Exhibit 10.19
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                             SUBURBAN PROPANE, L.P.
                           LONG TERM INCENTIVE PROGRAM

               (As Amended and Restated Effective October 1, 1999)

               (As Amended and Restated Effective October 1, 1999)

                                    ARTICLE I

                              PURPOSE AND APPROVAL

     The purpose of this Plan is to strengthen Suburban Propane Partners,  L.P.,
Suburban Propane, L.P., and their affiliates (collectively,  the "Partnership"),
by providing an incentive to certain Participants (as hereinafter defined),  and
thereby  encouraging  them to devote their abilities and industry to the success
of the  Partnership's  business  enterprise  in such a manner as to maximize the
Partnership's  value and ability to pay  distributions  to holders of its Common
Units.  It is intended  that this  purpose be achieved by  extending  to certain
Participants  an  added  long-term   incentive  for  continued  service  to  the
Partnership,  and for high  levels of  performance  and  unusual  efforts  which
enhance the Partnership's  value by offering  incentives to effect such results.
This Plan is an amendment and  restatement  of the Suburban  Propane,  L.P. Long
Term Incentive Plan that was originally  adopted  effective October 1, 1997. The
effective date of this amendment and restatement is October 1, 1999.

                                   ARTICLE II


     For  purposes  of this Plan,  capitalized  terms  shall have the  following

          2.1   "AWARD" means a cash amount earned by a Participant  pursuant to
     Section 5.

          2.2   "BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP"  means as that  term is used  within  the
     meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
     1934, as amended.

          2.3   "BENEFICIARY"  means a  Participant's  beneficiary  pursuant  to
     Section 10.

          2.4   "BOARD" means  the  Board of  Supervisors  of  Suburban  Propane
     Partners, L.P.

          2.5   "CAPITAL EXPENDITURES" shall have the same meaning as  such term
     is reported in the Partnership's consolidated financial statements for each
     quarterly  period  filed on Form 10-Q or Annual  Report  filed on Form 10-Q
     with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          2.6   "CAUSE" means (a) a Participant's  gross  negligence  or willful
     misconduct in the performance of his duties, (b) a Participant's willful or
     grossly  negligent  failure  to  perform  his  duties,  (c) the breach by a
     Participant  of any written  covenants to the  Partnership,  (d) dishonest,
     fraudulent  or  unlawful  behavior  by a  Participant  (whether  or  not in
     conjunction with employment) or a Participant  being subject to a judgment,
     order or decree (by consent or otherwise) by any governmental or regulatory
     authority which  restricts his ability to engage in the business  conducted
     by the Partnership,  or any of their affiliates, or (e) willful or reckless
     breach by a Participant of any policy adopted by the Partnership concerning
     conflicts of interest,  standards  of business  conduct or fair  employment
     practices or procedures with respect to compliance with applicable laws.

          2.7   "CHANGE  IN  CAPITALIZATION"  means any increase or reduction in
     the number of Common Units, or any change (including, but not limited to, a
     change in value) in the Common Units,  change in the  percentage  ownership
     interest of the Partnership attributable to the Common Units or exchange of
     Common Units for a different number or kind of units or other securities of
     the Partnership by reason of a reclassification,  recapitalization, merger,
     consolidation,  reorganization, spin-off, split-up, issuance of warrants or
     rights or other convertible  securities,  unit distribution,  unit split or
     reverse unit split,  cash  dividends,  property  dividend,  combination  or
     exchange of units,  repurchase of units,  change in corporate  structure or

          2.8   "CHANGE OF CONTROL" shall mean the occurrence of:

               (a) an acquisition  (other than directly by the  Partnership)  of
          Common Units or voting equity  interests of the  Partnership  ("Voting
          Securities")  by any  "Person"  other than the  Partnership,  Suburban
          Energy  Services  Group  LLC or any of their  affiliates,  immediately
          after which such Person has  Beneficial  Ownership of more than twenty
          five percent (25%) of the combined  voting power of the  Partnership's
          then outstanding Common Units; provided,  however, that in determining
          whether a Change of  Control  has  occurred,  Common  Units  which are
          acquired  in a  "Non-Control  Acquisition"  shall  not  constitute  an

          acquisition  which  would cause a Change of  Control.  A  "Non-Control
          Acquisition" shall mean an acquisition by (i) an employee benefit plan
          (or a trust forming a part there) maintained by (A) the Partnership or
          Suburban  Propane,  L.P. or (B) any corporation,  partnership or other
          Person of which a majority  of its voting  power or its voting  equity
          securities or equity interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the
          Partnership,  (ii) the Partnership or its  Subsidiaries,  or (iii) any
          Person in connection with a "Non-Control Transaction"; or

               (b) approval by the partners of the  Partnership of (A) a merger,
          consolidation or reorganization involving the Partnership,  unless (x)
          the  holders of the  Common  Units  immediately  before  such  merger,
          consolidation   or   reorganization   own,   directly  or   indirectly
          immediately following such merger, consolidation or reorganization, at
          least  sixty  percent  (60%)  of  the  combined  voting  power  of the
          outstanding  Common  Units of the entity  resulting  from such merger,
          consolidation   or   reorganization   (the   "Surviving   Entity")  in
          substantially  the same  proportion  as their  ownership of the Common
          Units immediately before such merger, consolidation or reorganization,
          and  (y)  no  person  or  entity  (other  than  the  Partnership,  any
          Subsidiary,  any employee  benefit  plan {or any trust  forming a part
          thereof} maintained by the Partnership,  any Subsidiary, the Surviving
          Entity,  or  any  Person  who,   immediately  prior  to  such  merger,
          consolidation or reorganization, had Beneficial Ownership of more than
          twenty five  percent  (25%) of then  outstanding  Common  Units),  has
          Beneficial  Ownership  of more than twenty five  percent  (25%) of the
          combined  voting  power of the  Surviving  Entity's  then  outstanding
          voting  securities;  (B) a complete  liquidation or dissolution of the
          Partnership;  or (C) the sale or other  disposition  of fifty  percent
          (50%) of the net assets of the Partnership to any Person (other than a
          transfer to a  Subsidiary).  A transaction  described in clause (x) or
          (y) of  subsection  (A) hereof shall be referred to as a  "Non-Control

               Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a Change of Control shall not be
          deemed to occur  solely  because  any Person  (the  "Subject  Person")
          acquired Beneficial Ownership of more than the permitted amount of the
          outstanding Voting Securities as a result of the acquisition of Voting
          Securities by the Partnership  which, by reducing the number of Voting
          Securities  outstanding,  increases the proportional  number of Common
          Units  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject  Person,  provided that if a

          Change of Control would occur (but for the operation of this sentence)
          as a  result  of the  acquisition  of  the  Voting  Securities  by the
          Partnership,  and after such  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the
          Parntership,  the Subject Person  becomes the Beneficial  Owner of any
          additional  Voting  Securities  which  increases the percentage of the
          then outstanding  Voting Securities  Beneficially Owned by the Subject
          Person, then a Change of Control shall occur.

          2.9   "COMMITTEE" means the Compensation Committee of the Board.

          2.10  "COMMON  UNIT"  means  the  common  units  representing  limited
     partnership interests of the Partnership.

          2.11  "COMMON UNITHOLDERS" means the persons holding Common Units.

     the same meaning as such term is reported in the Partnership's consolidated
     financial statements for each quarterly period filed on Form 10-Q or Annual
     Report filed on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          2.13  "DISABILITY"  shall  have the same  meaning  that  such term (or
     similar  term)  has  under  the  long-term  disability  plan in  which  the
     Participant is covered.

          2.14  "EFFECTIVE  DATE" shall mean October 1, 1997. The Effective Date
     of this amendment and restatement shall mean October 1, 1999.

          2.15  "FISCAL  YEAR"  means the  fiscal  year  ending on the  Saturday
     closest to September 30,  adopted by the  Partnership,  or any other fiscal
     year adopted by the Partnership.

          2.16  "GENERAL  PARTNER" has the meaning set forth in the  Partnership

          2.17  "GOOD REASON" means (a) any failure by the Partnership to comply
     in any  material  respect  with the  compensation  provisions  of a written
     employment  agreement  between a  Participant  and the  Partnership,  (b) a
     material  adverse  change  in a  Participant's  title  without  his  or her
     consent,  or  (c)  the  assignment  to a  Participant,  without  his or her
     consent, of duties and responsibilities materially inconsistent with his or
     her level of responsibility as an executive officer.

          2.18  "MINIMUM QUARTERLY DISTRIBUTION" means $0.50 per Common Unit per
     fiscal  quarter,  subject to adjustment in accordance  with Section 6.6 and
     6.10 of the Partnership Agreement.

          2.19  "PARTICIPANT"  means  an  employee  of  Suburban  Propane,  L.P.
     designated by the Committee to participate in the Plan.

          2.20  "PARTNERSHIP"  means Suburban Propane, L.P. and Suburban Propane
     Partners, L.P., Delaware limited partnerships, and their successors.

          2.21  "PARTNERSHIP  AGREEMENT"  means the Second  Amended and Restated
     Agreement of Limited Partnership of Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.

          2.22  "PERSON" means as that term is used for purposes of Section
     13(d) or 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

          2.23  "PLAN" means this Suburban  Propane,  L.P.  Long Term  Incentive

          2.24  "QUARTERLY  TARGET  AWARD" means the Award each  Participant  is
     eligible to earn for each respective quarter of a Fiscal Year.

          2.25  "SUBSIDIARY"  shall mean any corporation, partnership,  or other
     Person  of  which a  majority  of its  voting  power or its  voting  equity
     securities  or equity  interest is owned,  directly or  indirectly,  by the

          2.26  "VESTED AMOUNT" means the portion of a Participant's Award which
     is nonforfeitable.

                                   ARTICLE III


     Only those Participants designated from time to time by the Committee shall
participate in the Plan and receive Awards hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE IV


          4.1   ADMINISTRATION BY THE COMMITTEE.  The Plan shall be administered
     by  the Committee,  which  shall  hold meetings  at such  times as  may  be
     necessary for  the proper administration  of the Plan.  The Committee shall
     keep minutes of its meetings.  A quorum shall  consist of not less than two
     members of the  Committee  and a majority  of a quorum  may  authorize  any
     action.  Any decision or determination  reduced to writing  and signed by a
     majority of all of the members of the Committee shall be as fully effective
     as if made by a majority  vote at a meeting duly called and held. No member
     of  the  Committee shall  be  liable  for  any  action,   failure  to  act,
     determination or interpretation made in good faith  with  respect  to  this
     Plan or any transaction hereunder, except for liability arising from his or
     her own willful  misfeasance, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his
     or her duties.  The Partnership hereby agrees to  indemnify  each member of
     the Committee for all costs and expenses and,  to the extent  permitted  by
     applicable  law,  any  liability  incurred  in  connection  with  defending
     against,  responding  to,  negotiating  for the  settlement of or otherwise
     dealing  with any claim,  cause of action or dispute of any kind arising in
     connection with any actions in administering this Plan or in authorizing or
     denying authorization for any transaction hereunder.

          4.2   POWERS  OF THE COMMITTEE.  Subject  to  the  express  terms  and
     conditions set forth herein,  the Committee shall have the power, from time
     to time to:

               (a) select those Participants to whom Awards shall be granted;

               (b) construe and interpret the Plan and the Awards and establish,
          amend and revoke rules and regulations for the  administration  of the
          Plan,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  correcting  any  defect  or
          supplying any omission,  or reconciling any inconsistency in the Plan,
          in the manner and to the extent it shall deem  necessary  or advisable
          so that the Plan  complies with  applicable  law and otherwise to make
          the Plan fully effective.

               (c) exercise its discretion with respect to the powers and rights
          granted to it as set forth in the Plan; and

               (d) generally,  exercise  such powers and perform such acts as it
          deems  necessary  or  advisable  to promote the best  interests of the
          Partnership with respect to the Plan.

     Committee's decisions, actions determinations and interpretations  shall be
     final and binding upon the Partnership,  all  Participants,  Beneficiaries,
     equity holders of the Partnership and any other person.

          4.4   CHANGE IN  CAPITALIZATION.   In  the  event  of  any  Change  in
     Capitalization  or in the event of any special  distribution  to the Common
     Unitholders,  the  Committee  may, but shall not be obligated to, make such
     equitable  adjustments in the  performance  criteria,  the Target Awards or
     other aspects of the Plan, as the  Committee  determines  are necessary and

                                    ARTICLE V


          5.1   TARGET AWARDS.  The Committee shall establish a Target Award for
     each  Participant for each Fiscal Year equal to a designated  percentage of
     such  Participant's  base  salary  at the  start  of  the  Fiscal  Year.  A
     Participant's Quarterly Target Award for each fiscal quarter shall be equal
     to 25% of the Participant's Target Award for the Fiscal Year.

          5.2   PERFORMANCE CRITERIA.  The portion of the Quarterly Target Award
     earned by a Participant  for each fiscal quarter shall be determined on the
     basis of the following performance criteria:

               (a) A Participant  shall earn 50% of his or her Quarterly  Target
          Award  for each  fiscal  quarter  of the  Partnership  for  which  (i)
          Consolidated  Cash  Provided  by  Operating  Activities  less  Capital
          Expenditures  on a rolling  four  quarter  basis equals or exceeds the
          Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution  on Common  Units;  and (ii)  Minimum
          Quarterly Distributions are paid to Common Unitholders.

               (b) A  Participant  shall  earn the  remaining  50% of his or her
          Quarterly  Target Award for each fiscal quarter of the Partnership for
          which (i)  Consolidated  Cash  Provided by Operating  Activities  less
          Maintenance  Capital  Expenditures  on a rolling  four  quarter  basis
          equals or exceeds the Minimum Quarterly Distribution on Common Unit by
          at least $3.6 million;  and (ii) Minimum  Quarterly  Distributions are
          paid to Common Unitholders.

     Each performance  criterion shall be weighted equally. If both criteria are
met for a fiscal  quarter,  the  Quarterly  Target  Award shall be earned by the
Participant for such quarter. If only one criterion is met for a fiscal quarter,
only 50% of the Quarterly  Target Award shall be earned by the  Participant  for
such quarter.  If neither  criterion is met for a fiscal  quarter,  no Quarterly
Target Award shall be earned by the Participant for such quarter.

                                   ARTICLE VI


          6.1   VESTING SCHEDULE.   Subject  to  Sections  6.2  and  6.3,  if  a
     Participant  earns an Award for a Fiscal Year, the Participant shall become
     vested in said Award in accordance with the following schedule:

         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         On the First Day of:                        Percentage Vested:
         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         The third Fiscal Year following                   33-1/3%
         the Fiscal Year for which Award is

         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         The fourth Fiscal Year following                  66-2/3%
         the Fiscal Year for which Award is

         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
         The fifth Fiscal Year following                    100%
         the Fiscal Year for which Award is

         ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------

Notwithstanding  anything in this Section 6 to the  contrary,  the Committee may
accelerate  the vesting of Awards at any time for any reason with the consent of
the General Partner.

          6.2   CHANGE OF CONTROL.  Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the
     contrary,  upon a Change of Control,  all earned  Awards shall become fully
     vested and  nonforfeitable and shall be paid to a Participant within thirty
     (30) days after the Change in Control.

          6.3   FORFEITURE.  Subject to Sections 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5,  Awards which
     have not yet vested shall lapse and be  forfeited  upon the  occurrence  of
     either  of the  following  events:  (a)  termination  of the  Participant's
     employment or  participation  in the Plan for any reason,  except under the

     circumstances  provided  in  Sections  6.4 and 6.5;  (b) any  attempted  or
     completed  transfer,  sale,  pledge,  hypothecation,  or  assignment by the
     Participant of an Award.

          6.4   DISABILITY OR DEATH.  Notwithstanding the  provisions of Section
     6.3, if a Participant's  employment terminates as a result of Disability or
     death, an earned Award for such  Participant  shall vest in accordance with
     Sections 6.1 and 6.2, as applicable,  and shall be paid in accordance  with
     Section 7.

          6.5   TERMINATION WITHOUT  CAUSE OR FOR GOOD  REASON.  In the  event a
     Participant's   employment  by  the   Partnership   is  terminated  by  the
     Partnership without Cause or by the Participant for Good Reason, the Awards
     shall vest upon the next  succeeding  scheduled  vesting  date  pursuant to
     Sections 6.1 or 6.2, as applicable.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     One-third  of the  Vested  Amount  of the  Award(s)  earned  to  date  by a
Participant  under the Plan may be paid to the Participant by the last Friday in
March of each year with the  remaining  2/3 becoming  payable in 1/3  increments
over the following two years. All payments shall be made as of a date determined
by the Committee. Scheduled payments will either be deferred pursuant to Article
VIII, or, if the Participant  properly and timely  requests in writing,  will be
paid in cash.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


     Payments  scheduled under Article VII may be deferred hereunder in one year
increments,  and will be credited with interest during the period of deferral as
determined by the  Committee.  The deferral  election shall be made in such form
and at such time as the Committee shall from time to time determine.  No further
deferral  elections will be permitted  following a Participant's  termination of

                                   ARTICLE IX


     A  Participant  may at any  time  and  from  time to time  prior  to  death
designate one or more Beneficiaries to receive any payments to be made following
the Participant's  death. If no such designation is on file with the Partnership
at the time of a Participant's death, the Participant's Beneficiary shall be the
beneficiary or beneficiaries named in the Beneficiary  designation most recently
filed  by the  Participant  with the  Partnership.  If the  Participant  has not
effectively  designated a  Beneficiary,  or if no  Beneficiary so designated has
survived  the  Participant,   the   Participant's   Beneficiary   shall  be  the
Participant's  surviving spouse,  or, if no spouse has survived the Participant,
the estate of the deceased Participant.  If an individual  Beneficiary cannot be
located for a period of one year following the Participant's death, despite mail
notification to the Beneficiary's last known address, and if the Beneficiary has
not made a written claim for benefits  within such period to the Committee,  the
Beneficiary  shall be deemed to have predeceased the Participant.  The Committee
may require such proof of death and such  evidence of the right of any person to
receive all of part of the benefit of a deceased  Participant  as the  Committee
may consider to be appropriate. The Committee may rely upon any direction by the
legal representatives of the estate of a deceased Participant, without liability
to any other  person.  If a  Participant  has  designated  his or her  spouse as
Beneficiary,  upon entry of a judgment of divorce  (or other  evidence of formal
dissolution of the married),  the designation of the spouse as Beneficiary  will
be deemed to have been revoked unless the Participant reaffirms such designation

                                    ARTICLE X


     The Plan  shall  terminate  by its  terms on the day  preceding  the  tenth
anniversary  of the  Effective  Date of this Plan as  originally  adopted and no
Award may be earned thereafter. The previous sentence notwithstanding, the Board
may, at any time and from time to time, amend, terminate,  modify or suspend the
Plan; provided,  however,  that no such amendment,  modification,  suspension or
termination  shall impair or adversely affect any Awards earned by a Participant
under the Plan, except with the consent of the Participant.

                                   ARTICLE XI

                           NON-EXCLUSIVITY OF THE PLAN

     The  adoption of the Plan by the Board shall not be  construed as amending,
modifying or rescinding  any  previously  approved  incentive  arrangement or as
creating any limitations on the power of the Board to adopt such other incentive
arrangements  as it may  deem  desirable,  including,  without  limitation,  the
granting of options to acquire Common Units, and such arrangements may be either
applicable generally or only in specific cases.

                                   ARTICLE XII

                             LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

     As illustrative of the limitation of liability of the Partnership,  but not
intended to be exhaustive thereof, nothing in the Plan shall be construed to:

               (a) give any person any right to earn an Award  other than at the
          sole discretion of the Committee;

               (b) give any  person any rights  whatsoever  with  respect to the
          Awards except as specifically provided in the Plan.

               (c) limit in any way the right of the  Partnership  to  terminate
          the employment of any person at any time; or

               (d) be evidence of any  agreement  or  understanding,  express or
          implied, that the Partnership will employ any person at any particular
          rate of compensation or for any particular period time.

                                  ARTICLE XIII


          13.1  Except as to matters of federal law, this Plan and the rights of
     all  persons  claiming  hereunder  shall be  construed  and  determined  in
     accordance  with laws of the State of New Jersey  without  giving effect to
     conflicts of law principles.

          13.2  Except as  provided in Section 10 hereof the Board may make such
     changes to the Plan or an Agreement as may be necessary or  appropriate  to
     comply with the rules and regulations of any government authority.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

                              WITHHOLDING OF TAXES

     At such time(s) as a Participant  recognizes income for purposes of income,
employment,  or other tax liability,  the  Partnership  shall withhold an amount
equal to the federal, state and local taxes and other amounts as may be required
by law to be withheld by the Partnership.

                                   ARTICLE XV


     Neither the Partnership  nor any subsidiary  shall be required to segregate
any assets that may at any time be  represented  by Awards made  pursuant to the

                                   ARTICLE XVI

                           RIGHT OF DISCHARGE RESERVE

     Neither  the Plan nor any Award  shall  guarantee  any  Employee  continued
employment with the Partnership or a subsidiary or guarantee the grant of future

                                  ARTICLE XVII

                               NATURE OF PAYMENTS

     All Awards made pursuant to the Plan are in  consideration  of services for
the Partnership or the  subsidiaries.  The Awards constitute a special incentive
payment to the  Participant  and shall not be taken into account as compensation
for  purposes of any of the employee  benefit  plans of the  Partnership  or any
subsidiary except as may be determined by the Committee.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII

                              CONSTRUCTION OF PLAN

     The captions  used in this Plan are for  convenience  only and shall not be
construed  in  interpreting  the Plan.  Whenever  the context so  requires,  the
masculine  shall  include the feminine and neuter,  and the singular  shall also
include the plural, and vice versa.

                                   ARTICLE XIX


     If any provision of the Plan shall be held unlawful or otherwise invalid or
unenforceable   in  whole  or  in  part,   the   unlawfulness,   invalidity   or
unenforceability  of said provision  shall not affect any other provision of the
Plan or part thereof, each of which shall remain in full force and effect.