
July 15, 1998

                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
                  $15,000,000 SENIOR SECURED CREDIT FACILITIES
                                COMMITMENT LETTER

MedE America Corporation
90 Merrick Avenue, Suite 501
East Meadow, NY 11554

Attention: Mr. Richard Bankosky

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Bank of America  National Trust and Savings  Association  ("Bank of America") is
pleased to advise you that it is  willing,  subject to the terms and  conditions
contained  in this letter and in the  attached  Summary of Terms and  Conditions
(the  "Term  Sheet"),  to commit up to  $15,000,000  of  senior  secured  credit
facilities (the "Senior Facilities").

It is  agreed  that  Bank  of  America  will  act  as  the  sole  and  exclusive
Administrative Agent for the Senior Facilities.  You agree that no other agents,
co-agents or arrangers will be appointed, no other titles will be awarded and no
compensation (other than that expressly  contemplated by the Term Sheet) will be
paid in connection with the Senior Facilities unless you and we shall so agree.

In addition to the conditions to funding or closing set forth in the Term Sheet,
Bank of America's commitment to provide financing hereunder is subject to, among
other  conditions,  (i) the  negotiation  and  execution of a definitive  credit
agreement (the "Credit Agreement") and other related documentation  satisfactory
to the Lenders;  (ii) there being no material  adverse  change in the reasonable
opinion of Bank of America in the  financial  condition,  business,  operations,
properties or prospects of the Borrower and its consolidated  subsidiaries  from
the date of the audited financial statements most recently provided prior to the
date hereof; (iii) there be no competing offering,  placement, or arrangement of
any debt securities or bank financing by or on behalf of the Borrower, until the
closing of the transaction.

Whether  or not  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  are  consummated,  the
Borrower hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Bank of America, and their
respective directors,  officers, employees and affiliates (each, an "indemnified
person") from and against any and all losses, claims,  damages,  liabilities (or
actions or other  proceedings  commenced or threatened  in respect  thereof) and
expenses that arise out of, result from or in any way relate to this  commitment
letter,  or the  providing  of the  Senior  Facilities,  and to  reimburse  each
indemnified  person, upon its demand, for any legal or other expenses (including
the  allocated   cost  of  in-house   counsel)   incurred  in  connection   with
investigating,  defending  or  participating  in any such loss,  claim,  damage,
liability or action or other proceeding  (whether or not such indemnified person
is a party to any action or proceeding  out of which any such  expenses  arise),
other than any of the foregoing claimed by any indemnified  person to the extent
incurred by reason of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such person.
Neither Bank of America,  nor any of their  affiliates,  shall be responsible or
liable to the Borrower or any other person for any  consequential  damages which
may be alleged.

MedE America Corporation
July 15, 1998
Page 2

In addition,  the Borrower  hereby agrees to reimburse Bank of America from time
to time  upon  demand  for their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  costs and  expenses
incurred at any time,  including  (i)  attorneys'  fees and  allocated  costs of
internal  counsel  (without  duplication) in connection with the preparation and
delivery of the Credit Agreement and all related  documents,  and (ii) costs and
expenses in connection  with the  negotiation,  closing,  and enforcement of the
Senior  Facilities,  regardless  of whether  the Senior  Facilities  close.  The
Borrower  shall  also pay all costs and  expenses  of the  Administrative  Agent
associated  with amendments and other changes to the Credit  Agreement,  and all
costs and expenses of the Lenders in the  collection of the  obligations  of the
Borrower (including  reasonable  attorney's fees and allocated costs of internal

The terms  contained  in this  letter and the Term Sheet are  confidential  and,
except for  disclosure to your board of directors,  officers and  employees,  to
professional advisors retained by you in connection with this transaction, or as
may be required by law,  may not be  disclosed  in whole or in part to any other
person or entity without our prior written consent.

Upon your  delivery to us of a signed  copy of this  letter,  this letter  shall
become a binding  agreement under New York law as of the date so accepted.  Bank
of America's commitment hereunder shall remain in effect until 5:00 p.m. Chicago
time,  on July 31, 1998 when, if not so accepted,  Bank of America's  commitment
hereunder will  terminate.  This  commitment will expire on September 1, 1998 if
the Senior Facilities have not closed on or before that date.

We are  pleased  to have the  opportunity  to work  with  you on this  important

Very truly yours,


Title: Vice President



THIS_____DAY OF JULY, 1998



Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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                       SUMMARY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS1

                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
                 $15,000,000 SENIOR SECURED CREDIT FACILITIES

BORROWER:         MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION ("MedE" or the "Borrower").

GUARANTORS:       All material  operating  subsidiaries and holding companies of
                  the Borrower.

AGENT:            Bank of America  National  Trust and Savings  Association  (in
                  such capacity "Bank of America" or "Administrative Agent")

FACILITIES:       Senior Secured Credit Facilities (the "Senior  Facilities") up
                  to $15,000,000 consist- ing of:

                  (1) $7,500,000  2  --  year  senior   secured   non-amortizing
                      revolving credit facility (the "Revolver").

                  (2) $7,500,000 2 -- year senior  secured term loan ("Term Loan

LENDERS:          Bank of America.

PURPOSE:          The  Revolver  will be used for  working  capital  and general
                  corporate purposes.

                  The Term Loan A will be used to  finance  future  acquisitions
                  including related fees and expenses.

AVAILABILITY:     The Revolver will be available on a revolving  basis after the
                  closing of the Senior Facilities ("Closing Date") and prior to
                  the maturity thereof.

- ---------
1    Unless otherwise  defined herein,  capitalized terms used herein shall have
     the respective  meanings set forth in the  Commitment  Letter to which this
     Exhibit A is attached.

Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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                  Term  Loan A may be drawn at any time up to the  expiry  date,
                  and once repaid may not be reborrowed.  Availability under the
                  Term Loan A will be  subject  to (i) Bank of  America's  prior
                  written  approval of acquisition  target in a parallel line of
                  business,  (ii) proforma  covenant  compliance  and (iii) both
                  MedE and the acquisition target having Y2K compliant systems.

COVENANTS:        The Company shall be at all times compliant with the following
                  covenants. (i) Debt/EBITDA Maximum 2.0x.

                             (ii) Interest Coverage Minimum 3.0x.

MATURITY DATE:    Two year  anniversary  of the Closing Date,  but no later than
                  October 31, 1998.

REDUCTIONS:       Mandatory  prepayments  of Term Loan A will be made from:  (1)
                  100%  of the  net  cash  proceeds  of  permitted  asset  sales
                  (subject   to  a  basket   and   reinvestment   rights  to  be
                  negotiated),  (2) 100% of the net cash  proceeds from any debt
                  offering,  (3) 75% of the net cash proceeds  received from the
                  issuance  of  equity  securities  and  capital  contributions,
                  exclusive  of the  August  1998 IPO.  (4) 100% of the net cash
                  proceeds  from  insurance  recovery and  condemnation  events,
                  subject to certain  reinvestment rights to be agreed upon, and
                  (5) 100% of annual excess cash flow (to be defined),  provided
                  that so long as no default or event of  default  exists  under
                  the Senior  Facilities,  such percentage shall be reduced on a
                  basis to be determined  based upon the  achievement of certain
                  Leverage Ratios to be determined.  Each such prepayment of the
                  Term  Loan A  shall  be  applied  pro  rata  to the  remaining
                  scheduled amortization payments of Term Loan A.

                  In  addition,  (x) loans  under the  Revolver  will have to be
                  prepaid or cash collateralized, as appropriate, if at any time
                  the outstanding amount thereof ex- ceeds the total commitments
                  for the  Revolver and (y) all Term Loan A shall be required to
                  be  repaid,   and  the  Revolver  will  terminate,   upon  the
                  occurrence  of a change  of  control  (to be  defined)  of the

COLLATERAL:       Substantially  similar to that in existing  credit  agreement,
                  including, but not limited to:

                  (1) A first  lien on all the  assets  of the  Company  and its

                  (2) Stock of all subsidiaries.

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Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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BORROWING         At the Borrower's option,  interest on borrowings shall accrue
OPTIONS:          on the following indexes plus the applicable spreads.

                  Eurodollar  Rate: The Interbank  Offered Rate (IBOR) for 1, 2,
                  3, 6 month  dollar  deposits  as offered by Bank of America to
                  prime  international  banks in the off-shore  dollar market at
                  11:00  a.m.  New York time  three  business  days prior to the
                  borrowing date, adjusted for reserve requirements.

                  Base Rate:  The higher of (a) the rate as  publicly  announced
                  from time to time by Bank of America as its  "Reference  Rate"
                  or (b)  Federal  Funds Rate plus  one-half  of one percent per
                  annum.  Any change in the Base Rate  shall take  effect at the
                  opening  of  business  on the  date  specified  in the  public
                  announcement  of such  change in the case of clause (a) above,
                  or on a daily basis in the case of clause (b) above.

BORROWING RATE:   With respect to Eurodollar Loans, the Eurodollar Rate plus the
                  Applicable Euro- dollar Margin  described below.  With respect
                  to Base Rate  Loans,  the Base Rate plus the  Applicable  Base
                  Rate Margin described below.

                  All amounts outstanding under the Senior Facilities shall bear
                  interest, at the Borrower's option, as follows:

                  A. With respect to the Revolver:

                     (i)  at the Base Rate plus 0.25% per ammum; or

                     (ii) at the Eurodollar Rate plus 1.25% annum;

                  B. With respect to Term Loan A:

                     (i) at the Base Rate plus 0.25% per annum; or

                     (ii) at the Eurodollar Rate plus 1.25% per annum

                  Interest on Base Rate  borrowings  are to accrue base on a 365
                  (6)-day year and actual days  elapsed.  Interest on Eurodollar
                  borrowings  and all fees are to accrue based on a 360-day year
                  and actual days elapsed.

INTEREST PAYMENTS:Interest on Base Rate advances  shall be payable  quarterly in
                  arrears.  In the base of Eurodollar  Loans, the earlier of the
                  end  of  each  applicable  interest  period  or  quarterly  in

                                     PAGE 3

Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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COMMITMENT FEE:   Commitment Fee equal to 0.50% per annum times the total amount
                  of the  Senior  Facilities.  Commitment  Fees shall be payable
                  quarterly in arrears.

DEFAULT RATE:     2.00%  above  the rate  otherwise  applicable  rate of  Senior

DRAWDOWNS:        Revolver  drawdowns are at the Borrower's  option with one day
                  advance  notice  (by 11:00  a.m.  New York time) for Base Rate
                  Loans and three  business  days advance  notice (by 11:00 a.m.
                  New York time) for Eurodollar  Loans in minimum  amounts to be

PREPAYMENTS:      Base Rate  Loans  may be  prepaid  at any time,  with same day
                  notice (by 11:00 a.m. New York time).  Eurodollar Loans may be
                  prepaid at any time with at least three  business days advance
                  notice (by 11:00 a.m. New York time),  subject to compensating
                  the  Lenders for any  funding  losses and related  expenses in
                  connection  with any  prepayment  made on a day other than the
                  last day of an interest period applicable  thereto.  Voluntary
                  prepayments   shall  be  subject  to  minimum  amounts  to  be
                  determined.  Voluntary  prepayments  of Term  Loan A shall  be
                  applied to the outstanding Term Loan A and shall be applied to
                  reduce  the  scheduled  amortization  payments  of  each  such
                  tranche of Term Loan A.

OF THE FACILITIES:The Borrower may irrevocably  reduce the commitments under the
                  Revolver  in  amounts  of at least  $1,000,000  at any time on
                  three business days advance notice.

DOCUMENTATION:    The Senior  Facilities  will be subject to the  execution of a
                  credit agreement (the "Credit Agreement")  containing suitable
                  provisions   mutually  acceptable  to  the  Borrower  and  the
                  Administrative   Agent,    including,    without   limitation,
                  representations  and  warranties,   conditions   precedent  to
                  effectiveness,   conditions   precedent  to  making  advances,
                  affirmative and negative  covenants and events of default,  as
                  outlined below.

AND WARRANTIES:   Those  customarily  found in  credit  agreements  for  similar
                  financings and such additional  representations and warranties
                  as are appropriate under the circumstances,  including but not
                  limited to  representations  related to  corporate  existence,
                  financial   condition,   litigation,   no  breach,   corporate
                  authority, approvals,

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Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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                  ERISA,  taxes,  Investment  Company Act, credit agreements and
                  other material agreements,  investments,  compliance with laws
                  and regulations,  disclosure, assets, solvency, labor matters,
                  environmental  matters,  proprietary  rights,  real  property,
                  insurance and Year 2000 compliance.

CLOSING DATE:     Those  customarily  found in  credit  agreements  for  similar
                  financings and such  additional  conditions as are appropriate
                  under the circumstances, including but not limited to:

                      o    MedE's IPO occurs;
                      o    Repayment  and  cancellation  of existing bank credit
                           facilities and other indebtedness;
                      o    All documents and agreements signed and delivered;
                      o    No Event of Default or incipient default;
                      o    All representations and warranties are true as of the
                           date of each advance;
                      o    Satisfactory completion of legal due diligence.
                      o    No material  adverse change in operations,  business,
                           properties,  condition  (financial  or  otherwise) or
                           prospects of the Borrower or any of its  subsidiaries
                           taken as a whole ("Material Adverse Change");
                      o    No  material  adverse  effect in the  ability  of the
                           Borrower  to  perform  their  obligations  under  the
                           Senior Facilities;
                      o    No material adverse litigation


                  o  No default of event of default under the Senior Facilities.

                  o  Continued   accuracy  in   all  material  respects  of  the
                     representations and warranties.

                  o  Advances    under the Term Loan A will be  subject  to: (i)
                     Bank  of  America's  prior written  approval of acquisition
                     target  in  a  parallel  line of  business,  (ii)  proforma
                     covenant   compliance    and  (iii)   both   MedE  and  the
                     acquisition target having Y2K compliant systems.

COVENANTS:        Standard for the Administrative  Agent's similar financing and
                  such others as the  Administrative  Agent deems appropriate in
                  the  context  of  the  proposed  Transaction,   including  the
                  obtaining  of interest  rate  protection  in amounts,  and for
                  periods, to be determined.

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Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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 COVENANTS:       Usual and customary for  transactions  of this type  including
                  but not limited to:

                  1. Maximum Leverage Ratio of 2.0x

                  2. Minimum Interest Coverage Ratio of 3.0x

COVENANTS:        Standard for the Administrative  Agent's similar financing and
                  such others as the  Administrative  Agent deems appropriate in
                  the context of the proposed  Transaction,  including,  but not
                  limited to:

                  o   Year 2000 Compliance required by 8/1/99

                  o   Change of control (i.e.  Facilities must be reconfirmed in
                      the  event  that  an  entity   other  than  WCAS  and  its
                      affiliates assumes a controlling interest in the Company.)

                  o   Restrictions on lines of business.

                  o   Limitations   on  additional   indebtedness   and  leasing

                  o   Restrictions on liens.

                  o   Limitations on investments.

                  o   Limitations  on dividends  and  repayment of certain other

                  o   Restrictions  on  consolidations,  mergers,  acquisitions,
                      dissolutions, etc.

                  o   Restrictions on assets dispositions.

                  o   Restrictions on sale-leaseback transactions.

                  o   Loan proceeds not to be used in violation of Regulation U.

                  o   Restrictions on transactions with affiliates.

                  o   Restrictions on the payment of management fees.

DEFAULT:          Standard for the Administrative  Agent's similar financing and
                  such others as the Agent deems  appropriate  in the context of
                  the proposed Transaction.

INDEMNITIES:      The  Credit  Agreement  shall  contain  customary   provisions
                  protecting  and  indemnifying  the  Lenders  in the  event  of
                  unavailability  of  funding,   illegality,   increased  costs,
                  capital adequacy charges and funding losses, and shall provide
                  for a withholding tax gross-up, and general indemnification of
                  the Administrative Agent, by the Borrower.

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Confidential                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION
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EXPENSES:         The Borrower  will pay all costs and expenses  incurred at any
                  time  by  the   Administrative   Agent   (including,   without
                  duplication, reasonable attorney's fees and allocated costs of
                  internal  counsel)  in  connection  with the  preparation  and
                  delivery of the Credit  Agreement  and all related  documents,
                  and  in  the  negotiation,  closing,  and  enforcement  of the
                  Facilities,  regardless of whether the Facilities  close.  The
                  Borrower  shall  also  pay  all  costs  and  expenses  of  the
                  Administrative  Agent  associated  with  amendments  and other
                  changes to the Credit Agreement, and all costs and expenses of
                  the  Lenders  in  the  collection  of the  obligations  of the
                  Borrower (including  reasonable  attorneys' fees and allocated
                  costs of internal counsel).

DOCUMENTATION:    Closing is subject to (among other  conditions  precedent) the
                  receipt by the  Administrative  Agent and the  Lenders of loan
                  documentation in form and substance satisfactory to them.

GOVERNING LAW:    State of New York.

This  Summary of Terms and  Conditions  (the "Term  Sheet")  does not attempt to
describe all of the terms and conditions  that would pertain to the  Facilities,
nor do its  terms  suggest  the  specific  phrasing  of  documentation  clauses.
Instead,  it is intended  to outline  certain  points of business  understanding
around which the  Facilities  will be  structured.  The closing of any financial
transaction  relating  to the  Facilities  would be subject to  definitive  loan
documentation  mutually acceptable to the Borrower and the Administrative  Agent
and would include various conditions  precedent,  including without  limitations
the conditions set forth above.

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