EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

                              OF RFS BANCORP, INC.

                                 AND AFFILIATES

                          ADOPTED ON ____________, 1998

                        EFFECTIVE AS OF ___________, 1998

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                    ARTICLE I


Section 1.1    Account.........................................................1
Section 1.2    Affiliated Employer.............................................1
Section 1.3    Allocation Compensation.........................................1
Section 1.4    Bank............................................................2
Section 1.5    Board...........................................................2
Section 1.6    Beneficiary.....................................................2
Section 1.7    Change in Control...............................................2
Section 1.8    Code............................................................2
Section 1.9    Committee.......................................................2
Section 1.10   Computation Period..............................................2
Section 1.11   Disability......................................................2
Section 1.12   Domestic Relations Order........................................2
Section 1.13   Effective Date..................................................3
Section 1.14   Eligibility Computation Period..................................3
Section 1.15   Eligible Employee...............................................3
Section 1.16   Eligible Participant............................................3
Section 1.17   Employee........................................................3
Section 1.18   Employer........................................................3
Section 1.19   Employment Commencement Date....................................3
Section 1.20   ERISA...........................................................3
Section 1.21   ESOP Contribution...............................................3
Section 1.22   Fair Market Value...............................................3
Section 1.23   Financed Share..................................................4
Section 1.24   Five Percent Owner..............................................4
Section 1.25   Forfeitures.....................................................4
Section 1.26   Former Participant..............................................4
Section 1.27   General Investment Account......................................4
Section 1.28   Highly Compensated Employee.....................................4
Section 1.29   Hour of Service.................................................5
Section 1.30   Investment Account..............................................5
Section 1.31   Investment Fund.................................................5
Section 1.32   Loan Repayment Account..........................................6
Section 1.33   Loan Repayment Contribution.....................................6
Section 1.34   Maternity or Paternity Leave....................................6
Section 1.35   Military Service................................................6
Section 1.36   Named Fiduciary.................................................6



Section 1.37   Officer.........................................................6
Section 1.38   One-Year Break in Service.......................................6
Section 1.39   Participant.....................................................6
Section 1.40   Plan............................................................6
Section 1.41   Plan Administrator..............................................7
Section 1.42   Plan Year.......................................................7
Section 1.43   Qualified Domestic Relations Order..............................7
Section 1.44   Qualified Participant...........................................7
Section 1.45   Retirement......................................................7
Section 1.46   Share...........................................................7
Section 1.47   Share Acquisition Loan..........................................7
Section 1.48   Share Investment Account........................................7
Section 1.49   Tender Offer....................................................7
Section 1.50   Total Compensation..............................................7
Section 1.51   Trust...........................................................8
Section 1.52   Trust Agreement.................................................8
Section 1.53   Trust Fund......................................................8
Section 1.54   Trustee.........................................................8
Section 1.55   Valuation Date..................................................8
Section 1.56   Vesting Computation Period......................................8
Section 1.57   Year of Eligibility Service.....................................8
Section 1.58   Year of Vesting Service.........................................8
                                   ARTICLE II
Section 2.1    Eligibility for Participation...................................9
Section 2.2    Commencement of Participation...................................9
Section 2.3    Termination of Participation....................................9
                                   ARTICLE III
                               SPECIAL PROVISIONS
Section 3.1    Military Service...............................................10
Section 3.2    Maternity or Paternity Leave...................................10
Section 3.3    Adjustments to Years of Eligibility Service....................11
Section 3.4    Leave of Absence...............................................11
Section 3.5    Family and Medical Leave.......................................12
Section 3.6    Service with Uniformed Forces..................................12



                                   ARTICLE IV


Section 4.1    Contributions by Participants Not Permitted....................12
                                    ARTICLE V                            
                          CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE EMPLOYER                  
Section 5.1    In General.....................................................12
Section 5.2    Loan Repayment Contributions...................................12
Section 5.3    ESOP Contributions.............................................13
Section 5.4    Time and Manner of Payment.....................................13
                                   ARTICLE VI                            
                             SHARE ACQUISITION LOANS                     
Section 6.1    In General.....................................................14
Section 6.2    Collateral; Liability for Repayment............................14
Section 6.3    Loan Repayment Account.........................................15
Section 6.4    Release of Financed Shares.....................................15
Section 6.5    Restrictions on Financed Shares................................16
                                   ARTICLE VII                           
                           ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS                   
Section 7.1    Allocation Among Eligible Participants.........................17
Section 7.2    Allocation of Released Shares or Other Property................17
Section 7.3    Allocation of ESOP Contributions...............................17
Section 7.4    Retroactive Contributions for Returning Veterans...............17
                                  ARTICLE VIII                           
                           LIMITATIONS ON ALLOCATIONS                    
Section 8.1    Optional Limitations on Allocations of Contributions...........18
Section 8.2    General Limitations on Contributions...........................18



                                   ARTICLE IX


Section 9.1    Vesting........................................................22
Section 9.2    Vesting on Death, Disability, Retirement or Change in Control..22
Section 9.3    Forfeitures on Termination of Employment.......................22
Section 9.4    Amounts Credited Upon Re-Employment............................22
Section 9.5    Allocation of Forfeitures......................................23

                                    ARTICLE X

                                 THE TRUST FUND

Section 10.1   The Trust Fund.................................................23
Section 10.2   Investments....................................................23
Section 10.3   Diversification of Investments.................................24
Section 10.4   Use of Commingled Trust Funds..................................25
Section 10.5   Management and Control of Assets...............................25

                                   ARTICLE XI


Section 11.1   Establishment of Investment Accounts...........................26
Section 11.2   Share Investment Accounts......................................26
Section 11.3   General Investment Accounts....................................26
Section 11.4   Valuation of Investment Accounts...............................26
Section 11.5   Annual Statements..............................................27

                                   ARTICLE XII


Section 12.1   Specific Allocation of Shares..................................27
Section 12.2   Dividends......................................................27
Section 12.3   Voting Rights..................................................28
Section 12.4   Tender Offers..................................................30
Section 12.5   Dissent and Appraisal Rights...................................32



                                  ARTICLE XIII

                               PAYMENT OF BENEFITS

Section 13.1   In General.....................................................33
Section 13.2   Designation of Beneficiaries...................................33
Section 13.3   Distributions to Participants and Former Participants..........34
Section 13.4   Manner of Payment..............................................37
Section 13.5   Put Options....................................................37
Section 13.6   Right of First Refusal.........................................38
Section 13.7   Minimum Required Distributions.................................39
Section 13.8   Direct Rollover of Eligible Rollover Distributions.............40
Section 13.9   Valuation of Shares Upon Settlement to a Participant...........41

                                   ARTICLE XIV

                                CHANGE IN CONTROL

Section 14.1   Definition of Change in Control................................42
Section 14.2   Vesting on Change of Control...................................43
Section 14.3   Repayment of Loan..............................................43
Section 14.4   Plan Termination After Change in Control.......................44
Section 14.5   Amendment of Article XIV.......................................44

                                   ARTICLE XV


Section 15.1   Named Fiduciaries..............................................45
Section 15.2   Plan Administrator.............................................45
Section 15.3   Committee Responsibilities.....................................46
Section 15.4   Claims Procedure...............................................47
Section 15.5   Claims Review Procedure........................................48
Section 15.6   Allocation of Fiduciary Responsibilities
               and Employment of Advisors.....................................48
Section 15.7   Other Administrative Provisions................................49

                                   ARTICLE XVI


Section 16.1   Amendment and Termination by RFS Bancorp, Inc..................50


Section 16.2   Amendment or Termination Other Than by RFS Bancorp, Inc........50
Section 16.3   Conformity to Internal Revenue Code............................50
Section 16.4   Contingent Nature of Contributions.............................51

                                  ARTICLE XVII


Section 17.1   In General.....................................................51
Section 17.2   Definition of Top Heavy Plan...................................52
Section 17.3   Determination Date.............................................52
Section 17.4   Cumulative Accrued Benefits....................................53
Section 17.5   Key Employees..................................................53
Section 17.6   Required Aggregation Group.....................................54
Section 17.7   Permissible Aggregation Group..................................54
Section 17.8   Special Requirements During Top Heavy Plan Years...............55

                                  ARTICLE XVIII

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

Section 18.1   Governing Law..................................................56
Section 18.2   No Right to Continued Employment...............................56
Section 18.3   Construction of Language.......................................56
Section 18.4   Headings.......................................................56
Section 18.5   Merger with Other Plans........................................56
Section 18.6   Non-alienation of Benefits.....................................57
Section 18.7   Procedures Involving Domestic Relations Orders.................57
Section 18.8   Leased Employees...............................................58
Section 18.9   Status as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.....................59


                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

                              OF RFS BANCORP, INC.

                                 AND AFFILIATES

                                    ARTICLE I


     The following  definitions shall apply for the purposes of the Plan, unless
a different meaning is clearly indicated by the context:

     SECTION 1.1 ACCOUNT means an account  established  for each  Participant to
which is allocated such Participant's  share, if any, of all Financed Shares and
other property that are re leased from the Loan Repayment  Account in accordance
with section 6.4,  together  with his share,  if any, of any ESOP  Contributions
that may be made by the Employer.

     SECTION 1.2 AFFILIATED  EMPLOYER means any corporation which is a member of
a controlled  group of  corporations  (as defined in section 414(b) of the Code)
that includes the Employer;  any trade or business (whether or not incorporated)
that is under common control (as defined in section 414(c) of the Code) with the
Employer;  any organization (whether or not incorporated) that is a member of an
affiliated  service  group (as  defined  in  section  414(m)  of the Code)  that
includes the Employer; any leasing organization (as defined in section 414(n) of
the Code) to the extent  that any of its  employees  are  required  pursuant  to
section  414(n) of the Code to be treated as employees of the Employer;  and any
other entity that is required to be  aggregated  with the  Employer  pursuant to
regulations under section 414(o) of the Code.

     SECTION  1.3   ALLOCATION   COMPENSATION   during  any  period   means  the
compensation  taken into account in  determining  the allocation of benefits and
contributions  among  Participants  and consists of the  aggregate  compensation
received  by an  Employee  from the  Employer or any  Affiliated  Employer  with
respect to such period as reported to the Internal  Revenue Service as wages for
such period  pursuant to section  6041(a) of the Code,  plus the amount by which
such  Employee's  compensation  with  respect to such  period  has been  reduced
pursuant to a compen sation  reduction  agreement  under the terms of any of the
following plans which may be maintained by the Employer:

          (a) a qualified  cash or  deferred  arrangement  described  in section
     401(k) of the Code;

          (b) a salary reduction  simplified  employee pension plan described in
     section 408(k) of the Code;

          (c) a tax  deferred  annuity plan  described in section  403(b) of the
     Code; or


          (d) a cafeteria plan described in section 125 of the Code.

In no  event,  however,  shall an  Employee's  Allocation  Compensation  for any
calendar year include any compensation in excess of $150,000,  or any such other
amount as may be prescribed  in accordance  with  regulations  prescribed  under
section 401(a)(17) of the Code. If there are less than twelve (12) months in the
Plan  Year,  the  $150,000   limitation  (as  adjusted)  shall  be  prorated  by
multiplying such limitation by a fraction,  the numerator of which is the number
of months in the Plan Year and the denominator of which is twelve (12).

     SECTION 1.4 BANK means Revere Federal Savings and any successor thereto.

     SECTION 1.5 BOARD means the Board of Directors of RFS Bancorp, Inc.

     SECTION  1.6  BENEFICIARY  means the  person  or  persons  designated  by a
Participant or Former  Participant  or other person  entitled to a benefit under
the Plan, or otherwise determined to be entitled to a benefit under the Plan. If
more than one person is  designated,  each shall have an equal share  unless the
person making the designation directed otherwise.  The word "person" includes an
individual, a trust, an estate or any other person that is permitted to be named
as a Beneficiary.

     SECTION 1.7 CHANGE IN CONTROL means an event described in section 14.1.

     SECTION  1.8 CODE  means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended
(including the corresponding provisions of any succeeding law).

     SECTION 1.9 COMMITTEE means the Committee described in section 15.3.

     SECTION 1.10 COMPUTATION PERIOD means an Eligibility  Computation Period or
a Vesting Computation Period.

     SECTION 1.11 DISABILITY  means a condition of total  incapacity,  mental or
physical,  for further  performance  of duty with the Employer or any Affiliated
Employer,  which the Plan Administrator  shall have determined,  on the basis of
competent medical evidence, is likely to be permanent.

     SECTION 1.12  DOMESTIC  RELATIONS  ORDER means a judgment,  decree or order
(including  the approval of a property  settlement)  that is made  pursuant to a
state domestic  relations or community property law and relates to the provision
of child support,  alimony  payments,  or marital  property  rights to a spouse,
child or other dependent of a Participant or Former Participant.


     SECTION 1.13  EFFECTIVE  DATE means the first day of the  calendar  year in
which Revere  Federal  Savings  converts  from a mutual  savings bank to a stock
savings bank.

     SECTION 1.14  ELIGIBILITY  COMPUTATION  PERIOD  means,  with respect to any
person,  (a)  the  12-consecutive   month  period  beginning  on  such  person's
Employment  Commencement  Date and (b) each  12-consecutive  month  period  that
begins on an anniversary of such person's Employment Commencement Date.

     SECTION  1.15  ELIGIBLE  EMPLOYEE  means an Employee  who is  eligible  for
participation in the Plan in accordance with Article II.

     SECTION 1.16 ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANT means, for any Plan Year, an Employee who
is a  Participant  on the last day of such Plan Year and an  Employee  who was a
Participant during part of such Plan Year and whose  participation  ceased prior
to the last day of such Plan Year on account of his  Retirement,  Disability  or

     SECTION  1.17  EMPLOYEE  means any person,  including  an  officer,  who is
employed by the Employer or an Affiliated Employer.

     SECTION 1.18 EMPLOYER means RFS Bancorp, Inc. and any successor thereto and
any Affiliated  Employer which,  with the prior written approval of the Board of
Directors of RFS Bancorp,  Inc. and subject to such terms and  conditions as may
be imposed by the Board of  Directors  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.,  shall adopt this

     SECTION 1.19 EMPLOYMENT  COMMENCEMENT DATE means the date on which a person
first  performs an Hour of Service,  except that if an Employee  separates  from
service with the Employer,  incurs a One-Year Break in Service and  subsequently
returns to service with the Employer, his Employment  Commencement Date shall be
the date on which he first  performs an Hour of Service  following  the One-Year
Break in Service.

     SECTION 1.20 ERISA means the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of
1974, as amended from time to time  (including the  corresponding  provisions of
any succeeding law).

     SECTION 1.21 ESOP CONTRIBUTION means Shares or amounts of money contributed
to the Plan by the Employer in accordance with section 5.3.

     SECTION 1.22 FAIR MARKET VALUE on any date means:

          (a) with respect to a Share:

          (i) the final quoted sale price on the date in question  (or, if there
     is no reported sale on such date, on the last  preceding  date on which any
     reported sale occurred) as


     reported in the  principal  consolidated  reporting  system with respect to
     securities  listed or admitted to trading on the  principal  United  States
     securities exchange on which like Shares are listed or admitted to trading;

          (ii) if Shares  are not  listed or  admitted  to  trading  on any such
     exchange, the closing bid quotation with respect to a Share on such date on
     the Nasdaq Stock Market,  or, if no such quotation is provided,  on another
     similar system, selected by the Plan Administrator, then in use; or

          (iii) if sections  1.22(a)(i)  and (ii) are not  applicable,  the fair
     market value of a Share as  determined by an appraiser  independent  of the
     Employer and experienced and expert in the field of corporate appraisal.

          (b) with respect to property other than Shares,  the fair market value
     determined in the manner determined by the Trustee.

     SECTION 1.23 FINANCED SHARE means: (a) a Share that has been purchased with
the proceeds of a Share  Acquisition  Loan,  that has been allocated to the Loan
Repayment  Account in accordance with section 6.3 and that has not been released
in accordance with section 6.4; or (b) a Share that  constitutes a dividend paid
with respect to a Share  described in section 1.46,  that has been  allocated to
the Loan Repayment  Account in accordance with section 6.3 and that has not been
released in accordance with section 6.4.

     SECTION  1.24 FIVE PERCENT  OWNER  means,  for any Plan Year, a person who,
during  such Plan  Year,  owned (or was  considered  as owning for  purposes  of
section  318 of the  Code):  (a) more  than 5% of the  value of all  classes  of
outstanding  stock of the Employer;  or (b) stock possessing more than 5% of the
combined voting power of all classes of outstanding stock of the Employer.

     SECTION 1.25  FORFEITURES  means the amounts  forfeited by Participants and
Former Participants on termination of employment prior to full vesting, pursuant
to section 9.3,  less amounts  credited  because of  re-employment,  pursuant to
section 9.4.

     SECTION 1.26 FORMER PARTICIPANT means a Participant whose  participation in
the Plan has terminated pursuant to section 2.3.

     SECTION  1.27  GENERAL  INVESTMENT  ACCOUNT  means  an  Investment  Account
established and maintained in accordance with Article XI.

     SECTION  1.28 HIGHLY  COMPENSATED  EMPLOYEE  means,  for any Plan Year,  an
Employee who:


          (a) at any time  during  such Plan Year or the  immediately  preceding
     Plan Year was a Five Percent Owner; or

          (b)  during  the  immediately   preceding  Plan  Year  received  Total
     Compensation for such Plan Year in excess of $80,000 (or such higher amount
     as may be permitted  under section 414(q) of the Code) and, if the Employer
     so elects,  is a member of the group consisting of the top 20% of Employees
     when ranked on the basis of Total  Compensation  paid to  Employees  during
     such Plan Year.

The  determination  of who is a  Highly  Compensated  Employee  will  be made in
accordance with section 414(q) of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

     SECTION 1.29 HOUR OF SERVICE means:

          (a) Each hour for which a person is paid, or entitled to payment,  for
     the  performance of duties for the Bank or any Affiliated  Employer.  These
     hours  shall be  credited  to the  person  for the  Computation  Period  or
     Computation Periods in which the duties are performed; and

          (b) Each hour for which a person is paid,  or entitled to payment,  by
     the Bank or any  Affiliated  Employer on account of a period of time during
     which no duties are per formed  (irrespective  of  whether  the  employment
     relationship has terminated) due to vaca tion, holiday, illness, incapacity
     (including  disability),  layoff,  jury duty,  military  duty,  or leave of
     absence.  No more than 501 Hours of Service  shall be  credited  under this
     section  1.29(b)  for any single  continuous  period  (whether  or not such
     period  occurs in a single  Computation  Period).  Hours under this section
     1.29(b) shall be calculated and credited pursuant to section 2530.200b-2 of
     the Department of Labor's regulations (or any successor regulation),  which
     are incorporated herein by reference; and

          (c) Each hour for which back pay,  irrespective  of any  mitigation of
     damages,  is either  awarded  or  agreed  to by the Bank or any  Affiliated
     Employer.  The same  Hours of  Service  shall not be  credited  both  under
     section 1.29(a) or (b), as the case may be, and under this section 1.29(c).
     Hours under this  section  1.29(c)  shall be credited to the person for the
     Computation  Period or Computation  Periods to which the award or agreement
     pertains,  rather than the Computation Period in which the award, agreement
     or payment is made.

     SECTION 1.30 INVESTMENT  ACCOUNT means either a General  Investment Account
or a Share Investment Account.

     SECTION  1.31  INVESTMENT  FUND means any one of the three or more funds as
may be established from time to time by the Plan Administrator  which,  together
with any and all Shares and other  investments  held under the Plan,  constitute
the Trust Fund.


     SECTION  1.32 LOAN  REPAYMENT  ACCOUNT  means an  account  established  and
maintained in accordance with section 6.3.

     SECTION 1.33 LOAN REPAYMENT CONTRIBUTION means amounts of money contributed
to the Plan by the Employer in accordance with section 5.2.

     SECTION 1.34  MATERNITY OR  PATERNITY  LEAVE means a person's  absence from
work  for the  Employer  and all  Affiliated  Employers:  (a) by  reason  of the
pregnancy of such person;  (b) by reason of the birth of a child of such person;
(c) by reason of the placement of a child with the person in connection with the
adoption of such child by such person; or (d) for purposes of caring for a child
of such person immediately  following the birth of the child or the placement of
the child with such person.

     SECTION  1.35  MILITARY  SERVICE  means  service in the armed forces of the
United  States.  It may also  include,  if and to the  extent  that the Board so
provides and if all Participants and Former  Participants in like  circumstances
are similarly  treated,  special service for the government of the United States
and other public service.

     SECTION 1.36 NAMED  FIDUCIARY means any person,  committee,  corporation or
organization as described in section 15.1.

     SECTION 1.37 OFFICER means an Employee who is an  administrative  executive
in regular and continued  service with the Employer or any Affiliated  Employer;
provided,  however,  that  at no time  shall  more  than  the  lesser  of (a) 50
Employees or (b) the greater of: (i) 3 Employees or (ii) 10% of all employees be
treated  as  Officers.  The  determination  of  whether  an  employee  is  to be
considered  an Officer shall be made in  accordance  with section  416(i) of the

     SECTION 1.38 ONE-YEAR BREAK IN SERVICE  means,  with respect to any person:
(a) for purposes of  eligibility  to  participate,  an  Eligibility  Computation
Period during which such person is credited with fewer than 501 Hours of Service
and (b) for purposes of vesting, a Vesting  Computation Period during which such
person is credited with fewer than 501 Hours of Service.

     SECTION 1.39 PARTICIPANT means any person who has satisfied the eligibility
requirements  set  forth  in  section  2.1,  who has  become  a  Participant  in
accordance with section 2.2, and whose  participation  has not terminated  under
section 2.3.

     SECTION 1.40 PLAN means the Employee  Stock  Ownership Plan of RFS Bancorp,
Inc. and  Affiliates,  as amended from time to time. The Plan may be referred to
as the "Employee Stock Ownership Plan of RFS Bancorp, Inc. and Affiliates."


     SECTION 1.41 PLAN ADMINISTRATOR means any person, committee, corporation or
organization  designated in section 15.2, or appointed pursuant to section 15.2,
to perform the responsibilities of that office.

     SECTION 1.42 PLAN YEAR means the calendar year in which the Effective  Date
occurs, and each calendar year thereafter.

     SECTION 1.43 QUALIFIED  DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDER means a Domestic Relations
Order that: (a) clearly specifies (i) the name and last known mailing address of
the Participant or Former Participant and of each person given rights under such
Domestic Relations Order, (ii) the amount or percentages of the Participant's or
Former Participant's  benefits under this Plan to be paid to each person covered
by such Domestic  Relations Order, (iii) the number of payments or the period to
which such Domestic Relations Order applies, and (iv) the name of this Plan; and
(b) does not  require  the  payment of a benefit in a form or amount that is (i)
not otherwise  provided for under the Plan, or (ii) inconsistent with a previous
Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

     SECTION 1.44 QUALIFIED PARTICIPANT means a Participant who has attained age
55 and who has been a Participant in the Plan for at least 10 years.

     SECTION 1.45 RETIREMENT  means: (a) any termination of participation in the
Plan  at or  after  attainment  of age  65;  and (b)  any  retirement  under  an
applicable qualified defined benefit plan of the Employer as in effect from time
to time with entitlement to a normal or early retirement allowance.

     SECTION  1.46  SHARE  means a share of any  class of  stock  issued  by the
Employer or any Affiliated  Employer;  provided,  however,  that such share is a
"qualifying employer security" within the meaning section 409(l) of the Code and
section 407(d)(5) of ERISA.

     SECTION 1.47 SHARE ACQUISITION LOAN means a loan obtained by the Trustee in
accordance with Article VI.

     SECTION  1.48  SHARE  INVESTMENT   ACCOUNT  means  an  Investment   Account
established and maintained in accordance with Article XI.

     SECTION  1.49 TENDER  OFFER means a tender offer made to holders of any one
or more classes of Shares generally,  or any other offer, made to holders of any
one or more  classes  of Shares  generally,  to  purchase,  exchange,  redeem or
otherwise transfer Shares, whether for cash or other consideration.

     SECTION  1.50 TOTAL  COMPENSATION  during any  period  means an  Employee's
aggregate total  compensation  paid by the Employer and any Affiliated  Employer
with  respect to such  period and  reportable  for federal  income tax  purposes
pursuant to section  6041(a) of the Code.  In  addition,  solely for purposes of
identifying those Employees who are Highly


Compensated  Employees,  each Employee's  Total  Compensation  shall include any
amounts  by  which  the  Employee's  compensation  paid by the  Employer  or any
Affiliated  Employer  has been  reduced  pursuant  to a  compensation  reduction
agreement  under  the  terms  of any  qualified  cash  or  deferred  arrangement
described  in  section  401(k)  of the Code,  any  salary  reduction  simplified
employee  pension plan described in section 408(k) of the Code, any tax deferred
annuity plan des cribed in section  403(b) of the Code,  or any  cafeteria  plan
described in section 125 of the Code. In no event, however,  shall an Employee's
Total  Compensation  for any calendar year include any compensation in excess of
$150,000 (or such other amount as may be permitted  under section  401(a)(17) of
the Code).

     SECTION  1.51  TRUST  means the  legal  relationship  created  by the Trust
Agreement pursuant to which the Trustee holds the Trust Fund in trust. The Trust
may be referred to as the "Employee  Stock  Ownership Plan Trust of RFS Bancorp,
Inc. and Affiliates."

     SECTION 1.52 TRUST AGREEMENT means the agreement between RFS Bancorp,  Inc.
and the Trustee therein named or its successors pursuant to which the Trust Fund
shall be held in trust.

     SECTION 1.53 TRUST FUND means the corpus  (consisting of contributions paid
over to the Trustee, and investments thereof),  and all earnings,  appreciations
or additions thereof and thereto,  held by the Trustee under the Trust Agreement
in accordance with the Plan, less any depreciation thereof and any payments made
therefrom pursuant to the Plan.

     SECTION 1.54 TRUSTEE  means the Trustee of the Trust Fund from time to time
in office.  The Trustee  shall  serve as Trustee  until it is removed or resigns
from office and is re placed by a successor Trustee appointed in accordance with
the terms of the Trust Agreement.

     SECTION 1.55  VALUATION  DATE means the last  business day of March,  June,
September and December.

     SECTION 1.56 VESTING  COMPUTATION PERIOD means, with respect to any person,
the 12-month period beginning on such person's Employment  Commencement Date and
each Plan Year beginning after such Employment Commencement Date.

     SECTION 1.57 YEAR OF ELIGIBILITY SERVICE means, with respect to any person,
an Eligibility  Computation  Period during which such person receives credit for
at least 1,000 Hours of Service.

     SECTION 1.58 YEAR OF VESTING SERVICE means,  with respect to any person,  a
Vesting Computation Period during which such person receives credit for at least
1,000 Hours of Service.  If an Employee has credit for 1,000 Hours of Service in
the Vesting  Computation  Period that includes his Employment  Commencement Date
and 1,000 Hours of Service in the first Vesting


Computation Period that begins after his Employment  Commencement Date, he shall
receive credit for two Years of Vesting Service even if such periods overlap.

                                   ARTICLE II



          (a) Only Eligible Employees may be or become Participants in the Plan.
     An Employee shall be an Eligible Employee if he is a common law employee of
     an Employer,  has completed at least one Year of Eligibility Service and is
     not excluded under section 2.1(b).

          (b) An Employee is not an Eligible Employee if he:

          (i) is an Employee  who has waived any claim to  participation  in the
     Plan; or

          (ii) is an Employee or in a unit of Employees  covered by a collective
     bargaining  agreement with the Employer where retirement  benefits were the
     subject of good faith bargaining,  unless such agreement expressly provides
     that Employees such as he be covered under the Plan; or

          (iii) is a "leased employee" as defined in section 18.8(a).


     Every  Employee  who is an Eligible  Employee on the  Effective  Date shall
automatically  become a  Participant  on the  Effective  Date.  An Employee  who
becomes an Eligible Employee after the Effective Date shall automatically become
a  Participant  on the first day of the  month  following  the month in which he
becomes an Eligible Employee.


     Participation  in the Plan shall cease,  and a  Participant  shall become a
Former  Participant,  upon  termination of employment with the Employer,  death,
Disability  or  Retirement,  failure to return to work upon the  expiration of a
leave of absence granted by the Employer  pursuant to section 3.4 or becoming an
Employee who is excluded  under  section  2.1(b) or  distribution  of the entire
vested interest in his Account.


                                   ARTICLE III

                               SPECIAL PROVISIONS


     In the  case of a  termination  of  employment  of any  Employee  to  enter
directly  into  Military  Service,  the entire  period of his  absence  shall be
treated,  for purposes of vesting and  eligibility for  participation  (but not,
except as required by law, for purposes of  eligibility  to share in allocations
of  contributions  in accordance  with Article VII), as if he had worked for the
Employer during the period of his absence.  In the event of the re-employment of
such person by the Employer within a period of not more than six months:

          (a) after he  becomes  entitled  to release  or  discharge,  if he has
     entered into the armed forces; or

          (b) after  such  service  terminates,  if he has  entered  into  other
     service defined as Military Service;

such period, also, shall be deemed to be Military Service.


          (a) Subject to section 3.2(c),  in the event of an Employee's  absence
     from work in the service of the Employer and all Affiliated Employers for a

          (i) that commences on or after October 1, 1985;

          (ii) for which the  person is not paid or  entitled  to payment by the
     Employer or any Affiliated Employer; and

          (iii) that constitutes Maternity or Paternity Leave;

then the rules of section 3.2(b) shall apply.

          (b) In cases of  absence  described  in  section  3.2(a),  solely  for
     purposes of  determining  whether a One-Year Break in Service has occurred,
     the person  shall be  credited  for the period of an absence  described  in
     section 3.2(a) with the number of Hours of Service equal to the lesser of:

          (i) (A) the number of Hours of Service  that would have been  credited
     to the person if he had  continued  working  for the Bank or an  Affiliated
     Employer  during the period of such absence,  or (B) if the number of Hours
     of Service prescribed under section


     3.2(b)(i)(A) cannot be determined,  8 Hours of Service for each working day
     during the period of absence; or

          (ii) 501 Hours of Service.

     Such credit shall be given during the Computation  Period during which such
     absence  began,  if necessary  to prevent a One-Year  Break in Service from
     occurring  during such  Computation  Period,  and in all other cases,  such
     credit shall be given during the immediately following Computation Period.

          (c) Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, this section
     3.2 shall not apply unless the person  furnishes to the Plan  Administrator
     such information as the Plan  Administrator may reasonably require in order
     to  establish  (i) that the  person's  absence is one  described in section
     3.2(a), and (ii) the number of working days during such absence.


     The  Years  of  Eligibility  Service  of an  Employee  who  returns  to the
employment  of the Employer or any  Affiliated  Employer  following a separation
from  service  shall  include  his Years of  Eligibility  Service  prior to such
separation   from  service,   and  such  an  Employee  shall  be  readmitted  to
participation  immediately  upon his return to service if he is then an Eligible
Employee;  provided,  however,  that if such separation from service  includes a
One-Year Break in Service,  such prior Years of Eligibility Service shall not be
included  until he has completed one Year of Eligibility  Service  following his
return to service,  and upon completion of such one Year of Eligibility Service,
he shall be readmitted to participation  in the Plan with retroactive  effect to
the date of his return to employment, if he is then an Eligible Employee, but he
shall not participate in any ESOP Contributions or Loan Repayment  Contributions
allocated during the interim period.


     In the event of temporary  absence from work in the service of the Employer
and all Affiliated  Employers for any period for which a Participant  shall have
been  granted a leave of  absence  by the  Employer,  the  entire  period of his
absence  shall  be  treated  for  purposes  of  vesting  and   eligibility   for
participation (but not for purposes of eligibility to share in the allocation of
con  tributions  in  accordance  with Article  VII), as if he had worked for the
Employer  during  the  period  of his  absence.  Absence  from work for a period
greater than, or failure to return to work upon the expiration of, the period of
leave of absence  granted by the Employer shall terminate  participation  in the
Plan as of the date on which such period  ended.  In granting  leaves of absence
for purposes of the Plan, all Employees in like circumstances shall be similarly



     In the event of absence for a period  recognized a family and medical leave
under the  federal  Family  and  Medical  Leave Act of 1992,  the period of such
absence  shall  be  recognized  for  purposes  of  vesting  and  eligibility  to
participate to the full extent required by law.


     Periods of service with the uniformed  forces of the United States shall be
treated in the manner required pursuant to section 414(u) of the Code.

                                   ARTICLE IV



     Participants  shall not be required,  nor shall they be permitted,  to make
contributions to the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE V

                          CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE EMPLOYER


     Subject  to the  limitations  of  Article  VIII,  for each Plan  Year,  the
Employer  shall  contribute  to the Plan the amount,  if any,  determined by the
Board,  but in no event less than the amount  described in section  5.2(a).  The
amount  contributed  for any Plan  Year  shall be  treated  as a Loan  Repayment
Contribution, an ESOP Contribution, or a combination thereof, in accordance with
the provisions of this Article V.


     For each Plan Year, a portion of the Employer's  contributions,  if any, to
the Plan for such Plan Year equal to the sum of:

          (a) the  minimum  amount  required  to be added to the Loan  Repayment
     Account in order to provide adequate funds for the payment of the principal
     and interest then required to be repaid under the terms of any  outstanding
     Share Acquisition Loan obtained by the Trustee; plus


          (b) the additional  amount, if any,  designated by the Committee to be
     applied to the  prepayment of principal or interest  under the terms of any
     outstanding Share Acquisition Loan obtained by the Trustee;

shall be treated as a Loan  Repayment  Contribution  for such Plan Year.  A Loan
Repayment  Contribution for a Plan Year shall be allocated to the Loan Repayment
Account  and shall be applied by the  Trustee,  in the  manner  directed  by the
Committee,  to the  payment  of accrued  interest  and to the  reduction  of the
principal  balance of any Share Acquisition Loan obtained by the Trustee that is
outstanding on the date on which the Loan Repayment Contribution is made. To the
extent that a Loan Repayment  Contribution  for a Plan Year results in a release
of  Financed  Shares in  accordance  with  section  6.4,  such  Shares  shall be
allocated  among the  Accounts  of Eligible  Participants  for such Plan Year in
accordance with section 7.2.


     In the event that the amount of the  Employer's  contributions  to the Plan
for a Plan Year exceeds the amount of the Loan Repayment  Contributions for such
Plan Year,  such excess  shall be treated as an ESOP  Contribution  and shall be
allocated among the Accounts of the Eligible  Participants for such Plan Year in
accordance with section 7.3.


          (a) Payment of contributions  made pursuant to this Article V shall be

          (i) in cash, in the case of a Loan Repayment Contribution; and

          (ii) in cash, in Shares or in a combination of cash and Shares, in the
     case of an ESOP Contribution.

          (b)  Contributions  made  pursuant  to this  Article V for a Plan Year
     shall be paid to the Trust  Fund on or before the due date  (including  any
     extensions  thereof) of the  Employer's  federal  income tax return for its
     taxable year during which such Plan Year ends. All such contributions shall
     be allocated to the Accounts of the Eligible  Participants,  in the case of
     an ESOP Contribution,  or to the Loan Repayment  Account,  in the case of a
     Loan  Repayment  Contribution,  as soon  as is  practicable  following  the
     payment thereof to the Trust Fund.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                             SHARE ACQUISITION LOANS


     The Committee may, with the prior approval of the Board, direct the Trustee
to obtain a Share  Acquisition Loan on behalf of the Plan, the proceeds of which
shall be applied on the earliest practicable date:

          (a) to purchase Shares; or

          (b) to make  payments of principal or interest,  or a  combination  of
     principal and interest, with respect to such Share Acquisition Loan; or

          (c) to make payments of principal and  interest,  or a combination  of
     principal  and  interest,  with  respect  to a  previously  obtained  Share
     Acquisition Loan that is then outstanding.

Any such Share  Acquisition  Loan shall be obtained on such terms and conditions
as the Plan Administrator may approve;  provided,  however,  that such terms and
conditions  shall  provide  for  the  payment  of  interest  at no  more  than a
reasonable  rate and shall  permit  such Share  Acquisition  Loan to satisfy the
requirements of section 4975(d)(3) of the Code and section 408(b)(3) of ERISA.


          (a) The  Committee  may  direct the  Trustee to pledge,  at the time a
     Share  Acquisition  Loan is obtained,  the following  assets of the Plan as
     collateral for such Share Acquisition Loan:

          (i) any Shares  purchased with the proceeds of such Share  Acquisition
     Loan and any earnings attributable thereto;

          (ii) any Financed  Shares then pledged as collateral for a prior Share
     Acquisition   Loan  which  is  repaid  with  the  proceeds  of  such  Share
     Acquisition Loan and any earnings attributable thereto; and

          (iii) pending the  application  thereof to purchase  Shares or repay a
     prior Share  Acquisition  Loan, the proceeds of such Share Acquisition Loan
     and any earnings attributable thereto.


Except as specifically  provided in this section  6.2(a),  no assets of the Plan
shall be pledged as collateral for the repayment of any Share Acquisition Loan.

          (b) No person entitled to payment under a Share Acquisition Loan shall
     have any right to the assets of the Plan except for:

          (i)  Financed  Shares that have been  pledged as  collateral  for such
     Share Acquisition Loan pursuant to section 6.2(a);

          (ii) Loan Repayment Contributions made pursuant to section 5.2; and

          (iii) earnings  attributable to Financed  Shares  described in section
     6.2(b)(i)  and  to  Loan  Repayment   Contributions  described  in  section

Except in the event of a default or a refinancing  pursuant to which an existing
Share  Acquisition  Loan is repaid,  the  aggregate  amount of all  payments  of
principal and interest made by the Trustee with respect to all Share Acquisition
Loans  obtained  on behalf of the Plan  shall at no time  exceed  the  aggregate
amount of all Loan Repayment  Contributions  theretofore made plus the aggregate
amount  of all  earnings  (other  than  dividends  paid in the  form of  Shares)
attributable to Financed Shares and to such Loan Repayment Contributions.

          (c) Any Share  Acquisition  Loan shall be without recourse against the
     Plan and Trust.


     In the event that one or more Share Acquisition Loans shall be obtained,  a
Loan Repayment  Account shall be established  under the Plan. The Loan Repayment
Account shall be credited with all Shares  acquired with the proceeds of a Share
Acquisition Loan, all Loan Repayment  Contributions and all earnings  (including
dividends  paid in the form of  Shares)  or  appreciation  attributable  to such
Shares and Loan Repayment  Contributions.  The Loan  Repayment  Account shall be
charged  with all payments of  principal  and interest  made by the Trustee with
respect to any Share  Acquisition  Loan, all Shares  released in accordance with
section 6.4 and all losses,  depreciation or expenses  attributable to Shares or
to other property credited thereto. The Financed Shares, as well as any earnings
thereon,  shall  be  allocated  to such  Loan  Repayment  Account  and  shall be
accounted for separately from all other amounts contributed under the Plan.


     As of the last day of each Plan Year during which a Share  Acquisition Loan
is outstanding,  a portion of the Financed Shares purchased with the proceeds of
such Share Acquisition Loan and allocated to the Loan Repayment Account shall be
released. The number


of Financed  Shares  released in any such Plan Year shall be equal to the amount
determined according to one of the following methods:

          (a) by  computing  the product  of: (i) the number of Financed  Shares
     purchased with the proceeds of such Share Acquisition Loan and allocated to
     the Loan  Repayment  Account  immediately  before the release is  effected;
     multiplied  by (ii) a fraction,  the  numerator  of which is the  aggregate
     amount of the  principal  and interest  payments  (other than payments made
     upon the refinancing of a Share Acquisition Loan as contemplated by section
     6.1(c)) made with respect to such Share  Acquisition  Loan during such Plan
     Year, and the denominator of which is the aggregate amount of all principal
     and interest  remaining  to be paid with respect to such Share  Acquisition
     Loan as of the first day of such Plan Year; or

          (b) by  computing  the product  of: (i) the number of Financed  Shares
     purchased with the proceeds of such Share Acquisition Loan and allocated to
     the Loan  Repayment  Account  immediately  before the release is  effected;
     multiplied  by (ii) a fraction,  the  numerator  of which is the  aggregate
     amount  of the  principal  payments  (other  than  payments  made  upon the
     refinancing of a Share  Acquisition Loan as contemplated by section 6.1(c))
     made with respect to such Share Acquisition Loan during such Plan Year, and
     the  denominator  of  which is the  aggregate  amount  of all of  principal
     remaining to be paid with respect to such Share  Acquisition Loan as of the
     first day of such Plan Year; provided,  however,  that the method described
     in this section 6.4(b) may be used only if the Share  Acquisition Loan does
     not extend for a period in excess of 10 years after the date of origination
     and only to the extent that  principal  payments on such Share  Acquisition
     Loan are made at least as rapidly as under a loan of like principal  amount
     with  a like  interest  rate  and  term  requiring  level  amortization  of
     principal and interest.

The method to be used shall be specified in the  documents  governing  the Share
Acquisition Loan or, if not specified therein,  prescribed by the Committee,  in
its  discretion.  In the event that  property  other than,  or in  addition  to,
Financed  Shares  shall be held in the Loan  Repayment  Account  and  pledged as
collateral  for a Share  Acquisition  Loan,  then the  property  to be  released
pursuant  to this  section  6.4 shall be  property  having a Fair  Market  Value
determined  by applying  the method to be used to the Fair  Market  Value of all
property  pledged as  collateral  for such  Share  Acquisition  Loan;  provided,
however,  that no property other than Financed Shares shall be released pursuant
to this section 6.4 unless all Financed Shares have previously been released.


     Except to the extent required under any applicable law, rule or regulation,
no Shares  purchased  with the  proceeds  of a Share  Acquisition  Loan shall be
subject  to a  put,  call  or  other  option,  or to  any  buy-sell  or  similar
arrangement,  while held by the Trustee or when distri buted from the Plan.  The
provisions of this section 6.5 shall continue to apply in the event that


this Plan shall cease to be an employee stock ownership plan, within the meaning
of section 4975(e)(7) of the Code.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                           ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS


     Subject to the limitations of Article VIII, ESOP  Contributions  for a Plan
Year made in accordance  with section 5.3 and Financed Shares and other property
that are released from the Loan Repayment  Account for a Plan Year in accordance
with section 6.4 shall be allocated  among the  Eligible  Participants  for such
Plan Year, in the manner provided in this Article VII.


     Subject to the  limitations  of Article  VIII,  in the event that  Financed
Shares or other property are released from the Loan Repayment Account for a Plan
Year in  accordance  with section 6.4, such  released  Shares or other  property
shall be allocated among the Accounts of the Eligible  Participants for the Plan
Year  in  the  proportion  that  each  such  Eligible  Participant's  Allocation
Compensation  for the portion of the Plan Year during which he was a Participant
bears to the aggregate Allocation  Compensation of all Eligible Participants for
the portion of such Plan Year during which they were Eligible Participants.


     Subject to the  limitations of Article VIII, in the event that the Employer
makes an ESOP  Contribution  for a Plan Year,  such ESOP  Contribution  shall be
allocated among the Accounts of the Eligible  Participants for such Plan Year in
the proportion that each such Eligible Participant's Allocation Compensation for
the  portion of the Plan Year  during  which he was a  Participant  bears to the
aggregate Allocation  Compensation of all Eligible  Participants for the portion
of such Plan Year during which they were Eligible Participants.


     Notwithstanding  anything  in the  Plan  to  the  contrary,  to the  extent
required by section 414(u) of the Code, in the event of the reemployment,  on or
after  December  12,  1994,  by the  Employer of a  Participant  with  statutory
reemployment  rights following a period of service in the uniformed  services of
the United  States,  such  person  shall be  eligible  for  retroactive  benefit
contributions  or  allocations  under the Plan  computed as though he or she had
continued working for an Employer during the period of uniformed service.


                                  ARTICLE VIII

                           LIMITATIONS ON ALLOCATIONS


     If, for any Plan Year, the application of sections 7.2 and 7.3 would result
in more than  one-third  of the  number  of Shares or of the  amount of money or
property to be allocated  thereunder being allocated to the Accounts of Eligible
Participants  for such Plan Year who are also Highly  Compensated  Employees for
such Plan Year,  then the  Committee  may, but shall not be required to,  direct
that  this  section  8.1 shall  apply in lieu of  sections  7.2 and 7.3.  If the
Committee  gives such a  direction,  then the  Committee  shall impose a maximum
dollar  limitation  on the amount of Allocation  Compensation  that may be taken
into account for each Eligible Participant. The dollar limitation which shall be
imposed  shall be the  limitation  which  produces the result that the aggregate
Allocation  Compensation  taken into account for Eligible  Participants  who are
Highly  Compensated  Employees,  constitutes  exactly one-third of the aggregate
Allocation Compensation taken into account for all Eligible Participants.


          (a) No amount shall be allocated to a Participant's Account under this
     Plan for any Limitation  Year, to the extent that such an allocation  would
     result in an Annual  Addition of an amount  greater  than the lesser of (i)
     $30,000 (or such other amount as is permissible under section  415(c)(1)(A)
     of the Code, or (ii) 25% of the Participant's  Total  Compensation for such
     Limitation Year.

          (b) In the case of a Participant who may be entitled to benefits under
     any  qualified  defined  benefit plan  (whether or not  terminated)  now in
     effect  or ever  maintained  by the  Employer,  such  Participant's  Annual
     Additions under this Plan shall,  in addition to the  limitations  provided
     under section  8.2(a),  be further  limited so that for any Limitation Year
     beginning prior to December 31, 1999, the sum of the Participant's  Defined
     Contribution  Plan Fraction plus his Defined Benefit Plan Fraction does not
     exceed 1.0 for any Limitation  Year;  provided,  that this limitation shall
     only  apply if and to the extent  that the  benefits  under the  Employer's
     Retirement Plan or any other defined  contribution  plan are not limited so
     that such sum is not exceeded. In the case of a Participant who is entitled
     to  contributions  under  any other  qualified  defined  contribution  plan
     maintained by the Employer,  such Participant's Annual Additions under such
     other plan or plans shall be limited to the extent  necessary so that total
     Annual  Additions  under all such  plans and this  Plan do not  exceed  the
     limitations  under this Article VIII before any limitation is applied under
     this Plan.  In the event that this  Section 8.2  conflicts  with such other
     qualified defined benefit or qualified defined  contribution plan or plans,
     the  Plan  Administrator  shall  determine  under  which  plan  the  Annual
     Additions or benefits shall be limited.


          (c)  For  purposes  of  this  section  8.2,  the   following   special
     definitions shall apply:

          (i) Annual Addition means the sum of the following  amounts  allocated
     on behalf of a Participant for a Limitation Year:

               (A) all  contributions by the Employer  (including  contributions
          made under a salary reduction  agreement  pursuant to sections 401(k),
          408(k) or 403(b) of the Code) under any qualified defined contribution
          plan (other than this Plan) maintained by the Employer, as well as the
          Participant's  allocable share, if any, of any forfeitures  under such
          plans; plus

               (B) (I) for Limitation Years that began prior to January 1, 1987,
          the  lesser of (1) 50% of the  Participant's  voluntary  nondeductible
          contributions to all qualified defined  contribution  plans maintained
          by  the  Employer,  or (2)  the  amount  by  which  the  Participant's
          nondeductible  voluntary contributions to such plans exceeds 6% of his
          Total  Compensation;  and (II) for  Limitation  Years that begin after
          December 31, 1986, all of the  Participant's  voluntary  nondeductible
          contributions to such plans; plus

               (C) all ESOP Contributions under this Plan; plus

               (D) except as hereinafter  provided in this section 8.2(c)(i),  a
          portion of the Employer's Loan Repayment Contributions to the Plan for
          such  Limitation  Year which  bears the same  proportion  to the total
          amount  of  the  Employer's  Loan  Repayment   Contributions  for  the
          Limitation Year that the number of Shares (or the Fair Market Value of
          property  other than Shares)  allocated to the  Participant's  Account
          pursuant to section 7.2 or 8.1, whichever is applicable,  bears to the
          ag gregate  number of Shares (or Fair Market  Value of property  other
          than  Shares) so  allocated to all  Participants  for such  Limitation

     Notwithstanding  section  8.2(c)(i)(D),  if, for any  Limitation  Year, the
     aggregate  amount of ESOP  Contributions  allocated  to the Accounts of the
     individuals who are Highly Compensated  Employees for such Limitation Year,
     when added to such Highly  Compensated  Employees'  allocable  share of any
     Loan Repayment  Contributions  for such  Limitation  Year,  does not exceed
     one-third  of the  total  of all  ESOP  Contributions  and  Loan  Repayment
     Contributions  for such Limitation Year, then that portion,  if any, of the
     Loan Repayment  Contributions  for such  Limitation Year that is applied to
     the payment of interest on a Share  Acquisition  Loan shall not be included
     as an Annual Addition. In no event shall any Financed Shares, any dividends
     or other earnings thereon,  any proceeds of the sale thereof or any portion
     of the value of the foregoing be included as an Annual Addition.


          (ii) Employer means RFS Bancorp,  Inc. and all members of a controlled
     group of  corporations,  as  defined  in  section  414(b) of the  Code,  as
     modified by section 415(h) of the Code, all commonly  controlled  trades or
     businesses,  as defined  in  section  414(c) of the Code,  as  modified  by
     section 415(h) of the Code, all affiliated  service  groups,  as defined in
     section 414(m) of the Code, of which RFS Bancorp, Inc. is a member, as well
     as any leasing  organization,  as defined in section 18.8, that employs any
     person who is  considered  an  employee  under  section  18.8 and any other
     entity that is  required to be  aggregated  with the  Employer  pursuant to
     regulations under section 414(o) of the Code.

          (iii) Defined Benefit Plan Fraction means, for any Participant for any
     Limitation Year, a fraction, the numerator of which is the Projected Annual
     Benefit  (determined  as of  the  end  of  such  Limitation  Year)  of  the
     Participant  under any  qualified  defined  benefit  plans  (whether or not
     terminated)  maintained  by the  Employer  for the  current  and all  prior
     Limitation  Years,  and the  denominator  of which is as  follows:  (A) for
     Limitation  Years  ending  prior to January 1, 1983,  the lesser of (I) the
     dollar  limitation  in effect under  section  415(b)(1) (A) of the Code for
     such  Limitation  Year,  or (II) the amount which may be taken into account
     under  section  415(b)(1)(B)  of the Code with respect to such Par ticipant
     for such  Limitation  Year;  and (B) in all other cases,  the lesser of (I)
     (except  as  provided  in  section  17.8(b)  for a Top Heavy Plan Year) the
     product of 1.25 multiplied by the dollar limitation in effect under section
     415(b)(1)(A) of the Code for such  Limitation  Year, or (II) the product of
     1.4  multiplied by the amount which may be taken into account under section
     415(b)(1)(B)  of the  Code  with  respect  to  such  Participant  for  such
     Limitation Year.

          (iv) Defined Contribution Plan Fraction means, for any Participant for
     any  Limitation  Year, a fraction (A) the  numerator of which is the sum of
     such  Participant's  Annual  Additions  (determined  as of the  end of such
     Limitation   Year)  under  this  Plan  and  any  other  qualified   defined
     contribution  plans (whether or not terminated)  maintained by the Employer
     for the current and all prior Limitation  Years, and (B) the denominator of
     which is as follows:  (I) for  Limitation  Years ending prior to January 1,
     1983,  the sum of the lesser of the following  amounts for such  Limitation
     Year and for each prior  Limitation Year during which such  Participant was
     employed  by the  Employer:  (1) the  Maximum  Permissible  Amount for such
     Limitation Year (without  regard to section  415(c)(6) of the Code), or (2)
     the amount which may be taken into account  under section  415(c)(1)(B)  of
     the Code with respect to such  Participant  for such  Limitation  Year; and
     (II) in all other cases, the sum of the lesser of the following amounts for
     such  Limitation  Year and for each  prior  Limitation  during  which  such
     Participant  was  employed  by the  Employer:  (1)  (except as  provided in
     section  17.8(b) for a Top Heavy Plan Year) the product of 1.25  multiplied
     by the Maximum  Permissible  Amount for such  Limitation  Year  (determined
     without regard to section 415(c)(6) of the Code), or (2) the product of 1.4
     multiplied  by the amount  which may be taken into  account  under  section
     415(c)(1)(B) of the Code (or section  415(c)(7) of the Code, if applicable)
     with  respect  to such  Participant  for such  Limitation  Year;  provided,
     however,  that the Plan  Administrator  may,  at his  election,  adopt  the


     rule set forth in section  415(e)(6) of the Code in making the  computation
     set forth in this section 8.2(c)(iv). If the sum of a Participant's Defined
     Benefit Plan Fraction and Defined  Contribution  Plan Fraction exceeded 1.0
     as of September 30, 1983, then such Participant's Defined Contribution Plan
     Fraction  shall be  determined  under  regulations  to be prescribed by the
     Secretary of the Treasury so that the sum of the fractions  does not exceed

          (v) Limitation Year means the Plan Year;  provided,  however,  that if
     the Employer  changes the Limitation  Year,  the new Limitation  Year shall
     begin on a date within the Limitation Year in which the amendment is made.

          (vi)  Maximum  Permissible  Amount  means (A)  $25,000 (or such higher
     amount as may be permitted under section 415(d) of the Code because of cost
     of living  increases) for Limitation  Years  beginning  prior to January 1,
     1983,  and (B) the  greater  of (I)  $30,000,  or  (II)  25% of the  dollar
     limitation in effect under section  415(b)(1)(A) of the Code for Limitation
     Years beginning on or after January 1, 1983.

          (vii) Projected Annual Benefit means a Participant's annual retirement
     benefit (adjusted to the actuarial equivalent of a straight life annuity if
     expressed  in a form  other  than a straight  life or  qualified  joint and
     survivor  annuity) under any qualified  defined  benefit plan maintained by
     the Employer, whether or not terminated, assuming that the Participant will
     continue employment until the later of current age or normal retirement age
     under such plan,  and that the  Participant's  Total  Compensation  for the
     Limitation Year and all other relevant  factors used to determine  benefits
     under such plan will remain con stant for all future Limitation Years.

          (d) When a Participant's  Annual Addition to this Plan must be reduced
     to satisfy the  limitations of section 8.2(a) or (b), such reduction  shall
     be applied first to ESOP Contributions; and second, if necessary, to Shares
     allocated as a result of a Loan Repayment  Contribution  which are included
     as an  Annual  Addition  in such  order as  shall  result  in the  smallest
     reduction in the number of Shares allocable to the  Participant's  Account.
     The  amount  by which any  Participant's  Annual  Addition  to this Plan is
     reduced  shall be  allocated  in  accordance  with  Articles V and VII as a
     contribution by the Employer in the next succeeding Limitation Year.

          (e) Prior to determining a Participant's actual Total Compensation for
     a Limitation  Year, the Employer may determine the  limitations  under this
     section 8.2 for a  Participant  on the basis of a reasonable  estimation of
     the  Participant's  Total  Compensation  for the  Limitation  Year  that is
     uniformly  determined for all Participants who are similarly  situated.  As
     soon as it is  administratively  feasible  after the end of the  Limitation
     Year, the  limitations of this section 8.2 shall be determined on the basis
     of the Participant's actual Total Compensation for the Limitation Year.


                                   ARTICLE IX



                  Subject to the provisions of section 9.2, the balance credited
to each Employee's  Account shall become vested in accordance with the following

            Years of                       Vested
         Vesting Service                 Percentage
         ---------------                 ----------
              less than 3                     0%
        3 but less than 4                     20%
        4 but less than 5                     40%
        5 but less than 6                     60%
        6 but less than 7                     80%
        7 or more                            100%


     Any previously unvested portion of the remainder of the balance credited to
the Account of a Participant or of a person who is a Former  Participant  solely
because he is excluded  from  participation  under  section  2.1(b) shall become
fully vested in him immediately upon attainment of age 65, or, if earlier,  upon
the termination of his participation by reason of death, Disability,  Retirement
or upon the occurrence of a Change in Control of the Employer.


     Upon the  termination of employment of a Participant or Former  Participant
for any reason other than death,  Disability or Retirement,  that portion of the
balance  credited  to his  Account  which  is not  vested  at the  date  of such
termination  shall be forfeited as of the last  Valuation Date for the Plan Year
in  which  such  termination  of  employment   occurs.   The  proceeds  of  such
forfeitures,   less  amounts,  if  any,  required  to  be  credited  because  of
re-employment pursuant to section 9.4, shall be treated as Forfeitures and shall
be disposed of as provided in section 9.5.


     If an Employee  forfeited any amount of the balance credited to his Account
upon his termination of employment with the Employer,  and is re-employed  prior
to the occurrence of five consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service, then:


          (a) an amount equal to the Fair Market Value of the Shares  forfeited,
     determined as of the date of forfeiture; and

          (b) the amount  credited to his General  Investment  Account  that was
     forfeited, determined as of the date of forfeiture;

shall be credited back to his Account from the proceeds of forfeitures which are
redeemed  pursuant  to  section  9.3  during  the  Plan  Year  in  which  he  is
re-employed,  unless such proceeds are insufficient,  in which case the Employer
shall make an additional contribution in the amount of such deficiency.


     Any  Forfeitures  that occur during a Plan Year shall be used to reduce the
contributions  required of the  Employer  under the Plan and shall be treated as
Loan  Repayment   Contributions  and  ESOP   Contributions  in  the  proportions
designated by the Committee in accordance with Article V.

                                    ARTICLE X

                                 THE TRUST FUND


     The Trust Fund shall be held and invested  under the Trust  Agreement  with
the Trustee. The provisions of the Trust Agreement shall vest such powers in the
Trustee as to invest ment,  control and disbursement of the Trust Fund, and such
other provisions not  inconsistent  with the Plan,  including  provision for the
appointment of one or more  "investment  managers" within the meaning of section
3(38) of ERISA to manage and control (including  acquiring and disposing of) all
or any of the  assets  of the  Trust  Fund,  as the  Board may from time to time
authorize.  Except as  required  by ERISA,  no bond or other  security  shall be
required of any Trustee at any time in office.


     Except to the extent  provided to the contrary in section  10.3,  the Trust
Fund shall be invested in:

          (a) Shares;

          (b) such Investment  Funds as may be established  from time to time by
     the Committee; and


          (c)  such  other  investments  as may be  permitted  under  the  Trust

in such  proportions  as shall be determined by the Committee or, if so provided
under the Trust Agreement,  as directed by one or more investment managers or by
the Trustee, in its discretion;  provided,  however, that the investments of the
Trust Fund shall consist  primarily of Shares.  Notwithstanding  the immediately
preceding  sentence,  the  Trustee  may  temporarily  invest  the Trust  Fund in
short-term  obligations of, or guaranteed by, the United States Government or an
agency  thereof,  or may retain  uninvested,  or sell  investments  to  provide,
amounts of cash required for purposes of the Plan.


          (a) Notwithstanding section 10.2, each Qualified Participant may:

          (i)  during  the first 90 days of each of the first four Plan Years to
     begin  after  the  Plan  Year  in  which  he  first   becomes  a  Qualified
     Participant,  elect that such  percentage  of the  balance  credited to his
     Account as he may  specify,  but in no event  more than 25% of the  balance
     credited  to his  Account,  be  invested  in one or more of the  Investment
     Funds; and

          (ii)  during the first 90 days of the fifth  Plan Year to begin  after
     the Plan Year in which he first becomes a Qualified  Participant  or of any
     Plan Year thereafter, elect that such percentage of the balance credited to
     his Account as he may specify, but in no event more than 50% of the balance
     credited  to his  Account,  be  invested  in one or more of the  Investment

For purposes of an election under this section 10.3,  the balance  credited to a
Participant's Account shall be the balance credited to his Account determined as
of the last Valuation Date to occur in the Plan Year  immediately  preceding the
Plan Year in which such election is made.

          (b) An election made under  section  10.3(a) shall be made in writing,
     in the form and manner prescribed by the Plan  Administrator,  and shall be
     filed with the Plan  Administrator  during the election period specified in
     section  10.3(a).  As  soon  as is  practicable  following  the  end of the
     election period during which such election is made, the Plan  Administrator
     shall take such actions as are necessary to cause the specified  percentage
     of the balance credited to the Account of the Qualified  Participant making
     the  election  to be  invested  in  the  specified  Investment  Funds.  Any
     investments  made  pursuant  to this  section  10.3  shall be  specifically
     allocated to the General  Investment  Account of the Qualified  Participant
     for whom they are made.

          (c) An election made under  section  10.3(a) may be changed or revoked
     at any time during the election period  described in section 10.3(a) during
     which it is initially


     made,  during any subsequent  election period  described in section 10.3(a)
     or, upon at least 15 days'  advance  written  notice  given in the form and
     manner  prescribed  by the Plan  Administrator,  as of the first day of any
     calendar  quarter of any Plan Year that begins after the Participant  first
     becomes a Qualified  Participant.  In no event, however, shall any election
     under this section 10.3 result in more than 25% of the balance  credited to
     the  Par  ticipant's  Account  being  invested  at  the  direction  of  the
     Participant,  if such  election is made during a Plan Year to which section
     10.3(a)(i)  applies,  or result in more than 50% of the balance credited to
     the   Participant's   Account  being  invested  at  the  direction  of  the
     Participant, if such election is made during the Plan Year to which section
     10.3(a)(ii) applies or thereafter.


     Subject to the provisions of the Trust Agreement, amounts held in the Trust
Fund may be invested in:

          (a) any  commingled or group trust fund described in section 401(a) of
     the Code and exempt under section 501(a) of the Code; or

          (b) any  common  trust  fund  exempt  under  section  584 of the  Code
     maintained  exclusively  for the  collective  investment  of the  assets of
     trusts that are exempt under section 501(a) of the Code;

provided  that the trustee of such  commingled,  group or common trust fund is a
bank or trust company.


     All  assets  of the Plan  shall  be held by the  Trustee  in trust  for the
exclusive benefit of Participants,  Former Participants and their Beneficiaries.
No part of the corpus or income of the Trust Fund shall be used for, or diverted
to,  purposes  other  than for the  exclusive  benefit of  Participants,  Former
Participants   and   their   Beneficiaries,   and   for   defraying   reasonable
administrative  expenses  of the Plan and Trust Fund.  No person  shall have any
interest  in or right to any part of the  earnings  of the  Trust  Fund,  or any
rights in, to or under the Trust Fund or any part of its  assets,  except to the
extent expressly provided in the Plan.


                                   ARTICLE XI



     The Plan  Administrator  shall establish,  or cause to be established,  for
each person for whom an Account is maintained a Share  Investment  Account and a
General  Investment   Account.   Such  Share  Investment  Accounts  and  General
Investment Accounts shall be maintained in accordance with this Article XI.


     The Share  Investment  Account  established for a person in accordance with
section 11.1 shall be credited with:  (a) all Shares  allocated to such person's
Account;  (b) all Shares pur chased with amounts of money or property  allocated
to such  person's  Account;  (c) all  dividends  paid in the form of Shares with
respect to Shares  credited to his Account;  and (d) all Shares  purchased  with
amounts  credited  to such  person's  General  Investment  Account.  Such  Share
Investment  Account  shall be charged with all Shares that are sold or exchanged
to acquire  other  investments  or to provide  cash and with all Shares that are
distributed in kind.


     The  General  Investment  Account  that  is  established  for a  person  in
accordance with section 11.1 shall be credited with: (a) all amounts, other than
Shares,  allocated to such person's  Account;  (b) all dividends  paid in a form
other  than  Shares  with  respect to Shares  credited  to such  person's  Share
Investment  Account;  (c) the  proceeds  of any sale of Shares  credited to such
person's Share Investment Account; and (d) any earnings  attributable to amounts
credited to such person's General  Investment  Account.  Such General Investment
Account shall be charged with all amounts  credited  thereto that are applied to
the  purchase  of Shares,  any losses or  depreciation  attributable  to amounts
credited  thereto,  any  expenses  allocable  thereto and any  distributions  of
amounts credited thereto.


          (a) The Plan Administrator shall determine, or cause to be determined,
     the aggregate  value of each person's Share  Investment  Account as of each
     Valuation Date by multiplying  the number of Shares  credited to such Share
     Investment  Account on such  Valuation  Date by the Fair Market  Value of a
     Share on such Valuation Date.

          (b) As of each Valuation Date, the Accounts of each Participant  shall
     be  separately  adjusted  to  reflect  their  proportionate  share  of  any
     appreciation  or  depreciation  in the fair market value of the  Investment
     Funds, any income earned by the Investment


     Funds and any expenses  incurred by the  Investment  Funds,  as well as any
     contributions,  withdrawals or distributions  and investment  transfers not
     posted as of the last Valuation Date.


     There shall be furnished,  by mail or otherwise, at least once in each Plan
Year to each  person who would then be  entitled  to receive  all or part of the
balance credited to any Account if the Plan were then terminated, a statement of
his  interest  in the  Plan as of such  date as shall  be  selected  by the Plan
Administrator,  which statement shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct
and be binding on such person  unless the Plan  Administrator  receives  written
notice to the contrary within 30 days after the statement is mailed or furnished
to such person.

                                   ARTICLE XII



     All Shares purchased under the Plan shall be specifically  allocated to the
Share  Investment  Accounts  of  Participants,  Former  Participants  and  their
Beneficiaries  in accordance  with section 11.2,  with the exception of Financed
Shares, which shall be allocated to the Loan Repayment Account.


          (a) Dividends paid with respect to Shares held under the Plan shall be
     credited to the Loan  Repayment  Account,  if paid with respect to Financed
     Shares.  Such  dividends  shall be: (i) applied to the payment of principal
     and accrued interest with respect to any Share Acquisition Loan, if paid in
     cash;  or (ii) held in the Loan  Repayment  Account as Financed  Shares for
     release in accordance with section 6.4, if paid in the form of Shares.

          (b)  Dividends  paid with  respect to Shares  allocated  to a person's
     Share  Investment   Account  shall  be  credited  to  such  person's  Share
     Investment   Account.   Cash  dividends  credited  to  a  person's  General
     Investment  Account  shall be, at the direction of the Board,  either:  (i)
     held in such General  Investment  Account and invested in  accordance  with
     sections 11.2 and 11.3; (ii) distributed  immediately to such person; (iii)
     distributed  to such person within 90 days of the close of the Plan Year in
     which such  dividends were paid; or (iv) used to make payments of principal
     or interest on a Share Acquisition Loan; provided,  however,  that the Fair
     Market Value of Financed  Shares  released from the Loan Repayment  Account
     equals or exceeds the amount of the dividend.



          (a) Each  person  shall  direct the manner in which all voting  rights
     appurtenant  to Shares  allocated to his Share  Investment  Account will be
     exercised, provided that such Shares were allocated to his Share Investment
     Account as of the  applicable  record  date.  Such person  shall,  for such
     purpose,  be deemed a "named  fiduciary"  within  the  meaning  of  section
     402(a)(2)  of ERISA.  Such a  direction  shall be given by  completing  and
     filing with the  inspector of  elections,  the Trustee or such other person
     who shall be independent of the Employer as the Committee shall  designate,
     at least 10 days  prior to the date of the  meeting of holders of Shares at
     which such voting rights will be exercised, a written direction in the form
     and manner  prescribed by the  Committee.  The inspector of elections,  the
     Trustee or such other person designated by the Committee shall tabulate the
     directions  given on a strictly  confidential  basis, and shall provide the
     Committee with only the final results of the tabulation.  The final results
     of the  tabulation  shall be followed by the  Committee  in  directing  the
     Trustee as to the manner in which such voting  rights  shall be  exercised.
     The  Committee  shall make a reasonable  effort to furnish,  or cause to be
     furnished, to each person for whom a Share Investment Account is maintained
     all annual  reports,  proxy  materials and other  information  known by the
     Committee  to have been  furnished  by the issuer of the Shares,  or by any
     solicitor of proxies, to the holders of Shares.

          (b) To the extent that any person shall fail to give instructions with
     respect to the exercise of voting rights appurtenant to Shares allocated to
     his Share Investment Account:

          (i) the Trustee  shall,  with respect to each matter to be voted upon:
     (A) cast a number of  affirmative  votes  equal to the  product  of (I) the
     number of  allocated  Shares  for which no written  instructions  have been
     given,  multiplied by (II) a fraction, the numerator of which is the number
     of allocated Shares for which  affirmative votes will be cast in accordance
     with  written  instructions  given as provided  in section  12.3(a) and the
     denominator of which is the aggregate  number of  affirmative  and negative
     votes which will be cast in accordance with written  instructions  given as
     aforesaid,  and (B) cast a number of negative votes equal to the excess (if
     any)  of  (I)  the  number  of  allocated   Shares  for  which  no  written
     instructions  have been  given over (II) the  number of  affirmative  votes
     being  cast with  respect  to such  allocated  Shares  pursuant  to section
     12.3(b)(i)(A); or

          (ii) if the Trustee shall  determine that it may not,  consistent with
     its  fiduciary  duties,  vote the  allocated  Shares  for which no  written
     instructions have been given in the manner described in section 12.3(b)(i),
     it shall  vote such  Shares in such  manner as it, in its  discretion,  may
     determine  to be in the  best  interests  of the  persons  to  whose  Share
     Investment Accounts such Shares have been allocated.


          (c) (i) The voting  rights  appurtenant  to Financed  Shares  shall be
     exercised  as follows  with  respect to each matter as to which  holders of
     Shares may vote:

               (A) a number  of  votes  equal to the  product  of (I) the  total
          number of votes  appurtenant to Financed Shares  allocated to the Loan
          Repayment Account on the applicable record date;  multiplied by (II) a
          fraction,  the  numerator of which is the total number of  affirmative
          votes cast by Participants,  Former Participants and the Beneficiaries
          of deceased Former  Participants  with respect to such matter pursuant
          to section 12.3(a) and the denominator of which is the total number of
          affirmative   and  negative   votes  cast  by   Participants,   Former
          Participants and the  Beneficiaries  of deceased Former  Participants,
          shall be cast in the affirmative; and

               (B) a number of votes equal to the excess of (I) the total number
          of  votes  appurtenant  to  Financed  Shares  allocated  to  the  Loan
          Repayment  Account on the applicable record date, over (II) the number
          of affirmative votes cast pursuant to section  12.3(c)(i)(A)  shall be
          cast in the negative.

To the extent that the Financed Shares consist of more than one class of Shares,
this section  12.3(c)(i) shall be applied  separately with respect to each class
of Shares.

          (ii) If voting  rights are to be  exercised  with  respect to Financed
     Shares as  provided in section  12.3(c)(i)(A)  and (B) at a time when there
     are no Shares allocated to the Share  Investment  Accounts of Participants,
     Former Participants and the Beneficiaries of deceased Former  Participants,
     then the voting rights appurtenant to Financed Shares shall be exercised as
     follows with respect to each matter as to which holders of Shares may vote:

               (A) Each person who is a  Participant  on the  applicable  record
          date and who was a Participant on the last day of the Plan Year ending
          on or  immediately  prior to such record date will be granted a number
          of votes  equal  to the  quotient,  rounded  to the  nearest  integral
          number,  of (I) such  Participant's  Allocation  Com pensation for the
          Plan Year ending on or  immediately  prior to such record date (or for
          the  portion  of such Plan Year  during  which he was a  Participant);
          divided by (II) $1,000.00; and

               (B) a number  of  votes  equal to the  product  of (I) the  total
          number of Financed Shares  allocated to the Loan Repayment  Account on
          the  applicable  record  date;  multiplied  by  (II) a  fraction,  the
          numerator  of which is the total  number of votes that are cast in the
          affirmative   with   respect  to  such  matter   pursuant  to  section
          12.3(c)(ii)(A)  and the  denominator  of which is the total  number of
          votes that are cast either in the  affirmative or in the negative with
          respect to such matter  pursuant to section  12.3(c)(ii)(A),  shall be
          cast in the affirmative; and


               (C) a number of votes equal to the excess of (I) the total number
          of Financed  Shares  allocated  to the Loan  Repayment  Account on the
          applicable record date, over (II) the number of affirmative votes cast
          with respect to such matter pursuant to section 12.3(c)(ii)(B),  shall
          be cast in the negative.

To the extent that the Financed Shares consist of more than one class of Shares,
this section  12.3(c)(ii) shall be applied separately with respect to each class
of Shares.


          (a) Each person shall  direct  whether  Shares  allocated to his Share
     Investment  Account will be delivered in response to any Tender Offer. Such
     person shall, for such purpose,  be deemed a "named  fiduciary"  within the
     meaning of section  402(a)(2) of ERISA.  Such a direction shall be given by
     completing  and filing with the  Trustee or such other  person who shall be
     independent of the Employer as the Committee shall  designate,  at least 10
     days  prior to the latest  date for  exercising  a right to deliver  Shares
     pursuant to such Tender Offer,  a written  direction in the form and manner
     prescribed by the Committee.  The Trustee or other person designated by the
     Committee  shall tabulate the directions  given on a strictly  confidential
     basis, and shall provide the Plan Administrator with only the final results
     of the tabulation. The final results of the tabulation shall be followed by
     the  Committee  in  directing  the  number of Shares to be  delivered.  The
     Committee  shall  make a  reasonable  effort  to  furnish,  or  cause to be
     furnished,   to  each  person  for  whom  a  Share  Investment  Account  is
     maintained,  all information  known by the Committee to have been furnished
     by the issuer or by or on behalf of any person making such Tender Offer, to
     the holders of Shares in connection with such Tender Offer.

          (b) To the extent that any person shall fail to give instructions with
     respect to Shares allocated to his Share Investment Account:

          (i) the  Trustee  shall (A) tender or  otherwise  offer for  purchase,
     exchange or  redemption a number of such Shares equal to the product of (I)
     the number of allocated Shares for which no written  instructions have been
     given,  multiplied by (II) a fraction, the numerator of which is the number
     of allocated Shares tendered or otherwise offered for purchase, exchange or
     redemption in  accordance  with written  instructions  given as provided in
     section  12.4(a) and the  denominator  of which is the aggregate  number of
     allocated  Shares  for  which  written  instructions  have  been  given  as
     aforesaid, and (B) withhold a number of Shares equal to the excess (if any)
     of (I) the number of  allocated  Shares  for which no written  instructions
     have been given over (II) the number of Shares being  tendered or otherwise
     offered pursuant to section 12.4(b)(i)(A); or

          (ii) if the Trustee shall  determine that it may not,  consistent with
     its fiduciary  duties,  exercise the tender or other rights  appurtenant to
     allocated Shares for which no written  instructions  have been given in the
     manner described in section 12.4(b)(i), it shall


     tender,  or otherwise  offer, or withhold such Shares in such manner as it,
     in its discretion, may determine to be in the best interests of the persons
     to whose Share Investment Accounts such Shares have been allocated.

          (c) In the case of any Tender Offer,  any Financed  Shares held in the
     Loan Repayment Account shall be dealt with as follows:

          (i) If such  Tender  Offer  occurs at a time when  there are no Shares
     allocated  to  the  Share  Investment  Accounts  of  Participants,   Former
     Participants and the  Beneficiaries of deceased Former  Participants,  then
     the disposition of the Financed Shares shall be deter mined as follows:

               (A) each person who is a  Participant  on the  applicable  record
          date and who was a Participant on the last day of the Plan Year ending
          on or  immediately  prior to such record date will be granted a number
          of  tender  rights  equal  to the  quotient,  rounded  to the  nearest
          integral number, of (I) such Participant's Allocation Compensation for
          the Plan Year ending on or  immediately  prior to such record date (or
          for the portion of such Plan Year during which he was a  Participant),
          divided by (II) $1,000.00; and

               (B) on the last day for delivering Shares or otherwise responding
          to such Tender  Offer,  a number of Shares equal to the product of (I)
          the total number of Financed  Shares  allocated to the Loan  Repayment
          Account on the last day of the effective  period of such Tender Offer;
          multiplied  by (II) a fraction,  the  numerator  of which is the total
          number of tender  rights  exercised in favor of the delivery of Shares
          in response to the Tender Offer pursuant to section  12.4(c)(i)(A) and
          the denominator of which is the total number of tender rights that are
          exercisable  in  response  to the  Tender  Offer  pursuant  to section
          12.4(c)(i)(A), shall be delivered in response to the Tender Offer; and

               (C) a number  of  Shares  equal to the  excess  of (I) the  total
          number of Financed Shares  allocated to the Loan Repayment  Account on
          the last day of the effective  period of such Tender Offer;  over (II)
          the number of Shares to be  delivered  in response to the Tender Offer
          pursuant to section 12.4(c)(i)(B), shall be withheld from delivery.

          (ii) If such  Tender  Offer  occurs at a time when the  voting  rights
     appurtenant to such Financed  Shares are to be exercised in accordance with
     section 12.3(c)(i), then:

               (A) on the last day for delivering Shares or otherwise responding
          to such Tender Offer, a number of Financed Shares equal to the product
          of (I) the  total  number of  Financed  Shares  allocated  to the Loan
          Repayment  Account  on the last day of the  effective  period  of such
          Tender Offer; multiplied by (II) a fraction, the


          numerator  of which is the total number of Shares  delivered  from the
          Share Invest ment Accounts of  Participants,  Former  Participants and
          the Beneficiaries of deceased Former  Participants in response to such
          Tender Offer pursuant to section 12.4(a), and the denominator of which
          is the  total  number  of Shares  allocated  to the  Share  Investment
          Accounts of Participants,  Former  Participants  and  Beneficiaries of
          deceased  Former  Participants  immediately  prior to the last day for
          delivering Shares or otherwise  responding to such Tender Offer, shall
          be delivered; and

               (B) a number of  Financed  Shares  equal to the excess of (I) the
          total  number  of  Financed  Shares  allocated  to the Loan  Repayment
          Account on the last day for delivering Shares or otherwise  responding
          to such Tender  Offer;  over (II) the number of Financed  Shares to be
          delivered pursuant to section  12.4(c)(ii)(A),  shall be withheld from

To the extent that the Financed Shares consist of more than one class of Shares,
this section  12.4(c) shall be applied  separately with respect to each class of


          (a) Each person shall have the right to direct the manner in which all
     dissent and appraisal  rights  appurtenant to Shares allocated to his Share
     Investment Account will be exercised.  Such person shall, for such purpose,
     be deemed a "named  fiduciary"  within the meaning of section  402(a)(2) of
     ERISA.  Such a direction  shall be given by completing  and filing with the
     Trustee or such other  person who shall be  independent  of the Employer as
     the Committee  shall  designate,  at least 10 days prior to the latest date
     for exercising such dissent and appraisal  rights,  a written  direction in
     the form and  manner  prescribed  by the  Committee.  The  Trustee or other
     person designated by the Committee shall tabulate the directions given on a
     strictly  confidential basis, and shall provide the Committee with only the
     final results of the tabulation.  The final results of the tabulation shall
     be followed by the  Committee in directing  the Trustee as to the manner in
     which such dissent and appraisal  rights shall be exercised.  The Committee
     shall make a reasonable  effort to furnish,  or cause to be  furnished,  to
     each  person  for  whom a  Share  Investment  Account  is  maintained,  all
     information  known by the Committee to have been furnished by the issuer or
     by or on behalf of any person to the holders of Shares in  connection  with
     such dissent and appraisal rights.

          (b) To the extent that any person for whom a Share Investment  Account
     is maintained shall fail to give  instructions  with respect to dissent and
     appraisal rights  appurtenant to Shares  attributable to his interest,  the
     Committee shall direct the Trustee to exercise dissent and appraisal rights
     as to those Shares in such manner as the Committee shall determine to be in
     the best interest of the person to whom such Shares are attributable.


                                  ARTICLE XIII

                               PAYMENT OF BENEFITS


     The balance  credited to a Participant's  or Former  Participant's  Account
under the Plan shall be paid only at the times, to the extent, in the manner and
to the persons provided in this Article XIII.


          (a) Subject to section 13.2(b), any person entitled to a benefit under
     the Plan may designate a  Beneficiary  to receive any amount to which he is
     entitled that remains  undistributed on the date of his death.  Such person
     shall  designate  his  Beneficiary  (and  may  change  or  revoke  any such
     designation)  in  writing  in the form and  manner  prescribed  by the Plan
     Administrator.  Such  designation,  and any change or  revocation  thereof,
     shall be effective only if received by the Plan Administrator prior to such
     person's death and shall become irrevocable upon such person's death.

          (b)  A  Participant  or  Former   Participant  who  is  married  shall
     automatically  be deemed to have designated his spouse as his  Beneficiary,
     unless,  prior to the time such designation  would,  under section 13.2(a),
     become irrevocable:

          (i) the Participant or Former Participant  designates an additional or
     a different Beneficiary in accordance with this section 13.2; and

          (ii) (A) the spouse of such Participant or Former Participant consents
     to such  designation  in a writing  that  acknowledges  the  effect of such
     consent and is witnessed by a Plan  representative  or a notary public;  or
     (B) the spouse of such  Participant  or Former  Participant  has previously
     consented to such  designation  by signing a written waiver of any right to
     consent to any designation  made by the Participant or Former  Participant,
     and such waiver  acknowledged the effect of the waiver and was witnessed by
     a Plan  representative  or a notary public; or (C) it is established to the
     satisfaction  of a Plan  representative  that the  consent  required  under
     section  13.2(b)(ii)(A)  may not be obtained  because such spouse cannot be
     located or  because  of other  circumstances  permitted  under  regulations
     issued by the Secretary of the Treasury.

          (c) In the event that a  Beneficiary  entitled to  payments  hereunder
     shall die after the death of the  person  who  designated  him but prior to
     receiving  payment of his entire  interest in the Account of the person who
     designated  him,  then such  Beneficiary's  interest in the Account of such
     person, or any unpaid balance thereof, shall be paid as provided in section
     13.3  to  the   Beneficiary   who  has  been  designated  by  the  deceased
     Beneficiary, or


     if there is none,  to the executor or  administrator  of the estate of such
     deceased Beneficiary,  or if no such executor or administrator is appointed
     within such time as the Plan Ad ministrator, in his sole discretion,  shall
     deem  reasonable,  to such one or more of the  spouse and  descendants  and
     blood relatives of such deceased  Beneficiary as the Plan Administrator may
     select.  If a person  entitled  to a benefit  under the Plan and any of the
     Beneficiaries  designated by him shall die in such circumstances that there
     shall be  substan  tial doubt as to which of them shall have been the first
     to die, for all purposes of the Plan,  the person who made the  Beneficiary
     designation shall be deemed to have survived such Beneficiary.

          (d) If no  Beneficiary  survives  the person  entitled  to the benefit
     under the Plan or if no  Beneficiary  has been  designated  by such person,
     such benefit shall be paid to the executor or  administrator  of the estate
     of such person, or if no such executor or administrator is appointed within
     such time as the Plan  Administrator,  in his sole  discretion,  shall deem
     reasonable,  to such one or more of the  spouse and  descendants  and blood
     relatives of such deceased person as the Plan Administrator may select.


          (a) (i)  Subject to the  provisions  of section  13.7 with  respect to
     required minimum distributions,  the vested portion of the balance credited
     to a Participant's or a Former  Participant's  Account shall be distributed
     to him  commencing as of the last  Valuation Date to occur in the Plan Year
     in which the Participant or Former Participant  terminates  employment with
     the Employer or attains age 65, whichever is later;  unless the Participant
     or Former Participant elects otherwise pursuant to section 13.3(a)(ii), and
     the  payment,  or first in a series of  payments,  is actually  made within
     three months following such Valuation Date.

     (ii) A  Participant  or Former  Participant  may,  upon  request  on a form
provided by the Plan  Administrator  and filed with the Plan  Administrator  not
later than 15 days prior to the date on which his  employment  with the Employer
terminates,  elect that his vested interest in his Account be paid commencing as
of any earlier or later Valuation Date after his termination of employment,  but
in no event later than the last  Valuation Date to occur in the calendar year in
which the  Participant or Former  Participant  attains age 70 1/2, in which case
the payment, or first in a series of payments, shall be made within three months
following such Valuation Date.

          (b) (i)  Subject to  section  13.3(b)(ii),  the vested  portion of the
     balance credited to the Account of a Participant or Former Participant will
     be  paid to him,  commencing  as of the  Valuation  Date  determined  under
     section 13.3(a),  in substantially  equal annual  installments over a fixed
     period equal to the greater of:

               (A) five years; or


               (B) if the vested portion of the balance  credited to the Account
          of  the  Participant  or  Former  Participant,  determined  as of  the
          Valuation  Date  determined  under  section  13.3(a),  is greater than
          $500,000 (or such larger  amount as may be prescribed by the Secretary
          of the Treasury  pursuant to section  409(o) of the Code),  the sum of
          five years plus the lesser of (I) five  additional  years, or (II) one
          additional  year for each $100,000 (or fraction  thereof) by which the
          vested portion of the balance credited to the  Participant's or Former
          Participant's  Account exceeds  $500,000 (or such larger amount as may
          be  prescribed  by the  Secretary of the Treasury  pursuant to section
          409(o) of the Code).

          (ii) A Participant or Former  Participant  may, upon request on a form
     provided by the Plan  Administrator  and filed with the Plan  Administrator
     not  later  than  15  days  prior  to the  date  on  which  his  employment
     terminates,  elect that the vested  portion of the balance  credited to his
     Account be paid,  commencing  as of the  Valuation  Date  determined  under
     section 13.3(a):

               (A) in  substantially  equal  annual  installments  over a  fixed
          period  not to exceed  the  lesser  of (I) 10 years,  or (II) the life
          expectancy  of the  Participant  or  Former  Participant,  or,  if his
          Beneficiary  is a natural  person,  the joint  life and last  survivor
          expectancy  of  the   Participant  or  Former   Participant   and  his
          Beneficiary; or

               (B) subject to section 13.4, in a lump sum payment.

          (c) If any person entitled to a benefit under the Plan dies before his
     entire  benefit has been  distributed  to him,  then the  remainder of such
     benefit  shall be paid to the  Beneficiary  designated by him under section
     13.2 either:

          (i) in a lump sum distribution as of the Valuation Date next following
     the date of his  death,  and the  amount  thereof  shall be based  upon the
     vested portion of the balance  credited to his Account as of such Valuation
     Date; or

          (ii) if, prior to the death of the  Participant or Former  Participant
     whose vested Account is being distributed,  an election pursuant to section
     13.3(b)(ii)(B)  is in effect for him, in a lump sum  distribution as of the
     Valuation Date specified in such election, or, if earlier, as of the latest
     Valuation Date that would permit payment to be made within five years after
     the  Participant's  or Former  Participant's  death, and the amount thereof
     shall be based  upon the  vested  portion of the  balance  credited  to his
     Account as of such Valuation Date; or

          (iii) if, prior to the death of the Participant or Former  Participant
     whose vested Account is being distributed,  an election pursuant to section
     13.3(b)(ii)(A) is in effect for him:


               (A) over the period and at the times set forth in such  election,
          if  distribution  has  begun  prior  to the  Participant's  or  Former
          Participant's death; or

               (B)  commencing  at the time set forth in such  election and over
          the  period set forth in such  election  (or,  if less,  over a period
          equal  to the  life  expectancy  of the  Beneficiary  of the  deceased
          Participant or Former Participant),  if the deceased  Participant's or
          Former  Participant's  spouse is his Beneficiary and  distribution has
          not begun prior to the deceased  Participant's or Former Participant's
          death; or

               (C)  commencing  on the date  specified in such  election (or, if
          earlier,  the last  Valuation  Date that will permit  payment to begin
          within  one  year   after  the   deceased   Participant's   or  Former
          Participant's  death) and over the  period set forth in such  election
          (or,  if less,  over a period  equal  to the  life  expectancy  of the
          Beneficiary of the deceased Participant or Former Participant), if the
          deceased  Participant's  or  Former  Participant's  Beneficiary  is  a
          natural  person other than his spouse and  distribution  has not begun
          prior to the deceased Participant's or Former Participant's death;

     and the  amount  thereof  shall be based  upon the  vested  portion  of the
     balance  credited  to his  Account  as of the  Valuation  Dates as of which
     payments are determined; or

          (iv) upon written application of the Beneficiary made in such form and
     manner as the Plan  Administrator  may  prescribe,  at  another  time or in
     another  manner  permitted  under  section  13.3(a) or (b),  subject to the
     following limitations:

               (A) (I) If such  Beneficiary  is a natural  person other than the
          spouse of the deceased  Participant or Former Participant whose vested
          Account is being distributed, a distribution that commences within one
          year after such deceased  Participant's or Former  Participant's death
          shall  be made  over a fixed  period  that  does not  exceed  the life
          expectancy of such Beneficiary when distribution commences.

               (II)  If  such   Beneficiary   is  the  spouse  of  the  deceased
          Participant  or  Former  Participant  whose  vested  Account  is being
          distributed, a distribution that commences no later than the later of:
          (1) the date on which the deceased  Participant or Former  Participant
          would  have  attained  age  70 1/2  had he  lived;  or (2)  the  first
          anniversary  of the  death  of such  deceased  Participant  or  Former
          Participant;  shall be made over a fixed  period  that does not exceed
          the life expectancy of such Beneficiary when distribution commences.


               (III) In all other cases where the spouse of the deceased Partici
          pant or Former  Participant  whose vested Account is being distributed
          is not the  Beneficiary,  payment must be completed  within five years
          after the death of such deceased Participant or Former Participant.

               (B) In cases where  distribution has commenced prior to the death
          of the deceased Participant or Former Participant whose vested Account
          is  being  distributed,  distribution  must be  completed  as least as
          rapidly  as  under  the  method  in  effect  prior  to  such  deceased
          Participant's or Former Participant's death.


          (a)  Subject  to  section  13.4(b),  payments  of  distributions  made
     pursuant to section 13.3 or section 13.7 shall be paid, in accordance  with
     the  written  direction  of the person  requesting  the  payment,  in whole
     Shares, in cash, or in a combination of cash and whole Shares. Such written
     direction shall be given in such form and manner as the Plan  Administrator
     may prescribe. If no such direction is given, then payment shall be made in
     the maximum  number of whole Shares that may be acquired with the amount of
     the payment, plus, if necessary,  an amount of money equal to any remaining
     amount of the payment  that is less than the Fair  Market  Value of a whole

          (b) No distribution of a lump sum payment shall be made in cash to the
     extent that the making of such  distribution,  when combined with all other
     distributions  to be  made in cash as of the  same  Valuation  Date,  would
     require  the  sale of  Shares  constituting  1% or more of all  outstanding
     Shares; provided,  however, that this section 13.4(b) shall not apply to or
     in respect of a Participant or Former Participant:

          (i) following such Participant's or Former  Participant's  termination
     of employment with the Employer on account of his Retirement or Disability;

          (ii)  following  such  Participant's  or  Former   Participant's  65th
     birthday; or

          (iii) following the death of such Participant or Former Participant.


          (a) Except as provided otherwise in section 13.5(b),  each Participant
     or Former  Participant to whom Shares are distributed  under the Plan, each
     Beneficiary of a deceased Participant or Former Participant,  including the
     estate of a deceased Participant or Former Participant,  to whom Shares are
     distributed  under the Plan,  and each  person to whom such a  Participant,
     Former  Participant or Beneficiary  gives Shares that have been distributed
     under the Plan shall have the right to require  the  Employer  to  purchase
     from him all or any portion of such Shares.  A person shall  exercise  such
     right by delivering to the Employer


     a written  notice,  in such form and manner as the  Employer may by written
     notice to such person  prescribe,  setting forth the number of Shares to be
     purchased by the Employer,  the number of the stock certificate  evidencing
     such person's ownership of such Shares, and the effective date of purchase.
     Such  notice  shall  be  given,  and the  effective  date  of the  purchase
     specified  therein  shall be, no later  than the last day of the  fifteenth
     calendar  month to begin after the date on which the Shares to be purchased
     by the Employer  were  distributed  from the Plan.  As soon as  practicable
     following its receipt of such notice,  the Employer shall take such actions
     as are necessary to purchase the Shares specified in such notice at a price
     per Share equal to the Fair Market  Value of a Share  determined  as of the
     effective date of the purchase.

          (b) The Employer  shall have no  obligation  to purchase any Share (i)
     pursuant to a notice given, or on an effective date of purchase,  after the
     last day of the fifteenth  calendar  month to begin after the date on which
     such Share was distributed  from the Plan; (ii) following the earliest date
     on which Shares are publicly traded on an established  market;  or (iii) if
     the Employer is a "bank"  within the meaning of section 581 of the Code and
     is prohibited by law from redeeming or purchasing its own securities.


          (a) For any period during which Shares are not publicly  traded on any
     established  market,  no person who owns Shares that were  distributed from
     the Plan,  other than a person to whom such Shares were sold in  compliance
     with this section 13.6, shall sell such Shares to any person other than the
     Employer  without  first  offering to sell such Shares to the  Employer (or
     person designated by the Employer) in accordance with this section 13.6.

          (b) In the event that a person to whom this section 13.6 applies shall
     receive and desire to accept from a person  other than the  Employer a bona
     fide offer to purchase Shares to which this section 13.6 applies,  he shall
     furnish to the Employer a written notice which shall:

          (i) include a copy of such offer to purchase;

          (ii) offer to sell to the Employer the Shares subject to such offer to
     purchase at a price per Share that is equal to the greater of:

               (A) the price per Share specified in such offer to purchase; or

               (B) the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the date of purchase;

     and otherwise upon the same terms and conditions as those specified in such
     offer to purchase; and


          (iii)  include an  indication of his intention to accept such offer to
     purchase if the Employer does not accept his offer to sell.

          (c) The Employer  shall have the right to purchase the Shares  covered
     by the  offer to sell  contained  in a notice  given  pursuant  to  section
     13.6(b),  on the terms and conditions  specified in such notice, by written
     notice  given to the party  making  the  offer to sell not  later  than the
     fourteenth day after the notice  described in section  13.6(b) is given. If
     the Employer does not give such a notice during the prescribed fourteen day
     period, then the person owning such Shares may accept the offer to purchase
     described in the notice.


          (a)  Required  minimum  distributions  of a  Participant's  or  Former
     Participant's Account shall commence no later than:

          (i) if the  Participant  or Former  Participant  is not a Five Percent
     Owner at any time during the Plan Year ending in the calendar year in which
     he  attains  age 70 1/2,  the  later of (A) the  calendar  year in which he
     attains  or  attained  age 70 1/2 or (B)  the  calendar  year in  which  he
     terminates employment with the Employer; or

          (ii) if the Participant or Former Participant is or was a Five Percent
     Owner at any time during the Plan Year ending in the calendar year in which
     he  attains  age 70 1/2,  the  later of (A) the  calendar  year in which he
     attains  age 70 1/2 or (B) the  calendar  year in which he first  becomes a
     Five Percent Owner.

          (b) The required minimum distributions contemplated by section 13.7(a)
     shall be made as follows:

          (i) The minimum required distribution to be made for the calendar year
     for which the first minimum distribution is required shall be no later than
     April 1st of the immediately  following calendar year and shall be equal to
     the quotient  obtained by dividing (A) the vested  balance  credited to the
     Participant's or Former Participant's Account as of the last Valuation Date
     to occur in the calendar  year  immediately  preceding the calendar year in
     which the first minimum  distribution is required  (adjusted to account for
     any additions  thereto or subtractions  therefrom after such Valuation Date
     but on or  before  December  31st  of  such  calendar  year);  by  (B)  the
     Participant's  or  Former   Participant's   life  expectancy  (or,  if  his
     Beneficiary  is  a  natural  person,  the  joint  life  and  last  survivor
     expectancy of him and his Beneficiary); and

          (ii) the minimum  required  distribution  to be made for each calendar
     year  following the calendar year for which the first minimum  distribution
     is required  shall be made no later than December 31st of the calendar year
     for which the distribution is


     required  and shall be equal to the  quotient  obtained by dividing (A) the
     vested  balance  credited  to the  Participant's  or  Former  Participant's
     Account as of the last  Valuation  Date to occur in the calendar year prior
     to the calendar year for which the  distribution  is required  (adjusted to
     account for any  additions  thereto or  subtractions  therefrom  after such
     Valuation Date but on or before December 31st of such calendar year and, in
     the case of the distribution  for the calendar year  immediately  following
     the calendar  year for which the first  minimum  distribution  is required,
     reduced by any distribution for the prior calendar year that is made in the
     current calendar year); by (B) the  Participant's  or Former  Participant's
     life expectancy (or, if his Beneficiary is a natural person, the joint life
     and last survivor expectancy of him and his Beneficiary).

For purposes of this section  13.7,  the life  expectancy  of a  Participant  or
Former  Participant  (or the  joint  life  and  last  survivor  expectancy  of a
Participant  or  Former  Participant  and his  designated  Beneficiary)  for the
calendar year in which the Participant or Former Participant  attains age 70 1/2
shall be determined on the basis of Tables V and VI, as  applicable,  of section
1.72-9  of  the  Income  Tax  Regulations  as of  the  Participant's  or  Former
Participant's and  Beneficiary's  birthday in such year. Such life expectancy or
joint life and last survivor  expectancy for any subsequent  year shall be equal
to the  excess  of (1) the  life  expectancy  or joint  life  and last  survivor
expectancy for the year in which the Participant or Former  Participant  attains
age 70 1/2,  over (2) the  number of whole  years  that have  elapsed  since the
Participant or Former Participant attained age 70 1/2.

          (c) Payment of the distributions  required to be made to a Participant
     or Former  Participant  under this section 13.7 shall be made in accordance
     with section 13.4.


          (a) A Distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner  prescribed
     by the  Plan  Administer,  to have  any  portion  of an  Eligible  Rollover
     Distribution paid directly to an Eligible  Retirement Plan specified by the
     Distributee in a Direct Rollover.

          (b) The following  rules shall apply with respect to Direct  Rollovers
     made pursuant to this section 13.8:

          (i) A  Participant  may only  elect to make a  Direct  Rollover  of an
     Eligible Rollover Distribution if such Eligible Rollover Distribution (when
     combined with other Eligible Rollover  Distributions  made or to be made in
     the same calendar year) is reasonably expected to be at least $200;

          (ii) If a  Participant  elects a Direct  Rollover  of a portion  of an
     Eligible  Rollover  Distribution,  that  portion  must be equal to at least
     $500; and

          (iii)  A  Participant  may not  divide  his or her  Eligible  Rollover
     Distribution  into separate  distributions to be transferred to two or more
     Eligible Retirement Plans.


          (c) For purposes of this section 13.8 and any other applicable section
     of the Plan, the following definitions shall have the following meanings:

          (i)  "Direct  Rollover"  means a payment  by the Plan to the  Eligible
     Retirement Plan specified by the Distributee.

          (ii) "Distributee" means an Employee or former Employee.  In addition,
     the  Employee's or former  Employee's  surviving  spouse and the Employee's
     spouse  or former  spouse  who is the  alternate  payee  under a  Qualified
     Domestic  Relations  Order are considered  Distributees  with regard to the
     interest of the spouse or former spouse.

          (iii)  "Eligible  Retirement  Plan"  means  an  individual  retirement
     account  described in section 408(a) of the Code, an individual  retirement
     annuity  described in section 408(b) or the Code, an annuity plan described
     in section  403(a) of the Code, or a qualified  trust  described in section
     401(a)  of the  Code  that  accepts  the  Distributee's  Eligible  Rollover
     Distribution.  However, in the case of an Eligible Rollover Distribution to
     the current or former spouse who is the alternative payee under a Qualified
     Domestic  Relations Order or to a surviving spouse, an Eligible  Retirement
     Plan is an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity.

          (iv) "Eligible Rollover Distribution" means any distribution of all or
     any portion of the balance to the credit of the Distributee, except that an
     Eligible Rollover  Distribution does not include:  any distribution that is
     one  of a  series  of  substantially  equal  periodic  payments  (not  less
     frequently  than  annually)  made for the life (or life  expectancy) of the
     Distributee  or  the  joint  lives  (or  joint  life  expectancies)  of the
     Distributee's  designated  Beneficiary,  or for a  specified  period of ten
     years or more; any distribution to the extent such distribution is required
     under section  401(a)(9) of the Code;  and the portion of any  distribution
     that is not  includible in gross income  (determined  without regard to the
     exclusion  for  net  unrealized   appreciation  with  respect  to  employer


     Notwithstanding  any contrary  provision in this Article XIII, in the event
that all or a portion of a payment of a  distribution  to a Participant is to be
made in cash, such Participant shall only be entitled to receive the proceeds of
the  Shares  allocated  to his  Account  that are sold in  connection  with such
distribution and which are valued as of the date of such sale.


                                   ARTICLE XIV

                                CHANGE IN CONTROL


     A Change in Control of the Employer  shall be deemed to have  occurred upon
the happening of any of the following events:

          (a) the  occurrence of any event upon which any "person" (as such term
     is used in sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
     as amended ("Exchange  Act")),  other than (A) a trustee or other fiduciary
     holding  securities  under an  employee  benefit  plan  maintained  for the
     benefit  of  employees  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.;  (B) a  corporation  owned,
     directly  or  indirectly,  by the  shareholders  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.  in
     substantially  the  same  proportions  as their  ownership  of stock of RFS
     Bancorp, Inc.; or (C) any group constituting a person in which employees of
     RFS Bancorp,  Inc. are substantial members,  becomes the "beneficial owner"
     (as defined in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act),  directly or
     indirectly,  of securities issued by RFS Bancorp,  Inc. representing 25% or
     more of the  combined  voting  power  of all of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.'s  then
     outstanding securities; or

          (b) the occurrence of any event upon which the  individuals who on the
     date  the  Plan  is  adopted  are  members  of  the  Board,  together  with
     individuals  whose  election by the Board or nomination for election by RFS
     Bancorp,  Inc.'s  shareholders  was approved by the affirmative  vote of at
     least two-thirds of the members of the Board then in office who were either
     members of the Board on the date this Plan is  adopted or whose  nomination
     or election was previously so approved,  cease for any reason to constitute
     a majority of the members of the Board,  but  excluding,  for this purpose,
     any such  individual  whose  initial  assumption of office is in connection
     with an actual or threatened  election  contest relating to the election of
     directors  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc. (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of
     Regulation 14A promulgated under the Exchange Act); or

          (c) the shareholders of RFS Bancorp, Inc. approve either:

          (i) a merger or  consolidation  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.  with any other
     corporation,  other than a merger or consolidation  following which both of
     the following conditions are satisfied:

               (A) either  (1) the  members  of the Board of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.
          immediately prior to such merger or consolidation  constitute at least
          a majority of the  members of the  governing  body of the  institution
          resulting from such merger or  consolidation;  or (2) the shareholders
          of RFS Bancorp,  Inc. own securities of the institution resulting from
          such merger or consolidation representing 80% or


          more  of the  combined  voting  power  of  all  such  securities  then
          outstanding in  substantially  the same proportions as their ownership
          of voting  securities  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.  before  such  merger or
          consolidation; and

               (B) the entity which  results  from such merger or  consolidation
          expressly agrees in writing to assume and perform RFS Bancorp,  Inc.'s
          obligations under the Plan; or

          (ii)  a plan  of  complete  liquidation  of RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.  or an
     agreement  for the  sale or  disposition  by RFS  Bancorp,  Inc.  of all or
     substantially all of its assets; and

          (d) any event that would be described in section  14.1(c)(i),  or (ii)
     if "Revere  Federal  Savings"  were  substituted  for "RFS  Bancorp,  Inc."
     therein,   and  "Board  of  Directors  of  Revere  Federal   Savings"  were
     substituted for "Board" therein; and

In no event,  however,  shall the  transaction by which Revere  Federal  Savings
converts from a mutual savings bank to a stock savings bank, or any  transaction
by which a company  wholly owned by Revere  Federal  Savings  becomes the parent
company of Revere Federal Savings be deemed a Change in Control. In addition, in
no event shall the second step reorganization of RFS Bancorp, Inc. in connection
with the  Bank's  conversion  to stock  ownership  form be deemed a  "Change  in


     Upon the effective date of a Change in Control,  the Account of each person
who would then, upon termination of the Plan, be entitled to a benefit, shall be
fully vested and nonforfeitable.


          (a) Upon a Change in Control  described  in section  14.1(c) (or which
     would be  described in section  14.1(c) if "Revere  Federal  Savings"  were
     substituted for "RFS Bancorp, Inc." thereunder), the Committee shall direct
     the Trustee to sell a sufficient  number of Shares to repay any outstanding
     Share  Acquisition Loan in full. The proceeds of such sale shall be used to
     repay such Share Acquisition Loan. After repayment of the Share Acquisition
     Loan,  all  remaining  Shares which had been  unallocated  (or the proceeds
     thereof,  if  applicable)  shall be  allocated  among the  accounts  of all
     Participants who were employed by an Employer on the effective date of such
     Change in Control.  Such allocation of Shares or proceeds shall be credited
     as of the date on which the Change in  Control  occurs to the  Accounts  of
     each  Participant  who has not had a  termination  of  participation  under
     section  2.3  as  of  such  date  (each,  an  "Affected  Participant"),  in
     proportion to their Allocation  Compensation,  for the period, beginning on
     the January 1 immediately preceding the date on which the Change in Control
     occurs and ending on the date on which


     the  Change in Control  occurs.  If any amount  cannot be  allocated  to an
     Affected  Participant  in the year of such Change in Control as a result of
     the  limitations  of section 415 of the Code, the amounts will be allocated
     in subsequent years to those persons who were Affected Participants and who
     continue  to be  Participants  in the Plan  until  finally  distributed  to
     Affected Participants.

          (b) In the  event  that the  application  of  section  415 of the Code
     prevents the allocation of all of the Shares or other assets  released from
     the Loan  Repayment  Account  as  provided  in  section  14.3(a)  as of the
     effective date of the Change in Control, each Affected Participant shall be
     entitled  to  receive a  supplemental  benefit  payment  directly  from the
     Employer.  The  supplemental  benefit payment to each Affected  Participant
     shall be an amount equal to the excess of:

          (i) the  total  amount  of  Shares  or other  property  that  would be
     allocated to such Affected  Participant's  Account under section 14.3(a) if
     section 415 of the Code did not apply; over

          (ii) the total of Shares or other property actually  allocated to such
     Affected Participant's Account under section 14.3(a).

Such payment (without offset for any allocations which may occur under this Plan
subsequent to the Change in Control) shall be made as soon as  practicable,  but
in any event within ten business days, after the effective date of the Change in
Control.  This  section  14.3(b)  shall be treated as a separate,  non-qualified
"excess  benefit plan" within the meaning of section 3(34) of ERISA and shall be
interpreted,  administered  and  enforced  in  a  manner  consistent  with  this
intention.  To the extent that any Affected  Participant is entitled to the same
or a similar payment under any other  non-qualified plan, program or arrangement
of the  Employer,  any payment under this section  14.3(b) shall be  coordinated
with the payments under such other non-qualified  programs, plan or arrangements
in such manner as shall be determined by the Plan  Administrator to be necessary
to prevent the duplication of benefits.


     After  repayment  of the loan and  allocation  of  shares  or  proceeds  as
provided in section 14.3,  the Plan shall be terminated and all amounts shall be
distributed as soon as practicable.


     Article XIV of the Plan may not be amended after a Change in Control of the
Employer unless  required by the Internal  Revenue Service as a condition to the
continued  treatment of the Plan as a tax-qualified plan under section 401(a) of
the Code.


                                   ARTICLE XV



     The term  "Named  Fiduciary"  shall  mean  (but  only to the  extent of the
responsi bilities of each of them) the Plan  Administrator,  the Committee,  the
Board and the  Trustee.  This  Article XV is  intended to allocate to each Named
Fiduciary the responsibility for the prudent execution of the functions assigned
to him or it,  and none of such  responsibilities  or any  other  responsibility
shall be shared by two or more of such  Named  Fiduciaries.  Whenever  one Named
Fiduciary is required by the Plan or Trust Agreement to follow the directions of
another Named Fiduciary,  the two Named  Fiduciaries shall not be deemed to have
been  assigned  a shared  responsibility,  but the  responsibility  of the Named
Fiduciary giving the directions shall be deemed his sole responsibility, and the
responsibility  of the Named Fiduciary  receiving those  directions  shall be to
follow  them  insofar  as such  instructions  are on  their  face  proper  under
applicable law.


     There shall be a Plan  Administrator,  who shall be Revere Federal Savings,
or such Employee or officer as may be designated  by the Board,  as  hereinafter
provided,  and who shall,  subject to the  responsibilities of the Committee and
the Board,  have the  responsibility  for the  day-to-day  control,  management,
operation  and  administration  of the  Plan  (except  trust  duties).  The Plan
Administrator shall have the following responsibilities:

          (a)  To   maintain   records   necessary   or   appropriate   for  the
     administration of the Plan;

          (b) To give  and  receive  such  instructions,  notices,  information,
     materials, reports and certifications to the Trustee as may be necessary or
     appropriate in the administration of the Plan;

          (c) To prescribe forms and make rules and regulations  consistent with
     the terms of the Plan and with with the  interpretations  and other actions
     of the Committee;

          (d) To require  such  proof of age or  evidence  of good  health of an
     Employee,  Participant or Former Participant or the spouse of either, or of
     a Beneficiary as may be necessary or appropriate in the  administration  of
     the Plan;

          (e) To prepare  and file,  distribute  or furnish  all  reports,  plan
     descriptions, and other information concerning the Plan, including, without
     limitation,  filings with the  Secretary of Labor and  communications  with
     Participants,  Former  Participants and other persons, as shall be required
     of the Plan Administrator under ERISA;


          (f) To determine any question arising in connection with the Plan, and
     the Plan  Administrator's  decision or action in respect  thereof  shall be
     final  and  conclusive   and  binding  upon  the  Employer,   the  Trustee,
     Participants,  Former  Participants,  Beneficiaries  and any  other  person
     having an interest  under the Plan;  provided,  however,  that any question
     relating  to  an   inconsistency   or  an  omission  in  the  Plan,  or  an
     interpretation  of the  provisions  of the Plan,  shall be  referred to the
     Committee by the Plan  Administrator  and the decision of the  Committee in
     respect thereof shall be final;

          (g) Subject to the  provisions  of section 15.5, to review and dispose
     of claims under the Plan filed  pursuant to section 15.4 and appeals  filed
     pursuant to section 15.5;

          (h) If the  Plan  Administrator  shall  determine  that by  reason  of
     illness, senility,  insanity, or for any other reason, it is undesirable to
     make any payment to a Participant,  Former Participant,  Beneficiary or any
     other person entitled  thereto,  to direct the application of any amount so
     payable to the use or benefit of such person in any manner that he may deem
     advisable or to direct in his  discretion  the  withholding  of any payment
     under  the  Plan  due  to  any  person  under  legal   disability  until  a
     representative  competent  to receive  such  payment in his behalf shall be
     appointed pursuant to law;

          (i) To discharge such other responsibilities or follow such directions
     as may be assigned or given by the Committee or the Board; and

          (j) To perform any duty or take any action  which is  allocated to the
     Plan Administrator under the Plan.


     There shall be a Committee  consisting of not less than three persons,  who
may,  but need not be  officers  of the Bank and who shall be  appointed  by the
Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board.  The Committee  shall,  subject to
the responsibilities of the Board, have the following responsibilities:

          (a) To review the performance of the Plan Administrator;

          (b) To hear and  decide  appeals,  pursuant  to the  claims  procedure
     contained in section 15.5 of the Plan, taken from the decisions of the Plan

          (c) To hear and decide questions,  including the interpretation of the
     Plan, as may be referred to the Committee by the Plan Administrator;


          (d) To review  the  performance  of the  Trustee  and such  investment
     managers  as may be  appointed  in or pursuant  to the Trust  Agreement  in
     investing, managing and controlling the assets of the Plan;

          (e) To the extent required by ERISA, to establish a funding policy and
     method  consistent with the objectives of the Plan and the  requirements of
     ERISA, and to review such policy and method at least annually;

          (f) To report and make  recommendations to the Board regarding changes
     in the Plan,  including changes in the operation and management of the Plan
     and removal and replacement of the Trustee and such investment  managers as
     may be appointed in or pursuant to the Trust Agreement;

          (g) To designate an Alternate Plan Administrator to serve in the event
     that the Plan  Administrator is absent or otherwise unable to discharge his

          (h) To remove and replace the Plan Administrator or Alternate, or both
     of them, and to fill a vacancy in either office;

          (i) To the extent  provided under and subject to the provisions of the
     Trust  Agreement,  to appoint  "investment  managers" as defined in section
     3(38) of ERISA to manage and control (including acquiring and disposing of)
     all or any of the assets of the Plan;

          (j) With the prior  approval  of the Board,  to direct the  Trustee to
     obtain one or more Share Acquisition Loans;

          (k) To develop and provide  procedures  and forms  necessary to enable
     Participants  to give voting and  tendering  directions  on a  confidential

          (l) To discharge such other responsibilities or follow such directions
     as may be assigned or given by the Board; and

          (m) To perform any duty or take any action  which is  allocated to the
     Committee under the Plan.

The Committee  shall have the power and authority  necessary or  appropriate  to
carry out its responsibilities.


     Any claim  relating to benefits under the Plan shall be filed with the Plan
Administrator  on a form  prescribed by him. If a claim is denied in whole or in
part, the Plan


Administrator  shall give the  claimant  written  notice of such  denial,  which
notice shall specifically set forth:

          (a) The reasons for the denial;

          (b) The pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial was based;

          (c) Any additional material or information  necessary for the claimant
     to perfect his claim and an explanation of why such material or information
     is needed; and

          (d) An explanation of the Plan's procedure for review of the denial of
     the claim.

In the event  that the claim is not  granted  and notice of denial of a claim is
not  furnished  by the 30th day after such claim was filed,  the claim  shall be
deemed  to have  been  denied  on that day for the  purpose  of  permitting  the
claimant to request review of the claim.


     Any person  whose claim filed  pursuant to section  15.4 has been denied in
whole or in part by the Plan  Administrator  may request  review of the claim by
the Committee,  upon a form prescribed by the Plan  Administrator.  The claimant
shall file such form  (including a statement of his position) with the Committee
no later than 60 days after the mailing or  delivery  of the  written  notice of
denial provided for in section 15.4, or, if such notice is not provided,  within
60 days after such claim is deemed denied pursuant to section 15.4. The claimant
shall be permitted to review pertinent  documents.  A decision shall be rendered
by the Committee and  communicated  to the claimant not later than 30 days after
receipt of the claimant's written request for review.  However, if the Committee
finds it necessary,  due to special circumstances (for example, the need to hold
a hearing),  to extend this period and so notifies the claimant in writing,  the
decision  shall be rendered as soon as  practicable,  but in no event later than
120 days after the claimant's request for review. The Committee's decision shall
be in writing and shall specifically set forth:

          (a) The reasons for the decision; and

          (b) The pertinent Plan provisions on which the decision is based.

Any such  decision of the  Committee  shall be binding upon the claimant and the
Employer,  and the Plan Administrator shall take appropriate action to carry out
such decision.


     Any Named Fiduciary may:


          (a)  Allocate any of his or its  responsibilities  (other than trustee
     responsibilities)  under the Plan to such other  person or persons as he or
     it may designate, provided that such allocation and designation shall be in
     writing and filed with the Plan Administrator;

          (b)  Employ  one or more  persons  to render  advice to him or it with
     regard to any of his or its responsibilities under the Plan; and

          (c) Consult with counsel, who may be counsel to the Employer.


          (a) Any person  whose  claim has been  denied in whole or in part must
     exhaust the administrative review procedures provided in section 15.5 prior
     to initiating any claim for judicial review.

          (b)  No  bond  or  other  security  shall  be  required  of  the  Plan
     Administrator,  a member of the Committee or any officer or Employee of the
     Employer  to  whom  fiduciary  responsibilities  are  allocated  by a Named
     Fiduciary, except as may be required by ERISA.

          (c)  Subject to any  limitation  on the  application  of this  section
     15.7(c) pursuant to ERISA,  neither the Plan Administrator,  nor any member
     of the  Committee,  nor any  officer or  Employee  of the  Employer to whom
     fiduciary  responsibilities  are allocated by a Named  Fiduciary,  shall be
     liable  for any act of  omission  or  commission  by  himself or by another
     person, except for his own individual willful and intentional malfeasance.

          (d) The Plan  Administrator  or the Committee may, except with respect
     to actions under section 15.5,  shorten,  extend or waive the time (but not
     beyond 60 days)  required  by the Plan for  filing any notice or other form
     with the Plan  Administrator  or the Committee,  or taking any other action
     under the Plan.

          (e) The Plan  Administrator or the Committee may direct that the costs
     of services  provided  pursuant to section 15.6, and such other  reasonable
     expenses  as may be incurred in the  administration  of the Plan,  shall be
     paid out of the funds of the Plan unless the Employer shall pay them.

          (f)  Any  person,   group  of  persons,   committee,   corporation  or
     organization may serve in more than one fiduciary  capacity with respect to
     the Plan.

          (g) Any action taken or omitted by any  fiduciary  with respect to the
     Plan,  including  any decision,  interpretation,  claim denial or review on
     appeal, shall be conclusive and binding on all interested parties and shall
     be subject to judicial  modification  or reversal  only to the extent it is
     determined  by a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  that  such  action  or
     omission  was  arbitrary  and  capricious  and contrary to the terms of the


                                   ARTICLE XVI



     The Employer  expects to continue the Plan  indefinitely,  but specifically
reserves the right, in its sole discretion,  at any time, by appropriate  action
of the Board, to amend, in whole or in part, any or all of the provisions of the
Plan and to terminate the Plan at any time. Subject to the provisions of section
16.2, no such amendment or  termination  shall permit any part of the Trust Fund
to be used for or diverted to purposes  other than for the exclusive  benefit of
Participants,  Former  Participants,  Beneficiaries or other persons entitled to
benefits,  and no such amendment or termination shall reduce the accrued benefit
of any Participant,  Former Participant,  Beneficiary or other person who may be
entitled to benefits,  without his  consent.  In the event of a  termination  or
partial termination of the Plan, or in the event of a complete discontinuance of
the Employer's  contributions  to the Plan, the Accounts of each affected person
shall forthwith  become  nonforfeitable  and shall be payable in accordance with
the provisions of Article XIII.


     In the  event  that a  corporation  or trade  or  business  other  than RFS
Bancorp,  Inc.  shall  adopt this Plan,  such  corporation  or trade or business
shall, by adopting the Plan, empower RFS Bancorp, Inc. to amend or terminate the
Plan,  insofar  as it shall  cover  employees  of such  corporation  or trade or
business,  upon the terms and  conditions  set forth in section 16.1;  provided,
however,  that any such  corporation  or trade or business may, by action of its
board of directors or other governing body, amend or terminate the Plan, insofar
as it shall  cover  employees  of such  corporation  or trade  or  business,  at
different times and in a different manner. In the event of any such amendment or
termination by action of the board of directors or other  governing body of such
a corporation or trade or business, a separate plan shall be deemed to have been
established for the employees of such corporation or trade or business,  and the
assets  of such plan  shall be  segregated  from the  assets of this Plan at the
earliest  practicable  date  and  shall  be dealt  with in  accordance  with the
documents governing such separate plan.


     The  Employer  has  established  the Plan with the intent that the Plan and
Trust will at all times be  qualified  under  section  401(a)  and exempt  under
section 501(a) of the Code and with the intent that contributions under the Plan
will be allowed as  deductions  in computing  the net income of the Employer for
federal income tax purposes,  and the provisions of the Plan and Trust Agreement
shall be construed to effectuate such intentions. Accordingly, notwithstanding


anything to the contrary hereinbefore provided, the Plan and the Trust Agreement
may be  amended  at any  time  without  prior  notice  to  Participants,  Former
Participants,  Beneficiaries or any other persons entitled to benefits,  if such
amendment is deemed by the Board to be necessary or  appropriate  to  effectuate
such intent.


          (a) All  ESOP  Contributions  to the  Plan  are  conditioned  upon the
     issuance by the Internal  Revenue Service of a determination  that the Plan
     and Trust are qualified  under section  401(a) of the Code and exempt under
     section 501(a) of the Code. If the Employer applies to the Internal Revenue
     Service for such a determination  within 90 days after the date on which it
     files its federal  income tax return for its taxable year that includes the
     last day of the Plan Year in which the Plan is adopted, and if the Internal
     Revenue Service issues a  determination  that the Plan and Trust are not so
     qualified or exempt,  all ESOP  Contributions made by the Employer prior to
     the date of receipt of such a  determination  may,  at the  election of the
     Employer,  be  returned to the  Employer  within one year after the date of
     such determination.

          (b) All ESOP  Contributions  and Loan Repayment  Contributions  to the
     Plan are made upon the  condition  that such  ESOP  Contributions  and Loan
     Repayment Contributions will be allowed as a deduction in computing the net
     income of the Employer for federal income tax purposes.  To the extent that
     any such  deduction  is  disallowed,  the  amount  disallowed  may,  at the
     election of the Employer, be returned to the Employer within one year after
     the deduction is disallowed.

          (c) Any contribution to the Plan made by the Employer as a result of a
     mistake of fact may, at the  election of the  Employer,  be returned to the
     Employer within one year after such contribution is made.

                                  ARTICLE XVII



     As of the  Determination  Date for each Plan Year,  the Plan  Administrator
shall  determine  whether  the Plan is a Top Heavy Plan in  accordance  with the
provisions of this Article XVII. If, as of such Determination  Date, the Plan is
a Top Heavy Plan, then the Plan Year  immediately  following such  Determination
Date shall be a Top Heavy Plan Year and the special  provisions  of this Article
XVII shall be in effect;  provided,  however,  that if, as of the  Determination
Date for the Plan Year in which the  Effective  Date  occurs,  the Plan is a Top


Plan,  such Plan Year shall be a Top Heavy Plan Year, and the provisions of this
Article XVII shall be given retroactive effect for such Plan Year.


          (a) Subject to section 17.2(c), the Plan is a Top Heavy Plan if, as of
     a Deter  mination  Date:  (i) it is not a member of a Required  Aggregation
     Group,  and (ii)(A) the sum of the Cumulative  Accrued  Benefits of all Key
     Employees exceeds 60% of (B) the sum of the Cumulative  Accrued Benefits of
     all Employees (excluding former Key Employees), former Employees (excluding
     former Key Employees and other former  Employees who have not performed any
     services for the Employer or any Affiliated Employer during the immediately
     preceding five Plan Years), and their Beneficiaries.

          (b) Subject to section 17.2(c), the Plan is a Top Heavy Plan if, as of
     a Deter mination  Date: (i) the Plan is a member of a Required  Aggregation
     Group,  and (ii)(A) the sum of the Cumulative  Accrued  Benefits of all Key
     Employees  under all plans  that are  members of the  Required  Aggregation
     Group exceeds 60% of (B) the sum of the Cumulative  Accrued Benefits of all
     Employees  (excluding  former Key Employees),  former Employees  (excluding
     former Key Employees and other former  Employees who have not performed any
     services  for  the  Employer  or  any  Affiliated  Employer  during  the im
     mediately  preceding five Plan Years),  and their  Beneficiaries  under all
     plans that are members of the Required Aggregation Group.

          (c)  Notwithstanding  sections 17.2(a) and 17.2(b),  the Plan is not a
     Top Heavy Plan if, as of a Determination  Date: (i) the Plan is a member of
     a  Permissible  Aggregation  Group,  and (ii)(A) the sum of the  Cumulative
     Accrued  Benefits of all Key Employees  under all plans that are members of
     the Permissible Aggregation Group does not exceed 60% of (B) the sum of the
     Cumulative  Accrued  Benefits  of  all  Employees   (excluding  former  Key
     Employees),  former  Employees  (excluding  former Key  Employees and other
     former  Employees  who have not  performed any services for the Employer or
     any Affiliated Employer during the immediately  preceding five Plan Years),
     and their Beneficiaries under all plans that are members of the Permissible
     Aggregation Group.


     The Determination Date for the Plan Year in which the Effective Date occurs
shall be the last day of such Plan  Year,  and the  Determination  Date for each
Plan Year beginning after the Plan Year in which the Effective Date occurs shall
be the last day of the preceding Plan Year. The Determination Date for any other
qualified plan  maintained by the Employer for a plan year shall be the last day
of the  preceding  plan year of each such plan,  except  that in the case of the
first plan year of such plan, it shall be the last day of such first plan year.



          (a) An individual's  Cumulative Accrued Benefits under this Plan as of
     a Determination Date are equal to the sum of:

          (i) the balance credited to such individual's  Account under this Plan
     as of the most recent Valuation Date preceding the Determination Date;

          (ii)  the  amount  of  any  ESOP   Contributions   or  Loan  Repayment
     Contributions  made  after  such  Valuation  Date  but  on  or  before  the
     Determination Date; and

          (iii) the amount of any distributions of such individual's  Cumulative
     Accrued  Benefits  under the Plan during the five year period ending on the
     Determination Date.

For  purposes  of this  section  17.4(a),  the  computation  of an  individual's
Cumulative Accrued Benefits,  and the extent to which  distributions,  rollovers
and transfers are taken into  account,  will be made in accordance  with section
416 of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

          (b) For purposes of this Plan, the term "Cumulative  Accrued Benefits"
     with respect to any other qualified plan, shall mean the cumulative accrued
     benefits  determined  for  purposes  of  section  416 of the Code under the
     provisions of such plans.

          (c) For  purposes of  determining  the top heavy  status of a Required
     Aggregation  Group  or a  Permissible  Aggregation  Group,  the  Cumulative
     Accrued Benefits under this Plan and the Cumulative  Accrued Benefits under
     any other plan shall be determined as of the Determination  Date that falls
     within  the same  calendar  year as the  Determination  Dates for all other
     members  of such  Required  Aggregation  Group or  Permissible  Aggregation


          (a) For purposes of the Plan, the term Key Employee means any employee
     or former employee of the Employer or any Affiliated Employer who is at any
     time during the current Plan Year or was at any time during the immediately
     preceding four Plan Years:

          (i) a Five Percent Owner;

          (ii) a person who would be  described  in  section  1.24 if the number
     "1%" were  substituted  for the number "5%" in section  1.24 and who has an
     annual Total Compen sation from the Employer and any Affiliated Employer of
     more than $150,000;


          (iii) an Officer of the Employer or any Affiliated Employer who has an
     annual  Total  Compensation  greater than 50% of the amount in effect under
     section 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code for any such Plan Year; or

          (iv)  one of the ten  persons  owning  the  largest  interests  in the
     Employer and having an annual Total  Compensation  from the Employer or any
     Affiliated  Employer  in excess of the dollar  limitation  in effect  under
     section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code for such Plan Year.

          (b) For purposes of section 17.5(a):

          (i) for purposes of section 17.5(a)(iii), in the event the Employer or
     any Affiliated Employer has more officers than are considered Officers, the
     term Key Emplo yee shall mean those  officers,  up to the  maximum  number,
     with the highest  annual  compensation  in any one of the five  consecutive
     Plan Years ending on the Determination Date; and

          (ii) for purposes of section 17.5(a)(iv),  if two or more persons have
     equal  ownership  interests  in the  Employer,  each such  person  shall be
     considered as having a larger ownership  interest than any such person with
     a lower annual compensation from the Employer or any Affiliated Employer.

          (c) For purposes of section 17.5(a): (i) a person's  compensation from
     Affiliated  Employers shall be aggregated,  but his ownership  interests in
     Affiliated  Employers shall not be aggregated;  (ii) an employee shall only
     be deemed to be an  officer  if he has the  power and  responsibility  of a
     person who is an officer within the meaning of section 416 of the Code; and
     (iii)  the term Key  Employee  shall  also  include  the  Beneficiary  of a
     deceased Key Employee.


     For  purposes of this  Article  XVII,  a Required  Aggregation  Group shall
consist  of (a) this  Plan;  (b) any other  qualified  plans  maintained  by the
Employer and any  Affiliated  Employers  that cover Key  Employees;  and (c) any
other  qualified  plans that are  required  to be  aggregated  for  purposes  of
satisfying the requirements of sections 401(a)(4) or 410(b) of the Code.


     For purposes of this Article  XVII, a Permissible  Aggregation  Group shall
consist of (a) the Required  Aggregation Group and (b) any other qualified plans
maintained by the Employer and any Affiliated Employers; provided, however, that
the  Permissible  Aggregation  Group must satisfy the  requirements  of sections
401(a)(4) and 410(b) of the Code.



          (a)  Notwithstanding  any other provision of the Plan to the contrary,
     for each Top Heavy Plan Year,  in the case of a  Participant  (other than a
     Key Employee) on the last day of such Top Heavy Plan Year who is not also a
     participant  in  another   qualified  plan  which   satisfies  the  minimum
     contribution  and  benefit  requirements  of  section  416 of the Code with
     respect to such  Participant,  the sum of the ESOP  Contributions  and Loan
     Repayment  Contributions  made  with  respect  to  such  Participant,  when
     expressed as a percentage of his Total Compensation for such Top Heavy Plan
     Year, shall not be less than 3% of such  Participant's  Total  Compensation
     for such Top Heavy  Plan  Year or,  if less,  the  highest  combined  rate,
     expressed as a percentage of Total Compensation at which ESOP Contributions
     and Loan Repayment  Contributions were made on behalf of a Key Employee for
     such  Top  Heavy  Plan  Year.   The  Employer   shall  make  an  additional
     contribution to the Account of each  Participant to the extent necessary to
     satisfy the foregoing requirement.

          (b) For any Top Heavy Plan Year, the number "1.0" shall be substituted
     for the number "1.25" in sections 8.2(c)(iii) and 8.2(c)(iv), except that:

          (i) this section  17.8(b) shall not apply to any  individual for a Top
     Heavy Plan Year that is not a Super Top Heavy Plan Year if the requirements
     of section 17.8(a) would be satisfied for such Super Top Heavy Plan Year if
     the number "4%" were substituted for the number 3% in section 17.8(a); and

          (ii) this section  17.8(b) shall not apply to an individual  for a Top
     Heavy Plan Year if,  during  such Top Heavy  Plan  Year,  there are no ESOP
     Contributions or Loan Repayment  Contributions allocated to such individual
     under  this  Plan,  there are no  contributions  under any other  qualified
     defined  contribution  plan  maintained by the  Employer,  and there are no
     accruals  for such  individual  under any  qualified  defined  benefit plan
     maintained by the Employer.

For purposes of this section 17.8(b), the term Super Top Heavy Plan Year means a
Top Heavy Plan Year in which the Plan would meet the  definitional  requirements
of sections  17.2(a) or 17.2(b) if the term "90%" were  substituted for the term
"60%" in sections 17.2(a), 17.2(b) and 17.2(c).


                                  ARTICLE XVIII

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS


     The Plan shall be  construed,  administered  and enforced  according to the
laws of the State of New York  without  giving  effect to the  conflict  of laws
principles thereof, except to the extent that such laws are preempted by federal


     Neither the establishment of the Plan, nor any provisions of the Plan or of
the Trust Agreement establishing the Trust Fund nor any action of the Committee,
the Plan Administrator or the Trustee, shall be held or construed to confer upon
any Employee any right to a  continuation  of employment  by the  Employer.  The
Employer  reserves the right to dismiss any Employee or otherwise  deal with any
Employee to the same extent as though the Plan had not been adopted.


     Wherever appropriate in the Plan, words used in the singular may be read in
the  plural,  words used in the plural  may be read in the  singular,  and words
importing the masculine gender may be read as referring  equally to the feminine
and the neuter.  Any reference to an Article or section number shall refer to an
Article or section of the Plan, unless otherwise indicated.


     The headings of Articles and sections are included  solely for  convenience
of reference. If there is any conflict between such headings and the text of the
Plan, the text shall control.


     The Plan shall not be merged or consolidated  with, nor transfer its assets
or liabilities to, any other plan unless each Participant,  Former  Participant,
Beneficiary  and other  person  entitled to  benefits,  would (if that plan then
terminated)  receive a benefit  immediately  after the merger,  consolidation or
transfer  which is equal to or  greater  than the  benefit  he would  have  been
entitled to receive if the Plan had  terminated  immediately  before the merger,
consolidation or transfer.



          (a)  Except as  provided  in section  18.6(b),  the right to receive a
     benefit under the Plan shall not be subject in any manner to  anticipation,
     alienation or assignment,  nor shall such right be liable for or subject to
     debts,  contracts,  liabilities or torts.  Should any  Participant,  Former
     Participant or other person  attempt to anticipate,  alienate or assign his
     interest in or right to a benefit,  or should any person  claiming  against
     him seek to subject such  interest or right to legal or equitable  process,
     all the  interest or right of such  Participant  or Former  Participant  or
     other  person  entitled to benefits  in the Plan shall  cease,  and in that
     event such interest or right shall be held or applied,  at the direction of
     the Plan Administrator, for or to the benefit of such Participant or Former
     Participant, or other person or his spouse, children or other dependents in
     such  manner and in such  proportions  as the Plan  Administrator  may deem
     proper.  This  prohibition on assignment  shall also not apply to prevent a
     benefit  offset by any  amount  such  Participant,  Former  Participant  or
     Beneficiary is required or ordered to pay to the Plan if:

          (i) the order or  requirement  to pay  arises:  (A)  under a  judgment
     issued on or after August 5, 1997 of conviction  for a crime  involving the
     Plan;  (B) under a civil  judgment  (including  a consent  order or decree)
     entered  by a court on or after  August  5, 1997 in an  action  brought  in
     connection with a violation (or alleged  violation) of part 4 of subtitle B
     of title I of ERISA; or (C) pursuant to a settlement agreement entered into
     on or after August 5, 1997 between the Participant,  Former  Participant or
     Beneficiary  and one or both of the United  States  Department of Labor and
     the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation in connection with a violation (or
     alleged  violation)  of  part 4 of  subtitle  B of  title I of  ERISA  by a
     fiduciary or any other person; and

          (ii) the judgment,  order,  decree or settlement  agreement  expressly
     provides for the offset of all or part of the amount ordered or required to
     be paid to the Plan  against the  Participant's,  Former  Participant's  or
     Beneficiary's benefits under the Plan.

          (b) This section 18.6 shall not prohibit the Plan  Administrator  from
     recognizing a Domestic Relations Order that is determined to be a Qualified
     Domestic Relations Order in accordance with section 18.7.


     Upon receiving a Domestic  Relations  Order, the Plan  Administrator  shall
segregate in a separate  account or in an escrow  account or separately  account
for the amounts payable to any person pursuant to such Domestic Relations Order,
pending a  determination  whether such Domestic  Relations  Order  constitutes a
Qualified  Domestic Relations Order, and shall give notice of the receipt of the
Domestic Relations Order to the Participant or Former Participant and each other
person  affected  thereby.  If,  within 18 months after receipt of such Domestic
Relations Order, the Plan  Administrator,  a court of competent  jurisdiction or
another appropriate authority


determines that such Domestic  Relations Order constitutes a Qualified  Domestic
Relations  Order,  the Plan  Administrator  shall  direct the Trustee to pay the
segregated amounts (plus any interest thereon) to the person or persons entitled
thereto under the Qualified  Domestic  Relations Order. If it is determined that
the Domestic  Relations Order is not a Qualified  Domestic Relations Order or if
no determination is made within the prescribed  18-month period,  the segregated
amounts shall be distributed as though the Domestic Relations Order had not been
received,  and any  later  determination  that  such  Domestic  Relations  Order
constitutes  a Qualified  Domestic  Relations  Order shall be applied  only with
respect to benefits that remain undistributed on the date of such determination.
The  Plan  Administrator  shall  be  authorized  to  establish  such  reasonable
administrative  procedures as he deems  necessary or  appropriate  to administer
this section 18.7.  This section 18.7 shall be construed and  administered so as
to comply with the requirements of section 401(a)(13) of the Code.


          (a) Subject to section 18.8(b),  a leased employee shall be treated as
     an Employee  for purposes of the Plan.  For purposes of this section  18.8,
     the term "leased  employee" means any person (i) who would not, but for the
     application  of this section  18.8, be an Employee and (ii) who pursuant to
     an  agreement   between  the  Employer  and  any  other  person   ("leasing
     organization")  has  performed  for the  Employer  (or for the Employer and
     related  persons  determined  in accordance  with section  414(n)(6) of the
     Code),  on a  substantially  full-time  basis  for a period of at least one
     year,  services  performed  under the primary  direction  or control of the

          (b) For purposes of the Plan:

          (i)  contributions or benefits  provided to the leased employee by the
     leasing  organization  which are attributable to services performed for the
     Employer shall be treated as provided by the Employer; and

          (ii) section 18.8(a) shall not apply to a leased employee if:

               (A) the number of leased  employees  performing  services for the
          Employer does not exceed 20% of the number of the Employer's Employees
          who are not Highly Compensated Employees; and

               (B) such leased  employee is covered by a money purchase  pension
          plan providing (I) a nonintegrated  contribution  rate of at least 10%
          of the leased employ ee's compensation;  (II) immediate participation;
          (III) full and  immediate  vesting;  and (IV)  coverage for all of the
          employees  of the  leasing  organization  (other  than  employees  who
          perform   substantially   all  of  their   services  for  the  leasing



     It is intended that the Plan constitute an "employee stock ownership plan,"
as defined in section 4975(e)(7) of the Code and section 407(d)(6) of ERISA. The
Plan shall be construed and administered to give effect to such intent.
