WASHINGTON, DC   20549

                              Form 10-K
(Mark One)



                      ALLSTATES WORLDCARGO, INC.
       (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified  In Its Charter)

               New Jersey                22-3487471
             (State or Other       (I.R.S. Identification
             Jurisdiction of               Number)
            Incorporation or

     4 Lakeside Drive South, Forked River, New Jersey       08731
     (Address of Principal Executive Offices)              (Zip Code)

     7 Doig Road, Suite 3, Wayne, New Jersey                07470
     (Former address of Principal Executive Offices)       (Zip Code)

                            (609) 693-5950
                     (Issuer's Telephone Number)

Securities  to  be registered pursuant to Section 12(b)  of  the  Act:

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                    Common Stock $.0001 Par Value
                           (Title of Class)

Indicate  by  check  mark whether the registrant  (1)  has  filed  all
reports  required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange  Act  of 1934 during the past 12 months (or for such  shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2)
has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes
[ x ]     No [    ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to
item  405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will  not  be
contained,  to  the best of the registrant's knowledge, in  definitive
proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in part  III
of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K [ X]

The  number  of shares of Common Stock outstanding as of December  15,
2000 was 32,509,872 shares.

At  December 15, 2000, the voting stock of the registrant had not been
publicly quoted.
                                PART I


General Overview

     Allstates  WorldCargo, Inc. (the "Company" or "Allstates")  is  a
New  Jersey  Corporation formed on January 14,  1997  as  Audiogenesis
Systems, Inc. ("Audiogenesis"), pursuant to a corporate reorganization
of  Genesis  Safety Systems, Inc. ("Genesis").  On  August  24,  1999,
Audiogenesis acquired 100 percent of the common stock of Allstates Air
Cargo,  Inc.  in  a  reverse acquisition, and on  November  30,  1999,
changed its name to Allstates WorldCargo, Inc.  The Company's business
is  comprised of freight forwarding, distribution and sales of  safety
equipment,  and  development  and  sales  of  audio-visual   products.
Allstates is headquartered in Forked River, New Jersey.

     The  freight  forwarding  business of Allstates  was  founded  by
Joseph  M. Guido, the Company's Chairman of the Board, with its  first
terminal  opening  in Newark, New Jersey in 1961.  Allstates  provides
domestic  and international freight forwarding services to over  1,300
customers  utilizing ground transportation, commercial  air  carriers,
and ocean vessels. Allstates operates 22 offices throughout the United
States, including Hawaii, and employs 98 people.

     Allstates   has   agreements  with  domestic  and   international
strategic  partners  and  a network of agents  throughout  the  world.
Recently,  Allstates formed a strategic alliance with  an  established
freight  forwarding company located in the United  Kingdom,  with  its
principle  office in the London Heathrow airport area.  This strategic
partner  replaced  the  Company's UK branch  office,  which  had  done
business  as  Allstates Allcargo (UK) Ltd. since  January  1997.   The
Company decided to discontinue freight operations at its branch office
prior to the end of its September 30, 2000 fiscal year end.  Allstates
plans  to  increase  its  global market share  by  forming  additional
strategic alliances and effecting selective acquisitions.

     Allstates neither owns or nor operates any aircraft or ships.  By
not  owning or operating its own equipment, Allstates believes  it  is
able  to  provide more flexible delivery schedules and shipment  size.
In addition, by eliminating  the substantial fixed expenses associated
with  the   ownership of such equipment, Allstates has  been  able  to
effect certain cost savings.

Marketing and Licensing

     Allstates  markets its services through a network of 22  domestic
offices,  its  European  and South American strategic  alliances,  and
selected agents throughout the world.

     Allstates  utilizes  a  combination  of  professionally  prepared
advertising  materials,  highly trained sales and  operations/customer
services  professionals, direct mail, assorted promotional items,  and
audio/visual  presentations. Allstates maintains 24  full  time  sales
personnel  operating from 22 domestic offices.   Of  the  22  domestic
locations,  11  are company-owned, and the remaining 11 are  licensees
and agents.

     Allstates  has  formed strategic alliances  in  approximately  10
foreign  countries  with  which it shares information,  customers  and

     Allstates  has several  site licensing agreements and has created
two divisions that are responsible for certain specialized functions
of the Company.  One of those divisions is GTD Logistics, which is
involved in ground transportation (trucking).  The other division is
called Allstates Logistics.  This division holds Ocean Transportation
Intermediary License No. 15364NF, and is responsible for the ocean
freight segment of Allstates.  In addition, the Company has invested
in a new start-up operation, e-tail Logistics, Inc., a New Jersey
corporation.  To date, e-tail Logistics, Inc. has not conducted any

Information Systems

     A  primary  component  of Allstates's business  strategy  is  the
continued  development of its advanced information systems.  Allstates
has  invested  substantial management and financial resources  in  the
development  of  its  information systems  in  an  effort  to  provide
accurate  and  timely  information to its  management  and  customers.
Allstates continues to upgrade its information systems.  Highlights of
the information system are:

     .    Real-time  information which is available to  employees  and
          customers, including customer service, operations, sales and
     .    Centralized system located in Forked River, New Jersey, with
          terminals throughout all offices capable of dial-up by customers
          (through direct dial-up or via Internet), including internal and
          external e-mail
     .    System tracks shipments from pickup order to delivery; confirms
          "on-board" and "out for delivery" status
     .    System can produce the following daily, monthly, yearly reports:
          (1)  Operations reports (inbound, outbound and on-hand reports)
          (2)  Sales reports (revenue, customer client list)
          (3)  Customer reports (POD report, shipping history report)
          (4)  Accounting reports (P&L reports)
     .    System auto rates revenues and costs
     .    System is capable of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
     .    System is flexible in customizing reports to meet customer needs
     .    System is "bar-code" capable
     .    System allows customers to dial up and retrieve rate quotes and
          POD information
     .    System produces shipping labels and computerized airbills and
          airline bills

Licensing and Government Regulation

     Allstates  is  the  holder  of Ocean Transportation  Intermediary
License  No.  15364NF, and must be in compliance with the  regulations
governing  such certification.  Also, Allstates must be in  compliance
with the regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration that apply
to  the  business  of Allstates. Allstates believes that  it  has  the
resources,  expertise and experience to continue its  compliance  with
all Federal agencies and regulations.

     Allstates  relies  primarily on a combination  of  copyright  and
trademark   laws,  trade  secrets,  confidentiality   procedures   and
contractual  provisions  to  protect its proprietary  technology.  For
example,  Allstates licenses its software pursuant to  signed  license
agreements,  which  impose  certain  restrictions  on  the  licensees'
ability to utilize the software. In addition, Allstates seeks to avoid
disclosure  of  its trade secrets, including requiring  those  persons
with   access  to  Allstates's  proprietary  information  to   execute
confidentiality  agreements with Allstates and restricting  access  to
Allstates's  source  code. Allstates seeks to  protect  its  software,
documentation  and  other written materials  under  trade  secret  and
copyright laws, which afford only limited protection.

     Despite  Allstates's  efforts to protect its proprietary  rights,
unauthorized  parties  may  attempt to  copy  aspects  of  Allstates's
products  or to obtain and use information that Allstates  regards  as
proprietary.  Policing  unauthorized use of  Allstates's  products  is
difficult, and, while Allstates is unable to determine the  extent  to
which  piracy of its software products exists, software piracy can  be
expected  to  be a persistent problem. In addition, the laws  of  many
countries do not protect Allstates's proprietary rights to as great an
extent  as do the laws of the United States. There can be no assurance
that  Allstates's means of protecting its proprietary rights  will  be
adequate  or  that  Allstates's  competitors  will  not  independently
develop similar technology.

     To  date,  Allstates  has  not  been  notified  that  Allstates's
products  infringe the proprietary rights of third parties, but  there
can be no assurance that third parties will not claim infringement  by
Allstates  with  respect  to  current or  future  products.  Allstates
expects  that software product developers will increasingly be subject
to  infringement claims as the number of products and  competitors  in
Allstates's  industry segment grows and the functionality of  products
in  different  industry segments overlaps. Any such  claims,  with  or
without  merit, could be time-consuming, result in costly  litigation,
cause  product  shipment  delays or require Allstates  to  enter  into
royalty or licensing agreements. Such royalty or licensing agreements,
if  required, may not be available on terms acceptable to Allstates or
at  all,  which could have a material adverse effect upon  Allstates's
business, operating results and financial condition.


     Allstates  competes  with other companies in the  same  business,
some   of  which  are  much  larger  and  have  substantially  greater
resources.   There  are  approximately  1,500  direct  competitors  of
various  sizes throughout the country.  The methods by which Allstates
chooses  to compete include highly skilled and experienced  upper  and
middle management, a proprietary site-licensing program, cost control,
professional  sales  representation,  highly  trained  operations  and
customer  service  personnel,  employee and  customer  premium  awards
program,   and  a  wide range of enhanced services. In  addition,  the
integration of Audiogenesis' experience and expertise with respect  to
its  audio-visual sales and training division and its applications for
inventory  control provides the Company with added  benefits  for  its
customers.    Allstates  also  owns  its  proprietary  and  customized
computer  software and advanced hardware. Allstates's website provides
customer  cargo  tracking,  with   further enhancements expected in
the future.

     Allstates's  major  competitors nationwide are  Federal  Express,
BAX,  Eagle  USA, and United Parcel Service.  At each  of  Allstates's
locations, there are regional carriers who have strength in the  local
marketplace.  They, for the most part, all provide air, sea and ground
services.   Service levels and pricing vary substantially  based  upon
geographic and customer volume criteria.

     In  order  to remain competitive, Allstates negotiates with   its
vendors  to  meet the appropriate service and pricing  levels  in  its
markets.  In  addition  to competitive pricing, Allstates  strives  to
provide  its customers, with excellent service, highly trained  inside
operations personnel, and state of the art computer services.


     Allstates  has a diverse customer base, with approximately  1,300
accounts.   Over  the 39 years of its operations, Allstates  has  done
business  with  over  25,000  customers.  Some  of  Allstates's  major
customers  over  the years have been J.B. Williams, Raytheon,  Giorgio
Perfume,  Cosmair, Ashton Tate, Merisel Corporation, Budd Corporation,
Home Box Office (a division of Time-Warner), Sensormatic, and AT&T.


     As  of  November 30, 2000, the Company employed  a  total  of  98
individuals.  Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. and subsidiaries accounted for
96  employees  (of which 8 are part time), including 49 in  operations
and  customer service, 24 in sales, marketing and related  activities,
and  23  in  administration  and finance.   The  Audiogenesis  Systems
division  had  2 full-time employees.  Allstates's success  is  highly
dependent  on  its ability to attract and retain qualified  employees.
The  loss of any of the Company's senior management or other key sales
and  marketing  personnel  could have a  material  adverse  effect  on
Allstates's business, operating results and financial condition.

Pension Plan

Effective   May  1994,  the  Company  adopted  a  discretionary   non-
standardized  401(k)  profit sharing plan.   The  terms  of  the  plan
provide  for eligible employees ("participants") who have met  certain
age  and service requirements to participate by electing to contribute
up  to  the  maximum percentage allowable not to exceed the limits  of
Internal  Revenue Code Section 401(k), 404 and 415 (the "Code").   For
2000, the maximum percentage allowed by the Code was the lesser of 25%
of  an  employees'  compensation of which 15% is  tax  deductible,  or
$10,500.   The  Company  may make matching contributions  equal  to  a
discretionary percentage, as determined by the Company, up to 6% of  a
participants' salary.  Company contributions vest at the rate  of  20%
of  the  balance at each employees' third, fourth, fifth,  sixth,  and
seventh  anniversary of employment.  The employees' contributions  are
100%  at  the  time  of  deferral.   The  plan  also  allows  employer
discretionary contributions allocated in accordance with participants'
compensation.    The   Company   did  not   make   any   discretionary
contributions to the plan for the year ended September 30, 2000.

Audiogenesis Systems Division

Sales of Safety Equipment.

     Allstates,  trading  as Audiogenesis Systems,  operates  a  store
which   distributes   safety  equipment   under   the   service   mark
SafeTvend(sm) at a major pharmaceutical corporation in  the  New  York
area.   Audiogenesis's  safety  store is  located  on  the  customer's
premises, and sells respirators, hard hats, safety glasses, protective
clothing,  and other similar products which are used or  worn  by  the
customer's  employees  to help protect them from industrial  accidents
and injuries.

Audio-Visual Products

     During  the  1980's, Audiogenesis developed and had marketed  the
Genesis  System  1000  Employee Safety Training Program.   The  system
included  color slides, tape cassette, workbook, poster and associated
equipment.  The System 1000 was copyrighted, and was sold to more than
50  companies, including a number of "Fortune 500" corporations.   The
System  1000  products,  which  include  training  presentations   for
routinely used equipment such as respirators, continue to be  sold  by
Audiogenesis from time to time.  However, Audiogenesis has no  present
plans   to   produce   any   additional   employee   safety   training
presentations,  emphasizing  instead  audio-visual  presentations  for
sales and marketing programs.

     With  the  increasing utilization of computers  for  audio-visual
presentations, Audiogenesis has broadened its safety training business
to  include  developing,  producing and presenting  customized  audio-
visual  products for business presentation.  Prior to its acquisition,
Audiogenesis  produced for Allstates Air Cargo,  a  customized  audio-
visual  production with respect to a sales and marketing presentation.
This production included sales and marketing techniques, explanations,
advances,  and  exposure  to  such  subjects  as  a  new  supplier  of
telecommunication services, financial services, target territories and
customers,  customer evaluation, promotions and incentives,  strategic
alliances   and   their  import,  how  to  increase  the   volume   of
international  air and ocean freight forwarding, the  formation  of  a
trucking   division,   enhanced  employee   benefits,   and   detailed
information   involving   domestic  site  licensing   agreements   and
international partners.
     The   format   used   for  the  presentation   involved   digital
computerized  color  projection with sound which  was  interactive  in
nature  in  that  several  individuals (management  personnel  of  the
customer) presented various segments of the program and were  able  to
interact with the audience throughout the presentation.

     Audiogenesis   plans  to  begin  marketing  of   its   customized
presentations  by using direct mail to contact the same customer  base
that  purchased  Audiogenesis's Genesis System 1000 Employee  Training


     Audiogenesis has developed a prototype belt-worn device which  is
designed  to treat tinnitus by combining treatment by sound generation
which  masks the tinnitus, with stimulation of the affected area  with
very  low  voltage electrical current.  The Company has determined  to
defer  any  further  development of the AudioSelectron(sm),  but  will
continue to pursue opportunities for the device that may be beneficial
to the Company.


     Audiogenesis's SafeTvend(sm) store is subject to competition  not
only from companies which would offer similar services on-site at  the
customer's   premises,   but  also  from   direct   distributors   and
manufacturers  of  the  products which would  sell  directly  to  such
company.   Virtually  all of the competitors have  greater  financial,
technological, marketing and sales resources than Audiogenesis.  There
are  numerous  organizations  of varying  sizes  that  engage  in  the
business of customized audio-visual presentations, most of these being
advertising  agencies and organizations of similar nature.   There  is
intense  competition for such business from a variety of organizations
who  have  greater financial, technical, marketing and sales resources
than Audiogenesis.


     As  of September 30, 2000, Allstates occupied approximately 7,000
square  feet  of space in Forked River, New Jersey for  its  principal
administrative,  sales and marketing support and  product  development
facility  under  a  ten year lease.  The Company's  branch  locations,
which  are  located  in  the vicinity of major metropolitan  airports,
occupy  approximately 1,000 to 15,000 square feet.   All  such  branch
locations  are  company  leased properties  or  properties  leased  by
licensee owners.  Terms for company leased properties in North America
generally  run  from  one to five years and are  scheduled  to  expire
between fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2003.  The Company's facility in the UK
is leased for a ten year term and is due to expire in fiscal 2009. The
Company  is  currently seeking an assignment of the  lease  through  a
reputable realtor in the London Heathrow area.  The total rent expense
for company leased facilities is approximately $403,000.00.  Allstates
believes  that  its existing facilities are adequate  to  support  its
activities for the foreseeable future.

     The Company's branch locations as of September 30, 2000 were:


     Los Angeles, California       Honolulu, Hawaii

     Newark, New Jersey            Houston, Texas

     St. Louis, Missouri           Indianapolis, Indiana

     Kansas City, Missouri         Minneapolis, Minnesota

     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania      New York, New York

     Atlanta, Georgia              Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

     Baltimore, Maryland           Raleigh, North Carolina

     Boston, Massachusetts         San Francisco, California

     Chicago, Illinois             Shreveport, Louisiana

     Dallas, Texas                 Wayne, New Jersey

     San Diego, California         Reno, Nevada


The Company is involved in an ongoing environmental proceeding.  In
December 1996, five underground storage tanks ("UST's") and two above
ground storage tanks were removed from a facility in which the Company
leases office space.  Post-excavation sampling results confirmed that
certain soil contamination remained present after the removals at the
location of two of the UST's.  Also, at the time of the removals,
free-floating groundwater contamination was observed in the area of
these two former UST's.  During 1999, the Company engaged Carpenter
Environmental Associates ("Carpenter")to prepare a Preliminary
Assessment/Site Investigation Report ("PA/SI Report").  Carpenter's
PA/SI Report stated that the chlorinated groundwater contamination is
emanating from an off-site source.  The New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection approved Carpenter's PA/SI Report and agreed
that no further investigation of the chlorinated solvents in the
groundwater was needed.  A Remedial Investigation Work Plan was
submitted in November 1999.  The NJDEP approved the work plan on
November 24, 1999.  The approved work was performed by Carpenter in
December 1999, as set forth in Carpenter's report dated March 13,
2000.  The Carpenter report indicated that benzene contamination was
delineated and proposed the installation of one additional monitoring
well and natural remediation and monitoring of remaining groundwater
contamination.  The NJDEP approved the additional work and Carpenter
installed and sampled the additional well, the results of which
confirmed complete delineation of the benzene contamination.
Concentrations of benzene in MW-3, a separate well that Carpenter also
sampled, indicated an increase from the prior sampling event. The
NJDEP suggested that the increase may be due to sediments collected
with the groundwater sample, and recommended that the sampling be
repeated. Carpenter is now performing additional samplings.  The
Company has made claims against its liability insurance carriers for
coverage, and is responding to requests for information in connection
with its attempts to establish coverage.  Due to the uncertain nature
and extent of any additional remedial activities that may be required
regarding the existing site conditions, potential future costs cannot
be estimated by management or its counsel at this time.  If an adverse
judgment is entered, the potential effect on the consolidated
financial position and consolidated results of operations, in the
period in which resolved, cannot be ascertained at this time, but may
be material.


     No  matter was submitted, during the Fourth Quarter of the Fiscal
Year  covered   by this report, to a vote of security holders  through
solicitation of proxies  or otherwise.

                               PART II


     The Company's common stock has not yet been publicly traded.  The
Company anticipates that its common stock will be listed for quotation
on the NASD OTC Bulletin Board in the near future.


The following table sets forth, selected consolidated financial data
for the Company for the five years ended September 30, 2000. The
selected consolidated financial data for the five years are derived
from the Company's audited consolidated financial statements. The
consolidated financial data set forth below should be read in
conjunction with the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements and
related Notes and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of
Operations and Financial Condition" contained herein.

                                          YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                   (in thousands, except per share data)

                                 1996     1997     1998     1999      2000


Net sales                       $22,390  $25,134  $25,998  $31,230  $33,213

Income (loss) from operations       326       86      276    1,107      424

Income (loss) from continuing       114     (22)      121      480       88
Net income (loss)                   114     (22)      121      480      (62)

Basic net income (loss) per        $.00    $.00      $.00     $.01     $.00
common share
Diluted net income (loss) per      $.00    $.00      $.00     $.01     $.00
common share

Weighted average
     Common shares outstanding    32,510   32,510  32,510   32,510    32,510
     - basic
Weighted average
     Common shares outstanding    32,523   32,523  32,523   32,523    32,521
     - diluted


Working capital                 $   770  $   479  $   416 $    783   $   598

Total assets                      4,903    5,210    5,024    6,070     7,892

Liabilities - current             3,697    4,064    3,808    3,812     5,695

Liabilities - long term              88      101       70    2,564     2,625

Total stockholders' equity        1,119    1,045    1,147    (306)     (427)

(1)  Comparability of the Statement of Operations is affected by the reverse
acquisition of Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. on August 24, 1999.  Accordingly,
the shares issued during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 as a result
of the reverse acquisition are treated as being outstanding for each fiscal
year presented.


Results of Operations

     The  following table sets forth for the periods indicated certain
financial   information   derived  from  the  Company's   consolidated
statement of operations expressed as a percentage of net sales:

                                   Fiscal Year Ended September 30,
                                2000            1999              1998
                               -----            -----            -----
Revenues                       100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Cost of transportation          60.6             60.2             62.7
                               -----            -----            -----
Gross profit                    39.4             39.8             37.3

Selling, general and
  administrative expenses       38.1             36.3             36.2
                               -----            -----            -----
Operating income                 1.3              3.5              1.1
Income from continuing
  operations                     0.3              1.5              0.5
Loss from discontinued
 operations, net of
 tax benefit                    (0.5)%
Net income/(loss)               (0.2)%            1.5%             0.5%


      Revenues of the Company represents gross consolidated sales less
customer  discounts.   The total sales of Allstates  WorldCargo,  Inc.
increased by $2.0 million, or 6.4%, to $33,213,000 for the fiscal year ended
September  30,  2000 in comparison to  the  fiscal  year  ended September 30,
1999, primarily reflecting an increase in the number  of shipments and the
total weight of international cargo shipped, as well as  the  full  year
effect of the reverse acquisition of  Audiogenesis Systems,  Inc.
International sales increased by 21.0% from the  prior fiscal  year,
primarily due to the Company's ability  to  expand  its international
network  of agents and services.   The  integration  of these   services
with  the  domestic  product  that   Allstates   has traditionally provided
has improved the Company's ability to  generate international business from
its existing domestic customers.  Domestic revenues  increased  by 3.0% in
fiscal  year  2000  over  the previous  fiscal year, in spite of the loss of
a significant  customer account early in the fiscal year.  This increase was
primarily due  to the full year effect of revenues generated by the
Audiogenesis Systems division.  While no one customer accounted for greater
than 10% of the Company's  consolidated revenue in fiscal 2000, one customer
accounted for  approximately 15% of sales for the three months  ended
September 30,   2000.   The  Company  expects  that  customer  to  account
for approximately 10% of revenues in fiscal 2001.

     Revenues of the Company increased by $5.2 million, or 20.1%, to
$31,230,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 as compared to the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1998. The increase in revenues in fiscal 1999
is primarily due to an increase in the number of shipments and the total
weight of cargo shipped. The higher number of shipments and increased weight
resulted primarily from additional volume generated through increased
penetration of existing markets and the incremental effect of the addition of
a key licensee operation in the later part of fiscal 1998. During fiscal
1999, one customer accounted for approximately 9.0% of total revenues.  As
indicated above, sales to that customer ceased during the first quarter of
fiscal 2000, due to circumstances beyond the Company's control.  No other
customer accounted for greater than 4% of total revenues.  The Company
believes that it can replace the loss of any significant account from its
customer base but there is no guarantee of that occurring.

Gross Profit

     Gross  profit represents the difference between net revenues and the
cost of providing transportation services. The cost of sales is composed
primarily of amounts paid by the Company to carriers and cartage agents for
the transport of cargo. During the fiscal year ended September 30, 2000, the
cost of sales as a percentage of revenues increased by 0.4% in comparison to
the previous fiscal year, primarily reflecting the higher mix of
international sales volume as a percentage of total sales, which generally
carries a higher percentage cost of transportation than domestic sales.
International revenue accounted for 24.5% of total sales in Fiscal 2000
versus 22.1 % in Fiscal 1999.  In absolute terms, the cost of sales increased
by $1,345,000, to $20,129,000 in Fiscal 2000, primarily due to the higher
volume of international sales. Total gross profit increased by $638,000, to
$13,084,000 during the fiscal year.

     Gross  margins  were affected to a limited extent  during  fiscal 2000
by  the increased cost of fuel.  Certain carriers have begun  to add
surcharges to their freight bills to cover the higher fuel costs. The
Company  has  itself imposed a surcharge  on  all  transportation charges  to
its customers in an effort to offset these increased  fuel costs.

     The  cost of transportation decreased as a percentage of revenues by
2.5% in fiscal 1999 to 60.2% from 62.7% in the prior fiscal  year. This
decrease was significantly attributable to the favorable  impact of  the
introduction of a key licensee operation during the later part of fiscal 1998
that had a generally lower cost of transportation as  a percent  of
revenues.  In addition, a combination of improvements  in the  Company's
methods of providing customer freight quotes  and  more favorable  rates
negotiated with its carriers provided improved  gross margins.  In  absolute
terms, the cost of transportation increased  in fiscal  1999  by 15.2% to
$18,783,000 as a result of the increases  in the  freight shipped.  Gross
margins increased to 39.8% in fiscal 1999 from  37.3%  in  fiscal  1998.
Gross profit  increased  by  28.4%  to $12,446,000 in fiscal 1999 from
$9,693,000 in fiscal 1998.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     Selling,   general  and  administrative  expenses   include   all
personnel  costs,  facilities costs, and licensee commissions.   As  a
percentage of sales, SG&A expenses increased 1.8%, to 38.1% during the fiscal
year  ended September 30, 2000 in comparison the prior  fiscal year,
primarily attributable to higher licensee commissions resulting from
increased  gross  profits of a significant  licensee  operation. Operating
expenses  increased by $1,321,000,  or  11.6%,  during  the fiscal year ended
September 30, 2000 versus the previous fiscal  year, primarily   reflecting
the  combination  of  higher   administrative personnel expenses associated
with the Company's efforts to build  its corporate  infrastructure  and
support its future  growth  plans,  the increase  in  licensee commissions,
and the full year  effect  of  the Audiogenesis Systems division.

     Licensee  commissions  increased by  approximately $1,140,000  in Fiscal
2000  compared to Fiscal 1999.  A portion  of  that  increase, approximately
$530,000, reflects the full year incremental  effect  of two  licensee
operations that replaced company owned locations  within their local markets
during the fourth quarter of Fiscal 1999.  Royalty expense,  which  is
related to the licensee agreements,  increased  by $72,000  for  the  same
reason.  The Company realized  an  offsetting operating  cost savings of
approximately $509,000 with the replacement of  these company locations with
licensee operations, primarily due to the  related reduction of personnel and
facilities costs. The increase in operating expenses also reflects certain
isolated costs incurred by the  Company  in connection with the reverse
acquisition of  Allstates Air  Cargo  by  Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. on
August  24,  1999.   The Company  incurred  $140,500 as reimbursement  to
one  officer,  three employees  and  three  consultants for income taxes  due
the  IRS  in connection with non-cash compensation received for their
participation in  the  Company's restructuring.  Also, in accordance with
Employment Agreements  that  the Company entered into with three stockholders
on August 24, 1999, a bonus equating to 3% of the Fiscal 1999 increase in
before-tax  profits over Fiscal 1998 was paid within 30  days  of  the
issuance of the Fiscal 1999 audited financial statements.

     Operating  expenses  for  the Fiscal 2000 included  approximately
$197,000  of  costs incurred by the Audiogenesis Systems  division  as
compared  to approximately $22,000 incurred in Fiscal 1999  after  the date
of the reverse merger.

        In  fiscal  1999, operating expenses increased slightly  as  a
percentage  of revenues by 0.1% from fiscal 1998, to 36.3%,  primarily
reflecting  one  time charges incurred by the Company to  bolster  its
marketing effort.  In absolute terms, operating expenses increased  by
approximately  $1.9 million over the previous fiscal  year.   Licensee
commissions  increased by approximately $1.5 million  in  fiscal  1999
primarily due to the addition of two licensee operations that replaced
existing  company locations in those local markets.  Personnel  costs, which
include all compensation, employee benefits and payroll  taxes, decreased  in
total by approximately $0.3 million as compared  to  the previous  year,
most significantly as a result of  the  cost  savings realized  from the
replacement of those company locations in favor  of the  licensee operations.
Included in this net reduction were  higher administrative  personnel
expenses, which increased  in  fiscal  1999 versus the previous year as the
Company added personnel to support its future   growth  plans.  Selling
expenses  increased   by   $330,000, reflecting  costs incurred for marketing
presentation  and  consulting services  that were obtained during the fiscal
year.  Accounting  fees were  higher  in  fiscal  1999 as compared to  the
previous  year  by approximately  $102,000, primarily due to a write off  of
$60,000  of deferred  finance  costs that were recorded in prior  years.
General insurance   expense  increased  by  approximately  $95,000,
primarily related  to  higher  cargo  insurance costs which  resulted  from
the increased  volume  of freight in fiscal 1999.  The provision  for  bad
debt  expense increased by approximately $99,000 due to the effect  of an
extraordinary  credit to the expense that was recorded  in  fiscal 1998
related to the successful collection of a significant outstanding receivable.

Operating income

     Income  from  operations decreased during the fiscal  year  ended
September 30, 2000 by approximately $682,000, to $424,000 as  compared to the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 for the reasons indicated. The
operating margin decreased by (2.2%) during the same fiscal year, primarily
due  to  the  higher selling,  general  and  administrative expenses as
described above.

     Operating  income  increased  by approximately  $0.8  million  to
$1,107,000  in fiscal 1999 as compared to fiscal 1998 for the  reasons
indicated  above.   Operating margins increased by  2.4%  to  3.5%  of
revenues  due  to the lower cost of transportation as a percentage  of
revenues as described above.

Interest income and expense

      Net  interest expense increased by approximately $188,000 during the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2000 as compared to the  previous fiscal
year, primarily due to the note payable to the Estate of  A.G. Hoffman, Jr.
that the Company assumed from Joseph M. Guido as provided in  the  terms  of
the August 24, 1999 reverse acquisition.   Interest expense on the note was
approximately $175,000 during Fiscal 2000 .        Net  interest  expense
decreased  for  the  fiscal  year  ended September 30, 1999 by approximately
$21,000 in comparison to the prior fiscal  year,  primarily reflecting the
full repayment  of  short-term bank borrowings during the year.

Net income/(loss)

        Income  before  taxes and discontinued operations  decreased  by
$940,000, to $229,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2000, in
comparison to the previous fiscal year.  The provision for income  tax
expense  from  continuing operations for fiscal 2000 was approximately
$142,000.   Income from continuing operations decreased  $394,000, to $87,000
in fiscal 2000 as compared to the prior fiscal year.  The  net loss  in
fiscal  2000 amounted to ($62,000) versus a  net  profit  of $480,000 in
fiscal 1999.

     Income before income taxes increased to $1,170,000 in fiscal 1999 from
$252,000 in 1998.  The provision for income taxes for fiscal 1999 was
$689,000 as compared to the provision for income taxes of $131,000 for
fiscal  1998.   Net income amounted to $480,000  in  fiscal  1999 versus
$121,000 in fiscal 1998.

Discontinued operations

     Discontinued operations in fiscal 2000 represents the activity of the
Company's  UK branch office for the three months ended  September 30,  2000.
Freight  operations  at the  UK  branch  were  terminated effective
September 15,2000 and the business was  turned  over  to  a local  freight
agent  with whom the Company has  forged  a  strategic alliance  agreement.
The Company incurred a loss  from  discontinued operations  of  $134,000
during this period,  net  of  an  income  tax benefit  of  $69,000, as well
as an estimated loss on the disposal  of Allstates Allcargo (UK) Ltd. of
$16,000, net of a tax benefit of $8,000.

      During the three month period ended September 30, 2000,  the  UK branch
office recognized a gross profit of approximately  $73,000  on net  revenues
of $193,000.  Operating expenses totaled  approximately $273,000, of which
approximately $86,000 related to the closing of the operation.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     The  net  amount  of  cash  used  for  operating  activities  was
approximately  $796,000 for the fiscal year ended September  30,  2000
compared  to  cash  flow provided from operations  of  $1,002,000  for fiscal
year  1999.  For fiscal 2000, net cash was used  primarily  to satisfy
income tax obligations from fiscal 1999, and to  finance  the net  loss  of
the UK branch, Allstates Allcargo (UK) Ltd.   In  fiscal 1999,  cash  was
provided primarily by the net income of the  Company, and  by  an  increase
in income taxes payable, reflecting  the  higher earnings  during the year.
Cash flow from operations for  fiscal  1999 was  negatively  impacted by the
loss generated by  the  Company's  UK subsidiary, Allstates Allcargo (UK)

     At  September 30, 2000, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of
$116,000 and net working capital of $598,000, compared  with  cash and  cash
equivalents of $407,000 and net working capital of $783,000 respectively, at
September 30, 1999.  The decrease in working  capital at  September 30, 2000
from the respective period in 1999 is primarily attributable  to  the  net
loss at the Company's  UK  operation.   In addition,  working capital was
negatively impacted by a $200,000  loan provided to an officer of the

     The  Company's investing activities were primarily  comprised  of
expenditures  for capital equipment, primarily representing  purchases of
computer  hardware  and  software,  as  well  as  company   owned automobiles
used by its sales representatives.  For the  fiscal  year ended   September
30,   2000,  capital  expenditures   amounted   to approximately $468,000, of
which $276,000 were acquired through  notes payable.  For  the  fiscal  year
ended  September  30,  1999,  capital expenditures  totaled approximately
$258,000, of  which  approximately $174,000  were acquired through notes
payable.  Prior to  the  end  of fiscal  2000, Allstates extended a $200,000
loan to a shareholder  and officer  of  the Company.  The loan is collectible
in September  2002, and  earns  interest at the prevailing rate of the
Company's  line  of credit.   During the fiscal years ended September 30,
2000  and  1999, the  Company paid approximately $71,000 and $203,000 for the
purchase of one share of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. stock.

     Domestically, the Company has a commercial line of credit with  a bank,
pursuant to which the Company may borrow up to $1,350,000, based on  a
maximum  of  70%  of  eligible accounts  receivable.   Per  the agreement,
interest  on outstanding borrowings accrues  at  the  Wall Street Journal's
prime rate of interest less .25% per annum (9.25%  at September  30, 2000).
The interest rate is predicated on the  Company maintaining  a compensating
account balance in a non-interest  bearing account  equal  to at least 15% of
the outstanding principal  balance. If such average compensating balances are
not maintained, the interest rate  will  increase  by  1%  over the rate
currently  accruing.   At September  30, 2000, $350,000 of the line of credit
was restricted  as collateral  for  a  letter  of credit opened  in  support
of  a  duty deferment  for  the Company's UK branch.  On November  30,  2000
that portion of the line of credit became unrestricted after the UK customs
service released the duty deferment guarantee and the letter of credit was
allowed to lapse.  Outstanding borrowings on the line  of  credit totaled
$900,000 at September 30, 2000.

     Historically, the Company's branch location in the United Kingdom relied
primarily on its ultimate parent company, Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.,  for
its  financial support.  The parent company provided  cash advances in the
form of loans to the UK branch to support its  working capital needs and
purchase computer equipment.  At September 30, 2000, the  UK  branch had
incurred L463,000 in loans payable to  the  parent (the  equivalent  of
approximately  $678,000),  which  will  not   be recovered.   In April 1997,
the parent company had deposited  $165,000 (the  US$ equivalent of L100,000
at that time) in a restricted account in  a UK bank, bearing interest at
approximately 5%, as a condition of obtaining a HM Customs and Excise bond.
The bond was a requirement to guarantee the payment of VAT and excise taxes
to UK Customs  on  cargo imports, which the Company collects from its
customers.  In September, 1999,  the  UK branch entered in to an agreement
with a  new  bank  to provide  a  separate overdraft facility and an HM
Customs  and  Excise bond,  and  subsequently the amount of L183,000,  which
included  the guarantee deposit funds plus earned interest, was transferred
from the original  bank  to be used for working capital. The agreement
allowed the  UK  branch  to draw to a maximum of L100,000 (the  equivalent
of approximately $146,000 @ September 30, 2000).  Interest was calculated on
the  cleared daily balance of the account, and was payable on  the amount
owing up to the limit at 3% per annum over the bank's base rate (8.25%  at
September 30, 2000).  The overdraft facility and HM Customs guarantee were
collateralized by a $350,000 letter of credit opened at the Company's US
bank.  In September 2000, the bank overdraft total of L89,000  (the
equivalent of approximately $130,000) was  paid  by  the parent company and
the overdraft facility was canceled.

Update on Year 2000 Computer Issues

The  Company  did  not  experience any computer  or  systems  problems
relating  to  the Year 2000. Upon review of its internal and  external
systems  during 1999, the Company determined that it did not have  any
material exposure to such computer problems and that the software  and
systems  required  to operate its business and provide  services  were Year
2000 compliant. As a result, the Company did not incur, and does not  expect
to incur, any material expenditures relating to Year  2000 systems

Forward Looking Statements

The  statements contained in all parts of this document (including the
portion, if any, appended to the Form 10-K) including, but not limited to,
those  relating to the availability of cargo space; the Company's overseas
presence and the plans for, effects, results and expansion of international
operations  and  agreements  for  international  cargo; future  international
revenue and international  market  growth;  the future expansion and results
of the Company's terminal network;  plans for  local  delivery services and
truck brokerage; future improvements in   the  Company's  information
systems  and  logistic  systems  and services;   technological  advancements;
future  marketing   results; construction  of the new facilities; the effect
of litigation;  future costs  of  transportation; future operating expenses;
future  margins; any  seasonality  of  the Company's business; future
dividend  plans; future acquisitions and the effects, benefits, results,
terms or other aspects  of  any  acquisition, effects of the Year 2000
issue;  Ocean Transportation  Intermediary License; ability to continue
growth  and implement  growth  and  business strategy;  the  ability  of
expected sources   of   liquidity  to  support  working  capital  and
capital expenditure   requirements;  future  expectations;   and   any
other statements   regarding  future  growth,  future  cash  needs,   future
terminals,   future  operations,  business  plans,  future   financial
results,  financial targets and goals; and any other statements  which are
not historical facts are forward-looking statements. When used  in this
document,  the words "anticipate," "estimate," "expect,"  "may," "plans,"
"project" and similar expressions are intended to  be  among the   statements
 that  identify  forward-looking  statements.   Such statements involve risks
and uncertainties, including, but not limited to,  those  relating to the
Company's dependence  on  its  ability  to attract  and retain skilled
managers and other personnel; the  intense competition  within  the  freight
industry;  the  uncertainty  of  the Company's ability to manage and continue
its growth and implement  its business  strategy;  the Company's dependence
on the  availability  of cargo space to serve its customers; the effects of
regulation; results of   litigation;  the  Company's  vulnerability  to
general  economic conditions; the control by the Company's principal
shareholder;  risks of  international  operations;  risks relating  to
acquisitions;  the Company's  future  financial and operating  results,  cash
needs  and demand  for  its services; and the Company's ability to  maintain
and comply with permits and licenses, as well as other factors detailed in
this document and the Company's other filings with the Securities  and
Exchange   Commission.  Should  one  or  more  of   these   risks   or
uncertainties  materialize,  or should  underlying  assumptions  prove
incorrect,  actual outcomes may vary materially from those  indicated. The
Company undertakes no responsibility to update for changes related to  these
or  any  other factors that may occur  subsequent  to  this filing.


     Financial Statements with Supplemental Information
   For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999


     Financial Statements with Supplemental Information
   For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999

CONTENTS                                                     Page

Independent Accountants' Report                               1

Financial Statements:

     Consolidated Balance Sheets                             2-3

     Consolidated Statement of Operations                      4

     Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
         (Deficit)                                             5

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                     6

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements              7-18

Supplemental Information:                                     19

     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statements of Operations
          For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1999        20

     Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statements of
         Operations                                           21


To the Board of Directors
Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. and Subsidiaries

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets
of   Allstates   WorldCargo,  Inc.  and  Subsidiaries   (the
"Company"),  as  of  September 30, 2000 and  1999,  and  the
related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders'
equity  (deficit), comprehensive income, and cash flows  for
the  fiscal years then ended.  These consolidated  financial
statements  (see  Note  1)  are the  responsibility  of  the
Company's  management.  Our responsibility is to express  an
opinion on these consolidated financial statements based  on
our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted
auditing  standards.  Those standards require that  we  plan
and  perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance  about
whether  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting  the amounts  and  disclosures  in  the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing  the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management,  as well as an evaluation the overall  financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audit  provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In   our  opinion,  the  consolidated  financial  statements
referred  to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the consolidated financial position of Allstates WorldCargo,
Inc.  and  Subsidiaries, as of September 30, 2000 and  1999,
and  the  consolidated results of their operations and  cash
flows  for  the  fiscal years then ended in conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles.

December 14, 2000


Consolidated Balance Sheets
As of September 30,



                                                                2000          1999
                                                                ----          ----
Current Assets
  Cash                                                       $    115,736  $   406,842
  Accounts Receivable - trade, net of allowance for doubtful
    accounts of $312,783 and $316,815, respectively             5,757,204    3,920,495
  Inventories                                                      30,684       39,139
  Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets                               285,057      100,006
  Deferred Income Taxes - Current Portion                         103,840      128,028
                                                              ------------  -----------
    Total Current Assets                                        6,292,521    4,594,510
                                                              ------------  -----------
Property, Plant and Equipment
  Buildings and Improvements                                      210,294      210,294
  Vehicles                                                        806,852      652,184
  Equipment and Software                                          606,567      484,979
  Furniture and Fixtures                                           47,541       47,541
                                                              ------------  -----------
                                                                1,671,254    1,394,998
  Less:  Accumulated Depreciation                                 950,258      869,945
                                                              ------------  -----------
    Net Property, Plant and Equipment                             720,996      525,053
                                                              ------------  -----------
Other Assets
  Deposits                                                         68,217       79,823
  Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of
      of $68,971 and $5,305, respectively                         567,681      631,347
  Acquisition Costs, net of accumulated amortization of
      of $5,052 and $389, respectively                             41,586       46,249
  Deferred Income Taxes                                               -          9,430
  Loans Receivable - Related Parties                              201,199          -
  Other Assets                                                        -        183,252
                                                              ------------  -----------
    Total Other Assets                                            878,683      950,101
                                                              ------------  -----------
Total Assets                                                 $  7,892,200   $6,069,664
                                                              ============ ============


Consolidated Balance Sheets
As of September 30,

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)


                                                              2000          1999
Current Liabilities                                           ----          ----
  Accounts Payable                                       $ 3,206,463    $ 2,408,239
  Accrued Expenses                                         1,405,221        755,177
  Short-Term Bank Borrowings                                 900,000
  Taxes Payable                                               20,480        526,873
  Shareholder Loan Payable                                                    5,000
  Current Portion of Notes Payable                           162,843        116,245
                                                          ----------      ---------
    Total Current Liabilities                              5,695,007      3,811,534
                                                          ----------      ---------
Long-Term Portion of Notes Payable                         2,624,530      2,564,064
                                                          ----------      ---------
    Total Liabilities                                      8,319,537      6,375,598
                                                          ----------      ---------
Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
  Common Stock, $.0001 par value, 50,000,000 shares
    authorized,  32,509,872 shares issued
    and outstanding                                            3,251          3,251
  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income:
    Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments                 ( 3,651)       (14,323)
  Retained Earnings (Deficit)                               (426,937)      (294,862)
                                                          ----------      ---------
    Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)                    (427,337)      (305,934)
                                                          ----------      ---------
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)     $ 7,892,200    $ 6,069,664
                                                          ==========      =========


Consolidated Statements of Operations
For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30,

                                                                 2000           1999
                                                                 ----           ----
Revenues (Net of Discounts)                                  $ 33,213,041   $ 31,229,694

Cost of Sales                                                  20,128,628     18,783,408
                                                              ------------   ------------
    Gross Profit                                               13,084,413     12,446,286

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (inclusive of
  expenditures to related parties totaling $1,037,022 and
  $1,131,675 for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2000
  and 1999, respectively)                                      12,660,284     11,339,779
                                                              ------------   ------------
    Income from Operations                                        424,129      1,106,507
                                                              ------------   ------------
Other Income (Expense)
  Interest Income                                                  10,036         30,169
  Interest Expense                                               (221,148)       (53,622)
  Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets                                     4,965         (3,624)
  Other Income                                                     11,159         90,135
                                                              ------------   ------------
  Total Other Income (Expense)                                   (194,988)        63,058
                                                              ------------   ------------
    Income Before Income Tax Provision                            229,141      1,169,565

Provision for Income Tax Expense                                 (142,348)      (689,134)
                                                              ------------   ------------
    Income from Continuing Operations                              86,793        480,431

Discontinued Operations:
    Loss from operations of Allstates Allcargo (UK) Ltd.
      to be disposed of (net of income tax benefit of
      $68,779)                                                   (133,512)          -

    Estimated loss on disposal of Allstates Allcargo (UK)
      Ltd., including provision for operating losses of
      $23,856 during phase-out period (net of income
      tax benefit of $8,111)                                      (15,745)          -
                                                              ------------   ------------
    Net Income (Loss) Applicable to Common Shareholders      $    (62,464)  $    480,431
                                                              ============   ============
Earnings Per Share - Basic
    Income from Continuing Operations                        $        0.00  $       0.01
    Loss from Discontinued Operations                                 0.00          0.00
    Estimated Loss on Disposal of Allstates Allcargo
     (UK), Ltd.                                                       0.00          0.00
                                                              ------------   ------------
  Per Common Share - Basic                                   $        0.00  $       0.01
                                                              ============   ============
Shares Used in Per Share Calculation - Basic                    32,509,872    32,509,872
                                                              ============   ============

Earnings Per Share - Diluted
    Income from Continuing Operations                        $        0.00  $       0.01
    Loss from Discontinued Operations                                 0.00          0.00
    Estimated Loss on Disposal of Allstates Allcargo
      (UK), Ltd.                                                      0.00          0.00
                                                              ------------   ------------
  Per Common Share - Diluted                                 $        0.00  $       0.01
                                                              ------------   ------------
Shares Used in Per Share Calculation - Diluted                  32,521,201    32,522,872
                                                              =============  ============


Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999

                               Common Stock
                                                  Additional Deferred   Other          Retained    Total
                            Number of             Paid in    Financing  Comprehensive  Earnings  Stockholders'
                            Shares     Par Value  Capital    Costs      Income (Loss) (Deficit)  Equity (Deficit)
                            ---------  ---------  ---------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------------
Balance at
  September 30, 1998 *      18,000,000 $1,800    $  4,200    $ (60,000) $  (9,824)    $1,210,792  $ 1,146,968

Issuance of common stock
 for the acquisition of
 Audiogenesis Systems,
 acquisition) inclusive
 of the net income for the
 subsidiary (i.e. Audio-
 genesis Systems, Inc.)
 through August 24, 1999
 (Date of Acquisition)
 included in accumulated
 deficit                    14,509,872  1,451   1,290,224         -           -       (1,256,833)      34,842

Adjustment to additional
 paid in capital & retained
 earnings resulting from
 the elimination of
 investment in subsidiary       -         -    (1,294,424)        -           -       (  729,252)  (2,023,676)

Deferred financing costs
 expensed for the fiscal
 year ended September 30,
 1999                           -         -         -           60,000        -                        60,000

Other Comprehensive Income
 (Currency Translation
 Adjustment) for the fiscal
 year ended September 30,
 1999                           -         -         -             -        (4,499)                     (4,499)

Consolidated net income for
 the fiscal year ended
 September 30, 1999             -         -         -             -           -          480,431      480,431
                            ---------  ------- ----------- ----------  -------------   ---------- -------------
Balance at September
 30, 1999                   32,509,872  3,251       -             -       (14,323)      (294,862)    (305,934)

Adjustment to additional
 paid in capital &
 retained earnings
 resulting from the
 elimination of investment
 in subsidiary                  -         -         -             -           -          (69,611)     (69,611)

Other Comprehensive Income
 (Currency Translation
 Adjustment) for the fiscal
 year ended
 September 30, 2000             -         -         -             -        10,672                      10,672

Consolidated net (loss)
 for the fiscal year
 ended September 30, 2000                                                                (62,464)     (62,464)
                            ---------- ------- ----------- ----------  -------------   ---------- -------------

Balance at
 September 30, 2000         32,509,872 $3,251  $    -       $     -      $ (3,651)    $ (426,937)   $(427,337)
                            ========== ======= =========== ==========  =============  =========== =============

*  Common stock of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. at October 1, 1998, was 210
   shares issued and outstanding with a book value of $6,000 and no par
   value.  As a result of the reverse acquisition, the common stock of
   Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. has been restated to equal the number of
   shares and the par value of Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. for the shares
   acquired by the pre-acquisition 100% shareholder of Allstates Air Cargo,
   Inc. as if the reverse acquisition had occurred on October 1, 1997.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30,

                                                                        2000          1999
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:                                   ----          -----
 Net Income                                                          $     86,793  $  480,431
 Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to
  Net Cash Provided from (Used in)
   Operating Activities:
    Depreciation                                                          240,620      187,659
    Amortization                                                           68,329        5,694
    Provision for Uncollectible Accounts Receivable                       166,204      112,095
    Loss from Discontinued Operations                                    (133,512)         -
    Loss on Disposal of Discontinued Operations                           (15,745)         -
    (Gain) Loss on Sale of Equipment                                       (4,965)      (3,624)
    Compensation Paid Through Stock Issuance                                            28,000
    Deferred Income Taxes                                                  33,618       62,134
    (Increase) Decrease in Operating Assets:
      Accounts Receivable                                               (2,002,913)   (202,954)
      Inventories                                                            8,455     (15,657)
      Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets                                   (185,051)    (12,870)
    Increase (Decrease) in Operating Liabilities:
      Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses                              1,448,266    (165,380)
      Taxes Payable                                                       (506,393)    526,873
                                                                         ----------   ---------
        Net Cash Provided From (Used by) Operating Activities             (796,294)  1,002,401
                                                                         ----------   ---------
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
  Purchase of Equipment                                                   (191,992)    (83,554)
  Proceeds from Sale of Equipment                                           35,973      29,688
  Cash Received from Reverse Merger                                           -          7,684
  Acquisition Costs                                                           -        (20,638)
  Loans to Shareholders                                                   (200,000)        -
  Release of Customs and Excise Bond                                       183,252         -
  Deposits                                                                  11,607      26,893
  Purchase of Treasury Stock of Subsidiary                                 (70,810)   (202,597)
                                                                         ----------   ---------
        Net Cash (Used by) Investing Activities                           (231,970)   (242,524)
                                                                         ----------   ---------
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
  Repayments Under Notes Payable                                          (168,514)   (184,209)
  Repayments Under Short-Term Bank Borrowings                             (150,000)   (470,000)
  Borrowing Under Short-Term Bank Borrowings                             1,050,000      70,000
  Repayments of Shareholder Loans Payable                                   (5,000)        -
  Deferred Financing Costs                                                     -        60,000
                                                                         ----------   ---------
        Net Cash Provided From (Used by) Financing Activities              726,486    (524,209)
                                                                         ----------   ---------
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                      (301,778)    235,668
Currency Translation Adjustments                                            10,672      (4,499)
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year                               406,842     175,673
                                                                         ----------   ---------
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year                                 $   115,736   $ 406,842
                                                                         ==========   =========


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

1.   Organization and Nature of Business

     On   August   24,  1999,  Audiogenesis  Systems,   Inc.
     (Audiogenesis),  entered in a reverse acquisition  with
     Allstates   Air   Cargo,  Inc.  and   is   subsidiaries
     (Allstates).  On August 24, 1999, Allstates Air  Cargo,
     Inc.  became a wholly owned subsidiary of Audiogenesis.
     On November 4, 1999, Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. filed a
     Certificate   of   Amendment  to  the  Certificate   of
     Incorporation,   officially  changing   its   name   to
     Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. (WorldCargo).  As  a  result
     of  this transaction, the sole shareholder of Allstates
     Air   Cargo,  Inc.  became  a  55.37%  shareholder   of
     WorldCargo.  Management has elected to utilize the  new
     name (Allstates WorldCargo, Inc.) for purposes of these
     financial  statements.  The entities that are  included
     in these financial statements are as follows.

     Allstates   WorldCargo,   Inc.   (formerly   known   as
     Audiogenesis  Systems,  Inc.) -  Allstates  WorldCargo,
     Inc.  was  incorporated in the state of New  Jersey  on
     January   14,  1997,  as  the  result  of   a   reverse
     acquisition  by  Genesis  Safety  Systems,  Inc.    The
     Company's operations include sales and distribution  of
     safety equipment, development of audio-visual products,
     including   safety  training  program  and  sales   and
     marketing  presentations, development of  a  device  to
     treat  tinnitus,  and development  of  an  echolocation
     device  to assist sighted persons in conditions of  low
     visibility and the blind.  The Company intends to defer
     any  further  development of the tinnitus  device,  but
     continues   to  pursue  opportunities  concerning   the
     device.   The company has ceased all efforts concerning
     the echolocation device, and has terminated its license
     for the intellectual property underlying the device.

     Biowaste  Technologies Systems, Inc. -  Biowaste  is  a
     wholly  owned subsidiary of Allstates WorldCargo,  Inc.
     Biowaste was formed on July 1, 1988 for the purpose  of
     engaging   in   the  business  of  the  management   of
     infectious  waste.   Biowaste is in  the  developmental
     stage,  and  no  revenues have been produced  to  date.
     Presently, such subsidiary is inactive, and the Company
     does  not anticipate that it will become active in  the
     near future.

     Allstates  Air Cargo, Inc. - Allstates was incorporated
     in  the  state of New Jersey on October 3,  1962.   The
     Company  provides domestic and international airfreight
     forwarding  services.   Allstates  maintains  operating
     facilities throughout the United States and has offices
     or agents in Europe and South America.

     Allstates  Allcargo  (US), Inc.  -  Allstates  Allcargo
     (US),  Inc.  is a wholly owned subsidiary of  Allstates
     Air Cargo, Inc. Allstates Allcargo (US), Inc. owns 100%
     of   Allstates  Allcargo  (UK),  Ltd.,  a   corporation
     organized  under the laws of England.  All  appropriate
     foreign currency translation adjustments have been made
     for purposes of these financial statements.

     Allstates Logistics, Inc. - Allstates Logistics is also
     a  wholly owned subsidiary of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.
     Allstates  Logistics was incorporated in the  state  of
     New Jersey in December 1997, and provides ocean freight
     services to its customers.

     GTD   Logistics,  Inc.  -  GTD  Logistics,   Inc.   was
     incorporated in the state of New Jersey on October  27,
     1998.   GTD  Logistics is a wholly owned subsidiary  of
     Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.  GTD Logistics is also in the
     business of freight forwarding.

     e-tail  Logistics,  Inc. - e-tail Logistics,  Inc.  was
     incorporated in the state of New Jersey on February 11,
     2000.   e-tail Logistics is a majority owned subsidiary
     of  Allstates WorldCargo, Inc.  e-tail Logistics, is in
     the business of web site design.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

1.   Organization and Nature of Business (cont'd)

     Reverse Acquisition

     For   purposes  of  these  financial  statements,   the
     purchase  of  Allstates Air Cargo,  Inc.  by  Allstates
     WorldCargo,   Inc.  (formerly  known  as   Audiogenesis
     Systems,  Inc.)  is  treated as a  reverse  acquisition
     under the purchase method of accounting, as outlined in
     Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion  No.  16.    For
     accounting  purposes,  Allstates  Air  Cargo,  Inc.  is
     considered  the  acquirer in the  reverse  acquisition.
     The  consolidated statement of operations for Allstates
     WorldCargo,  Inc. and Subsidiaries for the fiscal  year
     ended  September  30, 1999, includes  a  full  year  of
     revenues and expenses of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.  and
     its   subsidiaries  combined  with  the  revenues   and
     expenses  for  Allstates  WorldCargo,  Inc.   and   its
     subsidiaries   for  the  period  from   the   date   of
     acquisition,  August  24, 1999, through  September  30,

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     Principles of Consolidation

     For  purposes of the accompanying financial statements,
     Allstates  Air Cargo, Inc. is considered the accounting
     "Parent"  company  and Audiogenesis  Systems,  Inc.  is
     considered the subsidiary.  Therefore, these  financial
     statements  include the combined assets and liabilities
     of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. and its subsidiaries as of
     September   30,  2000  and  1999.   The  statement   of
     operations   includes  the  income  and   expenses   of
     Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. and its subsidiaries for  the
     full fiscal year ended September 30, 2000 and 1999  and
     the  income and expenses of Audiogenesis Systems,  Inc.
     for  the full fiscal year ended September 30, 2000  and
     the  period from August 24, 1999 through September  30,
     1999.  All material intercompany payables, receivables,
     revenues and expenses have been eliminated for purposes
     for this consolidation.

     Use of Estimates

     The   preparation  of  the  financial   statements   in
     conformity    with   generally   accepted    accounting
     principles  requires management to make  estimates  and
     assumptions  that affect the amounts  reported  in  the
     financial  statements and accompanying  notes.   Actual
     results could differ from those estimates.

     Concentration of Credit Risk

     The  Company maintains cash balances at several  banks.
     Accounts at each institution are insured by the Federal
     Deposit  Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up  to  $100,000.
     At   varying  times  during  the  fiscal  years   ended
     September  30, 2000 and 1999, the Company  had  a  cash
     balance  on  deposit with one bank  that  exceeded  the
     $100,000  balance  insured  by  the  FDIC.   Management
     considers the risk of loss to be minimal.

     Cash Equivalents

     For  purposes  of  the statement  of  cash  flows,  the
     Company  considers all highly liquid  investments  with
     original maturities of three months or less to be  cash

     Fair Value of Financial Statements

     The  carrying  values  of  cash,  accounts  receivable,
     accounts  payable,  accrued  expenses,  taxes  payable,
     notes    payable   and   other   current    liabilities
     approximates fair value because of the relatively short
     maturity of these instruments.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (cont'd)


     For  both  financial reporting an income tax  purposes,
     inventory  is  stated  on  the  cost  basis.   Cost  is
     determined using the first-in, first-out method.

     Property, Plant and Equipment

     Property and equipment consists principally of building
     and  improvements,  vehicles, computers  and  software,
     office  equipment, and furniture and fixtures  and  are
     stated at historical cost.  Depreciation is provided on
     the  straight-line  method over  the  estimated  useful
     lives  of  the  assets, which are  generally  three  to
     fifteen   years.   Expenditures  for  maintenance   and
     repairs,  which do not extend the economic useful  life
     of  the  related assets, are charged to  operations  as
     incurred.  Gains or losses on disposal of equipment are
     reflected in the statement of operations.

     Income Taxes

     The  Company  follows the provisions  of  Statement  of
     Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for
     Income   Taxes"   (SFAS  109).    SFAS   109   requires
     recognition of deferred tax liabilities and assets  for
     the  expected  future tax consequences of  events  that
     have  been included in the financial statements or  tax
     returns.   Under this method, deferred tax  liabilities
     and  assets  are  determined based  on  the  difference
     between the financial statement and tax bases of assets
     and  liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect  for
     the  year  in  which the differences  are  expected  to

     Translation of Foreign Currencies

     Assets   and   liabilities  of  the   affiliate   whose
     functional currency is British pounds are translated at
     year-end.  Rates of exchanges for revenues and expenses
     are  translated using a weighted average method  during
     the applicable year.  Resulting translation adjustments
     and  the related income tax effects are accumulated  in
     the   currency  translation  adjustment  component   of
     stockholders'  equity (deficit).  Currency  translation
     gains and losses are recognized in income currently.

     Revenue Recognition

     Revenues are recognized at the time the freight departs
     the  terminal  of  origin.   This  method  approximates
     recognizing revenues when shipment is completed.

     Earnings per Share

     During  the fiscal year ended September 30,  1999,  the
     Company   adopted  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
     Standards  No.  128,  "Earnings per  Share"  (SFAS  No.
     128").    SFAS   No.  128  establishes  standards   for
     computing and presenting earnings per share ("EPS") and
     requires  the  presentation of both basic  and  diluted
     EPS.   As  a result primary and fully diluted EPS  have
     been replaced by basic and diluted EPS.


     Certain  1999 amounts have been reclassified to conform
     with 2000 presentation.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (cont'd)

     Earnings per Share (continued)

     EPS  is calculated by dividing net income (loss) by the
     weighted-average number of outstanding shares of Common
     Stock  for  each  year.   As a result  of  the  reverse
     acquisition in which the sole shareholder of  Allstates
     Air  Cargo,  Inc.  acquired a controlling  interest  in
     Allstates   WorldCargo,   Inc.   (formerly   known   as
     Audiogenesis  Systems, Inc.), the shares issued  during
     the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 are treated as
     being outstanding for each fiscal year presented.

3.   Bad Debts

     The  Company  uses the allowance method to account  for
     uncollectible  accounts receivable.  The allowance  for
     doubtful  accounts is based on prior years'  experience
     and  is  estimated by management.  Bad debt  recoveries
     are  charged against the allowance account as realized.
     Bad debt expense for the years ended September 30, 2000
     and 1999 was $166,204 and $112,095, respectively.

4.   Property, Plant and Equipment

     Property,  plant  and equipment costs  consist  of  the
     following as of September 30, 2000:

                                   Accumulated    Net Book  Useful
                           Cost    Depreciation   Value     Lives

Buildings and
Improvements              $210,294  $179,444      $30,850    10-15 Years

Vehicles                   806,852   339,918      466,934        5 Years
Equipment and
Software                   606,567   385,377      221,190      3-5 Years

Furniture and
Fixtures                    47,541    45,519        2,022      5-7 Years
                        ----------  ---------   ---------
Totals                  $1,671,254  $950,258     $720,996
                        ==========  =========   =========

     Depreciation  expense charged to income from operations  for
     the  years  ended  September  30,  2000  and  1999  was
     $240,620 and $187,659, respectively.

5.   Customs and Excise Bond

     On  April  14, 1997, Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.  pledged
     $165,573  as a condition of obtaining a HM Customs  and
     Excise  Bond.  The purpose of the bond was to guarantee
     payment of value added taxes and excise taxes that  the
     Company's  affiliate would collect from its  customers.
     The  cash  pledged was maintained in a  certificate  of
     deposit in a financial institution earning interest  at
     approximately 5%.  On September 27, 1999, the Company's
     affiliate entered into an agreement with a new bank  to
     provide  a separate overdraft facility and a HM Customs
     and  Excise  Bond to replace the guarantee provided  by
     the   original   bank.   During  November   1999,   the
     guaranteed funds on deposit at the original  bank  were
     released and applied against the overdraft facility  at
     the new bank.

6.   Amortization of Goodwill and Acquisition Costs

     The  excess  of cost over the fair value of net  assets
     acquired (goodwill) is being amortized on the straight-
     line   basis  over  a  ten-year  period.   Amortization
     expense for the years ended September 30, 2000 and 1999
     is $63,666 and $5,305, respectively.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

6.   Amortization of Goodwill and Acquisition Costs (cont'd)

     The  costs associated with the acquisition of Allstates
     WorldCargo,   Inc   (formerly  known  as   Audiogenesis
     Systems,  Inc.) by Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. are  being
     amortized  on the straight-line basis over  a  ten-year
     period.   Amortization  expense  for  the  years  ended
     September  30,  2000  and  1999  is  $4,663  and  $389,

7.   Short-Term Bank Borrowing

     Allstates  Air  Cargo, Inc. has a  $1,350,000  line  of
     credit  agreement  with a bank, which expires  December
     31, 2000.  Interest on outstanding borrowings currently
     accrues  at the Wall Street Journal's (WSJ) prime  rate
     of  interest  less 1/4% per annum (9.25% as of  September
     30,  2000).   The interest rate is predicted  upon  the
     Company maintaining a compensating account balance in a
     non-interest bearing account equal to at least  15%  of
     the  outstanding principal balance.  If, at  any  time,
     the Company fails to maintain the compensating balance,
     the  interest rate will increase by 3/4% over  the  WSJ's
     prime  rate  at  the  time  of  failure.   The  balance
     outstanding  on the line of credit as of September  30,
     2000 and 1999 was $900,000 and $0, respectively.

     Loan   collateral   includes  the  Company's   accounts
     receivable  and the unlimited, unconditional guarantees
     of  Joseph  Guido, Teresa Guido and Allstates  Allcargo
     (US), Inc.

8.   Notes Payable

     The  following  is a summary of long-term  debt  as  of
     September 30, 2000 and 1999:


                                                 2000            1999
Notes payable from Joseph M. Guido to
the Estate of
A.G. Hoffman, Jr., assumed by the
Company, in the
aggregate originally totaled
$2,511,730, with repayment
over 101 years at annual principal
payments of
$25,000 plus interest at 7% per year.
All or any
of the notes may be paid at any time
before maturity
without any prepayment penalty.  In
the event of a
default under the notes by the
Company, Joseph M.
Guido remains personally liable for
the notes, and
the 101 shares of Allstates Air
Cargo, Inc. common
stock held as security under the
notes (representing
48.1% of the issued and outstanding
common stock
of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.) may be
sold at public or
private sale.                                    $2,486,730    $2,511,730

Notes payable to First Union in the
aggregate originally
totaled $122,683, with repayment over
36 months at
monthly principal payments ranging
from $532.52 to
$744.79 plus interest ranging from
7.50% to 7.70%.
The loans are secured by vehicles to
which they relate.                                   11,811        37,220
                                                ------------   -----------

              Subtotal - To next page            $2,498,541    $2,548,950


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

8.   Notes Payable (cont'd)

                                       2000          1999

       Subtotal - From Prior Page     $2,498,541    $2,548,950

Notes Payable to GMAC in the
aggregate originally
totaled $354,985, with repayment
over 36 months
at monthly payments, inclusive of
interest, ranging
from $513.00 to $843.57 with
interest ranging
from 0.90% to 3.90%.  These loans
are secured
by the vehicles to which they
relate.                                  220,916       124,359

Notes Payable to Summit Bank in
the aggregate
originally totaled $76,903, with
repayment over 36
months with monthly payments
inclusive of interest
ranging from 7.90% to 8.50%.
These loans are
secured by the vehicles which
they relate.                              67,916           -

Note Payable to Virginia
Commonwealth University
(VCU) for $10,000, due in monthly
payments of
$1,000 of principal only.  The loan
matured on April 15,
2000.  The note payable
represents payment in full
for the mutual termination of the
Echolocation License
Agreement between Audiogenesis
and VCU.                                     -           7,000
                                        -----------  ----------
Totals                                   2,787,373   2,680,309
Less: Current Portion of Notes
Payable                                    162,843     116,245
                                        -----------  ----------
Long-Term Portion of Notes
Payable                                 $2,624,530  $2,564,064
                                        =========== ===========

     For the fiscal years ended September 30,  2001     $162,843
                                               2002      135,053
                                               2003       77,746
                                               2004       25,000
                                               2005       25,000
                                         Thereafter    2,361,731
                                             Total    $2,787,373


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

9.   Income Taxes

     A  reconciliation of income taxes at the statutory rate
     to the Company's effective rate is as follows:

                                          2000     1999
                                          ----     ----
Expected Federal
statutory rate                          34.000%   34.000%
Expected State statutory                 8.893%    8.893%
rates (average)                         -------   -------

Total expected                          42.893%   42.893%
statutory rate

Disallowed utilization of net
 loss incurred from
 continuing operations
 of Allstates Allcargo (UK),
 Ltd. for State income tax               4.556%   10.717%

Deferred income tax
 Federal                                11.337%    4.516%
 State                                   3.334%    0.797%
                                        -------   -------
Income Tax Expense -                    62.120%   58.923%
Effective Tax Rate                      =======  ========

     The   Company's  provision  for  income  taxes  as   of
     September 30, 2000 and 1999 consisted of the following:

                                                  2000     1999
                                                  ----     ----
Current Income Tax (Benefit) Expense
          Federal                              (33,528)   474,000
          State                                 65,367    153,000
                                               -------    -------
          Total - Current                       31,839    627,000
                                               -------    -------
Deferred Income Tax (Benefit) Expense
          Federal                               25,979     52,814
          State                                  7,640      9,320
                                                ------     ------
          Total - Deferred                      33,619     62,134
                                                ------    -------
          TOTALS                              $ 65,458    689,134
                                              ========    =======

                                                 2000     1999

Income Tax Expense on Continuing
 Operations                                   $142,348   $689,134
Income Tax (Benefit) on Discontinued
Operations                                     (68,779)     -
Income Tax (Benefit) on Disposal of
Discontinued Operations                         (8,111)     -
                                              ---------  --------
Total Income Tax Expense                      $ 65,458   $689,134
                                              =========  ========


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

9.   Income Taxes (cont'd)

     The  tax  effect of temporary differences that make  up
     the  significant components of the deferred  tax  asset
     for  financial reporting purposes at September 30, 2000
     and 1999 are as follows:

                                   2000           1999
                                   ----           ----
     Deferred Tax Assets
     Accounts Receivable         $103,840        $128,028
     Equipment                       -              9,430
                                 --------        --------
     Totals                      $103,840        $137,458
     ------                      ========        ========

     Net Operating Loss Carryforward

     Allstates   WorldCargo,   Inc   (formerly   known    as
     Audiogenesis  Systems,  Inc.) generated  net  operating
     losses  prior  to  its acquisition  off  Allstates  Air
     Cargo,  Inc.   As a result of the reverse  acquisition,
     the  ownership structure of Allstates WorldCargo,  Inc.
     changed  as  of August 24, 1999; thereby  limiting  and
     reducing the future utilization of the Audiogenesis net
     operating   loss   carryforwards.   These   pre-reverse
     acquisition  net operating loss carryforwards  will  be
     limited  and  reduced based upon the  Federal  and  New
     Jersey   change   in  ownership  net   operating   loss
     carryforward    rules.    Any   net   operating    loss
     carryforwards to future tax years after limitation  and
     reduction will generally be available to offset  future
     taxable income of Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. only,  and
     will  not  be available to offset any future income  of
     Allstates  Air  Cargo,  Inc. or  any  other  affiliated
     corporation.  The income tax provisions do not  include
     any  of  these  pre-reverse acquisition  net  operating

     In  addition, for the fiscal year 1999, the income  tax
     provisions in these financial statements do not utilize
     the  current  year  operating  loss  of  the  Allstates
     Allcargo     (UK),    Ltd.    Subsidiary    operations.
     Accordingly, the deferred tax asset as a result of this
     carryforward  has been offset in full  by  a  valuation
     allowance  for  the fiscal year 1999.   Pursuant  to  a
     ruling   received  by  the  Internal  Revenue  Service,
     effective   October  1,  1999,  the  operating   losses
     incurred by Allstates Allcargo (UK), Ltd. may be offset
     against taxable income of Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. in
     the  consolidated  filing of  its  Federal  income  tax
     returns.   Therefore,  the tax provisions  included  in
     these  financial statements utilize the operating  loss
     for the fiscal year 2000 incurred by Allstates Allcargo
     (UK), Ltd. in calculating the Federal tax liability.

10.  Pension Plan

     Effective May 1994, the Company adopted a discretionary
     non-standardized 401(k) profit sharing plan.  The terms
     of the plan provide for eligible employees who have met
     certain age and service requirements to participate  by
     electing  to contribute up to the lesser of 25%  of  an
     employees' qualified compensation of which 15%  is  tax
     deductible, or $10,500 and $10,000 for the fiscal years
     ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.   The
     Company  may  make matching contributions  equal  to  a
     discretionary percentage, as determined by the Company,
     up  to  6% of a participant's salary.  The Company  did
     not  make a discretionary contribution to the plan  for
     the  years ended September 30, 2000 and 1999.  The plan
     also   allows   employer  discretionary   contributions
     allocated     in    accordance    with    participants'
     compensation.    The   Company   did   not   make   any
     discretionary contributions to the plan for  the  years
     ended September 30, 2000 and 1999.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

11.  Related Party Transactions

     Allstates  Air  Cargo, Inc. leases real estate  in  two
     locations  from a majority stockholder of the  Company.
     Rent  expense  under these leases totaled  $98,600  and
     $92,500  for the fiscal years ended September 30,  2000
     and 1999, respectively.

     The Company has entered into royalty agreements for its
     Los  Angeles  and  Chicago licensee locations  with  an
     officer  and  director  of  the  Company,  whereby  the
     Company agrees to pay the officer a royalty equal to 5%
     of the gross profit per the contract.  Royalty payments
     to  this  individual for the years ended September  30,
     2000   and   1999   totaled  $214,500   and   $143,253,

     On August 24, 1999, the Company entered into Employment
     Agreements  with  three of the Company's  stockholders.
     The  Employment Agreements are effective for  the  term
     beginning  August 24, 1999, through December 31,  2004.
     The  following  is  a  summary of the  terms  of  these

                     Annual                       Stock
    Position         Salary        Bonus         Options
    --------        --------       ------       --------

Chairman of the      $308,000     3% of fiscal       Yes*
Board                            year increase
                                 in net profits

President/Chief      $208,000     3% of fiscal       Yes*
Executive                         year increase
Officer                           in net profits

Executive Vice       $207,922     3% of fiscal       Yes*
President/                        year increase
Chief Operating                   in net profits

     No  options have been granted to date.  Options are  to
     be  granted  when  and if the Company  adopts  a  stock
     option plan.

     Prior  to August 24, 1999, the Company issued 4,500,000
     shares  of common stock to one officer, three employees
     and  three consultants for their participation  in  the
     Company's  restructuring as a  result  of  the  reverse
     acquisition.  The Company recorded $16,000 of  non-cash
     acquisition   costs,  $28,000  of   non-cash   employee
     compensation  expense and $128,000  of  non-cash,  non-
     employee   compensation   expense   related   to   this

     The  Company  has an unsecured loan to  a  shareholder.
     The  principal amounts outstanding as of September  30,
     2000 and 1999 are $200,000 and $-0-, respectively.  The
     loan  receivable is due in full on September  10,  2002
     and   interest  payments  of  9 1/4%  per  annum  are  due

     The Company had an unsecured, non-interest bearing loan
     from  a shareholder.  The principal amounts outstanding
     as of September 30, 2000 and 1999 were $-0- and $5,000,
     respectively.  The loan payable was due upon demand and
     was non-interest bearing.

     The initial stock issuance of e-tail Logistics, Inc. to
     its'  minority investors were issued to related parties
     and  are recorded on the books of Allstates WorldCargo,
     Inc.  and  Subsidiaries in loans receivable  -  related
     parties for $1,199 and $-0- for the fiscal years  ended
     September  30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.  The  loans
     are payable and due upon demand.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

12.  Stock Option Plan

     The  Company adopted a non-qualified stock option plan,
     which was terminated effective December 31, 1999.   The
     following shares have been reserved to be issued to the
     holders  of certain options, which remained outstanding
     after  a  reverse acquisition transaction,  by  Genesis
     Safety   Systems,  Inc.  (predecessor  of  Audiogenesis
     Systems, Inc.) pursuant to the anti-dilution provisions
     of  such  options.  Such shares will be issued,  at  no
     cost to the option holders, only in the event that such
     option  holders exercise their options in the Company's
     predecessor.   No  options were  exercised  during  the
     fiscal years ended September 30, 2000 and 1999.

     # of Options             Expiration
     ------------             ----------
          3,000                 11/27/00
         10,000                  7/31/00

13.  Subsequent Event

     On  October  16,  2000, the Company filed  a  Form  S-8
     registration statement with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission,  registering  4,500,000  shares  of  common
     stock  with  a  $.0001  par  value.   The  shares   are
     registered on behalf of the Company, and will be issued
     pursuant to the Company's "2000 Stock Option and  Stock
     Issuance Plan".

14.  Leases

     The  Company leases certain terminal facilities and its
     corporate  headquarters  under  operating  leases  that
     expire over the next ten years.  These operating leases
     provide the Company with the option to renew its' lease
     at  the fair rental value at the end of the lease term.
     Management  expects  that leases  will  be  renewed  or
     replaced  by  other  leases in  the  normal  course  of
     business.   In September 1998, the Company's  affiliate
     leased   terminal   facilities   in   the   U.K.    for
     approximately  $80,000 annually  for  ten  years.   The
     affiliate  currently subleases a portion of  the  space
     for approximately $21,600 annually.

     Future  minimum  lease payments under all  leases  with
     initial  or  remaining noncancellable  lease  terms  in
     excess  of one year are as follows as of September  30,

     Fiscal Years Ending
        September 30,
          2001                $  260,794
          2002                   225,215
          2003                   208,915
          2004                   164,100
          2005                   164,100
          Thereafter             670,675
          Total               $1,693,799

     Rent  expense  under operating leases  for  the  fiscal
     years  ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999 was  $403,244
     and $397,783, respectively.

     The  Company  sublets  office space  and  has  recorded
     $54,000  and  $34,032 of rental income  for  the  years
     ended September 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

15.  Supplemental Cash Flow Disclosures

     Cash paid for:                    2000            1999
     --------------                   -----           -----
     Income Taxes                  $711,990        $166,735
                                   ========        ========
     Interest                      $151,215        $ 36,281
                                   ========        ========

     Noncash Investing and Financing Activities

     (a)  Equipment acquired through notes payable for the years
       ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 totaled $275,578 and
       $174,086, respectively.

     (b)  The Company assumed $2,511,730 of debt owed to the
       Estate of Hoffman, which represents a portion of  the
       Company's investment in its subsidiary at September 30,

     (c)  The Company recorded goodwill in the amount of $636,652
       as a result of the acquisition.  Additionally, the Company
       recorded $63,666 and $5,305 of related amortization expense
       for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2000 and 1999,

     (d)   Loans receivable totaling $1,199 and $-0- for the
       fiscal  years  ended  September 30,  2000  and  1999,
       respectively, resulted from issuance of stock to minority

16.  Discontinued Operations

     In  May  2000, the Company adopted an informal plan  to
     sell/dispose  of  Allstates Allcargo  (UK),  Ltd.   The
     Company  formally discontinued its operating activities
     on September 15, 2000.  In the coming year, the Company
     will  deal with the collection of receivables  and  the
     sale of fixed assets.

     The  estimated loss on the disposal of the discontinued
     operations  of  $15,745 (net of income tax  benefit  of
     $8,111) represents unbilled amounts due to vendors  and
     the   estimated  remaining  occupancy  costs   of   the
     Company's   leased  space  (net  of  its  current   and
     prospective future subtenant).  None of these estimated
     costs  related  to  the loss on  the  disposal  of  the
     discontinued  operations were paid as of September  30,

     Operating results of Allstates Allcargo (UK), Ltd.  for
     the nine months ended June 30, 2000 are included in the
     income  from  continuing operations in the accompanying
     financial statements.

     Net  sales of Allstates Allcargo, (UK), Ltd.,  for  the
     period commencing July 1, 2000 ("the measurement date")
     through September 30, 2000 were $193,354.  This  amount
     was   not  included  in  the  gross  revenues  in   the
     accompanying financial statements.

17.  Litigation

     In  March  1999, the Company settled a lawsuit  against
     the  United  States  Government (the "Government")  for
     delinquent  accounts receivable.  The  Government  paid
     Allstates  Air Cargo, Inc. $282,000 in satisfaction  of
     the full outstanding receivable.


       Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 September 30, 2000 and 1999

17.  Litigation (Continued)

     In   April   1999,  the  Company  reached  a  favorable
     settlement  with certain former employees  arising  out
     their  activities in leaving the Company's  employ  and
     establishing  a  business to act as an exclusive  sales
     agent  for  a  competing  air  freight  forwarder.   On
     December  15,  1999,  the Company reached  a  favorable
     settlement agreement with the sole remaining defendant,
     the competing air freight forwarder, and the action was
     formally discontinued by the filing of a Stipulation of
     Settlement with the Court in January, 2000.

       On  July 22, 1999, the Company settled a case with  a
     former  employee involving the former employee's claims
     for  breach of contract, sex discrimination and  sexual
     harassment.  The Company paid the employee  $17,500  in
     settlement of this case.

     The  Company  is involved in an on-going  environmental
     proceeding.  In December 1996, five underground storage
     tanks ("UST's") and two aboveground storage tanks  were
     removed  from  a  facility in which the Company  leases
     office   space.    Post-excavation   sampling   results
     confirmed  that  certain  soil  contamination  remained
     present  after the removals at the location of  two  of
     the  UST's.   Also, at the time of the removals,  free-
     floating groundwater contamination was observed in  the
     area  of  these  two former UST's.   During  1999,  the
     Company  engaged  Carpenter Environment  Associates  to
     prepare  a  Preliminary  Assessment/Site  Investigation
     Report  ("PA/SI  Report").   Carpenter's  PA/SI  Report
     stated  that  the chlorinated groundwater contamination
     is  emanating from an off-site source.  The New  Jersey
     Department   of   Environmental   Protection   approved
     Carpenter's  PA/SI report and agreed  that  no  further
     investigation of the site was needed.

     The NJDEP approved a Remedial Investigation Workplan on
     November 24, 1999.  The approved work was performed  by
     Carpenter  in  December, 1999.  In  its'  report  dated
     March   13,  2000,  Carpenter  indicated  that  benzene
     contamination   was   delineated   and   proposed   the
     installation  of  one  additional monitoring  well  and
     natural   remediation  and  monitoring   of   remaining
     groundwater  contamination.   The  NJDEP  approved  the
     additional work and Carpenter installed and sampled the
     additional   well,  the  results  of  which   confirmed
     complete  delineation  of  the  benzene  contamination.
     Concentrations of benzene in MW-3, which Carpenter also
     sampled,  indicated an increase from the prior sampling
     event.  NJDEP suggested that the increase may have been
     due  to sediments collected with the groundwater sample
     and   recommended  that  the  sampling   be   repeated.
     Carpenter is, therefore, repeating that sampling  event
     to   confirm  groundwater  concentrations.    Carpenter
     anticipated  conducting two more rounds of  groundwater
     sampling  to demonstrate a decreasing trend in  benzene

     Previously, Carpenter had proposed that soils in excess
     of NJDEP cleanup criteria be left in place under a Deed
     Notice, because those soils could not be remediated due
     to site constraints.  The Company proposed to the NJDEP
     that  neither further delineation of soils, nor a  Deed
     Notice, should be required, because sample results  are
     below  NJDEP's residential cleanup criteria.  The NJDEP
     has  agreed.   NJDEP confirmed that No  Further  Action
     ("NFA") as to soils at the site would be granted unless
     benzene  concentrations  in  the  groundwater  fail  to

     The  Company  had  made claims against their  liability
     carriers for coverage.  Due to the uncertain nature and
     extent  of  any  additional investigatory  or  remedial
     activities that may be required regarding the  existing
     site  conditions,  potential  future  costs  cannot  be
     estimated at this time.




          For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1999

The  Unaudited  Pro Forma Combined Statements  of  Operations  of
Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. and Subsidiaries gives effect  to  the
merger   of  Audiogenesis  Systems,  Inc.  ("Audiogenesis")   and
Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. ("Allstates") as a recapitalization  of
Allstates  with Allstates as the acquiror (reverse  acquisition).
This  event  has  been  presented as if it had  occurred  at  the
beginning  of  each  year.   The  Unaudited  Pro  Forma  Combined
Statements  of  Operations gives effect to the merger  under  the
purchase  method  of  accounting in  accordance  with  Accounting
Principles  Board Opinion No. 16.  In the opinion of  management,
all  significant adjustments necessary to reflect the effects  of
the merger have been made.

The  Unaudited  Pro Forma Combined Statements  of  Operations  is
presented  for  comparative purposes only and is not  necessarily
indicative  of  what  the actual combined financial  position  of
Audiogenesis and Allstates would have been, nor does  it  purport
to   represent   the  future  combined  financial   position   of
Audiogenesis  and Allstates.  This Unaudited Pro  Forma  Combined
Statement  of Operations should be read in conjunction with,  and
is  qualified  in its entirety by, the financial  statements  and
notes thereto referenced in the 10K.


Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations
For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1999


                                                                    Pro Forma        WorldCargo
                            Audiogenesis         Allstates           Merger          Pro Forma
                             Historical          Historical       Adjustments         Combined

Revenues                    $      710,523     $   31,195,581      $ (330,000)(A)   $ 31,576,104
Cost of Revenues                   211,212         18,765,807                         18,977,019
                             --------------      -------------      -------------
- ------------
Gross profit                       499,311         12,429,774        (330,000)        12,599,085
                             --------------      -------------      -------------
- ------------
Operating expenses:
 Selling, general and admin        397,411         11,317,580        (271,645)(B)     11,443,346
 Research and development           25,000              -                -                25,000
                             --------------      -------------      -------------
- ------------
   Total operating expenses         422,411         11,317,580       (271,645)        11,468,346
                             --------------      -------------      -------------
- ------------
Income from operations               76,900          1,112,194        (58,355)         1,130,739

Other income (expense):
 Interest income                        -               30,169             -              30,169
 Interest expense                    (5,175)           (53,622)      (164,471)(C)
 Loss on sale of assets                                 (3,624)
 Other income (loss)                149,880             90,135             -             240,015
                             --------------      -------------      -------------
- ------------
Income before income taxes          221,605          1,175,252       (222,826)         1,174,031

 Income tax provision                 -                692,088        (85,443)(D)        606,645
                             --------------      -------------      -------------
- ------------
Net income (loss)           $       221,605     $      483,164    $  (137,383)      $    567,386
                             ==============      =============      =============
Weighted average of common
 shares outstanding                                 18,000,000      14,509,872 (E)    32,509,872
                             ==============      =============      =============
Net income per common share                     $         0.03                      $       0.02



          For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1999

  A.   Eliminates intercompany transactions.

  B.    Eliminates  intercompany transactions and charges  eleven
        months of amortization of goodwill.

  C.    Represents  interest  on  the  assumed  note  payable  of
        $2,560,000 for eleven months at 7%.

  D.    Represents the tax adjustment for the additional interest

  E.    Recapitalizes  Allstates'  shares  to  18,000,000,   the
        equivalent number of shares received in the transaction and shows
        the  shares retained by ASI's shareholders as issued for the
        reverse acquisition.




                               PART III


Name                     Age            Position
- ----                     ---            ---------
Joseph M. Guido          66             Chairman of the Board

Sam DiGiralomo           57             President, CEO, Director

Barton C. Theile         54             Executive Vice President, COO,

Craig Stratton           49             CFO,   Secretary,   Treasurer,

None  of  the above persons is related to any other of the above-named
persons  by blood or marriage.

     Based  upon a review of filings with the Securities and  Exchange
Commission  and  written representations that no  other  reports  were
required,  the  Company  believes that all of the Company's  directors
and executive officers complied  during fiscal 2000 with the reporting
requirements  of  Section 16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Acts  of

JOSEPH  M.  GUIDO, Chairman of the Board, is the founder of  Allstates
Air  Cargo,  Inc., having served as its President and CEO from 1961 to.
1999. Mr.  Guido  became  Chairman of the Board  of  the  Company  upon
the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. on August 24, 1999.  Prior
to forming  Allstates  Air Cargo, Inc., Mr. Guido  served as a freight
supervisor with American Airlines, and as a sales and station  manager
for Air Cargo  Consolidators.

SAM  DIGIRALOMO, became President, CEO and a director of  the  Company
upon  the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. on August 24, 1999.
Prior to such acquisition, Mr. DiGiralomo had served as the President,
Treasurer, CEO and a director of Audiogenesis Systems, Inc.  since  it
was formed in January, 1997.  From July 1981 through January 1997, Mr.
DiGiralomo  had been the President of the predecessor of  Audiogenesis
Systems,  Inc., Genesis Safety Systems, Inc.  Mr. DiGiralomo has  more
than  20  years  of  management  and marketing  experience.    He  has
lectured  at various trade associations and universities, and designed
and authored several employee training programs.  Mr. DiGiralomo is  a
member of the American Society of Safety Engineers.

BARTON C. THEILE,  became Executive Vice President, COO and a director
of  the  Company upon the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.  on
August  24,  1999.  Prior to such acquisition, Mr. Theile  had  served
Allstates  Air  Cargo,  Inc.,  as a sales  representative,  operations
manager,  Executive Vice President and COO over a period of 19  years.
In  addition to his experience at Allstates, Mr. Theile was  President
of Cargo Logistics Group, LLC.  Mr. Theile has been involved in sales,
marketing, operations and administration in the transportation industry
for over 25 years.

CRAIG STRATTON, became CFO, Secretary, Treasurer and a director of the
Company upon the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. on August 24,
1999. Mr. Stratton had served as Chief Financial Officer for Allstates
Air Cargo, Inc. from November 1997. For the three years prior to joining
Allstates, Mr. Stratton held the position of Corporate Controller for
Programmer's Paradise, Inc. a cataloger and distributor of technical
software. From 1990 through 1994, he was Controller for Baronet
Corporation, an importer and distributor of leather goods accessories.
From 1981 through 1990, he was employed by the finance department of
Contel IPC, a specialty telephone systems manufacturer and service
provider, where he held various  positions  of  increasing responsibility
in  corporate accounting, including an appointment to Assistant Controller
in 1987. In 1973, Mr. Stratton received his B.S. in accounting, and in
1980 he earned his MBA. Mr. Stratton has been a CPA since 1986.



                     Summary Compensation Table


             Annual Compensation              Long term compensation
             -----------------------         --------------------------
Name and     Year    Salary    Bonus    Other      Awards                          All
Principal             ($)       ($)     Annual    Restrict-    Options/   LTIP     Other
Position                                Compen-   ed Stock     SARs(#)    Pay-     Compensa-
                                        sation      ($)         ($)      outs($)   tion ($)
- ----------   ----  -------    -----    --------   ---------   ---------   ------   --------
J.           2000  311,082    27,540  108,600(1)
Guido,       1999  317,821             92,500(2)                                   202,597(3)
Chairman     1998  294,320            111,600(4)
of the

Sam          2000  208,000    27,540  214,500(6)                                    98,000(8)
DiGiralomo,  1999   80,200(5)         143,253(6)                                   120,000(7)
President,   1998   65,000(5)          26,486(6)

B. Theile,   2000  207,922    27,540    9,833(9)                                    16,500(8)
COO,         1999  189,411              4,920(9)                                    20,000(7)
Exec. VP     1998  152,328

Stratton,    2000  110,734                                                           6,500(8)
CFO,         1999  100,826                                                           8,000(7)
Secretary,   1998   77,221

(1) Rental income from leasing of Newark branch location and Forked
   River corporate office ($98,600), and proceeds of sale of
   personal automobile to the Company ($10,000)
(2) Rental income from leasing of Newark branch location and Forked
   River corporate office
(3) Proceeds from sale to Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. of one share
   Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. stock
(4) Rental income from leasing of Newark branch location and Forked
   River corporate office ($90,300), and interest paid in 1996 loan
   to company ($21,300)
(5) Employed by Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. on part time basis at
   $65,000 per year
(6) Commissions paid for consulting services in connection with site
   licensing agreements
(7) Excess stock compensation valued at $.04 per share
(8) Reimbursement for income taxes due the IRS in connection with
   excess stock compensation
(9) Commission paid for management services to GTD Logistics, Inc.

On August 24, 1999, the Company entered into Employment Agreements
with three of the Company's stockholders. The Employment Agreements
are effective for the term beginning August 24, 1999 through December
31, 2004.   The following is a summary of the terms of these

Name/Position                Salary       Bonus

Joseph M. Guido,
Chairman of
The Board                   $308,000    3% of fiscal year
                                        Increase in net profits

Sam DiGiralomo,
Executive Officer           $208,000    3% of fiscal year
                                        Increase in net profits
Barton M. Theile,
Executive Vice President/
Chief Operating Officer     $207,922    3% of fiscal year
                                        Increase in net profits

Under the terms of their respective employment agreements, Mr. Guido,
Mr. DiGiralomo and Mr. Theile have agreed to work full time.  The
agreements also provide for health and life insurance benefits,
participation in the Company's 401(k) plan, disability benefits,
expense reimbursements, indemnification from civil or criminal actions
arising out of the Executive's employment, financial and tax advice,
tax  "gross-up" provisions, severance pay (equal  to  100%  of
compensation for a period of five years), and payments in the event of
a change of control.


   The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of the
Common Stock of the Company as of February 28, 1999 by each person
who was known by the Company to beneficially own more than 5% of the
common stock, by each director and executive officer who owns shares
of common stock and by all directors and executive officers as a

                                       No. of Shares
Title    Name and Address              and            Percent
of       of Beneficial Owner           Nature of        of
Class                                  Beneficial      Class(1)
- ------- ---------------------------    -------------  ---------
Common  Joseph M. Guido                18,500,000(2)    56.91%
        4 Lakeside Drive South
        Forked River, NJ  08731

Common  Sam DiGiralomo                  5,000,000       15.38%
        7 Doig Road, Suite 3
        Wayne, NJ  07470

Common  Barton C. Theile                  500,000        1.54%
        4 Lakeside Drive South
        Forked River, NJ  08731

Common  Craig D. Stratton                 200,000        0.62%
        4 Lakeside Drive South
        Forked River, NJ  08731

All Officers and Directors as a Group  24,200,000       74.44%

(1)  Based upon 32,509,872 shares outstanding as of  December 15,

(2)  Comprised of 18,250,000 shares owned by Joseph Guido and 250,000
shares owned by Teresa Guido, wife of Joseph Guido.


   The following shares have been reserved to be issued to certain
non-affiliate holders of options which remained outstanding after a
reverse acquisition transaction by Genesis Safety Systems, Inc.
(predecessor of Audiogenesis Systems, Inc.) pursuant to the anti-
dilution provisions of such options. Such shares will be issued, at
no cost to the option holders, only in the event that such option
holders exercise their options in the Company's predecessor.

   # Options   Terminates
   ---------   ----------
    3,000     11/27/00

   On June 22, 1998 and June 29, 1998, the Company borrowed $12,000
and $1,500, respectively, from Sam DiGiralomo, President of the
Company, under promissory notes bearing interest at 8% per annum.
Such notes have been satisfied in full.

   On September 18, 1998, the Company entered into an agreement with
Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. to develop customized audio-visual products.
The controlling shareholder of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. was Joseph
Guido, Chairman of the Board of the Company. The Company believes
that the terms of such agreement were the same as would be negotiated
through arms-length bargaining with an unaffiliated purchaser.  The
Company has fulfilled its obligations under such agreement.

   The Company's $1,350,000 line of credit, which expires December
31, 2000, is personally guaranteed by Joseph M. Guido, Chairman of the
Board of the Company, and Teresa Guido, his wife.

   The Company leases real estate in two locations from Joseph M.
Guido.  Rent expense under these leases totaled $98,600 for the year
ended September 30, 2000. The Company believes that such leases are
commensurate with the terms which could be obtained  from  an
unaffiliated third party.

   Prior to his becoming President, CEO and a director of the
Company, the Company entered into royalty agreements for its Los
Angeles and Chicago licensee locations with Sam DiGiralomo, whereby
the Company agreed to pay Mr. DiGiralomo a royalty equal to 5% of the
gross profit per the contract. During fiscal 2000, a similar royalty
agreement was made for its Minneapolis licensee location.  Royalty
payments to Mr. DiGiralomo for the year ended September 30, 2000
totaled $214,500.

   Pursuant  to  the Stock Purchase Agreement  and  Plan  of
Reorganization between Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. and Allstates Air
Cargo, Inc., the Company assumed 101 Notes payable from Joseph M.
Guido to the Estate of A.G. Hoffman, Jr., aggregating $2,511,730 in
principal, with repayment over 101 years at annual principal payments
of $25,000 plus interest at 7% per year. All or any of the notes may
be paid at any time before maturity without any prepayment penalty. In
the event of a default under the notes by the Company, Joseph M. Guido
remains personally liable for the notes and the 101 shares of
Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. common stock held as security under the
notes  (representing 48.1% of the issued and outstanding common stock
of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc.) may be sold at public or private sale.

   In September 2000, the Company extended a personal loan of
$200,000 to Sam DiGiralomo. The loan, which is backed by a
promissory note, is payable after twenty four months, with quarterly
interest payments at the Company's prevailing bank loan rate.

   The  Company's  legal counsel, Stephen M. Robinson,  Esq.,
beneficially owns 1,200,000 shares of common stock.


(a)  The following exhibits are filed pursuant to Item 601 of
Regulation S-B.

Exhibit  Description

3.01*   Articles of Incorporation of Audiogenesis Systems,
     Inc. dated January 14, 1997 filed as an exhibit to
     Registrant's Registration Statement on Form 10-SB,
     filed October 23, 1998

3.02*   By-laws of Registrant, filed as an exhibit to
     Registrant's Registration Statement on Form 10-SB,
     filed October 23, 1998

10.01*  Echolocation Technology License Agreements, filed as
     an exhibit to Registrant's Registration Statement on
     Form 10-SB, filed October 23, 1998

10.02*  Agreement with Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. dated
     9/18/98, filed as an exhibit to Registrant's
     Registration Statement on Form 10-SB, filed October
     23, 1998

10.03*  Promissory Note to Marshall E. Levine Ph.D. Profit
     Sharing Plan, filed as an exhibit to Registrant's
     Registration Statement on Form 10-SB, filed October
     23, 1998

10.04*  Genesis Safety Systems, Inc. Stock Option Plan, filed
     as an exhibit to Amendment No. 1 to Registrant's
     Registration Statement on Form 10-SB, filed March 11,

10.05*  Stock Purchase Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
     dated June 30, 1999, filed as an exhibit to
     Registrant's Form 8-K filed July 12, 1999

10.06*  Employment Agreement with Joseph M. Guido, , filed as
     an exhibit to Registrant's Form 8-K filed September
     9, 1999

10.07*  Employment Agreement with Sam DiGiralomo, filed as an
     exhibit to Registrant's Form 8-K filed September 9,

10.08*  Employment Agreement with Barton C. Theile, filed as
     an exhibit to Registrant's Form 8-K filed September
     9, 1999

10.09*  Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of
     Incorporation of Registrant changing the name of the
     corporation from Audiogenesis Systems, Inc. to
     Allstates WorldCargo, Inc., filed as an exhibit to
     Registrant's Form 8-K filed December 1, 1999

21.01*  List of Subsidiaries of Registrant, filed as an
     exhibit to Registrant's Registration Statement on
     Form 10-SB, filed October 1, 1999

27.01+  Financial Data Schedule

* Filed previously, incorporated herein by reference
+Filed herewith

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K: No reports on Form 8-K were filed during
the last quarter of the period covered by this report.

In accordance with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act,
the  registrant caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


BY: /s/ Sam DiGiralomo
   Sam DiGiralomo, President and CEO

DATED: December  28, 2000

In accordance with the Exchange Act, this report has been signed below
by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the
capacities and on the date indicated.

Signature                        Title                     Date

By: /s/ Joseph M. Guido
    Joseph M. Guido          Chairman of the Board of    December 28, 2000

By: /s/ Sam DiGiralomo
    Sam DiGiralomo           President, CEO and          December 28, 2000

By: /s/ Barton C. Theile     Executive Vice President,
   Barton C. Theile          COO and Director            December 28, 2000

                             Secretary, Treasurer, and
                             Chief Financial Officer
By: /s/ Craig D. Stratton   (Principal Financial
    Craig D. Stratton       Officer and Principal        December 28, 2000
                            Accounting Officer)