<ARTICLE>      5
This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the
consolidated balance sheets and consolidated statements of operations found on
pages 16 and 17 of the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1997,
and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements.
<MULTIPLIER>                 1,000
<PERIOD-TYPE>                YEAR                YEAR
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>            MAR-31-1997         MAR-31-1997
<PERIOD-END>                 MAR-31-1997         JUN-30-1997
<CASH>                           17,349           18,031
<SECURITIES>                          0                0
<RECEIVABLES>                    12,730            9,299
<ALLOWANCES>                      1,371            2,877
<INVENTORY>                         205              179
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                 30,212           27,485
<PP&E>                           45,829           45,926
<DEPRECIATION>                   40,866           41,503
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                   37,900           34,298
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>            38,527           31,086
<BONDS>                               0                0
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                 0                0
<PREFERRED>                         187              187
<COMMON>                            175              177
<OTHER-SE>                       (1,134)            (616)
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>     37,900           34,298
<SALES>                          18,821            2,742
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                 64,823           12,826
<CGS>                             7,501              730
<TOTAL-COSTS>                    28,104            4,515
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                 54,624  <F1>      7,897
<LOSS-PROVISION>                    304                0
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                  400              312
<INCOME-PRETAX>                 (29,550) <F1>        386
<INCOME-TAX>                          0                0
<INCOME-CONTINUING>             (29,550) <F1>        386
<DISCONTINUED>                        0                0
<EXTRAORDINARY>                       0                0
<CHANGES>                             0                0
<NET-INCOME>                    (29,550) <F1>        386
<EPS-PRIMARY>                     (0.17)            0.02
<EPS-DILUTED>                     (0.17)            0.02
