(RULE 14A-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                        of the Securities Exchange Act of
                            1934 (Amendment No. ____)

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement   [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement          Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

                         COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: __/
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5)  Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)  Filing Party:
     (4)  Date Filed:

                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION
                         140 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON PARKWAY
                          AMHERST, NEW YORK 14228-1197


                            TO BE HELD JULY 31, 2006


     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Columbus
McKinnon  Corporation,  a New York corporation (the "Company"),  will be held at
the Ramada Hotel and Conference  Center,  2402 North Forest Road,  Amherst,  New
York, on July 31, 2006, at 10:00 a.m., local time, for the following purposes:

     1. To elect seven  Directors to hold office  until the 2007 Annual  Meeting
and until their successors have been elected and qualified;

     2. To take  action  and vote upon the  adoption  of the  Columbus  McKinnon
Corporation 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan;

     3. To take  action  and vote upon the  adoption  of the  Columbus  McKinnon
Corporation Executive Management Variable Compensation Plan; and

     4. To take action upon and transact such other  business as may be properly
brought before the meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

     The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on June 9, 2006, as
the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to receive notice
of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.

     It is  important  that your shares be  represented  and voted at the Annual
Meeting.  Whether or not you plan to attend,  please  sign,  date and return the
enclosed proxy card in the enclosed  postage-paid  envelope or vote by telephone
or using the internet as  instructed  on the enclosed  proxy card. If you attend
the Annual Meeting, you may vote your shares in person if you wish. We sincerely
appreciate your prompt cooperation.

                                        TIMOTHY R. HARVEY

Dated: June 20, 2006

                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION
                         140 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON PARKWAY
                          AMHERST, NEW YORK 14228-1197


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy Statement and the accompanying form of proxy are being furnished
in  connection  with the  solicitation  by the Board of  Directors  of  Columbus
McKinnon Corporation,  a New York corporation ("our Company",  "we" or "us"), of
proxies to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting")
to be held at the Ramada Hotel and  Conference  Center,  2402 North Forest Road,
Amherst,  New York,  on July 31,  2006,  at 10:00 a.m.,  local time,  and at any
adjournment or adjournments  thereof.  The close of business on June 9, 2006 has
been fixed as the record date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to
receive  notice of and to vote at the meeting.  At the close of business on June
9, 2006, we had  outstanding  18,716,147  shares of our common  stock,  $.01 par
value per share, the holders of which are entitled to one vote per share on each
matter properly brought before the Annual Meeting.

     The shares  represented  by all valid  proxies in the enclosed form will be
voted  if  received  in time  for the  Annual  Meeting  in  accordance  with the
specifications, if any, made on the proxy card. If no specification is made, the
proxies  will be  voted  FOR the  nominees  for  Director  named  in this  Proxy
Statement,  FOR the adoption of the Columbus  McKinnon 2006 Long Term  Incentive
Plan and FOR the adoption of the Columbus McKinnon Executive Management Variable
Compensation Plan.

     In order for  business  to be  conducted,  a quorum  must be present at the
Annual Meeting. A quorum is a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock
entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting.  Abstentions,  broker  non-votes  and
withheld votes will be counted in  determining  the existence of a quorum at the
Annual Meeting.

     Directors  will be elected by a  plurality  of the votes cast at the Annual
Meeting,  meaning the seven nominees receiving the most votes will be elected. A
majority of the votes cast is required to approve the  adoption of our 2006 Long
Term  Incentive  Plan and the  adoption  of our  Executive  Management  Variable
Compensation  Plan.  Under  the law of the  State  of New  York,  our  state  of
incorporation,  only  "votes  cast"  by the  shareholders  entitled  to vote are
determinative  of the  outcome  of  the  matter  subject  to  shareholder  vote.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted in determining the existence of
a quorum,  but will not be counted  towards any other  nominee's  achievement of
plurality or in determining the votes cast on any other proposal.

     The  execution of a proxy will not affect a  shareholder's  right to attend
the Annual Meeting and to vote in person. A shareholder who executes a proxy may
revoke it at any time before it is  exercised  by giving  written  notice to the
Secretary,  by appearing at the Annual Meeting and so stating,  or by submitting
another duly executed proxy bearing a later date.

     This  Proxy  Statement  and form of proxy are first  being sent or given to
shareholders on or about June 20, 2006.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Our Certificate of Incorporation provides that our Board of Directors shall
consist  of not less than  three nor more than nine  Directors  to be elected at
each annual meeting of shareholders and to serve for a term of one year or until
their successors are duly elected and qualified.  Mr. Herbert P. Ladds, Jr., who
has been a  Director  since  1973,  has  announced  that he plans to retire as a
Director effective as of the date of the Annual Meeting.  Accordingly, Mr. Ladds
has not been nominated for  re-election  as a Director and,  effective as of the
Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors will be reduced to seven members.

     Unless  instructions to the contrary are received,  it is intended that the
shares  represented  by proxies  will be voted for the  election as Directors of
Timothy T. Tevens,  Carlos  Pascual,  Richard H. Fleming,  Ernest R.  Verebelyi,
Wallace W. Creek,  Stephen  Rabinowitz and Linda A.  Goodspeed,  each of whom is
presently a Director and has been previously elected by our shareholders. If any
of these nominees should become  unavailable for election for any reason,  it is
intended that the shares  represented by the proxies solicited  herewith will be
voted for such other person as the Board of Directors shall designate. The Board
of Directors has no reason to believe that any of these  nominees will be unable
or unwilling to serve if elected to office.

     The following information is provided concerning the nominees for Director:

     ERNEST R. VEREBELYI was appointed a Director of the Company in January 2003
and was elected Chairman of the Board in August 2005. Mr. Verebelyi retired from
Terex Corporation, a global diversified equipment manufacturer,  in October 2002
where he held the position of Group  President.  Prior to joining Terex in 1998,
he held executive,  general management and operating positions at General Signal
Corporation,  Emerson, Hussmann Corporation, and General Electric. Mr. Verebelyi
also serves as a director of CH Energy Group, Inc.

     TIMOTHY T.  TEVENS was elected  President  and a Director of our Company in
January  1998 and  assumed the duties of Chief  Executive  Officer in July 1998.
From May 1991 to  January  1998 he served as our Vice  President  -  Information
Services and was also elected Chief Operating Officer in October 1996. From 1980
to 1991,  Mr.  Tevens was  employed  by Ernst & Young LLP in various  management
consulting capacities.

     CARLOS  PASCUAL has been a Director of our Company since 1998.  Mr. Pascual
currently  serves as Chairman of the Board of  Directors of Xerox de Espana S.A.
(Spain). From January 2000 through December 2003, Mr. Pascual was Executive Vice
President and President of Developing Markets Operations for Xerox. From January
1999 to January 2000, Mr. Pascual served as Deputy Executive  Officer of Xerox's
Industry  Solutions  Operations.  From August 1995 to January 1999,  Mr. Pascual
served as President of Xerox  Corporation's  United States Customer  Operations.
Prior thereto, he has served in various capacities with Xerox Corporation.

     RICHARD H.  FLEMING was  appointed a Director of our Company in March 1999.
In February 1999,  Mr. Fleming was appointed  Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial  Officer of USG  Corporation.  Prior  thereto,  Mr. Fleming served USG
Corporation in various  executive  financial  capacities,  including Senior Vice
President  and Chief  Financial  Officer from January 1995 to February  1999 and


Vice  President and Chief  Financial  Officer from January 1994 to January 1995.
Mr.  Fleming  also  serves  as a member of the Board of  Directors  for  several
not-for-profit entities including UCAN, the Child Welfare League of America, and
Chicago United.

     WALLACE W. CREEK was  appointed a Director of the Company in January  2003.
From  December  2002  through June 2004,  he served as Senior Vice  President of
Finance for Collins & Aikman,  a leading  manufacturer  of  automotive  interior
components.  Prior to that, Mr. Creek served as Controller of the General Motors
Corporation from 1992 to 2002 and held several executive positions in finance at
General Motors over a forty-three  year career.  Mr. Creek is also a director of
CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     STEPHEN RABINOWITZ was appointed a Director of the Company in October 2004.
He retired in 2001 from his position as Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of
General Cable Corporation, a leading manufacturer of electrical,  communications
and  utility  cable.  Prior to  joining  General  Cable as  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer  in 1994,  he served  as  President  and CEO of  AlliedSignal
Braking  Systems,  and before that as  President  and CEO of General  Electric's
Electrical  Distribution and Control business. He also held management positions
in  manufacturing  operations and technology at the General Electric Company and
the Ford Motor Company.  Mr.  Rabinowitz is also a Director of Energy Conversion
Devices, Inc. and JLG Industries, Inc..

     LINDA A. GOODSPEED was appointed a Director of the Company in October 2004.
In 2001,  she joined Lennox  International,  Inc., a global  supplier of climate
control  solutions,  and currently  serves as Executive Vice President and Chief
Technology  Officer of that  company.  Prior to that,  Ms.  Goodspeed  served as
President and Chief Operating  Officer of PartMiner,  Inc., a global supplier of
electronic  components.  She has  also  held  management  positions  in  product
management and development,  research and development and design  engineering at
General  Electric  Appliances,  Nissan  North  America,  Inc. and the Ford Motor
Company. Ms. Goodspeed also serves as a director of American Electric Power Co.,
Inc.  and is a member of the  Development  Board of the  University  of Texas at



                              CORPORATE GOVERNANCE


     Our Board of Directors  believes that its overriding  responsibility  is to
offer  guidance  and the  benefit  of its  collective  experience  to  help  our
management understand the risks confronting, and opportunities available to, our
Company.  In  furtherance  of this  responsibility,  our Board of Directors  has
adopted a General  Corporate  Governance  Policy setting forth certain policies,
guidelines and procedures it deems  important to the successful  satisfaction of
this responsibility.  These policies and procedures include guidelines as to the
eligibility,    independence,    evaluation,    education,    compensation   and
indemnification  of  our  Directors,   as  well  as  with  respect  to  specific
transactions  requiring the prior formal  approval of our Board of Directors.  A
copy of our  General  Corporate  Governance  Policy is  posted  on the  Investor
Relations section of the Company's website at WWW.CMWORKS.COM.


     Our Board of Directors  has  determined  that each of its current  members,
other than Mr.  Tevens,  is  independent  within the meaning of the NASDAQ Stock
Market, Inc. listing standards as currently in effect.


     The Board of Directors and its  committees  meet  regularly  throughout the
year and also hold special meetings and act by written consent from time to time
as  appropriate.  All Directors are expected to attend each meeting of the Board
of Directors and the committees on which he or she serves, and are also invited,
but not  required,  to attend the Annual  Meeting.  Agendas for  meetings of the
Board of Directors  generally  include  executive  sessions for the  independent
Directors to meet without management  Directors  present.  During the year ended
March 31, 2006, our Board of Directors held 15 meetings.  Each Director attended
at least 75% of the  aggregate  number of meetings of our Board of Directors and
meetings  held by all  committees  of our Board of  Directors on which he or she
served.  All  Directors  attended  the 2005 Annual  Meeting,  except for Messrs.
Verebelyi and Pascual, who missed the meeting due to flight  cancellations,  and
Ms. Goodspeed.


     Our Board of  Directors  has a standing  Audit  Committee  comprised of Mr.
Fleming,  as  Chairman,  and Messrs.  Verebelyi,  Creek and  Rabinowitz  and Ms.
Goodspeed.  Each member of our Audit  Committee is  independent as defined under
Section  10A(m)(3)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"),  and under the NASDAQ Stock Market,  Inc.  rules  currently in
effect.  In  addition,  pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  Section  407 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002, our Board of Directors has determined  that each of
Messrs. Fleming, Creek and Rabinowitz qualifies as an "audit committee financial
expert."  The  duties  of our  Audit  Committee  consist  of (i)  appointing  or
replacing  our  independent  auditors,   (ii)  pre-approving  all  auditing  and
permitted non-audit services provided to us by our independent  auditors,  (iii)
reviewing with our independent auditors and our management the scope and results
of our annual audited financial  statements,  our quarterly financial statements
and significant financial reporting issues and judgments made in connection with
the  preparation of our financial  statements,  (iv) reviewing our  management's
assessment  of the  effectiveness  of our  internal  controls,  as  well  as our


independent  auditors'  report on this  assessment,  (v)  reviewing  insider and
affiliated party transactions and (vi) establishing  procedures for the receipt,
retention  and treatment of  complaints  received by us regarding  accounting or
internal controls. The Audit Committee is governed by a written charter approved
by the Board of  Directors.  A copy of this  charter  is posted on the  Investor
Relations  section  of the  Company's  website  at  WWW.CMWORKS.COM.  Our  Audit
Committee held 12 meetings in fiscal 2006.


     Our  Compensation  and Succession  Committee  consists of Mr.  Pascual,  as
Chairman, and Messrs. Fleming, Ladds and Rabinowitz, all of whom are independent
directors.  The principal functions of this Committee are to (i) review and make
recommendations  to our Board of  Directors  with  respect  to our  compensation
strategy,  (ii) evaluate the  performance of our executive  officers in light of
our  compensation  goals and  objectives,  (iii) evaluate the performance of our
chief  executive  officer and chief  financial  officer and review and establish
their  compensation,  (iv)  administer and make  recommendations  for grants and
awards to our employees under our incentive compensation programs and (v) review
and make  recommendations  with  respect  to our  succession  plans  for all key
management  positions and provide  assurance to our Board of Directors  that our
process in preparing our succession  plans is appropriate.  The Compensation and
Succession  Committee is governed by a written charter  approved by the Board of
Directors  which is posted on the Investor  Relations  section of the  Company's
website at WWW.CMWORKS.COM.  Our Compensation and Succession Committee held four
meetings in fiscal 2006.


     Our Corporate  Governance and Nomination  Committee is responsible  for (i)
evaluating  the  composition,  organization  and  governance  of  our  Board  of
Directors and its  committees,  (ii)  monitoring  compliance  with our system of
corporate  governance and (iii) developing  criteria,  investigating  and making
recommendations  with  respect  to  candidates  for  membership  on our Board of
Directors.  This  Committee  is chaired by Mr. Creek and also  includes  Messrs.
Ladds and Pascual and Ms.  Goodspeed.  Each of these  members is an  independent
director.  Our Corporate  Governance and  Nomination  Committee does not solicit
direct  nominations from our  shareholders,  but will give due  consideration to
written  recommendations  for  nominees  from our  shareholders  for election as
directors that are submitted in accordance with our by-laws. See the information
contained  herein  under the heading  "Shareholders'  Proposals."  Generally,  a
shareholder  who wishes to nominate a candidate  for Director must give us prior
written notice thereof,  which notice must be personally delivered or mailed via
registered first class mail, return receipt requested, to our Secretary and must
be received by our  Secretary  not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days prior
to the first  anniversary  of the date our proxy  statement  was first mailed to
shareholders  in connection  with our previous  year's Annual  Meeting.  If such
nomination  is given in  connection  with a special  meeting for the election of
Directors,  it must be received no later than the tenth day following the day on
which the date of the special  meeting is publicly  announced or disclosed.  The
shareholder's   recommendation   for  nomination   must  contain  the  following
information as to each nominee for Director:  the nominee's name, age,  business
address and residence address;  the nominee's principal occupation or employment
for the previous  five years;  the number of shares of our common stock owned by
such  candidate;  and any other  information  relating  to the  nominee  that is
required to be disclosed in  solicitations of proxies for elections of directors
pursuant  to   Regulation   14A  under  the   Exchange   Act.  A   shareholder's
recommendation  must also set forth: such shareholder's name and address as they


appear on our  books  and  records;  the  number of shares of each  class of our
capital  stock  that  are  beneficially   owned  and  held  of  record  by  such
shareholder;  any material interest of such shareholder in such nomination;  any
other  information that is required to be provided by such shareholder  pursuant
to  Regulation  14A under the Exchange Act in his or her capacity as a proponent
to a shareholder proposal; and a signed consent from each nominee recommended by
such shareholder that such nominee is willing to serve as a Director if elected.
Any nomination not made in strict accordance with the foregoing  provisions will
be  disregarded  at the  direction of our Chairman of the Board.  The  Corporate
Governance and Nomination Committee is governed by a written charter approved by
the Board of Directors which is posted on the Investor  Relations section of the
Company's website at  WWW.CMWORKS.COM.  Our Corporate  Governance and Nomination
Committee held five meetings in fiscal 2006.


     Our Board of Directors  adopted a Code of Ethics  which  governs all of our
Directors,  officers and employees,  including our Chief  Executive  Officer and
other  executive  officers.  This Code of  Ethics  is  posted  on the  Corporate
Information  section of the Company's  website at  WWW.CMWORKS.COM.  The Company
will disclose on its website any amendment to this Code of Ethics or waiver of a
provision of this Code of Ethics,  including  the name of any person to whom the
waiver was granted.


     Effective August 1, 2006, we will pay an annual retainer of $80,000 to each
of our outside directors,  30% of which will be paid in our common stock and the
balance  paid in  quarterly  cash  installments.  Our Chairman of the Board will
receive an  additional  annual  retainer of $40,000.  Directors who are also our
employees do not receive an annual retainer.  Committee chairmen each receive an
additional  annual  retainer  of $6,000,  except for the  chairman  of the Audit
Committee who receives an additional  annual retainer of $12,000.  No additional
fees will be paid for attendance at Board of Director or committee meetings. Our
Directors will be reimbursed for any reasonable  expenses  incurred in attending
such meetings.


     Effective   April  1,  2006,   we  placed  our   directors   and   officers
indemnification  insurance coverage with the Cincinnati Insurance Company,  Axis
Reinsurance  Company and Federal  Insurance  Company for a term of one year at a
cost of $278,903.  The total insurance coverage is $25,000,000,  with Cincinnati
Insurance Company providing  coverage of $10,000,000,  Axis Reinsurance  Company
providing  coverage  of  $5,000,000  and  Federal  Insurance  Company  providing
$10,000,000  of "Side A"  coverage.  This  insurance  provides  coverage  to our
executive officers and directors individually where exposures exist for which we
are unable to provide direct indemnification.


     Although we do not have a formal policy regarding  communications  with our
Board of Directors,  shareholders may communicate with our Board of Directors by
writing to: Board of Directors,  Columbus McKinnon  Corporation,  140 John James
Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York 14228-1197. Shareholders who would like their
submission   directed  to  a   particular   Director  may  so  specify  and  the
communication will be forwarded, as appropriate.




     The following table sets forth certain information  regarding our Directors
and executive officers:

      NAME                                  AGE    POSITION
      ----                                  ---    --------

      Ernest R. Verebelyi (1 )              58     Chairman of the Board

      Timothy T. Tevens                     50     President, Chief Executive
                                                      Officer and Director

      Herbert P. Ladds, Jr. (2)(3)(4)       73     Director

      Carlos Pascual (2)(3)                 60     Director

      Richard H. Fleming (1)(2)             59     Director

      Wallace W. Creek (1)(3)               67     Director

      Stephen Rabinowitz (1 )(2)            63     Director

      Linda A. Goodspeed (1)(3)             44     Director

      Derwin R. Gilbreath                   58     Vice President and Chief
                                                      Operating Officer

      Ned T. Librock (5)                    53     Vice President - Sales

      Karen L. Howard                       44     Vice President - Finance,
                                                      Treasurer and Chief
                                                      Financial Officer

      Joseph J. Owen                        45     Vice President and Hoist
                                                      Group Leader

      Robert H. Myers, Jr. (6)              63     Vice President

      Timothy R. Harvey                     55     General Counsel and Secretary

      Richard A. Steinberg                  53     Vice President -
                                                      Human Resources
- ------------------

(1)  Member of our Audit Committee.
(2)  Member of our Compensation and Succession Committee.
(3)  Member of our Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee.
(4)  Mr. Ladds has announced that he plans to retire as a Director  effective as
     of the date of the  Annual  Meeting  and is not  seeking  re-election  as a
(5)  Mr. Librock resigned in May 2006.
(6)  Mr. Myers retired in March 2006.

     All of our officers are elected  annually at the first meeting of our Board
of  Directors  following  the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  and serve at the


discretion of our Board of Directors.  There are no family relationships between
any of our officers or Directors. Recent business experience of our Directors is
set forth above under "Election of Directors." Recent business experience of our
executive officers who are not also Directors is as follows:

     DERWIN R.  GILBREATH  was  appointed  Vice  President  and Chief  Operating
Officer in February 2005. Mr. Gilbreath has more than thirty years of experience
in industrial operations and management, including as Chief Operating Officer of
the Metalworking  Solutions and Services Group of Kennametal,  Inc. (NYSE: KMT).
Prior to joining  Kennametal in 1994, he served in senior operations  management
positions at General Signal Corporation and NL Industries.

     KAREN L. HOWARD was elected Vice  President in January  1997,  Treasurer in
2004, and named our Chief Financial Officer in August 2005. From January 1997 to
August 2004, Mrs.  Howard served as Vice President - Controller.  From June 1995
to  January  1997,  Ms.  Howard was  employed  by us in  various  financial  and
accounting capacities.  Previously, Ms. Howard was employed by Ernst & Young LLP
as a certified public accountant.

     NED T.  LIBROCK was elected a Vice  President in November  1995.  Until his
resignation  in May 2006,  Mr.  Librock  had been  employed  by us since 1990 in
various  sales  management  capacities.  Prior to his  employment  with us,  Mr.
Librock was  employed by  Dynabrade  Inc., a  manufacturer  of power  tools,  as
director of Sales and Marketing.

     JOSEPH J. OWEN was appointed Vice President in August 1999. From April 1997
to August 1999,  Mr. Owen was  employed by us as Corporate  Director - Materials
Management.  Prior to joining us, Mr. Owen was  employed by Ernst & Young LLP in
various management consulting capacities.

     ROBERT H.  MYERS,  JR.  retired in March 2006.  He had been  employed by us
since 1959. In October of 2001,  Mr. Myers was appointed  Vice President - Human
Resources.  Prior to October 2001, Mr. Myers served for eight years as Corporate
Manager of  Environmental  Systems.  Prior to that,  Mr.  Myers  served as Human
Resources Director of our CM Hoist Division.

     TIMOTHY R. HARVEY has been with us since 1996, initially serving as Manager
- - Legal  Affairs  until his  appointment  as Secretary in October  2003. He also
serves as our  General  Counsel.  Prior to 1996,  Mr.  Harvey was engaged in the
private practice of law in Buffalo, New York.

     RICHARD A.  STEINBERG has been employed by us since August 2005,  initially
as Director - Human  Resources  and,  since  November  2005, as Vice President -
Human Resources. Prior to joining us, Mr. Steinberg was employed by Praxair Inc.
for ten years in various human resources  capacities,  most recently as a Region
Leader and Human Resource Manager. Prior to joining Praxair in 1995, he held the
positions  of Human  Resources  Manager at Computer  Task Group Inc.  located in
Buffalo and  Organizational  Development  Leader at The Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company located in Akron, Ohio.



     The  following  table sets forth the cash  compensation  as well as certain
other  compensation  paid during the fiscal years ended March 31, 2004, 2005 and
2006 for our Chief Executive Officer and our other four most highly  compensated
executive officers.  The amounts shown include  compensation for services in all
compensation capacities.

                                                 SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                      ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       LONG-TERM COMPENSATION AWARDS
                                      -------------------                       -----------------------------
                                                                                  RESTRICTED   UNDERLYING
                                FISCAL                            OTHER ANNUAL      STOCK        OPTIONS/       ALL OTHER
- ---------------------------      ----      ------      -----      ------------     ---------     -------     ---------------
Timothy T. Tevens,               2006    $522,981    $819,000       $ 74,121(4)       $   --          --             $7,714
   President and Chief           2005     472,500     631,851        $13,254(5)           --     125,000              2,047
   Executive Officer             2004     472,500          --             --              --          --              5,645

Ned T. Librock,                  2006     247,758     232,128        816,671(4)           --          --              8,670
   Vice President - Sales        2005     235,019     189,154          7,384(6)           --      40,000              3,261
                                 2004     230,577          --            279(7)           --          --              3,326

Karen L. Howard,                 2006     239,334     222,612         74,780(4)           --          --              8,828
   Vice President - Finance,     2005     196,500     157,662         30,959(8)           --      20,000              3,441
   Treasurer and Chief           2004     196,500          --             --              --          --              2,989
   Financial Officer

Derwin R. Gilbreath (9)          2006     300,000     280,800         80,985(10)          --          --              5,555
   Vice President and            2005      28,846          --          1,641(10)          --      45,000                  9
   Chief Operating Officer       2004          --          --             --              --          --                 --

Joseph J. Owen,                  2006     203,625     190,944        219,446(4)           --          --              8,838
   Vice President and Hoist      2005     194,250     155,857          5,412(11)          --      30,000              3,403
   Group Leader                  2004     194,250          --             --              --          --              2,956

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Mr. Tevens was granted 2,488 shares of restricted  common stock on June 10,
     1999, which had a value on such date of $61,900.  The restrictions on 2,488
     of Mr. Tevens' restricted shares of common stock lapsed on June 9, 2004, on
     which date such shares had a value of $13,062.  As of March 31,  2006,  Mr.
     Tevens no longer owned any shares of restricted  common stock.  Mr. Librock
     was granted  1,386 shares of  restricted  common stock on June 10, 1999, on
     which date had a value of $34,500.  The restrictions on 1,386 shares of Mr.
     Librock's  restricted  common stock  lapsed on June 9, 2004,  on which date
     such shares had a value of $7,276.50.  As of March 31, 2006, Mr. Librock no
     longer owned any shares of restricted  common stock. Ms. Howard was granted
     1,031 shares of restricted common stock on June 10, 1999, which had a value
     on such date of $25,650,  and 8,500  shares of  restricted  common stock on
     August  17,  1998,  which  had a  value  on  such  date  of  $196,563.  The
     restrictions on 1,031 shares of Ms. Howard's restricted common stock lapsed
     on June 9, 2004,  on which date such shares had a value of  $5,412.75.  The
     restrictions on 8,500 shares of Ms. Howard's restricted common stock lapsed
     on August 16, 2003, on which date such shares had a value of $32,215. As of
     March 31, 2006, Ms. Howard no longer owned any shares of restricted  common
     stock. Mr. Owen was granted 1,016 shares of restricted common stock on June
     10, 1999,  which had a value on such date of $25,300.  The  restrictions on
     1,016 shares of Mr. Owen's  restricted common stock lapsed on June 9, 2004,
     on which date such shares had a value of $5,334.  As of March 31, 2006, Mr.
     Owen no longer owned any shares of restricted  common stock.  We do not pay
     dividends on our  outstanding  shares of restricted  common  stock.  In the
     event we declare any dividends on our common stock in the future,  we would
     provide  additional  compensation to holders of our restricted common stock
     in lieu of such dividends.

(2)  Consists of options  granted in fiscal 2005 to Messrs.  Tevens and Librock,
     Ms. Howard and Messrs.  Gilbreath and Owen pursuant to our Incentive  Stock
     Option Plan in the amounts of 125,000,  40,000,  20,000, 45,000 and 30,000,


(3)  Consists  of: (i) the value of shares of common  stock  allocated in fiscal
     2006 under our Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan,  or ESOP,  to accounts for
     Messrs.  Tevens and Librock,  Ms. Howard and Messrs.  Gilbreath and Owen in
     the amount of $3,202,  $3,202,  $3,202, $0 and $3,202,  respectively,  (ii)
     premiums  for group  term life  insurance  policies  insuring  the lives of
     Messrs.  Tevens and Librock,  Ms. Howard and Messrs.  Gilbreath and Owen in
     the  amount of $120 each and (iii)  our  matching  contributions  under our
     401(k)  plan for  Messrs.  Tevens  and  Librock,  Ms.  Howard  and  Messrs.
     Gilbreath  and Owen in the amount of  $4,392,  $5,348,  $5,506,  $5,435 and
     $5,516 respectively.

(4)  Represents  the fair market value of common stock  acquired  during  fiscal
     2006 upon the exercise of  non-qualified  stock options or incentive  stock
     options treated as non-qualified  stock options  previously issued pursuant
     to our Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan and Incentive Stock Option Plan.

(5)  Represents  tax payments we made on behalf of Mr. Tevens in fiscal 2005 for
     the  income tax  effects of the  expiration  of the  restrictions  on 2,488
     shares  of  restricted  common  stock  granted  to him in  fiscal  2000 and
     released in fiscal 2005. See footnote (1) above.

(6)  Represents tax payments we made on behalf of Mr. Librock in fiscal 2005 for
     the  income tax  effects of the  expiration  of the  restrictions  on 1,386
     shares  of  restricted  common  stock  granted  to him in  fiscal  2000 and
     released in fiscal 2005. See footnote (1) above.

(7)  Represents tax reimbursement payments we made to Mr. Librock in fiscal 2004
     to offset the income tax effects of the expiration of the  restrictions  on
     shares released in a previous year.

(8)  Represents $5,492 of tax payments we made on behalf of Ms. Howard in fiscal
     2005 for the income tax effects of the  expiration of the  restrictions  on
     1,031 shares of  restricted  common stock granted to her in fiscal 2000 and
     released  in fiscal  2005.  Also  represents  $25,467 of tax  reimbursement
     payments  we made to Ms.  Howard in fiscal  2005 to offset  the  income tax
     effects of the expiration of the restrictions on 8,500 shares of restricted
     common stock granted to her in fiscal 1999 and released in fiscal 2004. See
     footnote (1) above.

(9)  Mr. Gilbreath was not employed by us in fiscal 2004.

(10) Represents relocation expense reimbursements made to Mr. Gilbreath.

(11) Represents  tax  payments  we made on behalf of Mr. Owen in fiscal 2005 for
     the  income tax  effects of the  expiration  of the  restrictions  on 1,016
     shares of  restricted  stock  granted to him in fiscal 2000 and released in
     fiscal 2005. See footnote (1) above.


     EMPLOYEE  STOCK  OWNERSHIP  PLAN.  We maintain  our ESOP for the benefit of
substantially all of our domestic non-union  employees.  The ESOP is intended to
be an employee stock ownership plan within the meaning of Section  4975(e)(7) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and an eligible individual account
plan within the meaning of Section  407(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. From
1988 through  1998,  the ESOP has purchased  from us 1,373,549  shares of common
stock for the  aggregate sum of  approximately  $10.5  million.  The proceeds of
certain  institutional loans were used to fund such purchases.  The ESOP's loans
are  secured  by our common  stock  which is held by the ESOP and such loans are
guaranteed  by us.  The ESOP  acquired  479,900  shares of our  common  stock in
October 1998 for the aggregate sum of approximately  $7.7 million.  The proceeds
of a loan we made to the ESOP were used to fund the purchase.

     On a  quarterly  basis,  we make a  contribution  to the ESOP in an  amount
determined by our Board of Directors.  In fiscal 2006, our cash contribution was


approximately $0.9 million.  The ESOP's trustees use the entire  contribution to
make payments of principal and interest on the ESOP's loans.

     Common  stock not  allocated  to ESOP  participants  is recorded in an ESOP
suspense account and is held as collateral for repayment of the ESOP's loans. As
payments of principal and interest are received by the lenders, these shares are
released from the ESOP suspense  account  annually and are then allocated to the
ESOP  participants in the same proportion as a  participant's  compensation  for
such year bears to the total compensation of all participants.

     An ESOP participant becomes fully vested in all amounts allocated to him or
her after five  years of  service.  The  shares of our common  stock held by the
participants in the ESOP are voted by the participants in the same manner as any
other share of our common stock.

     In  general,   common  stock  allocated  to  a  participant's   account  is
distributed upon his or her termination of employment,  normal retirement at age
65 or death.  The  distribution  is made in whole  shares of common stock with a
cash payment in lieu of any fractional shares.

     Messrs.  Steinberg and Harvey and Ms. Howard serve as trustees of the ESOP.
As of March 31,  2006,  the ESOP owned  1,080,485  shares of our  common  stock.
Common stock allocated pursuant to the ESOP to Messrs.  Tevens and Librock,  Ms.
Howard and Messrs.  Gilbreath  and Owen as of March 31, 2006 is 119 shares,  119
shares, 119 shares, 0 shares and 119 shares, respectively.

     PENSION  PLAN. We have a  non-contributory,  defined  benefit  Pension Plan
which provides certain of our employees with retirement benefits.  As defined in
the Pension Plan, a  participant's  annual pension benefit at age 65 is equal to
the product of (i) 1% of the participant's final average earnings, as calculated
by the terms of the  Pension  Plan,  plus 0.5% of that  part,  if any,  of final
average  earnings  in  excess of such  participant's  "social  security  covered
compensation,"  as such term is defined in the Pension Plan,  multiplied by (ii)
such participant's years of credited service, limited to 35 years. Plan benefits
are not subject to reduction for social security benefits.

     The  following  table   illustrates  the  estimated  annual  benefits  upon
retirement  under our Pension  Plan if the plan  remains in effect and  assuming
that an eligible employee retires at age 65. However,  because of changes in tax
laws or future adjustments to the provisions of our Pension Plan, actual pension
benefits could differ significantly from the amounts set forth in the table.

                                             Years of Service
    FINAL AVERAGE            15          20          25          30         35
    --------------           --          --          --          --         --

        125,000            22,162      29,549      36,936      44,323     51,710
        150,000            27,787      37,049      46,311      55,573     64,835
        175,000            33,412      44,549      55,686      66,823     77,960
        200,000            39,037      52,049      65,061      78,073     91,085
        250,000            43,537      58,049      72,561      87,073    101,585
        300,000            43,537      58,049      72,561      87,073    101,585
        350,000            43,537      58,049      72,561      87,073    101,585
        400,000            43,537      58,049      72,561      87,073    101,585
        450,000            43,537      58,049      72,561      87,073    101,585
        500,000            43,537      58,049      72,561      87,073    101,585


     A portion of the annual  benefit for plan  participants  is  determined  by
their   final   average   earnings  in  excess  of  "social   security   covered
compensation,"  as such term is defined in our Pension  Plan.  Since this amount
can vary depending on the eligible employee's year of birth, all pension amounts
shown above have been calculated  using Mr. Tevens' year of birth and his social
security  covered  compensation  of $79,512.  Our Pension  Plan  excludes  final
average earnings in excess of $220,000.

     If Messrs.  Tevens and Librock,  Ms. Howard and Messrs.  Gilbreath and Owen
remain our  employees  until they  reach age 65, the years of  credited  service
under  the  Pension  Plan  for  each of them  would  be 29,  27,  31,  6 and 27,

     NON-QUALIFIED   STOCK  OPTION  PLAN.   In  October  1995,  we  adopted  our
Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan and reserved, subject to certain adjustments, an
aggregate of 250,000 shares of our common stock for issuance  thereunder.  Under
the terms of our Non-Qualified  Plan, options may be granted by our Compensation
and  Succession  Committee to our officers and other key employees as well as to
non-employee  directors  and  advisors.  In  fiscal  2006,  we did not grant any
options to purchase shares of our common stock under our Non-Qualified Plan.

     INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTION  PLAN.  Our  Incentive  Stock Option Plan which was
adopted in October 1995 and amended in 2002,  authorizes  our  Compensation  and
Succession  Committee  to grant to our officers  and other key  employees  stock
options that are intended to qualify as  "incentive  stock  options"  within the
meaning  of  Section  422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  Our  Incentive  Plan
reserved,  subject to certain  adjustments,  an aggregate of 1,750,000 shares of
common stock to be issued  thereunder.  Options granted under the Incentive Plan
become  exercisable  over a  four-year  period  at the  rate  of  25%  per  year
commencing one year from the date of grant at an exercise price of not less than
100% of the fair  market  value of our  common  stock on the date of grant.  Any
option  granted  thereunder  may be exercised  not earlier than one year and not
later  than ten  years  from the date the  option  is  granted.  In the event of
certain extraordinary  transactions,  including a change in control, the vesting
of such options  would  automatically  accelerate.  In fiscal  2006,  we granted
options to purchase 45,000 shares of our common stock under the Incentive Plan.

     RESTRICTED  STOCK  PLAN.  Our  Restricted  Stock Plan which was  adopted in
October 1995 and amended in 2002, reserves,  subject to certain adjustments,  an
aggregate  of 150,000  shares of our common stock to be issued upon the grant of
restricted  stock awards  thereunder.  Under the terms of the  Restricted  Stock
Plan,  our  Compensation  and  Succession  Committee  may grant to our employees
restricted  stock awards to purchase  shares of common stock at a purchase price
of not less  than  $.01 per  share.  Shares of  common  stock  issued  under the
Restricted Stock Plan are subject to certain transfer  restrictions and, subject
to certain exceptions,  must be forfeited if the grantee's employment with us is
terminated at any time prior to the date the transfer  restrictions have lapsed.
Grantees who remain continuously  employed with us become vested in their shares
five years  after the date of the  grant,  or earlier  upon  death,  disability,
retirement or other special  circumstances.  The  restrictions on any such stock
awards automatically lapse in the event of certain  extraordinary  transactions,
including a change in our control.

     VARIABLE  COMPENSATION  PLAN.  Effective  April 1,  2004,  we  adopted  our
Variable Compensation Plan to replace our previous corporate incentive plan. Our
executive  officers and certain of our managers are eligible to  participate  in
the Variable  Compensation Plan. Under the Variable  Compensation Plan, for each
fiscal year, each executive  officer is assigned a  participation  percentage by


our Board of  Directors.  The actual bonus to be paid to a  participant  will be
equal to his participation percentage times his base compensation, multiplied by
a factor, which is the annual budgeted target percentage determined by the Board
of Directors based on the achievement of  pre-designated  target  criteria.  The
bonus is computed and paid annually.  For fiscal 2006,  bonuses in the amount of
$819,000,  $232,128,  $222,612,  $280,800 and  $190,944  were awarded to Messrs.
Tevens and Librock,  Ms. Howard and Messrs.  Gilbreath  and Owen,  respectively,
under this plan.

     401(K) PLAN. We maintain a 401(k) retirement  savings plan which covers all
of our non-union employees in the U.S.,  including our executive  officers,  who
have completed at least 90 days of service. Eligible participants may contribute
up to 30% of their annual  compensation (7% for highly  compensated  employees),
subject to an annual  limitation  as adjusted by the  provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code. Employee contributions are matched by us in an amount equal to 50%
of the employee's salary reduction contributions, as such term is defined in the
401(k) Plan.  Our matching  contributions  are limited to 3.0% of the employee's
base pay and vest at the rate of 20% per year.


     We have entered into change in control  agreements with Messrs.  Tevens and
Librock,  Ms.  Howard,  Messrs.  Gilbreath  and  Owen and  certain  other of our
officers and employees.  The change in control agreements provide for an initial
term  of  one  year,  which,  absent  delivery  of  notice  of  termination,  is
automatically renewed annually for an additional one year term. Generally,  each
of the named  officers is entitled to receive,  upon  termination  of employment
within 36 months of a change in control of our Company (unless such  termination
is because of death,  disability,  for cause or by an officer or employee  other
than for "good reason," as defined in the change in control  agreements),  (i) a
lump sum severance payment equal to three times the sum of (A) his or her annual
salary and (B) the greater of (1) the annual  target  bonus under the  Incentive
Plan in effect on the date of termination  and (2) the annual target bonus under
the Incentive Plan in effect  immediately  prior to the change in control of our
Company,  (ii)  continued  coverage  for 36 months  under our  medical  and life
insurance plans,  (iii) a lump sum payment equal to the actuarial  equivalent of
the pension  payment which he or she would have accrued under our  tax-qualified
retirement  plans  had he or  she  continued  to be  employed  by us  for  three
additional years and (iv) certain other specified payments.  Aggregate "payments
in the nature of  compensation"  (within  the  meaning  of  Section  280G of the
Internal  Revenue Code) payable to any executive or employee under the change in
control agreements is limited to the amount that is fully deductible by us under
Section  280G of the  Internal  Revenue  Code less one  dollar.  The events that
trigger a change in control under the change in control  agreements  include (i)
the  acquisition  of 20% or more of our  outstanding  common  stock  by  certain
persons, (ii) certain changes in the membership of our Board of Directors, (iii)
certain  mergers  or   consolidations,   (iv)  certain  sales  or  transfers  of
substantially  all of our assets and (v) the approval by our  shareholders  of a
plan of dissolution or liquidation.


     In fiscal 2006 we did not grant any options to our executives  named in the
Summary Compensation Table.



     The following table sets forth  information  with respect to our executives
named in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  concerning  the  exercise of options
during fiscal 2006 and unexercised options held at the end of fiscal 2006.

                                                                  NUMBER OF SECURITIES            VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                 UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED           IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                                               OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR END        AT FISCAL YEAR END (1)
                                                               --------------------------        ----------------------

  NAME AND                            ACQUIRED       VALUE
  ------------------                -----------     --------    -----------   -------------     -----------    -------------

  Timothy T. Tevens,                     10,853     $132,993        184,397          93,750      $2,476,008       $2,012,813
     President and Chief
     Executive Officer

  Ned T. Librock,                       141,000    1,527,402             --          30,000              --          644,100
     Vice President - Sales

  Karen L. Howard,
     Vice President - Finance,           11,167      136,840        124,833          15,000       1,540,941          322,050
     Treasurer and Chief
     Financial Officer

  Derwin R. Gilbreath,
     Vice President and                      --           --         11,250          33,750         146,475          439,425
     Chief Operating Officer

  Joseph J. Owen,
     Vice President and Hoist            22,500      295,950         49,000          22,500         621,840          483,075
     Group Leader
- -----------------------

(1)  Represents the difference  between $26.93,  the closing market value of our
     common stock as of March 31, 2006 and the  exercise  prices of such options
     which are exercisable at an exercise price less than $26.93.


     The following table provides information about our common stock that may be
issued  upon the  exercise  of  options,  warrants  and rights  under all of our
existing  equity  compensation  plans  as  of  March  31,  2006,  including  the
Non-Qualified Plan and the Incentive Plan.

                                                                                             NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                                                             REMAINING FOR FUTURE
                                 NUMBER OF SECURITIES TO BE        WEIGHTED AVERAGE          ISSUANCE UNDER EQUITY
                                   ISSUED UPON EXERCISE OF        EXERCISE PRICE OF           COMPENSATION PLANS
                                    OUTSTANDING OPTIONS,         OUTSTANDING OPTIONS,        (EXCLUDING SECURITIES
- -------------                        -------------------         -------------------       ------------------------

Equity compensation plans                 1,132,118                     $11.28                      172,100
approved by security holders

Equity compensation plans not                    --                         --                           --
approved by security holders

      Total                               1,132,118                     $11.28                      172,100


                           COMPENSATION AND SUCCESSION

     Compensation for our executive officers is administered by the Compensation
and  Succession   Committee,   which  currently  consists  of  four  independent
(non-employee)   Directors.   Our  Board  of  Directors  has  delegated  to  the
Compensation  and  Succession   Committee   responsibility   for   establishing,
administrating  and  approving  the  compensation   arrangements  of  the  Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and other executive officers.

     The following  objectives,  established by our  Compensation and Succession
Committee, are the basis for the Company's executive compensation program:

     o providing a comprehensive  program with components including base salary,
performance  incentives,  and  benefits  that support and align with our goal of
providing superior value to customers and shareholders;

     o ensuring that we are competitive and can attract and retain qualified and
experienced executive officers and other key personnel; and

     o appropriately  motivating our executive  officers and other key personnel
to seek to attain short,  intermediate  and long-term  corporate and  divisional
performance  goals and to manage  our  Company to  achieve  sustained  long term

     The Compensation and Succession  Committee reviews  compensation policy and
specific  levels of  compensation  paid to our Chief  Executive  Officer,  Chief
Financial Officer and other executive officers and makes  recommendations to our
Board of Directors regarding executive compensation, policies and programs.

     The  Compensation  and  Succession  Committee is assisted in these efforts,
when required, by independent outside consultants and by our internal staff, who
provide the Compensation and Succession  Committee with relevant information and
recommendations   regarding  compensation  policies  and  specific  compensation


     Our  executives'  base  salaries  are compared to  manufacturing  companies
included  in a periodic  management  survey  completed  by outside  compensation
consultants  and all data have been  regressed  to  revenues  equivalent  to our
revenues. This survey is used because it reflects companies with similar revenue
and in  the  same  industry  sectors  as us.  The  Compensation  and  Succession
Committee believes salaries should be targeted toward the median of the surveyed
salaries  reported,  depending  upon  the  relative  experience  and  individual
performance of the executive.

     Salary adjustments are determined by four factors: (i) an assessment of the
individual executive officer's performance and merit, (ii) our goal of achieving
market parity with salaries of comparable  executives in the competitive market,
(iii) the occurrence of any promotion or other  increases in  responsibility  of
the  executive  and  (iv)  the  general  economic  environment  in  which we are
operating.  In assessing market parity,  we target groups of companies  surveyed
and referred to above.


     Each   executive   officer's   corporate   position  is  assigned  a  title
classification  reflecting  evaluation of the position's overall contribution to
our corporate  goals and the value the labor market places on the associated job
skills.  A range  of  appropriate  salaries  is  then  assigned  to  that  title
classification.  Each April, the salary ranges may be adjusted to reflect market
conditions, including changes in comparison companies, inflation, and supply and
demand in the market.  The midpoint of the salary range corresponds to a "market
rate"  salary  which the  Compensation  and  Succession  Committee  believes  is
appropriate for an experienced executive who is performing satisfactorily,  with
salaries in excess of the salary range midpoint appropriate for executives whose
performance is superior or outstanding.

     The  Compensation  and  Succession   Committee  has  recommended  that  any
progression or regression  within the salary range for an executive officer will
depend  upon a formal  annual  review of job  performance,  accomplishments  and
progress toward  individual  and/or overall goals and objectives for each of our
segments  that  such  executive   officer   oversees  as  well  as  his  or  her
contributions  to our overall  direction.  The long-term  growth in  shareholder
value is an important  factor.  The results of executive  officers'  performance
evaluations  will form a part of the basis of the  Compensation  and  Succession
Committee's  decision to approve, at its discretion,  future adjustments in base
salaries of our executive officers.


     Compensation  decisions affecting our Chief Executive Officer were based on
quantitative  and  qualitative  factors.  These factors were  accumulated  by an
external  compensation  consulting  firm and included  comparisons of our fiscal
2006 financial  statistics to peer  companies,  strategic  achievements  such as
acquisitions and their integration,  comparisons of the base salary level to the
median  for  comparable   companies  in  published   compensation   surveys  and
assessments  prepared  internally by other members of our executive  management.
For fiscal 2006, the  Compensation  and  Succession  Committee  established  Mr.
Tevens'  base  salary  at  $525,000.  For  fiscal  2007,  the  Compensation  and
Succession Committee established Mr. Tevens' base salary at $550,000.


     Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  generally  disallows a tax
deduction to public companies for compensation in excess of $1.0 million paid to
a company's  chief  executive  officer and any one of the four other most highly
paid executive  officers during its taxable year.  Qualifying  performance-based
compensation is not subject to the deduction limit if certain  requirements  are
met. Based upon the  compensation  paid to the Company's  executive  officers in
fiscal 2006, it does not appear that the Section 162(m)  limitation  will have a
significant  impact  on us in the  near  term.  However,  the  Compensation  and
Succession Committee plans to review this matter periodically.

                                        Carlos Pascual, Chairman
                                        Richard H. Fleming
                                        Herbert P. Ladds, Jr.
                                        Stephen Rabinowitz



     Our Audit  Committee  retained Ernst & Young LLP to audit our  consolidated
financial  statements  for fiscal 2006.  All services  provided on our behalf by
Ernst & Young LLP during  fiscal  2005 and 2006 were  approved in advance by our
Audit Committee. The aggregate fees billed to us by Ernst & Young LLP for fiscal
2005 and 2006 are as follows:

                                                        FISCAL YEAR
                                                      2006       2005
                                                      ----       ----
                                                      ($ in thousands)

           Audit Fees..............................  $1,007     $1,235
           Audit Related Fees......................      89         73
           Tax Fees................................     130        160
           All Other Fees..........................       2          4
                                                         --         --

                    Total..........................  $1,228     $1,472
                                                     ======     ======

     Our Audit Committee has selected Ernst & Young LLP,  independent  certified
public accountants,  to act as our independent auditors for 2007. We expect that
a  representative  of Ernst & Young LLP will attend the Annual Meeting,  and the
representative  will have an  opportunity  to make a  statement  if he or she so
desires.  The  representative  will also be available to respond to  appropriate
questions from shareholders.

                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE


     Our Audit Committee is comprised of the Directors named below, each of whom
is independent as defined under Section  10A(m)(3) of the Exchange Act and under
the NASDAQ  Stock  Market,  Inc.  listing  standards  currently  in  effect.  In
addition,  pursuant to the requirements of Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002,  our Board of Directors has  determined  that each of Messrs.  Fleming,
Creek and Rabinowitz qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert."

     The  Audit  Committee  operates  under a  written  charter  which  includes
provisions requiring Audit Committee advance approval of all audit and non-audit
services to be provided by independent public accountants.  However, as a matter
of course,  we will not engage any outside  accountants  to perform any audit or
non-audit services without the prior approval of the Audit Committee.

     The Audit  Committee  has  reviewed  and  discussed  our audited  financial
statements  for the year ended  March 31,  2006 with our  management.  The Audit
Committee has also discussed with Ernst & Young LLP, our  independent  auditors,
the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing  Standards No. 61,
"Communication with Audit Committees."


     The Audit Committee has also received and reviewed the written  disclosures
and the letter from Ernst & Young LLP required by  Independence  Standards Board
Standard  No.  1,  "Independence  Discussion  with  Audit  Committees,"  and has
discussed the independence of Ernst & Young LLP with that firm.

     Based on the review and the  discussions  noted above,  the Audit Committee
recommended to our Board of Directors that our audited  financial  statements be
included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2006 for
filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                            Richard H. Fleming, Chairman
                                            Ernest R. Verebelyi
                                            Wallace W. Creek
                                            Stephen Rabinowitz
                                            Linda A. Goodspeed


                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The Performance Graph shown below compares the cumulative total shareholder
return on our common stock based on its market  price,  with the total return of
the S&P MidCap 400 Index and the Dow Jones  Industrial - Diversified  Index. The
comparison of total return assumes that a fixed  investment of $100 was invested
on March 31, 2001 in our common stock and in each of the  foregoing  indices and
further assumes the reinvestment of dividends. The stock price performance shown
on the graph is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.


                                             2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006
                                             ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----

Columbus McKinnon Corporation..............   100   166    21   100   177   350
S&P Midcap 400 Index.......................   100   119    91   136   150   182
Dow Jones US Industrial - Diversified Index   100    94    66    90   108   107



     The  Compensation  and Succession  Committee is composed of Carlos Pascual,
Richard H.  Fleming,  Herbert P.  Ladds,  Jr. and  Stephen  Rabinowitz,  each an
independent Director. No interlocking  relationship exists between any member of
our Compensation and Succession  Committee or any of our executive  officers and
any member of any other company's  board of directors or compensation  committee
(or equivalent), nor has any such relationship existed in the past. No member of
our  Compensation  and  Succession  Committee  was,  during fiscal 2006 or prior
thereto,  an  officer or  employee  of our  Company or any of our  subsidiaries,
except for Mr.  Ladds who was an employee  and officer of our Company  until his
retirement in 1998.


     Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act requires  our  Directors  and  executive
officers,  and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class of our equity
securities,  to file with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and NASDAQ
initial  reports of ownership  and reports of changes in ownership of our common
stock and other equity securities. Our executive officers, Directors and greater
than 10%  shareholders  are  required  to furnish us with  copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file.

     To our knowledge,  based solely on our review of the copies of such reports
furnished to us and written representations that no other reports were required,
during  the  fiscal  year  ended  March  31,  2006  all  Section   16(a)  filing
requirements  applicable to our executive  officers,  Directors and greater than
10%  beneficial  owners were  complied  with,  except (i) Mr.  Ladds was late in
filing one Form 4 in  connection  with a single  transaction  to sell  shares of
common stock as part of our public  offering of common  stock in November  2005,
(ii) Mr.  Librock was late in filing one Form 4 in connection  with one exercise
of an option to purchase shares of our common stock and (iii) Mr. Rabinowitz was
late in filing one Form 4 in connection  with one open market purchase of shares
of our common stock.



     The  following  table sets forth certain  information  as of April 30, 2006
regarding the beneficial ownership of our common stock by (i) each person who is
known by us to own beneficially  more than 5% of our common stock;  (ii) by each
Director;  (iii)  by  each  of our  executive  officers  named  in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table and (iv) by all of our executive officers and Directors as a

                                                       NUMBER OF      PERCENTAGE
 ---------------------------------------               ----------      --------

 Ernest R. Verebelyi (2)                                    1,000           *
 Timothy T. Tevens (2)(3)                                 231,915        1.24
 Herbert P. Ladds, Jr. (2)(4)                             564,610        3.02
 Carlos Pascual (2)                                        10,000           *
 Richard H. Fleming (2)                                     1,504           *
 Wallace W. Creek (2)                                       8,500           *
 Stephen Rabinowitz (2)                                     1,500           *
 Linda A. Goodspeed (2)                                     1,550           *
 Derwin R. Gilbreath (2)(5)                                11,250           *
 Joseph J. Owen (2)(6)                                     61,377           *
 Ned T. Librock (2)(7)                                     33,662           *
 Karen L. Howard (2)(8)                                   131,230           *
 All Directors and Executive Officers as a
     Group (14 persons) (9)                             1,065,374        5.71
 Columbus McKinnon Corporation Employee Stock
     Ownership Plan (2)                                 1,080,498        5.79
 Jeffrey L. Gendell (10)                                1,378,530        7.38
 Bear Stearns Asset Management, Inc. (11)               1,270,872        6.81
- -------
   *     Less than 1%.

(1)  Rounded to the nearest  whole  share.  Unless  otherwise  indicated  in the
     footnotes, each of the shareholders named in this table has sole voting and
     investment power with respect to the shares shown as beneficially  owned by
     such shareholder,  except to the extent that authority is shared by spouses
     under applicable law.

(2)  The business address of each of the executive officers and directors is 140
     John James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York 14228-1197.

(3)  Includes  (i) 43,326  shares of common  stock  owned  directly,  (ii) 7,000
     shares of common  stock owned  directly  by Mr.  Tevens'  spouse,  (iii) 50
     shares of common  stock  owned by Mr.  Tevens'  son,  (iv) 5,039  shares of
     common stock  allocated to Mr. Tevens' ESOP account,  (v) 124,930 shares of
     common  stock  issuable  under  options  granted  to Mr.  Tevens  under the
     Incentive Plan which are exercisable  within 60 days and (vi) 51,570 shares
     of common stock  issuable  under  options  granted to Mr.  Tevens under the
     Non-Qualified  Plan which are exercisable  within 60 days.  Excludes 62,500
     shares of common stock issuable  under options  granted to Mr. Tevens under
     the Incentive Plan which are not exercisable within 60 days.

(4)  Includes (i) 381,355  shares of common stock owned  directly,  (ii) 163,705
     shares of common  stock owned  directly  by Mr.  Ladds'  spouse,  and (iii)
     19,550  shares of common stock held by Mr. Ladds' spouse as trustee for the
     grandchildren of Mr. Ladds. Mr. Ladds has announced that he plans to retire
     as a Director  effective  as of the date of the Annual  Meeting  and is not
     seeking re-election as a Director.


(5)  Includes  11,250 shares of common stock issuable  under options  granted to
     Mr.  Gilbreath  under the Incentive  Plan which are  exercisable  within 60
     days. Excludes 33,750 shares of common stock issuable under options granted
     to Mr.  Gilbreath  under the  Non-Qualified  Plan which are not exercisable
     within 60 days.

(6)  Includes (i) 9,644 shares of common stock owned directly, (ii) 1,327 shares
     of common stock owned by Mr.  Owen's  spouse,  (iii) 1,406 shares of common
     stock allocated to Mr. Owen's ESOP account and (iv) 49,000 shares of common
     stock issuable  under options  granted to Mr. Owen under the Incentive Plan
     which are  exercisable  within 60 days.  Excludes  15,000  shares of common
     stock issuable  under options  granted to Mr. Owen under the Incentive Plan
     which are not exercisable within 60 days.

(7)  Includes (i) 18,387 shares of common stock owned directly,  (ii) 152 shares
     of common stock owned by Mr.  Librock's  son,  (iii) 5,123 shares of common
     stock  allocated to Mr.  Librock's  ESOP account and (iv) 10,000  shares of
     common  stock  issuable  under  options  granted to Mr.  Librock  under the
     Incentive Plan which are exercisable within 60 days. Excludes 20,000 shares
     of common stock  issuable  under options  granted to Mr.  Librock under the
     Incentive Plan which are not exercisable within 60 days.

(8)  Includes  (i) 38,168  shares of common  stock  owned  directly,  (ii) 2,062
     shares  allocated to Ms.  Howard's  ESOP  account,  (iii) 72,845  shares of
     common  stock  issuable  under  options  granted  to Ms.  Howard  under the
     Incentive Plan which are exercisable  within 60 days and (iv) 18,155 shares
     of common stock  issuable  under  options  granted to Ms.  Howard under the
     Non-Qualified  Plan  which are  exercisable  within 60 days.  Excludes  (i)
     1,080,379 additional shares of common stock owned by the ESOP for which Ms.
     Howard  serves as one of three  trustees  and for which she  disclaims  any
     beneficial  ownership and (ii) 10,000 shares of common stock issuable under
     options  granted  to Ms.  Howard  under the  Incentive  Plan  which are not
     exercisable within 60 days.

(9)  Includes (i) options to purchase an  aggregate of 344,000  shares of common
     stock issuable to certain  executive  officers under the Incentive Plan and
     Non-Qualified  Plan  which are  exercisable  within 60 days.  Excludes  the
     shares of common stock owned by the ESOP as to which Ms. Howard, Mr. Harvey
     and Mr.  Steinberg  serve as  trustees,  except for an  aggregate of 14,656
     shares allocated to the respective ESOP accounts of our executive  officers
     and (ii) options to purchase an aggregate of 147,500 shares of common stock
     issued  to  certain  executive   officers  under  the  Incentive  Plan  and
     Non-Qualified Plan which are not exercisable within 60 days.

(10) Information  with  respect to Jeffrey L. Gendell is based on a Schedule 13F
     filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on March 31, 2006 by a
     group consisting of Tontine  Management,  L.L.C.,  Tontine Partners,  L.P.,
     Tontine Capital Management,  L.L.C., Tontine Associates, L.L.C. and Jeffrey
     L.  Gendell  (individually  and as managing  member of Tontine  Management,
     L.L.C., Tontine Capital Management, L.L.C. and Tontine Associates, L.L.C.).
     Based solely upon  information in this Schedule 13F, Jeffrey L. Gendell and
     these  affiliated  entities share voting power and  dispositive  power with
     respect to all of such shares of common stock.  The stated business address
     for  Jeffrey  L.  Gendell is 55  Railroad  Avenue,  3rd  Floor,  Greenwich,
     Connecticut 06830.

(11) Information with respect to Bear Stearns Asset Management, Inc. is based on
     a Schedule 13F filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on March
     31, 2006. The stated  business  address for Bear Stearns Asset  Management,
     Inc. is 383 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10179.



                          2006 LONG TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

     Our Board of Directors,  following the  recommendation  of the Compensation
and Succession  Committee,  has adopted the Columbus  McKinnon  Corporation 2006
Long Term  Incentive  Plan (the "2006 Plan") on May 4, 2006 and is  recommending
that  shareholders  approve the 2006 Plan at the 2006 Annual  Meeting.  The 2006
Plan is integral to our compensation strategies and programs. The 2006 Plan will
maintain  the  flexibility  that we need to keep pace with our  competitors  and
effectively  recruit,  motivate and retain the caliber of employees essential to
our success while allowing them to acquire a meaningful, significant and growing
proprietary interest in the Company (although the 2006 Plan does not necessarily
require them to hold for investment the shares received under the 2006 Plan).

     o    The total  number of our shares of common  stock with respect to which
          awards  may be  granted  under the 2006  Plan is  850,000  shares,  or
          approximately  4.5% of our  shares of  common  stock  outstanding.  We
          expect that,  under our equity  compensation  strategy,  the 2006 Plan
          will  enable  us to meet our  equity  compensation  needs for the next
          three to five years.

     o    The total number of shares  reserved for issuance under the 2006 Plan,
          plus outstanding awards and available shares under our other incentive
          compensation  plans is  2,198,218  shares  as of March  31,  2006,  or
          approximately 12% of our shares of common stock outstanding.


     We undertook a  comprehensive  review of our business plan and our needs to
retain and recruit talented employees and non-employee  directors.  Working with
our  executive  compensation  consultant,  we developed  an equity  compensation
strategy focusing on performance-based equity awards and methods to better align
key employees with our business strategies and with our shareholders' interests.

     While all of our employees are eligible under the literal terms of the 2006
Plan to receive awards under the plan, it is presently  contemplated that awards
would be made to our  officers,  executive  team  members,  operating  group and
business unit leaders, sales directors and other directors of operations, and to
our non-employee Directors.

     In designing the 2006 Plan and our equity compensation  strategy, we worked
with our executive compensation consultant and our investor relations consultant
to review and incorporate the  perspectives  of our  institutional  investors on
sound  corporate  governance  and have  drafted  the 2006 Plan to reflect  those
concerns.  Several of these provisions are highlighted below.  Further,  we have
reviewed  the  guidelines  of  Institutional  Shareholder  Services,  one of the
leading  advisors  to  institutional  investors,  and we  believe  the 2006 plan
complies with their  requirements.  For example, we analyzed the 2006 Plan using
Institutional   Shareholder  Services'  shareholder  value  transfer  model  and
determined  that it is within  the  allowable  cap for the  Capital  Goods  GICS
industry classification into which we fall.


     We presently  contemplate under this equity compensation  strategy that our
annual share usage under the 2006 Plan, based on a three-year average,  would be
less than 1.5% of our shares of common stock outstanding. This is lower than the
current 25th  percentile of our peer group.  The potential  total dilution under
the  2006  Plan  and  our  existing   incentive   compensation   plans  will  be
approximately 12% of our shares of common stock outstanding,  which approximates
the median of our peer group.

     We  anticipate  that  70% of the  value  of  awards  granted  to  officers,
executive  team  members,  operating  group and  business  unit  leaders,  sales
directors  and other  directors of  operations  would be provided in the form of
stock options and performance  based restricted stock or restricted stock units.
The  remainder  of the  value  would  be  provided  in the  form  of  time-based
restricted  stock or restricted  stock units.  For operating  group and business
unit leaders,  we anticipate  that the value of the awards would be an equal mix
of stock options and time based restricted stock or restricted stock units.

     We anticipate that stock options would be granted with an exercise price of
fair market  value on date of grant,  that they would  become  exercisable  in a
pro-rata  method  over a  four-your  period,  and that the option term would not
exceed ten years.  Further,  we anticipate that time based  restricted stock and
restricted stock units would have a three to five year vesting schedule.

     With respect to  performance  based  restricted  stock or restricted  stock
units,  while a variety of performance  goals are permitted under the 2006 Plan,
we presently contemplate establishing goals based on specific after-tax earnings
targets to be achieved over a two-year period.  Further,  these awards would not
vest  unless a  certain  target  level  had been met at the end of the  two-year
period  and  full  vesting  would  require  achievement  of a level  beyond  the
designated  target  level.  We  also  expect  to  impose  a  one-year  retention
requirement after the awards have vested.

     The 2006 Plan  includes a number of features  that are  intended to protect
the interests of shareholders:

          o  The  number  of  shares  requested,  850,000,  represents  only  an
          additional 4.5% of shares of common stock outstanding.

          o The 2006  Plan has a  ten-year  term  with a fixed  number of shares
          authorized for issuance. It is not an "evergreen" plan.

          o It does not contain  provisions  which have been labeled as "liberal
          share counting" by some institutional investors.  Only awards that are
          cancelled,  forfeited or which are paid in cash become available to be

          o It prohibits the use of discounted stock options or SARs.

          o It prohibits the use of reload options.

          o It prohibits  the  repricing of options or SARs without  stockholder

          o It does not permit for options or other  benefits to be  transferred
          to third parties for consideration.


          o It contains, with certain exceptions,  a minimum three-year pro-rata
          vesting  schedule  for  time-based  awards  of  restricted  stock  and
          restricted stock units.

          o It contains, with certain exceptions,  a minimum one-year period for
          exercisability for time based options and SARs.

          o Acceleration  of  exercisability  and vesting on a change in control
          occurs only if the individual's employment is terminated.

          o   Shareholder   approval   of  the  2006   Plan  will   permit   the
          performance-based  awards discussed below to qualify for deductibility
          under Section 162(m) of the Code.

          A  summary  of the  principal  features  of the 2006 Plan is  provided
below,  but is  qualified  in its  entirety by reference to the full text of the
2006 Plan that is attached as Appendix A to this proxy statement.

Plan Term                   Effective May 4, 2006.  No new awards may be granted
                            after May 3, 2016, or earlier if terminated  by  the
                            Board of Directors.

Persons                     Eligible for Grants
                            Employees of and
                            directors of
                            Columbus McKinnon
                            Corporation and its

Shares Authorized           850,000 shares of our common stock.

                            A maximum of
                            600,000 shares may be
                            awarded as
                            Restricted Stock,
                            Restricted Stock
                            Units or Stock

Types of Awards Available     o   Non-Qualified Stock Options.
                              o   Incentive Stock Options.
                              o   Stock Appreciation Rights.
                              o   Restricted Stock.
                              o   Restricted Stock Units.
                              o   Stock Bonuses.

     In the  description  below,  awards  and  grants  under  the 2006  Plan are
referred to as  "Benefits."  Those eligible for Benefits under the 2006 Plan are
referred  to  as   "Participants."   Participants   include  all  employees  and
non-employee directors of Columbus McKinnon Corporation and its subsidiaries.


     As of March 31, 2006,  approximately  172,000 shares were available for new
grants under our Incentive  Stock Option Plan,  Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan
and  Restricted  Stock  Option  Plan  (the  "Existing  Plans")  and  there  were
approximately  1,176,000  shares  subject to  outstanding  benefits  under these


plans. Accordingly, assuming that the 2006 Plan is approved by our shareholders,
the maximum  number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance under all of
our plans will be 2,198,000,  consisting of: (i) the 850,000 shares reserved for
issuance under this 2006 Plan, (ii) 1,348,000 shares reserved for issuance under
our Existing  Plans,  plus (iii) any shares that become  available  for issuance
pursuant to the re-usage provisions of our Existing Plans.


     The 2006 Plan  will be  administered  by the  Compensation  and  Succession
Committee  of the Board of  Directors  or such other  committee  as our Board of
Directors  shall appoint from time to time (the  "Committee"),  provided that at
all times the  Committee  shall consist of two or more  directors,  each of whom
will satisfy the requirements:  (i) established for administrators  acting under
plans intended to qualify for exemption  under Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act
and (ii) for  outside  directors  acting  under  plans  intended  to qualify for
exemption  under  Section  162(m) of the Code.  The  Committee  will approve the
aggregate  Benefits  and the  individual  Benefits  for the most senior  elected
officers and  non-employee  directors.  The  Committee  may delegate some of its
authority under the 2006 Plan in accordance with the terms of the 2006 Plan.

     The total number of shares of common stock eligible to be awarded under the
2006 Plan as  incentive  stock  options,  non-qualified  stock  options or stock
appreciation  rights shall not exceed 850,000 shares. The total number of shares
of common stock eligible to be awarded under the 2006 Plan as restricted  stock,
restricted  stock units or as stock bonuses shall, in the aggregate,  not exceed

     The total  number of shares of common  stock  subject to  options  and SARs
awarded to any one  employee  during any of our fiscal  years,  shall not exceed



          GRANTS OF OPTIONS. The Committee is authorized to grant stock  options
to  Participants  ("Optionees"),  which may be either  Incentive  Stock  Options
("ISOs") or Non-Qualified Stock Options ("NSOs"). NSOs and ISOs are collectively
referred to as "Stock  Options." The exercise  price of any Stock Option must be
at least equal to the fair market value of the shares on the date of the grant.

     For  purposes  of the  2006  Plan,  "fair  market  value"  means,  for  any
particular  date,  (i) for any period  during  which our common  stock  shall be
listed for trading on a national securities exchange or the National Association
of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ"),  the average of the
opening and closing  price per share of our common stock on such exchange or the
NASDAQ  official open and close price as of such trading day, or (ii) the market
price per share of our common stock as  determined in good faith by our Board of
Directors  in the  event  (i)  above  shall  not be  applicable.  The 2006  Plan
prohibits repricing of Stock Options without shareholder approval.

     At the  time of the  grant,  the  Committee  in its  sole  discretion  will
determine when Options are exercisable  and when they expire,  provided the term
of an ISO  cannot  exceed  10  years.  For  Stock  Options  intended  to  become
exercisable  solely on the basis of the passage of time,  the Stock Options will
not become exercisable before the first anniversary of the award. However, Stock


Options  may  become  exercisable  more  quickly  in the  event  of  (a)  death,
disability  or  retirement,  (b)  job  loss  due  to  workforce  reduction,  job
elimination or  divestiture  or (c) under the "change in control"  provisions of
the 2006 Plan. Also, Stock Options necessary in the recruitment of new employees
will not be subject to a minimum time-based exercisability requirement.

          PAYMENT OF OPTION PRICE.  Payment for shares  purchased  upon exercise
of a Stock Option must be made in full at the time of  purchase.  Payment may be
made: (a) in cash, (b) subject to the approval of the Committee, by the transfer
to us of shares owned by the  Participant  for at least six months having a fair
market  value on the date of  exercise  equal to the option  exercise  price (or
certification  of  ownership  of such  shares),  (c) to the extent  permitted by
applicable law, by delivery of a properly  executed  exercise  notice,  together
with  irrevocable  instructions to a broker to promptly deliver to us the amount
of sale  proceeds  from the option  shares or loan  proceeds to pay the exercise
price and any withholding taxes due to us, or (d) in such other manner as may be
authorized by the Committee.

     SARS. The Committee has the authority to grant SARs to Participants  and to
determine  the number of shares  subject to each SAR,  the term of the SAR,  the
time or  times  at which  the SAR may be  exercised,  and all  other  terms  and
conditions of the SAR. A SAR is a right, denominated in shares, to receive, upon
exercise of the right,  in whole or in part,  without  payment to us, an amount,
payable in shares, cash or any combination of shares and cash, that is equal to:
(i) the fair  market  value of our common  stock on the date of  exercise of the
right minus (ii) the fair market  value of our common stock on the date of grant
of the  right,  multiplied  by the  number  of  shares  for  which  the right is
exercised.  The form of payment upon the exercise of SARs will be  determined by
the Committee either at the time of grant of the SARs or at the time of exercise
of the SARs.  The  exercise  price of any SAR must be at least equal to the fair
market value of the shares on the date of the grant. For SARs intended to become
exercisable  solely on the basis of the passage of time, the SAR will not become
exercisable before the first anniversary of the award.  However, SARs may become
exercisable  more quickly in the event of (a) death,  disability or  retirement,
(b) job loss due to workforce  reduction,  job elimination or divestiture or (c)
under the "change in control"  provisions of the 2006 Plan. Also, SARs necessary
in the recruitment of new employees will not be subject to a minimum  time-based
exercisability  requirement.  The 2006 Plan prohibits  repricing of SARs without
shareholder approval.

     RESTRICTED STOCK AND RESTRICTED  STOCK UNITS.  Restricted Stock consists of
shares which are transferred or sold by us to a Participant,  but are subject to
substantial  risk or  forfeiture  and to  restrictions  on  their  sale or other
transfer  by the  Participant.  Restricted  Stock Units are the right to receive
shares at a future date after vesting upon the attainment of certain  conditions
and restrictions.  The Committee  determines the eligible  Participants to whom,
and the time or times at which,  grants of Restricted  Stock or Restricted Stock
Units will be made, the number of shares or units to be granted, the price to be
paid,  if any, the time or times within which the shares  covered by such grants
will be subject to forfeiture,  the time or times at which the restrictions will
terminate,  and all other terms and  conditions of the grants.  Restrictions  or
conditions  could include,  but not be limited to, the attainment of performance
goals (as described below),  continuous  service with us, the passage of time or
other restrictions or conditions. For Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units
intended  to vest  solely on the basis of the  passage of time,  the  Restricted
Stock or  Restricted  Stock Unit will not vest more  quickly than ratably over a
three-year  period  beginning on the first  anniversary  of the award.  However,
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units may vest more quickly in the event of
(a) death,  disability or retirement,  (b) job loss due to workforce  reduction,
job  elimination or divestiture or (c) under the "change in control"  provisions


of the 2006 Plan. Also, Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units necessary in
the  recruitment  of new employees  will not be subject to a minimum  time-based
vesting requirement.  Awards of Restricted Stock may require that dividends paid
on shares of Restricted  Stock be held in escrow until all  restrictions on such
shares have lapsed. At the discretion of the Committee, dividend equivalents may
be granted with respect to Restricted  Stock Units,  subject to such limitations
as may be determined by the Committee.

     STOCK BONUSES.  A Participant who is granted a stock bonus has the right to
receive shares of our common stock in accordance with the terms of such grant.

     PERFORMANCE GOALS.  Awards other than Stock Options and SARs under the 2006
Plan may be made subject to the attainment of performance  goals relating to one
or more business  criteria within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code, but
limited to: net earnings (either before or after interest,  taxes,  depreciation
or amortization),  economic value-added (as determined by the Committee),  sales
or revenue,  net income  (either before or after taxes),  operating  earnings or
income,  cash flow (including,  but not limited to, operating cash flow and free
cash  flow),  cash flow  return on  capital,  return  on  investment,  return on
stockholders'  equity,  return on assets or net assets,  return on capital, debt
reduction,  stockholder  returns,  return on sales,  gross or net profit margin,
productivity, expense, margins, operating efficiency, cost reduction or savings,
customer or employee satisfaction,  safety, working capital, earnings or diluted
earnings per share,  price per share of Company Stock,  and market share, any of
which may be measured either in absolute terms or as compared to any incremental
increase or as compared to results of a peer group ("Performance Criteria"). For
Awards not intended to constitute  performance based  compensation under Section
162(m) of the Code,  performance  goals may  include  other  financial  or other
measurements established by the Committee.


     The Committee and our Board of Directors  have the right and power to amend
the 2006 Plan,  provided,  however that we shall obtain stockholder  approval of
any amendment of the 2006 Plan to the extent necessary to comply with applicable
laws, regulations or stock exchange rules.


     The Board may suspend or terminate  the 2006 Plan at any time.  The Plan is
scheduled to terminate on May 3, 2016. Termination will not in any manner impair
or adversely affect any Benefit outstanding at the time of termination.


     Unless  otherwise  provided  in the  agreement  providing  for the Award or
unless  otherwise  determined  by  the  Committee,  upon  the  termination  of a
Participant's  employment  within 36 months following the occurrence of a Change
in Control  (as  defined  below) and if such  termination  is not (i) due to the
Participant's  death or disability,  (ii) a termination by the Company for Cause
and (iii) a voluntary  termination by the  Participant  absent good reason,  all
outstanding  Stock Options and SARs shall become vested and  exercisable and all
Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units shall become vested. In addition, in
the event of a potential Change in Control, the Committee may in its discretion,
cancel any  outstanding  Stock Options,  SARS,  Restricted  Stock and Restricted
Stock Units and pay to the holders thereof, in cash or stock, or any combination
thereof, the value thereof based upon the price per share of our common stock to


be received by our other shareholders in the Change in Control less, in the case
of Stock Options and SARs, the exercise price thereof.

     For purposes of the 2006 Plan,  a "Change in Control"  occurs if: (i) there
shall be consummated:  (A) any  consolidation  or merger in which we are not the
continuing  or surviving  corporation  or pursuant to which shares of our common
stock would be converted into cash,  securities or other property,  other than a
merger in which the holders of our common stock  immediately prior to the merger
have  the  same  proportionate  ownership  of  common  stock  of  the  surviving
corporation  immediately after the merger;  or (B) any sale, lease,  exchange or
other transfer (in one transaction or a series of related  transactions) of all,
or substantially all, of our assets;  (ii) our shareholders  approve any plan or
proposal for our liquidation or  dissolution;  (iii) any person (as such term is
used in Sections  13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Exchange  Act, but  excluding us and
each of our officers and directors, whether individually or collectively), shall
become the beneficial owner (within the meaning of 13d-3 under the Exchange Act)
of 20% or more of our outstanding common stock; or (iv) during any period of two
(2)  consecutive  years,  individuals  who  at  the  beginning  of  such  period
constitute  the  entire  Board  of  Directors  shall  cease  for any  reason  to
constitute  a  majority  thereof  unless the  election,  or the  nomination  for
election by our  shareholders,  of each new Director was approved by a vote of a
least two-thirds of the Directors then still in office who were Directors at the
beginning of the period.


     If there is any change in the number,  class,  market price or terms of our
common stock by reason of any stock dividend or  distribution,  stock  split-up,
recapitalization, combination or exchange of shares, or by reason of any merger,
consolidation,  spin-off or other corporate  reorganization  in which we are the
surviving  corporation,  the number of shares available for issuance both in the
aggregate and with respect to each outstanding  Benefit, the exercise price, and
the  limitations on grants shall be  proportionately  adjusted by the Committee,
whose determination shall be final and binding.


     To the  extent  that a Benefit  awarded  under  the 2006  Plan  terminates,
expires, is cancelled,  forfeited,  or lapses for any reason, or if a Benefit is
settled  by  payment of cash,  any  shares of our  common  stock  subject to the
Benefit shall again be available for the grant of a Benefit pursuant to the 2006
Plan.  Shares  which are used to pay the  exercise  price of a Stock  Option and
shares withheld to satisfy tax withholding obligations will not be available for
further  grants of Benefits  pursuant to the 2006 Plan. All shares of our common
stock  covered by a SAR, to the extent it is exercised  and settled in shares of
our common stock, will be considered issued or transferred pursuant to the Plan.
To the extent  permitted by applicable law or any exchange  rule,  shares of our
common stock issued in assumption of, or in  substitution  for, any  outstanding
awards of any entity  acquired  in any form of  combination  by us or any of our
subsidiaries  shall not be counted  against shares of our common stock available
for grant pursuant to the 2006 Plan. Dividend  equivalents payable in cash shall
not be counted against the shares available for issuance under the 2006 Plan.


     We have been advised by counsel that the federal income tax consequences as
they relate to Benefits are as follows:


     ISOS.  An Optionee  does not generally  recognize  taxable  income upon the
grant or upon the exercise of an ISO. Upon the sale of ISO shares,  the Optionee
recognizes  income in an amount  equal to the  difference,  if any,  between the
exercise price of the ISO shares and the fair market value of those share on the
date of sale.  The  income  is taxed at  long-term  capital  gains  rates if the
Optionee  has not  disposed of the stock  within two years after the date of the
grant of the ISO and has held the shares for at least one year after the date of
exercise and we are not entitled to a federal income tax deduction.  The holding
period requirements are waived when an Optionee dies.

     The exercise of an ISO may for some  Optionees  trigger  liability  for the
alternative minimum tax.

     If an Optionee  sells ISO shares  before  having held them for at least one
year  after  the  date of  exercise  and two  years  after  the date of grant (a
"disqualifying  disposition"),  the Optionee  recognizes  ordinary income to the
extent of the  lesser  of:  (i) the gain  realized  upon the  sale;  or (ii) the
difference between the exercise price and the fair market value of the shares on
the date of exercise.  Any additional gain is treated as long-term or short-term
capital gain  depending upon how long the Optionee has held the ISO shares prior
to disposition.  In a year of a disqualifying disposition,  we receive a federal
income tax deduction in an amount equal to the ordinary income that the Optionee
recognizes as a result of the disposition.

     NSOS. An Optionee does not  recognize  taxable  income upon the grant of an
NSO. Upon the exercise of such a Stock Option, the Optionee  recognizes ordinary
income to the extent the fair market value of the shares  received upon exercise
of the NSO on the date of exercise  exceeds the  exercise  price.  We receive an
income tax deduction in an amount equal to the ordinary income that the Optionee
recognizes upon the exercise of the Stock Option.

     RESTRICTED  STOCK. A Participant who receives an award of Restricted  Stock
does not generally  recognize taxable income at the time of the award.  Instead,
the  Participant  recognizes  ordinary income in the first taxable year in which
his or her interest in the shares becomes either:  (i) freely  transferable;  or
(ii) no longer subject to substantial risk of forfeiture.  The amount of taxable
income is equal to the fair market  value of the shares  less the cash,  if any,
paid for the shares.  Any dividends  paid to a Participant  while the Restricted
Stock remained subject to the restrictions  would be treated as compensation for
federal income tax purposes.

     A Participant may elect to recognize  income at the time he or she receives
Restricted  Stock in an amount equal to the fair market value of the  Restricted
Stock (less any cash paid for the shares) on the date of the award.

     We  receive a  compensation  expense  deduction  in an amount  equal to the
ordinary  income  recognized  by the  Participant  in the taxable  year in which
restrictions  lapse (or in the taxable  year of the award if, at that time,  the
Participant had filed a timely election to accelerate recognition of income).

     OTHER  BENEFITS.  In the  case  of an  exercise  of an SAR or an  award  of
Restricted Stock Units, the Participant will generally recognize ordinary income
in an amount equal to any cash  received and the fair market value of any shares
received  on the date of payment or  delivery.  In that  taxable  year,  we will
receive a federal income tax deduction in an amount equal to the ordinary income
which  the  Participant  has  recognized.  Any  dividend  equivalents  paid to a


Participant  related to Restricted  Stock Units would be treated as compensation
for federal income tax purposes.


     Under Section  162(m) of the Code, we may not deduct  compensation  of more
than  $1,000,000  that is paid to an  individual  who,  on the  last  day of the
taxable year, is either our chief executive  officer or is among one of the four
other most highly compensated  officers for that taxable year as reported in our
proxy statement. The limitation on deductions does not apply to certain types of
compensation,  including qualified  performance-based  compensation.  We believe
that  Benefits  in  the  form  of  Stock  Options,  SARs  and  performance-based
Restricted  Stock and  Restricted  Stock Units which are awarded  subject to the
Performance Criteria would constitute qualified  performance-based  compensation
and,  as such,  will be exempt  from the  $1,000,000  limitation  on  deductible


     Section 409A of the Code has been enacted  generally  effective  January 1,
2005. To date, the IRS has issued only limited guidance on the interpretation of
this new law.  Section  409A of the Code  covers  most  programs  that defer the
receipt of compensation  to a succeeding  taxable year and provides strict rules
for elections to defer (if any) and for timing of payouts. There are significant
penalties  placed on the individual  employee for failure to comply with Section
409A of the Code.  However,  it does not impact our  ability to deduct  deferred
compensation.  Section  409A  does not  apply to (i)  incentive  stock  options,
non-qualified  stock options and stock appreciation  rights that are not granted
at less than fair market value and (ii) restricted  stock,  provided there is no
deferral of income beyond the vesting  date.  Section 409A of the Code may apply
to Restricted Stock Units.


     In order to be adopted,  the 2006 Plan must be approved by the  affirmative
vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares  represented  at the meeting and
entitled to vote.





     Under Section  162(m) of the Code, we may not deduct  compensation  of more
than  $1,000,000  that is paid to an  individual  who,  on the  last  day of the
taxable year, is either our chief executive  officer or is among one of the four
other most  high-compensated  officers  for that taxable year as reported in our
proxy statement. The limitation on deductions does not apply to certain types of
compensation,     including    qualified     performance-based     compensation.
Performance-based  compensation  is excluded from this $1 million  limitation if
paid pursuant to a plan that has received shareholder approval.


     The primary purpose of the Executive Management Variable  Compensation Plan
(the "Bonus  Plan") is to pay covered  employees  appropriate  bonuses for their
performance and to obtain, for federal income tax purposes, the deductibility of
bonus awards made under the Bonus Plan.  Accordingly,  the amounts payable under
the Plan are intended to constitute "qualified  performance-based  compensation"
under Section 162(m) of the Code.


     The Compensation and Succession Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of
Directors is responsible  for  administering  the Bonus Plan. Each member of the
Committee is an "outside director" as defined for purposes of Section 162(m).


     The CEO and  others  who are  officers  for  purposes  of Section 16 of the
Exchange Act are eligible to participate in the Bonus Plan. Participants will be
the Chief Executive Officer and other officers who the Committee  determines are
"covered employees" within the meaning of Section 162(m) for the fiscal year.


     The  objective  performance  goal(s)  for  each  Participant  is set by the
Committee within first 90 days of fiscal year. The performance goals will relate
to one or more  business  criteria  within the meaning of Section  162(m) of the
Code,  but limited to: net earnings  (either  before or after  interest,  taxes,
depreciation  or  amortization),  economic  value-added  (as  determined  by the
Committee),  sales or  revenue,  net  income  (either  before  or after  taxes),
operating  earnings  or  income,  cash  flow  (including,  but not  limited  to,
operating cash flow and free cash flow), cash flow return on capital,  return on
investment,  return on  shareholders'  equity,  return on assets or net  assets,
return on capital, debt reduction,  stockholder returns,  return on sales, gross
or net profit margin, productivity, expense, margins, operating efficiency, cost
reduction  or  savings,  customer  or  employee  satisfaction,  safety,  working
capital,  earnings or diluted earnings per share,  price per share of our common
stock,  and market share,  any of which may be measured either in absolute terms
or as compared to any  incremental  increase or as compared to results of a peer


group.  After the end of each fiscal year,  the  Committee  will  determine  and
certify in writing  the  amount of bonus to be  awarded to each  Participant  in
accordance with the limitations established by the Bonus Plan.

     The maximum bonus award that a covered employee may be paid under the Bonus
Plan for the fiscal year is set at 300% of base salary.

     The Committee may determine it is  appropriate to pay less than the maximum
bonus award amount to a Participant, but not more.

     Subject to the maximum bonus award  described  above,  actual award amounts
will be based on Company and individual  performance  and competitive pay levels
as determined by the Committee.


     All bonus  awards will be paid in cash.  Participants  will be permitted to
defer payment of all or a portion of their bonus awards in  accordance  with the
terms of any deferred compensation plan that we may adopt.


     In order to be adopted,  the Bonus Plan must be approved by the affirmative
vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares  represented  at the meeting and
entitled to vote.



                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The cost of solicitation of proxies will be borne by us, including expenses
in connection  with preparing and mailing this Proxy  Statement.  In addition to
the use of the mail,  proxies  may be  solicited  by personal  interviews  or by
telephone,  telecommunications  or  other  electronic  means  by our  Directors,
officers and employees at no additional compensation.  Arrangements will be made
with brokerage houses, banks and other custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for
the forwarding of solicitation  material to the beneficial  owners of our common
stock, and we will reimburse them for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred
by them in connection therewith.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Our  management  does not presently know of any matters to be presented for
consideration  at the Annual  Meeting  other than the matters  described  in the
Notice  of  Annual  Meeting.  However,  if  other  matters  are  presented,  the
accompanying  proxy  confers  upon the  person or persons  entitled  to vote the
shares represented by the proxy,  discretionary authority to vote such shares in
respect of any such other matter in accordance with their best judgment.

                             SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

     Proposals  of  shareholders  intended  to be  presented  at the 2007 Annual
Meeting  must be  received  by us by  February  20,  2007 to be  considered  for
inclusion in our Proxy Statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting.  In
addition,   our  by-laws  require  that  notice  of  shareholder  proposals  and
nominations  for director be delivered to our  principal  executive  offices not
less than 60 days nor more than 90 days  prior to the first  anniversary  of the
Annual Meeting for the preceding year; provided,  however, if the Annual Meeting
is not  scheduled  to be held  within a period  commencing  30 days  before such
anniversary  date  and  ending  30  days  after  such  anniversary   date,  such
shareholder  notice  shall be delivered by the later of (i) 60 days prior to the
date of the Annual  Meeting or (ii) the tenth day following the date such Annual
Meeting  date is first  publicly  announced or  disclosed.  The date of the 2007
Annual Meeting has not yet been established.  Nothing in this paragraph shall be
deemed to require us to include in our Proxy Statement and proxy relating to the
2007  Annual  Meeting  any  shareholder  proposal  that does not meet all of the
requirements  for inclusion  established  by the Exchange Act, and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder.


                                OTHER INFORMATION

written request should be directed to Columbus  McKinnon  Corporation,  140 John
James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York 14228-1197,  Attention: Secretary. Each
such  request  must set forth a good faith  representation  that,  as of June 9,
2006,  the person  making  the  request  was a  beneficial  owner of  securities
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

     The  accompanying  Notice and this Proxy Statement are sent by order of our
Board of Directors.

                                                 TIMOTHY R. HARVEY

Dated:  June 20, 2006


                                   APPENDIX A

                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                          2006 LONG TERM INCENTIVE PLAN


     This Columbus McKinnon Corporation 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan, as it may
be amended from time to time (the "Plan"),  is intended to promote the interests
of Columbus  McKinnon  Corporation.,  a New York corporation ("CM" and, together
with  its  Subsidiaries,  the  "Company"),  and its  stockholders  by  providing
officers  and other  employees  and  non-employee  directors of the Company with
appropriate  incentives and rewards to encourage them to enter into and continue
in service to the Company and to acquire a meaningful,  significant  and growing
proprietary  interest in CM, while  aligning the  interests of key employees and
management with those of the stockholders.

     This Plan is intended to provide a flexible  framework that will permit the
development  and  implementation  of a variety of stock-based  programs based on
changing  needs  of the  Company,  its  competitive  market  and the  regulatory


     As used in the Plan, the following definitions apply to the terms indicated

     (a)  "Award Agreement" shall mean the written agreement between the Company
and a Participant  or other  document  approved by the  Committee  evidencing an
Incentive  Award.  The  Committee  need not  require the  execution  of any such
agreement  by a  Participant  in which case the  acceptance  of the Award by the
Participant will constitute agreement to the terms of the Award.

     (b)  "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of CM.

     (c)  "Cause,"  shall mean, termination  of employment of a Participant  for
cause under the Company's  generally  applicable  policies and procedures or, in
the case of a  non-employee  director of the Company,  for  circumstances  which
would constitute cause if such policies and procedures were applicable.

     (d)  "Change in Control", unless  otherwise  defined in an Award Agreement,
occurs if:

          (1) there shall be consummated:  (i) any consolidation or merger of CM
in which CM is not the continuing or surviving  corporation or pursuant to which
shares of  Company  Stock  would be  converted  into cash,  securities  or other
property,  other than a merger of CM in which the holders of the  Company  Stock
immediately prior to the merger have the same proportionate  ownership of common
stock of the surviving  corporation  immediately  after the merger;  or (ii) any
sale,  lease,  exchange or other  transfer  (in one  transaction  or a series of
related transactions) of all, or substantially all, of the assets of CM; or

          (2) the  stockholders  of CM  approve  any  plan or  proposal  for the
liquidation or dissolution of CM; or

          (3) any person (as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of
the Exchange  Act but  excluding  CM and each of CM's  officers  and  directors,
whether individually or collectively), shall become the beneficial owner (within
the meaning of 13d-3 under the Exchange  Act) of 20% or more of the  outstanding
Company Stock; or

          (4) during any period of two (2) consecutive years, individuals who at


the  beginning of such period  constitute  the entire  Board of Directors  shall
cease for any reason to constitute a majority  thereof  unless the election,  or
the  nomination  for  election by CM's  stockholders,  of each new  director was
approved by a vote of a least  two-thirds of the directors  then still in office
who were directors at the beginning of the period.

     For purposes hereof, ownership of voting securities shall take into account
and shall include  ownership as  determined  by applying the  provisions of Rule
13d-3(d)(1)(i) (as in effect on the date hereof) pursuant to the Exchange Act.

     (e)  "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     (f)  "Committee"  shall mean the  Compensation and Succession  Committee of
the Board of Directors or such other  committee as the Board of Directors  shall
appoint from time to time to administer the Plan;  provided,  that the Committee
shall at all  times  consist  of two or more  persons,  each of whom  shall be a
member of the Board of Directors.  To the extent required for transactions under
the Plan to qualify for the  exemptions  available  under Rule 16b-3 (as defined
herein),  members  of the  Committee  (or any  subcommittee  thereof)  shall  be
"non-employee  directors"  within  the  meaning  of Rule  16b-3.  To the  extent
required for  compensation  realized from Incentive  Awards (as defined  herein)
under the Plan to be deductible by the Company pursuant to Section 162(m) of the
Code,  members of the Committee (or any subcommittee  thereof) shall be "outside
directors" within the meaning of such section.

     (g)  "Company Stock" shall mean the common stock, par value $.01 per share,
of CM.

     (h)  "Covered Employee" means a Participant who is, or could be, a "covered
employee" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

     (i)  "Disability," unless otherwise  provided in an Award Agreement,  shall

          (1)  with  respect  to a  Participant  who  is a  party  to a  written
employment agreement with the Company,  which agreement contains a definition of
"disability" or "permanent disability" (or words of like import) for purposes of
termination of employment thereunder by the Company,  "disability" or "permanent
disability" as defined in the most recent of such agreements, or

          (2) in all other cases, means such Participant's  inability to perform
substantially  his or her duties to the  Company by reason of physical or mental
illness,  injury,  infirmity or condition:  (A) for a continuous  period for 180
days or one or more periods aggregating 180 days in any twelve-month period; (B)
at such time as such  Participant  is  eligible  to  receive  disability  income
payments  under  any  long-term  disability  insurance  plan  maintained  by the
Company;  or (C) at such earlier time as such Participant or the Company submits
medical  evidence,  in  the  form  of a  physician's  certification,  that  such
Participant  has a physical or mental  illness,  injury,  infirmity or condition
that will likely  prevent such  Participant  from  substantially  performing his
duties for 180 days or longer.

     (j)  "Dividend Equivalents" means a right granted to a Participant pursuant
to Section 10 to receive the  equivalent  value (in cash or Stock) of  dividends
paid on Stock.

     (k)  "Effective Date" shall mean May 4, 2006, the date the Plan was adopted
by the Board of Directors,  subject to approval by CM's  stockholders.  The Plan
will be deemed to be approved by the stockholders if it receives the affirmative
vote of the  holders  of a  majority  of the  shares of stock of CM  present  or
represented  and entitled to vote at a meeting at which a quorum  representing a
majority  of all  outstanding  voting  stock  is,  either in person or by proxy,
present and voting and duly held in accordance with the applicable provisions of
CM's Bylaws. Incentive Awards may be granted under the Plan at any time prior to
the receipt of stockholder  approval;  provided,  however,  that each such grant
shall  automatically  terminate  in the event  such  approval  is not  obtained.
Without  limiting the foregoing,  no Option or SAR may be exercised prior to the


receipt of such approval,  and no share certificate will be issued pursuant to a
grant of Restricted Stock or Stock Bonus prior to the receipt of such approval.

     (l)  "Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

     (m)  "Fair Market Value" means, for any particular date, (i) for any period
during  which the  Company  Stock  shall be listed  for  trading  on a  national
securities exchange or the National  Association of Securities Dealers Automated
Quotation  System  ("NASDAQ"),  the average of the opening and closing price per
share of Company  Stock on such  exchange or the NASDAQ  official open and close
price as of such  trading  day,  or (ii) the  market  price per share of Company
Stock as  determined  in good faith by the Board of  Directors  in the event (i)
above shall not be  applicable.  If the Fair Market Value is to be determined as
of a day when the securities markets are not open, the Fair Market Value on that
day shall be the Fair Market  Value on the next  preceding  day when the markets
were open.

     (n)  "Good Reason"  shall  mean  (i) the  reduction  by  the  Company  of a
Participant's  annual  base  salary as in effect  from time to time;  or (b) the
Company's requiring a Participant to be based (other than for required travel on
the  Company's  business)  at a  Company  office  more  than 50  miles  from the
Company's  office at which the Participant is principally  employed  immediately
prior to the date of a Change in Control.

     (o)  "Incentive  Award"  shall  mean an Option,  SAR,  share of  Restricted
Stock,  Restricted  Stock Unit or Stock Bonus (each as defined  herein)  granted
pursuant to the terms of the Plan.

     (p)  "Incentive  Stock  Option"  shall mean an Option that is an "incentive
stock option" within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

     (q)  "Issue Date" shall mean the date established by the Committee on which
Certificates  representing  shares of  Restricted  Stock  shall be issued by the
Company pursuant to the terms of Section 9(e).

     (r)  "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option"  shall mean an  Option  that  is not an
Incentive Stock Option.

     (s)  "Option"  shall mean an option to  purchase  shares of  Company  Stock
granted pursuant to Section 7.

     (t)  "Participant"  shall mean an employee of the Company or a non-employee
director of the Company to whom an  Incentive  Award is granted  pursuant to the
Plan and, upon his or her death,  his or her  successors,  heirs,  executors and
administrators, as the case may be.

     (u)  "Performance-Based Award" means an Award granted  to selected  Covered
Employees  pursuant  to Sections 9 and 10, but which is subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in Section 12. All Performance-Based Awards are intended to
qualify as Qualified Performance-Based Compensation.

     (v)  "Performance  Criteria" means the criteria that the Committee  selects
for purposes of  establishing  the Performance  Goal or Performance  Goals for a
Participant for a Performance Period. The Performance  Criteria may differ as to
type of Award  and from one  Performance  Period  to  another.  The  Performance
Criteria  that will be used to  establish  Performance  Goals are limited to the
following: net earnings (either before or after interest, taxes, depreciation or
amortization),  economic value-added (as determined by the Committee),  sales or
revenue,  net income  (either  before or after  taxes),  operating  earnings  or
income,  cash flow (including,  but not limited to, operating cash flow and free
cash  flow),  cash flow  return on  capital,  return  on  investment,  return on
stockholders'  equity,  return on assets or net assets,  return on capital, debt
reduction,  stockholder  returns,  return on sales,  gross or net profit margin,
productivity, expense, margins, operating efficiency, cost reduction or savings,


customer or employee satisfaction,  safety, working capital, earnings or diluted
earnings per share,  price per share of Company Stock,  and market share, any of
which may be measured either in absolute terms or as compared to any incremental
increase or as compared to results of a peer group. The Committee shall,  within
the time  prescribed  by  Section  162(m)  of the Code,  define in an  objective
fashion the manner of calculating the Performance Criteria it selects to use for
such Performance Period for such Participant.

     (w)  "Performance  Goals"  means, for  a  Performance  Period,   the  goals
established  in writing by the Committee for the  Performance  Period based upon
the  Performance  Criteria.  Depending  on  the  Performance  Criteria  used  to
establish such  Performance  Goals,  the  Performance  Goals may be expressed in
terms of overall Company performance or the performance of a division,  business
unit, or an individual.  The Committee, in its discretion,  may, within the time
prescribed by Section  162(m) of the Code,  adjust or modify the  calculation of
Performance  Goals for such Performance  Period in order to prevent the dilution
or  enlargement  of the  rights  of  Participants  (a) in the  event  of,  or in
anticipation  of, any  unusual or  extraordinary  corporate  item,  transaction,
event,  or development,  or (b) in recognition  of, or in  anticipation  of, any
other  unusual  or  nonrecurring   events  affecting  the  Company   (determined
consistent with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), or the financial
statements of the Company,  or in response to, or in anticipation of, changes in
applicable laws, regulations, accounting principles, or business conditions. The
Committee may, in its discretion,  classify  Participants into as many groups as
it determines,  and as to any Participant  relate the Participant's  Performance
Goals partially, or entirely, to the measured performance,  either absolutely or
relatively,  of an identified Subsidiary,  operating company or division or test
strategy or new venture of the Company.

     (x)  "Performance  Period" means the one or more periods of time, which may
be of varying and overlapping durations, as the Committee may select, over which
the attainment of one or more Performance Goals will be measured for the purpose
of determining a Participant's right to, and the payment of, a Performance-Based

     (y)  "Qualified Performance-Based Compensation" means any compensation that
is  intended  to  qualify  as  "qualified  performance-based   compensation"  as
described in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code.

     (z)  A share of "Restricted Stock" shall mean a share of Company Stock that
is granted  pursuant to the terms of Section 9 hereof and that is subject to the
restrictions set forth in Section 9(c).

     (aa) "Restricted  Stock Unit" means the right to receive a share of Company
Stock that is granted pursuant to the terms of Section 10.

     (bb) "Retirement"  means a termination of employment at a time at which the
Participant (i) is eligible for and could immediately commence receipt of either
early or normal retirement  benefits under the Company's defined benefit plan or
(ii) if the participant had been a participant in the Company's  defined benefit
plan, would have been eligible and could have immediately  commenced  receipt of
either early or normal  retirement  benefits under the Company's defined benefit

     (cc) "Rule 16b-3" shall mean the rule thus designated as promulgated  under
the Exchange Act.

     (dd) "SAR"  shall  mean a stock  appreciation  right  granted  pursuant  to
Section 8.

     (ee) "Stock Bonus" shall mean a bonus payable in shares of Company Stock or
a payment made in shares of Company  Stock  pursuant to a deferred  compensation
plan of the Company.

     (ff) "Subsidiary"  shall  mean any corporation or other entity in which, at
the time of  reference,  the  Company  owns,  directly or  indirectly,  stock or
similar  interests  comprising more than 50 percent of the combined voting power
of all outstanding securities of such entity.


     (gg) "Vesting  Date" shall  mean the date  established  by the Committee on
which a share of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Unit may vest.


     (a)  Shares Available for Awards

     The total number of shares of Company Stock with respect to which Incentive
Awards  may be granted  shall not  exceed  850,000  shares.  Such  shares may be
authorized  but unissued  Company Stock or authorized  and issued  Company Stock
held in the  Company's  treasury or acquired by the Company for the  purposes of
the Plan. The Committee may direct that any stock certificate  evidencing shares
issued pursuant to the Plan shall bear a legend setting forth such  restrictions
on transferability as may apply to such shares pursuant to the Plan.

     (b)  Total Grants by Award Type

     The total number of shares of Company Stock to be awarded under the Plan as
Incentive Stock Options,  Non-Qualified  Stock Options, or SARs shall not exceed
850,000 shares.  The total number of shares of Company Stock to be awarded under
the Plan as Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units,  Performance Based Awards,
or as Stock Bonuses shall, in the aggregate, not exceed 600,000 shares.

     (c)  Individual Limitation

     The total  number of shares of Company  Stock  subject to Options  and SARs
awarded to any one  employee  during any fiscal year of the  Company,  shall not
exceed 50,000 shares.  Determinations under the preceding sentence shall be made
in a manner that is consistent  with Section 162(m) of the Code and  regulations
promulgated  thereunder.  The provisions of this Section 3(c) shall not apply in
any circumstance with respect to which the Committee  determines that compliance
with Section 162(m) of the Code is not necessary.

     (d)  Adjustment for Change in Capitalization

     If there is any change in the outstanding shares of Company Stock by reason
of  a  stock  dividend  or  distribution,   stock  split-up,   recapitalization,
combination  or exchange of shares,  or by reason of any merger,  consolidation,
spinoff or other corporate  reorganization in which the Company is the surviving
corporation,  the number of shares  available for issuance both in the aggregate
and with respect to each outstanding  Incentive Award, the price per share under
each outstanding  Incentive Award, and the limitations set forth in Section 3(b)
and (c), shall be proportionately adjusted by the Committee, whose determination
shall be final and binding.  After any adjustment  made pursuant to this Section
3(d), the number of shares subject to each outstanding  Incentive Award shall be
rounded to the nearest whole number.

     (e)  Other Adjustments

     In the event of any  transaction or event  described in Section 3(d) or any
unusual or  nonrecurring  transactions  or events  affecting  the  Company,  any
affiliate  of the Company,  or the  financial  statements  of the Company or any
affiliate (including without limitation any Change in Control), or of changes in
applicable  laws,  regulations  or  accounting  principles,   and  whenever  the
Committee determines that action is appropriate in order to prevent the dilution
or  enlargement  of the  benefits  or  potential  benefits  intended  to be made
available  under the Plan or with respect to any Incentive Award under the Plan,
to facilitate  such  transactions or events or to give effect to such changes in
laws,  regulations or principles,  the Committee,  in its sole discretion and on
such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate,  including,  if the Committee
deems appropriate,  the principles of Treasury Regulation Section  1.424-1(a)(5)
except to the  extent  necessary  to ensure  that the  action  does not  violate
Section 409A of the Code,  either by  amendment of the terms of any  outstanding


Incentive  Awards or by action taken prior to the occurrence of such transaction
or event and either  automatically or upon the Participant's  request, is hereby
authorized to take any one or more of the following actions:

          (i)   To  provide  for either (A)  termination  of any such  Incentive
Award in exchange for an amount of cash and/or other property,  if any, equal to
the amount that would have been  attained  upon the  exercise of such  Incentive
Award or  realization  of the  Participant's  rights (and,  for the avoidance of
doubt, if as of the date of the occurrence of the transaction or event described
in this Section 3(e) the Committee determines in good faith that no amount would
have been attained upon the exercise of such  Incentive  Award or realization of
the  Participant's  rights,  then such Incentive  Award may be terminated by the
Company  without  payment) or (B) the  replacement of such Incentive  Award with
other rights or property selected by the Committee in its sole discretion;

          (ii)  To provide that such Incentive Award be assumed by the successor
or  survivor  corporation,  or a  parent  or  subsidiary  thereof,  or  shall be
substituted for by similar  options,  rights or awards covering the stock of the
successor  or survivor  corporation,  or a parent or  subsidiary  thereof,  with
appropriate adjustments as to the number and kind of shares and prices; and

          (iii) To make  adjustments in the number and type of shares of Company
Stock (or other securities or property) subject to outstanding Incentive Awards,
and in the number and kind of outstanding  Restricted  Stock and/or in the terms
and  conditions of  (including  the grant or exercise  price),  and the criteria
included in,  outstanding  options,  rights and awards and  options,  rights and
awards which may be granted in the future;

          (iv)  To provide  that such  Incentive Award shall be  exercisable  or
payable  or  fully   vested  with  respect  to  all  shares   covered   thereby,
notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary in the Plan or the  applicable  Award
Agreement; and

          (v)   To provide that the Incentive Award cannot vest, be exercised or
become payable after such event.

     (f)  Re-use of Shares

     To the extent that an Incentive Award  terminates,  expires,  is cancelled,
forfeited,  or lapses for any  reason,  or if an  Incentive  Award is settled by
payment of cash,  any shares of Company  Stock  subject to the  Incentive  Award
shall again be  available  for the grant of an Incentive  Award  pursuant to the
Plan.  Shares which are used to pay the  exercise  price of an Option and shares
withheld  to satisfy  tax  withholding  obligations  will not be  available  for
further grants of Incentive Awards pursuant to the Plan. To the extent permitted
by  applicable  law or any  exchange  rule,  shares of Company  Stock  issued in
assumption  of, or in  substitution  for, any  outstanding  awards of any entity
acquired in any form of combination  by the Company or any Subsidiary  shall not
be counted  against shares of Company Stock available for grant pursuant to this
Plan.  Dividend  Equivalents  payable in cash shall not be counted  against  the
shares  available  for  issuance  under the Plan.  All shares of  Company  Stock
covered by a SAR, to the extent it is exercised and settled in shares of Company
Stock, will be considered issued or transferred pursuant to the Plan.

     (g)  No Repricing

     Absent  stockholder  approval,  neither  the  Committee  nor the  Board  of
Directors shall have any authority,  with or without the consent of the affected
holders of Incentive  Awards,  to "reprice" an Incentive Award in the event of a
decline in the price of Company Stock after the date of its initial grant either
by reducing  the  exercise  price from the  original  exercise  price or through
cancellation  of outstanding  Incentive  Awards in connection with regranting of
Incentive Awards at a lower price to the same individual. This paragraph may not
be  amended,  altered or  repealed by the Board of  Directors  or the  Committee
without approval of the stockholders of the Company.


     (h)  No Reloading

     No Option or SAR shall provide for the automatic  grant of  replacement  or
reload  Options or SARs upon the  Participant  exercising  the Option or SAR and
paying the Exercise Price by tendering  shares of Company Stock, net exercise or
otherwise.  This paragraph may not be amended,  altered or repealed by the Board
of  Directors  or the  Committee  without  approval of the  stockholders  of the


     The Plan shall be administered  by the Committee.  The Committee shall from
time to time designate the persons who shall be granted Incentive Awards and the
amount, type and other features of each Incentive Award.

     The Committee  shall have full authority to administer the Plan,  including
authority to interpret  and construe any  provision of the Plan and the terms of
any Incentive  Award issued under it and to adopt such rules and regulations for
administering  the Plan as it may deem necessary or  appropriate.  The Committee
shall  determine  whether an  authorized  leave of  absence  or  absence  due to
military or  government  service shall  constitute  termination  of  employment.
Decisions  of  the  Committee  shall  be  final  and  binding  on  all  parties.
Determinations  made by the Committee under the Plan need not be uniform but may
be made on a  Participant-by-Participant  basis. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary  contained herein,  the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion,
at any time and from time to time, resolve to administer the Plan, in which case
the term  "Committee"  as used  herein  shall  be  deemed  to mean the  Board of

     The Committee  may, in its absolute  discretion,  without  amendment to the
Plan,  (i) accelerate the date on which any Option or SAR granted under the Plan
becomes  exercisable,  (ii)  waive or amend  the  operation  of Plan  provisions
respecting  exercise after termination of service or otherwise adjust any of the
terms of such Option or SAR and (iii) accelerate the Vesting Date or Issue Date,
or  waive  any  condition  imposed  hereunder,  with  respect  to any  share  of
Restricted  Stock or Restricted  Stock Unit or otherwise adjust any of the terms
applicable to such share.

     No member of the  Committee  shall be liable for any  action,  omission  or
determination  relating to the Plan,  and the Company  shall  indemnify and hold
harmless each member of the Committee and each other director or employee of the
Company  to  whom  any  duty  or  power  relating  to  the   administration   or
interpretation  of the Plan  has  been  delegated  against  any cost or  expense
(including counsel fees) or liability (including any sum paid in settlement of a
claim with the approval of the Committee) arising out of any action, omission or
determination  relating  to the Plan,  unless,  in  either  case,  such  action,
omission or determination was taken or made by such member, director or employee
in bad faith and without  reasonable belief that it was in the best interests of
the Company.


     The persons who shall be eligible to receive  Incentive  Awards pursuant to
the Plan shall be such  employees of the Company  (including  employees  who are
also  directors  and  prospective   employees   conditioned  on  their  becoming
employees)  and  non-employee  directors of the Company as the  Committee  shall
designate from time to time.


     The  Committee  may  grant  Options,  SARs,  shares  of  Restricted  Stock,
Restricted  Stock Units and Stock  Bonuses,  in such amounts and with such terms
and conditions as the Committee  shall  determine,  subject to the provisions of
the Plan.

     Each Incentive Award granted under the Plan (except an unconditional  Stock
Bonus)  shall be  evidenced  by an Award  Agreement  which  shall  contain  such
provisions  as the  Committee  may in its  sole  discretion  deem  necessary  or


desirable.  By accepting an Incentive  Award, a Participant  thereby agrees that
the Incentive  Award shall be subject to all of the terms and  provisions of the
Plan and the applicable Award Agreement.


     (a)  Identification of Options

     Each Option shall be clearly  identified in the applicable  Award Agreement
as either an Incentive  Stock Option or a  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option.  In the
absence of such  identification,  an Option will be deemed to be a Non-Qualified
Stock Option.

     (b)  Exercise Price

Each Award  Agreement  with respect to an Option shall set forth the amount (the
"exercise  price")  payable by the holder to the  Company  upon  exercise of the
Option.  The exercise  price per share shall be  determined by the Committee but
shall in no event be less than the Fair Market Value of a share of Company Stock
on the date the Option is granted.

     (c) Term and Exercise of Options

          (1)   The applicable Award Agreement will provide the date or dates on
which an Option shall become  exercisable.  The  Committee  shall  determine the
expiration  date of each Option;  provided,  however,  that no  Incentive  Stock
Option shall be exercisable more than ten years after the date of grant. Options
that become exercisable solely on the basis of the passage of time (e.g., not on
the basis of any performance standards) will not become exercisable earlier than
the  first  anniversary  of the  date  of  grant,  except  that  Options  may be
exercisable sooner under any of the following circumstances as more specifically
set forth in the applicable Award Agreement:  (i) the Participant's  death; (ii)
the Participant's Disability; (iii) the Participant's "retirement" as defined in
the Award  Agreement  consistent  with the  Company's  retirement  policies  and
programs; (iv) a Participant's termination of employment with the Company due to
workforce  reduction,  job  elimination  or  divestiture  as  determined  by the
Committee;  (v) a Change in Control  consistent  with the  provisions of Section
7(f);  or (vi) in  connection  with  establishing  the terms and  conditions  of
employment of an individual  necessary for the  recruitment of the individual or
as the result of a business combination or acquisition by the Company.

          (2)   An  Option may be exercised for all or any portion of the shares
as to which it is exercisable;  provided,  that no partial exercise of an Option
shall be for an  aggregate  exercise  price of less  than  $2,500.  The  partial
exercise  of  an  Option  shall  not  cause  the   expiration,   termination  or
cancellation of the remaining portion thereof.

          (3)   Unless the Committee  determines otherwise,  an Option  shall be
exercised  by  delivering  notice  to the  Company's  principal  office,  to the
attention of its Secretary (or the Secretary's  designee),  no less than one nor
more than ten  business  days in advance of the  effective  date of the proposed
exercise.  Such notice shall  specify the number of shares of Company Stock with
respect to which the Option is being  exercised  and the  effective  date of the
proposed  exercise and shall be signed by the  Participant  or other person then
having the right to  exercise  the Option.  Payment for shares of Company  Stock
purchased  upon the exercise of an Option shall be made on the effective date of
such exercise by one or a combination  of the following  means:  (i) in cash, by
certified  check,  bank cashier's  check or wire  transfer;  (ii) subject to the
approval of the Committee,  by the Participant  tendering (either actually or by
attestation) owned and unencumbered shares of Company Stock which have been held
by the  Participant  for at least six months  prior to the date of exercise  and
valued at their Fair Market Value on the  effective  date of such  exercise;  or
(iii) by means of a broker assisted cashless exercise  procedure  complying with
applicable  law, and (iv) by such other provision as the Committee may from time
to time  authorize.  Any payment in shares of Company Stock shall be effected by
the delivery of such shares to the  Secretary (or the  Secretary's  designee) of
the Company, duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by stock powers duly executed


in blank,  together with any other  documents and evidences as the Secretary (or
the Secretary's designee) of the Company shall require.

          (4)   Certificates  for shares of  Company  Stock  purchased  upon the
exercise of an Option  shall be issued in the name of the  Participant  or other
person entitled to receive such shares, and delivered to the Participant or such
other person as soon as  practicable  following the effective  date on which the
Option is exercised.

     (d)  Limitations on Incentive Stock Options

          (1)   Incentive  Stock Options may be granted only to employees of the
Company or any "subsidiary  corporation"  thereof (within the meaning of Section
424(f) of the Code and the applicable regulations thereunder).

          (2)   To the extent that the aggregate  Fair Market Value of shares of
Company Stock with respect to which  Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for
the first time by a Participant  during any calendar year under the Plan and any
other stock option plan of the Company (or any  "subsidiary  corporation" of the
Company within the meaning of Section 424 of the Code) shall exceed $100,000, or
such  higher  value as may be  permitted  under  Section  422 of the Code,  such
Options shall be treated as Non-Qualified Stock Options.  Such Fair Market Value
shall be determined as of the date on which each such Incentive  Stock Option is

          (3)   No Incentive Stock Option may be granted to an individual if, at
the time of the proposed grant,  such individual owns stock possessing more than
10% of the total  combined  voting  power of all classes of stock of the Company
(or any  "subsidiary  corporation"  of the Company within the meaning of Section
424 of the Code),  unless (i) the exercise price of such Incentive  Stock Option
is at least 110% of the Fair  Market  Value of a share of  Company  Stock at the
time such Incentive Stock Option is granted and (ii) such Incentive Stock Option
is not  exercisable  after  the  expiration  of five  years  from the date  such
Incentive Stock Option is granted.

     (e)  Effect of Termination of Employment

          (1)   Unless the applicable Award Agreement  provides or the Committee
shall  determine  otherwise,  in the event that the  employment of a Participant
with the Company shall  terminate  for any reason other than Cause,  Retirement,
Disability  or death : (i) Options  granted to such  Participant,  to the extent
that they were exercisable at the time of such termination,  shall expire at the
close of  business on the 30th day  following  the later of (A) the date of such
termination or (B) the date on which any period,  as determined by the Committee
in a  reasonable  manner,  which  prohibits  the  Participant  from  trading  in
securities  of the  Company  due  to the  Participant's  knowledge  of  material
non-public  information ends; and (ii) Options granted to such  Participant,  to
the extent that they were not exercisable at the time of such termination, shall
expire at the close of business on the date of such termination. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, no Option shall be exercisable after the expiration of its term.

          (2)   Unless the applicable Award  Agreement provides or the Committee
shall  determine  otherwise,  in the event that the  employment of a Participant
with the Company  shall  terminate on account of the  Disability or death of the
Participant:  (i) Options granted to such  Participant,  to the extent that they
were exercisable at the time of such termination, shall remain exercisable until
the first anniversary of such termination,  on which date they shall expire; and
(ii)  Options  granted to such  Participant,  to the  extent  that they were not
exercisable  at the  time of such  termination,  shall  expire  at the  close of
business on the date of such  termination.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no
Option shall be exercisable after the expiration of its original term.

          (3)   In the event of the  termination of a  Participant's  employment
for Cause, all outstanding  Options granted to such Participant  shall expire at
the commencement of business on the date of such termination.


          (4)   In the event of the termination of a Participant's employment at
a time of Retirement  and other than for Cause,  (i) all Options  granted to the
Participant,  to the  extent  they  have  not  otherwise  expired,  will  become
exercisable  and (ii) all Options shall remain  exercisable  for a period of six
months,  on which date they shall  expire.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no
Option shall be exercisable after the expiration of its original term.

          (5)   Upon  a  non-employee   director's  cessation  of  service,  the
exercisability  of Options will be as set out in the applicable  Award Agreement
or as the Committee shall determine.

     (f)  Effect of Change in Control

     Unless the Award Agreement provides or the Committee determines  otherwise,
upon the termination of a Participant's  employment  within 36 months  following
the occurrence of a Change in Control and if such  termination is not (i) due to
the  Participant's  death or  Disability,  (ii) a termination by the Company for
Cause and (iii) a voluntary  termination by the Participant  absent Good Reason,
each Option  granted  under the Plan and  outstanding  at such time shall become
fully  and  immediately   exercisable  and  shall  remain   exercisable   remain
exercisable  for a period of six  months,  on which date they shall  expire.  In
addition,  in the event of a potential  Change in Control,  the Committee may in
its discretion,  cancel any outstanding  Options and pay to the holders thereof,
in cash or stock,  or any combination  thereof,  the value of such Options based
upon the price per share of Company  Stock to be received by other  stockholders
of the Company in the Change in Control less the exercise  price of each Option.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no  Option  shall  be  exercisable  after  the
expiration of its original term.

     (g)  Transferability

     During the lifetime of a Participant  each Option  granted to a Participant
shall be exercisable  only by the  Participant and no Option shall be assignable
or  transferable  otherwise  than  by  will  or  by  the  laws  of  descent  and
distribution.  The Committee may in its sole discretion on a case by case basis,
in any  applicable  agreement  evidencing  an Option  (other than, to the extent
inconsistent  with the  requirements  of Section 422 of the Code  applicable  to
Incentive  Stock  Options),  permit a Participant to transfer all or some of the
Options to (i) the  Participant's  Immediate Family Members,  or (ii) a trust or
trusts for the exclusive benefit of such Immediate Family Members. Following any
such transfer,  any transferred Options shall continue to be subject to the same
terms and  conditions  as were  applicable  immediately  prior to the  transfer.
"Immediate  Family  Members" shall mean a Participant's  spouse,  child(ren) and
grandchild(ren).  In no event may an Option be  transferred  for  consideration.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Non-Qualified Stock Options may be transferred to
a Participant's  former spouse pursuant to a property settlement made part of an
agreement or court order incident to the divorce.


     (a)  Exercise Price

     The exercise  price per share of a SAR shall be determined by the Committee
at the time of grant,  but shall in no event be less than the Fair Market  Value
of a share of Company Stock on the date of grant.

     (b) Benefit Upon Exercise

     The exercise of SARs with respect to any number of shares of Company  Stock
shall entitle the Participant to receive unrestricted, fully transferable shares
of Company Stock,  cash or any  combination  of Company Stock and cash,  payable
within 2 1/2 months of the date on which the SARs are exercised,  equal in value
to the number of SARs  exercised  multiplied  by (i) the Fair Market  Value of a
share of Company Stock on the exercise date minus (ii) the exercise price of the
SAR. Fractional share amounts shall be settled in cash. The form of payment upon
the exercise of SARs will be determined  by the Committee  either at the time of
grant of the SARs or at the time of exercise of the SARs.


     (c)  Term and Exercise of SARS

          (1)   The  applicable  Award Agreement will provide the dates or dates
on which a SAR shall become  exercisable.  The  Committee  shall  determine  the
expiration date of each SAR. SARs that become exercisable solely on the basis of
the passage of time (e.g.,  not on the basis of any performance  standards) will
not become exercisable  earlier than the first anniversary of the date of grant,
except  that  SARs  may  be  exercisable  sooner  under  any  of  the  following
circumstances as more  specifically set forth in the applicable Award Agreement:
(i) the  Participant's  death;  (ii) the  Participant's  Disability;  (iii)  the
Participant's "retirement" as defined in the Award Agreement consistent with the
Company's retirement policies and programs; (iv) a Participant's  termination of
employment  with the Company due to  workforce  reduction,  job  elimination  or
divestiture as determined by the Committee;  (v) a Change in Control  consistent
with the provisions of Section 8(e); or (vi) in connection with establishing the
terms  and  conditions  of  employment  of  an  individual   necessary  for  the
recruitment  of the  individual  or as the result of a business  combination  or
acquisition by the Company.

          (2)   A SAR may be  exercised  for all or any portion of the shares as
to which it is exercisable; provided, that no partial exercise of a SAR shall be
for an aggregate  exercise price of less than $2,500.  The partial exercise of a
SAR shall not cause the expiration, termination or cancellation of the remaining
portion thereof.

          (3)   Unless  the  Committee  determines  otherwise,  a SAR  shall  be
exercised  by  delivering  notice  to the  Company's  principal  office,  to the
attention of its Secretary (or the Secretary's  designee),  no less than one nor
more than ten  business  days in advance of the  effective  date of the proposed
exercise.  Such notice shall  specify the number of shares of Company Stock with
respect  to which  the SAR is being  exercised,  and the  effective  date of the
proposed exercise, and shall be signed by the Participant.

     (d)  Effect of Termination of Employment

     The  provisions  set forth in Section  7(e) with respect to the exercise of
Options following termination of employment shall apply as well to such exercise
of SARs.

     (e)  Effect of Change in Control

     Unless the Award Agreement provides or the Committee determines  otherwise,
upon the termination of a Participant's  employment  within 36 months  following
the occurrence of a Change in Control and if such  termination is not (i) due to
the  Participant's  death or  Disability,  (ii) a termination by the Company for
Cause and (iii) a voluntary  termination by the Participant  absent Good Reason,
each SAR granted under the Plan and  outstanding at such time shall become fully
and  immediately  exercisable  and shall remain  exercisable for a period of six
months,  on which  date  they  shall  expire.  In  addition,  in the  event of a
potential  Change in Control,  the Committee may in its  discretion,  cancel any
outstanding  SARs and pay to the holders  thereof,  in stock,  the value of such
SARs  based upon the price per share of Company  Stock to be  received  by other
stockholders  of the Company in the Change in Control less the exercise price of
each SAR.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  no SAR shall be exercisable after the
expiration of its original term.

     (f)  Transferability

     During the  lifetime of a  Participant  each SAR  granted to a  Participant
shall be exercisable  only by the  Participant and no SAR shall be assignable or
transferable  otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.
In no event may a SAR be  transferred  for  consideration.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  SARs may be transferred to a Participant's former spouse pursuant to
a property  settlement  made part of an agreement or court order incident to the



     (a)  Issue Date and Vesting Date

     At the time of the grant of shares of Restricted Stock, the Committee shall
establish an Issue Date or Issue Dates and a Vesting Date or Vesting  Dates with
respect to such shares.  The  Committee  may divide such shares into classes and
assign a different Issue Date and/or Vesting Date for each class. If the grantee
is  employed  by the  Company on an Issue Date (which may be the date of grant),
the specified number of shares of Restricted Stock shall be issued in accordance
with the provisions of Section 9(e). Provided that all conditions to the vesting
of a share of Restricted  Stock imposed  pursuant to Section 9(b) are satisfied,
and except as provided in Section 9(g),  upon the occurrence of the Vesting Date
with  respect to a share of  Restricted  Stock,  such  share  shall vest and the
restrictions of Section 9(c) shall cease to apply to such share.

     (b)  Conditions to Vesting

     At the time of the grant of shares of Restricted  Stock,  the Committee may
impose such  restrictions  or conditions to the vesting of such shares as it, in
its absolute discretion,  deems appropriate. By way of example and not by way of
limitation,  the  Committee  may  require,  as a condition to the vesting of any
class or classes of shares of  Restricted  Stock,  that the  Participant  or the
Company  achieves  such  performance  goals as the  Committee  may specify under
Section 12. Any shares of Restricted  Stock that vest solely on the basis of the
passage of time (e.g., not on the basis of any performance  standards) shall not
vest more quickly  than ratably over the three (3) year period  beginning on the
first  anniversary  of the date of grant,  except that the shares of  Restricted
Stock  may  vest  sooner  under  any  of the  following  circumstances  as  more
specifically set forth in the applicable Award Agreement:  (i) the Participant's
death; (ii) the Participant's Disability;  (iii) the Participant's  "retirement"
as defined  in the Award  Agreement  consistent  with the  Company's  retirement
policies and programs;  (iv) a Participant's  termination of employment with the
Company due to workforce reduction, job elimination or divestiture as determined
by the  Committee;  (v) a Change in Control  consistent  with the  provisions of
Section 9(h); or (vi) in connection with  establishing  the terms and conditions
of employment of an individual  necessary for the  recruitment of the individual
or as the result of a business combination or acquisition by the Company.

     (c)  Restrictions on Transfer Prior to Vesting

     Prior to the  vesting of a share of  Restricted  Stock,  no  transfer  of a
Participant's   rights  with  respect  to  such  share,   whether  voluntary  or
involuntary,  by operation of law or otherwise, shall be permitted.  Immediately
upon any  attempt to transfer  such  rights,  such share,  and all of the rights
related thereto, shall be forfeited by the Participant.

     (d)  Dividends on Restricted Stock

     The  Committee in its  discretion  may require that any  dividends  paid on
shares of  Restricted  Stock shall be held in escrow until all  restrictions  on
such shares have lapsed.

     (e)  Issuance of Certificates

          (1)   Reasonably  promptly after the Issue Date with respect to shares
of Restricted  Stock, the Company shall cause to be issued a stock  certificate,
registered  in the name of the  Participant  to whom such shares  were  granted,
evidencing such shares;  provided, that the Company shall not cause such a stock
certificate  to be issued  unless it has received a stock power duly endorsed in
blank with respect to such shares.  Each such stock  certificate  shall bear any
such legend as the Company may determine.

Such legend  shall not be removed  until such shares vest  pursuant to the terms

          (2)   Each  certificate issued pursuant to this Section 9(e), together


with the stock powers  relating to the shares of Restricted  Stock  evidenced by
such certificate, shall be held by the Company in such manner as the Company may
determine unless the Committee determines otherwise.

     (f)  Consequences of Vesting

     Upon the vesting of a share of  Restricted  Stock  pursuant to the terms of
the Plan and the applicable  Award  Agreement,  the restrictions of Section 9(c)
shall  cease  to  apply  to such  share.  Reasonably  promptly  after a share of
Restricted  Stock  vests,  the  Company  shall  cause  to be  delivered  to  the
Participant  to whom such shares were  granted,  a certificate  evidencing  such
share,  free of the  legend  set  forth in  Section  9(e).  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  such share  still may be subject to  restrictions  on  transfer as a
result of applicable securities laws or pursuant to Section 15.

     (g)  Effect of Termination of Employment

          (1)   Unless   the  applicable   Award   Agreement  or  the  Committee
determines otherwise, in the event of the termination of a Participant's service
to the Company for any reason other than Cause,  all shares of Restricted  Stock
granted  to such  Participant  which  have  not  vested  as of the  date of such
termination  shall  immediately  be forfeited  and returned to the Company.  The
Company also shall have the right to require the return of all dividends paid on
such shares,  whether by termination of any escrow  arrangement under which such
dividends are held or otherwise.

          (2)   In the event of the  termination of a  Participant's  employment
for Cause, all shares of Restricted Stock granted to such Participant which have
not vested prior to the date of such termination  shall immediately be forfeited
and returned to the Company, together with any dividends credited on such shares
by termination of any escrow  arrangement under which such dividends are held or

     (h)  Effect of Change in Control

     Unless the Award Agreement provides or the Committee determines  otherwise,
upon the termination of a Participant's  employment  within 36 months  following
the occurrence of a Change in Control and if such  termination is not (i) due to
the  Participant's  death or  Disability,  (ii) a termination by the Company for
Cause and (iii) a voluntary  termination by the Participant  absent Good Reason,
all  outstanding  shares of Restricted  Stock which have not  previously  vested
shall  immediately  vest.  In  addition,  in the event of a potential  Change in
Control,  the Committee may in its discretion,  cancel any outstanding shares of
Restricted  Stock  and pay to the  holders  thereof,  in cash or  stock,  or any
combination thereof, the value of such shares of Restricted Stock based upon the
price per share of Company  Stock to be  received by other  stockholders  of the
Company in the Change in Control.


     (a)  Vesting Date

     At the time of the grant of Restricted  Stock Units,  the  Committee  shall
establish  a Vesting  Date or Vesting  Dates with  respect to such  shares.  The
Committee  may divide such shares  into  classes and assign a different  Vesting
Date for each class. Provided that all conditions to the vesting of a Restricted
Stock Unit  imposed  pursuant  to  Section  10(d) are  satisfied,  and except as
provided in Section 10(e),  upon the occurrence of the Vesting Date with respect
to a Restricted  Stock Unit, such Restricted Stock Unit shall vest and shares of
Stock will be delivered pursuant to Section 10(c).

     (b)  Dividend Equivalents

Any Participant  selected by the Committee may be granted  Dividend  Equivalents
based on the dividends  declared on the shares of Company Stock that are subject


to any award of Restricted  Stock Units,  to be credited as of dividend  payment
dates,  during the period between the date the award is granted and the date the
award is  exercised,  vests or expires,  as determined  by the  Committee.  Such
Dividend  Equivalents shall be converted to cash or additional  Restricted Stock
Units by such formula and at such time and subject to such limitations as may be
determined by the Committee.

     (c)  Benefit Upon Vesting

     Upon the vesting of a  Restricted  Stock  Unit,  the  Participant  shall be
entitled to receive one unrestricted, fully transferable share of Stock for each
Restricted  Stock Unit  scheduled to be paid out on such date and not previously
forfeited,  or, in the sole  discretion  of the  Committee,  an amount,  payable
within 2 1/2  months of the date on which such  Restricted  Stock  Units  vests,
equal to the Fair Market Value of a share of Company  Stock on the date on which
such  Restricted  Stock Unit vests.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  shares of
Company Stock issued may be subject to  restrictions  on transfer as a result of
applicable securities laws or pursuant to Section 15.

     (d)  Conditions to Vesting

     At the time of the grant of  Restricted  Stock  Units,  the  Committee  may
impose such  restrictions or conditions to the vesting of such Restricted  Stock
Units as it, in its absolute  discretion,  deems appropriate.  By way of example
and not by way of limitation,  the Committee may require,  as a condition to the
vesting of any class or classes of Restricted Stock Units,  that the Participant
or the Company  achieves  such  performance  goals as the  Committee may specify
under  Section 12. Any  Restricted  Stock Units that vest solely on the basis of
the passage of time (e.g., not on the basis of any performance  standards) shall
not vest more quickly  than ratably over the three (3) year period  beginning on
the first  anniversary of the date of grant,  except that Restricted Stock Units
may vest sooner under any of the following  circumstances  as more  specifically
set forth in the applicable Award Agreement:  (i) the Participant's  death; (ii)
the Participant's Disability; (iii) the Participant's "retirement" as defined in
the Award  Agreement  consistent  with the  Company's  retirement  policies  and
programs; (iv) a Participant's termination of employment with the Company due to
workforce  reduction,  job  elimination  or  divestiture  as  determined  by the
Committee;  (v) a Change in Control  consistent  with the  provisions of Section
10(f);  or (vi) in  connection  with  establishing  the terms and  conditions of
employment of an individual  necessary for the  recruitment of the individual or
as the result of a business combination or acquisition by the Company.

     (e)  Effect of Termination of Employment

          (1)   Unless   the  applicable   Award   Agreement  or  the  Committee
determines otherwise, Restricted Stock Units that have not vested, together with
any dividends  credited on such Restricted Stock Units,  shall be forfeited upon
the Participant's termination of employment for any reason other than Cause.

          (2)   In the event of the  termination of a  Participant's  employment
for Cause, all Restricted Stock Units granted to such Participant which have not
vested  as of the  date of such  termination  shall  immediately  be  forfeited,
together with any dividends credited on such shares.

     (f)  Effect of Change in Control

     Unless the Award Agreement provides or the Committee determines  otherwise,
upon the termination of a Participant's  employment  within 36 months  following
the occurrence of a Change in Control and if such  termination is not (i) due to
the  Participant's  death or  Disability,  (ii) a termination by the Company for
Cause and (iii) a voluntary  termination by the Participant  absent Good Reason,
all outstanding  Restricted Stock Units which have not theretofore  vested shall
immediately  vest. In addition,  in the event of a potential  Change in Control,
the Committee may in its  discretion,  cancel any outstanding  Restricted  Stock
Units  and pay to the  holders  thereof,  in cash or stock,  or any  combination
thereof, the value of such Restricted Stock Units based upon the price per share
of Company  Stock to be  received  by other  stockholders  of the Company in the
Change in Control.



     In the event that the Committee grants a Stock Bonus, a certificate for the
shares of Company Stock  comprising such Stock Bonus shall be issued in the name
of the Participant to whom such grant was made and delivered to such Participant
as soon as practicable after the date on which such Stock Bonus is payable.


     (a)  Purpose.

     The purpose of this Section 12 is to provide the  Committee  the ability to
qualify  Incentive  Awards other than Options and SARs that are granted pursuant
to  Sections  9 and  10 as  Qualified  Performance-Based  Compensation.  If  the
Committee,  in its discretion,  decides to grant a Performance-Based  Award to a
Covered  Employee,  the  provisions  of this  Section 12 shall  control over any
contrary provision contained in Sections 9 and 10; provided,  however,  that the
Committee may in its discretion grant Incentive Awards to Covered  Employees and
to other  Participants  that are based on  performance  criteria or  performance
goals which do not satisfy the  requirements of this Section 12 and which may be
other than Performance Criteria or Performance Goals.

     (b)  Applicability.

     This Section 12 shall apply only to those Covered Employees selected by the
Committee to receive  Performance-Based  Awards.  The  designation  of a Covered
Employee  as a  Participant  for a  Performance  Period  shall not in any manner
entitle the Participant to receive an Incentive Award for the period.  Moreover,
designation of a Covered Employee as a Participant for a particular  Performance
Period shall not require  designation of such Covered  Employee as a Participant
in any subsequent  Performance Period and designation of one Covered Employee as
a Participant shall not require  designation of any other Covered Employees as a
Participant in such period or in any other period.

     (c)  Procedures with Respect to Performance-Based Awards.

     To the extent  necessary  to comply  with the  Qualified  Performance-Based
Compensation  requirements of Section  162(m)(4)(C) of the Code, with respect to
any Incentive  Award granted under Sections 9 and 10 which may be granted to one
or more  Covered  Employees,  no later  than  ninety  (90)  days  following  the
commencement  of any fiscal  year in  question  or any other  designated  fiscal
period or period of service (or such other time as may be required or  permitted
by Section 162(m) of the Code), the Committee  shall, in writing,  (a) designate
one or more Covered Employees, (b) select the Performance Criteria applicable to
the Performance Period, (c) establish the Performance Goals, and amounts of such
Awards, as applicable,  which may be earned for such Performance Period, and (d)
specify the relationship  between Performance Criteria and the Performance Goals
and the amounts of such  Awards,  as  applicable,  to be earned by each  Covered
Employee  for  such  Performance  Period.   Following  the  completion  of  each
Performance   Period,  the  Committee  shall  certify  in  writing  whether  the
applicable  Performance Goals have been achieved for such Performance Period. In
determining  the amount earned by a Covered  Employee,  the Committee shall have
the right to reduce or eliminate  (but not to increase) the amount  payable at a
given level of  performance  to take into  account  additional  factors that the
Committee  may deem  relevant  to the  assessment  of  individual  or  corporate
performance for the Performance Period.

     (d)  Payment of Performance-Based Awards.

     Unless otherwise provided in the applicable Award Agreement,  a Participant
must be employed by the Company or a Subsidiary  on the day a  Performance-Based
Award for such  Performance  Period is paid to the Participant.  Furthermore,  a
Participant shall be eligible to receive payment pursuant to a Performance-Based


Award for a Performance Period only if, and to the extent, the Performance Goals
for such period are achieved.

     (e)  Additional Limitations.

     Notwithstanding  any other provision of the Plan, any Incentive Award which
is  granted  to a Covered  Employee  and is  intended  to  constitute  Qualified
Performance-Based  Compensation  shall be subject to any additional  limitations
set forth in Section  162(m) of the Code  (including  any  amendment  to Section
162(m) of the Code) or any  regulations  or rulings issued  thereunder  that are
requirements for  qualification as qualified  performance-based  compensation as
described  in  Section  162(m)(4)(C)  of the Code,  and the Plan shall be deemed
amended to the extent necessary to conform to such requirements.


     No person shall have any rights as a stockholder with respect to any shares
of Company Stock covered by or relating to any Incentive Award until the date of
issuance of a stock certificate with respect to such shares. Except as otherwise
expressly  provided in Section 3(d), no adjustment to any Incentive  Award shall
be made for  dividends or other rights for which the record date occurs prior to
the date such stock certificate is issued.


     The  Committee  may permit or require the deferral of payment or settlement
of any Restricted Stock Unit or Stock Bonus subject to such rules and procedures
as it may  establish.  Payment  or  settlement  of  Options  or SARs  may not be
deferred  unless such deferral would not cause the provisions of Section 409A of
the Code to be violated.


     The  Committee  may impose,  either in the Award  Agreement  or at the time
shares  of  Company  Stock are  issued  in  settlement  of an  Incentive  Award,
restrictions  on the ability of the  Participant to sell or transfer such shares
of Company Stock.


     Nothing  contained in the Plan or any Award Agreement shall confer upon any
Participant  any right with respect to the  continuation  of  employment  by the
Company or interfere  in any way with the right of the  Company,  subject to the
terms of any  separate  employment  agreement  to the  contrary,  at any time to
terminate  such  employment or to increase or decrease the  compensation  of the

     No person  shall  have any claim or right to  receive  an  Incentive  Award
hereunder.  The  Committee's  granting of an Incentive Award to a Participant at
any time shall neither  require the Committee to grant any other Incentive Award
to such  Participant or other person at any time nor preclude the Committee from
making subsequent grants to such Participant or any other person.


     (a)  The Company shall be under no  obligation  to effect the  registration
pursuant  to the  Securities  Act of 1933 of any  interests  in the  Plan or any
shares of Company Stock to be issued  hereunder or to effect similar  compliance
under any state  laws.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the  contrary,  the
Company  shall  not  be  obligated  to  cause  to be  issued  or  delivered  any
certificates  evidencing shares of Company Stock pursuant to the Plan unless and
until the Company is advised by its counsel  that the  issuance  and delivery of
such  certificates  is in compliance  with all applicable  laws,  regulations of
governmental  authority  and the  requirements  of the  securities  exchange  or


automated  quotation  system  on which  shares  of  Company  Stock  are  listed.
Certificates  evidencing  shares of Company  Stock issued  pursuant to the terms
hereof,  may bear such  legends,  as the  Committee or the Company,  in its sole
discretion,  deems  necessary or desirable to insure  compliance with applicable
securities laws.

     (b)  The  transfer  of any  shares  of  Company  Stock  hereunder  shall be
effective only at such time as counsel to the Company shall have determined that
the issuance and delivery of such shares is in  compliance  with all  applicable
laws,  regulations  of  governmental  authority  and  the  requirements  of  the
securities  exchange or  automated  quotation  system on which shares of Company
Stock  are  listed.  The  Committee  may,  in its  sole  discretion,  defer  the
effectiveness  of any transfer of shares of Company stock  hereunder in order to
allow the  issuance of such shares to be made  pursuant  to  registration  or an
exemption  from  registration  or other methods for compliance  available  under
federal or state  securities  laws. The Company shall inform the  Participant in
writing of the Committee's  decision to defer the  effectiveness  of a transfer.
During the period of such a  deferral  in  connection  with the  exercise  of an
Option,  the  Participant  may, by written  notice,  withdraw  such exercise and
obtain the refund of any amount paid with respect thereto.

     (c)  It is intended that the Plan be applied and administered in compliance
with Rule 16b-3.  If any  provision  of the Plan would be in  violation  of Rule
16b-3 if applied as written, such provision shall not have effect as written and
shall be given  effect so as to comply with Rule  16b-3,  as  determined  by the
Committee.  The  Committee is  authorized to amend the Plan and to make any such
modifications  to Award  Agreements  to  comply  with Rule  16b-3,  as it may be
amended  from  time  to  time,  and  to  make  any  other  such   amendments  or
modifications  deemed necessary or appropriate to better accomplish the purposes
of the Plan in light of any amendments made to Rule 16b-3.


     Whenever  cash is to be paid  pursuant to an Incentive  Award,  the Company
shall have the right to deduct  therefrom  an amount  sufficient  to satisfy any
federal, state and local withholding tax requirements related thereto.

     Whenever  shares  of  Company  Stock  are to be  delivered  pursuant  to an
Incentive  Award, the Company shall have the right to require the Participant to
remit to the Company in cash an amount sufficient to satisfy any federal,  state
and local withholding tax requirements related thereto. With the approval of the
Committee,  which it shall have sole  discretion to grant and which approval may
be evidenced by the presence in the Award Agreement of an appropriate  reference
to such right, a Participant  may satisfy the foregoing  requirement by electing
to have the Company  withhold  from  delivery  shares of Company  Stock having a
value equal to the minimum  amount of tax required to be  withheld.  Such shares
shall be valued at their Fair Market Value on the date as of which the amount of
tax to be withheld is determined.  Fractional  share amounts shall be settled in
cash. Such a withholding election may be made with respect to all or any portion
of  the  shares  to  be  delivered  pursuant  to an  Incentive  Award.  Any  tax
withholding  above the minimum  amount of tax  required  to be withheld  must be
deducted from other amounts  payable to the  Participant or must be paid in cash
by the Participant.


     If any  Participant  shall, in connection with the acquisition of shares of
Company Stock under the Plan, make the election permitted under Section 83(b) of
the Code (i.e.,  an election to include in gross  income in the year of transfer
the amounts  specified in Section  83(b)) and  permitted  under the terms of the
Award  Agreement,  such  Participant  shall notify the Company of such  election
within  ten days of filing  notice of the  election  with the  Internal  Revenue
Service,  in  addition  to any  filing and  notification  required  pursuant  to
regulations issued under the authority of Code Section 83(b).



     Each Award  Agreement  with  respect to an  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall
require the  Participant  to notify the Company of any  disposition of shares of
Company  Stock  issued  pursuant  to the  exercise  of  such  Option  under  the
circumstances  described  in  Section  421(b) of the Code  (relating  to certain
disqualifying dispositions) within ten days of such disposition.


     Stockholder  approval of any amendment to the Plan shall be required if and
to the extent required by Rule 16b-3 or by any comparable or successor exemption
under which the Board of Directors  believes it is  appropriate  for the Plan to
qualify,  or if and to the extent the Board of  Directors  determines  that such
approval is appropriate for purposes of satisfying  Section 162(m),  Section 422
or Section  409A of the Code,  any  applicable  rule or listing  standard of any
stock exchange,  automated quotation system or similar organization,  or the New
York Business  Corporation  Law.  Except as otherwise  provide in the Plan,  the
Board of Directors may, at any time,  suspend or terminate the Plan or revise or
amend  it  in  any  respect  whatsoever.   Nothing  herein  shall  restrict  the
Committee's ability to exercise its discretionary  authority pursuant to Section
4, which  discretion may be exercised  without  amendment to the Plan. No action
hereunder may,  without the consent of a Participant,  reduce the  Participant's
rights under any outstanding Incentive Award.


     The grant to a  Participant  of an Option or SAR shall impose no obligation
upon such Participant to exercise such Option or SAR.


     Upon the death of a Participant  outstanding  Incentive  Awards  granted to
such  Participant may be exercised only by the executor or  administrator of the
Participant's  estate or by a person who shall have  acquired  the right to such
exercise by will or by the laws of descent and  distribution.  No transfer of an
Incentive  Award  by will or the  laws of  descent  and  distribution  shall  be
effective to bind the Company  unless the Company shall have been furnished with
(a) written  notice  thereof and with a copy of the Will and/or such evidence as
the Committee  may deem  necessary to establish the validity of the transfer and
(b) an agreement by the  transferee to comply with all the terms and  conditions
of the Incentive Award that are or would have been applicable to the Participant
and to be bound by the  acknowledgments  made by the  Participant  in connection
with the grant of the Incentive Award.

     Except as otherwise  provided,  no Incentive Award or interest in it may be
transferred,  assigned,  pledged or hypothecated by the Participant,  whether by
operation of law or otherwise,  or be made subject to  execution,  attachment or
similar process.


     The  expenses  of the  Plan  shall  be paid by the  Company.  Any  proceeds
received by the Company in connection  with any Incentive Award will be used for
general corporate purposes.


     In addition to the remedies of the Company  elsewhere  provided for herein,
failure by a Participant  (or  beneficiary)  to comply with any of the terms and
conditions of the Plan or the applicable Award Agreement, unless such failure is
remedied by such  Participant (or  beneficiary)  within ten days after notice of
such  failure  by the  Committee,  shall be  grounds  for the  cancellation  and
forfeiture of such Incentive  Award,  in whole or in part, as the Committee,  in
its sole discretion, may determine.



     The Plan  shall be  effective  as of the  Effective  Date.  Unless  earlier
terminated by the Board of Directors,  the right to grant Incentive Awards under
the  Plan  will  terminate  on the  tenth  anniversary  of the  Effective  Date.
Incentive Awards outstanding at Plan termination will remain in effect according
to their terms and the provisions of the Plan.


     Except to the extent preempted by any applicable federal law, the Plan will
be construed and  administered  in accordance  with the laws of the State of New
York, without reference to the principles of conflicts of laws thereunder.


                                   APPENDIX B

                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

          This Executive Variable  Compensation Plan (the "Plan") is intended to
enable  Columbus  McKinnon  Corporation  to attract,  motivate and retain highly
qualified  executives on a competitive basis and to provide financial incentives
to those executives in order to promote the success of the Company.  The Plan is
for the benefit of Participants. The Plan is designed to ensure that the bonuses
paid hereunder to Participants are deductible without limit under Section 162(m)
of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended,  and the  regulations  and
interpretations promulgated thereunder.


          The  following  terms have the meanings  indicated  unless a different
meaning is clearly required by the context:

          (a) "Base Salary"  means the  Participant's  annualized  salary on the
last day of the fiscal year. Base Salary shall be before both (i) deductions for
taxes  or   benefits;   and  (ii)   deferrals   of   compensation   pursuant  to
Company-sponsored plans.

          (b) "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

          (c) "Chief  Executive  Officer" has the meaning set forth in Rule 3b-7
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

          (d) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          (e) "Committee" means the Compensation and Succession Committee of the
Board of Directors or a subcommittee  thereof.  The Committee at all times shall
be composed of at least two directors of Columbus  McKinnon  Corporation each of
whom shall be "outside  directors"  within the meaning of Section  162(m) of the

          (f) "Company" means Columbus  McKinnon  Corporation and its affiliated
group of corporations as defined in Section 1504 of the Code (determined without
regard to Section 1504(b) of the Code).

          (g) "Participant"  means  an individual who  participates  in the Plan
pursuant to Section 2.


          "Eligible  Executives"  for a fiscal year are defined as (i) the Chief
Executive  Officer of the  Company on the first day of such year or a person who
becomes the Chief Executive Officer during such year by virtue of being hired or
promoted and (ii) any other officer of the Company  designated by the Committee.
Within the first  ninety (90) days of each fiscal year (or such other  period as


may be permitted by Section  162(m) of the Code),  the Committee  will designate
those  Eligible  Executives  who are to be  "Participants"  in the Plan for that
fiscal year.


          The  Committee  shall  have  the  sole  discretion  and  authority  to
administer  the Plan,  interpret  the terms  and  provisions  of the Plan and to
establish, adjust, pay or decline to pay bonuses under the Plan.


          Within the first  ninety (90) days of each fiscal year of the Company,
the  Committee  shall  set one or more  objective  performance  goals  for  each
Participant  for such  year.  Such  goals  shall be  expressed  in terms of: net
earnings (either before or after interest, taxes, depreciation or amortization),
economic  value-added  (as determined by the Committee),  sales or revenue,  net
income (either before or after taxes),  operating earnings or income,  cash flow
(including,  but not limited to,  operating cash flow and free cash flow),  cash
flow return on capital,  return on investment,  return on stockholders'  equity,
return on assets or net assets, return on capital,  debt reduction,  stockholder
returns,  return on sales,  gross or net profit margin,  productivity,  expense,
margins,  operating efficiency,  cost reduction or savings, customer or employee
satisfaction,  safety, working capital,  earnings or diluted earnings per share,
price per share of Company stock, and market share, any of which may be measured
either in  absolute  terms or as  compared  to any  incremental  increase  or as
compared to results of a peer group.


          (a)  Within  the first  ninety  (90) days of each  fiscal  year of the
Company,  the Committee will specify the objective  terms and conditions for the
determination  and  payment  of a bonus for each  Participant.  At the time that
annual performance goals are set for Participants, the Committee shall establish
a maximum award opportunity for each Participant for the year. The maximum award
opportunity  shall be related to the  Participant's  Base Salary at the start of
the year by a formula  that takes  account of the degree of  achievement  of the
goals set for the Participant;  provided, however, that the Committee shall have
absolute  discretion to reduce the actual bonus payment that would  otherwise be
payable to any Participant on the basis of achievement of performance goals. The
maximum award paid to a Participant in respect of a particular fiscal year shall
in no event exceed an amount equal to 300% of a  Participant's  Base Salary.  In
the event of a change in the Company's  fiscal year, the Plan shall apply,  with
appropriate pro-rata adjustments,  to any fiscal period not consisting of twelve

          (b) No  bonuses  shall be paid to a  Participant  unless and until the
Committee makes a certification in writing with respect to the attainment of the
performance  goals as  required  by  Section  162(m) of the Code.  Although  the
Committee  may in its sole  discretion  reduce a bonus  payable to a Participant
based on such  objective  and/or  subjective  factors as it may  determine,  the
Committee  shall have no  discretion  to increase the amount of a  Participant's
bonus  as  determined  under  the  applicable  objective  terms  and  conditions
established for such bonus amount.

          (c) Following the Committee's  determination  and certification of the
amount of any bonus  payable,  such amount will be paid in cash  (subject to any


election made by a Participant  with respect to the deferral of all or a portion
of his or her bonus or the  payment  of all or a portion  of his or her bonus in
some form other than cash).  Payment of the bonus amount will be made as soon as
feasible after the Committee's certification of the amount payable but not after
two and one-half months  following the end of the fiscal year to which the bonus

          (d) In the  event of the  death of a  Participant  after  the end of a
fiscal year and prior to any payment otherwise required pursuant to Section 5.3,
such payment shall be made to the representative of the Participant's estate.

          (e) In the  event  of  the  death,  disability,  retirement  or  other
termination  of employment of a Participant  during a fiscal year, the Committee
shall,  in its discretion,  have the power to award to such  Participant (or the
representative of the Participant's estate) an equitably prorated portion of the
bonus which otherwise would have been earned by such Participant.

          (f) The right of a  Participant  or of any other person to any payment
under the Plan shall not be assigned, transferred,  pledged or encumbered in any
manner and any attempted  assignment,  transfer,  pledge or encumbrance shall be
null and void and of no force or effect.


          The Board of  Directors  may at any time amend the Plan in any fashion
or terminate or suspend the Plan; provided that no amendment shall be made which
would cause bonuses  payable under the Plan to fail to qualify for the exemption
from  the  limitations  of  Section  162(m)  of the  Code  provided  in  Section
162(m)(4)(C) of the Code. Upon any such termination, all rights of a Participant
with respect to any fiscal year that has not ended on or prior to the  effective
date of such termination  shall become null and void. Any amendments to the Plan
shall require shareholder approval only to the extent required by Section 162(m)
of the Code.


          No bonuses shall be paid under the Plan unless and until the Company's
shareholders  shall have approved the Plan and the performance goals as required
by Section  162(m) of the Code.  If the Plan is amended in any way that  changes
the material  terms of the Plan's  performance  goals,  including by  materially
modifying the performance goals,  increasing the maximum bonus payable under the
Plan or  changing  the  Plan's  eligibility  requirements,  the  Plan  shall  be
resubmitted  to the Company's  shareholders  for approval as required by Section
162(m) of the Code.


          (a) The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
internal laws of the State of New York  applicable to contracts  made, and to be
wholly performed,  within such State,  without regard to principles of choice of

          (b) All amounts required to be paid under the Plan shall be subject to
any  required  Federal,  state,  local  and  other  applicable  withholdings  or

          (c) Nothing contained in the Plan shall confer upon any Participant or
any other person any right with respect to the continuation of employment by the


Company  or  interfere  in any way with the right of the  Company at any time to
terminate such employment or to increase or decrease the compensation payable to
the Participant  from the rate in effect at the commencement of a fiscal year or
to otherwise modify the terms of such Participant's  employment. No person shall
have any claim or right to  participate  in or receive  any award under the Plan
for any particular fiscal year.


                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                            TO BE HELD JULY 31, 2006


     The undersigned  hereby appoints  TIMOTHY T. TEVENS and KAREN L. HOWARD and
each or any of them, attorneys and proxies, with full power of substitution,  to
vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of COLUMBUS McKINNON CORPORATION (the
"Company")  to be held at the Ramada Hotel and  Conference  Center at 2402 North
Forest Road, Amherst,  New York, on July 31, 2006 at 10:00 a.m., local time, and
any  adjournment(s)  thereof revoking all previous proxies,  with all powers the
undersigned would possess if present, to act upon the following matters and upon
such  other   business  as  may   properly   come  before  the  meeting  or  any
adjournment(s) thereof.

                (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)


                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                                  July 31, 2006

                            PROXY VOTING INSTRUCTIONS

- ----
                                 - OR -
- ---------
                               - OR -
- --------

COMPANY NUMBER IS   ___________________

ACCOUNT NUMBER IS   ___________________

You may enter your voting instructions at 1 -800-PROXIES or up
until 11:59 PM Eastern Time the day before the cut-off or meeting date.

     Please detach along the perforated  line and mail in the envelope  provided
IF you are not voting via telephone or the internet.



                                                   o  TIMOTHY T. TEVENS
                                                   o  CARLOS PASCUAL
         FOR ALL NOMINEES                          o  RICHARD H. FLEMING

|_|      FOR ALL EXCEPT                            o  ERNEST R. VEREBELYI
         (see instructions below)
                                                   o  WALLACE W. CREEK

                                                   o  STEPHEN RABINOWITZ

                                                   o  LINDA A. GOODSPEED

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold  authority to vote for any individual  nominee(s) mark
- -----------
"FOR  ALL  EXCEPT"  and  fill in  the  circle  next to each  nominee you wish to


         |_|  FOR         |_|  AGAINST        |_|  ABSTAIN



         |_|  FOR         |_|  AGAINST        |_|  ABSTAIN

4.   In their discretion, the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.


To change the address on your account, please check the box at right    |_|
and indicate your new address in the address space above. Please
note that changes to the registered name(s) on the account may not
be submitted via this method.

Signature of Shareholder _____________________ Date:___________________

Signature of Shareholder _____________________ Date:___________________

Note:  Please sign exactly as name  appears on this Proxy.  When shares are held
jointly,  each holder  should sign.  When  signing as  executor,  administrator,
attorney,  trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If the signer is
a corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by duly  authorized  officer,
giving  full  title  as  such.  If  signer  is a  partnership,  please  sign  in
partnership name by authorized person.


                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN
                            TO BE HELD JULY 31, 2006


     The Trustees of the Columbus McKinnon  Corporation Employee Stock Ownership
Plan (the "ESOP") are hereby  authorized  to represent and to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders of COLUMBUS  McKINNON  CORPORATION (the "Company") to be
held at the  Ramada  Hotel and  Conference  Center at 2402  North  Forest  Road,
Amherst,  New  York,  on July  31,  2006 at  10:00  a.m.,  local  time,  and any
adjournment(s)  thereof  revoking  all  previous  proxies,  with all  powers the
undersigned would possess if present, to act upon the following matters and upon
such  other   business  as  may   properly   come  before  the  meeting  or  any
adjournment(s) thereof.

                (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)



                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                                  July 31, 2006


                            PROXY VOTING INSTRUCTIONS

- ----
                                 - OR -
- ---------
                               - OR -

- --------

COMPANY NUMBER IS   ___________________

ACCOUNT NUMBER IS   ___________________

You may enter your voting instructions at 1 -800-PROXIES or up
until 11:59 PM Eastern Time the day before the cut-off or meeting date.

     Please detach along the perforated  line and mail in the envelope  provided
IF you are not voting via telephone or the internet.




                                                   o  TIMOTHY T. TEVENS
                                                   o  CARLOS PASCUAL
         FOR ALL NOMINEES                          o  RICHARD H. FLEMING

|_|      FOR ALL EXCEPT                            o  ERNEST R. VEREBELYI
         (see instructions below)
                                                   o  WALLACE W. CREEK

                                                   o  STEPHEN RABINOWITZ

                                                   o  LINDA A. GOODSPEED

INSTRUCTION:  To  withhold  authority to vote for any individual nominee(s) mark
- ------------
"FOR ALL EXCEPT" and fill in the circle next to eachnominee you wish to withhold



         |_|  FOR         |_|  AGAINST        |_|  ABSTAIN


         |_|  FOR         |_|  AGAINST        |_|  ABSTAIN

4. In their  discretion,  the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.


To change the address on your account, please check the box at right   |_|
and indicate your new address in the address space above. Please
note that changes to the registered name(s) on the account may not
be submitted via this method.

Signature of Shareholder _____________________ Date:___________________

Signature of Shareholder _____________________ Date:___________________

Note:  Please sign exactly as name  appears on this Proxy.  When shares are held
jointly,  each holder  should sign.  When  signing as  executor,  administrator,
attorney,  trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If the signer is
a corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by duly  authorized  officer,
giving  full  title  as  such.  If  signer  is a  partnership,  please  sign  in
partnership name by authorized person.


                                   BROKER CARD

                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                            TO BE HELD JULY 31, 2006


     The undersigned  hereby appoints  TIMOTHY T. TEVENS and KAREN L. HOWARD and
each or any of them, attorneys and proxies, with full power of substitution,  to
vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of COLUMBUS McKINNON CORPORATION (the
"Company")  to be held at the Ramada Hotel and  Conference  Center at 2402 North
Forest Road, Amherst,  New York, on July 31, 2006 at 10:00 a.m., local time, and
any  adjournment(s)  thereof revoking all previous proxies,  with all powers the
undersigned would possess if present, to act upon the following matters and upon
such  other   business  as  may   properly   come  before  the  meeting  or  any
adjournment(s) thereof.

                (Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)


                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

                                  July 31, 2006

                            PROXY VOTING INSTRUCTIONS

                           PLEASE DATE, SIGN AND MAIL
                             YOUR PROXY CARD IN THE
                            ENVELOPE PROVIDED AS SOON
                                   AS POSSIBLE

Please detach along the perforated line and mail in the envelope provided IF you
are not voting via telephone or the internet.



                                                   o  TIMOTHY T. TEVENS
                                                   o  CARLOS PASCUAL
         FOR ALL NOMINEES                          o  RICHARD H. FLEMING

|_|      FOR ALL EXCEPT                            o  ERNEST R. VEREBELYI
         (see instructions below)
                                                   o  WALLACE W. CREEK

                                                   o  STEPHEN RABINOWITZ

                                                   o  LINDA A. GOODSPEED

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold  authority to vote for any individual  nominee(s) mark
- -----------
"FOR  ALL  EXCEPT"  and  fill in the  circle  next to each  nominee  you wish to


         |_|  FOR         |_|  AGAINST        |_|  ABSTAIN


         |_|  FOR         |_|  AGAINST        |_|  ABSTAIN


4. In their  discretion,  the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.


To change the address on your account, please check the box at right   |_|
and indicate your new address in the address space above. Please
note that changes to the registered name(s) on the account may not
be submitted via this method.

Signature of Shareholder _____________________ Date:___________________

Signature of Shareholder _____________________ Date:___________________

Note:  Please sign exactly as name  appears on this Proxy.  When shares are held
jointly,  each holder  should sign.  When  signing as  executor,  administrator,
attorney,  trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If the signer is
a corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by duly  authorized  officer,
giving  full  title  as  such.  If  signer  is a  partnership,  please  sign  in
partnership name by authorized person.
