For Ministry Use Only
A l'usage exclusif du ministere
[Logo] Ministry of              Ministere de
       Consumer and             la Consommation
       Commercial               et du Commerce
Ontario Relations
CERTIFICATE                     CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these   Ceci certifie que les presents
articles are effective on       statuts entrent en vigueur le
MAY 28                          MAI, 1993

                /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]

Business Corporations Act/Loi de sur les compagnies

                           Ontario Corporation Number
                        Numero de la compagnie en Ontario



   Trans    Line               Comp     Method
   Code     No         Stat    Type     Incorp
   -----    -----      -----   -----    ------
     A        0          0       A        3
   -----    -----      -----   -----    ------
    18       20         28      29       30

   Share    Req'd      Jurisdiction
   -----    -----      -----------------------
     S        N        ONTARIO
   -----    -----      -----------------------
    31       32        33                   47

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     Form 1

                                    numero 1
                                     sur les

                              NEWSOME AND GILBERT
                                 CS1236 (FORM 1)
                               CS 784/83/362-110

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                              STATUTS CONSTITUTIFS

1. The name of the Corporation is:        Denomination sociale de la compagnie:


2. The address of the registered          Adresse du siege social:
   office is:

   12 Kittredge Court
    (Street & Number or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.)
         (Rue at numero ou numero de le R.R. et s'il sagit d'un edifico
                          a bureau, numero du bureau)

   Richmond Hill, Ontario                                     L4C7X3
   --------------------------------------------------     --------------
   (Name of Municipality or Post Office)                   (Postal Code)
   (Nom de la  municipalite ou du bureau de poste)         (Code postal)

    Town of Richmond Hill,               in      Regional Municipality of York
    -------------------------------- dans le/la  -----------------------------
   (Name of Municipality Geographic             (County, District or Regional 
    Township)                                    Municipality) 
   (Nom de la municipalite, du canton)          (Comte, district, municipalite 

3. Number (or minimum and maximum number)       Nombre (ou nombres minimal et 
   of directors is:                             maximal) d'administrateurs:

   A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of ten (10)

4.    The first director(s) is/are:           Premier(s) administrateur(s):               Resident  
      First name, initials and last name      Residence address, giving Street & No.      State     
      Prenom, initiales et nom de famille     or R.R. No., Municipality and Postal Code   Yes or No 
                                              Adresse personnelle, y compris la rue et    Resident  
                                              le numero, le numero de la R.R., le nom     Canadien  
                                              de la municipalite et le code postal        Oui/Non   
      ALLAN H. MANDEL                         45 Macauley Drive                             Yes
                                              Thornhill, Ontario
                                              L3T 5S6

07116 (04/92)


5. Restrictions, if any, on business the    Limites, s'il y a lieu, imposees aux
   corporation may carry on or on           activites commerciales ou aux
   powers the corporation may exercise.     pouvoirs de la compagnie.


6. The classes and any maximum number of    Categories et nombre maximal, s'il y
   shares that the corporation is           a lieu, d'actions que la compagnie
   authorized to issue:                     est autorisee a emettre:

The capital of the Corporation shall consist of an unlimited number of
non-voting Class A Common Shares (the "Class A Common Shares"); an unlimited
number of voting Class B Common Shares (the "Class B Common Shares"); an
unlimited number of voting Class C Special Shares (the "Class C Special
Shares"); and an unlimited number of non-voting Class D Special Shares (the
"Class D Special Shares").


7. Rights, privileges, restrictions and     Droits, privileges, restrictions et
   conditions (if any) attaching to each    conditions, s'il y a lieu, rattaches
   class of shares and directors            a chaque categorie d'actions et 
   authority with respect to any class of   pouvoirs des administrateurs 
   shares which may be issued in series:    relatifs a chaque categorie 
                                            d'actions qui peut etre emise en 

Class A Common Shares

The Class A Common Shares shall carry and be subject to the following rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions:

(a)   The holders of the Class A Common shares shall not be entitled to receive
      notice or to attend any meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation
      unless the meeting is called for the purpose of authorizing the
      dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or exchange of all or
      substantially all of the property of the Corporation other than in the
      ordinary course of business of the Corporation under subsection 183(3) of
      the Act, in which case the holders of the Class A Common shares shall be
      entitled to receive notice of such meeting. The holders of the Class A
      Common shares shall not be entitled either to vote at any meeting of the
      shareholders of the Corporation or to sign a resolution in writing, except
      a meeting called to consider, or a resolution in writing in respect of,
      any amendment to these Articles in respect of which the holders of the
      Class A Common shares would be entitled to vote separately as a class
      pursuant to the Act:

(b)   Notwithstanding the provisions of the Act and any other provision
      contained herein, the holders of the Class A Common shares shall not be
      entitled to vote separately as a class upon a proposal to amend these
      Articles to:

      (i)   increase or decrease any maximum number of authorized Class A Common
            shares, or increase any maximum number of authorized shares of a
            class of shares having rights or privileges equal or superior to the
            shares of the Class A Common shares;

      (ii)  effect an exchange, reclassification or cancellation of the Class A
            Common shares; or

      (iii) create a new class of shares equal to or superior to the Class A
            Common shares.

(c)   The Class A Common shares shall rank on a parity with the Class B Common
      shares with respect to priority in payment of dividends;

(d)   Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
      to any other class of shares of the Corporation, the Class A Common shares
      are entitled to receive any dividend declared by the Corporation in
      respect of the Class A Common shares;

(e)   Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
      to any other class of shares of the Corporation, the holders of the Class
      A Common shares shall


      be entitled to receive in parity with the Class B Common shares and shall
      participate rateably with Class B Common shares with respect to their
      entitlement to receive the remaining property of the Corporation upon the
      liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, whether
      voluntary or involuntary.

Class B Common Shares

The Class B Common Shares shall carry and be subject to the following rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions:

(a)   The holders of the Class B Common shares shall be entitled to receive
      notice of and to attend any meeting the shareholders of the Corporation
      and shall be entitled to one vote in respect of each Class B Common share
      held at such meetings, except meetings at which the holders of a
      particular class of shares other than the Class B Common shares are
      entitled to vote separately as a class;

(b)   The Class B Common shares shall rank on a parity with the Class A Common
      shares with respect to priority in payment of dividends and in the
      distribution of assets in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or
      winding up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, or any
      other distribution of the assets of the Corporation among it's
      shareholders for the purpose of winding up it's affairs;

(c)   Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
      to any other class of shares of the Corporation, the Class B Common shares
      are entitled to receive any dividend declared by the Corporation in
      respect of the Class B Common shares.

Class C Special Shares

The Class C Special Shares shall carry and be subject to the following rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions:

(a)   The holders of the Class C Special shares shall be entitled to receive and
      the Corporation shall pay thereon, as and when declared by the Board of
      Directors of the Corporation out of the assets of the Corporation properly
      applicable to the payment of dividends, non-cumulative cash dividends in
      an amount as determined by the Board of Directors; If within any financial
      year of the Corporation, the Board of Directors in their discretion shall
      not have declared such dividends, then the rights of the holders of the
      Class C Special shares to such dividends in respect to any such financial
      year shall be forever extinguished.

(b)   The holders of the Class C Special shares shall be entitled to receive
      notice of and to attend any meeting the shareholders of the Corporation
      and shall be entitled to one vote in respect of each Class C Special share
      held at such meetings, except


      meetings at which the holders of a particular class of shares other than
      the Class C Special shares are entitled to vote separately as a class;

(c)   The Corporation may, subject to the requirements of the Act, upon the
      giving of such notice, if any, and the following of such procedures as the
      Directors may determine from time to time, redeem at any time the whole or
      from time to time any part of the then outstanding Class C Special Shares,
      either on a pro rata basis or otherwise, on payment of an amount for each
      share to be redeemed equal to the amount paid up thereon, plus all
      declared and unpaid dividends thereon, the whole constituting and being
      hereinafter referred to as the "Class C Special Share Redemption Amount";

(d)   On or after the date specified for redemption, the Corporation shall pay
      or cause to be paid to or to the order of the registered holders of the
      Class C Special Shares to be redeemed the Redemption Amount thereof on
      presentation and surrender at the registered office of the Corporation or
      any other place designated by the Corporation in the notice of redemption,
      of the certificates representing the Class C Special Shares called for
      redemption. Such Class C Special Shares shall thereupon be redeemed. If
      less than all of the Class C Special Shares represented by any certificate
      are redeemed, the holder shall be entitled to receive a new certificate
      for that number of Class C Special Shares represented by the original
      certificate which are not redeemed. From and after the date specified for
      redemption, the holders of the Class C Special shares called for
      redemption shall cease to be entitled to dividends, and shall not be
      entitled to exercise any of the rights of the shareholders in respect
      thereof, unless payment of the redemption amount shall not be made upon
      presentation of the certificates in accordance with the foregoing
      provisions, in which case the rights of the holder shall remain in effect.

(e)   Each holder of one or more Class C Special Shares shall have the right, in
      his discretion and at all times, to demand that the Corporation redeem all
      or any of the said shares registered in the name of the holder in the
      registers of the Corporation by presenting to the Corporation, at its head
      office, a share certificate representing Class C Special Shares that the
      registered holder wishes the Corporation to redeem; the said certificate
      shall be accompanied by a written request indicating:

            (i)   the registered holder wishes all or part of the Class C
                  Special Shares represented by the said certificate, to be
                  redeemed by the Corporation; and

            (ii)  the date (providing that it is a regular business day) upon
                  which the registered holder wishes his Class C Special Shares
                  to be redeemed (hereinafter called the "redemption date").
                  Provided that, the redemption date shall not at any time be
                  fixed at less that five (5) days from the date of presentation
                  of the request unless such five (5) days notice is waived by
                  the Corporation.


                  The receipt of the said certificate and the said request shall
                  oblige the Corporation, on the date stipulated in the request,
                  to redeem each Class C Special Shares requested to be redeemed
                  by paying to the said registered holder the aggregate of : (1)
                  the Class C Special Share Redemption Amount for each such
                  share; and (2) an amount equal to all dividends declared on
                  such share but unpaid. Commencing from the redemption date
                  stipulated in the written request, the holders of the said
                  Class C Special Shares shall not be entitled to the payment of
                  any dividends and the holders of the same shall not be
                  entitled to exercise any rights attaching thereto, unless the
                  payment of the Class C Special Share Redemption Amount for
                  each share to be redeemed together with all dividends declared
                  thereunder (hereinafter called the "Redemption Payment") is
                  not made by the Corporation on the redemption date, in which
                  case the rights of the holders of the shares in question shall
                  not be affected in any manner and such holders shall
                  (notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein
                  contained) be entitled to receive cumulative annual dividends
                  at a fixed rate equal to three-quarters (3/4) of the Prime
                  Rate accruing on the Redemption Payment from the redemption
                  date to the date that the Redemption Payment is made.

(f)   For the purposes of these Articles, the term "Prime Rate" in respect of
      any fiscal period of the Corporation as such term is applied to the Class
      C Special Shares means the rate of interest expressed as a annual rate,
      established by The Royal Bank of Canada at Toronto, on the particular day
      on which any cumulative annual dividends on the Class C Special Shares
      begin to accrue, for loans in Canadian dollars to its most creditworthy
      commercial customers in Canada.

(g)   (i)   Subject as hereinafter provided, any holder of fully paid Class C
            Special shares shall be entitled at his option at any time up to the
            close of business on the third day prior to the redemption date
            specified in any notice of redemption of Class C Special shares to
            have all or any of the Class C Special shares by him converted into
            fully paid Class B Common shares as the same shall be constituted at
            the time of conversion at the rate of one hundred (100) Class B
            Common shares for each Class C Special share in respect of which the
            conversion privilege is exercised;

      (ii)  The conversion privilege herein provided for may only be exercised
            by notice in writing given to the Corporation at its registered
            office accompanied by the certificate or certificates for Class C
            Special shares in respect of which the holder thereof desires to
            exercise such right of conversion and such notice shall be signed by
            the person registered on the books of the Corporation as the holder
            of the Class C Special shares which the holder desires to have
            converted; upon the Corporation receiving such notice it shall issue
            certificates for Class B Common shares at the applicable rate herein
            prescribed and in accordance with the provisions hereof to the


            holder of the Class C Special shares represented by any such
            certificate are converted the holder shall be entitled to receive a
            new certificate for that number of Class C Special shares
            represented by the original certificate which are not converted;

      (iii) Upon conversion of any Class C Special shares, the Corporation shall
            make a payment to the holder of such shares of an amount equal to
            all dividends declared and unpaid on such shares at the date of
            conversion but shall make no payment or adjustment on account of any
            dividends on the Class B Common shares issuable upon such

(h)   In the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
      whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of Class C Special shares
      shall be entitled to receive, before any distribution of the assets of the
      Corporation is made among the holders of all other classes of shares of
      the Corporation, an amount equal to the return of paid-up capital and an
      amount equal to any dividends declared thereon but unpaid and no more.

Class D Special Shares

The Class D Special Shares shall carry and be subject to the following rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions:

(a)   The holders of the Class D Special shares shall not be entitled to receive
      notice or to attend any meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation
      unless the meeting is called for the purpose of authorizing the
      dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or exchange of all or
      substantially all of the property of the Corporation other than in the
      ordinary course of business of the Corporation under subsection 183(3) of
      the Act, in which case the holders of the Class D Special shall be
      entitled to receive notice of such meeting. The holders of the Class D
      Special shares shall not be entitled either to vote at any meeting of the
      shareholders of the Corporation or to sign a resolution in writing, except
      a meeting called to consider, or a resolution in writing in respect of,
      any amendment to these Articles in respect of which the holders of the
      Class D Special shares would be entitled to vote separately as a class
      pursuant to the Act;

(b)   The holders of the Class D Special shares shall be entitled to receive and
      the Corporation shall pay thereon, as and when declared by the Board of
      Directors of the Corporation out of the assets of the Corporation properly
      applicable to the payment of dividends, non-cumulative cash dividends in
      an amount as determined by the Board of Directors; If within any financial
      year of the Corporation, the Board of Directors in their discretion shall
      not have declared such dividends, then the rights of the holders of the
      Class D Special shares to such dividends in respect to any such financial
      year shall be forever extinguished.


(c)   In the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
      whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of Class D Special shares
      shall be entitled to receive, before any distribution of the assets of the
      Corporation is made among the holders of the Class A Common shares and the
      Class B Common shares, an amount equal to the return of paid-up capital
      and an amount equal to any dividends declared thereon but unpaid and no


8. The issue, transfer or ownership of      L'emission, le transfert ou la
   shares is/is not restricted and the      propriete d'actions est/n'est pas
   restrictions (if any) are as follows:    restreinte. Les restrictions, s'il y
                                            a lieu, sont les suivantes:

The right to transfer shares of the Corporation shall be restricted in that no
shares shall be transferred without either:

      (a)   The previous consent of the Directors of the Corporation expressed
            by a resolution passed at a meeting of the Directors or by an
            instrument or instruments in writing signed by a majority of the
            Directors; or

      (b)   The previous consent of the holders of at least 51% of the shares
            for the time being outstanding entitled to vote expressed by
            resolution passed at a meeting of the shareholders or by an
            instrument or instruments in writing signed by such shareholders.


9. Other provisions, if any, are:           Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu:

1.    That the Board of Directors may from time to time, in such amounts and on
      such terms as it deems expedient:

      (a)   borrow money on the credit of the Corporation;

      (b)   issue, reissue, sell or pledge debt obligations (including bonds,
            debentures, notes or other similar obligations, secured or
            unsecured) of the Corporation;

      (c)   to the extent permitted by law, give a guarantee on behalf of the
            Corporation to secure performance of any present or future
            indebtedness, liability or obligations of any person; and

      (d)   charge, mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise create a security
            interest in all or any of the currently owned or subsequently
            acquired real or personal, movable or immovable, property of the
            Corporation, including book debts, rights, powers, franchises and
            undertakings, to secure any debt obligations or any money borrowed
            or other debt or liability of the Corporation.

      The Board of Directors may from time to time delegate such one or more of
      the Directors and Officers of the Corporation as may be designated by the
      Board all or any of the powers conferred on the Board above to such extent
      and in such manner as the Board shall determine at the time of each such

2.    That the number of shareholders of the Corporation, exclusive of persons
      who are in the employment of the Corporation and exclusive of persons who,
      having been formerly in the employment of the Corporation, were, while in
      that employment, and have continued after the termination of that
      employment to be shareholders of the Corporation, is limited to not more
      that fifty (50), two (2) or more persons who are the joint registered
      owners of one (1) or more shares being counted as one (1) shareholder; and

3.    That any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or
      securities of the Corporation is hereby prohibited.


10. The names and addresses of the          Full residence address or address of
    incorporators are                       registered office or of principal   
    Nom et adresse des fondateurs           place of business giving street &   
    First name, initials and last name      No. or R.R. No., municipality and   
    or corporate name                       postal code                         
    Prenom, initiale et nom de famile       Adresse personnelle au complet,     
    ou denomination sociale                 adresse du siege social ou adresse  
                                            de l'etablissement principal, y     
                                            compris la rue et le numero, le     
                                            numero de la R.R., le nom de la     
                                            municipalite et le code postal      
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ALLAN H. MANDEL                         45 Macauley Drive
                                            Thornhill, Ontario
                                            L3T 5S6

   These articles are signed in duplicate.  Les presents statuts sont signes en
                                            double exemplaire.

                          Signatures of incorporators
                           (Signature des fondateurs)

                          /s/ Allan H. Mandel
                          ALLAN H. MANDEL


For Ministry Use Only
A l'usage exclusif du ministere
[Logo] Ministry of              Ministere de
       Consumer and             la Consommation
       Commercial               et du Commerce
Ontario Relations
CERTIFICATE                     CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these   Ceci certifie que les presents
articles are effective on       statuts entrent en vigueur le
OCTOBER 01                      OCTOBRE, 1993

                                 /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]

               Business Corporations Act/Loi de sur les compagnies

                           Ontario Corporation Number
                        Numero de la compagnie en Ontario



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     Form 3

                                    numero 3
                                   Loi de 1982
                                     sur les

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                             STATUTS DE MODIFICATION

1. The present name of the corporation is:     Denomination sociale actuelle de 
                                               la compagnie:


2. The name of the corporation is changed to   Nouvelle denomination sociale de 
   (if applicable):                            la compagnie (s'il y a lieu):


3. Date of incorporation/amalgamation:         Date de la constitution ou de la

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               (Day, Month, Year)
                               (jour, mois, annee)

4. The articles of the corporation are         Les statuts de la compagnie sont
   amended as  follows:                        modifies de fa facon suivante:

   to change the name of the Corporation from 20/20 Laser Centers Inc. to TLC


5. The amendment has been duly authorized   La modification a ete dument       
   as required by Sections 167 and 169      autorisee conformement a l'article 
   (as applicable) of the Business          167 et. s'il y a lieu, a l'article 
   Corporations Act.                        169 de la Loi sur les compagnies.  

6. The resolution authorizing the           Les actionnaires ou les            
   amendment was approved by the            administrateurs (le cas echeant) de
   shareholders/directors (as applicable)   la compagnie ont approuve la       
   of the corporation on                    resolution autorisant la           
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               (Day, Month, Year)
                               (jour, mois, annee)

   These articles are signed in duplicate.  Les presents statuts sont signes en
                                            double exemplaire.

                                            20/20 Laser Centers Inc.
                                               (Name of Corporation)
                                           (Denomination sociate de la compagne)

                                  By/Par:  [ILLEGIBLE]   Director
                                           (Signature)   (Description of Office)
                                           (Signature)   (Fonction)

For Ministry Use Only
A l'usage exclusif du ministere
[Logo] Ministry of              Ministere de
       Consumer and             la Consommation
       Commercial               et du Commerce
Ontario Relations
CERTIFICATE                     CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these   Ceci certifie que les presents
articles are effective on       statuts entrent en vigueur le
MARCH 22                        MARS, 1995

                                 /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]              (1)

               Business Corporations Act/Loi de sur les compagnies

                           Ontario Corporation Number
                        Numero de la compagnie en Ontario




- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     Form 3

                                    numero 3
                                     sur les

                                  DYE & DURHAM
                                FORM 3 (B.C.A.)

                                  07119 (01/92)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                             STATUTS DE MODIFICATION

1.   The present name of the corporation is:    Denomination sociale actuelle de
                                                la compagnie:


2.   The name of the corporation is changed     Nouvelle denomination sociale de
     to (if applicable):                        la compagnie (s'il y a lieu):

3.   Date of incorporation/amalgamation:        Date de la constitution ou de la

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               (Day, Month, Year)
                               (jour, mois, annee)

4.   The articles of the corporation are        Les statuts de la compagnie sont
     amended as follows:                        modifies de la facon suivante:

     (1)  to provide that the existing 100 Class B Common Shares of the
          Corporation be divided on a basis of One Hundred Thousand (100,000) to
          One (1);

     (2)  to change the designation of the Class B Common Shares to common

     (3)  to remove the authorized but unissued Class A Common Shares, Class C
          Special Shares and Class D Special Shares of the Corporation and all
          rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching thereto;

     (4)  to declare that the capital of the Corporation after giving effect to
          the foregoing consists of an unlimited number of common shares;


     (5)  to remove the existing rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions
          attached to the Class B Common Shares that have been redesignated as
          common shares and to provide that the new rights, privileges,
          restrictions and conditions attaching to the common shares are as

          (a)  Payment of Dividends: The holders of the common shares shall be
               entitled to receive dividends if, as and when declared by the
               board of directors of the Corporation out of the assets of the
               Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends in
               such amounts and payable in such manner as the board of directors
               may from time to time determine.

          (b)  Participation upon Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding-Up: In the
               event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the
               Corporation or other distribution of assets of the Corporation
               among its shareholders for the purpose of winding-up its affairs,
               the holders of the common shares shall be entitled to participate
               rateably in any distribution of assets of the Corporation.

          (c)  Voting Rights: The holders of the common shares shall be entitled
               to receive notice of and to attend all annual and special
               meetings of the shareholders of the Corporation and to one vote
               in respect of each common share held at such meetings.

5. The amendment has been duly authorized   La modification a ete dument
   as required by Sections 168 & 170 (as    autorisee conformement a l'article
   applicable) of the Business              168 et, s'il y a lieu, a l'article
   Corporations Act.                        170 de la Loi sur les compagnies.

6. The resolution authorizing the           Les actionnaires ou les
   amendment was approved by the            administrateurs (le cas echeant) de
   shareholders/directors (as applicable)   la compagnie ont approuve la
   of the corporation on                    resolution autorisant la

                                    09 02 95
                               (Day, Month, Year)
                               (jour, mois, annee)

   These articles are signed in duplicate.  Les presents status sont signes en
                                            double exemplaire.

                                        TLC THE LASER CENTER INC.
                                                  (Name of Corporation)
                                        (Denomination sociale de la compagnie)

                                 By/Par: [ILLEGIBLE]      Director
                                         (Signature)     (Description of Office)
                                         (Signature)     (Fonction)

For Ministry Use Only
A l'usage exclusif du ministere
[Logo] Ministry of              Ministere de
       Consumer and             la Consommation
       Commercial               et du Commerce
Ontario Relations
CERTIFICATE                     CERTIFICAT
This is to certify that these   Ceci certifie que les presents
articles are effective on       statuts entrent en vigueur le
FEBRUARY 19                     FEVRIER, 1996

                                 /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]

               Business Corporations Act/Loi de sur les compagnies

                           Ontario Corporation Number
                        Numero de la compagnie en Ontario



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     Form 3

                                    numero 3
                                     sur les

                                  DYE & DURHAM
                                FORM 3 (B.C.A.)

                                  07119 (01/92)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                             STATUTS DE MODIFICATION

1.    The present name of the corporation is:      Denomination sociale actuelle
                                                   de la compagnie:

2.    The name of the corporation is changed       Nouvelle denomination sociale
      to (if applicable):                          de la compagnie (s'il y a 

3.    Date of incorporation/amalgamation:          Date de la constitution ou de
                                                   la fusion:

                                   28 May 1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               (Day, Month, Year)
                               (jour, mois, annee)

4.    The articles of the corporation are         Les statuts de la compagnie 
      amended as follows:                         sont modifies de la facon

      The articles of the Company are amended to remove the following private
company restrictions contained therein:

      (a)   the restriction on the right to transfer shares of the company;

      (b)   the limit on the number of shareholders of the Company; and

      (c)   the prohibition against any invitation to the public to subscribe
            for any shares or securities of the Company


5.    The amendment has been duly authorized       La modification a ete dument
      as required by Sections 168 & 170 (as        autorisee conformement a
      applicable) of the Business Corporations     l'article 168 et, s'il y a
      Act.                                         lieu, a l'article 170 de la
                                                   Loi sur les compagnies.

6.    The resolution authorizing the amendment     Les actionnaires ou les
      was approved by the shareholders/directors   administrateurs (le cas
      (as applicable) of the corporation on        echeant) de la compagnie ont
                                                   approuve la resolution
                                                   autorisant la modification

                                23 January 1996
                               (Day, Month, Year)
                               (jour, mois, annee)

      These articles are signed in duplicate.      Les presents status sont
                                                   signes en double exemplaire.

                                     TLC THE LASER CENTER INC.
                                              (Name of Corporation)
                                     (Denomination sociale de la compagnie)

                             By/Par: /s/ Elias Vamvakas  President, Chief 
                                                         Executive Officer
                                     (Signature)         (Description of Office)
                                     (Signature)         (Fonction)