<ARTICLE>                     5
This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the audited
financial statements for the fiscal year ending March 29, 1997 and the unaudited
sinancial information for the six months ended September 27, 1997 and is
qualified in its' entirety by reference to such financial statements.
<CIK>                    0001042465
<NAME>                   Roller Bearing Company of America, Inc.
<MULTIPLIER>                           1000
<PERIOD-TYPE>                   YEAR                  6-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                      MAR-29-1997    MAR-29-1997
<PERIOD-START>                         APR-01-1996    APR-01-1997
<PERIOD-END>                           MAR-29-1997    SEP-27-1997
<CASH>                                       859         10,020 
<SECURITIES>                                   0              0 
<RECEIVABLES>                             20,002         20,149 
<ALLOWANCES>                                 236            184 
<INVENTORY>                               36,852         41,559 
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                          58,241         72,833 
<PP&E>                                    58,709         72,002 
<DEPRECIATION>                            18,611         27,413 
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                           124,513        150,276 
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                     20,605         26,675 
<BONDS>                                   60,315        135,325 
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                          0              0 
<PREFERRED>                                    0              0 
<COMMON>                                       0              0 
<OTHER-SE>                                37,372        (17,552)
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>             124,513        150,276 
<SALES>                                   93,427         60,971 
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                          93,427         60,971 
<CGS>                                     64,215         43,141 
<TOTAL-COSTS>                             14,537          8,661 
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                           1,473          1,022 
<LOSS-PROVISION>                               0              0 
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                         5,338          4,894 
<INCOME-PRETAX>                            7,864          3,253 
<INCOME-TAX>                               3,224          1,334 
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                        4,640          1,919 
<DISCONTINUED>                                 0              0 
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                0            625 
<CHANGES>                                      0              0 
<NET-INCOME>                               4,640          1,294 
<EPS-PRIMARY>                          46,395.72              0 
<EPS-DILUTED>                          46,395.72              0