
                  AGREEMENT  dated as of  October 7,  1998,  among MEDE  AMERICA
CORPORATION,  a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  WELSH, CARSON, ANDERSON &
STOWE V,  L.P.,  a Delaware  limited  partnership  ("WCAS  V"),  WELSH,  CARSON,
ANDERSON & STOWE VI, L.P., a Delaware limited  partnership  ("WCAS VI"), WILLIAM
partnership, ("Blair LF") and WILLIAM BLAIR CAPITAL PARTNERS V, L.P., a Delaware
limited  partnership,  ("Blair V";  WCAS V, WCAS VI,  Blair LF and Blair V being
hereinafter  referred to individually  as a "Guarantor" and  collectively as the

                  WHEREAS,   the  Guarantors  are  collectively  the  owners  of
approximately 80% of the outstanding common and preferred stock of the Company;

                  WHEREAS, the Company and Bank of America Illinois (the "Bank")
are parties to a Credit  Agreement,  dated as of December  18, 1995 (the "Credit
Agreement"),  as amended, providing for the extension by the Bank to the Company
of a revolving line of credit (the "Line of Credit");

                  WHEREAS,  the maximum  amount of Line of Credit was originally
$10,000,000,  which was  increased to $13.5 million as of February 10, 1997 (the
"February Increase"), subsequently decreased to $5 million and then increased to
a total of $20 million as of October 31, 1997 (the "October Increase").

                  WHEREAS,  in connection with the  establishment of the Line of
Credit and the February Increase and the October Increase in the maximum amounts
thereof,  the Guarantors gave certain guarantees to the Bank with respect to the
Line of Credit and, in consideration  thereof,  were issued warrants to purchase
shares of the Company's Common Stock;

                  WHEREAS,  the Company and the Bank have entered into the Fifth
Amendment  to  Credit  Agreement,  dated  as of  the  date  hereof  (the  "Fifth
Amendment"),  providing,  among  other  things,  for an  increase in the Line of
Credit of $16 million  (the  "Additional  Indebtedness"),  which will permit the
Bank to advance a total of $36 million thereunder;

                  WHEREAS,  in order to induce the Bank to  increase  and extend
the Line of Credit pursuant to the October Increase,  the Bank, WCAS VI, Blair V
and the other Guarantors agreed to modify the Guarantor Percentages provided for
in the Credit Agreement, with the effect that, effective as of the date thereof,
only WCAS VI and Blair V would be liable to the Bank on the Guaranty;

                  WHEREAS,  in order to induce the Bank to  increase  and extend
the Line of Credit pursuant to the Fifth Amendment,  the Bank and the Guarantors
have  agreed to modify  the  Guarantor  Percentages  provided  for in the Credit
Agreement,  with the effect that,  effective as of the date hereof,  WCAS V will
also be liable to the Bank on the Guaranty;

                  WHEREAS,  WCAS  V  and  Blair  V are  willing  to  assume  the
additional financial risk associated with the Additional  Indebtedness under the
Guaranty,  and in consideration thereof, the Company is willing to issue to WCAS
V and Blair V warrants  to purchase an  additional  84,050  shares of its Common
Stock, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

                  WHEREAS,  as a result of the forgoing,  the Guarantors wish to
amend and extend the previous  agreements  among  themselves with respect to the
manner in which they will bear the economic  incidence  of any payments  made by
any of them under the Guaranty;

                  WHEREAS,  the Guarantors hereby confirm that they are assuming
the  financial  risk  associated  with  the  Guaranty  and the  Line  of  Credit
(including but not limited to the financial risk  associated with the Additional
Indebtedness) in order to protect their existing  substantial equity investments
in the Company and to ensure the Company's future financial viability; and

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing and the
mutual agreements contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

                                   I. ARTICLE

                              ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS

     Section 1.01 Issuance of Warrants.  (a) In  consideration of the assumption
by WCAS V and  Blair V of the  additional  financial  risk  associated  with the
Additional  Indebtedness  under the  Guaranty,  the  Company  shall  execute and
deliver  to each of WCAS V and Blair a  warrant  in the form  annexed  hereto as
Exhibit 1 (individually a "Warrant" and collectively the "Warrants") to purchase
shares of the Company's  Common Stock,  $.01 par value ("Common  Stock"),  at an
exercise  price  specified  therein.  WCAS V shall be  entitled  to a Warrant to
purchase  80% shares of Common  Stock and Blair V shall be entitled to a Warrant
to purchase 20% shares of Common Stock.

     Section 1.02 Tax and Accounting Treatment.  The Company, WCAS V and Blair V
agree that for  federal,  state and local  income  tax as well as for  financial
accounting  purposes,  the issuance of the Warrants by the Company to WCAS V and
Blair V is in the nature of a dividend  distribution and is not compensation (or
a payment) for any services, and each hereby agrees to treat the issuance of the
Warrants  in such  manner  for all  such  purposes,  all to the  maximum  extent
permitted by applicable law.


                                 II. ARTICLE


                  The Company  represents and warrants to, and agrees with, WCAS
V and Blair V as follows:

     Section 2.01 Organization.  The Company is a corporation duly incorporated,
validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware
and is duly  licensed or  qualified to do business as a foreign  corporation  in
good  standing in each of the  jurisdiction  in which it owns or leases any real
property  or in which  the  nature  of  business  transacted  by it  makes  such
licensing or qualification  necessary and where the failure to be so licensed or
qualified  would have a material  adverse affect on the business,  operations or
financial  condition of the  Company.  The Company has the  corporate  power and
authority  to own and  hold its  properties  and to  carry  on its  business  as
currently  conducted,  to execute,  deliver and perform this  Agreement  and the
Warrants and to issue, sell and deliver the shares of Common Stock issuable upon
the exercise of the Warrants (the "Warrant Shares").

     Section 2.02  Authorization of Agreement,  etc. (a)The execution,  delivery
and  performance  by the Company of this  Agreement  and the  Warrants,  and the
issuance, sale and delivery of the Warrant Shares upon exercise of the Warrants,
have been duly  authorized  by all requisite  corporate  action and will not (i)
violate  any  provision  of law,  any  order of any  court or  other  agency  of
government,  the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of
the Company, or any provision of any indenture, agreement or other instrument by
which  the  Company  or any  of its  subsidiaries  or  any of  their  respective
properties  or assets is bound or  affected;  (ii)  conflict  with,  result in a
breach of or constitute (with due notice or lapse of time or both) a default any
such indenture,  agreement or other instrument;  or (iii) result in the creation
or imposition of any lien,  charge or  incumbrance of any nature upon any of the
properties or assets of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

     (b) The Warrant  Shares have been duly  reserved for issuance upon exercise
of the Warrants and, when so issued, will be duly authorized, validly issued and
outstanding,  fully paid and nonassessable  shares of Common Stock.  Neither the
execution  and  delivery of the  Warrants  nor the  issuance and delivery of the
Warrant  Shares upon  exercise  thereof is subject to any  preemptive  rights of
shareholders  of the Company or to any right of first  refusal or other  similar
right in favor of any person.

     Section 2.03 Validity.  This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
by the Company and  constitutes the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
Company,  enforceable in accordance with its terms. The Warrants,  when executed
in accordance with this  Agreement,  will  constitute  legal,  valid and binding
obligations  of the Company,  enforceable  in accordance  with their  respective


                                  III. ARTICLE


                  Each of WCAS V and  Blair V  represents  and  warrants  to the
Company that it is acquiring the  Warrants,  and will,  upon  exercise  thereof,
acquire the Warrant  Shares,  for its own account for purpose of investment  and
not with a view to or for sale in connection with any distribution thereof. Each
of WCAS V and Blair V further  represents  that it understands  (i) that neither
the Warrants nor the Warrant  Shares have been  registered  under the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"), by reason of their issuance in
transactions  exempt from the  registration  requirements  of the Securities Act
pursuant to Section 4(2) thereof,  (ii) the Warrants and, upon exercise thereof,
the Warrant  Shares must be held  indefinitely  unless a subsequent  disposition
thereof is registered  under the Securities Act or is otherwise exempt from such
registration,  (iii) the Warrants  and the Warrant  Shares will bear a legend to
such effect and (iv) the Company will make a notation on its  transfer  books to
such effect.  Each of WCAS V and Blair V further  understands that the exemption
from  registration  afforded by Rule 144 under the Securities Act depends on the
satisfaction of various conditions and that, if applicable, affords the basis of
sales of the Warrants and/or the Warrant Shares in limited amounts under certain
conditions.  Each of WCAS V and Blair V (i) acknowledges  that it has had a full
opportunity  to  request  from  the  Company  to  review  and has  received  all
information  deemed  relevant in making a decision to enter into this  Agreement
and consummate the transactions  contemplated  thereby and (ii) will comply with
the restrictions on transferability of the Warrants and Warrant Shares contained
in the Warrant.  Each of WCAS V and Blair V is an "Accredited  Investor"  within
the meaning of Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act.

                                  IV. ARTICLE

                         AGREEMENTS AMONG THE GUARANTORS

                  The Guarantors agree that, as among themselves,  the liability
for any and all payments  made by any of them  pursuant to the Guaranty  will be
allocated to and borne by them, as follows: (i) 80% to WCAS VI, 18.4% to Blair V
and 1.6% to  Blair  LF with  respect  to the  first  $20  million  of  principal
indebtedness  (and any interest,  penalties and other charges  thereon) and (ii)
80% to WCAS V and 20% to Blair V with  respect to any  payments in excess of $20
million of principal indebtedness (and any interest, penalties and other charges
thereon)  pursuant  to the Fifth  Amendment.  Each of the  Guarantors  agrees to
indemnify  each of the other  Guarantors  for any payments  made pursuant to the
Guaranty (or to indemnify  other  Guarantors in accordance with this Article IV)
by such other  Guarantor that were in excess of such other  Guarantor's pro rata
share of all amounts paid by the  Guarantors  under the Guaranty,  determined in
accordance with the first sentence of this Article IV, but only to the extent of
the excess,  if any, of its own payments  made pursuant to the Guaranty plus the
indemnity  payments  made by it to other  Guarantors  in  accordance  with  this
Article IV, over its pro rata share of all amounts paid by the Guarantors  under
the Guaranty,  determined in accordance  with the first sentence of this Article


IV. The  foregoing  shall  apply  irrespective  of which of the  Guarantors  has
actually made or is liable to make payment under the terms and provisions of the
Guaranty and without  regard to the release of any Guarantor of its  obligations
under the Guaranty by the Bank or any assignee thereof.

                                   V. ARTICLE

                            AGREEMENTS OF THE COMPANY

                  The  Company  covenants  and agrees  that any right to payment
received by the Guarantors in respect of the Credit Agreement,  as amended,  and
their guaranty  thereof,  whether by way of purchase,  subrogation or otherwise,
and  regardless  whether  and to what extent the same shall be  subordinated  to
other  indebtedness  to the Banks or shall  have  been  waived  pending  certain
events,  may be applied,  both as to principal and accrued and unpaid  interest,
dollar for dollar,  by the Guarantors,  or any of them, as the purchase price of
any equity securities offered by the Company to investors for cash. In addition,
in the event that the Company shall be unable to make a payment under the Credit
Agreement,  as  amended,  the  Guarantors  shall  have  the  right  (but not the
obligation) (i) to purchase additional equity securities of the Company and (ii)
to require  the Company to use the net  proceeds  of such  purchase to make such
payment  under the  Credit  Agreement,  as  amended.  The right set forth in the
preceding  sentence may only be exercised upon joint approval by the Guarantors,
and the  securities  so  purchased  shall be issued at fair  value,  based  upon
current  market  conditions for the issuance of equity  securities.  The Company
shall use its best efforts to provide the Guarantors with  sufficient  notice in
advance of a payment default under the Credit Agreement,  as amended,  to enable
the Guarantors to exercise their rights under this Article V.

                                  VI. ARTICLE


     Section  6.01  Expenses.  Each party  hereto  will pay its own  expenses in
connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  whether  or not such
transactions shall be consummated; provided, however, that the Company shall pay
the fees and disbursements of the Guarantors' special counsel,  Messrs.  Reboul,
MacMurray, Hewitt, Maynard & Kristol.

     Section  6.02   Survival  of   Agreements.   All   covenants,   agreements,
representations  and  warranties  made herein shall  survive the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and the Warrants and the issuance,  sale and delivery
of the Warrant Shares.


     Section 6.03 Parties in Interest. All covenants and agreements contained in
this Agreement by or on behalf of any of the parties hereto shall bind and inure
to the benefit of the  respective  successors  and assigns of the parties hereto
whether so expressed or not.

     Section   6.04   Notices.   All  notices,   requests,   consent  and  other
communications  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first class
registered  mail,  postage  prepaid,  or sent by a  recognized  courier  service
addressed as follows:

                  If to the Company to it at:

                  90 Merrick Avenue, Suite 501
                  East Meadow, New York 11554
                  Fax: (516) 542-4508
                  Attention:  David M. Goldwin, Esq.

                  If to WCAS VI or WCAS V to it at

                  320 Park Avenue
                  Suite 2500
                  New York, New York 10022
                  Attention:  Anthony J. de Nicola

                  If to Blair LF or Blair V to it at

                  222 W. Adams Street
                  Chicago, Illinois  60606
                  Attention:  Timothy M. Murray

or, in any such case,  at such other  address  or  addresses  as shall have been
furnished in writing my such party to the others.


     Section  6.06  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire
Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and may not
be modified or amended except in writing.

     Section 6.07  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Company  and the  Guarantors  have
executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION


                                            WELSH, CARSON, ANDERSON &
                                                  STOWE V, L.P.
                                            By WCAS V Partners, General Partner

                                                      General Partner

                                            WELSH, CARSON, ANDERSON &
                                                  STOWE VI, L.P.
                                            By WCAS VI  Partners,  L.P., General

                                                       General Partner

                                                WILLIAM BLAIR LEVERAGED CAPITAL
                                                    FUND LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                             By  William Blair Leveraged Capital
                                                        Management, L.P.

                                             By  William Blair & Company,
                                                     General Partner


                                                     WILLIAM BLAIR CAPITAL
                                                         PARTNERS V, L.P.

                                             By William Blair Capital Partners, 
                                                      General Partner


                                                                    EXHIBIT 1

                                 FORM OF WARRANT


                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION

                           Stock Subscription Warrant

Warrant to Subscribe                                             October 7, 1998
for        shares

                           Void After October 7, 2003


                  THIS CERTIFIES that, for value received, [NAME OF HOLDER], a [
]  ("Holder"),  or its  registered  assigns,  is entitled to  subscribe  for and
purchase  from MEDE AMERICA  CORPORATION,  a Delaware  corporation  (hereinafter
called the  "Corporation"),  at an exercise price (the "Warrant Exercise Price")
of (i) $8.00 per share (subject to adjustment as  hereinafter  provided) or (ii)
in the event an initial public offering for the  Corporation's  Common Stock (as
herein defined) is completed by March 31, 1999, the offering price per share, at
any time prior to  October  7, 2003,  up to [ ( )]  (subject  to  adjustment  as
hereinafter  provided)  fully  paid and  nonassessable  shares of Common  Stock,
subject,   however,  to  the  provisions  and  upon  the  terms  and  conditions
hereinafter  set forth.  This  Warrant and any warrant or warrants  subsequently
issued upon exchange or transfer  hereof and each other warrant issued  pursuant
to the Agreement, dated as of October 7, 1998 (the "Agreement"), among the Corpo
ration and the stockholders of the Corporation named therein, and any warrant or
warrants subse

quently issued upon exchange or transfer thereof,  are hereinafter  collectively
called the "War rants".

                  Section 1.  Exercise of Warrant.

                  (a) Method of Exercise. The rights represented by this Warrant
         may be  exercised  by the holder  hereof,  in whole at any time or from
         time to time in part, but not as to a fractional share of Common Stock,
         by the surrender of this Warrant  (properly  endorsed) at the office of
         the  Corporation as it may designate by notice in writing to the holder
         hereof at the  address  of such  holder  appearing  on the books of the
         Corporation, and as further provided below in this Section 1:

                  (i)   Cash  Exercise.  By  payment to the  Corporation  of the
         Warrant  Exercise Price in cash or by certified or official bank check,
         for each share being purchased;

                  (ii)   Surrender  of   Indebtedness   of  or  Claims   Against
         Corporation.  By surrender to the Corporation  for  cancellation of any
         indebtedness  of or claim against the  Corporation  (including  without
         limitation  any claim against the  Corporation as subrogee in the event
         the Holder shall have  performed  under its guarantee  under the Credit
         Agreement, as defined in the Agreement), or of any portion thereof, for
         which credit shall be given toward the Warrant  Exercise Price for each
         share being acquired on a dollar-for-dollar basis with reference to the
         principal amount canceled;

                  (iii) Net Issue Exercise. By an election to receive shares the
         aggregate  fair  market  value of which as of the date of  exercise  is
         equal to the fair market value of this Warrant (or the portion  thereof
         being  exercised)  on such date, in which event the  Corporation,  upon
         receipt of notice of such election,  shall issue to the holder hereof a
         number of shares of the  Corporation's  Common  Stock  equal to (A) the
         number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon exercise of all or any
         portion of this Warrant being exercised, as at such date, multiplied by
         (B) the balance  remaining  after  deducting  (x) the Warrant  Exercise
         Price, as in effect on such date, from (y) the fair market value of one
         share of the Corpora  tion's  Common Stock as at such date and dividing
         the result by (C) such fair market value; or

                  (iv) Combined  Payment Method.  By satisfaction of the Warrant
         Exercise Price for each share being acquired in any  combination of two
         or more of the methods described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above.

                  (b) Definition of Fair Market Value.  For the purposes of this
         Section 1, "fair  market  value"  shall mean,  as to any  security,  as
         follows:  if that  security is listed or admit ted to trading on one or
         more national  securities  exchanges,  the average of the last reported
         sales prices per share regular way or, in case no such  reported  sales
         takes place on any such day,  the average of the last  reported bid and
         asked prices per share regular


         way, in either case on the principal  national  securities  exchange on
         which  that  security  is listed or  admitted  to  trading,  for the 20
         trading days immediately  preceding the date upon which the fair market
         value is determined (the "Determination Date"); if that security is not
         listed or admitted to trading on a national  securities exchange but is
         quoted by the NASD Automated  Quotation System ("NASDAQ"),  the average
         of the last reported  sales prices per share regular way or, in case no
         reported  sale takes place on any such day or the last  reported  sales
         prices are not then quoted by NASDAQ,  the average for each such day of
         the last  reported bid and asked  prices per share,  for the 20 trading
         days immediately  preceding the Determination  Date as furnished by the
         National  Quotation  Bureau  Incor  porated  or any  similar  successor
         organization; and if that security is not listed or admitted to trading
         on a  national  securities  exchange  or  quoted by NASDAQ or any other
         nation ally recognized quotation service, the "fair market value" shall
         be the fair value thereof determined jointly by the Corporation and the
         registered holders of Warrants  outstanding  representing a majority of
         the shares of Common Stock  acquirable  upon  exercise of the Warrants,
         provided,  however,  that if such parties are unable to reach agreement
         within a reasonable  time,  the "fair market value" shall be determined
         in good  faith by an inde  pendent  investment  banking  firm  selected
         jointly by the  Corporation  and the  registered  holders  of  Warrants
         outstanding  representing  a  majority  of the  shares of Common  Stock
         issuable upon exercise of the Warrants or, if that selection  cannot be
         made within 15 days, by an independent investment banking firm selected
         by the American  Arbitration Associa tion in accordance with its rules.
         Anything in this paragraph (b) to the contrary  notwith  standing,  the
         fair  market  value of this  Warrant or any  portion  thereof as of any
         Determina  tion Date shall be equal to (i) the fair market value of the
         shares of Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of this Warrant (or such
         portion  thereof),  (determined  in  accor  dance  with  the  foregoing
         provisions of this  paragraph  (b)),  minus (ii) the aggregate  Warrant
         Exercise Price of this Warrant (or such portion thereof).

                  (c)  Delivery  of  Certificates,  Etc.  In  the  event  of any
         exercise of the rights repre sented by this Warrant,  a certificate  or
         certificates for the shares of Common Stock so purchased, registered in
         the name of the holder,  shall be delivered to the holder hereof within
         a reasonable time, not exceeding ten days, after the rights represented
         by this Warrant shall have been so exercised;  and, unless this Warrant
         has expired, a new Warrant  representing the number of shares (except a
         remaining fractional share), if any, with respect to which this Warrant
         shall not then have been  exercised  shall also be issued to the holder
         hereof within such time. The person in whose name any  certificate  for
         shares of Common Stock is issued upon  exercise of this  Warrant  shall
         for all  purposes be deemed to have become the holder of record of such
         shares on the date on which the Warrant was  surrendered and payment of
         the Warrant  Exercise Price and any applicable  taxes was made,  except
         that, if the date of such  surrender and payment is a date on which the
         stock transfer books of the Corporation  are closed,  such person shall
         be  deemed to have  become  the  holder of such  shares at the close of
         business on the next  succeeding date on which the stock transfer books
         are open.


                  Section  2.   Adjustment  of  Number  of  Shares.   Upon  each
adjustment of the Warrant Exercise Price as provided in Section 3, the holder of
this Warrant shall  thereafter be entitled to purchase,  at the Warrant Exercise
Price resulting from such  adjustment,  the number of shares  (calculated to the
nearest tenth of a share) obtained by multiplying the Warrant  Exercise Price in
effect  immediately prior to such adjustment by the number of shares purchasable
pursuant  hereto  immediately  prior to such adjustment and dividing the product
thereof by the Warrant Exercise Price resulting from such adjustment.

                  Section 3.  Adjustment of Price Upon Issuance of Common Stock.
If and  whenever  the  Corporation  shall issue or sell any shares of its Common
Stock for a  consideration  per share less than the  Warrant  Exercise  Price in
effect immediately prior to the time of such issue or sale, then, forthwith upon
such  issue or sale the  Warrant  Exercise  Price  shall be reduced to the price
(calculated  to the nearest $.01)  determined by dividing (i) an amount equal to
the sum of (a) the  number of shares of  Common  Stock  outstanding  immediately
prior to such  issue or sale (in  cluding  as  outstanding  all shares of Common
Stock issuable upon  conversion of all  outstanding  Convertible  Securities (as
hereinafter  defined) or exercise of outstanding Warrants multiplied by the then
existing Warrant Exercise Price, and (b) the consideration,  if any, received by
the Corpo ration upon such issue or sale,  by (ii) the total number of shares of
Common Stock  outstanding  immediately  after such issue or sale  (including  as
outstanding  all  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of  all
outstanding  Convertible  Securities or exercise of  outstanding  Warrants).  No
adjustments of the Warrant Exercise Price,  however,  shall be made in an amount
less  than $.01 per  share,  but any such  lesser  adjustment  shall be  carried
forward  and  shall be made at the time and  together  with the next  subsequent
adjustment  which together with any  adjustments so carried forward shall amount
to $.01 per share or more.

                  For purposes of this Section 3, the following  paragraphs  (a)
to (p), inclusive, shall also be applicable:

                  (a)  Issuance  of Rights or  Options.  In case at any time the
         Corporation   shall  in  any  manner  grant  (whether  directly  or  by
         assumption in a merger or otherwise)  any rights to subscribe for or to
         purchase, or any options for the purchase of, Common Stock or any stock
         or securities  convertible  into or exchangeable for Common Stock (such
         rights or options being herein called  "Options",  and such convertible
         or exchangeable  stock or securities  being herein called  "Convertible
         Securities")  whether  or not such  Options  or the right to convert or
         exchange any such Convertible  Securities are immediately  exercisable,
         and the price per share for which  Common  Stock is  issuable  upon the
         exercise  of  such  Options  or upon  conversion  or  exchange  of such
         Convertible Securities (determined by dividing (i) the total amount, if
         any,  received or receivable by the  Corporation  as consider ation for
         the  granting of such  Options,  plus the minimum  aggregate  amount of
         additional  consideration  payable to the Corporation upon the exercise
         of all such Options,  plus, in the case of such Options which relate to
         Convertible  Securities,  the minimum  aggregate  amount of  additional
         consideration, if any, payable


         upon the issue or sale of such  Convert  ible  Securities  and upon the
         conversion or exchange  thereof,  by (ii) the total  maximum  number of
         shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of such Options or
         upon the  conversion  or  exchange of all such  Convertible  Securities
         issuable  upon the  exercise  of such  Options)  shall be less than the
         Warrant Exercise Price in effect  immediately  prior to the time of the
         granting of such Options,  then the total  maximum  number of shares of
         Common  Stock  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of such  Options  or upon
         conversion or exchange of the total maximum amount of such  Convertible
         Securities  issuable  upon the exercise of such Options shall be deemed
         to have been issued for such price per share as of the date of granting
         of such  Options  and  thereafter  shall be deemed  to be  outstanding.
         Except as otherwise  provided in paragraph  (c), no  adjustment  of the
         Warrant  Exercise  Price  shall be made upon the  actual  issue of such
         Common Stock or of such  Convertible  Securities  upon exercise of such
         Options or upon the actual issue of such Common  Stock upon  conversion
         or exchange of such Convertible Securities.

                  (b)   Issuance  of   Convertible   Securities.   In  case  the
         Corporation   shall  in  any  manner  issue  (whether  directly  or  by
         assumption  in  a  merger  or   otherwise)  or  sell  any   Convertible
         Securities, whether or not the rights to exchange or convert thereunder
         are immediately  exercisable,  and the price per share for which Common
         Stock is  issuable  upon such  conversion  or exchange  (determined  by
         dividing (i) the total amount received or receivable by the Corporation
         as consideration for the issue or sale of such Convertible  Securities,
         plus the minimum aggregate amount of additional consideration,  if any,
         payable to the Corporation  upon the conversion or exchange of all such
         Convertible  Securities)  shall be less than the Warrant Exercise Price
         in effect immediately prior to the time of such issue or sale, then the
         total maximum number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion
         or exchange of all such Convertible  Securities shall be deemed to have
         been  issued  for such  price  per share as of the date of the issue or
         sale of such  Convertible  Securities and thereafter shall be deemed to
         be  outstanding,  provided  that (i) except as  otherwise  provided  in
         paragraph (c) below, no adjustment of the Warrant  Exercise Price shall
         be made upon the actual issue of such Common Stock upon  conversion  or
         exchange of such Convertible Securities,  and (ii) if any such issue or
         sale of such Convertible Securities is made upon exercise of any Option
         to purchase any such Convertible  Securi ties for which  adjustments of
         the  Warrant  Exercise  Price have been or are to be made  pursuant  to
         other  provisions  of this  Section  3, no  further  adjustment  of the
         Warrant Exercise Price shall be made by reason of such issue or sale.

                  (c)  Change  in  Option  Price or  Conversion  Rate.  Upon the
         happening of any of the following events, namely, if the purchase price
         provided for in any Option referred to in paragraph (a), the additional
         consideration,  if any,  payable upon the conversion or exchange of any
         Convertible Securities referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), or the rate
         at which any Convertible Securities referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)
         are convertible  into or exchangeable  for Common Stock shall change at
         any time  (other  than  under or by reason of  provisions  designed  to
         protect against dilution), the Warrant Exercise Price in effect at


         the time of such event shall  forthwith  be  readjusted  to the Warrant
         Exercise Price  whichffect at such time had such Options or Convertible
         Securities still outstanding  provided for such changed purchase price,
         additional consideration or conversion rate, as the case may be, at the
         time  initially  granted,  issued or sold; and on the expiration of any
         such Option or the termination of any such right to convert or exchange
         such Convertible Securities,  the Warrant Exercise Price then in effect
         hereunder  shall  forthwith be increased to the Warrant  Exercise Price
         which  would  have  been in effect  at the time of such  expiration  or
         termination  had such  Option or  Convertible  Security,  to the extent
         outstanding immediately prior to such expiration or termination,  never
         been issued,  and the Common Stock issuable  thereunder shall no longer
         be deemed to be outstanding.

         If the purchase  price  provided for in any such Option  referred to in
         paragraph (a) or the rate at which any Convertible  Securities referred
         to in paragraph (a) or (b) are  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for
         Common  Stock,  shall be  reduced  at any time  under or by  reason  of
         provisions with respect thereto  designed to protect against  dilution,
         then in case of the  delivery of Common  Stock upon the exercise of any
         such Option or upon  conversion  or  exchange  of any such  Convertible
         Security,  the Warrant  Exercise Price then in effect  hereunder  shall
         forthwith  be  adjusted  to such  respective  amount as would have been
         obtained had such Option or  Convertible  Security never been issued as
         to such Common Stock and had adjustments been made upon the issuance of
         the shares of Common  Stock  delivered as  aforesaid,  but only if as a
         result of such  adjustment  the Warrant  Exercise  Price then in effect
         hereunder is thereby reduced.

                  (d) Stock Dividends.  In case the Corporation  shall declare a
         dividend  or  make  any  other  distribution  upon  any  stock  of  the
         Corporation payable in Common Stock, Options or Convertible Securities,
         any Common Stock,  Options or Convertible  Securities,  as the case may
         be,  issuable  in payment of such  dividend  or  distribution  shall be
         deemed to have been issued in a subdivision  of  outstanding  shares as
         provided in paragraph (h) below.

                  (e)  Consideration  for  Stock.  In case any  shares of Common
         Stock,  Options or Convertible  Securities  shall be issued or sold for
         cash,  the  consideration  received  therefor shall be deemed to be the
         amount  received  by  the  Corporation   therefor,   without  deduction
         therefrom of any expenses  incurred or any underwriting  commissions or
         concessions paid or allowed by the Corporation in connection therewith.
         In case any shares of Common Stock,  Options or Convertible  Securities
         shall be issued or sold for a consideration other than cash, the amount
         of the consideration  other than cash received by the Corporation shall
         be deemed to be the fair value of such  consideration  as determined by
         the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation,  without  deduction of any
         expenses incurred or any under writing  commissions or concessions paid
         or allowed by the  Corporation in connection  therewith.  The amount of
         consideration  deemed to be received by the Corporation pursuant to the
         foregoing  provisions of this  paragraph  (e) upon any issuance  and/or
         sale, pursuant to an established  compensation plan of the Corporation,
         to directors, officers or


         employees of the  Corporation  in connection  with their  employment of
         shares of Common Stock,  Options or  Convertible  Securities,  shall be
         increased by the amount of any tax benefit  realized by the Corporation
         as a result  of such  issuance  and/or  sale,  the  amount  of such tax
         benefit  being the amount by which the Federal  and/or  State income or
         other tax  liability of the  Corporation  shall be reduced by reason of
         any  deduction or credit in respect of such  issuance  and/or sale.  In
         case any Options shall be issued in connection  with the issue and sale
         of  other  securities  of  the  Corporation,  together  comprising  one
         integral transaction in which no specific consideration is allocated to
         such Options by the parties  thereto,  such Options  shall be deemed to
         have been issued  without  consideration.  In case any shares of Common
         Stock, Options or Convertible  Securities shall be issued in connection
         with any  merger  or  consolidation  in which  the  Corporation  is the
         surviving  corporation,  the amount of consideration  therefor shall be
         deemed to be the fair value as  determined by the Board of Directors of
         the  Corporation  of such  portion of the assets  and  business  of the
         non-surviving   corporation  as  such  Board  shall   determine  to  be
         attributable to such Common Stock,  Options or Convertible  Securities,
         as the case may be. In the event of any  consolidation or merger of the
         Corporation in which the  Corporation is not the surviving  corporation
         or in the event of any sale of all or  substantially  all of the assets
         of the  Corporation for stock or other  securities of any  corporation,
         the  Corporation  shall be deemed to have  issued a number of shares of
         its  Common  Stock for  stock or  securities  of the other  corporation
         computed  on the  basis of the  actual  exchange  ratio  on  which  the
         transaction  was predicated and for a  consideration  equal to the fair
         market  value  on the  date  of  such  transaction  of  such  stock  or
         securities  of the  other  corporation,  and if  any  such  calculation
         results in adjustment of the Warrant Exercise Price, the  determination
         of the number of shares of Common Stock  receivable  under this Warrant
         immediately  prior to such merger,  consolidation or sale, for purposes
         of paragraph (j), shall be made after giving effect to such  adjustment
         of the Warrant Exercise Price.

                  (f) Record Date. In case the  Corporation  shall take a record
         of the holders of its Common  Stock for the purpose of  entitling  them
         (i) to  receive a  dividend  or other  distribution  payable  in Common
         Stock, Options or Convertible  Securities,  or (ii) to subscribe for or
         purchase  Common Stock,  Options or Convertible  Securities,  then such
         record  date shall be deemed to be the date of the issue or sale of the
         shares of  Common  Stock  deemed  to have been  issued or sold upon the
         declaration  of such dividend or the making of such other  distribution
         or the date of the granting of such right of  subscription or purchase,
         as the case may be.

                  (g)  Treasury  Shares.  The  number of shares of Common  Stock
         outstanding at any given time shall not include shares owned or held by
         or for the account of the Corporation,  and the disposition of any such
         shares  shall be  considered  an issue or sale of Common  Stock for the
         purposes of this Section 3.

                  (h)   Subdivision  or  Combination  of  Stock.   In  case  the
         Corporation  shall at any time  subdivide  its  outstanding  shares  of
         Common Stock into a greater number of shares,


         the  Warrant  Exercise  Price  in  effect  immediately  prior  to  such
         subdivision shall be proportionately  reduced, and conversely,  in case
         the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock of the  Corporation  shall be
         combined into a smaller number of shares, the Warrant Exercise Price in
         effect  immediately prior to such combination shall be  proportionately

                  (i) Certain Issues of Common Stock  Excepted.  Anything herein
         to the contrary notwithstanding,  the Corporation shall not be required
         to make any adjustment of the Warrant Exercise Price in the case of the
         issuance of shares of Common  Stock upon  exercise  of  employee  stock
         options approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

                  (j) Reorganization, Reclassification, Consolidation, Merger or
         Sale. If any capital  reorganization or reclassification of the capital
         stock  of  the  Corporation  or  any  consolidation  or  merger  of the
         Corporation   with  another   corporation,   or  the  sale  of  all  or
         substantially  all  of its  assets  to  another  corporation  shall  be
         effected in such a way that  holders of Common  Stock shall be entitled
         to receive  stock,  securities or assets with respect to or in exchange
         for  Common  Stock,  then,  as  a  condition  of  such  reorganization,
         reclassification,  consolidation,  merger or sale,  lawful and adequate
         provisions  shall be made  whereby  each holder of the  Warrants  shall
         thereafter  have the right to receive upon the basis and upon the terms
         and  conditions  specified  herein  and in lieu of the shares of Common
         Stock of the Corporation  immediately  theretofore  receivable upon the
         exercise of such Warrant or Warrants,  such shares of stock, securities
         or assets  (including cash) as may be issued or payable with respect to
         or in exchange for a number of outstanding  shares of such Common Stock
         equal to the number of shares of such stock immediately  theretofore so
         receivable had such  reorganization,  reclassification,  consolidation,
         merger  or sale  not  taken  place,  and in any such  case  appropriate
         provision  shall be made with  respect to the rights and  interests  of
         such holder to the end that the provisions  hereof  (including  without
         limitation  provisions for  adjustments of the Warrant  Exercise Price)
         shall thereafter be applicable, as nearly as may be, in relation to any
         shares of stock,  securities or assets thereafter  deliverable upon the
         exercise of such exercise  rights (in cluding an immediate  adjustment,
         by reason of such  reorganization or  reclassification,  of the Warrant
         Exercise Price to the value for the Common Stock reflected by the terms
         of such reorganization or reclassification if the value so reflected is
         less than the Warrant  Exercise  Price in effect  immediately  prior to
         such reorganization or  reclassification).  In the event of a merger or
         consolidation  of the  Corporation  as a result of which a  greater  or
         lesser  number of shares of common stock of the  surviving  corporation
         are issuable to holders of Common Stock of the Corporation  outstanding
         immediately prior to such merger or consolidation, the Warrant Exercise
         Price in effect immediately prior to such merger or consolidation shall
         be adjusted in the same manner as though  there were a  subdivision  or
         combination  of the  outstanding  shares of  Common  Stock of the Corpo
         ration. The Corporation will not effect any such consolidation,  merger
         or any sale of all or  substantially  all of its assets of  properties,
         unless prior to the consummation thereof the


         successor  corporation (if other than the  Corporation)  resulting from
         such consolidation or merger or the corporation  purchasing such assets
         shall assume by written instrument  executed and mailed or delivered to
         each  holder  of the  Warrants  at the  last  address  of  such  holder
         appearing on the books of the Corporation, the obligation to deliver to
         such  holder  such  shares  of  stock,  securities  or  assets  as,  in
         accordance with the foregoing  provisions,  such holder may be entitled
         to receive.

                  (k) Notice of  Adjustment.  Upon any adjustment of the Warrant
         Exercise Price,  then and in each such case, the Corporation shall give
         written notice thereof, by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed
         to each  holder of the  Warrants at the address of such holder as shown
         on the books of the  Corporation,  which notice shall state the Warrant
         Exercise  Price  resulting  from  such  adjustment,  setting  forth  in
         reasonable  detail the method of  calculation  and the facts upon which
         such calculation is based.

                  (l)  Certain  Events.  If any event  occurs as to which in the
         opinion  of the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation  the  other
         provisions of this Section 3 are not strictly applicable or if strictly
         applicable  would  not  fairly  protect  the  exercise  rights  of this
         Warrant, in accordance with the essential intent and principles of such
         provisions to protect  against  dilution,  then such Board of Directors
         shall in good  faith  make an adjust  ment in the  application  of such
         provisions, in accordance with such essential intent and principles, so
         as to protect such exercise rights as aforesaid.

                  (m) Stock to Be Reserved.  The  Corporation  will at all times
         reserve and keep  available out of its  authorized  Common Stock or its
         treasury  shares,  solely for the purpose of issue upon the exercise of
         this Warrant as herein provided,  such number of shares of Common Stock
         as shall  then be  issuable  upon the  exercise  of this  Warrant.  The
         Corpora tion  covenants  that all shares of Common Stock which shall be
         so  issued  shall  be duly  and  validly  issued  and  fully  paid  and
         nonassessable  and free from all taxes,  liens and charges with respect
         to the issue  thereof,  and,  without  limiting the  generality  of the
         foregoing,  the  Corporation  covenants  that it will from time to time
         take all such action as may be  requisite  to assure that the par value
         per share of the Common Stock is at all times equal to or less than the
         effective  Warrant  Exercise Price.  The Corporation will take all such
         action as may be  necessary  to assure  that all such  shares of Common
         Stock may be so  issued  without  violation  of any  applicable  law or
         regulation,  or of any requirements of any national securities exchange
         upon  which the Common  Stock of the  Corporation  may be  listed.  The
         Corporation will not take any action which results in any adjustment of
         the  Warrant  Exercise  Price if the  total  number of shares of Common
         Stock  issued and  issuable  after such  action  upon  exercise of this
         Warrant  would  exceed the total  number of shares of Common Stock then
         authorized  by  the  Corporation's   Articles  of  Incorporation.   The
         Corporation  has not  granted  and will not  grant  any  right of first
         refusal with respect to shares  issuable upon exercise of this Warrant,
         and there are no preemptive rights associated with such shares.


                  (n) Issue Tax.  The  issuance  of  certificates  for shares of
         Common Stock upon exercise of the Warrants shall be made without charge
         to the holders of such Warrants for any issuance tax in respect thereof
         provided  that the  Corporation  shall not be  required  to pay any tax
         which  may be  payable  in  respect  of any  transfer  involved  in the
         issuance and delivery of any  certificate  in a name other than that of
         any holder of the Warrants.

                  (o) Closing of Books.  The  Corporation  will at no time close
         its transfer  books  against the transfer of the shares of Common Stock
         issued or  issuable  upon the  exercise  of this  Warrant in any manner
         which interferes with the timely exercise of this Warrant.

                  (p)  Definition  of  Common  Stock.  As used  herein  the term
         "Common Stock" shall mean and include the Common Stock, $.01 par value,
         of the  Corporation  as autho  rized on the  date  hereof  and also any
         capital stock of any class of the  Corporation  hereinafter  authorized
         which shall not be limited to a fixed sum or  percentage  in respect of
         the rights of the holders thereof to participate in dividends or in the
         distribution  of assets upon the voluntary or involuntary  liquidation,
         dissolution or winding up of the Corpora tion, provided,  however, that
         the shares  purchasable  pursuant to this  Warrant  shall  include only
         shares  designated as Common Stock,  $.01 par value, of the Corporation
         on the date hereof,  or shares of any class or classes  resulting  from
         any  reclassification  or  reclass  ifications  thereof  which  are not
         limited  to any such  fixed sum or  percentage  and are not  subject to
         redemption by the  Corporation  and, in case at any time there shall be
         more than one such  resulting  class,  the shares of each class then so
         issuable  shall be  substantially  in the  proportion  which  the total
         number   of   shares   of  such   class   resulting   from   all   such
         reclassifications  bears to the  total  number  of  shares  of all such
         classes resulting from all such reclassifications.

                  Section 4.  Notices of Record Dates.  In the event of

                  (1) any taking by the  Corporation  of a record of the holders
         of any class of securities for the purpose of  determining  the holders
         thereof who are entitled to receive any dividend or other  distribution
         (other  than cash  dividends  out of earned  surplus),  or any right to
         subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of stock of any
         class or any other  securities  or  property,  or to receive  any other
         right, or

                  (2)  any capital reorganization of the Corporation,

         any  reclassification  or  recapitalization of the capital stock of the
         Corporation or any transfer of all or  substantially  all the assets of
         the Corporation to or  consolidation  or merger of the Corporation with
         or into any other corporation, or

                  (3) any voluntary or involuntary  dissolution,  liquidation or
         winding-up of the Corporation,


then and in each such event the  Corporation  will give  notice to the holder of
this Warrant specifying (i) the date on which any such record is to be taken for
the purpose of such dividend,  distribution  or right and stating the amount and
character of such dividend,  distribution  or right,  and (ii) the date on which
any   such   reorganization,   reclassification,   recapitalization,   transfer,
consolidation,  merger, dissolution, liquidation or winding-up is to take place,
and the time, if any is to be fixed, as of which the holders of record of Common
Stock will be entitled to exchange  their shares of Common Stock for  securities
or other  property  deliverable  upon such  reorganiza  tion,  reclassification,
recapitalization,  transfer, consolidation,  merger, dissolution, liquidation or
winding-up.  Such  notice  shall be given at least 20 days and not more  than 90
days prior to the date therein  specified,  and such notice shall state that the
action in  question  or the record  date is subject  to the  effectiveness  of a
registration  statement  under  the  Securities  Act or to a  favorable  vote of
stockholders, if either is required.

                  Section 5.  [omitted]

                  Section 6. No Stockholder Rights or Liabilities.  This Warrant
shall not entitle the holder  hereof to any voting  rights or other  rights as a
stockholder  of the  Corporation.  No  provi  sion  hereof,  in the  absence  of
affirmative  action by the holder hereof to purchase shares of Common Stock, and
no mere  enumeration  herein of the rights or privileges  of the holder  hereof,
shall give rise to any liability of such holder for the Warrant  Exercise  Price
or as a stockholder  of the  Corporation,  whether such liability is asserted by
the Corporation or by creditors of the Corporation.

                  Section 7. Investment  Representation  and Legend. The holder,
by acceptance of the Warrant, represents and warrants to the Corporation that it
is acquiring  the Warrant and the shares of Common  Stock (or other  securities)
issuable upon the exercise  hereof for  investment  purposes only and not with a
view  towards  the resale or other  distribution  thereof and agrees that (a) it
will not offer, sell, transfer,  encumber or otherwise dispose of the Warrant or
any of the  shares of  Common  Stock (or  other  securities)  issuable  upon the
exercise hereof unless either (i) there is an effective  registration  statement
under said Act relating  thereto or (ii) the Corporation has received an opinion
of counsel,  reasonably  satisfactory in form and substance to the Corpora tion,
stating that such  registration  is not required;  and (b) the  Corporation  may
affix upon this Warrant the following legend:

                  "This   Warrant  has  been   issued  in   reliance   upon  the
         representation  of the holder that it has been acquired for  investment
         purposes and not with a view  towards the resale or other  distribution
         thereof. Neither this Warrant nor the shares issuable upon the exercise
         of this Warrant have been registered under the Securities Act of 1933."

The holder,  by acceptance of this Warrant,  further agrees that the Corporation
may affix the following legend to certificates for shares of Common Stock issued
upon exercise of this Warrant:


                  "The  securities  represented  by this  certificate  have been
         issued in reliance upon the representation of the holder that they have
         been acquired for  investment  and not with a view toward the resale or
         other  distribution  thereof,  and have not been  registered  under the
         Securities Act of 1933.  Neither the securities  evidenced hereby,  nor
         any interest therein, may be offered, sold, transferred,  encumbered or
         otherwise   disposed  of  unless  either  (i)  there  is  an  effective
         registration  statement  under  said Act  relating  thereto or (ii) the
         Corporation has received an opinion of counsel, reasonably satisfactory
         in  form  and   substance  to  the   Corporation,   stating  that  such
         registration is not required."

                  Section 8. Lost, Stolen,  Mutilated or Destroyed  Warrant.  If
this Warrant is lost,  stolen,  mutilated or destroyed,  the Corporation may, on
such terms as to indemnity or otherwise as it may in its  discretion  reasonably
impose (which shall, in the case of a mutilated  Warrant,  include the surrender
thereof),  issue a new Warrant of like  denomination and tenor as the Warrant so
lost, stolen,  mutilated or destroyed.  Any such new Warrant shall constitute an
original contractual obligation of the Corporation, whether or not the allegedly
lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed Warrant shall be at any time enforceable by

                  Section  9.   Notices.   All   notices,   requests  and  other
communications required or permitted to be given or delivered hereunder shall be
in writing, and shall be delivered,  or shall be sent by certified or registered
mail,  postage  prepaid  and  addressed,  if to the holder to such holder at the
address  shown on such  holder's  Warrant or at such other address as shall have
been  furnished  to the  Corporation  by notice from such  holder.  All notices,
requests and other communications required or permitted to be given or delivered
hereunder  shall be in  writing,  and  shall be  delivered,  or shall be sent by
certified or registered  mail,  postage prepaid and addressed to the Corporation
at such  address as shall have been  furnished  to the holder by notice from the


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MedE America Corporation has executed this
Warrant on and as of the day and year first above written.

                                            MEDE AMERICA CORPORATION



                             SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT



                  The  undersigned,  pursuant to the provisions set forth in the
within Warrant, hereby agrees to subscribe for and purchase ____shares of Common
Stock of MedE America  Corporation,  a Delaware  Corporation (the "Corporation")
covered by such  Warrant,  and makes  payment  herewith in full therefor [at the
price per share provided by such Warrant [in cash] [by surrender of indebtedness
of the Corporation as provided in Section 1(a)(ii) of such Warrant] [as provided
in Section 1(a)(iii) of such Warrant].





