
   For Ministry Use Only          Exhibit 3.1     Ontario Corporation Number
A l'usage exclusif ministere                   Numero de la compagnie en Ontario

[LOGO] Ontario                                              1375400
Ministry of                     Ministere de
Consumer and                    la Consommation
Commercial Relations            et du Commerce
CERTIFICATE                     CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these   Ceci certifie que les presents
articles are effective on       statuts entrent en vigueur le

               SEPTEMBER 15 SEPTEMBRE, 1999

                      /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                   Director / Directeur
Business Corporations Act / Loi sur les societes par actions

Form 1

Numero I
[ILLEGIBLE] sur les
[ILLEGIBLE] pagnies

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                              STATUTS CONSTITUTIFS

1. The name of the corporation is:      Denomination sociale de la compagnie:

                1375400                 O N T A R I O   L I M I T E D

2. The address of the registered office is:     Adresse du siege social.

1 Toronto Street, Suite 910
    (Street & Number or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.)
                    (Rue et numero, ou numero de la R.R. et,
             s'il s'agit d'un edifice a bureaux, numero du bureau)

Toronto, Ontario                                               M 5 C 2 V 6
    (Name of Municipality or Post Office)              (Postal Code/Code postal)
(Nom de la municipalite ou du bureau de poste)

3.   Number (or minimum and maximum     Nombre (ou nombres minimal et maximal)
     number) of directors is:           d'administrateurs:
     Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10

4.   The first director(s) is/are:      Premier(s) administrateur(s):

     First name, initials and surname
     Prenom, initiales et nom de famille

Wesley Brown

Address for service, giving Street & No. or R.R. No.,
Municipality and Postal Code
Domicile elu, y compris la rue et le numero, le numero de la
R. R., ou le nom de la municipalite et le code postal

  23 Bernick Cres., Stouffville, Ontario, Canada L4A 6C6

Yes or No



5.   Restrictions, if any, on business    Limites, s'il y a lieu, imposees aux
     the corporation may carry on or on   activites commerciales ou aux pouvoirs
     powers the corporation may           de la compagnie.


6.   The classes and any maximum number   Categories et nombre maximal, s'il y a
     of shares that the corporation is    lieu, d'actions que la compagnie est
     authorized to issue:                 autorisee a emettre:

          The  Corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited  number of Common


7.   Rights, privileges, restrictions     Droits, privileges, restrictions et
     and conditions (if any) attaching    conditions, s'il y a lieu, rattaches a
     to each class of shares and          chaque categorie d'actions et pouvoirs
     directors authority with respect to  des administrateurs relatifs a chaque
     any class of shares which may be     categorie d'actions qui peut etre
     issued in series:                    emise en serie:



8.   The issue, transfer or ownership of  L'emission, le transfert ou la
     shares is/is not restricted and the  propriete d'actions est/n'est pas
     restrictions (if any) are as         restreinte. Les restrictions, s'il y a
     follows:                             lieu, sont les suivantes:

          No shares of the Corporation shall be transferred  without the consent
          of the directors of the Corporation  expressed by a resolution  passed
          by the  board of  directors  or by an  instrument  or  instruments  in
          writing signed by all of the directors then in office.


9.   Other provisions, (if any, are):     Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu:

          (a)  The  number of  shareholders  of the  Corporation,  exclusive  of
               persons  who  are  in  the  employment  of  the  Corporation  and
               exclusive of persons who,  having been formerly in the employment
               of the  Corporation,  were,  while in that  employment,  and have
               continued,   after   termination  of  that   employment,   to  be
               shareholders  of the  Corporation,  is  limited  to not more than
               fifty (50), two (2) or more persons who are the joint  registered
               owners  of one  (1) or  more  shares  being  counted  as one  (1)

          (b)  Any  invitation to the public to subscribe for  securities of the
               Corporation is prohibited:

          (c)  Subject  to the  provisions  of  the  Business  Corporations  Act
               (Ontario),  as  amended  or  re-enacted  from  time to time,  the
               directors may, without authorization of the shareholders:

               (i)   borrow money on the credit of the Corporation;

               (ii)  issue, re-issue,  sell or pledge  debt  obligations  of the

               (iii) give a guarantee  on  behalf of the  Corporation  to secure
                     performance of an obligation of any person;

               (iv)  mortgage,  hypothecate,  pledge   or   otherwise  create  a
                     security interest in all or any property of the Corporation
                     owned  or  subsequently acquired, to  secure any obligation
                     of the Corporation; and

               (v)   by resolution,  delegate  any  or  all  such  powers  to  a
                     director,  a committee  of  directors  or an officer of the
                     Corporation; and

          (d)  The  Corporation is permitted to set out its name in any language
               and the Corporation may be legally designated by that name.


10.  The names and addresses of the incorporators are
     Nom et adresse des fondateurs
     First name, initials and last name or corporate name
     Prenom, initiale et nom de famille ou denomination sociale

Wesley Brown

Full address for service or address of registered office or of principal place
of business giving street & No. or R.R. No., municipality and postal code
Domicile elu, adresse du siege social ou adresse de l'etablissement principal, y
compris la rue et le numero, le numero de la R.R., le nom de la municipalite et
le code postal

23 Bernick Cres., Stouffville, Ontario, Canada L4A 6C6

These articles are signed in duplicate.

Les presents statuts sont signes en double exemplaire.

Signatures of incorporators/Signatures des fondateurs

/s/ Wesley Brown
- ----------------------------------------
Wesley Brown


   For Ministry Use Only                          Ontario Corporation Number
A l'usage exclusif du ministere                Numero de la compagnie en Ontario

[LOGO] Ontario                                             1375400
Ministry of                     Ministere de
Consumer and                    la Consommation
Commercial Relations            et du Commerce
CERTIFICATE                     CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these   Ceci certifie que les presents
articles are effective on       statuts entrent en vigueur le

                 FEBRUARY 02 FEVRIER, 2000

                      /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
                   Director / Directeur
Business Corporations Act / Loi sur les societes par actions

Form 3

Formule 3
Loi sur les
societe par

                             ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

                              STATUTS MODIFICATION

1.   The name of the corporation is:    Denomination sociale de la societe:

     1 3 7 5 4 0 0   O N T A R I O   L I M I T E D

2.   The name of the corporation is     Nouvelle denomination sociale de la
     changed to (if applicable):        societe (s'il y a lieu):

     T H E   B U C K - A - D A Y   C O M P A N Y   I N C .

3. Date of incorporation/amalgamation:  Date de la constitution ou de la fusion:

                              1999, September, 15th
                               (Year, Month, Day)
                               (annee, mois, jour)

4.   The articles of the corporation    Les statuts de la societe sont modifies
     are amended as follows:            de la facon suivante.

     Change the name of the Corporation from 1375400 Ontario Limited
     to "The Buck-A-Day Company Inc."


5.   The amendment has been duly          La modification a ete dument autorisee
     authorized as required by Sections   conformement aux article 168 et 170
     168 & 170 (as applicable) of the     (selon le cas) de la Loi sur les
     Business Corporations Act.           societes par actions.

6.   The resolution authorizing the       Les actionnaires ou les
     amendment was approved by the        administrateurs (selon le cas) de la
     shareholders/directors (as           societe ont approuve la resolution
     applicable) of the corporation on    autorisant la modification le

                               2000, January, 25th
                               (Year, Month, Day)
                               (annee, mois, jour)

These articles are signed in duplicate.   Les presents statuts sont signes en
                                          double exemplaire.

                                        1375400 ONTARIO LIMITED
                                                 (Name of Corporation)
                                          (Denomination sociale de la societe)

                                By:/Par:  /s/ Edward P. LaBuick
                                          (Signature)    (Description of Office)
                                          (Signature)          (Fonction)
                                        EDWARD P. LABUICK, President

                                                   Ontario Corporation Number
                                                 Numero de la societe en Ontario

For Ministry Use Only
[LOGO]   Ministry of                     Ministore des Services
         Consumer and                    aux consommateure
         Ontario Business Services       et aux entreprises

CERTIFICATE                              CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these articles   Ceci certifie que les presents status
are effective on                         entrent en vigueur le

                           FEBRUARY 01 FEVERIER, 2002
                                 /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
            Business Corporation Act/Loi sur les societes par actions

                             ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                             STATUS DE MODIFICATION

Form 3 Business Corporations Act

Formule 1 Lot sur les societes par actions

1. The name of the Corporation is:           Denomination sociale de la societe:


2. The name of the corporation is            Nouvelle denomination sociale de la
   changed to (if applicable):               societe (s'll y a lieu):

3. Date of incorporation/                    Date de la constitution ou de la
   amalgamation                              fusion:

                              1999, September, 15
                               (Year, Month, Day)
                              (annee, mois, jour)

4. Articles of the corporation are           Les status de la societe sort
   amended as follows:                       modifies de la facon suivante.

1. The Articles of the  Corporation are hereby amended to vary the provisions of
the Articles of Incorporation by deleting the following clauses:

a.    Clause number 8:

      No shares of the Corporation  shall be transferred  without the consent of
      the directors of the Corporation  expressed by a resolution  passed by the
      board of directors or by an instrument or instruments in writing signed by
      all of the directors then in office.

b.    Clause number 9:

      (a) The number of  Shareholders of the  Corporation,  exclusive of persons
      who are in the employment of the Corporation and exclusive of persons who,
      having been formerly in the employment of the Corporation,  were, while in
      that  employment,  and  have  continued  after  the  termination  of  that
      employment, to be Shareholders of the Corporation,  is limited to not more
      than fifty (50), two (2) or more persons who are joint  registered  owners
      of one (1) or more shares being counted as one (1) shareholder.

      (b) Any  invitation to the public to subscribe  for the  securities of the
      Corporation is prohibited.


5.    The amendment  has been duly  authorized as required by Sections 168 & 170
      (as applicable) of the Business Corporations Act.

      La modification a ete dument autorise conformement aux articles 168 et 170
      (selon le cas) de la Loi sur les societes par actions.

6.    The   resolution   authorizing   the   amendment   was   approved  by  the
      shareholders/directors (as applicable) of the coporation on

      Les actionnaires ou les  administrateurs  (selon de cas) de la societe ont
      approuve la resolution autorisant la modification le

                               2001, December, 31
                               (Year, Month, Day)
                               (annee, mois, jour)

These articles are signed in duplicate       Les presents status sont  signes en
                                             double exempliere.

                                                The Buck A Day Company Inc.
                                                   (Name of Corporation)
                                            (Denomination sociale de la societe)

                                  By:/Par:       /s/ Edward P. LaBuick
                                           (signature)  Edward P. LaBuick

                                                (Description of Office)