THIS AGREEMENT made this 14th, day of January, 2000 by and between
DOCUPORT, INC., a Delaware corporation with offices at 81 Two Bridges Road,
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 ("DPI") and THOMSON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, INC., a
Delaware Corporation with offices at 10330 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46290 ("Thomson").


      WHEREAS, DPI has developed a "portable" multi-functional office machine
capable of functioning as a fax machine, scanner, printer, copier and fax and
data modem;

      WHEREAS, DPI holds patents with respect to certain technologies and
components embodied in the "portable" multi functional office machine and has
acquired certain rights in trademarks related to it;

      WHEREAS, DPI is interested in granting to Thomson the exclusive right to
market the "portable" multi functional office machine in the United States and
Canada only and supplying Thomson with DPI units on the terms proposed herein;

      WHEREAS, the parties have heretofore entered into a Memorandum of
Understanding concerning a proposed marketing and supply agreement; and

      WHEREAS, the parties do now desire to enter into a binding Agreement.

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises
hereinafter contained, the parties hereby agree to enter this Agreement.

      All of the above Recitals are deemed to be part of this Agreement as
though set forth at length in the text of this Agreement.

      Section 1: Grant and Appointment

            1.1   Grant. DPI hereby grants to Thomson the exclusive right to
                  promote, market and sell the portable "Multi Functional Office
                  Machine" and any upgrades or replacement models (the
                  "Product") in the United States and Canada only (the
                  "Territory") for sales to retailers and other resellers as
                  identified on Exhibit 1.1, attached hereto. This grant shall
                  in no way be construed to limit DPI marketing and sales rights
                  outside of the Territory. Thomson may, in addition negotiate
                  the right to manufacture, and to have manufactured, Product
                  both inside and outside the United States pursuant to Section
                  4.1 below.

            1.2   Consent. During the term of this Agreement, except as
                  otherwise provided in Section 1.1, DPI shall not itself, nor
                  shall it license or authorize any other marketing
                  representative, distributor, retailer or other person to,
                  promote, market or sell the Product or any similar product
                  within the Territory without the express written consent of

            1.3   Term. Subject in each case to the provisions of Section 12,
                  this Agreement shall commence on the date set forth above and
                  shall continue in effect until December 31, 2003 (the "Initial
                  Term"); thereafter; this Agreement shall be renewable at
                  Thomson's election, by written notice from Thomson to DPI not
                  less than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the end of
                  any term of this Agreement, for additional three (3) year
                  terms, provided that Thomson has met the minimum purchase
                  requirements set forth in Section 2.5 and has otherwise
                  complied in all material respects with the terms and
                  provisions of this Agreement.

      Section 2: Rights and Duties of Thomson

            2.1   Best Efforts. Thomson shall use commercially reasonable
                  efforts to promote, market and sell the Product in the
                  Territory. Thomson shall maintain adequate facilities and
                  personnel necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
                  Agreement, and shall maintain sufficient inventory and stock
                  of the Product for anticipated sales, timely delivery and
                  sales demonstrations.

            2.2   Employees and Agents. Thomson shall be solely responsible for
                  the conduct and representations of any of its employees or
                  agents in connection with its efforts to promote, market and
                  sell the Product. Thomson's employees and agents shall have no
                  claims against DPI for commissions, salary, reimbursement or
                  for any other claim of any kind whatsoever.

            2.3   Modification of Product. Thomson shall not modify the Product
                  in any function without the express written permission of DPI.
                  Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld and all such
                  modifications will be done jointly.

            2.4   Records and Information. Thomson shall maintain and furnish to
                  DPI upon its request on a quarterly basis (i) records relating
                  to sales of the Product by Thomson in the Territory, which
                  shall be certified by an officer of Thomson and (ii) any other
                  information relating to market conditions in the Territory,
                  technical or marketing problems or opportunities related to
                  the Product in the Territory and customer complaints, comments
                  and suggestions.


            2.5   Minimum Purchases. Thomson will use commercially reasonable
                  efforts to purchase and sell the following quantity of

                  From the first day of shipping until the end of calendar year,
                  8,666 units per month
                  2nd Year -  75,000 units
                  3rd Year - 100,000 units

                  Note: 1st year volume is based upon an anticipated production
                  start in the June-July 2000 timeframe.

                  Should Thomson not meet or exceed these quantities, all
                  exclusive rights under this Agreement may be terminated by DPI
                  at its sole discretion.

            2.6   Marketing Expenses and Responsibilities. Thomson shall bear
                  all costs and expenses it incurs in promoting, marketing and
                  selling the Product in the Territory. This also includes
                  tooling expense should Thomson wish to manufacture. Thomson
                  shall be responsible for customer service, warranty repair and
                  service, customer and retailer returns and all other support
                  functions of supporting marketing channels in the Territory.

            2.7   Compliance with Law. Thomson shall at all times conduct its
                  efforts hereunder in strict accordance with all applicable
                  federal, state and local laws and regulations and in
                  accordance with the highest commercial standards.

      Section 3: Rights and Duties of DPI

            3.1   Product Supply. Subject to the provisions set forth in Section
                  4 or elsewhere in this Agreement, DPI shall during the Initial
                  Term use commercially reasonable efforts to cause its
                  manufacturer to supply DPI with sufficient quantities of
                  Products for DPI to meet Thomson's minimum annual requirements
                  set forth in Section 2.5 and DPI shall deliver Product to
                  Thomson in accordance with scheduled delivery dates. All
                  Product shall meet DPI's specifications, attached hereto or as
                  subsequently agreed upon by the parties.

            3.2   Documentation. DPI shall provide Thomson with such assistance
                  as Thomson may reasonably request in connection with its
                  preparation of documentation relating to the Product such as,
                  but not limited to, safety data.

            3.3   Technical Information. DPI shall provide all technical
                  information and repair instructions reasonably necessary to
                  assist Thomson in promoting, marketing, selling and repairing
                  the Product.


            3.4   Compliance with Law. DPI shall at all times conduct its
                  efforts hereunder, and shall ensure that the Product shall be,
                  in strict accordance with all applicable federal, state and
                  local laws and regulations and in accordance with the highest
                  commercial standards.

            3.5   Replacement Product. Unless Thomson elects to designate a
                  third party manufacturer or to manufacture the Product itself
                  under Section 4.1 below, DPI shall provide to Thomson the
                  opportunity, upon expiration or termination of this Agreement,
                  to purchase such quantities of Products from DPI as Thomson
                  reasonably anticipates may be required to replace defective
                  Products for a period of seven (7) years after expiration of
                  this Agreement.

            3.6   Thomson Trademarks. DPI shall apply Thomson trademarks and
                  logos to the Product and packaging in accordance with Thomson
                  specifications, all as reasonably acceptable to DPI.

            3.7   Recalls. If at any time a government agency orders Thomson to
                  conduct a product safety recall or a field fix program with
                  respect to the Product, or Thomson undertakes, with DPI's
                  consent, not to be unreasonably withheld, a product safety
                  recall or field fix program, Thomson will notify DPI within
                  thirty (30) days. DPI shall (1) repair or replace defective
                  Product units or, at Thomson's option, credit Thomson's
                  account, and (2) reimburse Thomson for Thomson's documented
                  reasonable and necessary expenses, including labor, materials
                  and shipping expenses, in conducting such product safety
                  recall or field fix program.

      Section 4: Product Manufacturer

            4.1   Selection of Manufacturer. Until the completion of the initial
                  term, the Product shall be manufactured by DPI's contract
                  manufacturer, or by such other third party manufacturer as may
                  be mutually acceptable to DPI and Thomson. From and after the
                  completion of the Initial Term, Thomson may in its discretion
                  designate a third party manufacturer for the Product or may
                  manufacture the Product on its own behalf. In addition, from
                  and after the completion of the Initial Term, at the request
                  of DPI, Thomson shall make the election referred to in the
                  immediately preceding sentence. In either event DPI shall use
                  its best efforts to facilitate an efficient transfer of the
                  manufacturing capability to such third party manufacturer or
                  to Thomson, as the case may be. The parties shall at that time
                  negotiate a mutually acceptable nonexclusive license of DPI's
                  intellectual property rights related to the Products necessary
                  for Thomson to manufacture or to have manufactured for it the


            4.2   Product Orders. Thomson shall order Product from time to time
                  by issuing a firm purchase order not less than ninety (90)
                  days in advance of the date that Thomson requires delivery of
                  such Product in accordance with Section 4.3 hereof. DPI shall
                  utilize the Thomson purchase orders as the basis for issuing
                  purchase orders to its manufacturer. Thomson shall issue to
                  DPI its forecast of Product purchases on a rolling six (6)
                  month basis, but such forecasts shall be estimates only and
                  not binding purchase commitments.

            4.3   Title and Risk of Loss. Title and all risk of loss with
                  respect to the Products shall pass to Thomson when the
                  Products are delivered to a carrier designated by Thomson.

            4.4   Product Specifications. DPI and Thomson shall cooperate in all
                  reasonable respects with respect to the oversight and
                  instruction of any third party manufacturer of the Product.
                  Such third party manufacturer of the Product shall use the DPI
                  specifications attached hereto as such specifications may be
                  amended or supplemented from time to time. DPI shall provide
                  Thomson with the specifications and such other information
                  relating thereto as Thomson may reasonably request. DPI shall
                  confer in advance, with Thomson prior to changing the
                  specifications, and in connection therewith Thomson shall have
                  the right to request changes to the specifications, with such
                  changes to be made with DPI's consent, which shall not be
                  unreasonably withheld.

      Section 5: Patents, Trademarks or Trade Names

            5.1   Third Party Infringement. DPI will use commercially reasonable
                  efforts to prevent third parties from marketing and/or selling
                  in the Territory products incorporating or infringing DPI

            5.2   Trademarks. Product shall bear the "DPI Technologies" logo in
                  a type size equal to the Federal Communications Commission
                  listing information set forth on the Products. Thomson shall
                  have the exclusive right to use the DPI trademark and logo
                  during the term of this Agreement on the Product and to
                  advertise and promote the Product, except for DPI's use
                  outside the Territory. Thomson shall have the right to utilize
                  the "DPI", trademark in conjunction with other brand names
                  owned or licensed by Thomson except to be extent any such
                  utilization would violate any agreement under which Thomson
                  licenses any such brand names. Except as set forth in the
                  preceding sentences, without the express written consent of
                  DPI, Thomson may not use any DPI mark, trademark or trade
                  names. Any use of or reference to any DPI mark, trademark or
                  trade name by Thomson shall inure solely to the benefit of
                  DPI. Thomson shall not apply for, maintain or acquire any
                  United States or foreign trademark relating to


                  the marketing or sale of the Product without the express
                  written consent of DPI which may be granted or withheld in
                  DPI's sole discretion. Thomson shall use commercially
                  reasonable efforts to inform DPI of any known infringement by
                  third parties of any DPI mark, trademark or trade name used by
                  Thomson pursuant to this Agreement. Upon the expiration or
                  termination of this Agreement, Thomson shall immediately cease
                  all and any use of all DPI marks, trademarks or trade names,
                  except that Thomson may continue to use such marks, trademarks
                  or trade names solely in connection with the sale of Product
                  in Thomson's inventory at the time of such cancellation.
                  Nothing contained herein shall be construed in anyway to
                  permit DPI to use any of Thomson marks, trademark or trade

            5.3   Patents. Except as contemplated in Section 4.1 above, nothing
                  in this Agreement grants to either party any rights or
                  licenses under the other party's patents.

      Section 6: Pricing and Costs

            6.1   Price. DPI shall sell the Product to Thomson and Thomson shall
                  purchase the Product from DPI, at a price set equal to the net
                  price charged by DPI's manufacturer to DPI plus $45.00. DPI
                  shall allow Thomson reasonable access to its records to verify
                  such net price.

            6.2   Costs. Thomson shall pay all transportation and freight costs
                  for the Products from DPI's third party manufacturer's
                  location and shall specify a carrier for shipment. If no
                  carrier is specified, DPI shall make reasonable arrangements
                  at Thomson's expense for shipment. All costs for insurance,
                  handling, special packaging or similar charges and all sales,
                  use, excise and other similar federal, state and local taxes
                  and tariffs also shall be borne by Thomson.

      Section 7: Payment Terms

            7.1   Terms. Thomson shall pay all sales invoices for Products
                  purchased by Thomson within thirty (30) calendar days from
                  date of delivery to Thomson (FOB DPI's manufacturer).

      Section 8: Incoming Inspection

            8.1   Incoming Inspection. Thomson shall have the right to inspect
                  Product after delivery and in the event that more than five
                  percent (5%) of a shipment of Product is defective or
                  non-confirming, Thomson shall have the right to reject and
                  return the entire shipment.

      Section 9: Warranty and Limitation of Liability


            9.1   General. DPI warrants that each unit of Product will meet
                  DPI's specifications and will be free from defects in design,
                  material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year after
                  receipt by Thomson in Thomson's warehouse of such units. This
                  warranty does not extend to Thomson supplied components.

            9.2   Failure to Comply with Warranty. Upon failure of any unit of
                  Product to comply with the above warranty, DPI will, at its
                  option, promptly repair or replace such unit of, if unable to
                  repair or replace it, promptly refund in cash to Thomson the
                  amount paid by Thomson for such unit.


      Section 10: Confidentiality

            10.2  Confidentiality. Each of the parties has heretofore and may
                  from time to time hereinafter disclose confidential
                  information to the other party. Each party agrees to treat
                  confidentially all notes, analyses, compilations, studies or
                  other documents, whether prepared by the other party or
                  others, provided to it and clearly marked "Confidential"
                  (collectively, the "Information"). The term "Information" does
                  not include information which (i) becomes generally available
                  to the public other than as a result of a disclosure in breach
                  of this Agreement, (ii) was available to a party on a non-
                  confidential basis prior to its disclosure by the other party,
                  its representatives or its agents or (iii) becomes available
                  to a party on a non-confidential basis from a source other
                  than the other party, its representatives or its agents,
                  provided that the source is not (A) bound by a confidentiality
                  agreement prohibiting disclosure of such information or (B)
                  otherwise prohibited from transmitting the information by a
                  contractual, legal or fiduciary obligation.

            10.2  Disclosure to Representatives. It is understood that each
                  Party may disclose any of the information to those of its
                  representatives (including without limitation, contract
                  manufacturers) who require such Information for the purpose of
                  fulfilling such party's obligations under this Agreement
                  (provided that such representatives shall be informed of the
                  confidential nature of the Information and shall execute a
                  similar confidentiality obligation). Each party agrees that
                  the Information will be kept confidential by such party and
                  its representatives and, except with the specific prior
                  written approval of the other party or as expressly otherwise
                  permitted by the terms hereof, will not be disclosed by such
                  party or its representatives. Each party further agrees that
                  it and its representatives


                  will not use any of the information of the other party, in any
                  manner that infringes the proprietary rights or intellectual
                  property of the other party or for any reason or purpose other
                  than to fulfill such party's obligations under this Agreement.

            10.3  Protective Order. In the event that a party or any of its
                  representatives is requested or required (by oral questions,
                  interrogatories, requests for Information or documents,
                  subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process) to
                  disclose any of the Information, it is agreed that such party
                  or its representative, as the case may be, will provide the
                  other party with prompt notice of such request(s) so that the
                  other party may seek an appropriate protective order or other
                  appropriated remedy and/or waive compliance with the
                  provisions hereof. In the event that such protective order or
                  other remedy is not obtained, or that such a waiver is granted
                  hereunder, the party or its representative may furnish that
                  portion (and only that portion) of the Information which it is
                  legally compelled to disclose and will exercise its best
                  efforts to obtain reliable assurance that confidential
                  treatment will be accorded any Information so furnished.

            10.4  Continuing Obligations. The provisions of this Section 10
                  shall survive the termination of this Agreement for a period
                  of five (5) years.

      Section 11: Indemnification

            DPI shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Thomson and Thomson's
            customers for any loss, damage, expense or liability that may result
            by reason of any infringement or claim that the Product infringes
            any patent, trademark copyright, or any other proprietary right of
            any third party. Thomson shall notify DPI promptly of any claim of
            infringement and shall cooperate with DPI in every reasonable way to
            facilitate defense of any such claim.

            Should any Product furnished to Thomson hereunder of in orders
            placed hereunder become the subject of a claim of such infringement,
            DPI shall, at its expense and at Thomson's option, either procure
            for Thomson the right to continue using the Product, replace or
            modify the same so that it becomes non-infringing, or refund to
            Thomson the full purchase price of the infringing items.

      Section 12: Termination

            This Agreement may be terminated under the following circumstances:

            (i)   at the election of either party, immediately upon bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, assignment for benefit of creditors, or
                  appointment of a receiver for the business or assets of the
                  other party; or


            (ii)  at the election of either party, immediately upon the other
                  party's failure to cure a material breach of any of the terms
                  of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after written notice
                  thereof by; or

            (iii) at the election of Thomson in the event that competitor of
                  Thomson's acquires a financial interest in DPI and as a result
                  receives access from or through DPI to Thomson Information as
                  defined in paragraph 10.1 above.

      Section 13: Assignment

            This Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred by
            either party without the express written consent of the other party.

      Section 14: Headings Not Controlling

            Headings used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only,
            shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement and in no way define,
            limit, augment, extend or describe the scope, content or intent of
            any part or parts of this Agreement.

      Section 15: Entire Agreement

            The parties agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire
            Agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter
            hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings
            pertaining thereto.

      Section 16: Severability

            If any provision or provisions of this Agreement are declared
            invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such declaration shall not affect
            or impair the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
            provisions of this Agreement.

      Section 17: Modification of Terms

            No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in
            writing and properly executed by both parties.

      Section 18: Waiver

            No failure by any party to insist upon the strict performance of any
            covenant, duty, agreement or condition of this Agreement or to
            exercise any right or remedy upon a breach thereof shall constitute
            a waiver of any such breach or of any other covenant, agreement,
            term or condition. Any party may, by notice delivered in the manner
            provided in this Agreement, but shall be under no obligation to,
            waive any of its rights or any conditions to its obligations
            hereunder, or any duty, obligation or covenant of any other party.
            No waiver shall affect or alter the


            remainder of this Agreement, but each and every other covenant,
            agreement, term and condition hereof shall continue in full force
            and effect with respect to any other then existing or subsequently
            occurring breach.

      Section 19: Relationship of the Parties

            DPI and Thomson are independent entities engaged in independent
            businesses and, except as provided herein, each shall bear all costs
            and expenses incurred in the performance of their respective duties
            under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to
            create a partnership or joint venture between the parties. Neither
            DPI nor Thomson nor any agent or employee of either shall be
            regarded as an agent or employee of the other, and nothing herein
            shall be construed as reserving to any party the right to control
            the other. Neither party to this Agreement shall have the right or
            authority to make any promise, guarantee, warranty or
            representation, or to assume, create or incur any liability or other
            obligation of any kind, express or implied, against, or in the name
            of, or on behalf of, the other.

      Section 20: Force Majeure

            Neither party hereto will be liable for any failure to perform any
            obligation under this Agreement, or for delay in such performance,
            to the extent such failure to perform or delay is caused by
            circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including without
            limitation fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, accident, war,
            acts of a public enemy or rebellion, insurrection, sabotage,
            epidemic, quarantine restriction, labor disputes, labor shortages,
            transportation embargoes, delays in transportation, shortages of
            material, fuels or power, acts of God, acts of any government or any
            agency thereof, and judicial action. Any suspension of performance
            by reason of this Section 20 will be limited to the period during
            which the cause exists.

      Section 21: Certain Rights of First Refusal

            In the event DPI develops after the date hereof any new product or
            further development with respect to the Products or any original
            equipment manufacturing application with respect to the Product, DPI
            shall, as soon as practicable after the development of a prototype
            thereof, notify Thomson of such new product or development
            (collectively the "New Product"). Upon the execution of a mutually
            satisfactory confidentiality agreement with respect to such New
            Product DPI shall provide all appropriate information about such New
            Product to Thomson. On or before the ninetieth (90th) day after DPI
            notifies Thomson of the existence of a New Product, Thomson shall
            indicate in writing whether it desire to market such New Product in
            the Territory. If Thomson so desires to market the New Product, DPI
            and Thomson agree to negotiate in good faith an agreement governing
            the terms and conditions under which Thomson


            would have the marketing rights to the New Product (the "New Product
            Agreement). The New Product Agreement shall be substantially similar
            to this Agreement with such changes as may a necessary to reflect
            the specific terms of the agreement, including without limitation
            minimum purchases, pricing and costs and other factors particular to
            the New Product.

      Section 22: Notice

            All notices under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly
            given when delivered, if delivered by hand, or three (3) days after
            posting, if sent by registered first class mail, return receipt
            requested and postage prepaid, in either case at the following
            stated addresses:


            81 Two Bridges Road
            Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
            Attn: Norman Docteroff, President and CEO

            With a copy to:

            Morris Yamner, Esq.
            Sills Cummis Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross, P.A.
            One Riverfront Plaza
            Newark, New Jersey 07102


            Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
            2000 Clements Bridge Road
            Deptford, New Jersey 08096
            Attn: Manager - Accessories Business

            With a copy to:

            Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
            10330 North Meridian Street
            Indianapolis, Indiana 46290
            Attn: Legal Operation

            A party may, by giving three (3) business days written notice to the
            other party hereto, designate another address in substitution of the
            foregoing address to which such notice shall be given.


      Section 23: Governing Law

            This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
            the laws of the State of New York without reference to choice of law
            rules. Venue over any litigation arising under or related to this
            Agreement shall exclusively be in the State of New Jersey.

      Section 24: Facsimile

            The parties agree that any documentation, other than notices under
            this Agreement, that must be submitted by one party to the other for
            approval, information or review may be transmitted by facsimile
            unless specifically requested otherwise by the receiving party.

      Section 25: Counterparts

            This Agreement shall be executed simultaneously in two (2)
            counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and each of
            which shall constitute the same instrument for purposes of
            evidencing this Agreement.

      Section 26: Binding on Assigns

            This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
            parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators,
            successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns.

      Section 27: Authorization

            Each individual executing this Agreement does hereby represent and
            warrant to each other person so signing (and each other entity for
            which another person may be signing) that he or she has been duly
            authorized to execute this Agreement in the capacity and for the
            entity set forth where he or she signs.

      This Agreement, including all of the Recitals as though set forth in the
text of the Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding
between the parties concerning


the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior negotiations,
discussions and agreement proposed or otherwise, whether written or oral,
concerning the subject matter hereof.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
date first mentioned above.


By: /s/ Norman Docteroff                    By: /s/ John A. Capobianco
   ---------------------------------           ---------------------------------
Title: President /CEO                       Title: MANAGER, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
      ------------------------------              ------------------------------
Date: 1/20/2000                             Date: 1-14-2000
     -------------------------------             -------------------------------


                             Product Specifications


                                   Exhibit 1.1

                              Thomson Account Base

All U.S. and Canadian Retailers
Direct Internet Sales
Shopping Network Sales
All Military Service Clubs
Warehouse Clubs
Catalog Merchants
Internet Resellers

                              DocuPort Account Base

All Corporate/Commercial Sales
Local, State and Federal Government Sales
All OEM Personal Computer Direct Sellers, i.e., Dell, Gateway
College and University Book Stores
Airline Catalog Sales
At Home Resellers, i.e., Amway
