
                  Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders of
                            TLC THE LASER CENTER INC.
                         to be held on November 4, 1999
                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          OF TLC THE LASER CENTER INC.

            The undersigned shareholder of TLC The Laser Center Inc. (the
"Corporation") hereby appoints Elias Vamvakas, President and a Director of the
Corporation, or, failing him, John F. Riegert, Secretary of the Corporation, or,
failing him, Peter Kastelic, Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation, or
instead of any of the foregoing, ___________________________, as proxy of the
undersigned, to attend, vote and act for and on behalf of the undersigned at the
annual and special meeting of shareholders of the Corporation to be held on
November 4, 1999 and at all adjournments thereof, upon the following matters:

1.    TO VOTE FOR |_| 1 OR WITHHOLD |_| 2
      or, if no specification is made, vote FOR the election of directors for
      the respective terms stated in the accompanying management information
      circular; provided that the undersigned wishes to withhold vote for the
      following directors:

2.    TO VOTE FOR |_| 3 OR AGAINST |_| 4
      or, if no specification is made, vote FOR a resolution authorizing an
      amendment to the articles of the Corporation to change the name of the
      Corporation to "TLC Laser Eye Centers Inc.;

3.    TO VOTE FOR |_| 5 OR AGAINST |_| 6
      or, if no specification is made, vote FOR a resolution confirming the
      amendment of By-Law No. 3 of the Corporation to reduce the quorum
      requirement for a valid shareholders meeting;

4.    TO VOTE FOR |_| 7 OR AGAINST |_| 8
      or, if no specification is made, vote FOR a resolution ratifying,
      confirming and approving the adoption of a Shareholder Rights Plan
      agreement effective as of September 21, 1999 between the Corporation and
      CIBC Mellon Trust Company as Rights Agent;

5.    TO VOTE FOR |_| 9 OR AGAINST |_| 10
      or, if no specification is made, vote FOR a resolution authorizing the
      Board of Directors of the Corporation to issue during the next two years
      up to 500,000 common shares to doctors as compensation for providing
      administrative or consulting services to the Corporation or its

6.    TO VOTE FOR |_| 11 OR WITHHOLD |_| 12
      or if no specification is made, vote FOR the continued appointment of
      Ernst & Young as auditors of the Corporation and authorizing the directors
      to fix the remuneration of the auditors; and

7.    TO VOTE at the discretion of the proxy nominee on any amendments to the
      foregoing and on such other business as may properly come before the
      meeting or any adjournments thereof.

EXECUTED on the ___________________ day of _____________________, 1999

- -----------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Number of Common Shares                     Signature of Shareholder

                                            Name of Shareholder
                                            (Please print clearly)


1.    A shareholder has the right to appoint a person to represent the
      shareholder at the meeting other than the management representatives
      designated in this proxy. Such right may be exercised by inserting in the
      space provided the name of the other person the shareholder wishes to
      appoint. Such other person need not be a shareholder.

2.    To be valid, this proxy must be signed and deposited with the secretary of
      the Corporation c/o CIBC Mellon Trust Company, Proxy Dept., 200 Queen's
      Quay East, Unit #6, Toronto, Ontario M5A 4K9 not later than the close of
      business on November 2, 1999, or, if the meeting is adjourned, 48 hours
      (excluding Saturdays and holidays) before any adjourned meeting.

3.    If an individual, please sign exactly as your shares are registered. If
      the shareholder is a corporation, this proxy must be executed by a duly
      authorized officer or attorney of the shareholder and, if the corporation
      has a corporate seal, its corporate seal should be affixed. If the shares
      are registered in the name of an executor, administrator or trustee,
      please sign exactly as the shares are registered. If the shares are
      registered in the name of the deceased or other shareholder, the
      shareholder's name must be printed in the space provided, the proxy must
      be signed by the legal representative with his name printed below his
      signature and evidence of authority to sign on behalf of the shareholder
      must be attached to this proxy.

4.    Reference is made to the accompanying notice and management information
      circular for further information regarding completion and use of this
      proxy and other information pertaining to the meeting. Before completing
      this proxy, non-registered holders should carefully review the section in
      the accompanying management information circular entitled "General Proxy
      Information - Non-Registered Shareholders" and should carefully follow the
      instructions of the securities dealer or other intermediary who sent this

5.    If this proxy is not dated in the space provided, it is deemed to bear the
      date on which it is mailed by management of the Corporation.

6.    If a share is held by two or more persons, any one of them present or
      represented by proxy at a meeting of shareholders may, in the absence of
      the other or others, vote in respect thereof, but if more than one of them
      are present or represented by proxy, they shall vote together in respect
      of each share so held.