Exhibit 10.14

                              SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT

     This Settlement Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of
June 16, 2003 by and among (i) Kelly Adams, an individual  resident of the State
of Utah ("Adams"),  Justeene Blankenship, an individual resident of the State of
Utah  ("Blankenship"),  Nicholas Julian, an individual  resident of the State of
Utah ("Julian"),  and Pacific Management Services,  Inc., a corporation formerly
incorporated  under  the  laws  of the  State  of Utah  ("Pacific  Management"),
collectively  referred to in this  Agreement as the "Pacific  Parties;" and (ii)
Provectus  Pharmaceuticals,   Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation  formerly  known  as
"Provectus  Pharmaceutical,  Inc." ("Provectus"),  and Xantech  Pharmaceuticals,
Inc.,  a  Tennessee  corporation  ("Xantech")  and the  successor  by  merger to
Provectus Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., a Tennessee corporation ("PPI"),  collectively
referred to in this Agreement as the "Provectus Parties."


     A.  Pursuant to the Letter of Intent  dated  April 5, 2002 (the  "Letter of
Intent")  between  Pacific  and PPI,  Pacific  agreed to permit  PPI to  acquire
control of Provectus.

     B.  Pursuant to the Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  dated April 22,
2002  (the  "Reorganization   Agreement")  among  Provectus,  PPI  and  the  PPI
Stockholders  named therein,  Provectus  issued  6,680,000  shares of its common
stock,  par  value  $.001 per  share  (each,  a  "Provectus  Share")  to the PPI
Stockholders  named in the  Reorganization  Agreement in exchange for all of the
issued and  outstanding  capital  stock of PPI,  and PPI  became a wholly  owned
subsidiary of Provectus.

     C.  Pursuant  to  Section  6.12  of  the  Reorganization   Agreement,   the
certificates  representing  the  6,680,000  Provectus  Shares  issued to the PPI
Stockholders (the "Escrowed Shares") were held in escrow by Michael L. Labertew,
Attorney at Law ("Labertew"), pending the satisfaction,  expiration or waiver of
certain obligations.

     D.  Adams,  for  himself  and  purportedly  "as  representative  of certain
Stockholders" of Provectus, has filed suit in the Third Judicial District Court,
Salt Lake City,  Utah (the  "Court"),  asserting  the right to  enforce  certain
provisions  of  the  Letter  of  Intent  and/or  the  Reorganization  Agreement,
including inter alia Section 6.12 of the Reorganization  Agreement; such suit is
styled Kelly Adams v. Provectus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Michael Labertew, Case
No. 030908645 (the "Pending Litigation").

     E.  Blankenship  and  Julian  are  the  "certain  Stockholders"   allegedly
represented by Adams in the Pending Litigation.

     F. Labertew has impleaded the Escrowed Shares into the Pending  Litigation,
and has delivered the certificates representing those shares to the Court.

     G. The  Pacific  Parties  and the  Provectus  Parties  desire to settle the
Pending  Litigation,  to provide  for the  release of claims,  and to enter into
certain covenants and agreements.

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     THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing  recitals and of the mutual
covenants and agreements  contained in this Agreement,  the sufficiency of which
hereby is  acknowledged,  the Provectus  Parties and the Pacific  Parties hereby
agree as follows:

                         1. Definitions; Interpretation

1.01. Definitions

     As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:

     (a) "Claim"  means any action,  cause of action,  suit,  debt,  due, sum of
money,  account,   reckoning,   bond,  bill,  specialty,   covenant,   contract,
controversy,  agreement,  promise, variance, trespass, cost, expense, attorneys'
fee,  indemnity,  damage,  judgment,  execution,  liability,  claim,  demand and
obligation of every kind whatsoever,  in law, admiralty or equity, whether known
or unknown, suspected or unsuspected.

     (b) "Party" means any Person who executes this Agreement.

     (c)  "Person"  means  an  individual,  partnership,   corporation,  limited
liability  company,  trust,  unincorporated  organization,   association,  joint
venture or a government or agency or political subdivision thereof.

     (d) "Related  Person" means,  with respect to any Party,  any or all of the
following,  to the extent  applicable:  past,  present and future  stockholders,
partners, principals,  controlling Persons,  subsidiaries,  directors, officers,
affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, attorneys, insurers, and each of
their respective estates, trusts, trustees, heirs, predecessors,  successors and

     (e) "Short Sale" means a "short sale," as that term is defined in Rule 3b-3
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

1.02. Other Definitions

         Terms defined in other provisions of this Agreement have the meanings
given in those provisions.

1.03. Rules of Interpretation

     (a) Each term defined in the singular  form in Section 1.01 or elsewhere in
this Agreement  means the plural  thereof  whenever the plural form is used, and
each term  defined in the plural form means the  singular  thereof  whenever the
singular  form is used.  The use of a pronoun of any gender is applicable to all

     (b) The words "hereof,"  "herein,"  "hereunder" and similar terms when used
in this  Agreement  refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular
provision of this  Agreement,  and article,  section,  subsection,  schedule and
exhibit  references  herein are references

                                  Page 2 of 11

to articles,  sections,  subsections,  schedules and exhibits to this  Agreement
unless otherwise specified.

     (c) A reference  to any  agreement,  document or  instrument  refers to the
agreement, document or instrument as amended or modified and in effect from time
to time in accordance with the terms thereof and as permitted herein.

     (d) Except as otherwise specified, a reference to any applicable law refers
to the law as amended, modified, codified, replaced or reenacted, in whole or in
part,  and in  effect  from  time to  time,  and to any  rules  and  regulations
promulgated thereunder; and a reference to any section or other provision of any
applicable  law refers to that  provision of the law from time to time in effect
and  constituting  the  substantive   amendment,   modification,   codification,
replacement or reenactment of the referenced section or other provision.

     (e) The words  "including" and "include" means including  without  limiting
the generality of any  description  preceding such term, the phrase "may not" is
prohibitive and not permissive, and the word "or" is not exclusive.

     (f) Unless  otherwise  stated in this  Agreement,  in the  computation of a
period of time from a specified date to a later  specified date, the word "from"
means "from but  excluding"  and the words "to" and  "until"  each means "to and

1.04. Construction

     (a) The headings  preceding the text of the sections of this  Agreement and
the  exhibits  hereto are for  convenience  only and shall not be deemed part of
this Agreement.

     (b) Each Party has  cooperated  in, and in any  construction  to be made of
this  Agreement  shall  be  deemed  to have  cooperated  in,  the  drafting  and
preparation  of this  Agreement,  and no rule of  strict  construction  shall be
applied against any Party.

     (c) Each Party has had the  assistance  of legal counsel of his, her or its
own choosing in preparing, reviewing and entering into this Agreement.

                       2. Purchase of Outstanding Shares

2.01. From Adams

     Adams  affirms  that,  on and as of the  Effective  Date,  he has  sold  to
Lawrence Schmelzer and his designees  (collectively,  the "Schmelzer Group") Two
Hundred Three Thousand,  Three Hundred  Thirty-Three  (203,333) Provectus Shares
for an aggregate purchase price of Twenty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($20,000).
Adams  represents  and warrants to Provectus  that the Provectus  Shares sold by
Adams to the Schmelzer Group are all of the Provectus Shares  beneficially owned
by Adams, directly or indirectly,  whether held of record or in "street name" in
an account with one or more brokers, dealers, banks, or other institutions.

                                  Page 3 of 11

2.02. From Blankenship

     Blankenship  and  Julian  affirm  that,  on and as of the  Effective  Date,
Blankenship has sold to the Schmelzer Group Four Hundred Ninety-Three  Thousand,
Six Hundred Sixty-Six (493,666) Provectus Shares for an aggregate purchase price
of One Hundred  Seventy  Thousand,  Three Hundred  Forty-Nine and 70/100 Dollars
($170,349.70).  Blankenship  and Julian  represent and warrant to Provectus that
the  Provectus   Shares  sold  by  Blankenship   to  the  Schmelzer   Group  are
substantially all of the Provectus Shares  beneficially  owned by Blankenship or
Julian, directly or indirectly, whether held of record or in "street name" in an
account with one or more brokers,  dealers,  banks,  or other  institutions,  or
through any family  member or blood  relative,  and include all of the Provectus
Shares issued to either of them pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement.

                                 3. Settlement

3.01. Dismissal of Pending Litigation

     Immediately upon the execution of this Agreement, Adams shall file with the
Court a  stipulated  motion for the  dismissal  of the Pending  Litigation  with
prejudice,  including with such stipulated motion a copy of this Agreement.  The
Parties  shall  cooperate  in taking  any and all  other  actions  necessary  or
desirable to file this  Agreement  with the Court and to effect the dismissal of
the Pending Litigation with prejudice.

3.02. Return of Escrowed Shares

     Immediately upon the execution of this Agreement, Adams shall file with the
Court a  stipulated  motion for the release  from the Court of the  certificates
representing  the Escrowed Shares to the PPI  Stockholders  named thereon.  Such
release shall be deemed  completed by overnight  delivery of the certificates to
David L. Morehous,  counsel for Provectus, at the address set forth in Section 9
of this Agreement.

                         4. Release by Pacific Parties

4.01. Release of Claims

     Each of the Pacific Parties, for himself, herself or itself and his, her or
its respective  Related  Persons (for purposes of this Section 4,  collectively,
the "Pacific  Releasors"),  hereby jointly and severally releases and discharges
each of the Provectus  Parties and the Related  Persons of any and all Provectus
Parties  (for  purposes  of  this  Section  4,   collectively,   the  "Provectus
Releasees"),  from any and all Claims  against any and all  Provectus  Releasees
that any and all Pacific  Releasors  ever had, now have, or hereafter can, shall
or may have,  for, upon, or by reason of any matter,  cause or thing  whatsoever
through  the  Effective  Date (for  purposes  of this  Section 4, the  "Released

                                  Page 4 of 11

4.02. Representations and Warranties as to Released Claims

     The Pacific  Releasors  hereby jointly and severally  represent and warrant
that they are the sole and lawful owners of all right, title and interest in and
to the  Released  Claims,  and that they have not  assigned or  transferred,  or
purported or attempted  to assign or transfer,  in whole or in part,  any of the
Released  Claims against or purportedly  against the Provectus  Releasees to any
third parties.  The Pacific  Releasors jointly and severally shall indemnify the
Provectus Releasees against, and defend and hold them harmless from any Released
Claims  arising out of or relating  to, any such  assignment  or transfer or any
such purported or attempted assignment or transfer of any Released Claims.

4.03. No Proceedings; Indemnification

     The Pacific Releasors hereby jointly and severally covenant not to initiate
any action or proceeding  seeking recovery on any Released Claim and jointly and
severally shall indemnify and hold harmless Provectus Releasees from any and all
expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  incurred  by any  Provectus
Releasee in responding to any such action or proceeding.

4.04. Acknowledgement

     Each Pacific Releasor acknowledges that he, she or it:

     (a)  Is  not  relying  on  any  representations,   warranties,  assurances,
statements,  or other  information of any kind provided or made by the Provectus
Releasees or their counsel in executing  this  Agreement and  specifically  this
Section 4.

     (b) Is aware that he, she or it is  releasing  Released  Claims as to which
he, she or it may be currently  unaware and only later may come to learn, but is
nevertheless  willing to enter into this Agreement and specifically this Section

     (c)  Intends  that,   notwithstanding  the  possibility  that  the  Pacific
Releasors or their counsel discover or gain a more complete understanding of the
facts,  events or law which, if presently known or fully understood,  would have
affected this  Agreement  and  specifically  this Section 4, this  Agreement and
specifically this Section 4 shall be deemed to have fully,  finally, and forever
settled any  Released  Claims  without  regard to the  existence  or  subsequent
discovery of different or additional facts, events or law.

                        5. Release by Provectus Parties

5.01. Release of Claims

     Each of the Provectus Parties, for himself,  herself or itself and his, her
or its respective Related Persons (for purposes of this Section 5, collectively,
the "Provectus Releasors"), hereby jointly and severally releases and discharges
each of the  Pacific  Parties  and the  Related  Persons of any and all  Pacific
Parties (for purposes of this Section 5, collectively, the "Pacific Releasees"),
from any and all Claims  against any and all Pacific  Releasees that any and all

                                  Page 5 of 11

Provectus  Releasors  ever had, now have, or hereafter  can,  shall or may have,
for,  upon, or by reason of any matter,  cause or thing  whatsoever  through the
Effective Date (for purposes of this Section 5, the "Released Claims").

5.02. No Proceedings; Indemnification

     The  Provectus  Releasors  hereby  jointly and  severally  covenant  not to
initiate any action or  proceeding  seeking  recovery on any Released  Claim and
jointly and severally shall indemnify and hold harmless  Pacific  Releasees from
any and all expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  incurred by any
Pacific Releasee in responding to any such action or proceeding.

                                6. Consideration

     Each Party,  for himself,  herself or itself and his, her or its respective
Related  Persons,  hereby (a) affirms that the release set forth in Section 4 of
this  Agreement  is granted in  consideration  for (i) the purchase of Provectus
Shares from Adams and  Blankenship  as described in Section 2 of this  Agreement
and/or (ii) the several  covenants and agreements  set forth in this  Agreement;
and (b) acknowledges that such consideration is sufficient consideration for the
grants of the releases set forth in Sections 4 and 5 of this  Agreement  and for
the other covenants and agreements of the Parties set forth in this Agreement.

                    7. Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement

7.01. Public Announcement

     The Parties agree that Provectus, at its sole discretion,  may disclose the
terms of this  Agreement to the extent that  Provectus may  determine  that such
disclosure  is  necessary  or  advisable  to comply with  Provectus's  reporting
obligations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and other applicable law.

7.02. Confidentiality

     Except as provided in Section 7.01,  the terms of this  Agreement  shall be
considered confidential by the Parties and their respective Related Persons, and
the  Parties  agree  to  take   reasonable   steps   required  to  maintain  the
confidentiality  of the terms of this  Agreement.  Nothing herein shall preclude
disclosure of this Agreement or its terms as provided in Section 7.01, or to the
outside attorneys, accountants, or auditors of the Parties or as required by law
or pursuant to rules of any court in connection with any litigation, arbitration
or bankruptcy proceeding or for other legitimate business purposes.

7.03. Non-Disparagement

     (a) None of the  Provectus  Parties,  nor any Person acting on behalf or at
the direction of any Provectus Party or any Related Person of a Provectus Party,
will take any action after the  Effective  Date intended to or having the effect
of disparaging  any of the Pacific  Parties or any of their  respective  Related
Persons or make or solicit  any  comments  or  statements  to the media or

                                  Page 6 of 11

other  Persons  that  reasonably   might  be  considered  to  be  derogatory  or
detrimental to the professional or personal  representation of any Pacific Party
or Related Person of a Pacific Party.

     (b) None of the Pacific Parties,  nor any Person acting on behalf or at the
direction of any Pacific Party or any Related  Person of a Pacific  Party,  will
take any action  after the  Effective  Date  intended to or having the effect of
disparaging  any of the  Provectus  Parties or any of their  respective  Related
Persons or make or solicit  any  comments  or  statements  to the media or other
Persons that  reasonably  might be considered to be derogatory or detrimental to
the  professional or personal  representation  of any Provectus Party or Related
Person of a Provectus Party.

                         8. Trading in Provectus Shares

     Each of the  Pacific  Parties  hereby  agrees  that,  from  and  after  the
Effective  Date,  no  Pacific  Party and no Related  Person of a Pacific  Party,
directly or indirectly, shall:

     (a) Engage in or execute any Short Sale of any Provectus Share, whether for
his, her or its own account or for the account of any other Person; or

     (b) Sell,  purchase,  or offer to sell or purchase any Provectus Share at a
price  lower than the  highest  current  quoted bid price as reported by the OTC
Bulletin Board.

                                   9. Notices

     All notices, consents,  requests, waivers and other communications required
or  permitted  under this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have  been  made (x)  upon  actual  receipt,  when  given  by hand or  confirmed
facsimile transmission, (y) one business day after delivery to the carrier, when
given by overnight delivery service or (z) two business days after mailing, when
given by  first-class  registered or certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,  return
receipt  requested;  in any  case to the  following  address,  or to such  other
address  as a Party,  by notice  to the other  Parties  given  pursuant  to this
Section 9, may designate from time to time:

1. If to any Provectus Party, to:      With a copy to:

   Provectus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.     Baker, Donelson, Bearman & Caldwell, P.C.
   Attention: Chief Executive Officer  Attention: David L. Morehous, Esq.
   7327 Oak Ridge Highway, Suite A     Riverview Tower, Suite 2200
   Knoxville, TN 37931                 900 South Gay Street
   Facsimile: 865/769-4011             Knoxville, TN 37902
                                       Facsimile: 865/525-8569

                                  Page 7 of 11

2. If to any Pacific Party, to:                With a copy to:

   Pacific Management Services, Inc.           James N. Barber, Esq.
   c/o Hunt Labertew, LLC                      Suite 100, Bank One Tower
   2469 East Fort Union Blvd., Suite 214       50 West Broadway
   Salt Lake City, UT 84121                    Salt Lake City, UT  84101
   Facsimile: 801/274-1099                     Facsimile: 801/364-3406

                             10. General Provisions

10.01. Governing Law

     This Agreement has been, and shall for all purposes be deemed to have been,
executed and delivered  within the State of Utah, and the rights and obligations
of the parties hereto shall have been construed and enforced in accordance with,
and governed by, the laws of the State of Utah.

10.02. Jurisdiction and Venue

     The  Parties  each hereby (a) submit to the  jurisdiction  of (i) any state
court of competent jurisdiction in and for Salt Lake County, Utah, or in the
United States District Court for the District of Utah sitting at Salt Lake City
in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement that is
initiated by any Provectus Party, or (ii) any state court of competent
jurisdiction in and for Knox County, Tennessee, or in the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee sitting at Knoxville in any action
or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement that is initiated by
any Pacific Party; (b) agree that all claims in respect of the action or
proceeding may be heard and determined in any such court; (c) agree not to bring
any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement in any
other court; (d) waive any defense of inconvenient forum to the maintenance of
any action or proceeding so brought and waive any bond, surety, or other
security that might be required of any other party with respect thereto; and (e)
agree that a final judgment in any action or proceeding so brought shall be
conclusive and may be enforced by suit on the judgment or in any other manner
provided by law or in equity.

10.03. Entire Agreement; Amendment

     This Agreement is the entire Agreement  between the parties with respect to
the subject matter hereof. It supersedes all prior and contemporaneous  oral and
written  agreements and  discussions.  It may be amended only by an agreement in
writing, signed by the parties hereto.

10.04. Binding Effect

     This  Agreement  is binding  upon,  and shall  inure to the benefit of, the
parties  hereto  and  their  respective  agents,   employees,   representatives,
officers, directors, subsidiaries, assigns, heirs and successors in interest.

                                  Page 8 of 11

10.05. General Acknowledgment of Parties


10.06. Counterparts

     This Agreement may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of which
shall be deemed to be an  original,  but all of which  shall be one and the same

                     * Signatures begin on following page *

                                  Page 9 of 11


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement on and as of
the Effective Date.

                                   The Pacific Parties:

                                   KELLY ADAMS, an individual resident of the
                                   State of Utah

                                        Signed: /s/ Kelly Adams

                                   JUSTEENE BLANKENSHIP, an individual
                                   resident of the State of Utah

                                        Signed: /s/ Justeene Blankenship

                                   NICHOLAS JULIAN, an individual resident
                                   of the State of Utah

                                        By:  JUSTEENE BLANKENSHIP, an
                                             individual resident of the State of
                                             Utah, under power of attorney (a
                                             copy of which is attached hereto)

                                             Signed: /s/ Justeene Blankenship

                                   PACIFIC MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., a
                                   corporation formerly incorporated under the
                                   laws of the State of Utah

                                             By: /s/ Justeene Blankenship
                                                     Justeene Blankenship

                   * Signatures continued on following page *

                                 Page 10 of 11

                                   THE PROVECTUS PARTIES:

                                   PROVECTUS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a
                                   Nevada corporation formerly known as
                                   "Provectus Pharmaceutical, Inc."

                                   By: /s/ H. Craig Dees
                                       H. Craig Dees, Ph.D.
                                       Chief Executive Officer

                                   XANTECH PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a
                                   Tennessee corporation and the successor by
                                   merger to Provectus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a
                                   Tennessee corporation

                                       By: /s/ H. Craig Dees
                                           H. Craig Dees, Ph.D.
                                           Chief Executive Officer

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