware  a  certificate  of  amendment  of the
         Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation,  substantially in the form
         of the Certificate of Amendment, with respect to such change;

                  RESOLVED   that  the  form,   terms  and   provisions  of  the
         Certificate  of  Amendment,  a copy of which has been  submitted to the
         undersigned  stockholders of the Corporation,  be, and they hereby are,
         in all respects, approved.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned stockholders have executed
this Consent on and as of the 31st day of March, 1995.

                                         WELSH, CARSON, ANDERSON & STOWE V, L.P.
                                         By WCAS V Partners, General Partner

                                              General Partner

                                         WCAS CAPITAL PARTNERS II, L.P.
                                         By WCAS CP Partners, General Partner

                                              General Partner

                                         WILLIAM BLAIR LEVERAGED CAPITAL
                                         FUND, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                         General Partner


                                         PRUDENTIAL VENTURE PARTNERS II
                                         General Partner

