[Logo of CBRL Group, Inc.]                                  Post Office Box 787
                                                            Lebanon, Tennessee
                                                            Phone 615.443.9869

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Contact: Lawrence E. White
                                                         Senior Vice President/
                                                           Finance and
                                                         Chief Financial Officer

             Adopts New Accounting Rule For Expensing Stock Options
 Discusses Trends and Possible Effect on Fiscal 2006 Second Quarter and Full
                                  Fiscal Year

LEBANON,  Tenn. (November 21, 2005) -- CBRL Group, Inc. (the "Company") (Nasdaq:
CBRL) today  announced  results for the first  quarter  ended  October 28, 2005,
reporting diluted net income per share of $0.51 compared with $0.57 in the first
quarter of fiscal 2005.  The Company noted that results for the first quarter of
fiscal  2006  included  approximately  $0.04 per diluted  share of stock  option
expense  after tax as a result of initial  adoption of  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 123 Revised,  "Share-Based  Payment,"  ("SFAS  123R"),
which  requires  the Company to  recognize  as expense the fair value of options
granted  after the date of adoption and any unvested  stock option grants at the
date of adoption.  In addition,  the Company  described how current trends could
affect results for its second quarter and the 2006 full fiscal year.

     A summary of fiscal 2006 first-quarter results includes:

o          Comparable  store  restaurant sales were down 0.4% for Cracker Barrel
           Old Country Store(R) ("Cracker Barrel"),  and comparable store retail
           sales at Cracker Barrel were down 11.6%.

o          Comparable  restaurant  sales for the first  fiscal  quarter were up
           0.5% for Logan's Roadhouse(R) ("Logan's").

o          Total revenue for the first quarter of $633.4 million increased 3.4%
           from the year-ago quarter.

o          Net income  and  diluted  net income per share for the first  quarter
           were $25.7 million and $0.51,  respectively (including  approximately
           $1.8  million and $0.04 per  diluted  share,  respectively,  of stock
           option  expense  after tax),  compared to net income of $29.9 million
           and diluted net income per share of $0.57 in the year-ago quarter.

o          Operating  income  margin  in the  first  quarter  was  6.6% of total
           revenues  (including  an impact  of  approximately  0.4% of  revenues
           attributable  to  stock  option  expense)  compared  to  7.9%  in the
           year-ago quarter.

First-Quarter Fiscal 2006 Results

Total  revenue for the first  quarter of fiscal  2006 ended  October 28, 2005 of
$633.4 million represented an increase of 3.4% above the first quarter of fiscal
2005. Comparable store restaurant sales for the first quarter for Cracker Barrel
decreased 0.4%,  including a 3.8% higher average check,  while guest traffic was
4.2% lower.  Cracker  Barrel's  average menu price increase for the full quarter
was approximately 3.7% compared with last year. Comparable store retail sales at
Cracker Barrel decreased 11.6% for the quarter.  Logan's  comparable  restaurant
sales for the quarter were up 0.5% as average check  increased  2.3% while guest
traffic  decreased 1.8%.  Logan's had  approximately  2.5% of average menu price
increase during the first quarter  compared with last year.  During the quarter,
the Company  lost  approximately  243 store  operating  days due to closings for
hurricane  damage and related  power  outages.  During the quarter,  the Company
opened  eight  new  Cracker  Barrel  units  and five new  Logan's  company-owned

The Company  reported  net income for the first  quarter of fiscal 2006 of $25.7
million, or $0.51 per diluted share, compared to net income of $29.9 million and
diluted net income per share of $0.57 for the first quarter of fiscal 2005. As a
result of the Company's adoption of SFAS 123R during the first quarter of fiscal
2006, stock option expense for the quarter was approximately  $1.8 million after
income taxes, or $0.04 per diluted share.

Operating  income for the first quarter of fiscal 2006 of $41.8 million was 6.6%
of total revenue  compared to 7.9% in the first  quarter of fiscal 2005.  Before
the effect of stock option expense, operating income margin would have been 7.0%
for the first quarter of fiscal 2006. The comparison of operating  income margin
to the first quarter of last year primarily  reflected sales softness and higher
other store operating  expenses  (including  higher  utilities,  advertising and
maintenance expenses) and higher general and administrative  expenses (including
stock option expense),  partly offset by lower cost of goods sold, as lower food
cost and lower retail sales benefited this cost.

Commenting on the first-quarter  results,  CBRL Group, Inc. Chairman,  President
and  Chief  Executive  Officer  Michael  A.  Woodhouse  said,  "We have  faced a
challenging sales environment this year, as many restaurant and retail companies
have  reported.  Restaurant  sales at Cracker  Barrel were at the low end of our
expectations,  and retail sales, as well as Logan's restaurant sales, were below
our  expectations.  In addition,  we saw higher  utility  costs as energy prices
increased even more sharply than we expected over year-ago  levels.  In the face
of these  challenges,  we were  pleased  that our  operating  teams showed solid
improvements managing product costs and hourly restaurant labor productivity."

Woodhouse  added,  "Our retail sales have been  disappointing,  reflecting lower
restaurant guest traffic and the fact that our customers have been spending less
on average per retail  purchase.  On the other hand, we saw only a small decline

in the  incidence  of retail  purchases  per guest  during the  quarter,  and we
continue  to believe our  strategy  aimed at building  the  frequency  of retail
purchases  by our  significant  traffic  of  restaurant  guests  provides  us an
opportunity to grow retail sales over time."

The Company urges  caution in  considering  its current  trends and the possible
effect on earnings disclosed in this press release.  The restaurant  industry is
highly competitive,  and trends and earnings are subject to numerous factors and
influences, some of which are discussed in the cautionary language at the end of
this press release.  The Company  disclaims any  obligation to update  disclosed
information on trends or targets other than in its periodic  filings under Forms
10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

Fiscal 2006 Trends and Possible Effect on Earnings

The Company  provided  possible  effects of current  trends on earnings  for its
second  quarter of fiscal 2006,  which ends  January 27, 2006,  and for the full
fiscal year of 2006.  The  Company  noted a high  degree of  uncertainty  in its
current  sales  trends,  as  consumer  sentiment  remains  weak  and  additional
pressures  on  consumer  spending  from high  winter  heating  costs and  rising
interest rates are possible.  Trends could be affected  favorably,  however,  by
adaptation  of consumer  spending to  moderating  gasoline  prices,  mild winter
weather during the holiday travel season, increased purchases of seasonal retail
product as the holiday  shopping  season begins,  and an extended  Spring travel
season with a later Easter holiday this year.

In light of these  uncertainties,  the Company  estimates that a continuation of
current trends in sales for the second quarter and full fiscal year could result
in  total  revenues  that  range  from 3% to 6%  above  prior  year.  Without  a
significant  change in  trends,  comparable  store  restaurant  sales at Cracker
Barrel  could range  between  down 1% to up 1% from prior year,  and  comparable
store  retail  sales  declines  from last year could  range  between 5% and 10%.
Trends in Logan's comparable  restaurant sales could range from up 1% to 4% from
prior year. With these revenue trends,  the Company could see diluted net income
per share between  $0.57 to $0.63,  including  approximately  $0.03 to $0.04 per
diluted share of stock option  expense,  for the second  quarter of fiscal 2006,
compared with $0.63 per share in the second quarter last year.

For the full year of fiscal  2006,  diluted  net  income per share  could  range
between  $2.30 and $2.45,  including  approximately  $0.12 to $0.14 per  diluted
share of stock option  expense,  compared with $2.45 for the full year of fiscal
2005. With these revenue trends,  combined with expected improvements in cost of
goods sold, but other cost pressures, the Company's operating income margins for
the second  quarter and full fiscal year,  before an  estimated  0.3% to 0.4% of
total revenue effect from stock option expense, could fall below prior year. The
Company  presently  expects to open three new Cracker Barrel units in the second
quarter,  one of which has already  opened,  five new  Logan's  company-operated
units and one new Logan's franchised unit. For the full year of fiscal 2006, the
Company  continues  to  anticipate  opening  26 new  Cracker  Barrel  stores and
presently expects to open 20 to 22 new Logan's  company-owned  units and two new
Logan's  franchised units. The Company presently expects its income tax rate for
fiscal 2006 to be equal to fiscal  2005,  and the Company  still has 0.8 million
shares remaining to be repurchased under a previously disclosed authorization.

Woodhouse  concluded,  "Our  outlook,  particularly  in the near  term,  remains
uncertain.  While we are  hopeful  that  moderating  gasoline  prices  and other
factors could boost consumer sentiment and spending, especially in the important
post-Thanksgiving  holiday  shopping  season,  a significant  improvement in our
sales trends is not yet in evidence.  In the meantime, we will continue to focus
on  managing  our costs and  improving  operating  efficiencies  throughout  our

Fiscal 2006 First-Quarter Conference Call

The live  broadcast  of CBRL  Group's  quarterly  conference  call  will be
available to the public on-line at  investorcalendar.com  or cbrlgroup.com today
beginning at 11:00 a.m.  (EST).  The on-line replay will follow  immediately and
continue through November 28, 2005.

Headquartered in Lebanon,  Tennessee,  CBRL Group, Inc.  presently  operates 538
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store restaurants and gift shops located in 41 states
and 129 company-operated  and 23 franchised Logan's Roadhouse  restaurants in 19

Except for specific  historical  information,  many of the matters  discussed in
this press release may express or imply projections of revenues or expenditures,
statements of plans and objectives or future  operations or statements of future
economic   performance.   These,  and  similar  statements  are  forward-looking
statements  concerning  matters  that  involve  risks,  uncertainties  and other
factors  which may cause the actual  performance  of CBRL  Group,  Inc.  and its
subsidiaries  to differ  materially  from  those  expressed  or  implied by this
discussion. All forward-looking  information is provided by the Company pursuant
to the safe harbor  established under the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform
Act  of  1995  and  should  be  evaluated  in  the  context  of  these  factors.
Forward-looking   statements   generally   can  be  identified  by  the  use  of
forward-looking   terminology   such  as  "trends,"   "assumptions,"   "target,"
"guidance,"   "outlook,"   "plans,"   "goals,"   "objectives,"   "expectations,"
"near-term,"   "long-term,"   "projection,"  "may,"  "will,"  "would,"  "could,"
"expect,"  "intend,"  "estimate,"   "anticipate,"   "believe,"   "potential"  or
"continue"  (or the  negative or other  derivatives  of each of these  terms) or
similar  terminology.  Factors  which could  materially  affect  actual  results
include,  but are not limited to: the effects of uncertain consumer  confidence,
higher costs for energy, consumer debt payments, or general or regional economic
weakness  on  sales  and  customer  travel,  discretionary  income  or  personal
expenditure activity;  the ability of the Company to identify,  acquire and sell
successful  new  lines  of  retail   merchandise;   competitive   marketing  and
operational initiatives; the ability of the Company to sustain or the effects of
plans  intended to improve  operational  execution and  performance;  commodity,
workers'  compensation,  group  health  and  utility  price  changes;  actuarial
estimate  uncertainties  with  respect to  self-insured  workers'  compensation,
general  liability and group  health;  the  availability  and cost of acceptable
sites for  development  and the Company's  ability to identify  such sites;  the
ability of the Company to open and operate new locations  successfully;  changes
in building  materials and construction  costs; the effects of plans intended to
promote or protect the Company's  brands and products;  the effects of increased
competition  at Company  locations on sales and on labor  recruiting,  cost, and
retention;  changes in foreign  exchange  rates  affecting the Company's  future

retail inventory  purchases;  consumer  behavior based on negative  publicity or
concerns  over  nutritional  or safety  aspects  of the  Company's  products  or
restaurant  food  in  general;   changes  in  or  implementation  of  additional
governmental or regulatory rules, regulations and interpretations affecting tax,
wage  and  hour  matters,  health  and  safety,  pensions,  insurance  or  other
undeterminable areas; practical or psychological effects of natural disasters or
terrorist acts or war and military or government  responses;  disruptions to the
company's  restaurant  or retail  supply  chain;  the ability of and cost to the
Company to recruit, train, and retain qualified hourly and management employees;
changes in interest rates affecting the Company's  financing  costs;  the actual
results  of  pending,   future  or   threatened   litigation   or   governmental
investigations and the costs and effects of negative  publicity  associated with
these activities; implementation of new or changes in interpretation of existing
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
("GAAP");  effectiveness  of internal  controls  over  financial  reporting  and
disclosure; changes in capital market conditions that could affect valuations of
restaurant  companies in general or the Company's  goodwill in  particular;  and
other factors described from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC,
press releases, and other communications.

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.
                          CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT
                      (In thousands, except share amounts)


                                                                                   First Quarter Ended
                                                                         10/28/05             10/29/04         Change
                                                                        -----------         -----------       --------
Total revenue                                                           $   633,357         $   612,653           3%
Cost of goods sold                                                          199,321             199,842           -
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Gross profit                                                                434,036             412,811           5
Labor & other related expenses                                              235,976             226,189           4
Other store operating expenses                                              117,527             104,103          13
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Store operating income                                                       80,533              82,519          (2)
General and administrative expenses                                          38,704              34,376          13
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Operating income                                                             41,829              48,143         (13)
Interest expense                                                              2,498               2,095          19
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Pretax income                                                                39,331              46,048         (15)
Provision for income taxes                                                   13,609              16,118         (16)
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Net income                                                              $    25,722         $    29,930         (14)
                                                                        ===========         ===========

Earnings per share:
       Basic                                                            $      0.55         $      0.61         (10)
                                                                        ===========         ===========
       Diluted                                                          $      0.51         $      0.57         (11)
                                                                        ===========         ===========

Weighted average shares:                                                 46,672,202          48,712,161         (4)
       Basic                                                             51,836,594          54,356,771         (5)

- --------------
Net sales:
       Restaurant                                                              82.7%               80.7%
       Retail                                                                  17.2                19.2
                                                                        -----------         -----------
           Total net sales                                                     99.9                99.9
Franchise fees and royalties                                                    0.1                 0.1
                                                                        -----------         -----------
           Total revenue                                                      100.0               100.0
Cost of goods sold                                                             31.5                32.6
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Gross profit                                                                   68.5                67.4
Labor & other related expenses                                                 37.3                36.9
Other store operating expenses                                                 18.5                17.0
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Store operating income                                                         12.7                13.5
General and administrative expenses                                             6.1                 5.6
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Operating income                                                                6.6                 7.9
Interest expense                                                                0.4                 0.4
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Pretax income                                                                   6.2                 7.5
Provision for income taxes                                                      2.1                 2.6
                                                                        -----------         -----------
Net income                                                                      4.1%                4.9%
                                                                        ===========         ===========

                                 (In thousands)


                                                                                10/28/05          7/29/05
                                                                              ------------     ------------
Cash and cash equivalents                                                     $     19,987     $     17,173
Other current assets                                                               202,242          173,310
Property and equipment, net                                                      1,235,122        1,218,298
Long-lived assets                                                                  126,586          124,491
                                                                              ------------     ------------
    Total assets                                                              $  1,583,937     $  1,533,272
                                                                              ============     ============

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities                                                           $    292,602     $    295,345
Long-term debt                                                                     236,140          212,218
Other long-term obligations                                                        159,088          155,721
Shareholders' equity                                                               896,107          869,988
                                                                              ------------     ------------
    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                $  1,583,937     $  1,533,272
                                                                              ============     ============

                                 (In thousands)


                                                                                   First Quarter Ended
                                                                                10/28/05            10/29/04
                                                                              -----------       ------------
Cash flow from operating activities:
        Net income                                                            $    25,722       $    29,930
        Depreciation and amortization                                              17,186            16,179
        Loss on disposition of property and equipment                                 742               527
        Accretion on zero-coupon notes                                              1,423             1,382
        Share-based compensation, net of excess tax benefit                         3,133                66
        Net changes in other assets and liabilities                               (30,315)          (10,176)
                                                                              -----------       -----------
                Net cash provided by operating activities                          17,891            38,510
                                                                              -----------       -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
        Purchase of property and equipment                                        (34,788)          (37,369)
        Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                   36               184
                                                                              -----------       -----------
                Net cash used in investing activities                             (34,752)          (37,185)
                                                                              -----------       -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
        Net Borrowings on credit facilities                                        22,447            19,952
        Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                     2,298            12,143
        Excess tax benefit from share-based compensation                              522                --
        Purchase and retirement of common stock                                         --          (39,873)
        Dividends on common stock                                                  (5,592)           (5,365)
                                                                              -----------       ------------
               Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                 19,675           (13,143)
                                                                              -----------       ------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                2,814           (11,818)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                     17,173            28,775
                                                                              -----------       -----------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                      $    19,987       $    16,957
                                                                              ===========       ===========

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.
                            Supplemental Information


                                                                   As of             As of              As of
                                                              --------------     --------------    -------------
                                                                 10/28/05           7/29/05           10/29/04
Common shares outstanding                                       46,726,847         46,619,803        48,322,751
                                                              ==============     ==============    =============

                                                                                     First Quarter Ended
Units in operation:                                                                10/29/05       10/29/04
                                                                                   ---------     ----------
     Cracker Barrel
          Open at beginning of period                                                    529           504
          Opened during period                                                             8             5
                                                                                  ----------     ---------
          Open at end of period                                                          537           509

     Logan's Roadhouse - company-owned
          Open at beginning of period                                                    124           107
          Opened during period                                                             5             7
                                                                                  ----------      --------
          Open at end of period                                                          129           114

      Total company-owned units                                                          666           623

      Logan's Roadhouse - franchised
           Open at beginning of period                                                   23            20
           Opened during period                                                           0             0
                                                                                  ----------      --------
            Open at end of period                                                         23            20

       System-wide units                                                                 689           643
                                                                                  ==========      ========

Total revenue in company-owned stores: (In thousands)
     Cracker Barrel - restaurant                                                $    426,645     $     408,413
     Cracker Barrel - retail                                                         108,840           117,911
                                                                                ------------     -------------
     Cracker Barrel - total                                                          535,485           526,324
     Logan's Roadhouse                                                                97,327            85,800
                                                                                ------------     -------------
     Total net sales                                                                 632,812           612,124
     Franchise fees and royalties                                                        545               529
                                                                                ------------     -------------
     Total Revenue                                                              $    633,357     $     612,653
                                                                                ============     =============

Operating weeks - company-owned stores:
     Cracker Barrel                                                                    6,938             6,573
     Logan's Roadhouse                                                                 1,652             1,439

Average unit volume - company-owned stores: (In thousands)
     Cracker Barrel - restaurant                                                $      799.4     $       807.8
     Cracker Barrel - retail                                                           204.0             233.2
                                                                                ------------     -------------
     Cracker Barrel - total                                                     $    1,003.4     $     1,041.0
                                                                                ============     =============
     Logan's Roadhouse                                                          $      765.9     $       775.1
                                                                                ============     =============

                                                                                     Q1 2006 vs. Q1 2005
Comparable store sales period to period (decrease) increase:                    Cracker Barrel        Logan's
Restaurant                                                                             (0.4%)           0.5%
Retail                                                                                (11.6%)            --

Number of locations in comparable store base                                            488             103
