Welch & Associates, Ltd.
                          Certified Public Accountants
                        401 Union Street - Eleventh Floor
                         Nashville, Tennessee 37219-1708

                                        July 21, 2003

Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 11-3
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

RE:      Volunteer Bancorp, Inc.

We have read the  statements  that we understand  Volunteer  Bancorp,  Inc. will
include  under item 4 of the Form 8-K report it will file  regarding  its recent
change of  auditors.  We agree  with such  statements  made  regarding  our firm
contained  in such  8-K.  We have no  basis  to agree  or  disagree  with  other
statements made under item 4.

Yours truly,

/s/ Welch & Associates, Ltd.

Welch & Associates, Ltd.