
                                  NEWS RELEASE

- ---------------------

                             $0.5875 PER COMMON UNIT

WHIPPANY, N.J., OCTOBER 23, 2003 - Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE:SPH), a
marketer of propane gas and related  products  and  services  nationwide,  today
announced its results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended September 27,
2003. The  Partnership  also declared its quarterly  distribution of $0.5875 per
Common Unit -- $2.35 per Common Unit annualized.


Consistent  with the seasonal  nature of the propane  industry,  the Partnership
typically  experiences a net loss in the fourth quarter.  For the fourth quarter
of fiscal 2003, Suburban's net loss was $21.0 million, or $0.75 per Common Unit,
compared  to a net loss of $18.0  million,  or $0.71 per  Common  Unit,  for the
fourth quarter of fiscal 2002. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization  ("EBITDA")  resulted in a loss of $6.4 million for the fiscal 2003
fourth quarter, compared to a loss of $1.8 million for the prior year quarter.

Retail  gallons sold  increased  2.3 million  gallons,  or 3.0%, to 79.0 million
gallons from 76.7 million gallons in the prior year quarter.  Revenues of $125.6
million increased $15.9 million,  or 14.5%,  compared to the prior year quarter.
The increase in revenues is  attributable  to the  combination of higher average
selling prices in line with the  significant  increase in product costs compared
to the prior year quarter,  coupled with the  aforementioned  increase in retail
sales volumes.  Combined  operating and general and  administrative  expenses of
$69.4  million  increased  $5.9  million,  or 9.3%,  compared  to the prior year
quarter of $63.5  million.  The increase was  primarily  attributable  to higher
pension and insurance costs,  increased fees for professional  services, as well
as higher costs for operating and maintaining our fleet as a result of increased
business activity throughout the fiscal 2003 fourth quarter.  Operating expenses
in the fiscal 2003 fourth quarter include a $0.3 million  unrealized  (non-cash)
loss attributable to the  mark-to-market on derivative  instruments ("FAS 133"),
compared  to  a  $0.2  million   unrealized  gain  in  the  prior  year  quarter
attributable to FAS 133.

Net interest expense decreased 17.8%, or $1.6 million, to $7.4 million, compared
to $9.0  million in the prior year  quarter.  The  decrease in interest  expense
reflects  the  positive  steps taken by the  Partnership  during the fiscal 2003
third quarter to lower its overall leverage,  which resulted in an $88.5 million
reduction in total debt.



Net income for the fiscal year ended  September 27, 2003 was $48.7  million,  or
$1.87 per Common Unit,  compared to $53.5 million,  or $2.12 per Common Unit, in
fiscal 2002.  Earnings before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation  and amortization
("EBITDA") amounted to $110.0 million compared to $117.9 million in fiscal 2002.
Results  for  fiscal  2003  include  a $2.5  million  gain from the sale of nine
customer  service centers during the year,  compared to a $6.8 million gain from
the sale of a propane storage  facility in Hattiesburg,  Mississippi  recognized
during the prior year.  Additionally,  fiscal 2003 operating  expenses include a
$1.5 million  unrealized  (non-cash) loss attributable to FAS 133, compared to a
$5.4 million unrealized gain in the prior year attributable to FAS 133.

Fiscal 2003 retail sales volume of 491.5 million gallons  increased 35.5 million
gallons,  or 7.8%, from 456.0 million gallons in the prior year. The increase in
volume reflects  comparatively  colder average  temperatures  during fiscal 2003
compared to the prior year,  particularly  in the eastern and central regions of
the United States,  offset to an extent by warmer temperatures in the west and a
continued sluggish economy.  Overall,  nationwide average temperatures in fiscal
2003 were just  slightly  colder than normal  compared to 13% warmer than normal
temperatures in the prior year.  Revenues increased $106.6 million, or 16.0%, to
$771.7  million,  compared to $665.1  million in fiscal  2002.  The  increase in
revenues is primarily  attributable  to an increase in average selling prices in
line with  significantly  higher  product costs  throughout  much of fiscal 2003
compared to the prior year,  coupled with the increased sales volumes  discussed

Combined  operating and general and  administrative  expenses of $287.4  million
increased  $22.5  million,  or 8.5%,  from  $264.9  million in fiscal  2002.  In
addition to the $6.9 million impact on operating  expenses  attributable  to FAS
133, discussed above, combined operating and general and administrative expenses
increased  $15.6 million  compared to the prior year. The increase was primarily
attributable to higher costs associated with increased business  activity,  such
as employee compensation and benefits, vehicle costs (primarily fuel costs), bad
debt expense, as well as higher pension and insurance costs.

Net interest expense decreased 4.8%, or $1.7 million,  to $33.6 million compared
to $35.3 million in the prior year primarily due to the reduction in debt levels
discussed in the fourth quarter analysis above.

During fiscal 2003, the Partnership took several steps to further strengthen its
balance sheet and improve its leverage, highlighted by the successful completion
during the third quarter of a follow-on  equity  offering of  approximately  2.6
million Common Units.  The net proceeds from that offering of $72.2 million were
used in  combination  with strong cash flow from  operations to pay down debt of
$88.5 million,  bringing the Partnership's  total debt to its lowest point since
the initial public offering in 1996. Additionally, during the fiscal 2003 fourth
quarter,  the Partnership made a voluntary  contribution of $10.0 million to its
defined benefit pension plan, thus improving the funded status of that plan.


The Partnership  also declared its quarterly  distribution of $0.5875 per Common
Unit for the three months ended  September 27, 2003.  The  distribution  will be
payable on November 10, 2003, to Common  Unitholders of record as of November 3,
2003. On an annualized basis, the distribution equates to $2.35 per Common Unit.

In  announcing  these  results,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer Mark A.
Alexander said,  "Fiscal 2003 was an outstanding year for the  Partnership.  Not
only did we achieve  another  year of  excellent  operating  results and provide
another  distribution  increase -- our seventh since  inception -- we took major
steps to further strengthen our balance sheet and improve our leverage.  Looking
forward,  we  anticipate  a  slowly  improving  economy  and  feel  we are  well
positioned  to  provide  opportunities  for  continued  growth  and value to our

Suburban Propane Partners,  L.P. is a publicly traded Master Limited Partnership
listed on the New York Stock Exchange.  Headquartered  in Whippany,  New Jersey,
Suburban has been in the customer  service  business since 1928. The Partnership
serves   approximately   750,000   residential,   commercial,   industrial   and
agricultural  customers  through  more than 320 customer  service  centers in 40

Company contact:  Robert M. Plante
                  Vice President - Finance
                  (973) 503-9252


                Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. and Subsidiaries
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
     For the Three and Twelve Months Ended September 27, 2003 and September
                28, 2002 (in thousands, except per unit amounts)

                                                                                THREE MONTHS ENDED       TWELVE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                              SEPTEMBER    SEPTEMBER    SEPTEMBER   SEPTEMBER
                                                                               27, 2003     28, 2002     27, 2003    28, 2002
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------

  Propane .................................................................   $ 103,735    $  88,114    $ 680,741   $ 570,280
  Other (a) ...............................................................      21,869       21,605       90,938      94,825
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
                                                                                125,604      109,719      771,679     665,105

Costs and expenses
  Cost of products sold ...................................................      62,570       48,022      376,783     289,055
  Operating ...............................................................      60,487       56,144      250,698     234,140
  General and administrative ..............................................       8,957        7,402       36,661      30,771
  Depreciation and amortization ...........................................       7,030        6,976       27,520      28,355
  Gain on sale of storage facility ........................................        --           --           --        (6,768)
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
                                                                                139,044      118,544      691,662     575,553

(Loss) / income before interest expense and provision
  for income taxes ........................................................     (13,440)      (8,825)      80,017      89,552
Interest expense, net .....................................................       7,417        8,952       33,629      35,325
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------

(Loss) / income before provision for income taxes .........................     (20,857)     (17,777)      46,388      54,227
Provision for income taxes ................................................          99          185          202         703
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
(Loss) / income from continuing operations ................................     (20,956)     (17,962)      46,186      53,524
Discontinued operations:
  Gain on sale of customer service centers ................................        --           --          2,483        --
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------

Net (loss) / income .......................................................   $ (20,956)   $ (17,962)   $  48,669   $  53,524
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========

General Partner's interest in net (loss) / income .........................   $    (562)   $    (457)   $   1,193   $   1,362
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
Limited Partners' interest in net (loss) / income .........................   $ (20,394)   $ (17,505)   $  47,476   $  52,162
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========

(Loss) / income from continuing operations per common unit - basic.........   $   (0.75)   $   (0.71)   $    1.78   $    2.12
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========
Net (loss) / income per common unit - basic ...............................   $   (0.75)   $   (0.71)   $    1.87   $    2.12
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========
Weighted average number of common units outstanding - basic ...............      27,256       24,631       25,359      24,631
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------

(Loss) / income from continuing operations per common unit - diluted.......   $   (0.75)   $   (0.71)   $    1.77   $    2.12
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========
Net (loss) / income per common unit - diluted .............................   $   (0.75)   $   (0.71)   $    1.86   $    2.12
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========
Weighted average number of common units outstanding - diluted .............      27,256       24,631       25,495      24,665
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------

Supplemental Information:
EBITDA (b) ................................................................   $  (6,410)   $  (1,849)   $ 110,020   $ 117,907
Retail gallons sold .......................................................      78,961       76,679      491,451     455,988


(a)  Other revenues  principally  represent  amounts generated from the sales of
     appliances, parts and related services.

(b)  EBITDA represents income before deducting  interest expense,  income taxes,
     depreciation and  amortization.  Our management uses EBITDA as a measure of
     liquidity  and we are  including it because we believe that it provides our
     investors and industry analysts with additional information to evaluate our
     ability  to meet  our debt  service  obligations  and to pay our  quarterly
     distributions  to holders of our common  units.  Moreover,  our senior note
     agreements and our revolving credit  agreement  require us to use EBITDA in
     calculating  our  leverage and interest  coverage  ratios.  EBITDA is not a
     recognized term under generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and
     should  not be  considered  as an  alternative  to net  income  or net cash
     provided  by  operating  activities  determined  in  accordance  with GAAP.
     Because EBITDA, as determined by us, excludes some, but not all, items that
     affect net income,  it may not be comparable to EBITDA or similarly  titled
     measures used by other  companies.  The following  table sets forth (i) our
     calculation  of  EBITDA  and  (ii)  a  reconciliation   of  EBITDA,  as  so
     calculated, to our net cash provided by operating activities:

                                                                                THREE MONTHS ENDED       TWELVE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                              SEPTEMBER    SEPTEMBER    SEPTEMBER   SEPTEMBER
                                                                               27, 2003     28, 2002     27, 2003    28, 2002
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------

Net (loss) / income ....................................                      $ (20,956)   $ (17,962)   $  48,669   $  53,524
  Provision for income taxes ...........................                             99          185          202         703
  Interest expense, net ................................                          7,417        8,952       33,629      35,325
  Depreciation and amortization ........................                          7,030        6,976       27,520      28,355
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
EBITDA .................................................                         (6,410)      (1,849)     110,020     117,907
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
Add / (subtract):
  Provision for income taxes ...........................                            (99)        (185)        (202)       (703)
  Interest expense, net ................................                         (7,417)      (8,952)     (33,629)    (35,325)
  Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net                           (150)        (333)        (636)       (546)
  Gain on sale of customer service centers .............                            --           --        (2,483)        --
  Gain on sale of storage facility .....................                            --           --           --       (6,768)
  Changes in working capital and other assets
    and liabilities ....................................                          2,453       14,066      (15,770)     (5,790)
                                                                              ---------    ---------    ---------   ---------
Net cash (used in) / provided by operating activities ..                      $ (11,623)   $   2,747    $  57,300   $  68,775
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========
Net cash used in investing activities ..................                      $  (4,328)   $  (3,654)   $  (4,859)  $  (6,851)
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========
Net cash used in financing activities ..................                      $ (59,162)   $ (14,941)   $ (77,631)  $ (57,463)
                                                                              =========    =========    =========   =========