MEDE America Corporation
East Meadow, New York


We consent to the use in Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement No. 333-55977
of MEDE  America  Corporation  on Form S-1 of our report dated May 8, 1998 (June
17, 1998 as to Note 13) relating to the  consolidated  financial  statements  of
MEDE America Corporation as of June 30, 1996 and 1997 and March 31, 1998 and for
each of the three  years in the period  ended June 30,  1997 and the nine months
ended  March  31,  1998  appearing  in the  Prospectus,  which is a part of this
Registration  Statement,  and to the reference to us under the heading "Experts"
in such Prospectus.     

Our audits of the consolidated  financial statements of MEDE America Corporation
referred to in our aforementioned  report also included the financial  statement
schedule  of MEDE  America  Corporation  listed in Part II at Item  16(b).  This
financial statement schedule is the responsibility of the Company's  management.
Our  responsibility is to express an opinion based on our audits. In our opinion
such  financial  statement  schedule,  when  considered in relation to the basic
financial  statements  taken  as a  whole,  presents  fairly,  in  all  material
respects, the information set forth therein.

Jericho, New York

July 17, 1998