(a Delaware Corporation)

                              NOTICE OF 1998 ANNUAL
                          MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS TO BE
                     HELD AT 10:00 A.M. ON OCTOBER 23, 1998

     To the Stockholders of PERIPHONICS CORPORATION:

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of PERIPHONICS  CORPORATION  (the  "Company") will be held on October
23, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.  at The Wyndham  Wind Watch  Hotel,  1717 Motor  Parkway,
Hauppauge,  New  York  11788,  to  consider  and vote on the  following  matters
described under the corresponding numbers in the attached Proxy Statement:

     1. election of two Class I directors;

     2. to  consider  and to act upon a  proposal  to amend the  Company's  1995
Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan to increase the number of shares  employees  may
purchase thereunder from 400,000 shares to 800,000 shares;

     3.  ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending May 31, 1999; and

     4. such other matters as may properly come before the Meeting.

     The  Board of  Directors  has  fixed  September  7,  1998,  at the close of
business,  as the record date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Meeting, and only holders of shares of Common Stock
of the  Company of record at the close of  business on that day will be entitled
to vote. The stock transfer books of the Company will not be closed.

     A complete  list of  stockholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting shall be
available  at the offices of the Company  during  ordinary  business  hours from
September 14, 1998 until the Meeting for  examination by any stockholder for any
purpose germane to the Meeting. This list will also be available at the Meeting.

     Whether or not you expect to be present  at the  Meeting,  please  fill in,
date,  sign and return the enclosed  Proxy,  which is solicited by management of
the Company. The shares represented by the Proxy will be voted according to your
specified  response.  The Proxy is  revocable  and will not affect your right to
vote in person in the event you attend the Meeting.

                                By Order of the Board of Directors

                                Kevin J. O'Brien, Secretary

Date:  September 22, 1998

                                     [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK]

                             PERIPHONICS CORPORATION

                         4000 Veterans Memorial Highway
                                Bohemia, NY 11716

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                       1998 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                  TO BE HELD AT 10:00 A.M. ON OCTOBER 23, 1998

     The  enclosed   proxy  is  solicited  by  the   management  of  PERIPHONICS
CORPORATION  (the  "Company")  in  connection  with the 1998  Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held on October 23, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. at The
Wyndham Wind Watch Hotel, 1717 Motor Parkway,  Hauppauge, New York 11788 and any
adjournment  thereof.  The Board of Directors  has set September 7, 1998, at the
close of  business,  as the record date for the  determination  of  stockholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting.  A  stockholder  executing and
returning a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time before it is  exercised
by filing a later proxy with,  or other  communication  to, the Secretary of the
Company or by  attending  the  Meeting  and voting in person.  The proxy will be
voted in accordance with your directions as to:

     (1)  election of the  persons  listed  herein as Class I  directors  of the

     (2) to  consider  and to act upon a proposal  to amend the  Company's  1995
Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan to increase the number of shares  employees  may
purchase thereunder from 400,000 shares to 800,000 shares;

     (3) ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending May 31, 1999; and

     (4) such other matters as may properly come before the Meeting.

     In the  absence  of  direction,  the proxy  will be voted in favor of these

     The entire cost of  soliciting  proxies will be borne by the  Company.  The
cost of  solicitation,  which  represents  an  amount  believed  to be  normally
expended for a solicitation  relating to an  uncontested  election of directors,
will  include  the  cost  of  supplying  necessary   additional  copies  of  the
solicitation materials and the Company's 1998 Annual Report to Stockholders (the
"Annual  Report")  to  beneficial  owners of shares  held of record by  brokers,
dealers, banks, trustees, and their nominees,  including the reasonable expenses
of such  recordholders  for  completing the mailing of such materials and Annual
Report to such beneficial owners.

     Only  stockholders of record of the Company's  Common Stock  outstanding at
the close of business on September 7, 1998, will be entitled to vote, a total of
13,519,305  shares  of  Common  Stock  will be  outstanding  on the  date of the
stockholder meeting. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote. Holders
of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock must be represented in
person  or by proxy in order to  achieve  a quorum.  The  Proxy  Statement,  the
attached Notice of Meeting, the enclosed form of Proxy and the Annual Report are
being mailed to stockholders on or about September 24, 1998. The mailing address
of the Company's  principal executive offices is 4000 Veterans Memorial Highway,
Bohemia, New York 11716.

                            1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Company's  Amended and Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  provides
that the Board of Directors shall be divided into three classes, with each class
consisting,  as nearly as may be  possible,  of one-third of the total number of
directors  constituting  the entire  Board.  The  Company's  Board of  Directors
presently  consists of six members with two members in each of Classes I, II and
III. Each Class is elected for a term of three years.  The term of office of the
current Class I, II and III  directors is scheduled to expire at the 1998,  1999
and 2000 annual meeting of stockholders,  respectively.  At each annual meeting,
directors  are elected to succeed  those in the class whose term expires at that
annual  meeting,  such newly  elected  directors  to hold office until the third
succeeding annual meeting and the election and qualification of their respective

     Two  directors are to be elected as Class I directors by a plurality of the
votes cast at the Meeting,  each to hold office until the 2001 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  and until their  respective  successors are elected and qualified.
Unless  otherwise  directed,  the persons named in the  accompanying  Proxy have
advised  management that it is their intention to vote for the election of Peter
Breitstone and Kevin J. O'Brien as Class I directors.

     Each of the  nominees  for  election as a Class I director  has advised the
Company of his  willingness to serve as a director and management  believes that
each nominee will be able to serve. If any nominee becomes unavailable,  proxies
may be voted for the election of such person or persons who may be designated by
the  Board of  Directors.  The  Board of  Directors  recommends  voting  FOR the
election of Peter Breitstone and Kevin J. O'Brien as Class I directors.

     Information Regarding Directors

     The following table sets forth certain  information with respect to (i) the
nominees for the election of Class I directors, including the year in which such
nominees terms would expire, if elected, and (ii) each of the Class II and Class
III directors whose terms will continue after the Meeting:

                                                                                      Year Term Expires, if
Name                      Age       Position                                            Elected, and Class

Edward H. Blum            58        Director                                                   1999
                                                                                               Class II

Peter Breitstone*         44        Director                                                   2001
                                                                                               Class I

Peter J. Cohen            60        Chairman of the Board, President and                       2000
                                    Chief Executive Officer                                    Class III

Richard A. Daniels        54        Senior Vice President-Sales and                            1999
                                    Marketing, Treasurer and Director                          Class II

Kevin J. O'Brien*         44        Chief Financial Officer, Vice President-                   2001
                                    Finance and Administration, Secretary                      Class I
                                    and Director

Jayandra Patel            46        Senior Vice President-Product Development,                 2000
                                    Chief Technical Officer, Assistant Treasurer               Class III
                                    and Director

     *nominee for Class I director

     Mr. Blum was elected a director in June 1995. Since 1988, Mr. Blum has been
the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Blum & Co.  Inc.,  a  strategic
advisory  firm.  Since 1990,  he has been the Chief  Executive  Officer of Blum,
Clark & Co., also a strategic  advisory firm. Mr. Blum received a BS in Chemical
Engineering  from  Carnegie  Mellon  University  in 1961 and a Ph.D in  Chemical
Engineering from Princeton University in 1965.

     Mr.  Breitstone  was  elected a director  in June  1995.  Since  1984,  Mr.
Breitstone has been engaged in the private  practice of law. Mr.  Breitstone has
also been the President of Breitstone & Co., Ltd., a general insurance


agency,  since 1989 and the  President of  Shinnecock  Insurance  Ltd.,  an
offshore  Bermuda  captive  reinsurance  company,  since  1991.  Mr.  Breitstone
received a BBA from Adelphi  University in 1976 and a JD from Temple  University
School of Law in 1979. He is also a director of American Medical Alert Corp.

     Mr. Cohen  joined the Company as  President  in January 1984 and  currently
serves as its Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief Executive Officer.  He
has been a Director and  Chairman of the Board since May 1986.  Prior to joining
the Company, from 1981 to 1983, Mr. Cohen was President of Intuit Telecom, Inc.,
a company which he founded.  From 1969 to 1981, he was President and the founder
of Databit,  Inc.  From 1962 to 1969,  he was employed by  Telesignal  Corp.  in
various positions,  including Project Engineer and Chief Engineer.  From 1957 to
1962, he was employed by Western  Union  Telegraph  Company as an engineer.  Mr.
Cohen received a BSEE and MSEE from City College of New York.

     Mr. Daniels  joined the Company in September  1984 and currently  serves as
Senior Vice President-Sales and Marketing and Treasurer.  Mr. Daniels has been a
Director  since May 1986.  Prior to joining the Company,  from 1967 to 1984, Mr.
Daniels  was  employed  by  Exxon  Corporation  in  various  sales,   marketing,
operations and planning positions. Mr. Daniels received a BSEE from City College
of New York and a MS in  Management  Science  from  Massachusetts  Institute  of

     Mr. O'Brien  joined the Company in September  1981 and currently  serves as
Chief  Financial  Officer,   Vice   President-Finance   and  Administration  and
Secretary.  He has been a Director since May 1986. Prior to joining the Company,
from 1979 to 1981,  Mr.  O'Brien  was Vice  President  of Finance  for  American
Technical  Ceramics  Inc.  From  1978  to  1979,  he  was  employed  by  Comtech
Laboratories  as  Accounting  Department  Manager.  From  1976 to  1978,  he was
employed  by Arthur  Andersen & Co. as an  auditor.  Mr.  O'Brien is a certified
public accountant and received a BBA in accounting from Hofstra University.

     Mr.  Patel  joined the Company in  February  1983 and  currently  serves as
Senior Vice President-Product  Development,  Chief Technical Officer,  Assistant
Treasurer and  Director.  Prior to joining the Company,  from 1980 to 1983,  Mr.
Patel was Director of  Engineering of Ontel  Corporation.  From 1978 to 1980, he
was employed by IBM as a Senior  Associate  Engineer.  From 1976 to 1978, he was
employed by Telephonics  Corporation as a Project Engineer. Mr. Patel received a
BSEE from Birla Institute of Technology and Science in India and a MSEE from the
Florida Institute of Technology.

     Information Regarding Executive Officers

     The  following is  information  concerning  the  executive  officers of the
Company other than those who also serve as directors:

         Name                               Age                                     Position

         Lewis E. Chipp                     49                   Vice President - Customer Support

         George W. Cole                     54                   Vice President - Telcos and Major
                                                                 Accounts and Assistant Secretary

         Gary Conlin                        48                   Vice President - Sales - U.S. and Canada

         Richard G. Giannotti               52                   Senior Vice President - Technical Services

         Terence Meehan                     53                   Vice President - Marketing

         W. Gary Strzinek                   53                   Vice President - International Operations

     Mr.  Chipp  joined the Company in August 1995 and  currently  serves as its
Vice  President-Customer  Support.  Prior to joining the  Company,  from 1991 to
1993,  Mr. Chipp was Director of  Corporate  Customer  Support with Grass Valley
Group. From 1988 to 1991, Mr. Chipp was Executive Vice President, Operations and
Vice  President of Customer  Service for De La Rue Printrak.  From 1977 to 1988,
Mr. Chipp was Director,  Customer  Services  Technical  Operations with Computer
Consoles. Mr. Chipp has an ASEE from Rochester Institute of Technology.

     Mr. Cole joined the Company in February  1975 and  currently  serves as its
Vice  President-Telcos  and Major  Accounts and  Assistant  Secretary.  Prior to
joining the Company, from 1970 to 1975, Mr. Cole was a member of the


research staff of Brookhaven National Laboratory. Mr. Cole received an A.B.
in Physics and a Ph.D in Nuclear Physics from Yale University.

     Mr. Conlin  joined the Company in January 1983 and currently  serves as its
Vice President-Sales - U.S. and Canada. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Conlin
was a sales manager with Sperry Univac and an account  executive with Burroughs.
Mr. Conlin received a B.S. in marketing from C.W. Post College.

     Mr.  Giannotti  re-joined the Company in May 1985 and  currently  serves as
Senior Vice  President - Technical  Services.  Prior to re-joining  the Company,
from 1983 to 1985, Mr.  Giannotti was Director of Engineering  for Porta Systems
Inc.  From 1971 to 1983,  Mr.  Giannotti  was employed by the Company in various
positions. From 1967 to 1971, he was employed by Sanders Associates.

     Mr. Meehan  re-joined the Company in July 1985 and currently serves as Vice
President-Marketing.  Prior to re-joining  the Company,  from 1983 to 1985,  Mr.
Meehan was Director of Software Development for Lundy Electronics Systems,  Inc.
From 1973 to 1983,  Mr.  Meehan  was  employed  by the  Company  in a variety of
managerial and technical  positions.  From 1965 to 1973, Mr. Meehan was employed
by Brookhaven National Laboratory as a Computer Analyst.

     Mr. Strzinek re-joined the Company in July 1995 and currently serves as its
Vice  President-International  Operations.  From 1993 to 1995, Mr.  Strzinek was
employed as Vice President at Intervoice, a competitor of the Company. From 1989
to 1993, Mr. Strzinek was Sales Director at Genesis Electric. From 1987 to 1989,
Mr. Strzinek held various sales positions at other companies. From 1977 to 1986,
Mr.  Strzinek  was  employed  by the  Company in various  sales  positions.  Mr.
Strzinek received a BBA in Economics from the University of Texas.

     Executive  officers of the  Company  are  elected  annually by the Board of
Directors and serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

     There are no family relationships  between any of the directors,  executive
officers or persons  nominated  or chosen by the Company to become  directors or
executive officers.

     The Company  carries  insurance  providing  indemnification,  under certain
circumstances,  to all of its directors and officers for claims  against them by
reason of, among other things,  any act or failure to act in their capacities as
directors or officers. No sums have been paid to any past or present director or
officer of the Company under this or any prior indemnification insurance policy.

     The Company has also  entered  into  Indemnity  Agreements  with all of its
directors  and  executive  officers.   The  Indemnity   Agreements  provide  for
indemnification of the Company's directors and executive officers to the fullest
extent  permitted by the provisions of the General  Corporation Law of the State
of Delaware.

     The Indemnity  Agreements provide that the Company will pay any costs which
an indemnitee  actually and reasonably incurs because of claims made against him
by reason of services  rendered as a director or officer of the Company,  except
that the  Company is not  obligated  to make any  payment  which the  Company is
prohibited by law from paying as indemnity,  or where (a) a final  determination
is rendered on a claim based upon the  indemnitee's  obtaining a personal profit
or advantage to which he was not legally entitled;  (b) a final determination is
rendered  on a claim for an  accounting  of profits  made in  connection  with a
violation of Section  16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, or similar
state or common law provisions; (c) a claim where the indemnitee was adjudged to
be  deliberately  dishonest;  or (d) a  final  determination  is  rendered  that
indemnification is not lawful.

     The Company does not have a nominating committee of the Board of Directors.
In June 1995, the Company formed an Audit Committee comprised of Messrs.  Cohen,
Blum and Breitstone and a Compensation  Committee  comprised of the entire Board
of Directors.  The function of the Audit  Committee is to recommend  annually to
the Board of Directors the appointment of the independent  public accountants of
the Company  and review the  results  and scope of the audit and other  services
provided by the Company's independent auditors. The function of the Compensation
Committee  is  to  approve  salaries  and  certain  incentive  compensation  for
management  and key  employees of the Company.  The Audit  Committee met two (2)
times in fiscal year 1998. The Compensation Committee met one (1) time in fiscal
year 1998. The Company has a Stock Option  Committee which awards stock options.
The Stock Option Committee consists of the entire Board of Directors.  The Board
of Directors met on three (3) occasions during the last fiscal year.


     Director's Compensation

     The Company has no arrangements  for  compensating  its directors for their
duties as directors other than  participation by the Company's outside directors
in the Company's  Non-Employee  Director Stock Option Plan and the reimbursement
of expenses incurred by all directors in attending meetings.

     Executive Compensation

     The table below sets forth information concerning compensation for services
in all capacities awarded to, earned by or paid to the Company's Chief Executive
Officer and the four most highly  compensated  executive officers of the Company
whose aggregate cash compensation  exceeded $100,000  (collectively,  the "Named
Executives") during the three fiscal years ended May 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996:

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                                                    Annual Compensation
                   Name and Principal Position                Year              Salary           Bonus
                   ---------------------------                ----              ------           -----

Peter J. Cohen................................................1998              $441,645         $   -0-
Chairman of the Board, President and                          1997              $402,470         $240,897
Chief Executive Officer                                       1996              $393,995         $240,897

Richard A. Daniels............................................1998              $343,388         $   -0-
Senior Vice President Sales and                               1997              $327,112         $181,261
Marketing and Treasurer                                       1996              $354,191         $194,904

George W. Cole................................................1998              $315,473         $   -0-
Vice President-Telcos and Major Accounts and                  1997              $287,490         $129,057
Assistant Secretary                                           1996              $281,436         $129,057

Jayandra Patel................................................1998              $298,952         $   -0-
Senior Vice President-Product Development, Chief              1997              $322,730         $122,298
Technical Officer, Assistant Treasurer and Director           1996              $260,194         $  89,686

Kevin O'Brien.................................................1998              $253,972         $   -0-
Chief Financial Officer, Vice President-Finance               1997              $229,135         $  73,883
and Administration and Secretary                              1996              $226,569         $  76,192

     For the  1998  fiscal  year,  the  Named  Executives  of the  Company  were
contractually  entitled  to, but waived,  a cost of living  increase  over their
fiscal year 1997 base salary.

     Stock Option Plans

     1986 Stock Option Plan. The Company's 1986 Incentive Stock Option Plan (the
"1986 Option  Plan") was adopted by the Board of  Directors  and approved by the
stockholders  of the Company in December,  1986. A total of 1,000,000  shares of
Common Stock are reserved  for issuance  upon  exercise of options to be granted
under the 1986 Option Plan. The 1986 Option Plan is administered by the Board of
Directors of the Company. Subject to the provisions of the 1986 Option Plan, the
administrator  of the 1986  Option  Plan has the  discretion  to  determine  the
optionees and the terms of the option  grants.  The exercise  price of an option
shall be not less than the fair market value (prior to the date of the Company's
initial public offering, book value was utilized to determine fair market value)
per  share  of the  Common  Stock on the  date of  grant  or,  in the case of an
optionee who beneficially  owns 10% or more of the outstanding  capital stock of
the  Company,  not less than 110% of the fair market value per share on the date
of grant.  Shares obtained upon the exercise of options granted  pursuant to the
1986  Option  Plan may not be sold until the  expiration  of the one year period
commencing on the exercise date of such option.  The options  terminate not more
than ten (10) years from the date of grant,  subject to earlier  termination  on
the optionee's death,  disability or termination of employment with the Company.
Options are not assignable or otherwise  transferable except by will or the laws
of descent and distribution.

     As of May 31, 1998, options to purchase 75,000 shares are outstanding under
the 1986 Option Plan at an exercise price of $1.68 per share, and 320,000 shares
remain available for future option grants under the 1986 Option


Plan.  The Board of Directors,  however,  has  determined  not to grant any
additional  options under the 1986 Option Plan. Options have not been granted to
any of the Named Executives under the 1986 Option Plan.

     1995 Stock Option Plan. On February 8, 1995,  the Board of Directors of the
Company adopted, and the stockholders  approved, the 1995 Stock Option Plan (the
"1995 Option Plan").  The 1995 Option Plan, as amended,  has 2,200,000 shares of
Common Stock  reserved for issuance  upon the exercise of options  designated as
either (i) incentive stock options ("ISOs") under the Code or (ii) non-qualified
options.  ISOs may be  granted  under  the 1995  Option  Plan to  employees  and
officers of the Company.  Non-qualified  options may be granted to  consultants,
directors  (whether  or not they are  employees),  employees  or officers of the

     The purpose of the 1995  Option Plan is to  encourage  stock  ownership  by
certain  directors,  officers  and  employees  of the Company and certain  other
persons  instrumental  to the  success of the Company and to give them a greater
personal  interest  in the  success  of the  Company.  The 1995  Option  Plan is
administered  by the  Option  Committee  of the Board of  Directors.  The Option
Committee,  within the limitations of the 1995 Option Plan, determines, with the
approval  of the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,  the persons to whom
options  will be  granted,  the number of shares to be  covered by each  option,
whether the options  granted are intended to be ISOs,  option purchase price per
share,  the  manner of  exercise,  the time,  manner  and form of  payment  upon
exercise of an option, and restrictions such as repurchase rights or obligations
of the Company. Each option vests in four annual installments of 25% each on the
first,  second,  third and  fourth  anniversary  of the date of  grant.  Options
granted  under the 1995  Option Plan may not be granted at a price less than the
fair  market  value of the  Common  Stock on the date of grant  (or 110% of fair
market  value in the case of persons  holding 10% or more of the voting stock of
the Company).  The aggregate  fair market value of shares for which ISOs granted
to any employee are  exercisable  for the first time by such employee during any
calendar  year  (under all stock  option  plans of the  Company  and any related
corporation) may not exceed $100,000. Options granted under the 1995 Option Plan
will  expire not more than ten years from the date of grant  (five  years in the
case of ISOs  granted to persons  holding 10% or more of the voting stock of the
Company).  Options  granted  under  the  1995  Option  Plan  are  generally  not
transferable during an optionee's lifetime but are transferable at death by will
or by the laws of descent and distribution.

     As of May 31, 1998, the Company has granted options to purchase  863,500 or
946,000 (including  cancelled options) shares of Common Stock at exercise prices
ranging from $7.00 to $31.00 per share and 1,336,500 shares remain available for
future option  grants under the 1995 Option Plan.  Options have not been granted
to any of the Named Executives under the 1995 Plan.

     1995  Non-Employee  Director  Stock Option Plan.  On February 8, 1995,  the
Board of Directors of the Company  adopted,  and the  stockholders  approved,  a
Non-Employee  Director Stock Option Plan (the "Directors  Plan").  The Directors
Plan has 200,000 shares of Common Stock  reserved for issuance.  Pursuant to the
terms of the  Directors  Plan,  each  independent  unaffiliated  Director  shall
automatically be granted, subject to availability, without any further action by
the Board of Directors or the Stock Option Committee: (i) a non-qualified option
to purchase  15,000  shares of Common Stock upon their  election to the Board of
Directors;  and (ii) a non-qualified  option to purchase 10,000 shares of Common
Stock  on the  date of each  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  following  their
election to the Board of Directors.  The exercise price under each option is the
fair  market  value of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the date of grant.  Each
option has a five year term and vests in four annual installments of 25% each on
the first,  second,  third and fourth anniversary of the date of grant.  Options
granted  under the  Directors  Plan are  generally  not  transferable  during an
optionee's  lifetime  but are  transferable  at  death by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution.  In the event an optionee ceases to be a member of the
Board of  Directors  (other  than by  reason of death or  disability),  then the
non-vested portion of the option immediately terminates and becomes void and any
vested but  unexercised  portion of the option may be exercised  for a period of
180 days  from  the date the  optionee  ceased  to be a member  of the  Board of
Directors.  In the event of death or permanent  disability  of an optionee,  all
options  accelerate  and  become  immediately  exercisable  until the  scheduled
expiration date of the option.

     As of May 31, 1998,  options to purchase  45,000  shares of Common Stock at
exercise prices ranging from $8.88 to $19.25 per share have been granted to each
of Messrs. Blum and Breitstone under the Directors Plan.


     Stock Performance Graph

     The following graph compares the percentage  change in the cumulative total
stockholder  return for the period beginning on March 31, 1995 and ending on May
31, 1998,  based upon the market price of the Company's  Common Stock,  with the
cumulative  total return of the NASDAQ U.S. Public Companies Index and a defined
peer group  based on similar  market  capitalization.  The graph  assumes a $100
investment on March 31, 1995 in each of the indices and the  reinvestment of any
and all  dividends.  Additionally,  the "Peer  Group"  calculation  in the graph
reflects the following events: (i) Digital Sound Corporation changed its name to
Pulsepoint  Communications  in April 1998;  and (ii) Comverse  Technology,  Inc.
merged with Boston Technology, Inc. on January 14, 1998.

                      Comparison of Cumulative Total Return

                                                        NASDAQ U.S.
                                             Public Companies
Period Ending         Periphonics Corporation              Index                  Peer Group

    3/31/95                    $100                        $100                      $100

    5/31/95                    $106                        $106                      $106

    5/31/96                    $239                        $154                      $226

    5/31/97                    $266                        $173                      $187

    5/31/98                    $145                        $220                      $189

     Employment Agreements

     In March,  1995 the Company  entered into  employment  agreements  with the
Named Executives,  which became effective April 1995 and terminate May 31, 2000.
These employment  agreements  automatically renew for consecutive two year terms
unless at least one year prior to  expiration  of the existing term either party
gives notice of cancellation.  The agreements  provide for an annual base salary
as of June 1, 1998 of  $441,645,  $343,388,  $315,473,  $298,952  and  $253,972,
including annual cost of living increases,  for Messrs.  Cohen,  Daniels,  Cole,
Patel and O'Brien,  respectively,  subject to annual review following the end of
each fiscal year,  by the Board of Directors of the Company or the  Compensation
Committee  thereof.  Each employment  agreement  provides for  reimbursement  of
business expenses,  health and disability  insurance and related benefits and an
annual bonus to be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Company's
Performance  Incentive Plan. Each employment  agreement requires that all of the
Named  Executive's  business  time be devoted to the  Company.  Each  employment
agreement  provides  that it may be terminated  if the Named  Executive  becomes
permanently disabled (as a result of ill health,  physical or mental disability,
or  inability  for  reasons  beyond  his  control  to  perform  duties  for  six
consecutive  months or for nine months in any 12 consecutive month period) or if
the Company  discontinues  operating its business.  The agreements  also provide
that if the Named Executive is terminated without cause he will be paid his base
salary  and bonus  through  the  remainder  of the term of his  agreement.  Each
employment  agreement further provides that the Named Executive will not compete
with the Company  during the term of the agreement and for a period of two years
from termination of employment.


     Performance Incentive Plan

     The Company  maintains a Performance  Incentive Plan  ("Performance  Plan")
pursuant  to which  the  Company  grants  bonuses  to  eligible  key  employees,
including the Named  Executives.  Under the  Performance  Plan, a  participant's
bonus,  expressed as a  percentage  of the  participant's  annual  salary,  is a
function of the Company's  net margin growth and return on capital  employed and
may vary from one participant to another.  Currently, no participant's agreement
under the Performance Plan will result in a bonus exceeding sixty percent of the
participant's   annual  salary.  The  identity  of  eligible   Performance  Plan
participants is determined by the Board of Directors.

     401(k) Plan

     The Company sponsors a voluntary  contribution plan qualified under Section
401(k) of the Code (the "401(k) Plan"). All regular employees of the Company who
have  attained  the age of 21 are  eligible to  participate  in the 401(k) Plan.
Under the 401(k) Plan, each employee may elect to contribute to the 401(k) Plan,
through payroll deductions, a specified percentage of his or her compensation up
to the  statutory  limitation.  Each  employee is fully vested at all times with
respect to his or her  contributions.  The Company pays only the  administrative
expenses of the 401(k) Plan and currently makes no  contributions  to the 401(k)

     Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation in Compensation

     It is  important  to note that the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of
Directors (the "Committee"),  established in June 1995,  assumes  responsibility
for  all  fiscal  compensation  decisions.  The  Committee  is  composed  of two
independent outside directors and four inside directors of the Company.  The two
independent outside directors,  alone, make decisions impacting the compensation
of the four inside directors.

                               Board of Directors

                                 Peter J. Cohen
                                 Edward H. Blum
                                Peter Breitstone
                               Richard A. Daniels
                                  Kevin O'Brien
                                 Jayandra Patel

     Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

     The  Committee  met one (1)  time  during  fiscal  1998  to  carry  out its
responsibilities  including  the  development  and  administration  of  policies
governing annual compensation for senior executives of the Company.

     In developing and administering  these policies,  the Committee has focused
on compensating Company executives:

     (1)  on a  competitive  basis  with  other  comparably  sized  and  managed

     (2) in a manner  consistent and supportive of overall  Company  objectives;

     (3) balancing the long-term and  short-term  strategic  initiatives  of the

     The Committee intends that the executive compensation program will:

     (1)  reward   executives  for  strategic   management  and  enhancement  of
stockholder value;

     (2) facilitate both the short-term and long-term planning process; and

     (3)  attract  and retain key  executives  believed  to be  critical  to the
long-term success of the Company.


     The  Company's   compensation  program  for  executive  officers  generally
consists  of a fixed base  salary,  participation  in the  Performance  Plan and
long-term  incentive  compensation  in the form of stock  options.  In addition,
Company  executives are able to participate in various  benefit plans  generally
available to other full-time employees of the Company.

     Base Salary

     The Company's base salary is intended to provide  competitive  remuneration
for services provided to the Company over a one year period.  Base salary levels
for the Named Executive  Officers (the "Named  Executives")  were established by
employment  agreements  on December 15,  1993,which  agreements  were  restated,
effective on the closing of the Company's  initial public  offering,  to reflect
the transition from a private to public  corporation.  Base salaries were set at
levels  designed  to  attract  and  retain  the  most  appropriately   qualified
individuals for each of the key management  level positions  within the Company.
The employment  agreements stipulated that future increases in base salary would
be determined by the Board of Directors or the Board Compensation  Committee. In
determining  these increases,  the Board takes into  consideration  compensation
information  for  comparable  companies,   industry  patterns,   and  levels  of
responsibility for each executive. The key factor in determining the appropriate
adjustment to base salary has been performance of the Company.

     Short-Term Plan

     Short-term  incentive  payouts are paid  primarily  to  recognize  specific
operating performance achieved within the last fiscal year. Since such incentive
payments are related to performance, the Board understands and accepts that such
payments  may  vary  considerably  from  one  year to the  next.  The  Company's
short-term  incentive  program,  the  Periphonics'  Performance  Incentive Plan,
correlates  executive  compensation  directly  back to return  on total  capital
employed and net margin growth. Through this program, in fiscal 1998, each Named
Executives'  short-term  incentive payment was derived from specific measures of
Company  performance.  Depending on  management  level,  Executives  can receive
Performance Incentive Plan payouts up to a maximum of 60% of base salary (at the
CEO level). There were no payouts to Named Executives for fiscal year 1998.

     Long-Term Incentives

     In keeping with its desire to align long-term  compensation  with long-term
stockholder   value,  the  Board  has  instituted  an  employee  stock  program.
Recognizing the value of these grants in motivating long-term strategic decision
making,  the use of stock  options  in  compensating  other  members  of Company
management was again expanded  beyond the Named  Executives.  To date, the Named
Executives  have not received any stock  options,  although they are eligible to
receive stock options under the option plan. Employee stock options were granted
to other managers and key employees of the Company.  All options were granted at
an  exercise  price  equal to the grant date  market  price,  making the options
valuable to these executives, managers and key employees only if the share price
appreciates. The options become exercisable over a four-year period at a rate of
25% each year and can be exercised within a period expiring five years after the
grant date, assuming the option recipient remains employed by the Company.

     Chief Executive Officer

     Since  December 15, 1993,  Peter J. Cohen,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  was
compensated under a previously  disclosed  employment  agreement between himself
and the Company. This agreement will be effective until May 31, 2000.

     Pursuant to the agreement,  Mr. Cohen  receives an annual  increase in base
salary equal to an amount  deemed  appropriate  by the Board.  In addition,  Mr.
Cohen is eligible to participate in the Performance Incentive Plan. The Board is
authorized  to  increase  Mr.  Cohen's  base salary  taking  into  consideration
performance  of the Company and Mr. Cohen.  As noted above,  for the 1998 fiscal
year, Mr. Cohen and certain other executives were contractually entitled to, but
waived,  the cost of living  increase  over their  fiscal year 1997 base salary.
Increases  in base  salary  after June 1, 1996 and through  May 31,  2000,  at a
minimum,  will be based on  cost-of-living  adjustments.  Under the  Performance
Incentive Plan, Mr. Cohen received no bonus payment for fiscal year 1998.


     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership  of the  Company's  Common  Stock as of the date  hereof,  by (i) each
person known to the Company to own beneficially  more than 5% of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock; (ii) each of the Company's Named  Executives;  and (iii)
all Executive Officers and Directors of the Company as a group.

              Directors, Named Executives           Amount and Nature of               Percentage of
                  and 5% Stockholders              Beneficial Ownership(3)         Beneficial Ownership

Peter J. Cohen (1) (4)...................................574,986                          4.2%

George W. Cole (1).......................................345,528                          2.6%

Richard A. Daniels (1) (5)...............................399,498                          2.9%

Kevin J. O'Brien (1).....................................230,352                          1.7%

Jayandra Patel (1).......................................421,444                          3.1%

Becker Capital Management (2)............................771,600                          5.7%

All Executive Officers and Directors as
   a group (twelve persons) (6)........................2,400,253                         17.6%

- --------------------

     (1) Addresses are care of Periphonics  Corporation,  4000 Veterans Memorial
Highway, Bohemia, New York 11716.

     (2) Becker Capital Management's address is 1211 Southwest 5th Avenue, Suite
2185, Portland, Oregon 97204.

     (3) A person is deemed to be the beneficial owner of securities that can be
acquired  by such  person  within  sixty  (60) days from the date of this  Proxy
Statement  upon the  exercise of options.  Each  beneficial  owner's  percentage
ownership is  determined  by assuming  that options that are held by such person
(but not those held by any other person) and that are  exercisable  within sixty
(60) days from the date of this  Proxy  Statement  have been  exercised.  Unless
otherwise  noted,  the Company believes that all persons named in the table have
sole  voting and  investment  power with  respect to all shares of Common  Stock
beneficially owned by them.

     (4) Of these  shares,  443,398  are held of record  in a  Grantor  Retained
Annuity  Trust for the benefit of Mr.  Cohen's  children of which Mr. Cohen is a
co-trustee and retains voting and dispositive power with respect to the shares.

     (5) Of these  shares,  332,998  and  66,500  are held of record in  Grantor
Retained  Annuity Trusts for the benefit of Mr.  Daniels'  children and brother,
respectively, of which Mr. Daniels is the sole trustee.

     (6) Includes  149,000  shares subject to options  exercisable  within sixty
(60) days of the date hereof.

     Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
officers and directors and persons who own more than ten percent of a registered
class of the Company's equity securities (collectively, the "Reporting Persons")
to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission and to furnish the Company with copies of these reports. New
rules governing these reports were adopted in February 1991 and generally became
effective  in May 1991.  Based solely on the  Company's  review of the copies of
such forms received by it during its fiscal year ended May 31, 1998, the Company
believes that all filing  requirements  applicable to the Reporting Persons were
complied with.


     At the  meeting,  the  Company's  stockholders  will be asked to approve an
amendment to the 1995  Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan (the  "Purchase  Plan") to
increase the number of shares of Common Stock authorized for issuance thereunder
from 400,000 to 800,000. The Purchase Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors
of the Company in August,  1995, and approved by the Stockholders of the Company
in October, 1995.


     As of August, 1998, 124,810 shares of Common Stock were purchased under the
Purchase Plan,  leaving  available  275,190 shares for future purchase under the
Purchase Plan.

     The Board  believes  that in order to enable  the  Company to  continue  to
attract and retain  personnel of the highest  caliber,  provide  incentives  for
employees  of the  Company and to  continue  to promote  the  well-being  of the
Company,  it is in the best  interest  of the Company  and its  Stockholders  to
provide to such  persons the  opportunity  to  participate  in the value  and/or
appreciation  in value of the Company's  Common Stock.  The Board has found that
the Purchase Plan has proven to be a valuable  tool in attracting  and retaining
key  employees.  It believes  that such  authority,  in view of the  substantial
growth of the  Company  and need to  continue  to expand,  should be expanded to
increase the number of shares which may be  purchased  under the Purchase  Plan.
The Board  believes  that such  authority  (i) will  provide  the  Company  with
significant means to attract and retain talented personnel;  (ii) will result in
saving cash, which otherwise would be required to maintain current key employees
and adequately  attract and reward key personnel;  and (iii)  consequently  will
prove beneficial to the Company's ability to be competitive.

     If the  above-described  amendment to the Purchase  Plan is approved by the
Stockholders, additional shares may be sold under the Purchase Plan, the timing,
amounts and specific terms of which cannot be determined at this time.

     The following summary of the Purchase Plan does not purport to be complete,
and is subject to and qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of
the Purchase  Plan, as proposed to be amended,  set forth as Exhibit "A" to this
Proxy Statement.

     Summary of the Plan

     The Purchase Plan has 400,000  shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance
upon the  purchase  by the  Company's  employees.  The  Purchase  Plan  provides
eligible  employees  of the  Company  and its  designated  subsidiaries  with an
opportunity to acquire an interest in the future of the Company.

     The purpose of the Purchase Plan is to provide employees of the Company and
its designated subsidiaries with an opportunity to purchase Common Stock through
accumulated payroll deductions, and give them a greater personal interest in the
success  of the  Company.  The  Purchase  Plan is  administered  by the Board of
Directors  of the  Company,  which,  within  the  limitations  set  forth in the
Purchase Plan,  determines the persons who may purchase  shares of Common Stock,
the  number of shares  to be sold,  the time  manner  and form of  payment,  and
whether  restrictions  are to  imposed on the shares  subject to  purchase.  The
Purchase Plan provides  eligible  employees an opportunity to purchase shares of
Common Stock through payroll  deductions during two offering periods:  October 1
through  March 31 and April 1 through  September  30. At the time a  participant
files his subscription agreement, he shall elect to have payroll deductions made
on each pay day during the offering  period in an amount not exceeding ten (10%)
percent of the compensation he receives each pay day during the offering period.
All payroll  deductions made for  participants in the Purchase Plan are credited
to the  employee's  account  under the  Purchase  Plan and are withheld in whole
percentages  only.  A  participant  may  discontinue  his  participation  in the
Purchase Plan under certain circumstances,  or may increase or decrease the rate
of his payroll  deductions during the offering period.  The purchase price is an
amount  equal to  eighty-five  (85%)  percent of fair market value of a share of
Common  Stock on the  first or last day of the  offering  period,  whichever  is
lower.  The aggregate number of shares purchased by an employee may not exceed a
number of shares  determined by dividing Twelve Thousand Five Hundred  ($12,500)
Dollars by the fair market value of a share of the Company's Common Stock on the
first day of the offering period. The Purchase Plan expires on August 10, 2005.

     Recommendation and Vote Required

     The vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of the Company's Common
Stock present or in person or represented by proxy at the Meeting is required to
adopt the foregoing proposal to amend the Purchase Plan.

ISSUANCE FROM 400,000 TO 800,000

                            3. SELECTION OF AUDITORS

     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that  the  stockholders  ratify  the
selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP,


independent auditors, which served as the Company's independent auditors to
audit the Company's consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending
May 31,  1999.  A  representative  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP is  expected  to be
present at the Meeting and will be given the opportunity to make a statement and
to answer any questions a stockholder may have with respect to the  consolidated
financial statements of the Company for the year ended May 31, 1998.


                                4. OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors has no knowledge of any other matters which may come
before the Meeting and does not intend to present any other matters. However, if
any other  matters  shall  properly  come before the Meeting or any  adjournment
thereof, the persons named as proxies will have discretionary  authority to vote
the shares of Common Stock  represented by the accompanying  proxy in accordance
with their best judgment.

     Stockholder's Proposals

     Any  stockholder  of the  Company  who wishes to  present a proposal  to be
considered  at the next annual  meeting of  stockholders  of the Company and who
wishes to have such proposal presented in the Company's proxy statement for such
Meeting must deliver  such  proposal in writing to the Company at 4000  Veterans
Memorial Highway,  Bohemia,  New York 11716, on or before May 30, 1999. In order
to curtail  controversy as to the date on which the proposal was received by the
Company,  it is suggested that  proponents  submit their  proposals by certified
mail, return receipt requested.

                                      By order of the Board of Directors

                                      /s/Kevin J. O'Brien
                                      Kevin J. O'Brien, Secretary

     The Company will furnish without charge to each person whose proxy is being
solicited by this proxy statement, on the written request of such person, a copy
of the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K,  for its fiscal year ended May 31,
1998.  Such  request  should be  addressed  to Investor  Relations,  Periphonics
Corporation, 4000 Veterans Memorial Highway, Bohemia, New York 11716.

     Dated: September 22, 1998.


                                     [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK]

                                   EXHIBIT "A"

                             PERIPHONICS CORPORATION


     The following constitute the provisions of the 1995 Employee Stock Purchase
Plan of Periphonics Corporation.

     1. Purpose.  The purpose of the Plan is to provide employees of the Company
and its Designated  Subsidiaries with an opportunity to purchase Common Stock of
the Company through accumulated  payroll deductions.  It is the intention of the
company to have the Plan  qualify as an  "Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan" under
Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  The provisions of
the  Plan,   accordingly,   shall  be  construed  so  as  to  extend  and  limit
participation  in a manner  consistent with the  requirements of that section of
the Code.

     2. Definitions.

     (a) "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (b) "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     (c) "Common  Stock" shall mean the Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share,
of the Company.

     (d)  "Company"  shall  mean  Periphonics  Corporation  and  any  Designated
Subsidiary of the Company.

     (e)  "Compensation"  shall mean all base straight  time gross  earnings and
sales commissions,  exclusive of payments for overtime, shift premium, incentive
compensation, incentive payments, bonuses and other compensation.

     (f) "Designated  Subsidiaries"  shall mean the Subsidiaries which have been
designated by the Board from time to time in its sole  discretion as eligible to
participate in the Plan.

     (g) "Employee"  shall mean any individual who is an Employee of the Company
for tax purposes whose customary  employment with the Company is at least twenty
(20)  hours per week and more than five (5)  months in any  calendar  year.  For
purposes of the Plan, the employment relationship shall be treated as continuing
intact while the individuals is on sick leave or other leave of absence approved
by the Company.  Where the period of leave exceeds 90 days and the  individual's
right to  reemployment is not guaranteed  either by statute or by contract,  the
employment  relationship  will be deemed to have  terminated  on the 91st day of
such leave.

     (h) "Enrollment Date" shall mean the first day of each Offering Period.

     (i) "Exercise Date" shall mean the last day of each Offering Period.

     (j) "Fair Market Value" shall mean,  as of any date,  (i) the closing price
of the Company's Common Stock appearing on a national securities exchange if the
Company's  Common  Stock is listed on such an  exchange,  or if not listed,  the
closing bid price  appearing on the National  Association of Securities  Dealers
Automated  Quotation System ("NASDAQ");  or (ii) if the Shares are not listed on
NASDAQ,  then the closing bid price for the Company's  Common Stock as listed in
the National Quotation Bureau's pink sheets; or (iii) if there are no listed bid
prices  published in the pink sheets,  then the market value shall be based upon
the closing bid price as determined  following a polling of all dealers making a
market in the Company's Common Stock.

     (k) "Offering  Period" shall mean a period of approximately six (6) months,
commencing on the first Trading Day on or after April 1 and  terminating  on the
last Trading Day in the period ending the following  September 30, or commencing
on the  first  Trading  Day on or after  October 1 and  terminating  on the last
Trading Day in the period ending the following  March 31, during which an option
granted pursuant to the Plan may be exercised.  The duration of Offering Periods
may be changed  pursuant to Section 4 of this Plan. The initial  Offering Period
shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

     (l) "Plan" shall mean this Employee Stock Purchase Plan.


     (m)  "Purchase  Price" shall mean an amount equal to 85% of the Fair Market
Value of a share of Common Stock on the Enrollment Date or on the Exercise Date,
whichever is lower.

     (n)  "Reserves"  shall mean the number of shares of Common Stock covered by
each option under the Plan which have not yet been  exercised  and the number of
shares of Common Stock which have been  authorized  for issuance  under the Plan
but not yet placed under option.

     (o) "Subsidiary"  shall mean a corporation,  domestic or foreign,  of which
not less than 50% of the voting  shares are held by the Company or a Subsidiary,
whether or not such corporation now exists or is hereafter organized or acquired
by the Company or a Subsidiary.

     (p) "Trading Day" shall mean a day on which  national  stock  exchanges and
the National  Association of Securities  Dealers  Automated  Quotation  (NASDAQ)
System are open for trading.

     3. Eligibility.

     (a) Any Employee (as defined in Section 2(g)), who shall have been employed
by the Company for at least three (3) consecutive  months on a given  Enrollment
Date shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.

     (b) Any provisions of the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, no Employee
shall be granted an option under the Plan (i) to the extent,  immediately  after
the grant, such Employee (or any other person whose stock would be attributed to
such Employee pursuant to Section 424(d) of the Code) would own capital stock of
the Company and/or hold  outstanding  options to purchase such stock  possessing
five  percent  (5%) or more of the total  combined  voting power or value of all
classes of the capital stock of the Company or of any Subsidiary, or (ii) to the
extent his or her rights to purchase  stock under all  employee  stock  purchase
plans of the Company and its subsidiaries were to accrue at a rate which exceeds
Twenty-Five  Thousand Dollars  ($25,000) worth of stock  (determined at the fair
market value of the shares at the time such option is granted) for each calendar
year in which such option is outstanding at any time.

     (c) No  officers of the Company  shall be  eligible to  participate  in the

     4. Offering Periods.  The Plan shall be implemented by consecutive Offering
Periods with a new Offering  Period  commencing  on the first  Trading Day on or
after April 1 and October 1 each year,  or on such other date as the Board shall
determine, and continuing thereafter until terminated in accordance with Section
19 hereof.  The Board  shall have the power to change the  duration  of Offering
Periods  (including  the  commencement  dates  thereof)  with  respect to future
offerings without  shareholder  approval if approval of such change is announced
at least  fifteen  (15)  days  prior to the  scheduled  beginning  of the  first
Offering Period to be affected thereafter.

     5. Participation.

     (a) An eligible Employee may become a participant in the Plan by completing
a subscription agreement authorizing payroll deductions in the form of Exhibit A
to this  Plan and  filing  it with the  Company's  payroll  office  prior to the
applicable Enrollment Date.

     (b)  Payroll  deductions  for a  participant  shall  commence  on the first
payroll  following the Enrollment  Date and shall end on the last payroll in the
Offering  Period  to which  such  authorization  is  applicable,  unless  sooner
terminated by the participant as provided in Section 10 hereof.

     6. Payroll Deductions.

     (a) At the time a participant files his or her subscription  agreement,  he
or she shall elect to have  payroll  deductions  made on each pay day during the
Offering Period in an amount not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the Compensation
which he or she receives on each pay day during the Offering Period.

     (b) All payroll  deductions made for a participant shall be credited to his
or her account under the Plan and will be withheld in whole  percentages only. A
participant may not make any additional payments into such account.


     (c) A participant may discontinue his or her  participation  in the Plan as
provided in Section 10 hereof,  or may  increase or decrease  the rate of his or
her payroll  deductions  during the Offering Period by completing or filing with
the  Company  a new  subscription  agreement  authorizing  a change  in  payroll
deduction  rate.  The  Board  may,  in  its  discretion,  limit  the  number  of
participation  rate changes during any Offering Period. The change in rate shall
be effective with the first full payroll period following five (5) business days
after the Company's receipt of the new subscription agreement unless the Company
elects to process a given change in participation  more quickly. A participant's
subscription  agreement shall remain in effect for successive  Offering  Periods
unless terminated as provided in Section 10 hereof.

     (d) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  to the extent necessary to comply with
Section  423(b)(8) of the Code and Section 3(b) hereof, a participant's  payroll
deductions may be decreased to 0% at such time during any Offering  Period which
is  scheduled to end during the current  calendar  year (the  "Current  Offering
Period") that the aggregate of all payroll deductions which were previously used
to purchase stock under the Plan in a prior  Offering  Period which ended during
that calendar year plus all payroll  deductions  accumulated with respect to the
Current  Offering Period equal $21,250.  Payroll  deductions shall recommence at
the rate provided in such participant's  subscription agreement at the beginning
of the first Offering Period which is scheduled to end in the following calendar
year, unless terminated by the participant as provided in Section 10 hereof.

     (e) At the time the  option is  exercised,  in whole or in part,  or at the
time some or all of the Company's Common Stock issued under the Plan is disposed
of, the  participant  must make adequate  provision  for the Company's  federal,
state,  or other tax  withholding  obligations,  if any,  which  arise  upon the
exercise of the option or the  disposition of the Common Stock. At any time, the
Company may,  but will not be  obligated  to,  withhold  from the  participant's
compensation the amount necessary for the Company to meet applicable withholding
obligations, including any withholding required to make available to the Company
any tax deductions or benefits  attributable to the sale or early disposition of
Common Stock by the Employee.

     7. Grant of Option.  On the Enrollment Date of each Offering  Period,  each
eligible  Employee  participating  in such  Offering  Period shall be granted an
option  to  purchase  on the  Exercise  Date of  such  Offering  Period  (at the
applicable  Purchase  Price) up to a number of  shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock  determined by dividing such  Employee's  payroll  deductions  accumulated
prior to such Exercise Date and retained in the Participant's  account as of the
Exercise Date by the applicable Purchase Price;  provided that in no event shall
an Employee be permitted  to purchase  during each  Offering  Period more than a
number of Shares  determined  by dividing  $12,500 by the Fair Market Value of a
share of the Company's Common Stock on the Enrollment Date, and provided further
that such  purchase  shall be subject to the  limitations  set forth in Sections
3(b) and 12 hereof.  Exercise of the option shall occur as provided in Section 8
hereof,  unless the participant has withdrawn pursuant to Section 10 hereof, and
shall expire on the last day of the Offering Period.

     8.  Exercise of Option.  Unless a  participant  withdraws  from the Plan as
provided in Section 10 hereof, his or her option for the purchase of shares will
be exercised  automatically on the Exercise Date, and the maximum number of full
shares  subject  to  option  shall  be  purchased  for such  participant  at the
applicable  Purchase Price with the accumulated payroll deductions in his or her
account.  No  fractional  shares  will  be  purchased;  any  payroll  deductions
accumulated  in a  participant's  account which are not sufficient to purchase a
full share  shall be retained in the  participant's  account for the  subsequent
Offering Period, subject to earlier withdrawal by the participant as provided in
Section 10 hereof.  Any other monies left over in a participant's  account after
the Exercise Date shall be returned to the  participant.  During a participant's
lifetime,  a participant's  option to purchase  shares  hereunder is exercisable
only by him or her.

     9. Delivery. As promptly as practicable after each Exercise Date on which a
purchase of shares  occurs,  the  Company  shall  arrange  the  delivery to each
participant,  as appropriate, of a certificate representing the shares purchased
upon the exercise of his or her option.

     10. Withdrawal; Termination of Employment.

     (a) A  participant  may  withdraw  all but not less  than  all the  payroll
deductions  credited to his or her  account and not yet used to exercise  his or
her option under the Plan at any time by giving written notice to the Company in
the form of Exhibit B to this Plan. All of the participant's  payroll deductions


credited to his or her account  will be paid to such  participant  promptly
after  receipt of notice of  withdrawal  and such  participant's  option for the
Offering  Period  will  be  automatically  terminated,  and no  further  payroll
deductions  for the purchase of shares will be made during the Offering  Period.
If a participant withdraws from an Offering Period,  payroll deductions will not
resume at the beginning of a succeeding  Offering  Period unless the participant
delivers to the Company a new subscription agreement.

     (b) Upon a  participant's  ceasing to be an Employee (as defined in Section
2(g)  hereof),  for any  reason,  he or she will be  deemed to have  elected  to
withdraw from the Plan and the payroll deductions credited to such participant's
account during the Offering  Period but not yet used to exercise the option will
be  returned  to such  participant  or, in the case of his or her death,  to the
person  or  persons  entitled   thereto  under  Section  14  hereof,   and  such
participant's  option will be automatically  terminated.  The preceding sentence
notwithstanding,  a  participant  who  receives  payment  in lieu of  notice  of
termination  of employment  shall be treated as continuing to be an Employee for
the  participant's  customary number of hours per week of employment  during the
period in which the participant is subject to such payment in lieu of notice.

     (c) A  participant's  withdrawal  from an Offering Period will not have any
effect upon his or her  eligibility to participate in any similar plan which may
hereafter  be adopted by the Company or in  succeeding  Offering  Periods  which
commence after the termination of the Offering Period from which the participant

     11.  Interest.  No interest  shall  accrue on the payroll  deductions  of a
participant in the Plan.

     12. Stock.

     (a) The maximum number of shares of the Company's  Common Stock which shall
be made  available for same under the Plan shall be 800,000  shares,  subject to
adjustment upon changes in  capitalization of the Company as provided in Section
18 hereof.  If on a given  Exercise  Date the number of shares  with  respect to
which  options are to be exercised  exceeds the number of shares then  available
under the Plan,  the  Company  shall  make  pro-rata  allocation  of the  shares
remaining  available for purchase in as uniform a manner as shall be practicable
and as it shall determine to be equitable.

     (b) The participant will have no interest or voting right in shares covered
by his option until such option has been exercised.

     (c)  Shares  to be  delivered  to a  participant  under  the  Plan  will be
registered in the name of the  participant or in the name of the participant and
his or her spouse.

     13. Administration.

     (a)  Administrative  Body. The Plan shall be administered by the Board or a
committee  of members  of the Board  appointed  by the  Board.  The Board or its
committee  shall have full and  exclusive  discretionary  authority to construe,
interpret  and  apply the terms of the Plan,  to  determine  eligibility  and to
adjudicate all disputed claims filed under the Plan. Every finding, decision and
determination  made by the  Board or its  committee  shall,  to the full  extent
permitted by law, be final and binding upon all parties.

     (b) Rule 16b-3  Limitations.  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Subsection
(a) of this  Section  13, in the event  that Rule  16b-3  promulgated  under the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  or any
successor  provision  ("Rule  16b-3")  provides  specific  requirements  for the
administrators  of plans of this type,  the Plan shall be  administered  only by
such  a body  and  in  such  a  manner  as  shall  comply  with  the  applicable
requirements  of Rule  16b-3.  Unless  permitted  by Rule 16b-3,  no  discretion
concerning  decisions  regarding  the Plan shall be afforded to any committee or
person that is not "disinterested" as that term is used in Rule 16b-3.

     14. Designation of Beneficiary.

     (a) A participant may file a written designation of a beneficiary who is to
receive any shares and cash,  if any, from the  participant's  account under the
Plan in the event of such participant's  death subsequent to an Exercise Date on
which the option is exercised but prior to delivery to such  participant of such
shares and cash. In addition,  a participant may file a written designation of a
beneficiary who is to receive any cash from the participant's  account under the
Plan in the event of such  participant's  death prior to exercise of the option.
If a participant is married and


the  designated  beneficiary  is not the spouse,  spousal  consent shall be
required for such designation to be effective.

     (b) Such  designation of beneficiary  may be changed by the  participant at
any time by written  notice.  In the event of the death of a participant  and in
the absence of a beneficiary  validly designated under the Plan who is living at
the time of such  participant's  death,  the Company  shall  deliver such shares
and/or cash to the executor or  administrator  of the estate of the participant,
or if no such executor or administrator  has been appointed (to the knowledge of
the Company), the Company, in it discretion, may deliver such shares and/or cash
to the spouse or to any one or more dependents or relatives of the  participant,
or if no spouse,  dependent  or relative is known to the  Company,  then to such
other person as the Company may designate.

     15. Transferability. Neither payroll deductions credited to a participant's
account nor any rights  with regard to the  exercise of any option or to receive
shares  under  the Plan  may be  assigned,  transferred,  pledged  or  otherwise
disposed of in any way (other than by will, the laws of descent and distribution
or as provided  in Section 14 hereof) by the  participant.  Any such  attempt at
assignment,  transfer,  pledge or other  disposition  shall be  without  effect,
except that the Company may treat such act as an election to withdraw funds from
an Offering period in accordance with Section 10 hereof.

     16. Use of Funds.  All payroll  deductions  received or held by the Company
under the Plan may be used by the Company  for any  corporate  purpose,  and the
Company shall not be obligated to segregate such payroll deductions.

     17. Reports. Individual accounts will be maintained for each participant in
the Plan.  Statements  of account  will be given to  participating  Employees at
least  annually,  which  statements  will  set  forth  the  amounts  of  payroll
deductions, the Purchase Price, the number of shares purchased and the remaining
cash balance, if any.

     18. Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization.

     (a)  Changes  in  Capitalization.  Subject  to any  required  action by the
shareholders  of the  Company,  the  Reserves  as well as the price per share of
Common  Stock  covered  by each  option  under  the Plan  which has not yet been
exercised shall be proportionately  adjusted for any increase or decrease in the
number of issued shares of Common Stock  resulting  from a stock split,  reverse
stock split,  stock  dividend,  combination  or  reclassification  of the Common
Stock, or any other increase or decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock
effected  without receipt of consideration  by the Company;  provided,  however,
that conversion of any convertible securities of the Company shall not be deemed
to have been "effected without receipt of consideration."  Such adjustment shall
be made by the  Board,  whose  determination  in that  respect  shall be  final,
binding and conclusive.  Except as expressly provided herein, no issuance by the
Company of shares of stock of any class, or securities  convertible  into shares
of stock of any class,  shall affect,  and no adjustment by reason thereof shall
be made with respect to, the number or price of shares of Common  Stock  subject
to an option.

     (b) Dissolution or Liquidation. In the event of the proposed dissolution or
liquidation of the Company, the Offering Period will terminate immediately prior
to the  consummation of such proposed action,  unless otherwise  provided by the

     (c)  Merger  or  Asset  Sale.  In the  event of a  proposed  sale of all or
substantially  all of the assets of the  Company,  or the merger of the  Company
with or into another corporation, each option under the Plan shall be assumed or
an equivalent  option shall be substituted  by such  successor  corporation or a
parent or subsidiary of such successor corporation, unless the Board determines,
in the  exercise  of its  sole  discretion  and in lieu of  such  assumption  or
substitution,  to shorten the Offering  Period then in progress by setting a new
Exercise Date (the "New Exercise Date") or to cancel each  outstanding  right to
purchase and refund all sums  collected  from  participants  during the Offering
Period then in  progress.  If the Board  shortens  the  Offering  Period then in
progress in lieu of assumption or  substitution in the event of a merger or sale
of assets, the Board shall notify each participant in writing, at least ten (10)
business  days prior to the New Exercise  Date,  that the Exercise  Date for his
option has been  changed to the New  Exercise  Date and that his option  will be
exercised  automatically on the New Exercise Date,  unless prior to such date he
has  withdrawn  from the Offering  Period as provided in Section 10 hereof.  For
purposes of this paragraph,  an option granted under the Plan shall be deemed to
be assumed if,  following the sale of assets or merger,  the option  confers the
right to  purchase,  for each  share  of  option  stock  subject  to the  option


immediately  prior to the  sale of  assets  or  merger,  the  consideration
(whether stock,  cash or other  securities or property)  received in the sale of
assets or merger by holders of Common  Stock for each share of Common Stock held
on the  effective  date of the  transaction  (and if such holders were offered a
choice of  consideration,  the type of consideration  chosen by the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock); provided,  however, that if
such  consideration  received  in the sale of assets or  merger  was not  solely
common stock of the successor  corporation  or its parent (as defined in Section
424(e)  of the  Code),  the  Board  may,  with  the  consent  of  the  successor
corporation,  provide for the  consideration to be received upon exercise of the
option to be solely  common  stock of the  successor  corporation  or its parent
equal in fair market value to the per share consideration received by holders of
Common Stock and the sale of assets or merger.

     The Board may, if it so determines in the exercise of its sole  discretion,
also make  provision for adjusting the Reserves,  as well as the price per share
of Common Stock  covered by each  outstanding  option,  in the event the Company
effects one or more reorganizations, recapitalization, rights offerings or other
increases or reductions of shares of its  outstanding  Common Stock,  and in the
event  of  the  Company  being  consolidated  with  or  merged  into  any  other

     19. Amendment or Termination.

     (a) The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  may at any time and for any
reason terminate or amend the Plan.  Except as provided in Section 18 hereof, no
such  termination  can  affect  options  previously  granted,  provided  that an
Offering Period may be terminated by the Board of Directors on any Exercise Date
if the  Board  determines  that  the  termination  of the  Plan  is in the  best
interests of the Company and its shareholders.  Except as provided in Section 18
hereof, no amendment may make any change in any option theretofore granted which
adversely  affects the rights of any  participant.  To the extent  necessary  to
comply with Rule 16b-3 or under Section 423 of the Code (or any  successor  rule
or provision  or any other  applicable  law or  regulation),  the Company  shall
obtain shareholder approval in such a manner and to such a degree as required.

     (b)  Without   shareholder  consent  and  without  regard  to  whether  any
participant  rights may be considered  to have been  "adversely  affected,"  the
Board (or its committee) shall be entitled to change the Offering Periods, limit
the  frequency  and/or  number of  changes  in the  amount  withheld  during any
Offering Period,  establish the exchange ratio applicable to amounts withheld in
a currency other than U.S. dollars,  permit payroll withholding in excess of the
amount  designated by a participant in order to adjust for delays or mistakes in
the Company's processing of properly completed withholding elections,  establish
reasonable  waiting and  adjustment  periods  and/or  accounting  and  crediting
procedures  to ensure that amounts  applied  toward the purchase of Common Stock
for  each  participant  properly  correspond  with  amounts  withheld  from  the
participant's  Compensation,  and establish such other limitations or procedures
as the Board (or its  committee)  determines  in its sole  discretion  advisable
which are consistent with the Plan.

     20. Notices.  All notices or other  communications  by a participant to the
Company under or in  connection  with the Plan shall be deemed to have been duly
given when received in the form specified by the Company at the location,  or by
the person, designated by the Company or the receipt thereof.

     21.  Conditions  Upon  Issuance of Shares.  Shares shall not be issued with
respect to any option  unless the  exercise of such option and the  issuance and
delivery of such  shares  pursuant  thereto  shall  comply  with all  applicable
provisions  of law,  domestic or foreign,  including,  without  limitation,  the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder,  and the requirements
of any stock  exchange  upon which the  shares may then be listed,  and shall be
further  subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to such

     As a condition  to the  exercise of an option,  the Company may require the
person  exercising  such option to represent and warrant at the time of any such
exercise that the shares are being purchased only for investment and without any
present  intention  to sell or  distribute  such  shares  if, in the  opinion of
counsel  for  the  Company,  such a  representation  is  required  by any of the
aforementioned applicable provisions of law.

     22. Term of Plan. The Plan shall become  effective upon its adoption by the
Board of Directors,  provided that within twelve (12) months thereafter it shall
be approved by the shareholders of the Company.  It shall continue in effect for
a term of ten (10) years unless sooner terminated under Section 19 hereof.


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