Combined Financial Statements as of December 31, 1998 and 1997, and for the
Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 Independent Auditors' Report

Unaudited Condensed Combined Financial Statements as of March 31, 1999 and for
the Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 and 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Independent Auditors' Report                                                1

Combined Balance Sheets                                                     2

Combined Income Statements                                                  3

Combined Statements of Cash Flows                                           4

Combined Statements of Shareholders' Equity                                 5

Notes to the Combined Financial Statements                                 6-21

Unaudited Condensed Combined Balance Sheets                                 22

Unaudited Condensed Combined Income Statements                              23

Unaudited Condensed Combined Statements of Cash Flows                       24

Notes to the Condensed Combined Financial Statements                      25-26

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Directors of
PHH Corporation

We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of PHH Vehicle
Management Services (the "Group") as of December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the
related combined statements of income, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for
each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1998. All entities in
the Group are directly or indirectly wholly-owned subsidiaries of Cendant
Corporation. These combined financial statements are the responsibility of the
Group's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
combined financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the combined financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the combined financial statements. An
audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall combined
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such combined financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of PHH Vehicle Management Services as
of December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the results of their operations and their
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1998 in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Parsippany, New Jersey
June 18, 1999

                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                             COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                                December 31,
                                                            1998          1997
                                                        ----------    ----------
  Cash and cash equivalents                             $   21,059    $   11,938
  Accounts and loans receivable - net of
    allowance of $11,272 and $8,702                        508,901       383,830
  Property and equipment - net                              93,529        39,066
  Goodwill - net of accumulated amortization
    of $22,849 and $17,108                                 219,192        31,439
  Other intangibles - net                                   17,246         1,179
  Deferred income taxes                                     39,945        39,696
  Other assets                                              40,099        33,546
                                                        ----------    ----------

      Total assets exclusive of assets under
        management programs                                939,971       540,694
                                                        ----------    ----------

  Net investment in leases and leased vehicles
    Operating leases                                     2,956,676     3,030,187
    Direct financing leases                                830,753       563,290
    Accrued interest                                           899           941
                                                        ----------    ----------

                                                         3,788,328     3,594,418
                                                        ----------    ----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                            $4,728,299    $4,135,112
                                                        ==========    ==========

  Accounts payable                                      $  181,718    $  219,229
  Accrued liabilities                                      113,499        56,598
  Income taxes payable                                     108,089        44,828
  Deferred revenue                                          41,146        46,447
  Due to affiliates                                        182,061       242,850
  Certificate of deposit                                    25,000            --
  Borrowed funds                                            22,207        39,677
                                                        ----------    ----------

      Total liabilities exclusive of liabilities
        under management programs                          673,720       649,629
                                                        ----------    ----------

    Affiliates                                           1,859,683     2,531,863
    Third party                                          1,250,628       269,213
  Deferred income taxes                                    213,444       244,241
                                                        ----------    ----------

                                                         3,323,755     3,045,317
                                                        ----------    ----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                        3,997,475     3,694,946
                                                        ----------    ----------

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (Note 15)                         --            --

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                       730,824       440,166
                                                        ----------    ----------

TOTAL LIABIILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY             $4,728,299    $4,135,112
                                                        ==========    ==========

                   See notes to combined financial statements.


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                           COMBINED INCOME STATEMENTS
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                              For the Years Ended
                                                                  December 31,
                                                      1998          1997          1996
                                                 -----------    -----------   -----------
  Fleet leasing revenue                          $ 1,286,896    $ 1,187,193   $ 1,128,495
  Fleet management services                          182,356        184,047       167,512
  Other revenue                                      135,811         81,455        61,032
                                                 -----------    -----------   -----------

      Total revenues                               1,605,063      1,452,695     1,357,039
                                                 -----------    -----------   -----------

  Depreciation on leased vehicles                  1,015,511        953,551       912,830
  Interest expense                                   183,560        177,149       167,687
  Selling, general and administrative expenses       232,724        211,123       193,822
  Depreciation and amortization on assets
    other than leased vehicles                        25,680         14,943        16,585
  Merger-related costs and other unusual
     charges (credits)                                (1,280)        61,090            --
                                                 -----------    -----------   -----------

      Total expenses                               1,456,195      1,417,856     1,290,924
                                                 -----------    -----------   -----------

INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES             148,868         34,839        66,115

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                            55,800         23,649        25,323
                                                 -----------    -----------   -----------

NET INCOME                                       $    93,068    $    11,190   $    40,792
                                                 ===========    ===========   ===========

                   See notes to combined financial statements.


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                                              For the Years
                                                                            Ended December 31,
                                                                  1998            1997              1996
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------
  Net Income                                                 $    93,068      $    11,190      $    40,792
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation on leased vehicles                            1,015,511          953,551          912,830
    Depreciation and amortization on assets other
     than leased vehicles                                         25,680           14,943           16,585
    Merger-related costs and other unusual charges
     (credits)                                                    (1,280)          61,090               --
    Other non-cash charges                                         5,140            2,961            2,047
    Changes in other assets and liabilities:
      Accounts and loans receivable                             (134,007)         (25,022)          (2,990)
      Income taxes payable                                       101,511           35,732          (20,419)
      Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities              50,620          (28,957)          67,995
      Due to Affiliates                                          (24,642)         (89,600)         (96,299)
      Deferred income taxes                                      (64,743)          44,784           55,432
      Other assets, net                                           (2,017)             602           (8,556)
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

           Net cash provided by operating activities           1,064,841          981,274          967,417
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

  Assets under management programs
    Investment in leases and leased vehicles                  (2,516,895)      (2,185,270)      (1,918,531)
    Repayments of investment in leases and leased vehicles     1,088,036          756,939          726,246
    Proceeds from sales and transfers of leases and
     leased vehicles                                             224,597          229,303          117,753
  Net purchases of property and equipment                        (59,823)         (13,171)         (13,750)
  Cash acquired in acquisition of business, net of
     contribution from affiliates                                  2,341               --               --
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

           Net cash used in investing activities              (1,261,744)      (1,212,199)      (1,088,282)
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

  Proceeds from certificate of deposit                            25,000               --               --
  Net change in line of credit                                   (18,360)           5,552            6,170
  Payment of dividends to PHH                                         --               --          (19,302)
  Capital contribution                                                --               --            4,985
  Liabilities under management programs
    Proceeds from third party debt issuance                    4,431,004        1,596,668        1,669,418
    Principal payments on third party debt issuance           (3,005,694)      (1,611,431)      (1,558,814)
    Proceeds from debt from affiliates                         1,401,573        2,078,077        1,026,697
    Principal payments on debt from affiliates                (2,607,726)      (1,843,035)      (1,002,354)
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

           Net cash provided by financing activities             225,797          225,831          126,800
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATES ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS            (19,773)          (2,806)           3,496
                                                             -----------      -----------      -----------

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS               9,121           (7,900)           9,431

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR                      11,938           19,838           10,407

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR                       $    21,059      $    11,938      $    19,838
                                                             ===========      ===========      ===========

Interest paid                                                $   184,285      $   160,421      $   148,320
                                                             ===========      ===========      ===========

Income taxes paid                                            $    23,804      $    22,422      $    22,444
                                                             ===========      ===========      ===========

Non-cash investing and financing information:
  Business acquired:
  Fair value of assets acquired, excluding cash              $   294,287
  Liabilities assumed                                            (86,006)
  Capital contribution from affiliate for acquisition           (190,597)
  Additional purchase consideration payable                      (20,025)
Net cash acquired                                            $    (2,341)

                   See notes to combined financial statements


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
              For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                                 (In Thousands)

Balance, January 1, 1996                                              $ 352,353
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                             40,792
  Currency translation                                                   12,173
Total comprehensive income                                               52,965

Capital contribution                                                      4,985
Dividends paid to PHH                                                   (19,302)

Balance, December 31, 1996                                              391,001
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                             11,190
  Currency translation                                                   (8,852)
Total comprehensive income                                                2,338

Capital contribution                                                     46,827

Balance, December 31, 1997                                              440,166

Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                             93,068
  Currency translation                                                    3,018
  Pension Plan additional minimum liability, net                         (1,306)
Total comprehensive income                                               94,780

Capital contribution                                                    190,597
Benefit of tax losses received from outside the Group                     5,281
Balance, December 31, 1998                                            $ 730,824

                   See notes to combined financial statements


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                  (In Thousands Unless Identified Differently)


      PHH Vehicle Management Services (the "Group") is a combined reporting
      entity engaged in the business of providing fleet and fuel management
      services primarily consisting of the management, purchase, leasing and
      resale of vehicles for corporate and government agencies. All entities
      within the Group are directly or indirectly wholly-owned subsidiaries of
      PHH Corporation ("PHH") and PHH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cendant
      Corporation ("Cendant" or the "Parent Company"). Services provided by the
      Group include fuel, maintenance, safety, and accident management programs
      and other fee-based services for vehicle fleets. The Group leases vehicles
      under operating and direct financing lease arrangements. The Group
      operates in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland and
      Germany. The combined and consolidated financial statements represent the
      aggregation of the accounts and transactions of the following legal
      entities and their subsidiaries:

      PHH Vehicle Management Services Corporation and its wholly-owned
      subsidiaries ("PHH VMS Corporation"), excluding Trac Funding III, Inc.
      PHH Vehicle Management Services Inc. and its subsidiaries
      ("PHH VMS Canada")
      PHH Personalease Corporation
      Dealers Holding, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
      PHH Commercial Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Corner Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Page Leasing, Inc.
      PHH St. Paul Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Continental Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Caribbean Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Market Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Milford Leasing, Inc.
      PHH National Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Power Leasing, Inc.
      PHH Vehicle Management Services Plc
      PHH Investment Services Ltd.
      PHH Financial Services Ltd.
      PHH Leasing (No. 9) Ltd.
      PHH Card Services Ltd.
      Allstar Petrol Card Limited
      PHH Truck Management Services Ltd.
      Pointeuro Limited and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
      Wright Express Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiaries
      ("Wright Express")
      PHH Deutschland Inc.
      PHH Charitable Trust

      Wright Express Financial Services Corporation (the "Bank"), a subsidiary
      of Wright Express, is licensed as an industrial loan corporation pursuant
      to the laws of the State of Utah and its deposits are insured by the
      Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC"). The Bank is subject to
      competition from other financial institutions and to the regulations of
      certain federal and state agencies and undergoes examination by those

      The combined financial statements include the accounts and transactions of
      all of the above-mentioned legal entities. All significant balances and
      transactions between the combined entities have been


      eliminated. Remaining balances with affiliates relate to PHH and Cendant
      or their subsidiaries.


      Use of Estimates

      The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
      accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
      assumptions that affect reported amounts and related disclosures. Actual
      results could differ from those estimates.

      Cash and Cash Equivalents

      The Group considers highly liquid investments purchased with an original
      maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

      Accounts and Loans Receivable

      Accounts and loans receivable at December 31, 1998 includes $122 million
      of credit card receivables of the Bank.

      Property and Equipment

      Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and
      amortization. Depreciation is computed by the straight-line method over
      the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Amortization of
      leasehold improvements is computed by the straight-line method over the
      estimated useful lives of the related assets or the lease term, if


      Goodwill, which represents the excess of cost over fair value of net
      assets acquired, is amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated
      useful lives, which range from 25 to 40 years.

      Intangible Assets

      Intangible assets represent the value placed on customer lists. Intangible
      assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful
      lives of 7 to 14 years.

      Asset Impairment

      The Company periodically evaluates the recoverability of its investments,
      intangible assets and long-lived assets, comparing the respective carrying
      values to the current and expected future cash flows, on an undiscounted
      basis, to be generated from such assets. Property and equipment is
      evaluated separately within each business. The recoverability of goodwill
      is evaluated on a separate basis for each acquisition.

      Recognition of Revenues and Expenses

      Fleet Leasing Services - The Group primarily leases vehicles under three
      standard arrangements: open-end operating leases, closed-end operating
      leases or open-end finance leases (direct financing leases). These leases
      are accounted for in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting
      Standards ("SFAS") No. 13, "Accounting for Leases." Each lease is either
      classified as an operating lease or direct financing lease, as defined.

      The Group records the cost of the leased vehicle as an "investment in
      leases and leased vehicles."


      Vehicles are depreciated using the straight-line method over the expected
      lease term. The lease terms range from 12 months to 144 months. Amounts
      charged to the lessees for interest on the unrecovered investment are
      credited to income on a level yield method, which approximates the
      contractual terms. Amounts received from the motor companies are partially
      recognized at the time of acquisition of the leased vehicle, a portion is
      deferred and recognized straight line over the lease term of the vehicle,
      and a portion is deferred and recognized at the time the vehicle is
      disposed of.

      Fleet Management Services - Revenues from fleet management services other
      than leasing are recognized over the period in which services are provided
      and the related expenses are incurred.

      Service, maintenance and repairs provision - Service, maintenance and
      repairs ("SMR") are provided for vehicles under certain leases. These
      leases include a revenue component for SMR costs. The Group accrues
      estimated losses on those leases where estimated SMR costs exceed

      Income Taxes

      The U.S. entities are included in the consolidated income tax return of
      Cendant. In the United Kingdom, the Group files combined income tax
      returns with other members of Cendant. The Group's share of the
      consolidated federal income tax liability is allocated to each company on
      a separate return basis. Separate income tax returns are filed in states
      or countries where consolidated returns are not permitted. In 1998 the
      income taxes payable for the Group has been reduced by approximately
      $5,281 for tax benefits received from other members of Cendant. The
      benefit has been accounted for as a capital contribution. For the other
      European companies, separate income tax returns are filed in countries
      where consolidated returns are not permitted. The provision for income
      taxes includes deferred income taxes resulting from items reported in
      different periods for income tax and financial statement purposes.
      Deferred tax assets and liabilities represent the expected future tax
      consequences of the differences between the financial statement carrying
      amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases.
      The effects of changes in tax rates on deferred tax assets and liabilities
      are recognized in the period that includes the enactment date.

      Intercompany Transactions

      The Group borrows principally from PHH Corporation and PHH Dublin
      Unlimited to fund its leasing operations, except for PHH VMS Canada which
      raises its own funds through its commercial paper program. The costs of
      these funds are passed on to the leasing customers. In addition, PHH
      Corporation has guaranteed certain transactions entered into by the Group.
      Cendant provides certain administrative services to the Group. The Group
      records the cost of these services as expenses when incurred. These
      services are discussed in Note 12.

      Translation of Foreign Currencies

      The combined financial statements are expressed in U.S. dollars solely for
      the purpose of presenting the Group's financial position and results of
      operations. Assets and liabilities of foreign entities are translated at
      the exchange rates as of the balance sheet dates, equity accounts are
      translated at historical exchange rates and revenues, expenses and cash
      flows are translated at the average exchange rates for the periods
      presented. Translation gains and losses are included as a component of
      other comprehensive income in the statement of shareholders' equity.

      New Accounting Pronouncements

      Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities-The Financial
      Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative
      Instruments and Hedging Activities," in June 1998. This Standard
      establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments
      including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts, and
      for hedging activities. It


      requires a company to recognize all derivatives as either assets or
      liabilities in the balance sheet and to measure those instruments at fair
      value. This standard is expected to be effective for fiscal years
      beginning after June 15, 2000. The Group has not completed its assessment
      of the effect on the combined financial statements that will result from
      the adoption of SFAS No. 133.


      In connection with the merger of PHH with HFS Incorporated in the second
      quarter of 1997 and the merger of HFS Incorporated with CUC International,
      Inc. in the fourth quarter of 1997 (the "Mergers"), the Group recorded
      $62,662 of merger-related costs and other unusual charges. The Mergers
      afforded the Parent Company, at such time, an opportunity to rationalize
      its businesses, gain organizational efficiencies and maximize profits.
      Parent Company management initiated a plan to continue the downsizing of
      fleet operations by providing for 143 job reductions and eliminating
      unprofitable products. In conjunction with these charges during 1997, the
      Parent Company made a non-cash capital contribution of $46,827.

      Personnel related charges of $7,662 included termination benefits such as
      severance, medical and other benefits as well as retirement benefits
      pursuant to pre-existing contracts resulting from a change in control.
      Business termination charges of $55,000 represented costs to exit certain
      activities including: (i) $30,000 payment to terminate a relationship with
      a third-party associated with certain credit card operations and (ii)
      $25,000 goodwill impairment loss recorded as a result of abandoning
      certain unprofitable closed-end leasing activities. The Group determined
      that servicing certain small closed-end lease customers was not
      profitable. The decision to discontinue service of such customers resulted
      in reduced revenues and cash flows associated with operations previously
      acquired. Undiscounted future expected cash flows were not sufficient to
      support the carrying value of the related goodwill and accordingly, an
      impairment loss was recorded based on the discounted cash flows. The plan
      was substantially completed by December 31, 1997 and the Group recorded a
      credit to merger-related costs and other unusual charges in 1997 due to a
      change in estimate. The remaining liability at December 31, 1997
      represented severance payments, which were paid in 1998 with any excess
      liability reversed as a credit to merger-related costs and other unusual
      charges as the plan was completed in 1998. The following table summarizes
      the activity by category of expenditure:

                                                          Personnel   Business
                                                 Total     Related  Terminations
      1997 activity:
      Original Charge                          $ 62,662    $  7,662    $ 55,000
      Cash Payments                             (34,028)     (4,028)    (30,000)
      Non-cash reductions                       (25,000)         --     (25,000)
      Adjustments                                (1,572)     (1,572)         --
                                               --------    --------    --------
      Balance December 31, 1997                $  2,062    $  2,062    $     --
                                               ========    ========    ========

      1998 activity:
      Cash Payments                            $   (782)   $   (782)   $     --
      Adjustments                                (1,280)     (1,280)         --
                                               --------    --------    --------
      Balance December 31, 1998                $     --    $     --    $     --
                                               ========    ========    ========


      a) On January 20, 1998, Cendant acquired The Harpur Group Ltd ("Harpur")
      for an initial purchase price of approximately $194 million, including
      acquisition costs. Additional purchase consideration of approximately $20
      million was accrued as of December 31, 1998, upon the attainment of
      certain revenue thresholds as specified in the purchase agreement. The
      excess of the aggregate purchase price over the fair value of net assets
      acquired of approximately $189 million has been allocated to goodwill.
      Harpur was subsequently contributed by Cendant to PHH and is included
      within the Pointeuro Limited


      legal entity. The operating results of Harpur are included in the combined
      income statement of the Group since the Cendant acquisition date. Harpur
      provides fuel card and fleet management services to corporate clients in
      the United Kingdom.

      Pro forma Information (unaudited)

      The underlying unaudited pro forma information includes the amortization
      expense associated with the assets acquired, the Group's financing
      arrangements and related income tax effects. The pro forma results are not
      necessarily indicative of the operating results that would have occurred
      had the Harpur acquisition been consummated on January 1, 1997, nor are
      they intended to be indicative of results that may occur in the future.
      The underlying pro forma information includes the amortization expense
      associated with assets acquired, the Group's financing arrangements and
      related income tax effects. Pro forma results of operations for the year
      ended December 31, 1998, assuming the acquisition of Harpur had occurred
      on January 1, 1998, have not been presented as the effect is not material.
      The following table reflects the operating results of the Group for the
      year ended December 31, 1997 on a pro forma basis, which gives effect to
      the acquisition of Harpur as if such acquisition occurred on January 1,

                                                   Year ended
                                                December 31, 1997
                         Net revenues              $1,475,034
                         Pre-tax                   $   27,379
                         Net income                $    7,179

      b) In January 1997, PHH VMS Corporation sold 50 percent of its interest in
      a subsidiary, which contained certain credit card operations to a third
      party, resulting in a gain of $17.5 million included in other revenue in
      the combined statement of income.


      Property and equipment, net consisted of the following:

                                                            December 31,
                                        Useful Lives  -------------------------
                                          in Years       1998            1997
                                                      ---------       ---------
Building                                     50       $  22,106       $   8,977
Leasehold improvements                      2-10          9,646           7,880
Software                                    3-5           7,033           4,187
Furniture, fixtures and equipment           3-8         146,047          88,034
Construction in progress                     --           7,879           1,521
                                                      ---------       ---------
                                                        192,711         110,599
Accumulated depreciation and amortization               (99,182)        (71,533)
                                                      ---------       ---------
Property and equipment, net                           $  93,529       $  39,066
                                                      =========       =========


      The Group offers primarily three leasing arrangements to its customers.
      These arrangements are:

      Open-end Operating Leases - Under these leases, the minimum lease term is
      12 months with a month to month renewal thereafter. In addition, resale of
      the vehicles upon termination of the lease is generally for the account of
      the lessee except for a minimum residual value, which the Group has
      guaranteed. The Group guarantees 16% of the original cost of the unit for
      the first 24 months of the lease, and then 16% of the fair market value of
      the unit at inception of the month to month renewals thereafter. The
      original cost and accumulated depreciation of vehicles under these leases
      was $5.1 billion and $2.5 billion, respectively at December 31, 1998 and
      $4.9 billion and $2.4 billion, respectively at December 31, 1997.

      Closed-end Operating Leases - Under these leases, the minimum lease term
      is for 12 months or longer. However, 24 and 36 month lease terms are the
      most prevalent. These leases are cancelable under certain


      conditions. Resale of the vehicles upon termination is for the account of
      the lessor. The original cost and accumulated depreciation of vehicles
      under these leases was $430 million and $108 million, respectively at
      December 31, 1998. The original cost and accumulated depreciation of
      vehicles under these leases were $328 million and $75 million,
      respectively at December 31, 1997.

      Direct Financing Leases - Under these leases, the minimum lease term is 12
      months with a month to month renewal thereafter. In addition, resale of
      the vehicles upon termination of the lease is for either the account of
      the lessor (Europe) or the lessee (both North America and Europe). The net
      investment in leases and leased vehicles consisted of the following:

                                                           December 31,
                                                         1998         1997
                                                     ----------   ----------
      Vehicles under open-end operating leases       $2,634,000   $2,552,000
      Vehicles under closed-end operating leases        322,676      478,187
      Direct financing leases                           830,753      563,290
      Accrued interest on leases                            899          941
                                                     ----------   ----------
      Net investment in leases and leased vehicles   $3,788,328   $3,594,418
                                                     ----------   ----------

      At December 31, 1998, future minimum lease payments are as follows:

                              Operating         Financing
        Year                    Leases            Leases             Total
        ----                  ----------        ----------        ----------
        1999                  $  267,094        $  280,317        $  547,411
        2000                      37,289           218,825           256,114
        2001                      17,779           134,781           152,560
        2002                       3,013            42,223            45,236
        2003                       1,068             4,867             5,935
        Thereafter                   946                --               946
                              ----------        ----------        ----------
        Total                 $  327,189        $  681,013        $1,008,202
                              ==========        ==========        ==========

      Fleet leasing revenue consisted of:

                                            Year Ended December 31,
                                    1998             1997               1996
                                ----------        ----------        ----------
 Operating leases               $1,197,616        $1,121,722        $1,071,129
 Direct financing leases            89,280            65,471            57,366
                                ----------        ----------        ----------
                                $1,286,896        $1,187,193        $1,128,495
                                ==========        ==========        ==========

      Other managed vehicles with net carrying amounts of $222 million and $158
      million at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively, are included in
      special purpose entities which are not owned by the Group. These entities
      do not require consolidation as they are not controlled by the Group and
      all risks and rewards rest with the owners. Additionally, managed vehicles
      totaling approximately $82 and $70 million at December 31, 1998 and 1997,
      respectively, are owned by special purpose entities, which are owned by
      the Group. However, such assets and related liabilities have been netted
      in the combined balance sheets since there is a two-party agreement with
      determinable accounts, a legal right of offset exists and the Group
      exercises its right of offset in settlement with client corporations.



      The components of the Group's debt under management programs are as

                                                                        Balance outstanding at December 31,
                                                                             1998           1997
      Installment notes payable on leased vehicles -
      Represents loans under a loan agreement with PHH
      Corporation to fund specific leases. Repayment of these
      notes is matched to payments on the underlying leases
      including the disposal of the vehicles at maturity. The
      interest rate can be either a fixed rate or floating
      rate as it is matched to the underlying lease and is
      based upon PHH Corporation's cost of funds. The average
      interest rates were 5.92% and 5.93% for 1998 and 1997,
      respectively.                                                       $1,012,712     $2,133,613

      Secured loans - Represents two five year secured
      transactions completed in December 1998 through two
      wholly-owned subsidiaries, PHH Trac Funding and PHH Trac
      Funding II, with banks. Specified beneficial interests
      in leases totaling $600,008 and $725,296, respectively,
      were contributed into the subsidiaries by PHH VMS
      Corporation. The loans are secured by the specified
      beneficial interests.                                                1,104,300            --

      Commercial paper - Borrowing outstanding which is used to
      fund the leased inventory in Canada. At December 31, 1998,
      all outstanding debt matured on February 1999. The average
      interest rates were 5.41% and 3.37% for
      1998 and 1997, respectively.                                            89,042        117,178

      Self-fund notes - Represents loans made by customers to
      purchase leased vehicles. Repayment of these notes is
      matched to payments on the underlying leases including
      the disposal of the vehicles at maturity. Interest rate
      characteristics can be fixed or floating, depending on
      the underlying leases. Notes in the amount of $15,039
      include full recourse provisions to the Group during
      1998. The average interest rates were 5.88% and 5.85%
      for 1998 and 1997, respectively.                                        24,096         27,583

      Intercompany position - Short-term financing needs are met
      under revolving loan agreements with PHH Corporation and PHH
      Dublin Unlimited. Interest is based upon their average
      commercial paper cost for the month the loan is outstanding.
      These loans fund working capital needs and there is no stated
      maturity. Interest is paid monthly with respect to PHH
      Corporation and twice yearly for PHH Dublin Unlimited.                 846,971        421,474

      Overnight loan - Short-term financing needs are met by
      overnight loans from a bank. This loan funded working capital
      needs. The rates of interest were 6% for 1998 and 1997.                 33,190        101,228

      Total debt under management programs                                $3,110,311     $2,801,076
                                                                          ==========     ==========

      PHH VMS Canada has an unsecured line of credit with a bank. The Group
      carries the line as a backup for outstanding commercial paper. At December
      31, 1998, the Group had no borrowings outstanding under this line of
      credit. The total amount available under this line of credit is $3.3
      million. The line of credit does not have a stated maturity date.

      Cendant Business Answers (Europe) Plc and its subsidiaries has an
      unsecured line of credit providing for borrowing of up to $33.2 million
      with a bank expiring in January 2000. At December 31, 1998 Cendant
      Business Answers (Europe) Plc had no borrowings outstanding under this


      Cendant Business Answers (Europe) Plc maintains Bills of Exchange
      available to meet short-term financing needs. At December 31, 1998,
      Cendant Business Answers (Europe) Plc had no borrowings outstanding under
      this arrangement.

      Projections of estimated repayments of debt under management programs as
      of December 31, 1998 are set forth as follows:

      1999                                               $  1,798,118
      2000                                                    774,753
      2001                                                    355,669
      2002                                                    115,720
      2003                                                     39,402
      Thereafter                                               26,649
                                                         $  3,110,311


      The Group entered into several sale-leaseback transactions as described

      During 1998, the Group entered into an agreement with an independent third
      party to sell and leaseback vehicles subject to operating leases.
      Accordingly, vehicles with a net carrying amount of $100,600 were removed
      from the Group's books. Since the net carrying value of these vehicles was
      equal to their sales value, there was no gain or loss recognized on the
      sale. The lease agreement entered into between the Group and the
      counterparty was for a minimum lease term of 12 months with three one-year
      renewal options. This lease qualified as an operating lease. For the year
      ended December 31, 1998, the total rental expense incurred by the Group
      under this lease was $17,700.

      The Group entered into two sale-leaseback transactions with an independent
      third party ("Counterparty") in Canada. Under these arrangements, the
      Group sells its net investment in operating leases and leased vehicles to
      the Counterparty. Then, it repurchases the leased vehicles (the
      Counterparty retains the lease rights). Subsequently, the Group leases the
      vehicles under a direct financing lease to the Counterparty. The
      Counterparty prepays all lease payments except for an agreed-upon residual
      amount. These residual amounts are typically 3% to 4.5% of the total lease
      payments. These residual amounts represent the Group's total exposure from
      these transactions. The total amounts of net investment in operating
      leases and leased vehicles sold under these agreements were $185,900 and
      $162,000 during 1998 and 1997, respectively. The total outstanding prepaid
      rent under such agreements were $240,100 and $225,000 at December 31, 1998
      and 1997, respectively. The residual amounts outstanding were $9,400 and
      $8,000 at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively. The total revenues
      recognized under these agreements were $90,600, $88,000 and $84,000 for
      1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

      During 1998, the Group purchased and leased back to a provincial
      government unit a fleet of vehicles with a carrying value of $24,800. The
      lease under this transaction qualified as an operating lease. Subsequent
      to this transaction, the Group entered into a sale-leaseback transaction
      with a financial institution similar to the arrangement with the
      Counterparty described above, except that the financial institution
      prepaid all the rent. At December 31, 1998, the total prepaid rent
      outstanding under this agreement was $19,000. For the year ended December
      31, 1998, the total rental revenue recognized from the provincial
      government and rental expense incurred to the financial institution under
      these agreements was $7,400.


      Derivative financial instruments are used to manage exposure to market
      risks associated with


      fluctuations in interest rates. Analyses are performed on an on-going
      basis to determine that a high correlation exists between the
      characteristics of derivative instruments and the assets or transactions
      being hedged. As a matter of policy, derivatives activities are not
      engaged for trading or speculative purposes. Exposure to credit-related
      losses exist in the event of non-performance by counterparties to certain
      derivative financial instruments. Such risk is managed by periodically
      evaluating the financial position of counterparties and spreading the
      positions among multiple counterparties. Non-performance is presently not
      expected by any of the counterparties.

      Interest Rate Swaps - If the interest rate characteristics of the funding
      mechanism that the Group uses does not match the interest rate
      characteristics of the assets being funded, interest rate swap agreements
      are entered into to offset the interest rate risk associated with such
      funding. The swap agreements correlate the terms of the assets to the
      maturity and rollover of the debt by effectively matching a fixed or
      floating interest rate with the stipulated revenue stream generated from
      the portfolio of assets being funded. Amounts to be paid or received under
      interest rate swap agreements are accrued as interest rates change and are
      recognized over the life of the swap agreements as an adjustment to
      interest expense. For the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996,
      hedging activities increased interest expense $3,600, $7,800 and $7,060,
      respectively, and had no effect on the weighted average borrowing rate.
      The fair value of the swap agreements is not recognized in the combined
      financial statements since they are accounted for as matched swaps.

      The following table summarizes the maturity and weighted average rates of
      interest rate swaps at December 31, 1998.

                                             Total         1999           2000          2001           2002
      North America
      Pay fixed/receive floating:
        Notional value                  $    42,061   $    35,690    $     5,526    $       845
        Weighted average receive rate                        5.07%          5.07%          5.07%
        Weighted average pay rate                            5.10%          4.89%          4.93%

      Pay floating/receive floating:
        Notional value                  $    47,852   $    29,055    $    13,208    $     4,486    $     1,103
        Weighted average receive rate                        5.45%          5.30%          5.24%          5.23%
        Weighted average pay rate                            5.46%          5.45%          5.45%          5.45%

      United Kingdom
      Pay fixed/receive floating
        Notional value                  $   663,800   $   256,392    $   207,438    $   145,206    $    54,764
        Weighted average receive rate                        6.26%          6.26%          6.26%          6.26%
        Weighted average pay rate                            6.81%          6.71%          6.30%          6.30%

      Pay fixed/receive floating
        Notional value                  $    31,897   $    21,165    $     9,242    $     1,490
        Weighted average receive rate                        3.24%          3.24%          3.24%
        Weighted average pay rate                            4.28%          4.29%          4.29%

      Additionally, depending on market fundamentals of the price of gasoline
      and other conditions, Wright Express may purchase put options to reduce or
      eliminate the risk of gasoline price declines. Put options purchased by
      Wright Express effectively establish a minimum sales transaction fee for
      the volume of gasoline purchased on Wright Express's programs. An increase
      in the value of the options is highly correlated to a decrease in the
      average price of gasoline purchased by Wright Express's cardholders. Put
      options permit Wright Express to participate in price increases above the
      option price. The cost of an option is amortized in the month the option
      expires. Gains from the sale or exercise of options are recognized when
      the underlying option is sold.


      At December 31, 1998, the total contract amount of such options was 32.4
      million gallons of gasoline and the unamortized cost of options was $499
      and is included in other assets in the accompanying combined balance
      sheet. There were no gasoline option contracts during 1997.


      The following methods and assumptions were used by the Group in estimating
      fair value disclosures for material financial instruments. The fair values
      of the financial instruments presented may not be indicative of their
      future values.

      Cash and Cash Equivalents -The carrying amounts for cash and cash
      equivalents approximate fair value.

      Loans Receivable -The carrying amounts for loans receivable approximate
      fair value.

      Direct Financing Leases - The contractual minimum lease terms on these
      contracts is 12 months. The estimated fair value of these short-term
      instruments approximates the carrying amounts.

      Borrowed Funds - The carrying amount of borrowed funds approximates fair

      Debt under Management Programs - The fair value was determined based on
      quoted market prices for similar issues or on current rates available to
      the Group for debt on similar terms.

      Interest Rate Swaps - The fair value of interest rate swaps are estimated,
      using dealer quotes, as the amount that the Group would receive or pay to
      execute a new agreement with terms identical to those remaining on the
      current agreement, considering interest rates at the reporting date.

      The carrying amounts and fair values of the Group's financial instruments
      at December 31, 1998 and 1997 were as follows:

                                                             1998                                  1997
                                             -----------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
                                                                       Estimated                                 Estimated
                                             Notional      Carrying      Fair       Notional       Carrying        Fair
                                              Amount        Amount       Value       Amount         Amount         Value
                                             --------      --------    ---------    --------       --------      --------
         Cash and cash equivalent                      $   21,059    $   21,059                  $    11,938   $    11,938
         Loans receivable                                 121,705       121,705                           --            --
         Options                                              499         1,233                           --            --
         Direct financing leases                          830,753       830,753                      563,290       563,290
         Borrowed funds                                    22,207        22,207                       39,677        39,677

         Liabilities under management
           Affiliates                                   1,859,683     1,859,683                    2,531,863     2,531,863
           Third party                                  1,250,628     1,250,628                      269,213       269,213

         Off balance sheet derivatives:
          Interest rate swaps               $ 785,611                             $   634,332
           In a gain position                                               828                                      2,823
           In a loss position                                           (13,470)                                    (1,370)



      The income tax provision consisted of the following:

                                            For the Year Ended December 31,
                                           1998           1997         1996
                                        ---------      ---------    ---------
        U.S. federal                    $  91,096      $  24,518    $ (23,483)
        State and local                    13,621          2,734       (1,918)
        Foreign                            14,523         17,429          648
                                        ---------      ---------    ---------

                                          119,240         44,681      (24,753)
                                        ---------      ---------    ---------

        U.S. federal                      (65,476)       (13,308)      38,186
        State and local                   (10,205)          (791)       4,251
        Foreign                            12,241         (6,933)       7,639
                                        ---------      ---------    ---------

                                          (63,440)       (21,032)      50,076
                                        ---------      ---------    ---------

      Provision for income taxes        $  55,800      $  23,649    $  25,323
                                        =========      =========    =========

      Net deferred income tax assets and liabilities are comprised of the

                                            For the Year Ended December 31,
                                                          1998         1997
                                                          ====         ====
      Net deferred income taxes:
        Provision for doubtful accounts                $   3,721    $   2,382
        Net operating losses                                 510          941
        Accrued liabilities and deferred
          income                                          11,344       16,358
        Alternative minimum tax credit
          carry forward                                   19,800       19,800
        Other                                              4,570          215
                                                       ---------    ---------

      Net deferred tax asset                           $  39,945    $  39,696
                                                       =========    =========

      Management program net deferred
        income taxes:
        Depreciation                                   $(214,898)   $(243,938)
        Other                                              1,454         (303)
                                                       ---------    ---------
        Net deferred tax liability                     $(213,444)   $(244,241)
                                                       =========    =========

      At December 31, 1998, Wright Express had net operating losses of
      approximately $1,300 available for tax purposes which expire through 2001.

      Deferred taxes have not been provided on approximately $169,000 of
      cumulative undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries at December 31,
      1998, as those earnings are considered to be permanently reinvested. The
      determination of unrecognized deferred US tax liability for unremitted
      earnings is not practicable. The Group's effective income tax rate differs
      from the statutory federal rate as follows:

                                                  Year Ended December 31,
                                                   1998    1997    1996
                                                  ----     ----    ----
      Federal statutory rate                      35.0%    35.0%   35.0%
      State income taxes net of federal benefit    1.5%     3.5%    2.3%
      Foreign taxes differential                  (0.9)%    0.8%   (0.5%)
      Non-deductible goodwill                      1.2%     1.7%    1.2%
      Merger-related costs                          --     24.3%     --
      Other                                        0.7%     2.6%    0.3%
                                                  ----     ----    ----
                                                  37.5%    67.9%   38.3%
                                                  ====     ====    ====



      The Group receives the benefit of certain administrative services from
      Cendant and subsidiaries. For these administrative services, the Group was
      charged $6,970, $18,892 and $4,379 for the years ended December 31, 1998,
      1997 and 1996, respectively. The Group also purchases data processing
      services from Cendant, which amounted to $4,947, $5,094 and $5,509 for the
      years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively. Such expenses
      are included in selling, general and administrative expenses in the
      combined income statement. These charges represent allocations from the
      parent companies who owned the Group during each of the three years and
      are not indicative of amounts which would have been incurred had the Group
      been under common ownership for all years or if the Group had operated

      PHH Financial Services Limited makes loans from time to time to Cendant
      Relocation Plc. The balance of such loans receivable were $55,500 and
      $18,200 at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Associated interest
      charges were $1,940, $1,276 and $1,476 for 1998, 1997 and 1996,
      respectively. Overhead expenses of $1,720, $453 and $628 were also
      allocated to this subsidiary by Cendant Business Answers (Europe) Plc
      during 1998, 1997 and 1996 respectively.

      During 1998, PHH Deutschland, Inc. charged Cendant $703 in respect to
      office expenses for shared facilities.

      The Group established a $7,000 revolving loan agreement with Cendant
      effective December 23, 1998. At December 31, 1998, the Group had $5,847
      outstanding under this revolving loan with an interest rate of
      approximately 6%. This liability is included in Due to Affiliates in the
      combined balance sheet. During February 1999, such revolving loan
      availability was increased to $40,000.

      During 1996, Deutschland, Inc. received a cash capital contribution from
      PHH of approximately $4,985 to meet minimum capital requirements.

      See Note 7 for a description of related party financing activities.


      The majority of domestic employees of the Group are participants in the
      defined benefit and defined contribution plans of Cendant. Effective May
      1, 1998, former defined contribution plans of PHH Corporation were merged
      into Cendant's plans. Substantially all domestic employees are covered.
      Accumulated plan benefit data is not available for the individual
      companies participating in the defined benefit plan. Employees of Wright
      Express are also participants in the defined contribution plan. Benefit
      plan expenses were $2,583, $2,300 and $2,006 for the years ended December
      31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

      Foreign employees can participate in a contributory defined benefit
      pension plan, at the employee's option. Benefits are based on an
      employee's years of credited service and a percentage of final average

      Net costs for the foreign plan included the following:

                                              December 31,
                                        1998       1997       1996
                                      -------    -------    -------
      Service cost                    $ 1,147    $ 1,343    $   853
      Interest cost                     1,123      1,074        714
      Actual return on assets          (1,330)    (1,091)      (664)
      Net amortization and deferral        55         53         56
                                      -------    -------    -------
      Net periodic pension cost       $   995    $ 1,379    $   959
                                      =======    =======    =======


      The changes in benefit obligations and plan assets, as well as the funded
      status of the foreign pension plan are as follows:

                                                     1998        1997
                                                  --------    --------
      Change in benefit obligation
      Benefit obligation at January 1,            $ 16,097    $ 12,718
      Service cost                                   1,147       1,343
      Interest cost                                  1,123       1,074
      Benefit payments                                (209)       (198)
      Net loss/gain                                  7,391         (29)
      Contributions                                    737         371
      Translation                                       --         818
                                                  --------    --------

      Benefit obligation at December 31,          $ 26,286    $ 16,097
                                                  ========    ========

      Change in plan assets
      Fair value of plan assets at January 1,     $ 15,491    $ 10,857
      Actual return of plan assets                   1,332       2,317
      Benefit payments                                (378)       (361)
      Contributions                                  2,515       1,891
      Other                                            696          --
      Translation                                       88         787
                                                  --------    --------

      Fair value of plan assets at December 31,   $ 19,744    $ 15,491
                                                  ========    ========

      Funded status                               $ (6,542)   $   (606)
      Unrecognized net gain/loss from past
        experience different from that assumed
        and effects of change in assumptions         6,514        (248)
      Unrecognized prior service cost                  237         260
      Unrecognized net obligation                       91         132
                                                  --------    --------

      Prepaid/(accrued) benefit cost              $    300    $   (462)
                                                  ========    ========

      The plan resulted in a net prepaid pension asset of $300 at December 31,
      1998 and a liability of $462 at 1997. This amount is classified as other
      assets and accrued liabilities in the Group's combined balance sheet at
      December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

      The Group recorded an additional minimum liability of $2,222 at December
      31, 1998. This liability represents the amount by which the accumulated
      benefit obligation exceeds the sum of the fair market value of plan assets
      and accrued amounts previously recorded. The additional liability may be
      offset by an asset to the extent of previously unrecognized prior service
      cost. The asset amount of $328 is included in other assets in the Group's
      combined balance sheet at December 31, 1998. The remaining amount of
      $1,976 is recorded as a reduction to other comprehensive income, net of
      related tax benefits of $670.

      The following weighted-average assumptions were used to determine the
      obligations under the foreign plan:
                                                         December 31,
                                                   1998        1997     1996
                                                   ----        ----     ----
      Discount rate                                5.25%       7.00%    8.50%
      Expected rate of return on plan assets       6.25%       8.00%    9.50%
      Rate of compensation increase                3.25%       3.25%    5.50%


      The Group has established Incentive Plans for both Sales/Client Relations
      personnel and managerial


      positions. Sales/Client Relations personnel's incentives are based upon
      revenues, profitability, individual objectives and the department's and
      Cendant's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
      adjusted to exclude nonrecurring or unusual items ("Adjusted EBITDA"). The
      incentive plan for managers is based upon individual objectives and the
      department's and Cendant's Adjusted EBITDA targets. The total expense was
      $5,111, $7,394 and $5,631 for 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.


      Lines of Credit - Wright Express has entered into commitments to extend
      credit in the normal course of business in order to meet the financing
      needs of its customers. Wright Express's exposure to loss in the event of
      nonperformance by the other party for commitments to extend credit is
      represented by the contractual notional amount of those instruments.
      Wright Express uses the same credit policies in making commitments as it
      does for on-balance sheet instruments. Commitments to extend credit are
      agreements to lend to a customer as long as there is no violation of any
      condition established in the contract. Since many of the commitments
      significantly exceed the normal draw upon the line, the total commitment
      amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements. Wright
      Express evaluates each customer's creditworthiness on a case-by-case
      basis. At December 31, 1998, Wright Express had $361,000 of commitments to
      extend additional credit.

      Leases - Certain facilities and equipment are leased under short-term
      lease agreements expiring at various dates through 2002 and beyond. All
      such leases are accounted for as operating leases. Total rental expense
      for premises and equipment amounted to $11,841, $6,135 and $5,308 for the
      years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

      Future minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating leases which
      have an initial term of more than twelve months are as follows:

      1999                                                  $  7,238
      2000                                                     6,854
      2001                                                     6,297
      2002                                                     5,606
      2003                                                     2,453
      Thereafter                                              21,031
      Total minimum lease payments                          $ 49,479

      Group guarantees - A composite cross guarantee exists between companies
      included within the Cendant Business Answers (Europe) Plc group and The
      Harpur Group Limited group, with National Westminster Bank Plc. This
      guarantee includes Cendant Relocation Plc.

      A cross guarantee exists between Cendant Business Answers (Europe) Plc and
      PHH Allstar Limited, with Bank of Ireland.

      Litigation - In April 1998, Cendant publicly announced that it discovered
      accounting irregularities in the former business units of CUC
      International Inc. Such discovery prompted investigations into such
      matters by Cendant and the Audit Committee of Cendant's Board of
      Directors. As a result of the findings from the investigations, Cendant
      restated its previously reported financial results for 1997, 1996 and
      1995. Since such announcement, more than 70 lawsuits claiming to be class
      actions, two lawsuits claiming to be brought derivatively on Cendant's
      behalf and several individual lawsuits have been filed in various courts
      against Cendant and other defendants. The Court has ordered consolidation
      of many of the actions. The SEC and the United States Attorney for the
      district of New Jersey are conducting investigations relating to the
      matters referenced above. The SEC advised Cendant that its inquiry should
      not be construed as an indication by the SEC or its staff that any
      violations of law have occurred. As a result of the findings from the
      investigations, Cendant made all adjustments considered necessary which


      are reflected in its financial statements. However, Cendant can provide no
      assurances that additional adjustments will not be necessary as a result
      of these government investigations.

      Cendant does not believe that it is feasible to predict or determine the
      final outcome of these proceedings or investigations or to estimate the
      amount or potential range of loss with respect to these proceedings or
      investigations. The possible outcome or resolutions of the proceedings
      could include judgments and against Cendant or settlements and could
      require substantial payments by Cendant. In addition, the timing of the
      final resolution of the proceedings or investigations is uncertain. The
      Group is currently not a party to such litigation and management does not
      currently believe that there is any basis for asserting a claim thereunder
      against the Group.

      In the ordinary course of business, the Group has various outstanding
      commitments and contingent liabilities that are not reflected in the
      accompanying combined financial statements. In addition, the Group is a
      defendant in several claims and legal actions arising in the ordinary
      course of business. In the opinion of management, the ultimate disposition
      of these matters is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the
      financial condition of the Group.


      Effective December 31, 1998, the Group adopted SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures
      about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information". The provisions
      of SFAS No. 131 established revised standards for public companies
      relating to reporting information about operating segments in annual
      financial statements and requires selected information about operating
      segments in interim financial reports. It also established standards for
      related disclosures about products and services, and geographic areas. The
      Group operates in a single segment, fleet and fuel card management.

      Geographic Segment Information

                                         United      United          All Other
                           Total         States      Kingdom         Countries
                           -----         ------      -------         ---------
      Total revenues      $1,605,063   $1,286,368   $  231,363      $   87,332
      Assets               4,728,299    3,199,614    1,326,890(1)      201,795
      Long-lived assets       93,529       27,095       61,734           4,700

      Total revenues      $1,452,695   $1,218,104   $  153,556      $   81,035
      Assets               4,135,112    3,165,686      788,859         180,567
      Long-lived assets       39,066       16,009       22,065             992

      Total revenues      $1,357,039   $1,151,353   $  125,312      $   80,374
      Assets               3,852,827    2,934,683      639,843         278,301
      Long-lived assets       39,364       14,435       23,346           1,583

      (1)   Includes $294.3 million of assets acquired in connection with the
            Harpur acquisition.

      Geographic segment information is classified based on the geographic
      location of the subsidiary. Long-lived assets are comprised of property
      and equipment.



      On May 24, 1999, PHH announced that they had executed an agreement with
      Avis Rent A Car, Inc. ("Avis"), pursuant to which Avis will acquire the
      net assets of the Group from PHH for $1.44 billion in assumed intercompany
      debt of PHH Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PHH, and the issuance
      of $360 million in convertible preferred stock of Avis Fleet Leasing and
      Management Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avis. The transaction
      is subject to customary regulatory approvals and is expected to close on
      or about June 30, 1999.


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICE
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                       March 31    December 31,
                                                      ----------   ------------
                                                         1999          1998
                                                      ----------   ------------
  Cash and cash equivalents                           $   74,211    $   21,059
  Accounts and loans receivable, net                     506,325       508,901
  Property and equipment, net                             96,919        93,529
  Goodwill and other intangibles,net                     227,351       236,438
  Deferred income taxes                                   39,200        39,945
  Other assets                                            20,272        40,099
                                                      ----------    ----------
       Total assets exclusive of assets
         under management programs                       964,278       939,971
                                                      ----------    ----------

  Net investment in leases and leased vehicles         3,867,856     3,788,328
                                                      ----------    ----------
TOTAL ASSETS                                          $4,832,134    $4,728,299
                                                      ==========    ==========

  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities            $  443,596    $  295,217
  Income taxes payable                                   119,093       108,089
  Deferred revenue                                        43,590        41,146
  Due to affiliates                                      228,160       182,061
  Borrowed funds                                          20,769        47,207
                                                      ----------    ----------
      Total liabilities exclusive of liabilities
        under management programs                        855,208       673,720
                                                      ----------    ----------

  Debt                                                 3,014,758     3,110,311
  Deferred income taxes                                  213,059       213,444
                                                      ----------    ----------
                                                       3,227,817     3,323,755
                                                      ----------    ----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                      4,083,025     3,997,475
                                                      ----------    ----------


SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                     749,109       730,824
                                                      ----------    ----------
TOTAL LIABIILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           $4,832,134    $4,728,299
                                                      ==========    ==========

              See notes to condensed combined financial statements.


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                  For the three months ended
                                               March 31, 1999     March 31, 1998

REVENUE                                           $400,253          $391,305

  Depreciation on leased vehicles                  253,743           249,384
  Interest expense                                  46,457            43,183
  Selling, general and administrative expenses      63,569            55,425
  Depreciation and amortization on assets
    other than leased vehicles                       7,332             6,341
                                                  --------          --------
      Total expenses                               371,101           354,333
                                                  --------          --------

INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES            29,152            36,972

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                          11,002            13,857
                                                  --------          --------

NET INCOME                                        $ 18,150          $ 23,115
                                                  ========          ========

              See notes to condensed combined financial statements.


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                                    For the three months ended
                                                                              March 31,
                                                                       1999                1998
                                                                    ---------           ---------
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:                               $ 509,890           $ 284,470

  Assets under management programs
    Investment in leases and leased vehicles                         (560,758)           (626,170)
    Repayments of investment in leases and leased vehicles            133,455             222,021
    Proceeds from sales and transfers of
      leases and leased vehicles                                       44,640              27,284
  Net purchases of property and equipment                              (8,586)            (14,852)
  Cash acquired in acquisition of business,
    net of contribution from Parent                                        --               2,341
                                                                    ---------           ---------
    Net cash used in investing activities                            (391,249)           (389,376)
                                                                    ---------           ---------

  Other, net                                                          (26,438)             23,023
  Liabilities under management programs
    Proceeds from debt issuance                                       112,061             162,789
    Principal payments on debt issuance                              (162,574)           (103,292)
                                                                    ---------           ---------
    Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities               (76,951)             82,520

EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATES ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                  11,462              10,448
                                                                    ---------           ---------

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                   53,152             (11,938)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                         21,059              11,938
                                                                    ---------           ---------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD                            $  74,211           $      --
                                                                    =========           =========

Non-cash investing and financing information:
Business acquired:
  Fair value of assets acquired, excluding cash                                         $ 294,287
  Liabilities assumed                                                                     (86,006)
  Capital contribution from affiliate for acquisition                                    (190,597)
  Additional purchase consideration payable                                               (20,025)
  Net cash acquired                                                                     $  (2,341)

              See notes to condensed combined financial statements


                         PHH VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SERVICES


      The condensed combined balance sheet of the Group as of March 31, 1999 and
      the condensed combined statements of income and cash flows for the three
      months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998 are unaudited. In the opinion of
      management, all adjustments consisting of normal recurring accruals
      considered necessary for a fair presentation of such financial statements
      are included. The accompanying unaudited combined financial statements
      have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
      principles for interim financial information. The December 31, 1998
      condensed combined balance sheet was derived from the Group's audited
      financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1998, and should be
      read in conjunction with such combined financial statements and notes

      Operating results for the three months ended March 31, 1999 are not
      necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the year
      ending December 31, 1999.


      On January 20, 1998, Pointeuro Limited acquired the Harpur Group Limited
      ("Harpur") for an initial purchase price of approximately $194 million,
      including acquisition costs. Additional purchase consideration of
      approximately $20 million was accrued as of December 31, 1998, upon the
      attainment of certain revenue thresholds as specified in the purchase
      agreement. Harpur provides fuel card and fleet management services to
      corporate clients in the United Kingdom. The transaction was accounted for
      as a purchase and, accordingly, the operating results of Harpur have been
      included in the Group's combined financial statements since the date of

      The excess of the aggregate purchase price over the fair value of net
      assets acquired of approximately $189 million has been allocated to
      goodwill. Pro forma results of operations for the three months ended March
      31, 1998, assuming the acquisition of Harpur had occurred on January 1,
      1998, have not been presented as the effect is not material.


      The Group operates in a single segment, fleet and fuel card management.

      Geographic Segment Information

                                         United      United          All Other
                             Total       States      Kingdom         Countries
                          ----------   ----------   ----------     -----------
      Revenues            $  400,253   $  333,464   $   59,316     $    7,473
      Assets               4,832,134    3,216,939    1,386,131        229,064
      Long-lived assets       96,919       27,396       64,653          4,870

      Revenues            $  391,305   $  330,306   $   54,195     $    6,804
      Assets               4,483,710    3,184,333    1,072,076        227,301
      Long-lived assets       50,373       16,664       32,718            991



      Components of comprehensive income (loss) are summarized as follows:

                                                    Three months ended
                                                          March 31,
                                                    1999           1998
                                                  --------       --------
      Net income                                  $ 18,150       $ 23,115
      Other comprehensive income:
        Currency translation                           201         (1,630)
                                                  --------       --------
      Comprehensive income                        $ 18,351       $ 21,485
                                                  ========       ========


      On May 24, 1999, PHH announced that they had executed an agreement with
      Avis Rent A Car, Inc. ("Avis") pursuant to which Avis will acquire the net
      assets of the Group from PHH for $1.44 billion in assumed intercompany
      debt of PHH Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PHH, and the issuance
      of $360 million in convertible preferred stock of Avis Fleet Leasing and
      Management Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avis. The transaction
      is subject to customary regulatory approval and is expected to close on
      or about June 30, 1999.
