Financial Statements and Schedule

                           December 31, 2000 and 1999

                   (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)

                       SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401(k)

                                Table of Contents


Independent Auditors' Report                                                   1

Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits                           2

Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits                2

Notes to Financial Statements                                                  3


1    Schedules of Assets Held for Investment Purposes                          6

                          Independent Auditors' Report

     The Plan Trustees
     Smithway Motor Xpress, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Savings and Investment Plan:

     We have audited the statements of net assets available for plan benefits of
     Smithway Motor Xpress,  Inc. 401(k) Retirement  Savings and Investment Plan
     as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the related  statements of changes in
     net assets  available  for plan  benefits  for the years then ended.  These
     financial  statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management.  Our
     responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
     on our audits.

     We conducted our audits in accordance  with  auditing  standards  generally
     accepted in the United States of America.  Those standards  require that we
     plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
     financial statements are free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes
     examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures
     in  the  financial  statements.   An  audit  also  includes  assessing  the
     accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as
     well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe
     that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
     in all material  respects,  the net assets  available  for plan benefits of
     Smithway Motor Xpress,  Inc. 401(k) Retirement  Savings and Investment Plan
     as of  December  31,  2000 and  1999,  and the  changes  in its net  assets
     available  for plan  benefits for the years then ended in  conformity  with
     accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

     Our audit of the Plan's financial  statements as of and for the years ended
     December 31, 2000 and 1999,  was made for the purpose of forming an opinion
     on the financial  statements taken as a whole. The supplemental  schedule 1
     is presented for the purpose of  additional  analysis and is not a required
     part of the basic financial  statements,  but is supplementary  information
     required by the Department of Labor's Rules and  Regulations  for Reporting
     and Disclosure under the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974.
     The  supplemental  schedule has been  subjected to the auditing  procedures
     applied  in the  audits  of the  basic  financial  statements  and,  in our
     opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic
     financial statements taken as a whole.

     /s/KPMG LLP

     Des Moines, Iowa
     June 15, 2001


                                    SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401(k)
                                  RETIREMENT SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN

                           Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                        December 31, 2000 and 1999

                                                                                      2000         1999
                                                                                   -----------  -----------
   Cash                                                                          $    491,713      439,946
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

   Investments (note 8):
     Investment in registered investment companies                                  8,923,690    9,352,826
     Common stock                                                                     892,521    1,862,419
     Loans to participants                                                            878,602      888,369
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

                                                                                   10,694,813   12,103,614

   Contributions receivable - employees                                               113,989      144,839
   Contributions receivable - employer                                                172,450      262,998
   Other receivables                                                                    2,432          413
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

          Total assets                                                             11,475,397   12,951,810

Liabilities (note 6)                                                                   28,898       55,325
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

          Net assets available for benefits (note 2)                             $ 11,446,499   12,896,485
                                                                                   ===========  ===========

                 Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                              Years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999

                                                                                      2000         1999
                                                                                   -----------  -----------
Additions to net assets attributed to:
   Employer contributions (note 3)                                               $    171,493      263,398
   Employee contributions and rollovers (note 3)                                    1,317,190    1,703,325
   Net investment income (notes 2 and 8)                                                    -      837,741
   Other                                                                                4,339            -
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

          Total additions                                                           1,493,022    2,804,464
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

Deductions from net assets attributed to:
   Benefits paid to participants (note 5)                                           1,188,095    1,189,404
   Net investment loss (notes 2 and 8)                                              1,694,276            -
   Administrative fees                                                                 60,637       92,138
   Other                                                                                    -        4,683
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

          Total deductions                                                          2,943,008    1,286,225
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

          Net (decrease) increase in net assets available for benefits             (1,449,986)   1,518,239

Net assets available for benefits:
   Beginning of year                                                               12,896,485   11,378,246
                                                                                   -----------  -----------

   End of year                                                                   $ 11,446,499   12,896,485
                                                                                   ===========  ===========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                        2                            (Continued)

                       SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401(k)

                         Notes to Financial Statements

                           December 31, 2000 and 1999

        (1)      Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

        Plan Information and Basis of Presentation

          The accompanying  financial  statements of Smithway Motor Xpress, Inc.
          401(k)  Retirement  Savings and  Investment  Plan (the Plan) have been
          prepared on the  accrual  basis of  accounting  and are subject to the
          provisions  of the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974
          (ERISA).  The Plan is  sponsored by Smithway  Motor Xpress Corp.  (the
          Company)  and has two entry dates per year.  Full-time  employees  are
          eligible  for  participation  in the Plan on the next entry date after
          completing one year of service.  Participants should refer to the Plan
          agreement for more complete information.


          Investments,  other  than  loans,  are  reported  at  fair  value,  as
          determined by using available market information.  Purchases and sales
          of  securities   are  recorded  on  a  trade-date   basis.   Loans  to
          participants   are   valued  at  their   unpaid   principal   balance,
          representing estimated fair value.

          Net  investment  income  includes  investment  income,  realized gains
          (losses),  and unrealized  appreciation  (depreciation) on investments

        Administrative Fees

          Certain administrative fees are paid by the Company.

        Income Taxes

          The Internal  Revenue Service has issued a  determination  letter that
          the Plan is  qualified,  and the trust  established  under the Plan is
          tax-exempt,  under Sections 401(a) and 501(a) of the Internal  Revenue
          Code.  The Plan has been amended  since  receiving  the  determination
          letter.  An  updated  determination  letter  has not  been  requested;
          however,  UMB Bank (the Plan Administrator) and the Plan's tax counsel
          believe  the  Plan  is  currently   designed  and  being  operated  in
          compliance with the applicable  requirements  of the Internal  Revenue
          Code.  Therefore,  they believe the Plan was qualified and the related
          trust  was  tax-exempt  as of  December  31,  2000  and  1999.  Future
          qualification  of the Plan will  depend  on  continuing  operation  in
          compliance with the Internal Revenue Code.

        Use of Estimates

          The Plan  Administrator has made a number of estimates and assumptions
          relating to the reporting of assets, liabilities,  and changes therein
          to prepare these  financial  statements in conformity  with accounting
          principles generally accepted in the United States of America.  Actual
          results could differ from those estimates.

                                       3                             (Continued)

                       SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401(k)

                         Notes to Financial Statements

                           December 31, 2000 and 1999

  (2)   Net Assets Available for Benefits

          The  Plan  Administrator   maintains  funds  received  from  the  Plan
          primarily  in  registered  investment  companies  or in the  Company's
          common stock.

  (3)   Contributions

          Under  the  terms of the  Plan  agreement,  the  Company  may,  at its
          discretion,  make  annual  contributions  to the Plan,  which shall be
          allocated to eligible  participants based on a percentage of the total
          deferred compensation  contributed during the Plan year.  Forfeitures,
          if any, are used to reduce future employer contributions.

          Employees may make  voluntary  contributions  to the Plan up to 15% of
          their compensation, subject to certain limitations as specified in the
          Plan agreement.

  (4)   Participant Accounts

          Each   participant's   account  is  credited  with  the  participant's
          contribution,  the employer's contribution,  and an allocation of Plan
          earnings.  Each  participant  will be  permitted  to  direct  the Plan
          Administrator  to  invest  their  individual   accounts  into  various
          approved investments permitted under the Plan.

          Participants are immediately  vested in their voluntary  contributions
          and the earnings  thereon.  Vesting in the remainder of their accounts
          is based on years of service in which the participant has completed at
          least 1,000 hours of service.  A participant  is 100% vested after six
          years of service.

  (5)   Benefits

          Under  the  terms  of  the  Plan  agreement,   participants  or  their
          beneficiaries  are eligible for benefits upon  retirement,  death,  or
          disability.  Benefits  shall be  distributed  through  one of  several
          options  selected  by  the  participants,   as  defined  in  the  Plan

  (6)   Liabilities

          Liabilities include refunds payable for excess contributions  received
          by the Plan which are reimbursable to the participants, benefit claims
          payables, and other miscellaneous operating payables.

  (7)   Plan Termination

          Although the Company has not  expressed  any intent to  terminate  its
          participation  in the Plan,  it may do so at any time,  subject to the
          provisions  set forth in ERISA.  Should the Plan be terminated at some
          future time, all participants become 100% vested in benefits earned as
          of the termination date.

                                       4                             (Continued)

                       SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401(k)

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                           December 31, 2000 and 1999

  (8)   Investments

     The fair values of the  investments  of the Plan at  December  31, 2000 and
1999 were as follows:

                                                 2000            1999
                                            ---------------  --------------

Fidelity Asset Manager                    $      1,548,635       1,508,986
Fidelity Magellan Fund                           3,148,804       3,436,326
Capital Preservation Fund                        1,007,370         860,617
PBHG Growth Fund                                 1,565,529       2,002,400
Putnam Vista Fund                                  861,865         841,936
Strong Government Securities                       791,487         702,561
Smithway Motor Xpress Corp.
    common stock *                                 892,521       1,862,419
Participant Loans                                  878,602         888,369
                                            ---------------  --------------

                                          $     10,694,813      12,103,614
                                            ===============  ==============

     Included in net  investment  (loss) income for the years ended December 31,
2000 and 1999 was (depreciation) appreciation of investments(including gains and
losses on  investments  bought  and sold,  as well as held  during  the year) of
($1,811,605) and $752,545, respectively, as follows:

                                                 2000            1999
                                            ---------------  --------------

Registered investment companies           $       (650,540)      2,098,834
Common stock *                                  (1,161,065)     (1,346,289)
                                            ---------------  --------------

                                          $     (1,811,605)        752,545
                                            ===============  ==============


                                       5                             (Continued)

                                   Schedule 1
                       SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401(k)

                Schedules of Assets Held for Investment Purposes

                           December 31, 2000 and 1999

                      Description                                                           Cost           value
- ---------------------------------------------------------                               -------------  ---------------

Fidelity Asset Manager                                                                $    1,607,102        1,548,635
Fidelity Magellan Fund                                                                     2,404,187        3,148,804
Capital Preservation Fund                                                                  1,007,370        1,007,370
PBHG Growth Fund                                                                           1,380,947        1,565,529
Putnam Vista Fund                                                                            955,945          861,865
Strong Government Securities                                                                 799,624          791,487
Smithway Motor Xpress Corp. common stock *                                                   690,471          892,521
                                                                                        -------------  ---------------

                                                                                           8,845,646        9,816,211

Loans to participants                                                                        878,602          878,602
                                                                                        -------------  ---------------

                                                                                      $    9,724,248       10,694,813
                                                                                        =============  ===============

                      Description                                                           Cost           value
- ---------------------------------------------------------                               -------------  ---------------

Fidelity Asset Manager                                                                $    1,420,645        1,508,986
Fidelity Magellan Fund                                                                     2,051,716        3,436,326
Capital Preservation Fund                                                                    860,617          860,617
PBHG Growth Fund                                                                             905,998        2,002,400
Putnam Vista Fund                                                                            648,424          841,936
Strong Government Securities                                                                 755,142          702,561
Smithway Motor Xpress Corp. common stock *                                                   534,659        1,862,419
                                                                                        -------------  ---------------

                                                                                           7,177,201       11,215,245

Loans to participants                                                                        888,369          888,369
                                                                                        -------------  ---------------

                                                                                      $    8,065,570       12,103,614
                                                                                        =============  ===============


See accompanying independent auditors' report.

                                 6                                   (Continued)


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
trustees (or other persons who administer  the employee  benefit plan) have duly
caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto
duly authorized.

                                             SMITHWAY MOTOR XPRESS, INC. 401 (K)
                                          RETIREMENT SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN

Date:  June 27, 2000
                                                 /s/ Tom Nelson
                                                 Tom Nelson, Administrator
