Exhibit 3.1

                          COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION

     The undersigned,  Herbert P. Ladds,  Jr. and Lois H. Demler,  the President
and Secretary, respectively, of Columbus McKinnon Corporation, hereby certify:

     1. The name of the corporation is Columbus McKinnon  Corporation.  The name
under which the  corporation  was originally  formed is Columbus  McKinnon Chain
Co., Inc.

     2. The Certificate of Incorporation was filed by the Department of State on
September 23, 1929.

     3. The Certificate of Incorporation, as previously amended and restated, is
hereby further amended as follows:

     a. To change the 2,002,600 currently  authorized shares, of which 2,000,000
shares are designated as Common Shares, par value $0.01 per share, consisting of
1,000,000 Class A Voting Common Shares and 1,000,000  Class B Non-Voting  Common
Shares,  and of which 2,600 shares are designated as Preferred Shares, par value
$1.00 per share, to 51,000,000  authorized  shares,  of which 50,000,000  shares
shall be designated as Common  Shares,  par value $0.01 per share,  and of which
1,000,000  shares shall be designated as Preferred  Shares,  par value $1.00 per
share. To effect the foregoing amendment, paragraph FOURTH of the Certificate of
Incorporation is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

     "Fourth:  The total number of shares which the corporation is authorized to
     issue is 51,000,000 shares, of which 50,000,000 shares, par value $0.01 per
     share,  are  designated  as common  shares  ("Common  Shares") and of which
     1,000,000  shares,  par value $1.00 per share,  are designated as preferred
     shares ("Preferred Shares"), which may be designated, from time to time, as
     one or more c] asses or series of Preferred Shares, in such number and with
     such  designations,  preferences,  rights,  qualifications,  limitations or
     restrictions as shall be stated in the resolution or resolutions  providing
     for the issuance of such class or series of Preferred Shares adopted by the
     Board of  Directors  from time to time,  pursuant to the  authority  hereby
     given,  the terms of which  shall have been set forth in a  Certificate  of
     Amendment  executed,  verified  and  filed in the  manner  required  by the
     Business  Corporation Law;  provided,  however,  that all shares of any one
     series or class of Preferred Shares shall be alike in every particular.

          Subject to the  rights of the  holders of any  Preferred  Shares,  the
     holders of Common  Shares are entitled to receive  dividends  out of assets
     legally  available  therefor at such times and in such amounts as the Board
     of Directors may from time to time determine.

     b. To add  provisions  regarding  the  election,  removal and powers of the
Board of Directors.  To effect the foregoing amendment,  a new Article EIGHTH is
hereby  added to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to read in its entirety as

     "EIGHTH:  In furtherance  and not in limitation of the powers  conferred by
     statute,  the Board of Directors of the  corporation  shall have concurrent
     power with the  shareholders  to adopt,  amend or repeal the By-laws of the
     corporation  by such vote of the  directors  as is set forth in the By-laws
     but in no event by less than a majority  of the entire  Board of  Directors
     (inclusive of vacancies).

          The number of directors shall be not less than three (3) nor more than
     nine (9). Subject to such limitation,  the number of directors may be fixed
     by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors then in office.

                                     - 2 -

     A director  may be removed at any time for cause by a majority  vote of the
     directors then in office.

     c. To expand the provisions contained in Article SEVENTH of the Certificate
of Incorporation  regarding the indemnification of directors of the corporation.
To effect the  foregoing  amendment,  Article  SEVENTH is  renumbered as Article
SIXTH and is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

     "SIXTH:  (a) To the fullest  extent that the New York Business  Corporation
     Law, as now in effect or as may hereafter be amended,  permits  elimination
     or limitation of the liability of directors, no director of the corporation
     shall be liable to the corporation or its  shareholders for damages for any
     reach of duty in such capacity.  Any repeal or modification of this Article
     by the shareholders of the corporation  shall be prospective only and shall
     not  adversely  affect  any  elimination  or  limitation  of  the  personal
     liability of a director of the corporation for acts or omissions  occurring
     prior to the effective date of such repeal or modification.

          (b) The corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless each person (and
     the heirs,  executors,  or  administrators  of such person) who was or is a
     party  or is  threatened  to be  made a party  to,  or is  involved  in any
     threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil,
     criminal, administrative, or investigative, by reason of the fact that such
     person is or was a  director  or officer  of the  corporation  or is or was
     serving at the  request  of the  corporation  as a  director  or officer of
     another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise,
     its directors and officers to the fullest extent  permitted by the Business
     Corporation Law, as the same exists or may hereafter be amended;  provided,
     however,  that except for proceedings to enforce rights to indemnification,
     the corporation shall not be obligated to indemnify any director or officer
     (or his or her heirs,  executors or  administrators)  in connection  with a
     proceeding  (or  part  thereof)   initiated  by  such  person  unless  such
     proceeding (or part thereof) was authorized or consented to by the Board of
     Directors of the corporation.

                                     - 3 -

          (c)  Expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees)incurred  by an officer or
     director in defending any civil, Criminal,  administrative or investigative
     action,  suit or proceeding  shall be paid by the corporation in advance of
     final  disposition  of such action,  suit or proceeding  upon receipt of an
     undertaking  by or on behalf of such  director  or  officer  to repay  such
     amount if it shall  ultimately be determined  that he is not entitled to be
     indemnified by the corporation as authorized in this Article.

          (d) To the  extent  authorized  from  time  to time  by the  Board  of
     Directors, the corporation may provide rights to indemnification and to the
     advancement of expenses to employees and agents of the  corporation who are
     not  directors  or officers  similar to those  conferred in this Article to
     directors and officers of the corporation.

          (e) The rights to  indemnification  and to the advancement of expenses
     conferred in this  Article  shall not be exclusive of any other right which
     any  person  may  have or  hereafter  acquire  under  this  Certificate  of
     Incorporation, the By-laws, any statute, agreement, vote of shareholders or

     4. The text of the Certificate of Incorporation,  as amended heretofore, is
hereby restated, as further amended herein, to read in its entirety as follows:

     FIRST: The name of the corporation is Columbus McKinnon Corporation.

     SECOND:  The purpose of the  corporation  is to engage in any lawful act or
activity for which corporations may be organized under the Business  Corporation
Law,  provided  that it shall not engage in any act or  activity  requiring  the
consent or approval of any state official,  department,  board,  agency or other
body without such consent or approval first being obtained.

     THIRD:  The office of the corporation is to be located in Erie County,  New

                                     - 4 -

     FOURTH:  The total number of shares which the  corporation is authorized to
issue is 51,000,000  shares,  of which  50,000,000  shares,  par value $0.01 per
share, are designated as common shares ("Common  Shares") and of which 1,000,000
shares,   par  value  $1.00  per  share,  are  designated  as  preferred  shares
("Preferred Shares"), which may be designated, from time to time, as one or more
classes  or  series  of  Preferred   Shares,   in  such  number  and  with  such
designations,  preferences, rights, qualifications,  limitations or restrictions
as shall be stated in the resolution or  resolutions  providing for the issuance
of such class or series of  Preferred  Shares  adopted by the Board of Directors
from time to time,  pursuant to the authority  hereby given,  the terms of which
shall have been set forth in a Certificate of Amendment  executed,  verified and
filed in the manner required by the Business Corporation Law; provided, however,
that all shares of any one series or class of Preferred Shares shall be alike in
every particular.

     Subject to the rights of the holders of any Preferred  Shares,  the holders
of Common  Shares  are  entitled  to  receive  dividends  out of assets  legally
available  therefor at such times and in such  amounts as the Board of Directors
may from time to time determine.

     FIFTH: The Secretary of State is designated as the agent of the corporation
upon whom process against it may be served, and the post office address to which
the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any such process  served upon him or
her is:

                                     - 5 -

Columbus McKinnon Corporaiton, 140 John James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York

     SIXTH: (a) To the fullest extent that the Business  Corporation Law, as now
in force or as may hereafter he amended,  permits  elimination or. limitation of
the liability of directors,  no director of the  corporation  shall be liable to
the  corporation or its  shareholders  for damages for any reach of duty in such
capacity.  Any repeal or modification of this Article by the shareholders of the
corporation  shall be  prospective  only and  shall  not  adversely  affect  any
elimination  or  limitation  of the  personal  liability  of a  director  of the
corporation for acts or omissions  occurring prior to the effective date of such
repeal or modification.

     (c) The corporation  shall indemnify and hold harmless each person (and the
heirs,  executors,  or administrators of such person) who,. was or is a party or
is threatened to be made a party to, or is involved in any  threatened,  pending
or   completed   action,   suit  or   proceeding,   whether   civil,   criminal,
administrative,  or investigative,  by reason of the fact that such person is or
was a director or officer of the corporation or is or was serving at the request
of the corporation as a director or officer of another corporation, partnership,
joint  venture,  trust or other  enterprise,  its  directors and officers to the
fullest extent permitted by the Business Corporation Law, as now in effect or as
may hereafter be amended;  provided,  however,  that except for  proceedings  to
enforce rights to indemnification, the

                                     - 6 -

corporation  shall not be obligated to indemnify any director or officer (or his
or her heirs,  executors or  administrators) in connection with a proceeding (or
part thereof)  initiated by such person unless such proceeding (or part thereof)
was authorized or consented to by the Board of Directors.

     (c) Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by an officer or director
in defending any civil,  criminal,  administrative or investigative action, suit
or proceeding  shall be paid by the corporation in advance of final  disposition
of such  action,  suit or  proceeding  upon receipt of an  undertaking  by or on
behalf of such  director of officer to repay such amount if it shall  ultimately
be determined  that he is not entitled to be indemnified  by the  corporation as
authorized in this Article.

     (d) To the extent  authorized  from time to time by the Board of Directors,
the corporation may provide rights to indemnification  and to the advancement of
expenses to employees  and agents of the  corporation  who are not  directors or
officers similar to those conferred in this Article to directors and officers of
the corporation.

     (e) The  rights  to  indemnification  and to the  advancement  of  expenses
conferred  in this  Article  shall not be exclusive of any other right which any
person may have or hereafter  acquire under this  Certificate of  Incorporation,
the By-laws, any statute, agreement, vote of shareholders or otherwise.

     SEVENTH:  No  holder  of shares of the  corporation  of any  class,  now or
hereafter authorized, shall have any preferential

                                     - 7 -

or  preemptive  right to  subscribe  for,  purchase or receive any shares of the
corporation  of any  class,  now or  hereafter  authorized,  or any  options  or
warrants  for such  shares,  or any rights to  subscribed  to or  purchase  such
shares, or any securities convertible into,  exchangeable for or carrying rights
or options to purchase  such  shares,  which may at any time be issued,  sold or
offered for sale by the corporation.

     EIGHTH:  In  furtherance  and not in limitation of the powers  conferred by
statute,   the  Board  of  Directors  shall  have  concurrent   power  with  the
shareholders  to adopt,  amend or repeal the By-laws of the  corporation by such
vote of the  directors  as is set forth in the  By-laws  but in no event by less
than a majority of the entire Board of Directors (inclusive of vacancies).

     The number of directors shall be not less than three (3) nor more than nine
(9).  Subject to such  limitation,  the number of directors  may be fixed by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the directors then in office.

     A director  may be removed at any time for cause by a majority  vote of the
directors then in office.

     The 445,773.2948  presently issued and outstanding shares of Class A Voting
Common Stock,  par value $0.01 per share,  are hereby changed into  445,773.2948
Common Shares,  par value $0.01 per share, at a rate of one to one. There are no
presently issued or outstanding shares of Class B Non-Voting Common Stock.

                                     - 8 -

     The  554,22.6.7052  authorized but unissued shares of Class A Voting Common
Stock, par value $0.01 per share, are hereby changed into 49,554,226.7052 Common
Shares,  par  value  $0.01  per  share,  at a rate of 89.41 to 1. The  1,000,000
authorized  but unissued  shares of CLASS B Non-Voting  Common Stock,  par value
$0.01  per  share,  are  hereby  removed  from  the  authorized  shares  of  the
corporation  pursuant to Section 801(b)(8) of the Business  Corporation Law. The
2,600  authorized but unissued  shares of Preferred  Stock,  par value $1.00 per
share, are hereby changed into 1,000,000  Preferred Shares,  par value $1.00 per
share, at rate of 384.615 to 1.

     6. The foregoing  amendments to, and the restatement of, the Certificate of
Incorporation  were authorized by the unanimous  written consent of the Board of
Directors followed by the vote of the shareholders entitled to vote thereon at a
meeting of shareholders.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Certificate has been subscribed this 8th day of
January,  1996 by the undersigned who affirm that the statements made herein are
true under the penalties of perjury.

                                                /S/ Herbert P. Ladds, Jr.
                                                Herbert P. Ladds, Jr., President

                                                /S/ Lois H. Demler
                                                Lois H. Demler, Secretary


                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                                     TO THE
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                         COLUMBUS MCKINNON CORPORATION                    CSC 45

               (Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law)

     The  undersigned,   Herbert  P.  Ladds,  Jr.  and  Lois  H.  Demler,  being
respectively  the  President  and  Secretary of COLUMBUS  McKINNON  CORPORATION,
hereby certify as follows:

     1. The name of the Corporation is COLUMBUS McKINNON  CORPORATION.  The name
under which the Corporation was formed is COLUMBUS McKINNON CHAIN CO., INC.

     2. The original  Certificate of  Incorporation of the Corporation was filed
by the Department of State on September 23, 1929.

     3. As authorized by paragraph  FOURTH of the Certificate of  Incorporation,
the Board of Directors of the Corporation has authorized the issuance of 250,000
shares of a series of  preferred  stock of the  Corporation  entitled  "Series A
Junior Participating  Preferred Stock" and has adopted resolutions providing for
the  issuance of such series,  including  the number,  designation  and relative
rights, preferences and limitations of the shares of such series.

     4. The  Certificate of  Incorporation  is hereby amended by the addition of
the following  paragraph NINTH setting forth, in full, the number,  designation,
relative  rights,  preferences  and  limitations  of  the  foregoing  series  of
preferred stock of the Corporation:


     Section 1. NUMBER AND DESIGNATION.  There is hereby authorized for issuance
as a series of the Corporation's preferred stock, par value $1.00 per share, two
hundred  fifty  thousand  (250,000)  shares to be designated as "Series A Junior
Participating Preferred Stock".


     a) Subject to the prior and superior rights of the holders of shares of any
other  class of  capital  stock not by its terms  ranking on a parity  with,  or
junior to, the Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock with  respect to
dividends, the holders of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock shall be
entitled to receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors,  out of the
assets  of the  Corporation  legally  available  therefor,  quarterly  dividends
payable in cash in an amount per

whole  share of  Series  A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  equal to the
greater of (1) 10% of the Purchase  Price (the "Purchase  Plice"),  as adjusted,
per unit of one-hundredth of a share of Series A Junior Participating  Preferred
Stock set forth in the Rights  Agreement  (the "Rights  Agreement")  between the
Corporation and American Stock Transfer & Trust Company,  as Rights Agent, dated
as October 25, 1997 (no that, for example,  if the Purchase  Price, as adjusted,
were $80.00,  the quarter]y  dividend  amount per whole share of Series A Junior
Participating Preferred Stock would be $8.00), and (2) dividends payable in cash
on the  payment  date for each cash  dividend  (if any)  declared  on the Common
Shares in an amount per whole share  (rounded to the nearest  cent) equal to the
Formula  Number then in effect times the cash  dividends then to be paid on each
outstanding Common Share, payable on the date declared by the Board of Directors
for the payment of quarterly dividends on each of the outstanding Common Shares,
but in no event  later than the  fifteenth  day of March,  June,  September  and
December in each year (each such date being  referred to herein as a  "Quarterly
Dividend Payment Date"), commencing on the first Quarterly Dividend Payment Date
after the first  issuance of a share or a fraction of a share of Series A Junior
Participating   Preferred  Stock,  since  the  immediately  preceding  Quarterly
Dividend  Payment Date or, with respect to the first Quarterly  Dividend Payment
Date,  since the first  issuance of any share or fraction of a share of Series A
Junior Participating  Preferred Stock. In addition, if the Company shall pay any
dividend  or make any  distribution  on the  Common  Shares  payable  in assets,
securities  or other forms of noncash  consideration  (other than  dividends  or
distributions  payable  solely in Common  Shares),  then, in each such case, the
Company shall  simultaneously  pay or make on each outstanding share of Series A
Junior Participating Preferred Stock a dividend or distribution in like kind, of
the Formula Number then in effect times such dividend or distribution on each of
the Common Shares. As used herein,  the "Formula Number" shall be 100; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER,  that if at any time after October 25, 1997, the Corporation  shall (i)
- --------
declare or pay any  dividend on the Common  Shares  payable in Common  Shares or
make any  distribution  on the  Common  Shares  payable in Common  Shares,  (ii)
subdivide (by a stock split or otherwise) the  outstanding  Common Shares into a
larger  number of Common  Shares or (iii)  combine (by a reverse  stock split or
otherwise) the outstanding Common Shares into a smaller number of Common Shares,
then in each  such  event  the  Formula  Number  shall be  adjusted  to a number
determined by multiplying the Formula Number in effect immediately prior to such
event by a fraction,  the numerator of which is the number of Common Shares that
are outstanding immediately after such event and the denominator of which is the
number of shares  that are  outstanding  immediately  prior to such  event  (and
rounding the result to the nearest whole number);  and PROVIDED  FURTHER that if
at any time after October 25, 1997, the Corporation shall issue

                                     - 2 -

any  shares  of  its  capital  stock  in a  reclassification  or  change  of the
outstanding  Common Shares  (including  any such  reclassification  or change in
connection with a merger in which the Corporation is the surviving corporation),
then in such event the Formula Number shall be appropriately adjusted to reflect
such reclassification or change.

     (b) The Board of Directors  shall declare a dividend or distribution on the
Series'A  Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock as provided in paragraph  2(a)
immediately  prior to or at the same time it declares a dividend or distribution
on the Common Shares {other than a dividend or  distribution  payable  solely in
Common  Shares).  The  Board  of  Directors  may  fix  a  record  date  for  the
determination  of  holders  of  Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock
entitled to receive a dividend or distribution  declared  thereon,  which record
date  shall be the same as the record  date for any  corresponding  dividend  or
distribution on the Common Shares.

     (c) Dividends shall begin to accrue and be cumulative on outstanding shares
of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock from and after the Quarterly
Dividend Payment Date next preceding the date of original issue of such Series A
Junior Participating Preferred Stock; PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that dividends on such
shares which are originally  issued after the record date for the  determination
of holders of Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock entitled to receive
a quarterly  dividend and on or prior to the next succeeding  Quarterly Dividend
Payment  Date  shall  begin to accrue  and be  cumulative  from and  after  such
Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  dividends on
shares of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock which are  originally
issued prior to the record date for the first Quarterly Dividend Payment,  shall
be calculated as if cumulative  from and after the date (if any) declared by the
Board of Directors for the payment of the quarterly  dividend on the outstanding
Common  Shares,  but in no event later than the  fifteenth  day of March,  June,
September and December,  as the case may be, next preceding the date of original
issuance of such shares.  Accrued but unpaid  dividends shall not bear interest.
Dividends paid on the Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock in an amount
less than the total amount of such  dividends at the time accrued and payable on
such shares shall be allocated pro rata on a share-by-share basis among all such
shares at the time outstanding.

     (d) So long as any shares of Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock
are outstanding,  no dividends or other distributions shall be declared, paid or
distributed,  or set aside for  payment or  distribution,  on the Common  Shares
unless,  in each case, the dividend required by this Section 2 to be declared on
the  shares of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  shall have been
declared, paid or distributed.

                                     - 3 -

     (e) The holders of shares of Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock
shall not be entitled to receive any dividends or other distributions  except as
provided herein.

     Section  3.  VOTING   RIGHTS.   The  holders  shares  of  Series  A  Junior
Participating Preferred Stock shall have the following voting rights:

     (a) Each holder of shares of Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock
shall be  entitled  to a number of votes  equal to the  Formula  Number  then in
effect for each share of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock held of
record on all  matters on which  holders of the  Common  Shares or  shareholders
generally are entitled to vote.

     (b) Except as otherwise  provided  herein or by applicable law, the holders
of shares of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock and the holders of
Common  Shares and any other class or series of voting stock shall vote together
as one class for the election of directors of the  Corporation  and on all other
matters submitted to a vote of shareholders of the Corporation.

     (c) Except as provided herein,  in Section 10 of this paragraph NINTH or by
applicable  law,  holders of shares of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred
Stock  shall  have no  special  voting  rights  and their  consent  shall not be
required  (except to the extent they are entitled to vote with holders of Common
Shares and any other  class or series of voting  stock as set forth  herein) for
authorizing or taking any corporate action.

         Section 4. CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS.

     (a)  Whenever  quarterly  dividends  or other  dividends  or  distributions
payable on the Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock as  provided  in
Section 2 of this  paragraph  NINTH  are in  arrears,  thereafter  and until all
accrued and unpaid  dividends and  distributions,  whether or not  declared,  on
shares of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock outstanding shall have
been paid in full, the Corporation shall not:

          (1) declare or pay dividends on, make any other  distributions  on, or
redeem or purchase or otherwise  acquire for  consideration  any shares  ranking
junior (either as to dividends or upon  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up)
to the Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock;

          (2) declare or pay dividends on or make any other distributions on any
shares  ranking  on a  parity  (either  as to  dividends  or  upon  liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up) with the Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred
Stock,  except  dividends  paid  ratably  on the  Series A Junior  Participating
Preferred Stock and all such parity shares on which dividends are

                                     - 4 -

payable or in arrears in proportion to the total amounts to which the holders of
all such shares are then entitled;

          (3) redeem or purchase or  otherwise  acquire  for  consideration  any
shares  ranking  on a  parity  (either  as to  dividends  or  upon  liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up) with the Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred
Stock,  provided  that the  Corporation  may at any  time  redeem,  purchase  or
otherwise  acquire any of such parity  shares in exchange  for any shares of the
Corporation  ranking  junior  (either  as  to  dividends  or  upon  dissolution,
liquidation or winding up) to the Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock;

          (4)  purchase  or  otherwise  acquire for  consideration  any Series A
Junior Participating Preferred Stock, or any shares ranking on a parity with the
Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock,  except in  accordance  with a
purchase offer made in writing or by publication  (as determined by the Board of
Directors)  to all  holders  of such  shares  upon  such  terms as the  Board of
Directors, after consideration of the respective annual dividend rates and other
relative  rights and  preferences  of the respective  series and classes,  shall
determine in good faith will result in fair and  equitable  treatment  among the
respective series or classes.

     (b) The  Corporation  shall not permit any subsidiary of the Corporation to
purchase or otherwise  acquire for  consideration  any shares of the Corporation
unless the Corporation could, under paragraph (a) of this Section 4, purchase or
otherwise acquire such shares at such time and in such manner.

     Section 5. LIQUIDATION RIGHTS. Upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation,  whether voluntary or involuntary,  no distribution shall
be made (a) to the holders of shares  ranking  junior (either as to dividends or
upon  liquidation,   dissolution,   or  winding  up)  to  the  Series  A  Junior
Participating  Preferred Stock unless,  prior thereto,  the holders of shares of
Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  shall have  received an amount
equal to the accrued and unpaid dividends and distributions thereon,  whether or
not declared,  to the date of such payment,  plus an amount equal to the greater
of (1) 50% of the  Purchase  Price per unit of one  one-hundredth  of a share of
Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock (so that if, for  example,  the
Purchase  Price is  $80.00,  the  liquidation  amount  would be $40.00 per whole
share), or (2) an aggregate amount per share equal to the Formula Number then in
effect  times the  aggregate  amount to be  distributed  per share to holders of
Common Shares, or (b) to the holders of shares ranking on a parity (either as to
dividends  or upon  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding  up) with the Series A
Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock, except distributions made ratably on the
Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock and all other such parity stock in

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proportion  to the total  amounts to which the  holders  of all such  shares are
entitled upon such liquidation, dissolution or winding up.

     Section 6. CONSOLIDATION,  MERGER, ETC. In case the Corporation shall enter
into any  consolidation,  merger,  combination or other transaction In which the
Common Shares are exchanged for or changed into other stock or securities,  case
or any  other  property,  then in any such case the then  outstanding  shares of
Series  A  Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  shall  at the  same  time be
similarly  exchanged  or  changed in an amount  per share  equal to the  Formula
Number then in effect times the aggregate amount of stock,  securities,  cash or
any other  property  (payable  in kind),  as the case may be,  into which or for
which each of the Common Shares is exchanged or changed.


     (a) The shares of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock shall not
be subject to  redemption by the  Corporation  or at the option of any holder of
Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the
Corporation  may purchase or otherwise  acquire  outstanding  shares of Series A
Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  in the open  market  or by offer to any
holder or holders of shares of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock.

     (b) The Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock shall not be subject
to or entitled to the operation of a retirement or sinking fund.

     Section 8. FRACTIONAL SHARES. The Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred
Stock  shall be issuable  upon  exercise  of the Rights  issued  pursuant to the
Rights  Agreement  in whole  shares or in any  fraction  of a share  that is one
one-hundredth (1/100th) of a share or any integral multiple of such fraction. At
the  election  of the  Corporation  prior to the first  issuance of a share or a
fraction of a share of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock, either (1)
certificates  may be issued to evidence any such authorized  fraction of a share
of Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock,  or (2) any such authorized
fraction  of a share of  Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock may be
evidenced by depositary  receipts  pursuant to an appropriate  agreement between
the Corporation and a depositary selected by the Corporation  provided that such
agreement shall provide that the holders of such depositary  receipts shall have
all the  rights,  privileges  and  preferences  to which  they are  entitled  as
beneficial owners of shares of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock.

     Section 9. REACQUIRED SHARES.  Any shares of Series  A Junior Participating
Preferred Stock purchased or otherwise acquired by

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the Corporation in any manner whatsoever shall be retired and cancelled promptly
after the  acquisition  thereof.  All such shares shall upon their  cancellation
become  authorized  but unissued  Preferred  Shares,  without  designation as to
series until such shares are once more designated as part of a particular series
by the Board of  Directors  pursuant to the  provisions  of the  Certificate  of

     Section  10.  AMENDMENT.  None  of the  relative  rights,  preferences  and
limitations of the Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock as provided in
this paragraph NINTH or elsewhere in this Certificate of Incorporation  shall be
amended  in any  manner  which  would  alter  or  change  the  relative  rights,
preferences  and  limitations  of the  holders  of  shares  of  Series  A Junior
Participating  Preferred  Stock  so as to  affect  them  adversely  without  the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least 66-2/3% of the outstanding shares of
Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock, voting as though such series were
a separate class."

     5. The  foregoing  Amendment to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the
Corporation  was  authorized  by  resolution  of the Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation  at a meeting  thereof duly held on October 25, 1997,  in accordance
with the authority  vested in the Board of Directors by paragraph  FOURTH of the
Certificate of Incorporation.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned  have subscribed this  Certificate of
Amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation of the Corporation and affirm the
statements  herein contained as true under penalties of perjury this 25th day of
October, 1997. Herbert P. Ladds, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                /S/ Herbert P. Ladds, Jr.
                                                Herbert P. Ladds, Jr., President
                                                   And Chief Executive Officer

                                                /S/ Lois H. Demler
                                                Lois H. Demler, Secretary

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