4 Lakeside Drive South
                  Forked River, New Jersey   08731
                           (609) 693-5950

                              NOTICE OF
                      TO BE HELD AT 10:00 A.M.,
                          ON JULY 18, 2003

To the Stockholders of Allstates WorldCargo, Inc.:

The 2003 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Allstates WorldCargo,
Inc.  (the "Company"), a New Jersey corporation will be held at  the
offices of the Company at 4 Lakeside Drive South, Forked River,  New
Jersey,  08731,  on July 18, 2003, at 10:00 a.m.   At  the  meeting,
stockholders will act on the following matters:

     (1)  Election of four (4) Directors to hold office for the ensuing
          year and until their successors have been duly elected and

     (2)  Ratification of the appointment of  Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A.
          as Independent accountants for fiscal 2003; and

     (3)  Any other matters that properly come before the meeting.

Stockholders of record at the close of business on June 23, 2003 are
entitled to vote at the meeting or any postponement or adjournment.

Stockholders  (whether they own one or many shares and whether  they
expect  to attend the annual meeting or not) are requested to  vote,
sign,  date  and  return  promptly the  accompanying  proxy  in  the
enclosed envelope, which requires no postage if mailed in the United
States.   A  proxy may be revoked at any time prior to its  exercise
(a)  by  notifying the Secretary of the Company in writing,  (b)  by
delivering  a duly executed proxy bearing a later date,  or  (c)  by
attending the annual meeting and voting in person.

                              By Order of the Board of Directors:

                              Craig D. Stratton, Corporate Secretary
June 25, 2003
Forked River, New Jersey

                     ALLSTATES WORLDCARGO, INC.
                       4 Lakeside Drive South
                  Forked River, New Jersey   08731
                           (609) 693-5950

                           PROXY STATEMENT

This  Proxy  Statement contains information related  to  the  annual
meeting of stockholders of Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. (the Company),
to  be  held on Friday, July 18, 2003 at 10:00 a.m., local time,  at
the  offices of the Company at 4 Lakeside Drive South, Forked River,
New Jersey, 08731, and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

                         ABOUT THE MEETING

What is the purpose of the annual meeting?

     At the Company's annual meeting, stockholders will act upon the
matters  outlined  in the accompanying notice of meeting,  including
the   election  of  directors  and  ratification  of  the  Company's
independent  auditors.  In addition, the Company's  management  will
report  on  the performance of the Company and respond to  questions
from stockholders.

Who is entitled to vote?

     Only  stockholders of record at the close of  business  on  the
record  date, June 23, 2003, are entitled to receive notice  of  the
annual meeting and to vote the shares of common stock that they held
on  that date at the meeting, or any postponement or adjournment  of
the  meeting. Each outstanding share entitles its holder to cast one
vote on each matter to be voted upon.

Who can attend the meeting?

     All stockholders as of the record date, or their duly appointed
proxies, may attend the meeting.

     Please note that if you hold your shares in "street name" (that
is,  through a broker or other nominee), you will need  to  bring  a
copy of a brokerage statement reflecting your stock ownership as  of
the  record  date  and  check in at the  registration  desk  at  the

What constitutes a quorum?

     The  presence  at the meeting, in person or by  proxy,  of  the
holders  of a majority of the shares of common stock outstanding  on
the record date will constitute a quorum, permitting the meeting  to
conduct  its business. As of the record date, 32,509,872  shares  of
common  stock of the Company were outstanding. Proxies received  but
marked  as abstentions and broker non-votes will be included in  the
calculation of the number of shares considered to be present at  the

How do I vote?

     If  you complete and properly sign the accompanying proxy  card
and return it to the Company, it will be voted as you direct. If you
are a registered stockholder and attend the meeting, you may deliver
your completed proxy card in person. "Street name" stockholders  who
wish  to  vote at the meeting will need to obtain a proxy form  from
the institution that holds their shares.

Can I change my vote after I return my proxy card?

     Yes.  Even after you have submitted your proxy, you may  change
your  vote at any time before the proxy is exercised by filing  with
the Secretary of the Company either a notice of revocation or a duly
executed proxy bearing a later date. The powers of the proxy holders
will  be  suspended  if  you attend the meeting  in  person  and  so
request,  although  attendance at the meeting  will  not  by  itself
revoke a previously granted proxy.

What are the board's recommendations?

     Unless  you  give  other instructions on your proxy  card,  the
persons  named  as  proxy holders on the proxy  card  will  vote  in
accordance  with the recommendations of the Board of Directors.  The
Board's recommendation is set forth together with the description of
each  item in this proxy statement. In summary, the Board recommends
a vote:

     (1)  for election of the nominated slate of directors (see page 4);
     (2)  for ratification of the appointment of Cowan, Gunteski & Co.,
P.A. as the Company's independent auditors (see page 8).

     With respect to any other matter that properly comes before the
meeting, the proxy holders will vote as recommended by the Board  of
Directors   or,  if  no  recommendation  is  given,  in  their   own

What vote is required to approve each item?

     Election  of directors. The affirmative vote of a plurality  of
the  votes cast at the meeting determines the election of directors.
A  properly executed proxy marked "WITHHOLD AUTHORITY" with  respect
to  the  election of one or more directors will not  be  voted  with
respect to the director or directors indicated, although it will  be
counted for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum.

     Other  items. For each other item, the affirmative vote of  the
holders  of  a  majority of the shares represented in person  or  by
proxy  and  entitled  to  vote on the  item  will  be  required  for
approval. A properly executed proxy marked "ABSTAIN" with respect to
any  such matter will not be voted, although it will be counted  for
purposes  of determining whether there is a quorum. Accordingly,  an
abstention will have the effect of a negative vote.

     If  you  hold your shares in "street name" through a broker  or
other  nominee,  your  broker or nominee may  not  be  permitted  to
exercise voting discretion with respect to some of the matters to be
acted upon. Thus, if you do not give your broker or nominee specific
instructions, your shares may not be voted on those matters and will
not  be  counted in determining the number of shares  necessary  for
approval.  Shares  represented  by  such  "broker  non-votes"  will,
however, be counted in determining whether there is a quorum.

                          STOCK OWNERSHIP

Who are the largest owners of the company's stock?

Joseph  M. Guido, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company,
owns or controls 56.91% of the outstanding shares of common stock of
the  Company; and Sam DiGiralomo, President, CEO and a  director  of
the  Company, owns or controls 14.92% of the outstanding  shares  of
common stock of the Company.  See the table below.

How  much  stock  do the company's directors and executive  officers

     The  following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of the
Common  Stock of the Company  as of June 23, 2003, by  each   person
who  was known by the Company to  beneficially  own more than 5%  of
the  common stock, by each director and executive officer  who  owns
shares  of common stock and by all directors and executive  officers
as a group:

                                           No. of Shares
 Title   Name and Address                       and        Percent
  of     of Beneficial Owner                 Nature of      of
 Class                                      Beneficial     Class(1)

Common   Joseph M. Guido                    18,500,000(2)  56.91%
         4 Lakeside Drive South
         Forked River, NJ   08731

Common   Sam DiGiralomo                         4,850,000  14.92%
         7 Doig Road, Suite 3
         Wayne, NJ   07470

Common   Barton C. Theile                         500,000   1.54%
         4 Lakeside Drive South
         Forked River, NJ   08731

Common   Craig D. Stratton                        200,000   0.62%
         4 Lakeside Drive South
         Forked River, NJ   08731

All Officers and Directors as a Group          24,050,000  73.98%

(1)   Based upon 32,509,872 shares outstanding as of  June 23, 2003.

(2)    Comprised  of  18,250,000 shares owned by  Joseph  Guido  and
250,000 shares owned by Teresa Guido, wife of Joseph Guido.

                               ITEM 1

                       ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Four (4) directors will be elected to hold office subject to the
provisions of the Companys by-laws until the next Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, and until their respective successors are duly elected
and qualified.  The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes
cast at the meeting, either in person or by proxy, determines the
election of directors. The following table sets forth the name, age,
position with the Company and respective director service dates of
each person who has been nominated to be a director of the Company:

Name                Age       With the Company              Director Since
- ----                ---       -----------------             --------------
Joseph M. Guido     69        Chairman of the Board         1999

Sam DiGiralomo      59        President, CEO, Director      1997

Barton C. Theile    56        Executive Vice Pres., COO,
			      Director                      1999

Craig Stratton      51        CFO, Secretary, Treasurer,
                              Director                      1999


Business Experience of the Directors

JOSEPH M. GUIDO, Chairman of the Board, was the founder of Allstates
Air Cargo, Inc., having served as its President and CEO from 1961
until 1999 when it was acquired by the Company.  Mr. Guido became
Chairman of the Board of the Company upon the acquisition of
Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. on August 24, 1999.  Prior to forming
Allstates Air Cargo, Inc., Mr. Guido served as a freight supervisor
with American Airlines, and as a sales and station manager for Air
Cargo  Consolidators.

SAM DIGIRALOMO, became President, CEO and a director of the Company
upon the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. on August 24,
1999.  Prior to such acquisition, Mr. DiGiralomo had served as the
President, Treasurer, CEO and a director of Audiogenesis Systems,
Inc. since it was formed in January, 1997.  From July 1981 through
January 1997, Mr. DiGiralomo had been the President of the
predecessor of Audiogenesis Systems, Inc., Genesis Safety Systems,
Inc.  Mr. DiGiralomo has more than 20 years of management and
marketing experience.   He has lectured at various trade
associations and universities, and designed and authored several
employee training programs.

BARTON C. THEILE,  became Executive Vice President, COO and a
director of the Company upon the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo,
Inc. on August 24, 1999.  Prior to such acquisition, Mr. Theile had
served Allstates Air Cargo, Inc., as a sales representative,
operations manager, Executive Vice President and COO over a period
of 19 years.  In addition to his experience at Allstates, Mr. Theile
was President of Cargo Logistics Group, LLC.  Mr. Theile has been
involved in sales, marketing operations and administration in the
transportation industry for over 25 years.

CRAIG STRATTON, became CFO, Secretary, Treasurer and a director of
the Company upon the acquisition of Allstates Air Cargo, Inc. on
August 24, 1999.  From November 1997 until such acquisition, Mr.
Stratton served as  Chief Financial Officer for Allstates Air Cargo,
Inc. For three years before joining Allstates, Mr. Stratton held the
position of Corporate Controller for Programmer's Paradise, Inc. a
cataloger and distributor of technical software.  From 1990 through
1994, he was Controller for Baronet Corporation, an importer and
distributor of leather goods accessories.  From 1981 through 1990,
he was employed by the finance department of Contel IPC, a specialty
telephone systems manufacturer and service provider, where he held
various positions of increasing responsibility in corporate
accounting, including an appointment to Assistant Controller in
1987.  In 1973, Mr. Stratton received his B.S. in accounting, and in
1980 he earned his MBA, both from Monmouth University.  Mr. Stratton
has been a CPA since 1986.

General Information

Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for
supervision of the overall affairs of the Company.  To assist it in
carrying out of its duties, the Board has delegated certain
authority to several committees.

The Board of Directors held two meetings during 2002.  Overall and
individual attendance at the Board and committee meetings was 100
percent. Following the Annual Meeting, the Board will consist of
four directors.  In the interim between Annual Meetings, the Board
has the authority under the By-laws to increase or decrease the size
of the Board.

How are directors compensated?

     Directors Compensation.  All members of the Board are current
employees of the Company, and do not receive any additional
compensation for serving on the Board.

Do we have an audit committee?

     We do not have an audit committee at this time, because the
Company does not have any independent directors.

     Our directors have met and held discussions with the
independent auditors. The directors believe that the Company's
consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with
generally accepted  accounting principles, and the directors have
reviewed and discussed the consolidated financial  statements with
the independent auditors. Our directors discussed with the
independent auditors matters required to be discussed by Statement
on Auditing Standards  No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees).
These discussions have included a review as to the quality, not just
the acceptability, of the Company's accounting principles.

     The Company's independent auditors also provided to the
directors the written  disclosures required by Independence
Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence  Discussions with Audit
Committees), and the directors discussed with the independent
auditors the auditors' independence from management and the Company.
The directors have also considered the compatibility of non-audit
services with the auditors' independence.

     Based upon the directors' discussion with the independent
auditors and the directors' review of the report of the independent
auditors, we have included the audited consolidated financial
statements in the Company's Annual Report  on Form 10-K for the year
ended September 30, 2002 filed with the Securities and Exchange

The Board of Directors has not adopted an audit committee charter.

                       EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following table sets forth all information concerning total
compensation earned or paid to the officers of the Company who
served in such capacities as of September 30, 2002, the end of our
last fiscal year, for services rendered to the Company during each
of the last three fiscal years.

                     Summary Compensation Table


             Annual Compensation              Long term compensation
             -----------------------         --------------------------
Name and     Year    Salary    Bonus    Other      Awards                           All
Principal              ($)      ($)     Annual    Restrict-    Options/   LTIP      Other
Position                                Compen-   ed Stock     SARs(#)    Pay-      Compensa-
                                        sation      ($)         ($)       outs($)   tion ($)
- ----------   ----    -------   -----   --------   ---------   ---------   ------    --------
J.           2002    311,818   20,791  81,600(3)
Guido,       2001    311,818           87,600(2)
Chairman     2000    311,082   27,540 108,600(1)
of the

Sam          2002    208,000   20,791 319,595(4)
DiGiralomo,  2001    208,000          405,433(4)
President,   2000    208,000   27,540 214,500(4)                                     98,000(6)

B. Theile,   2002    207,922   20,791   4,188(7)
COO,         2002    207,922           19,273(7)
Exec. VP     2000    207,922   27,540   9,833(7)                                     16,500(6)

Stratton,    2002    125,266    6,000   5,750(5)
CFO,         2001    120,263
Secretary,   2000    110,734                                                          6,500(6)

(1)  Rental income from leasing of Newark branch location and
      Forked River corporate office ($98,600), and proceeds of sale of
     personal automobile to the Company ($10,000)
(2)  Rental income from leasing of Newark branch location and Forked
     River corporate office
(3)  Rental income from leasing of Forked River corporate office
(4)  Royalties paid for consulting services in connection with site
      licensing agreements
(5)  Car allowance for use of personal auto
(6)  Reimbursement for income taxes due the IRS in connection with
      excess stock compensation
(7)  Commission paid for management services to GTD Logistics, Inc.

Employment Agreements

The Company has entered into Employment Agreements with four of the
Companys stockholders.  The Employment Agreements of Messrs. Guido,
DiGiralomo and Theile began on August 24, 2000; Mr. Stratton's
Employment Agreement began on February 21, 2001; and each Employment
Agreement ends on December 31, 2004.    The following is a summary
of the terms of these agreements:
Name/Position       Salary         Bonus
- ------------        ---------      -------
Joseph M. Guido,
Chairman of
The Board           $308,000       3% of fiscal year
                                   increase in net profits
Sam DiGiralomo,
Executive Officer   $208,000       3% of fiscal year
                                   increase in net profits
Barton C. Theile,
Executive VP
COO                 $207,922       3% of fiscal year
                                   increase in net profits
Craig D. Stratton
Treasurer,          $125,000       annual cost of living increase or
CFO                                Board-recommended increase,
                                   whichever is higher

Under the terms of their respective employment agreements, Mr.
Guido, Mr. DiGiralomo, Mr. Theile and Mr. Stratton have agreed to
work full time.  The agreements also provide for health and life
insurance benefits, participation in the Company's 401(k) plan,
disability benefits, expense reimbursements, indemnification from
civil or criminal actions arising out of the executive's employment,
financial and tax advice, tax "gross-up" provisions, severance pay
(equal to 100% of compensation for  a period of five years), and
payments in the event of a change of control.

Option Grants for Fiscal 2002

No options were granted during fiscal 2002, and currently there are
no unexercised option grants as of the date of this proxy statement.

No officer, director, or other employee consequently received or was
entitled to any form of non-cash compensation under any form of plan
described or included within Regulation S-K, Section 402(b)(1), Reg.
229.402, Section (b)(1).
                               ITEM 2


The Company has appointed Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A. as the
Companys independent accountants for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2003.  Services provided to the Company by Cowan,
Gunteski & Co., P.A. in fiscal year 2002 included the examination of
the Companys consolidated financial statements, preparation of
federal and state income taxes, and services related to filings with
the Securities and Exchanges Commission.

Audit Fees.  Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A. billed us $71,394 in
aggregate fees for professional services in fiscal 2002 in
connection with the audit of our annual financial statements and the
reviews of the financial statements contained in our quarterly
reports on Form 10-Q.

Other Fees.  Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A. billed us $24,903 in
aggregate fees for professional services in fiscal 2002 in
connection with tax-related services.

Representatives of Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A. will be present at
the annual meeting to respond to appropriate questions and to make
such statements as they may desire.

The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote For Ratification of The
Appointment of Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A., as The Companys
Independent Accountants For Fiscal Year 2003.

                            OTHER MATTERS

As of the date of this proxy statement, the Company knows of no
business that will be presented for consideration at the annual
meeting other than the items referred to above. In the event that
any other matter is properly brought before the meeting for action
by the stockholders, proxies in the enclosed form returned to the
Company will be voted in accordance with the recommendation of the
Board of Directors or, in the absence of such a recommendation, in
accordance with the judgment of the proxy holder.

                       ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

     Stockholder Proposals for the 2004 Annual Meeting. Stockholders
interested in presenting a proposal for consideration at the
Company's annual meeting of stockholders in 2004 may do so by
following the procedures prescribed in Rule 14a-8 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Company's by-laws. To be
eligible for inclusion, stockholder proposals must be received by
the Company's Corporate Secretary no later than March 1, 2004.

     Proxy Solicitation Costs. The proxies being solicited hereby
are being solicited by the Company. The cost of soliciting proxies
in the enclosed form will be borne by the Company.  Officers and
regular employees of the Company may, but without compensation other
than their regular compensation, solicit proxies by further mailing
or personal conversations, or by telephone, facsimile or electronic
means. The Company will, upon request, reimburse brokerage firms and
others for their reasonable expenses in forwarding solicitation
material to the beneficial owners of stock.

                                      By order of the Board of Directors:

                                        Craig D. Stratton
                                        Corporate Secretary

           4 Lakeside Drive South, Forked River, New Jersey, 08731

The undersigned hereby appoint(s) SAM DIGIRALOMO and CRAIG D. STRATTON, or
either of them, as attorney, agent and proxy of the undersigned, with full
power of substitution, to vote all shares of common stock of Allstates
WorldCargo, Inc. that the undersigned would be entitled to cast if
personally present at the annual Meeting of the stockholders to be held on
February 25, 2000, or at any adjournment thereof.



FOR                         WITHHOLD                       Withhold authority to vote for the individual
all nominees (except as     authority to vote for all       nominees(s) identified in the space provided below
marked to the contrary      nominees
   ( )                            ( )                      ________________________________________________

Director Nominees:  (1)  Joseph M. Guido, (2) Sam DiGiralomo, (3)  Barton M.
Theile, (4) Craig D. Stratton
                         (Continued on reverse side)

2.   Ratify the appointment of Cowan, Gunteski & Co., P.A. as     FOR               AGAINST             ABSTAIN
     the Company's independent public accountants for the 2000
     fiscal year                                                  ( )               ( )                  ( )

In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon other business
as may properly come before the meeting.

                                            Dated:  _____________________


                                            Signature if jointly held