March 2, 1998

Triton  Energy  Limited
Caledonian  House
Mary  Street
P.O.  Box  1043
George  Town
Grand  Cayman,  Cayman  Islands


     We  hereby  consent  to  (i)  the  use of information in our report dated
February  24,  1998,  entitled  "Appraisal  Report  as of December 31, 1997 on
Certain  Properties  in  Colombia  owned  by  Triton  Colombia Incorporated in
Colombia"  under  the  caption  "Items  1.  and  2.  Business and Properties -
Reserves" and in note 24 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
under the caption "Oil and Gas Reserve Data" in the Form 10-K of Triton Energy
Limited  for  the year ended December 31, 1997, and (ii) the references to our
firm under such captions.  Our estimates of reserves, however, for the Cusiana
and Cupiagua fields have been aggregated in the Form 10-K with other Colombian
reserves  for  which  we  have  not  prepared  estimates.

                              Very  truly  yours,

                              DeGOLYER  and  MacNAUGHTON