WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-K


For the fiscal year ended September 26, 1998

for the transition period from ______ to ______

                           Commission File Number:  1-14222

                         SUBURBAN PROPANE PARTNERS, L.P.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Delaware                                             22-3410353
- --------                                             ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

240 Route 10 West,         Whippany, NJ     07981                              
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive office)   (Zip Code)

(973) 887-5300                                                                 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
                                                     Name of each exchange on
         Title of each class                                which registered

         Common Units                                New York Stock Exchange
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by  Sections  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for each shorter  period that the  Registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) had been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No
                                       --   --

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of Registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K [X ].

The  aggregate  market value as of December 17, 1998 of the  Registrant's Common
Units held by  non-affiliates  of the Registrant,  based on the reported closing
price of such units on the New York Stock  Exchange on such date  ($18.06/unit),
was  approximately  $388,710,800.   December 17,  1998  there  were  outstanding
21,562,500 Common Units and 7,163,750 Subordinated Units.

Documents Incorporated by Reference:  None

                             INDEX TO ANNUAL REPORT
                                  ON FORM 10-K

                                     PART I                               Page
ITEM  1. BUSINESS...................................................        1
ITEM  2. PROPERTIES.................................................        7
ITEM  3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS..........................................        7

                                     PART II
         RELATED UNITHOLDER MATTERS.................................        8

         MARKET RISK................................................       17
         ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE........................       18

                                    PART III
ITEM 11. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION.....................................       22
         AND MANAGEMENT.............................................       26

                                     PART IV
         REPORTS ON FORM 8-K........................................       29

Signatures..........................................................       30

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                                     PART I


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     Suburban  Propane  Partners,  L.P. (the  "Partnership"),  a publicly traded
Delaware limited partnership is engaged, through subsidiaries, in the retail and
wholesale  marketing  of  propane  and  related  appliances  and  services.  The
Partnership  believes it is the third largest retail  marketer of propane in the
United  States,  serving  more  than  700,000  active  residential,  commercial,
industrial  and  agricultural  customers  from  more than 340  customer  service
centers in over 40 states. The Partnership's  operations are concentrated in the
east and west coast  regions  of the United  States.  The retail  propane  sales
volume of the  Partnership  was  approximately  530 million  gallons  during the
fiscal  year  ended  September  26,  1998.  Based on  industry  statistics,  the
Partnership   believes  that  its  retail   propane  sales  volume   constitutes
approximately 6% of the domestic retail market for propane.

     The Partnership  conducts its business  principally through its subsidiary,
Suburban  Propane,  L.P.  (the  "Operating  Partnership"),  a  Delaware  limited
partnership.  The Partnership and the Operating  Partnership were formed in 1995
to acquire and operate the propane  business and assets of  Suburban  Propane, a
division of Quantum Chemical Corporation (the "Predecessor Company"), then owned
by Hanson PLC ("Hanson").  The Predecessor Company had been continuously engaged
in the retail  propane  business  since 1928 and had been owned by Quantum since
1983. In addition,  Suburban Sales and Service, Inc. (the "Service Company"),  a
subsidiary of the Operating  Partnership,  was formed to acquire and operate the
service  work and  appliance  and  propane  equipment  parts  businesses  of the
Predecessor Company. The Partnership,  the Operating Partnership and the Service
Company are collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Partnership  Entities."
The Partnership Entities commenced operations on March 5, 1996 upon consummation
of an initial  public  offering of Common  Units  representing  limited  partner
interests in the Partnership,  the private  placement of $425 million  aggregate
principal  amount of Senior  Notes and the  transfer of all the  propane  assets
(excluding the net accounts  receivable  balance) of the Predecessor  Company to
the Operating Partnership and Service Company.

     Suburban  Propane  GP,  Inc.  (the  "General  Partner")  is a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of Millennium Petrochemicals Inc., ("Millennium  Petrochemicals") and
serves as the general partner of the Partnership and the Operating  Partnership.
Both the General Partner and Millennium Petrochemicals are indirect wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Millennium  Chemicals Inc.  ("Millennium") which was formed as a
result of  Hanson's  demerger in October  1996.  Millennium  Petrochemicals  was
formerly named Quantum  Chemical  Corporation  ("Quantum").  The General Partner
holds a 1% general  partner  interest in the  Partnership  and a 1.0101% general
partner interest in the Operating Partnership.  In addition, the General Partner
owns a 24.4% limited partner  interest and a special limited partner interest in
the  Partnership.  The  limited  partner  interest  is  evidenced  by  7,163,750
Subordinated  Units and the special  limited  partner  interest is  evidenced by
220,000 Additional Partnership Units ("APUs"). The General Partner has delegated
to the  Partnership's  Board  of  Supervisors  all  management  powers  over the
business  and  affairs of the  Partnership  Entities  that the  General  Partner
possesses under applicable law.

- -------------------------

     On November 30, 1998, the Partnership announced a proposed recapitalization
of the Partnership (the "Recapitalization"),  pursuant to which, the Partnership
will, among other things,  redeem all 7,163,750  outstanding  Subordinated Units
and all 220,000 outstanding APUs, all of which are owned by the General Partner,
for a total price of $69 million, subject to adjustment.  In connection with the
Recapitalization,  the  Partnership's  Distribution  Support  Agreement with the
General  Partner will be  terminated and replaced with a $21.6 million liquidity

arrangement  established by the  Partnership  consisting  of either a deposit in
certain highly liquid  securities or a letter of credit with a reputable bank or
a combination of both.  The redemption price will be funded from the proceeds of
a new  $150  million  credit  facility  to be  entered  into  by  the  Operating
Partnership  with a  syndicate  of banks,  together  with other  available  cash
resources. See "Liquidity and Capital Resources" in Item 9 of this Annual Report
for a discussion of the Operating Partnership's new credit facility.

     In  addition,  the General  Partner  will sell its entire  general  partner
interests  in the  Partnership  and the  Operating  Partnership,  including  its
incentive  distribution  rights in  the Partnership ("IDRs"), to Suburban Energy
Services Group LLC, a new entity owned by senior  management of the  Partnership
(the  "Successor General  Partner"),  for a total price  of $6  million and  the
Successor  General Partner  will  assume the rights and  duties  of the  General
Partner  under the partnership  agreements of the Partnership and the  Operating
Partnership  and  will  be  substituted  as  the  new  general  partner  of  the
Partnership  and  the   Operating   Partnership.    In   connection   with   the
recapitalization  and  the substitution of the General Partner, the IDRs will be
amended  to eliminate the second and  third target incentive distribution rights
of  the  new  General  Partner with respect to  distributions  in  excess of the
Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution to the holders ("Common Unitholders") of common
units ("Common Units")and the new General Partner, thereby increasing the rights
of Common  Unitholders  to  distributions of  available  cash in  excess  of the
Minimum Quarterly Distribution and the Board of Supervisors will have  the right
to convert IDRs to  Common  Units  after the fifth anniversary of the closing of
the Recapitalization.  The Partnership  Agreement and the  Operating Partnership
Agreement  will  be  amended  to  permit and effect the Recapitalization and the
substitution of the general partner.

     The  Recapitalization  and the  substitution  of the general  partner  were
approved by the  Partnership's  Board of Supervisors upon the  recommendation of
its  elected  supervisors  acting as a Special  Committee.  Consummation  of the
Recapitalization is subject to certain conditions, including the approval of the
Partnership's  public  Common  Unitholders  and  senior  noteholders.  A Special
Meeting of Common Unitholders will be scheduled to vote on the  Recapitalization
in 1999. It cannot be predicted with certainty when the Recapitalization will be
complete,  but the  Partnership  hopes to  complete  it in the  second  or third
quarter of the 1999  fiscal  year.  For  additional  information  regarding  the
Recapitalization,  please see the  Partnership's  Preliminary  Proxy  Statement,
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 23, 1998.

- -----------------

     The  Partnership's  strategy is to expand its  operations  and increase its
retail market share in selected  markets both through the  acquisition  of other
propane  distributors and through internal growth.  Although  acquisitions  have
contributed  to its growth,  the  Partnership  believes that the current  market
prices for propane  distributors  are greater  than the cost to grow  internally
through improved customer retention and marketing.  As a result, the Partnership
has focused on  internal  growth.  Acquisitions  during  fiscal 1998  included 5
propane  distributors  for total  consideration  of $4.0  million  compared to 5
propane  distributors  acquired in fiscal 1997 for total  consideration  of $1.7
million  and 17  propane  distributors  acquired  during  fiscal  1996 for total
consideration of $31.7 million.

     The  Partnership  plans to continue to pursue  internal growth by acquiring
new customers,  retaining existing customers and by selling additional  products
and  services to its  customers.  The  Partnership  employs a  nationwide  sales
organization and has a comprehensive  customer retention  program.  By retaining
more of its  existing  customers  and  continuing  to seek  new  customers,  the
Partnership  believes  it  can  increase  its  customer  base  and  improve  its

     The  Partnership  evaluates  possible  acquisition   candidates  which  are
generally local propane  distributors  as to the potential  return on investment
after   considering   synergies  which  may  result  from   incorporating   such
acquisitions into the Partnership's infrastructure. The Partnership has and will
continue to evaluate  non-propane related acquisitions which management believes
would provide an attractive return on investment.

- -----------------------------------

     Propane, a by-product of natural gas processing and petroleum refining,  is
a clean-burning  energy source recognized for its  transportability  and ease of
use relative to alternative forms of stand-alone energy sources.  Retail propane
use  falls  into  three  broad   categories:   (i)  residential  and  commercial
applications,  (ii) industrial  applications and (iii) agricultural uses. In the
residential and commercial markets, propane is used primarily for space heating,
water  heating,  clothes  drying and cooking. Industrial customers primarily use
propane  as a motor  fuel  burned in  internal  combustion  engines  that  power
over-the-road vehicles, forklifts and stationary engines, to fire furnaces, as a
cutting  gas and in other  process  applications.  In the  agricultural  market,
propane is primarily used for tobacco curing, crop drying,  poultry brooding and
weed  control.  In its  wholesale  operations,  the  Partnership  sells  propane
principally to large industrial end-users and other propane distributors.

     Propane is extracted  from  natural gas or oil  wellhead gas at  processing
plants or  separated  from  crude oil during the  refining  process.  Propane is
normally  transported  and stored in a liquid state under  moderate  pressure or
refrigeration  for ease of  handling  in  shipping  and  distribution.  When the
pressure  is  released  or the  temperature  is  increased,  it is  usable  as a
flammable gas.  Propane is colorless and odorless;  an odorant is added to allow
its  detection.  Propane  is clean  burning,  producing  negligible  amounts  of
pollutants when consumed.

     Based upon information  provided by the Energy Information Agency,  propane
accounts for approximately three to four percent of household energy consumption
in the United States.  Propane competes primarily with electricity,  natural gas
and  fuel  oil  as  an  energy  source,  principally  on  the  basis  of  price,
availability and portability.

     Propane is more  expensive  than natural gas on an equivalent  BTU basis in
locations  served by natural gas, but serves as an alternative to natural gas in
rural and suburban  areas where natural gas is  unavailable  or  portability  of
product is required. Historically, the expansion of natural gas into traditional
propane  markets  has been  inhibited  by the capital  costs  required to expand
pipeline and retail distribution systems.  Although the extension of natural gas
pipelines  tends  to  displace  propane  distribution  in  areas  affected,  the
Partnership  believes  that new  opportunities  for propane  sales arise as more
geographically  remote  neighborhoods  are developed.  Propane is generally less
expensive to use than  electricity  for space heating,  water  heating,  clothes
drying  and  cooking.  Due  to  the  current   geographical   diversity  of  the
Partnership's  operations,  fuel oil has not been a significant  competitor.  In
addition,  propane  and fuel oil  compete to a lesser  extent as a result of the
cost of converting from one to the other.

     In addition to competing with alternative  energy sources,  the Partnership
competes  with  other  companies  engaged  in the  retail  propane  distribution
business. Competition in the propane industry is highly fragmented and generally
occurs on a local  basis  with  other  large  full-service  multi-state  propane
marketers,   thousands  of  smaller   local   independent   marketers  and  farm
cooperatives.  Based on industry publications, the Partnership believes that the
10 largest retailers,  including the Partnership,  account for approximately 33%
of the total  retail sales of propane in the United  States,  and that no single
marketer has a greater  than 10% share of the total retail  market in the United
States. Based on industry  statistics,  the Partnership believes that its retail
sales volume  constitutes  approximately  6% of the domestic  retail  market for
propane.  Most of the Partnership's  retail  distribution  branches compete with
five or more marketers or distributors. Each retail distribution outlet operates
in its own competitive  environment  because retail  marketers tend to locate in
close  proximity to  customers in order to lower the cost of providing  service.
The typical  retail  distribution  outlet  generally has an effective  marketing
radius of  approximately  50 miles although in certain rural areas the marketing
radius may be extended by a satellite office.

- --------------------------------

     The   Partnership   distributes   propane   through  a  nationwide   retail
distribution  network  consisting of more than 340 customer  service  centers in
over 40 states.  The  Partnership's  operations are concentrated in the east and

west coast regions of the United States. In fiscal 1998, the Partnership  served
more  than  700,000   active   customers.   Approximately   two-thirds   of  the
Partnership's  retail  propane  volume  has  historically  been sold  during the
six-month peak heating season from October  through March, as many customers use
propane for heating purposes.  Typically,  customer service centers are found in
suburban and rural areas where natural gas is not readily available.  Generally,
such locations consist of an office,  appliance showroom,  warehouse and service
facilities,  with one or more  18,000  to  30,000  gallon  storage  tanks on the
premises. Most of the Partnership's  residential customers receive their propane
supply pursuant to an automatic  delivery system which eliminates the customer's
need to  make an  affirmative  purchase  decision.  From  its  customer  service
centers, the Partnership also sells,  installs and services equipment related to
its propane distribution business, including heating and cooking appliances and,
at some locations, propane fuel systems for motor vehicles.

     The  Partnership  sells  propane  primarily  to six  markets:  residential,
commercial, industrial (including engine fuel), agricultural, other retail users
and  wholesale.  Approximately  71.0% of the gallons sold by the  Partnership in
fiscal 1998 were to retail customers (26.8% to residential  customers,  17.8% to
commercial  customers,  10.4% to industrial  customers (including 8.2% to engine
fuel customers), 4.7% to agricultural customers and 11.3% to other retail users)
and  approximately  29.0% were for hedging  activities and wholesale  customers.
Sales to residential customers in fiscal 1998 accounted for approximately 54% of
the  Partnership's  gross profit on propane sales,  reflecting the higher-margin
nature of this segment of the market.  No single  customer  accounted for 10% or
more of the Partnership's revenues during fiscal year 1998.

     Retail  deliveries  of propane are usually  made to  customers  by means of
bobtail  and rack  trucks.  Propane  is pumped  from the  bobtail  truck,  which
generally holds 2,200 gallons of propane,  into a stationary storage tank on the
customer's  premises.  The capacity of these tanks ranges from approximately 100
gallons to approximately 1,200 gallons, with a typical tank having a capacity of
300 to 400 gallons. The Partnership also delivers propane to retail customers in
portable  cylinders,  which  typically have a capacity of 5 to 35 gallons.  When
these  cylinders are delivered to customers,  empty  cylinders are picked up for
replenishment  at the  Partnership's  distribution  locations or are refilled in
place.  The Partnership also delivers propane to certain other bulk end users of
propane in larger trucks known as transports  (which have an average capacity of
approximately 9,000 gallons).  End users receiving transport  deliveries include
industrial customers,  large-scale heating accounts, such as local gas utilities
which use  propane  as a  supplemental  fuel to meet  peak  load  deliverability
requirements, and large agricultural accounts which use propane for crop drying.
Propane is generally  transported from refineries,  pipeline terminals,  storage
facilities  (including  the  Partnership's  storage  facilities in  Hattiesburg,
Mississippi  and  Elk  Grove,   California),   and  coastal   terminals  to  the
Partnership's  customer  service  centers by a combination  of common  carriers,
owner-operators and railroad tank cars. (See Item 2.)

     In its wholesale operations,  the Partnership  principally sells propane to
large industrial end-users and other propane  distributors.  This market segment
includes  customers  who use propane to fire  furnaces,  as a cutting gas and in
other process applications. Due to the low margin nature of the wholesale market
as compared to the retail market, the Partnership has reduced  its  emphasis  on
wholesale  marketing,  and  as  such  wholesale  gallons during fiscal 1998 have

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     The  Partnership's  propane  supply is purchased from over 90 oil companies
and natural gas  processors at more than 190 supply points located in the United
States and Canada.  The Partnership also makes purchases on the spot market. The
Partnership  purchased over 96% of its propane supplies from domestic  suppliers
during fiscal 1998.  Most of the propane  purchased by the Partnership in fiscal
1998 was purchased  pursuant to one year  agreements  subject to annual renewal,
but  the  percentage  of  contract  purchases  may  vary  from  year  to year as
determined by the Partnership. Supply contracts generally provide for pricing in

accordance  with posted  prices at the time of  delivery  or the current  prices
established  at major  storage  points,  and some  contracts  include  a pricing
formula that typically is based on such market prices.  Some of these agreements
provide maximum and minimum seasonal purchase guidelines. The Partnership uses a
number of  interstate  pipelines,  as well as  railroad  tank cars and  delivery
trucks  to  transport   propane  from  suppliers  to  storage  and  distribution

     Supplies of propane from the Partnership's  sources  historically have been
readily  available.   In  the  fiscal  year  ended  September  26,  1998,  Exxon
Corporation ("Exxon") and Shell Oil Company ("Shell") provided approximately 14%
and 13%,  respectively,  of the Partnership's total domestic propane supply. The
Partnership  believes  that,  if  supplies  from  either  Exxon  or  Shell  were
interrupted,  it would be able to secure  adequate  propane  supplies from other
sources  without a material  disruption of its  operations.  Aside from Exxon or
Shell,  no single  supplier  provided more than 10% of the  Partnership's  total
domestic  propane supply in the fiscal year ended September 26, 1998. See Item 7
for a discussion of the Partnership's evaluation of its suppliers' readiness for
Year 2000 compliance in the information services area.

     The Partnership's product procurement and price risk management group seeks
to reduce the effect of price volatility on the Partnership's  product costs and
to help insure the  availability of propane during periods of short supply.  The
Partnership is currently a party to propane futures transactions on the New York
Mercantile  Exchange  and to forward  contracts  with various  third  parties to
purchase and sell product at fixed prices in the future.  These  activities  are
monitored by  management  through  enforcement  of the  Partnership's  Commodity
Trading Policy. See Item 7A of this Report.

     The  Partnership  operates  large  storage  facilities in  Mississippi  and
California and smaller  storage  facilities in other locations and has rights to
use storage  facilities  in  additional  locations.  The  Partnership's  storage
facilities  allow the  Partnership to buy and store large  quantities of propane
during periods of low demand,  which  generally  occur during the summer months.
The Partnership believes its storage facilities help ensure a more secure supply
of propane during periods of intense demand or price instability.

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     The  Partnership  utilizes a variety of trademarks and tradenames  which it
owns, including "Suburban  Propane(R)".  The Partnership regards its trademarks,
tradenames  and other  proprietary  rights as valuable  assets and believes that
they have significant value in the marketing of its products.

- ---------------------

     The   Partnership   is  subject  to  various   federal,   state  and  local
environmental,  health and safety laws and  regulations.  Generally,  these laws
impose  limitations on the discharge of pollutants  and establish  standards for
the  handling of solid and  hazardous  wastes.  These laws  include the Resource
Conservation  and  Recovery  Act,  the  Comprehensive   Environmental  Response,
Compensation  and Liability Act ("CERCLA"),  the Clean Air Act, the Occupational
Safety and Health Act, the Emergency  Planning and Community  Right to Know Act,
the Clean Water Act and comparable  state  statutes.  CERCLA,  also known as the
"Superfund" law, imposes joint and several  liability without regard to fault or
the  legality of the  original  conduct on certain  classes of persons  that are
considered  to have  contributed  to the  release  or  threatened  release  of a
"hazardous substance" into the environment. Propane is not a hazardous substance
within the meaning of CERCLA,  however, the Partnership owns real property where
such hazardous substances may exist.

     Pursuant to the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, risk management plans
must be implemented at the  Partnership's  customer  service centers by June 22,
1999. The Partnership  anticipates that all of its customer service centers will
be in compliance  with the risk  management  plan  requirement  by or before the
aforementioned deadline.

     National  Fire  Protection  Association  Pamphlets No. 54 and No. 58, which
establish  rules and  procedures  governing  the safe  handling of  propane,  or

comparable regulations, have been adopted as the industry standard in all of the
states  in  which  the  Partnership  operates.  In some  states  these  laws are
administered  by  state  agencies,  and in  others  they are  administered  on a
municipal  level.  With respect to the  transportation  of propane by truck, the
Partnership  is subject  to  regulations  promulgated  under the  Federal  Motor
Carrier  Safety Act. These  regulations  cover the  transportation  of hazardous
materials   and  are   administered   by  the  United   States   Department   of
Transportation.  The  Partnership  conducts  ongoing  training  programs to help
ensure that its operations are in compliance with applicable safety regulations.
The Partnership  maintains various permits that are necessary to operate some of
its facilities, some of which may be material to its operations. The Partnership
believes that the  procedures  currently in effect at all of its  facilities for
the handling,  storage and  distribution of propane are consistent with industry
standards and are in compliance in all material  respects with  applicable  laws
and regulations.

     The  Research  and  Special  Programs  Administration  ("RSPA") of the U.S.
Department of Transportation has recently  promulgated Final Rule HM-225 (49 CFR
171.5)  which  adopts  temporary  operating  requirements  for cargo  tank motor
vehicles  used to transport  propane (the "Final Rule").  The Final Rule,  which
became effective on August 16, 1997, effectively requires  that such vehicles be
equipped  with  remote  control  equipment  capable of  shutting off the flow of
propane in the event of a break in the vehicle's  delivery hose  or piping.  The
Final  Rule  also  contains  a  statement  that a  pre-existing  RSPA regulation
(Hazardous  Materials  Regulation 177.834(i))   requires operators of cargo tank
vehicles to maintain  an "unobstructed  view" of the vehicle  itself when making
deliveries to customer tanks. This new interpretation espoused by RSPA regarding
the unobstructed  view  requirement  would require either two operators being in
attendance  during  most  customer  deliveries  or one  attendant remaining at a
mid-point between the cargo tank vehicle and the customer tank, a practice  that
the Partnership and the propane industry consider to be unsafe.

     The Partnership  and four other major propane  marketers have filed suit in
the U.S.  District Court for the Western  District of Missouri  challenging  the
RSPA  Final  Rule on the  basis  that it was  promulgated  in an  arbitrary  and
capricious manner and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. In March
1998, the plaintiffs  obtained a preliminary  injunction  staying and postponing
the effective date of the Final Rule as it  applies  to  bobtail  trucks and any
enforcement  of  RSPA's   interpretation  of  Hazardous   Materials   Regulation
177.834(i).   The  National  Propane  Gas  Association,   the  industry's  trade
association,  has  also  filed a suit  challenging  the  Final  Rule in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern  District of Texas. In July 1998, RSPA announced
the  establishment  of an  advisory  committee  for  a  negotiated  rule  making
regarding the matters  addressed in the  Final Rule. The Partnership  cannot yet
predict  the  outcome  of the  aforementioned  suits and  negotiated  rulemaking

     Future developments, such as stricter environmental,  health or safety laws
and  regulations  thereunder,  could affect  Partnership  operations.  It is not
anticipated  that  the  Partnership's   compliance  with  or  liabilities  under
environmental,  health and safety laws and regulations,  including CERCLA,  will
have a material adverse effect on the Partnership.  To the extent that there are
any  environmental  liabilities  unknown to the  Partnership  or  environmental,
health or safety laws or regulations  are made more  stringent,  there can be no
assurance that the  Partnership's  results of operations  will not be materially
and adversely affected.

- ---------

     As of September 26, 1998 the Partnership had 3,217 full time employees,  of
whom  319  were  general  and   administrative   (including  fleet   maintenance
personnel), 25 were  transportation and  product  supply and 2,873 were customer
service center employees.  Approximately  181  of such employees are represented
by 9 different local chapters of labor unions. The Partnership believes that its
relations  with both  its union  and non-union  employees are satisfactory. From
time  to  time, the  Partnership hires  temporary workers to meet peak  seasonal


     The Partnership  currently owns  approximately  70% of its customer service
center and  satellite  locations  that it operates and leases the balance of its
retail  locations  from third parties.  In addition,  the  Partnership  owns and
operates a 187 million  gallon  underground  storage  facility  in  Hattiesburg,
Mississippi, and a 22 million gallon refrigerated, above-ground storage facility
in Elk Grove, California.

     The transportation of propane requires  specialized  equipment.  The trucks
and railroad tank cars utilized for this purpose carry  specialized  steel tanks
that maintain the propane in a liquefied  state.  As of September 26, 1998,  the
Partnership had a fleet of approximately 5 transport truck tractors,  of which 4
are owned by the Partnership, and 617 railroad tank cars, of which approximately
2%  are  owned  by  the  Partnership.  In  addition,  the  Partnership  utilizes
approximately  1,700  bobtail and rack trucks,  of which  approximately  73% are
owned by the  Partnership  and  approximately  1,675 other  delivery and service
vehicles, of which approximately 58% are owned by the Partnership. Vehicles that
are not owned by the  Partnership  are leased.  As of September  26,  1998,  the
Partnership  owned  approximately  944,000  customer  storage tanks with typical
capacities of 100 to 500 gallons and  approximately  93,000  portable  cylinders
with typical capacities of 5 to 10 gallons.

     The Partnership  believes that it has satisfactory title to or valid rights
to use all of its material  properties and, although some of such properties are
subject to liabilities and leases and, in certain cases, liens for taxes not yet
due and payable and immaterial  encumbrances,  easements and  restrictions,  the
Partnership  does not believe that any such burdens  will  materially  interfere
with the continued use of such  properties by the  Partnership  in its business,
taken as a whole.


- ----------

     A number of personal  injury,  property damage and product  liability suits
are pending or threatened  against the Partnership.  In general,  these lawsuits
have arisen in the  ordinary  course of the  Partnership's  business and involve
claims for actual damages, and in some cases,  punitive damages. The Partnership
is self-insured  for general and product,  workers'  compensation and automobile
liabilities  up to  predetermined  amounts  above which  third  party  insurance
applies. These self-insurance  reserves include provisions for losses related to
pending  or  threatened  litigation.   Although  any  litigation  is  inherently
uncertain,  based on past experience, the information currently available to it,
the  availability  of insurance  coverage  and the amount of its  self-insurance
reserves for known and unasserted self-insurance claims (which was approximately
$21.4  million at September  26, 1998),  the  Partnership  does not believe that
these  pending or  threatened  litigation  matters will have a material  adverse
effect on its results of operations or its financial condition.


      There  were no  matters  submitted  to a vote of  security  holders of the
Partnership, through the solicitation of proxies or otherwise, during the fourth
fiscal quarter of the year ended September 26, 1998.

                                     PART II


     The  Common  Units,   representing   limited   partner   interests  in  the
Partnership,  are listed and  traded on the New York  Stock  Exchange  under the
symbol  SPH.  As of  December  3,  1998,  there  were  1,047  registered  Common
Unitholders  of  record.  The  following  table  sets  forth,  for  the  periods
indicated,  the high and low sale prices per Common Unit, as reported on the New
York Stock Exchange, and the amount of cash distributions paid per Common Unit.

                                     Common Unit Price Range
                                          High       Low      Distribution Paid
                                          ----       ---      -----------------
1997 Fiscal Year
- ----------------
First Quarter                            $21.88    $18.75          $0.50
Second Quarter                            20.63     17.75           0.50
Third Quarter                             18.75     17.00           0.50
Fourth Quarter                            20.19     18.06           0.50

1998 Fiscal Year
- ----------------
First Quarter                             $20.56   $15.38          $0.50
Second Quarter                             20.00    17.50           0.50
Third Quarter                              19.50    18.00           0.50
Fourth Quarter                             20.00    17.56           0.50

1999 Fiscal Year
- ----------------
First Quarter (through December 17, 1998) $19.94   $17.13          $  -

     There  is no  established  public  trading  market  for  the  Partnership's
Subordinated  Units,  representing  limited partner interests,  all of which are
held by the General Partner.

     The  Partnership  makes  quarterly  distributions  to  its  partners  in an
aggregate  amount equal to its  Available  Cash (as  defined) for such  quarter.
Available Cash generally means all cash on hand at the end of the fiscal quarter
plus all additional cash on hand as a result of borrowings and purchases of APUs
subsequent  to the end of such quarter  less cash  reserves  established  by the
Board of Supervisors in its reasonable discretion for future cash requirements.

     The  Partnership  is a  publicly  traded  limited  partnership  that is not
subject to federal income tax. Instead, Unitholders are required to report their
allocable share of the Partnership's earnings or loss, regardless of whether the
Partnership makes distributions.


      The following table presents selected  condensed  consolidated  historical
and pro forma  financial data (which are unaudited) of the  Partnership  and the
Predecessor  Company.  The selected  condensed  consolidated  historical data is
derived from the audited financial statements of the Partnership and Predecessor
Company.  The dollar  amounts in the table below,  except per Unit data,  are in

                                    Partnership (a)                                Predecessor Company
                                                Pro Forma            |
                                                   Year     March 5, | October 1,   
                        Year Ended  Year Ended   Ended (b)     1996  |     1995         Year Ended
                        ----------  ----------   ---------   through |   through    --------------------
                         Sept 26,    Sept 27,    Sept 28,    Sept 28,|   March 4,   Sept 30,  October 1,
                           1998        1997        1996        1996  |     1996       1995       1994
                           ----        ----        ----        ----  |     ----       ----       ----
Statement of                                                         | 
 Operations Data                                                     |
Revenues................$ 667,287   $ 771,131   $ 707,946  $ 323,947 | $ 383,999   $633,620   $677,767
Gross Profit............  340,847     334,336     330,254    150,746 |   179,508    314,724    347,227
Depreciation and                                                     |
Amortization............   36,531      37,307      35,862     21,046 |    14,816     34,055     34,300
Restructuring Charge....        -       6,911       2,340      2,340 |         -          -          -
Operating Income                                                     |
(Loss)..................   68,814      47,763      58,332     (3,464)|    61,796     55,544     75,490
Interest Expense,                                                    |
Net.....................   30,614      33,979      31,197     17,171 |         -          -          -
Provision for                                                        |
Income Taxes............       35         190         250        147 |    28,147     25,299     33,644
Net Income (Loss).......   38,165      13,594      26,885    (20,782)|    33,649     30,245     41,846
Net Income (Loss)                                                    |
per Unit (c)............$    1.30   $    0.46   $    0.92  $   (0.71)|
Balance Sheet Data                                                   |
(end of period)                                                      |
Current Assets..........$ 132,781   $ 104,361   $ 120,692  $ 120,692 |             $ 78,846   $ 88,566
Total Assets............  729,565     745,634     776,651    776,651 |              705,686    724,280
Current Liabilities.....   91,550      96,701     101,826    101,826 |               69,872     74,555
Long-term Debt..........  427,897     427,970     428,229    428,229 |                    -          -
Other Long-term                                                      |
Liabilities.............   62,318      79,724      81,917     81,917 |               77,579     90,173
Predecessor                                                          |
Equity..................                                             |              558,235    559,552
Partners' Capital -                                                  |
General Partner.........   24,488      12,830       3,567      3,286 |
Partners' Capital -                                                  |
Limited Partners........  123,312     128,409     174,790    161,393 |
Statement of                                                         |
Cash Flows Data                                                      |
Cash Provided by                                                     |
(Used in)                                                            |
  Operating Activities..$  70,073   $  58,848   $  59,196  $  62,961 |  $ (3,765)  $  53,717  $  77,067
  Investing Activities..$   2,900   $ (20,709)  $ (52,414) $ (30,449)|  $(21,965)  $ (22,317) $ (16,126)
  Financing Activities..$ (32,490)  $ (37,734)  $  12,013  $ (13,786)|  $ 25,799   $ (31,562) $ (68,093)
Other Data                                                           |
EBITDA (d)..............$ 105,345   $  85,070   $  94,194  $  17,582 |  $ 76,612   $  89,599  $ 109,790
Capital Expenditures(e).                                             |
Maintenance and growth..$  12,617   $  24,888   $  25,885  $  16,089 |  $  9,796   $  21,359  $  17,839
Acquisitions............$   4,041   $   1,880   $  28,529  $  15,357 |  $ 13,172   $   5,817  $   1,448
Retail Propane                                                       |
Gallons Sold............  529,796     540,799     566,900    257,029 |   309,871     527,269    568,809

- ------

(a)  The Partnership acquired the propane business and assets of the Predecessor
     Company  on March  5,  1996  (the  Closing  Date).  There  are no  material
     differences in the basis of assets and liabilities  between the Partnership
     and the Predecessor Company.

(b)  The pro  forma  financial  and  operating  information  for the year  ended
     September 28, 1996 was derived from the historical  statement of operations
     of the Predecessor  Company for the period October 1, 1995 through March 4,
     1996 and the  consolidated  statement of operations of the Partnership from
     March 5, 1996 to September 28, 1996. The pro forma  financial and operating
     information  was  prepared  to  reflect  the  effects  of  the  Partnership
     formation as if it had been  completed in its entirety as of the  beginning
     of the period presented.

     Significant pro forma adjustments  reflected in the financial and operating
     information include the following:

     1. For the year ended September 28, 1996, an adjustment to interest expense
     to reflect the interest  expense  associated with the Senior Notes and Bank
     Credit Facilities.

     2. For the year ended  September 28, 1996, the elimination of the provision
     for income taxes, as income taxes will be borne by the partners and not the
     Partnership, except  for  corporate  income  taxes  related to  the Service

     3. The  Partnership's  management  estimates that the incremental  costs of
     operating as a stand-alone  entity during the year ended September 28, 1996
     would have  approximated the management fee paid to an affiliate of Hanson.
     These  incremental  costs are  estimated  to be $1,290  for the year  ended
     September 28, 1996.

 (c) Net income  (loss) per Unit is computed by dividing  the limited  partners'
     interest in net income (loss) by the number of Units outstanding.

 (d) Defined as operating  income plus  depreciation  and  amortization.  EBITDA
     should not be considered as an  alternative  to net income (as an indicator
     of operating  performance)  or as an alternative to cash flow (as a measure
     of  liquidity  or  ability  to  service  debt  obligations)  and  is not in
     accordance with nor superior to generally  accepted  accounting  principles
     but  provides  additional  information  for  evaluating  the  Partnership's
     ability to pay the Minimum Quarterly Distribution.

 (e) The   Partnership's   capital   expenditures   fall  generally  into  three
     categories:  (i) maintenance  expenditures,  which include expenditures for
     repair and  replacement  of  property,  plant and  equipment,  (ii)  growth
     capital expenditures which include new propane tanks and other equipment to
     facilitate  expansion  of the  Partnership's  customer  base and  operating
     capacity;  and  (iii)  acquisition  capital  expenditures,   which  include
     expenditures  related to the acquisition of retail propane operations and a
     portion of the purchase price allocated to intangibles associated with such
     acquired businesses.


     The following is a discussion  of the  historical  and pro forma  financial
condition  and results of  operations  of the  Partnership  and the  Predecessor
Company.  The discussion  should be read in conjunction  with the historical and
pro forma consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included elsewhere
in this Form 10-K.  Since the Operating  Partnership and Service Company account
for substantially all of the assets, revenues and earnings of the Partnership, a
separate  discussion  of the  Partnership's  results  of  operations  from other
sources is not presented.

- -------

     The Partnership is engaged in the retail,  wholesale  marketing and trading
of propane  and  related  sales of  appliances  and  services.  The  Partnership
believes  it is the third  largest  retail  marketer  of  propane  in the United
States, serving more than 700,000 active residential, commercial, industrial and
agricultural  customers from more than 340 customer  service  centers in over 40
states. The Partnership's  annual retail propane sales volume were approximately
530 million,  541 million and 567 million  gallons during the fiscal years ended
September 26, 1998, September 27, 1997 and September 28, 1996, respectively.

     The retail  propane  business of the  Partnership  consists  principally of
transporting propane purchased on the contract and spot markets,  primarily from
major oil  companies,  to its retail  distribution  outlets  and then to storage
tanks located on the  customers'  premises.  In the  residential  and commercial
markets,  propane is primarily  used for space heating,  water heating,  clothes
drying and cooking  purposes.  Industrial  customers  primarily use propane as a
motor fuel  burned in  internal  combustion  engines  that  power  over-the-road
vehicles,  forklifts and stationary engines, to fire furnaces,  as a cutting gas
and in other  process  applications.  In the  agricultural  market,  propane  is
primarily  used for tobacco  curing,  crop  drying,  poultry  brooding  and weed
control. In its wholesale operations,  the Partnership sells propane principally
to large industrial end-users and other propane distributors.

- -------------

     The retail propane business is a "margin-based" business where the level of
profitability is largely dependent on the difference between retail sales prices
and product cost.  The unit cost of propane is subject to volatile  changes as a
result of product supply or other market  conditions.  Propane unit cost changes
can occur  rapidly  over a short period of time and can impact  retail  margins.
There is no assurance that the Partnership  will be able to pass on product cost
increases fully, particularly when product costs increase rapidly.

- -----------

     The retail propane  distribution  business is seasonal because of propane's
primary use for heating in residential and commercial  buildings.  Historically,
approximately  two-thirds of the  Partnership's  retail  propane  volume is sold
during the six-month peak heating season of October through March. Consequently,
sales and operating  profits are  concentrated  in the  Partnership's  first and
second fiscal  quarters.  Cash flows from  operations,  therefore,  are greatest
during the second and third  fiscal  quarters  when  customers  pay for  propane
purchased  during the  winter  heating  season.  To the  extent  necessary,  the
Partnership   will  reserve  cash  from  the  second  and  third   quarters  for
distribution to Unitholders in the first and fourth fiscal quarters.

- -------

     Weather  conditions have a significant impact on the demand for propane for
both heating and agricultural  purposes.  Many customers of the Partnership rely
heavily on propane as a heating fuel. Accordingly, the volume of propane sold is
directly  affected  by the  severity  of  the  winter  weather  which  can  vary
substantially from year to year.

- ---------------------------------
(in thousands)

     Due to the  seasonality  of the retail propane  business,  first and second
quarter  revenues,  gross profit and earnings are consistently  greater than the
comparable  third  and  fourth  quarter  results.  The  following  presents  the
Partnership's  selected  quarterly  financial  data  for  the  two  years  ended
September 26, 1998.

Fiscal year ended September 26, 1998 (unaudited)(in thousands)

                         First Quarter  Second Quarter  Third Quarter  Fourth Quarter  Fiscal 1998
                         -------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  -----------
Revenues                      $204,886        $230,429       $125,109        $106,863     $667,287
Gross Profit                    99,229         115,078         67,535          59,005      340,847
Operating Income (Loss)         35,025          44,757         (2,925)         (8,043)      68,814
Net Income (Loss)               26,901          37,011        (10,235)        (15,512)      38,165
EBITDA                          44,317          53,930          6,154             944      105,345
Retail Gallons Sold            158,278         180,139        100,735          90,644      529,796

Fiscal year ended September 27, 1997 (unaudited)(in thousands)

                         First Quarter  Second Quarter  Third Quarter  Fourth Quarter  Fiscal 1997
                         -------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  -----------
Revenues                      $246,028        $277,631       $132,363        $115,109     $771,131
Gross Profit                    97,934         114,487         64,885          57,030      334,336
Operating Income (Loss)         25,900          39,459        (10,953)         (6,643)      47,763
Net Income (Loss)               17,338          30,281        (19,181)        (14,844)      13,594
EBITDA                          35,181          48,647         (1,611)          2,853       85,070
Retail Gallons Sold            158,996         183,307        102,899          95,597      540,799


- ---------------------------------------------

     REVENUES.  Revenues  decreased $103.8 million or 13.5% to $667.3 million in
fiscal 1998 compared to $771.1 million in fiscal 1997. The decrease is primarily
attributable  to lower product costs which resulted in lower selling prices and,
to a lesser extent, a decrease in retail gallons sold.

     Overall, higher nationwide inventories of propane, coupled with warmer than
normal  temperatures during the winter of fiscal 1998, resulted in a significant
decrease  in the cost of propane  when  compared  to the winter of fiscal  1997.
Temperatures  during  fiscal  1998 were 4% warmer than normal and 4% warmer than
fiscal  1997,  as reported by National  Oceanic and  Atmospheric  Administration
("NOAA"), which is attributable to the El Nino weather phenomenon.  Temperatures
during  January and February of the fiscal 1998 heating  season were the warmest
on record according to the NOAA which began keeping records over 100 years ago.

     Retail gallons sold decreased 2.0% or 11.0 million gallons to 529.8 million
gallons in fiscal 1998 as compared to 540.8  million  gallons in the prior year.
Wholesale  gallons and gallons sold for hedging purposes increased 17.5% or 32.3
million  gallons  to  216.8  million  gallons  resulting from the  Partnership's
expansion of its product procurement and price risk management  activities.  The
decline   in  retail   gallons   sold  is  principally  attributable  to  warmer
temperatures  principally  during the winter  heating season in all areas of the
Partnership's operations.

     GROSS PROFIT. Gross profit increased $6.5 million or 1.9% to $340.8 million
in fiscal  1998  compared  to $334.3  million in the prior  year.  The  increase
principally  resulted from overall higher  average  propane unit margins and the
expansion of the  Partnership's  product  procurement  and price risk management
activities,  including hedging transactions,  partially offset by reduced volume
of retail propane gallons sold.

     OPERATING  EXPENSES.  Operating  expenses decreased $6.9 million or 3.3% to
$202.9 million in fiscal year 1998 compared to $209.8 million in the prior year.
The decrease is primarily  attributable  to the  continued  favorable  impact of
restructuring  activities undertaken during 1997,  principally lower payroll and
benefit costs.

     SELLING,  GENERAL  AND  ADMINISTRATIVE   EXPENSES.   Selling,  general  and
administrative  expenses  increased  $5.0  million or 15.3% to $37.6  million in
fiscal  1998  compared  to $32.6  million in the prior  year.  The  increase  is
primarily   attributable  to  a  $1.4  million  write-off  of  certain  impaired
information  systems  assets,  an increase in professional  consulting services,
primarily in the  information systems area, and a $2.0 million charge related to
insurance claims for which insurance coverage was denied.

     OPERATING  INCOME AND EBITDA.  Results  for the fiscal year 1998  include a
$5.1 million gain from the sale of an investment in the Dixie Pipeline Co. and a
$1.8 million  write-off of certain impaired  assets.  Results for the prior year
period include a restructuring charge of $6.9 million.  Excluding these one-time
items from both periods,  operating  income  increased 19.7% or $10.8 million to
$65.5 million compared to $54.7 million in the prior period.  EBITDA,  excluding
the one-time items from both periods, increased 10.9% or $10.0 million to $102.0
million compared to $92.0 million in the prior period.

     The improvement in operating income and EBITDA is primarily attributable to
higher overall gross profit and lower  operating  expenses  partially  offset by
higher  selling,  general  and  administrative  expenses.  EBITDA  should not be
considered  as an  alternative  to net  income  (as an  indicator  of  operating
performance)  or as an  alternative  to cash flow (as a measure of  liquidity on
ability to service debt  obligations)  but provides  additional  information for
evaluating  the  Partnership's  ability  to  distribute  the  Minimum  Quarterly

     INTEREST  EXPENSE.  Net interest  expense  decreased  $3.4 million to $30.6
million in fiscal  1998  compared  with $34.0  million  in the prior  year.  The
decrease is attributable to higher  interest income on  significantly  increased
cash investments in fiscal 1998 resulting from higher net income,  proceeds from
the sale of the  Partnership's  investment  in the Dixie  Pipeline Co. and, to a
lesser extent, improved working capital management and lower product costs.

- ---------------------------------------------

     The Partnership acquired the propane business and assets of the Predecessor
Company on March 5, 1996.  Solely  for  purposes  of  comparing  the  results of
operations of the  Partnership  for the year ended September 27, 1997 with those
of the Partnership and the  Predecessor  Company for the prior year period,  the
statement of operations  data for the year ended September 28, 1996 is comprised
of the combined  statements  of operations  of the  Predecessor  Company for the
period  October 1, 1995 to March 4, 1996 and of the  Partnership  for the period
March 5, 1996 to September 28, 1996.

     REVENUES.  Revenues  increased  $63.2 million or 8.9% to $771.1  million in
fiscal 1997 compared to $707.9 million in fiscal 1996. The increase is primarily
attributable  to  higher  average  retail and wholesale selling prices resulting
from higher  propane product  costs.  Retail gallons sold decreased 4.6% or 26.1
million  gallons  to  540.8  million  gallons  in  fiscal 1997 compared to 566.9
million gallons in the prior year, while  wholesale  gallons sold decreased 2.4%
or 4.5 million gallons to 184.5 million gallons compared to 189.0 million in the
prior year. The decrease in gallons sold is primarily due to warmer temperatures
during the winter heating season in all areas of the Partnership's operations.

     GROSS PROFIT. Gross profit increased $4.1 million or 1.2% to $334.3 million
in fiscal  1997  compared  to $330.3  million in the prior  year.  The  increase
principally  resulted from higher average retail propane unit margins  partially
offset by reduced volumes of propane sold.

     OPERATING  EXPENSES.  Operating  expenses increased $6.4 million or 3.1% to
$209.8 million in fiscal year 1997 compared to $203.4 million in the prior year.
The  increase  was due to higher  payroll,  bad debt and  equipment  and vehicle
leasing costs.

     RESTRUCTURING  CHARGES.  Fiscal 1997 results reflect a restructuring charge
of $6.9 million compared to a $2.3 million  restructuring charge in fiscal 1996.
In fiscal 1997, after evaluating certain long-term cost reduction strategies and
organizational changes, the Partnership reorganized its product  procurement and
logistics  group,  redesigned  its fleet and  maintenance,  field and  corporate
office organizations, and identified facilities to be closed and impaired assets
whose carrying  amounts would not be recovered.  In connection with this effort,
the  Partnership  recorded a $6.9  million  restructuring  charge,  comprised of
severance,  employee  benefit and facility closure costs of $5.1 million, and an
impaired asset charge of $1.8 million.

     In fiscal  1996,  the  Partnership  reorganized  its  corporate  office and
terminated  certain  employees.  As a result  of this  action,  the  Partnership
recorded  a $2.3  million  restructuring  charge,  comprised  of  severance  and
employee benefit costs.

     SELLING,  GENERAL  AND  ADMINISTRATIVE   EXPENSES.   Selling,  general  and
administrative expenses, including the management fee charged to the Predecessor
Company and excluding  restructuring charges,  increased $2.3 million or 7.5% to
$32.6 million in fiscal 1997  compared to $30.3  million in the prior year.  The
increase was principally due to higher expenditures for professional  consulting
services (primarily  information systems) and expansion of customer satisfaction

     OPERATING INCOME AND EBITDA.  Operating income, excluding the restructuring
charges, decreased $6.0 million or 9.9% to $54.7 million in fiscal 1997 compared
to $60.7 million in the prior year. EBITDA, excluding the restructuring charges,
decreased $4.5 or 4.7% to $92.0 million. The decrease is primarily  attributable
to higher operating,  selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  partially
offset by higher overall retail  margins.  EBITDA should not be considered as an
alternative  to net income (as an indicator of operating  performance)  or as an
alternative  to cash flow (as a measure of  liquidity or ability to service debt
obligations)   but  provides   additional   information   for   evaluating   the
Partnership's ability to pay the Minimum Quarterly Distribution.

     INTEREST  EXPENSE.  Net interest  expense  increased $16.8 million to $34.0
million in fiscal 1997 compared to $17.2 million in fiscal 1996. The increase is
principally  due to the issuance of $425.0 million in Senior Notes in connection
with the Partnership's initial public offering in March 1996.

- ---------------

     The  Partnership  engages in hedging  transactions  to reduce the effect of
price  volatility  on its product costs and to help ensure the  availability  of
propane during periods of short supply.  The Partnership is currently a party to
propane futures  contracts on the New York  Mercantile  Exchange and enters into
agreements  to purchase and sell  propane at fixed  prices in the future.  These
activities are monitored by management through  enforcement of the Partnership's
Commodity  Trading Policy.  Hedging does not always result in increased  product
margins and the Partnership does not consider hedging  activities to be material
to operations or liquidity for the years ended  September 26, 1998 and September
27, 1997. For additional information, see Item 7A of this Report.

- -------------------------------

     Due to the  seasonal  nature  of the  propane  business,  cash  flows  from
operating  activities  are  greater  during the  winter  and  spring  seasons as
customers pay for propane  purchased during the heating season.  In fiscal 1998,
net cash  provided by  operating  activities  increased  $11.2  million to $70.1
million  compared to $58.8 million in fiscal 1997. The increase is primarily due
to an increase in net income,  exclusive of non-cash  items,  of $11.2  million.
Changes in  operating  assets and  liabilities  reflect  decreases  in  accounts
receivable of $2.3 million,  inventories of $6.3 million and accounts payable of
$3.5 million principally due to the lower cost of propane.  These decreases were
partially offset by an increase in accrued  employment and benefit costs of $6.6
million reflecting higher  performance-related  payroll accruals and an increase
in deferred credits and other non-current liabilities of $3.0 million.

     Net cash provided by investing  activities was $2.9 million in fiscal 1998,
reflecting  $12.6 million in  capital expenditures  (including  $6.0 million for
maintenance  expenditures  and $6.6 million to support the growth of operations)
and $4.0  million of payments for  acquisitions,  offset by net proceeds of $6.5
million from the sale of property,  plant and  equipment  and $13.1 million from
the sale of the  investment in the Dixie Pipeline Co. Net cash used in investing
activities was $20.7 million in fiscal 1997,  consisting of capital expenditures
of $24.9 million (including $13.3 million for maintenance expenditures and $11.6
million to support the growth of operations)  and  acquisition  payments of $1.9
million,  offset by proceeds  from the sale of property  and  equipment  of $6.1
million.  The decrease in cash used for capital expenditures of $12.3 million in
fiscal 1998,  when compared to the prior year, is primarily due to reductions in
new customer equipment  purchases and new vehicle purchases,  as the Partnership
has elected to lease new vehicles rather than purchase new vehicles.

     For fiscal year 1997, net cash provided by operating  activities  decreased
$0.3 million or 0.6% to $58.8 million  compared to $59.2 million for fiscal year
1996.  Cash  provided  by  operating  activities  during  fiscal  1997  reflects
increases in cash from accounts  receivable of $23.1 million,  prepaid and other
current assets of $4.9 million and inventories of $11.8 million  principally due
to lower  sales  volumes  and a resulting  decline in propane  purchases.  These
increases  were offset by an  aggregate  decrease in accounts  payable,  accrued
interest  and accrued  employment  and benefit  costs of $37.9  million and $4.3
million of cash  expenditures  incurred  in  connection  with the  Partnership's

     Net cash used in  investing  activities  was $52.4  million for fiscal year
1996,  reflecting  $25.9  million in capital  expenditures  and $28.5 million of
payments for  acquisitions  offset by net proceeds of $2.0 million from the sale
of property, plant and equipment.

     In March 1996, the Operating  Partnership  issued $425.0 million  aggregate
principal  amount  of  Senior  Notes with an interest rate of 7.54%.  The Senior
Notes  mature  June  30, 2011.  The  Senior  Note  Agreement  requires  that the
principal  be paid  in equal  annual payments of $42.5 million starting June 30,

     The  Partnership has available a $25.0 million  acquisition  facility and a
$75.0  million  working  capital  facility.  Borrowings  under  the Bank  Credit
Facilities bear interest at a rate based upon either LIBOR plus a margin,  First
Union  National  Bank's prime rate or the Federal  Funds rate plus 1/2 of 1%. An
annual  fee  ranging  from .20% to .25% based upon  certain  financial  tests is
payable quarterly  whether or not borrowings occur. The Bank Credit  Facilities,
which expire on September 30, 2000,  are unsecured on an equal and ratable basis
with  the  Operating  Partnership's  obligations  under  the  Senior  Notes.  At
September  26, 1998 and September  27, 1997,  there were no amounts  outstanding
under the Bank Credit Facilities.

     The Senior Note Agreement and the Bank Credit  Facilities  contain  various
restrictive and affirmative  covenants applicable to the Operating  Partnership,
include (a)  maintenance of certain  financial  tests,  (b)  restrictions on the
incurrence of additional  indebtedness,  and (c)  restrictions on certain liens,
investments,  guarantees,  loans, advances,  payments, mergers,  consolidations,
distributions, sales of assets and other transactions. The Operating Partnership
was in compliance with all covenants and terms as of September 26, 1998.

     As a result of lower than  anticipated  earnings  for  fiscal  1997 and the
costs associated with the restructuring  efforts, the Partnership utilized $22.0
million of cash proceeds  available  under the  Distribution  Support  Agreement
between the Partnership and the General Partner in connection  with the  payment
of the Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution  on the Common Units with respect to the
third and fourth  fiscal  quarters  of 1997.  The  Partnership  did not  utilize
proceeds available under the Distribution  Support Agreement with respect to the
funding of the Minimum Quarterly Distributions for fiscal 1998. The Distribution
Support Agreement provides for a maximum of approximately  $44.0 million in cash

in return for APUs  ($22.0  million of which has been  utilized)  to support the
Partnership's Minimum Quarterly Distributions to holders of Common Units through
March 31, 2001. The Partnership has not made a distribution on its  Subordinated
Units  since  the first  fiscal  quarter  of 1997 and does not  intend to make a
distribution  to  the  Subordinated  Unitholder  prior  to  consummation  of the
proposed Recapitalization.

     The Partnership  will make  distributions  in an amount equal to all of its
Available  Cash  approximately  45 days after the end of each fiscal  quarter to
holders of record on the  applicable  record  dates.  The  Partnership  has made
distributions  to holders of its Common Units for each of the quarters in fiscal

     The Partnership's  anticipated  cash  requirements  for fiscal 1999 include
maintenance and growth capital expenditures of  approximately  $15.0 million for
the repair and replacement of property,  plant  and equipment and  approximately
$32.0  million  of  interest  payments  on  the  Senior Notes. In addition,  the
Partnership  intends  to  pay  approximately  $44.0 million in Minimum Quarterly
Distributions  to  its Common Unitholders  and in  distributions  to its General
Partner during fiscal 1999.  Based on its current cash position, available  Bank
Credit Facilities and expected cash from operating activities,  the  Partnership
expects to have sufficient  funds to meet these  obligations for fiscal 1999, as
well  as all of its current  obligations and working capital needs during fiscal

     In connection with the proposed Recapitalization, the Operating Partnership
has  obtained  a commitment letter  dated October  30, 1998 from The Bank of New
York providing  for a new bank credit  facility allowing for borrowings of up to
$150.0 million.  The  Recapitalization  will be funded  by borrowings under this
facility as well as internally  generated  funds.  Pursuant to the  terms of the
commitment letter, borrowings under this  facility will  bear interest at a rate
based  upon  LIBOR  plus a margin or  The Bank of  New  York's prime rate plus a
margin.  The  facility will  mature upon the  earlier of (a) five years from the
date  of  closing and  (b) March 31, 2002  if on or before  March 31, 2002,  the
Senior Notes have not been amended to provide that no principal payments are due
thereunder prior  to June 30, 2003.  The  Partnership and all present and future
domestic subsidiaries of the Operating Partnership will guarantee the  repayment
of  all  amounts  due  under  the facility; provided, however,  that the Service
Company will not be required to guarantee the facility for so long as its EBITDA
does not exceed certain levels.  The facility  will be secured by certain  owned
and later-acquired assets of the Partnership,  the Operating Partnership and its
subsidiary  guarantors  and  will rank  equally with the Operating Partnership's
obligations under the Senior Notes.

- -----------------------

     The following disclosure is being made pursuant to the Year 2000  Readiness
and Disclosure Act of 1998.

     Many  information   technology   ("IT")  and   non-information   technology
("non-IT") systems in use throughout the world today may not be able to properly
interpret  date  related  data from the year 1999 into the year 2000 (the  "Y2K"
issue).  As a result,  the Y2K issue could have  adverse  consequences  upon the
operations  and  information   processing  of  many  companies,   including  the

     In the second  half of 1997,  the  Partnership  began to  identify  the Y2K
exposure of its IT systems by focusing  upon those systems and  applications  it
considered  critical to its ability to operate its business,  supply  propane to
its customers,  and accurately account for those services.  The critical systems
identified were the retail/sales,  the human  resources/payroll  and the general
ledger/financial accounting systems. Based upon the reasonable assurances of the
software developers and vendors,  the Partnership  believes that it has replaced
the human resources/payroll and the general ledger/financial  accounting systems
with Y2K  compliant  versions.  In addition,  the  Partnership  has retained the
services  of  a  third  party  vendor  to  assist  in  the  remediation  of  its
retail/sales  system,  as well as the majority of the programs  supporting  this
system.  The  Partnership  anticipates  that these critical  systems will be Y2K

     The  Partnership  has  also  developed  and  is  currently  implementing  a
comprehensive  Y2K project plan to identify and address both its non-critical IT
and non-IT  systems that could  potentially  be impacted by Y2K. In  conjunction
with  this  plan and in an  effort  to  improve  its  business  efficiency,  the

Partnership made the decision to replace all its computer  hardware and PC-based
computer  software,  as well as to migrate  the  majority  of its  network-based
software to a server environment. According to the reasonable representations of
the manufacturers,  software developers and vendors,  all of the newly purchased
IT hardware  and PC software  are  functionally  Y2K  compliant  with some minor
issues outstanding.

     The Partnership is in the process of assessing the non-IT systems  utilized
by its field  locations to determine the Y2K compliance of those  systems.  With
limited exceptions which are being addressed,  the safety related devices at the
Partnership's field locations do not incorporate  electronic  components and, as
such, do not require Y2K remediation.  The Partnership does not believe that the
failure of any of its non-IT systems at any field location would have a material
adverse impact upon it.

     As of December 17, 1998, the  Partnership has incurred  approximately  $0.3
million  to  address  its  Y2K  issues.  It  is  currently  estimated  that  the
Partnership  will  spend  between  $1.5 and $2.0  million  to  complete  its Y2K
compliance  program.  This figure does not include the amounts  spent to upgrade
and replace computer  hardware and PC-based  software.  The Partnership does not
view the foregoing costs as having a material impact upon its overall  financial
position and has not delayed or eliminated any other scheduled computer upgrades
or replacements due to the Y2K compliance project.

     In addition to testing the individual systems, the Partnership  anticipates
conducting an overall IT system Y2K compliance test by May 1999. The Partnership
is developing a formal Y2K contingency plan that is to be in place prior to June
30, 1999, which will be based upon its overall  disaster  recovery plan. At this
time, the Partnership  anticipates  that its Y2K contingency  plan will be based
upon manual processes and procedures.

     While propane itself is not date-dependent,  the supply, transportation and
consumption of propane is dependent  upon third  parties,  beyond the control of
the Partnership,  which may have systems potentially  impacted by the Y2K issue.
The  Partnership  has  contacted  the  vendors/suppliers   identified  as  being
significant  to its  business and is currently  reviewing  the  responses it has
received,  if any, to evaluate  whether  these third  parties are or will be Y2K
compliant in a timely manner.  The Partnership  believes that by obtaining these
responses,  it will be able to  minimize  any  potential  business  interruption
arising out of Y2K's impact upon these vendors/suppliers.  Further, although the
Y2K failure of any one customer will not have a materially  adverse  effect upon
the  Partnership,  if a significant  percentage  of either its customers  and/or
vendors/suppliers  fail in achieving Y2K  compliance,  the Y2K issue may have an
adverse material impact upon the Partnership's operations.

     Although the Partnership  currently  anticipates  that its internal mission
critical  IT and non-IT  systems  will be Y2K  compliant,  it has taken steps to
identify and  mitigate  Y2K  compliance  issues with its  vendors/suppliers  and
customers  and has begun to work on a Y2K  contingency  plan,  the  failure of a
mission   critical   IT  or  non-IT   system   or  the   combined   failure   of
vendors/suppliers  and/or  customers  to  achieve  Y2K  compliance  could have a
material adverse impact on the Partnership's operations and financial condition.


     As of September  26, 1998,  the  Partnership  was party to propane  forward
contracts  with  various  third  parties  and  futures  traded  on the New  York
Mercantile Exchange ("NYMEX").  Such contracts provide that the Partnership sell
or acquire  propane at a fixed price at fixed future dates.  At expiration,  the
contracts are settled by the delivery of propane to the respective  party or are
settled by the payment of a net amount equal to the difference  between the then
current price of propane and the fixed contract price. The contracts are entered
into for purposes other than trading in anticipation of market movements, and to
manage  and hedge  exposure  to  fluctuating  propane  prices as well as to help
ensure the availability of propane during periods of high demand.

     Market risks  associated  with the trading of futures and forward contracts
are monitored daily for compliance with the  Partnership's  trading policy which

includes volume limits for open positions. Open inventory positions are reviewed
and managed daily as to exposures to changing market prices.

- -----------

     The  Partnership  is subject  to  commodity  price risk to the extent  that
propane market prices deviate from fixed contract  settlement  amounts.  Futures
contracts  traded with brokers of the NYMEX  require daily cash  settlements  in
margin accounts.  Forward  contracts are generally  settled at the expiration of
the contract term.

- -----------

     Futures  contracts are guaranteed by the NYMEX and as a result have minimal
credit risk. The Partnership is subject to credit risk with forward contracts to
the extent the  counterparties  do not perform.  The  Partnership  evaluates the
financial  condition of each  counterparty  with which it conducts  business and
establishes credit limits to reduce exposure to credit risk of non-performance.

- --------------------

     In  an  effort  to  estimate  the  exposure  of  unfavorable  market  price
movements, a sensitivity analysis of open positions as of September 26, 1998 was
performed.  Based on this analysis,  hypothetical 10% and 25% adverse changes in
market prices for each of the future  months for which a future  and/or  forward
contract exists indicate potential losses in future earnings of $1.8 million and
$4.5 million, respectively, as of September 26, 1998.

     The above  hypothetical  change does not  reflect the worst case  scenario.
Actual results may be significantly different depending on market conditions and
the composition of the open position portfolio.

     As of December 17, 1998, the posted price of propane at Mont Belvieu, Texas
(a major storage  point) was 21  cents per gallon  as compared to  26 cents  per
gallon  at  September 28, 1998,  representing  a  19% decline.  Such  decline is
attributable to factors including warmer weather patterns, high national propane
inventory levels and decreases in the market price of crude oil.


     The  Partnership's  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and the Reports of
Independent  Accountants  thereon and the  Supplementary  Financial  Information
listed on the accompanying Index to Financial  Statement  Schedules are included
herein. See Item 7 for Selected Quarterly Financial Data.



                                    PART III


- ----------------------

     The  Partnership  Agreement  provides that all  management  powers over the
business and affairs of the Partnership  are exclusively  vested in its Board of
Supervisors  and,  subject to the  direction  of the Board of  Supervisors,  the
officers of the  Partnership.  No Unitholder has any  management  power over the
business and affairs of the Partnership or actual or apparent authority to enter
into  contracts  on behalf of, or to  otherwise  bind,  the  Partnership.  Three
independent Elected  Supervisors,  two Appointed  Supervisors and two Management
Supervisors  serve on the  Board of  Supervisors  pursuant  to the  terms of the
Partnership Agreement.

     The  three  Elected  Supervisors  serve  on the  Audit  Committee  with the
authority  to  review,  at the  request  of the Board of  Supervisors,  specific
matters as to which the Board of Supervisors believes there may be a conflict of
interest in order to determine if the  resolution of such  conflict  proposed by
the Board of Supervisors is fair and reasonable to the Partnership.  Any matters
approved  by the  Audit  Committee  will be  conclusively  deemed to be fair and
reasonable to the  Partnership,  approved by all partners of the Partnership and
not a breach by the General  Partner or the Board of  Supervisors  of any duties
they  may owe  the  Partnership  or the  Unitholders.  In  addition,  the  Audit
Committee will review  external  financial  reporting of the  Partnership,  will
recommend  engagement  of the  Partnership's  independent  accountants  and will
review the  Partnership's  procedures for internal  auditing and the adequacy of
the Partnership's internal accounting controls.

- -------------------------------------------------

      The Amended Partnership Agreements to be adopted  in  connection  with the
Recapitalization  will  provide  that, immediately  following the closing of the
Recapitalization,  the  size of the  Board  of  Supervisors will be reduced from
seven to five by eliminating the  positions of the two supervisors now appointed
by management.  As as result, if the Recapitalization is approved, there will be
three  Elected  Supervisors  and  two  Appointed  Supervisors  and  the  Elected
Supervisors  will  hold  a  majority  of  seats on the Board of Supervisors. The
Elected  Supervisors are expected to continue to be John Hoyt Stookey, Harold R.
Logan and  Dudley C. Mecum. The Appointed Supervisors are expected to be Mark A.
Alexander, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Partnership, and Michael
J. Dunn, Jr.,  Senior Vice  President of the  Partnership. Messrs. Alexander and
Dunn currently  serve as the two  Supervisors appointed by the management of the
Partnership under the Partnership Agreement.  The three Elected Supervisors will
continue to serve on the Audit Committee.

- --------------------------------------------------------------

     The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with respect to the
members of the Board of Supervisors and executive officers of the Partnership as
of December 3, 1998. Officers are elected for one-year terms and Supervisors are
elected or appointed for three-year terms.

                                     Position With the
     Name                      Age   Partnership
- ----------------------------- -----  --------------------------------------

Mark A. Alexander............  40    President and Chief Executive Officer;
                                     Member of the Board of Supervisors 
                                     (Management Supervisor)
Michael J. Dunn, Jr..........  49    Senior Vice President - Member of the
                                     Board of Supervisors(Management Supervisor)

Anthony M. Simonowicz........  48    Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Michael M. Keating...........  45    Vice President -- Human Resources and
Kevin T. McIver..............  44    Vice President, General Counsel and
Thomas A. Nunan..............  65    Vice President -- Sales
Edward  J. Grabowiecki.......  36    Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
George H. Hempstead, III.....  55    Member of the Board of Supervisors
                                     (Appointed Supervisor)
John E. Lushefski............  43    Member of the Board of Supervisors
                                     (Appointed Supervisor)
John Hoyt Stookey............  68    Member of the Board of Supervisors
                                     (Chairman and Elected Supervisor)
Harold R. Logan, Jr..........  54    Member of the Board of Supervisors
                                     (Elected Supervisor)
Dudley C. Mecum..............  63    Member of the Board of Supervisors
                                     (Elected Supervisor)

     Mr.  Alexander  serves as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of the
Partnership and as a Management Supervisor of the Board of Supervisors. Prior to
October  1, 1996,  he served as  Executive  Vice  Chairman  and Chief  Executive
Officer of the Partnership. Mr. Alexander was Senior Vice President -- Corporate
Development of Hanson  Industries  (Hanson's  management  division in the United
States) from 1995 until March 4, 1996,  where he was responsible for mergers and
acquisitions,   real  estate  and  divestitures,   and  was  Vice  President  of
Acquisitions from 1989 to 1995. He was an Associate Director of Hanson from 1993
and a  Director of  Hanson Industries  from  June 1995 until March 4, 1996.  Mr.
Alexander is also a Director of the National Propane Gas Association.

     Mr. Dunn serves as Senior Vice President and  Management  Supervisor of the
Partnership. Mr. Dunn was  Vice  President -- Procurement  and  Logistics of the
Partnership from March 1997 until August 1998. Prior to joining the Partnership,
Mr. Dunn  was  Vice  President of Commodity Trading for Goldman Sachs & Company,
New York, NY since 1981.

     Mr. Simonowicz serves as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the
Partnership.  Mr. Simonowicz was Vice President -- Business  Development  of the
Partnership from March 1996 to March 1997. Mr. Simonowicz was  Vice President --
Business  Development of  Suburban Propane from September 1995  until March 1996
and was Director -- Financial Planning and Analysis from 1991 to September 1995.
Mr. Simonowicz  was employed as  Controller at  Lifecodes Corporation (a genetic
identification and research company), then a subsidiary of Quantum, from 1989 to

     Mr. Keating serves as Vice President -- Human Resources and Administration
of the Partnership. Mr. Keating was Director of Human Resources at Hanson
Industries from 1993 to July 1996 and was Director of Human Resources and
Corporate Personnel at Quantum from 1989 to 1993.

     Mr. McIver serves as Vice President,  General Counsel  and Secretary of the
Partnership.  He served as General Counsel and Secretary of the Partnership from
March  1996 to  August 1996.  Mr. McIver was General Counsel of Suburban Propane
from  October 1994  until March  1996 and  was chief counsel of Suburban Propane
from 1984.

     Mr. Nunan serves as Vice President  --  Sales of the Partnership. Mr. Nunan
was Vice President  --  Sales of  Suburban Propane from October 1990 until March
1996. He is currently a director  and member of the  Executive  Committee of the
National  Propane  Gas  Association. Mr. Nunan is also a director of the Propane
Education and Research Council and a director of the Propane Vehicle Council.

     Mr. Grabowiecki is  the Controller  and  Chief  Accounting  Officer  of the
Partnership.  Mr. Grabowiecki  served as  Director of Accounting Services of the
Partnership  from  January  1996   to  September  1996.  Prior  to  joining  the
Partnership,  Mr. Grabowiecki was a regional controller for Discovery Zone, Inc.
from June 1993 to  January 1996. Mr. Grabowiecki held several positions at Ernst
& Young from 1984 to 1993, including Senior Manager from 1992 to 1993.

     Mr. Hempstead serves as an Appointed  Supervisor of the Partnership.  He is
also Vice President and Secretary and a Director of the General Partner.  He has
served as Senior Vice  President,  Law and  Administration  of Millennium  since
October  1996,  as  Senior  Vice  President,  Law and  Administration  of Hanson
Industries from June 1995 to September 1996 as well as Senior Vice President and
General  Counsel of Hanson  Industries  from 1993 to 1995 and General Counsel of
Hanson Industries from 1982 to 1993. He was an Associate Director of Hanson from
1990 to  September  1996  and a  Director  of  Hanson  Industries  from  1986 to
September 1996. He joined Hanson Industries in 1976.

     Mr. Lushefski serves as an Appointed  Supervisor of the Partnership.  He is
also a Vice  President  and  Director of the General  Partner.  He has served as
Senior Vice President and Chief  Financial  Officer of Millennium  since October
1996.  He was  Senior  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer  of Hanson
Industries  from June 1995 until October  1996. He was Vice  President and Chief
Financial Officer of Peabody Holding Company, a Hanson subsidiary,  from January
1991 to May 1995 and Vice  President and  Controller of Hanson  Industries  from
1990 to 1991. He originally joined Hanson Industries in 1985.

     Mr. Stookey  is  an  Elected  Supervisor  and  Chairman  of  the  Board  of
Supervisors of the Partnership. He was the non-executive Chairman and a director
of  Quantum  from  the  time  it was acquired by Hanson on September 30, 1993 to
October 31, 1995.  From  1986  to  September  30,  1993,  he  was the  Chairman,
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Quantum. He is also a director of
United  States Trust Company of New York, ACX Technologies, Inc. and Cyprus Amax
Minerals Company.

     Mr. Logan  is  an  Elected  Supervisor  of  the  Partnership. Mr.  Logan is
Executive Vice President  -  Finance  and  Treasurer as  well as a  Director  of
TransMontaigne Inc. (a holding company formed to  operate and purchase companies
engaged in the marketing and distribution of petroleum  products).  From 1987 to
1995 he served as Senior Vice  President of Finance and a Director of Associated
Natural Gas Corporation  (an  independent  gatherer and marketer of natural gas,
natural  gas  liquids  and  crude oil which in 1994 was  acquired  by  Panhandle
Eastern Corporation). Mr. Logan is also a director of Snyder Oil Corporation (an
oil  and  gas  exploration  and production company) and Union Bankshares Ltd. (a
commercial bank).

     Mr. Mecum is an  Elected  Supervisor.  Mr. Mecum is a  Managing Director of
Capricorn Holdings, LLC (a sponsor of and investor in leveraged buyouts). He was
Chairman of Mecum  Associates  Inc. (management  consultants) from  June 1996 to
June 1997.  Mr. Mecum  was a partner  of G.L. Ohrstrom  & Co. (a sponsor  of and
investor in leveraged buyouts) from 1989 to June, 1996. He is also a director of
CITIGROUP,  Travelers P&C Corp.,  Lyondell  Chemical  Company,  Dyncorp,  Vicorp
Restaurants, Inc., Metris Industries, Inc. and CCC Information Systems Inc.


- --------------------------

     The  following  table sets forth a summary of all  compensation  awarded or
paid to or earned by the chief executive  officer and the four other most highly
compensated  executive  officers of the  Partnership  in fiscal  1998.  Mr. Dunn
assumed the position of Senior Vice President and  Management  Supervisor of the
Board of Supervisors in July 1998.

                                                                           Long Term Compensation
                                                      Annual Compensation         Unit Awards(2)           All
                                                      -------------------         ------------            Other 
Name and Principal Position                  Year  Salary ($)   Bonus(1) ($)     $          Units (#)   Compensation(4)
- ---------------------------                  ----  ----------   ----------     -         ---------    -------------
Mark A. Alexander                            1998    381,250      381,528           0            0          78,686
President and Chief Executive Officer        1997    375,000      100,000   1,953,000       97,561          18,756
                                             1996    196,538       20,417   3,000,000      146,341           1,610

Michael J. Dunn, Jr.                         1998    178,000      153,177           0            0          36,891
Sr. Vice President                           1997    150,000       30,038     900,000       48,780          14,500

Anthony M. Simonowicz                        1998    154,000      100,000           0            0          36,324
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer   1997    138,000       24,000     539,000       29,268          13,349
                                             1996    120,000        6,000     400,000       19,512         125,500 (5)

Kevin T. McIver                              1998    146,000       73,153           0            0          17,161
Vice President and General Counsel           1997    145,000       19,333     251,000       13,415           4,350
                                             1996    138,000        6,210     325,000       15,854         143,140 (5)

Thomas A. Nunan                              1998    145,000       72,500           0 (3)        0 (3)      16,775
Vice President - Sales                       1997    145,000       19,358           0            0           9,850
                                             1996    135,000       17,542           0            0         102,000 (5)

(1) Bonuses are reported for the year earned,  regardless of the year paid.
(2) The aggregate  dollar  value  of  Restricted  Unit  Awards  was  computed by
multiplying the number of Restricted  Units  granted by the closing market price
on the date of grant. The Restricted  Units are subject to a bifurcated  vesting
procedure such that: (i) 25% of the units vest over time with one-third  vesting
at the end of each third, fifth and seventh anniversaries from the date of grant
in equal  amounts (or upon a "change of control"  of the  Partnership);  and the
remaining  75% vest  automatically  upon,  and in the same  proportion  as,  the
conversion of the Subordinated  Units to Common Units,  which conversion  cannot
commence prior to April 1999 under the Partnership  Agreement (or upon a "change
of control" of the Partnership). Until such Restricted Units vest, their holders
will not be entitled to any distributions or allocations of income and loss, nor
shall they have any voting or other rights with respect to such Common Units. At
September  26, 1998,  the number of  Restricted  Units and the  aggregate  value
thereof (calculated at a per Unit price of $19.188,  the closing price of Common
Unit on  September  25, 1998 as reported  on the New York Stock  Exchange)  were
243,902  ($4,679,991) for Mr. Alexander,  48,780 ($935,990) for Mr. Dunn, 48,780
($935,990) for Mr. Simonowicz, and 29,269 ($561,614) for Mr. McIver.
(3) In lieu of participation in the Restricted Unit Plan, Mr. Nunan is entitled,
subject  to certain  conditions, to receive cash  payments of  $221,030 in March
1999, $141,610 in March 2000 and $131,132 in March 2001.
(4) These amounts include the following:
    a. Health  and  welfare payments for Messrs. Alexander, Dunn, Simonowicz and
       Nunan. Mr. McIver does not participate in the plan.

    b. Vehicle Allowances for Messrs. Alexander, Dunn, Simonowicz and McIver.
    c. Matching  contributions   under   the  Suburban  Retirement  Savings  and
       Investment Plan for Messrs. Alexander, Dunn, Simonowicz, Nunan and
(5) For fiscal  year 1996,  amounts  for  Messrs.  Simonowicz,  McIver and Nunan
include  success fees paid in connection with the  Partnership's  initial public

- -------------------

              The following table sets forth the annual benefits upon retirement
at  age  65  in  1998,  without  regard  to  statutory  maximums,   for  various
combinations  of final  average  earnings  and  lengths of service  which may be
payable to  Messrs.  Alexander,  Dunn,  Simonowicz,  McIver and Nunan  under the
Pension Plan for Eligible  Employees of Suburban Propane,  L.P. and Subsidiaries
and the Suburban Propane Company  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement Plan. Each
such plan has been  assumed  by the  Partnership  and each such  person  will be
credited for service earned under such plan to date.  Messrs.  Alexander,  Dunn,
Simonowicz,  McIver and Nunan  have 2 years,  1 year,  9 years,  15 years and 10
years service under the plans.

                                  PENSION PLAN
Earnings   5 Yrs.   10 Yrs.   15 Yrs.    20 Yrs.    25 Yrs.    30 Yrs.   35 Yrs.
- --------   ------   -------   -------    -------    -------    -------   -------
$100,000    8,070    16,141    24,211     32,282     40,352     48,422    56,493
$200,000   16,820    33,641    50,461     67,282     84,102    100,922   117,743
$300,000   25,570    51,141    76,711    102,282    127,852    153,422   178,993
$400,000   34,320    68,641   102,961    137,282    171,602    205,922   240,243
$500,000   43,070    86,141   129,211    172,282    215,352    258,422   301,493

(1) The Plans'  definition  of earnings  consists  of base pay only.
(2) Annual Benefits  are computed on the basis of straight life annuity amounts.
    The pension benefit is calculated as follows:
          the sum of (a) plus (b) multiplied by (c) where (a) is that portion of
          final  average   earnings  up  to  125%  of  social  security  Covered
          Compensation  times  1.4% and (b) is that  portion  of  final  average
          earnings  in excess of 125% of social  security  Covered  Compensation
          times 1.75% and (c) is credited service up to maximum of 35 years.
(3) Effective  January 1, 1998,  the Plan was amended to a cash balance  benefit
    formula for current and future Plan  participants.  Initial account balances
    were  established  based upon the actuarial  equivalent value of the accrued
    12/31/97 Prior Plan benefit.  Annual interest credits and pay-based  credits
    will be credited to this  account.  The 1998  pay-based  credits for Messrs.
    Alexander, Dunn, Simonowicz, McIver and Nunan are 2.5%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 7.0% and
    2.0%  respectively.  Participants as of 12/31/97 will receive the greater of
    the cash balance benefit and the Prior Plan benefit through the year 2002.
(4) In addition,  a supplemental  cash balance account was established  equal to
    the value of  certain  benefits  related  to retiree  medical  and  vacation
    benefits. An initial account value was determined for those active employees
    who were eligible for retiree medical  coverage as of April 1, 1998 equal to
    $415  multiplied by years of benefit service  (maximum of 35 years).  Future
    pay-based  credits  and  interest  are  credited to this  account.  The 1998
    pay-based credits for Messrs. Alexander, Dunn, Simonowicz, McIver, and Nunan
    are 2.0%, 0.0%, 0.0%, 2.0% and 4.0% respectively. This account is payable in
    addition to the "grandfathered benefit calculations".

     In addition,  certain additional retirement and life insurance benefits are
payable to Mr. McIver pursuant to two Suburban Propane executive plans that were
in effect prior to Quantum's  acquisition of Suburban Propane in 1983. Under the

Suburban Propane Deferred Compensation Plan, Mr. McIver is entitled,  subject to
certain  conditions  set  forth in the  Plan,  which  include  remaining  in the
Partnership's  employ until  retirement,  to receive a retirement  supplement of
approximately  $21,000 per year for a ten-year period  subsequent to retirement.
Under the  Suburban  Propane  Executive  Death  Benefit  Plan,  $100,000 of life
insurance  proceeds,  on an after tax basis, are payable to Mr. McIver's estate,
subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, which include  remaining in the
employ of the Partnership until retirement.

- --------------------------------------

     The  Partnership  has  adopted  a  non-qualified,   unfunded   supplemental
retirement plan known as the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. The purpose
of the Plan is to provide certain executive  officers with a level of retirement
income from the  Partnership,  without regard to statutory  maximums.  Under the
Plan, a participant's annual benefit, assuming retirement at age 65, is equal to
(a) 1.4% of the participant's  Average Final  Compensation not in excess of 125%
of Covered Compensation plus (b) 1.75% of the participant's Average Compensation
in excess of 125% of Covered  Compensation times (c) the participant's  years of
benefit  service with the  Partnership  (not to exceed 35) minus (d) the Pension
Offset.  The defined terms in this  paragraph  will have the same meanings as in
the Plan or in the Partnership's  Qualified Retirement Plan. Messrs.  Alexander,
Dunn and Simonowicz currently participate in this Plan.

- --------------------

     The Partnership has adopted a restricted  unit plan (the  "Restricted  Unit
Plan") for executives,  managers and Elected Supervisors of the Partnership. The
summary of the  Restricted  Unit Plan  contained  herein  does not purport to be
complete and is qualified  in its entirety by reference to the  Restricted  Unit
Plan,  which has been  filed as an  exhibit  to the  Partnership's  Registration
Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-80605).

     Rights to acquire  authorized but unissued  Common Units of the Partnership
with an aggregate value of $15.0 million are available under the Restricted Unit
Plan for  purposes of  calculating  the value of these Unit  grants,  a value of
$20.50  (the  initial  public  offering  price  of the  Common  Units)  has been
utilized.  As of  September  26,  1998,  rights to acquire  Common Units with an
aggregate  value of $12.7  million  have been  granted,  subject to the  vesting
conditions  described below and subject to other customary terms and conditions,
as follows:  (i) rights to acquire Common Units with an aggregate  value of $5.0
million have been  allocated  to Mr.  Alexander,  (ii) rights to acquire  Common
Units  with  an  aggregate  value  of  $6.8  million  were  allocated  to  other
participants  in the Plan who are  officers  or  managers  of the  Partnership's
business, as determined by the Board of Supervisors or a compensation  committee
thereof,  and (iii) rights to acquire  Common  Units with an aggregate  value of
$0.9 million were allocated among the three Elected Supervisors.

     The right to  acquire  the  remaining  $2.3  million  of the $15.0  million
aggregate  value of Available  Units have been  reserved and may be allocated or
issued in the future to  executives  and  managers on such terms and  conditions
(including  vesting  conditions)  as are  described  below  or as the  Board  of
Supervisors,  or a compensation committee thereof, shall determine.  Without the
consent of the General Partner,  such awards to executives or managers cannot be
made to prior  award  recipients  except on terms and  conditions  substantially
identical  to  the  awards   previously   received.   Each  Elected   Supervisor
subsequently  appointed or elected will receive  rights to acquire  Common Units
with a value of $0.3 million on the same terms and  conditions  as those granted
to the three initial Elected Supervisors.

     The Units are  subject  to a  bifurcated  vesting  procedure  such that (i)
twenty-five  percent  of the Units  will  vest  over time (or upon a "change  of
control" of the  Partnership as defined in the Restricted Unit Plan, if earlier)
with one-third of such units vesting at the end of the third,  fifth and seventh
anniversaries  from the date of  grant,  and  (ii)  the  remaining  seventy-five

percent of the Units will vest  automatically  upon, and in the same proportions
as, the conversion of the Subordinated  Units to Common Units (or upon a "change
of  control"  of the  Partnership  as defined in the  Restricted  Unit Plan,  if
earlier). The proposed Recapitalization and related  sale of the General Partner
interests  will constitute a  change of control  under the  Plan,  resulting  in
vesting of all outstanding Units.

     Upon vesting in accordance  with the terms and conditions of the Restricted
Unit Plan, Common Units allocated to a plan participant will be issued to such a
participant.  Until such allocated,  but unissued,  Common Units have vested and
have been issued to a participant, such participant shall not be entitled to any
distributions  or allocations of income or loss and shall not have any voting or
other rights in respect of such Common Units.

     The issuance of the Common Units  pursuant to the  Restricted  Unit Plan is
intended to serve as a means of incentive  compensation  for performance and not
primarily as an opportunity to participate in the equity appreciation in respect
of the Common Units.  Therefore,  no  consideration  will be payable by the plan
participants upon vesting and issuance of the Common Units.

- ------------------------

      The Partnership has adopted a non-qualified,  unfunded long-term incentive
plan for officers and key employees, effective October 1, 1997. Awards are based
on a  percentage  of base pay and are  subject  to the  achievement  of  certain
performance   contingencies,   including  the  Partnership's   ability  to  earn
sufficient  funds and make cash  distributions  on its common  and  subordinated
units with  respect to each fiscal  year.  Awards vest over time with  one-third
vesting at the end of years three, four, and five from the award date.

Long-Term Incentive Plan awards earned in fiscal year 1998 are:

                                 Performance or
                                  Other Period
                       Award    Until Maturation   Potential Awards Under Plan
Name                  FY 1998      or Payout      Threshold    Target    Maximum
- ----                  -------      ---------      ---------    ------    -------

Mark A. Alexander      $57,230     3-5  Years    $       0    $57,230   $114,460
Michael J. Dunn, Jr.    23,970     3-5  Years            0     23,970     47,940
Anthony M. Simonowicz   15,015     3-5  Years            0     15,015     30,030
Kevin T. McIver         10,950     3-5  Years            0     10,950     21,900
Thomas A. Nunan         10,875     3-5  Years            0     10,875     21,750

- ---------------------

     The  Partnership  entered into an  employment  agreement  (the  "Employment
Agreement")  with Mr.  Alexander  ("Executive")  which became effective March 5,
1996 and was amended October 23, 1997. The summary of such Employment  Agreement
contained  herein  does not  purport  to be  complete  and is  qualified  in its
entirety by reference to the Employment Agreement.

     Mr. Alexander's Employment Agreement has an initial term of three years but
automatically renews for successive one-year periods,  unless earlier terminated
by the  Partnership  or by Mr.  Alexander or otherwise  terminated in accordance
with the  Employment  Agreement.  The  Employment  Agreement  for Mr.  Alexander
provides  for an annual base salary of $380,000 as of  September  26,  1998.  In
addition,  Mr.  Alexander may earn a bonus up to 100% of annual base salary (the
"Maximum  Annual Bonus") for services  rendered  based upon certain  performance

criteria.  The  Employment  Agreement  also  provides  for  the  opportunity  to
participate  in benefit  plans made  available  to other senior  executives  and
senior  managers of the  Partnership,  including the  Restricted  Unit Plan. The
Partnership  also provides Mr.  Alexander  with term life  insurance with a face
amount equal to three times his annual base salary.

     Mr. Alexander also participates in a non-qualified  supplemental retirement
plan which  provides  retirement  income  which could not be provided  under the
Partnership's qualified plans by reason of limitations contained in the Internal
Revenue Code. If a "change of control" (as defined in the Employment  Agreement)
of the  Partnership  occurs and within six months  prior  thereto or at any time
subsequent to a change of control the  Partnership  terminates  the  Executive's
employment without "cause" or the Executive resigns with "good reason", then the
Executive  will be entitled to (i) a lump sum  severance  payment equal to three
times the sum of his annual base salary in effect as of the date of  termination
and the Maximum Annual Bonus, and (ii) medical benefits for three years from the
date of such termination.  The Employment Agreement provides that if any payment
received by the Executive is subject to the 20% federal excise tax under Section
4999 of the Code,  the  payment  will be grossed up to permit the  Executive  to
retain a net amount on an after-tax  basis equal to what he would have  received
had the excise tax not been payable.

- --------------------------------------------

     The Partnership has adopted a Severance  Protection Plan which provides the
Partnership's officers and key employees with employment protection for one year
following a "change of control" as defined in the Plan.  This plan  provides for
severance  payments  equal to  sixty-five  weeks of base  pay and  target  bonus
for  such  officers  and  key  employees  following  a  change  of  control  and
termination of employment. Pursuant to Severance Protection Agreements,  Messrs.
Dunn,  Simonowicz  and  McIver,  as executive  officers of the Partnership, have
been granted severance  protection payments of 78 weeks of base  pay and  target
bonuses following a change  in control and termination of employment in lieu  of
participation in the Severance Protection Plan.

- ---------------------------

     Mr. Stookey receives annual compensation of $75,000 for his services to the
Partnership.  The other two Elected  Supervisors  receive $15,000 per year, plus
$1,000 per meeting of the Board of Supervisors or committee thereof attended. In
addition,  each Elected Supervisor  participates in the Restricted Unit Plan and
has received Unit Awards with a value of $0.3 million.  All Elected  Supervisors
receive   reimbursement  of  reasonable   out-of-pocket   expenses  incurred  in
connection with meetings of the Board of Supervisors.  The Partnership  does not
expect to pay any additional  remuneration to its employees (or employees of any
of its  affiliates) or employees of the General Partner or any of its affiliates
for serving as members of the Board of Supervisors.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Compensation of the executive  officers of the Partnership is determined by
the  Compensation  Committee  of its  Board  of  Supervisors.  The  Compensation
Committee is  comprised  of Messrs.  Stookey,  Logan and  Hempstead  who are not
officers or employees of the Partnership.


     The following  table sets forth certain information as of December 17, 1998
regarding  the  beneficial  ownership of Common and  Subordinated  Units by each
person or group known by the Partnership (based upon filings under Section 13(d)
or (g) under The Securities  Exchange Act of 1934) to own beneficially more than

5% thereof,  each member of the Board of  Supervisors,  each  executive  officer
named  in the  Summary  Compensation  table  and all  members  of the  Board  of
Supervisors and executive  officers as a group. Except as set forth in the notes
to the table, the  business  address  of  each  person  in the  table is c/o the
Partnership, 240 Route 10 West, Whippany, New Jersey 07981-0206. Each individual
or  entity  listed  below  has  sole voting and investment  power over the Units
reported, except as noted below.

Suburban Propane, L.P.
- ----------------------

                    Name                          Amount and nature of  Percent
Title of Class      of Beneficial Owner           Beneficial Ownership  of Class
- --------------      -------------------           --------------------  --------
Common Units        Mark A. Alexander                    20,000          .093%
                    Michael J. Dunn, Jr.                      0            --
                    Anthony M. Simonowicz                 2,000          .009%
                    Thomas A. Nunan                       2,500          .012%
                    Kevin T. McIver                       1,000          .005%
                    Edward J. Grabowiecki                   200          .001%
                    George H. Hempstead, III(a)(b)            0            --
                    John E. Lushefski (a)(b)                  0            --
                    John Hoyt Stookey                    10,000          .046%
                    Harold R. Logan, Jr.                  2,500          .012%
                    Dudley C. Mecum                       1,000          .005%
                    All Members of the Board
                    of Supervisors and Executive
                    Officers as a Group (12 persons)     39,200          .182%

Subordinated Units  Suburban Propane GP, Inc.(c)      7,163,750(d)      100.0%
                    As executive  officers of  Millennium, Messrs. Hempstead and
                    Lushefski have shared  voting and investment  power over the
                    Subordinated Units. Messrs. Hempstead and Lushefski disclaim
                    beneficial ownership of the Subordinated Units.

APUs                Suburban Propane GP, Inc. (c)       220,000(d)      100.0%

General Partner
 Interest           Suburban Propane GP, Inc.  (c)      2%              100.0%

(a)  The  business  address  of such Supervisor is c\o Millenium Chemicals Inc.,
     230 Half Mile Road, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701.

(b)  Pursuant to the Recapitalization Agreement, Messrs. Hempstead and Lushefski
     will  resign  as   Supervisors   effective   as   of  the  Closing  of  the

(c)  Suburban  Propane  GP,  Inc.  is the  General  Partner  and  is an indirect
     wholly-owned subsidiary of Millenium Chemicals Inc. The business address of
     Suburban  Propane  GP,  Inc. is  230 Half  Mile  Road, Red Bank, New Jersey

(d)  Will be redeemed in the Recapitalization. 

     If the  Recapitalization is completed, the  Subordinated Units and the APUs
will be redeemed  and the general partner  interest in the Partnership currently
held by Suburban Propane GP, Inc. will be sold to Suburban Energy Services Group
LLC, a new entity owned by senior management of the Partnership.

- -----------------------------------------

Section  16(a) of the  Exchange Act requires  the  Partnership's  directors  and
executive  officers to file initial  reports of ownership and reports of changes
in ownership of the  Company's  Common  Units with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission.  Directors  and  executive  officers  are  required  to furnish  the
Partnership  with copies of all Section  16(a) forms that they file.  Based on a
review of these  filings,  the  Partnership  believes that all such filings were
made timely during the 1998 fiscal year.


- -----------------------------

     The General  Partner owns all of the  Subordinated  Units,  representing an
aggregate  24.4%  limited  partner  interest  in  the  Partnership.   Millennium
Petrochemicals  owns 100% of the capital stock of the General  Partner.  Through
the General Partner's  ability,  as general partner,  to control the election of
the two Appointed  Supervisors of the Partnership,  its right as general partner
to approve certain Partnership  actions, its ownership of all of the outstanding
Subordinated  Units and its right to vote the  Subordinated  Units as a separate
class on certain  matters,  the  General  Partner  and its  affiliates  have the
ability  to  exercise   significant   influence  regarding   management  of  the

- ------------------------------

     The Partnership and the General Partner have entered into the  Distribution
Support Agreement which is intended to enhance the Partnership's ability to make
the Minimum Quarterly  Distribution on the Common Units during the Subordination
Period. Pursuant to the Distribution Support Agreement,  the General Partner has
agreed to  contribute  cash, in exchange for APUs to enable the  Partnership  to
distribute the Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution up to a maximum of approximately
$44.3 million.  Through December 3, 1998, the  General Partner has contributed a
total  of  $22.0  million  to the  Partnership  and  received  220,000  APUs  in
consideration  thereof.  Millennium (the "APU Guarantor") has agreed pursuant to
the  Distribution  Support  Agreement to  guarantee  the General  Partner's  APU
contribution obligation.  The Unitholders have no independent right separate and
apart  from  the  Partnership  to  enforce  the  General  Partner's  or the  APU
Guarantor's   obligations  under  the  Distribution   Support   Agreement.   The
Distribution  Support  Agreement  will be terminated  upon  consummation  of the
proposed  Recapitalization  and will be replaced  with a $21.6 million liquidity
arrangement established  by the  Partnership consisting of  either a  deposit in
certain highly liquid securities or a letter of  credit with a reputable bank or
a combination of both. See "Proposed Recapitalization in Item 1 of this Report".

                                     PART IV


   (a) 1. Financial Statements

          See "Index to Financial Statements" set forth on page F-1.

       2.  Financial Statement Schedule.

           See "Index to Financial Statement Schedule" set forth on page S-1.

       3.  Exhibits

           See "Index to Exhibits" set forth on page E-1.

           Management Contracts and Compensatory Plans and Arrangements

           -   Employment  Agreement  dated  as of  March 5,  1996  between  the
               Operating Partnership and Mr. Alexander (filed as Exhibit 10.6 to
               the  Partnership's  Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 29,

           -   First Amendment to Employment Agreement dated as of March 5, 1996
               between the Operating  Partnership and Mr. Alexander entered into
               as  of  October  23,   1997   (filed  as  Exhibit   10.7  to  the
               Partnership's  Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year
               ended September 27, 1997).

           -   The  Partnership's  1996  Restricted  Unit Plan (filed as Exhibit
               10.8 to the  Partnership's  Current  Report  on Form 8-K filed on
               April 29, 1996).

           -   Form of Unit Grant Agreement  pursuant to the Partnership's  1996
               Restricted Unit Plan (filed as Exhibit 10.9 to the  Partnership's
               Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 29, 1996).

           -   The Partnership's  Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan (filed
               as Exhibit 10.11 to the Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K
               for the fiscal year ended September 28, 1996).

           -   The Partnership's  Severance Protection Plan dated September 1996
               (filed as Exhibit  10.12 to the  Partnership's  Annual  Report on
               Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 28, 1996).

     (b) Reports on Form 8-K

             Report  on  Form  8-K  dated   December  3,  1998   announcing  the
             Partnership's Recapitalization Plan.


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                   Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.

                                   By:  /s/ MARK A. ALEXANDER                 
                                      Mark A. Alexander
                                      President, Chief Executive Officer and
                                      Management Supervisor

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this Annual
Report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

     Signature                  Title                          Date
     ---------                  -----                          ----

/s/ MICHAEL J. DUNN, JR.        Management Supervisor          December 23, 1998
- -------------------------
    (Michael J. Dunn, Jr.)

/s/ GEORGE H. HEMPSTEAD, III    Appointed Supervisor           December 23, 1998
- ------------------------------
    (George H. Hempstead, III)

/s/ JOHN E. LUSHEFSKI           Appointed Supervisor           December 23, 1998
- ----------------------- 
    (John E. Lushefski)

/s/ JOHN HOYT STOOKEY           Elected Supervisor             December 23, 1998
- -----------------------  
    (John Hoyt Stookey)

/s/ HAROLD R. LOGAN, JR.        Elected Supervisor             December 23, 1998
- --------------------------   
    (Harold R. Logan, Jr.)

/s/ DUDLEY C. MECUM             Elected Supervisor             December 23, 1998
- ---------------------  
    (Dudley C. Mecum)

/s/ ANTHONY M.  SIMONOWICZ      Vice President and Chief       December 23, 1998
- ---------------------------     Financial Officer of Suburban
    (Anthony M. Simonowicz)     Propane Partners, L.P.

/s/ EDWARD J. GRABOWIECKI       Controller and Chief           December 23, 1998
- ---------------------------     Accounting Officer of Suburban
    (Edward J. Grabowiecki)     Propane Partners, L.P.

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

The  exhibits  listed on this  Exhibit  Index are filed as part of this  report.
Exhibits required to be filed by Item 601 of Regulation S-K which are not listed
are not applicable.

     Number        Description
     ------        -----------

**** 2.1          Recapitalization  Agreement  dated as of  November 27, 1998 by
                  and  among  the  Partnership,  the  Operating Partnership, the
                  General Partner, Millenium and Suburban Energy Services  Group

*    3.1          Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of the
                  Partnership dated as of March 4, 1996.

*    3.2          Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of the 
                  Operating Partnership dated as of March 4, 1996.

*** 10.1          Amended  and  Restated  Credit Agreement dated as of September
                  30, 1997 among the Operating Partnership, First Union National
                  Bank, as administrative agent, and certain banks.

*   10.2          Note  Agreement  dated  as of February 28, 1996 among  certain
                  investors  and  the  Operating  Partnership  relating  to $425
                  million aggregate  principal amount of 7.54% Senior Notes  due
                  June 30, 2011.

*   10.3          Contribution,  Conveyance and Assumption Agreement dated as of
                  March  4,  1996   among   the   Partnership,   the   Operating
                  Partnership,  Quantum,  the  General  Partner  and the Service

*   10.4          Computer Services Agreement  dated as of March 5, 1996 between
                  Quantum and the Operating Partnership.

*   10.5          Distribution  Support  Agreement  dated  as  of March 5,  1996
                  among the Partnership, the General Partner and Millennium.

*   10.6          Employment  Agreement  dated  as  of March 5, 1996 between the
                  Operating Partnership and Mr. Alexander.

*** 10.7          First  Amendment  to Employment Agreement dated as of March 5,
                  1996  between  the  Operating  Partnership  and  Mr. Alexander
                  entered into as of October 23, 1997.

*   10.8          The Partnership's 1996 Restricted Unit Plan.

*   10.9          Form  of  Unit  Grant  Agreement pursuant to the Partnership's
                  1996 Restricted Unit Plan.


     Number       Description
     ------       -----------

**   10.11        The   Partnership   Supplemental  Executive  Retirement   Plan
                  (effective as of March 5, 1996).

**   10.12        The Partnership's Severance Protection Plan dated September

*****10.13        Suburban Propane L.P. Long-Term Incentive Program.

**   21.1         Listing of Subsidiaries of the Partnership.

*****23.1         Consent of Independent Accountants.

*****27.1         Financial Data Schedule.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *   Incorporated by reference to the same numbered Exhibit to the Partnership's
     Current Report Form 8-K filed April 29, 1996.

**   Incorporated by reference to the same numbered Exhibit to the Partnership's
     Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 28, 1996.

***  Incorporated by reference to the same numbered Exhibit to the Partnership's
     Annual Report on form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 27, 1997.

**** Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  2.1 to the Partnership's Form 8-K
     filed December 3, 1998.

*****Filed herewith.


                                                                  EXHIBIT 10.13
                                                       Long-Term Incentive Plan

                             SUBURBAN PROPANE, L.P.

                           LONG TERM INCENTIVE PROGRAM

                     (As Adopted Effective October 1, 1997)

                             SUBURBAN PROPANE, L.P.
                            LONG TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

         The purpose  of this  Plan is to strengthen Suburban Propane, L.P., and
its parent  Suburban  Propane  Partners,   L.P.,  Delaware  limited partnerships
(collectively,  the  "PARTNERSHIP"),  by  providing  an   incentive  to  certain
Participants (as hereinafter  defined),  and  thereby encouraging them to devote
their  abilities  and  industry to the  success of  the  Partnership's  business
enterprise in such a manner as to maximize the  Partnership's  value and ability
to pay  distributions to holders of its Common Units and Subordinated  Units. It
is intended  that this purpose be achieved by extending to certain  Participants
an added long-term  incentive for continued service to the Partnership,  and for
high levels of performance and unusual  efforts which enhance the  Partnership's
value by offering incentives to effect such results.

         For purposes of this Plan,  capitalized  terms shall have the following
    2.1  "AWARD" means  a  cash  amount  earned  by  a  Participant  pursuant to
         Section 5.
    2.2  "BENEFICIARY" means a Participant's beneficiary pursuant to Section 10.
    2.3  "BOARD" means the Board of Supervisors of the Partnership.
    2.4  "CAUSE" means, unless otherwise  provided  in  an Agreement, (i) in the
case  of an  employee  of  Suburban Propane,  L.P.  (a) the  Participant's gross
negligence  or willful  misconduct  in the  performance  of his duties,  (b) the
Participant's willful or grossly  negligent  failure to perform his duties,  (c)
the breach by the Participant of any  written  covenants  to  Suburban  Propane,
L.P., (d) dishonest, fraudulent or unlawful behavior by the Participant (whether
or not in conjunction  with  employment) or the  Participant  being subject to a
judgment, order  or  decree (by consent or  otherwise)  by any  governmental  or
regulatory  authority  which  restricts  his ability  to engage in the  business
conducted  by  the  Partnership, or  any  of their  affiliates or (e) willful or
reckless  breach  by  the Participant of any policy  adopted by the  Partnership
concerning  conflicts  of  interest,  standards  of  business  conduct  or  fair
employment  practices  or procedures with  respect to compliance with applicable
laws, and (ii) in the case of an Elected Supervisor, the commission of an act of
fraud   or   intentional   misrepresentation   or   an   act   of  embezzlement,
misappropriation or conversion of assets  or opportunities of the Partnership or
any of its affiliates. 

    2.5  "CHANGE IN CAPITALIZATION"  means  any  increase  or reduction  in  the
number of Common  Units,  or any change (including, but not limited to, a change
in value)in the Common Units, change in the percentage ownership interest of the
Partnership attributable to the Common  Units or exchange of Common  Units for a
different  number or kind of  units or other securities of the  Partnership,  by
reason  of  a  reclassification,    recapitalization,   merger,   consolidation,
reorganization, spin-off, split-up, issuance of  warrants  or  rights  or  other
convertible  securities,  unit  distribution, unit  split or reverse unit split,
cash dividends, property  dividend, combination or exchange of units, repurchase
of units, change in  corporate  structure  or  otherwise.

    2.6  "CHANGE  OF  CONTROL"  means the occurrence during the term of the Plan

         (a) an  acquisition (other than directly from the Partnership)of Common
Units,   Subordinated  Units  or  voting  equity  interests  of  the Partnership
("VOTING  SECURITIES") by any  "PERSON" (as the term person is used for purposes
of Section 13(d) or 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934, as  amended
(the  "EXCHANGE  ACT"),  other than the  Partnership  or any  of its affiliates,
immediately  after  which such  person has  "BENEFICIAL  OWNERSHIP" (within  the
meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the Exchange  Act) of more than twenty
five  percent (25%) of  the combined  voting  power  of the  Partnership's  then
outstanding Units; provided,  however, that in determining  whether a  Change of
Control has occurred, Units which are acquired in a Non-Control Acquisition  (as
hereinafter defined)  shall not  constitute an  acquisition which would  cause a
Change of Control. A "NON-CONTROL  ACQUISITION" shall mean an acquisition by (i)
an employee  benefit plan (or a trust forming a part thereof)  maintained by (A)
the Partnership or (B) any  corporation,  partnership or other person of which a
majority of its voting power or its voting equity  securities or equity interest
is owned,  directly or  indirectly,  by the  Partnership  (for  purposes of this
definition, a "SUBSIDIARY"),  (ii) the Partnership or its Subsidiaries, or (iii)
any  Person in  connection  with a  "NON-CONTROL  TRANSACTION"  (as  hereinafter
defined); or
         (b)  approval by  the  partners  of the  Partnership  of (A) a  merger,
consolidation  or  reorganization  involving  the  Partnership,  unless  (x) the
holders   of   Units   immediately   before   such   merger,   consolidation  or
reorganization  own, directly or indirectly  immediately  following such merger,
consolidation  or  reorganization,  at least sixty percent (60%) of the combined
voting power of the outstanding  Units of the entity resulting from such merger,
consolidation or  reorganization  (the "SURVIVING  ENTITY") in substantially the
same proportion as their ownership of the Units immediately  before such merger,
consolidation  or  reorganization,  and (y) no person or entity  (other than the
Partnership,  any Subsidiary,  any employee benefit plan (or any trust forming a
part  thereof)  maintained  by Suburban  Propane,  L.P.,  the  Partnership,  the
Surviving  Entity,  or  any  Person  who,  immediately  prior  to  such  merger,
consolidation  or  reorganization  had Beneficial  Ownership of more than twenty
five percent (25%) of then outstanding Units), has Beneficial  Ownership of more
than twenty five  percent  (25%) of the combined  voting power of the  Surviving
Entity's then  outstanding  voting  securities;  (B) a complete  liquidation  or
dissolution of the  Partnership  or (C) the sale or other  disposition of 50% or
more of the net assets of the  Partnership  to any person (other than a transfer
to a  Subsidiary).  A transaction  described in clauses (x) or (y) of subsection
(A) hereof shall be referred to as a "NON-CONTROL TRANSACTION."

Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a Change of Control shall not be deemed to occur
solely because any Person (the "SUBJECT PERSON") acquired  Beneficial  Ownership
of more than the  permitted  amount of the  outstanding  Voting  Securities as a
result of the  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the  Partnership  which,  by
reducing the number of Voting Securities outstanding, increases the proportional
number of Units  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject  Person,  provided that if a
Change of Control  would occur (but for the  operation  of this  sentence)  as a
result of the  acquisition of Voting  Securities by the  Partnership,  and after
such acquisition by the  Partnership,  the Subject Person becomes the Beneficial
Owner of any additional  Voting Securities which increases the percentage of the
then outstanding  Voting  Securities  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,
then a Change of Control shall occur.

    2.7  "COMMITTEE" means the Compensation Committee of the Board.

    2.8  "COMMON  UNIT" means the common  units representing limited partnership
interests of the Partnership.

    2.9  "COMPENSATION DEFERRAL PLAN" means  the  Suburban Propane  Compensation
Deferral Plan.

same  meaning  as  such  term  is reported  in  the  Partnership's  consolidated
financial  statements  for each  quarterly  period filed on Form 10-Q or  Annual
Report filed on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    2.11 "DISABILITY" shall  have  the  same  meaning that such term (or similar
term) has  under  the long-term  disability  plan in  which  the  Participant is

    2.12 "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean October 1, 1997.

    2.13 "ELECTED  SUPERVISORS"  has the  meaning  set  forth in the Partnership
Agreement and includes,  on the Effective  Date,  John  Hoyt Stookey, Harold  R.
Logan, Jr. and Dudley C. Mecum.

    2.14 "FISCAL  YEAR" means  the  fiscal  year  of  October 1 to September 30,
adopted by the Partnership, or any other fiscal year adopted by the Partnership.

    2.15 "GENERAL  PARTNER"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in  the  Partnership

    2.16 "GOOD  REASON"  means in the case of an employee  of Suburban  Propane,
L.P.,  (a) any  failure  by  Suburban Propane,  L.P. to  comply in  any material
respect with the compensation  provisions of  a  written  employment   agreement
between the Participant and Suburban Propane, L.P., (b)a material adverse change
in the Participant's title without his consent,  or  (c)  the  assignment to the
Participant,  without his  consent,  of duties and  responsibilities  materially
inconsistent with his level of responsibility as an executive officer.

    2.17 "PARTICIPANT"  means an employee of the Partnership  designated by
the Committee to participate in the Plan.

    2.18 "PARTNERSHIP"   means  Suburban  Propane,  L.P.  and  Suburban  Propane
Partners, L.P., Delaware limited partnerships, and their successors.

    2.19 "PARTNERSHIP  AGREEMENT" means the Amended and Restated  Agreement
of Limited  Partnership  of the  Partnership.  

    2.20 "PLAN"  means this Suburban Propane,  L.P. Long Term Incentive Program.

    2.21 "QUARTERLY TARGET AWARD"  means the Award each  Participant is eligible
to earn for each respective quarter of a Fiscal Year. 

    2.22 "SUBORDINATED  UNITS"   means   the   subordinated  units  representing
subordinated limited partnership interests of the Partnership.

    2.23 "UNITS" means,  collectively,   the Common  Units and the  Subordinated

    2.24 "VESTED AMOUNT"  means  the portion of a  Participant's  Award which is

    2.25 "CAPITAL EXPENDITURES" shall  have  the  same  meaning  as such term is
reported  in  the  Partnership's  consolidated  financial  statements  for  each
quarterly period filed on Form 10-Q or Annual Report filed on Form 10-K with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

3.  Participation.
                  Only those  Participants  designated  from time to time by the
Committee shall participate in the Plan and receive Awards hereunder.

4.  Administration.

         4.1   The Plan shall be administered by the Committee, which shall hold
meetings at such times as may be necessary for the proper  administration of the
Plan. The Committee  shall keep minutes of its meetings.  A quorum shall consist
of not less than two  members of the  Committee  and a majority  of a quorum may
authorize  any  action.  Any  decision or  determination  reduced to writing and
signed by a majority  of all of the members of the  Committee  shall be as fully
effective as if made by a majority  vote at a meeting  duly called and held.  No
member  of the  Committee  shall  be  liable  for any  action,  failure  to act,
determination or interpretation  made in good faith with respect to this Plan or
any  transaction  hereunder,  except for  liability  arising from his or her own
willful  misfeasance,  gross  negligence  or  reckless  disregard  of his or her
duties.  The Partnership hereby agrees to indemnify each member of the Committee
for all costs and expenses and, to the extent  permitted by applicable  law, any
liability  incurred  in  connection  with  defending  against,   responding  to,
negotiating for the settlement of or otherwise dealing with any claim,  cause of
action  or  dispute  of any kind  arising  in  connection  with any  actions  in
administering  this Plan or in  authorizing  or  denying  authorization  for any
transaction hereunder.
         4.2   Subject to the express terms and conditions set forth herein, the
Committee shall have the power, from time to time to:
               (a) select those Participants to whom Awards shall be granted;
               (b) construe and interpret the Plan and the Awards and establish,
amend  and  revoke  rules  and  regulations  for the administration of the Plan,
including,  but not limited to, correcting any defect or supplying any omission,
or reconciling any inconsistency in the Plan, in the manner and to the extent it
shall deem necessary or advisable so that the Plan complies with applicable  law
and otherwise to make the Plan fully effective. 
               (c) exercise its discretion with respect to the powers and rights
granted to it as set forth in the Plan; and
               (d) generally, exercise  such powers  and perform such acts as it
deems  necessary  or advisable to promote the best interests of the  Partnership
with respect to the Plan.
         4.3   The   Committee's    decisions,    actions   determinations   and
interpretations   shall  be  final  and  binding  upon  the   Partnership,   all
Participants,  Beneficiaries,  equity holders of the  Partnership  and any other
         4.4   In  the event of any  Change in Capitalization or in the event of
any special distribution to the holders of Common Units, the Committee  may, but
shall not be obligated to make such  equitable  adjustments  in the  performance
criteria,  the  Target  Awards or other  aspects of the Plan,  as the  Committee
determines are necessary and appropriate.

5.  Awards.

         5.1   OVERVIEW.  Section  5.2  establishes  a  Target  Award  for  each
Participant for each Fiscal Year.
               Section  5.3  establishes  two   performance   criteria   for   a
Participant  to earn an Award.  The first  criterion  is that  Consolidated  Net
Income equals or exceeds the Minimum Quarterly  Distributions paid on the Common
Units.  The  second  criterion  is  that  Consolidated  Net  Income,   less  the
distributions  paid on the  Common  Units,  shall  equal or  exceed  the  amount
necessary to pay [full] distributions on the Subordinated Units. Compliance with
the performance criteria shall be measured quarterly during a Fiscal Year.

               If the  performance  criteria for a  Fiscal Year have been met in
whole or in part,  then  under  Section 6 the Award  shall  vest in three  equal
annual installments  commencing on the first day of the first month of the third
Fiscal Year following the performance year.
               Under  Section  7,  any   vested   Award  shall   be  paid  to  a
Participant in three equal annual  installments  commencing in the first quarter
of the Fiscal Year in which such Award vested.
         5.2   TARGET AWARDS.  For   each  Participant,  the   Committee   shall
establish a Target Award for a Fiscal Year equal to a designated  percentage  of
such Participant's base salary at the start of such Fiscal Year. For any  fiscal
quarter,  the Target  Award  shall be equal to 25% of the  Target  Award for the
Fiscal Year.
         5.3   PERFORMANCE  CRITERIA. There  shall  be  two performance criteria
for a Participant to be entitled to an Award as follows:
               (a) For any fiscal quarter of the Partnership,  consolidated cash
provided by operating  activities  less capital  expenditures  on a rolling four
quarter  basis,  equals or exceeds the Minimum  Quarterly Distribution on Common
Units with  respect to such  quarterly  periods and  provided  that such Minimum
Quarterly Distributions have been paid to Common Unitholders.
               (b) For any fiscal quarter of the Partnership, consolidated  cash
provided by operating  activities  less capital  expenditures  on a rolling four
quarter  basis,  equals or exceeds the Minimum  Quarterly Distribution on Common
Units and Subordinated Units with respect to such quarterly periods and provided
that  such  Minimum  Quarterly  Distributions  have  been paid to the Common and
Subordinated Unitholders.
         Each performance  criterion shall be weighted equally. If both criteria
are met for a fiscal  quarter,  the Quarterly  Target Award shall be earned.  If
only one  criterion  is met,  only 50% of the  Quarterly  Target  Award shall be
earned. If neither criterion is met for such fiscal quarter, no Quarterly Target
Award shall be earned for such quarter.

6.  VESTING.  
         Subject  to  Sections  9.1 and  9.2, if an Award is earned for a Fiscal
Year, then a percentage of such Award shall vest as follows:

                          Vested on First Day of:            Percentage Vested:
                          -----------------------            ------------------
                           third Fiscal Year following              33 1/3%
                           the Fiscal Year for which
                           Award is earned

                           fourth Fiscal Year following             33 1/3%
                           the Fiscal Year for which
                           Award is earned

                           fifth Fiscal Year following              33 1/3%
                           the Fiscal Year for which
                           Award is earned

         One-third of a vested Award shall be paid to a Participant in the first
quarter of the Fiscal Year such award becomes vested and one-third of the Vested
Amount  shall  be paid to a Participant in the first quarter of each of the next
two succeeding Fiscal Years.
         All payments shall be made on a date determined by the Committee.

         Participants  of   this   Plan   who   are  also  participants  in  the
Partnership's  Compensation  Deferral  Plan can elect to defer any or all of the
payments  hereunder in accordance with the  Compensation  Deferral Plan.

         9.1   CHANGE OF CONTROL. Notwithstanding anything in this Plan  to  the
contrary,  upon a Change of Control, all earned Awards shall become fully vested
and  non-forfeitable  and shall be paid to a Participant within thirty (30) days
after the Change in Control.
         9.2   FORFEITURE. Subject to Sections  9.1,  9.3 and  9.4, Awards which
have not yet vested shall  lapse and be  forfeited upon the occurrence of either
of the following events: (a) termination of  the  Participant's   employment  or
participation in the Plan for any reason,  except as provided in Section 9.3 and
9.4; (b) any attempted or completed transfer,  sale, pledge,  hypothecation,  or
assignment (a  "Transfer")  by the  Participant  of an Award.  The Committee may
accelerate  the vesting of Awards at any time for any reason with the consent of
the General Partner.
         9.3   DISABILITY OR DEATH. Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of Section
9.2, if a  Participant's  employment terminates  as a result  of  Disability  or
death, an  earned  Award  for such  Participant  shall vest  in accordance  with
Sections 6 and 9.1 and shall be paid in accordance with Section 7.
         9.4   TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE OR FOR GOOD  REASON.  In  the  event  a
Participant's  employment by the  Partnership  is terminated by the  Partnership
without Cause or by the Participant for Good Reason,  the Awards shall vest upon
the next succeeding  scheduled vesting date pursuant to Section 6 or pursuant to
Section 9.1.

         A  Participant  may at any time and from time  to  time  prior to death
designate one or more Beneficiaries to receive any payments to be made following
the  Participant's death. If no such designation is on file with the Partnership
at the time of a Participant's death, the Participant's Beneficiary shall be the
beneficiary or beneficiaries  named in the beneficiary designation most recently
filed by the  Participant  with  the  Partnership.  If  the  Participant has not
effectively  designated  a  beneficiary,  or if no beneficiary so designated has
survived   the   Participant,   the   Participant's   Beneficiary  shall  be the
Participant's  surviving spouse,  or, if no spouse has survived the Participant,
the estate of the deceased Participant.  If an individual  Beneficiary cannot be
located for a period of one year following the Participant's death, despite mail
notification to the Beneficiary's last known address, and if the Beneficiary has
not made a written claim for benefits  within such period to the Committee,  the

Beneficiary  shall  be  treated  as  having  predeceased  the  Participant.  The
Committee  may require such proof of death and such evidence of the right of any
person to receive  all or part of the benefit of a deceased  Participant  as the
Committee  may  consider  to be  appropriate.  The  Committee  may rely upon any
direction by the legal  representatives of the estate of a deceased Participant,
without liability to any other person.

         The Plan shall terminate on the day preceding the tenth anniversary  of
the Effective  Date and no Award may be earned  thereafter. The Board may sooner
terminate  the  Plan and the  Board may at any time and from time to time amend,
terminate, modify  or suspend the Plan or any Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
no  such  amendment,  modification,  suspension  or  termination shall impair or
adversely affect any Awards  theretofore earned under the Plan, except  with the
consent of the Participant, nor shall any amendment, modification, suspension or
termination  deprive  any  Participant  of  any  Awards which he or she may have
acquired through or as a result of the Plan.

         The adoption  of  the  Plan  by the  Board  shall  not be  construed as
amending, modifying or rescinding any previously  approved incentive arrangement
or as  creating  any  limitations  on the power of the Board to adopt such other
incentive arrangements as it may deem desirable,  including, without limitation,
the granting  of options  to  acquire  the Units,  and such  arrangements may be
either applicable generally or only in specific cases.

         As illustrative of the limitation of liability of the Partnership,  but
not intended  to be exhaustive  thereof, nothing  in the Plan shall be construed
         (a)   give any person any right to earn an Award other than at the sole
discretion of the Committee;
         (b)   give any person any rights whatsoever with respect to  the Awards
except as specifically provided in the Plan;
         (c)   limit in any way the right of  the  Partnership  to terminate the
employment of any person at any time; or
         (d)   be  evidence  of  any  agreement  or  understanding,  express  or
implied,  that the Partnership  will employ any person at any particular rate of
compensation or for any particular period of time.

         14.1  Except as to matters of federal law,  this Plan and the rights of
all persons  claiming  hereunder shall be construed and determined in accordance
with laws of the State of New Jersey  without  giving effect to conflicts of law
         14.2  Except as  provided  in Section 10 hereof the Board may make such
changes to the Plan or an Agreement as may be necessary or appropriate to comply
with the rules and regulations of any government authority.

         At such times as a Participant  recognizes  taxable income, (a "TAXABLE
EVENT"),  the  Partnership shall  withhold an amount equal to the federal, state
and local  income  taxes  and  other  amounts  as  may be  required by law to be
withheld by the Partnership in connection with the Taxable Event.

         Neither  the  Partnership  nor  any  subsidiary  shall  be  required to
segregate any assets that may at any time be represented by Awards made pursuant
to the Plan.

         Neither the Plan nor any Award shall  guarantee  any Employee continued
employment with the Partnership or a subsidiary or guarantee the grant of future

         All Awards made pursuant to the Plan are in  consideration  of services
for  the  Partnership  or  the  subsidiaries. The  Awards constitute  a  special
incentive  payment  to  the  Participant  and shall not be taken into account as
compensation  for  purposes  of  any  of  the  employee  benefit  plans  of  the
Partnership or any subsidiary except as may be determined by the Committee.

         The captions  used in this  Plan are for convenience only and shall not
be construed in interpreting the Plan.  Whenever the  context  so requires,  the
masculine shall include the  feminine  and  neuter, and the singular  shall also
include the plural, and conversely.

         If  any  provision  of the  Plan  shall be held  unlawful  or otherwise
invalid or unenforceable in whole or in  part,  the  unlawfulness, invalidity or
unenforceability  shall  not  affect  any  other  provision  of the Plan or part
thereof, each of which shall remain in full force and effect.

                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



Reports of Independent Accountants.....................................     F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets-September 26, 1998 and September 27, 1997..     F-4
Consolidated Statements of Operations -
  Years Ended September 26, 1998, September 27, 1997
   and September 28, 1996 (Combined)...................................     F-5
  March 5, 1996 through September 28, 1996
  October 1, 1995 through March 4, 1996 (Predecessor)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
  Years Ended September 26, 1998, September 27, 1997
    and September 28, 1996 (Combined)..................................     F-7
  March 5, 1996 through September 28, 1996 and
  October 1, 1995 through March 4, 1996 (Predecessor)
Consolidated Statements of Partners' Capital -
  Years Ended September 26, 1998 and September 27, 1997
  March 5, 1996 through September 28, 1996.............................     F-9
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.............................     F-10



To the Board of Supervisors and Unitholders of
Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.

      In our  opinion,  the  consolidated  financial  statements  listed  in the
indices  referred to under Item 14(a) 1 and 2 and appearing on pages F-1 and S-1
present fairly,  in all material  respects,  the financial  position of Suburban
Propane Partners, L.P. and its subsidiaries (the "Partnership") at September 26,
1998 and  September  27, 1997,  and the results of its  operations  and its cash
flows for the years  then ended and the period  March 5, 1996 to  September  28,
1996,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Partnership's management; our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.  We conducted  our audits of these  statements  in  accordance  with
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Florham Park, NJ
December 8, 1998



To the Board of Directors and Shareholder
Quantum Chemical Corporation

      In our opinion, the financial statements listed in the indices referred to
under Item 14(a) 1 and 2 and appearing on pages F-1 and S-1 present  fairly,  in
all  material  respects,  the  Suburban  Propane  division  of Quantum  Chemical
Corporation  results of operations and cash flows for the period October 1, 1995
to March 4, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted  accounting  principles.
These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's  management;
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based
on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance  with
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements are
free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

Price Waterhouse LLP
Florham Park, NJ
October 21, 1996



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (in thousands)

                                                     September 26, September 27,
                                                         1998           1997
                                                     ------------  -------------
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents ......................   $  59,819    $  19,336
     Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful
         accounts of $2,382 and  $2,682, respectively      39,134       45,927
     Inventories ....................................      29,962       31,915
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets ......       3,866        7,183
                                                        ---------    ---------
          Total current assets ......................     132,781      104,361
Property, plant and equipment, net ..................     343,828      364,347
Net prepaid pension cost ............................      34,556       48,598
Goodwill and other intangible assets, net ...........     214,782      219,017
Other assets ........................................       3,618        9,311
                                                        ---------    ---------
          Total assets ..............................   $ 729,565    $ 745,634
                                                        =========    =========

Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable ...............................   $  31,315    $  37,785
     Accrued employment and benefit costs ...........      20,926       19,957
     Accrued insurance ..............................       4,830        5,280
     Customer deposits and advances .................      16,241       12,795
     Accrued interest ...............................       8,198        8,306
     Other current liabilities ......................      10,040       12,578
                                                        ---------    ---------
          Total current liabilities .................      91,550       96,701
Long-term debt ......................................     427,897      427,970
Postretirement benefits obligation ..................      35,980       51,123
Accrued insurance ...................................      16,574       18,468
Other liabilities ...................................       9,764       10,133
                                                        ---------    ---------
          Total liabilities .........................     581,765      604,395
                                                        ---------    ---------

Partners' capital:
     Common Unitholders .............................      84,847      100,476
     Subordinated Unitholder ........................      49,147       39,835
     General Partner ................................      24,488       12,830
     Unearned compensation ..........................     (10,682)     (11,902)
                                                        ---------    ---------

          Total partners' capital ...................     147,800      141,239
                                                        ---------    ---------
          Total liabilities and partners' capital ...   $ 729,565    $ 745,634
                                                        =========    =========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                    ( in thousands, except per Unit amounts)

                                                                    Year Ended

                                                                                    September 28,
                                                  September 26,   September 27,         1996
                                                      1998            1997           (Combined)
                                                  ------------    ------------      -------------
  Propane ........................................ $ 598,599        $ 700,767         $ 641,679
  Other ..........................................    68,688           70,364            66,267
                                                   ---------        ---------         ---------
                                                     667,287          771,131           707,946
                                                   ---------        ---------         ---------

Costs and expenses
  Cost of sales ..................................   326,440          436,795           377,692
  Operating ......................................   202,946          209,799           203,426
  Depreciation and amortization ..................    36,531           37,307            35,862
  Selling, general and administrative
    expenses .....................................    37,646           32,556            29,004
  Gain on sale of investment in Dixie Pipeline Co.    (5,090)             --                --
  Management fee .................................       --               --              1,290
  Restructuring charge ...........................       --             6,911             2,340
                                                   ---------        ---------         ---------
                                                     598,473          723,368           649,614
                                                   ---------        ---------         ---------

Income before interest expense and
  income taxes ....................................   68,814           47,763            58,332
Interest expense, net .............................   30,614           33,979            17,171
                                                   ---------        ---------         ---------
Income before provision for income taxes ..........   38,200           13,784            41,161
Provision for income taxes ........................       35              190            28,294
                                                   ---------        ---------         ---------
  Net income ..................................... $  38,165        $  13,594         $  12,867
                                                   =========        =========         =========

General Partner's interest in net income ..........$     763        $     272
                                                   ---------        ---------
Limited Partners' interest in net income ..........$  37,402        $  13,322
                                                   =========        =========
Basic and diluted net income per Unit .............$    1.30        $    0.46
                                                   =========        =========
Weighted average number of Units outstanding ......   28,726           28,726
                                                   ---------        ---------

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                    ( in thousands, except per Unit amounts)

                                            October 1, 1995                          October 1, 1995
                                                through           March 5, 1996          through
                                           September 28, 1996       through            March 4, 1996
                                               (Combined)       September 28, 1996     (Predecessor)
                                           ------------------   ------------------     -------------

     Propane ...............................   $ 641,679           $ 289,058             $ 352,621
     Other .................................      66,267              34,889                31,378
                                               ---------           ---------             ---------
                                                 707,946             323,947               383,999

Costs and expenses
     Cost of sales .........................     377,692             173,201               204,491
     Operating .............................     203,426             114,436                88,990
     Depreciation and amortization .........      35,862              21,046                14,816
     Selling, general and administrative
      expenses .............................      29,004              16,388                12,616
     Management fee ........................       1,290                 --                  1,290
     Restructuring charge ..................       2,340               2,340                   --
                                               ---------           ---------             ---------
                                                 649,614             327,411               322,203

Income (loss) before interest expense
  and income taxes .........................      58,332              (3,464)               61,796
Interest expense, net ......................      17,171              17,171                   --
                                               ---------           ---------             ---------
Income (loss) before provision
  for income taxes .........................      41,161             (20,635)               61,796
Provision for income taxes .................      28,294                 147                28,147
                                               ---------           ---------             ---------
     Net income (loss) .....................   $  12,867           $ (20,782)            $  33,649
                                               =========           =========             =========

General Partner's interest in net loss .....                       $    (416)
Limited Partners' interest in net loss .....                       $ (20,366)
Basic and diluted net loss per Unit ........                       $   (0.71)
Weighted average number of Units outstanding                          28,726

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                                  Year Ended
                                                                                September 26,  September 27,  September 28,
                                                                                     1998          1997            1996 
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income ................................................................   $  38,165    $  13,594      $  12,867
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations:
          Depreciation .........................................................      29,166       29,718         28,920
          Amortization .........................................................       7,365        7,589          6,942
          Restructuring charge .................................................        --          6,911          2,340
          (Gain) on disposal of equipment ......................................      (5,090)        --              --
          (Gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment ..................      (1,391)        (774)          (241)
     Changes in  operating  assets  and  liabilities,  net of  acquisitions  and
          Decrease/(increase) in accounts receivable ...........................       6,793        9,094        (13,976)
          Decrease/(increase) in inventories ...................................       1,953        8,258         (3,510)
          Decrease/(increase) in prepaid expenses and
            other current assets ...............................................       3,317         (616)        (5,565)
          (Decrease)/increase in accounts payable ..............................      (6,470)      (2,945)        18,432
          Increase/(decrease) in accrued employment
            and benefit costs ..................................................       1,595       (5,031)         3,414
          (Decrease)/increase in accrued interest ..............................        (108)          84          8,222
          Increase/(decrease) in other accrued liabilities .....................         458         (112)         5,417
     Other noncurrent assets ...................................................      (2,853)      (1,138)        (2,872)
     Deferred credits and other noncurrent liabilities .........................      (2,827)      (5,784)        (1,194)
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------
         Net cash provided by operating activities .............................      70,073       58,848         59,196
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
     Capital expenditures ......................................................     (12,617)     (24,888)       (25,885)
     Acquisitions ..............................................................      (4,041)      (1,880)       (28,529)
     Proceeds from the sale of investment ......................................      13,090          --             --
     Proceeds from the sale of property, plant
        and equipment ..........................................................       6,468        6,059          2,000
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------
        Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities ....................       2,900      (20,709)       (52,414)
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash activity with parent, net ............................................        --           --           25,799
     Proceeds from settlement with former parent ...............................        --           --            5,560
     Proceeds from debt placement ..............................................        --           --          425,000
     Proceeds from Common Unit offering ........................................        --           --          413,569
     Debt placement and credit agreement expenses ..............................        --           --           (6,224)
     Proceeds from General Partner APU contribution ............................      12,000       10,000            --
     Cash distribution to General Partner ......................................        --           --         (832,345)
     Debt repayment ............................................................        (260)        (299)           --
     Partnership distribution ..................................................     (44,230)     (47,435)       (19,346)
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------
        Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities ....................     (32,490)     (37,734)        12,013
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ......................................      40,483          405         18,795
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period ...............................      19,336       18,931            136
                                                                                   ---------    ---------      ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period .....................................   $  59,819    $  19,336      $  18,931
                                                                                   =========    =========      =========

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
      Cash paid for interest ...................................................   $  32,659    $  32,836      $  10,550
                                                                                   =========    =========      =========

Non-cash investing and financing activities
      Assets acquired by incurring note payable ................................   $     250    $    --        $   3,528
                                                                                   =========    =========      =========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                                 (in thousands)

                                                          October 1, 1995                          October 1, 1995
                                                              through           March 5, 1996          through
                                                         September 28, 1996        through          March 4, 1996
                                                             (Combined)       September 28, 1996    (Predecessor)
                                                             ----------       ------------------    -------------

Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income (loss) ....................................   $  12,867            $ (20,782)         $  33,649
     Adjustments  to reconcile  net income  (loss) to net
      cash provided by (used in) operations:
          Depreciation ....................................      28,920               16,887             12,033
          Amortization ....................................       6,942                4,159              2,783
          Restructuring charge ............................       2,340                2,340                --
          (Gain) on disposal of property, plant
             and equipment ................................        (241)                (156)               (85)
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities,
      net of acquisitions and dispositions:
         (Increase)/decrease in accounts receivable .......     (13,976)              42,667            (56,643)
         (Increase)/decrease in inventories ...............      (3,510)              (6,339)             2,829
         (Increase) in prepaid expenses
            and other current assets ......................      (5,565)              (3,691)            (1,874)
          Increase in accounts payable ....................      18,432                9,097              9,335
          Increase in accrued employment
           and benefit costs ..............................       3,414                1,111              2,303
          Increase in accrued interest ....................       8,222                8,222                 --
          Increase/(decrease) in other accrued liabilities        5,417                8,947             (3,530)
     Other noncurrent assets ..............................      (2,872)              (1,669)            (1,203)
     Deferred credits and other noncurrent liabilities ....      (1,194)               2,168             (3,362)
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
        Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities      59,196               62,961             (3,765)
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Capital expenditures .................................     (25,885)             (16,089)            (9,796)
     Acquisitions .........................................     (28,529)             (15,357)           (13,172)
     Proceeds from the sale of property, plant
       and equipment ......................................       2,000                  997              1,003
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
        Net cash used in investing activities .............     (52,414)             (30,449)           (21,965)
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash activity with parent, net .......................      25,799                  --              25,799
     Proceeds from settlement with former parent ..........       5,560                5,560                --
     Proceeds from debt placement .........................     425,000              425,000                --
     Proceeds from Common Unit offering ...................     413,569              413,569                --
     Debt placement and credit agreement expenses .........      (6,224)              (6,224)               --
     Cash distribution to General Partner .................    (832,345)            (832,345)               --
     Partnership distribution .............................     (19,346)             (19,346)               --
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
       Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities       12,013              (13,786)            25,799
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents .................      18,795               18,726                 69
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period ..........         136                  205                136
                                                              ---------            ---------         ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period ................   $  18,931            $  18,931          $     205
                                                              =========            =========         ==========

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
    Cash paid for interest ................................   $  10,550            $  10,550          $     --
                                                              =========            =========         ==========

Non-cash investing and financing activities
    Assets acquired by incurring note payable .............   $   3,528            $   3,528          $    --
                                                              =========            =========         ==========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                                       Unearned           Total
                                         Number of Units                                  General    Compensation        Partners'
                                     Common    Subordinated      Common    Subordinated   Partner   Restricted Units      Capital
                                     ------    ------------     -------    ------------   -------   ----------------     ---------

Balance at March 5, 1996 ........       --              --           --              --        --                 --            --

Contribution in connection with
formation of the Partnership and
issuance of Common Units ........   21,562           7,164    $ 150,488       $  49,890   $ 4,089                        $ 204,467

Partnership distribution ........                               (14,239)         (4,720)     (387)                         (19,346)

Grants under Restricted Unit Plan                                 8,330                                   $  (8,330)            --

Amortization of  Restricted
Unit compensation ...............                                                                               340            340

Net Loss ........................       --              --      (15,296)         (5,070)     (416)               --        (20,782)
                                    -------    ------------     -------    ------------   -------   ----------------     ---------

Balance at September 28, 1996 ...   21,562           7,164      129,283          40,100     3,286            (7,990)       164,679

Grants under Restricted Unit Plan                                 4,313                                      (4,313)            --

Partnership distribution ........                               (43,125)         (3,582)     (728)                         (47,435)

Amortization of Restricted
Unit compensation ...............                                                                               401            401

APU contribution (100 Units) ....                                                          10,000                           10,000

Net Income ......................       --              --       10,005           3,317       272                --         13,594
                                    -------    ------------     -------    ------------   -------   ----------------    ----------

Balance at September 27, 1997 ...   21,562           7,164      100,476          39,835    12,830           (11,902)       141,239

Net grants forfeited under
Restricted Unit Plan ............                                  (594)                                        594             --

Partnership distribution ........                               (43,125)                   (1,105)                         (44,230)

Amortization of Restricted
Unit compensation ...............                                                                               626            626

APU contribution (120 Units) ....                                                          12,000                           12,000

Net Income ......................       --              --       28,090           9,312       763                --         38,165
                                    -------    ------------    ---------   ------------   -------   ----------------    ----------

Balance at September 26, 1998 ...   21,562           7,164    $  84,847       $  49,147   $24,488         $ (10,682)     $ 147,800
                                    =======    ============    =========   ============   =======   ================    ==========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                               SEPTEMBER 26, 1998
                             (Dollars in thousands)

- ------------------------------------------

Suburban Propane Partners,  L.P. (the  "Partnership") was formed on December 19,
1995 as a Delaware  limited  partnership.  The  Partnership  and its subsidiary,
Suburban Propane, L.P. (the "Operating Partnership"), were formed to acquire and
operate  the propane  business  and assets of  Suburban  Propane, a division of
Quantum Chemical Corporation (the "Predecessor Company"). In addition,  Suburban
Sales & Service,  Inc.  (the "Service  Company"),  a subsidiary of the Operating
Partnership,  was formed to acquire and operate the service  work and  appliance
and parts businesses of the Predecessor Company. The Partnership,  the Operating
Partnership and the Service Company are collectively  referred to hereinafter as
the "Partnership  Entities". The Partnership  Entities  commenced  operations on
March 5, 1996 (the  "Closing  Date")  upon  consummation  of an  initial  public
offering of 18,750,000  Common Units  representing  limited partner interests in
the  Partnership  (the  "Common  Units"),  the  private  placement  of  $425,000
aggregate  principal  amount of Senior  Notes due 2011  issued by the  Operating
Partnership  (the  "Senior  Notes") and the  transfer of all the propane  assets
(excluding the net accounts  receivable  balance) of the Predecessor  Company to
the  Operating  Partnership  and the Service  Company.  On March 25,  1996,  the
underwriters  of  the  Partnership's   initial  public  offering   exercised  an
over-allotment option to purchase an additional 2,812,500 Common Units.

Suburban Propane GP, Inc. (the "General  Partner") is a wholly-owned  subsidiary
of  Millennium  Petrochemicals  Inc.,  ("Millennium  Petrochemicals"),  formerly
Quantum  Chemical  Corporation  ("Quantum") and serves as the general partner of
the  Partnership  and the Operating  Partnership.  Both the General  Partner and
Millennium  Petrochemicals are indirect wholly-owned  subsidiaries of Millennium
Chemicals Inc.  ("Millennium") which was formed as a result of Hanson PLC's (the
"Parent  Company")  demerger in October  1996.  The General  Partner  holds a 1%
general  partner  interest  in the  Partnership  and a 1.0101%  general  partner
interest in the Operating  Partnership.  In addition, the General Partner owns a
24.4% limited partner  interest and a special  limited  partner  interest in the
Partnership. The limited partner interest is evidenced by 7,163,750 Subordinated
Units and the special  limited  partner  interest  is  evidenced  by  Additional
Partnership  Units ("APUs") (See Note 4 Distributions  of Available  Cash).  The
General  Partner has delegated to the  Partnership's  Board of  Supervisors  all
management powers over the business and affairs of the Partnership Entities that
the General  Partner  possesses  under  applicable  law (See Note 14  Subsequent

The Partnership  Entities are, and the Predecessor  Company was,  engaged in the
retail and wholesale  marketing of propane and related  appliances and services.
The  Partnership  believes it is the third largest retail marketer of propane in
the United  States,  serving more than 700,000 active  residential,  commercial,
industrial  and  agricultural  customers  from  more than 340  customer  service
centers in over 40 states. The Partnership's  operations are concentrated in the
east and west coast  regions  of the United  States.  The retail  propane  sales
volume of the  Partnership  was  approximately  530 million  gallons  during the
fiscal  year  ended  September  26,  1998.  Based on  industry  statistics,  the
Partnership   believes  that  its  retail   propane  sales  volume   constitutes
approximately 6% of the domestic retail market for propane.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

BASIS  OF  PRESENTATION.  The  consolidated  financial  statements  present  the
consolidated  financial  position,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
Partnership Entities and the Predecessor  Company. All significant  intercompany
transactions and accounts have been eliminated.

FISCAL PERIOD. The Partnership and the Predecessor Company's fiscal year ends on
the last Saturday  nearest to September 30.  Because the  Partnership  commenced
operations on the Closing Date,  the  accompanying  statements of operations and
cash flows present the consolidated  results of operations and cash flows of the
Partnership for the fiscal years ended


September  26,  1998 and  September  27,  1997 and the  period  March 5, 1996 to
September  28,  1996,  and the  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows of the
Predecessor  Company for the period October 1, 1995 to March 4, 1996. Solely for
purposes of  comparing  the results of  operations  of the  Partnership  and the
Predecessor  Company for the years ended September 26, 1998,  September 27, 1997
and September 28, 1996, the statement of operations for the year ended September
28,  1996  is  comprised  of  the  combined  statements  of  operations  of  the
Predecessor  Company  for the  period  October  1, 1995 to March 4, 1996 and the
Partnership for the period March 5, 1996 to September 28, 1996.

USE OF ESTIMATES.  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

CASH EQUIVALENTS.  The Partnership  considers all highly liquid debt instruments
purchased  with  an  original  maturity  of  three  months  or  less  to be cash
equivalents.  The carrying amount  approximates  fair value because of the short
maturity of these instruments.

FINANCIAL  INSTRUMENTS.  The  Partnership  routinely  uses  propane  futures and
forward  contracts to reduce the risk of future price  fluctuations  and to help
ensure  supply  during  periods of high demand.  Gains and losses on futures and
forward  contracts  designated  as hedges are deferred and recognized in cost of
sales as a component of the product cost for the related hedged transaction.  In
the Consolidated  Statement of Cash Flows, cash flows from qualifying hedges are
classified  in the same  category as the cash flows from the items being hedged.
Net  realized  gains and  losses  for fiscal  years 1998 and 1997 and unrealized
gains and losses on open positions as of September  26, 1998 and  September  27,
1997, respectively, were not material.

REVENUE  RECOGNITION.  Sales of propane are  recognized  at the time  product is
shipped  or  delivered  to the  customer.  Revenue  from  the  sale of  propane,
appliances  and  equipment is  recognized  at the time of sale or  installation.
Revenue  from repairs and  maintenance  is  recognized  upon  completion  of the

INVENTORIES.  Inventories  are  stated at the  lower of cost or market.  Cost is
determined  using  a  weighted  average  method  for  propane  and  a   specific
identification basis for appliances.

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost.
Depreciation is determined for related groups of assets under the  straight-line
method based upon their estimated useful lives as follows:

     Buildings                                                       40 Years
     Building and land improvements                               10-20 Years
     Transportation equipment                                      5-30 Years
     Storage facilities                                              30 Years
     Equipment, primarily tanks and cylinders                      3-40 Years

Expenditures for maintenance and routine repairs are expensed as incurred.


GOODWILL AND OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS. Goodwill  and other  intangible assets are
comprised of the following:

                                            September 26,          September 27,
                                                 1998                   1997   
                                            -------------          -------------

 Goodwill                                     $237,812               $235,439
 Debt origination costs                          6,224                  6,224
 Other, principally noncompete agreements        5,076                  4,514
                                              --------               --------
                                               249,112                246,177
 Less: accumulated amortization                 34,330                 27,160
                                              --------               --------
                                              $214,782               $219,017
                                              ========               ========

Goodwill  represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of net
assets acquired and is being amortized on a straight-line basis over forty years
from the date of acquisition.

Debt  origination  costs  represent the costs  incurred in  connection  with the
placement  of the  $425,000  of  Senior  Notes  which  is being  amortized  on a
straight-line basis over 15 years.

The Partnership  periodically  evaluates  goodwill for impairment by calculating
the anticipated future cash flows attributable to its operations.  Such expected
cash flows, on an undiscounted basis, are compared to the carrying values of the
tangible and  intangible  assets,  and if impairment is indicated,  the carrying
value of goodwill is adjusted.  In the opinion of  management,  no impairment of
goodwill exists.

ACCRUED INSURANCE. Accrued insurance represents the estimated costs of known and
anticipated or unasserted  claims under the  Partnership's  general and product,
workers'  compensation  and automobile  insurance  policies.  Accrued  insurance
provisions for unasserted claims arising from unreported  incidents are based on
an analysis of historical claims data. For each claim, the Partnership records a
self-insurance provision up to the estimated amount of the probable claim or the
amount of the  deductible,  whichever  is lower.  Claims are  generally  settled
within 5 years of origination.

INCOME TAXES.  As discussed in Note 1, the Partnership  Entities  consist of two
limited  partnerships,  the Partnership and the Operating  Partnership,  and one
corporate  entity,  the  Service  Company.  For  federal  and state  income  tax
purposes, the earnings attributable to the Partnership and Operating Partnership
are  included in the tax returns of the  individual  partners.  As a result,  no
recognition  of income  tax  expense  has been  reflected  in the  Partnership's
consolidated  financial  statements  relating to the earnings of the Partnership
and Operating Partnership.  The earnings attributable to the Service Company are
subject  to federal  and state  income  taxes.  Accordingly,  the  Partnership's
consolidated  financial  statements  reflect  income tax expense  related to the
Service Company's  earnings.  Net earnings for financial  statement purposes may
differ  significantly  from taxable income reportable to Unitholders as a result
of differences between the tax basis and financial reporting basis of assets and
liabilities and the taxable income allocation requirements under the Partnership

For federal  income tax purposes,  the  Predecessor  Company was included in the
consolidated tax return of a United States affiliate of the Parent Company.  The
Predecessor Company's tax assets, liabilities, expenses and benefits result from
the tax effect of its  transactions  determined  as if the  Predecessor  Company
filed a separate income tax return. The Predecessor  Company's income taxes were
paid by an  affiliate  of the Parent  Company in which  income tax  expense  was
credited through an intercompany account.

Income  taxes are  provided  based on the  provisions  of  Financial  Accounting
Standards Board ("FASB")  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS")
No. 109,  "Accounting for Income Taxes", which requires  recognition of deferred
tax assets and liabilities  for the expected  future tax  consequences of events
that have been included in the financial statements and tax returns in different
years.  Under this  method,  deferred  income tax  assets  and  liabilities  are
determined based on the difference between the financial statement and tax bases
of assets  and  liabilities  using  enacted  tax rates in effect for the year in
which the differences are expected to reverse.


UNIT-BASED COMPENSATION. The Partnership accounts for Unit-based compensation in
accordance  with  Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting for
Stock Issued to Employees", and related interpretations  and makes the pro forma
information   disclosures  required  under  the  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  123,
"Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation".  Upon  issuance of Units under the
plan,  unearned  compensation  equivalent to the market value of the  restricted
Units is charged at the date of grant.  The unearned  compensation  is amortized
ratably over the restricted periods. The unamortized unearned compensation value
is shown as a reduction of partners'  capital in the  accompanying  consolidated
balance sheet.

NET INCOME (LOSS) PER UNIT. SFAS No. 128,  "Earnings per Share"  ("Statement No.
128"),  issued in February  1997 and  effective  for  financial  statements  for
periods ending after December 15, 1997, establishes and simplifies standards for
computing  and  presenting  earnings  per  share.  Statement  No.  128  requires
restatement of all  prior-period  earnings per share data  presented.  Basic net
income  (loss) per limited  partner  Unit is  computed  by  dividing  net income
(loss),  after  deducting  the General  Partner's 2%  interest,  by the weighted
average number of outstanding Common Units and Subordinated  Units.  Diluted net
income  (loss) per limited  partner  Unit is  computed  by  dividing  net income
(loss),  after  deducting  the General  Partner's 2%  interest,  by the weighted
average  number  of  outstanding  Common  Units and  Subordinated  Units and the
weighted  average number of Restricted  Units granted under the Restricted  Unit
Award Plan which vest over time (See Note 8 Restricted Unit Plan).

NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS. In June  1997, FASB  issued SFAS  No. 130,  "Reporting
Comprehensive Income" ("Statement No. 130"). Statement No. 130 requires entities
to report comprehensive income (the total of net income and all other  non-owner
changes  in partners'  capital) either  below  net  income  in  the statement of
operations,  in a  separate  statement  of  comprehensive  income or  within the
statement of partners' capital. This standard is effective for the Partnership's
1999 fiscal year. Adoption of Statement  No. 130 will not have  an impact on the
financial statements.

In  January  1998,  FASB  issued  SFAS  No.  132,  "Employers' Disclosures about
Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits" ("Statement No. 132"). Statement No.
132   standardizes   the   disclosure   requirements   for  pensions  and  other
postretirement  benefits,  and  requires  additional  information  on changes in
benefit obligations and fair values of plan  assets.  It  does  not  change  the
measurement or recognition of pensions or other  postretirement  benefits.  This
standard is effective for the  Partnership's  1999 fiscal  year.  Management  is
currently evaluating its impact on the Partnership's financial statements.

In June 1998, FASB issued SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting for  Derivative Instruments
and  Hedging  Activities"  ("Statement  No. 133").  Statement  No.  133 requires
entities to record derivatives as assets or liabilities on the balance sheet and
to measure them at fair value.  This standard is effective for the Partnership's
2000  fiscal year.  Management is currently evaluating the impact this statement
may have on the Partnership's financial statements.

RECLASSIFICATIONS.  Certain  prior  period  balances  have  been reclassified to
conform with the current period presentation.

- ---------------------------------------------------------

The following unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statement of operations
for the year ended September 28, 1996 was derived from the historical  statement
of operations of the Predecessor  Company for the period October 1, 1995 through
March 4, 1996 and the  consolidated  statement of operations of the  Partnership
from March 5, 1996 through September 28, 1996. The unaudited pro forma condensed
consolidated  statement of operations was prepared to reflect the effects of the
Partnership  formation as if it had been completed in its entirety as of October
1, 1995.  However,  the  statement  does not  purport to present  the results of
operations  of the  Partnership  had the  Partnership  formation  actually  been
completed  as of the  beginning  of  the  period  presented.  In  addition,  the
unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated financial statement of operations is
not  necessarily   indicative  of  the  results  of  future  operations  of  the


                                                       Pro Forma
                                                  September 28, 1996
     Propane ....................................       $641,679
     Other ......................................         66,267
Cost and Expenses
     Cost of sales ..............................        377,692
     Operating ..................................        203,426
     Depreciation and amortization ..............         35,862
     Selling, general and administrative expenses         29,004
     Management fee .............................          1,290
     Restructuring charge .......................          2,340

Income before interest expense and income taxes .         58,332
Interest expense, net ...........................         31,197
Income before provision for income taxes ........         27,135
Provision for income taxes ......................            250
Net income ......................................       $ 26,885

General Partner's interest in net income ........       $    538
Limited Partners' interest in net income ........       $ 26,347
Net income per Unit .............................       $   0.92
Weighted average number of Units outstanding ....         28,726

Significant  pro forma  adjustments  reflected  in the above  data  include  the

   a. An  adjustment  to  interest  expense  to  reflect  the  interest  expense
      associated with the Senior Notes and Bank Credit Facilities.

   b. The elimination of the provision for income taxes, as income taxes will be
      borne by the partners and not the Partnership, except for corporate income
      taxes related to the Service Company.

   c. The  Partnership's  management  estimates  that the  incremental  costs of
      operating as a stand-alone entity would have approximated  the  management
      fee  paid  to an  affiliate of  Hanson  PLC. These  incremental  costs are
      estimated to be $1,290 for the year ended September 28, 1996.

- ----------------------------------

The Partnership makes  distributions to its partners with respect to each fiscal
quarter of the  Partnership  in an aggregate  amount equal to its Available Cash
for such quarter.  Available  Cash generally  means,  with respect to any fiscal
quarter of the Partnership, all cash on hand at the end of such quarter less the
amount  of  cash  reserves  established  by  the  Board  of  Supervisors  in its
reasonable discretion for future cash requirements.  These reserves are retained
for the  proper  conduct  of the  Partnership's  business,  the  payment of debt
principal  and interest  and for  distributions  during the next four  quarters.
Distributions  by the  Partnership  in an amount equal to 100% of its  Available
Cash will generally be made 98% to the Common and  Subordinated  Unitholders and
2% to the General Partner,  subject to the payment of incentive distributions in
the event Available Cash exceeds the Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution  ($.50) on
all Units.  To the extent there is  sufficient  Available  Cash,  the holders of
Common Units have the right to receive the Minimum Quarterly Distribution,  plus
any  arrearages,  prior to the  distribution  of  Available  Cash to  holders of
Subordinated Units. Common Units will not accrue


arrearages for any quarter after the Subordination Period (as defined below) and
Subordinated  Units will not accrue any arrearages with respect to distributions
for any quarter.

The  Subordination  Period  will  generally  extend  until  the first day of any
quarter  beginning after March 31, 2001 in respect of which (a) distributions of
Available Cash from Operating  Surplus on the Common Units and the  Subordinated
Units  with  respect  to  each of the  three  consecutive  four-quarter  periods
immediately  preceding  such date  equaled or  exceeded  the sum of the  Minimum
Quarterly  Distribution on all of the outstanding  Common Units and Subordinated
Units during such periods,  (b) the Adjusted  Operating Surplus generated during
each of the three consecutive  four-quarter  periods immediately  preceding such
date equaled or exceeded the sum of the Minimum Quarterly Distribution on all of
the outstanding Common Units and Subordinated Units and related  distribution on
the General  Partner  interest in the Partnership  during such periods,  and (c)
there  are  no  outstanding  Common  Unit  Arrearages.  Upon  expiration  of the
Subordination Period, all remaining  Subordinated Units will convert into Common
Units on a one-for-one  basis and will thereafter  participate pro rata with the
other Common Units in distributions of Available Cash.

In accordance with the Distribution Support Agreement among the Partnership, the
General  Partner  and  Millennium,  to  enhance  the  Partnership's  ability  to
distribute the Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution on the Common Units, the General
Partner has agreed to contribute to the  Partnership  cash in exchange for APUs.
This  obligation to purchase APUs remains in effect  through March 31, 2001. The
General  Partner's maximum  contribution  obligation is $43,600 or 436,000 APUs,
and is  limited  to the  number of Common  Units  issued on the  initial  public
offering  date  plus  Common  Units  issued  in  connection   with  the  related
underwriters  over-allotment  option exercised in full (i.e.,  21,562,500 Common
Units).  Issuance of  additional  Common Units will not cause an increase in the
General Partner's maximum contribution  obligation. A wholly-owned subsidiary of
Millennium has unconditionally guaranteed the General Partner's APU contribution
obligation.  Millennium is a Securities and Exchange Commission registrant which
files periodic reports.  Millennium's  annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 1997 has been filed (Commission File Number 1-12091).

The APUs represent  non-voting,  limited  partner  Partnership  interests with a
stated value per unit of $100.  The APUs are not entitled to cash  distributions
or allocations  of any items of Partnership  income,  gain,  loss,  deduction or
credit. The APUs are subject to quarterly mandatory  redemption,  in whole or in
part,  by the  Partnership  pursuant to the order of priority for  distributions
from  Available  Cash.  During the  Subordination  Period,  the APUs may only be
redeemed  after  distributions  of Available  Cash have been made on the Minimum
Quarterly  Distribution on outstanding  Common Units (including any arrearages),
the related  distribution on the General Partner interest  (including any unpaid
amounts  of  prior  quarters),  and  the  current  quarter's  Minimum  Quarterly
Distribution on outstanding  Subordinated Units. After the Subordination Period,
the APUs may only be redeemed  after  distributions  of Available Cash have been
made on the current  quarter's  Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution  on outstanding
Common  Units and the  current  quarter's  related  distribution  on the General
Partner interest.  Upon dissolution of the Partnership,  to the extent possible,
the APUs will be redeemed only after the Common and Subordinated Unitholders and
the  General  Partner  have  received  Unrecovered  Capital,  as  defined by the
Partnership Agreement (See Note 14 Subsequent Event).

In November 1997, the General Partner  contributed $12,000 to the Partnership in
exchange for 120,000 APUs.  The proceeds were used to enhance the  Partnership's
ability to distribute the Minimum Quarterly  Distribution to Common  Unitholders
with  respect to the fourth  fiscal  quarter of 1997.  The General  Partner also
contributed $10,000 to the Partnership in exchange for 100,000 APUs for the year
ended  September  27,  1997,  which was also used to enhance  the  Partnership's
ability to distribute the Minimum Quarterly  Distribution to Common  Unitholders
with  respect to the third fiscal  quarter of 1997.  No proceeds  were  utilized
under the Distribution Support Agreement with respect to fiscal year 1998.

As of September 26, 1998,  $22,000 of cash proceeds  remain  available under the
Distribution Support Agreement.


- -----------------------------

The Predecessor Company was provided management,  treasury,  insurance, employee
benefits,  tax and  accounting  services by an  affiliate  of the former  Parent
Company.  As  consideration  for the  services  provided by the  affiliate,  the
Predecessor  Company was charged an annual  management fee based on a percentage
of  revenue.  In the  opinion  of  management,  the  management  fee  allocation
represented  a  reasonable  estimate  of the cost of  services  provided  by the
affiliate  on  behalf  of the  Predecessor  Company.  However,  the  fee was not
necessarily  indicative of the level of expenses  which might have been incurred
by the Predecessor Company operating on a stand-alone basis. Management fees for
the period October 1, 1995 to March 4, 1996 were $1,290.

The  Predecessor  Company  was  provided  computerized  information  services by
Quantum  under  an  agreement.  Charges  related to these services,  included in
selling,  general and  administrative expenses in the accompanying  statement of
operations,  were $148 for the period October 1, 1995 to March 4, 1996.

Pursuant to a Computer Services Agreement (the "Services Agreement") dated as of
the  Closing  Date  between  Millennium   Petrochemicals  and  the  Partnership,
Millennium  Petrochemicals  permitted  the  Partnership  to  utilize  Millennium
Petrochemicals' mainframe computer for the generation of customer bills, reports
and information regarding the Partnership's retail sales. The Services Agreement
was  terminated  effective  April 3, 1998 at which  time the  Partnership  began
utilizing the services of an unrelated third party provider. For the years ended
September 26, 1998 and  September 27, 1997 and the seven months ended  September
28,  1996,  the   Partnership   incurred   expenses  of  $202,  $384  and  $218,
respectively, under the Services Agreement.

- --------------------------------------

Inventories consist of:

                                         September 26,             September 27,
                                             1998                      1997   
                                         -------------             -------------

  Propane                                   $ 25,248                   $ 27,753
  Appliances                                   4,714                      4,162
                                               -----                      -----
                                            $ 29,962                   $ 31,915
                                            ========                   ========

The Partnership  enters into contracts to buy propane for supply purposes.  Such
contracts  generally have terms of less than one year,  with propane costs based
on market prices at the date of delivery.

Property, plant and equipment consist of:

                                         September 26,             September 27,
                                             1998                      1997   
                                         -------------             -------------

  Land and improvements                      $ 28,425                  $ 29,345
  Buildings and improvements                   47,937                    46,785
  Transportation equipment                     56,126                    56,532
  Storage facilities                           24,386                    24,008
  Equipment, primarily tanks and cylinders    328,623                   323,382
                                              -------                   -------
                                              485,497                   480,052
  Less: accumulated depreciation              141,669                   115,705
                                              -------                   -------
                                             $343,828                  $364,347
                                             ========                  ========


- ---------------------------------------------

Long-term debt consists of:
                                         September 26,             September 27,
                                             1998                      1997  
                                         -------------             -------------

  Senior Notes, 7.54%, due June 30, 2011     $425,000                  $425,000
  Note payable, 8%, due in annual
    installments through 2006                   2,947                     3,229
  Other long-term liabilities                     273                         -
                                             --------                  --------
                                              428,220                   428,229
  Less:  current portion                          323                       259
                                             --------                  --------
                                             $427,897                  $427,970
                                             ========                  ========

On the Closing Date, the Operating  Partnership  issued $425,000 of Senior Notes
with an annual interest rate of 7.54%. The Operating  Partnership's  obligations
under the Senior  Note  Agreement  are  unsecured  and will rank on an equal and
ratable basis with the Operating Partnership's obligations under the Bank Credit
Facilities  discussed  below.  The Senior Notes will mature June 30,  2011,  and
require  semiannual  interest  payments which  commenced June 30, 1996. The Note
Agreement  requires  that the  principal  be paid in equal  annual  payments  of
$42,500 starting June 30, 2002.

The Bank Credit  Facilities  consist of a $75,000 working capital facility and a
$25,000 acquisition facility. The Operating Partnership's obligations, under the
Bank Credit  Facilities  are  unsecured  on an equal and ratable  basis with the
Operating Partnership's obligations under the Senior Notes. Borrowings under the
Bank Credit  Facilities  bear  interest at a rate based upon either LIBOR plus a
margin,  First Union  National  Bank's prime rate or the Federal Funds rate plus
1/2 of 1%. An annual fee ranging from .20% to .25% based upon certain  financial
tests is payable  quarterly whether or not borrowings occur. As of September 26,
1998, such fee was .25%. The Bank Credit Facilities expire September 30, 2000.

No amounts were outstanding under the Bank Credit Facilities as of September 26,
1998 and September 27, 1997.

Based on the  current  rates  offered  to the  Partnership  for debt of the same
remaining  maturities,  the carrying value of the  Partnership's  long-term debt
approximates its fair market value.

The Senior Note Agreement and Bank Credit Facilities contain various restrictive
and affirmative covenants applicable to the Operating Partnership, including (a)
maintenance of certain  financial  tests,  (b) restrictions on the incurrence of
additional  indebtedness,  and (c)  restrictions on certain liens,  investments,
guarantees, loans, advances, payments, mergers,  consolidations,  distributions,
sales of assets and other transactions.

For the years ended September 26, 1998 and September 27, 1997,  interest expense
was $32,746 and $34,330, respectively.

- ------------------------

In 1996,  the  Partnership  adopted  the 1996  Restricted  Unit  Award Plan (the
"Restricted  Unit Plan") which  authorizes  the issuance of Common Units with an
aggregate  value of $15,000  (731,707  Common Units valued at the initial public
offering  price  of  $20.50  per  Unit)  to  executives,  managers  and  Elected
Supervisors of the Partnership.  Units issued under the Restricted Unit Plan are
subject to a bifurcated  vesting procedure such that (a) twenty-five  percent of
the issued Units will vest over time with one-third of such units vesting at the
end of each of the third, fifth and seventh  anniversaries of the issuance date,
and (b) the remaining  seventy-five percent of the Units will vest automatically
upon, and in the same  proportions as, the conversion of  Subordinated  Units to
Common Units. Restricted Unit Plan participants are not eligible


to receive quarterly  distributions or vote their respective Units until vested.
Restrictions  generally  limit  the sale or  transfer  of the Units  during  the
restricted  periods.  The value of the  Restricted  Unit is  established  by the
market  price of the  Common  Unit at the date of  grant.  Restricted  Units are
subject to forfeiture in certain circumstances as defined in the Restricted Unit

Following is a summary of activity in the Restricted Unit Plan:

                                           Units            Value Per Unit
                                          -------            --------------

 OUTSTANDING, MARCH 5, 1996                  --                    --

 Awarded ..............                   388,533               $   20.50
                                         ---------            --------------

 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1996          388,533               $   20.50

 Awarded ..............                   364,634            $18.41 - $21.63
 Forfeited ............                  (119,019)              $   20.50
                                         ---------           ---------------

 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1997          634,148            $18.41 - $21.63

 Awarded ..............                    97,556               $   19.91
 Forfeited ............                  (109,893)           $18.41 - $21.63
                                         ---------           ---------------

 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1998          621,811            $18.41 - $21.63
                                         =========           ===============

For the years  ended  September  26, 1998 and  September  27, 1997 and the seven
months ended September 28, 1996, the Partnership  amortized $626, $401  and $340
respectively, of unearned compensation.

- ---------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------

Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Partnership,  in  connection  with its overall
restructuring efforts to implement long-term cost reduction strategies, modified
certain employee benefit plans.

In this regard,  the  Partnership  amended its  noncontributory  defined benefit
pension plan to provide for a cash balance format as compared to a final average
format  which was in effect  prior to  January  1, 1998.  The  Partnership  also
terminated its  postretirement  benefit plan for all eligible employees retiring
after  March 1,  1998.  All active and  eligible  employees  who were to receive
benefits  under  the  postretirement  plan  subsequent  to March 1,  1998,  were
provided a settlement by increasing  their  accumulated  benefits under the cash
balance pension plan.

The Partnership has accounted for the  restructuring of the above-noted  benefit
plans as a reduction in the postretirement  plan benefit  obligation  (retaining
only the obligation related to employees retired on or before March 1, 1998) and
as a  corresponding  decrease  in  the  net  prepaid  pension  cost  with  a net
difference  of $300,  after  costs  associated  with such  restructuring,  being
recognized as a gain in the  accompanying  statement of operations  for the year
ended September 26, 1998.

The Partnership has a noncontributory  defined benefit pension plan covering all
eligible  employees of the Partnership  who have met certain  requirements as to
age and length of service.  Contributions  are made to a trust maintained by the


The trust's assets consist  primarily of common stock,  fixed income  securities
and real  estate.  Contributions  to the  defined  benefit  plan are made by the
Partnership in accordance  with the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974 minimum funding  standards plus additional  amounts which may be determined
from time-to-time.

The following table sets forth the plan's actuarial assumptions:

                                                 September 26,     September 27,
                                                     1998               1997 
                                                 -------------     -------------

Weighted-average discount rate                      6.50%              7.25%
Average rate of compensation increase               3.50%              4.25%
Weighted-average expected long-term rate of
  return on plan assets                              9.0%               9.0%

The following  table sets forth the plan's funded status and net prepaid pension

                                                September 26,      September 27,
                                                    1998                1997
                                                -------------      -------------
Actuarial present value of benefit obligation
     Vested benefit obligation                       $149,102          $137,872
     Non-vested benefit obligation                      6,523             6,142
                                                        -----             -----
     Accumulated benefit obligation                  $155,625          $144,014
                                                     ========          ========
Projected benefit obligation                         $178,785          $161,700
Plan assets at fair value                             179,090           198,594
                                                      -------           -------

Plan assets in excess of projected
 benefit obligation                                       305            36,894
Unrecognized prior service cost                        (1,933)           (1,067)
Unrecognized net loss                                  36,184            12,771
                                                       ------            ------
     Net prepaid pension cost                         $34,556           $48,598
                                                      =======           =======

The net periodic pension expense/(income) includes the following:

                                                                                   Period              Period
                                             Year Ended       Year Ended        March 5,1996      October 1, 1995 to
                                            September 26,    September 27,    to September 28,      March 4, 1996
                                                1998             1997               1996            (Predecessor) 
                                            -------------    -------------    ----------------    ------------------

Service cost-benefits earned
 during the period                            $    5,038        $   4,504         $   2,616              $   1,869
Interest cost on projected benefit
 obligation                                       11,698           10,364             5,748                  4,106

Actual return on plan assets                      (2,760)         (41,491)          (10,233)                (7,310)
Net amortization and deferral                    (14,326)          25,540               310                    221 
Plan amendment                                    14,392                -                 -                      -
                                               ---------        ---------         ---------              ---------
  Net periodic pension expense/(income)       $   14,042        $  (1,083)        $  (1,559)             $  (1,114)
                                              ==========        =========         =========              ========= 


- ---------------------------------

The  Partnership  has a  defined  contribution  plan  covering  most  employees.
Contributions  and  costs  are  a  percent  of  the   participating   employees'
compensation.  These amounts totaled $1,923,  $1,828,  $1,103  and  $788 for the
years ended  September 26, 1998 and  September 27, 1997,  the seven months ended
September 28, 1996 and the five months ended March 4, 1996, respectively.

- -------------------------------------------

The Partnership provides  postretirement health care and life insurance benefits
for certain retired  employees.  Partnership  employees hired prior to July 1993
and that  retired  prior to March 1998 are  eligible  for such  benefits if they
reached a specified retirement age while working for the Partnership.

The  Partnership  does not fund its  postretirement  benefit plan. The following
table  presents the plan's accrued  postretirement  benefit cost included in the
accompanying balance sheets at September 26, 1998 and September 27, 1997:

                                                 September 26,     September 27,
                                                     1998              1997    
                                                 -------------     -------------

Retirees                                           $  39,168          $  40,315
Fully eligible active plan participants                  824              7,639
Other active plan participants                         1,455             18,797
                                                   ---------          ---------

Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation         41,447             66,751
Unrecognized net loss                                 (8,153)           (11,550)
Unrecognized prior service cost                        5,823                  -
                                                   ---------          ---------
Accrued postretirement benefit cost                   39,117             55,201
Less:  current portion                                 3,137              4,078
                                                   ---------          ---------

Noncurrent liability                               $  35,980          $  51,123
                                                   =========          =========

The net periodic postretirement benefit (income)/expense  includes the following

                                                                                   Period              Period
                                             Year Ended       Year Ended        March 5,1996      October 1, 1995 to
                                            September 26,    September 27,    to September 28,      March 4, 1996
                                                1998             1997               1996            (Predecessor) 
                                            -------------    -------------    ----------------    ------------------

Service cost                                $       474       $       811        $       473          $       338
Interest cost                                     2,645             3,074                918                  656
Net amortization and deferral                      (352)                -                  -                    -
Plan amendment                                  (15,367)                -                  -                    -                  
                                            -----------       -----------        -----------          -----------

     Net periodic postretirement
     benefit (income)/expense               $   (12,600)      $     3,885        $     1,391          $       994
                                            ===========       ===========        ===========          ===========

The  accumulated  postretirement  benefit  obligation  was based on a 9% and 10%
increase  in the cost of  covered  health  care  benefits  for  1998  and  1997,
respectively.  This rate is assumed to decrease gradually to 4.5% in 2003 and to
remain at that level  thereafter.  Increasing the assumed health care cost trend
rates by 1.0% in each year would increase the Partnership's


accumulated postretirement benefit obligation as of September 26, 1998 by $1,220
and  the   aggregate  of  service  and  interest   components  of  net  periodic
postretirement benefit cost for the year ended September 26, 1998 by $80.

The   weighted-average   discount  rate  used  in  determining  the  accumulated
postretirement  benefit  obligation  was 6.5% and 7.5% at September 26, 1998 and
September 27, 1997, respectively.

- -------------------------

In  fiscal  1997,  the  Partnership  announced  that it was  evaluating  certain
long-term cost reduction  strategies and organizational  changes. As a result of
this effort, the Partnership  reorganized its product  procurement and logistics
group,  redesigned  its  fleet  and  maintenance,  field  and  corporate  office
organizations,  and identified facilities to be closed and impaired assets whose
carrying amounts would not be recovered. In support of this effort in June 1997,
the Partnership  recorded a restructuring  charge of $6,911,  which included the

  Severance, other employee benefits and facility closure costs         $5,076
  Impaired asset write-down                                              1,835

In fiscal 1996, the Partnership  reorganized its corporate office and terminated
certain employees. As a result of this action, the Partnership recorded a $2,340
restructuring charge, comprised of severance and employee benefit costs.

At September 26, 1998, no accruals related to the restructuring  charges remain.
For the year, cash expenditures totaled $3,131.

- -----------------------

The  predecessor  equity account  reflects the  Predecessor  Company's  activity
between an affiliate of the former Parent Company for the period October 1, 1995
to March 4, 1996.

An analysis of the predecessor equity is as follows:

                                                       Period October 1,
                                                       1995 to March 4,

  Beginning balance                                         $558,235
  Net income                                                  33,649
  Cash transfers, net                                        (26,236)
  Amounts paid or accrued by parent on behalf of the
      Predecessor Company, net                                52,035
        Cash activity with parent, net                        25,799
        Ending balance                                      $617,683

The predecessor equity account was non-interest  bearing with no repayment terms
and included $449,749 in intercompany payables at March 4, 1996.

- ----------------

As discussed in Note 2, the Partnership's  earnings for federal and state income
tax  purposes  is  included  in the  tax  returns  of the  individual  partners.
Accordingly,  no recognition has been given to income taxes in the  accompanying


statements of the  Partnership  except for earnings of the Service Company which
are subject to federal and state income taxes.  The information  presented below
relates to the Predecessor Company.

The provision for income taxes consists of the following:

                                                       Period October 1,
                                                       1995 to March 4,

     Federal                                                 $20,516
     State                                                     5,809
  Deferred                                                     1,822

     Total provision for income taxes                        $28,147

A reconciliation of the statutory federal tax rate to the Predecessor  Company's
effective tax rate follows:

                                                       Period October 1,
                                                       1995 to March 4,
Statutory federal tax rate                                  35.0%
Difference in tax rate due to:
  State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit      6.0%
  Goodwill                                                   4.1%
  Other, net                                                 0.5%
Effective tax rate                                          45.6%

- ---------------------------------

- -----------

The Partnership leases certain property, plant and equipment for various periods
under noncancelable  leases.  Rental expense under operating leases was $16,993,
$14,995,  $7,844 and $5,603 for the years ended September 26, 1998 and September
27, 1997,  the seven months ended  September  28, 1996 and the five months ended
March 4, 1996, respectively.

Future minimum rental commitments under noncancelable operating lease agreements
as of September 26, 1998 are as follows:

     Fiscal Year
     1999                                               $11,659
     2000                                                 5,317
     2001                                                 4,112
     2002                                                 2,459
     2003   and thereafter                                2,152

- -------------

As discussed in Note 2, the Partnership is self-insured for general and product,
workers'  compensation and automobile  liabilities up to  predetermined  amounts
above which third party insurance  applies.  At September 26, 1998 and September

1997,   accrued   insurance   liabilities   amounted  to  $21,404  and  $23,748,
respectively, representing the total estimated losses under these self-insurance
programs. These liabilities represent the gross estimated losses as no claims or
lawsuits,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  were  estimated  to  exceed  the
Partnership's deductibles and its insurance policies.

The  Partnership  is also involved in various legal actions which have arisen in
the  normal  course  of  business,   including   those  relating  to  commercial
transactions and product  liability.  It is the opinion of management,  based on
the advice of legal counsel,  that the ultimate resolution of these matters will
not have a material adverse effect on the  Partnership's  financial  position or
future results of operations, after considering its self-insurance liability for
known and unasserted self-insurance claims.

- ---------------------

On November 27, 1998, the Partnership  Entities entered into a  Recapitalization
Agreement with  Millennium,  the General  Partner and Suburban  Energy  Services
Group LLC, an entity newly formed  by the  Partnership's  management.  Under the
terms  of the  Agreement,  the  Partnership  will  purchase  Millennium's  24.4%
subordinated  partner  interest  evidenced by 7,163,750  Subordinated  Units and
retire such units.  In addition,  the  requirement  for the Partnership to repay
$22,000 in outstanding  APUs under the  Distribution  Support  Agreement will be
eliminated. The existing Distribution Support Agreement will be replaced with an
alternative  support  arrangement  provided by the  Partnership.  The  aggregate
redemption  price to be paid to Millennium  will be $69,000 which is expected to
be primarily funded from the proceeds of a new senior secured credit facility to
be entered into with a syndicate of banks.

Concurrent with the execution of the Recapitalization Agreement, Suburban Energy
Services  Group  LLC,  ("Successor  General  Partner")  entered into a  Purchase
Agreement with  Millennium and the General  Partner  whereby the General Partner
agreed to sell to the Successor  General  Partner for $6,000 the General Partner
interest in the Partnership Entities.

The consummation of the transactions is subject to certain conditions  described
in  the  Recapitalization  and Purchase Agreements,  including the approval of a
majority of the Partnership's Common Unitholders and senior noteholders.



Schedule II  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts for the years ended
             September 26, 1998 and September 27, 1997, the period
             March 5, 1996 through September 28, 1996 and October 1,
             1995 through March 4, 1996                                    S-2


                                                                                               Schedule II


                                      VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS
                                                (in thousands)

                                           Balance at    Charged               Deductions    Balance
                                           Beginning     to Cost /   Other      (Amounts     at End
                                           of Period     Expenses  Additions   Charged Off)  of Period
                                           ---------     --------  ---------   ------------  ---------

October 1, 1995 to March 4, 1996
- --------------------------------

Allowance for doubtful accounts ..........  $ 3,162       $ 1,510   $  --        $ (1,510)   $ 3,162
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Accumulated amortization:
  Goodwill ...............................  $12,559       $ 2,714   $  --        $   --      $15,273
  Other intangibles ......................  $    70       $    69   $  --        $   --      $   139
                                            -------       -------   -------      --------    -------
                  Total ..................  $12,629       $ 2,783   $  --        $   --      $15,412
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

March 5, 1996 to September 28, 1996
- -----------------------------------

Allowance for doubtful accounts ..........  $ 3,162       $ 1,790   $  --        $ (1,640)   $ 3,312
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Accumulated amortization:
  Goodwill ...............................  $15,273       $ 3,716   $  --        $   --      $18,989
  Other intangibles ......................  $   139       $   443   $  --        $   --      $   582
                                            -------       -------   -------      --------    -------
                  Total ..................  $15,412       $ 4,159   $  --        $   --      $19,571
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Restructuring reserves....................  $  --         $ 2,340   $  --        $   --      $ 2,340
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Year Ended September 27, 1997
- -----------------------------

Allowance for doubtful accounts ..........  $ 3,312       $ 4,569   $  --        $ (5,199)   $ 2,682
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Accumulated amortization:
  Goodwill ...............................  $18,989       $ 6,644   $  --        $   --      $25,633
  Other intangibles ......................  $   582       $   945   $  --        $   --      $ 1,527
                                            -------       -------   -------      --------    -------
                  Total ..................  $19,571       $ 7,589   $  --        $   --      $27,160
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Restructuring reserves....................  $ 2,340       $ 6,911   $  --        $ (4,685)   $ 4,566
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Year Ended September 26, 1998
- -----------------------------

Allowance for doubtful accounts ..........  $ 2,682       $ 2,642   $  --        $ (2,942)   $ 2,382
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Accumulated amortization:
  Goodwill ...............................  $25,633       $ 6,134   $  --        $   --      $31,767
  Other intangibles ......................  $ 1,527       $ 1,036   $  --        $   --      $ 2,563
                                            -------       -------   -------      --------    -------
                  Total ..................  $27,160       $ 7,170   $  --        $   --      $34,330
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======

Restructuring reserves....................  $ 4,566       $  --     $  --        $ (4,566)   $  --
                                            =======       =======   =======      ========    =======


                                                                   EXHIBIT 23.1


We  hereby  consent  to the  incorporation  by  reference  in  the  Registration
Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-10197) of Suburban Propane Partners,  L.P. of our
reports  dated  December 8, 1998 and October 21, 1996 appearing on pages F-2 and
F-3 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K.  We also consent to the  application  of
such reports to the Financial  Statement  Schedule  listed under Item 14(a) 2 of
this  Form  10-K  when  such  schedule is read in conjunction with the financial
statements referred to in our reports.  The audits  referred to in such  reports
also included this schedule.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Florham  Park, NJ
December 21, 1998