Exhibit (3)(i)(a)
                           CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                         WESTLAND DEVELOPMENT CO., INC.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Business  Corporation  Act of New Mexico,  the
undersigned  Corporation  adopts the  following  Articles  of  Amendment  to its
Articles of Incorporation:

FIRST: The name of the corporation is WESTLAND DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 

SECOND:  The following  amendments to the Articles of Incorporation were adopted
by the  shareholders  of the  corporation at the annual meeting of  shareholders
held on November 13, 1998, in the manner prescribed by the Business  Corporation
Act of New Mexico, as follows:

  1. Article IV For the  Amendment  of Article IV of the  Company's  Articles of
     Incorporation  to delete from such  Article the  authority to issue Class A
     Stock. The remainder of the Article is not amended and remains the same.

  2. Article  VII: To amend the Articles of  Incorporation  to add thereto a new
     Article VII to provide that:  "The vote required to amend these Articles of
     Incorporation  shall be a simple  majority of all shares entitled to notice
     of and to vote at any  meeting of  shareholders  whereat any  amendment  to
     these Articles is proposed.

  3. Article II: To amend  Article II by replacing  it in its entirety  with the
     following language: "The period of this corporation's existence shall be in

THIRD: The number of issued and outstanding  shares of the Corporation's  common
stock  entitled  to vote on the  Amendments  at the  meeting  that  adopted  the
Amendments on November 4, 1998, was 802,708 shares.

FOURTH:  The corporation has two classes of issued and outstanding  common stock
entitled to vote on the  amendment,  those being no par value  common  stock and
Class B common stock. The aggregate of all such issued and outstanding shares at
the time of the meeting of  shareholders  was 802,708.  The amendments  were not
matters specified by Section 53-13-3 NMSA 1978 as requiring a vote by class.

FIFTH: Of the 802,708 shares of issued and outstanding  common stock entitled to
vote on the amendments, they were voted as follows:

  1. There were 550,252  shares  voted for the  Amendment of Article IV (68.55%)
     and 80,773 shares voted against the amendment (10.06%).

  2. There were 558,762  shares voted for the  Amendment  creating a new Article
     VII (69.61%) and 71,428 shares voted against the amendment (8.89%).

  3. There were 569,221  shares  voted for the  Amendment of Article II (70.91%)
     and 61,029 shares voted against the amendment (7.60%).

SIXTH:  The  result  of these  amendments  had no  effect  on the  number of the
Corporation's authorized shares or its stated capital.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the said  WESTLAND  DEVELOPMENT  CO., INC. has caused this
Certificate of Amendment to be signed by its President and its Secretary and its
corporate  seal to be affixed  hereto this __ day of  November,  1998.  WESTLAND

By:  Barbara Page
     Barbara Page, President

By:  Lee Anaya
     Lee Anaya, Assistant Secretary


On November 19, 1998,  personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for
the State of New  Mexico,  Barbara  Page,  President,  and Lee Anaya,  Assistant
Secretary,  of WESTLAND  DEVELOPMENT  CO., INC., a New Mexico  corporation,  who
acknowledged  that they executed the foregoing  Certificate  of Amendment of the
Articles of Incorporation  on behalf of WESTLAND  DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. and that
the statements therein contained are true.

 Linda J. Blair
 Linda J. Blair (Notary Public)

My commission expires 8/15/2001