OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]      Preliminary Information Statement

[ ]      Confidential,  for the use of the Commission only (as permitted by Rule

[X]      Definitive Information Statement

                            FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box)

[ ]      No fee required.

[X]      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

         (1)      Title  of each  class  of  securities  to  which  transactions
                  applies: Common Stock, par value $0.004 per share


         (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transactions  applies:


         (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined): $6.50*


         (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:  $3,999,041*


         (5)      Total fee paid:  $800*


[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[X]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)      Amount previously paid:  $7,460


         (2)      Form, schedule or registration statement no.:  Schedule 14D-1


         (3)      Filing party:  Ferrotec Corporation and Ferrotec  Acquisition,


         (4)      Date filed: October 26, 1999


*        The sum of the number of Shares outstanding that would receive the cash
         payment  in  the  merger  that  is  the  subject  of  this  Information
         Statement.  The unit price is based on the per share cash payment to be
         made to the holders of Shares  pursuant to the  Merger.  The  aggregate
         value of the transaction equals the $6.50 per share price multiplied by
         the aggregate number of securities.  Based upon such value, the fee due
         upon the filing of the preliminary Information Statement is $800, which
         amount  is  completely  offset by the  $7,460  fee  previously  paid in
         connection   with  the  filing  of  the  Schedule   14D-1  by  Ferrotec
         Corporation and Ferrotec Acquisition, Inc. in connection with the first
         step of the transaction of which the Merger is a part.

                            FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION
                                 40 SIMON STREET
                           NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03061
                                 (603) 883-9800

                                December 29, 1999

Dear Stockholder:

         The attached Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders  and Information
Statement  are being  furnished to you in connection  with a special  meeting of
stockholders of  Ferrofluidics  Corporation,  a Massachusetts  corporation  (the
"Company"),   which  will  be  held  on  January  27,  2000,  at  the  Company's
headquarters  at 40 Simon Street,  Nashua,  New Hampshire  03061,  commencing at
11:00 a.m. local time.

         We are  holding  this  meeting  to obtain  stockholder  approval  of an
Agreement  and Plan of Merger  dated  October  20,  1999  between  the  Company,
Ferrotec   Corporation,   a  Japanese   corporation   ("Parent")   and  Parent's
wholly-owned subsidiary, Ferrotec Acquisition, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation
("Purchaser").  As a result of the merger,  each of your shares of the Company's
common stock (the "Shares") will be exchanged for $6.50 in cash, and the Company
will become a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Parent.  The merger is the second and
final step of the  acquisition  of the  Company by Parent.  The first step was a
tender offer for the  Company's  outstanding  Shares at $6.50 per Share in cash.
Parent acquired  4,958,545 Shares pursuant to the tender offer, which expired at
12:00 midnight, New York City time, on November 23, 1999.

         Parent currently beneficially owns approximately 89% of the outstanding
Shares. Because Parent will vote all the Shares it beneficially owns in favor of
the Agreement and Plan of Merger and the merger, approval is assured, and we are
not soliciting your proxy.

         After the merger is completed,  you will receive instructions regarding
the   surrender  of  your  Share   certificates   in  exchange  for  the  merger


                                   Richard R. Cesati, II

                            FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION
                                 40 SIMON STREET
                           NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03061

                         TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 27, 2000

To the Stockholders of
Ferrofluidics Corporation:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special  Meeting of the  Stockholders  of
Ferrofluidics Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation (the "Company"),  will be
held on January  27,  2000 at the  Company's  headquarters  at 40 Simon  Street,
Nashua,  New Hampshire,  commencing at 11:00 a.m., local time, for the following

         (1)      To  consider  and vote on a proposal  to approve  and adopt an
                  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  and the  merger of the  Company
                  with Ferrotec Acquisition,  Inc., a Massachusetts  corporation
                  and a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Ferrotec  Corporation,  a
                  Japanese corporation; and

         (2)      To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.


         The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on December 27,
1999 as the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice
of, and to vote at, the meeting and at any adjournment(s) thereof.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                     Akira Yamamura, Clerk

Dated: December 29, 1999

                            FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION
                                 40 SIMON STREET
                           NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03061

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

                                JANUARY 27, 2000

         This  Information  Statement is being furnished to holders of shares of
common  stock (the  "Shares")  of  Ferrofluidics  Corporation,  a  Massachusetts
corporation (the "Company") in connection with a Special Meeting of Stockholders
to be held on  January  27,  2000,  at the  Company's  headquarters  at 40 Simon
Street,  Nashua,  New  Hampshire,  commencing  at 11:00 a.m.  local time. At the
Special  Meeting,  stockholders  will consider and vote on a proposal to approve
and adopt an  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated as of October  20, 1999 (the
"Merger  Agreement"),  between the  Company,  Ferrotec  Corporation,  a Japanese
corporation   ("Parent")   and   Parent's   wholly-owned   subsidiary   Ferrotec
Acquisition,  Inc., a Massachusetts  corporation  ("Purchaser"),  providing for,
among other things, the merger (the "Merger") of Purchaser into the Company.  As
a result of the Merger,  you will receive  $6.50 in cash for each Share you own,
and the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent.

         The  Merger is the  second  and final  step of the  acquisition  of the
Company by Parent pursuant to the Merger Agreement.  The first step was a tender
offer  (the  "Offer") commenced  by  Parent  on  October 26, 1999 for all of the
outstanding  Shares at a purchase price of $6.50 per Share, net to the seller in
cash.  Pursuant to the Offer,  which  expired at 12:00  midnight,  New York City
time, on November 23, 1999, Parent accepted for payment 4,958,545 Shares.

         Parent currently beneficially owns approximately 89% of the outstanding
Shares. Because Parent will vote all Shares it beneficially owns in favor of the
Merger Agreement and the Merger, approval is assured, and the Company's Board of
Directors (the "Company Board") is not soliciting your proxy.


         This  Information  Statement is being first mailed to  stockholders  on
December 29, 1999.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

INFORMATION STATEMENT SUMMARY....................................................................................
         The Parties.............................................................................................
         The Special Meeting.....................................................................................
         The Merger..............................................................................................
         Recommendation of the Company Board; Opinion of Financial Advisor.......................................
         Interests of Certain Persons in the Offer and Merger....................................................
         Financial Information...................................................................................
         Price Range of Shares; Dividends........................................................................

THE SPECIAL MEETING..............................................................................................

THE MERGER.......................................................................................................
         Background of the Merger................................................................................
         Recommendation of the Company Board.....................................................................
         Opinion of Advest.......................................................................................
         Transactions Between Parent and the Company.............................................................
         Procedures for Exchange of Certificates.................................................................
         Appraisal Rights........................................................................................
         Interests of Certain Persons in the Offer and Merger....................................................
         Accounting Treatment....................................................................................
         United States Federal Income Tax Consequences...........................................................
         Regulatory Approvals....................................................................................
         Source and Amount of Funds..............................................................................

THE MERGER AGREEMENT.............................................................................................


SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS..................................................................

WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION..............................................................................

INCORPORATION OF DOCUMENTS BY REFERENCE..........................................................................

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AND INFORMATION.......................................................................



Annex A -- Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 20, 1999

Annex B -- Opinion of Advest, Inc.

Annex C -- Text of Chapter 156B of the  Massachusetts  Business  Corporation Law
           Regarding Appraisal Rights


                          INFORMATION STATEMENT SUMMARY


         FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION.  The Company is a Massachusetts corporation.
Its principal  offices are located at 40 Simon Street,  Nashua,  New  Hampshire,
03061.  Its  telephone  number  is  (603)  883-9800.   The  Company  is  engaged
principally in developing,  manufacturing and marketing ferrofluids and products
based on or derived from its proprietary ferrofluid technology. Ferrofluids, the
Company's core  technology,  are stable  magnetic  liquids that can be precisely
positioned  or  controlled  with  a  magnetic  force.   Ferrofluids  consist  of
molecular-sized  magnetic particles that are surface treated so that they can be
dispersed in various fluids,  usually a synthetic  lubricating oil.  Ferrofluids
are designed to have a choice of properties such as viscosity, magnetic strength
and vapor  pressures to perform  numerous  specific  functions  such as sealing,
sensing, lubricating, damping and heat transfer.

         PARENT.  Parent is a Japanese  corporation.  Its principal  offices are
located at Sumitomo  Bldg.  #6, 5-24-8  Higashi Ueno,  Taito-Ku,  Tokyo 110-0015
Japan.  Its  telephone  number  is   03(3845)1032.   Founded  in  1980,   Parent
manufactures and markets ferrofluid, components and products based on ferrofluid
technology for the electronic  industry,  and thermoelectric  modules. Two major
products based on ferrofluid technology are computer seals utilized in hard disk
drives and vacuum seals for the semiconductor  industry.  The thermo-modules are
small,  wafer  like heat  pumps  which  change  temperature  when  charged  with
electricity.   As  the   thermo-modules  are  easily  controlled  at  a  precise
temperature,  their main application is as semiconductor components. Parent is a
publicly  traded  company in Japan and is listed on the JASDAQ  System under the
ticker symbol 6890.  Parent publicly  discloses its financial  statements and is
subject  to  periodic  reporting  requirements  under  the laws of Japan and the
JASDAQ system.

         PURCHASER.   The  Purchaser  is  a  newly  incorporated   Massachusetts
corporation  organized by Parent in connection with the Offer and the Merger and
has not carried on any  activities  other than in connection  with the Offer and
the Merger. The principal offices of the Purchaser are located at Sumitomo Bldg.
#6, 5-24-8 Higashi Ueno, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 110-0015 Japan. Its telephone number is
03(3845)1032. The Purchaser is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent.

         SURVIVING CORPORATION. The Company will be the surviving corporation in
the Merger (the "Surviving Corporation").  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the
Directors of Purchaser will be the Directors of the Surviving  Corporation,  and
the Officers of Purchaser will be the Officers of the Surviving Corporation.



         PLACE,  DATE AND TIME. The Special  Meeting will be held on January 27,
2000 at the Company's  headquarters at 40 Simon Street,  Nashua,  New Hampshire,
commencing at 11:00 a.m. local time.

         PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL  MEETING.  The purpose of the Special Meeting is
to consider and vote on:

         -        a proposal to approve and adopt the Merger  Agreement  and the

         -        any other  business  that  properly  comes  before the Special

         RECORD DATE,  SHARES  ENTITLED TO VOTE.  Holders of record of Shares at
the close of business on December 27, 1999 (the  "Record  Date") are entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Special  Meeting.  On the Record  Date,  there were
5,573,782 Shares outstanding,  each of which will be entitled to one vote at the
Special Meeting.

         QUORUM. A majority of the outstanding  Shares present,  in person or by
proxy, will constitute a quorum at the Special Meeting.

         VOTE  REQUIRED.  The approval and adoption of the Merger  Agreement and
the Merger will require the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  Shares.  Accordingly,  abstentions and broker "non-votes" will have
the effect of a vote against these proposals. The term broker "non-votes" refers
to shares held by brokers and other nominees or fiduciaries  that are present at
the  Special  Meeting but are not voted on a  particular  matter  because  those
persons are precluded  from  exercising  their voting  authority  because of the
matter's "non-routine" nature.

         APPROVAL  ASSURED.   As  of  the  Record  Date,  Parent,   directly  or
indirectly,  owned  approximately  89%  of the  Shares.  Therefore,  Parent  has
sufficient  voting power to constitute a quorum and to approve all matters to be
considered  at the  Special  Meeting,  regardless  of  the  vote  of  any  other
stockholder.  Parent will vote all Shares it  beneficially  owns in favor of the
approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement and the Merger.  As a result,  the
Merger  Agreement  and the Merger  will be  approved  and adopted at the Special
Meeting  even if no  stockholder  other  than  Parent  votes  in  favor of these


         MERGER  CONSIDERATION.  In the Merger you will  receive  $6.50 for each
Share you hold.

         EFFECT OF THE MERGER;  EFFECTIVE TIME. The Merger will become effective
at the time the Merger  Agreement  and the articles of merger (the  "Articles of
Merger")  are  filed  with  the  Secretary  of  State  of  the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts  (the "Effective  Time").  At the Effective Time,  pursuant to the


Merger  Agreement,  the Company will become a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Parent
and each issued and outstanding Share (other than (i) Shares held by the Company
or any wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, (ii) Shares held by any affiliate
of  Purchaser,  and (iii)  Shares held by  stockholders  who have  demanded  and
perfected,  and have not withdrawn or otherwise lost,  appraisal rights, if any,
under the Massachusetts Business Corporation Law (the "MBCL")), will be canceled
and converted  automatically  into the right to receive  $6.50 in cash,  without
interest (the "Merger Consideration"). Promptly after the Effective Time, Parent
or American  Stock Transfer & Trust Company as the exchange agent (the "Exchange
Agent")  will  send  to   stockholders  a  letter  of   transmittal   containing
instructions for the surrender of certificates  previously  representing Shares.
In order to receive the payment to which you are  entitled,  you must  surrender
your Share  certificate(s)  together with a duly executed and properly completed
letter of  transmittal  (and any other  documents  that may be  required) to the
Exchange  Agent.  Do not send your Share  certificates  at this  time;  wait for
instructions  from Parent or the Exchange  Agent  following the Effective  Time.
Following the Effective  Time, the holders of Shares prior to the Effective Time
will cease to have ownership interests in the Company or rights as stockholders.


         U.S.  TAX  TREATMENT.  Your receipt of cash in exchange for your Shares
pursuant to the Merger will be a taxable  transaction  for United States federal
income tax  purposes  and may also be taxable  under  state,  local or other tax
laws.  You should  consult with your tax advisor  regarding the tax treatment of
any gain or loss on your Shares.

         ACCOUNTING  TREATMENT.  The Merger  will be  treated as a purchase  for
accounting purposes.


         RECOMMENDATION  OF THE COMPANY  BOARD.  The Company  Board  unanimously
determined  that  each of the  Offer  and  Merger  is fair  to,  and in the best
interests  of, the  Company's  stockholders,  approved the Merger  Agreement and
determined to recommend that the stockholders of the Company tender their Shares
pursuant  to the Offer and  approve the Merger  Agreement  and the  transactions
contemplated thereby at the Special Meeting.


         OPINION OF ADVEST.  Advest, Inc. ("Advest") was retained by the Company
Board to deliver a fairness opinion.  Advest delivered its written opinion dated
October 14, 1999 to the effect that, as of that date, the cash  consideration of
$6.50 per share to be received by the  Company's  stockholders  in the Offer and
Merger  is  fair,  from a  financial  point  of  view,  to the  Company  and its
stockholders.  A copy of  Advest's  opinion  is  attached  to  this  Information
Statement as Annex B and should be read in its entirety.


         In considering the recommendation of the Company Board that you vote in
favor of the Merger, you should be aware that some of the Executive Officers and
Directors  of the  Company  have  interests  in the Merger in  addition to their
interests as stockholders of the Company, generally:

         Following the  consummation  of the Merger,  Parent and Purchaser  will
         provide  indemnification  and insurance  arrangements for the Company's
         Officers and Directors;

         Following  the  acceptance  for payment by the  Purchaser of the Shares
         tendered  pursuant to the Offer on November  23, 1999 (the  "Acceptance
         Date"), Paul Avery, Jr., resigned as Chairman of the Board of Directors
         and Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company  and entered  into a three
         year consulting agreement with the Company; and

         Following  the  Acceptance  Date,  William  B. Ford,  resigned  as Vice
         President and Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company and entered into
         an employment  agreement with the Company providing that he would serve
         the Company in an executive capacity until March 31, 2000.

         See "The  Merger  --  Interests  of  Certain  Persons  in the Offer and


         Set forth  below is certain  selected  summary  consolidated  financial
information  relating  to the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  which  has  been
excerpted  or derived  from the audited  financial  statements  contained in the
Company's  Annual Report to its  stockholders  for the fiscal year ended July 3,
1999 (the "Company's 10-K"), and the unaudited financial statements contained in
the  Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended October 2,
1999  (the  "Company's  10-Q").  More  comprehensive  financial  information  is
included in the Company's  10-K, the Company's 10-Q and other documents filed by
the Company  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC").  The
financial  information that follows is qualified in its entirety by reference to
such reports and other documents, including the financial statements and related
notes  contained  therein.  Such reports and other documents may be examined and
copies may be obtained from the offices of the SEC. See "Where You Can Find More


                            FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION

                      (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                    ENDED                                 FISCAL YEAR ENDED
                                               -------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  October 2,                    June 27,      June 28,      June 30,       June 30,
                                                    1999       July 3, 1999   1998(b)(c)    1997(b)(c)    1996(b)(c)     1995(b)(c)
                                               -------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Statement Data:
  Net sales                                       $ 7,483         $35,323       $52,700       $67,785       $72,967        $34,155
  Net sales from continuing operations              6,555          23,143        27,204        23,856        26,807         22,152
  Nonrecurring operating income                       -               -             -             -             -            1,156
  Income (loss) from continuing operations            449            (476)        1,546           260           342          2,639
  Income (loss) from discontinued operations          -             5,319        (5,018)        1,412         3,478         (1,750)
  Net income (loss)                                   449           4,843        (3,472)        1,672         3,820            889

Per Share Data:

  Earnings per common share-basic:
    Income (loss) from continuing operations         0.08           (0.08)         0.25          0.04          0.06           0.47
    Income (loss) from discontinued operations         -             0.87         (0.81)         0.23          0.57          (0.31)
    Net income (loss)                                0.08            0.79         (0.56)         0.27          0.63           0.16

  Earnings per common share-diluted:
    Income (loss) from continuing operations         0.08           (0.08)         0.25          0.04          0.05           0.47
    Income (loss) from discontinued operations         -             0.87         (0.81)         0.23          0.56          (0.31)
    Net income (loss)                                0.08            0.79         (0.56)         0.27          0.61           0.16

Balance Sheet Data:
    Working capital                                $15,198         $15,095       $ 8,182       $13,323       $12,350       $  7,811
    Total assets                                    29,439          28,923        44,019        45,001        43,429         39,529
    Total liabilities                                8,804           8,394        25,818        23,420        23,727         23,748
    Long-term debt                                   5,000           5,000         5,000         5,000         5,000          5,036
    Stockholders' equity                            20,635          20,529        18,201        21,581        19,702         15,781

Note:    (a)      Dividends  have neither been declared nor paid during the five
                  years ended July 3, 1999.
         (b)      Certain  amounts for fiscal  years 1998,  1997,  1996 and 1995
                  have  been  restated  to  reflect  the  discontinuance  of the
                  Component Parts business of Ferrofluidics Japan Corporation, a
                  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  the  Company,  as  discontinued
         (c)      Certain  amounts for fiscal  years 1998,  1997,  1996 and 1995
                  have been  reclassified  to conform with the  presentation  of
                  similar amounts in fiscal year 1999.



        The Shares are listed and principally traded on The Nasdaq Stock Market,
Inc.'s National Market (the "Nasdaq  National  Market") under the symbol "FERO."
The following table sets forth, for the fiscal quarters indicated,  the high and
low sales prices per Share on the Nasdaq National Market.

                                                                               HIGH                    LOW
                                                                        -------------------     --------------------
Fiscal Year Ended June 27, 1998:
      First Quarter...............................................           $8.875                  $5.875
      Second Quarter..............................................            7.8125                  4.625
      Third Quarter...............................................            6.4375                  4.625
      Fourth Quarter..............................................            5.6875                  3.125
Fiscal Year Ended July 3, 1999:
      First Quarter...............................................           $4.875                  $2.625
      Second Quarter .............................................            3.8125                  2.0
      Third Quarter...............................................            3.8125                  2.50
      Fourth Quarter .............................................            4.5625                  2.50
Fiscal Year Ended July 1, 2000:
      First Quarter...............................................           $4.688                  $1.875
      Second Quarter (through December 23, 1999)..................            6.25                    6.25

         On  October  19,  1999,   the  last  full  trading  day  prior  to  the
announcement  of the execution of the Merger  Agreement  and of the  Purchaser's
intention  to  commence  the Offer,  the high and low sales  prices per Share as
reported on the Nasdaq National  Market were $3.9375 and $3.6562,  respectively.
On October 25, 1999, the last full trading day prior to the  commencement of the
Offer,  the closing  sales  price per Share as  reported on the Nasdaq  National
Market was $6.0938.

         Following  the  consummation  of the  Merger,  the  Company  intends to
terminate  its  registration  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the
"Securities  Exchange  Act") and the  Shares  will cease to be  reported  on the
Nasdaq National Market.


         The Company  has never paid any  dividends  on the  Shares.  The Merger
Agreement  provides that,  without the prior written  consent of Purchaser,  the
Company  will not  declare,  set aside or pay any  dividend on or make any other
distribution  in respect of its capital  stock.  As of December 27, 1999,  there
were approximately 1,364 holders of record of the Shares.




                               THE SPECIAL MEETING

         PLACE,  DATE AND TIME. The Special  Meeting will be held on January 27,
2000 at the Company's  headquarters at 40 Simon Street,  Nashua,  New Hampshire,
commencing at 11:00 a.m. local time.

         PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL  MEETING.  The purpose of the Special Meeting is
to consider and vote on:

         -        a proposal to approve and adopt the Merger  Agreement  and the

         -        any other  business  that  properly  comes  before the Special

         RECORD DATE,  SHARES  ENTITLED TO VOTE.  Holders of record of Shares at
the close of business on December 27, 1999 (the  "Record  Date") are entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Special  Meeting.  On the Record  Date,  there were
5,573,782 Shares outstanding,  each of which will be entitled to one vote at the
Special Meeting.

         QUORUM. A majority of the outstanding  Shares present,  in person or by
proxy, will constitute a quorum at the Special Meeting.

         VOTE  REQUIRED.  The approval and adoption of the Merger  Agreement and
the Merger will require the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  Shares.  Accordingly,  abstentions and broker "non-votes" will have
the effect of a vote against these proposals. The term broker "non-votes" refers
to shares held by brokers and other nominees or fiduciaries  that are present at
the  Special  Meeting but are not voted on a  particular  matter  because  those
persons are precluded  from  exercising  their voting  authority  because of the
matter's "non-routine" nature.

         APPROVAL  ASSURED.   As  of  the  Record  Date,  Parent,   directly  or
indirectly,  owned  approximately  89%  of the  Shares.  Therefore,  Parent  has
sufficient  voting power to constitute a quorum and to approve all matters to be
considered  at the  Special  Meeting,  regardless  of  the  vote  of  any  other
stockholder.  Parent will vote all Shares it  beneficially  owns in favor of the
approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement and the Merger.  As a result,  the
Merger  Agreement  and the Merger  will be  approved  and adopted at the Special
Meeting  even if no  stockholder  other  than  Parent  votes  in  favor of these


                                   THE MERGER

         On October 20, 1999, the Company, Parent and Purchaser entered into the
Merger Agreement.  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement,  Parent commenced the Offer
to purchase  all  outstanding  Shares at a price of $6.50 per Share,  net to the
seller in cash (the "Offer  Price").  The Offer expired at 12:00  midnight,  New
York City time, on November 23, 1999, and Parent accepted for payment  4,958,545
Shares tendered in the Offer. The Merger Agreement  provides that as promptly as
practicable  after  the  purchase  of  Shares  pursuant  to the  Offer  and  the
satisfaction (or waiver,  to the extent  permissible under the Merger Agreement)
of the conditions to the Merger,  Purchaser  shall, in accordance with the MBCL,
be merged into the Company,  whereupon  the separate  existence of the Purchaser
shall  cease,  and the  Company  shall  continue as the  Surviving  Corporation.
Pursuant  to  the  Merger,  each  Share  outstanding  immediately  prior  to the
Effective  Time of the Merger  (other than (i) Shares held by the Company or any
wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company,  (ii) Shares held by any  affiliates of
Purchaser,  and  (iii)  Shares  held  by  stockholders  who  have  demanded  and
perfected,  and have not withdrawn or otherwise lost,  appraisal rights, if any,
under the MBCL) will be canceled and converted  automatically  into the right to
receive the Merger  Consideration.  The Merger Agreement is more fully described
in "The Merger Agreement."


         Management of the Company and Parent were generally  familiar with each
other as a result of the business  relationships  between the Company and Parent
discussed below. In March 1997, Salvatore J. Vinciguerra, the then President and
Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company,  and Paul F.  Avery,  Jr.,  the then
Chairman of the Company Board,  visited Japan and met with Akira  Yamamura,  the
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Parent,  to  discuss  a  potential
transaction  between the  companies.  Messrs.  Avery and  Yamamura  discussed in
general terms the merits of combining the two companies and various  alternative
transaction  structures,  including the acquisition by Parent of the Company for
cash or for stock of the Parent.  Several weeks following this meeting,  Messrs.
Vinciguerra,  Avery and  Yamamura  met in Boston to further  discuss a potential
transaction  between  the  companies.  However,  the  parties  did not reach any
agreement at this time and did not  continue  discussions  following  the Boston

         In June 1999,  Parent  retained The Bank of  Tokyo-Mitsubishi,  Limited
("BTM")  and Knox & Co.  ("Knox") to  evaluate a  potential  acquisition  of the
Company as a part of Parent's global strategy.  As a result of the evaluation by
BTM and Knox, Parent decided again to approach the Company.

         On July 28, 1999, Mr. Yamamura, called Mr. Avery to discuss whether the
Company might have an interest at that time in exploring a potential transaction
with Parent that would combine the companies. Based on this discussion,  Messrs.
Avery and  Yamamura  agreed to undertake  more  extensive  discussions  and have
representatives of the Company meet with Parent's financial advisors.

         On August 5, 1999, at Mr. Yamamura's request,  Mr. Avery and William B.
Ford, the Vice President and Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company,  met with
representatives  of  Parent's  financial  advisor.  At  this  meeting,  Parent's
financial  advisor  explained  to  Messrs.  Avery and Ford,  Parent's


desire to combine  the two  companies  as part of  Parent's  global  acquisition
strategy. On behalf of Parent, its financial advisor at this meeting proposed an
acquisition of the Company by Parent in a transaction in which the  stockholders
of the Company would receive an aggregate of $35 million (or approximately $6.00
per share) in cash. The proposal was subject to various conditions,  including a
satisfactory  due  diligence  investigation  of  the  Company,   negotiation  of
definitive  documentation  acceptable to both  companies and the approval of the
Boards of Directors of both companies.

         On  August  16,   1999,   the  Company  and  Parent   entered   into  a
Confidentiality  Agreement  to permit the exchange of  confidential  information
between  the parties  for the  purpose of  evaluating  the merits of a potential
transaction between the companies.  The Confidentiality  Agreement also provided
that, with certain exceptions, until the date that is two years from the date of
the  Confidentiality  Agreement,  neither Parent nor any of its  representatives
would,  among other  things,  acquire any  securities  of the Company or seek to
effect  a  tender  offer,  merger  or  other  business  combination  transaction
involving the Company.  Pursuant to the Confidentiality  Agreement,  the Company
thereafter  provided  Parent and its  financial  advisors and legal counsel with
certain information concerning the Company's business,  operations and financial

         On  August  23,  1999,  Messrs.  Avery  and  Yamamura  met to  continue
discussions  concerning a potential  transaction following a review by Parent of
the  information  provided  to  Parent by the  Company.  Mr.  Yamamura  affirmed
Parent's  desire to proceed with an  acquisition  of the Company at an aggregate
cash purchase price of $35 million. Parent, with its representatives,  conducted
a due diligence  review of the Company from September 8, 1999 through  September
24, 1999 in Nashua,  New  Hampshire.  At the same time,  Parent,  along with its
legal  representative  and BTM and Knox,  negotiated  the specific  terms of the
Merger Agreement with the Company.

         On August  31,  1999,  the  Company  Board  held a meeting  to  discuss
Parent's proposal to acquire the Company for an aggregate cash purchase price of
$35 million. At this meeting,  the Company Board discussed the Company's current
business  plan in view of Parent's all cash  proposal,  which would  provide the
Company's  stockholders'  with full  liquidity  for their  investment at a price
significantly  greater than the recent trading price of the Company's stock. The
Company Board also discussed management's discussions with a potential strategic
partner  ("Company  A") that had  expressed  an interest in exploring a possible
acquisition  of  the  Company.   Mr.  Avery  informed  the  Company  Board  that
representatives  of  Company  A had  informed  him that  Company A was no longer
interested in pursuing a possible  acquisition of the Company  because Company A
had concluded  that certain  business  lines of the Company were not a strategic
fit with Company A's businesses.  Following these discussions, the Company Board
authorized management to continue discussions with Parent concerning a potential
transaction  with the objective of obtaining a higher price and other  favorable
terms.  The Company Board also  authorized  management to seek bids from various
financial  advisors for the purpose of engaging a financial  advisor to evaluate
the fairness from a financial point of view of the  consideration to be received
by the Company's stockholders in any transaction that might be considered by the
Company Board. In addition,  the Company Board authorized management to continue
to pursue other  potential  bidders through The Bigelow  Company,  an investment
banking concern familiar with the Company's industry ("Bigelow").


         Following the meeting of the Company Board on August 31, 1999,  Parent,
its  financial  advisors  and the Company  continued  discussions  concerning  a
potential  acquisition of the Company by Parent, and, in particular,  the amount
of the cash  purchase  price.  After further  negotiations  between the parties,
Parent  increased  its  proposed  cash  purchase  price to $6.25 per  share.  In
addition,  the parties began  negotiating the terms of a draft Merger  Agreement
prepared by Parent's legal counsel and the arrangements for senior management of
the Company following the completion of a transaction.

         During  this  period,  the  Company,  with the  assistance  of Bigelow,
contacted several other potential  strategic  partners to determine whether such
parties might have an interest in pursuing a transaction  with the Company.  The
Company also received bids from various investment banking firms to evaluate the
fairness from a financial point of view of the  consideration  to be received by
the Company's  stockholders in any proposed  transaction  involving the Company.
Following the receipt of such bids,  the Company  retained  Advest to advise the
Company with respect to such matters.

         On  September 9, 1999,  the Company  Board met to discuss the status of
negotiations with Parent,  including the price and other proposed terms. At this
meeting,  Mr. Avery  informed the Company  Board that Parent had  increased  its
proposed cash purchase price from $6.00 per share to $6.25 per share. Management
also updated the Company Board on the progress  being made by Bigelow to solicit
indications of interest from other  potential  strategic  partners.  The Company
Board then engaged in a discussion  concerning  the Company's  current  business
plan in view of Parent's latest proposal.  Following this discussion,  the Board
instructed  management  to continue  negotiations  of the terms of the  proposed
transaction with Parent and to continue pursuing other indications of interest.

         On September 21, 1999,  Bigelow  received a  preliminary  indication of
interest from another  company  ("Company B") within the industries in which the
Company operates. In its preliminary indication of interest, Company B expressed
a willingness to acquire the Company for an aggregate cash purchase price of not
more than $30 million.  Management of the Company  instructed  Bigelow to inform
Company B that it would have to  significantly  increase its  proposed  purchase
price for the  Company to  continue  to  explore a  potential  transaction  with
Company B.

         On September  28, 1999,  representatives  of Company B met with Messrs.
Avery and Ford and other representatives of the Company to discuss the strategic
fit of the Company and Company B, although no new proposal by Company B resulted
from that meeting.

         On September  29,  1999,  Mr.  Avery  received a telephone  call from a
representative  of another company  ("Company C") within the industries in which
the Company operates expressing an interest in exploring a potential transaction
with the Company.  Following a discussion, Mr. Avery and the representative from
Company C agreed that  representatives from Company C should meet in person with
Messrs.  Avery and Ford to further  discuss  Company C's interest.  Bigelow also
informed  Mr.  Avery  the same day that  Company B had  decided  not to pursue a
transaction with the Company.


         On September 30, 1999, Messrs. Avery and Ford and other representatives
of the Company met with  representatives  from  another  company  ("Company  D")
within the  industries in which the Company  operates  expressing an interest in
exploring a potential transaction with the Company.

         On September 30, 1999,  the Company Board held a meeting to discuss the
status of  negotiations  with Parent and the Company's and Bigelow's  efforts to
solicit additional  indications of interest.  At this meeting, the Company Board
discussed the terms of the draft Merger Agreement proposed by Parent,  including
the scope of the Company's ability to terminate the Merger Agreement to accept a
more  favorable  transaction.  Messrs.  Avery and Ford also  updated the Company
Board on the status of the discussions  with Company A, Company B, Company C and
Company D.

         On October 1,  1999,  Bigelow  informed  Mr.  Avery that  Company D had
decided not to pursue a transaction with the Company.

         On October 4, 1999, representatives of Company C met with Messrs. Avery
and Ford and  other  representatives  of the  Company  to  discuss  Company  C's
interest in pursuing a potential  transaction  with the Company.  Following this
meeting,  on  October 5,  1999,  Mr.  Avery  received  a  telephone  call from a
representative  of Company C  informing  him that  Company C had  decided not to
continue discussions with the Company concerning a possible transaction.

         On October 5, 1999, Mr. Avery met with Mr. Yamamura in Manchester,  New
Hampshire to discuss,  among other things,  employee matters,  including his and
Mr.  Ford's  role  with  the  Company  following   completion  of  the  proposed

         On October 6, 1999, the Company Board held a meeting at which Mr. Avery
again reported on management's  discussions with Company A, Company B, Company C
and Company D. The Company Board also discussed the status of negotiations  with
Parent and the terms of the proposed transaction,  including the purchase price.
At the meeting,  the Company's legal counsel  described the current terms of the
draft  Merger  Agreement  and the  Company  Board  discussed  certain of them at

         Following  the  October  6,  1999,  meeting  of the  Company  Board and
throughout the week of October 11, 1999, the parties  continued  negotiating the
terms of the draft Merger Agreement.  As a result of these negotiations,  Parent
indicated that it was willing to agree to a purchase price of $6.50 per share if
the  parties  could  agree on the other  unresolved  terms of the  draft  Merger
Agreement and related documentation.

         On October 14, 1999,  the Company Board met to consider the approval of
the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby. At that meeting,
Messrs.  Avery and Ford, together with the Company's legal counsel,  updated the
Company Board on the status of negotiations with Parent.  Messrs. Avery and Ford
updated the Company  Board on the key issues under  discussion  and the relative
positions  of the parties  with  respect to such  issues.  The  Company's  legal
counsel reviewed for the Company Board the terms of the Merger Agreement and the


agreements  with Messrs.  Avery and Ford governing  their  involvement  with the
Company  following  completion of the  transaction.  In addition,  Advest gave a
presentation  to the Company Board  concerning  the  fairness,  from a financial
point of view, of the cash  consideration  to be received by the stockholders of
the Company in the transaction.  Following this  presentation,  Advest delivered
its  opinion  to the  effect  that,  as of the  date of such  opinion,  the cash
consideration of $6.50 per share to be received by the Company's stockholders in
the transaction was fair, from a financial point of view, to the Company and its
stockholders.  The  Company  Board,  after  considering  the terms of the Merger
Agreement  and after  discussing  and  considering  the  analyses and opinion of
Advest,  determined  that the Offer and the Merger  were fair to and in the best
interests of the Company and its stockholders, recommended that all stockholders
tender their shares pursuant to the Offer, and authorized management to complete
negotiations  of, and  execute,  the Merger  Agreement  and related  agreements.
Preparation  of final  version of the Merger  Agreement  and related  agreements
continued  through  the  evening of  October  19,  1999 and into the  morning of
October 20, 1999. Early in the morning of October 20, 1999, the Company,  Parent
and  Purchaser   executed  the  Merger  Agreement  and  issued  a  joint  public
announcement of the transaction.

         On October 26, 1999,  Purchaser  commenced the Offer,  which expired at
12:00  midnight,  New York City time, on November 23, 1999. On November 24, 1999
Purchaser  announced that it had accepted for payment and would promptly pay for
all Shares validly  tendered  pursuant to the Offer.  Purchaser has subsequently
paid for such Shares.


         In reaching its  determination  regarding the transaction,  the Company
Board  considered  a number  of  factors,  including,  without  limitation,  the

                  (i)      The Company's business, assets, management, strategic
                           objectives, competitive position and prospects.

                  (ii)     The Company's  historical  financial  information and
                           projected  financial  results,  including  those  set
                           forth in the strategic  plans  developed  annually by
                           the Company and management's most recent projections.

                  (iii)    Historical market prices and trading information with
                           respect  to  the   shares  of  Common   Stock  and  a
                           comparison   of  these  market   prices  and  trading
                           information  with  those  of  selected  publicly-held
                           companies  operating in industries similar to that of
                           the  Company  and  the  various   price  to  earnings
                           multiples at which the shares of Common Stock and the
                           securities of these other companies trade.

                  (iv)     A financial  analysis of the valuation of the Company
                           under various  methodologies,  including a discounted
                           cash flow  analysis,  a  selected  comparable  public
                           companies   analysis   and  a   selected   comparable
                           transactions analysis.


                  (v)      The  prices  and  forms  of  consideration   paid  in
                           selected recent comparable acquisition  transactions,
                           and the fact  that the  price  to be paid  under  the
                           Merger  Agreement  to holders of the shares of Common
                           Stock compares  favorably to the prices paid in other
                           recent  acquisition   transactions  of  companies  in
                           similar industries.

                  (vi)     The fact that the $6.50 per share price to be paid in
                           the Offer and the Merger  represents (A) a premium of
                           79%  over  $3.625,  the  closing  price of a share of
                           Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market on October
                           13, 1999,  and (B) a premium of 65% over $3.942,  the
                           sixty day average of the closing  price of a share of
                           Common Stock as of October 13, 1999.

                  (vii)    The terms and  conditions  of the  Merger  Agreement,
                           including  the "all cash"  nature of the  transaction
                           and the fact that (A) the Offer  and  Merger  are not
                           subject to a financing condition,  (B) Parent and the
                           Purchaser have agreed that shares of Common Stock not
                           purchased in the Offer will  receive  pursuant to the
                           Merger the same form and amount of  consideration  as
                           the shares of Common  Stock  purchased  in the Offer,
                           and (C) the Company,  under certain circumstances and
                           subject to certain conditions  (including the payment
                           of  liquidated  damages to Parent) may  terminate the
                           Merger  Agreement  in order to execute  an  agreement
                           with a third party  providing for the  acquisition of
                           the Company on terms more  favorable to the Company's
                           stockholders than the Offer and the Merger.

                  (viii)   The opinion of Advest, delivered to the Company Board
                           on October 14, 1999,  that as of such date, and based
                           upon  and  subject  to  the   limitations  set  forth
                           therein, the cash consideration of $6.50 per share to
                           be  received  by the  Company's  stockholders  in the
                           transaction was fair, from a financial point of view,
                           to the Company and its stockholders.

         In view of the wide variety of factors considered by the Company Board,
the Company Board did not find it  practicable  to, and did not assign  relative
weights to the factors set forth above.  Rather,  the Company  Board reached its
determination  based  on  the  totality  of the  circumstances  and  the  advice
presented to it by its financial and legal advisors.

         In analyzing the Offer and the Merger, the Company's management and the
Company  Board were  assisted and advised by  representatives  of Advest and the
Company's  legal  counsel,  who  reviewed  various  financial,  legal  and other
considerations  in addition to the terms of the Merger  Agreement.  Stockholders
are urged to, and should,  read such opinion carefully and in its entirety.  The
opinion was provided for the  information and assistance of the Company Board in
connection  with its  consideration  of the Offer and the Merger.  Such  opinion
addresses only the fairness from a financial point of view of the  consideration
to be  received by the  stockholders  of the Company in the Offer and the Merger
and does not  constitute a  recommendation  to any  stockholder as to whether to
vote in favor of the Merger.


         The  purpose  of the Offer  and the  Merger  is for  Parent to  acquire
ownership of all of the outstanding shares of the Company.  Upon consummation of
the Merger, the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Parent.


         On October 14, 1999,  Advest discussed and reviewed at a meeting of the
Company Board its opinion  that, as of such date,  and based upon and subject to
the limitations set forth in such opinion,  the cash  consideration of $6.50 per
share to be received by the Company's  stockholders in the transaction was fair,
from a financial point of view, to the Company and its stockholders.

         Advest, as part of its investment banking business is regularly engaged
in the valuation of businesses and their  securities in connection  with mergers
and  acquisitions,   private  placements  of  equity  and  debt  and  negotiated
underwritings.  Advest was selected by the Company to deliver a fairness opinion
on this  transaction  based on Advest's  experience  as a  financial  advisor in
mergers and acquisitions as well as Advest's investment banking relationship and
familiarity  with  the  Company.  Advest  believes  that  its  analyses  must be
considered  as a whole and that  selecting  portions  of its  analyses,  without
considering  all factors and analyses,  could create an  incomplete  view of the
processes  underlying  its analyses and opinion.  The  preparation of a fairness
opinion  is a complex  process  and is not  necessarily  susceptible  to partial
analyses or summary description.

         In  rendering   its  opinion,   Advest   relied  on  the  accuracy  and
completeness  of all  information  supplied or otherwise made available to it by
the Company, and did not independently  verify such information,  nor did Advest
undertake an independent  appraisal of the assets or liabilities of the Company.
In arriving at its fairness opinion, Advest, among other things, reviewed:

                  (i)      a draft of the Merger Agreement;

                  (ii)     the  Company's  Forms 10-K for the years 1996 through
                           1999 and the  Company's  Forms 10-Q for the  quarters
                           ended December 26, 1998 and March 27, 1999;

                  (iii)    comparative   financial   and   operating   data  for
                           companies identified as similar to the Company;

                  (iv)     the   pricing   and   financial   terms  of  business
                           acquisitions  recently effected  involving  companies
                           similar to the Company;

                  (v)      operating  projections  for the  Company  prepared by
                           senior management;

                  (vi)     the financial condition, businesses, and prospects of
                           the  Company  through  discussions  with  members  of
                           senior management of the Company; and

                  (vii)    such other  financial  studies  and  analyses  deemed
                           necessary by Advest.


         In rendering  its opinion to the Company  Board,  Advest  performed the
following analyses and investigations:

                  (i)      Advest compared the proposed purchase price per share
                           to the trading range of the Company's common stock;

                  (ii)     Advest  compared the proposed  purchase price and its
                           implied  ratios to sales,  earnings,  book  value and
                           cash  flow   ("multiples")   to  the  same  multiples
                           calculated  from current public market  valuations of
                           publicly  traded  companies  deemed  similar  to  the

                  (iii)    Advest  compared the proposed  purchase price and its
                           implied  multiples of sales and cash flow to the same
                           multiples as calculated from  valuations  established
                           in recent transactions of companies deemed similar to
                           the Company;

                  (iv)     Advest  analyzed and  compared the proposed  purchase
                           price to the  value of  estimated  future  free  cash
                           flows discounted to their current value; and

                  (v)      Advest  analyzed  the  Company's  historical  trading
                           activity, including volume and price relationships.

         In addition,  Advest  performed such other analyses and  investigations
and took into account such other matters and information as it deemed necessary.

         The full text of the written  Advest  opinion  dated  October 14, 1999,
which sets forth,  among other things,  assumptions made,  procedures  followed,
matters  considered,  and  limitations on the scope of the review  undertaken by
Advest  in  rendering  the  Advest  opinion,  is  attached  as  Annex  B to this
Information  Statement.  Stockholders  are  urged  to read  the  Advest  opinion
carefully and in its entirety.


         Parent and the Company have had a long-standing  business  relationship
with each other. In 1987, Parent acquired from the Company Nippon  Ferrofluidics
Corporation ("NFC"), which was a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

          On May 2, 1983, the Company and NFC, then a wholly-owned subsidiary of
the Company,  entered into a License  Agreement  whereby the Company licensed to
NFC  ferrofluid  technology  for a period of three  years.  On May 2, 1986,  the
license was extended for one year. In connection  with Parent's  acquisition  of
NFC in 1987,  the Company and NFC,  then a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Parent,
entered into three separate  agreements whereby the Company licensed  ferrofluid
technology and furnace  technology to NFC and NFC licensed  motor  technology to
the Company.


         In 1993, the Company and NFC entered into the  Superseding  1993 Fluids
License  Agreement (the "1993 Agreement") that superseded and replaced all prior
license  agreements  between the parties.  Pursuant to the 1993  Agreement,  all
ferrofluid  technology,  with  certain  exceptions,  owned by  either  party was
licensed to the other party in  perpetuity.  At the time the 1993  Agreement was
entered  into,  Parent made an up-front  payment to the Company in the amount of
(Yen)850 million, which is being amortized in equal installments during the term
of the 1993  Agreement.  During  each of fiscal  1997,  1998,  and 1999,  Parent
incurred (Yen)68 million in royalty expense under the 1993 Agreement.

         In March  1998,  Parent  obtained  certain  U.S.  patents  relating  to
ferrofluids.  On October 20, 1998,  Parent and the Company entered into the 1998
Agreement  Amending the  Superseding  1993 Fluids  License  Agreement (the "1998
Agreement").  Pursuant to the 1998 Agreement,  Parent granted to the Company the
exclusive license to make, use, sell or otherwise  distribute vacuum rotary feed
through  seals  throughout  the world  other than in Asia.  Pursuant to the 1998
Agreement,  the Company  ceased  operations  of its  Japanese  subsidiary  whose
operations related solely to these seals. Under the 1998 Agreement,  the Company
agreed to pay to Parent a 5%  royalty  on sales of vacuum  rotary  feed  through
seals  or  $50,000  per  quarter,  whichever  is  greater.  The  1998  Agreement
terminates on December 31, 2005, unless terminated sooner by mutual agreement of
the parties. If terminated,  the rights between the parties would revert back to
the 1993 Agreement.  The Company incurred  $272,000 in royalty expense under the
1998 Agreement during fiscal 1999.


         Parent and  Purchaser  will make  available to the Exchange  Agent,  as
needed, the Merger  Consideration to be paid in respect of the Shares.  Promptly
after the Effective  Time,  Purchaser  will cause the Exchange  Agent to send to
each holder of Shares (other than Parent and its  subsidiaries) at the Effective
Time a letter of transmittal  and related  instruments for use in such exchange.
Stockholders should not return Share certificates until they receive a letter of

         Each  holder of  Shares  that  have  been  converted  into the right to
receive the Merger Consideration will be entitled to receive,  upon surrender to
the Exchange Agent of a certificate  representing  such Shares,  together with a
properly completed letter of transmittal,  the Merger Consideration  payable for
each Share  represented by such  certificate.  Until so  surrendered,  each such
certificate  will  represent  after the Effective Time for all purposes only the
right to receive such Merger Consideration, without interest thereon.

         After the  Effective  Time,  there will be no further  registration  of
transfers of Shares. If, after the Effective Time, certificates are presented to
the  Surviving  Corporation,  they will be canceled and exchanged for the Merger
Consideration  provided for, and in accordance with the procedures set forth, in
the Merger Agreement.  If any portion of the Merger  Consideration is to be paid
to a person other than the person in whose name the  surrendered  certificate is
registered,  it will be a condition  to such  payment  that the  certificate  so
surrendered  is properly  endorsed or  otherwise in proper form for transfer and
that the person  requesting such payment pays to the Exchange Agent any transfer
or other taxes  required as a result of such  payment to a person other than the
registered  holder of


such  certificate  or establish to the  satisfaction  of the Exchange Agent that
such tax has been paid or is not payable.

         Any portion of the Merger  Consideration made available to the Exchange
Agent that  remains  unclaimed  by the  holders  of Shares six months  after the
Effective Time will be delivered to the Surviving Corporation,  upon demand, and
any such holder who has not exchanged them for the Merger Consideration prior to
that time will thereafter look only to the Surviving  Corporation for payment of
the  Merger  Consideration  in  respect  of  such  Shares.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  neither  Parent  nor the  Company  will be liable to any holder of a
certificate formerly representing Shares for Merger Consideration delivered to a
public  official  pursuant  to any  applicable  abandoned  property,  escheat or
similar law.

         If any certificate has been lost, stolen or destroyed,  upon the making
of an affidavit of that fact by the person claiming such certificate to be lost,
stolen or destroyed and, if required by the Surviving  Corporation,  the posting
by such person of a bond, in such reasonable amount as the Surviving Corporation
may direct,  as  indemnity  against  any claim that may be made  against it with
respect to such certificate, the Exchange Agent will issue, in exchange for such
lost, stolen or destroyed  certificate,  the Merger  Consideration to be paid in
respect of the Shares  represented by such  certificate,  as contemplated by the
Merger Agreement.


         If the Merger is completed,  stockholders  who object to the Merger are
entitled to appraisal rights under Massachusetts law. In order to exercise those
rights, you must comply with the procedures  described below.  Failure to comply
with  these  procedures  will  result  in the  loss  of  appraisal  rights.  The
description  is only a summary and is  qualified  by  reference  to the relevant
provisions of Massachusetts law, attached as Annex C. The following is a summary
of the relevant provisions of Massachusetts law.

         In order to  exercise  appraisal  rights,  you must take the  following

                  o        send a written objection to the Merger to the Company
                           before the Special  Meeting stating your intention to
                           demand  payment  for your  Shares  if the  Merger  is
                           approved and the Merger occurs;

                  o        do not vote in favor of the Merger; and

                  o        send a written  demand to the Company for payment for
                           your Shares within twenty (20) days after you receive
                           notice from the Company that the Merger has occurred.
                           The Company will send the notice within ten (10) days
                           after the Merger is completed.

         A vote by proxy or in person  against  the  transaction  alone does not
constitute  a demand for  appraisal.  If you file a written  objection  with the
Company  prior  to the  Special  Meeting,  you do NOT


need to vote against the Merger.  However,  if you file a written objection with
the Company  prior to the Special  Meeting and vote in favor of the Merger,  you
will be deemed to have waived your right to exercise appraisal rights.

         If you have followed the  procedures  set forth above and the Merger is
completed,  the Company will contact you in order to determine the fair value of
your Shares.  The "fair value" of your Shares will be  determined  as of the day
before approval of the Merger by the Company  stockholders  and will exclude any
value arising from the  expectation  of the Merger.  If the Company and you have
not agreed as to the fair value of your Shares  within 50 days after you receive
notice from the Company that the Merger has  occurred,  both you and the Company
will have the right to have the court  determine the fair value by filing a bill
in equity in the Superior  Court,  Suffolk County,  Massachusetts  no later than
four (4) months after the expiration of the negotiation period.

         The costs of the bill in equity,  including the reasonable compensation
and expenses of any master  appointed by the court,  shall be  determined by the
court  and  taxed  against  the  parties  as the court  deems  equitable  in the
circumstances. However, costs do not include attorneys' and expert witness fees.

         The  determination  of fair value  made by the court or special  master
will be binding on and enforceable by you and the other Company stockholders who
have properly executed their appraisal rights.

         The fair value of the Shares  could be more than,  the same as, or less
than $6.50.

         Your appraisal rights are your only remedy if you object to the Merger,
unless the Merger is determined to have been illegal, fraudulent or in breach of
the  fiduciary  duties of the Company  Board.  If you  exercise  your  appraisal
rights,  after the Merger is completed you will not have any rights as a Company
stockholder,  including  the  right to  receive  notices  of  meetings,  vote at
meetings or receive dividends, if any.


Agreement  provides that for a period of six years from the  Effective  Time, in
the event of any  threatened  or  actual  claim,  action,  suit,  proceeding  or
investigation,  whether civil,  criminal or administrative,  including,  without
limitation,  any such claim, action, suit,  proceeding or investigation in which
any person  who is now,  or has been at any time prior to the date of the Merger
Agreement  (except  for Ronald  Moskowitz  and Jan R.  Kirk),  or any person who
becomes prior to the Effective Time, a Director, Officer, employee, fiduciary or
agent  of the  Company  or any of the  Company  Subsidiaries  (the  "Indemnified
Parties") is, or is threatened to be, made a party based in whole or in part on,
or arising in whole or in part out of, or  pertaining to (i) the fact that he is
or was a Director,  Officer, employee,  fiduciary or agent of the Company or any
of the Company Subsidiaries,  or is or was serving at the request of the Company
or any of the Company  Subsidiaries,  or is or was serving at the request of the
Company or any of the Company  Subsidiaries  as a Director,  Officer,  employee,
fiduciary or agent


of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, trust or other enterprise,
or (ii) the negotiation, execution or performance of the Merger Agreement or any
of the  transactions  contemplated  thereby,  whether  in any case  asserted  or
arising before or after the Effective  Time,  the Company,  Purchaser and Parent
agree to cooperate and use their  reasonable  best efforts to defend against and
respond  thereto.  The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless,  and after the
Effective  Time,  Surviving  Corporation  and Purchaser shall indemnify and hold
harmless,  as  and  to  the  full  extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  each
Indemnified  Party  against any losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities,  costs,
expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses),  judgments,  fines
and amounts paid in settlement ("Losses") in connection with any such threatened
or actual claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation,  and in the event of
any such threatened or actual claim, action,  suit,  proceeding or investigation
(whether asserted or arising before or after the Effective Time).

         Without  limiting the  foregoing,  in the event any  Indemnified  Party
becomes involved in any capacity in any claim, then from and after the Effective
Time, the Company, the Surviving  Corporation and the Purchaser shall advance to
such  Indemnified  Party its legal and other expenses,  subject to the provision
that the Parent and/or the Purchaser may require an unsecured  undertaking  from
the  Indemnified  Parties to reimburse the amounts so advanced in the event of a
final  non-appealable  determination by a court of competent  jurisdiction  that
such Indemnified  Party is not entitled thereto.  The Indemnified  Parties shall
retain  Goodwin,  Procter & Hoar LLP (provided that no policy for D&O Insurance,
as defined  below,  requires that counsel be chosen from an approved list, or if
any such policy  requires  counsel to be chosen from an approved list,  Goodwin,
Procter  & Hoar LLP is so  named on the  approved  list)  or  other  counsel  to
represent  them in such matter,  provided  that such choice of other  counsel is
consented to by Purchaser or the Surviving  Corporation  (and/or the  applicable
insurance carriers),  and which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld, and
the Company,  and the Surviving  Corporation  and Purchaser  after the Effective
Time,  shall pay all reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel within 30 days
after statements therefor are received.  The Company, the Surviving  Corporation
and Purchaser will use their respective reasonable best efforts to assist in the
vigorous  defense of any such matter;  provided  that none of the  Company,  the
Surviving  Corporation or Purchaser shall be liable for any settlement  effected
without its prior  written  consent  (which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably
withheld);  and provided  further that the Surviving  Corporation  and Purchaser
shall have no obligation  hereunder to any Indemnified Party when and if a court
of competent  jurisdiction  shall ultimately  determine,  and such determination
shall  have  become  final  and  non-appealable,  that  indemnification  of such
Indemnified  Party  in the  manner  contemplated  in  the  Merger  Agreement  is
prohibited by applicable law.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, any payment for indemnification shall be
limited  to a  maximum  of  $20,000,000.  For a  period  of two  years  from the
Effective Time,  Parent shall be responsible for such  indemnification  up to an
aggregate  $10,000,000,  subject to the terms and restrictions  contained in the
Merger  Agreement.  In the event that after the  Effective  Time an  Indemnified
Party does not receive payment for any Losses from the Surviving  Corporation or
the carrier(s) of the D&O Insurance,  as defined below,  within ninety (90) days
after the giving of an indemnification  notice, Parent shall be obligated to pay
to such Indemnified  Party an amount or amounts equal to such Losses (subject to
the $10,000,000 limit described above for all Losses incurred by the Indemnified


         The Merger  Agreement  provides  that prior to the  Effective  Time the
Company shall purchase  extended  reporting period  endorsement of not less than
$20,000,000  under the Company's  existing  officers' and  directors'  liability
insurance policy ("D&O Insurance") for a period of not less than six years after
the Effective Time. To the extent the Company,  Purchaser and/or Parent advances
or  pays  any  expenses  or  damages  related  to a  Claim  in  advance  of  any
reimbursement  by an insurance  carrier,  the Company,  Purchaser  and/or Parent
shall be entitled to any such  reimbursement by such insurance  carrier;  and in
the event of any claim against an insurance  carrier for  reimbursement  for, or
payment of, any of said expenses or damages,  Company,  Purchaser  and/or Parent
shall have the right to proceed against such carrier on behalf of themselves and
the Indemnified Parties.

         Parent,  the  Purchaser  and the  Company  have also agreed that in the
event Parent or the Surviving  Corporation  or any of its  successors or assigns
(i) consolidates with or merges into any other person or entity and shall not be
the  continuing  or surviving  corporation  or entity of such  consolidation  or
merger or (ii) transfers or conveys all or  substantially  all of its properties
and assets to any person or entity, then and in each such case, proper provision
shall be made so that the  successors  and  assigns  of Parent or the  Surviving
Corporation,   as  the  case  may  be,  shall  assume  the  foregoing  indemnity

         COMPANY STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS.  The Merger Agreement provides that
as of November 23, 1999, each outstanding option or warrant, whether or not then
vested or  exercisable,  to purchase  Shares shall be converted  into, and shall
become  the  right to  receive  a cash  payment  per  stock  option  or  warrant
determined  by  multiplying  (1) the number of Shares  subject to such option or
warrant  and (2) the  excess,  if any,  of the  Merger  Consideration  over  the
exercise  price per share of such  option or  warrant,  subject to any  required
withholding  of taxes.  At the  Acceptance  Date,  all  outstanding  options and
warrants to purchase  Shares  (including  those  options  that are not vested or
exercisable  at the time of the Merger)  shall be canceled  and be of no further
force or effect  except for the right to receive cash to the extent  provided in
the Merger  Agreement,  provided that the warrants may only be canceled with the
consent  of the  holders  of such  warrants.  Prior to the  Acceptance  Date and
through the Effective  Time, the Company shall take all actions  (including,  if
appropriate,  obtaining  consents from holders of Company  warrants and amending
the  terms  of any  Company  plan)  that are  necessary  to give  effect  to the
transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement.

         Based on Merger  Consideration  of $6.50, the Officers and Directors of
the Company will receive  approximately  $707,856 in the aggregate in respect of
their stock  options.  Messrs.  Avery,  Ford,  Chorney,  and Barton will receive
$361,570,  $96,840,  $91,460, and $51,110 respectively in respect of their stock

         AGREEMENT WITH PAUL F. AVERY,  JR. In connection with the Offer and the
Merger, the Company,  the Purchaser,  Parent and Mr. Avery agreed that effective
upon the Acceptance Date, Mr. Avery's employment with the Company will terminate
and that Mr.  Avery  will  serve as a  consultant  and  advisor  to the  Company
pursuant  to  the  terms  of  a  consulting  agreement  (the  "Avery  Consulting
Agreement").  The Avery Consulting Agreement commenced as of the Acceptance Date
and will  continue  for a period of three  years.  Under  the  Avery  Consulting
Agreement, the parties agreed that,


in addition to the consulting fee of $10,000 per month, the Company will pay Mr.
Avery  $250,000 on the  Acceptance  Date (or, at Mr.  Avery's  option,  over the
three-year term on a weekly basis) and an additional  $50,000 per annum advisory
fee for so long as Mr.  Avery is  retained  by the  Company to provide  advisory
services. In addition, the Company will be required to maintain insurance on Mr.
Avery's life in an amount of $1,000,000,  payable as directed by Mr. Avery,  for
two years.

         AGREEMENT  WITH WILLIAM B. FORD. In  connection  with the Offer and the
Merger,  the Company,  Parent and Mr. Ford entered into an Employment  Agreement
(the "New Ford Employment  Agreement")  which became effective on the Acceptance
Date.  Under the New Ford  Employment  Agreement,  the  parties  agreed that Mr.
Ford's employment with the Company pursuant to the employment agreement dated as
of September 23, 1996  terminated  effective as of the Acceptance  Date. The New
Ford  Employment  Agreement will be effective  until March 31, 2000 and provides
that Mr. Ford will continue to serve the Company in an executive capacity. Under
the New Ford Employment Agreement, Mr. Ford will receive a payment of $45,000 on
the Company's  first payroll date after January 1, 2000 and a further payment of
$104,000 on the Company's  first  payroll date after  January 1, 2001.  Mr. Ford
will also be compensated by the Company at the annual rate of $145,000,  payable
not less than twice a month.  The parties  also  agreed  that the  consideration
payable to Mr. Ford with  respect to his  options to  purchase  shares of Common
Stock in connection with the Merger would be payable in installments as follows:
$50,000 on January 2, 2000, and $48,750 on January 2, 2001.

         In addition,  Mr. Ford will be entitled to  participate  in the health,
welfare,  retirement  and other  fringe  benefit  plans which the Company  makes
available  to  management  from  time to time and  will be  entitled  to  accrue
vacation days at the rate of four weeks per year.  Mr. Ford will be given credit
under all of the Company's employee benefits and policies, including for accrued
vacation time,  for all services prior to the Acceptance  Date. Mr. Ford will be
paid upon the  termination  of his  employment  with the Company for all accrued
vacation  time as of the  termination  date in  accordance  with  the  Company's

         If Mr.  Ford dies or becomes  disabled  during the term of the New Ford
Employment Agreement,  Mr. Ford's employment automatically terminates and he, or
his  beneficiary,  as the case may be, will be entitled to any earned but unpaid
salary.  If Mr.  Ford is  terminated  "for  cause"  (as  defined in the New Ford
Employment  Agreement),  he will be entitled to any earned but unpaid  salary at
the date of termination  and the  contribution by the Company to the cost of Mr.
Ford's  participation  in the Company's group medical and dental insurance plans
as permissible under applicable law and plan terms.


         The  acquisition  of the  Shares in the Offer  and the  Merger  will be
treated as a "purchase" under generally accepted accounting principles.



         The receipt of cash for Shares pursuant to the Merger will be a taxable
transaction  for United  States  federal  income tax  purposes.  In  general,  a
stockholder  will  recognize  gain or loss for United States  federal income tax
purposes equal to the difference between the amount of cash received in exchange
for the Shares sold and such  stockholder's  adjusted  tax basis in such Shares.
Such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss if the Shares constitute  capital
assets in the hands of the stockholder.  In the case of an individual  holder of
Shares,  any such capital  gain  generally  will be subject to a maximum  United
States  federal  income tax rate of 20% if the holder's  holding  period in such
Shares was more than one year at the Effective Time. Any resulting  capital loss
will be  subject to  certain  limitations  on  deductibility  for United  States
federal income tax purposes.




         Under the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976 (the
"HSR  Act"),   certain  acquisitions  may  not  be  consummated  unless  certain
information has been furnished to the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust
Division of the Department of Justice and certain  waiting  period  requirements
have been satisfied.  Because Parent already owns more than 50% of the equity of
the Company,  the Company  believes  that the HSR Act is not  applicable  to the

         If any action is taken  prior to  completion  of the Merger by any such
government  or  governmental  authority,  Parent  and  the  Company  may  not be
obligated to complete the Merger. See "The Merger Agreement -- Conditions to the


         The total amount of funds  required by the Purchaser to consummate  the
Offer and the Merger and to pay related  fees and  expenses is  estimated  to be
approximately $38.8 million.


         The  Purchaser  obtained  the funds  required to purchase  the tendered
Shares  (approximately  $32.2  million  for  the  4,958,545  Shares)  through  a
combination of capital  contributions made to Purchaser and borrowings.  Capital
contributions  have been made, in cash,  in the aggregate  amount of $20 million
from  Parent.  The  remaining  $12.2  million  required to purchase the tendered
Shares was  obtained  from Parent  pursuant  to an  inter-company  loan  between
Purchaser and Parent in the amount of $15 million.

         Parent obtained the funds required to effect such capital contributions
and loans from (i) approximately $15 million of its available cash on hand, (ii)
approximately  $3.8  million  from the  proceeds of  borrowings  under  Parent's
existing and new unsecured  short-term lines of credit; and (iii)  approximately
$15  million  pursuant  to two loan  agreements  between  Parent and The Bank of
Tokyo-Mitsubishi  dated  November 19, 1999 in the amounts of (Yen) 1,000 million
($10  million) and (Yen) 500 million ($5 million) (the "Loan  Agreements").  The
Loan  Agreements  each have a term of six years and bear interest at the rate of

         The  Company  will  use  funds  available  under  its  existing  credit
facilities to pay the Merger  Consideration  and the remaining fees and expenses
relating to the transaction (approximately $6.6 million).

                              THE MERGER AGREEMENT

         The  following  is a  summary  of the  material  terms  of  the  Merger
Agreement,  a copy of which is attached as Annex A. Such summary is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the Merger Agreement.

         THE OFFER. The Merger  Agreement  provided for the making of the Offer.
The Offer expired at 12:00  midnight,  New York City time, on November 23, 1999,
and Parent  subsequently  purchased all of the 4,958,545 Shares  tendered.  As a
result,  Parent beneficially owns approximately 89% of the Shares as of the date
of this Information Statement.

         BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  The Merger  Agreement  provides that promptly upon
the purchase of Shares by the  Purchaser  pursuant to the Offer and from time to
time thereafter,  the Purchaser shall be entitled to designate up to such number
of directors,  rounded up to the next whole number, on the Company Board as will
give  Purchaser  representation  on the  Company  Board  equal to the  number of
Directors  which is the  product  of (i) the total  number of  Directors  on the
Company  Board  (giving  effect to the  Directors  designated  by the  Purchaser
pursuant to this sentence)  multiplied by (ii) the percentage that the aggregate
number of Shares  beneficially  owned by the  Purchaser or any  affiliate of the
Purchaser  following  such  purchase  bears to the total  number of Shares  then
outstanding.  In furtherance  thereof, the Company shall, at such time, promptly
take all  actions  necessary  to cause  Purchaser's  designees  to be elected as
Directors of the Company including  increasing the size of its Board or securing
the resignations of such number of its incumbent  Directors,  or both,  provided
that the number of  Directors  constituting  the Company  Board shall be no less
than five. At such time, the Company shall use its best efforts to cause persons
designated  by the  Purchaser to  constitute  the same  percentage  as is on the
Company Board of each committee of the Company Board, each Board


of Directors of each of the Company  Subsidiaries  (as hereinafter  defined) and
each  committee  of such  board,  in each case to the extent  permitted  by law.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event that the Purchaser's  designees are
elected to the Company Board,  until the Effective  Time, the Company shall have
at least two independent  Directors.  In the Merger  Agreement,  the Company has
agreed to promptly  take all actions  required  pursuant to Section 14(f) of the
Exchange  Act and Rule 14f-1  promulgated  thereunder  in order to  fulfill  its
obligations  under the Merger  Agreement,  including mailing to stockholders the
information  required by such  Section  14(f) and Rule 14f-1 as is  necessary to
enable  the  Purchaser's  designees  to be  elected to the  Company  Board.  The
Purchaser  or Parent will supply the Company and be solely  responsible  for any
information  with  respect  to  either  of them and  their  nominees,  officers,
directors and affiliates  required by such Section 14(f) and Rule 14f-1. As used
herein,  "Company  Subsidiary  or  Company  Subsidiaries"  shall mean all of the
operational  subsidiaries  of the Company  through  which the Company  currently
conducts its  businesses or has conducted  its  businesses  during the two years
preceding the date of the Merger Agreement.

         Pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement,  Purchaser  has  designated  Nozomu
Yamamoto,  Akira Yamamura and Richard R. Cesati, II to serve as directors of the
Company.  Paul F. Avery,  Jr. and Howard F. Nichols have resigned from the Board
of Directors of the Company.  Accordingly,  the Company's  Board of Directors is
currently comprised of Dean Kamen, Dennis Stone, and Messrs. Yamamoto,  Yamamura
and Cesati. In addition, the following individuals have been elected as officers
of the Company:

Richard R. Cesati, II            President
Akira Yamamura                   Chairman of the Board, Chief Financial Officer,
                                 Treasurer and Clerk
Masako Yatsuhashi                Assistant Clerk

         THE MERGER.  The Merger  Agreement  provides  that,  upon the terms and
subject to the conditions set forth in the Merger  Agreement,  and in accordance
with the MBCL, at the Effective Time, Purchaser will be merged with and into the
Company.  The Merger  Agreement  provides that the Merger will become  effective
upon the filing of the  Articles  of Merger with the  Secretary  of State of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As a result of the Merger, the separate corporate
existence  of  Purchaser  will  cease,  and the  Company  will  continue  as the
Surviving Corporation.

         Pursuant to the Merger  Agreement,  each Share  issued and  outstanding
immediately  prior to the  Effective  Time  other  than (i)  Shares  held by the
Company or any subsidiary of the Company,  (ii) Shares held by any affiliates of
Purchaser,  and  (iii)  Shares  held  by  stockholders  who  have  demanded  and
perfected,  and have not withdrawn or otherwise lost,  appraisal rights, if any,
under the MBCL, will be canceled and converted  automatically  into the right to
receive  $6.50 in cash,  or any  higher  price that may be paid per Share in the
Offer,  without  interest (the "Merger  Consideration").  Each Share held by the
Company as treasury  stock or held by Parent,  Purchaser  or any  subsidiary  of
Parent,  Purchaser or the Company  immediately prior to the Effective Time shall
be canceled, retired and cease to exist, and no consideration shall be delivered
with respect thereto.


         The Merger  Agreement  provides  that the Directors of Purchaser at the
Effective Time will be the Directors of the Surviving  Corporation  and that the
Officers  of  Purchaser  at the  Effective  Time  will  be the  Officers  of the
Surviving  Corporation,  in each  case,  until  successors  are duly  elected or
appointed and qualified in accordance with applicable law. The Merger  Agreement
also  provides that the Articles of  Organization  of the Purchaser in effect at
the  Effective  Time  will be the  Articles  of  Organization  of the  Surviving
Corporation,  and that the By-Laws of the  Purchaser  will be the By-Laws of the
Surviving Corporation, in each case, until amended in accordance with applicable

         SHARES OF  DISSENTING  HOLDERS.  The  Merger  Agreement  provides  that
notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in the Merger Agreement, any
holder of Shares with respect to which appraisal  rights, if any, are granted by
reason of the Merger  under the MBCL and who does not vote in favor or  consents
in writing  to the Merger and who  otherwise  complies  with the  provisions  of
Chapter 156B of the MBCL ("Dissenting  Shares") shall not be entitled to receive
any Merger Consideration  pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement,  unless
such  holder  fails  to  perfect,  effectively  withdraws  or  loses  his or her
appraisal  rights under the  provisions of Chapter 156B of the MBCL. If any such
holder  so  fails  to  perfect,  effectively  withdraws  or  loses  his  or  her
dissenters'  rights under the MBCL, each  Dissenting  Share of such holder shall
thereupon be deemed to have been  converted,  as of the Effective Time, into the
right to receive the Merger Consideration.

         Any payments  relating to Dissenting Shares shall be made solely by the
Surviving  Corporation  and no  funds  or other  property  have  been or will be
provided  by Parent,  Purchaser  or any of  Parent's  other  direct or  indirect
subsidiaries  for such  payment,  nor shall the Company  make any  payment  with
respect to, or settle or offer to settle, any such demands.

         EXCHANGE  OF SHARE  CERTIFICATES.  Pursuant  to the  Merger  Agreement,
immediately  after the Effective Time, Parent and Purchaser shall take all steps
necessary to cause to be  deposited  on a timely  basis with the Exchange  Agent
funds necessary to provide for the payment of the Merger  Consideration  to each
record holder of certificates (the "Share  Certificates") that immediately prior
to the Effective Time represented Shares converted into the right to receive the
Merger  Consideration.  The Merger Agreement  provides that Parent and Purchaser
will deposit,  or will cause to be deposited,  with the Exchange Agent,  for the
benefit of the holders of Shares, the Merger Consideration to be paid in respect
of the Shares. The Exchange Agent shall,  pursuant to irrevocable  instructions,
deliver the Merger  Consideration  out of the amount so  deposited  by Parent to
holders of Shares  entitled  thereto.  The amount  deposited  by Parent with the
Exchange  Agent  shall not be used for any other  purpose.  Any and all  amounts
earned on such funds will be paid over to the Surviving Corporation.

         Pursuant to the Merger  Agreement,  promptly after the Effective  Time,
the  Exchange  Agent  shall  mail to each  record  holder of Share  Certificates
formerly  representing  Shares  converted  into the right to receive  the Merger
Consideration  pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement:  (i) a letter of  transmittal
which shall specify that delivery shall be effected,  and risk of loss and title
to the Share  Certificates  shall pass,  only upon proper  delivery of the Share
Certificates to the Exchange Agent and (ii) instructions for use in surrendering
the Share Certificates and receiving the Merger Consideration. Upon surrender of


a Share  Certificate,  the  Exchange  Agent  shall pay the  holder of such Share
Certificate an amount equal to (A) the Merger  Consideration,  multiplied by (B)
the number of Shares  represented  by such Share  Certificate,  upon payment the
Share Certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be canceled.  No interest shall
be paid or accrued on any Merger Consideration.  If the Merger Consideration (or
any portion  thereof) is to be  delivered to any person other than the person in
whose name the Share Certificate  formerly  representing  shares of Common Stock
surrendered  therefor is  registered,  it shall be a condition  to such right to
receive such Merger  Consideration  that the Share  Certificate  so  surrendered
shall be properly endorsed (with signatures  medallion  guaranteed) or otherwise
be in proper form for transfer and that the person  surrendering  such shares of
Common  Stock  shall pay to the  Exchange  Agent  any  transfer  or other  taxes
required by reason of the payment of the Merger  Consideration to a person other
than the  registered  holder  of the  Share  Certificate  surrendered,  or shall
establish to the  satisfaction of the Exchange Agent that such tax has been paid
or is not applicable.  Until  surrendered and exchanged,  each Share Certificate
(other than Share Certificates  representing  Dissenting Shares,  Shares held by
any  affiliate  of  Purchaser,  in  the  treasury  of  the  Company  or  by  any
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Company)  shall  represent  solely the right to
receive an amount equal to (A) the Merger  Consideration,  multiplied by (B) the
number of Shares  represented by such Share  Certificate.  In the event that any
Share Certificate shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed,  the Exchange Agent
shall pay,  upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the holder  thereof,
the  Merger  Consideration,  provided,  however,  that the  Company  and/or  the
Surviving Corporation may, in its discretion, require the delivery of a suitable
bond and/or indemnity.

         There  shall  be no  transfers  on  the  stock  transfer  books  of the
Surviving Corporation of the Shares which were outstanding  immediately prior to
the  Effective  Time.  If, after the  Effective  Time,  Share  Certificates  are
presented to the Surviving  Corporation  for any reason,  they shall be canceled
and exchanged.

         Pursuant   to  the  Merger   Agreement,   any  portion  of  the  Merger
Consideration which remains undistributed to the stockholders of the Company for
six  months  after  the  Effective  Time  shall be  delivered  to the  Surviving
Corporation,  upon  demand,  and any  stockholders  of the  Company who have not
theretofore  complied with the terms of the Merger  Agreement  shall  thereafter
look only to the Surviving Corporation for payment of their claim for any Merger

         CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER.  The respective  obligations  of Parent,  the
Purchaser  and the  Company  to  consummate  the  Merger  and  the  transactions
contemplated thereby are subject to the satisfaction, at or before the Effective
Time, of certain conditions, including:

                  (i)      the  stockholders  of the  Company  shall  have  duly
                           approved the Merger and the transactions contemplated
                           by the Merger Agreement;

                  (ii)     any waiting period applicable to the Merger under the
                           HSR Act shall have expired or been terminated;


                  (iii)    the   consummation   of  the  Merger   shall  not  be
                           restrained,  enjoined  or  prohibited  by any  order,
                           judgment,  decree, injunction or ruling of a court of
                           competent jurisdiction or any governmental entity and
                           there  shall  not  have  been  any  statute,  rule or
                           regulation enacted,  promulgated or deemed applicable
                           to  the  Merger  by  any  governmental  entity  which
                           prevents  the  consummation  of the Merger,  provided
                           however,   that  the  Company,  the  Parent  and  the
                           Purchaser  shall  have used  their  best  efforts  to
                           prevent any such rule, regulation, injunction, decree
                           or other order, and to appeal as promptly as possible
                           any  injunction,  decree or other  order  that may be

                  (iv)     all authorizations, approvals or consents required to
                           permit the Merger shall have been obtained and are in
                           full force and effect; and

                   (v)     the  Purchaser or its permitted  assignee  shall have
                           purchased  all  Shares   validly   tendered  and  not
                           withdrawn  pursuant to the Offer and such Shares will
                           satisfy the minimum condition to the Offer.

         REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES.  The Merger Agreement contains various
representations of the parties thereto, including representations by the Company
as  to,  among  other  things,  (i)  organization;  (ii)  capitalization;  (iii)
authorization  and validity of the Merger Agreement and necessary  action;  (iv)
consents  and  approvals;  (v)  SEC  reports  and  financial  statements;   (vi)
undisclosed  liabilities;  (vii) absence of certain changes;  (viii)  disclosure
documents;  (ix)  employee  benefit  plans and ERISA (as  defined  in the Merger
Agreement);  (x) litigation;  (xi) compliance with applicable laws; (xii) taxes;
(xiii)  real  property;  (xiv)  intellectual  property;  (xv)  contracts;  (xvi)
environmental  laws and  regulations;  (xvii) labor matters;  (xviii) brokers or
finders; (xix) opinion of financial advisors;  (xx) Board recommendation;  (xxi)
insurance;  (xxii) permits;  (xxiii) customer relationships and warranties;  and
(xxiv) year 2000.

         COVENANTS.  Pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement,  the Company has agreed
that, the Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to, and shall cause each
of the Company  Subsidiaries  to use its reasonable best efforts to, conduct its
operations  in the ordinary and usual  course of business  consistent  with past
practice and use all  reasonable  efforts to preserve  intact  their  respective
business   organizations'   goodwill,  keep  available  the  services  of  their
respective  present  officers and key  employees,  and preserve the goodwill and
business relationships with suppliers, distributors, customers and others having
business  relationships  with  them.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of the
foregoing,  and except as  otherwise  permitted  by the Merger  Agreement  or as
required by  applicable  law, rule or  regulation  prior to the Effective  Time,
without the consent of the  Purchaser,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably
withheld,  the Company will not, and will cause each of the Company Subsidiaries
not to:

                  (a)      amend or propose to amend their  respective  charters
                           or  bylaws;  or split,  combine or  reclassify  their
                           outstanding  capital  stock or declare,  set aside or
                           pay any  dividend or  distribution  in respect of any
                           capital stock or issue or authorize  or  propose  the


                           issuance  of any other  securities  in respect of, in
                           lieu of or in substitution for, shares of its capital
                           stock, except for dividends and distributions paid by
                           Company Subsidiaries to other Company Subsidiaries or
                           to the Company;

                  (b)      (i) issue or  authorize  or propose the  issuance of,
                           sell,  pledge  or  dispose  of,  or agree to issue or
                           authorize or propose the issuance of, sell, pledge or
                           dispose of, any additional shares of, or any options,
                           warrants, dividend  entitlement  rights, or rights of
                           any kind to  acquire  any shares  of,  their  capital
                           stock of any  class,  any debt or  equity  securities
                           convertible  into or  exchangeable  for such  capital
                           stock or any other equity  related  right  (including
                           any  phantom  stock  or  stock  appreciation   rights
                           ("SARs")),  other than any such issuance  pursuant to
                           options,  warrants,  rights or convertible securities
                           outstanding  as of the date of the Merger  Agreement;
                           (ii)  acquire  or  agree to  acquire  by  merging  or
                           consolidating  with,  or by  purchasing a substantial
                           equity  interest in or a  substantial  portion of the
                           assets of, or by any other  manner,  any  business or
                           any  corporation,  partnership,  association or other
                           business   organization   or   division   thereof  or
                           otherwise  acquire or agree to acquire any assets, in
                           each case which are material,  individually or in the
                           aggregate,   to   the   Company   and   the   Company
                           Subsidiaries  taken as a whole; (iii) sell (including
                           by  sale-leaseback),  lease,  pledge,  dispose  of or
                           encumber any assets or interests  therein,  which are
                           material,  individually  or in the aggregate,  to the
                           Company  and  the  Company  Subsidiaries  taken  as a
                           whole,  other than in the ordinary course of business
                           and  consistent  with past  practice;  (iv)  incur or
                           become   contingently  liable  with  respect  to  any
                           material indebtedness for borrowed money or guarantee
                           any such indebtedness or issue any debt securities or
                           otherwise incur any material  obligation or liability
                           (absolute  or  contingent)   other  than   short-term
                           indebtedness  in the ordinary  course of business and
                           consistent  with past practice or otherwise  pursuant
                           to  credit  facilities  as  disclosed  as part of the
                           Merger Agreement;  (v) redeem,  purchase,  acquire or
                           offer to  purchase  or acquire  any (x) shares of its
                           capital  stock or (y)  long-term  debt  other than as
                           required by governing  instruments  relating thereto;
                           or  (vi)   enter   into  any   contract,   agreement,
                           commitment or arrangement  with respect to any of the

                  (c)      enter  into  or  amend  any  employment,   severance,
                           special pay  arrangement  with respect to termination
                           of  employment  or other  arrangements  or agreements
                           with any directors,  officers or key employees except
                           for (i) normal salary  increases  and merit  bonuses,
                           (ii)   arrangements   in  connection   with  employee
                           transfers or (iii) agreements with new employees,  in
                           each case,  in the  ordinary  course of business  and
                           consistent with past practice;  or agree or implement
                           an across the board increase in employee compensation
                           except in the ordinary course of business  consistent
                           with past practice;


                  (d)      adopt,  enter into or amend any, or become  obligated
                           under any new bonus,  profit  sharing,  compensation,
                           stock   option,   pension,    retirement,    deferred
                           compensation,   health  care,   employment  or  other
                           employee  benefit  plan,  agreement,  trust,  fund or
                           arrangement   for  the  benefit  or  welfare  of  any
                           employee  or  retiree,  except as  required to comply
                           with changes in applicable  law  occurring  after the
                           date hereof;

                  (e)      except as may be  required as a result of a change in
                           law or in generally accepted  accounting  principles,
                           change any of the accounting  principles or practices
                           used by it;

                  (f)      pay,   discharge  or  satisfy  any  material  claims,
                           liabilities   or  obligations   (absolute,   accrued,
                           asserted or  unasserted,  contingent  or  otherwise),
                           other than the payment,  discharge or satisfaction in
                           the  ordinary   course  of  business  of  liabilities
                           reflected or reserved against in, or contemplated by,
                           the financial  statements  (or the notes  thereto) of
                           the  Company  incurred  in  the  ordinary  course  of
                           business consistent with past practice;

                  (g)      authorize,  commit to or make any equipment purchases
                           or capital  expenditures  other than in the  ordinary
                           course of business and consistent  with past practice
                           (provided,  that such purchases  and/or  expenditures
                           shall, individually, be no more than $50,000, and, in
                           the aggregate, be no more than $250,000); or

                  (h)      except  as   otherwise   permitted   in  the   Merger
                           Agreement, take or agree to take any of the foregoing
                           actions or any action  that would,  or is  reasonably
                           likely to, result in any of its  representations  and
                           warranties set forth in the Merger Agreement becoming
                           untrue,  or in any of the  conditions  to the  Merger
                           Agreement set forth in the Merger Agreement not being

         NO SOLICITATIONS. The Company has agreed that it will not, and will use
its best efforts to cause any  officers,  directors,  employees  and  investment
bankers, attorneys or other agents retained by the Company or any of the Company
Subsidiaries not to,

                  (i)      initiate or  solicit,  directly  or  indirectly,  any
                           inquiries or the making of any  Acquisition  Proposal
                           (as hereinafter defined), or

                  (ii)     except as permitted below,  engage in negotiations or
                           discussions  with, or furnish any information or data
                           to  any  third  party   relating  to  an  Acquisition
                           Proposal  (other than the  transactions  contemplated

         Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  contained  in  the  Merger
Agreement,  the  Company,  and  its  Officers,  Directors,  investment  bankers,
attorneys or agents, may:


                  (a)      participate   in    discussions    or    negotiations
                           (including,   as   a   part   thereof,   making   any
                           counterproposal)  with or furnish  information to any
                           third  party   making  an   unsolicited   Acquisition
                           Proposal (a "Potential  Acquiror") if either: (1) the
                           Board  determines in good faith,  after  consultation
                           with its financial advisor,  that such third party is
                           reasonably likely to submit an Acquisition  Proposal,
                           which  is  a  Superior   Proposal   (as   hereinafter
                           defined),  or (2) the Board determines in good faith,
                           based upon advice of outside legal counsel,  that the
                           failure  to  participate   in  such   discussions  or
                           negotiations  or to furnish such  information  may be
                           inconsistent  with the Board's fiduciary duties under
                           applicable law, or

                  (b)      following   receipt  of  an   Acquisition   Proposal,
                           disclose to its stockholders  the Company's  position
                           contemplated  by Rules  14d-9  and  14e-2  under  the
                           Exchange  Act or otherwise  make any other  necessary
                           disclosure   to  its   stockholders   related  to  an
                           Acquisition Proposal.

         The Company has agreed that, as of the date of the Merger Agreement, it
shall   immediately  cease  and  cause  to  be  terminated  any  discussions  or
negotiations  with any parties  (other than the Purchaser and Parent)  conducted
heretofore  with respect to any of the foregoing.  The Company has agreed not to
release any third party from any  confidentiality  or  standstill  agreement  to
which the Company is a party provided, however, that the Company can release any
third party from any such standstill  agreement if the Board  determines in good
faith, after consultation with its outside legal counsel, that the failure to so
release such party from the standstill  agreement may be  inconsistent  with the
Board's  fiduciary duties under applicable law. The Company also has agreed that
any non-public information furnished to a Potential Acquiror will be pursuant to
a  confidentiality   agreement  substantially  similar  to  the  confidentiality
provisions of the Confidentiality Agreement entered into between the Company and

         As used  herein,  "Acquisition  Proposal"  shall  mean  any  bona  fide
proposal made by a third party to acquire (i)  beneficial  ownership (as defined
under Rule 13(d) of the Exchange Act) of a 51 percent or greater equity interest
in the Company or (ii) all or substantially all of the business or assets of the
Company (other than the transactions  contemplated by the Merger Agreement).  As
used herein, "Superior Proposal" means any Acquisition Proposal which the Board,
by resolution duly adopted  determines,  after  consultation  with its financial
advisor,  to be more  favorable  to the  Company and its  stockholders  than the
transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement.

         TERMINATION;  FEES AND EXPENSES.  The Merger Agreement provides that it
may be  terminated  and the Offer (if not then already  consummated)  and/or the
Merger  may be  abandoned  at any time  (the  "Termination  Date")  prior to the
Effective Time, whether before or after stockholder approval thereof:

                  (a)      by mutual  consent  of the  Company,  Parent  and the


                  (b)      by either of the Company,  on the one hand, or Parent
                           and the Purchaser, on the other hand:

                           (i)      if,  without  any  material  breach  by  the
                                    terminating  party of its obligations  under
                                    the Merger  Agreement,  the Purchaser or its
                                    permitted assignees shall not have purchased
                                    Shares  pursuant to the Offer on or prior to
                                    60 days after the commencement of the Offer,
                                    provided,    however,   that   neither   the
                                    Purchaser,  Parent  nor  the  Company  shall
                                    terminate  the  Merger  Agreement  prior  to
                                    February 29, 2000, if all  conditions to the
                                    Offer  set  forth on  Annex A to the  Merger
                                    Agreement  have  been  satisfied  or, to the
                                    extent permitted, waived, except that Shares
                                    shall  not  have  been   purchased   by  the
                                    Purchaser   by  reason  of  any   applicable
                                    waiting  period under the HSR Act in respect
                                    to the  Offer  not  having  expired  or been

                           (ii)     if there  shall  have been  issued an order,
                                    decree or  ruling or taken any other  action
                                    (which order,  decree ruling or other action
                                    the   parties   hereto   shall   use   their
                                    respective reasonable best efforts to lift),
                                    in  each   case   permanently   restraining,
                                    enjoining  or  otherwise   prohibiting   the
                                    transactions   contemplated  by  the  Merger
                                    Agreement and such order, decree,  ruling or
                                    other  action  shall have  become  final and
                                    non-appealable;  provided, however, that the
                                    party   seeking   termination   shall   have
                                    complied  fully with its  obligations  under
                                    Section 6.9 of the Merger Agreement, or

                           (iii)    if the minimum condition shall not have been
                                    satisfied, in which case neither the Parent,
                                    the  Purchaser  nor any of their  affiliates
                                    shall be  permitted to accept for payment or
                                    pay for any  Shares  unless  and  until  the
                                    Company  shall have  provided the  Purchaser
                                    with written notice stating that the Company
                                    is not exercising its right to terminate the
                                    Merger Agreement pursuant to its terms;

                  (c)      by the Company:

                           (i)      if  the  Board  shall  have  (A)  withdrawn,
                                    modified  or changed in a manner  adverse to
                                    the Purchaser its approval or recommendation
                                    of the Merger  Agreement,  or the Merger and
                                    (B) either  (x)  determined  in good  faith,
                                    after   consultation   with  its   financial
                                    advisor, that a third party has submitted to
                                    the Company an Acquisition Proposal which is
                                    a Superior  Proposal,  or (y)  determined in
                                    good faith, upon the advice of outside legal
                                    counsel,  that  the  failure  to  take  such
                                    action as set forth in the preceding  clause
                                    (A) may be  inconsistent  with  the  Board's
                                    fiduciary  duties under  applicable  law; or


                           (ii)     if Parent or the  Purchaser  (x) breaches or
                                    fails in any material  respect to perform or
                                    comply  with any of its  material  covenants
                                    and  agreements   contained  in  the  Merger
                                    Agreement     or    (y)     breaches     its
                                    representations   and   warranties   in  any
                                    material  respect and such breach would have
                                    a Parent Material Adverse Effect (as defined
                                    below),  in such case in connection with the
                                    termination  of the Merger  Agreement  after
                                    the Acceptance Date such that the conditions
                                    set  forth  in  Section  7.1 of  the  Merger
                                    Agreement would not be satisfied;  provided,
                                    however,  that after the Acceptance  Date if
                                    any such breach is curable by the  breaching
                                    party,  the Company may terminate the Merger
                                    Agreement  pursuant to such  agreement  only
                                    after  the  passage  of  30  days  from  the
                                    written   notification  to  Parent  and  the
                                    Purchaser by the Company of the breach,  and
                                    provided  further  that such  breach has not
                                    been  cured   within  the  30  day   period,
                                    provided, however, that the Termination Date
                                    shall be delayed to give the breaching party
                                    the  opportunity  to cure  during the 30 day

                  (d)      by Parent and the Purchaser:

                           (i)      if the Company (x)  breaches or fails in any
                                    material  respect to perform or comply  with
                                    any of its material covenants and agreements
                                    contained  in the  Merger  Agreement  or (y)
                                    breaches its  representations and warranties
                                    and  such   breach   would  have  a  Company
                                    Material  Adverse Effect (as defined below),
                                    in each case such  that the  conditions  set
                                    forth in the Merger  Agreement  would not be
                                    satisfied; provided, however, that after the
                                    Acceptance   Date  if  any  such  breach  is
                                    curable  by  the  Company,  then  Parent  or
                                    Purchaser may terminate the Merger Agreement
                                    pursuant to the Merger  Agreement only after
                                    the  passage  of 30 days  from  the  written
                                    notification to the Company by Parent or the
                                    Purchaser   of  the  breach,   and  provided
                                    further  that such breach has not been cured
                                    within the 30 day period, provided,  however
                                    that the  Termination  Date shall be delayed
                                    to give the breaching  party the opportunity
                                    to cure during the 30 day period;

                           (ii)     if the Board shall have withdrawn,  modified
                                    or  changed  in  a  manner  adverse  to  the
                                    Purchaser its approval or  recommendation of
                                    the Merger Agreement, or the Merger or shall
                                    have  recommended  an  Acquisition  Proposal
                                    involving the Company or shall have executed
                                    an  agreement  in  principal  or  definitive
                                    agreement   relating   to   an   Acquisition
                                    Proposal  involving  the  Company or similar
                                    business combination with a person or entity
                                    other than  Purchaser or its  affiliates (or
                                    the  Board   resolves   to  do  any  of  the
                                    foregoing) provided,  however, that prior to
                                    terminating the Merger Agreement as a result


                                    of a third party Acquisition  Proposal,  the
                                    Company  shall  give  Purchaser   telephonic
                                    notice  of at  least  forty-eight  hours  in
                                    advance of such termination;

                           (iii)    if for any  five  consecutive  trading  days
                                    prior to the Effective  Time,  the Dow Jones
                                    Industrial  Average shall be less than 6,500
                                    on each of such days; or

                           (iv)     if due to an occurrence or circumstance that
                                    would  result in a failure  to  satisfy  any
                                    condition set forth in Annex A to the Merger
                                    Agreement,  the Purchaser  shall have failed
                                    to  commence  the  Offer on or prior to five
                                    days    following    the   initial    public
                                    announcement of the Merger Agreement.

         As used herein, "Company Material Adverse Effect" shall mean a material
adverse  effect on the current  business,  results of  operations  or  financial
condition  of the  Company and the Company  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole,  and
"Parent  Material  Adverse  Effect" shall mean a material  adverse effect on the
current business, results of operations or financial condition of the Parent and
its subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

         In the event of the termination of the Merger Agreement, written notice
thereof shall  forthwith be given to the other party or parties  specifying  the
provision  thereof  pursuant to which such  termination  is made, and the Merger
Agreement shall forthwith  become null and void, and there shall be no liability
on the  part of  Parent,  the  Purchaser  or the  Company  or  their  respective
Directors,  Officers,  employees,  stockholders,   representatives,   agents  or
advisors other than, with respect to Parent, the Purchaser and the Company,  the
obligations  pursuant to the Merger  Agreement.  Nothing contained in the Merger
Agreement shall relieve Parent,  the Purchaser or the Company from liability for
fraud or willful breach of the Merger Agreement.

         If the Merger Agreement is terminated by the Company pursuant to clause
(c)(i) above or by Parent and the Purchaser  pursuant to clause  (d)(ii)  above,
the Company shall pay to Purchaser a fee of $3,000,000 in cash.

         EMPLOYEE  BENEFITS.  The Merger Agreement provides that the Parent will
cause the Surviving  Corporation  to honor all  obligations  under the Company's
current employment and severance  agreements and the Company's general severance
policy.  The Merger  Agreement  further  provides  that for a period of one year
following  the  Effective  Time,  the  Company's   employees  will  continue  to
participate  in the  Company's  benefit  plans (other than stock option or stock
purchase  plans) on  substantially  similar terms to those in effect at the time
the Merger  Agreement was executed and that following  such period,  the Company
and any of the Company Subsidiaries and successors shall provide their employees
with employment benefits  substantially similar in the aggregate to the benefits
they received prior to the Effective Time.


         ACCESS TO  INFORMATION.  The Company has agreed that,  upon  reasonable
notice, the Company shall (and shall cause each of the Company  Subsidiaries to)
afford to Parent and its officers,  employees,  accountants,  counsel, financing
sources and other  representatives,  access, during normal business hours during
the period prior to the earlier of the Effective Time or the date of termination
of the Merger Agreement, to all its properties,  books,  contracts,  commitments
and records and, during such period,  the Company shall (and shall cause each of
the  Company  Subsidiaries  to)  furnish  promptly  to Parent (a) a copy of each
report,  schedule,  registration statement and other documents filed or received
by it during such period pursuant to the requirements of federal securities laws
and (b) all other information concerning its business,  properties and personnel
as Parent may reasonably request;  provided,  however, that nothing herein shall
require  the  Company  or  any of  the  Company  Subsidiaries  to  disclose  any
information  to Parent if such  disclosure  would be in violation of  applicable
laws  or  regulations  of  any  Governmental  Entity  or the  provisions  of any
confidentiality agreement to which the Company is a party.



         The following table sets forth  information as to beneficial  ownership
of Shares of each director and  executive  officer of the Company as of December
27, 1999.

Directors and Executive                             Beneficially                           Percent of
Officers                                              Owned (1)                             Class (2)
- ------------------------------------           -----------------------               ----------------------
Dean Kamen                                               750                                    *

Dennis R. Stone                                           0                                     *

Akira Yamamura                                            50                                    *

Nozomu Yamamoto                                           0                                     *

Richard R. Cesati, II                                     0                                     *

Masako Yatsuhashi                                         0                                     *

All directors and executive officers
        as a group (6 Persons)                           800                                    *

- --------------------------
*        Less than 1%

(1)      Beneficial  share ownership is determined  pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under
         the  Securities  Exchange  Act.  Accordingly,  a beneficial  owner of a
         security includes any person who,  directly or indirectly,  through any
         contract, arrangement, understanding,  relationship or otherwise has or
         shares the power to vote such  security or the power to dispose of such
         security.  The amounts set forth above as  beneficially  owned  include
         Shares owned, if any, by spouses and relatives  living in the same home
         as to which beneficial ownership may be disclaimed.

(2)      Percentages are calculated on the basis of 5,573,782 Shares outstanding
         as of December 27, 1999.



         The following table sets forth  information as to beneficial  ownership
of Shares of all persons known to the Company to beneficially  own 5% or more of
any class of voting stock of the Company as of December 27, 1999.

Name and Address of                         Beneficially                           Percent of
Beneficial Owner                              Owned (1)                             Class (2)
- -------------------------------       -----------------------               ------------------------
  Ferrotec Corporation                      4,958,545 (3)                              89%
  Sumitomo Bldg., #6
  Higashi Ueno
  Taito-Ku, Tokyo 110-0015 Japan

  Ferrotec Acquisition, Inc.                4,958,545                                  89%
  Sumitomo Bldg., #6
  Higashi Ueno
  Taito-Ku, Tokyo 110-0015 Japan

(1)      Beneficial  share ownership is determined  pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under
         the  Securities  Exchange  Act.  Accordingly,  a beneficial  owner of a
         security includes any person who,  directly or indirectly,  through any
         contract, arrangement, understanding,  relationship or otherwise has or
         shares the power to vote such  security or the power to dispose of such

(2)      Percentages are calculated on the basis of 5,573,782 Shares outstanding
         as of December 27, 1999.

(3)      Ferrotec  Corporation is the parent of Ferrotec  Acquisition,  Inc. and
         is, therefore,  deemed to beneficially own the Shares owned by Ferrotec
         Acquisition, Inc.


         We file annual,  quarterly and special  reports,  proxy  statements and
other information with the SEC. You can read and copy any materials that we file
with the SEC at the  SEC's  Public  Reference  Room at 450 Fifth  Street,  N.W.,
Washington,  D.C. 20549; the SEC's regional offices located at Seven World Trade
Center,  New York,  New York 10048,  and at 500 West  Madison  Street,  Chicago,
Illinois  60661.  You can obtain  information  about the  operation of the SEC's
Public  Reference  Room by  calling  the  SEC at  1-800-SEC-0330.  The SEC  also
maintains a Web site that contains  information we file  electronically with the
SEC,  which you can access over the  Internet at  Copies of
these  materials may also be obtained by mail from the Public  Reference Room of
the SEC, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 at prescribed rates.



         The SEC allows us to "incorporate by reference" the information we file
with them, which means that we can disclose important information to you without
re-printing  the information in this  Information  Statement by referring you to
prior filings with the SEC. The  information  we  incorporate by reference is an
important part of this  Information  Statement.  We incorporate by reference our
Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 3, 1999,  our amended
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 3, 1999 filed with the
SEC on October 29, 1999,  and our Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter
ended October 2, 1999.  The amended Annual Report on Form 10-K and the Form 10-Q
for the quarter ended October 2, 1999 accompany this Information Statement

         You may request a copy of these  filings  (other than an exhibit to any
of these  filings  unless we have  specifically  incorporated  that  exhibit  by
reference  into the filing),  at no cost,  by writing or  telephoning  us at the
following address:

Ferrofluidics Corporation
40 Simon Street
Nashua, New Hampshire 03061
(603) 883-9800

         You  should  rely  only  on  the   information   we  have  provided  or
incorporated by reference in this  Information  Statement or any supplement.  We
have not authorized any person to provide  information  other than that provided
here. We have not authorized  anyone to provide you with different  information.
You should not assume that the information in this Information  Statement or any
supplement  is  accurate  as of any date other than the date on the front of the


         This Information Statement, including the information we incorporate by
reference, includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A
of the Securities  Act and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act. You can
identify our  forward-looking  statements  by the words  "expects,"  "projects,"
"estimates,"   "believes,"   "anticipates,"   "intends,"   "plans,"   "budgets,"
"predicts," and similar expressions.

         We have based the forward-looking statements relating to our operations
on our current expectations, estimates and projections about the Company and the
industry in general.  We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of
future  performance and involve risks,  uncertainties  and  assumptions  that we
cannot  predict.  In  addition,  we have  based  many of  these  forward-looking
statements on  assumptions  about future events that may prove to be inaccurate.
Accordingly,  our actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what we
have expressed or forecast in the forward-looking statements.

                                   By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                   /s/Akira Yamamura
                                   Akira Yamamura, Clerk

Dated: December 29, 1999


                                                                         ANNEX A

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                                  by and among

                              FERROTEC CORPORATION
                            (a Japanese corporation)

                           FERROTEC ACQUISITION, INC.
                          (a Massachusetts corporation)


                            FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION
                          (a Massachusetts corporation)

                                October 20, 1999

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER (collectively, this "Agreement"), dated as
of October 20, 1999, by and among FERROTEC  CORPORATION,  a Japanese corporation
("Ferrotec"),  FERROTEC  ACQUISITION,  INC., a  Massachusetts  corporation  (the
"Merger Sub"), and FERROFLUIDICS  CORPORATION,  a Massachusetts corporation (the

         WHEREAS, the Merger (as hereinafter defined) and this Agreement require
the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the issued and outstanding shares
of the Company's  Common Stock,  par value $.004 per share (the "Common Stock"),
for the approval thereof (the "Company Stockholder Approval");

         WHEREAS,  the respective  Boards of Directors of the Merger Sub and the
Company have approved the merger of the Merger Sub with and into the Company, as
set forth below (the "Merger"),  in accordance with the  Massachusetts  Business
Corporation Laws (the "MBCL"),  and upon the terms and subject to the conditions
set forth in this Agreement;

         WHEREAS,  it is  proposed  that the Merger Sub shall make a cash tender
offer (the  "Offer")  to acquire  all of the  issued and  outstanding  shares of
Common  Stock of the Company for $6.50 per share of Common Stock (the "Per Share
Amount"),  in  accordance  with the terms and subject to the  conditions of this

         WHEREAS,  subsequent  to the  consummation  of the Offer,  the holders,
other  than  Merger  Sub,  of shares  of Common  Stock  issued  and  outstanding
immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Time  (as  hereinafter  defined)  will be
entitled,  subject to the terms  hereof and other than as set forth  herein,  to
receive the Cash Consideration (as hereinafter defined) pursuant to the Merger;

         WHEREAS,  the Board of Directors of the Company (the  "Company  Board")
has,  subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein,  (i) determined that
the  Offer  and the  Merger  is in the best  interests  of the  Company  and its
stockholders,  and (ii)  resolved  to approve and adopt this  Agreement  and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and to recommend that the stockholders of the
Company accept the Offer, tender their shares of Common Stock pursuant to and in
accordance with the terms of the Offer and approve and adopt this Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  Ferrotec,  the  Merger  Sub and the  Company  desire  to make
certain representations, warranties, covenants and agreements in connection with
the Merger, and also to set forth various conditions to the Merger.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the foregoing and the respective
representations,   warranties,   covenants  and  agreements  set  forth  herein,
Ferrotec, the Merger Sub and the Company agree as follows:


                                    ARTICLE I

                                    THE OFFER

         Section 1.1 (a) Provided this Agreement  shall not have been terminated
in accordance  with the terms and  conditions  set forth herein,  the Merger Sub
shall  commence the Offer as promptly as reasonably  practicable  after the date
hereof,  but in no event later than five business days after the initial  public
announcement  of the Merger Sub's  intention to commence the Offer (treating the
business  day on which such  public  announcement  occurs as the first  business
day).  The obligation of the Merger Sub to accept for payment and pay for shares
of Common Stock (the "Shares")  tendered  pursuant to the Offer shall be subject
to the condition  (the "Minimum  Condition")  that at least the number of Shares
that,  when added to the Shares  already owned by Ferrotec and Merger Sub, shall
constitute a majority of the then  outstanding  Shares on a fully  diluted basis
(including,  without limitation,  all Shares issuable upon the conversion of any
convertible securities or upon the exercise of any outstanding options, warrants
or rights)  shall have been  validly  tendered  and not  withdrawn  prior to the
expiration  of the Offer,  which  shall be 20  business  days after the date the
Offer is  commenced,  unless  so  extended  as  provided  for  hereinafter  (the
"Expiration  Date"),  and also shall be subject to the satisfaction of the other
conditions  set forth in Annex A,  attached  hereto and  incorporated  herein by
reference.  The  Merger  Sub  expressly  reserves  the  right to waive  any such
condition, to increase the price per Share payable in the Offer, and to make any
other changes in the terms and conditions of the Offer; provided,  however, that
without  the prior  written  consent of the  Company no change may be made which
decreases  the price per Share  payable in the Offer,  which reduces the minimum
number  of Shares to be  purchased  in the  Offer,  or which  amends or  imposes
conditions  to the Offer in addition  to those set forth in Annex A hereto.  The
Per Share Amount shall,  subject to applicable  withholding of taxes,  be net to
the seller in cash,  upon the terms and subject to the  conditions of the Offer.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Offer (including, without limitation,
the Minimum  Condition),  the Merger Sub shall pay, as soon as practicable after
it is legally  permitted to do so under  applicable law after  expiration of the
Offer,  for all Shares validly tendered and not withdrawn.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if on the initial  Expiration  Date (which shall be 20 business days
after the date the Offer is  commenced)  all  conditions of the Offer shall have
been  satisfied  or waived  other than the Minimum  Condition,  Merger Sub shall
extend  the  Expiration  Date  to the  date  that  is  ten  (10)  business  days
immediately   following  such  initial   Expiration   Date.  In  addition,   and
notwithstanding  the  foregoing  but subject to Section  8.1 hereof,  if on such
initial  Expiration Date or any other  Expiration  Date, the applicable  waiting
period  (and  any  extension  thereof)  under  the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust
Improvements  Act of 1976 (the "HSR Act") in respect to the Offer shall not have
expired or been terminated and all other conditions to the Offer shall have been
satisfied or waived,  Merger Sub shall be required to extend the Expiration Date
until such waiting period shall have expired or been terminated.

         (b) As soon as reasonably  practicable on the date of  commencement  of
the Offer,  Ferrotec and Merger Sub shall file with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC") a Tender Offer Statement on Schedule 14D-1 (together with
all amendments and supplements  thereto,  the "Schedule  14D-1") with respect to
the Offer. The Schedule 14D-1 shall contain or shall incorporate by reference an
offer to purchase (the "Offer to Purchase")  and forms of the related  letter of
transmittal and any related summary advertisement (the Schedule 14D-1, the Offer
to  Purchase  and  such  other  documents,  together  with all  supplements  and
amendments  thereto,


being referred to herein collectively as the "Offer Documents").  Ferrotec,  the
Merger Sub and the Company agree to correct promptly any information provided by
any of them for use in the Offer  Documents  which  shall have  become  false or
misleading,  and  Ferrotec  and  Merger  Sub  further  agree to take  all  steps
necessary to cause the  Schedule  14D-1 as so corrected to be filed with the SEC
and the other Offer  Documents as so corrected to be  disseminated to holders of
Shares,  in each  case  as and to the  extent  required  by  applicable  federal
securities  laws. The Company and its counsel shall be given the  opportunity to
review the Schedule 14D-1 before it is filed with the SEC. In addition, Ferrotec
and Merger Sub will give the Company and its counsel a reasonable opportunity to
review and comment upon the Offer  Documents and all amendments and  supplements
thereto  prior to the filing  thereof,  and will  provide  the  Company  and its
counsel in writing with any comments,  whether  written or oral,  Ferrotec,  the
Merger Sub or their  counsel may  receive  from time to time from the SEC or its
staff with  respect to the Offer  Documents  promptly  after the receipt of such

         Section 1.2 Company Action.

         (a) The  Company  hereby  approves  of and  consents  to the  Offer and
represents  that (i) the Company's  Board,  at a meeting duly called and held on
October 14, 1999, has  unanimously  (A)  determined  that this Agreement and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  including each of the Offer and the Merger,
are fair to and in the best  interests of the  stockholders  of the Company (the
"Stockholders"),  (B) approved and adopted this  Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and (C) resolved to recommend that the  Stockholders of the
Company  accept  the  Offer  and  approve  and  adopt  this  Agreement  and  the
transactions  contemplated hereby, subject to the Company's rights under Section
6.4 hereof; and (ii) Advest, Inc. has delivered to the Company's Board a written
opinion that the  consideration to be received by the holders of Shares pursuant
to each of the Offer  and the  Merger is fair to the  holders  of Shares  from a
financial  point of view.  The Company  hereby  consents to the inclusion in the
Offer  Documents the  recommendation  of the Company's Board described above and
the opinion obtained by the Company's investment bankers, described above.

         (b) As soon as reasonably  practicable on the date of  commencement  of
the Offer,  the  Company  shall file with the SEC a  Solicitation/Recommendation
Statement  on Schedule  14D-9  (together  with all  amendments  and  supplements
thereto,  the "Schedule 14D-9")  containing the  recommendation of the Company's
Board described in Section 1.2(a), subject to the Company's rights under Section
6.4 hereof,  and shall  disseminate the Schedule 14D-9 to the extent required by
Rule 14d-9, promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange
Act"), and any other applicable federal securities laws. The Company,  Ferrotec,
and the Merger Sub agree to correct promptly any information  provided by any of
them for use in the Schedule  14D-9 which shall have become false or misleading,
and the Company further agrees to take all steps necessary to cause the Schedule
14D-9 as so  corrected to be filed with the SEC and  disseminated  to holders of
Shares,  in each  case  as and to the  extent  required  by  applicable  federal
securities  laws.  Ferrotec,  Merger  Sub and their  counsel  shall be given the
opportunity  to review and comment  upon the  Schedule  14D-9 before it is filed
with the SEC. In addition,  the Company agrees to provide  Ferrotec,  the Merger
Sub and their  counsel in writing with any  comments,  whether  written or oral,
that the Company or its  counsel  may receive  from time to time from the SEC or
its staff with respect to the Schedule  14D-9 promptly after the receipt of such
comments or other communications.


         (c) The Company  shall  promptly  furnish  the Merger Sub with  mailing
labels  containing  the names and addresses of all record  holders of Shares and
with security position listings of Shares held in stock depositories, each as of
a recent date,  together with all other  available  listings and computer  files
containing names, addresses and security position listings of record holders and
beneficial owners of Shares.  In addition,  the Company shall furnish the Merger
Sub with such additional  information,  including,  without limitation,  updated
listings  and  computer  files of  Stockholders,  mailing  labels  and  security
position listings, and such other assistance as the Merger Sub or its agents may
reasonably request.

                                   ARTICLE II

                                   THE MERGER

         Section 2.1  The Merger. Upon the terms and subject to the satisfaction
or  waiver of the  conditions  hereof,  and in  accordance  with the  applicable
provisions of this Agreement and the MBCL, at the Effective Time, the Merger Sub
shall be merged with and into the Company.  Following  the Merger,  the separate
corporate existence of the Merger Sub shall cease and the Company shall continue
as the surviving corporation (the "Surviving Corporation").

         Section  2.2 Effective  Time.  On  the  Closing  Date,  as  hereinafter
defined,  the Company shall  execute,  in the manner  required by the MBCL,  and
shall deliver to the  Secretary of State of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts
Articles of Merger duly executed and verified by the appropriate parties hereto,
and the parties shall take such other and further  actions as may be required by
law to make the Merger effective. The Merger shall become effective at such time
as the Articles of Merger ("Articles of Merger"),  accompanied by payment of the
filing fee (as  provided in Chapter  156B,  Section 114 of the MBCL),  have been
examined by and received the endorsed  approval of the Secretary of State of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the "Effective Time").

         Section 2.3  Effects of the Merger.  The Merger  shall have the effects
set forth in the  applicable  provisions  of the MBCL and as set  forth  herein.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  and subject  thereto,  at the
Effective Time, all the properties, rights, privileges, powers and franchises of
the Company and the Merger Sub shall vest in the Surviving Corporation,  and all
debts, liabilities and duties of the Company and the Merger Sub shall become the
debts,  liabilities  and  duties  of  the  Surviving  Corporation.   Immediately
following the Effective Time, the purpose of the Surviving  Corporation shall be
to perform  scientific  research and development and to engage in the inventing,
manufacturing and selling of useful equipment, devices, processes, machinery and
products,  and in the rendering of related  services,  and to conduct such other
business as may be lawful under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

         Section 2.4  Articles  of  Organization  and  By-Laws of the  Surviving

         (a) The Articles of  Organization  of the Merger Sub (the  "Articles of
Organization"),  as in effect  immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall be
the Articles of  Organization  of the  Surviving  Corporation  until  thereafter
amended in accordance with the provisions thereof and hereof and applicable law,
or as otherwise contemplated hereby.


         (b) The By-Laws of the Merger Sub in effect at the Effective Time shall
be the  By-Laws  of the  Surviving  Corporation  until  thereafter  amended,  in
accordance with the provisions thereof, hereof and applicable law.

         Section 2.5  Directors and  Officers.  Subject to  applicable  law, the
directors  of the Merger Sub shall be the  initial  directors  of the  Surviving
Corporation and the officers of the Company shall be the initial officers of the
Surviving  Corporation  and  each  shall  hold  office  until  their  respective
successors are duly elected and qualified,  or their earlier death,  resignation
or removal.

         Section 2.6  Closing.  The closing of the Merger (the  "Closing") shall
take place at 10:00 a.m. on a date to be specified  by the parties,  which shall
be no later than the second business day after  satisfaction or waiver of all of
the conditions set forth in Article VII (the "Closing Date"),  at the offices of
Akerman,  Senterfitt & Eidson,  P.A.,  One Southeast  Third Avenue,  28th Floor,
Miami,  Florida  33131,  unless another date or place is agreed to in writing by
the parties hereto.

                                   ARTICLE III

                         OF THE CONSTITUENT CORPORATIONS

         Section  3.1 Effect on Capital  Stock.  As of the  Effective  Time,  by
virtue of the  Merger  and  without  any action on the part of the holder of any
shares of Common Stock or any shares of capital stock of the Merger Sub:

                      (a)  Common  Stock of  Merger  Sub.  All of the  shares of
common  stock,  par value $.01 per share,  of the  Merger Sub (the  "Merger  Sub
Common Stock"),  issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the Effective Time
shall be converted  into  one-thousand  shares of Common Stock of the  Surviving

                      (b)  Cancellation of Treasury Stock.  Each share of Common
Stock that is owned by any  affiliate  of the Merger Sub,  the Company or by any
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Company  shall  automatically  be canceled  and
retired and shall cease to exist,  and no cash or other  consideration  shall be
delivered or deliverable in exchange therefor.

                      (c)  Retention  or  Exchange  of Shares  of Common  Stock.
Except as otherwise  provided  herein and subject to Section 3.7 with respect to
shares of Common Stock as to which appraisal  rights have been  exercised,  each
share of Common Stock issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the Effective
Time  shall,  by virtue of the Merger and  without any action on the part of the
holder thereof, be converted into a non-transferrable  right to receive $6.50 in
cash per share (the "Cash Consideration").


         Section 3.2 Options and Warrants; Stock Plans.

                     (a) Except as set forth on Section  3.2 (a) of the  Company
Disclosure  Letter,  each option and  warrant  held by an  employee,  officer or
director  of the  Company and other  persons to acquire  shares of Common  Stock
("Company  Option" and  "Company  Warrant",  respectively)  that is  outstanding
immediately  prior to the Acceptance Date (as hereinafter  defined),  whether or
not then vested or exercisable,  shall, simultaneously with the Acceptance Date,
be canceled in exchange for, and the Merger Sub shall pay to the holder thereof,
a single lump sum cash payment  equal to the product of (1) the number of shares
of Common Stock  subject to such Company  Option or Company  Warrant and (2) the
excess, if any, of the Cash  Consideration  over the exercise price per share of
such Company Option or Company Warrant,  subject to any required  withholding of
taxes, provided that with respect to Company Warrants, the parties hereto hereby
agree and acknowledge  that such Company Warrants may only be cancelled with the
consent of the holders of such Warrants.

                     (b) Prior to the Acceptance Date, if necessary, and through
the Effective  Time,  if also  necessary,  the Company shall use all  reasonable
efforts to (i) obtain consents from appropriate  holders of Company Warrants and
(ii) make any amendments to the terms of such Company Options,  Company Warrants
or the compensation plans or arrangements  related thereto that are necessary to
give  effect to the  transactions  contemplated  by  Section  3.2(a),  provided,
however,  that  no  consent  shall  be  necessary  with  respect  to  all of the
outstanding  Company  Options  which have been issued  under stock  option plans
maintained by the Company.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section,
payment  pursuant to this  Section 3.2 may be withheld in respect of any Company
Warrant until necessary or appropriate consents are obtained.

         Section 3.3 Exchange and Retention of Common Stock.

                     (a) Immediately  following the Effective Time, Ferrotec and
the Merger  Sub shall take all steps  necessary  to cause to be  deposited  on a
timely basis with the bank or trust  company as shall be mutually  acceptable to
the Merger Sub and the  Company,  acting as the  exchange  agent (the  "Exchange
Agent") in an account (the "Exchange Fund") the aggregate Cash  Consideration to
which holders of shares of Common Stock shall be entitled at the Effective  Time
pursuant to Section 3.l(c).

                     (b) Promptly  after the  Effective  Time,  Merger Sub shall
cause the  Exchange  Agent to mail to each record  holder of  certificates  (the
"Certificates")  that immediately prior to the Effective Time represented shares
of Common  Stock,  a form of letter of  transmittal  which  shall  specify  that
delivery shall be effected, and risk of loss and title to the Certificates shall
pass,  only upon proper  delivery of the  Certificates to the Exchange Agent and
instructions  for use in surrendering  such  Certificates and receiving the Cash
Consideration in respect thereof.

                     (c) In effecting the payment of the Cash  Consideration  in
respect  of shares of Common  Stock  represented  by  Certificates  entitled  to
payment of the Cash Consideration pursuant to Section 3.l(c), upon the surrender
of each such Certificate, the Exchange Agent at the time of such surrender shall
pay the holder of such  Certificate  the Cash  Consideration  multiplied  by


the  number of  shares  of Common  Stock  represented  by such  Certificate,  in
consideration  therefor.  Upon such payment, such Certificate shall forthwith be

                     (d) Until  surrendered  in  accordance  with  paragraph (c)
above, each Certificate (other than Certificates  representing Dissenting Shares
(as hereinafter  defined) or shares of Common Stock held by any affiliate of the
Merger Sub, in the treasury of the Company or by any wholly-owned  subsidiary of
the Company)  shall  represent  solely the right to receive the  aggregate  Cash
Consideration relating thereto. No interest shall be paid or accrued on the Cash
Consideration.  If the Cash  Consideration  (or any  portion  thereof)  is to be
delivered  to any person  other  than the  person in whose name the  Certificate
formerly representing shares of Common Stock surrendered therefor is registered,
it shall be a condition  to such right to receive such Cash  Consideration  that
the  Certificate so  surrendered  shall be properly  endorsed  (with  signatures
medallion  guaranteed)  or otherwise be in proper form for transfer and that the
person  surrendering such shares of Common Stock shall pay to the Exchange Agent
any  transfer  or other  taxes  required  by reason of the  payment  of the Cash
Consideration  to a person other than the registered  holder of the  Certificate
surrendered,  or shall establish to the  satisfaction of the Exchange Agent that
such tax has been paid or is not applicable.

                     (e) Promptly  following  the date which is six months after
the  Effective   Time,  the  Exchange  Agent  shall  deliver  to  the  Surviving
Corporation all cash, plus accrued interest thereon, if any, and other documents
in its possession relating to the transactions described in this Agreement,  and
the  Exchange  Agent's  duties  shall  terminate.  Thereafter,  each holder of a
Certificate  formerly  representing  a share of  Common  Stock  entitled  to the
payment of Cash  Consideration  may surrender such  Certificate to the Surviving
Corporation and (subject to applicable  abandoned property,  escheat and similar
laws)  receive  in   consideration   therefor  the  applicable   aggregate  Cash
Consideration relating thereto, without any interest thereon.

                     (f) After the Effective  Time,  there shall be no transfers
on the stock transfer books of the Surviving Corporation of any shares of Common
Stock which were outstanding  immediately  prior to the Effective Time and which
are  entitled  to the  payment of Cash  Consideration.  In  addition,  after the
Effective  Time,  holders of  Certificates  shall not be  entitled to any voting
rights or other rights  attributable  to the ownership of an equity  interest in
the Company, except as otherwise specifically set forth herein.

         Section 3.4 Distributions  with  Respect   to  Unexchanged  Shares.  No
dividends or other distributions with respect to shares of Common Stock entitled
to the payment of Cash Consideration with a record date after the Effective Time
shall be paid to the holder of any such  unsurrendered  Certificate with respect
to the  shares of Common  Stock  represented  thereby.  Subject to the effect of
applicable laws,  following  surrender of any such  Certificate,  there shall be
paid to the holder of the certificate  representing whole shares of Common Stock
issued in exchange  therefor,  without interest,  at the time of such surrender,
the Cash Consideration.

         Section 3.5 No  Liability.  None  of  Ferrotec,  the  Merger  Sub,  the
Company, the Surviving Corporation, or the Exchange Agent shall be liable to any
person in  respect  of any Cash  Consideration  delivered  to a public  official
pursuant to any applicable  abandoned  property,  escheat or similar law. If any
Certificates  shall not have been  surrendered  prior to seven  years  after the


Effective  Time (or  immediately  prior to such  earlier  date on which the Cash
Consideration  would  otherwise  escheat  to  or  become  the  property  of  any
Governmental Entity (as hereinafter  defined)) any such distributions or cash in
respect of such  Certificate  shall, to the extent  permitted by applicable law,
become the property of the Surviving  Corporation,  free and clear of all claims
or interest of any person previously entitled thereto.

         Section 3.6 Lost Certificates.  In the event any Certificate shall have
been lost, stolen or destroyed,  upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by
the person  claiming such  Certificate  to be lost,  stolen or destroyed and, if
required by the Company  and/or the Surviving  Corporation,  the posting by such
person of a bond in such  reasonable  amount as the Company and/or the Surviving
Corporation  may direct as indemnity  against any claim that may be made against
it with respect to such Certificate,  the Exchange Agent shall issue in exchange
for such lost,  stolen or destroyed  Certificate the amount to which such person
is entitled pursuant to this Agreement.

         Section 3.7 Dissenting   Shares.   Notwithstanding  anything  in   this
Agreement to the contrary, any Shares ("Dissenting Shares") which are issued and
outstanding  immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Time and  which  are held by
Stockholders  of the Company who have filed with the Company,  before the taking
of the vote of the  Stockholders  of the Company to approve the Merger,  written
objections to such approval  stating their  intention to demand payment for such
Shares,  and who have not  voted  such  Shares in favor of the  adoption  of the
Merger will not be converted as described  in Section  3.1(c)  hereof,  but will
thereafter  constitute  only the right to  receive  payment of the fair value of
such Shares in accordance with the applicable  provisions of Chapter 156B of the
MBCL (the "Appraisal Rights  Provisions");  provided,  however,  that all Shares
held by Stockholders  who shall have failed to perfect or who effectively  shall
have  withdrawn  or lost their  rights to  appraisal  of such  Shares  under the
Appraisal Rights  Provisions shall thereupon be deemed to have been canceled and
retired and to have been converted,  as of the Effective Time, into the right to
receive the Cash  Consideration,  without  interest,  in the manner  provided in
Section  3.1(c).  Persons who have  perfected  statutory  rights with respect to
Dissenting Shares as aforesaid will not be paid by the Surviving  Corporation as
provided in this Agreement and will have only such rights as are provided by the
Appraisal   Rights   Provisions   with  respect  to  such   Dissenting   Shares.
Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement to the contrary,  if the Merger Sub
abandons  or is  finally  enjoined  or  prevented  from  carrying  out,  or  the
Stockholders  rescind their adoption of, the Merger, the right of each holder of
Dissenting  Shares  to  receive  the fair  value of such  Dissenting  Shares  in
accordance with the Appraisal Rights Provisions will terminate,  effective as of
the time of such abandonment, injunction, prevention or rescission.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         Except as  otherwise  disclosed  to  Ferrotec  and the  Merger Sub in a
letter  delivered  to it at or prior to the  execution  of this  Agreement  (the
"Company  Disclosure  Letter"),  the Company represents and warrants to Ferrotec
and the Merger Sub as follows:


         Section 4.1 Organization.

                     (a) Each of the Company and the  Company  Subsidiaries  (as
hereafter  defined) is a  corporation  or other entity duly  organized,  validly
existing  and in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the  jurisdiction  of its
incorporation  or  organization  and  has  all  requisite  corporate  power  and
authority to own,  lease and operate its properties and to carry on its business
as it is now being conducted, except where failure to be so existing and in good
standing or to have such power and authority  would not have a material  adverse
effect on the current business,  results of operations or financial condition of
the Company and the Company  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole (a "Company Material
Adverse  Effect").  Each of the  Company and the  Company  Subsidiaries  is duly
qualified  or licensed to do  business as a foreign  corporation  and is in good
standing in each  jurisdiction in which the nature of the business  conducted by
it makes such qualification or licensing necessary,  except where the failure to
be so duly  qualified,  licensed and in good  standing  would not have a Company
Material  Adverse Effect.  The Company has heretofore  delivered to Merger Sub a
complete and correct copy of each of its Articles of  Organization  and By-Laws,
as currently in effect.

                     (b)  Section  4.1(b)(i)  to the Company  Disclosure  Letter
lists all of the  operational  subsidiaries  of the  Company  through  which the
Company currently conducts its businesses or has conducted its businesses during
the two years  preceding the date of this  Agreement  (individually,  a "Company
Subsidiary,"and collectively,  the "Company Subsidiaries"),  and their states of
incorporation or country of incorporation or organization. Section 4.1(b)(ii) to
the Company Disclosure Letter lists all of the  non-operational  subsidiaries of
the  Company  which  have not  conducted  any  operations  during  the two years
preceding the date of this Agreement (the "Non-Operational  Subsidiaries"),  and
their  states of  incorporation  or country of  incorporation  or  organization.
Except as set forth in Section  4.1(b)(ii) to the Company Disclosure Letter, the
Company does not own an equity  interest in or control,  directly or indirectly,
any other corporation,  association,  partnership or business organization other
than the Company Subsidiaries and the Non-Operational Subsidiaries.

         Section 4.2 Capitalization.

                     (a) As of the date hereof,  the authorized capital stock of
the Company consists of 12,500,000  shares of Common Stock and 100,000 shares of
preferred  stock,  par value $.001 per share (the "Preferred  Stock"),  of which
100,000 shares have been designated as Series A Junior Participating  Cumulative
Preferred Stock (the "Series A Preferred Stock").  Section 4.2(a) of the Company
Disclosure  Letter sets forth a description  of the Common Stock,  the Preferred
Stock and the Series A  Preferred  Stock.  As of  October 1, 1999 (i)  6,226,280
shares of Common  Stock were  issued and  outstanding,  (ii)  652,498  shares of
Common Stock were issued and held in the  treasury of the Company,  and (iii) no
shares of  Preferred  Stock were  issued and  outstanding.  Since such date,  no
additional  shares of capital  stock have been issued  except shares issued upon
the  exercise of the Company  Options  pursuant to the  Company's  stock  option
plans,  pension plans and other similar employee benefit plans, all as described
in  the  Company  Disclosure  Letter  (the  "Company  Stock  Plans").   All  the
outstanding  shares of the Company's capital stock are duly authorized,  validly
issued, fully paid and nonassessable.  Except as provided herein or as disclosed
in Section 4.2(a) of the Company  Disclosure  Letter and, except for the Company
Stock Plans or the Company  Rights  Agreement  (defined in Section  6.11 of this
Agreement), as of the date hereof, there


are no existing  (i)  options,  warrants,  dividend  entitlement  rights,  stock
appreciation rights, stock depreciation  rights,  calls,  subscriptions or other
rights,  convertible  securities,  agreements  or  commitments  of any character
obligating the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries to issue,  transfer or
sell any shares of capital stock or other equity interest in, the Company or any
of the Company  Subsidiaries or securities  convertible into or exchangeable for
such shares or equity interests,  (ii) contractual obligations of the Company or
any of the Company  Subsidiaries to repurchase,  redeem or otherwise acquire any
capital stock of the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries, or (iii) voting
trusts or similar  agreements to which the Company or a Company  Subsidiary is a
party with  respect to the voting of the capital  stock of the Company  and/or a
Company Subsidiary.

                     (b)  Except as set forth in Section  4.2(b) of the  Company
Disclosure Letter, all of the outstanding shares of capital stock (or equivalent
equity  interests of entities  other than  corporations)  of each of the Company
Subsidiaries are  beneficially  owned,  directly or indirectly,  by the Company,
free  and  clear of all  liens,  pledge,  security  interests,  claims  or other

         Section 4.3 Authorization; Validity of Agreement; Necessary Action. The
Company has the requisite  corporate  power and authority to execute and deliver
this  Agreement  and,  subject  to  obtaining  any  necessary  approval  of  its
Stockholders, to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution,
delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement,  and the consummation
by it of the transactions  contemplated hereby, have been duly authorized by the
Company  Board  and,  except  for the  approval  of its  Stockholders,  no other
corporate  action on the part of the  Company  is  necessary  to  authorize  the
execution and delivery by the Company of this Agreement and the  consummation by
it of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  This  Agreement  has  been  duly
executed and  delivered by the Company and,  subject to approval and adoption of
the  Merger  by  the  Company's   Stockholders   (and  assuming  due  and  valid
authorization,  execution  and delivery  hereof by Ferrotec and Merger Sub) is a
valid and binding obligation of the Company  enforceable  against the Company in
accordance  with its terms,  except that (i) such  enforcement may be subject to
applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium or other similar
laws, now or hereafter in effect,  affecting  creditors' rights  generally,  and
(ii) the  remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
equitable  relief may be subject to equitable  defenses and to the discretion of
the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

         Section 4.4 Consents and Approvals; No Violations.  Except as disclosed
in Section  4.4 of the  Company  Disclosure  Letter  and except (a) for  filings
pursuant to HSR Act,  applicable  requirements under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended  ("Securities  Act") and the Exchange  Act, (b) for the filing of the
Articles of Merger,  (c) for applicable  requirements under corporation or "blue
sky" laws of various  states or (d) as  otherwise  specifically  provided for in
this Agreement, neither the execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement
by the  Company  nor  the  consummation  by  the  Company  of  the  transactions
contemplated   hereby  will  (i)  violate  any  provision  of  the  Articles  of
Organization,  as amended, or By-Laws, as amended, of the Company or the Company
Subsidiaries,  (ii) result in a violation or breach of, or  constitute  (with or
without  due  notice  or lapse of time or both) a  default  (or give rise to any
right of termination,  cancellation or  acceleration)  under,  any of the terms,
conditions or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage, indenture, lease, license,
contract,  agreement,  Benefit Plan (as hereinafter defined, and with respect to
any Benefit  Plan,  no  liability  or  increased  expense  will be incurred as a
consequence  of the  execution  of this  Agreement


or  the  consummation  of  the  transactions   contemplated  herein),  or  other
instrument or obligation to which the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries
is a party or by which any of them or any of their  properties  or assets may be
bound (the "Company  Agreements"),  (iii) to the best  knowledge of the Company,
violate any order, writ,  judgment,  injunction,  decree, law, statute,  rule or
regulation  applicable  to the  Company or any  Company  Subsidiary,  any of the
Company  Subsidiaries or any of their  properties or assets,  or (iv) require on
the part of the Company or any  Company  Subsidiary  any filing or  registration
with,  notification  to, or  authorization,  consent or approval  of, any court,
legislative,  executive  or  regulatory  authority  or agency  (a  "Governmental
Entity") or any third party;  except in the case of clauses (ii),  (iii) or (iv)
for such  violations,  breaches or defaults  which,  or filings,  registrations,
notifications,  authorizations,  consents or  approvals  the failure of which to
obtain would not have,  individually and/or in the aggregate, a Company Material
Adverse  Effect  or would  have  become  applicable  as a result  of any acts or
omissions  by, or the status of facts  pertaining  to,  solely  Ferrotec  or the
Merger Sub.

         Section 4.5 SEC Reports and Financial Statements. The Company has filed
all reports required to be filed by it with the SEC pursuant to the Exchange Act
and the  Securities Act since June 30, 1997 (as such documents have been amended
since the date of their filing, collectively,  the "Company SEC Documents"). The
Company SEC Documents, as of their respective filing dates, or if amended, as of
the date of the last such amendment,  did not contain any untrue  statement of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
under which they were made, not  misleading.  Each of the  consolidated  balance
sheets  (including  the related  notes)  included  in the Company SEC  Documents
fairly presents in all material  respects the financial  position of the Company
and its consolidated  subsidiaries as of the respective  dates thereof,  and the
other related  statements  (including the related notes) included therein fairly
present in all material respects the results of operations and cash flows of the
Company and its consolidated  subsidiaries  for the respective  periods or as of
the  respective  dates  set  forth  therein.  Each of the  financial  statements
(including  the related  notes)  included in the Company SEC  Documents has been
prepared  in  all  material  respects  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles ("GAAP") applied on a consistent basis during the periods
involved,  except  as  otherwise  noted  therein  and  subject,  in the  case of
unaudited  interim financial  statements,  to normal year-end  adjustments.  The
consolidated  balance sheet of the Company and its consolidated  subsidiaries at
July 3, 1999, together with the Notes thereto is herein sometimes referred to as
the "Company  Balance Sheet." The Company's and Company  Subsidiaries'  accounts
receivables,  as set  forth in the  Company  Balance  Sheet,  have  arisen  from
bona-fide  transactions in the ordinary course of business  consistent with past
practice,  and since July 3, 1999,  have not been  materially  diminished in any
manner other than by cash collections, establishment of reserves and write-offs,
all in the ordinary  course of business and consistent  with past practice.  The
Company's  and  Company  Subsidiaries'  inventory,  as set forth on the  Company
Balance Sheet,  represents bona-fide inventory,  and since July 3, 1999, has not
been  materially  diminished  in any manner  other than the sale in the ordinary
course of business consistent with past practice.  Said inventory,  as reflected
on the Company Balance Sheet,  does not include any material amount of inventory
that is obsolete.

         Section 4.6 No  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except (a)  for  liabilities
incurred  in the  ordinary  course  of  business  since  July 3,  1999,  (b) for
liabilities  disclosed in the Company Balance Sheet (c) for liabilities incurred
in connection with the Merger or otherwise as contemplated by this


Agreement and (d) as disclosed in Section 4.6 of the Company  Disclosure Letter,
since July 3, 1999, neither the Company nor any of the Company  Subsidiaries has
incurred  any  liabilities  that would be required to be  reflected  or reserved
against in a  consolidated  balance  sheet of the Company  and its  consolidated
subsidiaries  prepared  in  accordance  with GAAP as  applied in  preparing  the
consolidated  balance sheet of the Company and its consolidated  subsidiaries as
of July 3, 1999, except for liabilities that would,  individually  and/or in the
aggregate, not have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

         Section  4.7 Absence of Certain  Changes.  Except as (a)  disclosed  in
Section  4.7 of the  Company  Disclosure  Letter  or (b)  contemplated  by  this
Agreement,  between  July 3,  1999 and the date of this  Agreement  nothing  has
occurred  hereunder  which would be considered to constitute a Company  Material
Adverse Effect.

         Section 4.8  Disclosure  Documents.  Neither the Schedule 14D-9 nor any
information  supplied by the Company for  inclusion in the Offer  Documents,  in
each case  except  for  information  supplied  by  Ferrotec  or  Merger  Sub for
inclusion therein,  shall, at the respective times the Schedule 14D-9, the Offer
Documents or any amendments or supplements thereto are filed with the SEC or are
first published,  sent or given to Stockholders of the Company,  as the case may
be,  contain  any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state  any
material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary in order to make the
statements made therein,  in the light of the circumstances under which they are
made, not misleading.  None of the information supplied or to be supplied by the
Company  for  inclusion  in the proxy  statement  relating to the meeting of the
Company's Stockholders (the "Special Meeting") to be held in connection with the
Merger, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time (the "Proxy
Statement"),  if such Proxy  Statement  is  required  by law to be filed,  will,
either at the time of  mailing of the Proxy  Statement  to  Stockholders  of the
Company or at the time of the Special Meeting, contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be stated  therein
or  necessary  in  order  to  make  the  statements  therein,  in  light  of the
circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. The Proxy Statement, if
any, and Schedule 14D-9 will comply as to form in all material respects with the
provisions of the Exchange Act.

         Section 4.9 Employee Benefit Plans; ERISA.

                     (a) Section  4.9(a) of the Company  Disclosure  Letter sets
forth a list of all employee benefit plans and all amendments thereto (including
but not  limited  to plans  described  in Section 3 of the  Employee  Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA")  maintained by the Company or
the  Company  Subsidiaries  or  by  any  trade  or  business,   whether  or  not
incorporated  (an "ERISA  Affiliate"),  which  together with the Company and the
Company  Subsidiaries  would be deemed a "single employer" within the meaning of
Section  4001(b)(15) of ERISA other than benefit plans or arrangements  mandated
by law ("Benefit  Plans") and all material  employment and severance  agreements
with  employees  of  the  Company  and  the  Company   Subsidiaries   ("Employee
Agreements"),   including,   without  limitation,   any  supplemental   employee
retirement plans (SERP's).

                     (b) With respect to each Benefit Plan,  except as disclosed
in Section 4.9(b) of the Company  Disclosure  Letter: (i) if intended to qualify
under  Section  401(a) of the  Internal


Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code"),  such  plan has  received  a
determination  letter  from the  Internal  Revenue  Service  stating  that it so
qualifies and that its trust is exempt from taxation under Section 501(a) of the
Code;  (ii)  such  plan  has  been  administered  in all  material  respects  in
accordance  with its terms and  applicable  law;  (iii) no breaches of fiduciary
duty have occurred  which might  reasonably be expected to give rise to material
liability on the part of the Company  and/or the Company  Subsidiaries;  (iv) no
disputes are pending, or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened that might
reasonably  be expected to give rise to  material  liability  on the part of the
Company  and/or  the  Company   Subsidiaries  (other  than  routine  claims  for
benefits);  (v) no prohibited  transaction (within the meaning of Section 406 of
ERISA) has occurred  that might  reasonably be expected to give rise to material
liability on the part of the Company and/or the Company  Subsidiaries;  and (vi)
all contributions required to be made to such plan as of the date hereof (taking
into account any extensions for the making of such contributions) have been made
in full.

                      (c) No Benefit Plan is a  "multiemployer  pension plan,"as
defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA,  nor is any Benefit Plan a plan  described in
Section 4063(a) of ERISA.

                      (d) No liability under Title IV of ERISA has been incurred
by the Company or any ERISA  Affiliate  that has not been satisfied in full, and
no condition  exists that presents a material risk to the Company or the Company
Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate of incurring a material liability under such

                      (e) No Benefit  Plan has incurred an  accumulated  funding
deficiency,  as  defined in  Section  302 of ERISA or  section  412 of the Code,
whether or not waived.

                      (f) With  respect to each  Benefit Plan that is a "welfare
plan" (as  defined  in Section  3(1) of  ERISA),  except as set forth in Section
4.9(f) of the Company  Disclosure Letter, no such plan provides medical or death
benefits  with  respect to current or former  employees of the Company or any of
the Company  Subsidiaries  beyond their termination of employment (other than to
the extent required by applicable law).

         Section 4.10 Litigation.  Except  as  disclosed  in Section 4.10 of the
Company  Disclosure  Letter or as would  otherwise  not have a Company  Material
Adverse  Effect,  as of the date hereof,  there is no action,  suit,  proceeding
(other than any action, suit or proceeding resulting from or arising out of this
Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby) or, to the best knowledge of
the  Company,  investigation  pending or, to the best  knowledge of the Company,
action,  suit,  proceeding,  audit or  investigation  threatened,  involving the
Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries, by or before any court, governmental
or regulatory  authority or arbitrator,  irrespective  of whether such action or
proceeding is in the United States or abroad, or by any third party.

         Section 4.11 Compliance with Applicable Laws.  Neither  the Company nor
any  of the  Company  Subsidiaries  is in  default  or  violation  of any  term,
condition or provision of any statute, law, rule, regulation,  judgment, decree,
order,  concession,  grant,  franchise,  permit or license or other governmental
authorization  or  approval  applicable  to the  Company  or any of the  Company
Subsidiaries,  except for any such defaults or violations  that would not have a
Company Material Adverse Effect.


         Section 4.12 Taxes.

                      (a) Except as  disclosed  in Section  4.12 of the  Company
Disclosure  Letter,  the Company and each of the Company  Subsidiaries  have (i)
timely filed all material Tax Returns, as defined below, required to be filed by
any of them for tax years ended prior to the date of this  Agreement or requests
for  extensions  have been  timely  filed and any such  request  shall have been
granted  and not  expired and all such  returns  are  complete  in all  material
respects,  (ii) paid or accrued all Taxes, as defined below, shown to be due and
payable on such  returns  other than such Taxes as are being  contested  in good
faith by the Company or the Company Subsidiaries,  and (iii) to the knowledge of
the  Company  and  except  as set  forth  in the  audited  financial  statements
contained in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
July 3, 1999,  properly accrued in all material respects all such Taxes for such
periods subsequent to the periods covered by such returns.

                      (b) Except as  disclosed  in Section  4.12 of the  Company
Disclosure  Letter,  the Company is not aware of any ongoing  federal,  state or
local  audits or  examinations  of any Tax Return of the  Company or the Company

                      (c) Except as  disclosed  in Section  4.12 of the  Company
Disclosure  Letter,  there  are no  outstanding  written  requests,  agreements,
consents or waivers to extend the statutory period of limitations  applicable to
the assessment of any material Taxes or deficiencies  against the Company or any
of the Company Subsidiaries, and to the Company's knowledge no power of attorney
granted by either the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries with respect to
any Taxes is currently in force.

                      (d) Except as  disclosed  in Section  4.12 of the  Company
Disclosure Letter,  neither the Company nor any of the Company's Subsidiaries is
a party to any  agreement  providing  for the  allocation or sharing of material

                      (e) "Taxes" shall mean any and all taxes,  charges,  fees,
levies  or other  assessments,  including,  without  limitation,  income,  gross
receipts,  excise,  real  or  personal  property,  sales,  withholding,   social
security,  occupation,  use, service,  service use, license, net worth, payroll,
franchise, transfer and recording taxes, fees and charges, imposed by the United
States Internal  Revenue Service or any taxing  authority  (whether  domestic or
foreign  including,  without  limitation,  any state,  county,  local or foreign
government  or any  subdivision  or taxing  agency  thereof  (including a United
States  possession)),  whether  computed on a separate,  consolidated,  unitary,
combined or any other basis; and such term shall include any interest, penalties
or additional amounts  attributable to, or imposed upon, or with respect to, any
such taxes, charges, fees, levies or other assessments.  "Tax Return" shall mean
any  report,  return,  document,  declaration  or other  information  or  filing
required to be  supplied to any taxing  authority  or  jurisdiction  (foreign or
domestic) with respect to Taxes.

         Section 4.13 Real Property.  Except as set forth in Section 4.13 of the
Company Disclosure Letter, the Company  (including,  as applicable,  the Company
Subsidiaries) owns all of the real and personal property included in the Company
Balance Sheet (except assets  recorded under capital lease  obligations and such
property as has been  disposed of during the  ordinary  course of the  Company's


business  since the date of the Company  Balance  Sheet),  free and clear of any
liens, claims, charges, exceptions or encumbrances ("Encumbrances"),  except, in
each case, for (a)  Encumbrances  reflected in the Company  Balance  Sheet,  (b)
Encumbrances  or  imperfections  of title which are not,  individually or in the
aggregate,  material in character,  amount or extent and which do not materially
detract  from the value or  materially  interfere  with the present or presently
contemplated  use of the assets  subject  thereto or affected  thereby,  and (c)
Encumbrances  for current  Taxes not yet due and payable.  All the real property
owned  and/or  leased by the Company is set forth on Section 4.13 to the Company
Disclosure  Letter.  Section 4.13 of the Company  Disclosure Letter sets forth a
Fixed Asset Listing for the Company, Ferrofluidics, GmbH and Ferrofluidics, Ltd.
Such Fixed Assets Listings are true and accurate in all material respects.

         Section 4.14 Intellectual Property. Except as disclosed in Section 4.14
of the Company Disclosure Letter or as would not have a Company Material Adverse
Effect,  as of the date  hereof,  there are no pending or  threatened  claims of
which the Company or the Company Subsidiaries have been given written notice, by
any person against their use of any material  trademarks,  trade names,  service
marks,  service names, mark  registrations,  logos,  assumed names and copyright
registrations,  patents and all  applications  therefore  which are owned by the
Company or the Company  Subsidiaries and used in their respective  operations as
currently conducted  (collectively,  the "Company Intellectual  Property").  The
Company and the Company  Subsidiaries  have such  ownership of or such rights by
license,  lease or other agreement to the Company  Intellectual  Property as are
necessary to permit them to conduct  their  respective  operations  as currently
conducted.  In addition, a list of the patents,  patents pending, and registered
trademarks of the Company is set forth on Section 4.14 to the Company Disclosure

         Section 4.15 Contracts.  Except  as  set forth in  Section  4.15 of the
Company  Disclosure  Letter,  each  agreement,  contract,  understanding  and/or
commitment to which the Company and/or the Company Subsidiaries is a party which
is  material  to the  Company's  or the Company  Subsidiaries'  businesses  (the
"Material  Contracts"),  as further  defined below,  is in full force and effect
and, to the knowledge of the Company, is valid and enforceable by the Company or
a Company  Subsidiary,  as the case may be, in accordance  with its terms except
that (i) such enforcement may be subject to applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or other  similar laws,  now or hereafter in effect,
affecting  creditors'  rights  generally,   and  (ii)  the  remedy  of  specific
performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to
equitable  defenses  and to  the  discretion  of  the  court  before  which  any
proceeding  therefor may be brought.  Except as set forth in Section 4.15 of the
Company  Disclosure  Letter,   neither  the  Company  nor  any  of  the  Company
Subsidiaries  is in default in the observance or the  performance of any term or
obligation  to be  performed  by it under  any such  Material  Contract.  To the
knowledge  of the  Company,  no  other  person  is in  material  default  in the
observance  or the  performance  of any term or obligation to be performed by it
under any of the Material Contracts. For purposes of this Section 4.15, Material
Contracts  shall  mean  all   agreements,   contracts,   understandings   and/or
commitments  to which the  Company or any  Company  Subsidiary  is a party which
either  provide for the payment or receipt of payment for goods and/or  services
having a value equal to or in excess of $50,000 per annum,  or which  during the
term  thereof  provide for the  payment or receipt of payment  for goods  and/or
services  having a value in excess of  $250,000.  In  addition,  with respect to
agreements, contracts, understandings and/or commitments to which the Company or
the Company  Subsidiaries is a party and which are not deemed Material Contracts
hereunder (the "Other


Contracts"),  there is no breach or default by the  Company  and/or the  Company
Subsidiaries under any of the Other Contracts that would have a Company Material
Adverse Effect; and the Other Contracts were entered into in the ordinary course
of business of the Company and/or the Company Subsidiaries.

         Section 4.16 Environmental Laws and Regulations. Except as set forth in
Section 4.16 of the Company  Disclosure  Letter or as would otherwise not have a
Company  Material  Adverse  Effect,  (a) the  Company  and  each of the  Company
Subsidiaries is in material compliance with all applicable federal, state, local
and foreign  laws and  regulations  relating to  protection  of the  environment
(collectively,  "Environmental  Laws"),  which compliance  includes,  but is not
limited  to, the  possession  by the Company  and the  Company  Subsidiaries  of
material permits and other governmental authorizations required under applicable
Environmental  Laws,  and  material  compliance  with the terms  and  conditions
thereof;  (b)  neither  the  Company  nor any of the  Company  Subsidiaries  has
received  written notice of, or to the knowledge of the Company,  is the subject
of, any actions, causes of action, claims, investigations,  demands, notices, or
threats of any  actions  by any person  and/or  governmental  and/or  regulatory
agency or body alleging liability under or non-compliance with any Environmental
Law  ("Environmental  Claims");  and (c) the Company is not aware of and has not
received  written  notice  of  any  event,  condition,  circumstance,  activity,
practice,  incident, action or plan which is reasonably likely to interfere with
or prevent continued  compliance with or which is reasonably likely to give rise
to any statutory  liability,  or otherwise form the basis of any claim,  action,
suit or proceeding under any Environmental Laws.

         Section 4.17 Labor Matters.  Except as set forth in Section 4.17 of the
Company  Disclosure  Letter,  (a)  neither  the  Company  nor any of the Company
Subsidiaries  is a party to, or bound by, any collective  bargaining  agreement,
contract  or  other  agreement  or  understanding  with a labor  union  or labor
organization,  and (b) there is no unfair  labor  practice or labor  arbitration
proceeding  pending or, to the knowledge of the Company,  threatened against the
Company or the Company  Subsidiaries  that would have a Company Material Adverse

         Section 4.18 Brokers or Finders. The Company represents,  as to itself,
the Company Subsidiaries and its affiliates,  that no agent, broker,  investment
banker,  financial advisor or other firm or person is or will be entitled to any
brokers' or finder' s fee or any other  commission  or similar fee in connection
with any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         Section 4.19 Opinion of  Financial  Advisors.  The Company has received
the opinion of Advest, Inc. to the effect that, as of the date thereof, the Cash
Consideration  is fair, from a financial  point of view, to the  Stockholders of
the Company, and such opinion has been supplied to Merger Sub.

         Section 4.20 Board Recommendation. The Company Board, at a meeting duly
called and held,  has (a) determined  that this  Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated hereby, taken together,  are advisable and in the best interests of
the  Company  and its  Stockholders,  and (b)  subject  to the other  provisions
hereof,  resolved to  recommend  that the holders of the shares of Common  Stock
approve this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby,  including the


         Section 4.21 Insurance.  The Company and the Company  Subsidiaries have
obtained and maintained in full force and effect  insurance with responsible and
reputable insurance companies or associations in such amounts, on such terms and
covering such risks,  as is customarily  carried by reasonably  prudent  persons
conducting  businesses or owning or leasing assets  similar to those  conducted,
owned or leased by the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries. A list of all
insurance  policies and insurance  coverage  maintained for and on behalf of the
Company and the Company  Subsidiaries  (other than Ferrofluidics,  S.A.R.L.  and
Ferrofluidics,  S.A.) is set forth in  Section  4.21 of the  Company  Disclosure

         Section 4.22 Permits.  The Company and the Company  Subsidiaries are in
possession  of  all  franchises,  grants,  authorizations,   licenses,  permits,
easements, variances, exceptions,  consents, certificates,  approvals and orders
of any court, governmental or regulatory authority necessary for the Company and
the Company Subsidiaries to own, lease and operate its properties or to carry on
its business as it is now being  conducted (the "Company  Permits"),  and, as of
the date hereof,  no suspension or cancellation of any of the Company Permits is
pending or, to the knowledge of the Company  threatened,  except,  in each case,
where the failure to possess any such Company Permits or the existence or threat
of any such cancellation would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

         Section 4.23 Customer Relationships; Warranties. Except as set forth on
Section  4.23 of the Company  Disclosure  Letter,  to the best of the  Company's
knowledge, the Company's and the Company's Subsidiaries'  relationships with its
customers,  vendors, employees,  licensees, and sublicensees are in all material
respects satisfactory.  Section 4.23 of the Company Disclosure Letter sets forth
the approximate  amount of warranty  expense of the Company for each of the last
three fiscal years.

         Section  4.24 Year 2000.  Except as  disclosed  in Section  4.24 of the
Company  Disclosure  Letter and as otherwise  would not have a Company  Material
Adverse  Effect,  the Company has assessed,  evaluated and reviewed all areas of
the Company's and the Company  Subsidiaries'  business and operations that could
be adversely  affected in any material  respect by date sensitive  functions and
has taken or will have taken prior to January 1, 2000 such action as the Company
deemed or deems  necessary  to assess,  evaluate  and  correct  in all  material
respects all of the hardware, software, embedded microchips and other processing
capabilities  and  capacities,  directly or indirectly  involving date sensitive
functions,  to ensure that its business and  operations,  including those of the
Company Subsidiaries, will continue accurately and without material interruption
or ambiguity using date information before, during and after January 1, 2000.

                                   ARTICLE V


         Except as otherwise  disclosed to the Company in a letter  delivered to
it at or prior to the execution of this  Agreement  (the "Merger Sub  Disclosure
Letter"),  Ferrotec and the Merger Sub  represent  and warrant to the Company as


         Section 5.1 Organization.  Ferrotec and the Merger Sub are corporations
duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of Japan
and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, respectively, and each, respectively, has
all  requisite  corporate  power and  authority  to own,  lease and  operate its
properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted, except where the
failure to be so organized,  existing and in good standing or to have such power
and authority would not have a material adverse effect on the current  business,
results  of  operations   or  financial   condition  of  the  Ferrotec  and  its
subsidiaries,  taken as a whole (a "Ferrotec Material Adverse Effect").  Each of
Ferrotec and the Merger Sub is duly  qualified or licensed to do business and in
good  standing  in each  jurisdiction  in which the  property  owned,  leased or
operated  by it or the  nature  of  the  business  conducted  by it  makes  such
qualification  or  licensing  necessary,  except where the failure to be so duly
qualified or licensed and in good  standing  would not have a Ferrotec  Material
Adverse  Effect.  Merger Sub has heretofore  delivered to Company a complete and
correct copy of each of its Articles of Organization  and By-Laws,  as currently
in effect.

         Section 5.2  Authorization:  Validity of Agreement:  Necessary  Action.
Each of Ferrotec and the Merger Sub has full  corporate  power and  authority to
execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and  to  consummate   the   transactions
contemplated hereby. The execution, delivery and performance by Ferrotec and the
Merger  Sub  of  this  Agreement,  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby,  have been duly  authorized by their  respective  Board of
Directors and no other corporate action on the part of Ferrotec or Merger Sub is
necessary to authorize  the  execution and delivery by Ferrotec or Merger Sub of
this  Agreement  and the  consummation  by it of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby.  This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Ferrotec and the
Merger Sub and,  assuming due and valid  authorization,  execution  and delivery
hereof by the Company, is a valid and binding obligation of each of Ferrotec and
the Merger Sub, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except that
(i) such  enforcement  may be  subject  to  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium or other  similar laws,  now or hereafter in effect,
affecting  creditors'  rights  generally,   and  (ii)  the  remedy  of  specific
performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to
equitable  defenses  and to  the  discretion  of  the  court  before  which  any
proceeding therefor may be brought.

         Section 5.3 Consents and Approvals: No Violations.  Except as disclosed
in Section  5.3 of the Merger Sub  Disclosure  Letter and except for (a) filings
pursuant to the HSR Act,  applicable  requirements  under the Securities Act and
the  Exchange  Act,  (b) the filing of the  Articles of Merger,  (c)  applicable
requirements  under  corporation  or "blue sky" laws of various states or (d) as
contemplated by this Agreement,  neither the execution,  delivery or performance
of this  Agreement  by either  Ferrotec  or Merger Sub nor the  consummation  by
either Ferrotec or Merger Sub of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will (i)
violate any provision of the Articles of  Organization  or By-Laws of Merger Sub
or the  equivalent  organizational  documents  of  Ferrotec,  (ii)  result  in a
violation  or breach of, or  constitute  (with or without due notice or lapse of
time or both) a default (or give rise to any right of termination,  cancellation
or acceleration) under, any of the terms,  conditions or provisions of any note,
bond,  mortgage,   indenture,  lease,  license,  contract,  agreement  or  other
instrument or obligation to which either Ferrotec or Merger Sub is a party or by
which  it or any of its  properties  or  assets  may  be  bound  (the  "Ferrotec
Agreements"),  (iii) to the best  knowledge  of either  Ferrotec  or Merger Sub,
violate any order, writ,  judgment,  injunction,  decree, law, statute,  rule or
regulation  applicable  to  either  Ferrotec  or  Merger  Sub or  any  of  their
respective  properties or assets, or (iv) require on the part of either Ferrotec
or  Merger  Sub  any  filing  or   registration   with,


notification  to, or  authorization,  consent or approval  of, any  Governmental
Entity;  except in the case of clauses (ii),  (iii) or (iv) for such violations,
breaches  or  defaults   which,   or  filings,   registrations,   notifications,
authorizations,  consents or approvals  the failure of which to obtain would not
have,  individually and/or in the aggregate,  a Ferrotec Material Adverse Effect
and would not  materially  adversely  affect the  ability of either  Ferrotec or
Merger Sub to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement or
would have become  applicable  as a result of any acts or  omissions  by, or the
status of facts pertaining to, solely the Company.

         Section 5.4 Interim  Operations  of the Merger Sub.  The Merger Sub was
formed  solely for the  purpose of  engaging  in the  transactions  contemplated
hereby,  has  engaged in no other  business  activities  and has  conducted  its
operations only as contemplated hereby.

         Section 5.5 Capitalization of the Merger Sub: Interests in the Company.
The  authorized  capital  stock of the Merger Sub consists of 100,000  shares of
common stock,  $.01 par value per share.  As of the close of business on October
14, 1999,  1,000 shares of Merger Sub Common Stock were issued and  outstanding,
all of which are entitled to vote, and no shares of Merger Sub Common Stock were
held in the Merger  Sub's  treasury.  All the  outstanding  shares of the Merger
Sub's  capital  stock  are  duly  authorized,  validly  issued,  fully  paid and
non-assessable. Except as set forth above, there will be, at the Effective Time,
(a) no other shares of capital  stock or other voting  securities  of the Merger
Sub  outstanding,  (b) no  securities  of the  Merger  Sub  convertible  into or
exchangeable for shares of capital stock or voting  securities of the Merger Sub
and (c) no  outstanding  options or other rights to acquire from the Merger Sub,
and no  obligation  of the  Merger  Sub  to  issue  any  capital  stock,  voting
securities or securities  convertible  into or exchangeable for capital stock or
voting  securities of the Merger Sub (the items  referred to in clauses (a), (b)
and (c) being referred to  collectively as the "Merger Sub  Securities").  There
are no  outstanding  obligations  of the  Merger  Sub to  repurchase,  redeem or
otherwise  acquire any Merger Sub  Securities.  As of the date  hereof,  neither
Ferrotec nor the Merger Sub nor any of their respective affiliates or associates
(as those terms are defined in the Exchange Act), beneficially own any shares of
Common  Stock of the  Company,  except as set forth in Section 5.5 of the Merger
Sub Disclosure Letter.

         Section 5.6 Disclosure Documents.  The Offer Documents will not, at the
time the Offer Documents are filed with the SEC or are first published,  sent or
given to the Stockholders of the Company, as the case may be, contain any untrue
statement of a material  fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be
stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in the
light  of  the  circumstances   under  which  they  are  made,  not  misleading.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Ferrotec and Merger Sub make no representation or
warranty with respect to any  information  supplied by the Company or any of its
representatives  in writing,  expressly  for  inclusion in the Offer  Documents,
which is contained  in any of the  foregoing  documents or the Offer  Documents.
None of the information supplied or to be supplied by Ferrotec or Merger Sub for
inclusion  in the Proxy  Statement  will,  either at the time of  mailing of the
Proxy Statement to  Stockholders  of the Company,  or at the time of the Special
Meeting,  contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or will omit to state
any material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary in order to make
the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading.


         Section  5.7  Required  Financing.  Ferrotec  and  Merger  Sub (i) have
commitments  or credit  facilities  in place  which,  either  alone or with cash
presently  on hand,  will provide  sufficient  funds to purchase and pay for the
Shares pursuant to the Offer and the Merger in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement and to consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby and (ii) will
have on the Expiration  Date,  and at the Effective  Time,  sufficient  funds to
purchase  and  pay  for  the  Shares  pursuant  to the  Offer  and  the  Merger,
respectively, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.  Ferrotec's credit
facilities  permit  Ferrotec to borrow money under such  facilities and use such
funds to purchase and pay for the Shares pursuant to the Offer and the Merger in
accordance  with the terms of this Agreement and to consummate the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         Section 6.1 Interim  Operations of the Company.  The Company  covenants
and agrees that the Company shall use its reasonable  best efforts to, and shall
cause each of the Company  Subsidiaries  to use its reasonable  best efforts to,
conduct its  operations in the ordinary and usual course of business  consistent
with past practice and use its reasonable  best efforts to preserve intact their
respective  business  organizations'  goodwill,  keep  available the services of
their respective  present officers and key employees,  and preserve the goodwill
and business  relationships with suppliers,  distributors,  customers and others
having business  relationships with them. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing,   and  except  as  otherwise   permitted  by  this  Agreement  or  as
specifically  disclosed  in the  Company  Disclosure  Letter,  or as required by
applicable  law, rule or regulation  prior to the  Effective  Time,  without the
consent of Merger Sub,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  the
Company will not, and will cause each of the Company Subsidiaries not to:

                     (a) amend or propose to amend their respective  charters or
bylaws;  or split,  combine or  reclassify  their  outstanding  capital stock or
declare, set aside or pay any dividend or distribution in respect of any capital
stock or issue or authorize or propose the issuance of any other  securities  in
respect  of, in lieu of or in  substitution  for  shares of its  capital  stock,
except for dividends and  distributions  paid by Company  Subsidiaries  to other
Company Subsidiaries or to the Company;

                     (b) (i) issue or  authorize  or propose  the  issuance  of,
sell,  pledge or  dispose  of, or agree to issue or  authorize  or  propose  the
issuance  of,  sell,  pledge or  dispose  of, any  additional  shares of, or any
options, warrants, dividend entitlement rights, or rights of any kind to acquire
any shares of, their capital stock of any class,  any debt or equity  securities
convertible  into or  exchangeable  for such  capital  stock or any other equity
related right  (including any phantom stock or SAR rights),  other than any such
issuance  pursuant  to  options,  warrants,  rights  or  convertible  securities
outstanding as of the date hereof, and which derivative securities are set forth
in the Company Disclosure Letter; (ii) acquire or agree to acquire by merging or
consolidating  with,  or by  purchasing a  substantial  equity  interest in or a
substantial  portion of the assets of, or by any other  manner,  any business or
any  corporation,  partnership,  association or other business  organization  or
division  thereof or  otherwise  acquire or agree to acquire  any assets in each
case which are material,  individually  or in the aggregate,  to the Company and
the  Company   Subsidiaries   taken  as  a  whole;   (iii)  sell  (including  by
sale-leaseback),  lease, pledge,  dispose of or encumber any assets or interests
therein,  which are material,


individually  or in the aggregate,  to the Company and the Company  Subsidiaries
taken as a whole,  other than in the ordinary  course of business and consistent
with past practice; (iv) incur or become contingently liable with respect to any
material  indebtedness for borrowed money or guarantee any such  indebtedness or
issue  any debt  securities  or  otherwise  incur  any  material  obligation  or
liability  (absolute or contingent)  other than  short-term  indebtedness in the
ordinary  course of business  and  consistent  with past  practice or  otherwise
pursuant  to credit  facilities  set  forth in  Section  6.1(b)  of the  Company
Disclosure Letter; (v) redeem, purchase, acquire or offer to purchase or acquire
any (x) shares of its capital stock or (y) long term debt other than as required
by governing  instruments  relating  thereto;  or (vi) enter into any  contract,
agreement, commitment or arrangement with respect to any of the foregoing;

                     (c) enter into or amend any employment,  severance, special
pay arrangement with respect to termination of employment or other  arrangements
or agreements with any directors, officers or key employee except for (i) normal
salary  increases  and merit  bonuses,  (ii)  arrangements  in  connection  with
employee transfers or (iii) agreements with new employees,  in each case, in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; or agree or implement
an across the board  increase in employee  compensation  except in the  ordinary
course of business consistent with past practice;

                     (d)  except as set forth in Section  6.1(d) of the  Company
Disclosure Letter, adopt, enter into or amend any, or become obligated under any
new bonus,  profit sharing,  compensation,  stock option,  pension,  retirement,
deferred  compensation,  healthcare,  employment or other employee benefit plan,
agreement, trust, fund or arrangement for the benefit or welfare of any employee
or  retiree,  except as  required  to comply  with  changes  in  applicable  law
occurring after the date hereof;

                     (e)  except as may be  required  as a result of a change in
law or in GAAP, change any of the accounting principles or practices used by it;

                     (f) otherwise than pursuant to credit  facilities set forth
in Section 6.1(b) of the Company  Disclosure  Letter,  pay, discharge or satisfy
any material claims, liabilities or obligations (absolute,  accrued, asserted or
unasserted,  contingent  or  otherwise),  other than the  payment,  discharge or
satisfaction  in the  ordinary  course of business of  liabilities  reflected or
reserved against in, or contemplated by, the financial  statements (or the notes
thereto) of the Company  incurred in the ordinary course of business  consistent
with past practice;

                     (g)  except as set forth in Section  6.1(g) of the  Company
Disclosure  Letter,  authorize,  commit to or make any  equipment  purchases  or
capital  expenditures  other  than  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business  and
consistent with past practice (provided, that such purchases and/or expenditures
shall, individually,  be no more than $50,000, and, in the aggregate, be no more
than $250,000); or

                     (h)  except  as  otherwise  permitted  by the terms of this
Agreement, take or agree to take any of the foregoing actions or any action that
would,  or is  reasonably  likely to, result


in any of its  representations  and  warranties  set  forth  in  this  Agreement
becoming untrue,  or in any of the conditions to the Merger set forth in Article
VII not being satisfied.

         Section 6.2 Access to Information.  Upon reasonable notice, the Company
shall (and shall cause each of the Company Subsidiaries to) afford to Merger Sub
and its officers, employees,  accountants,  counsel, financing sources and other
representatives, access, during normal business hours during the period prior to
the earlier of the Effective Time or the date of termination of this  Agreement,
to all its  properties,  books,  contracts,  commitments and records and, during
such period, the Company shall (and shall cause each of the Company Subsidiaries
to)  furnish  promptly  to  Merger  Sub  (a) a copy of  each  report,  schedule,
registration  statement and other  document  filed or received by it during such
period pursuant to the requirements of federal securities laws and (b) all other
information concerning its business,  properties and personnel as Merger Sub may
reasonably  request;  provided,  however,  that nothing herein shall require the
Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries to disclose any information to Merger
Sub if such  disclosure  would be in violation of applicable laws or regulations
of any Governmental Entity or the provisions of any confidentiality agreement to
which the Company is a party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (x) the Company may
withhold any  information if the Company  determines in its sole discretion that
the  disclosure  of  such  information  would  adversely  effect  the  Company's
competitive  position  within the industries  which it conducts its business and
(y) if  information  is not being  disclosed to Merger Sub,  then Company  shall
inform Merger Sub that such information is not being disclosed,  the reasons for
such  non-disclosure,  and a  general  description  of  the  information  not so
disclosed,  to the extent such  description  does not violate or contravene  any
law, regulation or confidentiality  agreement.  Unless otherwise required by law
and until the Effective  Time,  Ferrotec,  Merger Sub and their  representatives
will hold any such  information  which is non-public in confidence in accordance
with the  provisions of the  Confidentiality  Agreement  between the Company and
Ferrotec  Corporation,  dated  as  of  August  16,  1999  (the  "Confidentiality

         Section 6.3 Employee Benefit Matters.

                     (a) After the  Effective  Time,  Ferrotec  shall  cause the
Company to honor all obligations  under (i) the existing terms of the employment
and  severance  agreements  to which the  Company or any Company  Subsidiary  is
presently  a party,  and which are set forth in the Company  Disclosure  Letter,
except  as may  otherwise  be  agreed  to by the  parties  thereto  and (ii) the
Company's and any Company  Subsidiary's general severance policy as set forth in
Section 6.3 of the Company Disclosure Letter. For a period of one year following
the Effective Time (the "Transition Period"), the Company Employees,  as defined
below,  will  continue to  participate  in the Benefit  Plans  (other than stock
option or stock  purchase  plans)  on  substantially  similar  terms to those in
effect  on the  date  hereof.  Following  the  Transition  Period,  the  Company
Employees  will be permitted to  participate  in the employee  benefit  plans of
Merger  Sub or the  Surviving  Corporation  as in effect on the date  thereof on
terms substantially  similar to those provided to employees of Merger Sub or the
Surviving Corporation.

                     (b) If any Company  Employee  becomes a participant  in any
employee  benefit plan,  practice or policy of Merger Sub, any of its affiliates
or the Surviving Corporation,  such Company Employee shall be given credit under
such plan for all service prior to the  Effective  Time with the Company and the
Company  Subsidiaries and prior to the time such Company Employee


becomes  such a  participant,  for purpose of  eligibility  (including,  without
limitation,  waiting  periods)  and vesting but not for any other  purposes  for
which such  service  is either  taken into  account  or  recognized  (including,
without  limitation,  benefit  accrual);  provided,  however,  that such Company
Employees  will be given  credit for such  service for  purposes of any vacation
policy. In addition,  if any Company Employees employed as of the Effective Time
become  covered by a medical  plan of Merger Sub or the  Surviving  Corporation,
such  medical plan shall not impose any  exclusion  on coverage for  preexisting
medical conditions with respect to these Company Employees,  except as otherwise
required by the insurance carrier for such plans.

                     (c) All benefits described in Section 6.3(c) of the Company
Disclosure Letter shall be deemed fully vested as of the Effective Time.

                     (d) For purposes of this  Section  6.3,  the term  "Company
Employees" shall mean all employees of the Company and the Company  Subsidiaries
immediately prior to the Effective Time, including those on lay-off,  disability
or leave of absence, paid or unpaid.

         Section 6.4 No Solicitation.

                     (a) The Company  will not, and will use its best efforts to
cause any officers,  directors,  employees and investment bankers,  attorneys or
other agents retained by the Company or any of the Company  Subsidiaries not to,
(i) initiate or solicit, directly or indirectly,  any inquiries or the making of
any Acquisition Proposal (as hereinafter  defined),  or (ii) except as permitted
below, engage in negotiations or discussions with, or furnish any information or
data to any third party  relating  to an  Acquisition  Proposal  (other than the
transactions  contemplated  hereby).  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary
contained in this Section 6.4 or in any other provision of this  Agreement,  the
Company, and its officers,  directors,  investment bankers, attorneys or agents,

                         (i)   participate  in   discussions   or   negotiations
         (including,  as a part  thereof,  making any  counterproposal)  with or
         furnish  information  or data to any third party making an  unsolicited
         Acquisition  Proposal  (a  "Potential  Acquiror")  if  either:  (A) the
         Company Board  determines in good faith,  after  consultation  with its
         financial advisor, that such third party is reasonably likely to submit
         an Acquisition  Proposal which is a Superior  Proposal (as  hereinafter
         defined),  or (B) the Company  Board  determines  in good faith,  after
         consultation  with its  outside  legal  counsel,  that the  failure  to
         participate  in such  discussions  or  negotiations  or to furnish such
         information  or data  may be  inconsistent  with  the  Company  Board's
         fiduciary duties under applicable law, or

                         (ii)  following  receipt  of an  Acquisition  Proposal,
         disclose to its  Stockholders  the Company's  position  contemplated by
         Rules  14d-9 and 14e-2 under the  Exchange  Act or  otherwise  make any
         other necessary or advisable  disclosure to its stockholders related to
         an Acquisition Proposal.

         The  Company  agrees that any  non-public  information  furnished  to a
Potential  Acquiror  was or  will be  pursuant  to a  confidentiality  agreement
substantially  similar to the confidentiality  provisions of the Confidentiality


                     (b) For purposes of this Agreement,  "Acquisition Proposal"
shall  mean  any  bona  fide  proposal  made by a third  party  to  acquire  (i)
beneficial  ownership (as defined under Rule 13(d) of the Exchange Act) of a 51%
or greater equity interest in the Company pursuant to a merger, consolidation or
other business  combination,  sale of shares of capital  stock,  tender offer or
exchange offer or similar transaction  involving the Company including,  without
limitation,   any  single  or  multi-step   transaction  or  series  of  related
transactions  which is  structured  in good faith to permit  such third party to
acquire beneficial ownership of a 51 % or greater equity interest in the Company
or (ii) all or substantially all of the business or assets of the Company (other
than the transactions contemplated by this Agreement).

                     (c) The term "Superior Proposal" shall mean any Acquisition
Proposal which the Company Board by resolution duly adopted,  determines,  after
consultation with its financial advisor, to be more favorable to the Company and
its Stockholders than the transactions contemplated hereby.

                     (d) The  Company  shall  immediately  cease and cause to be
terminated any discussions or  negotiations  existing as of the date hereof with
any parties (other than Ferrotec and the Merger Sub) conducted  heretofore  with
respect to any of the  foregoing.  The  Company  agrees not to release any third
party  from the  confidentiality  obligations  of such  third  party  under  any
confidentiality  agreement  or the  standstill  obligations  of such third party
under any  standstill  agreement  to which  the  Company  is a party,  provided,
however,  that the Company can release any third party from any such  standstill
agreement if the Company Board determines in good faith, after consultation with
its outside legal  counsel,  that the failure to so release such party from said
standstill  agreement may be  inconsistent  with the Company  Board's  fiduciary
duties under applicable law.

         Section 6.5  Publicity.  The initial  press release with respect to the
execution  of this  Agreement  shall  be a joint  press  release  acceptable  to
Ferrotec  and  its  affiliates  and  the  Company.  Thereafter,  so long as this
Agreement  is in  effect,  neither  the  Company,  Ferrotec  nor  any  of  their
respective  affiliates shall issue or cause the publication of any press release
or other  announcement  with respect to the Merger,  this Agreement or the other
transactions  contemplated  hereby without the prior  consultation  of the other
party,  except  as may be  required  by law  or by any  securities  exchange  or
inter-quotation system.

         Section 6.6  Directors'  and Officers'  Insurance and  Indemnification.

                      (a) In  the  event  of any  threatened  or  actual  claim,
action,  suit,   proceeding  or  investigation,   whether  civil,   criminal  or
administrative,  including,  without limitation,  any such claim,  action, suit,
proceeding or  investigation  in which any person who is now, or has been at any
time prior to the date hereof (except for Ronald  Moskowitz and Jan R. Kirk), or
any person  who  becomes  prior to the  Effective  Time,  a  director,  officer,
employee,  fiduciary or agent of the Company or any of the Company  Subsidiaries
(the  "Indemnified  Parties")  is, or is threatened to be, made a party based in
whole or in part on, or arising in whole or in part out of, or pertaining to (i)
the fact that he is or was a director, officer, employee,  fiduciary or agent of
the  Company or any of the  Company  Subsidiaries,  or is or was  serving at the
request of the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries,  or is or was serving
at the request of the Company or any of the Company


Subsidiaries  as a director,  officer,  employee,  fiduciary or agent of another
corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, or (ii) the
negotiation,   execution  or  performance  of  this  Agreement  or  any  of  the
transactions contemplated hereby, whether in any case asserted or arising before
or after the Effective Time, the parties hereto agree to cooperate and use their
reasonable best efforts to defend against and respond thereto.  It is understood
and agreed that the Company  shall  indemnify and hold  harmless,  and after the
Effective Time  Surviving  Corporation  and Merger Sub shall  indemnify and hold
harmless,  as  and  to  the  full  extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  each
Indemnified  Party  against any losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities,  costs,
expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses),  judgments,  fines
and amounts paid in settlement ("Losses") in connection with any such threatened
or actual claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation,  and in the event of
any such threatened or actual claim, action,  suit,  proceeding or investigation
(whether  asserted  or  arising  before or after the  Effective  Time),  (A) the
Company, and the Surviving  Corporation and Merger Sub after the Effective Time,
shall  promptly pay expenses in advance of the final  disposition  of any claim,
suit,  proceeding or investigation to each Indemnified  Party to the full extent
permitted by law, (B) the Indemnified  Parties shall retain  Goodwin,  Procter &
Hoar LLP (provided that no policy for D&O Insurance,  as defined below, requires
that  counsel be chosen from an approved  list,  or if any such policy  requires
counsel to be chosen from an approved  list,  Goodwin,  Procter & Hoar LLP is so
named on the approved  list) or other counsel to represent  them in such matter,
provided  that such choice of other counsel is consented to by Merger Sub or the
Surviving  Corporation  (and/or the applicable  insurance  carriers),  and which
consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld,  and the Company, and the Surviving
Corporation  and Merger Sub after the Effective  Time,  shall pay all reasonable
fees and expenses of such counsel within 30 days after  statements  therefor are
received, and (C) the Company, the Surviving Corporation and Merger Sub will use
their  respective  reasonable best efforts to assist in the vigorous  defense of
any such matter; provided that none of the Company, the Surviving Corporation or
Merger Sub shall be liable for any settlement effected without its prior written
consent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld); and provided further
that the Surviving Corporation and Merger Sub shall have no obligation hereunder
to any  Indemnified  Party when and if a court of competent  jurisdiction  shall
ultimately  determine,  and such  determination  shall  have  become  final  and
non-appealable,  that  indemnification  of such Indemnified  Party in the manner
contemplated  hereby is  prohibited  by applicable  law. Any  Indemnified  Party
wishing to claim  indemnification  under this Section 6.6,  upon learning of any
such claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation, shall promptly notify the
Company and, after the Effective Time, the Surviving Corporation and Merger Sub,
thereof; provided that the failure to so notify shall not affect the obligations
of the  Company,  the  Surviving  Corporation  and  Merger Sub except (i) to the
extent such failure to notify  materially  prejudices such party, or (ii) in the
event such failure to notify results in any insurance  coverage being denied, to
the extent such denial materially prejudices such party.

                      (b) Merger Sub agrees  that all rights to  indemnification
existing in favor of, and all  limitations  on the  personal  liability  of, the
directors,  officers,  employees  and  agents  of the  Company  and the  Company
Subsidiaries  provided for in this Agreement and provided for in the Articles of
Organization  or By-Laws of the  Company as in effect as of the date hereof with
respect to matters  occurring prior to or at the Effective  Time,  including the
Offer,  the  Merger  and the  other  transactions  contemplated  thereby,  shall
continue  in full  force  and  effect  for a period  of six (6)  years  from the
Effective Time; provided, however, that all rights to indemnification in respect
of any  claims  (each a "Claim")  asserted  or made  within  such  period  shall
continue until the final disposition


of such  Claim.  Prior to the  Effective  Time,  the Company  shall  purchase an
extended reporting period  endorsement under the Company's  existing  directors'
and officers'  liability  insurance  coverage and/or coverage under new policies
from  one or more  other  insurers  (the "D & O  Insurance")  for the  Company's
directors  and officers in a form  acceptable to the Company which shall provide
such  directors  and  officers  with  coverage for six (6) years  following  the
Effective Time of not less than $20,000,000, and have other terms not materially
less  favorable  to, the  insured  persons  than the  directors'  and  officers'
liability insurance coverage presently  maintained or currently  contemplated by
the Company.  To the extent the Company,  Merger Sub and/or Ferrotec advances or
pays any  expenses  or damages  related  hereunder  to a Claim in advance of any
reimbursement  thereof by an insurance carrier,  the Company,  Merger Sub and/or
Ferrotec shall be entitled to any such  reimbursement  thereof by such insurance
carrier;  and in the event of any claim against an insurance  carrier  hereunder
for  reimbursement  for or payment of any of said expenses or damages,  Company,
Merger Sub and/or  Ferrotec shall have the right to proceed against such carrier
on behalf of themselves and the Indemnified  Parties hereunder.  Notwithstanding
anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,  any payments for  indemnification
provided hereunder shall be limited in the aggregate with all other payments for
indemnification  (except as further  limited below) to a maximum of $20,000,000.
Ferrotec  agrees  hereunder  to pay and to be  responsible  only for the payment
obligations of the Surviving  Corporation  and the Merger Sub under this Section
6.6, provided that Ferrotec's obligation hereunder is subject to the limitations
set forth below.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,
Ferrotec  shall only pay and be responsible  for the payment  obligations of the
Surviving  Corporation and the Merger Sub under this Section 6.6 with respect to
all  Losses in  connection  with  Claims  arising  within  the  two-year  period
following the Effective  Time  (including any Losses arising after such two-year
period  relating  to such Claims and any Losses  arising  from Claims made after
such two-year period that (i) are joined in a judicial proceeding with any Claim
that arose  within  such  two-year  period,  or (ii)  arise  from  actions of an
Indemnified  Party upon which actions a Claim that is filed within such two-year
period is based),  up to an  aggregate  $10,000,000.  With  respect only to such
Claims described in the preceding sentence such responsibility of Ferrotec shall
continue  until  the  final  disposition  of such  Claims.  In  addition,  if an
Indemnified  Party shall seek  indemnification  for a specific  amount of Losses
under this Section 6.6 with  respect to a Claim,  such  Indemnified  Party shall
give written notice thereof (an "Indemnification  Notice") to the Company and to
any  applicable  insurance  carrier  (if  prior to the  Effective  Time)  and to
Ferrotec and the Surviving  Corporation (if after the Effective Time) and to the
carriers of the D&O  Insurance.  In the event that after the  Effective  Time an
Indemnified  Party  does  not  receive  payment  for any  such  Losses  from the
Surviving  Corporation or the carrier(s) of the D&O Insurance within ninety (90)
days after the giving of an Indemnification  Notice, Ferrotec shall be obligated
to pay to such  Indemnified  Party an amount  or  amounts  equal to such  Losses
(subject to the $10,000,000 limit described above for all Losses incurred by the
Indemnified  Parties).  In  addition,  pursuant  to and in  accordance  with the
Article IV of the Company's  By-Laws,  Merger Sub and/or Ferrotec may require an
unsecured undertaking in form and content reasonably  satisfactory to Merger Sub
and/or Ferrotec,  from the Indemnified Parties, to reimburse any and all advance
payments to Merger Sub and/or Ferrotec made hereunder upon final  disposition of
any action,  suit or proceeding  for which  indemnification  was sought,  in the
event that upon such final  disposition of such action,  suit or proceeding such
Indemnified Party shall not be entitled to indemnification under this Section.


                      (c)  This  Section  6.6 is  intended  for the  irrevocable
benefit  of, and to grant  third party  rights to, the  Indemnified  Parties and
shall be binding on all successors and assigns of the Merger Sub, Ferrotec,  the
Company and the Surviving Corporation.  Each of the Indemnified Parties shall be
entitled to enforce the covenants contained in this Section 6.6.

                      (d)  In  the  event  that   Ferrotec   or  the   Surviving
Corporation or any of its successors or assigns (i) consolidates  with or merges
into any other  person or entity and shall not be the  continuing  or  surviving
corporation  or entity of such  consolidation  or  merger or (ii)  transfers  or
conveys all or  substantially  all of its properties and assets to any person or
entity,  then, and in each such case, proper provision shall be made so that the
successors and assigns of Ferrotec or the Surviving Corporation, as the case may
be, assume its obligations set forth in this Section 6.6.

         Section 6.7 Proxy Statement.

                     (a) The  Company  and   Ferrotec  shall  prepare as soon as
practicable,  following the consummation of the Offer (the  "Acceptance  Date"),
and shall file with the SEC the Proxy  Statement.  The  respective  parties will
cause the Proxy Statement to comply as to form in all material respects with the
applicable  provisions  of the  Exchange  Act  and  the  rules  and  regulations

                     (b) The Proxy Statement will be mailed to the  Stockholders
of the  Company  as  promptly  as  practicable  after  the  Acceptance  Date and
subsequent to the date on which the SEC has indicated that it has no comments or
no additional  comments with respect to the Proxy  Statement.  The Company shall
include in the Proxy Statement the  recommendation of the Company Board that its
Stockholders  vote in favor of the  approval  of the Merger and the  adoption of
this Agreement.

                     (c) The  Company and  Ferrotec  agree that at the time that
the Proxy  Statement is mailed to the  Stockholders  of the  Company,  the Proxy
Statement  will not include an untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to
state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not misleading.

                     (d) No amendment or supplement to the Proxy  Statement will
be made without the approval of each of the Company and Ferrotec, which approval
will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

         Section 6.8 Stockholders'  Meetings.  As soon as practicable after  the
consummation of the Offer, the Company, acting through the Company Board, shall,
in accordance with applicable law and its Articles of Organization,  as amended,
and for the purpose of considering and taking action upon this Agreement and the
Merger  contemplated  hereby,  duly call,  give  notice of,  convene  and hold a
Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company.  Ferrotec and the Merger Sub
agree to vote or use their  reasonable  best  efforts to cause all of the Shares
owned  beneficially  or of record by them and their  affiliates as of the record
date for the Special Meeting in favor of the Merger at the Special Meeting.


         Section 6.9 Approvals and Consents: Cooperation.

                     (a)  The  parties  hereto  shall  use all  reasonable  best
efforts, and cooperate with each other, to obtain as promptly as practicable all
governmental  and third  party  authorizations,  approvals,  consents or waivers
required in order to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
including, without limitation, the Merger.

                     (b) The  Company,  Merger Sub and  Ferrotec  shall take all
actions necessary to file as soon as practicable all notifications,  filings and
other documents required to obtain all governmental  authorizations,  approvals,
consents or waivers and to respond as promptly as  practicable  to any inquiries
and requests received from the Federal Trade Commission,  the Antitrust Division
of the  Department of Justice and any other  Governmental  Entity for additional
information or documentation in connection therewith.

                     (c) The  Company,  Merger Sub and  Ferrotec  shall keep the
other  apprised  of the  status of matters  relating  to the  completion  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and work  cooperatively  in  connection  with
obtaining governmental  consents,  including,  without limitation:  (i) promptly
notifying the other of, and if in writing,  furnishing  the other with copies of
(or, in the case of material oral communication, advise the other orally of) any
communications  from or with any Governmental  Entity with respect to the Merger
or any of the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement, (ii) permitting
the other party to review and discuss in advance,  and considering in good faith
the views of one  another in  connection  with,  any  proposed  written  (or any
material proposed oral)  communication with any Governmental  Entity,  (iii) not
participating  in any meeting with any  Governmental  Entity  unless it consults
with the other party in advance and to the extent permitted by such Governmental
Entity gives the other party the opportunity to attend and participate  thereat,
(iv) furnishing the other party with copies of all  correspondence,  filings and
communications  (and memoranda  setting forth the substance  thereof) between it
and any Governmental  Entity with respect to this Agreement and the Merger,  and
(v) furnishing the other party with such  necessary  information  and reasonable
assistance as such other party may  reasonably  request in  connection  with its
preparation   of  necessary   filings  or  submissions  of  information  to  any
Governmental  Entity.  The Company and Ferrotec may, as each deems advisable and
necessary, reasonably designate any competitively sensitive material provided to
the other under this Section as "outside  counsel  only." Such materials and the
information  contained  therein shall be given only to the outside legal counsel
of the recipient and will not be disclosed by such outside counsel to employees,
officers, or directors of the recipient unless express permission is obtained in
advance from the source of the materials  (the Company or Ferrotec,  as the case
may be) or its legal counsel.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event such
outside counsel deems that any such material so disclosed to outside counsel has
caused or will cause the failure of the  condition set forth in paragraph (e) of
Annex A hereto,  such outside  counsel shall so notify the  disclosing  party of
such  material  as to the  foregoing  and shall also  notify  the other  parties
hereto,  without disclosing the specific information  concerning the material so
designated as to the foregoing.

                     (d) The Company shall give prompt notice to Ferrotec of the
forgoing  occurrence of any Company Material Adverse Effect,  and Ferrotec shall
give prompt  notice to the Company of the  occurrence  of any Ferrotec  Material
Adverse Effect. Each of the Company and Ferrotec shall give prompt notice to the
other of the occurrence or failure to occur of an event that


would,  or,  with the lapse of time  would,  cause any  condition  contained  in
Article VII not to be satisfied.

         Section 6.10 Further  Assurances.  Each of the parties hereto agrees to
use its best efforts to take,  or cause to be taken,  all action,  and to do, or
cause to be done, all things  necessary,  proper or advisable  under  applicable
laws  and  regulations  to  consummate  and  make  effective  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Offer and the
Merger, which efforts shall include, without limitation, (a) Company, the Merger
Sub and  Ferrotec  using  their  best  efforts  to prevent  any  preliminary  or
permanent  injunction  or other order by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  or
Governmental  Entity relating to consummating the  transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement, including, without limitation, under the antitrust laws, and, if
issued,  to appeal any such  injunction or order through the appellate  court or
body for the  relevant  jurisdiction  and (b)  Company  and the  Merger  Sub and
Ferrotec  using their best efforts to satisfy any  objections of, and accept any
conditions imposed by, any Governmental  Entity,  except where such objection or
condition would have a Company Material Adverse Effect. If at any time after the
Effective  Time any further  action is  necessary  or desirable to carry out the
purposes of this  Agreement,  the parties hereto shall take or cause to be taken
all such necessary  action,  including,  without  limitation,  the execution and
delivery  of  such  further  instruments  and  documents  as may  be  reasonably
requested by the other party for such  purposes or otherwise to  consummate  and
make effective the transactions contemplated hereby.

         Section 6.11 Rights  Agreement;  Stock Options,  Foreign  Subsidiaries.

                      (a) The Company shall take all  necessary  action prior to
the Acceptance  Date to cause the dilution  provisions of the Rights  Agreement,
dated August 3, 1994,  between the Company and American Stock Transfer and Trust
Company (the "Company Rights  Agreement") to be inapplicable to the transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  without any  payment to holders of  preferred
stock  purchase  rights  ("Rights")  issued  pursuant  to  such  Company  Rights

                      (b) Subject to the  provisions of Section 3.2 hereof,  the
Company shall have taken all necessary actions to cause all outstanding  Company
Options to be canceled as of the Acceptance  Date,  against payment  therefor as
provided hereunder.

                      (c) The Company shall use its reasonable  efforts to cause
all of its foreign  subsidiaries  as to which the Company does not own of record
all such entity's  equity to have entered into  agreements as of the  Acceptance
Date to transfer such equity owned by any other person directly to a designee of
Merger Sub.

         Section 6.12 Company Board Representation; Section 14(f).

                      (a) Promptly upon the purchase by the Merger Sub of Shares
pursuant to the Offer, and from time to time thereafter, the Merger Sub shall be
entitled to  designate  up to such number of  directors,  rounded up to the next
whole number,  on the Company Board as shall give the Merger Sub  representation
on the Company  Board equal to the product of the total  number of  directors on
the Company  Board  (giving  effect to the  directors  elected  pursuant to this


multiplied by the percentage  that the aggregate  number of Shares  beneficially
owned by the  Merger Sub or any  affiliate  of the  Merger  Sub  following  such
purchase bears to the total number of Shares then  outstanding,  and the Company
shall,  at such time,  promptly  take all actions  necessary to cause the Merger
Sub's designees to be elected as directors of the Company,  including increasing
the  size of the  Company  Board  or  securing  the  resignations  of  incumbent
directors  or both,  provided  that the  number of  directors  constituting  the
Company Board shall be no less than five.  At such times,  the Company shall use
its best efforts to cause persons designated by the Merger Sub to constitute the
same  percentage  as is on the  Company's  Board  of (i) each  committee  of the
Company Board, (ii) each board of directors of each Company Subsidiary and (iii)
each committee of each such board, in each case only to the extent  permitted by
applicable law.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  in the event that Merger Sub's
designees  are elected to the  Company  Board,  until the  Effective  Time,  the
Company  Board shall have at least two  directors  who are directors on the date
hereof (the  "Independent  Directors");  provided  that, in such events,  if the
number of  Independent  Directors  shall be  reduced  below  two for any  reason
whatsoever,  any remaining  Independent  Directors (or Independent  Director, if
there be only one remaining) shall be entitled to designate persons to fill such
vacancies who shall be deemed to be  Independent  Directors for purposes of this
Agreement or, if no Independent Director then remains, the other directors shall
designate  two  persons to fill such  vacancies  who shall not be  stockholders,
affiliates  or  associates  of Merger Sub and such persons shall be deemed to be
Independent Directors for purposes of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding  anything
in this Agreement to the contrary,  in the event that Merger Sub's designees are
elected  to the  Company  Board,  after the  acceptance  for  payment  of Shares
pursuant to the Offer and prior to the Effective Time, the affirmative vote of a
majority  of the  Independent  Directors  shall  be  required  to (a)  amend  or
terminate this Agreement by the Company,  (b) extend the time for performance of
Ferrotec's or Merger Sub's obligations  hereunder,  or (c) exercise or waive any
of the Company's rights, benefits or remedies hereunder.

                      (b) The Company shall  promptly take all actions  required
pursuant  to  Section  14(f)  of the  Exchange  Act and Rule  14f-1  promulgated
thereunder in order to fulfill its obligations under this Section 6.12 and shall
include in the Schedule 14D-9 such  information  with respect to the Company and
its officers and directors as is required  under Section 14(f) and Rule 14f-1 to
fulfill  such  obligations.  Ferrotec  and the  Merger  Sub shall  supply to the
Company and be solely  responsible for any information with respect to either of
them and their  nominees,  officers,  directors and affiliates  required by such
Section 14(f) and Rule 14f-1.

                      (c) The Company further agrees and  acknowledges  that the
current staggered Company Board and the agreement that the Company maintain such
Board under its charter  documents,  shall not prevent the Company  from causing
the  election to the  Company's  Board of the number of  directors of Merger Sub
provided in this Section 6.12.


                                   ARTICLE VII


         Section 7.1  Conditions  to Each Party's  Obligations.  The  respective
obligation  of  each  party  to  effect  the  Merger  shall  be  subject  to the
satisfaction  (or, if  permissible,  waiver by the party for whose  benefit such
conditions exist) at or prior to the Effective Time of the following conditions:

                      (a) this Agreement and the Merger shall have been approved
and adopted by the requisite majority vote of the Stockholders of the Company in
accordance  with  applicable law and regulatory  requirements  and the Company's
Articles of Organization;

                      (b) the  waiting  period  applicable  under HSR shall have
expired or terminated;

                      (c) no order,  injunction or decree issued by any court or
agency  of  competent  jurisdiction  or other  legal  restraint  or  prohibition
preventing  the  consummation  of the  Merger or any of the  other  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall  be in  effect,  and no  statute,  rule,
regulation,  order,  injunction  or decree  shall  have been  enacted,  entered,
promulgated or enforced by any Governmental Entity which prohibits, restricts or
makes  illegal the  consummation  of the  Merger,  provided,  however,  that the
parties shall have used their best efforts to prevent any such rule, regulation,
injunction,  decree or other  order,  and to appeal as promptly as possible  any
injunction, decree or other order that may be entered;

                      (d) all authorizations,  approvals or consents required to
permit the  consummation  of the Merger shall have been  obtained and be in full
force  and  effect,   except  where  the  failure  to  have  obtained  any  such
authorizations,  approvals  or consents  would not,  individually  and/or in the
aggregate, have a Company Material Adverse Effect;

                      (e) The Merger Sub or its  permitted  assignee  shall have
purchased all Shares  validly  tendered and not withdrawn  pursuant to the Offer
and the Minimum Condition to the Offer has been satisfied.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


         Section 8.1 Termination.  Anything  herein or elsewhere to the contrary
notwithstanding,  this  Agreement may be  terminated  and the Offer (if not then
already  consummated)  and/or the Merger contemplated herein may be abandoned at
any time (the "Termination Date") prior to the Effective Time, whether before or
after Stockholder approval thereof:

                     (a) By the mutual consent of the Company,  Ferrotec and the
Merger Sub.


                     (b) By either of the Company,  on the one hand, or Ferrotec
and the Merger Sub, on the other hand:

                         (i)  if, without any material breach by the terminating
         party of its  obligations  under this  Agreement,  Merger Sub shall not
         have purchased  Shares  pursuant to the Offer on or prior to sixty (60)
         days after the commencement of the Offer (the "Final Expiration Date"),
         provided,  however,  that  neither  Merger  Sub nor the  Company  shall
         terminate this Agreement  prior to February 29, 2000, if all conditions
         to the Offer set forth in Annex A have been satisfied or, to the extent
         permitted,  waived, except that Shares shall not have been purchased by
         Merger  Sub by  reason  of  any  applicable  waiting  period  (and  any
         extension thereof) under the HSR Act in respect to the Offer not having
         expired or been terminated;

                         (ii)  if any Governmental  Entity  shall have issued an
         order, decree or ruling or taken any other action (which order, decree,
         ruling or other action the parties  hereto  shall use their  respective
         reasonable best efforts to lift), in each case permanently restraining,
         enjoining or otherwise  prohibiting  the  transactions  contemplated by
         this  Agreement  and such order,  decree,  ruling or other action shall
         have become final and non-appealable; provided, however, that the party
         seeking  termination  shall have  complied  fully with its  obligations
         under Section 6.9;

                         (iii) if the  Minimum  Condition  shall  not have  been
         satisfied, in which case neither Ferrotec,  Merger Sub nor any of their
         affiliates  shall be  permitted  to accept  for  payment or pay for any
         Shares unless and until the Company shall have provided Merger Sub with
         written  notice stating that the Company is not exercising its right to
         terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.1(b)(iii);

                     (c) By the Company:

                         (i)  if the Company Board shall have (A)  withdrawn, or
         modified or changed in a manner  adverse to Merger Sub its  approval or
         recommendation  of this  Agreement  or the  Merger  and (B)  either (x)
         determined  in  good  faith,  after  consultation  with  its  financial
         advisor, that a third party has submitted to the Company an Acquisition
         Proposal which is a Superior Proposal, or (y) determined in good faith,
         after consultation with its outside legal counsel,  that the failure to
         take  such  action  as set  forth in the  preceding  clause  (A) may be
         inconsistent with the Company Board's fiduciary duties under applicable
         law; or

                         (ii) if Ferrotec or Merger Sub (x) breaches or fails in
         any  material  respect to perform or comply with any of their  material
         covenants  and  agreements  contained  herein  or  (y)  breaches  their
         representations  and warranties in any material respect and such breach
         would  have a  Ferrotec  Material  Adverse  Effect,  in  each  case  in
         connection  with the  termination  of this  Agreement  only  after  the
         Acceptance Date such that the conditions set forth in Section 7.1 would
         not be satisfied;  provided, however, that after the Acceptance Date if
         any such  breach is curable by the  breaching  party,  the  Company may
         terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.l(c)(ii) only after
         the passage of thirty (30) calendar


         days from  written  notification  to  Ferrotec  and  Merger  Sub by the
         Company of such breach,  and provided  further that such breach has not
         been so cured within said thirty-day period, provided however, that the
         Termination Date shall be so delayed (if the Termination Date will have
         occurred prior to the end of said  thirty-day  period) in order to give
         such breaching  party the  opportunity  to cure during said  thirty-day

                     (d) By Ferrotec and the Merger Sub:

                         (i)   if the  Company  (x)  breaches  or  fails  in any
         material  respect  to  perform  or  comply  with  any of  its  material
         covenants  and  agreements   contained   herein  or  (y)  breaches  its
         representations  and  warranties  and such breach  would have a Company
         Material   Adverse  Effect,   in  each  case  in  connection  with  the
         termination of this Agreement only after the Acceptance  Date such that
         the  conditions  set  forth in  Section  7.1  would  not be  satisfied;
         provided, however, that after the Acceptance Date if any such breach is
         curable by the Company,  then Ferrotec or Merger Sub may terminate this
         Agreement pursuant to this Section 8. l(d)(i) only after the passage of
         thirty (30) calendar days from  notification to the Company by Ferrotec
         or Merger Sub of such breach and provided  further that such breach has
         not been so cured within said  thirty-day  period,  provided,  however,
         that the Termination  Date shall be so delayed (if the Termination Date
         will have occurred prior to the end of said thirty-day period) in order
         to give  such  breaching  party the  opportunity  to cure  during  said
         thirty-day period; or

                         (ii)  if  the  Company  Board  shall  have   withdrawn,
         modified or changed in any manner adverse to Merger Sub its approval or
         recommendation   of  this   Agreement  or  the  Merger  or  shall  have
         recommended an Acquisition Proposal involving the Company or shall have
         executed an agreement in principle or definitive  agreement relating to
         an  Acquisition  Proposal  involving  the  Company or similar  business
         combination  with a person  or  entity  other  than  Merger  Sub or its
         affiliates (or the Company Board resolves to do any of the  foregoing),
         provided, however, that prior to terminating this Agreement as a result
         of a third  party  Acquisition  Proposal,  the  Company  shall give the
         Merger Sub telephonic  notice of at least  forty-eight hours in advance
         of such termination,  specifying the terms of such Acquisition Proposal
         by a third party; or

                         (iii) if for any five consecutive trading days prior to
         the Effective Time the Dow Jones Industrial  Average shall be less than
         6,500 on each of such days; or

                         (iv)  if  due  to an  occurrence  or  circumstance that
         would result in a  failure  to  satisfy  any  condition  set   forth in
         Annex A hereto,  the Merger Sub shall have failed to commence the Offer
         on or prior to five days following the initial public  announcement  of
         this Agreement.

         Section 8.2 Effect of Termination.

                     (a) In the event of the  termination  of this  Agreement as
         provided in Section 8.1,  written  notice  thereof  shall  forthwith be
         given to the other party or parties  specifying


the  provision  hereof  pursuant  to which such  termination  is made,  and this
Agreement shall forthwith  become null and void, and there shall be no liability
on the  part  of  Ferrotec,  Merger  Sub  or the  Company  or  their  respective
directors,  officers,  employees,  stockholders,   representatives,   agents  or
advisors, other than, with respect to Ferrotec,  Merger Sub and the Company, the
obligations  pursuant to this Section 8.2,  Article IX and the last  sentence of
Section  6.2.  Nothing  contained in this  Section 8.2 shall  relieve  Ferrotec,
Merger Sub or the Company  from  liability  for fraud or willful  breach of this

                      (b) If this Agreement is terminated:

                          (A) by the Company pursuant to Section 8. l(c)(i), or

                          (B) by  Ferrotec  and  Merger Sub  pursuant to Section

then at the time of  termination  with respect to (A) or (B) above,  the Company
shall pay the Merger Sub an amount equal to $3,000,000 in cash (the  "Liquidated
Amount").  The parties  hereto hereby agree that, in light of the  difficulty of
accurately  determining  actual damages with respect to any  termination of this
Agreement pursuant to Sections  8.1(c)(i) or 8.1(d)(ii),  said Liquidated Amount
represents  the parties  reasonable  estimate of said damages.  Said  Liquidated
Amount is not meant nor  should  it be  deemed as a  penalty,  but  rather as an
attempt by the parties to quantify  the amount of damages  sustained by Ferrotec
and Merger Sub if the transaction is not  contemplated.  Ferrotec and Merger Sub
hereto  expressly  acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to any termination
of this  Agreement  pursuant to Sections  8.1(c)(i) or  8.1(d)(ii)  hereof,  the
Liquidated  Amount shall  constitute the sole and exclusive  remedy available to
Ferrotec  and  Merger  Sub.  Except for  nonpayment  of the  Liquidated  Amount,
Ferrotec,  Merger Sub and the Company hereby agree that, upon any termination of
this Agreement  pursuant to Sections 8.1(c)(i) or 8.1(d)(ii) hereof, in no event
shall  Ferrotec or Merger Sub be  entitled to seek or to obtain any  recovery or
judgment against the Company or any of the Company  Subsidiaries or any of their
respective  assets,  or against  any of their  respective  directors,  officers,
employees,  partners,  managers, members or stockholders,  and in no event shall
Ferrotec or Merger Sub be  entitled  to seek or obtain any other  damages of any
kind,  including,  without  limitation,   consequential,  indirect  or  punitive

                     (c) The  obligations of the Company,  Ferrotec,  and Merger
Sub under this Section 8.2 shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE IX


         Section 9.1 Amendment and Modification. Subject to applicable law, this
Agreement  may be amended,  modified and  supplemented  in any and all respects,
whether before or after any vote of the Stockholders of the Company contemplated
hereby,  by written  agreement of the parties  hereto,  by action taken by their
respective  Boards of  Directors,  at any time  prior to the  Closing  Date with
respect to any of the terms contained herein; provided,  however, that after the
approval  of  this


Agreement by the Stockholders of the Company, no such amendment, modification or
supplement shall reduce or change the Cash Consideration or adversely affect the
rights of the  Company's  Stockholders  hereunder  without the  approval of such

         Section 9.2 Nonsurvival of Representations and Warranties.  None of the
representations and warranties in this Agreement or in any schedule,  instrument
or other  document  delivered  pursuant  to this  Agreement  shall  survive  the
Effective Time or the termination of this Agreement.  This Section 9.2 shall not
limit any covenant or agreement  contained in this Agreement  which by its terms
contemplates   performance   after  the  Effective  Time,   including,   without
limitation,  those made in Sections  6.3, 6.6, 8.2, the last sentence of Section
6.2 and this Article IX.

         Section 9.3  Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder
shall  be in  writing  and  shall  be  deemed  given  if  delivered  personally,
telecopied  (which is  confirmed)  or one  business  day after  being sent by an
overnight courier service,  such as Federal Express,  for next day delivery,  to
the parties at the following  addresses (or at such other address for a party as
shall be specified by like notice):

                           (a)    if to Ferrotec, to:

                           Ferrotec Corporation
                           5-24-8, Higashi-Ueno
                           Tokyo, Japan 110-0015
                           Telephone No.: 011-81-33-845-1032
                           Telecopy No.:   011-81-33-845-1019
                           Attention: Mr. Akira Yamamura, President
                                          and Chief Executive Officer

                           with a copy to:

                           Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A.
                           One Southeast Third Avenue
                           28th Floor
                           Miami, Florida  33131-1714
                           Telephone No.:   (305) 374-5600
                           Telecopy No.:    (305) 374-5095
                           Attention:       Alan H. Aronson, Esquire

                           (b)    if to Merger Sub, to:

                           c/o Ferrotec Corporation
                           5-24-8, Higashi-Ueno
                           Tokyo, Japan 110-0015
                           Telephone No.:   011-81-33-845-1032
                           Telecopy No.:     011-81-33-845-1019
                           Attention:       Mr. Akira Yamamura, President
                                             and Chief Executive Officer


                    with a copy to:

                    Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A.
                    One Southeast Third Avenue
                    28th Floor
                    Miami, Florida  33131-1714
                    Telephone No.:   (305) 374-5600
                    Telecopy No.:    (305) 374-5095
                    Attention:       Alan H. Aronson, Esquire


                    (c)     if to the Company, to:

                    Ferrofluidics Corporation
                    40 Simon Street
                    Nashua, New Hampshire  03061
                    Telephone No.:   (603) 883-9800
                    Telecopy No.:    (603) 883-1213
                    Attention:       Paul F. Avery, Jr., Chief Executive Officer

                    with a copy to:

                    Goodwin, Procter & Hoar LLP
                    Exchange Place
                    Boston, MA 02109
                    Telephone No.:   (617) 570-1000
                    Telecopy No.:    (617) 523-1231
                    Attention:       Stuart M. Cable, P.C.
                                     James A. Matarese, Esq.

         Section 9.4 Interpretation. The words "hereof", "herein" and "herewith"
and words of similar  import shall,  unless  otherwise  stated,  be construed to
refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any  particular  provision of this
Agreement, and article, section, paragraph,  exhibit and schedule references are
to the articles, sections, paragraphs,  exhibits and schedules of this Agreement
unless  otherwise  specified.  The  word  "or"  shall be  construed  to refer to
"and/or."  Whenever the words  "include",  "includes" or "including" are used in
this  Agreement  they  shall be deemed  to be  followed  by the  words  "without
limitation".  The word  describing the singular  number shall include the plural
and vice versa,  and words  denoting  any gender  shall  include all genders and
words denoting  natural persons shall include  corporations and partnerships and
vice versa.  The phrase "to the knowledge  of" or "to the best  knowledge of" or
any similar phrase shall mean such facts and


other  information  which as of the date of this Agreement are actually known by
any  officer of the  referenced  party who  currently  files Forms 4 pursuant to
Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act. The phrase "made available" in this Agreement
shall mean that the information referred to has been made available to the other
party. The phrases "the date of this Agreement",  "the date hereof" and terms of
similar import, unless the context otherwise requires,  shall be deemed to refer
to October 20, 1999.  As used in this  Agreement,  the term  "affiliate(s)"shall
have the meaning set forth in Rule 12b-2 of the  Exchange  Act. The parties have
participated  jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement.  In the
event an  ambiguity  or  question  of  intent  or  interpretation  arises,  this
Agreement  shall be  construed  as if  drafted  jointly  by the  parties  and no
presumption or burden of proof shall arise favoring or disfavoring  any party by
virtue of the authorship of any provisions of this Agreement.

         Section 9.5 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  all of which shall be considered  one and the same  agreement and
shall become effective when two or more counterparts have been signed by each of
the parties and delivered to the other  parties,  it being  understood  that all
parties need not sign the same counterpart.

         Section 9.6 Entire   Agreement:   Third   Party   Beneficiaries.   This
Agreement,  the Annex and  Exhibits  hereto  (including  the Company  Disclosure
Letter and the Merger Sub Disclosure Letter), and the Confidentiality  Agreement
(including  the  documents and the  instruments  referred to herein and therein)
constitute  the  entire   agreement  and  supersede  all  prior  agreements  and
understandings,   including,   without   limitation,   all  representations  and
warranties  made by the parties in connection  herewith,  both written and oral,
among the parties  with respect to the subject  matter  hereof.  This  Agreement
shall be binding upon and inure solely to the benefit of each party hereto,  and
nothing in this Agreement,  express or implied, is intended or shall confer upon
any other person any right,  benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or
by reason  of this  Agreement,  except  that  Sections  6.3 and 6.6  hereof  are
intended  to be for the  benefit  of those  persons  described  therein  and the
covenants and agreements contained therein may be enforced by such persons.

         Section 9.7 Severability.   If  any   term,   provision,   covenant  or
restriction  of this Agreement is held by a court of competent  jurisdiction  or
other  authority to be invalid,  void,  unenforceable  or against its regulatory
policy,  the remainder of the terms,  provisions,  covenants and restrictions of
this  Agreement  shall  remain in full  force and  effect and shall in no way be
affected, impaired or invalidated.

         Section 9.8 Governing Law.

                     (a) This  Agreement  shall be  governed  and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Delaware  without giving effect to the
principles of conflicts of law thereof or of any other jurisdiction.

                     (b) Each of the  parties  hereto  (i)  consents  to  submit
itself to the personal jurisdiction of any Federal court located in the State of
Delaware or the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts or any Delaware or Massachusetts
state court in the event any dispute  arises out of this Agreement or any of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby, (ii) agrees that it will not attempt to deny
or defeat such personal  jurisdiction  by motion or other request for leave from
any such court


and (iii) agrees that it will not bring any action relating to this Agreement or
any of the transactions contemplated hereby in any court other than a Federal or
state court sitting in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or State of Delaware.

         Section  9.9  Specific   Performance.   Each  of  the  parties   hereto
acknowledges and agrees that in the event of any breach of this Agreement,  each
non-breaching party would be irreparably and immediately harmed and could not be
made whole by monetary damages. It is accordingly agreed that the parties hereto
(a) will waive, in any action for specific performance,  the defense of adequacy
of a remedy at law and (b) shall be entitled, in addition to any other remedy to
which they may be entitled at law or in equity,  to compel specific  performance
of this Agreement in any action instituted in a court of competent jurisdiction.

         Section 9.10  Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,
interests  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be  assigned  by any of the parties
hereto  (whether by operation of law, or  otherwise)  without the prior  written
consent of the other parties.  Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement
will be binding upon,  inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties
and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

         Section  9.11 Expenses.  Except  as set forth in Section 8.2, all costs
and expenses  incurred in connection with this Agreement and the consummation of
the transactions  contemplated  hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such
costs and expenses,  whether or not any of the transactions  contemplated hereby
is consummated.

         Section 9.12  Headings.  Headings  of the Articles and Sections of this
Agreement  are for  convenience  of the  parties  only,  and  shall  be given no
substantive or interpretative effect whatsoever.

         Section 9.13  Waivers. Except as otherwise  provided in this Agreement,
any  failure of any of the  parties  to comply  with any  obligation,  covenant,
agreement or condition  herein may be waived by the party or parties entitled to
the benefits thereof only by a written  instrument  signed by the party granting
such waiver,  but such waiver or failure to insist upon strict  compliance  with
such obligation,  covenant, agreement or condition shall not operate as a waiver
of, or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure.

         Section 9.14  No Agreement Until Executed. Irrespective of negotiations
among the parties or the exchanging of drafts of this Agreement,  this Agreement
shall not constitute or be deemed to evidence a contract, agreement, arrangement
or understanding among the parties hereto unless and until (i) the Company Board
has  approved,  for  purposes  of  Chapter  110F of the MBCL and any  applicable
provision of the Articles of Organization, the terms of this Agreement, (ii) the
Board of Directors of Ferrotec  has  approved the terms of this  Agreement,  and
(iii) this Agreement is executed by the parties thereto.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Ferrotec,  the Merger  Sub and the  Company  have
caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective  officers  thereunto duly
authorized as of the date first written above.

                                     FERROFLUIDICS CORPORATION

                                     By:  /s/ Paul F. Avery, Jr.
                                          Name:   Paul F. Avery, Jr.
                                          Title:  President and CEO

                                     By:  /s/ William B. Ford
                                          Name:   William B. Ford
                                          Title:  Treasurer

                                     FERROTEC ACQUISITION, INC.

                                     By:  /s/ Richard R. Cesati II
                                          Name:   Richard R. Cesati II
                                          Title:  President

                                     By:  /s/ Akira Yamamura
                                          Name:   Akira Yamamura
                                          Title:  Treasurer

                                     FERROTEC CORPORATION

                                     By:  /s/ Nozomu Yamamoto
                                          Name:   Nozomu Yamamoto
                                          Title:  Executive Director


                                                                         ANNEX A

                             CONDITIONS TO THE OFFER

         Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of the Offer and subject to Rule
14e-1(c) of the  Exchange Act and Section 1.1 of the  Agreement,  the Merger Sub
shall not be  required  to accept for  payment  or pay for any  Shares  tendered
pursuant to the Offer,  and may (A) postpone the  acceptance  for payment of and
payment for Shares  tendered,  if (i) the Minimum  Condition shall not have been
satisfied  as of the  Expiration  Date or  Final  Expiration  Date,  or (ii) any
applicable  waiting  period under HSR shall not have expired or been  terminated
prior to the Expiration Date or Final Expiration Date, or (B) terminate or amend
the Offer or  postpone  the  acceptance  for  payment of and  payment for Shares
tendered if at any time on or after the date of this Agreement, and prior to the
Expiration Date or Final Expiration Date, any of the following  conditions shall
exist  which,  in the sole  judgment  of the Merger  Sub in any such  case,  and
regardless of the circumstances  (including any action or inaction by Merger Sub
or  any  of  its  affiliates)  giving  rise  to any  such  condition,  makes  it
inadvisable to proceed with such acceptance for payment or payment:

         (a) there  shall  have been  instituted  or be  pending  any  action or
proceeding  before  any  court or  governmental,  administrative  or  regulatory
authority or agency,  domestic or foreign,  (i)  challenging  or seeking to make
illegal,  materially delaying or otherwise directly or indirectly restraining or
prohibiting  the making of the Offer,  the acceptance for payment of, or payment
for, any Shares by Ferrotec,  the Merger Sub or any other  affiliate of Ferrotec
or the  Merger Sub or the  consummation  of any other  transaction  contemplated
hereby or thereby,  or seeking to obtain material damages in connection with any
transaction  contemplated  hereby or thereby;  (ii) seeking to prohibit or limit
materially  the ownership or operation by the Company,  Ferrotec,  Merger Sub or
any of their  subsidiaries  of all or any  material  portion of the  business or
assets of the Company, Ferrotec, Merger Sub or any of their subsidiaries,  or to
compel the  Company,  Merger Sub or any of their  subsidiaries  to dispose of or
hold  separate  all or any  material  portion of the  business  or assets of the
Company,  Ferrotec, Merger Sub or any of their subsidiaries,  as a result of the
transactions contemplated hereby; (iii) seeking to impose or confirm limitations
on the ability of Ferrotec,  the Merger Sub or any other affiliate of Merger Sub
to exercise  effectively  full  rights of  ownership  of any Shares,  including,
without  limitation,  the right to vote any  Shares  acquired  by the Merger Sub
pursuant to the Offer or  otherwise  on all matters  properly  presented  to the
Company's Stockholders, including, without limitation, the approval and adoption
of this  Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby;  (iv) seeking to
require divestiture by the Ferrotec, Merger Sub or any other affiliate of Merger
Sub of any Shares; or (v) with respect to any such action or proceeding relating
to this Agreement,  the Merger, the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
or the  announcement  thereof,  which otherwise has a Company  Material  Adverse
Effect or Ferrotec Material Adverse Effect; or

         (b) there  shall  have been any action  taken,  or any  statute,  rule,
regulation, legislation,  interpretation, judgment, order or injunction enacted,
entered,  enforced,  promulgated,  amended,  issued or deemed  applicable to (i)
Ferrotec,  Merger Sub, the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate of the Merger
Sub  or  the  Company  or  (ii)  any  transaction  contemplated  hereby,  by any
legislative   body,  court,   government  or  governmental,   administrative  or
regulatory  authority  or agency,  domestic or  foreign,  other than the routine
application of the waiting period  provisions of HSR to


the Offer or the  Merger,  which is  reasonably  likely to result,  directly  or
indirectly, in any of the consequences referred to in clauses (i) through (v) of
paragraph (a) above; or

         (c) there  shall  have  occurred  after the date of the  Agreement  any
change, condition,  event or development that has had a Company Material Adverse
Effect,  provided,  however,  that (i) no event, change or effect that primarily
results  from  this  Agreement,  the  Merger,  the  Offer  and the  transactions
contemplated  thereby  or the  announcement  thereof,  (ii) no event,  change or
effect  generally  affecting the  industries in which the Company  operates,  or
(iii) no event,  change or effect  related to a general  drop in stock prices in
the United States resulting from political or economic turmoil,  shall be deemed
to cause either  individually  or in the  aggregate a Company  Material  Adverse
Effect; or

         (d) there shall have  occurred  after the date of the Agreement (i) any
general  suspension  of,  trading in  securities on NASDAQ for the Company for a
period in excess of 24 hours  (excluding  suspensions or  limitations  resulting
solely from physical  damage or  interference  with such exchange not related to
market conditions), (ii) a declaration of a banking moratorium or any suspension
of payments in respect of banks in the United States,  Japan,  or Canada,  (iii)
any limitation  (whether or not  mandatory) by any  government or  governmental,
administrative or regulatory  authority or agency,  domestic or foreign,  on, or
other event that,  in the  reasonable  judgment of the Merger Sub, is reasonably
likely to materially  adversely affect the extension of credit by banks or other
lending  institutions,  (iv) a declaration of war or armed hostilities by either
the United States or Japan or (v) in the case of any of the  foregoing  existing
on the date hereof, a material acceleration or worsening thereof; or

         (e) the  Company  (x)  breaches  or fails in any  material  respect  to
perform or comply with any of its material covenants and agreements contained in
the Agreement or (y) breaches its representations and warranties and such breach
would have a Company Material Adverse Effect; or

         (f) the Company Board shall have withdrawn,  modified or changed in any
manner adverse to Ferrotec or Merger Sub its approval or  recommendation of this
Agreement  or the  Merger or shall  have  recommended  an  Acquisition  Proposal
involving  the  Company or shall have  executed an  agreement  in  principle  or
definitive  agreement relating to an Acquisition  Proposal involving the Company
or similar  business  combination  with a person or entity other than  Ferrotec,
Merger Sub or its  affiliates  (or the Company  Board  resolves to do any of the
foregoing); or

         (g) this Agreement  shall have been  terminated in accordance  with its
terms; or

         (h)  Ferrotec,  the Merger  Sub and the  Company  shall have  agreed in
writing that the Merger Sub shall terminate the Offer or postpone the acceptance
for payment of or payment for Shares thereunder.

         Except as provided  below,  the foregoing  conditions  are for the sole
benefit of the  Ferrotec  and Merger Sub and may be asserted by Ferrotec and the
Merger Sub regardless of the circumstances  giving rise to any such condition or
may be waived by Ferrotec and the Merger Sub in whole or in part at any time and
from time to time in its sole discretion.  The failure by Ferrotec or Merger Sub
at any time to exercise any of the foregoing rights shall not be deemed a waiver
of any such right;


the  waiver  of any such  right  with  respect  to  particular  facts  and other
circumstances  shall not be deemed a waiver with  respect to any other facts and
circumstances;  and each such right shall be deemed an ongoing right that may be
asserted  at any time and from  time to time.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the
contrary  provided in the Agreement or this Annex A, neither Ferrotec nor Merger
Sub shall be  permitted  to waive the  Minimum  Condition  without  the  written
consent of the Company.


                                                                         ANNEX B

October 14, 1999

Board of Directors
Ferrofluidics Corporation
40 Simon Street
Nashua, NH  03061

Members of the Board:

         Ferrofluidics  Corporation   ("Ferrofluidics"  or  the  "Company")  and
Ferrotec  Corporation  ("Ferrotec")  are expected to enter into an Agreement and
Plan  of  Merger  (the  "Agreement"),   whereby  a  newly  created  wholly-owned
subsidiary of Ferrotec  ("Merger  Subsidiary") will offer to purchase all of the
issued and outstanding shares of Ferrofluidics  common stock for $6.50 per share
(the "Tender Offer").  Subsequent to the completion of the Tender Offer,  Merger
Subsidiary  will be  merged  with and into  Ferrotec  (the  "Merger"),  and each
outstanding  share of  Ferrofluidics  common  stock that was not acquired in the
Tender  Offer will be  converted  into the right to receive  $6.50 in cash.  The
Merger  and  the  Tender  Offer  together  comprise  the  "Transaction."  At the
completion of the Transaction,  Ferrofluidics will be a wholly-owned  subsidiary
of Ferrotec.

         You have asked us, Advest,  Inc.  ("Advest"),  whether, in our opinion,
the cash  consideration  to be received by  Ferrofluidics  stockholders is fair,
from a financial point of view, to the Company and its stockholders.

         Advest, as part of its investment banking business is regularly engaged
in the valuation of businesses and their  securities in connection  with mergers
and  acquisitions,   private  placements  of  equity  and  debt  and  negotiated

         In  arriving  at our  opinion  set forth  below,  we have,  among other
things, reviewed:

i)       the draft  Agreement and Plan of Merger with comments dated October 12,

ii)      the  Company's  Forms  10-K for the  years  1996  through  1999 and the
         Company's Forms 10-Q for the quarters ended December 26, 1998 and March
         27, 1999;

iii)     comparative  financial and operating  data for companies  identified as
         similar to Ferrofluidics;

iv)      the  pricing and  financial  terms of  business  acquisitions  recently
         effected involving companies similar to Ferrofluidics;

Board of Directors                     -2-                      October 14, 1999

v)       operating projections for Ferrofluidics prepared by senior management;

vi)      the  financial  condition,  businesses,  and  prospects  of the Company
         through discussions with members of senior management of Ferrofluidics;

vii)     such other financial studies and analyses as we deemed necessary.

         We have,  among other  things,  performed  the  following  analyses and
investigations:  (i) we compared  the proposed  purchase  price per share to the
trading  range of  Ferrofluidics'  common  stock;  (ii) we compared the proposed
purchase  price and its implied ratios to sales,  earnings,  book value and cash
flow  ("multiples") to the same multiples  calculated from current public market
valuations of publicly traded companies deemed similar to the Company;  (iii) we
compared the proposed purchase price and its implied multiples of sales and cash
flow to the same multiples as calculated from  valuations  established in recent
transactions  of companies  deemed similar to the Company;  (iv) we analyzed and
compared the proposed  purchase price to the value of estimated future free cash
flows  discounted to their  current  value;  and (v) we analyzed  Ferrofluidics'
historical  trading  activity,  including  volume  and price  relationships.  In
addition,  we performed  such other  analysis and  investigations  and took into
account such other matters and information as we deemed necessary.

         Advest  has   provided   certain   investment   banking   services   to
Ferrofluidics in the past and has received fees for rendering these services. As
part of this engagement, the Company has agreed to pay Advest a fee for delivery
of this opinion letter.

         In  preparing  this  opinion,  we  have  relied  on  the  accuracy  and
completeness  of all  information  supplied or otherwise made available to us by
the Company, and we have not independently  verified such information,  nor have
we  undertaken  an  independent  appraisal of the assets or  liabilities  of the
Company.  This opinion is necessarily based upon circumstances and conditions as
they exist and can be evaluated by us as of the date of this letter. Our opinion
is directed to the Board of Directors of Ferrofluidics and does not constitute a
recommendation  of any kind to any  stockholder of  Ferrofluidics  as to whether
such stockholder  should tender his or her stock in the Tender Offer or how such
stockholder  should vote at the  stockholders'  meeting to be held in connection
with the Merger.  We have  assumed for  purposes of this opinion that there have
been no material  changes in the  financial  condition  of the Company  from the
conditions disclosed in the Company's financial reports.

         Advest will consent to a  description  and inclusion of this opinion in
documents  issued with regard to this transaction and to references to Advest in
such documents, provided that any such description and references are reasonably
acceptable to Advest. Except as otherwise provided above, this opinion is solely
for the use and benefit of the Company  and shall not be  disclosed  publicly or

Board of Directors                     -3-                      October 14, 1999

made  available to third  parties  without the prior  approval of Advest,  which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

         In reliance upon and subject to the foregoing,  it is our opinion that,
as of the date hereof,  the cash consideration of $6.50 per share to be received
by the Company's stockholders in the Transaction is fair, from a financial point
of view, to the Company and its stockholders.

                                                     Very truly yours,
                                                     ADVEST, INC.

                                                     By:      Rex H. Green
                                                              Managing Director

                                                                         ANNEX C

                             SECTIONS 86 THROUGH 98
                                     OF THE



         If a  corporation  proposes to take a corporate  action as to which any
         section of this chapter provides that a stockholder who objects to such
         action  shall  have the right to demand  payment  for his shares and an
         appraisal thereof,  sections  eighty-seven to ninety-eight,  inclusive,
         shall apply except as otherwise specifically provided in any section of
         this   chapter.   Except  as  provided  in  sections   eighty-two   and
         eighty-three,  no stockholder shall have such right unless (i) he files
         with the corporation  before the taking of the vote of the stockholders
         on such  corporate  action,  written  objection to the proposed  action
         stating that he intends to demand  payment for his shares if the action
         is taken  and (2) his  shares  are not  voted in favor of the  proposed

                  MEETING; FORM

         The notice of the meeting of stockholders at which the approval of such
         proposed  action is to be  considered  shall contain a statement of the
         rights of objecting  stockholders.  The giving of such notice shall not
         be deemed to create any rights in any stockholder receiving the same to
         demand  payment for his stock,  and the  directors  may  authorize  the
         inclusion  in  any  such  notice  of a  statement  of  opinion  by  the
         management  as to the  existence or  non-existence  of the right of the
         stockholders  to demand  payment  for  their  stock on  account  of the
         proposed  corporate  action.  The  notice  may be in  such  form as the
         directors  or  officers  calling the meeting  deem  advisable,  but the
         following  form of  notice  shall be  sufficient  to  comply  with this

              "If the action  proposed is approved  by the  stockholders  at the
              meeting and effected by the  corporation,  any stockholder (1) who
              files  with the  corporation  before the taking of the vote on the
              approval of such action,  written objection to the proposed action
              stating  that he intends to demand  payment  for his shares if the
              action  is taken and (2)  whose  shares  are not voted in favor of
              such  action has or may have the right to demand in  writing  from
              the corporation (or, in the case of a consolidation or merger, the
              name of the resulting or surviving corporation shall be inserted),
              within  twenty  days after the date of mailing to him of notice in
              writing that the corporate  action has become  effective,  payment
              for  his  shares  and an  appraisal  of the  value  thereof.  Such
              corporation and any such stockholder  shall in such cases have the
              rights  and duties and shall  follow  the  procedure  set forth in
              sections 88 to 98, inclusive,  of chapter 156B of the General Laws
              of Massachusetts."



         The  corporation  taking  such  action,  or in the case of a merger  or
         consolidation the surviving or resulting corporation, shall, within ten
         days after the date on which such  corporate  action became  effective,
         notify  each  stockholder  who filed a written  objection  meeting  the
         requirements  of section  eighty-six and whose shares were not voted in
         favor of the approval of such action,  that the action  approved at the
         meeting  of the  corporation  of which he is a  stockholder  has become
         effective.  The giving of such notice shall not be deemed to create any
         rights in any stockholder  receiving the same to demand payment for his
         stock.  The  notice  shall be sent by  registered  or  certified  mail,
         addressed to the stockholder at his last known address as it appears in
         the records of the corporation.


         If within  twenty  days  after the date of  mailing  of a notice  under
         subsection  (e)  of  section  eighty-two,  subsection  (f)  of  section
         eighty-three,  or section  eighty-eight,  any  stockholder  to whom the
         corporation  was  required to give such notice  shall demand in writing
         from  the  corporation  taking  such  action,  or  in  the  case  of  a
         consolidation  or merger from the  resulting or surviving  corporation,
         payment for his stock,  the corporation  upon which such demand is made
         shall pay to him the fair value of his stock  within  thirty days after
         the expiration of the period during which such demand may be made.


         If during the period of thirty days provided for in section eighty-nine
         the  corporation  upon which such demand is made and any such objecting
         stockholder  fail  to  agree  as to  the  value  of  such  stock,  such
         corporation  or any such  stockholder  may within four months after the
         expiration  of such  thirty-day  period demand a  determination  of the
         value  of the  stock of all such  objecting  stockholders  by a bill in
         equity filed in the superior court in the county where the  corporation
         in which such objecting stockholder held stock had or has its principal
         office in the commonwealth.


         If the bill is  filed  by the  corporation  it  shall  name as  parties
         respondent all  stockholders who have demanded payment for their shares
         and with whom the corporation has not reached agreement as to the value
         thereof. If the bill is filed by a stockholder, he shall bring the bill
         in his own  behalf  and in behalf of all  other  stockholders  who have
         demanded payment for their shares and with whom the corporation has not
         reached  agreement  as to the value  thereof,  and  service of the bill
         shall be made upon the  corporation by subpoena with a copy of the bill
         annexed.  The  corporation  shall file with its answer a duly  verified
         list of all  such  other  stockholders,  and  such  stockholders  shall
         thereupon  be deemed to have been  added as  parties  to the bill.  The
         corporation  shall give notice in such form and returnable on such date
         as the  court  shall  order  to each  stockholder  party to the bill by
         registered  or certified  mail,  addressed to the last known address of
         such  stockholder as shown in the records of the


         corporation,  and  the  court  may  order  such  additional  notice  by
         publication or otherwise as it deems  advisable.  Each  stockholder who
         makes demand as provided in section eighty-nine shall be deemed to have
         consented to the provisions of this section relating to notice, and the
         giving  of  notice  by the  corporation  to  any  such  stockholder  in
         compliance with the order of the court shall be a sufficient service of
         process on him. Failure to give notice to any stockholder making demand
         shall not invalidate the  proceedings as to other  stockholders to whom
         notice was  properly  given,  and the court may at any time  before the
         entry of a final decree make supplementary orders of notice.


         After hearing the court shall enter a decree determining the fair value
         of the stock of those  stockholders  who have  become  entitled  to the
         valuation  of and  payment  for  their  shares,  and  shall  order  the
         corporation to make payment of such value,  together with interest,  if
         any, as hereinafter provided, to the stockholders entitled thereto upon
         the  transfer  by  them  to  the   corporation   of  the   certificates
         representing  such stock if certificated  or, if  uncertificated,  upon
         receipt of an instruction  transferring  such stock to the corporation.
         For this purpose, the value of the shares shall be determined as of the
         day  preceding the date of the vote  approving  the proposed  corporate
         action and shall be exclusive of any element of value  arising from the
         expectation or accomplishment of the proposed corporate action.


         The court in its discretion may refer the bill or any question  arising
         thereunder to a special  master to hear the parties,  make findings and
         report the same to the court, all in accordance with the usual practice
         in suits in equity in the superior court.


         On motion the court may order stockholder parties to the bill to submit
         their certificates of stock to the corporation for the notation thereon
         of the pendency of the bill and may order the  corporation to note such
         pendency in its records with respect to any uncertificated  shares held
         by such stockholder  parties,  and may on motion dismiss the bill as to
         any stockholder who fails to comply with such order.

Section 95.       COSTS; INTEREST

         The  costs of the  bill,  including  the  reasonable  compensation  and
         expenses of any master appointed by the court, but exclusive of fees of
         counsel or of experts retained by any party, shall be determined by the
         court and taxed upon the parties to the bill,  or any of them,  in such
         manner as  appears  to be  equitable,  except  that all costs of giving
         notice to stockholders as provided in this chapter shall be paid by the
         corporation. Interest shall be paid upon any award from the date of the
         vote  approving  the proposed  corporate  action,  and the court may on
         application of any interested party determine the amount of interest to
         be paid in the case of any stockholder.



         Any stockholder  who has demanded  payment for his stock as provided in
         this chapter shall not  thereafter be entitled to notice of any meeting
         of  stockholders or to vote such stock for any purpose and shall not be
         entitled to the payment of dividends or other distribution on the stock
         (except  dividends or other  distributions  payable to  stockholders of
         record at a date which is prior to the date of the vote  approving  the
         proposed corporate action) unless:

         (1)      A bill shall not be filed within the time  provided in section

         (2)      A bill, if filed,  shall be dismissed as to such  stockholder;

         (3)      Such  stockholder  shall  with  the  written  approval  of the
                  corporation,  or in the case of a consolidation or merger, the
                  resulting  or surviving  corporation,  deliver to it a written
                  withdrawal  of his  objections  to and an  acceptance  of such
                  corporate action.

         Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses (1) to (3),  inclusive,  said
         stockholder  shall have only the rights of a stockholder who did not so
         demand payment for his stock as provided in this chapter.


         The shares of the corporation  paid for by the corporation  pursuant to
         the provisions of this chapter shall have the status of treasury stock,
         or in  the  case  of a  consolidation  or  merger  the  shares  or  the
         securities  of the  resulting or surviving  corporation  into which the
         shares of such objecting  stockholder  would have been converted had he
         not objected to such  consolidation  or merger shall have the status of
         treasury stock or securities.


         The  enforcement by a stockholder  of his right to receive  payment for
         his shares in the manner provided in this chapter shall be an exclusive
         remedy  except  that this  chapter  shall not exclude the right of such
         stockholder  to bring or maintain an  appropriate  proceeding to obtain
         relief on the ground that such  corporate  action will be or is illegal
         or fraudulent as to him.