Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. 2)

Filed by the Registrant [X] 
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box: 
[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement 
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by 
    Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) 
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials 
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): 

          $20,000,000 which includes $17,500,000 to be paid in the form of cash
          and a promissory note and up to $2.5 million to be paid in the form of
          an additional promissory note

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: 

     5)   Total fee paid: 

[X]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:

     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3)   Filing Party:

     4)   Date Filed:

                               PRELIMINARY COPIES


                       106 Corporate Drive Park, Suite 106
                            White Plains, N. Y. 10604
                                 (914) 694-2285

                                                                   July __, 1997

To the Stockholders of Norland Medical Systems, Inc.:

      The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Norland Medical Systems, Inc. (the
"Company") will be held on ________, August __, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hale Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601.

      One of the important matters to be voted on at this meeting will be a
proposal to approve the acquisition by the Company of all of the outstanding
stock of Norland Corporation, one of the manufacturers of bone densitometers for
which the Company now acts as exclusive worldwide distributor. Details of the
proposed acquisition and the other business to be conducted at the Annual
Meeting are provided in the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and Proxy Statement. The Company's 1996 Annual Report is also enclosed and
provides additional information regarding the financial results of the Company
during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.

      The Board of Directors has approved the acquisition of Norland Corporation
and believes that the transaction is fair and in the best interests of the
Company and its stockholders. The Board recommends that you vote FOR the
proposal to approve such acquisition.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors and employees of the Company, I
cordially invite all stockholders to attend the Annual Meeting. It is important
that your shares be voted on matters that come before the meeting. Whether or
not you plan to attend the meeting, I urge you to promptly complete, sign, date
and return the enclosed proxy card in the prepaid envelope provided.


                                Reynald G. Bonmati
                                President and Chairman of the Board of Directors

                          To be Held on August __, 1997

      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Norland
Medical Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), will be held at
the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hale Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601, at 10:00
a.m. on _________, August __, 1997, for the following purposes:

            i.         To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the 
                  acquisition by the Company of all of the outstanding stock of
                  Norland Corp. pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement dated as
                  of February 26, 1997 between the Company and Norland Medical
                  Systems B.V.;

            ii.        To elect five directors to serve for the ensuing year;

            iii.       To consider and act upon a proposal to approve and adopt
                  an amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation
                  which would increase the number of authorized shares of the
                  Company's Common Stock from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000;

            iv.        To consider and act upon a proposal to approve and adopt
                  amendments to the Company's Amended and Restated 1994 Stock
                  Option and Incentive Plan;

            v.         To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the 
                  selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as the Company's
                  independent auditors for 1997; and

            vi.        To transact such other business as may properly come 
                  before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      The close of business on June 23, 1997 has been fixed as the record date
for determining the stockholders entitled to notice and to vote at the Annual
Meeting. Only holders of record of Common Stock of the Company at that date are
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                       Kurt W. Streams

White Plains, N.Y.
July __, 1997

Your vote is important. Please complete, sign, date and mail the enclosed Proxy
in the accompanying envelope even if you intend to be present at the meeting.
Returning the Proxy will not limit your right to vote in person or to attend the
Annual Meeting, but will ensure your representation if you cannot attend. If you
hold shares in more than one name, or if your stock is registered in more than
one way, you may receive more than one copy of the proxy material. If so, please
sign and return each of the proxy cards that you receive so that all of your
shares may be voted. The Proxy is revocable at any time prior to its use.

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


INTRODUCTION .............................................................   1
INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE ...............................................   4
PROPOSAL 1 - ACQUISITION OF NORLAND CORPORATION ..........................   5
    General ..............................................................   5
    Background of the Acquisition ........................................   5
    Recommendation of the Special Committee and
      the Board of Directors; Reasons for the Acquisition ................   8
    Other Developments ...................................................  10
    Opinion of Advest, Inc. ..............................................  10
    Certain Relationships of Advest.......................................  14
    Projections ..........................................................  14
    Interests of Certain Persons in the Transaction ......................  14
    Accounting Treatment .................................................  16
    Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Acquisition ...........  16
    Government Approvals .................................................  16
    Accountants ..........................................................  16
    Selected Financial Data of Norland Corp. .............................  17
    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
      and Results of Operations of Norland Corp. .........................  19
    Norland Corp. Business ...............................................  23
    The Stock Purchase Agreement .........................................  29
    Vote Required for Approval ...........................................  37
PROPOSAL 2 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS .......................................  38
    SHARES OF COMMON STOCK ...............................................  42
    1994 STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN .................................  43
STOCK OWNERSHIP ..........................................................  46
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION ...................................................  49
CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS .....................................................  56
SUBMISSION OF STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS ......................................  58
OTHER MATTERS ............................................................  58
INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................  F-1

    ANNEX A - STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT ...................................  A-1
    ANNEX B - OPINION OF ADVEST, INC .....................................  B-1
              OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN ..................................  C-1


                       106 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 106
                            White Plains, N. Y. 10604
                                 (914) 694-2285

                                                                  July __, 1997

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

      This Proxy Statement is being mailed on or about July __, 1997, to holders
of record as of June 23, 1997, of Common Stock, par value $0.0005 per share
("Common Stock"), of Norland Medical Systems, Inc. (the "Company") in connection
with the solicitation by the Board of Directors of the Company of a proxy in the
enclosed form for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held
on August __, 1997.


      At the Annual Meeting, the stockholders of the Company will be asked:

            i.         To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the 
                  acquisition by the Company (the "Acquisition") of all of the
                  outstanding stock of Norland Corporation, a Wisconsin
                  corporation ("Norland Corp."), pursuant to a Stock Purchase
                  Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 (the "Stock Purchase
                  Agreement") between the Company and Norland Medical Systems
                  B.V. ("NMS BV");

            ii.        To elect five directors to serve for the ensuing year;

            iii.       To consider and act upon a proposal to approve and adopt
                  an amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation
                  which would increase the number of authorized shares of the
                  Company's Common Stock from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000;

            iv.        To consider and act upon a proposal to approve and adopt
                  amendments to the Company's Amended and Restated 1994 Stock
                  Option and Incentive Plan;

            v.         To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the 
                  selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as the Company's
                  independent auditors for 1997; and

            vi.        To transact such other business as may properly come 
                  before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      The Board of Directors has approved the Acquisition and believes that it
is fair and in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders. The Board
recommends that the stockholders vote FOR the proposal to approve the

      Pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement, the Company will pay a purchase
price equal to $17,500,000 plus an additional purchase price of up to
$2,500,000, the exact amount to be based upon the Company's 1997 sales. The
$17,500,000 will be payable at closing, $1,250,000 in cash and $16,250,000 by
the Company's 7% promissory note (the "Purchase Note"). A $1,250,000 principal
payment on the Purchase Note will be due six months after closing. The balance
will be payable on the fifth anniversary of the closing, with a right on the
part of the Company to extend the maturity for an additional two years. If the
maturity is so extended, the applicable interest rate will be increased by one
percentage point at the original maturity date and at the end of each six month
period thereafter. The Company may repay the Purchase Note at any time and,
except for the $1,250,000 payment due six months after closing, the Company may
make payments of principal by delivering shares of its Common Stock, valued at
the average closing price for the five trading days preceding the delivery.

      The amount of any additional purchase price will be determined upon
completion of the audit of the Company's financial statements for the year
ending December 31, 1997. For each full $1,000,000 of Company 1997 sales above
$32,000,000, the Company will be obligated to pay an additional $312,500 in
purchase price, up to a maximum additional purchase price of $2,500,000. The
entire additional purchase price will be paid by a second promissory note (the
"Additional Note"). The terms of the Additional Note will be the same as those
of the Purchase Note, except that there will be no mandatory prepayment of
principal prior to maturity. The Purchase Note and the Additional Note will be
secured by a pledge by the Company to NMS BV of all of the stock of Norland

      A proxy card is enclosed for your use. YOU ARE REQUESTED ON BEHALF OF THE
ENVELOPE, which requires no postage if mailed in the United States.

      If no instructions are specified on the proxy, shares represented thereby
will be voted (i) in favor of the Acquisition of all of the outstanding stock of
Norland Corp., (ii) for the election of the five nominees listed herein as
directors of the Company, (iii) in favor of the adoption of the amendment to the
Company's Certificate of Incorporation increasing the number of authorized
shares of Common Stock from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000, (iv) in favor of the
adoption of amendments to the Amended and Restated 1994 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan, (v) in favor of the ratification of the appointment of Coopers &
Lybrand L.L.P. as the Company's independent accountants for 1997, and (vi) in
the discretion of the holder of the proxy on all other matters that may properly
come before the meeting.

      Any stockholder who has given a proxy may revoke his or her proxy by
executing a proxy


bearing a later date or by delivering written notice of revocation of his or her
proxy to the Secretary of the Company at the Company's executive offices at any
time prior to the meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof. Any
stockholder who attends in person the Annual Meeting or any postponement or
adjournment thereof may revoke any proxy previously given and vote by ballot.

      As of June 23, 1997, there were 7,150,031 shares of Common Stock issued
and outstanding. The presence of the holders of a majority of the issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting,
either in person or represented by properly executed proxies, is necessary to
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting.
Abstentions and broker "non-votes" (which result when a broker holding shares
for a beneficial owner has not received timely voting instructions on certain
matters from such beneficial owner) will be counted for purposes of determining
the existence of a quorum at the Annual Meeting. If there are not sufficient
shares represented in person or by proxy at the meeting to constitute a quorum,
the meeting may be postponed or adjourned in order to permit further
solicitation of proxies by the Company. Proxies given pursuant to this
solicitation and not revoked will be voted at any postponement or adjournment of
the Annual Meeting in the manner set forth above.

      Although the Delaware General Corporation Law does not require that the
Company's stockholders approve the Acquisition, such approval is being sought
because of (i) the significant interests that certain members of the Board of
Directors and the Company's management have in NMS BV and the relationships they
have with NMS BV and Norland Corp., and (ii) the rules of the Nasdaq Stock
Market National Market System ("NASDAQ"), which require stockholder approval of
issuances of Common Stock by the Company in connection with the acquisition of
another corporation if (A) a director, officer or substantial stockholder has a
5% or greater direct or indirect interest in the corporation to be acquired and
(B) the number of shares of Common Stock which could be issued in the
transaction equals or exceeds 5% of the Common Stock outstanding prior to the
issuance. See "Acquisition of Norland Corporation -- Interests of Certain
Persons in the Transaction" for a description of the interests of certain
directors, officers and stockholders of the Company in NMS BV and Norland Corp.
Stockholder approval of the Acquisition will also be deemed to constitute
approval of any issuance of shares of the Company's Common Stock in payment of
the principal of the Purchase Note or the Additional Note. Approval of the
Acquisition will require the affirmative vote of both (A) the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares present in person or represented by duly
executed proxies at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon, and (B) the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares held by all stockholders other
than Reynald G. Bonmati, Hans Schiessl, Norland Partners, L.P. and Novatech
Ventures, L.P.

      The election of directors will be determined by a plurality of the votes
cast by holders of shares of Common Stock, and the approval of all other matters
(other than the Acquisition) will require the affirmative vote of holders of a
majority of the shares present in person or represented by duly executed proxies
and entitled to vote on the subject matter. Cumulative voting for the election
of directors is not permitted. Abstentions will be treated as shares present and
entitled to vote for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum and for
those matters requiring the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present
and entitled to vote at the meeting. Shares relating to any proxy as to which a
broker non-vote is indicated will be considered present and entitled to vote for


determining the presence of a quorum, but will not be considered present and
entitled to vote with respect to any matter as to which the broker has indicated
on the proxy that the broker does not have discretionary authority to vote the
shares. Accordingly, in the case of shares that are present at the Annual
Meeting for quorum purposes, not voting such shares for a particular nominee for
director will not prevent the election of such nominee if other stockholders
vote for such nominee; an abstention on any other proposal, however, will
operate as a vote "against" such proposal. Broker non-votes will have no effect
on the outcome of the vote on any proposals.

      The expense of preparing, printing and mailing proxy solicitation
materials will be borne by the Company. In addition, certain directors,
officers, representatives and employees of the Company may solicit proxies by
telephone and personal interview. Such individuals will not receive additional
compensation from the Company for solicitation of proxies, but may be reimbursed
for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in connection with such solicitation.
Banks, brokers and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries also will be
reimbursed by the Company for their reasonable expenses for sending proxy
solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of Common Stock. In addition,
the Company has retained Morrow & Co., Inc. to assist in the solicitation of
proxies. Such firm may solicit proxies by mail and telephone. For these 
services, Morrow & Co., Inc. will be paid customary fees not in excess of 
$5,000 by the Company plus out-of-pocket costs and expenses.

      The Company's Annual Report to Stockholders for the year ended December
31, 1996, which contains the Company's Form 10-K for such year including
financial statements, is being mailed to all stockholders entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting. The Annual Report does not constitute a part of the proxy
solicitation material, except to the extent specifically incorporated herein by

                           INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE

      A copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 1996 previously filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
by the Company pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is
included as part of the Company's Annual Report to Stockholders, which is being
mailed to stockholders with this Proxy Statement. Such Annual Report on Form
10-K is hereby incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement.
      Such document is also available to any person, including any beneficial
owner to whom this Proxy Statement is delivered, without charge on written or
oral request directed to Norland Medical Systems, Inc., 106 Corporate Drive
Park, Suite 106, White Plains, N.Y. 10604, Attention: Chief Financial Officer,
(914) 694-2285.


                                   PROPOSAL 1



      On February 26, 1997, the Company entered into the Stock Purchase
Agreement with NMS BV, in which the Company agreed to purchase all of the issued
and outstanding stock of Norland Corp. The Stock Purchase Agreement provides
that the Acquisition is subject to the approval of the Company's stockholders,
including the holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock held by all
stockholders other than Reynald G. Bonmati, Hans Schiessl, Norland Partners,
L.P. and Novatech Ventures, L.P.

      Norland Corp. is a manufacturer of bone densitometry systems based on
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry ("DXA") technology. The Company is the
exclusive worldwide distributor of all Norland Corp. products. Norland Corp. is
a Wisconsin corporation whose principal offices are located at W6340 Hackbarth
Road, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538, and its telephone number is (414) 563-

      As a subsidiary of Cordis Corporation, Norland Corp. introduced the first
single photon absorptiometry bone densitometry device in the early 1970s,
introduced a dual photon absorptiometry device in the early 1980s and introduced
a DXA device in 1987. Cordis Corporation sold Norland Corp. in 1990. In 1992 the
stockholders of Norland Corp., Norland Partners, L.P. and Nissho Iwai
Corporation and one of its subsidiaries (collectively, "Nissho Iwai"), and the
stockholders of a German corporation, Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH ("Stratec"),
formed NMS BV to hold Norland Corp. and Stratec as wholly-owned subsidiaries.
Stratec is also a manufacturer of bone densitometry systems. It has developed a
line of bone densitometers based on peripheral quantitative computed tomography
("pQCT") technology. The former stockholders of Norland Corp. received 50% of
NMS BV and the former Stratec stockholders received the other 50%. NMS BV formed
a third subsidiary, Ostech B.V., to be a distributor of Norland Corp. and
Stratec products in certain areas. The Company was formed by certain NMS BV
stockholders in December 1993 as a separate corporation, and in January 1994 the
Company became the distributor of Norland Corp. and Stratec bone densitometry

      The Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements, included
elsewhere in this Proxy Statement, reflect the Acquisition of Norland Corp. by
the Company under the purchase method of accounting.

Background of the Acquisition

      The Board of Directors had been considering for some time the acquisition
of additional manufacturing capabilities generally, and the acquisition of
Norland Corp. specifically. The Board felt that such an acquisition,
appropriately priced and structured, would put an end to any negative perception
in the marketplace that the Company was just a distributor of medical devices.
The Board also felt that it would enable the Company to more effectively price
its products in seeking to expand


the bone densitometry market to physicians' offices. Norland Corp. was viewed as
being uniquely situated as an acquisition candidate since, under the
Distribution Agreement described below, the Company has exclusive worldwide
distribution rights with respect to all Norland Corp. products until at least
December 31, 2015.

      Four of the five directors of the Company have indirect ownership
interests in NMS BV, as described below in "Interests of Certain Persons in the
Transaction". The fifth director was, until his recent resignation as an
employee of the Company's subsidiary, part of the Company's management. Given
the significant interests of certain members of the Company's management in NMS
BV, the Board, on advice of counsel, established a Special Committee consisting
of James J. Baker, as Chairman, and Michael W. Huber. While the Committee
members have the limited indirect interests in NMS BV described in "Interests of
Certain Persons in the Transaction", because neither is involved in the
management of the Company, Norland Corp. or NMS BV, the Board felt that they
were the most independent Board members with respect to this transaction.

      On December 16, 1996, the Board adopted resolutions which established the
Special Committee and authorized the Committee to consider the possible
acquisition of Norland Corp. by the Company and, in its discretion, to enter
into negotiations with respect to such acquisition. On advice of Company
counsel, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, and pursuant to the authority vested in
the Special Committee by the full Board, the Special Committee determined to
retain independent counsel to advise it as to its legal duties and
responsibilities to the Board and to the Company's shareholders. The Special
Committee retained the firm of Hertzog, Calamari & Gleason to advise it. The
Hertzog firm has no prior relationship with the Company, Norland Corp. or any of
their respective affiliates.

      Also on advice of Company counsel, the Special Committee determined to
retain the services of an independent investment banker to (i) advise the
Special Committee with respect to the value of Norland Corp. and (ii) issue a
fairness opinion with respect to the terms of any transaction which might
ultimately be negotiated. The Special Committee retained Advest, Inc. ("Advest")
to provide such services. Advest did not participate directly in the negotiation
of the amount of the purchase price or the terms of payment. However, the
Special Committee kept Advest fully apprised of the progress and status of the
negotiations, and consulted with Advest on a regular basis during the process to
obtain Advest's advice and to determine the impact of proposals by the Special
Committee and NMS BV with respect to price and payment terms on Advest's ability
to issue a fairness opinion.

      Following a preliminary review, Advest advised the Special Committee that
it believed that the value of Norland Corp. was in the $17 million to $20
million range. The Special Committee also consulted with Committee counsel, with
Company counsel, with Kurt W. Streams (the Company's Chief Financial Officer)
and with Coopers & Lybrand, L.L.P., the Company's independent certified public
accountants, regarding various possible acquisition structures and related tax
and accounting issues which might arise in a transaction.

      On January 29, 1997, the Special Committee delivered a term sheet to
representatives of NMS BV outlining proposed terms for an acquisition of Norland
Corp. The proposal was for the Company to purchase all of the assets of Norland
Corp. for $18 million plus the assumption of Norland Corp.'s balance sheet
liabilities. The $18 million would have been payable by a 6 1/2% balloon note,
payable at the end of five years, subject to the Company's right to extend the
maturity date for an additional two years. If so extended, the interest rate
would increase by one percentage point at the end of five years and at the end
of each succeeding six month period. The Company would have the option to make
payments on the note by delivering shares of its Common Stock in lieu of cash,
such shares to be valued at the average closing prices for the five days
preceding payment. Each party would indemnify the other for any
misrepresentations made by such party in the definitive agreements, and claims
for indemnity could be made at any time during the three year period following
the closing.

      On January 30, 1997, the Special Committee, together with Committee
counsel, Company counsel and Mr. Streams, acting on behalf of the Company, met
with Mr. Bonmati and representatives of Nissho Iwai, acting on behalf of NMS BV
to discuss the Special Committee's proposal. At that meeting and at the request
of the Special Committee, a representative of Advest gave a presentation of the
analysis supporting Advest's preliminary valuation of Norland Corp. The parties
discussed various aspects of the Advest presentation, at the conclusion of which
the NMS BV representatives expressed dissatisfaction with the terms of the
proposal. They expressed the view that the purchase price was too low and that
the term of the proposed note was too long. They indicated a preference for the
transaction to be structured as a purchase of the stock of Norland Corp. rather
than its assets. They also took the position that the three year indemnity
period should be significantly shorter. The NMS BV representatives then told the
Special Committee that they would have further discussions among themselves,
following which they would make a counterproposal.


      On February 3, the Special Committee received NMS BV's counterproposal.
They proposed a sale of all of the outstanding stock of Norland Corp. to the
Company for a purchase price of $30 million. They indicated that they preferred
to have the purchase price paid at closing by the delivery of shares of the
Company's Common Stock registered under the Securities Act of 1933. If payment
was to be made by a promissory note, they proposed a 5% note payable in full on
October 31, 1997. Payments on the note could be made by delivering shares of
Common Stock as provided in the Special Committee's initial proposal to NMS BV.
They also proposed that the period during which indemnity claims could be made
be limited to one year and that indemnity obligations be capped at amounts to be
agreed upon.

      On February 5, the Special Committee again met with the Nissho Iwai
representatives and Mr. Bonmati. The Special Committee advised them that while
it could support structuring the acquisition as a stock transaction, the
proposed purchase price was well in excess of that which the Special Committee
could support as fair. The Special Committee also took the position that the
Company should not be obligated to pay the entire purchase price in the first
year and that a much longer payment period was required. The Committee did
indicate that it could agree to an indemnity period of less than three years.
Following a break in the meeting during which the parties discussed the open
issues among themselves, the NMS BV representatives made the following new
proposal. The purchase price would be $20 million. Of this amount, $1 million
would be paid at closing and the balance would be paid by a $19 million note, of
which $2 million would be payable in the first year after closing and the
balance would be payable at the end of five years, subject to the right
described above of the Company to extend payment of the balance for an
additional two years. The period during which indemnity claims could be made
would be eighteen months. The Special Committee said it would review this
proposal and respond to the NMS BV representatives.

      On February 11, 1997, the Special Committee delivered the following
proposal to NMS BV. The purchase price would be $19 million, of which $950,000
would be paid at closing and the balance by a 7% note. Two principal payments of
$950,000 would be due under the note, one six months following the closing and
the second one year after the closing. The balance of the note would be payable
five years after the closing, subject to the two year extension right. The
indemnity period would end on April 1, 1999 (the date by which the second
post-closing annual audit of the Company should be completed), and the indemnity
obligations would be capped at $19,000,000. Following further discussions on
February 11, the proposed payment terms were modified as follows. The payment to
be made at closing would be $1,250,000, and instead of two $950,000 principal
payments under the note during the first year, there would be a single payment
of $1,250,000 at the end of six months. The NMS BV representatives advised the
Company that these terms were acceptable to NMS BV.

      After reviewing and discussing this proposal with Advest, the Special
Committee was unwilling to commit to a fixed purchase price of $19,000,000. The
Special Committee felt that $19,000,000 could be an appropriate purchase price,
but only if the Company's performance in 1997, which depends largely on sales of
Norland Corp. products, reached certain targets. Following further discussions
with the Nissho Iwai representatives and Mr. Bonmati, the following purchase
price and payment structure was agreed upon. A $17,500,000 minimum purchase
price would be payable at closing, $1,250,000 in cash and $16,250,000 by the
Company's 7% promissory note. A $1,250,000 principal payment on the note would
be due six months after the closing and the balance would be due five years
after the closing (subject to the Company's right to extend the final maturity
date for two years). They also agreed that for each full $1,000,000 of Company
1997 sales above $32,000,000, the purchase price would be increased by $312,500.
The maximum additional purchase price would be $2,500,000. Any such additional
purchase price would be paid by a second promissory note having the same terms
as the note to be delivered at closing, except for the payment due six months
after closing. Except for such $1,250,000 payment, the Company would have the
option to pay the principal of such notes by delivering shares of the Company's
Common Stock valued at the average closing price for the five trading days
preceding the payment date.

      The Special Committee held a meeting on February 19, 1997, which meeting
was followed by a meeting of the Company's Board of Directors, which all Board
members attended. Prior to these meetings, the Special Committee had provided
the other Board members with copies of a term sheet summarizing the proposed
transaction, the Advest preliminary valuation materials and certain other
materials which had been provided to Advest for use in making its preliminary

      At the Board meeting Mr. Baker, as Chairman of the Special Committee,
reported to the full Board on the Committee's work. He described the history of
the negotiations with NMS BV. He also described in detail the interests that
each Board member and Hans Schiessl had in NMS BV and Norland Corp. Mr. Baker
stated that while stockholder approval of the Acquisition is not mandated by
Delaware law, because of these interests, the Special Committee had made the
Acquisition contingent upon the approval of the Company's stockholders, 


including the holders of the majority of the Common Stock held by all
stockholders other than Reynald G. Bonmati, Hans Schiessl, Norland Partners,
L.P. and Novatech Ventures, L.P. Representatives of Advest were present at the
meeting, and they presented a written report to the Special Committee and full
Board. They reviewed the report and responded to questions from Board members.
When Mr. Baker completed his report, he and Mr. Huber confirmed their
recommendation to the full Board that it approve the Acquisition of Norland
Corp. After a lengthy and detailed discussion, the Board unanimously approved
the Acquisition and recommended its approval to the Company's stockholders.

      Company counsel, Committee counsel and NMS BV counsel worked to finalize
the Stock Purchase Agreement over the next several days, and it was executed by
the Company and NMS BV on February 26, 1997. On February 26, Advest delivered a
written opinion to the Special Committee with respect to the fairness of the
terms of the Acquisition from a financial point of view. See "Opinion of Advest,
Inc.", below. An amendment to the Stock Purchase Agreement relating to the
timing of the closing of the Acquisition was executed as of June 30, 1997.

Recommendation of the Special Committee and the Board of Directors; Reasons for
the Acquisition

      The Special Committee concluded that the terms of the Acquisition are fair
to, and in the best interests of, the Company and its stockholders and
unanimously voted to recommend that the Board of Directors approve the Stock
Purchase Agreement and the Acquisition. The Board of Directors, based
substantially upon the unanimous recommendation of the Special Committee, and
after considering the factors discussed below that were the basis of the Special
Committee's recommendation, determined that the terms of the Acquisition are
fair to, and in the best interests of, the Company and its stockholders.
Accordingly, the Board of Directors approved the Stock Purchase Agreement and
the Acquisition, and recommended that the stockholders of the Company vote FOR
the proposal to approve the Stock Purchase Agreement and the Acquisition. In
determining to recommend approval of the Stock Purchase Agreement and the
Acquisition by the Company, the Special Committee considered the following
material factors:

            (i) Information concerning the business, operations, assets,
financial condition, operating results and prospects of the Company and Norland
Corp., and conditions in the bone densitometry business in general, including
differences between the Company and its competitors;

            (ii) The opinion of Advest as to the fairness of the consideration
to be paid in the Acquisition; and

            (iii) The proposed terms and structure of the Acquisition and the
terms and conditions of the Stock Purchase Agreement.

      In view of the variety of factors considered in connection with its
evaluation of the Acquisition, the Special Committee did not find it practicable
to, and did not, quantify or otherwise attempt to assign relative weights to the
specific factors they considered in reaching its conclusions, although the
Special Committee did place a special emphasis on the opinion and analysis of
Advest. The Special Committee and the Board of Directors considered each of
these factors as being favorable to their decisions to approve and recommend the
Acquisition. The following discussion describes in greater detail the factors
considered by the Special Committee and the Board.


            (1) Business of the Company and Norland Corp.; the Bone Densitometry
Business. The Special Committee believed that its conclusions were supported by
its analysis of the business and prospects of the Company and Norland Corp. and
of the bone densitometry business in general.

      The Company has exclusive worldwide distribution rights for all products
manufactured by Norland Corp. and Stratec. These rights extend until December
31, 2015, subject to additional five year renewal terms. With the exception of
its OsteoAnalyzer line of bone densitometers, the Company does not manufacture
the systems which it sells. This is a significant difference between the Company
and its principal competitors, Hologic, Inc. ("Hologic") and Lunar Corporation
("Lunar"), which both manufacture and distribute bone densitometers.

      The Special Committee concluded that the Company would be in a stronger
position to compete if it acquired significant manufacturing capability. Given
the existing relationships between the Company and Norland Corp. and Stratec
under the Distribution Agreement and the Company's identification with their
products in the marketplace, the acquisition of Norland Corp. and possibly
Stratec was viewed as the logical means to achieve such capability. The Special
Committee determined that because of certain operational issues and new
financial reporting requirements which would become applicable to Stratec upon
its acquisition, it would not be feasible to acquire Stratec at this time.
However, Norland Corp. was viewed as the ideal candidate. There were several
reasons for this. First, the Special Committee believed that the acquisition of
Norland Corp. would eliminate any perception that the Company is a materially
different company from competitors such as Hologic and Lunar and that by not
manufacturing the systems it sells, the Company is merely a medical device
distributor without strong ties to the bone densitometry field. By becoming an
integrated company and acquiring direct control over research and development
and manufacturing of products that it sells, the Special Committee believed that
the Company would be in position to respond more rapidly and effectively to
changes in the bone densitometry market. Finally, by capturing the entire gross
margin on the Norland Corp. systems it sells, rather than splitting the margin
with Norland Corp. as now provided in the Distribution Agreement, the Special
Committee believed that the Company would have much greater flexibility to
compete on price.

      The Special Committee also considered the potential consequences to the
Company of not acquiring Norland Corp. As described in more detail below in
"Norland Corp. Business - Distribution Agreement," prior to recent amendments to
the Distribution Agreement, the gross margin between the price at which the
Company sells a Norland Corp. system and Norland Corp.'s agreed upon cost of
such system was allocated 50% to the Company and 50% to Norland Corp. As a
result of the implementation of the Amended Pricing Provisions described in
"Norland Corp. Business - Distribution Agreement," the Company pays Norland
Corp. an amount equal to Norland Corp's costs plus an agreed upon markup on the
standard costs of non-computer components. The Amended Pricing Provisions will
remain in effect through December 31, 1997, and will continue in effect for
additional one year periods unless Norland Corp. elects to terminate them
effective at the end of any year.

      The Amended Pricing Provisions have been favorable to the Company. For
example, if the Amended Pricing Provisions had not been in effect during the
quarters ended December 31, 1996 and March 31, 1997, the Company's income before
taxes would have been reduced by $695,000 for the three months ended December
31, 1996, from $395,000 to ($300,000), and its income before taxes would have
been reduced by $823,000 for the three months ended March 31, 1997, from
$797,000 to ($26,000). Conversely, Norland Corp.'s income before taxes for such
periods would have been increased by $695,000 and $823,000, respectively. The
Special Committee recognized that NMS BV can cause Norland Corp. to terminate
the Amended Pricing Provisions effective December 31, 1997 and have the original
pricing provisions reinstated. The Special Committee was of the view that there
was a significant risk that the Amended Pricing Provisions would not continue in
effect after December 31, 1997 and that this could have a significant negative
impact on the Company's revenues and earnings per share.

            (2) Opinion of Financial Advisor. The Special Committee believed
that its conclusions were supported by, and placed special emphasis upon, the
opinion of Advest that the consideration to be paid in the Acquisition is fair
to the Company and its stockholders from a financial point of view, as well as
on Advest's presentations to the Special Committee and the Board of Directors of
certain financial analyses that Advest performed in arriving at its opinion.
Such opinion and analyses are described below in "Opinion of Advest, Inc.". In
concluding that the Acquisition is fair to and in the best interests of the
Company's stockholders, the Special Committee accepted as reasonable the opinion
and analyses of Advest.

            (3) Terms of the Agreement. The Special Committee believed that its
conclusions were further supported by the fact that the terms of the Stock
Purchase Agreement, especially those relating to the payment of the purchase
price, provide a great deal of flexibility to the Company. The Special Committee
believed that it is the Company's interest to acquire the manufacturing capacity
of Norland


Corp. as soon as possible. However, the Special Committee had several concerns
as to how the purchase price would be paid. The Company could not pay the full
purchase price in cash, and the Special Committee did not want the Company to
enter into an expensive third party financing of the Acquisition. In addition,
the Special Committee did not want the Company to pay the purchase price in
shares of its Common Stock valued at the then current price.

      The Special Committee was able to negotiate terms that it believes
satisfied these concerns. Aside from the $1,250,000 payment due at closing and
the second $1,250,000 payment due six months after the closing, the purchase
price is payable by promissory notes with a favorable interest rate (7%). The
remaining principal amount of the notes is not payable until five years after
the closing, subject to the Company's right to extend the maturity date for an
additional two years (at an increasing interest rate). The Company may prepay
the notes at any time, in whole or in part. The Company has several options
available to it in paying the notes. It can pay cash, which it could do, for
example, if it were to effect an offering of its Common Stock. It also has the
right to pay the principal amount of the notes by delivering shares of Common
Stock valued for this purpose at the average closing price for the five trading
days preceding the payment, not at the time the notes were delivered. The Stock
Purchase Agreement also provides that the Company may satisfy any
indemnification obligations of NMS BV to the Company under the Stock Purchase
Agreement (up to an aggregate amount equal to 20% of the final purchase price)
by offset against amounts payable by the Company under the Purchase Note and the
Additional Note. The Special Committee believes that it would not have been able
to negotiate payment terms with another seller which are as favorable as the
terms of the Stock Purchase Agreement.

      The Special Committee also recognized that there are possible
disadvantages to the Acquisition, including the following:

            (a) The Company will incur significant indebtedness that will be
reflected on its balance sheet. While the Company will have the option to pay
the principal of such indebtedness (except for the $1,250,000 payment due six
months after the closing) by delivering shares of its Common Stock, the Company
will be obligated to make cash interest payments on such indebtedness in excess
of $250,000 per quarter (assuming no optional prepayments of principal by the

            (b) As indicated in the Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed
Financial Statements, included elsewhere in this Proxy Statement, the
Acquisition will result in goodwill of $6.3 million to $8.8 million, depending
on the final amount of the purchase price. Amortization of this goodwill will be
an expense item that will have the effect of lowering the Company's net income
and net income per share for financial reporting purposes.

            (c) The Special Committee also recognized that by acquiring Norland
Corp., the Company will become responsible for funding Norland Corp.'s ongoing
research and development programs. As a result, the Company will be assuming the
risk that significant expenditures may be made on programs which do not result
in products being brought to market, including the programs with respect to
which the Company will be taking an in-process research and development charge
upon cosummation of the Acquisition. See Note (d) to "Unaudited Pro Forma
Combined Condensed Financial Statements."

            (d) As the manufacturer of all Norland Corp. products, the Company
will have primary responsibility for any product liability claims relating to
such products. The Company will become subject to the risk that adequate product
liability insurance may not always be available at economic rates.

            (e) Norland Corp. develops and manufactures bone densitometers and
the Company markets and sells the densitometers manufactured by Norland Corp.
While the Acquisition will result in the Company becoming a fully integrated
bone densitometer company, because it will combine completely separate aspects
of the same business, the Acquisition, unlike many business combinations, will
not result in significant synergies or cost savings.

      While the Special Committee and the Board of Directors recognized and
considered these possible disadvantages of the Acquisition, they are of the view
that the disadvantages are outweighed by the factors discussed above that make
the Acquisition advantageous to the Company.

      At the February 19, 1997 Board meeting, the directors agreed that Advest
would be asked to present their updated fairness opinion analysis to the Board
prior to the mailing of the definitive proxy statement to stockholders. After
the unaudited financial statements of the Company and Norland Corp. for the
quarter ended March 31, 1997 became available, management of the Company and
Norland Corp. reviewed the financial projections concerning their respective
companies for the years 1997 through 2000 and made certain downward revisions in
the projections for such years. These financial statements and revised
projections were provided to, and discussed with, Advest before Advest updated
its fairness analysis. A meeting of the Board was held on June 4, 1997 for the
purpose of having Advest present its updated findings to the Board.
Representatives of Advest presented a written report to the Board. They reviewed
the report and responded to questions from Board members. Advest reaffirmed its
conclusion that the transaction was fair to the stockholders of the Company, and
the Advest representatives stated that Advest would reissue its fairness opinion
at the time the proxy statement was mailed to the stockholders. The opinion was
reissued on July __, 1997. At the June 4 Board meeting, one of the Board
members, Robert L. Piccioni, stated that he was no longer in favor of the
Company making the Acquisition at this time on the terms proposed. Dr. Piccioni
had voted in favor of the Acquisition at the February 19 Board meeting. In an
April 21, 1997 memorandum to Mr. Bonmati, Dr. Piccioni expressed concerns as to
whether Advest would reaffirm its fairness opinion. On May 16, 1997, he sent a
memorandum to the other Board members stating that, for the reasons outlined
below, he no longer supported the Acquisition.

      Dr. Piccioni and his wife, Joan Piccioni, were the founders and principal
stockholders of Dove Medical Systems ("Dove"). In April 1996, the Company
acquired Dove by merger (the "Dove Merger). The Company also purchased a patent
and other intangible assets that were owned by the Piccionis and certain other
stockholders of Dove and licensed to Dove for use in its business. Dove was the
developer and manufacturer of the OsteoAnalyzer bone densitometer. The
OsteoAnalyzer is a peripheral densitometer that uses single energy x-ray
absorptiometry ("SXA") technology to scan the heel through a medium of water.

      Dr. Piccioni has expressed the following reasons for withdrawing his
support of the Acquisition:

   1. He stated that because Norland Corp.'s sales of the pDEXA (the peripheral
DXA-based densitometer manufactured by Norland Corp. that scans the forearm)
and net income for the quarter ended March 31, 1997 were significantly below
forecast, he does not have confidence in the Norland Corp. and Company
management projections as they relate to peripheral DXA-based systems.

   2. He expressed his belief that as a result of the reduction in U.S.
reimbursement rates for peripheral densitometry tests, the Company may no longer
be able to make significant sales of the pDEXA. He stated his view that the
pDEXA cannot compete with the larger, more expensive densitometers that scan the
hip and spine and for which the reimbursement rate has not been significantly
reduced or with what in his view are superior peripheral systems such as Dove's
OsteoAnalyzer. It is also his opinion that Norland Corp. may not be able to
develop new and improved peripheral DXA-based devices for which a significant
market can be established.

   3. He stated his belief that the Company's management may have blocked sales
of the OsteoAnalyzer densitometer to prevent competition with the pDEXA and
thereby enhance the value of Norland Corp.

   4. Dr. Piccioni stated that he preferred that the Company wait and see how
Norland Corp. performs during 1997 before deciding whether to acquire Norland

      At the June 4 Board meeting, there was a lengthy discussion of all of the
issues raised by Dr. Piccioni. All of the other directors and Board members
expressed their disagreement with Dr. Piccioni's statements and conclusions. The
following is a summary of the responses made by the other directors:

   1. With respect to the projections, the other directors stated that while no
one can guarantee that the projections will be achieved, they found the
projections to be reasonable. The other directors continue to believe that the
terms of the Acquisition are fair. The fact that the projections were revised
downward in May did not change their views. They emphasized that Advest, the
independent expert retained to specifically evaluate the fairness of the
transaction, had issued a fairness opinion at the time the Stock Purchase
Agreement was signed in February, and had reaffirmed that opinion to the Board
at the meeting. Dr. Piccioni's concerns and opinions were known to Advest when
it reaffirmed the fairness opinion. Using the revised projections, Advest had
determined that the Acquisition would be accretive to the Company's earnings for
the next twelve months. See "Opinion of Advest, Inc." The other directors
emphasized that the projections were only one of many factors considered in
evaluating the Acquisition. They believe that the other factors discussed above
in this section still support the original decision to approve and recommend the

   2. They expressed their belief that Norland Corp. would continue to be able
to develop and manufacture, and that the Company would continue to be able to
sell, peripheral densitometry systems based on DXA technology, which, since
1987, has been a standard for analyzing bone mass reduction. It was also noted
that approximately 52% of Norland Corp.'s revenues for the year ended December
31, 1996 and approximately 81% of its revenues for the three months ended
March 31, 1997 had come from sales of the more expensive non-peripheral systems
that scan the hip and spine.

   3. With respect to OsteoAnalyzer sales, the other directors were of the view
that management had not blocked sales but in fact was taking actions to maximize
the marketing of the OsteoAnalyzer.

4. With respect to the timing of the Acquisition, the other Board members stated
that the Company could follow one of three possible courses of action: complete
the Acquisition as soon as possible; delay the Acquisition and possibly
renegotiate terms; or abandon the Acquisition. They were all of the view that it
is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders that the Company
acquire Norland Corp. as soon as possible. The members of the Special Committee,
who had negotiated the Acquisition on behalf of the Company, were of the belief
that if the Acquisition is delayed and the Company attempted to reopen or
renegotiate the purchase price or the terms of payment, it would not be able to
improve upon the terms of the Stock Purchase Agreement and might well wind up
with less favorable terms. In addition to the possibility that the Company might
have to agree to a higher purchase price as a result of a renegotiation, it was
also possible that one or more of the favorable payment terms might be changed
to the Company's detriment (e.g., the relative mix of cash and notes, the
interest rate on the notes, the maturity date of the notes, the collateral for
the notes, and the ability to prepay the principal of the notes in Common Stock
of the Company valued at the time of payment). The other directors were of the
view that if the Acquisition does not take place or is delayed past the end of
1997, the Company will have to deal with the real possibility that a significant
share of the Company's gross margin will shift from the Company to Norland Corp.
beginning in 1998, as discussed above in this section. They also recognized that
if the Acquisition is delayed, the portion of the purchase price allocable to
in-process research and development could be substantially reduced, thereby
increasing the amount of goodwill resulting from the transaction. See "Pro Forma
Combined Condensed Financial Statements".

      Following the Board discussion, Dr. Piccioni stated that his belief that
the projections would not be achieved still led him to conclude that the
purchase price for Norland Corp. was too high and that he was now opposed to the
Acquisition on the proposed terms. Each of the other four Board members
reaffirmed his support of the Acquisition and the Stock Purchase Agreement.

Other Developments

      In connection with the acquisition of Dove, the Company paid 161,538
shares of its Common Stock (valued at the time at $3,311,529) to the Dove
stockholders in the Dove Merger and $3,600,000 in cash to purchase the assets
licensed to Dove by the Piccionis and other stockholders of Dove. A total of
16,153 of these shares and $360,000 of the cash were placed in escrow to secure
indemnity obligations of the Piccionis and the other owners of the intangible
assets. The period during which the Company can make indemnity claims with
respect to the Dove transactions ends on October 2, 1997. Dove is now a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Following the Dove Merger, Joan Piccioni
became the President, and Robert Piccioni became the Chief Technical Officer, of
Dove. On June 7, 1997, Dr. and Mrs. Piccioni submitted their resignations as
employees of Dove, effective June 13, 1997.

      On May 13, 1997, counsel for Dr. and Mrs. Piccioni wrote a letter to
Company counsel stating that the Piccionis had interpreted certain comments made
by Mr. Bonmati, President of the Company, in memoranda earlier in May related to
ongoing Dove business as a threat by the Company that it would attempt to
rescind the Dove Merger. Counsel for the Piccionis demanded that the Company
acknowledge that the obligations of the Piccionis to perform services for Dove
did not stem from any obligation under the Dove Merger. Counsel also demanded
that the Company disclose all facts concerning any claim by the Company that the
Piccionis were in breach of any obligations arising out of the Dove Merger. A
reply was demanded by May 20, 1997.

      On May 28, 1997, counsel for the Piccionis again wrote to Company counsel.
In this letter counsel demanded, among other things, that the Company release
the Piccionis from any claims that the Company may have against them arising out
of their employment with Dove, provide a statement that the Piccionis' conduct
was not actionable, and immediately release the portions of the Dove transaction
purchase price held in escrow. Counsel demanded a reply to this letter by June

      On May 30, 1997, Advest informed the Company that it expected to complete
the update of its fairness analysis by June 2. Mr. Bonmati then sent out a
notice that a Board meeting would be held on June 4, 1997 for the sole purpose
of reviewing the status of the Acquisition. On May 30, counsel for the Piccionis
sent another letter to Company counsel stating that Dr. Piccioni did not want
any of the issues relating to the Dove Merger and his employment with Dove to be
raised at the June 4 Board meeting. Counsel then stated that, given the suddenly
announced Board meeting, the Piccionis demanded that the Company respond to
counsel's May 28 letter referred to above no later than June 2, 1997. The
Company has not responded to such letters.


Opinion of Advest, Inc.

      Advest delivered a written opinion dated as of February 26, 1997, which
opinion was reissued on July __, 1997 (the "Advest Opinion"), to the Special
Committee to the effect that, based upon the assumptions made, matters
considered and limits of the review undertaken, as set forth in the Advest
Opinion, the financial terms of the Acquisition taken as a whole are fair from a
financial point of view to the Company and its stockholders. The Advest Opinion
did not differ materially in its conclusions from the oral and written opinion
and analyses of Advest delivered at meetings of the Special Committee and the
Board of Directors on February 19, 1997 and June 4, 1997. The Company had agreed
to pay Advest a fee for the delivery of the Advest Opinion.

      A copy of the July __, 1997 Advest Opinion is attached as Annex B to this
Proxy Statement and is incorporated herein by reference. The summary of the
Advest Opinion set forth in this Proxy Statement is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the full text of the Advest Opinion. The Company's stockholders are
urged to read the Advest Opinion in its entirety for the assumptions made,
matters considered and limits of the review undertaken by Advest.

      The Special Committee retained Advest to render an opinion with respect to
the fairness, from a financial point of view, to the Company's stockholders of
the consideration to be paid in the proposed Acquisition. The opinion delivered
was not intended to address the Company's underlying business decision to effect
the purchase of Norland Corp. The Advest Opinion is directed only to the


from a financial point of view of the financial terms of the Acquisition, taken
as a whole, and does not constitute a recommendation to any shareholder as to
how such shareholder should vote at the Annual Meeting on the Acquisition. The
consideration to be received by NMS BV in the Acquisition was determined through
negotiations between the Special Committee and representatives of NMS BV, in
which the Special Committee was advised by representatives of Advest, and was
approved by the Special Committee and the Board of Directors of the Company.
Advest did not solicit third-party indications of interest for the acquisition
of all or any part of Norland Corp.

      Pursuant to the terms of an engagement letter dated January 6, 1997
between the Special Committee and Advest, the Company agreed to pay Advest an
initial fee of $40,000 which was non-refundable. The Company also agreed to pay
Advest an additional fee of $35,000 upon the closing of the proposed
Acquisition. If for any reason the proposed Acquisition does not occur, and
Advest has completed its work and delivered its opinion, the Company agreed to
pay Advest $60,000, of which the $40,000 non-refundable retainer is to be net
against, as a break-up fee upon notification by Advest that it considers the
Acquisition not to have occurred. The Company has also agreed to indemnify
Advest and hold it harmless against any losses, damages, claims or liabilities
to which it may become subject as a result of its rendering of services pursuant
to the engagement letter.

      In arriving at its opinion, Advest, among other things: (i) reviewed
certain publicly available financial statements and other information of the
Company; (ii) reviewed certain financial statements, including the audited
December 31, 1994, 1995 and 1996 Norland Corp. financial statements, the
unaudited March 31, 1996 and 1997 Norland Corp. financial statements, and other
financial and operating data concerning the Company and Norland Corp. prepared
by the management of the Company and Norland Corp., respectively; (iii) analyzed
certain summary financial projections concerning the Company prepared by the
management of the Company; (iv) analyzed certain summary financial projections
concerning Norland Corp. prepared by the management of Norland Corp.; (v)
reviewed and discussed with senior executives of the Company the past and
current operations and financial condition and the prospects of the Company;
(vi) reviewed and discussed with senior executives of Norland Corp. the past and
current operations and financial condition and the prospects of Norland Corp.
and analyzed the estimated pro forma impact of the Acquisition, including the
impact on the Company's earnings per share, consolidated capitalization and
financial ratios; (vii) reviewed and discussed with senior executives of the
Company and Norland Corp. the strategic objectives of the Acquisition and the
long-term benefits expected to result from the Acquisition; (viii) reviewed the
reported prices and trading activity of the Company's Common Stock; (ix)
compared the financial performance of Norland Corp. and the prices and trading
activity of certain other comparable publicly traded companies and their
securities; (x) reviewed the financial terms, to the extent publicly available,
of certain comparable transactions; (xi) reviewed the Stock Purchase Agreement
and certain related documents; and (xii) considered such other factors as it
deemed appropriate. No limitations were imposed by the Special Committee upon
Advest with respect to the investigations made or procedures followed by Advest
in rendering its opinion as to the fairness of the proposed Acquisition from a
financial point of view, to the Company's shareholders. Advest did not express
an opinion as to the relative merits of the Acquisition and other strategic
alternatives that may be available to the Company. Copies of the written
analysis delivered by Advest in connection with the rendering of the Advest


Opinion to the Special Committee will be made available for inspection and
copying at the principal executive offices of the Company during regular
business hours by any interested stockholder of the Company, or his
representative who has been so designated in writing.

      In rendering its opinion, Advest assumed and relied upon, without
independent verification, the accuracy and completeness of the information
reviewed by Advest for the purpose of its opinion. With respect to the financial
projections, including estimates of the long-term benefits expected to result
from the Acquisition, Advest assumed that they had been reasonably prepared,
reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the future
financial performance of the Company and Norland Corp. Furthermore, Advest did
not conduct a physical inspection of the properties or facilities of the Company
or Norland Corp. (other than visiting the Company's and Norland Corp.'s primary
offices) or make or obtain any independent valuation or appraisal of the assets
or liabilities of the Company or Norland Corp., nor was Advest furnished with
any such independent valuations or appraisals. Advest assumed, with the
Company`s consent, that the Acquisition will be accounted for as a purchase
business combination in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
("GAAP"). Advest also assumed that the transactions described in the Stock
Purchase Agreement will be consummated on the terms set forth therein. The
Advest Opinion is necessarily based on economic, market and other conditions as
they existed and could be evaluated by Advest on the date thereof, and the
information made available to Advest.

      Based upon and subject to the foregoing, Advest prepared and presented to
the Special Committee and the Board of Directors certain financial and
comparative analyses at their February 19, 1997 and June 4, 1997 meetings and,
subsequently, the Advest Opinion. Such financial and comparative analyses
included a comparative company analysis, a comparable transaction analysis, and
an analysis of pro forma earnings per share for the combined companies, which
are more particularly described below.

      Comparable Company Analysis. Using publicly available information, Advest
analyzed, among other things, the market values and trading multiples of
selected companies comparable to the operating business of Norland Corp. The
multiples derived on this analysis represent the value of a freely traded
minority interest. After compiling a large universe of medical device
manufacturers and reviewing appropriate information, Advest selected three
public companies engaged specifically in the bone densitometry market: (i)
Hologic; (ii) Lunar; and (iii) the Company (together, the "Selected Comparable
Companies"). Advest compared the market values and trading multiples of the
Selected Comparable Companies to revenues and earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA") for the latest twelve months ("LTM"),
and next fiscal year projected earnings based on analysts' consensus forecasts.
The multiples of revenues ranged from 2.1x to 2.5x for the Selected Comparable
Companies and the multiples of EBITDA ranged from 9.2x to 17.8x. The multiples
of next fiscal year earnings ranged from 12.7x to 16.8x.

      Within the Selected Comparable Companies, Advest deemed the Company to be
the most comparable company to Norland Corp. for the following reasons: (i)
Norland Corp. manufactures and the Company distributes largely the same
products; (ii) reimbursement cuts for peripheral testing affect the Company and
Norland Corp. disproportionately versus Hologic and Lunar; and (iii) Hologic and


Lunar are both fully integrated companies controlling both manufacturing and
sales. The Company's multiples as compared to the other Selected Comparable
Companies were at the upper end of the range with multiples of LTM revenues, LTM
EBITDA and next fiscal year earnings of 2.2x, 17.8x, and 16.8x, respectively.

      In analyzing the comparable company analysis and based on the purchase
price for Norland Corp., the multiples implied by the Acquisition represent a
discount to the multiples of the Company at 1.1x, 7.7x, and 9.8x, respectively.
This discount is justified based on the fact that the Company: (i) operates and
controls its own distribution system; (ii) controls its end user pricing; (iii)
can use technology to develop new products; and (iv) can sell products other
than those offered by Norland Corp. This analysis did not take into
consideration the potential termination of the Amended Pricing Provisions under
the Distribution Agreement and reinstatement of the original pricing provisions,
as discussed above in "Recommendation of the Special Committee and the Board of
Directors; Reasons for the Acquisition". Any such termination and reinstatement
would result in increased profit margins for Norland Corp. and reduced profit
margins for the Company.

      Comparable Transaction Analysis. Advest reviewed publicly available
information for selected transactions involving the acquisition of medical
device companies with target revenues of less than $100 million. Because of the
small size of many of these transactions, limited public information,
particularly financial, exists for many of the target companies. Advest focused
its analysis on nine transactions (together, the "Selected Transactions") which
had the best information and were the most comparable to the proposed Purchase.
These transactions included (Acquiror/Target); (i) Nellcor Puritan Bennett,
Inc./Aequitron Medical, Inc.; (ii) Hologic, Inc./Fluoroscan Imaging Systems,
Inc.; (iii) Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Inc./Infrasonics, Inc.; (iv) Thermo
Electron Corporation/SensorMedics Corp.; (v) the Company/Dove Medical Systems;
(vi) Trex Medical Corporation/XRE Corporation; (vii) Del Global Technologies
Corp./GENDEX Medical; (viii) ThermoTrex Corp./Bennett X-Ray Corp.; and (ix)
Allied Healthcare Products, Inc./Bear Medical Systems, Inc.

      Advest used transaction multiples (where available) of LTM revenues, LTM
EBITDA and LTM net income to develop a range of multiples which would be fair
for the Acquisition. The difference between the comparable company analysis and
the comparable transaction analysis is that the multiples developed using the
latter method include control premiums to the extent the acquiror is acquiring a
controlling interest in the target. The multiples of LTM revenues for the
Selected Transactions ranged 0.4x to 3.8x, the multiples of LTM EBITDA ranged
from 10.4x to 29.4x and the multiples of LTM net income ranged from 20.4x to
46.0x. These multiples compared to implied multiples of 1.2x LTM revenues, 7.7x
LTM EBITDA and 13.7x LTM net income for Norland Corp.

      In analyzing the results of the comparable transaction analysis, Advest
determined that the purchase price for Norland Corp. was fair and represented a
discount to the Selected Transactions, particularly on an earnings basis. This
analysis also did not take into account the potential impact of the termination
of the Amended Pricing Provisions.

      Earnings Per Share Analysis. In conducting its analysis, Advest noted the
following: (i) the primary benefit of the Acquisition relates to capturing the
earnings stream of Norland Corp.; (ii) the low capital base and absence of a
pooling-of-interest alternative in the Acquisition creates significant goodwill;
(iii) based on the Acquisition structure, goodwill is not tax deductible; and
(iv) the Acquisition would eliminate the uncertainty created by the potential
termination of the Amended Pricing Provisions, which could increase profit
margins for Norland Corp. and decrease profit margins for the Company. Due to
the financial nature of this transaction, Advest determined that it was
important for the Acquisition to be accretive and therefore analyzed the
financial impact of the proposed Acquisition and performed sensitivity analyses
to evaluate the effect on earnings per share for the Company utilizing pro forma
LTM results through March 31, 1997 and projected next twelve months ("NTM")
results through March 31, 1998.


      In analyzing the results of the pro forma earnings per share for the
combined companies, Advest determined that the effect of the Acquisition to the
Company's earnings per share would be approximately $.04 accretive to the
Company's NTM earnings based on management's projections and approximately $.03
dilutive to unaudited pro forma LTM earnings per share based on the combined
results for the LTM period after consideration of the expected accounting
treatment of the Acquisition and excluding the LTM benefit of net operating loss
carryforwards utilized by Norland Corp. In an effort to quantify the potential
impact of a termination of the Amended Pricing Provisions and reinstatement of
the original pricing provisions under the Distribution Agreement, Advest
adjusted the pro forma NTM results (recognizing that any such termination and
reinstatement could not become effective until January 1, 1998). The adjustments
reflect management's earnings projection for the NTM, assuming that the original
pricing provisions under the Distribution Agreement were in effect for the
entire NTM. This analysis resulted in accretion of approximately $.33 per share
(compared to $.04 under the Amended Pricing Provisions) resulting from the

      Conclusion. In addition to the financial analyses and the specific
comments made above, the potential long-term benefits associated with the
Acquisition include: (i) elimination of uncertainties associated with the
potential termination of the Amended Pricing Provisions and reinstatement of the
original pricing provisions under the Distribution Agreement; (ii) a potential
change in the market perception of the Company as a fully integrated entity with
both manufacturing and distribution capabilities and therefore, not as a
materially different company than its direct competitors, Lunar and Hologic; and
(iii) the procurement of direct control over research and development and
manufacturing of the products it sells, giving the Company greater control over
the positioning and pricing of its current and future product lines. Based on
the analyses described above, Advest concluded that the purchase price the
Company set forth to complete the Acquisition of Norland Corp. is fair to the
Company and its stockholders from a financial point of view.


Representatives of Advest were present at the June 4, 1997 Board meeting at
which Dr. Piccioni indicated that he did not have confidence in the Norland
Corp. and Company management projections as they related to peripheral DXA-based
systems and that he was withdrawing his support of the Acquisition. At that
meeting the Advest representatives expressed Advest's views with respect to the
projections and the Acquisition. In reaffirming its opinion, Advest reviewed
revised projections prepared by Norland Corp. and the Company following the
weaker than anticipated first quarter of 1997. In doing so, Advest assumed that
the revised projections had been reasonably prepared to reflect the best
currently available estimates and judgments of the future financial performance
of Norland Corp. and the Company. While Advest could not and did not
independently verify the work of management in preparing the projections and was
not in a position to comment on, among other things, Dr. Piccioni's assessment
of the pDEXA or the impact of the reduction in U.S. reimbursement rates for
peripheral densitometry tests, in Advest's view the projections were not
inconsistent with historic performance and the assumptions used by management
seemed reasonable. Advest recognized that no one can guarantee that the
projections will be achieved. Advest also emphasized that the revised
projections were only one of the factors considered by Advest in reaffirming its
opinion. Advest also considered the other potential benefits of the Acquisition
referred to above, as well as potential negative impact on the Company should
the Acquisition not be consummated and the Distribution Agreement revert to its
original pricing provisions described above.

      The description set forth above summarizes all of the material analyses
performed by Advest in connection with the Acquisition. The summary of the
financial and comparative analyses set forth above does not purport to be a
complete description of Advest's written opinion or Advest's oral presentations
to the Special Committee and the Board of Directors on February 19, 1997 and
June 4, 1997. Advest believes that its analyses must be considered as a whole
and that selecting portions of its analyses and of the factors considered by it,
without considering all factors and analyses, could create an incomplete view of
the processes underlying its opinion. The preparation of a fairness opinion is a
complex process and not necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary
description. In its analyses, Advest made numerous assumptions with respect to
industry performance, general business and economic conditions and other
matters, many of which are beyond the Company's control. Any estimates contained
therein are not necessarily indicative of actual values, which may be
significantly more or less favorable than as set forth therein. Estimates of
values of companies do not purport to be appraisals or necessarily reflect the
prices at which companies may actually be sold.

      Certain Relationships of Advest. Advest, as part of its investment banking
business, is engaged in the valuation of securities in connection with mergers
and acquisitions, negotiated underwritings, secondary distributions of listed
and unlisted securities and private placements, and in valuations for corporate
and other purposes. The Special Committee selected Advest to render its opinion
on the basis of such firm's expertise. Advest and its affiliates in the past
have not provided financial advisory or financing services to the Company.
Advest has, however, provided valuation services for The EICON Group, Inc.
("EICON"). Reynald G. Bonmati, President and a director of the Company, is
President and a director of EICON. Albert S. Waxman, a director of the Company,
is a director of EICON. For its valuation services in June 1994, Advest received
$4,000 from EICON. It has not performed any additional financial advisory
services or received additional compensation from EICON.


      With respect to the Acquisition, the managements of Norland Corp. and the
Company prepared forecasts for Norland Corp. showing, among other things,
revenues and net income for the years 1997 through 2000 (the "Projections").
Neither the Company nor Norland Corp. make public forecasts as to future
revenues or net income. The Company and Norland Corp. have produced forecasts
for internal use within the past few years, but such forecasts have varied
substantially from actual historical results. The Projections were not prepared
with a view to public disclosure or compliance with published guidelines of the
Commission or the guidelines established by the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants regarding projections. The Projections are included in this
Proxy Statement only because this information has been made available to the
Special Committee, the Board of Directors and Advest in connection with the
Acquisition, and the Company, therefore, wishes to make the same information
available to its stockholders. While the Special Committee, the Board and Advest
considered the Projections in their respective analyses of the Acquisition, the
Projections constituted only one component of such analyses. The Company
cautions stockholders that the Projections are speculative and should not be
given undue weight (if any weight is to be given to them at all) in deciding how
to vote their shares at the Annual Meeting. The independent accountants of the
Company and Norland Corp. have not examined or compiled the Projections
presented herein or applied any procedures with respect to this information.
Accordingly, they have not expressed any opinion or any other form of assurance
on such information.

      The Projections are necessarily based on numerous estimates and
assumptions, some of which are set forth below, with respect to general business
and economic conditions, competition and many other matters, most of which are
beyond the control of the Company and Norland Corp.

      Because the estimates and assumptions underlying the Projections are
inherently subject to significant economic and competitive uncertainties and
contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and are
beyond the control of the Company, the Projections are not necessarily
indicative of future performance. It is, therefore, highly likely that there
will be differences between actual and projected results, and actual results may
be materially higher or lower than those set forth below. The Projections should
not be regarded in any respect as a representation by the Company or any other
person or entity that the results stated in the Projections can be achieved.

      The Projections show total revenue for Norland Corp. of approximately
$16,100,000, $23,700,000, $30,800,000 and $55,500,000 for the years ending
December 31, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively, and net income of
approximately $1,100,000, $2,900,000, $4,500,000 and $10,400,000 for the years
ending 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. These figures assume that the
Amended Pricing Provisions referred to above in "Recommendation of the Special
Committee and the Board of Directors; Reasons for the Acquisition," which are in
effect for 1997, continue in effect for 1998, 1999 and 2000. If the Amended
Pricing Provisions were to be terminated at the end of 1997 and the original
50-50 margin splitting reinstated, the Projections would show total revenue for
Norland Corp. of approximately $27,400,000, $34,700,000 and $61,100,000 for the
years ending December 31, 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively, and net income of
approximately $5,100,000, $7,500,000 and $13,700,000 for the years ending
December 31, 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. It should be noted that if the
Acquisition is consummated, it will not result in any increase in the Company's
revenue, since all of Norland Corp.'s sales are made to the Company. The
Acquisition will result in the Company receiving the entire gross margin between
the Company's sales price and Norland Corp.'s cost of goods sold. However, the
Acquisition will not result in the Company's net income for any period
increasing by the amount of net income that Norland Corp. would have had for
such period if the Acquisition had not occurred. See "Pro Forma Combined
Condensed Financial Statements."

      It should be noted that the Projections were originally prepared in
February 1997, and were revised downward in May 1997 after the unaudited
financial statements of the Company and Norland Corp. for the quarter ended
March 31, 1997 became available. The Projections may be of little value at the
present time, particularly given the actual results of Norland Corp. since that
time. For these and other reasons, neither the Company nor Norland Corp. can
accurately predict whether the actual results of Norland Corp. will fall within
the range of projected results described above. In view of the variance from
actual results of past forecasts regarding Norland Corp. and taking into account
the qualifications discussed above, the value of the Projections is

Interests of Certain Persons in the Transaction

      There are significant overlaps in the ownership and management of NMS BV
and Norland Corp. and the ownership and management of the Company. The ownership
of NMS BV is as follows: Hans Schiessl owns 50%, Norland Partners, L.P. owns
41.2% and Nissho Iwai owns 8.8%.


      Reynald G. Bonmati, the President and a Director of the Company is also
the President and a Director of Norland Corp. and a Managing Director of NMS BV
and may be considered the beneficial owner, through his relationship with
Norland Partners, L.P., of the 41.2% of NMS BV held by Norland Partners, L.P.
Albert S. Waxman, a Director of the Company, is also a Director of Norland Corp.
and a Managing Director of NMS BV. He may also be considered the beneficial
owner through Norland Partners, L.P., of the same 41.2% of the capital stock of
NMS BV. Two of the three other directors of the Company, James J. Baker and
Michael W. Huber, neither of whom is an officer or employee of the Company, have
the 1.7% and 1.3% indirect ownership interests in NMS BV referred to in the
following paragraph, but neither is an officer, director or employee of NMS BV
or Norland Corp. Mr. Huber and Mr. Baker's wife are limited partners in Novatech
Ventures, L.P., which holds a limited partnership interest in Norland Partners,
L.P. Kurt W. Streams, Vice President, Finance, of the Company and Lewis N.
Harrold, Vice President, Product Development, of the Company are also officers
of Norland Corp.

      Assuming the maximum purchase price of $20,000,000 for Norland Corp., Mr.
Bonmati's partnership interests in Norland Partners, L.P., and Novatech
Ventures, L.P., represent an indirect ownership interest of approximately 15.2%
of NMS BV, Dr. Waxman's partnership interest in Norland Partners, L.P.
represents an indirect ownership interest of approximately 9.5% of NMS BV, Mr.
Huber's partnership interest in Novatech Ventures, L.P. represents an indirect
ownership interest of approximately 1.3% of NMS BV, and Mrs. Baker's partnership
interest in Novatech Ventures, L.P. represents an indirect ownership interest of
approximately 1.7% of NMS BV. The actual portion of the purchase price to be
received by Messrs. Bonmati, Waxman and Huber and by Mrs. Baker will depend on
the amounts that can be distributed to Norland Partners, L.P. and Novatech
Ventures, L.P. by NMS BV and to Messrs. Bonmati, Waxman and Huber and Mrs.
Baker from such partnerships. If one assumes (a) that NMS BV receives
$20,000,000, (b) that it does not need any part of such $20,000,000 for any
other purpose (including tax payments or transactions expenses), (c) that it
distributes the entire amount to its stockholders, and (d) that the entire
amounts received by Norland Partners, L.P. and Novatech Ventures, L.P. are
distributed to the persons having beneficial interests therein, then Mr. Bonmati
would receive $3,040,000, Dr. Waxman would receive $1,900,000, Mr. Huber would
receive $260,000 and Mrs. Baker would receive $340,000. In addition, Mr. Bonmati
and Mr. Schiessl are parties to an agreement which contemplates that they may in
the future combine their interests in NMS BV in an entity to be jointly owned by

      The following table set forth the relationships that certain directors and
stockholders of the Company have with Norland Corp. and NMS BV:

Person                           Relationship to Company                     Relationship to NMS BV/ Norland Corp.
- ------                           -----------------------                     -------------------------------------
Norland Partners, L.P.      - Owner of 11.0% of the Company's Com-         - Owner of 41.2% of outstanding capital
                              mon Stock.                                     stock of NMS BV.
                            - Novatech Management Corporation
                              ("Novatech Management") is the sole
                              general partner.

Novatech Ventures, L.P.     - Owner of 3.7% of the Company's Com-          - Limited partner of Norland Partners.
                              mon Stock.
                            - Novatech Resource Corporation
                              ("Novatech Resource") is the sole gen-
                              eral partner.
                            - Limited partner of Norland Partners, L.P.
                            ("Norland Partners").

Reynald G. Bonmati          - President (chief executive officer), Di-     - One of three Managing Directors of
                              rector and Treasurer.                          NMS BV.
                            - Direct owner of 15.7% of the Company's       - President and a Director of Norland
                              Common Stock.                                  Corp.
                            - President, Director and 50% stockholder      - President, Director and 50% stockholder
                              of Novatech Management.                        of Novatech Management.
                            - President, Director and principal stock
                              holder of Novatech Resource.
                            - Limited partner of Novatech Ventures.


Person                           Relationship to Company                     Relationship to NMS BV/ Norland Corp.
- ------                           -----------------------                     -------------------------------------
Albert S. Waxman            - Director.                                    - One of three Managing Directors of
                            - Chairman, Director and 50% stockholder         NMS BV.
                              of Novatech Management.                      - Director of Norland Corp.
                                                                           - Chairman, Director and 50%
                                                                             stockholder of Novatech Management.

Hans Schiessl               - Owner of 15.7% of outstanding Com-           - One of three Managing Directors of
                              mon Stock.                                     NMS BV.
                                                                           - Owner of 50% of outstanding capital
                                                                             stock of NMS BV.
                                                                           - President of Stratec.

James J. Baker              - Director.                                    - Wife is limited partner of Novatech
                            - Wife is limited partner of Novatech            Ventures.   
Michael W. Huber            - Director.                                    - Limited partner of Novatech Ventures.
                            - Limited partner of Novatech Ventures.

Accounting Treatment

      The Acquisition of Norland Corp. will be accounted for under the purchase
method of accounting in accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No.
16, "Business Combinations." The value of the consideration paid by the Company,
including acquisition costs, will be allocated to the fair value of the Norland
Corp. assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and the in-progress research and
development acquired. The excess of consideration paid over such items will be
allocated to goodwill. The accounting treatment and its estimated effects are
described in the "Notes to the Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial
Statements" included elsewhere herein.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Acquisition

      For federal income tax purposes, the Acquisition will be a taxable
purchase under the Internal Revenue Code. Because the Company will be paying the
purchase price with cash and notes (and not with appreciated property), the
Acquisition will not result in taxable gain or loss to the Company. Under
Section 1210 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Norland Corp. stock will have an
adjusted basis in the Company's hands equal to the consideration paid by the
Company to NMS BV. Determinations as to the tax status of the Acquisition were
made by the Company in consultation with its counsel, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius
LLP, and its independent accountants, Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

Governmental Approvals

      No federal or state regulatory requirements must be complied with or
approval must be obtained in connection with the transaction as of the date


      The Company's independent auditors, Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., and Norland
Corp.'s independent auditors, Deloitte & Touche LLP, are expected to be present
at the Annual Meeting, will


have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and are
expected to be available to answer appropriate questions.

Selected Financial Data of Norland Corp.

      The following financial data as of and for the years ended December 31,
1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 were derived from (i) Norland Corp.'s financial
statements for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996, which were audited by Deloitte &
Touche LLP, and (ii) Norland Corp.'s financial statements for the years 1992 and
1993, which are unaudited and are not included herein. In the opinion of
management, the unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared
on the same basis as the audited consolidated financial statements and include
all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of the financial position and
results of operations for these periods. Unaudited data for Norland Corp. for
the three months ended March 31, 1996 and 1997 have also been included. The
financial data for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996 should be read in conjunction
with the audited financial statements of Norland Corp. and the notes thereto,
which are included elsewhere herein, and with "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of Norland Corp."


                                                                                                            Three Months Ended
Norland Corporation                                      Year Ended December 31,                                 March 31, 
                                       1992          1993          1994          1995         1996           1996         1997
                                       ----          ----          ----          ----         ----           ----         ----
Statement of Income (Loss) Data:

  Net shipments                    $ 7,061,131   $ 3,336,458   $ 3,277,753   $ 3,928,085   $ 13,138,280   $1,743,677   $3,340,883

  One-time distribution agreement                                
   revenue                                                       1,922,247
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
         Total revenue               7,061,131     3,336,458     5,200,000     3,928,085     13,138,280    1,743,677    3,340,883

Cost of revenue                      3,656,156     2,206,470     2,293,283     2,585,529      9,008,969    1,108,253    2,653,412
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Gross profit                         3,404,975     1,129,988     2,906,717     1,342,556      4,129,311      635,424      687,471
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------

Operating expenses:
  General and administrative         1,040,124     1,000,375       912,803       377,665        732,897      150,500      196,535
  Customer service                     328,112       307,697       176,355        95,485
  Research and development           1,013,027       688,437       481,994       538,092      1,016,801      196,590      466,824
  Selling and marketing              2,351,839     1,036,702
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
         Total operating expenses    4,733,102     3,033,211     1,571,152     1,011,242      1,749,698      347,090      663,359
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Operating income (loss)             (1,328,127)   (1,903,223)    1,335,565       331,314      2,379,613      228,334       24,112
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Other income (expense)                  56,545      (101,066)     (363,188)     (116,172)       (69,116)      19,895        9,282
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Income (loss) before income taxes   (1,271,582)   (2,004,289)      972,377       215,142      2,310,497      268,439       14,830
Benefit from income taxes                                                                        33,000         --         20,000
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Net income (loss)                   (1,271,582)   (2,004,289)      972,377       215,142      2,343,497      268,439       34,830

Redemption of preferred stock                                                  2,140,681
Accretion of preferred stock
  discount                            (175,465)     (151,989)      (49,969)
                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   ----------
Net income (loss) attributable to
common stockholder                 $(1,447,047)  $(2,156,278)  $   922,408   $ 2,355,823   $  2,343,497      268,439       34,830
                                   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ============   ==========   ==========

                                                              At December 31,                                   At March 31,
                                       1992          1993          1994          1995         1996            1996        1997
                                       ----          ----          ----          ----         ----            ----        ----
Balance Sheet Data:
Working capital                    $   276,180   $(1,739,635)  $  (228,155)  $    48,645   $  2,539,050   $  345,736   $2,744,438
Total assets                         4,389,131      2,051,982    2,158,877     1,291,854      4,961,121    2,112,828    5,298,661
Long-term debt                         389,244        348,603        3,334        60,640        257,398       97,529      479,816
Redeemable preferred stock           1,938,723      2,090,712    2,140,681
Common Stockholder's equity
  (deficiency in assets)              (991,677)    (3,161,429)  (2,232,924)      122,418      2,466,363      390,922    2,502,179


Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations of Norland Corp.

      The following discussion of the financial condition and results of
operations of Norland Corp. should be read in conjunction with the Financial
Statements and the related Notes thereto included elsewhere in this Proxy
Statement. The following discussion contains forward-looking statements which
involve risks and uncertainties. A number of the risks and uncertainties
described in the Introduction to the Company's Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 1996 are also applicable to Norland Corp. Norland Corp.'s
actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these
forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors.


      Under the terms of the Distribution Agreement among the Company, Norland
Corp. and Stratec, the Company is Norland Corp.'s sole customer. Revenues and
cost of revenues of systems and spare parts purchased by the Company are
recognized by Norland Corp. at the time of shipment by the Company. Purchases
from suppliers and sales to the Company are made in U.S. dollars.

      Certain components of the pDEXA and pQCT products are purchased from
Stratec. Norland Corp. and Stratec are both wholly-owned subsidiaries of NMS BV.

      Prior to recent amendments to the Distribution Agreement, Norland Corp.'s
revenues on systems sold to the Company for immediate resale were generally
equal to (a) the Manufacturer's Device Cost as defined in the Distribution
Agreement plus (b) 50% of the difference between the prices at which the Company
sells systems and the Manufacturer's Device Cost. Revenues on systems sold to
the Company for the Company's short-term rental and pay-per-scan programs or as
demonstration systems were generally equal to 150% of Manufacturer's Device
Cost. The Manufacturer's Device Cost is set semi-annually, based on the average
cost of system components and parts purchased by Norland Corp. during the
preceding six-month period plus an allowance for other direct manufacturing
costs. On October 1, 1996, the Amended Pricing Provisions described below in
"Norland Corp. Business - Distribution Agreement" became applicable to sales by
Norland Corp. Pursuant to a Product Development Loan Agreement among the
Company, Norland Corp. and Stratec, the Company may make loans to Norland Corp.,
the proceeds of which are to be used by Norland Corp. for product development
purposes. See "Norland Corp. Business - Product Development."


Results of Operations

      The following table sets forth for the periods indicated certain items
from the Norland Corp. Consolidated Statements of Income, expressed as a
percentage of total revenue:


                                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                      Years Ended December 31,          March 31,
                                                      1994     1995      1996        1996      1997
                                                      ----     ----      ----        ----      ----

Net shipments revenue .............................   63.0%    100.0%    100.0%     100.0%    100.0%
One-time distribution agreement revenue ...........   37.0       0.0       0.0        0.0       0.0
                                                     -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
     Total revenue ................................  100.0     100.0     100.0      100.0     100.0 
Cost of revenue ...................................   44.1      65.8      68.6       63.6      79.4
                                                     -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
     Gross profit .................................   55.9      34.2      31.4       36.4      20.6
Research and development expense ..................    9.3      13.7       7.7       11.3      14.0
General and administrative expense ................   17.5       9.6       5.6        8.6       5.9
Customer service expense ..........................    3.4       2.5       0.0        0.0       0.0
                                                     -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
     Income from operations .......................   25.7       8.4      18.1       16.5       0.7
Other expense .....................................    7.0       2.9       0.5        1.1       0.3
                                                     -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
     Income before income taxes ...................   18.7       5.5      17.6       15.4       0.4
Benefit from income taxes .........................    0.0       0.0       0.2        0.0       0.6
                                                     -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
     Net income ...................................   18.7       5.5      17.8       15.4       1.0
Redemption of preferred stock .....................    0.0      54.5       0.0        0.0       0.0
Accretion of preferred stock discount .............    1.0       0.0       0.0        0.0       0.0
                                                     -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
     Net income attributable to common stockholder    17.7%     60.0%     17.8%      15.4%      1.0%
                                                     =====     =====     =====      =====     =====


Norland Corp.'s Three Months Ended March 31, 1997 Compared to Its Three Months
Ended March 31, 1996.

      Revenue for the three months ended March 31, 1997 increased $1,597,206
(91.6%) to $3,340,883 from $1,743,677 for the three months ended March 31, 1996.
The increase was largely the result of increased sales of Eclipse and XR-36
systems, and sales of pDEXA systems manufactured by Norland Corp. which the
Company began selling in the United States in May 1996. The amount of the
increase was reduced by the impact of Amended Pricing Provisions under the
Distribution Agreement with the Company which became effective October 1, 1996.
If the Amended Pricing Provisions had not been in effect during the three months
ended March 31, 1997, revenues for the quarter would have been $4,163,883. The
large majority of revenues for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996
are comprised of sales of complete bone densitometry systems, with sales of
spare parts comprising the balance. Revenues have been affected by the reduction
in the Medicare reimbursement rate for peripheral bone densitometry tests
announced in November 1996. The mix of products sold has changed in that the
majority of Norland Corp.'s revenues are now derived from sales of the
larger Eclipse and XR36 systems that scan the hip and spine and for which the
Medicare reimbursement rate was not significantly decreased, as compared to the
pDEXA system that performs peripheral bone densitometry tests. Norland Corp.'s
revenues and the mix of products sold are expected to continue to be influenced
by the degree of difference in Medicare reimbursement rate levels for peripheral
and larger systems. They will also be influenced by Norland Corp.'s ability to
develop lower cost peripheral systems that can be operated more profitably by
end users at the lower reimbursement levels.

      Cost of revenue as a percentage of revenue was 79.4% and 63.6% for the
three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively, resulting in a gross
margin of 20.6% for the three months ended March 31, 1997 compared to 36.4% for
the three months ended March 31, 1996. The decrease in gross margin is primarily
attributed to the impact of the Amended Pricing Provisions. If the Amended
Pricing Provisions had not been in effect during the three months ended March
31, 1997, the gross margin would have been 36.3%. In addition, during the three
months ended March 31, 1997, Norland Corp. expanded its manufacturing
facilities, and costs related thereto had a negative impact on gross margin.

      Research and development expense increased $270,234 (137.5%) to $466,824
for the three months ended March 31, 1997 from $196,590 for the three months
ended March 31, 1996, and also increased as a percentage of revenue to 14.0%
from 11.3%, respectively. The increases were due primarily to higher levels of
expenditures, including expenses of additional personnel, directed toward new
research and development projects that are currently in process.

      General and administrative expense increased $46,035 (30.6%) to $196,535
for the three months ended March 31, 1997 from $150,500 for the three months
ended March 31, 1996. The increase was due primarily to increased fees for
accounting services and expenses for additional office space and related office
costs. General and administrative expense decreased as a percentage of revenue
to 5.9% for the three months ended March 31, 1997 from 8.6% for the three months
ended March 31, 1996. The decrease reflects the significant sales growth for
which general and administrative expenses did not increase in direct proportion.

      Other expense decreased $10,613 (53.3%) to $9,282 for the three months
ended March 31, 1997 from $19,895 for the three months ended March 31, 1996 and
also decreased as a percentage of revenue to 0.3% from 1.1%, respectively. Other
expense consists primarily of interest expense on Norland Corp.'s bank loan (in
1996), the product development loan from the Company and capital leases. The
dollar and percentage decreases were primarily due to the elimination of the
interest expense on the bank loan that was paid in full during 1996.

      Norland Corp. recognized an income tax benefit of $20,000 for the three
months ended March 31, 1997 as a result of recognizing certain refundable Dutch
corporate income taxes for which no benefit had been previously recognized by
Norland Scientific Instruments B.V., an inactive subsidiary which is in the
process of being liquidated. Norland Corp. had no income tax provision for the
three months ended March 31, 1996 as it had sufficient available net operating
loss carryforwards to offset its regular taxable income for the quarter.

      Net income decreased $233,609 to $34,830 for the three months ended March
31, 1997 from $268,439 for the three months ended March 31, 1996 and decreased
as a percentage of revenue to 1.0% from 15.4%, respectively. The decreases were
due primarily to the factors discussed above.

Norland Corp.'s Year Ended December 31, 1996 Compared to Its Year Ended December
31, 1995.

      Revenue for 1996 increased $9,210,195 (234.5%) to $13,138,280 from
$3,928,085 for 1995. The increase was largely the result of increased sales of
Eclipse and XR-36 systems and, beginning in May 1996, sales of pDEXA systems
manufactured by Norland Corp. for sale in the United States. The large majority
of 1996 and 1995 revenues are comprised of sales of complete bone densitometry
systems, with sales of spare parts and (in 1995) service revenues comprising the
balance. Revenues were adversely affected in the fourth quarter of 1996 by the
reduction in the Medicare reimbursement rate for peripheral bone densitometry
tests announced in November 1996. The mix of products sold changed in that the
majority of Norland Corp.'s revenues for such quarter were derived from
sales of the larger Eclipse and XR36 systems that scan the hip and spine and for
which the Medicare reimbursement rate was not significantly decreased, as
compared to the pDEXA system that performs peripheral bone densitometry tests.
Norland Corp.'s revenues and the mix of products sold are expected to continue
to be influenced by the degree of difference in Medicare reimbursement rate
levels for peripheral and larger systems. They will also be influenced by
Norland Corp.'s ability to develop lower cost peripheral systems that can be
operated more profitably by end users at the lower reimbursement levels.

      Cost of revenue as a percentage of revenue was 68.6% and 65.8% for 1996
and 1995, respectively, resulting in a gross margin of 31.4% for 1996 compared
to 34.2% for 1995. The decrease in gross margin is attributed to the product mix
in 1996 which included revenues from sales of pDEXA systems for which Norland
Corp. realized a lower margin than it did on sales of Eclipse and XR-36 systems.
In addition, Norland Corp. and the Company implemented the Amended Pricing
Provisions under the Distribution Agreement effective October 1, 1996, which had
the effect of decreasing Norland Corp.'s selling prices and, therefore, its
gross margin.

      Research and development expense increased $478,709 (89.0%) to $1,016,801
for 1996 from $538,092 for 1995. The increase was due primarily to higher levels
of expenditures, including expenses of additional personnel, directed toward
research and development of new bone densitometry systems that are currently in


Research and development expense decreased as a percentage of revenue to 7.7% in
1996 from 13.7% in 1995. The decrease reflects the significant sales growth for
which the costs of research and development did not increase in direct

      General and administrative expense increased $355,232 (94.1%) to $732,897
for 1996 from $377,665 for 1995. The increase was due primarily to increased
personnel expenses for employees hired in 1995, increased fees for accounting
and tax services, expenses for additional office space and related office costs
and expenses related to educational programs concerning osteoporosis. General
and administrative expense decreased as a percentage of revenue to 5.6% in 1996
from 9.6% in 1995. The decrease reflects the significant sales growth for which
general and administrative expenses did not increase in direct proportion.

      Customer service expense was $0 for 1996 as compared to $95,485 for 1995
and decreased as a percentage of revenue to 0.0% in 1996 from 2.5% in 1995.
Since July 1, 1995, the Company has provided customer service for Norland Corp.
products, including services in support of Norland Corp.'s one-year warranty.
Costs for customer service, returns and exchanges related to warranties are
charged by the Company to Norland Corp. and are included in cost of revenue.
Norland Corp. incurred no other customer service expense in 1996.

      Other expense decreased $47,056 (40.5%) to $69,116 for 1996 from $116,172
for 1995 and decreased as a percentage of revenue to 0.5% in 1996 from 2.9% in
1995. Other expense consists primarily of interest expense on Norland Corp.'s
bank loan, product development loan from the Company and capital leases. The
dollar and percentage decreases are primarily due to the reduced bank loan
balance resulting from the repayment of the loan during 1996.

      Norland Corp. recognized an income tax benefit of $33,000 in 1996 as a
result of recognizing certain deferred income tax assets (primarily net
operating loss carryforwards) for which no benefit had previously been
recognized. Norland Corp. had sufficient available net operating loss
carryforwards to offset its 1996 and 1995 regular taxable income.

      Net income (before the effect of the redemption of preferred stock
referred to below) increased $2,128,355 (989.3%) to $2,343,497 for 1996 from
$215,142 for 1995 and increased as a percentage of revenue to 17.8% for 1996
from 5.5% for 1995. The increase was due primarily to the factors discussed
above. The redemption of preferred stock increased the 1995 net income
attributable to common stockholder by $2,140,681. All outstanding preferred
stock was redeemed by Norland Corp. in May 1995 for $1, and upon such
redemption, the difference between the redemption price provided for in Norland
Corp.'s Articles of Incorporation and the actual redemption price ($2,140,681)
was credited to retained earnings.

Norland Corp.'s Year Ended December 31, 1995 Compared to Its Year Ended December
31, 1994.

      Revenue from sales of products and services for 1995 increased $650,332
(19.8%) to $3,928,085 from $3,277,753 for 1994. The increase was largely the
result of increased sales of Eclipse and XR-36


systems in the United States and the Pacific Rim. The large majority of these
revenues are comprised of sales of complete bone densitometry systems, with
sales of spare parts and service revenues comprising the balance. The terms of
the distribution agreement with the Company in effect for 1994 provided that the
Company would make a minimum of $5,200,000 in purchases of products and services
in 1994. The $1,922,247 shortfall in such purchases by the Company was paid to
Norland Corp. and is included in 1994 revenues.

      Cost of revenue as a percentage of revenue (before the one-time
distribution agreement revenue) was 65.8% and 70.0% for 1995 and 1994,
respectively, resulting in a gross margin of 34.2% for 1995 compared to 30.0%
for 1994. The increase in gross margin is attributed to product cost reductions
realized by Norland Corp. as a result of performing certain assembly processes
itself in 1995 that were previously performed by a third party contractor.

      Research and development expense increased $56,098 (11.6%) to $538,092 for
1995 from $481,994 for 1994, and increased as a percentage of revenue to 13.7%
in 1995 from 9.3% in 1994. The dollar increase was due primarily to the higher
level of expenditures associated with the development of Norland Corp.'s
QuikScan software feature. The percentage increase reflects the inclusion in
1994 revenue of the one-time distribution agreement revenue.

      General and administrative expense decreased $535,138 (58.6%) to $377,665
for 1995 from $912,803 for 1994, and decreased as a percentage of revenue to
9.6% in 1995 from 17.5% in 1994. The decrease is attributable in part to
approximately $200,000 in nonrecurring 1994 legal fees and other litigation
costs. In addition, the December 1994 sale of the Norland Corp. manufacturing
facility and subsequent lease of a portion of that facility allowed Norland
Corp. to realize lower expenses in 1995. General and administrative expense for
1995 was also lower in comparison to 1994 as a result of approximately $60,000
of administrative expense at Norland Scientific Instruments B.V., an inactive
subsidiary which is in the process of being liquidated.

      Customer service expense decreased $80,870 (45.9%) to $95,485 for 1995 as
compared to $176,355 for 1994 and decreased as a percentage of revenue to 2.5%
for 1995 from 3.4% for 1994. Since July 1, 1995, the Company has provided
customer service for Norland products, including services in support of Norland
Corp.'s one-year warranty. Costs for customer service, returns and exchanges
related to warranties are charged to Norland Corp. and included in cost of
revenue. The dollar and percentage decreases in 1995 are attributed to such
change in customer service and to higher 1994 total revenues resulting from the
one-time distribution agreement revenue item.

      Other expense decreased $247,016 (68.0%) to $116,172 for 1995 from
$363,188 for 1994 and decreased as a percentage of revenue to 2.9% from 7.0%.
Other expense for 1994 consists primarily of a $245,937 loss realized upon the
December 1994 sale of Norland Corp.'s manufacturing facility. Other expense
includes interest expense on Norland Corp.'s bank loan and capital leases in
1995 and 1994, and on the product development loan from the Company in 1995. The
decreases in 1995 compared to 1994 are primarily due to the nonrecurring loss
from the sale of the facility.


      Norland Corp. had no income tax provision in 1995 or 1994, as it utilized
available net operating loss carryforwards for which no benefit had previously
been recognized.

      Net income (before the effects of the accretion and redemption of
preferred stock referred to below) decreased $757,235 (77.9%) to $215,142 for
1995 from $972,377 for 1994 and decreased as a percentage of revenue to 5.5% for
1995 from 18.7% for 1994. These decreases were due primarily to the factors
discussed above, including the effect of the one-time distribution agreement
revenue in 1994. The redemption of preferred stock increased 1995 net income
attributable to common stockholder by $2,140,681. All outstanding preferred
stock was redeemed by Norland Corp. in May 1995 for $1 and upon such redemption,
the difference between the redemption price provided for in Norland Corp.'s
Articles of Incorporation and actual redemption price paid was credited to
retained earnings. Prior to its redemption, the difference between redemption
price originally provided for in the Articles of Incorporation and the higher
redemption price in effect under the Articles at the time of redemption was
charged against retained earnings as it increased. In 1994, when the maximum
redemption price was reached, there were $49,969 of such charges.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

      Norland Corp. was funded in the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and
1994 and in the three month period ended March 31, 1997 primarily by cash flows
from operations and borrowings from the Company under the Product Development
Loan Agreement. In 1994 Norland Corp. generated cash from its earnings and the
sale of its manufacturing facility and related real estate which it used
primarily to repay indebtedness incurred in connection with such property, to
repay advances from stockholders and to finance a higher level of accounts
receivable. In 1995 Norland Corp. used cash generated from its earnings and more
rapid collection of accounts receivable to reduce trade accounts payable and
make installment payments on bank debt incurred prior to 1994. In 1996 the cash
generated from Norland Corp.'s earnings and increase in its trade accounts
payable was used to increase inventory levels and carry higher accounts
receivable resulting from increased sales volume and to fully repay its bank

      Norland Corp. purchases pDEXA and pQCT components from Stratec, and as of
December 31, 1996 owed $1,157,520 for such purchases. In the three months ended
March 31, 1997, cash generated from accounts receivable collections was used to
further expand inventories. In 1995, 1996 and the three months ended March 31,
1997, certain research and development activities performed by Norland Corp.
were funded in part with borrowings from the Company under the Product
Development Loan Agreement.

      Property and equipment at March 31, 1997 consisted primarily of machinery
and equipment, tooling, furniture and fixtures. Norland Corp. has expanded its
leased space to increase production and warehouse capacity, and expects to
purchase additional tooling and materials in support of research and development
projects and production of new products and to improve its management
information systems. Norland Corp. expects to use cash flows from operations to
fund these plans and its ongoing operations. Should the proposed acquisition of
Norland Corp. be approved by the Company's stockholders, the Company will
benefit from cash flows provided by Norland Corp.'s operations and become
responsible for financing the Norland Corp. manufacturing and research and
development activities.

Norland Corp. Business


      Norland Corp. manufactures two lines of bone densitometry systems used to
aid in diagnosing and monitoring bone disorders, particularly osteoporosis.
Under the terms of the Company's Distribution Agreement with Norland Corp. and
Stratec, the Company has exclusive worldwide distribution rights to all present
and future diagnostic products developed and manufactured by Norland Corp. and
Stratec. These rights extend through 2015 and may be renewed for additional
five-year periods. Norland Corp. has one subsidiary, Norland Scientific
Instruments, B.V., a Netherlands corporation ("NSI BV"), which formerly served
as the European sales arm of Norland Corp. NSI BV has ceased all business
activities and is in the process of being liquidated.


      Norland Corp. manufactures a line of bone densitometry products based on
DXA technology, which, since 1987, has been a standard for analyzing bone mass
reduction. Because of the cost, space requirements and training required,
traditional DXA systems are generally found in hospitals, large clinics and
research institutions, as opposed to physician offices. Recognizing a
significant market opportunity for more affordable bone measurement
technologies, Norland Corp. and Stratec developed the pDEXA system, a lower
priced, high performance desktop system based on DXA technology. The pDEXA is
targeted primarily at gynecologists and other specialty practitioners. It was
the first desktop DXA-based system to receive FDA marketing clearance.

      Traditional DXA

      The traditional DXA-based bone densitometers manufactured by Norland Corp.
are the compact Eclipse and the full size XR36. The target market for
traditional DXA systems is hospitals, clinics and group practices. Norland
Corp.'s DXA systems are capable of performing axial, peripheral and whole-body
scans. Price and service are the primary competitive factors among DXA products
offering similar basic capabilities. These systems have been sold in over forty


      The pDEXA brings DXA-based technology to the desktop in an affordable,
easy-to-use model that is designed for physician offices, small clinics and
other settings beyond large hospitals and clinics. The primary target market for
the pDEXA is gynecologists and other specialty practitioners. Like traditional
DXA systems, the pDEXA measures bone mass and compares it to a normal reference
population. However, the pDEXA measures only the forearm, enabling it to be more
compact, and therefore, more affordable than traditional DXA systems. The pDEXA
measures the forearm at a site that is mostly cortical bone and at another site
that is mostly trabecular bone. The pDEXA utilizes a miniaturized X-ray source
using a dental X-ray tube which does not require a cooling system. The software
used in the pDEXA systems provides quantitative analysis of bone mass, including
bone material density and bone mineral content, as well as comparisons to normal
reference populations and to the patient's prior examinations. It also provides
skeletal images of the region of interest as well as graphical presentation of
the results.


Product Development

      Norland Corp. has historically focused its product development on
DXA-based bone densitometry systems. Current research and development projects
are directed at alterations and adaptations of, and enhancements to, Norland
Corp.'s existing DXA-based product line. There can be no assurances that any
research and development project will result in a marketable product. Norland
Corp. has eleven persons engaged in research and development, of whom eight are
devoted to software development. Norland Corp.'s aggregate research and
development expenses for the year ended December 31, 1996 were $1,016,801.

      In 1995, the Company, Norland Corp. and Stratec entered into a Product
Development Loan Agreement under which the Company may make loans to Norland
Corp. and Stratec up to an aggregate amount of $3.5 million during the period
ending July 31, 1997, of which $500,000 is available for loans to Norland Corp.
At March 31, 1997, there was outstanding indebtedness, including accrued
interest, of $506,436 from Norland Corp. to the Company. The proceeds of loans
are to be used by the Norland Corp. for specific new product development and
enhancements of existing products. Interest is payable at the rate of 10% per
annum, and the principal is to be repaid over five years commencing September
30, 1997. If a new product covered by the Product Development Loan Agreement is
introduced into the marketplace, the Company will be entitled to receive a
royalty equal to 5% of the sales proceeds received by the Manufacturers with
respect to such product. Norland Corp. granted the Company rights of first
refusal with respect to any additional financing for research and development
work by the Manufacturers. If the Company acquires Norland Corp. pursuant to the
Stock Purchase Agreement, the Product Development Loan Agreement will be
terminated with respect to Norland Corp.


      Norland Corp. manufactures traditional DXA-based systems for sale by the
Company worldwide and pDEXA and certain pQCT systems for sale by the Company in
the United States and Canada. All establishments, whether foreign or domestic,
manufacturing medical devices for sale in the United States are subject to
periodic inspections by or under the authority of the FDA to determine whether
the manufacturing establishment is operating in compliance with GMPs (good
manufacturing practices). Norland Corp.'s manufacturing facilities are located
in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Certain pDEXA units installed in the southeastern
United States experienced operational difficulties in 1996 related to the
effects of humid conditions on one component. The Company believes that these
operational difficulties have been addressed. Pursuant to the warranty provided
by Norland Corp., replacement components were installed in affected units at
Norland Corp.'s expense.

      Some components are manufactured in accordance with custom specifications
and require substantial lead times. While efforts are made to purchase
components from more than one source and to use generally available parts,
certain components, including X-ray tubes and detectors, are available from only
one or a limited number of sources. In the past there have been delays in the
receipt of certain components, although to date no such delays have had a
material adverse effect on Norland Corp.


      Manufacturing processes for the products marketed by the Company are
subject to stringent federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the
use, generation, manufacture, storage, handling and disposal of certain
materials and wastes. In the United States, such laws and regulations include
the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Environmental Protection Act, the
Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
The Company believes that Norland Corp. has complied in all material respects
with such laws and regulations. There can be no assurance that the Company and
Norland Corp. will not be required to incur significant costs in the future with
respect to compliance with such laws and regulations.

      Norland Corp. received a Warning Letter from the FDA on June 13, 1997,
stating that the pDEXA failed to comply with certain x-ray field dimension
requirements and that certain of the component labels failed to include date and
place of manufacture information. The FDA has since concurred orally that its
assertion of nonconformance with x-ray field dimension requirements had been
based on inaccurate information inadvertently supplied to FDA by Norland Corp.,
and that this misunderstanding has been resolved. Norland Corp. has also
responded to the labeling issue and expects that the FDA will concur that this
issue has been resolved.

Distribution Agreement

      The Company is party to a Distribution Agreement with Norland Corp. and
Stratec. With respect to Norland Corp., the Distribution Agreement grants the
Company exclusive distribution rights for all medical diagnostic devices which
have been, or may during the term of the Distribution Agreement be, developed by
Norland Corp. The distribution rights for Norland Corp. devices are worldwide.

      The Company must use its best efforts to promote the sale of Norland
Corp.'s systems and may not distribute any products manufactured by any
non-affiliate of the Company which compete with the Manufacturers' products
(other than devices using ultrasound technology). Norland Corp. is obligated to
supply the Company with sufficient quantities of its systems on a timely basis
to fill customer orders. Each system must meet all performance and other
standards established by Norland Corp. for the system.

      The term of the Distribution Agreement extends until December 31, 2015. At
the end of such term or any renewal term, Norland Corp. or the Company may renew
the Distribution Agreement for an additional term of five years, provided that
if the party electing to renew is in material breach of the Distribution
Agreement at the time of renewal, the other party may reject such election to
renew. The Distribution Agreement is also subject to termination in the event of
the bankruptcy of a party or a continuing general failure by a party to fulfill
its obligations.

      Prior to recent amendments to the Distribution Agreement, the price at
which Norland Corp. sold a system to the Company for immediate resale was the
Manufacturer's Device Cost as defined in the Distribution Agreement plus 50% of
the difference between the amount for which the Company sells such system and
such Manufacturer's Device Cost. Thus, the gross margin between the Company's
selling price and the Manufacturer's Device Cost was allocated 50% to the
Company and 50% to Norland Corp. In 1996, the Company introduced programs in
which certain customers are offered short-term rentals of systems or the ability
to use systems on a pay-per-scan basis, in each case with an option to purchase
the system. Systems subject to these programs, as well as demonstration systems,
were sold to the Company by Norland Corp. for 150% of Manufacturer's Device
Cost. The Manufacturer's Device Cost of a system is the aggregate of the
standard costs of the components and parts used in such system plus an allowance
for other direct manufacturing costs.

      The provisions of the Distribution Agreement relating to the prices to be
paid to Norland Corp. and Stratec by the Company were recently amended (the
"Amended Pricing Provisions"). Under the


Amended Pricing Provisions, the Company pays Norland Corp. an amount equal to
the Distributor's Device Cost as defined in the Distribution Agreement. The
Distributor's Device Cost of a system is the aggregate of the standard costs of
the components and parts used in the system, plus the actual labor costs
incurred by the Manufacturer in producing the system (subject to a cap), plus an
agreed upon markup on the standard costs of all non-computer components used in
the system. Norland Corp. is also entitled to receive royalties equal to 5% of
the price for which the Company sells all new systems manufactured by Norland
Corp. (i.e., any system other than the pDEXA, the Eclipse and the XR-36). If the
aggregate amount payable by the Company to Norland Corp. and Stratec for a year
under the Amended Pricing Provisions would exceed the aggregate amount payable
to them pursuant to the previously applicable provisions described in the
preceding paragraph, then the Amended Pricing Provisions will not be applicable,
and the provisions described in the preceding paragraph will apply. The Amended
Pricing Provisions will be in effect for Norland Corp. until December 31, 1997.
They will be automatically renewed for successive one year periods, unless
Norland Corp. elects to terminate the Amended Pricing Provisions effective on
December 31 of any year by notice given to the Company not less than 90 nor more
than 180 days prior to the end of such year.

      Norland Corp. maintains a list of standard costs which is revised at least
twice annually. The standard cost of a component or part is the average cost to
the Manufacturer of all units of such component or part purchased by Norland
Corp. during the six months preceding the revision of such list. If at the time
the list is to be revised, the aggregate standard costs of all components and
parts used in a system would not increase or decrease by more than 5% from the
aggregate standard costs of such components and parts then in effect, the
standard costs of such components and parts (and, therefore, the Manufacturer's
Device Cost) are not changed.

      The Distribution Agreement grants the Company licenses to manufacture and
sell Norland Corp.'s systems and to use all related technology. The Company may
only exercise its rights under its license from Norland Corp. when Norland Corp.
is not in compliance with its obligations under the Distribution Agreement. The
only amount which Norland Corp. is entitled to receive with respect to systems
manufactured pursuant to such licenses is a royalty of 5% of any sales proceeds
received by the Company.

      If the Acquisition of Norland Corp. by the Company is consummated, the
existing Distribution Agreement will be terminated, and the Company and Stratec
will enter into a new Distribution Agreement containing substantially the same
provisions as the existing Distribution Agreement with respect to Stratec and
Stratec products.

Product Liability Insurance

      Norland Corp. maintains product liability insurance on a "claims made"
basis in the aggregate amount of $4.0 million, subject to certain deductibles
and exclusions. The Company is an additional named insured on the Norland Corp.
policy. There is no assurance that such coverage will be sufficient to protect
Norland Corp. and the Company from risks to which they may be subject, including


liability claims, or that product liability insurance will be available to
Norland Corp. or the Company at a reasonable cost, if at all, in the future.

Customer Support Services

      Norland Corp. offers one-year warranties on its systems. The Company
provides warranty services to its customers on behalf of Norland Corp. Any costs
incurred by the Company in connection with such warranty are borne by Norland


      Norland Corp. has 44 employees, 29 of whom are engaged in
manufacturing-related activities. The remaining employees are in research and
development, finance and administration. No employees of Norland Corp. are
covered by any collective bargaining agreements, and management considers its
employee relations to be excellent.


      Norland Corp. leases approximately 24,500 square feet of space in Fort
Atkinson, Wisconsin. It sublets approximately 14,000 square feet of this space
from the Company. Rent is prorated on a square footage basis. The lease and the
sublease expire on August 31, 2006. The remaining approximately 10,500 square
feet are leased by Norland Corp. directly from the building owner under a lease
which expires on June 30, 2002. The Company believes the existing Norland Corp.
facilities will be adequate for the near future.


The Stock Purchase Agreement

      The following is a brief summary of the principal terms of the Stock
Purchase Agreement, a copy of which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Annex
A. Capitalized terms which are not otherwise defined have the meanings set forth
in the Stock Purchase Agreement. The description set forth below of the material
terms of the Stock Purchase Agreement is qualified in its entirety by reference
to the complete text of the Stock Purchase Agreement, which is incorporated by
reference herein. Stockholders are urged to read carefully both this Proxy
Statement and the Stock Purchase Agreement.


      At the closing, upon the terms and conditions of the Stock Purchase
Agreement, the Company will purchase all of the outstanding Common Stock of
Norland Corp. (the "Shares") from NMS BV. It is a condition to the closing of
the Acquisition that the stockholders of the Company, including the holders of a
majority of the Common Stock of the Company held by all stockholders other than
Reynald G. Bonmati, Hans Schiessl, Norland Partners, L.P. and Novatech Ventures,
L.P., approve the Stock Purchase Agreement and Acquisition (the "Company
Stockholder Approval"). If the Acquisition is so approved and is consummated,
Norland Corp. will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

      The date of closing (the "Closing Date") will be as soon as practicable
after the Company Stockholder Approval is obtained.

Purchase Price

      The aggregate purchase price (the "Purchase Price") to be paid by the
Company for the Shares is $17,500,000 plus the amount of any Additional Purchase
Price (as calculated below). The $17,500,000 portion of the Purchase Price is
payable at the Closing as follows: (i) $1,250,000 in cash; and (ii) $16,250,000
by the Purchase Note. The Additional Purchase Price will be determined at a
later date, as provided below.

      The Purchase Note will bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum, payable
in cash quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of each
year commencing June 30, 1997. The principal amount will be payable as follows:
(i) $1,250,000 will be due and payable six months after the Closing Date; and
(ii) the entire unpaid principal amount will be due and payable on the fifth
anniversary of the Closing Date (the "Maturity Date"); provided, however, that
if the entire principal amount is not paid in full on or before the Maturity
Date, the Company may elect to extend the Maturity Date for an additional period
of two years (the "Extension Period"). If the Company so elects to extend the
Maturity Date, then effective on the first day of the Extension Period and on
the first day of each succeeding six month period during the Extension Period,
the interest rate per annum on the Purchase Note will be increased by one
percentage point. The Company will have the right at any time and from time to
time to prepay the unpaid principal of the Purchase Note, in whole or in part,
together with interest on the amount prepaid to the date of prepayment. Except
for the mandatory $1,250,000 payment due six months after the Closing Date,
which must be paid in cash, the Company may elect to make any


payment or prepayment of principal on the Purchase Note by delivering to NMS BV
shares of the Company's Common Stock (the "Payment Shares"). Payment Shares
shall, for such purpose, be valued at the average of the closing prices for a
share of the Company's Common Stock on each of the five trading days preceding
the date of payment or prepayment (the "Average Closing Price"). If, for
example, the Average Closing Price is $10 and the Company delivers 10,000
Payment Shares to NMS BV as a prepayment of the Purchase Note, the unpaid
principal amount of the Purchase Note will be reduced by $100,000. At the time
the Company issues any Payment Shares, the Company must, at its option, either
(i) register such issuance under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities Act"), or (ii) grant the incidental registration rights described

      The Additional Purchase Price will be based upon the Company's total sales
for its fiscal year ending December 31, 1997, as shown on its audited
consolidated financial statements for such year ("Total Sales"). The following
table sets forth the amount of Additional Purchase Price which will be payable
by the Company:

                                                 The Additional Purchase
            If Total Sales are:                      Price shall be:

            Less than $33,000,000                     $        0
            $ 33,000,000 - $ 33,999,999                  312,500
              34,000,000 -   34,999,999                  625,000
              35,000,000 -   35,999,999                  937,500
              36,000,000 -   36,999,999                1,250,000
              37,000,000 -   37,999,999                1,562,500
              38,000,000 -   38,999,999                1,875,000
              39,000,000 -   39,999,999                2,187,500
              40,000,000 or more                       2,500,000

The maximum Additional Purchase Price is $2,500,000. The Additional Purchase
Price will be paid by the Additional Note in a principal amount equal to the
Additional Purchase Price. The Additional Note will be issued on April 1, 1998.
Except for their respective principal amounts and the mandatory $1,250,000 cash
prepayment of the Purchase Note due six months after the Closing Date, the terms
of the Additional Note will be substantially the same as the terms of the
Purchase Note. The Company may make any payment or prepayment of principal of
the Additional Note by delivering Payment Shares valued as described above.

      The Purchase Note and the Additional Note will be secured by a pledge of
the Shares by the Company to NMS BV pursuant to a Pledge Agreement (the "Pledge

Representations and Warranties

      In the Stock Purchase Agreement NMS BV and the Company make various
representations and warranties to each other. Those made by NMS BV include the
following, among others: (i) the


corporate organization and power of Norland Corp. and NSI BV; (ii) the
capitalization and ownership of Norland Corp. and NSI BV; (iii) the corporate
organization and power of NMS BV, and the authorization, execution, delivery and
enforceability of the Stock Purchase Agreement; (iv) the Stock Purchase
Agreement's non-contravention of any agreement or law, or the Articles of
Incorporation or By-laws of NMS BV, Norland Corp. or NSI BV; (v) the consents
needed in connection with the Stock Purchase Agreement; (vi) the accuracy of the
unaudited consolidated financial statements of Norland Corp. submitted to the
Company; (vii) the absence of certain material adverse changes to the financial
condition of Norland Corp. and NSI BV since December 31, 1996; (viii) compliance
by Norland Corp. and NSI BV with applicable laws; (ix) the absence of certain
material events involving Norland Corp. or NSI BV since December 31, 1996,
including the issuance of corporate securities, the borrowing of any amount or
the incurrence of any liability other than in the ordinary course of business in
excess of $100,000, the declaration or payment of dividends, the repurchase or
redemption of shares, the reclassification of shares, the creation of certain
liens, certain asset transfers or the cancellation of certain indebtedness, the
transfer of intellectual property, the sufferance of extraordinary losses or the
waiver of rights, changes in officer compensation, the investment, advance or
guarantee of a third party's obligation, certain changes to accounting methods
or the entering into any material transaction other than in the ordinary course
of business; (x) the absence of material undisclosed liabilities; (xi) the
filing of tax returns and the payment of taxes by Norland Corp. and NSI BV;
(xii) Norland Corp.'s and NSI BV's good and marketable title to their assets
free and clear of all liens, and the absence of defaults under any lease by
which Norland Corp. or NSI BV are bound; (xiii) the absence of any undisclosed
material agreements and the absence of defaults under any material agreements;
(xiv) the absence of undisclosed material litigation or judgments; (xv) the
absence of labor controversies; (xvi) Norland Corp.'s and NSI BV's title to
their respective trade names and trademarks; (xvii) certain matters relating to
employee benefit plans; (xviii) insurance coverage; and (xix) the accuracy of
the Schedules to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

      Representations and warranties made by the Company include the following,
among others: (i) the corporate organization and power of the Company; (ii) the
authorization, execution, delivery and enforceability of the Stock Purchase
Agreement; (iii) the consents needed in connection with the Stock Purchase
Agreement; (iv) the absence of litigation relating to the Stock Purchase
Agreement; (v) the Stock Purchase Agreement's non-contravention of any agreement
or law or Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of the Company; and (vi) the
investment intent of the Company in acquiring the Shares.

      All representations and warranties of the Company and NMS BV will survive
until April 1, 1999 (the "Termination Date") or, in the case of the
representations and warranties of NMS BV with respect to taxes, until 90 days
after the expiration of the statute of limitations with respect to a claim
relating to such taxes (the "Statute of Limitations Date").

Conduct of Business Prior to Closing Date

      NMS BV agreed that, during the period from the date of the Stock Purchase
Agreement to the Closing Date, it will cause Norland Corp. and NSI BV to conduct
their operations according to the ordinary and usual course of business; use
their reasonable best efforts to preserve intact their business


organization, keep available the services of their officers and employees, and
maintain satisfactory relationships with licensors, suppliers, distributors,
customers and others having business relationships with it; and perform their
obligations in all material respects under all contracts and agreements by which
they are bound.

      Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, during the period from
the date of the Stock Purchase Agreement to the Closing Date, except as
contemplated by the Stock Purchase Agreement, neither Norland Corp. nor NSI BV
may, without the prior written consent of the Company: (i) incur any debt,
liability or obligation, other than (a) current liabilities incurred in the
ordinary and usual course of business, and (b) other liabilities not exceeding
$100,000 in the aggregate, or pay any debt, liability or obligation other than
such liabilities; (ii) assume, guarantee or otherwise become responsible for the
obligations of any other person or entity, or make any loans or advances to any
person or entity, except in the ordinary and usual course of business; (iii)
declare, set aside or pay any dividend, or declare or make any distribution on,
or redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire, any shares of capital stock, or split,
combine or otherwise similarly change the outstanding shares of its capital
stock, or authorize the creation or issuance of, or issue or sell any shares of,
its capital stock or any securities or obligations convertible into or
exchangeable for, or giving any person any right to acquire from it, any shares
of its capital stock; (iv) mortgage, pledge or subject to any lien or otherwise
encumber any of its properties or assets except for liens arising as a matter of
law in the ordinary course of business; (v) sell, lease, transfer or dispose of
any of its properties or assets, waive or release any rights of material value,
or cancel, compromise, release or assign any indebtedness owed to it or any
claims held by it, except in the ordinary and usual course of business; (vi)
make any investment of a capital nature either by purchase of stock or
securities, contributions to capital, property transfers or otherwise, or by the
purchase of any property or assets of any other person or entity, except in the
ordinary and usual course of business; (vii) other than in the ordinary and
usual course of business, enter into or terminate any contract or agreement, or
make any material change in any of its contracts or agreements; (viii) amend any
employee benefit plan other than as required by law, or increase in any manner
the compensation or fringe benefits of any of its officers or employees, or pay
or agree to pay any bonus or pension or retirement allowance not required by any
existing plan or agreement to any such officers or employees, or commit itself
to or enter into any employment agreement or any incentive compensation,
deferred compensation, profit sharing, stock option, stock purchase, savings,
consultant, retirement, pension or other "fringe benefit" plan or arrangement
with or for the benefit of any officer, employee or other person; (ix) permit
any insurance policy naming it as a beneficiary or a loss payee to be canceled
or terminated or any of the coverage thereunder to lapse, unless simultaneously
with such termination or cancellation replacement policies providing
substantially the same coverage are in full force and effect; (x) amend its
Articles of Incorporation or By-laws; (xi) make any material alteration in the
manner of keeping its books, accounts or records, or in the accounting practices
therein reflected; (xii) merge or consolidate with, or otherwise agree to be
acquired by, any other corporation or business entity, acquire control of any
other corporation or business entity, or take any steps incident to, or in
furtherance of, any of such actions, whether by soliciting or negotiating,
directly or indirectly, or by entering into an agreement providing therefor or
otherwise; (xiii) sell, assign or transfer any patents, trademarks, trade names,
copyrights or any other intangible assets material to its business; (xiv) or
enter into an agreement to do any of the things described in clauses (i) through


Certain Covenants of NMS BV

      The Stock Purchase Agreement contains additional covenants of NMS BV,
including, among others, the following: (i) if NMS BV determines that any of its
representations and warranties or Schedules are inaccurate in any material
respect, then NMS BV is to give prompt written notice thereof to the Company,
which notice shall include the necessary amendments to the Schedules to the
Stock Purchase Agreement, whereupon the Company may, by written notice to NMS BV
within ten days from receipt of the amended Schedules, terminate the Stock
Purchase Agreement; (ii) NMS BV will permit the Company and the Company's
counsel, accountants, investment advisors and other representatives to have,
until the Closing Date, access to the premises, books and records of Norland
Corp. at reasonable hours on reasonable notice to Norland Corp. and NMS BV, and
cause the officers of Norland Corp. to furnish such financial and operating data
and other information with respect to its business and properties being
investigated as from time to time shall be reasonably requested, and permit the
Company, including the auditing firm of the Company, to review the work papers
of the auditing firm of Norland Corp. relating to their examinations of the
financial statements of Norland Corp.; and (iii) during the period from the date
of the Stock Purchase Agreement to the Closing Date or the earlier termination
of the Stock Purchase Agreement, neither NMS BV, Norland Corp. nor NSI BV may,
without the prior written consent of the Company, initiate or continue
discussions or engage in negotiations with any entity concerning any possible
proposal regarding a sale of capital stock of Norland Corp. or NSI BV or a
merger, sale of material assets or similar transaction involving Norland Corp.
or NSI BV or any division or material asset thereof.

Certain Covenants of the Company

      The Company agreed to convene as promptly as practicable a meeting of its
stockholders to seek the Company Stockholder Approval.

Certain Additional Agreements

      The Company and NMS BV each agreed: (i) to use its reasonable best efforts
to obtain all consents and approvals of, and make all filings and registrations
with, any governmental authority required for, or in connection with, the
performance by such party of the Stock Purchase Agreement and the consummation
by such party of the transactions contemplated thereby and to cooperate fully
with the other party in assisting such other party to obtain such consents, and
(ii) to consult with each other in advance of making any public announcement or
otherwise disclosing any information relating to the execution of the Stock
Purchase Agreement or any transactions contemplated thereby.

Conditions to the Acquisition

      The consummation of the Acquisition by the Company is subject to the
fulfillment of certain conditions, including, among others, the following: (i)
the truth and correctness in all material respects of the representations and
warranties of NMS BV; (ii) the performance of NMS BV in all material


respects of all obligations required to be performed by it on or before the
Closing Date; (iii) the Company having received the opinion of NMS BV's counsel
as to certain legal matters; (iv) the absence of any commenced or threatened
action or proceeding by or before any court or governmental or regulatory
authority or of any commenced or threatened investigation by any governmental or
regulatory authority, seeking to restrain, prevent or change the Acquisition or
seeking judgments against Norland Corp., NSI BV, the Company or NMS BV for
substantial damages in connection with the Acquisition; (v) the receipt of
required consents; (vi) the Company, Norland Corp. and Stratec having entered
into an Amended Distribution Agreement; (vi) NMS BV having confirmed its
existing non-competition agreement with the Company; (vii) the receipt by the
Company of Norland Corp.'s consolidated audited financials for the years ended
December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 and unaudited financial statements for the most
recent interim period; (viii) the Advest Opinion not having been withdrawn,
amended or modified in any material respect; and (ix) the Company Stockholder
Approval having been obtained.

      The consummation of Acquisition by NMS BV is subject to the fulfillment of
certain conditions, including, among others, the following: (i) the truth and
correctness in all material respects of the representations and warranties of
the Company; (ii) the performance of the Company in all material respects of all
obligations required to be performed by it under the Stock Purchase Agreement on
or before the Closing Date; (iii) NMS BV having received the opinion of the
Company's counsel as to certain legal matters; (iv) the absence of any commenced
or threatened action or proceeding by or before any court or governmental or
regulatory authority, or of any commenced or threatened investigation by any
governmental or regulatory authority, seeking to restrain, prevent or change the
Acquisition or seeking judgments against Norland Corp., NSI BV, the Company or
NMS BV for substantial damages in connection with the Acquisition; (v) the
receipt of required consents; (vi) the Company Stockholder Approval having been
obtained; and (vii) the Pledge Agreement having been executed and delivered.


      The Stock Purchase Agreement may be terminated and abandoned at any time
prior to the Closing Date: (a) by mutual consent of the Company and NMS BV; (b)
by the Company or NMS BV if the Closing has not occurred by October 1, 1997; or
(c) by the Company or NMS BV if any action or proceeding is instituted by any
person, or, to the knowledge of the Company or NMS BV, threatened by any public
authority, which seeks to prohibit, restrict or delay consummation of the
Acquisition or any of the conditions to consummation of the Acquisition or to
limit in any manner the right of the Company to control Norland Corp. or any
material aspect of the business of Norland Corp. after the Closing Date, or to
subject the Company or NMS BV or their respective directors or officers to
liability on the ground that it or they have breached any law or regulation or
otherwise acted improperly in relation to the transactions contemplated by the
Stock Purchase Agreement, other than an action, suit or proceeding instituted by
a person other than a public authority which, in the opinion of counsel to the
Company and counsel to NMS BV, does not have a substantial likelihood of



      The Company has agreed to indemnify NMS BV from and against: (a) any loss
incurred or required to be paid because of the untruth, inaccuracy or breach of
any representation or warranty of the Company; (b) any loss incurred or required
to be paid because of the breach of any covenant or agreement of the Company;
and (c) any litigation expenses incurred or required to be paid in connection
with any action, suit or proceeding incident to any matter indemnified against
in clause (a) or (b). NMS BV will not be entitled to make any claim against the
Company for any loss described in clause (a) above (and any related litigation
expenses) unless a notice of such claim for loss (which notice includes the
estimated amount of the claim, the basis of the claim and such estimate and any
documentation relating to such claim) is given to the Company prior to the
Termination Date. The maximum liability of the Company pursuant to clause (a)
above with respect to losses described therein is $17,500,000 plus the principal
amount of the Additional Note. The Company is not required to indemnify NMS BV
for any losses (and related litigation expenses) until the aggregate amount
thereof exceeds $100,000, after which all such losses are payable by the Company
from the first dollar.

      NMS BV has agreed to indemnify the Company from and against: (a) any loss
incurred or required to be paid because of the untruth, inaccuracy or breach of
any representation or warranty of NMS BV, other than certain representations and
warranties related to tax matters; (b) any loss incurred or required to be paid
because of the untruth, inaccuracy or breach of those certain representations or
warranties related to tax matters; (c) any loss incurred or required to be paid
because of the breach of any covenant or agreement of NMS BV; and (d) any
litigation expenses incurred or required to be paid in connection with any
action or proceeding incident to any matter indemnified against in clause (a),
(b) or (c). The Company shall not be entitled to make any claim against NMS BV
for any loss described in clause (a) or (b) above (and any related litigation
expenses) unless a notice of such claim for loss (which notice includes the
estimated amount of the claim, the basis of the claim and such estimate and any
documentation relating to such claim) is given to NMS BV prior to (i) the
Termination Date, in the case of a claim pursuant to clause (a) above, or (ii)
the applicable Statute of Limitations Date, in the case of a claim pursuant to
clause (b) above. The maximum liability of NMS BV pursuant to (a) above with
respect to losses described therein is $17,500,000 plus the principal amount of
the Additional Note. NMS BV is not required to indemnify the Company for any
losses (and related litigation expenses) until the aggregate amount thereof
exceeds $100,000, after which all such losses shall be payable by NMS BV from
the first dollar.

      The Company will have the right, but not the obligation, to set off
against its obligation to pay the principal of the Purchase Note and the
Additional Note the full amount of any loss or litigation expense required to be
paid by NMS BV hereunder; provided, however, that the maximum aggregate amount
which the Company may so set off is 20% of the aggregate Purchase Price (i.e.,
$17,500,000 plus the principal amount of the Additional Note).

      The obligations and liabilities of each indemnifying party under the Stock
Purchase Agreement with respect to claims resulting from the assertion of
liability by the other party or third parties are subject to certain notice
provisions set forth therein.


Incidental Registration Rights

      If the Company issues any Payment Shares in payment of the Purchase Note
or the Additional Note and such issuance is not registered under the Securities
Act (such Payment Shares being referred to as "Registration Stock"), and
thereafter proposes to register any of its equity securities under the
Securities Act on a form on which Registration Stock could be registered for
sale by the holders thereof (other than a registration in connection with an
acquisition of, or merger with, another entity or the sale of shares to
employees of the Company pursuant to employee stock options or other employee
stock plans), the Company must give written notice to all holders of
Registration Stock and, upon the written request of any such holder cause the
Registration Stock, as to which the holders shall have so requested
registration, to be registered under the Securities Act and under the same
registration statement proposed to be filed by the Company, to the extent
requisite to permit the sale of the Registration Stock so registered. If such
offering is to be distributed by an underwriter, each seller must sell his
Registration Stock through such underwriter on the same terms and conditions as
the underwriter sells securities of the Company; and, if a greater number of
shares of Registration Stock and shares owned by other stockholders is offered
for participation in the proposed underwriting than in the opinion of the
managing underwriter can be accommodated without adversely affecting the
proposed underwriting, the Company may elect to reduce pro-rata (based upon the
amount of shares owned) the amount of all securities proposed to be offered in
the underwriting for the accounts of all persons other than the Company to a
number deemed satisfactory by the managing underwriter.

      The Company will pay all Registration Expenses in connection with each
such registration. All Selling Expenses in connection with each registration
shall be borne by the sellers pro-rata in proportion to the securities covered
thereby being sold or in such other proportion as they may agree. All expenses
incurred by the Company including, without limitation, all registration and
filing fees (including all expenses incident to filing with the National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.), printing expenses, reasonable fees and
disbursements of counsel for the Company, securities law and blue sky fees and
expenses and the expenses of any regular and special audits incident to or
required by any such registration are herein called Registration Expenses,
except that all underwriting discounts, selling commissions applicable to the
sales, any state or federal transfer taxes payable with respect to the sales and
all fees and disbursements of counsel for the selling stockholders are Selling
Expenses. The Company has also agreed to indemnify each seller of Registration
Stock for liabilities arising under federal and state securities laws relating
to untrue statements or omissions in any registration statement covering
Registration Stock, except for untrue statements or omissions based on
information provided by such seller specifically for use in preparing such
registration statement ("Seller Information"). Each seller must indemnify the
Company for liabilities arising under federal and state securities laws relating
to untrue statements or omissions in such registration statement made in
reliance upon and in conformity with Seller Information; provided, however, that
no seller will be liable for more than the amount received by such seller from
the sale of Registration Stock pursuant to such registration statement.



      The Company and NMS BV are responsible for their own costs and expenses
incurred in connection with the Stock Purchase Agreement and the Acquisition;
provided, however, that the Company is responsible for any sales or transfer
taxes resulting from the purchase of the Shares. 

Amendment and Waiver

      The Stock Purchase Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented by
written agreement approved by both NMS BV and the Company at any time. Prior to
the Closing, the parties may (i) extend the time for the performance of any of
the obligations or other acts of the parties, (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the
representations and warranties contained in the Stock Purchase Agreement or in
any document delivered thereunder, and (iii) waive compliance with any of the
agreements or conditions contained therein. In the event of any waiver of a
condition, the Board, based on their fiduciary duties and obligations to the
Company's stockholders under Delaware law, will determine whether resolicitation
of proxies is required.

Vote Required for Approval

      The affirmative vote of both (A) the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock present in person or represented by duly
executed proxies at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon, and (B) the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock held by all
stockholders other than Reynald G. Bonmati, Hans Schiessl, Norland Partners,
L.P., and Novatech Ventures, L.P., is required to approve the Stock Purchase
Agreement and the Acquisition. Such approval will also constitute authorization
and approval for the Company to issue, at any time and from time to time, shares
of its Common Stock in payment of the principal of the Purchase Note and the
Additional Note.

      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR
the approval of the Stock Purchase Agreement and the Acquisition.


                                   PROPOSAL 2

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      The Company's By-Laws authorize the Board of Directors to fix the number
of directors of the Company. Currently, the number is fixed at five. The Board
of Directors has nominated the five persons named below to serve as directors
until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their earlier resignation
or removal. Each nominee, except for Dr. Andre-Jacques Neusy, is presently a
director of the Company. Robert L. Piccioni, who is currently a director of the
Company, is not being proposed for election to the Board at the Annual Meeting.
Dr. Piccioni, who was Chief Technical Officer of Dove Medical Systems, Inc.
("Dove"), the Company's subsidiary, and his wife Joan, who was President of
Dove, resigned from those positions effective June 13, 1997. If any of the
nominees should be unavailable to serve for any reason (which is not
anticipated), the Board of Directors may (i) designate a substitute nominee or
nominees, in which case the persons named on the enclosed proxy card will vote
all valid proxy cards for the election of such substitute nominee, (ii) allow
the vacancy to remain open until a suitable candidate or candidates are located,
or (iii) by resolution provide for fewer directors. Proxies for this Annual
Meeting may not be voted FOR more than five nominees.

Nominees for Election at this Annual Meeting

Reynald G. Bonmati, age 49, has served as a Director of the Company since its
formation in December 1993 and has served as Chairman of the Board, President
and Treasurer of the Company since January 1994. Mr. Bonmati has served since
January 1992 as a Managing Director of NMS BV, a holding company that owns
Norland Corp. and Stratec, manufacturers of bone densitometers marketed by the
Company. He has served as a Director and President of Norland Corp. since June
1990 and July 1993, respectively. He has also served as President and Chairman
of the Board of The EICON Group, Inc., an environmental and infrastructure
service company, since March 1991, as President of Novatech Resource
Corporation, a private investment firm, since 1981 and as President of Novatech
Management Corporation, a private investment firm, since 1990. Mr. Bonmati
received BS and MS degrees from the Institute National Superieur de Chimie
Industrielle, an MS degree from the Ecole Nationale Superieure du Petrole et des
Moteurs and an MBA from the University of Paris.

James J. Baker, age 64, has served as a Director of the Company since May 1995.
He has been a private investor for over twelve years, specializing in start-up
venture capital. He is Vice President of Flight Landata, Inc., a company
involved in multi-spectral remote sensing. Previously, Mr. Baker spent twelve
years at Cullinet Software Corporation serving initially as Vice President in
charge of technical development and later as Senior Vice President in charge of
Customer Support. He holds a BS in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.

Michael W. Huber, age 69, has served as a Director of the Company since May
1995. He is retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and is currently a
Director of J.M. Huber Corporation, a diversified family-owned company engaged
in natural resource development, and specialty chemical and specialty equipment
and wood product manufacturing. He is also a Director of Crompton and Knowles
Corporation, a specialty chemical and equipment manufacturing company.


Andre-Jacques Neusy, age 52, is a Research Scientist and Attending Physician at
Tisch Hospital Center/NYU Medical Center and the Medical Director of the
Dialysis Unit and Chief of Nephrology at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York
City. He has been associated with both hospitals since 1978. Dr. Neusy is also
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York University School of
Medicine and Attending Physician in Nephrology at the New York Veteran's
Administration Hospital. Dr. Neusy received a B.A. Degree from the International
School in Lubumbashi, Zaire, and an M.D. degree from the Free University of
Brussels Medical School.

Albert S. Waxman, age 56, has served as a Director of the Company since January
1994. Dr. Waxman has served as a Director of Norland Corp. since June 1990 and
as a Managing Director of NMS BV since January 1992. He has also served as a
Director of The EICON Group, Inc. since December 1994. Since 1993, Dr. Waxman
has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Merit Behavioral Care
Corporation, the parent company of American Biodyne, Inc., which he co-founded
in 1985 and for which he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from
1988 to 1993. From 1983 to 1988, Dr. Waxman served as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Diasonics, Inc., which he founded. Dr. Waxman received a
BSEE degree from City College of New York and MA and Ph.D. degrees from
Princeton University. He serves on the Advisor Council of Princeton University's
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Vote Required For Approval

      The vote of a plurality of holders of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock present in person or represented by duly executed proxies at the Annual
Meeting for the election of a given nominee is necessary to elect such nominee
as a director of the Company. Accordingly, the five director nominees receiving
the greatest number of votes cast will be elected, regardless of the number of
votes withheld for the election of such director nominees. Shares represented by
an executed proxy in the form enclosed will, unless otherwise directed, be voted
for the election of the five persons nominated to serve as directors.


      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR
the election of the five persons nominated to serve as directors.

Board Organization And Meetings

      During the year ended December 31, 1996, the Board of Directors held six
meetings. Each Director attended at least 75% of the meetings of the Board of
Directors and committees of the Board of Directors ("Committees") held in 1996
during his tenure as a Director or Committee member.

      There are two standing Committees:

      Audit Committee. The Audit Committee was established in June, 1995. The
Audit Committee consists of James J. Baker, Michael W. Huber and Reynald G.
Bonmati. The Audit Committee: (i) makes recommendations to the Board of
Directors with respect to the independent auditors who conduct the annual
examination of the Company's accounts; (ii) reviews the scope of the annual
audit and meets periodically with the Company's independent auditors to review
their findings and recommendations; (iii) approves major accounting policies or
changes thereto; and (iv) periodically reviews principal internal controls to
assure that the Company is maintaining a sound and modern system of financial
controls. The Audit Committee held three meetings in 1996.

      Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee was established in
June, 1995. The Compensation Committee consists of Albert S. Waxman, James J.
Baker and Michael W. Huber. The Compensation Committee periodically determines
the amount and form of compensation and benefits payable to all principal
officers and certain other management personnel. This committee also performs
duties of administration with respect to the Company's Amended and Restated 1994
Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the "Amended and Restated 1994 Plan"). The
Compensation Committee held four meetings during 1996, and acted on seven other
occasions by unanimous written consent.

Directors' Remuneration

      During the year ended December 31, 1996, fees for all directors aggregated
$8,000. Each director of the Company who is not an employee of or consultant to
the Company or any subsidiary (a "Non-Employee Director") receives $1,000 for
each regular Board meeting attended and is reimbursed for all expenses relating
to attendance at meetings. Under the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan described
below, each Non-Employee Director receives options to acquire 30,000 shares of
Common Stock, vesting in four equal annual installments, commencing on the first
anniversary of the date of grant, at an exercise price per share equal to the
market value on the date of grant. For Messrs. Baker, Huber and Waxman, such
options were granted on January 3, 1996. The exercise price for such options is
$15.00 per share. For any Non-Employee Director who first becomes a director
after January 3, 1996, such options will be deemed granted on the date such
person becomes a Board member. Directors who are employees of or consultants to
the Company do not receive additional compensation for serving as directors. No
member of the Board of Directors was paid compensation during the 1996 fiscal
year for


his service as a director of the Company other than pursuant to the standard
compensation arrangements described above.


                                   PROPOSAL 3


      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved and recommends to
stockholders that they consider and approve a proposal to amend the Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized
shares of Common Stock from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 ("Authorized Stock
Amendment"). The Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation also presently
authorizes 1,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, which will not be changed by the
Authorized Stock Amendment. If the proposed amendment is approved, the first
paragraph of Article Fourth of the Company's Restated Certificate of
Incorporation would be amended to read as follows:

                  "FOURTH: The total number of shares of all classes of capital
            stock which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is
            twenty-one million (21,000,000) shares, consisting of the following
            classes of stock: (A) one million (1,000,000) shares of Preferred
            Stock, par value $.0005 per share ("Preferred Stock"); and (B)
            twenty million (20,000,000) shares of Common Stock, par value $.0005
            ("Common Stock")."

      As of April 28, 1997, in addition to the 7,148,531 shares of Common Stock
issued and outstanding, an additional 620,500 shares of Common Stock were
reserved for issuance under the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan. If the proposed
amendments to the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan are adopted by the Stockholders
at the Annual Meeting (see Proposal 4), an additional 450,000 shares of Common
Stock will be reserved for issuance upon exercise of options which may be
granted thereunder. Therefore, as of the record date, there were a total of
7,769,031 shares of Common Stock (not including the additional 450,000 shares of
Common Stock which will be reserved if the amendments to the Amended and
Restated 1994 Plan are approved) either issued and outstanding or reserved for
issuance out of a total of 10,000,000 authorized shares of Common Stock, leaving
a total of 2,230,969 shares of Common Stock remaining available for subsequent
issuance or reservation.

      The Board of Directors believes that the increased number of authorized
shares of Common Stock contemplated by the proposed Authorized Stock Amendment
is desirable to make additional unreserved shares of Common Stock available for
issuance or reservation without further shareholder authorization, except as may
be required by law or by NASDAQ rules. Authorizing the Company to issue more
shares than currently authorized by the Restated Certificate of Incorporation
will not affect materially any substantive rights, powers, or privileges of
holders of Common Stock. There are currently no shares of Preferred Stock
outstanding. The Company does not have any current plans or intentions to issue
any of the additionally authorized Common Stock or any Preferred Stock. However,
the Board of Directors believes that having such additional shares authorized
and available for issuance or reservation will allow the Company to have greater
flexibility in considering potential future actions involving the issuance of
stock for corporate purposes such as stock dividends, exercise of stock options,
for cash or property and for other purposes, as occasions may arise, including,
without limitation, having the ability to issue shares of Common Stock in making
principal payments on the Purchase Note and the


Additional Note to be issued pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement. The Board
of Directors has no current plans to effect such potential actions. Other than
with respect to the reservation of shares of Common Stock in connection with the
Amended and Restated 1994 Plan, the Company has no other plans or other existing
or proposed agreements or understandings to issue, or reserve, for future
issuance, any of the additional Common Stock which would be authorized by the
Authorized Stock Amendment.

      Neither the presently authorized shares of Common Stock nor the additional
shares of Common Stock that may be authorized pursuant to the Authorized Stock
Amendment carry preemptive rights. The additional Common Stock, if authorized,
could be issued at the direction of the Board of Directors without any further
action by the stockholders, except if required by applicable law or regulations,
in connection with acquisitions, efforts to raise additional capital for the
Company and other corporate purposes.

      The additional shares, if so issued, would have a dilutive effect upon the
percentage of equity of the Company owned by present stockholders. The issuance
of such additional shares might be disadvantageous to current stockholders in
that any additional issuances would potentially reduce per share dividends, if
any. Stockholders should consider, however, that the possible impact upon
dividends is likely to be minimal in view of the fact that the Company has never
paid dividends, has never adopted any policy with respect to the payment of
dividends and does not intend to pay any cash dividends in the foreseeable
future. The Company instead intends to retain any earnings for use in financing
growth and additional business opportunities. In addition, the issuance of such
additional shares, by reducing the percentage of equity of the Company owned by
present shareholders, would reduce such present shareholders' ability to
influence the election of directors or any other action taken by the holders of
Common Stock.

      The authorization to issue the additional shares of Common Stock would
provide management with a capacity to negate the efforts of unfriendly tender
offerors through the issuance of securities to others who are friendly or
desirable to management. This proposal is not the result of management's
knowledge of any specific effort to accumulate the Company's stock or to obtain
control of the Company in opposition to management or otherwise. The Company is
not submitting this proposal to enable it to frustrate any efforts by another
party to acquire a controlling interest or to seek Board representation. The
submission of this proposal is not a part of any plan by the Company's
management to adopt a series of amendments to the Certificate of Incorporation
or Bylaws so as to render the takeover of the Company more difficult.

Vote Required For Approval

      The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock present in person or represented by proxies at the Annual Meeting and
entitled to vote is required to approve the Authorized Stock Amendment.

      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR
approval of the Authorized Stock Amendment.

                                   PROPOSAL 4

                      1994 STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

      At the Annual Meeting, there will be presented to the stockholders a
proposal to approve and ratify the adoption of amendments to the Amended and
Restated 1994 Plan. On March 27, 1997, the Board adopted, subject to stockholder
approval at the Annual Meeting, amendments to the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan
that, among other things, will (i) increase the number of shares of Common Stock
subject to the Plan and (ii) reflect certain changes which have been made in
Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act.

      The Amended and Restated 1994 Plan provides that the total amount of
Common Stock with respect to which awards may be made is 1,800,000 shares.
Options for 1,607,500 shares have been granted under the Amended and Restated
1994 Plan. Given the need to grant options to key employees who join the Company
as well as to current employees, the Board has determined to increase the number
of shares covered by the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan from 1,800,000 to

      On May 31, 1996, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted revisions
to the rules under Section 16 of the Exchange Act (the "Revised Section 16
Rules") which govern the reporting obligations and short-swing profit liability
of statutory insiders of public companies. In light of the Revised Section 16
Rules, the following additional amendments have been made to the Plan: (1) all
administrative functions under the Plan may be performed either by a committee
of the Board (the Compensation Committee) or by the full Board of Directors; and
(2) the Compensation Committee and the Board may issue options and stock
appreciation rights ("SARs") which are transferable by the grantee (except for
incentive stock options ("ISOs") and SARs issued in tandem with ISOs).


Description of the Plan

      The Amended and Restated 1994 Plan, as it would be amended by the proposed
amendments, is set forth as Annex C to this Proxy Statement, and the description
of the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan contained herein is qualified in its
entirety by reference to Annex C. All references to "Plan" in the remaining text
of this Proposal 4 shall mean the Amended and Restated 1994 Plan.

      The purpose of the Plan is to provide directors, officers, key employees
and consultants with additional incentives by increasing their ownership
interests in the Company. Directors, officers and other key employees of and
consultants to the Company and its subsidiaries are eligible to participate in
the Plan. Awards may be granted by the Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors or by the full Board and may include: (i) options to purchase shares
of Common Stock, including ISOs, non-qualified stock options or both; and (ii)
SARs, whether in conjunction with the grant of stock options or independent of
such grant, or SARs that are only exercisable in the event of a change in
control of the Company or upon other events. Awards are not assignable or
transferable except by the laws of descent and distribution.

      The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors and the full Board
have authority to administer the Plan. They have the authority, among other
things, to: (i) select the officers and other key employees and consultants
entitled to receive awards under the Plan; (ii) determine the type or types of
awards; (iii) determine the number of shares of Common Stock or rights covered
by an award; and (iv) determine the terms and conditions of any awards granted
under the Plan, including, any restrictions or limitations on transfer, any
vesting schedules or the acceleration thereof and any forfeiture provisions or
waivers thereof. The exercise price at which shares of Common Stock may be
purchased pursuant to the grant of stock options under the Plan and the grant
price of an SAR are determined at the time of grant. In no event may any one
individual receive in any one year options for, or SARs which relate to, more
than 180,000 shares of Common Stock.

      The Plan will remain in effect until terminated by the Board of Directors.
The Plan may be amended by the Board of Directors without the consent of the
stockholders of the Company, except that any amendment, although effective when
made, will be subject to stockholder approval at or before the annual meeting of
stockholders following approval by the Board of Directors if required by any
Federal or state law or regulation or by the rules of any stock exchange or
automated quotation system on which the Common Stock may then be listed or

      The grant of an option or SAR will create no tax consequences for the
grantee or the Company. A grantee will not have taxable income upon exercising
an ISO (except that the alternative minimum tax may apply) and the Company will
receive no deduction at that time. Upon exercising a non-ISO option, the
participant must generally recognize ordinary income equal to the difference
between the exercise price and fair market value of the stock received. Upon
exercise of a SAR, the participants must generally recognize ordinary income
equal to any cash received and the fair market value of any stock received. In
each case, the Company will generally be entitled to a deduction equal to the
amount recognized as ordinary income by the participant.


      A participant's disposition of shares acquired upon the exercise of an
option or SAR generally will result in capital gain or loss measured by the
difference between the sale price and the participant's tax basis in such shares
(or the exercise price of the option in the case of shares acquired by exercise
of an ISO and held for the applicable ISO holding periods). Generally, there
will be no tax consequences to the Company in connection with a disposition of
shares acquired under an option or other award, except that the Company will be
entitled to a deduction (and the participant will recognize ordinary taxable
income) if shares acquired upon exercise of an ISO are disposed of before the
applicable ISO holding periods have been satisfied.

Vote Required For Approval

      The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock present in person or represented by proxies at the Annual Meeting and
entitled to vote is required to approve the adoption of the amendments to the
Amended and Restated 1994 Plan.

      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR
the adoption of the amendments to the Company's Amended and Restated 1994 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan.


                                   PROPOSAL 5


      Upon recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, and
subject to ratification by the stockholders, the Board of Directors has
appointed Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as independent public accountants to examine
the Company's consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 1997. Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. has served as the Company's
independent accountants since it began operations in January 1994.
Representatives of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. are expected to be present at the
Annual Meeting and will have the opportunity to make a statement, if they so
desire, and to respond to appropriate questions from those attending the

Vote Required For Approval

      The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock present in person or represented by proxies at the Annual Meeting and
entitled to vote is required to appoint the Company's independent accountants.

      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR
the ratification of the appointment of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as independent
accountants to examine the Company's consolidated financial statements for 1997.

                                 STOCK OWNERSHIP

      The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the Company's Common Stock as of March 31, 1997 (except as
otherwise indicated) by (i) each person known by the Company to be the
beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock, (ii) each
director and nominee to be a director, (iii) each named executive officer and
(iv) all directors and executive officers as a group. Except as otherwise
indicated below, each of the persons named in the table has sole voting and
investment power with respect to the shares set forth opposite such person's


                                                             Amount of Beneficial Ownership(1)

Name of Beneficial Owner                                              Shares               Percent
- ------------------------                                              ------               -------
Reynald G. Bonmati (2)...................................          2,182,500                30.5%
Albert S. Waxman (3)....................................             793,500                11.1
Kurt W. Streams (4) .....................................              7,500                  *
Lewis N. Harrold (4).....................................              7,500                  *
Thomas P. Regan .........................................             75,000                 1.0
James A. Sperlazza ......................................             18,750                  *
James J. Baker (4).......................................              7,500                  *
Michael W. Huber  (4) ...................................              7,500                  *
Andre-Jacques Neusy......................................                 --                  --
Robert L. Piccioni (5)...................................            130,845                 1.8
All directors and officers of the Company as a group (11           2,438,595                33.9
persons) (2), (3), (4), (5)..............................
Novatech Ventures, L.P. .................................            264,000                 3.7
 Premium Point
 New Rochelle, NY 10801
Norland Partners, L.P....................................            786,000                11.0
 Premium Point
 New Rochelle, NY 10801
Hans Schiessl ...........................................          1,125,000                15.7
 Markgrafenstrasse 8
 75117 Pforzheim
Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. (6)..............................            570,000                 8.0
 Two World Trade Center, Suite 3400
 New York, NY  10048-0203
Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc. (7).......................            631,550                 8.8
Two International Plaza
Boston, MA  02110-4103

- ----------
*     Less than 1%.

(1)   Calculated pursuant to Rule 13d-3(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
      1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Under Rule 13d-3(d), shares not
      outstanding that are subject to options, warrants, rights or conversion
      privileges exercisable within 60 days are deemed outstanding for the
      purpose of calculating the number and percentage owned by such person, but
      not deemed outstanding for the purpose of calculating the percentage owned
      by any other person.


(2)   Includes 7,500 shares issuable pursuant to stock options exercisable
      within 60 days. Includes 786,000 shares held of record by Norland
      Partners, L.P. and 264,000 shares held of record by Novatech Ventures,
      L.P. that Mr. Bonmati may be deemed to beneficially own due to his
      relationship with such entities. Mr. Bonmati is President and a principal
      stockholder of (i) Novatech Management Corporation, the general partner of
      Norland Partners, L.P., and (ii) Novatech Resource Corporation, the
      general partner of Novatech Ventures, L.P. Mr. Bonmati is also a limited
      partner of Novatech Ventures, L.P. Such beneficial ownership is disclaimed
      by Mr. Bonmati, except to the extent of his proportionate interest in such
      limited partnerships. Mr. Bonmati's address is 106 Corporate Park Drive,
      Suite 106, White Plains, New York 10604.

(3)   Includes 7,500 shares issuable pursuant to stock options exercisable
      within 60 days. Includes 786,000 shares held of record by Norland
      Partners, L.P. that Dr. Waxman may be deemed to beneficially own due to
      his relationship with such entity. Dr. Waxman is Chairman of the Board and
      a principal stockholder of Novatech Management Corporation, the general
      partner of Norland Partners, L.P. Such beneficial ownership is disclaimed
      by Dr. Waxman, except to the extent of his proportionate interest in such
      limited partnership. Dr. Waxman's address is 59 Wooster Street, New York,
      New York 10022.

(4)   Consists of shares issuable pursuant to stock options exercisable within
      60 days.

(5)   Includes 7,500 shares issuable pursuant to stock options exercisable
      within 60 days. Includes 123,345 shares owned by Robert L. Piccioni and
      Joan Piccioni, his wife. Excludes 9,375 shares issuable pursuant to stock
      options granted to Joan Piccioni exercisable within 60 days.

(6)   Information is as of December 31, 1996 based on Schedule 13G filed with
      the Securities and Exchange Commission. OppenheimerFunds, Inc. reported
      shared dispositive power with respect to 570,000 shares, and Oppenheimer
      Discovery Fund reported sole voting power and shared dispositive power
      with respect to 480,000 shares.

(7)   Information as of December 31, 1996 based on Schedule 13G filed with the
      Securities and Exchange Commission. Scudder, Stevens & Clark reported sole
      voting power with respect to 271,150 shares, shared voting power with
      respect to 279,300 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

      The following table provides, for the periods indicated, certain summary
information concerning the cash and non-cash compensation earned by or awarded
to the Company's President (the chief executive officer) and each of the four
other most highly compensated executive officers who were serving as executive
officers as of December 31, 1996 (collectively, the "named executive officers"):

                                                 Annual Compensation                Awards
                                                                                  Underlying             All Other
    Name and Principal Position      Year      Salary($)       Bonus($)          Options (#)(1)        Compensation($)
Reynald G. Bonmati.................. 1996      $156,000      $       0               30,000             $         0
    Chairman of the Board,           1995       100,000        100,000                    0                       0
    President and Treasurer          1994       100,000              0              750,000                       0
Kurt W. Streams..................... 1996        96,000              0                    0                       0
    Vice President, Finance,
    and Secretary
Lewis N. Harrold.................... 1996        81,085              0                    0                       0
    Vice President, Product
    Development and Assistant
Thomas P. Regan..................... 1996       107,704              0                    0                       0
    Vice President, U.S. Sales       1995       155,529              0                    0                       0
                                     1994       113,409              0               75,000                       0
James A. Sperlazza.................. 1996       257,674              0                    0                       0
    Vice President, Latin America    1995       326,602              0                    0                       0
    and Pacific Rim Sales            1994       271,241              0               75,000                       0

(1)   Represents shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options
      granted to the named executive officers.

Employment Agreements

      The Company does not have employment agreements with any of the named
executive officers.


Option Grants/Exercises in 1996

      The following table sets forth certain information concerning grants of
stock options made during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996 to the named
executive officers.

                        Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                Individual Grants
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Percentage                                        Potential Realizable
                                                   of Total                                           Value at Assumed
                                  Number of         Options                                         Annual Rates of Stock
                                 Securities       Granted to                                       Price Appreciation For
                                 Underlying        Employees                                           Option Term (2)
                                   Options            in         Exercise or                       ----------------------
                                   Granted        Fiscal Year     Base Price      Expiration
Name                                 (#)              (%)           ($/sh)            Date          5% ($)        10% ($)
- ----                                 ---              ---           ------            ----          ------        -------
Reynald G. Bonmati...........      30,000(1)         14%            $15.00         1/2/2006        $283,003      $717,184
Kurt W. Streams..............           0             -                  -                -               -             -
Lewis N. Harrold.............           0             -                  -                -               -             -
Thomas P. Regan..............           0             -                  -                -               -             -
James A. Sperlazza...........           0             -                  -                -               -             -

- ----------

(1)   Options were granted as incentive stock options. Options become
      exercisable on each January 3, following the date of grant in four equal

(2)   Amount shown represents the potential realizable value, net of the option
      exercise price, assuming that the underlying market price of the Common
      Stock appreciates in value from the date of grant to the end of the option
      term at annualized rates of 5% and 10%. These amounts represent certain
      assumed rates of appreciation only. Actual gains, if any, on stock option
      exercises are dependent upon the future performance of the Common Stock
      and overall market conditions. There can be no assurance that the amounts
      reflected in this table will be achieved.

      The following tables set forth certain information concerning the exercise
of options to purchase Common Stock of the Company during 1996 and the value at
December 31, 1996 of outstanding options held by each of the named executive


       Option Exercises in 1996 and Value of Options at December 31, 1996

                                                                Number of Unexercised       Value of Unexercised In-the-
                                                               Options Held at Fiscal        Money(1) Options at Fiscal
                                                                    Year End (#)                  Year End ($)(2)
                                                               ----------------------        --------------------------
                             Acquired on
                               Exercise         Value        
           Name                 (#)(3)      Realized($)(4)   Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable     Unexercisable
           ----                 ------      --------------   -----------   -------------    -----------     -------------
Reynald G.                     562,500         $7,499,813             0         217,500     $        0
Bonmati                                                                                                      $1,467,995
Kurt W. Streams                      0                  0         7,500          22,500              0                0
Lewis N. Harrold                     0                  0         7,500          22,500              0                0
Thomas P. Regan                 52,500            953,733         3,750          18,750         25,311          126,553
James A. Sperlazza              56,250          1,059,356             0          18,750              0          126,553

- ----------
(1)   Options are "in-the-money" if the closing market price of the Company's
      Common Stock exceeds the exercise price of the options.

(2)   The value of unexercised options represents the difference between the
      exercise price of such options and $6.75, the closing market price of the
      Company's Common Stock on December 31, 1996

(3)   Represents the number of shares received upon exercise or, if no shares
      were received, the number of shares with respect to which the options were

(4)   The value of exercised options represents the difference between the
      exercise price of such options and the closing market price of the
      Company's Common Stock on the date of exercise.

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

      General. The Company's Compensation Committee is composed of three
independent, Non-Employee Directors. The Committee and the Board of Directors
believe that compensation must be competitive, but that it should be directly
and materially linked to the Company's performance. The compensation program is
designed to attract and retain executive talent, to motivate executives to
maximize operating performance, to provide an opportunity to measure performance
on an individual basis, as well as on an overall Company-wide basis, and to link
executive and stockholder interests through the grant of stock options.

      The key components of the Company's executive compensation program consist
of salary, bonuses and stock options. The Committee's policy with respect to
each of these elements, including the basis of the compensation awarded to Mr.
Bonmati, the Company's President, are discussed below. Through these programs, a
very significant portion of the Company's executive compensation is linked to
performance and the alignment of executive interests with those of stockholders.
The long-term


compensation of all Company executive officers consists of stock options; the
short term compensation consists of base salary and, in certain cases, bonuses.

      Base Salary. The Company has established base salary levels based upon
competitive market pay rates, each executive's role in the Company and each
executive's performance over time (including, where relevant, executives'
performance prior to joining the Company). Base salaries for executives are
reviewed annually based on a variety of factors, including individual
performance, market salary levels for comparable positions within comparable
companies and the Company's overall financial results, and may be adjusted to
reflect such factors. In the case of Mr. Sperlazza, a significant amount of his
compensation is based upon commissions.

      Bonuses. At the end of each year, bonuses for executive officers may be
recommended by the Company and reviewed and approved by the Committee. Any such
bonuses will be payable out of a bonus pool determined by the Board of Directors
or the Compensation Committee, and will be determined by measuring such
officer's performance, the performance of the operations for which officer has
primary responsibility and the Company's overall performance against target
performance levels to be established by the Compensation Committee. No bonuses
were awarded to any executive officer with respect to 1996.

      Stock Options. The Committee believes that aligning management's interest
with those of stockholders is an important element of the Company's executive
compensation plan. Stock options align the interests of employees and
stockholders by providing value to the executive through stock price
appreciation only. At the time of the Company's initial public offering in
August 1995, the Company had granted options to purchase 1,002,000 shares of
Common Stock to certain officers and employees of the Company. The Company has
also granted options to purchase an aggregate of 605,500 shares of Common Stock
to employees and directors since completion of the initial public offering,
primarily to people who have joined the Company since the initial public
offering. In all cases, the exercise price of the options granted was not less
than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the dates of such grants.

      Future awards of stock options will be made periodically at the discretion
of the Compensation Committee, in certain cases based upon recommendations of
the Company's President. The size of such grants, in general, will be evaluated
by regularly assessing competitive market practices, the individual's position
and level of responsibility within the Company, and the overall performance of
the Company, including its historic financial success and its future prospects.
The Company believes that stock options are the single most important element in
providing incentives for management performance and intends to continue to plan
to award significant stock options to officers and key employees.

      Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer. The Compensation Committee
considers several factors in establishing the President's compensation package,
including market pay practices, performance level, experience, contributions
toward achievement of strategic goals and the overall financial and operations
success of the Company.

      Mr. Bonmati's base salary was increased in 1996 from $100,000 to $150,000.
In light of the increase, no bonus was paid to Mr. Bonmati for 1996. On February
21, 1997, Mr. Bonmati was granted options for an additional 100,000 shares at an
exercise price of $6.63 per share. These options vest in four equal annual
installments commencing February 21, 1998.


      On January 3, 1994, Mr. Bonmati received, as a long-term incentive,
options to purchase 750,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of
$0.0006 per share, a price which was not less than the fair market value of the
Company's Common Stock at such date. Mr. Bonmati has exercised all of these
options. On January 3, 1996, Mr. Bonmati was granted options for an additional
30,000 shares at an exercise price of $15.00 per share. These options vest in
four equal annual installments commencing on January 3, 1997.

                                       Compensation Committee:
                                         Albert S. Waxman
                                         James J. Baker
                                         Michael W. Huber


Stock Performance Graph

      The following graph compares, from August 2, 1995, the date that the
Company's Common Stock began trading on The Nasdaq National Market following its
initial public offering, through December 31, 1996, the percentage change in the
Company's Common Stock to the cumulative total return of the NASDAQ Composite
Index ("NASDAQ Composite") and the Midcap Medical Products Index ("Midcap
Medical Products"). The graph plots the growth in value of an initial $100
investment over the indicated time period, assuming the reinvestment of

                                 [GRAPH OMITTED]

                                         Aug. 2,       Dec. 31,        Dec. 31,
                                           1995           1995           1996
                                         -------       --------        --------
Norland Medical Systems, Inc.             $100           $221            $ 96
NASDAQ Composite                           100            104             130
Midcap Medical Products                    100            118             125

      The performance of the Company's Common Stock reflected above is not
necessarily indicative of future performance of the Common Stock. The
performance graph which appears above shall not be deemed incorporated by
reference by any general statement incorporating this Proxy Statement by
reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and shall not be deemed filed under either of
such Acts except to the extent that the Company specifically incorporates this
information by reference.


Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

      During the period from June 6, 1995 through December 31, 1996 the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors consisted of James J. Baker,
Michael W. Huber and Albert S. Waxman. None of these individuals has ever served
as an officer or an employee of the Company. Except as described below, no
executive officer of the Company has ever served as (i) a member of the
compensation committee or equivalent of another entity, one of whose executive
officers served on the Company's Compensation Committee, (ii) a director of
another entity, one of whose executive officers served on the Company's
Compensation Committee, or (iii) a member of the compensation committee or
equivalent of another entity, one of whose executive officers served as a
director of the Company. Dr. Waxman is a director of Norland Corp. and The EICON
Group, Inc., and Reynald G. Bonmati is a director of Norland Corp. and a member
of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of The EICON Group, Inc.
Mr. Bonmati is also an executive officer of Norland Corp. and The EICON Group,
Inc. Mr. Bonmati is President and a director of Novatech Management Corporation,
the general partner of Norland Partners, L.P. As described above in "Acquisition
of Norland Corporation -- Interests of Certain Persons in the Transaction", Dr.
Waxman is also a Managing Director of NMS BV, and the Chairman, a director and
50% stockholder of Novatech Management Corporation. Mr. Baker's wife and Mr.
Huber are limited partners of Novatech Ventures, L.P., which is a limited
partner in Norland Partners, L.P. Norland Partners, L.P. owns 41.2% of the
outstanding stock of NMS BV.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

      Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the
Company's directors, executive officers and persons holding more than 10 percent
of a registered class of the Company's equity securities to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the Nasdaq National Market initial
reports of ownership, reports of changes in ownership and annual reports of
ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the Company. Such
directors, executive officers and ten-percent stockholders are also required to
furnish the Company with copies of all such filed reports.

      Based solely upon review of the copies of such reports furnished to the
Company and written representations that no other reports were required during
the 1996 fiscal year, the Company believes that all Section 16(a) reporting
requirements related to the Company's directors and executive officers were
timely fulfilled during 1996, with the exception of one late filing by Hans


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

Transactions Involving Norland Corp. and Stratec

      The Company is a distributor of bone densitometers manufactured by Norland
Corp. and Stratec, wholly-owned subsidiaries of NMS BV. Certain officers and
directors of the Company, and certain other persons who have significant
relationships with the Company have direct and indirect material interests in or
relationships with Norland Corp. and Stratec and/or NMS BV. See "Acquisition of
Norland Corporation -- Interests of Certain Persons in the Transaction", above.

      Under the Company's Distribution Agreement with Norland Corp. and Stratec,
the Company has rights to exclusive worldwide distribution of all current and
future medical diagnostic products developed or manufactured by Norland Corp. or
Stratec. The Company's purchases from Norland Corp. and Stratec in 1996 were
$13,138,280 and $3,163,964, respectively. Sales of Norland Corp. products and
services by the Company to Stratec in 1996 were $210,785. The Company invoiced
Norland Corp. $351,323 in 1996 for services performed by the Company in support
of Norland Corp.'s product warranties.

      The Company is party to a Product Development Loan Agreement with Norland
Corp. and Stratec, under which the Company intends to make loans to Norland
Corp. and Stratec in installments up to an aggregate amount of $3.5 million
during the period ending July 31, 1997. The proceeds of any such loans are to be
used by Norland Corp. and Stratec for specific new product development involving
enhancements of existing products and the application of QCT technology to new
products. The loans bear interest at the rate of 10% per annum, and the
principal will be payable in twenty equal quarterly installments commencing
September 30, 1997. At December 31, 1996, there were outstanding loans of
$289,785 from the Company to Norland Corp. under the Product Development Loan
Agreement. If a new product covered by the Product Development Loan Agreement is
introduced into the marketplace, the Company will be entitled to receive a
royalty equal to 5% of the sales proceeds received by Norland Corp. and Stratec
with respect to such product. Norland Corp. and Stratec have also granted the
Company rights of first refusal with respect to any additional financing of
research and development work by Norland Corp. and Stratec.

      In February 1996, Mr. Bonmati made a $1,000,000 loan to Stratec. This
loan, which had an interest rate of 6% per annum, was fully repaid in December
1996. Mr. Bonmati and Mr. Schiessl each own a 50% interest in a building in
Pforzheim, Germany, part of which is leased to Stratec at a monthly rent of
approximately DM 9,000.

Loans and Advances

      In September 1996, the Company made an $80,000 loan to Kurt W. Streams,
Vice President, Finance of the Company, to assist with relocation of his
residence. The loan bears interest at 6% per annum and is payable in full in
September 1997, subject to rights which Mr. Streams has to extend the maturity
date. The outstanding balance of the loan, including interest, was $81,704 at
December 31, 1996.

      In August 1996, the Company agreed to lend up to $2,500,000 to Reynald G.
Bonmati, President of the Company, on a revolving credit basis during the period
ending December 31, 1997, to assist in the payment of tax liabilities incurred
in connection with stock option exercises. The loans bear interest at 6% per
annum and are payable on demand. The maximum principal amount of loans
outstanding in


1996 was $1,025,000. The outstanding loan balance was reduced to $500,000 at
December 31, 1996.

Other Transactions

      The Company leases its principal executive offices at 106 Corporate Park
Drive, Suite 106, White Plains, New York 10604. The Company sublets a portion of
the leased office space to an affiliate of The EICON Group, Inc. ("EICON"). Both
the lease and sublease expire on August 31, 2000. The Company also subleased
office space in New Haven, Connecticut, from other affiliates of EICON. The New
Haven sublease terminated on March 31, 1997. The White Plains rent is and will
be allocated between the EICON affiliate and the Company on a pro rata basis
(based on square footage used). Mr. Bonmati, President and a Director of the
Company, is President, a Director and 11% owner of EICON. Dr. Waxman, a Director
of the Company, is a Director and 3% owner of EICON. Novatech Ventures, L.P.,
which owns 3.7% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company and is a limited
partner in Norland Partners, L.P. (the owner of 11% of the Company's outstanding
Common Stock), is the owner of 24% of the outstanding stock of EICON.

      The Company leases approximately 18,000 square feet of space in Fort
Atkinson, Wisconsin. The Company sublets approximately 14,000 square feet of
this space to Norland Corp. See "Acquisition of Norland Corporation -- Norland
Corp. Business", above.

      In the year ended December 31, 1996, purchases by Nissho Iwai Corporation
from the Company were $5,456,824 (approximately 22% of the Company's revenues).
Nissho Iwai received volume discounts and extended payment terms for its
purchases of systems in 1996. Nissho Iwai is the Company's exclusive
subdistributor in Japan for Norland Corp. and Stratec products. It owns 8.8% of
the outstanding stock of NMS BV, the parent corporation of Norland Corp. and

      On April 2, 1996, Dove Medical Systems, a California corporation ("Dove
California") which manufactured, marketed and sold the OsteoAnalyzer line of
bone densitometers, was merged into a newly formed wholly-owned subsidiary of
the Company (the "Merger"). Pursuant to the Merger all of the issued and
outstanding stock of Dove Medical Systems was exchanged for an aggregate of
161,538 shares of the Company's Common Stock. Following the Merger, the
Company's subsidiary changed its name to Dove Medical Systems, Inc. At the time
of the Merger, approximately 76% of the stock of Dove California was owned by
Robert L. Piccioni and Joan Piccioni, his wife.

      On April 2, 1996, the Company also entered into a Purchase Agreement with
Dr. and Mrs. Piccioni, CHC, Inc. and Mirella Monti Belshe (the "Purchase
Agreement") pursuant to which the Company purchased a patent and rights to
technology and other property rights which were licensed to Dove California in
its business. The purchase price paid by the Company for such assets was
$3,600,000 cash. The Company transferred the purchased assets to Dove Medical
Systems, Inc.

      Robert L. Piccioni became a director of the Company in May 1996. Joan
Piccioni is President, and Robert L. Piccioni Chief Technical Officer, of Dove
Medical Systems, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Piccioni received 123,345 of the 161,538
shares of the Company's Common Stock issued in connection with the Merger. They
also received an aggregate of $3,001,846 of the $3,600,000 paid by the Company
pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.



      Any proposal to be presented by a stockholder at the Company's 1998 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders must be received by the Company no later than December
27, 1997, so that it may be considered by the Company for inclusion in its proxy
statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

      The Board of Directors knows of no matters that are expected to be
presented for consideration at the Annual Meeting other than those described in
this proxy statement. Should any other matter properly come before the Annual
Meeting, however, the persons named in the form of proxy accompanying this proxy
statement will vote all shares represented by proxies in accordance with their
best judgment on such matters.


                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



Audited Financial Statements:


Independent Auditor's Report                                                 F-2

Financial Statements:

   Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1996 and 1995              F-3

   Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended
     December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994                                        F-4

   Consolidated Statements of Changes in Common Stockholder's Equity
     for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994                    F-5

   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended
     December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994                                        F-6

   Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements                            F-7

Unaudited Financial Statements:


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 1997 and 1996         F-16

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income for the three months ended
  March 31, 1997 and 1996                                                   F-17

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Common Stockholder's
  Equity for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996                 F-18

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three months
  ended March 31, 1997 and 1996                                             F-19

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                        F-20


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of
  March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996                                      F-21

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income for the three months
  ended March 31, 1997 and 1996                                             F-22

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders'
  Equity for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996                 F-23

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three months
  ended March 31, 1997 and 1996                                             F-24

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                        F-25

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
  Results of Operations for the three months ended March 31, 
  1997 and 1996                                                             F-28

Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements                 F-31

Pro Forma Combined Condensed Balance Sheet as of
  March 31, 1997                                                            F-32

Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statements of Income
  for the year ended December 31, 1996 and for the three
  months ended March 31, 1997                                               F-33

Notes to the Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements              F-34


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors of
 Norland Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Norland
Corporation (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norland Medical Systems B.V.) and
subsidiary as of December 31, 1996 and 1995, and the related consolidated
statements of income, changes in common stockholder's equity and cash flows for
each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1996. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

The Company, as discussed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements,
has extensive transactions and relationships with Norland Medical Systems B.V.
and its affiliates. Because of these relationships, it is possible that the
terms of these transactions are not the same as those that would result from
transactions with unaffiliated parties.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of Norland Corporation and subsidiary
as of December 31, 1996 and 1995 and the results of their operations and their
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1996 in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin
March 12, 1997



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                           December 31, 1996 and 1995


                                                     1996             1995
                                                ---------------  ---------------

Current assets (Note 5):
   Cash                                            $     39,225     $     45,383
   Accounts receivable - affiliates (Notes 
     2 and 11)                                        2,255,845          493,424
   Inventories (Note 3)                               2,053,475          599,360
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets             15,271           19,274
   Income taxes recoverable                             279,594               --
   Deferred income taxes (Note 10)                      133,000                -
                                                   ------------     ------------

     Total current assets                             4,776,410        1,157,441

Property and equipment - net (Notes 4 and 7)            184,711          134,413
                                                   ------------     ------------

Total assets                                         $4,961,121       $1,291,854
                                                     ==========       ==========


Current liabilities:
   Note payable - bank (Note 5)                     $          --    $   680,000
   Accounts payable:
     Affiliate (Note 11)                              1,157,520               --
     Trade                                              886,311          242,439
   Accrued liabilities                                  149,475          178,459
   Current portion of product development 
     loan - affiliate (Note 6)                           38,685               --
   Current portion of capital lease obligations 
     (Note 7)                                             5,369            7,898
                                                   ------------     ------------

     Total current liabilities                        2,237,360        1,108,796
                                                   ------------     ------------

Product development loan payable - affiliate 
     (Note 6)                                           251,100           48,519
Capital lease obligations (Note 7)                        6,298           12,121
                                                   ------------     ------------

Common stockholder's equity (Notes 8 and 12):
   Common stock, voting, par value of $1.00 per 
     share - 58,500 shares authorized, 8,457 
     shares issued and outstanding                        8,457            8,457
   Common stock, non-voting, par value of 
     $1.00 per share, 3,000 shares authorized, 
     no shares issued and outstanding                        --               --
   Additional paid-in capital                           454,379          454,379
   Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)            1,856,942        (486,555)
   Foreign currency translation adjustments             146,585          146,137
                                                   ------------     ------------

     Total common stockholder's equity                2,466,363          122,418
                                                   ------------     ------------

Total liabilities and common stockholder's equity    $4,961,121       $1,291,854
                                                     ==========       ==========

          The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial



              for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994


                                                          1996          1995         1994
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Revenue from affiliate:
   Net shipments                                     $ 13,138,280   $3,928,085  $ 3,277,753
   One-time distribution agreement revenue (Note 2)            --           --    1,922,247
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

                  Total revenue from affiliate         13,138,280    3,928,085    5,200,000

Cost of revenue                                         9,008,969    2,585,529    2,293,283
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Gross profit                                            4,129,311    1,342,556    2,906,717
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Operating expenses:
   General and administrative                             732,897      377,665      912,803
   Customer service                                            --       95,485      176,355
   Research and development                             1,016,801      538,092      481,994
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

                  Total operating expenses              1,749,698    1,011,242    1,571,152
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Operating income                                        2,379,613      331,314    1,335,565
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Other expense
   Interest expense                                        61,617      115,288      131,103
   Other expense - net (Note 4)                             7,499          884      232,085
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

                  Total other expense                      69,116      116,172      363,188
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Income before income taxes                              2,310,497      215,142      972,377

Income tax benefit (Note 10)                              (33,000)          --           --
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Net income                                              2,343,497      215,142      972,377

Redemption of preferred stock (Note 8)                         --    2,140,681           --

Accretion of preferred stock discount (Note 8)                 --           --      (49,969)
                                                     ------------   ----------  -----------

Net income attributable to common stockholder        $  2,343,497   $2,355,823  $   922,408
                                                     ============   ==========  ===========

                        The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
financial statements.



              for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994


                                                                                           Cumulative      Total Common
                                                                              Retained      Foreign        Stockholder's
                                        Common Stock          Additional      Earnings      Currency          Equity
                                        ------------           Paid-In      (Accumulated   Translation     (Deficiency in
                                       Shares      Amount      Capital        Deficit)     Adjustments        Assets)
                                       ------      ------   -------------  -------------  -------------   -------------

Balance, January 1, 1994               8,457       $8,457     $454,379     $(3,764,786)     $140,521      $(3,161,429)

   Foreign currency
   translation adjustment                 --           --           --              --         6,097            6,097

   Net income                              -            -           --         922,408            --          922,408
                                       -----        -----      -------      ----------       -------       ----------
                                           -            -
                                           -            -

Balance, December 31, 1994             8,457        8,457      454,379      (2,842,378)      146,618       (2,232,924)

   Foreign currency
   translation adjustment                 --                        --              --          (481)            (481)

   Net income                              -           --           --       2,355,823            --        2,355,823
                                       -----        -----      -------      ----------       -------       ---------- 

Balance, December 31, 1995             8,457        8,457      454,379        (486,555)      146,137          122,418

   Foreign currency translation           --           --           --              --           448              448

   Net income                              -            -           --       2,343,497            --        2,343,497
                                       -----        -----      -------      ----------       -------       ----------

Balance, December 31, 1996             8,457       $8,457     $454,379     $ 1,856,942      $146,585      $ 2,466,363
                                       =====       ======     ========     ===========      ========      ===========

     The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements



              for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

                                                                 1996          1995          1994
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                                 $ 2,343,497     $ 215,142     $ 972,377
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------
   Adjustments to reconcile net
   income to net cash provided by operations:
   Depreciation and amortization expense                          85,191        98,276       149,979
   Loss on disposition of property,
   plant and equipment                                             7,499           885       242,639
   Changes in:
    Accounts receivable                                       (1,762,421)      603,975      (807,311)
    Inventories                                               (1,454,115)      238,048      (145,987)
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets                      4,003       (14,550)       15,678
    Income taxes recoverable                                    (279,594)           --            --
    Deferred income taxes                                       (133,000)           --            --
    Accounts payable                                           1,802,007      (581,636)     (248,910)
    Accrued liabilities                                          (28,984)     (200,615)      (25,273)
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

        Total adjustments                                     (1,759,414)      144,383      (819,185)
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

        Net cash provided by operating activities                584,083       359,525       153,192
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment              8,457            --       488,852
  Purchases of property and equipment                           (135,200)      (68,918)       (3,195)
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

        Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities     (126,743)      (68,918)      485,657
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from product development loan - affiliate             241,266        48,519            --
    Payments on capital lease obligations                        (24,597)      (13,110)       (3,740)
    Payments on long-term debt obligations                            --            --      (377,785)
    Payments on note payable - bank                             (680,000)     (360,560)      (16,092)
    Payments on advances from stockholders                            --            --      (200,000)
    Redemption of preferred stock                                     --            (1)           --
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

        Net cash used in financing activities                   (463,331)     (325,152)     (597,617)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                             (167)         (172)        5,836
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

Net (decrease) increase in cash                                   (6,158)      (34,717)       47,068

Cash at beginning of year                                         45,383        80,100        33,032
                                                             -----------   -----------   -----------

Cash at end of year                                          $    39,225   $    45,383   $    80,100
                                                             ===========   ===========   ===========

Supplemental cash flow information:
   Cash paid for interest                                    $    84,607   $   159,924   $   108,811
   Cash paid for income taxes                                    379,594            --            --

Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and
   financing activities:
   Capital lease obligations incurred                        $    16,245   $    25,410   $        --
   Redemption of preferred stock                                      --     2,140,680            --
   Accretion of preferred stock discount                              --            --        49,969

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                             financial statements.



                        December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994


      Company's Activities - Norland Corporation ("Norland") is engaged
      primarily in the design and manufacture and sale of devices which aid in
      the detection and monitoring of bone diseases and in the assessment of the
      effect of existing and potential therapies for the treatment of such
      diseases throughout the world.

      Principles of Consolidation - The consolidated financial statements
      include the accounts of Norland Corporation and its wholly-owned
      subsidiary, Norland Scientific Instruments B.V. ("NSI") (Netherlands). All
      significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

      Corporate Structure - Norland was incorporated in 1957. NSI was formed in
      1984 to be Norland's European distributor of Norland's products. NSI
      ceased its operating activities in 1992 and is in the process of being
      liquidated. Norland has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norland Medical
      Systems B.V. (Netherlands) ("NMS BV") since 1992. Norland Medical Systems,
      Inc. ("NMS") is the exclusive marketer and distributor of certain medical
      products and technologies of Norland. Certain shareholders of NMS are
      shareholders of NMS BV and own 91.2% of that company. Nissho Iwai
      Corporation ("Nissho Iwai"), a major customer of NMS, and an affiliate own
      the remaining 8.8% of NMS BV.

      Inventories - Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net
      realizable value, with cost determined on the first-in, first-out basis.

      Property and Equipment - Machinery and equipment, tooling and furniture
      and fixtures are recorded at cost and depreciated using the straight-line
      method over three to five years. Leasehold improvements are amortized over
      10 years or the remaining term of the lease, whichever is shorter.

      Revenue Recognition - Revenue and cost of revenue are recognized when the
      product is shipped. The product's selling price to NMS is determined by
      the pricing formula in effect under the Distribution Agreement with NMS at
      the time the product is shipped (see Note 2). 

      Provision for Product Warranties- Costs for returns and exchanges are
      borne by Norland. Norland offers one-year warranties on both the hardware
      and software included in its devices. Since July 1, 1995, NMS has provided
      customer service for Norland products including services in support of
      Norland's one-year warranty. Costs for customer service, returns and
      exchanges related to warranties are charged by NMS to Norland. The
      provision for product


      warranties represents an estimate of future claims arising under the terms
      of Norland's various product warranties. The estimated future claims are
      accrued at the time of sale.

      Research and Development Costs - Research and development costs are
      charged to expense as incurred.

      Income Taxes - Norland accounts for income taxes under Statement of
      Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 109. Under SFAS No. 109,
      deferred income taxes are recognized for the tax consequences of
      "temporary differences" by applying enacted statutory tax rates applicable
      to future tax years to differences between the financial statement
      carrying amounts and the tax bases of existing assets and liabilities. The
      effect of a change in tax rates on deferred income taxes is recognized in
      income in the period that includes the enactment date.

      Foreign Currency Translation - The effects of unrealized exchange rate
      fluctuations from translating the Dutch guilder denominated assets and
      liabilities of NSI into dollars are accumulated as cumulative translation
      adjustments in stockholder's equity. Realized gains and losses from
      foreign currency transactions are included in operating results for the

      Use of Estimates- The preparation of financial statements in conformity
      with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make
      estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
      liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
      date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and
      expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from
      those estimates.

      Fair Value Information - The fair value of Norland's note payable bank and
      product development loan payable - affiliate approximates their carrying
      value as of December 31, 1996 and 1995.


      In 1994, Norland entered into an exclusive Distribution Agreement (the
      "Agreement") with NMS. The invoice prices from Norland to NMS were
      determined by using a pricing formula whereby the margin retained by
      Norland was equal to one-half of the difference between the price at which
      the product was sold by NMS to the distributor or end user and Norland's
      direct cost of material, parts and labor.

      The Agreement provided that in 1994 NMS would purchase a minimum of
      $5,200,000 of products and services, irrespective of the pricing formula
      described above. If the minimum purchase agreement had not been in effect
      for the first year of the Agreement, the total purchases by NMS would have
      been $3,277,753. The shortfall of $1,922,247 paid to Norland over the
      pricing formula was, based on its materiality, included in revenue as a
      separate line item for fiscal 1994.


      Effective April 1, 1995, Norland and NMS entered into a new Agreement
      which expires December 31, 2015. The pricing formula in the new Agreement
      was essentially the same as in the 1994 Agreement. This Agreement may be
      renewed for an indefinite number of successive five-year terms and
      contains no purchase obligation on the part of NMS. Under this Agreement,
      NMS may not distribute devices manufactured by any non-affiliate of NMS
      which compete directly with the devices made by Norland (except for
      devices using ultrasound technology).

      The Agreement was amended in 1996 to change the pricing formula. The
      amended pricing formula became effective as of October 1, 1996 for
      Norland. Under the amended pricing formula, Norland invoices NMS an amount
      for each system equal to the aggregate costs of the components and parts
      used in the system plus the actual labor costs plus an agreed upon markup
      on the cost of all non-computer components. Norland is also entitled to
      receive royalties equal to 5% of the price for which NMS sells the system
      for any new systems developed. If the aggregate amount receivable under
      the amended pricing formula would exceed the aggregate amount receivable
      under the original pricing formula, then the original pricing formula will
      apply. The amended pricing formula will be in effect until December 31,
      1997. It will be automatically renewed for successive one year periods,
      unless Norland elects to terminate the amended pricing formula effective
      on December 31 of any year by notice given to NMS not less than 90 nor
      more than 180 days prior to the end of such year.

      As of December 31, 1996 and 1995, Norland had receivables outstanding from
      NMS aggregating $2,220,815 and $493,424, respectively.

      Norland recognized revenues on shipments to NMS of $13,138,280, $3,928,085
      and $3,277,753 for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994,


      Inventories consisted of the following at December 31, 1996 and 1995:
                                                     1996                1995
         Finished goods                           $   50,689          $   57,451
         Work-in-process                             426,339             131,573
         Raw materials                             1,576,447             410,336
                                                  ----------          ----------
         Total inventories                        $2,053,475          $  599,360
                                                  ==========          ==========


      Property and equipment consisted of the following at December 31, 1996 and


                                                        1996             1995
        Leasehold improvements                       $   37,464       $       --
        Machinery and equipment                         790,323          726,846
        Tooling                                         335,059          297,851
        Furniture and fixtures                          271,211          252,140
        Construction in progress                             --           28,058
                                                     ----------       ----------
        Property and equipment - at cost              1,434,057        1,304,895
        Less accumulated depreciation
         and amortization                             1,249,346        1,170,482
                                                     ----------       ----------
        Property and equipment - net                 $  184,711       $  134,413
      In December 1994, Norland sold its manufacturing facility for $475,000 and
      recognized a loss on the sale of $245,937. This loss is recorded as other
      expense in the accompanying 1994 consolidated statement of income. Norland
      subsequently leased a portion of the manufacturing facility (see Note 7).


      In September 1995, Norland amended its $1,100,000 line of credit agreement
      with a commercial bank dated January 1, 1994. The amendment ceased further
      advances on the line and required Norland to reduce the principal balance
      to $680,000 by January 1, 1996, with the line to be paid in full by
      December 31, 1996. At December 31, 1995, there was $680,000 outstanding.
      The note was paid in full during the year ended December 31, 1996.
      Principal and interest were payable monthly, with interest accruing at
      prime, as defined, plus 3% (11.75% at December 31, 1995).

      Prior to the September 1995 amendment, interest accrued at a fixed
      interest rate of 10%. The note was collateralized by substantially all
      assets of Norland, and required Norland to satisfy certain covenants.


      In June 1995, Norland entered into a product development loan agreement
      with NMS under which Norland may obtain advances from NMS up to a maximum
      of $500,000 until July 31, 1997. Proceeds from borrowings are to be used
      for new product development. At December 31, 1996 and 1995, Norland had
      borrowings of $289,785 and $48,519, respectively, outstanding. The loan
      accrues interest at 10% payable quarterly. Principal payments are due in
      twenty equal quarterly installments beginning September 30, 1997, with the
      current portion of the loan consisting of principal payments due in 1997
      plus accrued interest as of December 31, 1996. New products developed
      under the agreement are subject to a royalty payable to NMS, equal to 5%
      of the sales proceeds received by Norland with respect to sale of such


      products. There have been no such introductions into the marketplace
      through December 31, 1996.


      Norland leases its manufacturing and office facilities under an operating
      lease agreement. Beginning in September 1996, Norland began leasing these
      facilities from NMS for approximately $89,000 per year. Lease expense for
      the year ended December 31, 1996 under this agreement was $29,500. The
      lease expires in August 2006. For the period subsequent to the December
      1994 sale of Norland's manufacturing facility until September 1996,
      Norland leased facilities from a third party lessor. Lease expense under
      this agreement for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 was
      approximately $39,500, $59,000 and $5,000. From January 1995 through
      August 1996, Norland sublet a portion of its office space to NMS for
      $1,000 per month.

      Norland leases certain equipment under terms of various capital lease
      agreements which are included in the accompanying consolidated balance
      sheets. The following is a summary of the capitalized cost amounts and
      related accumulated amortization as of December 31, 1996 and 1995:

                                                        1996               1995
      Equipment                                       $41,141            $43,605
      Less accumulated amortization                    25,775             20,213
                                                       ------             ------
      Equipment - net                                 $15,366            $23,392
                                                      =======            =======

      Amortization expense related to the capitalized equipment leases was
      $10,863, $8,386 and $3,639 for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and
      1994, respectively.

      In addition, Norland began leasing certain office equipment in November
      1996 under an operating lease agreement which requires annual lease
      payments of approximately $4,100 per year.

      The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments required
      under terms of the aforementioned leases as of December 31, 1996:


                                                    Operating            Capital
Year Ending                                           Leases              Leases

    1997                                            $ 93,091            $ 6,859
    1998                                              93,091              6,858
    1999                                              93,091                 --
    2000                                              93,091                 --
    2001                                              92,416                 --
    Thereafter                                       415,520                 --
                                                    --------            -------
    Total future minimum lease payments             $880,300             13,717
    Less amount representing interest                                     2,050
    Present value of future minimum lease                                11,667
    payments                                                              5,369
    Less current maturities
    Total non-current                                                   $ 6,298


      As of January 1, 1994, Norland had 1,500 shares of authorized Class A
      convertible preferred stock, having a par value of $1 per share. As of
      December 31, 1994, 1,492.5 shares were issued and outstanding with an
      aggregate liquidation preference of $2,140,681.

      The preferred stock had a redemption price of $2,140,681 at the redemption
      date of April 30, 1994. The difference between the initial fair value of
      the preferred stock and the redemption price of $2,140,681 was accreted by
      making charges to retained earnings (accumulated deficit). The preferred
      stock was redeemed by Norland for $1 in May 1995. Upon the redemption of
      the preferred stock, the accreted value of $2,140,681 was credited to
      retained earnings. Norland had no requirements to declare dividends on the
      preferred stock. The preferred shares were canceled upon redemption.


      Effective July 1, 1991, Norland adopted the Norland Corporation Retirement
      Savings Plan (the "Plan") under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue
      Code which covers all eligible employees, excluding those employed by NSI,
      who have attained one year of service and a minimum age of 21 years.

      Norland makes contributions to the Plan equal to 25% of the contribution
      made by each employee up to a maximum of 7% of each employee's base
      salary. For the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 Norland
      contributed to the Plan approximately $10,300, $7,800 and $8,600,



      Norland accounts for income taxes using an asset and liability approach
      which generally requires the recognition of deferred income tax assets and
      liabilities based on the expected future income tax consequences of events
      that have previously been recognized in Norland's financial statements or
      tax returns. In addition, a valuation allowance is to be recognized if it
      is more likely than not that some or all of the deferred income tax assets
      will not be realized. A valuation allowance is used to offset the related
      net deferred income tax assets due to uncertainties of realizing the
      benefits of certain net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. The
      valuation allowance as of January 1, 1995 was $1,111,100.

      The following are the significant components of Norland's deferred income
      tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities as of December 31, 1996 and

                                                             1996         1995
Deferred income tax assets:
  Inventories                                             $  3,900      $ 82,300
  Federal net operating loss carryforwards                  50,100       786,400
  Federal alternative minimum tax credit
  carryforward                                              32,000            --
  State net operating loss carryforwards                        --        73,300
  Accrued liabilities                                       47,000        28,800
                                                          --------      --------
Deferred income tax assets                                 133,000       970,800
Deferred income tax liabilities                                 --            --
Valuation allowance                                             --       970,800
                                                          --------      --------
Net deferred income taxes recognized in
  the consolidated balance sheets                         $133,000      $     --
                                                          ========      ========

      At December 31, 1996, Norland had a net operating loss carryforward of
      approximately $148,000 available for federal income tax purposes which
      expires in 2008. In addition, at December 31, 1996, Norland had a federal
      alternative minimum tax credit carryforward of approximately $32,000
      available for future use. The credit has no expiration date.


      The components of the provision (benefit) for income taxes for the years
      ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 were as of follows:

                                           1996            1995         1994
         Federal                         $  32,000       $     --      $    --
         State                              68,000             --           --
                                         ---------       --------      -------
                 Total current             100,000             --           --
                                         ---------       --------      -------
         Federal                          (123,000)            --           --
         State                             (10,000)            --           --
                                         ---------       --------      -------
                 Total deferred           (133,000)            --           --
                                         ---------       --------      -------
       Income tax benefit                $ (33,000)      $     --      $    --
                                         =========       ========      =======

      A reconciliation of the provision (benefit) for income taxes at the
      federal statutory income tax rate to the effective income tax rate

                                                   1996       1995       1994

       Federal income tax rate                     34.0%      34.0%      34.0%
       Benefit of federal and state net
         operating loss carryforwards             (40.6)     (39.2)     (39.2)
       State income taxes, net of federal
         benefit                                    5.2        5.2        5.2
                                                   ----       ----       ----
       Effective income tax rate                   (1.4)%      0.0%       0.0%
                                                   ====       ====       ====


      In 1996, Norland began purchasing product kits and parts from Stratec
      Medizintechnik GmbH (Germany) ("Stratec"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
      NMS BV. Purchases from Stratec approximated $3,936,000 for the year ended
      December 31, 1996. As of December 31, 1996, Norland had a payable to
      Stratec of $1,157,520.

      As of December 31, 1996, Norland had an advance due from NMS BV
      aggregating $35,030.

      In addition, Norland purchased certain services from NMS totaling
      $351,323, $0 and $0 for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994,



      On February 26, 1997, NMS BV and NMS signed an agreement whereby NMS is to
      acquire all of the issued and outstanding stock of Norland for $17.5
      million with a possible additional purchase price of up to $2.5 million.
      The transaction was approved by the stockholders of NMS BV on February 26,
      1997 and is subject to approval by NMS's stockholders at its Annual




                             March 31, 1997 and 1996

                                                                   1997          1996
                                                                ----------    ----------
Current assets:
   Cash                                                         $  116,458    $   49,584
   Accounts receivable - affiliates                              1,637,678       892,975
   Inventories                                                   2,826,119       993,764
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                        68,435        33,790
   Income taxes recoverable                                        279,414          --
   Deferred income taxes                                           133,000          --
                                                                ----------    ----------
     Total current assets                                        5,061,104     1,970,113
Property and equipment - net                                       237,557       142,715
                                                                ----------    ----------
Total assets                                                    $5,298,661    $2,112,828
                                                                ==========    ==========

Current liabilities:
   Note payable - bank                                          $     --    $   560,000
   Accounts payable:
     Affiliate                                                     409,237      504,667
     Trade                                                       1,662,079      399,460
   Accrued liabilities                                             208,326      149,862
   Current portion of product development loan - affiliate          31,436         --
   Current portion of capital lease obligations                      5,588       10,388
                                                                ----------  -----------

     Total current liabilities                                   2,316,666    1,624,377
                                                                ----------  -----------

Product development loan payable - affiliate                       475,000       75,906
Capital lease obligations                                            4,816       21,623
                                                                ----------  -----------
                                                                   479,816       97,529
Common stockholder's equity:
   Common stock, voting, par value of $1.00 per share - 58,500
     shares authorized, 8,457 shares issued and outstanding          8,457        8,457
   Common stock, non-voting, par value of $1.00 per share,
     3,000 shares authorized, no shares issued and outstanding        --           --
   Additional paid-in capital                                      454,379      454,379
   Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)                       1,891,772     (218,116)
   Foreign currency translation adjustments                        147,571      146,202
                                                                ----------  -----------

     Total common stockholder's equity                           2,502,179      390,922
                                                                ----------  -----------

Total liabilities and common stockholder's equity               $5,298,661  $ 2,112,828
                                                                ==========  ===========

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                     of the condensed financial statements.



               for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996



                                                           1997          1996
                                                        ----------    ----------

Revenue from affiliate                                  $3,340,883    $1,743,677

Cost of revenue                                          2,653,412     1,108,253
                                                        ----------    ----------

Gross profit                                               687,471       635,424
                                                        ----------    ----------

Operating expenses:
   General and administrative                              196,535       150,500
   Research and development                                466,824       196,590
                                                        ----------    ----------

                  Total operating expenses                 663,359       347,090
                                                        ----------    ----------

Operating income                                            24,112       288,334
                                                        ----------    ----------

Other expense:
   Interest expense                                          9,282        19,895
                                                        ----------    ----------

                  Total other expense                        9,282        19,895
                                                        ----------    ----------

Income before income taxes                                  14,830       268,439

Income tax benefit                                          20,000          --
                                                        ----------    ----------

Net income attributable to common stockholder           $   34,830    $  268,439
                                                        ==========    ==========

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                     of the condensed financial statements.



               for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996



                                                                                 Retained         Foreign
                                           Common Stock           Additional     Earnings         Currency    Total Common
                                                                   Paid-In     (Accumulated     Translation   Stockholder's
                                      Shares         Amount        Capital       Deficit)       Adjustments       Equity
                                   -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------
Balance, January 1, 1996                 8,457    $     8,457    $   454,379    $  (486,555)    $   146,137    $   122,418

   Foreign currency translation           --             --             --             --                65             65
   Net income                             --             --             --          268,439            --          268,439
                                   -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------

Balance, March 31, 1996                  8,457    $     8,457    $   454,379    $  (218,116)    $   146,202    $   390,922
                                   ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========     ===========    ===========

Balance, January 1, 1997                 8,457    $     8,457    $   454,379    $ 1,856,942     $   146,585    $ 2,466,363

   Foreign currency translation           --             --             --             --               986            986
   Net income                             --             --             --           34,830           --            34,830
                                   -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------

Balance, March  31, 1997                 8,457    $     8,457    $   454,379    $ 1,891,772     $   147,571    $ 2,502,179
                                   ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========     ===========    ===========

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                     of the condensed financial statements



               for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996



                                                                  1997        1996
                                                               ---------   ---------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income                                                  $  34,830   $ 268,439
                                                               ---------   ---------
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by operations:
   Depreciation and amortization expense                          20,400      22,191
   Loss on disposition of property, plant and equipment
   Changes in:
   Accounts receivable                                           618,167    (399,551)
   Inventories                                                  (772,644)   (394,404)
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                     (53,164)    (14,516)
   Income taxes recoverable                                           58        --
   Accounts payable                                               28,922     661,811
   Accrued liabilities                                            58,851     (28,597)
                                                               ---------   ---------

          Total adjustments                                      (99,410)   (153,066)
                                                               ---------   ---------

         Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities     (64,580)    115,373
                                                               ---------   ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchases of property and equipment                        (73,246)    (14,248)
                                                               ---------   ---------

      Net cash used in investing activities                      (73,246)    (14,248)
                                                               ---------   ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
      Proceeds from product development loan - affiliate         229,761      27,387
      Payments on capital lease obligations                       (1,263)     (4,253)
      Repayment of product development loan - affiliate          (13,110)       --
      Payments on note payable - bank                               --      (120,000)
                                                               ---------   ---------

         Net cash provided by (used in)  financing activities    215,388     (96,866)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                             (329)        (58)
                                                               ---------   ---------

Net increase in cash                                              77,233       4,201

Cash at beginning of period                                       39,225      45,383
                                                               ---------   ---------

Cash at end of period                                          $ 116,458   $  49,584
                                                               =========   =========

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                     of the condensed financial statements.



                            March 31, 1997, and 1996


1.    Basis of Presentation

      The financial information included herein has been prepared by management
without audit by independent certified public accountant who do not express an
opinion thereon. The information furnished herein includes all adjustments which
are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair statement of financial
position and the results of operations as of and for the three months ended
March 31, 1997 and 1996, and all such adjustments are of a normal recurring
nature. Management recommends the accompanying financial information be read in
conjunction with Norland Corporation's audited financial statements and related
notes set forth elsewhere herein.

      The results for the three-month period ended March 31, 1997 are not
necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full fiscal year
ending December 31, 1997.

2.    Inventories

      As of March 31, 1997, inventories consists of the following:

      Finished goods                                         $  152,595
      Work-in-process                                           223,240
      Raw materials                                           2,450,284

      Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, with
cost determined on a first-in, first-out basis.


                         NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

                                                            March 31, 1997       December 31, 1996
                                                            --------------       -----------------

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                  $  6,561,392            $  8,133,468
  Investment                                                    1,977,599               1,949,039
  Accounts receivable - trade, less allowance for
    doubtful accounts of $221,000 at March 31, 1997
    and December 31, 1996                                       9,921,516               9,182,488
  Income taxes recoverable                                        559,873                 794,285
  Inventories, net                                              2,546,935               1,851,713
  Officers' loans receivable                                      590,285                 581,704
  Current portion of product development loan                                                    
     receivable - affiliate                                        31,436                  38,685
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                       551,352                 361,902
                                                             ------------            ------------
         Total current assets                                  22,740,388              22,893,284
                                                             ------------            ------------
Investment in Vitel, Inc                                          260,000                 260,000
Property and equipment, net                                       446,372                 406,375
Product development loan receivable - affiliate                   475,000                 251,100
Goodwill, net                                                   3,142,607               3,183,961
Other intangible assets, net                                    3,201,791               3,248,658
                                                             ------------            ------------
         Total assets                                        $ 30,266,158            $ 30,243,378
                                                             ============            ============
                      LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                       
Current liabilities:                                                                             
  Accounts payable - Norland                                 $  1,547,318            $  2,220,816
  Accounts payable - Stratec                                      323,311                 714,127
  Accounts payable - trade                                        652,046                  81,416
  Accrued expenses                                                708,879                 658,304
  Customer deposits                                                40,500                  47,850
                                                             ------------            ------------
          Total current liabilities                             3,272,054               3,722,513
                                                             ------------            ------------
Stockholders' equity:                                                                
Common stock, par value of $0.0005 per share,                                                
  10,000,000 shares authorized, 7,148,531 shares issued                                         
  at March 31, 1997                                                 3,574                   3,452
Additional paid-in capital                                     22,158,189              22,158,170
Retained earnings                                               4,832,341               4,359,243
                                                             ------------            ------------
          Total stockholders' equity                           26,994,104              26,520,865
                                                             ------------            ------------
          Total liabilities and stockholders' equity         $ 30,266,158            $ 30,243,378
                                                             ============            ============

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                         NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

                                                      Three Months Ended
                                                March 31, 1997    March 31, 1996
                                                --------------    --------------
Revenue                                         $  5,946,285      $  5,218,290
Cost of revenue                                    3,384,872         3,415,911
                                                ------------      ------------
      Gross profit                                 2,561,413         1,802,379
Sales and marketing expense                        1,186,742           575,348
General and administrative expense                   714,467           305,716
                                                ------------      ------------
      Operating income                               660,204           921,315
Other income                                         136,894           242,941
                                                ------------      ------------
      Income before income taxes                     797,098         1,164,256
Provision for income taxes                           324,000           473,000
                                                ------------      ------------
      Net income                                $    473,098      $    691,256
                                                ============      ============
Net income per common share                     $       0.07      $       0.10
                                                ============      ============
Weighted average number of common                                
and common equivalent shares                       7,166,878         7,057,010
                                                ============      ============

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                         NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
               For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1997 and 1996

                                                                   Common     Paid-In       Retained
                                        Total          Shares      Stock      Capital       Earnings
                                        -----          ------      -----      -------       --------
Balance as of
December 31, 1996                    $ 26,520,865    6,904,781   $  3,452   $ 22,158,170   $ 4,359,243

Issuance of shares for
stock options exercised                       141      243,750        122             19             -

Net income                                473,098            -          -              -       473,098
                                     ------------   ----------   --------   ------------   -----------
Balance as of 
March 31, 1997                       $ 26,994,104    7,148,531   $  3,574   $ 22,158,189   $ 4,832,341
                                     ============    =========   ========   ============   ===========

Balance as of
December 31, 1995                    $ 20,520,846    6,000,000   $  3,000   $ 18,349,813   $ 2,168,033

Issuance of shares for
stock options exercised                       270      698,250        349            (79)            -

Cost and expenses
directly related to the
stock offering                             (3,002)           -          -         (3,002)            -

Net income                                691,256            -          -              -       691,256
                                     ------------   ----------   --------   ------------   -----------
Balance as of 
March 31, 1996                      $ 21,209,370    6,698,250   $  3,349   $ 18,346,732   $ 2,859,289
                                     ============    =========   ========   ============   ===========

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                         NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                           March 31, 1997    March 31, 1996
                                                           --------------    --------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                               $    473,098       $    691,256 
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash 
   used in operating activities:
       Inventory obsolescence expense                                --             15,000 
       Amortization expense                                      96,544             12,933 
       Depreciation expense                                      28,182                 -- 
       Changes in:
          Accounts receivable                                  (739,028)        (1,099,552)
          Inventories                                          (732,105)          (108,581)
          Prepaid expenses and other current assets            (189,450)           (88,426)
          Accounts payable                                     (493,684)           (86,754)
          Accrued expenses                                       50,575             13,153 
          Income taxes                                          234,412           (819,200)
          Customer deposits                                      (7,350)             5,408 
                                                           ------------       ------------ 
            Total adjustments                                (1,751,904)        (2,156,019)
                                                           ------------       ------------ 

            Net cash used in
              operating activities                           (1,278,806)        (1,464,763)
                                                           ------------       ------------ 

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchases of property and equipment                           (68,179)           (84,013)
  Loans to officers                                              (8,581)                -- 
  Product development loan to affiliate                        (229,761)           (27,387)
  Repayment of product development loan
   to affiliate                                                  13,110                 -- 
                                                           ------------       ------------ 
            Net cash used in investing activities              (293,411)          (111,400)
                                                           ------------       ------------ 

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from stock options exercised                             141                270 
  Costs and expenses of issuance of common stock                     --             (3,002) 
                                                           ------------       ------------ 
            Net cash used in (provided by)
             financing activities                                   141             (2,732)
                                                           ------------       ------------ 

Net decrease in cash                                         (1,572,076)        (1,578,895)

Cash at beginning of period                                   8,133,468         19,218,865 
                                                           ------------       ------------ 

Cash at end of period                                      $  6,561,392       $ 17,639,970 
                                                           ============       ============ 

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.


The condensed consolidated financial statements of Norland Medical Systems, Inc.
(the "Company") presented herein, have been prepared pursuant to the rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission for quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and do
not include all of the information and footnote disclosures required by
generally accepted accounting principles. These statements should be read in
conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto for the year ended
December 31, 1996, which were audited by Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., and included
in the Company's Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on March 31, 1997. The figures in these statements have been restated to reflect
the 3 for 2 stock split which was effective June 14, 1996.

The condensed consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 1997 and the condensed
consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders' equity and cash
flows for the three months then ended are unaudited but, in the opinion of
management, include all adjustments (consisting of normal, recurring
adjustments) necessary for a fair presentation of results for these interim

The results of operations for the three months ended March 31, 1997 are not
necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the entire fiscal year
ending December 31, 1997.


As of March 31, 1997, inventories consist of the following:

            Raw materials, product kits
              spare parts and sub-assemblies          $   492,253
            Work in progress                               47,456
            Demonstration systems, net of 
              accumulated amortization of $102,368      1,056,536
            Rental systems, net of accumulated
              amortization of $11,907                     218,667
            Finished goods                                773,917
            Obsolescence reserve                          (41,895)
                                                      $ 2,546,935


Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, continued:

(2)   INVENTORIES, continued:

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market; cost is determined
principally by the first-in, first-out method.

The Company maintains an inventory of demonstration systems used for marketing
and customer service purposes. Such systems are carried in inventory at the
lower of cost or net realizable value until the time of sale. From time to
time, the Company may judge it desirable for marketing purposes to provide a
device to a prominent scientist or research institution specializing in the
study of bone disease. In such cases, the Company will carry the device in
demonstration system inventory at cost less amortization expense calculated on a
straight-line basis over thirty-six months.

Systems used in the Company's short-term rental program are carried in inventory
at cost less amortization expense calculated on a straight-line basis over
thirty-six months.


On April 2, 1996, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of Dove
Medical Systems (Dove) and a certain patent and other intangible assets owned by
the Dove majority shareholder and certain other investors. The Company paid
consideration of $6,911,529, consisting of $3,600,000 in cash and 161,538 shares
of the Company Common Stock valued at $3,311,529. The acquisition has been
accounted for using the purchase method of accounting, and, accordingly, the
purchase price has been allocated to the assets purchased and the liabilities
assumed based on the fair values at the date of acquisition. The excess purchase
price over the fair values of the net assets was $3,308,011 and has been
recorded as goodwill. The goodwill and other intangible assets are being
amortized using the straight-line method over twenty years. The patent is being
amortized using the straight-line method over the remaining patent period which
is ten years as of the date of its acquisition.


On February 26, 1997, the Company signed an agreement to acquire all of the
issued and outstanding stock of Norland Corporation for $17.5 million with a
possible additional purchase price of up to $2.5 million based on the level of
the Company's 1997 revenues. For each full $1,000,000 of 1997 revenues above
$32,000,000, the purchase price will be increased by $312,500 (up to the maximum
increase of $2.5 million). The $17.5 million will be payable at closing as
follows: $1,250,000 in cash and a $16,250,000 Purchase Note which will bear
interest at the rate of 7% per annum. A $1,250,000 portion of the principal will
be payable six months after closing, and the remaining principal will be due and
payable on the fifth anniversary of the closing. The Company may prepay the
Purchase Note at any time. The amount of any additional purchase price will be
determined following the completion of the audit of the Company's financial
statements for the year ending December 31, 1997. This amount will be paid by an


Note which will bear interest at 7% per annum and which will be due five years
after the closing. The transaction is subject to approval by the Company's
stockholders at its 1997 Annual Meeting.


Primary income per share is calculated by dividing net income by the average
shares of common stock and common stock equivalents outstanding during the
period. Common stock equivalents are stock options which have been included
using the treasury stock method only when their effect is dilutive.

In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, "Earnings Per Share" (SFAS 128), which
is effective for the Company's year ending December 31, 1997. The Company does
not expect a material impact on its net income per share from the implementation
of this Statement.


Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations

The following discussion of the financial condition and results of operations of
the Company should be read in conjunction with the preceding Financial
Statements and the related Notes thereto. The following discussion contains
forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties, some of which
are described in the Introduction to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 1996. Such Introduction is incorporated herein
by reference. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those
anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors.

Results of Operations

Revenue for the three months ended March 31, 1997 increase $727,995 (14.0%) to
$5,946,285 from $5,218,290 for the comparable period of 1996. The increases were
largely a result of increases in sales in the United States, Europe and Latin
America, offset by a decrease in sales to the Pacific Rim and to Japan in
particular. In addition, sales by Dove (which was acquired by the Company on
April 2, 1996) contributed to the increase. Sales in Japan declined due in part
to increased competition, reductions in reimbursement for certain densitometry
tests in Japan and the effects of operational difficulties experienced with
pDEXA units during part of 1996. The Company believes that these operational
difficulties have been addressed. Sales in the United States and Japan
represented 79.2% and 1.5%, respectively, of total revenue for the three months
ended March 31, 1997 and 28.5% and 50.9% respectively, of total revenue for the
three months ended March 31, 1996. Sales of complete bone densitometry systems
represented 92.1% and 92.9% of total revenue for the three months ended March
31, 1997 and 1996, respectively. Sales of parts and services and rental income
comprised the balance of revenues for such periods. Revenues have been affected
by the reduction in the Medicare reimbursement rate for peripheral bone
densitometry tests announced in November 1996. The mix of products sold has
changed in that the majority of the Company's revenues are now derived from
sales of the larger Eclipse and XR36 systems that scan the hip and spine and for
which the Medicare reimbursement rate was not significantly decreased, as
compared to the pDEXA system that performs peripheral bone densitometry tests.
Revenues and the mix of products sold are expected to continue to be influenced
by the degree of difference in Medicare reimbursement rate levels for peripheral
and larger systems. They will also be influenced by the Company's ability to
bring to the market lower cost peripheral systems that can be operated more
profitably by end users at the lower reimbursement levels.

Cost of revenue as a percentage of revenue was 56.9% and 65.5% for the three
months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996 respectively, resulting in a gross margin
of 43.1% for the three months ended March 31, 1997 compared to 34.5% for the
comparable period of 1996. The increase in gross margin is primarily attributed
to the impact of price reductions under the Distribution Agreement with Norland
Corporation and Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH which became effective during the
fourth quarter of 1996. Sales of OsteoAnalyzer systems manufactured by Dove, for
which the Company receives the entire margin between the manufacturer's cost and
the Company's sale price, also contributed to the increase in the Company's
gross margin. A portion of such margins on the Company's other products is
retained by Norland Corporation and Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH.

Sales and marketing expense increased $611,394 (106.3%) to $1,186,742 for the
three months ended March 31, 1997 from $575,348 for the three months ended March
31, 1996, and increased as a percentage of revenue to 20.0% from 11.0%. The
increases were primarily due to increased expenses of new sales and marketing
personnel, the cost of expanded marketing efforts, increased


expenses related to customer service and inclusion of the sales expenses of

General and administrative expense increased $408,751 (133.7%) to $714,467 for
the three months ended March 31, 1997 from $305,716 for the three months ended
March 31, 1996 and increased as a percentage of revenue to 12.0% from 5.9%.
These increases were primarily due to expenses of new personnel and increased
expenses of existing personnel, and other expenses attributed to increased
levels of business, and to the inclusion of Dove's operations, including $88,221
of amortization expense related to the acquisition.

Other income in the three month periods ended March 31, 1997 and 1996 consisted
primarily of interest earned on the proceeds of the Company's initial public
offering and on other cash balances, reduced by other expenses consisting
primarily of bank charges and other fees related to bank transfers. The decrease
in other income in the three month period ended March 31, 1997 as compared to
March 31, 1996 reflects reduced interest income resulting from utilization of
such offering proceeds.

The provision for taxes for the three months ended March 31, 1997 decreased by
$149,000 (31.5%) to $324,000 from $473,000 for the three months ended March 31,
1996. The Company has provided for income taxes at its current effective tax
rate of 40.6% for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996. The decrease
in the provision for taxes was entirely due to the relative change in income
before taxes.

The Company had net income of $473,098 for the three months ended March 31, 1997
compared to net income of $691,256 for the three months ended March 31, 1996, a
decrease of $218,158 (31.6%). The decrease was due primarily to the factors
discussed above.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash decreased $1,572,076 to $6,561,392 in the three months ended March 31,
1997. The decrease in cash was primarily the result of increased accounts
receivable, increased pDEXA and OsteroAnalyzer inventories, and decreased
accounts payable and to a lesser extent cash loaned to Norland Corp. under
the product development loan. At March 31, 1997, the Company had a $1.9 million
investment in a U.S. Treasury bill which matures June 19, 1997.

The Company's accounts receivable increased 8.0% to $9,921,516 at March 31, 1997
from $9,182,488 at December 31, 1996 which reflects higher sales volume. At
March 31, 1997, the two largest balances, 19.8% and 12.0% of total outstanding
trade receivables, were owed by a U.S. distributor and by Nissho Iwai, the
Company's distributor in Japan, respectively.

Property and equipment as of March 31, 1997 consisted of computer and telephone
equipment, a management information system, office furniture and improvements to
leased facilities. At the present time, no significant expenditures for
additional equipment or systems are planned for 1997.


Should the proposed acquisition of Norland Corp. be approved by the Company's
stockholders, the Company's cash requirements with respect to the transaction
will consist of a $1,250,000 cash payment at close, a second $1,250,000 cash
payment six months thereafter, plus interest payments on the Purchase Note and
the Additional Note which will range from approximately $250,000 to $300,000 per
quarter, depending upon the final amount of the purchase price. Following the
acquisition, the Company will receive the entire margin on systems manufactured
by Norland Corp. and will become responsible for financing manufacturing and
research and development on the Norland Corp. product line. Any sales growth of
the OsteoAnalyzer product line will also be financed by the Company.

The Company believes that its current cash position, together with cash flow
from operations, will be adequate to fund the Company's operations, including
the proposed acquisition of Norland Corp., for at least the next twelve months.
However, the nature of the Company's business is such that it is subject to
changes in technology, government approval and regulation, and changes in
third-party reimbursement in the United States and numerous foreign markets.
Significant changes in one or more of these factors in a major market for the
Company's products could significantly affect the Company's ability to meet its
cash needs through internal sources. Moreover, the Company will also continue to
consider the possibility of obtaining funds from other sources, including bank
credit arrangements and stock offerings.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.


The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements give
effect to the acquisition by Norland Medical Systems, Inc. (the "Company" or
"NMS") of the stock of Norland Corporation ("Norland Corp.") under the purchase
method of accounting. These pro forma financial statements are not necessarily
indicative of the operating results that might have been achieved had the
acquisition occurred as of the beginning of fiscal 1996, nor are they
necessarily indicative of operating results which may be achieved in the future.

An unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet is provided as of March
31, 1997, giving effect to the acquisition as though it had been consummated on
that date. Unaudited pro forma combined condensed income statements are provided
for the year ended December 31, 1996 and for the three months ended March 31,
1997, giving effect to the acquisition as though it had occurred on January 1,
1996, but before a $7,900,000 nonrecurring charge for in-process research and

Pro forma adjustments include fair value adjustments required under purchase
accounting for the acquired assets and liabilities of Norland Corp. and are
subject to revision when final analyses of such values are completed. In
management's opinion, such adjustments are not expected to materially differ
from the final fair value adjustments.

The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements are derived from
the historical audited financial statements and notes of the Company and Norland
Corp., and should be read in conjunction with the Company's separate 1996 Annual
Report and Form 10-K, incorporated herein by reference, and with Norland Corp.'s
audited financial statements for 1996 and 1995, included herein.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.


                                 March 31, 1997


                                                     Norland Medical     Norland          Pro Forma           Note        Pro Forma
                                                      Systems, Inc.    Corporation       Adjustments          Ref.        Combined
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------      -----------  ------------

Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                         $  6,561,392     $    116,458     $ (1,250,000)         (a)      $  5,427,850
    Investment                                           1,977,599             --               --                        1,977,599
    Accounts receivable                                  9,921,516        1,637,678       (1,547,318)         (e)        10,011,876
    Inventories                                          2,546,935        2,826,119         (472,654)         (f)         4,900,400
    Current portion of product
      development loan receivable                           31,436             --            (31,436)         (e)              --
    Other                                                1,701,510          480,849             --                        2,182,359
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------
             Total current assets                       22,740,388        5,061,104       (3,301,408)                    24,500,084
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------

Other assets:
    Property and equipment, net                            446,372          237,557             --                          683,929
    Product development loan
       receivable                                          475,000             --           (475,000)         (e)              --
    Other non current assets                               260,000             --               --                          260,000
    Goodwill, net                                        3,142,607             --          6,400,517          (c)         9,543,124
    Other intangible assets, net                         3,201,791             --               --                        3,201,791
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------
             Total other assets                          7,525,770          237,557        5,925,517                     13,688,844
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------
             Total assets                             $ 30,266,158     $  5,298,661     $  2,624,109                   $ 38,188,928
                                                      ============     ============      ===========                   ============


Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                  $  2,522,675     $  2,071,316     $ (1,547,318)         (e)      $  3,046,673
    Accrued expenses                                       749,379          213,914          350,000          (c)         1,313,293
    Current portion of product
      development loan payable                                --             31,436          (31,436)         (e)              --
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------
             Total current liabilities                $  3,272,054        2,316,666       (1,228,754)                     4,359,966
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------

Other liabilities:
    Note payable, net of discount                             --               --         14,486,862          (a)        14,486,862
    Product development loan  payable                         --            475,000         (475,000)         (e)              --
    Other liabilities                                         --              4,816          715,834          (c)           720,650
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------
             Total other liabilities                          --            479,816       14,727,696                     15,207,512
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------

Common stock                                                 3,574            8,457           (8,457)         (b)             3,574
Additional paid-in capital                              22,158,189          454,379         (454,379)         (b)        22,158,189
Retained earnings (deficit)                              4,832,341        1,891,772      (10,264,426)     (b),(d),(f)    (3,540,313)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                       --            147,571         (147,571)         (b)              --
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------
             Total stockholders' equity                 26,994,104        2,502,179      (10,874,833)                    18,621,450
                                                      ------------     ------------      -----------                   ------------

             Total liabilities and
                stockholders' equity                  $ 30,266,158     $  5,298,661     $  2,624,109                   $ 38,188,928
                                                      ============     ============      ===========                   ============

    See notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.



                                                          For the year ended December 31, 1996                        
                                          Norland Medical    Norland        Pro Forma       Note         Pro Forma    
                                           Systems, Inc.   Corporation     Adjustments      Ref.         Combined     
                                           ------------    ------------   -------------    ------      ------------   

Total revenues                             $ 25,309,977    $ 13,138,280   $(13,489,603)      (f)       $ 24,958,654   
                                           ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------   

Expenses (income):
    Cost of revenue                          16,248,469       9,008,969    (13,119,928)      (f)         12,137,510   
    Sales and marketing expense               3,505,666            --             --                      3,505,666   
    General and administrative expense        2,570,212         732,897        426,701       (g)          3,729,810   
    Research and development expense               --         1,016,801           --                      1,016,801   
    Other (income) expense                     (703,744)         69,116      1,388,200       (h)            753,572   
                                           ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------   
             Total expenses                  21,620,603      10,827,783    (11,305,027)                  21,143,359   
                                           ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------   

Income from continuing operations
    before income taxes and non                                                                                       
    recurring charge for in-process
    research and development                  3,689,374       2,310,497     (2,184,576)                    3,815,295  

    (Provision) benefit for income taxes     (1,498,000)         33,000        713,697       (i)           (751,303)  
                                           ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------   

    Income from continuing operations
    before nonrecurring charge for in-
    process research and development       $  2,191,374    $  2,343,497   $ (1,470,879)                $  3,063,992   
                                           ============    ============   =============                ============   

    Income from continuing operations
    before nonrecurring charge for 
    in-process research and 
    development per common and 
    common equivalent share                $       0.31                                                $       0.43

    Weighted average common and
    common equivalent shares
    outstanding                               7,168,871                                                   7,168,871   

                                                     For the three months ended March 31, 1997
                                          Norland Medical   Norland        Pro Forma       Note         Pro Forma
                                          Systems, Inc.   Corporation     Adjustments      Ref.         Combined
                                          ------------    ------------   -------------    ------      ------------

Total revenues                            $  5,946,285    $  3,340,883   $ (3,385,053)      (f)       $  5,902,115
                                          ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------

Expenses (income):
    Cost of revenue                          3,384,872       2,653,412     (3,282,074)      (f)          2,756,210
    Sales and marketing expense              1,186,742           --            --                        1,186,742
    General and administrative expense         714,467         196,535        106,675       (g)          1,017,677
    Research and development expense              --           466,824         --                          466,824
    Other (income) expense                    (136,894)          9,282        338,283       (h)            210,671
                                          ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------
             Total expenses                  5,149,187       3,326,053     (2,837,116)                   5,638,124
                                          ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------

Income from continuing operations
    before income taxes and non                                                                            263,991
    recurring charge for in-process
    research and development                   797,098          14,830       (547,937)

    (Provision) benefit for income taxes      (324,000)         20,000        179,152       (i)           (124,848)
                                          ------------    ------------   -------------                ------------

    Income from continuing operations
    before nonrecurring charge for in-
    process research and development      $    473,098    $     34,830   $   (368,785)                $    139,143
                                          ============    ============   =============                ============

    Income from continuing operations
    before nonrecurring charge 
    for in-process research and 
    development per common and common 
    equivalent share                      $       0.07                                                $       0.02

    Weighted average common and
    common equivalent shares
    outstanding                              7,166,878                                                   7,166,878

    See notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.



Basis of Presentation:

1.    The unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheet reflects the
      acquisition of Norland Corp. for $17,500,000 under the purchase method of
      accounting in accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 16,
      Business Combinations, and is presented as though the acquisition had
      occurred on March 31, 1997. The acquisition agreement requires a cash
      payment of $1,250,000 at closing and the issuance of a note payable in the
      amount of $16,250,000 bearing interest at 7% per annum. In accordance with
      Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 21, Interest on Receivables and
      Payables, interest has been imputed at 10% per annum. The acquisition
      agreement also calls for an additional purchase price of up to $2,500,000
      which is contingent upon the Company's total sales for 1997. The amount of
      any additional purchase price will be determined upon completion of the
      audit of the Company's financial statements for the year ending December
      31, 1997. For each full $1,000,000 of Company 1997 sales above
      $32,000,000, the Company will be obligated to pay an additional $312,500
      in purchase price, up to the maximum additional purchase price of
      $2,500,000. Any such additional purchase price will be paid by an
      additional 7% promissory note. The unaudited pro forma combined condensed
      financial statements do not include any adjustments for this contingent
      consideration. Any additional purchase price (net of any discount on the
      Additional Note) will be recorded when the amount is determined and
      accounted for as additional goodwill.

2.    The unaudited pro forma combined condensed income statements for the year
      ended December 31, 1996 and for the three months ended March 31, 1997
      reflect the acquisition as if it had occurred on January 1, 1996, after
      elimination of all intercompany activity.

3.    Earnings per share are based on the weighted average number of shares of
      NMS Common Stock outstanding, including common stock equivalents.

Notes to Pro Forma Adjustments

The pro forma adjustments have been made to reflect the following:

(a)   Adjustment to reflect the payment of $1,250,000 in cash and the issuance
      of a note payable for $16,250,000 in exchange for Norland Corp.'s issued
      and outstanding stock. The note is shown as $14,486,862, which is net of a
      discount of $1,763,138 arising from a difference between the note's stated
      interest rate of 7% per annum and the prevailing market rate of 10% per

(b)   Adjustment to reflect the elimination of the following Norland Corp.
      equity accounts as of March 31, 1997:

            Common Stock                                  $   8,457
            Additional paid-in capital                      454,379
            Retained earnings                             1,891,772
            Foreign currency translation adjustment         147,571


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.



(c)   Adjustment to record the purchase price allocation, including goodwill and
      in-process research and development charge, calculated as follows:

            Purchase price, net of discount of $1,763,138       $15,736,862
            Net assets acquired, at fair value                   (2,502,179)
            In-process research and development                 (7,900,000)
            Deferred income tax liability                           715,834
            Acquisition costs                                       350,000
                       Goodwill                                 $ 6,400,517

            Acquisition costs are primarily legal, accounting and investment
            banking fees directly related to the transaction.

(d)   Adjustment to record the in-process research and development charge valued
      at $7,900,000. The Norland Corp. research and development efforts related
      to this charge are directed at alterations of, adaptations of, and
      enhancements to existing products and technologies, have not achieved
      technological flexibility and have no future alternative uses. It is
      currently estimated that the success or failure of these research and
      development efforts will be determined within the next two years. There
      can be no assurances that these efforts will lead to the introduction of
      one or more new products. The estimated remaining costs of these efforts
      of approximately $1,200,000 will be funded from the Company's ongoing
      operations and working capital. The in-process research and development
      charge is not reflected in the unaudited pro forma combined condensed
      income statement as it represents a non-recurring charge directly related
      to the acquisition. This charge, amounting to $1.10 per share, will be
      reflected in the Company's financial statements for the period during
      which the acquisition is consummated.

(e)   Adjustment to eliminate the intercompany account receivable and account
      payable of $1,547,318, and current and long-term portions of the Product
      Development Loan of $31,436 and $475,000, respectively.

(f)   Adjustment to eliminate the intercompany sales of $13,489,603 for the year
      ended December 31, 1996 and $3,385,053 for the three months ended March
      31, 1997, cost of sales of $13,119,928 for the year ended December 31,
      1996 and $3,282,074 for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and $472,654
      of gross profit included in the Company's ending inventory as of March 31,
      1997, of which $369,675 relates to the year ended December 31, 1996 and
      $102,979 relates to the three months ended March 31, 1997.

(g)   Adjustment to reflect amortization expense of $426,701 for the year ended
      December 31, 1996 and $106,675 for the three months ended March 31, 1997
      related to goodwill based on a period of 15 years.


(h)   Adjustment to reflect interest expense and amortization of the discount on
      the note payable using the effective interest method of $1,388,200 for the
      year ended December 31, 1996 and $338,283 for the three months ended March
      31, 1997.

(i)   The income tax benefit calculated based on the income tax impact of the
      pro forma adjustments at the combined effective federal and state income
      tax rate of 40.6% after taking into consideration the nondeductible
      goodwill amortization and the imputed interest expense in excess of 7%.


                                                                         Annex A


                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

                               February 26, 1997*


- ----------
* Composite copy to reflect Amendment No. 1 dated as of June 30, 1997.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE 1.     Sale and Purchase of the Shares; Purchase Price; Closing...................   1
               SECTION 1.01.  Sale and Purchase of the Shares.............................   1
               SECTION 1.02.  Purchase Price; Purchase Note; Additional Purchase Price....   1
               SECTION 1.03.  Closing.....................................................   3
               SECTION 1.04.  Further Assurances..........................................   3
ARTICLE 2.     Representations and Warranties by Seller...................................   4
               SECTION 2.01.  Incorporation, Existence, Etc...............................   4
               SECTION 2.02.  Capital Stock...............................................   4
               SECTION 2.03.  Authorization...............................................   5
               SECTION 2.04.  Non-Contravention...........................................   5
               SECTION 2.05.  Consents, Etc...............................................   5
               SECTION 2.06.  Financial Statements........................................   5
               SECTION 2.07.  No Material Adverse Change..................................   6
               SECTION 2.08.  Government Authorization and Compliance with Laws...........   6
               SECTION 2.09.  Company Actions.............................................   7
               SECTION 2.10.  Undisclosed Liabilities.....................................   8
               SECTION 2.11.  Tax Matters.................................................   8
               SECTION 2.12.  Title to Properties; Absence of Liens and Encumbrances, Etc.   8
               SECTION 2.13.  Agreements, Etc.............................................   9
               SECTION 2.14.  Litigation, Etc.............................................   9
               SECTION 2.15.  Labor Controversies.........................................  10
               SECTION 2.16.  Trade Names, Trademarks, Etc................................  10
               SECTION 2.17.  Employee Benefit Plans......................................  10
               SECTION 2.18.  Insurance...................................................  11
               SECTION 2.19.  Schedules and Other Information.............................  11
ARTICLE 3.     Representations and Warranties by Buyer....................................  11
               SECTION 3.01.  Incorporation, Existence, Etc...............................  11
               SECTION 3.02.  Authorization...............................................  12
               SECTION 3.03.  Consents, Etc...............................................  12
               SECTION 3.04.  Litigation, Etc.............................................  12
               SECTION 3.05.  Non-Contravention...........................................  12
               SECTION 3.06.  Investment..................................................  13
ARTICLE 4.     Additional Covenants and Agreements........................................  13
               SECTION 4.01.  Conduct of Business.........................................  13
               SECTION 4.02.  Amending Schedules, Etc.....................................  15
               SECTION 4.03.  Regulatory Consents, Authorizations, Etc....................  15
               SECTION 4.04.  Investigation, Etc..........................................  16
               SECTION 4.05.  Negotiations with Others....................................  16
               SECTION 4.06.  Public Announcements........................................  16




               SECTION 4.07.  Meeting of Stockholders.....................................  17
ARTICLE 5.     Conditions to the Closing..................................................  17
               SECTION 5.01.  Conditions to the Closing Relating to Buyer.................  17
               SECTION 5.02.  Conditions to the Closing Relating to Seller................  20
ARTICLE 6.     Termination and Abandonment................................................  21
               SECTION 6.01.  Termination and Abandonment.................................  21
               SECTION 6.02.  Effect of Termination.......................................  22
ARTICLE 7.     Indemnification............................................................  22
               SECTION 7.01.  Definitions.................................................  22
               SECTION 7.02.  Buyer.......................................................  23
               SECTION 7.03.  Seller......................................................  23
               SECTION 7.04.  Limitations.................................................  23
               SECTION 7.05.  Notices.....................................................  24
ARTICLE 8.     Registration Rights........................................................  25
               SECTION 8.01.  Definitions.................................................  25
               SECTION 8.02.  Incidental Registration.....................................  26
               SECTION 8.03.  Registration Procedures and Expenses........................  27
               SECTION 8.04.  Indemnification.............................................  28
ARTICLE 9.     Miscellaneous..............................................................  30
               SECTION 9.01.  Beneficiaries...............................................  30
               SECTION 9.02.  Amendments; Waivers; Etc....................................  30
               SECTION 9.03.  Notices.....................................................  30
               SECTION 9.04.  Brokers.....................................................  32
               SECTION 9.05.  Counterparts................................................  32
               SECTION 9.06.  Headings....................................................  32
               SECTION 9.07.  Expenses....................................................  32
               SECTION 9.08.  Survival of Representations and Warranties..................  32
               SECTION 9.09.  Severability................................................  33
               SECTION 9.10.  Miscellaneous...............................................  33




               Exhibit A            Note
               Exhibit B            Additional Note
               Exhibit C            Pledge Agreement
               Exhibit D            Amended Distribution Agreement


                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT dated as of February 26, 1997*, by and between
NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V., a Netherlands corporation ("Seller"), and NORLAND
MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Buyer").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS, Seller is the record and beneficial owner of all of the issued
and outstanding shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value (the "Shares"), of
Norland Corporation, a Wisconsin corporation (the "Company"); and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Buyer, based upon the unanimous
recommendation of a special committee of directors of Buyer (the "Special
Committee"), deems it advisable and in the best interests of the stockholders of
Buyer that Buyer purchase the Shares, and the Board of Directors has unanimously
approved the purchase of the Shares by Buyer upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein; and

      WHEREAS, the sale of the Shares to Buyer upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein has been unanimously approved by the Managing
Directors and the shareholders of Seller; and

      WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase the Shares from Seller, and Seller
desires to sell the Shares to Buyer, all on the terms and conditions set forth

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual agreements
contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

ARTICLE 1.  Sale and Purchase of the Shares; Purchase Price; Closing.

            SECTION 1.01 Sale and Purchase of the Shares.

            Subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth, at the Closing
(as defined below), Seller agrees to sell the Shares to Buyer, and Buyer agrees
to purchase the Shares from Seller.

            SECTION 1.02 Purchase Price; Purchase Note; Additional Purchase

- ----------
* Composite copy to reflect Amendment No. 1 dated as of June 30, 1997.


            (a) The aggregate purchase price (the "Purchase Price") to be paid
by Buyer for the Shares shall be $17,500,000 plus the amount of any Additional
Purchase Price (as defined in Section 1.02(c) hereof). The $17,500,000 portion
of the Purchase Price shall be paid at the Closing as follows: (i) $1,250,000 in
cash; and (ii) the balance of $16,250,000 by Buyer's promissory note in the form
of Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Purchase Note"). The Additional Purchase
Price will be determined at a later date, as provided below, in order to more
accurately reflect the value of the Company as of the time of the Closing.

            (b) The Purchase Note shall bear interest at the rate of 7% per
annum, payable in cash quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December
31 of each year commencing June 30, 1997. The principal amount shall be payable
as follows: (i) $1,250,000 shall be due and payable on the date which is six
months after the Closing Date (as defined below); and (ii) the entire unpaid
principal amount shall be due and payable on the fifth anniversary of the
Closing Date (the "Maturity Date"); provided, however, that if the entire
principal amount of the Purchase Note is not paid in full on or before the
Maturity Date, Buyer may elect to extend the Maturity Date for an additional
period of two years (the "Extension Period"). If Buyer so elects to extend the
Maturity Date, then effective on the first day of the Extension Period and on
the first day of each succeeding six month period during the Extension Period,
the interest rate per annum on the Purchase Note shall be increased by one
percentage point. Buyer shall have the right at any time and from time to time
to prepay the unpaid principal of the Purchase Note, in whole or in part,
together with interest on the amount prepaid to the date of prepayment. Except
for the $1,250,000 payment due six months after the Closing Date, which shall be
paid in cash, Buyer shall have the right to make any payment or prepayment of
principal on the Purchase Note by delivering to Seller shares of Buyer's Common
Stock registered in Seller's name (the "Payment Shares"). Payment Shares shall,
for such purpose, be valued at the average of the closing prices for a share of
Buyer's Common Stock on each of the five trading days preceding the date of
payment or prepayment (the "Average Closing Price"). Thus, if the Average
Closing Price is $10.00 and Buyer delivers 10,000 Payment Shares to Seller as a
prepayment of the Purchase Note, the unpaid principal amount of the Purchase
Note shall be reduced by $100,000. At the time Buyer issues any Payment Shares
to Seller, Buyer shall at Buyer's option either (i) register such issuance under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or (ii) grant the piggyback registration
rights set forth in Article 8 hereof.

            (c) The Amount of any Additional Purchase Price shall be based upon
Buyer's total sales for its year ending December 31, 1997, as shown on its
audited consolidated financial statements for such year ("Total Sales"). The
following table sets forth the amount of Additional Purchase Price which will be
payable by Buyer:


                                                The Additional Purchase
            If Total Sales are:                     Price shall be:
            -------------------                     ---------------
            Less than $33,000,000                   $         0
            $ 33,000,000 - $ 33,999,999                 312,500
              34,000,000 -   34,999,999                 625,000
              35,000,000 -   35,999,999                 937,500
              36,000,000 -   36,999,999               1,250,000
              37,000,000 -   37,999,999               1,562,500
              38,000,000 -   38,999,999               1,875,000
              39,000,000 -   39,999,999               2,187,500
              40,000,000 or more                      2,500,000

The maximum Additional Purchase Price shall be $2,500,000. The Additional
Purchase Price shall be payable by Buyer's promissory note in the form of
Exhibit B attached hereto (the "Additional Note") in the principal amount equal
to the Additional Purchase Price. The Additional Note shall be issued on April
1, 1998. Except for the principal amount and the mandatory $1,250,000 cash
prepayment of the Purchase Note due six months after the Closing Date, the terms
of the Additional Note will be substantially the same as the terms of the
Purchase Note. Buyer shall have the right to make any payment or prepayment of
principal of the Additional Note by delivering to Seller Payment Shares valued
as provided in Section 1.02(b) hereof.

            (d) The Purchase Note and the Additional Note shall be secured by a
pledge of the Shares by Buyer to Seller pursuant to a Pledge Agreement
substantially in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto (the "Pledge Agreement").

            SECTION 1.03 Closing.

            Upon fulfillment or waiver of the conditions specified in Sections
5.01 and 5.02 hereof and provided that this Agreement has not been terminated
pursuant to Article 6 hereof, a closing (the "Closing") shall take place at the
offices of Buyer, 106 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 106, White Plains, New York
10604, or at such other place as Seller and Buyer may agree. The actual date of
the Closing shall be referred to as the "Closing Date." Subject to the
conditions set forth herein, at the Closing (a) Seller shall deliver to Buyer
one or more stock certificates representing the Shares, duly endorsed, with all
necessary stock transfer stamps attached thereto and cancelled, or accompanied
by one or more stock powers duly endorsed, transferring the Shares to Buyer, and
(b) Buyer shall deliver to Seller $1,250,000 in immediately available funds and
the executed Purchase Note.

            SECTION 1.04 Further Assurances.

            Following the Closing, each party, at the request of the other
party, shall execute and deliver such further documents and take such reasonable
action as may be necessary or appropriate (i) to confirm the sale, transfer,
assignment, conveyance and delivery of the Shares, (ii) to vest in Buyer all


of Seller's right, title and interest to the Shares or (iii) to vest in Seller
proper title and rights to the Purchase Note and the Additional Note.

ARTICLE 2.  Representations and Warranties by Seller.

            Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows:

            SECTION 2.01 Incorporation, Existence, Etc.

            The Company owns all of the issued and outstanding stock of Norland
Scientific Instruments, B.V., a Netherlands corporation (the "Subsidiary"). The
Subsidiary is in the process of being liquidated. Each of the Company and the
Subsidiary is a corporation duly incorporated, and validly existing under the
laws of the State of Wisconsin and of the Netherlands, respectively, with all
requisite corporate power and authority to own, operate and lease all of its
properties and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted,
and is duly qualified to do business in such other jurisdictions, if any, in
which the conduct of its business or the ownership or leasing of its property
requires such qualification and where the failure to so qualify would have a
material adverse effect on its business, property or assets. The copies of the
Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Company and the Subsidiary, as
amended to date, which have been delivered to Buyer are complete and correct,
and such instruments, as so amended, are in full force and effect at the date
hereof. Except for the Subsidiary, the Company and the Subsidiary have no
subsidiaries and no equity interest in any other corporation or entity.

            SECTION 2.02 Capital Stock.

            The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of 58,500
shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value ("Common Stock"), of which 8,457 Shares
have been duly and validly issued and are outstanding, fully paid and, except as
provided by Section 180.0662(2)(b) of the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law,
nonassessable, 3,000 shares of Nonvoting Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share
("Nonvoting Common Stock"), none of which are issued or outstanding, and 1,500
shares of Class A Convertible Preferred Stock, $1.00 par value ("Class A
Preferred Stock"), none of which are issued or outstanding. No shares of Common
Stock are held in the treasury of the Company. Seller is the lawful record and
beneficial owner of all of the Shares, with good and marketable title thereto,
free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, claims and other charges thereon
of any kind, except as provided by Section 180.0662(2)(b) of the Wisconsin
Business Corporation Law. The authorized capital stock of the Subsidiary
consists of 2,000 shares of common stock, of which 510 shares have been duly and
validly issued and are outstanding, fully paid and nonassessable (the
"Subsidiary Shares"). The Company is the lawful, record and beneficial owner of
all of the Subsidiary Shares, with good and marketable title thereto, free and
clear of all liens and encumbrances, claims and other charges thereon of any
kind. Seller has the full legal power to transfer and deliver the Shares in
accordance with this Agreement, and delivery of the Shares to Buyer pursuant
hereto will convey good and marketable title, free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances, claims and other charges thereon of any kind, except as provided
by Section 180.0662(2)(b) of the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law. There are
no preemptive or first refusal rights to purchase or otherwise acquire shares of
capital stock of the Company


or the Subsidiary pursuant to any provision of law or the Articles or By-laws of
the Company or the Subsidiary or by agreement or otherwise. There are no
outstanding warrants, options or other rights to subscribe for or purchase from
Seller, the Company or the Subsidiary any shares of capital stock of the Company
or the Subsidiary or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for such

            SECTION 2.03 Authorization.

            Seller is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of The Netherlands, with all requisite corporate
power and authority to own, operate and lease all of its properties and assets
and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted, and to execute and
deliver this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations hereunder. The
execution and delivery by Seller of this Agreement and the consummation by
Seller of the transactions contemplated on its part hereby have been duly
authorized by all requisite corporate action and no further corporate
authorization on the part of Seller is necessary to consummate the transactions
contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by
Seller and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement of Seller,
enforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms.

            SECTION 2.04 Non-Contravention.

            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.04 hereto, the execution, delivery
and performance of this Agreement by Seller and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby do not and will not: (i) violate or result in
the breach of any of the terms, provisions or conditions of, or constitute a
default under, the Articles of Incorporation or By-laws of Seller, the Company
or the Subsidiary, or any material contract, agreement, lease, commitment,
indenture, mortgage, pledge, note, license or other material instrument or
obligation to which Seller, the Company or the Subsidiary or any of their
properties or assets may be bound or affected; (ii) violate any law, rule or
regulation, or any judicial, administrative or arbitration order, award,
judgment, writ, injunction or decree applicable to Seller, the Company or the
Subsidiary; or (iii) result in the creation or imposition of any security
interest, charge, lien, encumbrance, commitment, pledge, option, claim,
restriction or right, including rights of termination or cancellation in or with
respect to, or otherwise materially and adversely affect, any of the properties,
assets or business of Seller, the Company or the Subsidiary.

            SECTION 2.05 Consents, Etc.

            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.05 hereto, no consent,
authorization, order or approval of, or declaration, notice, filing or
registration with, any governmental or regulatory authority or any other person
or entity on the part of Seller, the Company or the Subsidiary is required for
or in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Seller or
the consummation by Seller of the transactions contemplated hereby.

            SECTION 2.06 Financial Statements.

            Seller has previously furnished Buyer with true and complete copies
of the unaudited consolidated balance sheets of the Company and the Subsidiary
as of December 31, 1996, 1995 and


1994, and the related unaudited statements of operations and cash flow
statements for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 (collectively,
the "Company Financial Statements"). The Company Financial Statements have been
prepared in conformity with the books and records of the Company, have been
prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
consistently applied and present fairly the financial position and results of
operation of the Company and the Subsidiary as of such dates and for the
respective periods then ended.

            SECTION 2.07 No Material Adverse Change.

            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.07 hereto, since December 31,
1996, there has been no change in the financial condition of the Company or the
Subsidiary as shown on the consolidated balance sheet of the Company as at such
date other than changes occurring in the ordinary course of business, which
changes have not in the aggregate materially adversely affected the assets,
liabilities, business, results of operations or financial condition of the
Company or the Subsidiary, taken as a whole.

            SECTION 2.08 Government Authorization and Compliance with Laws.

            (a) Except as set forth on Schedule 2.08 hereto, (i) the business of
the Company and the Subsidiary has been operated in compliance with all
applicable laws, orders and regulations of all applicable governmental entities,
except for violations which do not have a material adverse effect on the
business, assets, financial condition or results of operation of the Company and
the Subsidiary taken as a whole; (ii) each of the Company and the Subsidiary has
all permits, certificates, licenses, approvals and other authorizations
(collectively, "Permits") required in connection with the operation of its
business, except for such Permits that the failure to obtain or maintain in full
force and effect would not have a material adverse effect on the business,
assets, financial condition or results of operation of the Company and the
Subsidiary taken as a whole; and (iii) no notice has been received and, to the
knowledge of the Company or Seller, no investigation or review is pending or is
contemplated or threatened by any governmental entity or agency (A) with respect
to any alleged violation by the Company or the Subsidiary of any law, order or
regulation of any governmental entity or agency, or (B) with respect to any
alleged failure to have all permits, certificates, licenses, approvals and other
authorizations required in connection with the operation of the business of the
Company or the Subsidiary.

            (b) Except as disclosed on Schedule 2.08:

                  (i) There is no administrative or government agency proceeding
pending or, to the knowledge of the Company or Seller, threatened against the
Company in connection with the Company's products or devices or the design,
development, production, marketing, packaging, distribution or sale of such
products or devices.

                  (ii) There are no pending product recalls, market withdrawals,
safety alerts or other corrective action taken or to be taken, whether voluntary
or involuntary, with respect to any of the Company's products or devices.


                  (iii) To the knowledge of the Company or Seller, there are no
pending investigations of the Company by any administrative or governmental
agency or authority concerning whether or not to undertake any product recalls,
market withdrawals, safety alerts or other corrective action.

                  (iv) There is no pending correspondence between the Company
and any federal, state, local or foreign governmental agency or authority, or
action taken or to be taken by any federal, state, local or foreign governmental
agency or authority, regarding any defect, failure, deficiency or non-compliance
associated with any of the Company's products or devices or the failure to fully
comply with any regulatory requirement, including, without limitation, any of
the United States Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") Good Manufacturing
Practice regulations.

                  (v) All necessary Section 510(k) premarket notifications,
medical device reports, and radiological health-related reports as required by
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the "FFDCA"), and the regulations
promulgated thereunder have been filed with the FDA and all necessary premarket
notifications have been cleared by the FDA. All of the Company's products and
devices are listed on Schedule 2.08.

                  (vi) With respect to all of the Company's products and
devices, the Company has fully and completely complied with all applicable
federal, state, local and foreign statutory and regulatory requirements and
rules relating to the design, development, production, marketing, packaging,
distribution and sale thereof, including, without limitation, the FDA Good
Manufacturing Practice regulations set forth in 21 C.F.R. Part 820, the medical
device reporting requirements set forth in 21 C.F.R. Part 803 and the other
applicable FDA rules and regulations.

                  (vii) The Company has maintained all records with respect to
the Company's products and devices in full compliance with the applicable FDA
rules and regulations.

            SECTION 2.09 Company Actions.

            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.09 hereto, since December 31,
1996, neither the Company nor the Subsidiary has: (i) issued any capital stock,
bonds or other corporate securities, (ii) borrowed any amount or incurred or
become subject to any liabilities except liabilities incurred, and liabilities
under contracts entered into, in the ordinary course of business (excluding
liabilities up to an aggregate of $100,000), (iii) declared or made any payment
or distribution to shareholders in respect of its capital stock or purchased or
redeemed any shares of its capital stock, (iv) reclassified its shares, (v)
mortgaged, pledged or subjected to any lien, charge or any other encumbrance any
of its assets, tangible or intangible, except for liens arising as a matter of
law in the ordinary course of business, including mechanics', carriers',
workers', repairers' and other similar liens or liens of real or personal
property taxes not yet due and payable, (vi) sold, assigned or transferred any
of its tangible assets or canceled any debts or obligations (except in the
ordinary course of business), (vii) sold, assigned or transferred any patents,
trademarks, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets or other intangible assets,
(viii) suffered any extraordinary losses (whether or not in the ordinary course
of business) or waived any rights of substantial value (other than in the
ordinary course of business), (ix)


made any changes in officer compensation, (x) made any investment in, advanced
any money to, or guaranteed any obligation of, any third person or entity, (xi)
changed any accounting principle or method (including, without limitation,
inter-company allocations) except as required by a change in generally accepted
accounting principles, or (xii) entered into any material transaction other than
in the ordinary course of business.

            SECTION 2.10 Undisclosed Liabilities.

            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.10 hereto, to Seller's and the
Company's knowledge, there are no liabilities or obligations of the Company or
the Subsidiary of any kind whatsoever, whether accrued, absolute, contingent or
otherwise, and whether due or to become due which would, either individually or
in the aggregate, have a material and adverse effect on the business, assets,
financial condition or results of operations of the Company and the Subsidiary
taken as a whole, and there is no existing condition known to Seller or the
Company which they reasonably believe will result in such liability, other than
liabilities reflected or reserved against on the December 31, 1996 balance sheet
or liabilities incurred since the date thereof in the ordinary course of

            SECTION 2.11 Tax Matters.

            Each of the Company and the Subsidiary has filed (or has extensions
in effect for) all federal, state, local, foreign and other tax returns which
are required to be filed by it. Each of the Company and the Subsidiary has paid
all taxes pursuant to such returns. All monies required to be withheld by the
Company and the Subsidiary from employees for income taxes, Social Security and
unemployment insurance taxes have been collected or withheld, and either paid to
the respective governmental agencies or accrued on the books of the Company and
the Subsidiary. The charges, accruals and reserves reflected in the December 31,
1996 consolidated balance sheet in respect of taxes for all fiscal periods for
which the statute of limitations has not expired are adequate, and the Seller
and the Company do not know of any material unpaid assessment or proposal by any
taxing authority for additional taxes for which the Seller or the Company or the
Subsidiary does not have adequate reserves for any such fiscal period.

            SECTION 2.12 Title to Properties; Absence of Liens and Encumbrances,

            Each of the Company and the Subsidiary has good and marketable title
to all of its properties and assets shown on the December 31, 1996 balance sheet
and all assets and properties acquired since the date of such balance sheet,
except for such properties or assets which have been disposed of in the ordinary
course of business, free and clear of any liens, charges, pledges, security
interests or other encumbrances of any nature whatsoever, except as set forth on
Schedule 2.12 hereto. Except as set forth on Schedule 2.12 hereto, there is not
under any material lease by which the Company or the Subsidiary is bound any
existing default, or any condition, event or act which with notice or lapse of
time or both would constitute such a default, the consequences of which would
permit the acceleration of payments due under, or the termination of, any such


            SECTION 2.13 Agreements, Etc.

            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.13 hereto, neither the Company nor
the Subsidiary is a party to or is bound by any Material Agreement. As used
herein, the term "Material Agreement" shall mean (i) all agreements, contracts,
arrangements, commitments, understandings or obligations, oral or written, of
the Company or the Subsidiary, including all such items relating to the purchase
of goods and materials used by the Company or the Subsidiary in its business,
which involves the payment by the Company or the Subsidiary of $50,000 or more;
(ii) all material leases of real property, franchises and licensing and
distribution agreements to which the Company or the Subsidiary is a party,
either as lessor or lessee; (iii) all bonus, incentive, compensation,
profit-sharing, retirement, pension, group insurance, death benefit or other
fringe benefit plans, deferred compensation and post-termination obligations,
trust agreements of the Company and the Subsidiary in effect or under which any
amounts remain unpaid on the date hereof or are to become effective after the
date hereof; (iv) all collective bargaining agreements with any labor union or
other representative of the employees of the Company or the Subsidiary,
including local agreements, amendments and supplements, letters and memoranda of
understanding of all kinds and all employment and consulting contracts not
terminable at will without penalty to which the Company or the Subsidiary is a
party; (v) any agreement limiting the freedom of the Company or the Subsidiary
to compete in any line of business or with any person; and (vi) all other
agreements, contracts, arrangements, commitments, understandings, or obligations
of the Company and the Subsidiary, oral or written, in which any officer or
director of the Company or the Subsidiary has any interest, direct or indirect.
Except as set forth on Schedule 2.13, neither Seller nor the Company has
knowledge of any default or written allegation by a third party of a default or
state of facts which with notice or lapse of time or both they believe would
constitute a default on the part of any party in the performance of any
obligation to be performed or paid by any party under any agreement referred to
in Schedule 2.13, which default could have a material and adverse effect upon
the business, operations, assets or financial conditions of the Company and the
Subsidiary taken as a whole.

            SECTION 2.14 Litigation, Etc.

            Except as disclosed on Schedule 2.14 hereto, there is no claim,
action, suit, arbitration, investigation or proceeding pending or, to the
knowledge of Seller, contemplated or threatened against the Company or the
Subsidiary or any of their properties (i) which, if adversely determined, would
materially and adversely affect the business or assets or financial condition or
results of operations of the Company and the Subsidiary taken as a whole, or
(ii) which seeks to prohibit, restrict or delay the execution or delivery of
this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or any
of the conditions to consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor
is there any judgment, decree, injunction, ruling or order of any court,
governmental department, commission, agency or instrumentality, arbitrator or
any other person outstanding against the Company having, or which Seller or the
Company believes may have, any such effect referred to in clauses (i) or (ii)
above. Neither the Company nor the Subsidiary is in default with respect to any
order, writ, injunction or decree of any court or other governmental or
regulatory authority, agency, commission or official.


            SECTION 2.15 Labor Controversies.

            There are no controversies pending between the Company or the
Subsidiary and any of its employees, which controversies affect, or which Seller
believes will affect, materially and adversely the business, assets, financial
condition or results of operations of the Company and the Subsidiary taken as a

            SECTION 2.16 Trade Names, Trademarks, Etc.

            The Company and the Subsidiary have and own all right, title and
interest to, or have a valid license for, the trade names and trademarks listed
on Schedule 2.16 hereto. There are no claims or proceedings pending or, to the
knowledge of Seller or the Company, threatened against the Company or the
Subsidiary asserting that its use of any of the aforementioned properties or
rights infringes the rights of any other person, and, to Seller's and the
Company's knowledge, neither the Company nor the Subsidiary is infringing on any
such rights of any other person.

            SECTION 2.17 Employee Benefit Plans.

            (a) Schedule 2.17 hereto contains a true and complete list of all
Benefit Plans. Copies of all written Benefit Plans, written descriptions of all
oral Benefit Plans, and all other documentation relating to the Benefit Plans
have been delivered or made available to Buyer. Except as disclosed on Schedule
2.17: (i) each Benefit Plan and the administration thereof complies, and has at
all times complied, in all material respects with its terms and the requirements
of all applicable laws, including ERISA and the Code, and each Benefit Plan
intended to qualify under Section 401(a) of the Code has at all times since its
adoption been so qualified, and each trust which forms a part of any such plan
has at all times since its adoption been tax-exempt under Section 501(a) of the
Code; (ii) no Benefit Plan is a "single-employer plan" or a "multiemployer plan"
as such terms are defined in Sections 4001(a)(15) and 4001(a)(3) respectively;
(iii) the Company is not a member of a "controlled group" as defined in Section
412(n)(6)(B) of the Code; (iv) the Company has not incurred any liability for
any tax imposed under Section 4971 through 4980B of the Code or civil liability
under Section 502(i) or (l) of ERISA; (v) no Benefit Plan provides health or
death benefit coverage beyond the termination of an employee's employment,
except as required by Part 6 of Title I of ERISA or Section 4980B of the Code;
(vi) no benefit under any Benefit Plan, including, without limitation, any
severance or parachute payment plan or agreement, will be established or become
accelerated, vested or payable by reason of any transaction contemplated under
this Agreement; (vii) no suit, actions or other litigation (excluding claims for
benefits incurred in the ordinary course of plan activities) have been brought
against or with respect to any Benefit Plan; and (viii) all contributions to
Benefit Plans required to be made under such Benefit Plans as of the Closing
Date will have been made, and all benefits accrued under any unfunded Benefit
Plan will have been paid, accrued or otherwise adequately reserved in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles as of such date, and the Company
will have performed by the Closing Date all obligations required to be performed
as of such date under the Benefit Plans.

            (b) As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set
forth below:


            "Benefit Plan" means any Plan established by the Company or any
predecessor or affiliate of any of the foregoing, existing at the Closing Date
or prior thereto, to which the Company contributes or has contributed, or any
Plan under which any employee, former employee or director of the Company or any
beneficiary thereof is covered, is eligible for coverage or has any right to

            "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

            "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

            "Plan" means any bonus, incentive compensation, deferred
compensation, pension, profit sharing, retirement, stock purchase, stock option,
stock ownership, stock appreciation rights, phantom stock, leave of absence,
layoff, vacation, day or dependent care, legal services, cafeteria, life,
health, accident, disability, workmen's compensation or other insurance,
severance, separation or other employee benefit plan, practice, policy or
arrangement of any kind, whether written or oral, whether formal or informal,
and whether maintained for the benefit of a single individual or more than one
individual including, but not limited to, any "employee benefit plan" within the
meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA.

            SECTION 2.18 Insurance.

            The Company and the Subsidiary maintain insurance against the
hazards and liabilities (including product liability insurance), and in the
amount, stated (subject to the deductible amount, specified) in the policies of
insurance described on Schedule 2.18 hereto.

            SECTION 2.19. Schedules and Other Information.

            All of the Schedules and other certificates required to be delivered
under this Agreement do not and will not contain any statement which is false or
misleading with respect to any material fact and do not and will not omit to
state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein not
false or misleading.

ARTICLE 3.  Representations and Warranties by Buyer.

            Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

            SECTION 3.01 Incorporation, Existence, Etc.

            Buyer is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with all requisite corporate
power and authority to own, operate and lease its properties and assets and to
carry on its business as it is now being conducted, and is duly qualified to do
business and is in good standing in such other jurisdictions if any, in which
the conduct of its


business or the ownership or leasing of its property requires such qualification
and where the failure to so qualify would have a material adverse effect on its
business, property or assets.

            SECTION 3.02 Authorization.

            The execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement and the Note
and the consummation by Buyer of the transactions contemplated on its part
hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by its Board of Directors. This
Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Buyer and, subject to the
approval of its stockholders as provided in Section 5.01(l) hereof, is a valid
and binding agreement of Buyer, enforceable against Buyer in accordance with its

            SECTION 3.03 Consents, Etc.

            Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.03 hereto, no consent,
authorization, order or approval of, or filing or registration with, any
governmental authority or any other person or entity on the part of Buyer is
required for or in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement
or the Note by Buyer and the consummation by Buyer of the transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby.

            SECTION 3.04 Litigation, Etc.

            There is no claim, action, suit or proceeding pending or, to the
knowledge of Buyer, contemplated or threatened against Buyer or any of its
properties which seeks to prohibit, restrict or delay consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby or any of the conditions to consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby, nor is there any judgment, decree, injunction,
ruling or order of any court, governmental department, commission, agency or
instrumentality, arbitrator or any other person outstanding against Buyer
having, or which Buyer believes may have, any such effect.

            SECTION 3.05 Non-Contravention.

            The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Buyer
and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby do not and will
not: (i) violate or result in the breach of any of the terms, provisions or
conditions of, or constitute a default under, the Certificate of Incorporation
or By-laws of Buyer, or any material contract, agreement, lease, commitment,
indenture, mortgage, pledge, note, license or other material instrument or
obligation to which Buyer or any of its properties or assets may be bound or
affected; (ii) violate any law, rule or regulation, or any judicial,
administrative or arbitration order, award, judgment, writ, injunction or decree
applicable to Buyer; or (iii) result in the creation or imposition of any
security interest, charge, lien, encumbrance, commitment, pledge, option, claim,
restriction or right, including rights of termination or cancellation in or with
respect to, or otherwise adversely affect, any of the properties, assets or
business of Buyer.


            SECTION 3.06 Investment.

            Buyer is acquiring the Shares pursuant to this Agreement for its own
account for investment and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with,
any "distribution" thereof within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended (the "Securities Act"), and the Shares will not be sold except pursuant
to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act, or pursuant to
an exemption from registration under the Securities Act and any applicable state
securities laws.

ARTICLE 4.  Additional Covenants and Agreements.

            SECTION 4.01 Conduct of Business.

            During the period from the date hereof to the Closing Date, Seller
shall and shall cause the Company and the Subsidiary to perform each of the
following covenants:

            (a) Operations in the Ordinary Course of Business.

            Except as described on Schedule 4.01(a) hereto, each of the Company
and the Subsidiary shall (i) conduct its operations according to its ordinary
and usual course of business; (ii) use its reasonable best efforts to preserve
intact its business organization, keep available the services of its officers
and employees, and maintain satisfactory relationships with licensors,
suppliers, distributors, customers and others having business relationships with
it; and (iii) perform its obligations in all material respects under all
contracts and agreements by which it is bound.

            (b) Forbearances.

            Except as described on Schedule 4.01(b) hereto, and except as
affected by transactions contemplated by this Agreement, neither the Company nor
the Subsidiary shall, without the prior written consent of Buyer:

            (i) incur any debt, liability or obligation, direct or indirect,
      whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise, other than (i) current
      liabilities incurred in the ordinary and usual course of business, and
      (ii) other liabilities not exceeding $100,000 in the aggregate, or pay any
      debt, liability or obligation other than such liabilities;

            (ii) assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise become responsible for
      the obligations of any other person or entity, or make any loans or
      advances to any person or entity, except in the ordinary and usual course
      of business;

            (iii) declare, set aside or pay any dividend (whether in cash,
      capital stock or property) with respect to its capital stock, or declare
      or make any distribution on, or directly or indirectly redeem, purchase or
      otherwise acquire, any shares of capital stock, or split, combine or
      otherwise similarly change the outstanding shares of its capital stock, or
      authorize the creation or issuance of or issue or sell any shares of its
      capital stock or any securities or obligations convertible into


      or exchangeable for, or giving any person any right to acquire from it,
      any shares of its capital stock;

            (iv) mortgage, pledge or subject to any lien or otherwise encumber
      any of its properties or assets except for liens arising as a matter of
      law in the ordinary course of business, including mechanics' liens and
      liens for real or personal property taxes not yet due and payable;

            (v) sell, lease, transfer or dispose of any of its properties or
      assets, waive or release any rights of material value, or cancel,
      compromise, release or assign any indebtedness owed to it or any claims
      held by it, except in the ordinary and usual course of business;

            (vi) make any investment of a capital nature either by purchase of
      stock or securities, contributions to capital, property transfers or
      otherwise, or by the purchase of any property or assets of any other
      individual, firm or corporation, except in the ordinary and usual course
      of business;

            (vii) other than in the ordinary and usual course of business, enter
      into or terminate any contract or agreement, or make any material change
      in any of its contracts or agreements;

            (viii) amend any employee benefit plan other than as required by
      law, or increase in any manner the compensation or fringe benefits of any
      of its officers or employees, or pay or agree to pay any bonus or pension
      or retirement allowance not required by any existing plan or agreement to
      any such officers or employees, or commit itself to or enter into any
      employment agreement or any incentive compensation, deferred compensation,
      profit sharing, stock option, stock purchase, savings, consultant,
      retirement, pension or other "fringe benefit" plan or arrangement with or
      for the benefit of any officer, employee or other person;

            (ix) permit any insurance policy naming it as a beneficiary or a
      loss payable payee to be cancelled or terminated or any of the coverage
      thereunder to lapse, unless simultaneously with such termination or
      cancellation replacement policies providing substantially the same
      coverage are in full force and effect;

            (x) amend its Articles of Incorporation or By-laws;

            (xi) make any material alteration in the manner of keeping its
      books, accounts or records, or in the accounting practices therein

            (xii) merge or consolidate with, or otherwise agree to be acquired
      by, any other corporation or business entity, acquire control of any other
      corporation or business entity, or take any steps incident to, or in
      furtherance of, any of such actions, whether by soliciting or negotiating,
      directly or indirectly, or by entering into an agreement providing
      therefor or otherwise;


            (xiii) sell, assign or transfer any patents, trademarks, trade
      names, copyrights or any other intangible assets material to its business;

            (xiv) enter into an agreement to do any of the things described in
      clauses (i) through (xiii).

            SECTION 4.02 Amending Schedules, Etc.

            If, by virtue of (a) any matter arising after the execution and
delivery of this Agreement, or (b) matters omitted from the original Schedules
to this Agreement because Seller was not aware of such matters or the
significance thereof, Seller shall determine that any of the representations and
warranties or Schedules of Seller are inaccurate in any material respect, then
Seller shall give prompt written notice thereof to Buyer, which notice shall
include the necessary supplements or amendments to the Schedules to this
Agreement. Buyer shall have the right, in its reasonable discretion, by written
notice to Seller given within ten days from the receipt by Buyer of any such
notice from Seller, to terminate this Agreement, in which event there shall be
no further liability on the part of either party with respect to this Agreement.
The failure of Buyer to so terminate this Agreement within ten days from the
receipt of any such notice from Seller shall be deemed a waiver by Buyer of any
termination or other right accruing to Buyer by reason of the matters disclosed
in such notice.

            SECTION 4.03 Regulatory Consents, Authorizations, Etc.

            Each party hereto will use its reasonable best efforts to obtain all
consents, authorizations, orders and approvals of and make all filings and
registrations with, any governmental commission, board or other regulatory
authority required for, or in connection with, the performance by such party of
this Agreement and the consummation by such party of the transactions
contemplated hereby and will cooperate fully with each other party in assisting
such other party to obtain such consents, authorizations, orders and approvals.
No party hereto will take any action which is intended to delay, impair or
impede the receipt of any required regulatory approvals.


            SECTION 4.04 Investigation, Etc.

            Seller has permitted and agrees to further permit Buyer and Buyer's
counsel, accountants, investment advisors and other representatives to have, or
cause them to be permitted to have until the Closing, at Buyer's expense, access
to the premises, books and records of the Company at reasonable hours on
reasonable notice to the Company and Seller, and to cause the officers of the
Company to furnish such financial and operating data and other information with
respect to its business and properties being investigated as from time to time
shall be reasonably requested. Seller will permit Buyer and its authorized
representatives, including the auditing firm of Buyer, to review the workpapers
of the auditing firm of the Company relating to their examinations of the
financial statements of the Company. Buyer covenants and agrees (a) between the
date hereof and the Closing Date or should this Agreement be terminated or
abandoned for any reason, to hold all non-public information received by it in
connection herewith on a confidential basis, and (b) should this Agreement be
terminated or abandoned for any reason, not to use itself or voluntarily
disclose to others any such information, to promptly return every document
furnished by the other parties in connection herewith and any copies thereof
such party may have made and to destroy any summaries, compilations or similar
documents such party may have made or derived from such material, and to use its
best efforts to have its agents to which it provided information and documents
promptly return such documents and copies and to destroy such summaries,
compilations or similar documents.

            SECTION 4.05 Negotiations with Others.

            During the period from the date of this Agreement to the Closing
Date or the earlier termination of this Agreement, neither Seller, the Company
nor the Subsidiary shall, directly or indirectly, without the prior written
consent of Buyer, initiate or continue discussions or engage in negotiations
with any corporation, partnership, person or other entity or group (other than
Buyer) concerning any possible proposal regarding a sale of capital stock of the
Company or the Subsidiary or a merger, sale of material assets or similar
transaction involving the Company or the Subsidiary or any division or material
asset of the Company or the Subsidiary.

            SECTION 4.06 Public Announcements.

            Seller and Buyer agree that they will consult with each other in
advance of making any public announcement or press release, or otherwise
disclosing any information relating to the execution of this Agreement or any
transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that each party reserves
the right to make such statements as are required, in the opinion of counsel, by
the securities law of the United States or any state thereof, or by any
applicable law.


            SECTION 4.07. Meeting of Stockholders.

            Buyer will take all actions necessary in accordance with applicable
law and its Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws to convene as promptly as
practicable a meeting of its stockholders (the "Stockholders Meeting") to
consider and vote upon the approval of this Agreement and the purchase of the
Shares. As soon as practicable following the date of this Agreement, Buyer shall
prepare and file with the Securities and Exchange Commission a proxy statement
with respect to the Stockholders Meeting.

ARTICLE 5.  Conditions to the Closing.

            SECTION 5.01 Conditions to the Closing Relating to Buyer.

            Consummation of the purchase of the Shares by Buyer is subject to
the fulfillment on or prior to the Closing Date of each of the following

            (a) Representations and Warranties.

            The representations and warranties of Seller contained herein shall
be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date, with
the same force and effect as though made on and as of the Closing Date, except
as affected by transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

            (b) Covenants.

            Seller shall have performed or complied in all material respects
with all obligations, agreements and covenants of Seller contained herein to be
performed or complied with by Seller prior to or on the Closing Date.

            (c) Certificate.

            Buyer shall have received a certificate of an executive officer of
Seller, dated the Closing Date, certifying as to fulfillment of the matters
mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 5.01.

            (d) Opinions of Counsel.

            Buyer shall have received the opinion of counsel to Seller, dated
the Closing Date and in form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, substantially to
the effect that:

            (i) Each of the Company and the Subsidiary is a corporation validly
existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and of the Netherlands,
respectively, with all requisite corporate power and authority to own, operate
and lease all of its properties and assets and to carry on its business as it is
now being conducted.


            (ii) The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of 58,500
shares of Common Stock, of which the 8,457 Shares have been duly and validly
issued and are outstanding, fully paid and, except as provided by Section
180.0662(2)(b) of the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law, nonassessable, 3,000
shares of Nonvoting Common Stock, none of which are issued or outstanding, and
1,500 shares of Class A Convertible Preferred Stock, none of which are issued or
outstanding. Seller is the record owner of all of the Shares. Seller has the
full legal power to transfer and deliver the Shares in accordance with this
Agreement, and delivery of the Shares to Buyer pursuant hereto will convey good
and marketable title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, claims and
other charges thereon of any kind, except as provided by Section 180.0662(2)(b)
of the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law. There are no preemptive or first
refusal rights to purchase or otherwise acquire shares of capital stock of the
Company pursuant to any provision of law or the Articles or By-laws of the

            (iii) Seller is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing
and in good standing under the laws of The Netherlands, with all requisite
corporate power and authority to own, operate and lease all of its properties
and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted, and to
execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations
hereunder. The execution and delivery by Seller of this Agreement and the
consummation by Seller of the transactions contemplated on its part hereby have
been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action. This Agreement has been
duly executed and delivered by Seller.

            (iv) Except as set forth on Schedule 2.04 hereto, the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by Seller and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby do not and will not: (i) violate or result in
the breach of any of the terms, provisions or conditions of, or constitute a
default under, the Articles of Incorporation or By-laws of Seller or the
Company, or any material contract, agreement, lease, commitment, indenture,
mortgage, pledge, note, license or other material instrument or obligation known
to such counsel to which Seller or the Company or any of their properties or
assets may be bound or affected; or (ii) violate any law, rule or regulation,
or, to such counsel's knowledge, any judicial, administrative or arbitration
order, award, judgment, writ, injunction or decree applicable to Seller or the

            (v) Except as set forth on Schedule 2.05 hereto, no consent,
authorization, order or approval of, or declaration, notice, filing or
registration with, any governmental or regulatory authority on the part of
Seller or the Company is required for or in connection with the execution and
delivery of this Agreement by Seller or the consummation by Seller of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

            (e) Injunction, Etc.

            No action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or any United
States governmental or regulatory authority shall have been commenced or
threatened and no investigation by any United States governmental or regulatory
authority shall have been commenced or threatened seeking to restrain, prevent
or change the purchase and sale of the Shares or any of the transactions
contemplated hereby or seeking judgments against the Company, the Subsidiary,
Buyer or Seller awarding substantial damages in respect of the transactions
contemplated hereby.


            (f) Deliveries.

            All deliveries required to be made under this Agreement to Buyer on
or before the Closing Date shall have been received by Buyer.

            (g) Consents.

            Buyer shall have received evidence, reasonably satisfactory to Buyer
and its counsel, that all of the consents referred to in Schedules 2.05 and 3.03
hereto have been duly obtained.

            (h) Amended Distribution Agreement.

            Buyer, the Company and Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH shall have
entered into an Amended Distribution Agreement substantially in the form of
Exhibit D attached hereto (the "Amended Distribution Agreement").

            (i) Non-Compete Agreement.

            Seller shall have confirmed its existing non-competition agreement
with Buyer.

            (j) Financial Statements.

            The Buyer shall have received an audited consolidated balance sheets
of the Company and the Subsidiary as of December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, and
the related statements of operations and cash flow statements for the years
ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, prepared in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles consistently applied (the "Audited Financials"),
and the Audited Financials shall not differ materially and adversely from the
Company Financial Statements referred to in Section 2.06 hereof. The Buyer shall
have further received an unaudited consolidated balance sheet of the Company and
the Subsidiary as of the date of the most recently ended month prior to the
Closing Date or, if the Closing Date is less than two weeks after the end of
such month, as of the date of the end of the month immediately preceding such
month and related unaudited consolidated statement of operations and cash flow
statement for such period.

            (k) Fairness Opinion.

            The written opinion of Advest, Inc., dated the date hereof, to the
effect that the sale of the Shares is fair to Buyer from a financial point of
view, shall not have been withdrawn or amended or modified in any material
respect prior to the Closing Date.

            (l) Stockholder Approval.

            The stockholders of Buyer, including the holders of a majority of
the Common Stock of Buyer held by all stockholders other than Reynald G.
Bonmati, Hans Schiessl, Norland Partners, L.P.


and Novatech Ventures, L.P., shall have approved this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby (the "Buyer Stockholder Approval").

            SECTION 5.02 Conditions to the Closing Relating to Seller.

            Consummation of the sale of the Shares by Seller is subject to the
fulfillment on or prior to the Closing Date of each of the following conditions:

            (a) Representations and Warranties.

            The representations and warranties of Buyer contained herein shall
be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date, with
the same force and effect as though made on and as of the Closing Date, except
as affected by transactions expressed by this Agreement.

            (b) Covenants.

            Buyer shall have performed or complied in all material respects with
all obligations, agreements and covenants of Buyer contained herein to be
performed or complied with by Buyer prior to or on the Closing Date.

            (c) Certificate.

            Seller shall have received a certificate of an executive officer of
Buyer, dated the Closing Date, certifying as to fulfillment of the matters
mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 5.02.

            (d) Opinion of Counsel.

            Seller shall have received the opinion of counsel to Buyer, dated
the Closing Date and in form reasonably satisfactory to Seller, substantially to
the effect that:

            (i) Buyer is a corporation validly existing under the laws of the
State of Delaware, with all requisite corporate power and authority to own,
operate and lease its properties and assets and to carry on its business as it
is now being conducted.

            (ii) The execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement and the
Note and the consummation by Buyer of the transactions contemplated on its part
hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action.
This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Buyer.

            (iii) Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.03 hereto, no consent,
authorization, order or approval of, or filing or registration with, any
governmental authority on the part of Buyer is required for or in connection
with the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the Note by Buyer and the
consummation by Buyer of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.


            (iv) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
Buyer and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby do not and
will not: (i) violate or result in the breach of any of the terms, provisions or
conditions of, or constitute a default under, the Certificate of Incorporation
or By-laws of Buyer, or any material contract, agreement, lease, commitment,
indenture, mortgage, pledge, note, license or other material instrument or
obligation known to such counsel to which Buyer or any of its properties or
assets may be bound or affected; or (ii) violate any law, rule or regulation, or
any judicial, administrative or arbitration order, award, judgment, writ,
injunction or decree applicable to Buyer.

            (e) Injunction, Etc.

            No action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or any United
States governmental or regulatory authority shall have been commenced or
threatened and no investigation by any United States governmental or regulatory
authority shall have been commenced or threatened seeking to restrain, prevent
or change the purchase and sale of the Shares or any of the transactions
contemplated hereby or seeking judgments against the Company, the Subsidiary,
Buyer or Seller awarding substantial damages in respect of the transactions
contemplated hereby.

            (f) Deliveries.

            All deliveries required to be made to Seller under this Agreement on
or before the Closing Date shall have been received by Seller.

            (g) Consents.

            Seller shall have received evidence, reasonably satisfactory to
Seller and its counsel, that all of the consents referred to in Schedules 2.05
and 3.03 hereto have been duly obtained.

            (h) Stockholder Approval.

            The Buyer Stockholder Approval shall have been obtained.

            (i) Pledge Agreement.

            The Pledge Agreement shall have been executed and delivered.

ARTICLE 6.  Termination and Abandonment.

            SECTION 6.01 Termination and Abandonment.

            This Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby may be
terminated and abandoned at any time prior to the Closing Date:


            (a) By mutual consent of both Buyer and Seller;

            (b) By action of Buyer or Seller if the Closing has not been
consummated by October 1, 1997; or

            (c) By Buyer or Seller if any action, suit or proceeding shall have
been instituted by any person, or, to the knowledge of Buyer or Seller shall
have been threatened by any public authority, which seeks to prohibit, restrict
or delay consummation of the sale of the Shares or any of the conditions to
consummation of the sale of the Shares or to limit in any manner the right of
Buyer to control the Company or any material aspect of the business of the
Company after the Closing Date, or to subject Buyer or Seller or their
respective directors or officers to liability on the ground that it or they have
breached any law or regulation or otherwise acted improperly in relation to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, other than an action, suit or
proceeding instituted by a person other than a public authority which, in the
opinion of counsel to Buyer and counsel to Seller, does not have a substantial
likelihood of success.

            SECTION 6.02. Effect of Termination.

            In the event of the termination and abandonment of this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby, this Agreement shall thereafter become
void and have no effect, and no party shall have any liability to any other
party hereto or its stockholders or directors or officers in respect thereof,
except for the obligations of the parties hereto in Section 4.04 hereof.

ARTICLE 7.  Indemnification.

            SECTION 7.01 Definitions.

            As used in this Article 7, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

            (a) "Litigation Expense" shall mean any court filing fee, court
cost, arbitration fee or cost, witness fee and reasonable fees and disbursements
of legal counsel and expert witnesses.

            (b) "Loss" shall mean any loss, obligation, claim liability,
settlement payment, award, judgment, fine, penalty, interest charge, expense,
damage or deficiency or other charge, other than Litigation Expense.

            (c) "Termination Date" shall mean April 1, 1999.

            (d) "Statute of Limitations Date" shall mean, in the case of any
claim described in Section 7.03(b) hereof, 90 days after the expiration of the
statute of limitations for assessing deficiencies with respect to the tax which
is the subject of such claim (as the same may be extended, by or with the
written consent of Seller, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,
from time to time).


            SECTION 7.02 Buyer.

            Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless Seller
and its successors and assigns from, against and in respect of:

            (a) any Loss incurred or required to be paid because of the untruth,
inaccuracy or breach of any representation or warranty of Buyer in this
Agreement or in any certificate delivered by Buyer pursuant hereto;

            (b) any Loss incurred or required to be paid because of the breach
of any covenant or agreement of Buyer in this Agreement; and

            (c) any Litigation Expenses incurred or required to be paid in
connection with any action, suit or proceeding incident to any matter
indemnified against in Section 7.02(a) or Section 7.02(b) hereof.

            SECTION 7.03 Seller.

            Seller hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless Buyer
and its successors and assigns from, against and in respect of:

            (a) any Loss incurred or required to be paid because of the untruth,
inaccuracy or breach of any representation or warranty of Seller in this
Agreement or in any certificate delivered by Seller pursuant hereto, other than
those contained in Section 2.11 hereof;

            (b) any Loss incurred or required to be paid because of the untruth,
inaccuracy or breach of any representation or warranty or covenant of Seller
contained in Section 2.11 hereof;

            (c) any Loss incurred or required to be paid because of the breach
of any covenant or agreement of Seller in this Agreement; and

            (d) any Litigation Expenses incurred or required to be paid in
connection with any action, suit or proceeding incident to any matter
indemnified against in Section 7.03(a), Section 7.03(b) or Section 7.03(c)

            SECTION 7.04 Limitations.

            (a) Seller shall not be entitled to make any claim against Buyer
pursuant hereto for any Loss pursuant to Section 7.02(a) hereof (and any
Litigation Expenses under Section 7.02(c) hereof related to such Loss) unless a
notice of such claim for Loss (which notice shall include the estimated amount
of the claim, the basis of the claim and such estimate and any documentation
relating to such claim) shall have been given to Buyer prior to the Termination


            (b) Buyer shall not be entitled to make any claim against Seller for
any Loss pursuant to Section 7.03(a) or Section 7.03(b) hereof (and any
Litigation Expenses under Section 7.03(d) hereof related to such Loss) unless a
notice of such claim for Loss (which notice shall include the estimated amount
of the claim, the basis of the claim and such estimate and any documentation
relating to such claim) shall have been given to Seller prior to (i) the
Termination Date, in the case of claim pursuant to Section 7.03(a) hereof, or
(ii) the applicable Statute of Limitations Date, in the case of a claim pursuant
to Section 7.03(b) hereof.

            (c) The maximum liability of Seller pursuant to Section 7.03(a) and
Section 7.03(c) hereof with respect to Losses described therein which are
incurred by Buyer shall be an amount equal to $17,500,000 plus the principal
amount of any Additional Note; provided, however, that Seller shall not be
required to indemnify Buyer under this Article 7, and shall have no liability
hereunder, for any such Losses (including Litigation Expenses under Section
7.03(d) hereof related to such Losses) until the aggregate amount thereof
exceeds $100,000, after which all such Losses shall be payable by Seller from
the first dollar. The maximum liability of Buyer pursuant to Section 7.02(a)
hereof with respect to Losses described therein which are incurred by Seller
shall be an amount equal to $17,500,000 plus the principal amount of any
Additional Note; provided, however, that Buyer shall not be required to
indemnify Seller under this Article 7, and shall have no liability hereunder for
any such Losses (including related Litigation Expenses) until the aggregate
amount thereof exceeds $100,000, after which all such Losses shall be payable by
Buyer from the first dollar.

            (d) Subject to the other provision of this Article 7, Seller agrees
that Buyer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to setoff against its
obligation to pay the principal of the Purchase Note and the Additional Note the
full amount of any Loss or Litigation Expense required to be paid by Seller
hereunder; provided, however, that the maximum aggregate amount which Buyer may
so setoff shall be 20% of the aggregate purchase price for the Shares (i.e.,
$17,500,000 plus the principal amount of the Additional Note). If Buyer elects
to exercise its setoff rights hereunder, it will give Seller written notice of
such election which will include the amount to be setoff. Any amount setoff
shall be applied to the scheduled payments of principal of the Note in their
inverse order of maturity.

            SECTION 7.05 Notices.

            As used in this Section 7.05, the term "indemnifying party" shall
mean the person or persons against whom an indemnified party makes a claim for
indemnification hereunder. The obligations and liabilities of each indemnifying
party hereunder with respect to claims resulting from the assertion of liability
by the other party or third parties shall be subject to the following terms and

            (a) The indemnified party shall give prompt written notice to the
indemnifying party of any claim or event known to it which does or may give rise
to a claim by the indemnified party against the indemnifying party based on this
Agreement, stating the nature and basis of said claims or events and the amounts
thereof, to the extent known.


            (b) In the event any claim, action, suit or proceeding is made or
brought by third parties against a party indemnified under this Agreement, with
respect to which an indemnifying party may have liability under this Agreement,
the indemnified party shall give written notice of such claim, action, suit or
proceeding and a copy of the claim, process and all legal pleadings with respect
thereto to the indemnifying party. Such notice shall be a condition precedent to
any liability of the indemnifying party under this Agreement. In case any such
claim, action, suit or proceeding shall be brought against any indemnified party
and it shall notify the indemnifying party of the commencement thereof, the
indemnifying party shall be entitled to participate in, and, to the extent that
it shall wish, to assume the defense thereof, with counsel designated by such
indemnifying party, and after notice from the indemnifying party to such
indemnified party of its election so to assume the defense thereof, the
indemnifying party shall not be liable to such indemnified party for any legal
or other expenses, except as provided below. The indemnified party shall
cooperate with the indemnifying party in the conduct of such proceeding, and the
indemnifying party shall reimburse the indemnified party for any out-of-pocket
expenses incurred by the indemnified party pursuant to actions requested by the
indemnifying party. The indemnified party shall have the right to employ its own
counsel and such counsel may participate in such action, but the fees and
expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such indemnified party, when
and as incurred, unless (i) the employment of counsel by such indemnified party
at the indemnifying party's expense has been authorized by the indemnifying
party or (ii) the named parties include both the indemnified party and the
indemnifying party and the indemnified party shall have been advised by counsel
that there is a conflict of interest between the indemnifying parties and the
indemnified party in the conduct of the defense of such action. The indemnified
party and the indemnifying party, as the case may be, shall be kept fully
informed of such claim, action, suit or proceeding at all stages thereof whether
or not such party shall cooperate with the indemnifying party in the conduct of
such proceedings, and the indemnifying party shall reimburse the indemnified
party for any expenses incurred by the indemnified party pursuant to actions
requested by the indemnifying party. The indemnified party shall not make any
settlement of any claim which could give rise to liability on the part of the
indemnifying party without the prior written consent of the indemnifying party,
which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

ARTICLE 8.  Registration Rights.

            SECTION 8.01. Definitions.

            As used in this Article 8, the following terms shall have the
following respective meanings:

            "Commission" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission or
any other federal agency at the time administering the Securities Act or the
Exchange Act.

            "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, or any successor federal statute, and the rules and regulations of the
Commission thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect at the time.


            "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
or any successor federal statute, and the rules and regulations of the
Commission thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect at the time.

            "Registration Stock" shall mean (i) any Payment Shares delivered by
Buyer in payment of the Purchase Note or the Additional Note, which Payment
Shares, when issued, are restricted securities for purposes of Rule 144 of the
Commission under the Securities Act and (ii) any shares of Common Stock or other
securities issued in respect of any such shares upon any stock split, stock
dividend, recapitalization, merger, consolidation or similar event; provided,
however, that Registration Stock shall not include any such shares disposed of
pursuant to one or more registration statements under the Securities Act or
pursuant to Rule 144 of the Commission under the Securities Act.

            "Additional Registration Stock" shall mean any shares of Common
Stock of the Company other than Common Shares which have rights to be included
in Company registrations under the Securities Act.

            "Registration Expenses" shall mean the expenses so described in
Section 8.03.

            "Selling Expenses" shall mean the expenses so described in Section

            SECTION 8.02. Incidental Registration.

      If Buyer proposes to register any of its equity securities under the
Securities Act on Forms S-1, S-2, S-3, S-18 or any other registration form at
the time in effect on which Registration Stock could be registered for sale by
the holders thereof (other than a registration in connection with an acquisition
of or merger with another entity or the sale of shares to employees of Buyer
pursuant to employee stock options or other employee stock plans), Buyer shall
on each such occasion give written notice to all record holders of any
outstanding shares of Registration Stock of its intention so to do and, upon the
written request of any such holder of any Registration Stock, given within 30
days after receipt of any such notice (which request shall state the intended
method of disposition of Registration Stock by the prospective seller), Buyer
will use its diligent, good faith efforts to cause the Registration Stock, as to
which the holders shall have so requested registration, to be registered under
the Securities Act and under the same registration statement proposed to be
filed by Buyer, all to the extent requisite to permit the sale or other
disposition (in accordance with the written request of the holders, as
aforesaid) by the prospective seller or sellers of the Registration Stock so
registered; provided, however, that if the offering to which the proposed
registration statement relates is to be distributed by or through an
underwriter, each seller shall agree either to sell his Registration Stock
through such underwriter on the same terms and conditions as the underwriter
agrees to sell securities of Buyer; and, provided, further, that if a greater
number of shares of Registration Stock and Additional Registration Stock is
offered for participation in the proposed underwriting than in the opinion of
the managing underwriter proposing to underwrite securities of Buyer to be sold
can be accommodated without adversely affecting the proposed underwriting, Buyer
may elect to reduce pro-rata (based upon the amount of shares owned) the amount
of all securities (including shares of Registration Stock) proposed to be
offered in the


underwriting for the accounts of all persons other than Buyer to a number deemed
satisfactory by the managing underwriter.

            SECTION 8.03. Registration Procedures and Expenses.

            (a) If and whenever Buyer is required pursuant to the provisions of
Section 8.02 hereof to use its diligent, good faith efforts to effect the
registration of any Registration Stock under the Securities Act, Buyer will, as
expeditiously as possible:

            (i) prepare and file with the Commission a registration statement
      with respect to such securities and use its diligent, good faith efforts
      to cause such registration statement to become and remain effective for
      the period specified in clause (ii) below;

            (ii) prepare and file with the Commission such amendments and
      supplements to such registration statement and the prospectus used in
      connection therewith as may be necessary to keep such registration
      statement effective, and to comply with the provisions of the Securities
      Act, for a period of not less than 90 days (or such lesser period in which
      all of the stock covered by such registration statement is in fact sold);

            (iii) furnish to each selling stockholder and underwriter such
      number of copies of a prospectus and preliminary prospectuses in
      conformity with the requirements of the Securities Act as may be
      reasonably requested, and such other documents as any underwriter for any
      such seller may reasonably request;

            (iv) use its diligent, good faith efforts to register or qualify the
      Registration Stock covered by such registration statement under such other
      securities or blue sky laws of such jurisdictions as each such seller
      shall reasonably request (provided, however, that the Company shall not be
      required to consent to the general service of process for all purposes in
      any jurisdiction where it is not then qualified), and do any and all other
      acts and things which may be necessary or desirable to enable such seller
      to consummate the public sale or other disposition of such Registration
      Stock in such jurisdiction; and

            (v) notify, on a timely basis, each seller of Registration Stock
      covered by such registration statement, at any time when a prospectus
      relating to the Registration Stock covered by such registration statement
      is required to be delivered under the Securities Act within the
      appropriate period mentioned in clause (a)(ii) of this Section 8.03 of the
      happening of any event as a result of which the prospectus included in
      such registration statement, as then in effect, includes an untrue
      statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to
      be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
      misleading in the light of the circumstances then existing and, at the
      request of such seller, prepare and furnish to such seller a reasonable
      number of copies of a supplement to or an amendment of such prospectus as
      may be necessary so that, as thereafter delivered to the purchasers of
      such shares, such prospectus shall not include an untrue statement of a
      material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated
      therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading in the
      light of the circumstances then existing.


            (b) Buyer will pay all Registration Expenses in connection with each
registration pursuant to Section 8.02 hereof. All Selling Expenses in connection
with each registration pursuant to Section 8.02 hereof shall be borne by the
seller or sellers pro-rata in proportion to the securities covered thereby being
sold or in such other proportion as they may agree. All expenses incurred by the
Company in complying with Section 8.02 hereof, including, without limitation,
all registration and filing fees (including all expenses incident to filing with
the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.), printing expenses,
reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel for the Company, securities law and
blue sky fees and expenses and the expenses of any regular and special audits
incident to or required by any such registration are herein called Registration
Expenses, except that all underwriting discounts, selling commissions applicable
to the sales, any state or federal transfer taxes payable with respect to the
sales and all fees and disbursements of counsel for the selling shareholders are
herein called Selling Expenses.

            SECTION 8.04. Indemnification.

            (a) In the event of any registration under the Securities Act of any
Registration Stock pursuant to Section 8.02 hereof, Buyer will indemnify and
hold harmless each seller of such Registration Stock, and each other person, if
any, who controls such seller within the meaning of the Securities Act or the
Exchange Act from and against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities, joint
or several, to which any such person may become subject under the Securities
Act, the Exchange Act, state securities and blue sky laws, or otherwise, insofar
as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof)
arise out of or are based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement
of any material fact contained in any registration statement under which such
Registration Stock was registered under the Securities Act, any preliminary
prospectus or final prospectus contained therein, any amendment or supplement
thereto, or any document filed in connection therewith, or arise out of or are
based upon the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact
required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements made therein,
in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading; and
will reimburse such person for any legal and other expenses reasonably incurred
by such person, in connection with investigating or defending any such loss,
claim, damage, liability or action; provided, however, that Buyer will not be
liable in any such case to any such person to the extent that any such loss,
claim, damage or liability arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or
alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in such
registration statement, said preliminary prospectus or said final prospectus or
said amendment or supplement or any document incident thereto in reliance upon
and in conformity with written information furnished to Buyer by or on behalf of
such person specifically for use in the preparation thereof.

            (b) In the event of any registration of any of the Registration
Stock under the Securities Act pursuant to Section 2 or 3 hereof, each seller of
Registration Stock, severally and not jointly, will indemnify and hold harmless
Buyer and each person, if any, who controls Buyer within the meaning of the
Securities Act or the Exchange Act, each officer of Buyer who signs the
registration statement and each director of Buyer from and against any and all
losses, claims, damages or liabilities, joint or several, to which any such
person may become subject under the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, state
securities and blue sky laws, or otherwise, insofar as such losses, claims,
damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based
upon any untrue or alleged untrue statement of


any material fact contained in any such registration statement, preliminary or
final prospectus, amendment or supplement thereto or any document filed in
connection therewith, or arise out of or are based upon the omission or alleged
omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances
under which they are made, not misleading, if the statement or omission in
respect of which such loss, claim, damage or liability is asserted was made in
reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished in writing to Buyer
by or on behalf of such seller specifically for use in connection with the
preparation of such registration statement or prospectus or such amendment or
supplement thereof; provided, however, that the liability of any seller of
Registration Stock to so indemnify shall be limited to an amount equal to the
amount received by such seller upon the sale of such Registration Stock pursuant
to such registration statement.

            (c) Any party which proposes to assert the right to be indemnified
under this Section 8.04 will, promptly after receipt of notice of commencement
of any action, suit or proceeding against such party in respect of which a claim
is to be made against an indemnified party under this Section 8.04, notify each
such indemnifying party of the commencement of such action, suit or proceeding,
enclosing a copy of all papers served, but the omission so to notify such
indemnifying party of any such action, suit or proceeding shall not relieve the
indemnifying party from any liability which it has to any indemnified party
under this Section 6 or otherwise to the extent the indemnifying party is not
prejudiced thereby. In case any such action, suit or proceeding shall be brought
against any indemnified party, it shall notify the indemnifying party of the
commencement thereof, and the indemnifying party shall be entitled to
participate in, and, to the extent that it shall wish, jointly with any other
indemnifying party similarly notified, to assume the defense thereof, with
counsel reasonably satisfactory to such indemnified party, and after notice from
the indemnifying party to such indemnified party of its election so to assume
the defense thereof, the indemnifying party shall not be liable to such
indemnified party for any further legal or other expenses, other than reasonable
costs of investigation subsequently incurred by such indemnified party in
connection with the defense thereof. If the indemnifying party so elects to
assume such defense, the indemnified party shall have the right to employ its
own counsel in any such action, but the subsequent fees and expenses of such
counsel shall be at the expense of such indemnified party, when and as incurred,
unless (i) the employment of counsel by such indemnified party has been
authorized by the indemnifying parties, (ii) there is a conflict of interest
between the indemnifying parties and the indemnified party in the conduct of the
defense of such action (in which case the indemnifying parties shall not have
the right to assume or direct the defense of such action on behalf of the
indemnified party) or (iii) the indemnifying parties shall not in fact have
employed counsel to assume the defense of such action. An indemnifying party
shall not be liable for any settlement of any action without its consent, which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

            (d) If the indemnification provided for in subsection (a) or (b) of
this Section 8.04 is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unavailable
to an indemnified party, then each indemnifying party under any such subsection,
in lieu of indemnifying such indemnified party thereunder, hereby agrees to
contribute to the amount paid or payable by such indemnified party in such
proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the indemnifying
party on the one hand and of the indemnified party on the other. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the amount any seller of


Registration Stock shall be obligated to contribute pursuant to this subsection
(d) shall be limited to the amount received by such seller upon the sale of
Registration Stock pursuant to the registration statement.

ARTICLE 9.  Miscellaneous.

            SECTION 9.01. Beneficiaries.

            Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to confer on any
party, other than Seller or Buyer, any benefit under this Agreement or any right
to enforce this Agreement.

            SECTION 9.02. Amendments; Waivers; Etc.

            This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented by written
agreement approved by both Seller and Buyer at any time with respect to any of
the terms contained herein. Prior to the Closing, the parties hereby may (i)
extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations or other acts of
the parties hereto, (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and
warranties contained herein or in any document delivered hereunder, and (iii)
waive compliance with any of the agreements or conditions contained herein.

            SECTION 9.03. Notices.

            Any notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder
shall be sufficiently given if delivered by hand or by overnight courier or by
confirmed facsimile transmission or mailed by registered or certified mail,
postage prepaid, to the party to whom it is to be given at the address of such
party set forth below:

            If to Buyer:

                 Norland Medical Systems, Inc.
                 106 Corporate Park Drive
                 Suite 106
                 White Plains, New York  10604
                 Attention:  Kurt W. Streams
                 Fax No.:  (914) 694-2286


            With copies to:

                 Special Committee of the
                   Board of Director of Norland
                 Medical Systems, Inc.
                 c/o Mr. James J. Baker
                 26 Elmwood Avenue
                 Cambridge, Massachusetts  02138
                 Fax No.: (617) 868-5180

                 Hertzog, Calamari & Gleason
                 100 Park Avenue
                 New York, New York  10017
                 Attention:  John D. Vaughan, Esq.
                 Fax No.:  (212) 213-1199

                 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                 101 Park Avenue
                 New York, New York  10178
                 Attention:  Kevin J. Curley, Esq.
                 Fax No.:  (212) 309-6273

            If to Seller:

                 Norland Medical Systems B.V.
                 Admiraliteitskade 50
                 3063 ED Rotterdam
                 P. O. Box 4433
                 3006 AK Rotterdam
                 The Netherlands
                 Fax No.: 31-10-4529755

            With copies to:

                 Reynald G. Bonmati
                 Premium Point
                 New Rochelle, New York  10801
                 Fax No.:  (914) 636-3549

                 Quarles & Brady
                 411 East Wisconsin Avenue
                 Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53202
                 Attention:  Walter J. Skipper
                 Fax No.: (414) 271-3522


                 Barents & Krans
                 Parkstraat 107
                 P. O. Box 30457
                 2500 GL The Hague
                 The Netherlands
                 Attention:  Philip van Wijngaarden
                 Fax No.:  011-31-70-365-1856

or at such other address as the party shall have furnished in writing in
accordance with the provisions of this Section 9.03.

            SECTION 9.04. Brokers.

            Seller represents and warrants that no broker or finder is entitled
to any brokerage or finder's fee or other commission based on agreements,
arrangements or undertakings made by the Company or Seller in connection with
the transactions contemplated hereby. Buyer represents and warrants that no
broker or finder is entitled to any brokerage or finder's fee or other
commission based on agreements, arrangements or undertakings made by Buyer in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

            SECTION 9.05. Counterparts.

            This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute
one and the same instrument.

            SECTION 9.06. Headings.

            The headings herein are for convenience of reference only, do not
constitute a part of this Agreement, and shall not be deemed to limit or affect
any of the provisions hereof.

            SECTION 9.07. Expenses.

            All costs and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party incurring
such expenses; provided, however, that Buyer shall pay any sales or transfer
taxes arising as a result of the purchase and sale of the Shares hereunder.

            SECTION 9.08. Survival of Representations and Warranties.

            All representations and warranties of Buyer and Seller in this
Agreement or in any schedule or certificate delivered pursuant to this Agreement
shall survive the execution and delivery hereof and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby until the Termination Date (or, in the case of
Section 2.11 hereof, the Statute of Limitations Date) and thereafter shall have
no force or effect. All covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement
shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Closing Date
until the obligations created thereunder have been performed or waived.


            SECTION 9.09. Severability.

            Should any part of this Agreement for any reason be declared
invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion,
which remaining portion shall remain in full force and effect as if this
Agreement had been executed with the invalid portion thereof eliminated and it
is hereby declared the intention of the parties hereto that they would have
executed the remaining portion of this Agreement without including therein any
such part or parts which may, for any reason, be hereafter declared invalid.

            SECTION 9.10. Miscellaneous.

            This Agreement (a) constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes
all prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral, among the
parties, with respect to the subject matter hereof; (b) is not intended to
confer upon any other person any rights or remedies hereunder; (c) shall not be
assigned, by operation of law or otherwise without the prior written consent of
the other party hereto; and (d) shall be governed in all respects, including
validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the State of New York
(without regard to principles of conflicts of law).


            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to
be duly executed as of the date first above written.

                                       NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V.

                                       By: /s/ Reynald G. Bonmati
                                       Title:  Managing Director

                                       NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Kurt W. Streams
                                       Title:  Vice President, Finance


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                    SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 OR THE SECURITIES
                     LAWS OF ANY STATE. THIS NOTE MAY NOT BE
                                 OR STATE LAWS.

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

$16,250,000                                               White Plains, New York

                                                          ________________, 1997

      NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), for
value received, promises to pay to NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V., a Netherlands
corporation (the "Payee") the principal sum of Sixteen Million Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($16,250,000), on ____________, 2002 (the "Maturity Date"),
except as otherwise provided herein, together with interest on the outstanding
principal amount of this Note at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum,
except as otherwise provided herein. Interest shall be payable quarterly on the
last business day of each March, June, September and December, commencing June
30, 1997. If the entire principal amount of this Note is not paid in full on or
before the Maturity Date, the Company may elect to extend the Maturity Date for
an additional period of two years (the "Extension Period"). If the Company so
elects to extend the Maturity Date, then effective on _____________, 2002 and on
the first day of each succeeding six month period during the Extension Period,
the interest rate on this Note shall be increased by one percentage point.

      This Note is the Purchase Note issued by the Company pursuant to a Stock
Purchase Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 between the Company and the
Payee (the "Purchase Agreement"). This Note is secured by a Pledge Agreement
dated as of the date hereof between the Company and the Payee (the "Pledge


      1. Payments and Prepayments.

      1.1 Payments and prepayments of principal and interest on this Note shall
be made to Payee at _____________, or such other place or places within the
United States as may be specified by the holder of this Note in a written notice
to the Company at least 10 business days before a given payment date.

      1.2 Payments and prepayments of principal and interest on this Note shall
be made in lawful money of the United States of America; provided, however, that
except for the mandatory prepayment referred to in the first sentence of Section
1.4 below, the Company shall have the right to make any payment or prepayment of
principal on this Note by delivering to the holder of this Note shares of the
Common Stock, par value $.0005 per share, of the Company registered in such
holder's name (the "Payment Shares"). Payment Shares shall, for such purpose, be
valued at the average of the closing prices for a share of the Company's Common
Stock on each of the five trading days preceding such payment or prepayment.

      1.3 If any payment on this Note becomes due and payable on a Saturday,
Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in New York City are authorized or
required by law to close, the maturity thereof shall be extended to the next
succeeding business day, and, with respect to payments of principal, interest
thereon shall be payable during such extension at the then applicable rate.

      1.4 The Company shall be obligated to make a principal payment of
$1,250,000 on or before _________________[six months from Closing Date]. The
Company shall have the right at any time and from time to time to prepay this
Note in whole or in part, together with interest on the amount prepaid to the
date of prepayment, without penalty or premium. Upon payment of part of the
principal amount of this Note, the Company may require the holder to present
this Note for notation of such payment and, if this Note is paid in full,
require the holder to surrender this Note.

      1.5 Upon payment in full of all outstanding principal and interest due
under this Note, the Company's obligations in respect of payment of this Note
shall terminate and the holder shall return it to the Company.

      2. Setoff Rights. Payee, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants
and agrees, and each holder of this Note by its acceptance of this Note likewise
covenants and agrees, that the payment of the principal of this Note is
expressly subject to the setoff rights of the Company to the extent and in the
manner provided in the Purchase Agreement.

      3. Events of Default. In the event that:

      (a) the Company defaults for more than five business days in making any
payment required to be made on this Note;

      (b) an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing under the
Additional Note (as defined in the Purchase Agreement);

      (c) a Default shall have occurred and be continuing under the Pledge
Agreement; or


      (d) the Company hereafter makes an assignment for the benefit of
creditors, or files a petition in bankruptcy as to itself, is adjudicated
insolvent or bankrupt, petitions or applies to any tribunal for the appointment
of any receiver of or any trustee for the Company or any substantial part of its
property under any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, readjustment of
debt, dissolution or liquidation law or statute of any jurisdiction, whether now
or hereafter in effect; or if there is hereafter commenced against the Company
any such proceeding and an order approving the petition is entered or such
proceeding remains undismissed for a period of 60 days, or the Company or its
general partner by any act or omission to act indicates its consent to or
approval of or acquiescence in any such proceeding or the appointment of any
receiver of, or trustee for, the Company or any substantial part of its
property, or suffers any such receivership or trusteeship to continue
undischarged for a period of 60 days;

then, and in any such event, and at any time thereafter, if such event shall
then be continuing, the holder of this Note may, by written notice to the
Company, declare the Note due and payable, whereupon the same shall be due and
payable without presentment, demand, protest or other notice of any kind, all of
which are hereby expressly waived.

      4. Investment Representation.

      4.1 The Payee hereby acknowledges that the Note is not being registered
(i) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"), on the ground that
the issuance of the Note is exempt from registration under Section 4(2) of the
Act as not involving any public offering or (ii) under any applicable state
securities law because the issuance of the Note does not involve any public
offering; and that the Company's reliance on the Section 4(2) exemption of the
Act and under applicable state securities laws is predicated in part on the
representations hereby made to the Company by the Payee that it is acquiring the
Note for investment for its own account, with no present intention of dividing
its participation with others or reselling or otherwise distributing the same,
subject, nevertheless, to any requirement of law that the disposition of its
property shall at all times be within its control.

      4.2 The Payee hereby agrees that it will not sell or transfer all or any
part of this Note unless and until it shall first have given notice to the
Company describing such sale or transfer and furnished to the Company an
opinion, reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the Company, of counsel skilled
in securities matters (selected by the holder and reasonably satisfactory to the
Company) to the effect that the proposed sale or transfer may be made without
registration under the Act and without registration or qualification under any

      4.3 The Company may refuse to recognize a transfer of this Note on its
books should a holder attempt to transfer this Note otherwise than in compliance
with this Section 4.

      5. Miscellaneous.

      5.1 Upon receipt of evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Company of the
loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of this Note and of a letter of indemnity
reasonably satisfactory to the Company, and upon reimbursement to the Company of
all reasonable expenses incident thereto, and upon surrender or cancellation of
the Note, if mutilated, the Company will make and deliver a new Note of like
tenor in lieu of such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated Note.


      5.2 This Note and the rights and obligations of the Company and each
holder hereunder shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the
laws of the State of New York.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has executed this Note as of the day and
year first above written.

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.



                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                    SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 OR THE SECURITIES
                     LAWS OF ANY STATE. THIS NOTE MAY NOT BE
                                 OR STATE LAWS.

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

   White Plains, New York

                                                                   April 1, 1998

      NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), for
value received, promises to pay to NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V., a Netherlands
corporation (the "Payee") the principal sum of _______________ ($____________ ),
on ________________, 2002 (the "Maturity Date"), except as otherwise provided
herein, together with interest on the outstanding principal amount of this Note
at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum, except as otherwise provided
herein. Interest shall be payable quarterly on the last business day of each
March, June, September and December, commencing June 30, 1998. If the entire
principal amount of this Note is not paid in full on or before the Maturity
Date, the Company may elect to extend the Maturity Date for an additional period
of two years (the "Extension Period"). If the Company so elects to extend the
Maturity Date, then effective on _____________, 2002 and on the first day of
each succeeding six month period during the Extension Period, the interest rate
on this Note shall be increased by one percentage point.

      This Note is the Additional Note issued by the Company pursuant to a Stock
Purchase Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 between the Company and the
Payee (the "Purchase Agreement"). This Note is secured by a Pledge Agreement
dated as of _________, 1997 between the Company and the Payee (the "Pledge


      1. Payments and Prepayments.

      1.1 Payments and prepayments of principal and interest on this Note shall
be made to Payee at __________________, or such other place or places within the
United States as may be specified by the holder of this Note in a written notice
to the Company at least 10 business days before a given payment date.

      1.2 Payments and prepayments of principal and interest on this Note shall
be made in lawful money of the United States of America; provided, however, that
the Company shall have the right to make any payment or prepayment of principal
on this Note by delivering to the holder of this Note shares of the Common
Stock, par value $.0005 per share, of the Company registered in such holder's
name (the "Payment Shares"). Payment Shares shall, for such purpose, be valued
at the average of the closing prices for a share of the Company's Common Stock
on each of the five trading days preceding such payment or prepayment.

      1.3 If any payment on this Note becomes due and payable on a Saturday,
Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in New York City are authorized or
required by law to close, the maturity thereof shall be extended to the next
succeeding business day, and, with respect to payments of principal, interest
thereon shall be payable during such extension at the then applicable rate.

      1.4 The Company shall have the right at any time and from time to time to
prepay this Note in whole or in part, together with interest on the amount
prepaid to the date of prepayment, without penalty or premium. Upon payment of
part of the principal amount of this Note, the Company may require the holder to
present this Note for notation of such payment and, if this Note is paid in
full, require the holder to surrender this Note.

      1.5 Upon payment in full of all outstanding principal and interest due
under this Note, the Company's obligations in respect of payment of this Note
shall terminate and the holder shall return it to the Company.

      2. Setoff Rights. Payee, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants
and agrees, and each holder of this Note by its acceptance of this Note likewise
covenants and agrees, that the payment of the principal of this Note is
expressly subject to the setoff rights of the Company to the extent and in the
manner provided in the Purchase Agreement.

      3. Events of Default. In the event that:

      (a) the Company defaults for more than five business days in making any
payment required to be made on this Note;

      (b) an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing under the
Purchase Note (as defined in the Purchase Agreement);

      (c) a Default shall have occurred and be continuing under the Pledge
Agreement; or

      (d) the Company hereafter makes an assignment for the benefit of
creditors, or files a


            petition in bankruptcy as to itself, is adjudicated insolvent or
            bankrupt, petitions or applies to any tribunal for the appointment
            of any receiver of or any trustee for the Company or any substantial
            part of its property under any bankruptcy, reorganization,
            arrangement, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law or
            statute of any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect; or
            if there is hereafter commenced against the Company any such
            proceeding and an order approving the petition is entered or such
            proceeding remains undismissed for a period of 60 days, or the
            Company or its general partner by any act or omission to act
            indicates its consent to or approval of or acquiescence in any such
            proceeding or the appointment of any receiver of, or trustee for,
            the Company or any substantial part of its property, or suffers any
            such receivership or trusteeship to continue undischarged for a
            period of 60 days;

then, and in any such event, and at any time thereafter, if such event shall
then be continuing, the holder of this Note may, by written notice to the
Company, declare the Note due and payable, whereupon the same shall be due and
payable without presentment, demand, protest or other notice of any kind, all of
which are hereby expressly waived.

      4. Investment Representation.

      4.1 The Payee hereby acknowledges that the Note is not being registered
(i) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"), on the ground that
the issuance of the Note is exempt from registration under Section 4(2) of the
Act as not involving any public offering or (ii) under any applicable state
securities law because the issuance of the Note does not involve any public
offering; and that the Company's reliance on the Section 4(2) exemption of the
Act and under applicable state securities laws is predicated in part on the
representations hereby made to the Company by the Payee that it is acquiring the
Note for investment for its own account, with no present intention of dividing
its participation with others or reselling or otherwise distributing the same,
subject, nevertheless, to any requirement of law that the disposition of its
property shall at all times be within its control.

      4.2 The Payee hereby agrees that it will not sell or transfer all or any
part of this Note unless and until it shall first have given notice to the
Company describing such sale or transfer and furnished to the Company an
opinion, reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the Company, of counsel skilled
in securities matters (selected by the holder and reasonably satisfactory to the
Company) to the effect that the proposed sale or transfer may be made without
registration under the Act and without registration or qualification under any

      4.3 The Company may refuse to recognize a transfer of this Note on its
books should a holder attempt to transfer this Note otherwise than in compliance
with this Section 4.

      5. Miscellaneous.

      5.1 Upon receipt of evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Company of the
loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of this Note and of a letter of indemnity
reasonably satisfactory to the Company, and upon reimbursement to the Company of
all reasonable expenses incident thereto, and upon surrender or cancellation of
the Note, if mutilated, the Company will make and deliver a new Note of like
tenor in lieu of such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated Note.


      5.2 This Note and the rights and obligations of the Company and each
holder hereunder shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the
laws of the State of New York.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has executed this Note as of the day 
and year first above written.

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.



                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                                PLEDGE AGREEMENT

      THIS PLEDGE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made, entered into and
effective as of ____________, 1997, by and between NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS,
INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Pledgor"), whose address is 106 Corporate
Park Drive, Suite 106, White Plains, NY 10604, and NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V.,
a Netherlands corporation (the "Pledgee"), whose address is c/o Reynald G.
Bonmati, Premium Point, New Rochelle, NY 10801.

                                R E C I T A L S:

      WHEREAS, the Pledgor and the Pledgee are parties to that certain Stock
Purchase Agreement dated as of February 26, 1997 (the "Purchase Agreement"),
pursuant to which the Pledgor has purchased from the Pledgee 8,457 shares of the
Common Stock, $1.00 par value (the "Shares"), of Norland Corporation, a
Wisconsin corporation ("Norland Corp.");

      WHEREAS, as part of the purchase price for the Shares, the Pledgor (a) has
issued to the Pledgee its promissory note in the principal amount of $16,250,000
(the "Purchase Note") and (b) may become obligated to issue an additional
promissory note to the Pledgee in a principal amount up to $2,500,000 (the
"Additional Note", and together with the Purchase Note, the "Notes");

      WHEREAS, in order to provide security for the repayment of the Notes, and
as an inducement to Pledgee to enter into the Purchase Agreement, Pledgor has
agreed to pledge the Shares.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the mutual agreements
contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties represent, warrant,
undertake, covenant and agree as follows:

      1. Pledge of Shares/Grant of Security Interest.

            (a) Nature of Pledge. As security for the due and punctual payment
      of the Notes, the Pledgor hereby pledges, hypothecates, assigns,
      transfers, sets over and delivers to the Pledgee, and grants to the
      Pledgee a first priority security interest in, the Shares. Such security
      interest shall include all cash, securities and other property at any time
      and from time to time received, receivable or otherwise distributed in
      respect of or in exchange for all or any part of the Shares.


            (b) Delivery of Shares. The Pledgor hereby delivers to the Pledgee a
      certificate representing the Shares (the "Certificate") and a stock power
      with respect to the Shares, duly endorsed in blank. However, the Shares
      shall be registered on the books of the Corporation in the name of the
      Pledgor unless and until the Pledgor is subject to a Default as defined
      under Section 6 of this Agreement. Pledgor represents that it is the sole
      owner of the Shares, free of any liens, charges, pledges, security
      interests or other encumbrances of any kind, except for the lien created
      by this Agreement (except as provided in Section 180.0662(2)(b) of the
      Wisconsin Business Corporation Law).

      2. Term of Pledge. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,
equitable title to the Shares shall remain vested in the Pledgor. The Pledgee
shall hold the Shares only as security for the repayment of the Notes. The
Pledgee shall not encumber or dispose of the Shares except in accordance with
the provisions of this Agreement. The Shares shall remain pledged to the Pledgee
until all sums due under the Notes have been paid in full or until such time as
otherwise provided in this Agreement.

      3. Dividends. Upon a Default, any cash or property distributions or
dividends from Norland Corp. attributable to the Shares will be paid to the
Pledgee. The Pledgee shall apply any and all of such distributions or dividends
it receives to repayment of the Notes until such time as the Pledgor has paid
the Notes in full. The Pledgor shall reimburse the Pledgee for all of its costs
and expenses incurred as a result of enforcing any of the Pledgee's rights
hereunder, including any attorneys fees (including paralegal fees), court costs
and other costs and expenses arising out of any litigation or proceeding
(including any appeal thereof) involving the Pledgee's right to receive any
distributions or dividends attributable to the Shares or the disposition of
funds or property so received.

      4. Return of Pledged Shares. The Pledgor shall be entitled to a release
and return of the Shares upon payment in full of the Notes. Upon payment in
full, the Pledgee shall reconvey the Certificate to the Pledgor and deliver the
stock power to the Pledgor.

      5. Covenants. The Pledgor covenants and agrees that until the Notes are
paid in full, without the written consent of the Pledgee:

            (a) Norland Corp. will not incur any indebtedness (including
      guaranties) for borrowed money; provided, however, that this restriction
      not apply to (i) loans to Norland Corp. under that certain Product
      Development Loan Agreement dated as of June 1, 1995 by and among Norland
      Corp., Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH and the Pledgor, as the same may be
      amended (the "Product Development Loan Agreement"); or (ii) other such
      indebtedness not to exceed an aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000.

            (b) Norland Corp. will not create, incur, assume or suffer to exist
      any mortgage, pledge, lien, security interest or other charge or
      encumbrance ("Liens") upon or with respect to any of its property or
      assets other than (i) Liens existing on the date hereof; (ii) liens
      relating to indebtedness permitted under Section 5(a) above; and (iii)
      Liens arising in the ordinary


      course of business (not exceeding an aggregate of $100,000 at any one

            (c) Norland Corp. will not liquidate, dissolve or wind up its

            (d) Norland Corp. will not merge or consolidate with any corporation
      or other entity (except that Norland Corp. may merge into the Pledgor,
      provided that the Pledgee receives equivalent replacement collateral, as
      determined by Pledgee in the reasonable exercise of its discretion).

            (e) Norland Corp. will not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of
      (i) all or substantially all of its assets or (ii) any intellectual
      property (including patents and trademarks held on the date hereof)
      material to its business.

            (f) Norland Corp. will at all times remain a wholly-owned subsidiary
      of the Pledgor.

            (g) Norland Corp. shall take such actions as shall be reasonably
      necessary to protect and maintain its material assets, including
      intellectual property material to its business.

      6. Default. During the continuance of any of the following events or
conditions (a "Default"), the Pledgor shall be in default under this Agreement,
and the Pledgee may exercise any one or more of its remedies under this
Agreement and/or at law or in equity. The Defaults are as follows:

            (a) the breach in any material respect of any covenant, warranty or
      representation contained in this Agreement which is not cured within
      thirty (30) days following notice thereof; or

            (b) any Event of Default (as defined in the Notes).

      7. Capital Adjustments. If during the term of this Agreement, Norland
Corp. effects or is subject to any stock dividend, reclassification,
recapitalization, readjustment or other change in its capital structure, all
new, substituted and additional shares, or other securities issued by reason of
any such stock dividend, reclassification, reorganization, recapitalization,
readjustment or other change shall be delivered to and held by the Pledgee under
the terms of this Agreement, in the same manner as the Shares originally pledged

      8. Remedies Upon Default. During the continuance of a Default, subject to
the aforementioned curative period, and in addition to the rights described in
Section 3 hereof, the Pledgee shall have, and may exercise any one or more of,
the following rights:

            (a) The Pledgee shall have the right to vote the Shares on all
      corporate matters and to sign written consents in lieu of meeting as owner
      of the Shares until such time as the default is cured and the Indebtedness
      is paid in full;

            (b) The Pledgee may take absolute title to the Shares by completing
      the stock power with respect to the Shares and after such


      transfer the Pledgee shall be the sole owner of the Shares and all rights
      of the Pledgor in the Shares shall terminate effective immediately upon
      notice to the Pledgor;

            (c) The Pledgee may exercise any and all rights at the collection,
      conversion or exchange of the Shares, and any and all other rights,
      privileges, options or powers of the Pledgor pertaining or relating to the
      Shares. The Pledgor hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints the
      Pledgee his proxy and attorney-in-fact with full power of substitution to
      exercise any and all rights, privileges, options or powers of the Pledgor
      pertaining or relating to the Shares. Nevertheless, the Pledgee shall not
      have any duty to exercise any or all of such rights, privileges, options
      or powers nor shall it be required to sell or to otherwise realize upon
      any of the Shares, as hereinafter authorized, or to preserve the Shares,
      and the Pledgee shall not be responsible or liable to the Pledgor for any
      failure to do so or for any delay in so doing; or

            (d) The Pledgee may, upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to
      the Pledgor, sell, assign and deliver all or any part of the Shares at any
      private sale or at public auction, with or without demand or advertisement
      of the time or place of sale or adjournment thereof or otherwise, for
      cash, for credit or for other property or consideration, for immediate or
      future delivery, after such price or prices and under such terms as the
      Pledgee in its sole discretion may determine. For the purposes hereof, (i)
      a private sale shall mean a sale after solicitation of such number of
      persons which, in the sole opinion of the Pledgee, shall not require
      registration of the Shares so offered for sale pursuant to the Securities
      Act of 1933, as amended, or any applicable state securities laws, and (ii)
      any agreement to sell all or any part of the Shares shall be treated as a
      sale thereof, and the Pledgee shall be free to carry out such sale
      pursuant to such agreement, and the Pledgor shall not be entitled to the
      return of any of the Shares subject to such agreement, notwithstanding
      that after the Pledgee shall have entered into such agreement, all
      Defaults may have been cured or remedied and the Notes shall have been
      paid in full.

      9. Application of Proceeds. The Pledgee shall apply the proceeds of any
sale of all or any part of the Shares and any dividends or other distributions
that it directs to itself pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 of this
Agreement, together with any other funds held by the Pledgee under the
provisions of this Agreement, after deducting all costs and expenses of
collection, sale and delivery (including, without limitation, reasonable
attorneys' fees, paralegal fees and expenses, for all proceedings, trials and
appeals and all costs and expenses incurred by the Pledgee in connection
therewith) incurred by the Pledgee, to the payment of all amounts due and
payable on the Notes.


Upon payment in full of all such amounts, the Pledgee shall pay the balance of
any such proceeds to the Pledgor.

      10. Right to Bid or Purchase. At any sale made pursuant to Section 8(d) of
this Agreement, the Pledgee may bid for or purchase, free from any right of
redemption on the part of the Pledgor (all said rights being also hereby waived
and released), all or any portion of the Shares offered for sale and may make
payment on account thereof by using any of the indebtedness under the Notes as a
credit against the purchase price, and the Pledgee may, upon compliance with the
terms of sale, hold, retain and dispose of such Shares without further
accountability therefor.

      11. Miscellaneous.

            (a) Notices. All notices or other communications required or
      permitted hereunder shall be sufficiently given if delivered by hand or by
      overnight courier or by confirmed facsimile transmission or mailed by
      registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at
      their respective addresses first set forth above or at such other address
      as a party shall have furnished in writing in accordance with the
      provisions of this Section 11.

            (b) Governing Law. The validity, construction, interpretation and
      enforceability of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
      State of New York (without regard to principles of conflicts of laws).

            (c) Counterparts and Originals. The parties may execute this
      Agreement in counterparts. Each executed counterpart shall be deemed an
      original, and all of them, together, shall constitute the same agreement.

            (d) Headings, Captions and Pronouns. The Section headings, captions
      or abbreviations are included solely for convenient reference and shall
      not control the meanings or interpretation of any of the provisions of
      this Agreement. As used herein, words in the singular include the plural
      and the words in the masculine include the feminine and neuter gender, and
      vice versa whenever the context so requires.

            (e) Waiver. No waiver of any breach or default under this Agreement
      shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default.

            (f) Further Assurances. The Pledgor shall execute and deliver to the
      Pledgee such further instruments, contracts, forms and other documents and
      shall perform such further acts as may be necessary or desirable to carry
      out, complete and perform all terms, covenants and obligations of the
      Pledgor pursuant to this Agreement.


            (g) Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals set forth at the
      beginning of this Agreement are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by
      this reference and this Agreement shall be interpreted with reference to
      such recitals.

            (h) Severability. This Agreement shall not be severable in any way,
      but if any provision shall be held to be invalid, the invalidity shall not
      affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement and the remainder
      of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the
day and year first above written.

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V.



                                                                       EXHIBIT D

Certain portions of this exhibit have been omitted based upon a request for
confidential treatment.

Such omitted portions have been separately filed with the Commission.


            AMENDED DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") dated as of
________, 1997, by and among STRATEC MEDIZINTECHNIK GmbH, a German corporation
having its principal place of business at Durlacherstrasse 35, D-75172
Pforzheim, Germany ("Stratec"); NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware
corporation having its principal place of business at 106 Corporate Park Drive,
Suite 106, White Plains, New York 10604, U.S.A. (the "Distributor"); and NORLAND
CORPORATION, a Wisconsin corporation having its principal place of business at
W6340 Hackbarth Road, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538-8999, U.S.A. ("Norland

            WHEREAS, each of Stratec and Norland Corp. is engaged in the
business of developing and manufacturing medical diagnostic devices ("Devices"),
including various types of bone densitometers;

            WHEREAS, Norland Corp., Stratec and the Distributor are parties to a
Distribution Agreement dated April 1, 1995, as amended by Amendment No. 1 dated
as of January 1, 1996, Amendment No. 2 dated as of June 1, 1996 and Amendment
No. 3 dated as of December 1, 1996 (as so amended, the "Existing Distribution
Agreement"), pursuant to which the Distributor is the exclusive distributor of
Devices manufactured by Stratec and Norland Corp.;

            WHEREAS, the Distributor and Norland Medical Systems B.V. ("NMS BV")
are parties to that certain Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of February 26,
1997 (the "Purchase Agreement"), pursuant to which the Distributor has agreed to
purchase all of the issued and outstanding stock of Norland Corp. (the "Norland
Corp. Stock") from NMS BV.

            WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to
supersede and replace the Existing Distribution Agreement, effective upon the
consummation of the purchase by the Distributor of the Norland Corp. Stock
pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.

            NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained
herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Norland Corp., Stratec and the
Distributor hereby agree as follows: 


      Effective upon the purchase by the Distributor of the Norland Corp. Stock
pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, this Agreement shall supersede and replace
the Existing Distribution


Agreement. The provisions of Sections 8, 9 and 13 hereof shall apply to all
Devices sold pursuant to the Existing Distribution Agreement.


      (a) Stratec hereby designates and appoints the Distributor as the
exclusive worldwide distributor of all Devices which are manufactured by Stratec
as of the date of this Agreement and which may at any time during the Term be
developed and/or manufactured by Stratec ("Stratec Devices"), and the
Distributor hereby agrees to act as such distributor. Notwithstanding the
foregoing (but subject to Section 2(b) below), the Distributor shall not be the
distributor in Germany (the "Excluded Territory") for Stratec Devices. The
Distributor agrees to use its good faith reasonable best efforts to promote the
sale of the Stratec Products in the areas for which it is the distributor

      (b) At any time while this Agreement shall be in effect, the Distributor
shall have the right to elect to become the exclusive distributor in the
Excluded Territory for all Stratec Devices, such appointment to be effective 90
days following written notice of such election from the Distributor to Stratec
(the "Exclusion Termination Date"). Prior to the Exclusion Termination Date, the
Distributor shall not directly or indirectly distribute or sell any Stratec
Devices in the Excluded Territory.

      (c) Delivery dates for Stratec Devices shall be separately negotiated and
agreed upon by the Distributor and Stratec with respect to each purchase order
submitted by the Distributor. Stratec reserves the right to refuse a delivery
date which is within 90 days of the purchase order; provided, however, that
Stratec shall deliver spare parts as soon as possible after they are ordered by
the Distributor.

      (d) Except for sales by Stratec of Stratec Devices in the Excluded
Territory prior to the Exclusion Termination Date, Stratec shall not directly or
indirectly offer or sell any Stratec Devices to or through anyone other than the
Distributor, and Stratec shall refer to the Distributor all inquiries and orders
for Stratec Devices which it may receive from any person or entity.

      (e) Except for (i) sales of Stratec Devices pursuant to this Agreement,
(ii) sales of Devices manufactured by the Distributor, Norland Corp. or any
other affiliate of the Distributor, and (iii) sales of Devices using ultrasound
technology, the Distributor agrees that during the Term (as defined below) of
this Agreement, it will not distribute or otherwise sell any Device which
competes with any Stratec Device.

      (f) Stratec covenants and agrees that (A) it will supply the Distributor
with a sufficient quantity of each Stratec Device on a timely basis to enable
the Distributor to fill all orders from its customers for such Stratec Device,
and (B) each Stratec Device supplied by Stratec will meet all performance and
other standards established by Stratec in the product brochures and other
materials relating to such Stratec Device.

Section 3. PRICES. 

      (a) In the case of any Stratec Device to be purchased by the Distributor
for immediate resale to a customer, the price to be paid by the Distributor to
Stratec for each such Stratec Device shall be an amount equal to (i) the
Manufacturer's Device Cost (as defined below) plus (ii) 50% of the difference
between the price at which such Stratec Device is sold by the Distributor and
such Manufacturer's Device Cost. In the case of any Stratec Device to be
purchased by the Distributor as a demonstration system or to be used by the
Distributor in its rental or pay-per-scan programs, the price to be paid by the
Distributor to Stratec for each such Stratec Device shall be an amount equal to


150% of Manufacturer's Device Cost. The "Manufacturer's Device Cost" of any
Stratec Device shall be determined in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto.

      (b) (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3(a) hereof, for the
period from December 1, 1996 through December 31, 1997 (the "Stratec Period"),
the price to be paid by the Distributor to Stratec for each Stratec Device shall
be determined in accordance with this Section 3(b). The Stratec Period shall be
automatically and successively renewed without further action by any party for
an indefinite number of successive one-year terms commencing January 1, 1998 and
each January 1 thereafter, provided, however, that Stratec may terminate the
Stratec Period effective on December 31, 1997 or on any December 31 thereafter
upon written notice to the Distributor not less than 90 days nor more than 180
days prior to the end of such calendar year.

            (ii) Subject to the provisions of Section 3(b)(iii) below, the price
to be paid by the Distributor to Stratec for each Stratec Device purchased
during the Stratec Period shall be an amount equal to Distributor's Device Cost.
In addition, with respect to each Stratec Device using pQCT technology sold by
the Distributor during the Stratec Period, the Distributor shall pay to Stratec
an additional amount equal to 5% of the purchase price received by the
Distributor for such Stratec Device (net of returns, allowances, credits etc.).

            (iii) If the aggregate purchase price payable by the Distributor
pursuant to Section 3(b)(ii) hereof for all Stratec Devices purchased in a
calendar year during the Stratec Period would exceed the aggregate purchase
price for such Stratec Devices under Section 3(a), assuming that the provisions
of this Section 3(b) had never become effective (the "Original Aggregate
Purchase Price"), then the aggregate purchase price payable by the Distributor
to Stratec for such Stratec Devices shall be reduced to an amount equal to the
Original Aggregate Purchase Price. Such determination shall be made as soon as
practicable following the end of each calendar year during the Stratec Period,
and Stratec shall promptly repay to the Distributor any amounts paid by the
Distributor in excess of the Original Aggregate Purchase Price.

            (iv) The term "Distributor's Device Cost" shall have the meaning set
forth on Exhibit B attached hereto.

      (c) Payment by the Distributor for each Stratec Device purchased by the
Distributor for immediate resale to a customer shall be made to the Manufacturer
of such Device not later than ten business days following receipt by the
Distributor of payment for such Stratec Device from its customer. Payment terms
for each Stratec Device purchased by the Distributor as a demonstration system
or for use in its rental or pay-per-scan programs shall be net 60 days.

      (d) All payments pursuant to this Agreement shall be in U.S. dollars.

      (e) The provisions of this Section 3 shall not be applicable to any
Stratec Devices sold pursuant to the licensing arrangements contained in Section
6 and 7 hereof, and the royalty payment provisions contained in said Sections 6
and 7 shall not be applicable to any sales of Stratec Devices to which this
Section 3 applies.

      Section 4. TERM.

            Subject to the provisions of Section 5 hereof, this Agreement shall
have an initial term ending on December 31, 2015 (the "Initial Term"), and may
be renewed for an indefinite number of successive five-year terms (each such
additional term, a "Renewal Term") in accordance with the following provisions.
At any time during the period beginning 180 days prior to, and ending 90 days
prior to, the end of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, Stratec, by written
notice to the Distributor, or the Distributor, by written notice to Stratec, may
elect to extend the term of this


Agreement for the succeeding Renewal Term; provided, however, that if, at the
time of such election, the party electing to so extend the term is in material
breach of its obligations under this Agreement, the other party shall have the
right to reject such election. The Initial Term and any Renewal Terms shall
constitute the "Term" of this Agreement.

            Section 5. TERMINATION.

      (a) Upon the occurrence of (i) an Act of Bankruptcy with respect to the
Distributor, or (ii) a Material Breach by the Distributor with respect to its
obligations to Stratec, which Material Breach continues for a period of 90 days
following written notice thereof from Stratec to the Distributor, Stratec may
elect to end the Term of this Agreement with respect to all Stratec Devices.

      (b) Upon the occurrence of (i) an Act of Bankruptcy with respect to
Stratec, or (ii) a Material Breach by Stratec, which Material Breach continues
for a period of 90 days following written notice thereof from the Distributor to
Stratec, the Distributor may elect to end the Term of this Agreement with
respect to all Stratec Devices.

      (c) The provisions of Sections 8, 9, 13 and 16 of this Agreement shall
survive the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 4 hereof or this
Section 5.

      (d) As used in this Agreement: The term "Act of Bankruptcy" shall mean,
with respect to any party:

            (i) The filing of an application by such party for, or a consent to,
      the appointment of a trustee or receiver of all or substantially all of
      such party's assets;

            (ii) The filing by such party of a voluntary petition in any
      Bankruptcy Proceeding or the filing of a pleading in any court of record
      admitting in writing such party's inability to pay such party's debts as
      they come due;

            (iii) The making by such party of a general assignment for the
      benefit of creditors;

            (iv) The filing by such party of an answer admitting the material
      allegations of, or such party's consenting to, or defaulting in answering,
      any Bankruptcy Proceeding filed against such party; or

            (v) The entry of an order, judgment or decree by any court of
      competent jurisdiction adjudicating such party a bankrupt or appointing a
      trustee or receiver of all or substantially all of such party's assets.
      The term "Bankruptcy Proceeding" shall mean any bankruptcy or similar
      proceeding under the laws of any jurisdiction, including the United
      States, any state or any foreign country. 

      The term "Material Breach" shall mean, (i) with respect to Stratec, the
failure of Stratec to perform its material obligations under this Agreement; and
(ii) with respect to the Distributor, the general failure of the Distributor to
use its good faith reasonable best efforts to promote Stratec Devices.

            Section 6. LICENSES. 

            (a) Stratec hereby grants to the Distributor a perpetual license,
including rights to sublicense (the "Stratec License"), to manufacture and sell
each Stratec Device and in connection therewith to use all Technology owned by
Stratec or over which it has any rights, to the extent of


such rights which may be licensed by Stratec ("Stratec Technology"). The
Distributor agrees that it will not exercise the rights granted to it by the
Stratec License at any time, if at such time Stratec is in full compliance with
all of its obligations under this Agreement.

            (b) The term "Technology" shall mean all present and future
technical information and know-how, including trade secrets, patents,
trademarks, copyrights, proprietary data, manufacturing processes and other
information and materials necessary or useful for the manufacturing and
servicing of any Device.

            (c) The Distributor agrees to pay Stratec a royalty equal to 5% of
any sales proceeds received by the Distributor from the manufacture and sale of
Stratec Devices pursuant to the Stratec License. The royalties provided for in
this Section 6(c) shall be the only amounts payable to Stratec with respect to
any Stratec Devices manufactured pursuant to the Stratec License.

            (d) The parties acknowledge and agree that it is their intent that
the Stratec License be governed by Section 365(n) of the United States
Bankruptcy Code, as a license of intellectual property, as defined in Section
101(35A) of the Bankruptcy Code.

            (e) Stratec covenants and agrees that during the Term it will not
transfer or sell any Stratec Technology to anyone other than the Distributor or
Norland Corp. or grant any license to anyone other than the Distributor or
Norland Corp. to use the Stratec Technology or to manufacture or sell any
Stratec Devices.

      Section 7. SECURITY INTERESTS.

            (a) As security for the due and prompt performance of all of its
obligations under this Agreement, Stratec hereby grants to the Distributor (i) a
license (including rights to sublicense) to manufacture each Stratec Device and
to use all Stratec Technology (the "Stratec Security License") and (ii) a
continuing security interest in, and lien on, all Stratec Technology.

            (b) In the event Stratec shall fail to perform any of its
obligations under this Agreement, the Distributor shall have the right to
manufacture and sell Stratec Devices pursuant to the Stratec Security License,
as well as all other rights and remedies set forth herein and all rights and
remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code and all other
applicable laws. The Distributor agrees to pay the following royalties in
connection with the sale of Stratec Devices manufactured pursuant to the Stratec
Security License: the Distributor agrees to pay Stratec a royalty equal to 5% of
any sales proceeds received by the Distributor from the manufacture and sale of
Stratec Devices pursuant to the Stratec Security License. The royalties provided
for in this Section 7(b) shall be the only amounts payable to Stratec with
respect to any Stratec Devices manufactured pursuant to the Stratec Security

            (c) Stratec hereby authorizes the Distributor, at Stratec's
expense, to file such financing statement or statements relating to the security
interests granted herein without Stratec's signature thereon as the Distributor
at its option may deem appropriate, and appoints the Distributor as Stratec's
attorney-in-fact to execute any such financing statement or statements in
Stratec's name and to perform all other acts which the Distributor deems
appropriate to perfect and continue the security interest and to protect,
preserve and realize upon the underlying collateral.

            Section 8. WARRANTY.

            (a) Stratec warrants that the Stratec Devices shall be free from
defects in material and workmanship. Stratec's warranty period shall be 12
months from the date of shipment to the end-user's facility; provided, however,
that in no case shall Stratec's warranty period extend beyond 14 months from the
date of shipment from Stratec's facility; provided, further, that if Stratec


to any purchaser or user of a Stratec Device any warranty which extends beyond
the warranty contained in this Section 8, the Distributor shall also receive the
benefits of such extended warranty.

            (b) Except as specifically provided herein, there are no other
warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied
warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Defective or
damaged goods shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of Stratec. Stratec
shall bear any transportation costs of the defective or damaged goods and their
replacements. In no event shall Stratec be liable for loss of profits, indirect,
or consequential damages arising out of the use of Stratec Devices. Stratec's
software and hardware designated for use with a Stratec Device are warranted to
execute the programming instructions when properly installed in the Stratec
Device. Stratec does not warrant that the operation of a Stratec Device, the
software, or the hardware will be uninterrupted or error free.

            (c) The provisions of this Section 8 shall in no way limit the
indemnification obligations of Stratec under Section 13 hereof.

            Section 9. SERVICE.

            (a) Subject to the provisions of this Section 9, the Distributor
shall provide all installation and maintenance service, including warranty
service, with respect to all Stratec Devices sold by the Distributor pursuant to
this Agreement. All service shall be performed in a workmanlike manner,
consistent with industry standards, and in accordance with Stratec's service
manual. If any service call performed by the Distributor is covered by Stratec's
warranty, Stratec will (i) promptly provide the Distributor with all necessary
parts at no cost to the Distributor, and (ii) pay to the Distributor an amount
equal to (A) 120% of the aggregate direct labor costs and (B) the out-of-pocket
expenses incurred by the Distributor in performing such service call. For
service calls not covered by Stratec's warranty, the Distributor shall establish
its own charges for parts and labor, and Stratec will sell parts to the
Distributor for an amount equal to 150% of Manufacturer's Parts Cost. The
"Manufacturer's Parts Cost" of any parts shall be determined in accordance with
Exhibit A.

            (b) Stratec shall provide the Distributor at no cost with such
technical advice and information as may be necessary for a full understanding
and maintenance of Stratec Devices, and the Distributor shall have the right
from time to time, at times agreed with Stratec to send up to four employees to
the Stratec's manufacturing facility for instruction and training free of charge
two times per year. The Distributor shall pay travel, lodging and personal
expenses incurred by such employees. The Distributor may send additional
employees at its own expense.

            Section 10. SPECIFICATIONS.

            In partial consideration for the Distributor agreeing to act as the
distributor for the Stratec Devices, Stratec agrees to transfer and deliver to
the Distributor copies of all specifications, plans, blueprints and related
items for all existing and future Stratec Devices and any improvements and
enhancements thereof ("Specifications"). Such Specifications shall become the
property of the Distributor and may be used by the Distributor for any purpose
not prohibited by the terms of this Agreement.

            Section 11. GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS.

            Stratec shall be responsible, at its own cost and expense, for
obtaining all approvals of governmental authorities required by the law of the
country in which each Stratec Device is manufactured by Stratec. The Distributor
shall be responsible, at its own cost and expense, for obtaining all approvals
of governmental authorities required by the law of any other country into which
the Distributor elects to import such Stratec Device for sale. Stratec will
provide the


Distributor and its distributors with such information, data and other
assistance in obtaining such approvals as the Distributor may reasonably
request. The parties covenant and agree to cooperate with and assist each other
in the approvals contemplated by this Section 11.

            Section 12. INSURANCE.

            (a) Stratec shall maintain at least $4,000,000 of product
liability insurance pursuant to policies which shall cover the Distributor and
any of its subdistributors as additional named insureds (with no liability for
premium payments). Such insurance shall remain in force during the Term and for
a minimum for five years following its termination. Stratec will consult with
the Distributor at least annually to consider increasing or decreasing the
amount of Stratec's product liability insurance coverage. If the Stratec and the
Distributor deem it advisable to increase the amount of such coverage, Stratec
will obtain such additional insurance to the extent available on commercially
reasonable terms. Stratec and the Distributor may also agree to decrease the
amount of such coverage; provided, however, that in no event shall coverage be
reduced below $4,000,000.

            (b) Stratec agrees that upon request from the Distributor, Stratec
will promptly submit certificates of insurance to the Distributor evidencing the
coverage required by this Agreement. Such insurance shall be with companies
reasonably acceptable to the Distributor, and Stratec will use its best efforts
to have such insurance policies provide that they may not be cancelled or
materially changed except on at least 30 days' prior written notice to the

            Section 13. INDEMNIFICATION.

            (a) Stratec hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
Distributor, its subsidiaries and affiliates and its and their agents, officers,
directors, employees, representatives, successors and permitted assignees from
and against any and all claims, suits, actions or proceedings for loss, injury,
damage or liability, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any way resulting
from, arising out of or related to the development and/or manufacture of any
Stratec Device by Stratec (including any design or other defect).

            (b) Stratec represents and warrants that its Stratec Devices do
not and will not infringe upon the patent, trademark, copyright or other
intellectual property rights of any third party. Stratec agrees to indemnify and
hold the Distributor and its customers harmless from and against all damages,
liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising
from any claim of a third party of infringement of patent, trademark, copyright
or other intellectual property rights in the manufacture, use or sale of such
Stratec's Devices. Stratec shall undertake the defense of any such claim of
infringement by counsel of its choice and at its expense. The Distributor shall
assist Stratec to the extent reasonably required for such defense. In case the
manufacturing, marketing, sale or use of any Stratec Device or component thereof
is held by a court to constitute or involve the infringement of a patent,
trademark or copyright, Stratec shall at its own cost either procure for the
Distributor or its customers the right to continue using such Stratec Device, or
replace the same with a comparable non-infringing product, or modify the Stratec
Device so that it becomes non-infringing, or accept the return of such Stratec
Devices and refund the purchase price plus transportation costs and duties paid
thereon. Stratec covenants and agrees to use its best efforts to protect all
intellectual property rights relating to the Stratec Devices.


            Stratec represents and warrants to the Distributor that the
Distributor is its sole and exclusive worldwide distributor outside the Excluded
Territory, and that it has no distribution arrangement in effect outside the
Excluded Territory with any other person or entity.


            Section 15. STRATEC AND NORLAND CORP.

            (a) Exhibit C attached hereto (a) lists the Stratec Devices
currently manufactured by Stratec and describes Stratec Devices that it is
contemplated Stratec will manufacture in the future, and (b) lists the Devices
currently manufactured by Norland Corp. and describes Devices that it is
contemplated Norland Corp. will manufacture in the future (collectively, the
"Norland Corp. Devices"). As indicated on Exhibit C, the pDEXA is both a Stratec
Device and a Norland Corp. Device, all other Devices using dual energy x-ray
absorptiometry ("DXA") technology or peripheral dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
("peripheral DXA") technology are Norland Corp. Devices and all Devices using
CT, QCT or peripheral QCT technology are Stratec Devices. With respect to such
Devices, Stratec and Norland Corp. agree as follows:

            (i) Norland Corp. shall have the exclusive right to manufacture all
pDEXA systems to be marketed and sold in the United States and Canada ("North
America") and in Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean ("Latin
America"). Stratec shall have the exclusive right to manufacture all pDEXA
systems to be marketed and sold outside of North America and Latin America. With
respect to pDEXA systems to be manufactured by Norland Corp., Stratec agrees to
sell to Norland Corp. all components and other parts used in the pDEXA system,
other than Computer Components, for an amount equal to the Component Cost of
such components and other parts. The terms "Computer Components" and "Component
Cost" shall have the meanings set forth in Exhibit C.

            (ii) Norland Corp. shall have the exclusive rights to manufacture
all other Devices using DXA or peripheral DXA technology. Subject to Section
15(a)(iii) hereof, Stratec shall have the exclusive rights to manufacture all
Devices using CT, QCT or peripheral QCT technology.

            (iii) Stratec hereby grants to Norland Corp. a perpetual,
royalty-free license to use all Stratec Technology in connection with the
manufacture and sale by Norland Corp. of Devices and systems using peripheral
DXA technology in accordance with the provisions of this Section 15. Norland
Corp. hereby grants to Stratec a perpetual, royalty-free license to use all
Technology owned by Norland Corp. or over which it has any rights, to the extent
of such rights which may be licensed by Norland Corp., in connection with the
manufacture and sale by Stratec of the pDEXA system in accordance with the
provisions of this Section 15(a).

            (b) With respect to Stratec Devices other than the pDEXA and systems
that are sold for research use and that do not require FDA approval, Stratec and
Norland Corp. agree that Norland Corp. shall have the exclusive right to
manufacture all such Stratec Devices to be sold in North America. With respect
to such Stratec Devices to be manufactured by Norland Corp. (i) Stratec agrees
to sell to Norland Corp. all components and other parts used in such systems,
other than Computer Components, for an amount equal to the Component Cost of
such Components and other parts; and (ii) Stratec hereby grants to Norland Corp.
a perpetual, royalty-free license to use all Stratec Technology in connection
with the manufacture and sale of Stratec Devices to be manufactured by Norland
Corp. in accordance with the provision of this Section 15(b).

            (c) Stratec warrants that the components and parts sold by Stratec
to Norland Corp. pursuant to this Section 15 shall be free from defects in
material and workmanship. Stratec's warranty period shall be 12 months from the
date of shipment to the end-user's facility; provided, however, that in no case
shall Stratec's warranty period extend beyond 14 months from the date of
shipment from Norland Corp.'s facility. Except as specifically provided herein,
there are no other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited
to, any implied warranties or


merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Defective or damaged
components or parts shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of Stratec.
Stratec shall bear any transportation costs of the defective or damaged
components or parts and their replacements. In no event shall Stratec be liable
for loss of profits, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of the use
of components or parts.

            Section 16. ASSIGNMENT.

            No party hereto may assign, delegate or otherwise transfer this
Agreement, or any of its rights and obligations hereunder, or any portion
thereof without the prior written consent of the other parties, except as
specifically contemplated hereby; provided, however, that the Distributor may
assign this Agreement without the consent of Stratec in connection with a
merger, consolidation or other change in control of the Distributor or a sale of
all or substantially all of the Distributor's assets. Subject to the foregoing,
this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective
permitted successors and assigns.

            Section 17. ARBITRATION.

            Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
Agreement, or any breach thereof, including, without limitation, any claim that
any of this Agreement, or any part thereof, is invalid, illegal or otherwise
voidable or void, shall be submitted to arbitration in New York, New York in
accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any award or
determination of the arbitration tribunal shall be final, nonappealable, and
conclusive upon the parties, and judgment thereon may be entered by any court of
competent jurisdiction.


            Section 18. REMEDIES.

            No remedy conferred herein is intended to be exclusive of any other
remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and may be exercised
singly or concurrently, and shall be in addition to every other remedy given
hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or

            Section 19. CONFIDENTIALITY.

            Any confidential or proprietary information regarding the Stratec
Devices and the Stratec Technology shall be held in confidence by each party and
shall not be disclosed to any third party by such party except as contemplated
by this Agreement. The Distributor may make disclosures of such information in
connection with the implementation of any of the licensing arrangements
contemplated by Sections 6 and 7 hereof (provided that the recipients of such
information are bound by like obligations of confidentiality).

            Section 20. NOTICES.

            All notices given by the parties hereunder shall be in writing and
shall be personally delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail, return
receipt requested, by overnight courier or by facsimile transmission to the
intended recipient thereof at the address or facsimile number set forth below.
Any such notice shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered
personally or by overnight courier and/or given by confirmed facsimile or five
days after mailing. The addresses and facsimile numbers of the parties for
purposes of this Agreement are as follows:


                             If to Stratec:

                             Stratec Medizintechnik GmbH
                             Durlacherstrasse 35
                             D-75172 Pforzheim, Germany
                             Attention:  Geschaftsfuhrer
                             Fax No.:  49-7231-1454-22

                             If to the Distributor:

                             Norland Medical Systems, Inc.
                             106 Corporate Park Drive
                             Suite 106
                             White Plains, NY  10604
                             Attention:  President
                             Fax No.: (914) 694-2286

                             If to Norland Corp.:

                             Norland Corporation
                             W6340 Hackbarth Road
                             Fort Atkinson, WI  53538-8999
                             Attention:  President
                             Fax No.:  414-563-8626

or such other address as any party shall designate in writing to the others.

            Section 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.

            This Agreement is the entire agreement among the parties hereto
relating to the subject matter hereof, and it cancels and supersedes all earlier
agreements, written or oral relating to the subject matter hereof. No waiver,
modification or change of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid
unless in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties.

            Section 22. SEVERABILITY.

            If any term or provision of this Agreement shall at any time be held
to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such term or provision shall be construed
as severable from this Agreement, and the remainder of this Agreement shall be
carried out as if such void, invalid or unenforceable terms or provisions were
not contained herein.

            Section 23. AUTHORITY.

            Each party represents and warrants to the others that the execution
and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of the provisions hereof by
such party have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action and that
this Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by such party
and constitutes a valid and legal binding agreement enforceable against such
party in accordance with its terms.


            Section 24. GOVERNING LAW.

            This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York, without reference to the choice of law
principles of such laws.

            Section 25. LANGUAGE.

            This Agreement is in the English language only, and no translation
into any other language will or shall be taken into consideration in the
interpretation of this Agreement.

            Section 26. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES.

            The relationship between Stratec and the Distributor is that of
independent contractors. No party hereto is an agent, partner or employee of the
other and no party has any right or any other authority to enter into any
contract or undertaking in the name of or for the account of the other or to
assume or create any obligation of any kind, express or implied, on behalf of
the other, nor will the act or omissions of either create any liability for the
other. This Agreement shall in no way constitute or give rise to a partnership
between the parties.

            Section 27. HEADINGS.

            The headings contained in this Agreement are for purposes of
reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning of any
provision hereof.

            Section 28. COUNTERPARTS.

            This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of
which shall constitute an original and all of which taken together shall
constitute one and the same instrument, and any party may execute this Agreement
by signing any such counterpart.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.

                          STRATEC MEDIZINTECHNIK, GmbH


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.





            As an inducement to the Distributor to enter into the foregoing
Amended Distribution Agreement, NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS B.V., a Dutch
corporation ("NMS"), hereby covenants and agrees that during the Term, NMS will
not directly or indirectly engage in the business of developing or manufacturing
medical diagnostic devices except through Stratec.




                                                                       EXHIBIT A

Manufacturer's Device Cost

            "Manufacturer's Device Cost" shall mean, with respect to any Stratec
Device, an amount equal to the sum of (i) *% of Stratec's Standard Costs of all
components and other parts used in such Device, as in effect at the time of
shipment of such Device by Stratec and (ii) all sales, excise or other taxes or
duties imposed in connection with the sale of such Device, to the extent payable
by Stratec.

            The term "Standard Cost" shall mean, at any time that the Standard
Cost of any component or part is to be established by Stratec, the average cost
to Stratec of all units of such component or part purchased by Stratec during
the preceding six months. If there have been no purchases of such component or
part during such six month period, the then established Standard Cost shall not
be changed. All Standard Costs shall be expressed in U.S. dollars.

            Stratec shall maintain a list setting forth the Standard Cost of
each component and part used in each Device. This list will be updated by
Stratec at least twice each year. If, at the time the list of Standard Costs for
a particular Device is to be revised, the aggregate Standard Costs of all
components and parts used in such Device would not increase or decrease by more
than 5% from the aggregate Standard Costs of such components and parts then in
effect, the Standard Costs of such components and parts shall not be changed.

Manufacturer's Parts Cost

            "Manufacturer's Parts Cost" shall mean, with respect to any part, an
amount equal to the sum of (i) Stratec's Standard Cost of such part, as in
effect at the time of shipment of such part by Stratec, and (ii) all sales,
excise or other taxes or duties imposed in connection with the sale of such
part, to the extent payable by Stratec.

- ----------
*  Confidential Treatment Requested


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

            "Distributor's Device Cost" shall mean, with respect to any Stratec
Device, an amount equal to the sum of (i) *% of Stratec's Standard Costs of all
components and other parts used in such Device, other than Computer Components,
as in effect at the time of shipment of such Device by Stratec, (ii) 100% of the
Manufacturer's Standard Costs of any Computer Components purchased from Stratec
as part of such Device, as in effect at the time of shipment of such Device by
Stratec, (iii) a computer handling charge of DM300 for each Stratec Device, (iv)
the Labor Costs related to such Device, and (v) all sales, excise or other taxes
or duties imposed in connection with the sale of such Device, to the extent
payable by Stratec.

            The term "Computer Components" shall mean any computer hardware and
related peripherals, including monitors and printers.

            The term "Standard Cost" shall mean, at any time that the Standard
Cost of any component or part is to be established by Stratec, the average cost
to Stratec of all units of such component or part purchased by Stratec during
the preceding six months. If there have been no purchases of such component or
part during such six month period, the then established Standard Cost shall not
be changed. All Standard Costs shall be expressed in U.S. dollars.

            Stratec shall maintain a list setting forth the Standard Cost of
each component and part used in each Device. This list will be updated by
Stratec at least twice each year. If, at the time the list of Standard Costs for
a particular Device is to be revised, the aggregate Standard Costs of all
components and parts used in such Device would not increase or decrease by more
than 5% from the aggregate Standard Costs of such components and parts then in
effect, the Standard Costs of such components and parts shall not be changed.

            The term "Labor Costs" shall mean, with respect to any Device, an
amount equal to the Lesser of (i) the actual labor costs incurred by Stratec in
producing such Device (using standard cost accounting methods) and (ii) *% of
Stratec's Standard Costs of all components and other parts used in such Device,
other than Computer Components.

- ----------
*  Confidential Treatment Requested


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

            Stratec Devices

            XCT 960
            XCT 960A
            XCT 960M
            XCT 1000
            XCT 2000
            XCT Research SA
            XCT Research M
            XCT 3000
            XCT 3000 Research
            All future Devices and systems using CT, QCT or
             peripheral QCT technology

            Norland Corp. Devices

            All future Devices and systems using DXA or
             peripheral DXA technology

            "Component Cost" shall mean, with respect to any Device, an amount
equal to the *% of Stratec's Standard Costs of all components and other parts
used in such Device, other than Computer Components.

            The term "Computer Components" shall mean any computer hardware and
related peripherals, including monitors and printers.

            The term "Standard Cost" shall mean, at any time that the Standard
Cost of any component or part is to be established by Stratec, the average cost
to Stratec of all units of such component or part purchased by Stratec during
the preceding six months. If there have been no purchases of such component or
part during such six month period, the then established Standard Cost shall not
be changed. All Standard Costs shall be expressed in U.S. dollars.

            Stratec shall maintain a list setting forth the Standard Cost of
each component and part used in each Device. This list will be updated by
Stratec at least twice each year. If, at the time the list of Standard Costs for
a particular Device is to be revised, the aggregate Standard Costs of all
components and parts used in such Device would not increase or decrease by more
than 5% from the aggregate Standard Costs of such components and parts then in
effect, the Standard Costs of such components and parts shall not be changed.

- ----------
* Confidential Treatment Requested


                             [Letterhead of Advest]

                                                                         ANNEX B

July __, 1997

The Special Committee of
the Board of Directors
c/o Norland Medical Systems, Inc.
106 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 106
White Plains, NY  10604

Dear Gentlemen:

We refer to our letter as of February 26, 1997 relating to our understanding
that Norland Medical Systems, Inc. (the "Company") has entered into an agreement
(the "Agreement") dated February 26, 1997 with Norland Medical Systems, B V.
("NMSBV") to purchase (the "Purchase") all of the issued and outstanding stock
of Norland Corporation ("Norland"). Norland is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
NMSBV. As a result of the Purchase, Norland will become a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company. The terms and conditions of the Purchase are more
fully set forth in the Agreement. We reaffirm as of the date hereof (and as
though made on the date hereof) all statements made in that letter as follows:

You have asked us whether, in our opinion, the financial terms of the Purchase,
taken as a whole, are fair from a financial point of view, to the Company and
its shareholders.

For purposes of this opinion set forth herein, we have:

      (i)   reviewed certain publicly available financial statements and other
            information of the Company;

      (ii)  reviewed certain internal and audited financial statements,
            including audited 1994, 1995, 1996 and unaudited first quarter
            ending March 31, 1997 Norland financial statements, and other
            internal historical and pro forma financial and operating data
            concerning the Company and Norland prepared by the management of the
            Company and Norland, respectively;

      (iii) analyzed certain summary financial projections concerning the
            Company prepared by the management of the Company;

      (iv)  analyzed certain summary financial projections concerning Norland
            prepared by the management of Norland;

      (v)   reviewed and discussed with senior executives of the Company the
            past and current operations and financial condition and the
            prospects of the Company;

      (vi)  reviewed and discussed with senior executives of Norland the past
            and current operations and financial condition and the prospects of
            Norland and analyzed the estimated pro forma impact of the Purchase,
            including the impact on the Company's earnings per share,
            consolidated capitalization and financial ratios;

      (vii) reviewed and discussed with senior executives of the Company and
            Norland the strategic objectives of the Purchase and the long-term
            benefits expected to result from the Purchase;

      (viii) reviewed the reported prices and trading activity of the Company's
            common stock;


      (ix)  compared the financial performance of Norland and the prices and
            trading activity of certain other comparable publicly traded
            companies and their securities;

      (x)   reviewed the financial terms, to the extent publicly available, of
            certain comparable transactions;

      (xi)  reviewed the Agreement and certain related documents; and

      (xii) considered such other factors as we have deemed appropriate.

We have assumed and relied upon, without independent verification, the accuracy
and completeness of the information reviewed by us for the purpose of this
opinion. With respect to the financial projections, including estimates of the
long-term benefits expected to result from the Purchase, we have assumed that
they have been reasonably prepared, reflecting the best currently available
estimates and judgments of the future financial performance of the Company and
Norland. Furthermore, we have not conducted a physical inspection of the
properties or facilities of the Company or Norland (other than visiting the
Company's and Norland's primary offices) or made or obtained any independent
valuation or appraisal of the assets or liabilities of the Company or Norland,
nor have we been furnished with any such independent valuations or appraisals.
We have assumed, with your consent, that the Purchase will be accounted for as a
purchase business combination in accordance with U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles. We have also assumed that the transactions described in
the Agreement will be consummated on the terms set forth therein. The Company
has agreed to pay Advest, Inc. a fee for delivery of this opinion letter. Our
opinion is necessarily based on economic, market and other conditions as they
exist and can be evaluated by us on the date of this letter, and the information
made available to us.

Advest, Inc. and its affiliates in the past have not provided financial advisory
or financing services to the Company. We have provided valuation services for
The EICON Group, Inc. ("EICON"). Reynald G. Bonmati, President and a director of
the Company, is President and a director of EICON. Albert S. Waxman, a director
of the Company, is a director of EICON.

It is understood that this opinion letter is for the information of the Board of
Directors of the Company, and we consent to the inclusion of this opinion letter
in its entirety in any filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission in
connection with Purchase. In addition, we express no opinion or recommendation
as to how the holders of the Company's common stock should vote at the
stockholders' meeting held in connection with the Purchase.

Based upon and subject to the foregoing, we are of the opinion that as of the
date hereof, that financial terms of the Purchase, taken as a whole, are fair
from a financial point of view to the Company and its shareholders.

Very truly yours,
Advest, Inc.

Roger E. Linnemann, Jr.
Managing Director
Group Head - Healthcare Investment Banking Group


                                                                         ANNEX C

                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
                     AMENDED AND RESTATED 1994 STOCK OPTION
                               AND INCENTIVE PLAN

      l. Purpose. The purpose of this Amended and Restated 1994 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan (the "Plan") of Norland Medical Systems, Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), is to advance the interests of the Company and its
stockholders by providing a means to attract, retain, and reward directors,
officers and other key employees and consultants of the Company and its
subsidiaries (including consultants providing services of substantial value) and
to enable such persons to acquire or increase a proprietary interest in the
Company, thereby promoting a closer identity of interests between such persons
and the Company's stockholders.

      2. Definitions. The definitions of awards under the Plan are set forth in
Section 6 of the Plan. Such awards, together with any other right or interest
granted to a Participant under the Plan, are termed "Awards." For purposes of
the Plan, the following additional terms shall be defined as set forth below:

      (a) "Award Agreement" means any written agreement, contract, or other
instrument or document evidencing an Award.

      (b) "Beneficiary" shall mean the person, persons, trust, or trusts which
have been designated by a Participant in his or her most recent written
beneficiary designation filed with the Committee to receive the benefits
specified under this Plan upon such Participant's death or, if there is no
designated Beneficiary or surviving designated Beneficiary, then the person,
persons, trust, or trusts entitled by will or the laws of descent and
distribution to receive such benefits.

      (c) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      (d) A "Change in Control" shall be deemed to have occurred if:

            (i) any person (as defined in Sections 3(a)(9) and 13(d)(3) of the
      Exchange Act), other than the Company or an employee benefit plan of the
      Company, acquires directly or indirectly the beneficial ownership (within
      the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act) of any
      voting security of the Company and immediately after such acquisition such
      person is, directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of voting
      securities representing 50 percent or more of the total voting power of
      all of the then-outstanding voting securities of the Company;

            (ii) the individuals (A) who constitute the Board as of the date
      this Plan is adopted by the Board (the "Original Directors") or (B) who
      thereafter are elected to the Board and whose election, or nomination for
      election, to the Board was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3)
      of the Original Directors then still in office (such directors becoming
      "Additional Original Directors" immediately following their election) or
      (C) who are elected to the Board and whose election, or nomination for
      election, to the Board was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3)
      of the Original Directors and Additional Original Directors then still in
      office (such directors also becoming "Additional Original Directors"
      immediately following their election) (such individuals being the
      "Continuing Directors"), cease for any reason to constitute a majority of
      the members of the Board;

            (iii) the stockholders of the Company shall approve a merger,
      consolidation, recapitalization, or reorganization of the Company, or
      consummation of any such transaction if stockholder approval is not


      sought or obtained, other than any such transaction which would result in
      at least 75 percent of the total voting power represented by the voting
      securities of the surviving entity outstanding immediately after such
      transaction being beneficially owned (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
      promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act) by at least 75 percent of the
      holders of outstanding voting securities of the Company immediately prior
      to the transaction, with the voting power of each such continuing holder
      relative to other such continuing holders not substantially altered in the
      transaction; or

            (iv) the stockholders of the Company shall approve a plan of
      complete liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or
      disposition by the Company of substantially all of the Company's assets
      and business.

      (e) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
to time. References to any provision of the Code shall be deemed to include
regulations thereunder and successor provisions and regulations thereto.

      (f) "Committee" means the committee of the Board designated by the Board
to administer the Plan, or if no committee is appointed, the Board.

      (g) "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
from time to time. References to any provision of the Exchange Act shall be
deemed to include rules thereunder and successor provisions and rules thereto.

      (h) "Fair Market Value" means, with respect to Stock or other property,
the fair market value of such Stock or other property determined by such methods
or procedures as shall be established from time to time by the Committee;
provided, however, that if the Stock is listed on a national securities exchange
or quoted in an interdealer quotation system, the Fair Market Value of such
Stock on a given date shall be based upon the last sales price or, if
unavailable, the average of the closing bid and asked prices per share of the
Stock on such date (or, if there was no trading or quotation in the Stock on
such date, on the next preceding date on which there was trading or quotation)
as provided by one of such organizations.

      (j) "ISO" means any Option intended to be and designated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

      (k) "Non-Employee Director" shall mean a member of the Board on the
effective date of this Amended and Restated 1994 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan, as provided in Section 8(l), who is not an employee of or consultant to
the Company or any subsidiary, and each person who thereafter becomes a member
of the Board who is not, at the time such person first becomes a Board member,
an employee of or consultant to the Company or any subsidiary. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, a person who would, without regard to this sentence, qualify as a
Non-Employee Director shall not so qualify if such person was an employee of the
Company or any subsidiary at any time within the one-year period ending on the
date such person would otherwise have so qualified.

      (l) "Participant" means a person who, at a time when eligible under
Section 5 hereof, has been granted an Award under the Plan.

      (m) "Rule 16b-3" means Rule 16b-3, as from time to time in effect and
applicable to the Plan and Participants, promulgated by the Securities and
Exchange Commission under Section 16 of the Exchange Act.


      (n) "Stock" means the Common Stock, $0.0005 par value, of the Company and
such other securities as may be substituted for Stock or such other securities
pursuant to Section 4.

3.     Administration.

      (a) Authority of the Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the
Committee. The Committee shall have full and final authority to take the
following actions, in each case subject to and consistent with the provisions of
the Plan:

            (i) to select Participants to whom Awards may be granted;

            (ii) to determine the type or types of Awards to be granted to each

            (iii) to determine the number of Awards to be granted, the number of
      shares of Stock to which an Award will relate, the terms and conditions of
      any Award granted under the Plan (including, but not limited to, any
      exercise price, any restriction or condition, any schedule for lapse of
      restrictions or conditions relating to transferability or forfeiture,
      exercisability, or settlement of an Award, and waivers or accelerations
      thereof, and waivers of or modifications to performance conditions
      relating to an Award, based in each case on such considerations as the
      Committee shall determine), and all other matters to be determined in
      connection with an Award;

            (iv) to determine whether, to what extent, and under what
      circumstances the exercise price of an Award may be paid, in cash, Stock,
      other Awards, or other property, or an Award may be canceled, forfeited,
      or surrendered;

            (v) to determine whether, to what extent, and under what
      circumstances cash, Stock, other Awards, or other property payable with
      respect to an Award will be deferred either automatically, at the election
      of the Committee, or at the election of the Participant;

            (vi) to prescribe the form of each Award Agreement, which need not
      be identical for each Participant;

            (vii) to adopt, amend, suspend, waive, and rescind such rules and
      regulations and appoint such agents as the Committee may deem necessary or
      advisable to administer the Plan;

            (viii) to correct any defect or supply any omission or reconcile any
      inconsistency in the Plan and to construe and interpret the Plan and any
      Award, rules and regulations, Award Agreement, or other instrument
      hereunder; and

            (ix) to make all other decisions and determinations as may be
      required under the terms of the Plan or as the Committee may deem
      necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.

Other provisions of the Plan notwithstanding, the Board may perform any function
of the Committee under the Plan, including, without limitation, for the purpose
of ensuring that transactions under the Plan by Participants who are then
subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act in respect of the Company are exempt
under Rule 16b-3. In any case in which the Board is performing a function of the
Committee under the Plan, each reference to the Committee herein shall be deemed
to refer to the Board.


      (b) Manner of Exercise of Committee Authority. Any action of the Committee
with respect to the Plan shall be final, conclusive, and binding on all persons,
including the Company, subsidiaries of the Company, Participants, any person
claiming any rights under the Plan from or through any Participant, and
stockholders. The express grant of any specific power to the Committee, and the
taking of any action by the Committee, shall not be construed as limiting any
power or authority of the Committee. The Committee may delegate to officers or
managers of the Company or any subsidiary of the Company the authority, subject
to such terms as the Committee shall determine, to perform administrative
functions and, with respect to Participants not subject to Section 16 of the
Exchange Act, to perform such other functions as the Committee may determine, to
the extent permitted under Rule 16b-3, if applicable, and other applicable law.

      (c) Limitation of Liability. Each member of the Committee shall be
entitled to, in good faith, rely or act upon any report or other information
furnished to him by any officer or other employee of the Company or any
subsidiary, the Company's independent certified public accountants, or any
executive compensation consultant, legal counsel, or other professional retained
by the Company to assist in the administration of the Plan. No member of the
Committee, nor any officer or employee of the Company acting on behalf of the
Committee, shall be personally liable for any action, determination, or
interpretation taken or made in good faith with respect to the Plan, and all
members of the Committee and any officer or employee of the Company acting on
their behalf shall, to the extent permitted by law, be fully indemnified and
protected by the Company with respect to any such action, determination, or

      4. Stock Subject to Plan.

      (a) Amount of Stock Reserved. The total amount of Stock with respect to
which Awards may be made under the Plan shall be 2,250,000 shares. If an Award
valued by reference to Stock may only be settled in cash, the number of shares
to which such Award relates shall be deemed to be Stock subject to such Award
for purposes of this Section 4(a). Any shares of Stock delivered pursuant to an
Award may consist, in whole or in part, of authorized and unissued shares or
treasury shares. Shares of Stock covered by the unexercised portions of any
terminated or cancelled Awards shall be available to become subject to Awards
granted thereafter.

      (b) Annual Per-Participant Limitations. During any calendar year, no
Participant may be granted Options under the Plan that may be settled by
delivery of, or SARs that relate to, more than 180,000 shares of Stock, subject
to adjustment as provided in Section 4(c). This provision sets forth two
separate limitations, so that the amount of Options granted will not operate to
reduce the amount of SARs which may be granted, and vice versa.

      (c) Adjustments. In the event that the Committee shall determine that any
dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of cash, Stock, or other
property), recapitalization, forward or reverse split, reorganization, merger,
consolidation, spin-off, combination, repurchase, or share exchange, or other
similar corporate transaction or event, affects the Stock such that an
adjustment is appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the
rights of Participants under the Plan, then the Committee shall, in such manner
as it may deem equitable, adjust any or all of (i) the number and kind of shares
of Stock reserved and available for Awards under Section 4(a), (ii) the number
and kind of shares that may be issued in respect of other outstanding Awards,
(iii) the exercise price or grant price relating to any Award (or, if deemed
appropriate, the Committee may make provision for a cash payment with respect to
any outstanding Award), and (iv) the number of shares with respect to which
Options and SARs may be granted to a Participant in any calendar year, as set
forth in Section 4(b). In addition, the Committee is authorized to make
adjustments in the terms and conditions of, and the criteria included in, Awards
in recognition of unusual or nonrecurring


events (including, without limitation, events described in the preceding
sentence) affecting the Company or any subsidiary or the financial statements of
the Company or any subsidiary, or in response to changes in applicable laws,
regulations, or accounting principles. The foregoing notwithstanding, without
the consent of the Participant, no adjustments shall be authorized under this
Section 4(c) with respect to ISOs to the extent that such adjustment would cause
such ISOs to fail to qualify as ISOs.

      5. Eligibility. Executive officers, other key employees and directors of
the Company and its subsidiaries and persons who provide consulting or other
services to the Company and its subsidiaries deemed by the Committee to be of
substantial value to the Company, are eligible to be granted Awards under the
Plan. In addition, a person who has been offered employment by the Company or
its subsidiaries, and a person who is employed by an entity expected to become a
subsidiary, is eligible to be granted an Award under the Plan, provided that
such Award shall be canceled if such person fails to commence such employment,
or if such entity fails to become a subsidiary, and no payment of value may be
made in connection with such Award until such person has commenced such
employment or until such entity has become a subsidiary. The foregoing
notwithstanding, Non-Employee Directors who are members of the Committee shall
not be eligible to be granted Awards under the Plan, other than pursuant to
Section 6(d).

      6. Specific Terms of Awards.

      (a) General. Awards may be granted on the terms and conditions set forth
in this Section 6. In addition, the Committee may impose on any Award or the
exercise thereof, at the date of grant or thereafter (subject to Section 8(e)),
such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of
the Plan, as the Committee shall determine, including terms requiring forfeiture
of Awards in the event of termination of employment or service of the

      (b) Options. The Committee is authorized to grant Options to Participants
(including "reload" options automatically granted to offset specified exercises
of options) on the following terms and conditions:

            (i) Exercise Price. The exercise price per share of Stock
purchasable under an Option shall be determined by the Committee; provided,
however, that, the exercise price of an ISO shall be not less than 100 percent
(110 percent in the case of an ISO granted to a person who owns (within the
meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code) 10 percent of the Stock) of the Fair
Market Value of a share on the date of grant of such Option.

            (ii) Time and Method of Exercise. The Committee shall determine the
time or times at which an Option may be exercised in whole or in part, the
methods by which such exercise price may be paid or deemed to be paid, the form
of such payment, including, without limitation, cash, Stock, other Awards or
awards granted under other Company plans, or other property (including notes or
other contractual obligations of Participants to make payment on a deferred
basis, such as through "cashless exercise" arrangements, to the extent permitted
by applicable law), and the methods by which Stock will be delivered or deemed
to be delivered to Participants.

            (iii) ISOs. The terms of any ISO granted under the Plan shall comply
in all respects with the provisions of Section 422 of the Code, including, but
not limited to, the requirement that no ISO shall be granted more than ten years
after the effective date of the Plan. Anything in the Plan to the contrary
notwithstanding, no term of the Plan relating to ISOs shall be interpreted,
amended, or altered, nor shall any discretion or authority granted under the
Plan be exercised, so as to disqualify either the Plan or any ISO under Section
422 of the Code.


            (iv) Termination of Employment. Unless otherwise determined by the
Committee, upon termination of a Participant's employment with the Company and
its subsidiaries for any reason other than death, disability (within the meaning
of Section 22(e)(3) of the Code) or cause, such Participant may exercise any
Options during the three-month period following such termination of employment,
and, in the event such termination is on account of death or disability, the
Participant may exercise any Options during the one-year period following such
termination. If the Committee determines that termination of employment is for
cause, all Options held by the Participant shall terminate immediately upon
termination of employment. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, in any
case where Options remain exercisable following termination of employment, such
Options shall be exercisable only to the extent exercisable immediately prior to
such termination of employment.

      (c) Stock Appreciation Rights. The Committee is authorized to grant SARs
to Participants on the following terms and conditions:

            (i) Right to Payment. An SAR shall confer on the Participant to whom
it is granted a right to receive, upon exercise thereof, the excess of (A) the
Fair Market Value of one share of Stock on the date of exercise (or, if the
Committee shall so determine in the case of any such right other than one
related to an ISO, the Fair Market Value of one share at any time during a
specified period before or after the date of exercise), over (B) the grant price
of the SAR as determined by the Committee as of the date of grant of the SAR.

            (ii) Other Terms. The Committee shall determine the time or times at
which an SAR may be exercised in whole or in part, the method of exercise,
method of settlement, form of consideration payable in settlement, whether or
not an SAR shall be in tandem with any Options, and any other terms and
conditions of any SAR. Limited SARs that may only be exercised upon the
occurrence of a Change in Control may be granted on such terms, not inconsistent
with this Section 6(c), as the Committee may determine. Limited SARs may be
either freestanding or in tandem with Options.

      (d) Non-Employee Directors Options.

            (i) On the effective date of this Amended and Restated 1994 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan, as provided in Section 8(1), each person who is a
Non-Employee Director on such day shall be granted, without the exercise of the
discretion of any person, a non-qualified stock option under the Plan relating
to the purchase of 30,000 shares of Stock. Each additional Non-Employee Director
who becomes a member of the Board shall, on the date such Non-Employee Director
becomes a Board member, be granted, without the exercise of discretion of any
person, a non-qualified stock option under the Plan relating to the purchase of
30,000 shares of Stock.

            (ii) The exercise price of each share of Stock subject to an Option
granted to a Non-Employee Director shall equal the Fair Market Value of a share
of Stock on the date such Option is granted. Payment of the exercise price for
the shares being purchased shall be made in cash, Stock, or a combination of

            (iii) Each Option granted to a Non-Employee Director shall (A)
become exercisable in installments of 7,500 shares of Stock on each of the first
four anniversary dates of the date of grant of such Option, and (B) have a term
of ten years from date of grant. Upon a Non-Employee Director's cessation of
service as a Director, the Option, to the extent it was exercisable upon such
cessation, shall remain exercisable for a period of three months (one year in
the event such cessation is on account of death or disability) and shall
thereupon terminate; provided, however, that if the Non-Employee Director is
terminated as a Director


of the Company for cause, such Option shall terminate immediately. In no event
shall the Option be exercisable after ten years from the date of grant.

      7. Certain Provisions Applicable to Awards.

      (a) Stand-Alone, Additional, Tandem, and Substitute Awards. Awards granted
under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Committee, be granted either alone
or in addition to, in tandem with, or in substitution for, any other Award
granted under the Plan or any award granted under any other plan of the Company,
any subsidiary, or any business entity to be acquired by the Company or a
subsidiary, or any other right of a Participant to receive payment from the
Company or any subsidiary. Awards granted in addition to or in tandem with other
Awards or awards may be granted either as of the same time as or a different
time from the grant of such other Awards or awards.

      (b) Term of Awards. The term of each Award shall be for such period as may
be determined by the Committee; provided, however, that in no event shall the
term of any ISO or an SAR granted in tandem therewith exceed a period of ten
years from the date of its grant (or such shorter period as may be applicable
under Section 422 of the Code).

      (c) Form of Payment Under Awards. Subject to the terms of the Plan and any
applicable Award Agreement, payments to be made by the Company or a subsidiary
upon the grant or exercise of an Award may be made in such forms as the
Committee shall determine, including, without limitation, cash, Stock, other
Awards, or other property, and may be made in a single payment or transfer, in
installments, or on a deferred basis. Such payments may include, without
limitation, provisions for the payment or crediting of reasonable interest on
installment or deferred payments in respect of installment or deferred payments
denominated in Stock.

      (d) Rule 16b-3 Compliance.

            (i) Six-Month Holding Period. Unless a Participant could otherwise
dispose of equity securities, including derivative securities acquired under the
Plan, without incurring liability under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act,
equity securities acquired under the Plan must be held for a period of six
months following the date of such acquisition, provided that this condition
shall be satisfied with respect to a derivative security if at least six months
elapse from the date of acquisition of the derivative security to the date of
disposition of the derivative security (other than upon exercise or conversion)
or its underlying equity security.

            (ii) Other Compliance Provisions. With respect to a Participant who
is then subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act in respect of the Company, the
Committee shall implement transactions under the Plan and administer the Plan in
a manner that will ensure that each transaction by such a Participant is exempt
from liability under Rule 16b-3, except that such a Participant may be permitted
to engage in a non-exempt transaction under the Plan if written notice has been
given to the Participant regarding the non-exempt nature of such transaction.
The Committee may authorize the Company to repurchase any Award or shares of
Stock resulting from any Award in order to prevent a Participant who is subject
to Section 16 of the Exchange Act from incurring liability under Section 16(b).
Unless otherwise specified by the Participant, equity securities, including
derivative securities, acquired under the Plan which are disposed of by a
Participant shall be deemed to be disposed of in the order acquired by the

      (e) Loan Provisions. With the consent of the Committee, and subject at all
times to, and only to the extent, if any, permitted under and in accordance
with, laws and regulations and other binding obligations or


provisions applicable to the Company, the Company may make, guarantee, or
arrange for a loan or loans to a Participant with respect to the exercise of any
Option or other payment in connection with any Award, including the payment by a
Participant of any or all federal, state, or local income or other taxes due in
connection with any Award. Subject to such limitations, the Committee shall have
full authority to decide whether to make a loan or loans hereunder and to
determine the amount, terms, and provisions of any such loan or loans, including
the interest rate to be charged in respect of any such loan or loans, whether
the loan or loans are to be with or without recourse against the borrower, the
terms on which the loan is to be repaid and conditions, if any, under which the
loan or loans may be forgiven.

      (f) Acceleration upon a Change of Control. Notwithstanding anything
contained herein to the contrary, all conditions and/or restrictions relating to
the continued performance of services and/or the achievement of performance
objectives with respect to the exercisability or full enjoyment of an Award
shall immediately lapse upon a Change in Control, provided, however, that such
lapse shall not occur if (i) it is intended that the transaction constituting
such Change in Control be accounted for as a pooling of interests under
Accounting Principles Board Option No. 16 (or any successor thereto), and
operation of this Section 7(g) would otherwise violate Paragraph 47(c) thereof,
or (ii) the Committee, in its discretion, determines that such lapse shall not
occur, provided, further, that the Committee shall not have the discretion
granted in clause (ii) if it is intended that the transaction constituting such
Change in Control be accounted for as a pooling of interests under Accounting
Principles Board Option No. 16 (or any successor thereto), and such discretion
would otherwise violate Paragraph 47(c) thereof.

      8. General Provisions.

      (a) Compliance With Laws and Obligations. The Company shall not be
obligated to issue or deliver Stock in connection with any Award or take any
other action under the Plan in a transaction subject to the registration
requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any other federal or
state securities law, any requirement under any listing agreement between the
Company and any national securities exchange or automated quotation system, or
any other law, regulation, or contractual obligation of the Company, until the
Company is satisfied that such laws, regulations, and other obligations of the
Company have been complied with in full. Certificates representing shares of
Stock issued under the Plan will be subject to such stop-transfer orders and
other restrictions as may be applicable under such laws, regulations, and other
obligations of the Company, including any requirement that a legend or legends
be placed thereon.

      (b) Limitations on Transferability. Awards and other rights under the Plan
will not be transferable by a Participant except by will or the laws of descent
and distribution or to a Beneficiary in the event of the Participant's death,
shall not be pledged, mortgaged, hypothecated, or otherwise encumbered, or
otherwise subject to the claims of creditors, and, in the case of ISOs and SARs
in tandem therewith, shall be exercisable during the lifetime of a Participant
only by such Participant or his guardian or legal representative; provided,
however, that such Awards and other rights (other than ISOs and SARs in tandem
therewith) may be transferred to one or more transferees during the lifetime of
the Participant to the extent and on such terms as then may be permitted by the

      (c) No Right to Continued Employment. Neither the Plan nor any action
taken hereunder shall be construed as giving any employee the right to be
retained in the employ of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, nor shall it
interfere in any way with the right of the Company or any of its subsidiaries to
terminate any employee's employment at any time.


      (d) Taxes. The Company and any subsidiary is authorized to withhold from
any Award granted or to be settled, any delivery of Stock in connection with an
Award, any other payment relating to an Award, or any payroll or other payment
to a Participant amounts of withholding and other taxes due or potentially
payable in connection with any transaction involving an Award, and to take such
other action as the Committee may deem advisable to enable the Company and
Participants to satisfy obligations for the payment of withholding taxes and
other tax obligations relating to any Award. This authority shall include
authority to withhold or receive Stock or other property and to make cash
payments in respect thereof in satisfaction of a Participant's tax obligations;
in such case, the shares withheld shall be deemed to have been delivered for
purposes of Section 4(a).

      (e) Changes to the Plan and Awards. The Board may amend, alter, suspend,
discontinue, or terminate the Plan or the Committee's authority to grant Awards
under the Plan without the consent of stockholders or Participants, except that
any such action shall be subject to the approval of the Company's stockholders
at or before the next annual meeting of stockholders for which the record date
is after such Board action if such stockholder approval is required by any
federal or state law or regulation or the rules of any stock exchange or
automated quotation system on which the Stock may then be listed or quoted, and
the Board may otherwise, in its discretion, determine to submit other such
changes to the Plan to stockholders for approval; provided, however, that,
without the consent of an affected Participant, no such action may materially
impair the rights of such Participant under any Award theretofore granted to
him. The Committee may waive any conditions or rights under, or amend, alter,
suspend, discontinue, or terminate, any Award theretofore granted and any Award
Agreement relating thereto; provided, however, that, without the consent of an
affected Participant, no such action may materially impair the rights of such
Participant under such Award. No plan provision, within the meaning of Rule
16b-3(c)(2)(i)(D), shall be amended more than once every six months, other than
to comport with changes in the Code or rules thereunder.

      (f) No Rights to Awards; No Stockholder Rights. No Participant or employee
shall have any claim to be granted any Award under the Plan, and there is no
obligation for uniformity of treatment of Participants and employees. No Award
shall confer on any Participant any of the rights of a stockholder of the
Company unless and until Stock is duly issued or transferred and delivered to
the Participant upon exercise of an Option.

      (g) Unfunded Status of Awards; Creation of Trusts. The Plan is intended to
constitute an "unfunded" plan for incentive and deferred compensation. With
respect to any payments not yet made to a Participant pursuant to an Award,
nothing contained in the Plan or any Award shall give any such Participant any
rights that are greater than those of a general creditor of the Company;
provided, however, that the Committee may authorize the creation of trusts or
make other arrangements to meet the Company's obligations under the Plan to
deliver cash, Stock, other Awards, or other property pursuant to any Award,
which trusts or other arrangements shall be consistent with the "unfunded"
status of the Plan unless the Committee otherwise determines with the consent of
each affected Participant.

      (h) Nonexclusivity of the Plan. Neither the adoption of the Plan by the
Board nor its submission to the stockholders of the Company for approval shall
be construed as creating any limitations on the power of the Board to adopt such
other compensatory arrangements as it may deem desirable, including, without
limitation, the granting of stock options otherwise than under the Plan, and
such arrangements may be either applicable generally or only in specific cases.

      (i) No Fractional Shares. No fractional shares of Stock shall be issued or
delivered pursuant to the Plan or any Award. The Committee shall determine
whether cash, other Awards, or other property shall be issued


or paid in lieu of such fractional shares or whether such fractional shares or
any rights thereto shall be forfeited or otherwise eliminated.

      (j) Compliance with Section 162(m) of the Code. It is the intent of the
Company that Options and SARs granted at or above Fair Market Value shall
constitute "qualified performance-based compensation" within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code and regulations thereunder. Accordingly, if any
provision of the Plan or any Award Agreement relating to such an Award does not
comply or is inconsistent with the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code or
regulations thereunder, such provision shall be construed or deemed amended to
the extent necessary to conform to such requirements, and no provision shall be
deemed to confer upon the Committee or any other person discretion to increase
the amount of compensation otherwise payable in connection with any such Award
upon attainment of the performance objectives.

      (k) Governing Law. The validity, construction, and effect of the Plan, any
rules and regulations relating to the Plan, and any Award Agreement shall be
determined in accordance with the Delaware General Corporation Law, without
giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws, and applicable federal law.

      (l) Effective Date; Plan Termination. This Amended and Restated 1994 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan shall become effective as of the date of its adoption
by the Board and shall continue in effect until terminated by the Board.


                          NORLAND MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          To Be Held on August __, 1997

      The stockholder(s) whose signature(s) appear(s) on the reverse side of
this proxy form hereby appoint(s) Reynald G. Bonmati, Kurt W. Streams and Ralph
G. Theodore or any of them as proxies, with full power of substitution, and
hereby authorizes them to represent and vote all shares of Common Stock of the
Company which the stockholder(s) would be entitled to vote on all matters which
may come before the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at the Crowne
Plaza Hotel, 66 Hale Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601, at 10:00 a.m. on
_________, August __, 1997, or at any adjournment thereof. The proxies shall
vote subject to the directions indicated on the reverse side of this card and
the proxies are authorized to vote in their discretion upon such other business
as may properly come before the meeting and any adjournments or postponements
thereof. The proxies will vote as the Board of Directors recommends where a
choice is not specified.

The nominees for Director are: Reynald G. Bonmati, James J. Baker, Michael W.
Huber, Andre-Jacques Neusy and Albert S. Waxman.

                         (To Be Signed on Reverse Side.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A   |X| Please mark your votes as in this example.

        The Board of Directors recommends that stockholders vote FOR ALL
                   Directors and FOR Proposals 1, 3, 4 and 5.

                                                      FOR   AGAINST    ABSTAIN  

1.    The Acquisition of Norland Corporation by       |_|     |_|        |_|
      Norland Medical Systems Inc. (The "Company")
      pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement
      dated as of February 26, 1997 between the
      Company and Norland Medical Systems B.V.

                    FOR ALL   WITHHOLD FOR ALL
2.    Election of     |_|            |_|         Nominees:  Reynald G. Bonmati
      directors.                                            James J. Baker
                                                            Michael W. Huber
                                                            Andre-Jacques Neusy
                                                            Albert S. Waxman

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any
individual nominee or nominees, write the names on
the space provided below.

                                                      FOR   AGAINST    ABSTAIN  
3.    An amendment to the Company's Certificate of    |_|     |_|        |_|
      Incorporation to increase the number of
      authorized shares of the Company's Common
      Stock to 20,000,000.

                                                      FOR   AGAINST    ABSTAIN  
4.    Proposed amendments to Amended and Restated     |_|     |_|        |_|
      1994 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.

                                                      FOR   AGAINST    ABSTAIN  
5.    Selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as the    |_|     |_|        |_|
      Company's independent auditors for 1997.

      Please complete, sign, date and mail the enclosed Proxy in the
      accompanying envelope even if you intend to be present at the meeting.
      Returning the Proxy will not limit your right to vote in person or to
      attend the Annual Meeting, but will ensure your representation if you
      cannot attend. If you hold shares in more than one name, or if your stock
      is registered in more than one way, you may receive more than one copy of
      the proxy material. If so, please sign and return each of the proxy cards
      that you receive so that all of your shares may be voted. The Proxy is
      revocable at any time prior to its use.

__________________________ DATE_________________________________________________

(Note Please sign above exactly as the shares are issued. When shares are held
      by joint tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, executor,
      administrator, trustee or guardian, please give the full title as such. If
      a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President or other
      authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
      authorized person.)