Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to
be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly

                         Access Financial Mortgage Loan
Trust, 1996-1

                         By:  Norwest Bank of Minnesota,

                         Name:     Kris Solie-Johnson

                         Title:    Corporate Trust Officer

Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996
Phone:                           (410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Cover Page - Issuing

                          Report Name
Report Number

__                              ________________

                          Series Structure Summary

                          Class Distribution Summary

                          Class Distribution Per 1,000 of
Original Balance

                          Class Principal Distribution

                          Class Interest Distribution

                          Fund Account Summary

                          Loss/Delinquency Detail

                          Collateral Summary

Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996
Phone:                           (410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Series Structure Summary - Issuing

Aggregate Realized                             Aggregate
Original Principal                     Losses Principal
Aggregate Interest      Undistributed      Principal
Class    Description    Principal Type   Interest Type
Balance Pass Through Rate  Balance Reduction
Shortfall          Principal         Factor
A-1      Senior         Sequential Pay   Fixed
44,000,000.00       5.70000000%               0.00
0.00               0.00   0.9622837009
A-2      Senior         Sequential Pay   Fixed
16,000,000.00       5.65000000%               0.00
0.00               0.00   1.0000000000
A-3      Senior         Sequential Pay   Fixed
20,000,000.00       5.80000000%               0.00
0.00               0.00   1.0000000000
A-4      Senior         Sequential Pay   Fixed
26,000,000.00       6.20000000%               0.00
0.00               0.00   1.0000000000
A-5      Senior         Sequential Pay   Fixed
13,588,000.00       7.05000000%               0.00
0.00               0.00   1.0000000000
A-6      Senior         Sequential Pay   Variable
55,452,000.00       4.79166670%               0.00
0.00               0.00   0.9875336051
B-Fixed  Subordinate    Sequential Pay   Variable
153.58 3296018.20549551%               0.00
0.00               0.00
B-Vari   Subordinate    Sequential Pay   Variable
737.64  365947.78232146%               0.00
0.00               0.00 305.9564828372
RU       Residual       Residual         Residual
0.00       0.00000000%               0.00               0.00
0.00   0.0000000000
175,040,891.22                                 0.00
0.00               0.00   0.9902650165

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Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996                Phone:
(410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Distribution Summary - Issuing

Principal             Ending
                              Pass Through
Principal     Total Interest    Total Principal
Balance          Principal              Total
Class      Record Date                Rate
Balance       Distribution       Distribution
Reduction            Balance       Distribution
A-1        02/29/1996          5.70000000%
44,000,000.00         209,000.00       1,659,517.16
0.00      42,340,482.84       1,868,517.16
A-2        02/29/1996          5.65000000%
16,000,000.00          75,333.33               0.00
0.00      16,000,000.00          75,333.33
A-3        02/29/1996          5.80000000%
20,000,000.00          96,666.67               0.00
0.00      20,000,000.00          96,666.67
A-4        02/29/1996          6.20000000%
26,000,000.00         134,333.33               0.00
0.00      26,000,000.00         134,333.33
A-5        02/29/1996          7.05000000%
13,588,000.00          79,829.50               0.00
0.00      13,588,000.00          79,829.50
A-6        02/29/1996          4.79166670%
55,452,000.00         221,422.92         691,286.53
0.00      54,760,713.47         912,709.45
B-Fixed    02/29/1996
153.58               0.00               0.00
0.00         421,988.98               0.00
B-Vari     02/29/1996
737.64               0.00               0.00
0.00         225,685.74               0.00
RU         02/29/1996          0.00000000%
0.00               0.00               0.00
0.00               0.00               0.00
175,040,891.22         816,585.75       2,350,803.69
0.00     173,336,871.03       3,167,389.44

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Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services              Reporting
Month:      February 1996             Phone:
(410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway                       Distribution
Date:     March 18, 1996             InvestorDirect:
(800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

                                     Class Distribution Per
1,000 of Original Balance - Issuing

Total Other
Interest       Scheduled       Principal Total Principal
Principal          Ending

Distribution       Principal    Distribution    Distribution
Balance       Principal
Class            Cusip               Original Balance
Factor          Factor          Factor          Factor
Reduction          Factor
A-1              003916AA1              44,000,000.00
4.75000000      5.21173682     22.91739409     37.71629909
0.00000000    0.9622837009
A-2              003916AB9              16,000,000.00
4.70833313      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
0.00000000    1.0000000000
A-3              003916AC7              20,000,000.00
4.83333350      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
0.00000000    1.0000000000
A-4              003916AD5              26,000,000.00
5.16666654      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
0.00000000    1.0000000000
A-5              003916AE3              13,588,000.00
5.87500000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
0.00000000    1.0000000000
A-6              003916AF0              55,452,000.00
3.99305562      4.40932951      4.00043804     12.46639490
0.00000000    0.9875336051
B-Fixed          N/A                           153.58
0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
0.00000000 2747.6818596171
B-Vari           N/A                           737.64
0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
0.00000000  305.9564828372
RU               N/A                             0.00
N/A             N/A             N/A             N/A
N/A             N/A
Totals                                 175,040,891.22

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Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996
Phone:                           (410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Principal Distribution - Issuing

Principal           Ending          Current
                   Principal        Scheduled
Unscheduled                             Other  Total
Principal          Balance        Principal    Undistributed
Class                Balance        Principal
Principal        Accretion        Principal     Distribution
Reduction*          Balance        Principal
A-1            44,000,000.00       229,316.42
1,008,365.34       421,835.40             0.00
1,659,517.16             0.00    42,340,482.84
A-2            16,000,000.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00    16,000,000.00             0.00
A-3            20,000,000.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00    20,000,000.00             0.00
A-4            26,000,000.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00    26,000,000.00             0.00
A-5            13,588,000.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00    13,588,000.00             0.00
A-6            55,452,000.00       244,506.14
221,832.29       224,948.10             0.00
691,286.53             0.00    54,760,713.47
B-Fixed               153.58             0.00
0.00     (421,835.40)             0.00             0.00
0.00       421,988.98             0.00
B-Vari                737.64             0.00
0.00     (224,948.10)             0.00             0.00
0.00       225,685.74             0.00
RU                      0.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00
Totals        175,040,891.22       473,822.56
1,230,197.63           (0.00)             0.00
2,350,803.69             0.00   173,336,871.03

*Principal Balance Reduction

Realized Losses Principal Balance Reduction
Negative Amortization Principal Balance Reduction

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Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996
Phone:                           (410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Class Interest Distribution - Issuing

Negative                            Ending
Interest                                       Amortization
Interest       Shortfall/                             Other
Interest   Total Interest         Notional
Class       Pass-Through Rate          Balance
Accrual       (Recovery)        Accretion         Interest
Reduction     Distribution          Balance
A-1               5.70000000%    44,000,000.00
209,000.00             0.00             0.00
0.00             0.00       209,000.00    42,340,482.84
A-2               5.65000000%    16,000,000.00
75,333.33             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00        75,333.33    16,000,000.00
A-3               5.80000000%    20,000,000.00
96,666.67             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00        96,666.67    20,000,000.00
A-4               6.20000000%    26,000,000.00
134,333.33             0.00             0.00
0.00             0.00       134,333.33    26,000,000.00
A-5               7.05000000%    13,588,000.00
79,829.50             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00        79,829.50    13,588,000.00
A-6               4.79166670%    55,452,000.00
221,422.92             0.00             0.00
0.00             0.00       221,422.92    54,760,713.47
B-Fixed     3296018.20549551%           153.58
421,835.40             0.00       421,835.40
0.00             0.00             0.00       421,988.98
B-Vari       365947.78232146%           737.64
224,948.10             0.00       224,948.10
0.00             0.00             0.00       225,685.74
RU                0.00000000%             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00             0.00
0.00             0.00             0.00
1,463,369.25             0.00       646,783.50
0.00             0.00       816,585.75

Class A-6 Interest is accrued @ LIBOR = 5.375% over the
applicable accrual period.

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Access Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996
Phone:                           (410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Fund Account Summary - Issuing


Proceeds Account
   Beginning Balance

    Interest Net of Servicing Fee               1,463,369.25
Interest Payments                                816,585.75
    Scheduled Principal                           473,822.56
Scheduled Principal Payment                      473,822.56
    Other Principal                             1,230,197.63
Other Principal Payments                       1,876,981.13
    Negative Amortization                               0.00
Reserve Fund 1                                         0.00
    Deposits from Reserve Fund                          0.00
Fees and Expenses                                      0.00
    Gain/Loss Adjustment                                0.00
Other Withdrawals                                      0.00
    Other Deposits                                      0.00

   Total Deposit
3,167,389.44                Total Withdrawals

Ending Balance

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Access Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services
Reporting   Month:      February 1996
Phone:                           (410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Loss/Delinquency Detail - Issuing

                  Current         Current         Current
Current           Total       Aggregate       Aggregate
Aggregate       Aggregate           Total
                    Fraud      Bankruptcy  Special Hazard
Credit         Current           Fraud      Bankruptcy
Special Hazard          Credit       Aggregate
Pool #             Losses          Losses          Losses
Losses          Losses          Losses          Losses
Losses          Losses          Losses

1                    0.00            0.00            0.00
0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00
0.00            0.00            0.00
2                    0.00            0.00            0.00
0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00
0.00            0.00            0.00
Totals               0.00            0.00            0.00
0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00
0.00            0.00            0.00

             30  Days  Delinquent    60  Days  Delinquent
90  Days  Delinquent             Foreclosures
REO's                      Totals
               Number       Balance    Number       Balance
Number       Balance    Number       Balance    Number
Balance    Number            Balance
1                  48  2,968,025.19        15    719,257.80
1    105,350.00         0          0.00         0
0.00        64       3,792,632.99
2                   4    325,750.00         9  1,024,400.00
2    210,200.00         0          0.00         0
0.00        15       1,560,350.00
Totals             52  3,293,775.19        24  1,743,657.80
3    315,550.00         0          0.00         0
0.00        79       5,352,982.99

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Financial Mortgage Loan Trust 1996-1
Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
Contact:                        Michele Latimer
Securities Administration Services               Reporting
Month:      February 1996              Phone:
(410) 884-2100
11000 Broken Land Parkway
Distribution Date:     March 18, 1996
InvestorDirect:                  (800) 605-4167
Columbia, MD 21044-7800

Collateral Summary - Issuing

Total|              Pool 1               Pool 2

Monthly P&I Constant
2,025,635.86|        1,306,732.39           718,903.47

Positive Amortization
473,822.56|          229,316.42           244,506.14
Negative Amortization
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
Regular Curtailments
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
Regular Curtailment Interest
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
Prepaid Curtailments
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
Prepaid Curtailment Interest
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
1,230,197.63|        1,008,365.34           221,832.29
Principal Adjustments
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
   Total Principal Trust Distribution
1,704,020.19|        1,237,681.76           466,338.43

Scheduled Interest
1,551,813.30|        1,077,415.97           474,397.33
Servicing Fee
61,594.00|           42,343.67            19,250.33
Master Servicing Fee
4,011.35|            2,740.56             1,270.79
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
     Total Pass-Through Interest
1,463,369.25|        1,016,998.23           446,371.02

Beginning Balance
175,040,891.22|      119,588,153.58        55,452,737.64
Ending Balance
173,336,871.03|      118,350,471.82        54,986,399.21
Gross P&I Distribution
3,194,239.49|        2,272,754.06           921,485.43
Realized Losses/(Gains)
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
Net P&I Trust Distribution
3,194,239.49|        2,272,754.06           921,485.43

Beginning Loan Count
2444|                1904                  540
Number of Loan Payoffs
14|                  13                    1
Ending Loan Count
2430|                1891                  539

Weighted Average Maturity
0.0000000000|      234.3300000000       347.6400000000
Weighted Average Gross Rate
0.000000000%|       11.123000000%         9.548800000%
Weighted Average Net Rate
0.000000000%|       10.698100000%         9.132200000%
Weighted Average Pass-Through Rate
0.000000000%|       10.515500000%         8.941300000%
Weighted Average Margin
0.000000000%|        0.000000000%         5.953300000%

Advances on Delinquencies
  Current Period Principal
0.00|                0.00                 0.00
  Current Period Interest
0.00|                0.00                 0.00



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