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In re:                                                        Chapter 11
                                                  Case No. 899-83790-511

                                                  TO CONSIDER APPROVAL
                                                  OF A POST-PETITION
                                                  FINANCING AGREEMENT
                                                  WITH ACQUISITION FUNDING, LLC
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     Upon  the  annexed  application  (the  "Application")  of  Alcohol  Sensors
International,  Ltd., debtor and debtor-in-possession  (the "Debtor"), for entry
of an order pursuant to section  364(c) of the Bankruptcy  Code (the "Code") and
Rule  4001(c)  of the  Federal  Rules of  Bankruptcy  Procedure,  to  schedule a
preliminary  and final  hearing to consider  the proposed  financing  order (the
"Proposed Financing Order") annexed as Exhibit "A" to the Application,  pursuant
to which  the  Debtor  proposes  to  ratify,  assume,  adopt and amend a certain
pre-petition   financing,   loan  and  security   agreement  (the  "Pre-Petition
Agreement") by and between the Debtor and Acquisition  Funding,  LLC ("AFL"), in
accordance with a certain ratification and amendment  agreement,  which together
with the Pre-Petition  Agreements shall be referred to hereinafter  collectively
as the Financing Agreements, annexed as Exhibit "B" to the Application, pursuant
to which AFL shall make loans,  advances and other financial  accommodations  to
the Debtor, all as more fully set forth in the Application, it is

     ORDERED,  that (i) a preliminary hearing (the "Preliminary  Hearing") shall
be held before the undersigned  bankruptcy judge on May 25, 1999 at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon of said day at the United States  Bankruptcy  Court,  601 Veterans
Memorial Highway,  Hauppauge,  NY 11788 to consider the Application for entry of
an order authorizing the Debtor to obtain  postpetition  financing in accordance
with the Financing Agreements, as approved by the Proposed Financing Order, (ii)
pending the Preliminary Hearing, the Proposed Financing Order is approved in all
respects, except that pending the interim hearing (1) no superpriority status to
AFL's claim shall be granted, and (2) no exit fee shall be granted and AFL shall
be entitled to the full benefits and  protections  of such Order with respect to
any advances made by AFL from the date hereof  through and including the date of
the Preliminary  Hearing,  and (iii) in accordance with the Financing Agreements
and the  Proposed  Financing  Order,  AFL is hereby  authorized  to make  loans,
advances and other  financial  accommodations  to the Debtor in an amount not to
exceed  $45,000  and such  advances  shall be  secured  by the  liens,  security
interests and super-priority  claims granted under the Proposed Financing Order,
subject to the Carveout,  as defined in the Financing  Order,  and it is further

     ORDERED,  that a final hearing (the "Final  Hearing") on the Application is
hereby  scheduled for June 7, 1999 at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
and it is further

     ORDERED, that service by hand delivery or an overnight mail service of this
order  scheduling  hearing,  the  Application,  the Financing  Agreement and the
Proposed  Financing  Order upon AFL,  c/o Law Offices of Donald T. Rave,  11 The
Plaza, Locust Valley, New York 11560,  special corporate counsel for the Debtor,
Ruskin,  Moscou,  Evans & Faltischek,  170 Old Country Road,  Mineola, NY 11501,
Attn:  Jeffrey Wurst,  Esq., the twenty (20) largest unsecured  creditors of the
Debtor,  all other  creditors  known to the Debtor to assert  liens  against the
Debtor's assets, the United States Trustee, 825 East Gate Blvd., Garden City, NY
11530,  and all parties  having filed a notice of appearance in this case, on or
before  May  10,  1999  shall  be  deemed  good  and  sufficient  notice  of the
Preliminary  Hearing  and the Final  Hearing,  this  Application  and the relief
requested therein, pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 4001, and it is further

     ORDERED, that responsive papers, if any, at the Preliminary Hearing and the
Final  Hearing shall be set forth in writing,  and served on bankruptcy  counsel
for the Debtor, Marilyn Simon & Associates,  200 Park Avenue South, New York, NY
10003-1503, Attn: Marilyn Simon, Esq., special corporate counsel for the Debtor,
Ruskin,  Moscou,  Evans & Faltischek,  170 Old Country Road,  Mineola, NY 11501,
attn: Jeffrey Wurst, Esq.,  attorneys for AFL, Law Offices of Donald T. Rave, 11
The Plaza,  Locust  Valley,  New York  11560,  the  Office of the United  States
Trustee,  825 East Gate Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530 and filed with the Court in
Hauppauge  (with a copy to  chambers) so as to be received no later than May 20,
1999 and June 2, 1999,  respectively. 

Dated:  Hauppauge,  New York 
        May 10, 1999

                                        s/Melanie L. Cyganowski
                                        UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE

         Proof of service of this order must be filed by May 14, 1999.  Debtor's
         attorney and/or the proposed financing lender are directed to serve and
         file a memorandum  of law addressed to the issues raised by the request
         for an exit fee, no later than May 19, 1999.
                                        s/ Melanie L. Cyganowski

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In re:                                                  Chapter 11
                                                        Case No.


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     The application of Alcohol Sensors  International,  Ltd., debtor and debtor
in possession (the "Debtor") respectfully represents:

     1. Heretofore, the Debtor filed a petition for reorganization under chapter
11, 301 of the  Bankruptcy  Code (the  "Code")  and  automatically  remained  in
possession  of its assets and property as well as the operation of its business,
pursuant  to 1107  and  1108 of the  Code.  No  trustee  or  examiner  has  been
     2. The  Debtor is a New York  corporation  in the  business  of  designing,
marketing and selling  electronic  motor vehicle  after-market  safety products,
including a  patent-pending  line of breath alcohol ignition  interlock  devices
("BAIID")  under the  Sens-O-Lock  name.  The  Sens-O-Lock  BAIID is designed to
detect,  evaluate and assist in the  prevention  of an alcohol  impaired  driver
operating a vehicle.  The Debtor also  markets and sells,  under the Weather Eye
brand name,  a line of modular  products  designed to  automatically  engage and
adjust the headlights  and taillights of automobiles  depending upon the weather
and sunlight conditions.

     3. Prior to the filing of this case,  the Debtor  financed  its  operations
through  secured loans and advances made available by Acquisition  Funding,  LLC
("AFL"),  under a loan and security  agreement  dated April 30, 1999 pursuant to
which AFL made  available  to the Debtor a credit  facility  in an amount not to
exceed  $1,000,000.  Such loans are secured by accounts  receivable,  inventory,
furniture  and fixtures,  machinery  and  equipment,  leasehold  interests,  and
general intangibles (including licenses,  patents,  trade names,  trademarks and
tax refunds)  (collectively,  the "Pre-Petition  Collateral").  The value of the
Pre-Petition Collateral approximates $337,852 estimated as follows:

                  Accounts receivable                                 0.00
                  Inventory                                     311,682.87
                  Interests in Patents Pending                undetermined
                  Fixed assets                                   26,169.66

     Prepetition  advances by AFL against the Pre-Petition  Collateral aggregate
$147,000,  inclusive  of the $50,000  retainer  advanced to Debtor's  bankruptcy
counsel and the $65,000 retainer advanced to Debtors special corporate counsel.
     4.  Simultaneously  with the  commencement  of the case, the Debtor filed a
plan of reorganization  (the "Plan") and disclosure  statement pursuant to which
AFL shall  acquire  ninety-four  (94%)  percent of the equity  interests  in the
Debtor and fund a distribution to creditors in accordance with the priorities of
the Code.

     5. The Debtor  requires an immediate  infusion of cash in order to continue
to operate, make payroll and obtain other services. The Debtor believes that the
financing  available through AFL, as described in paragraph 7 hereof,  will give
the Debtor sufficient capital to continue to operate.

     6.  AFL  has  agreed  to  continue  to  make  loans,   advances  and  other
accommodations  to the Debtor in accordance with certain a certain  pre-petition
financing,  loan and security  agreement (the  "Pre-Petition  Agreement") by and
between  the Debtor and AFL,  as  ratified,  assumed,  adopted  and amended by a
certain ratification and amendment agreement (the "Ratification Agreement"). The
Pre-Petition   Agreement  and  Ratification   Agreement  shall  be  referred  to
hereinafter collectively as the Financing Agreements,  as annexed as Exhibit "B"
hereto.  Annexed  hereto as  Exhibit  "A" is a  proposed  financing  order  (the
"Proposed  Financing  Order")  under  which  the  parties  seek to  approve  the
Financing Agreements.

     7. The  Proposed  Financing  Order  and the  Financing  Agreements  contain
substantially the following provisions:

     a. AFL, in its sole discretion, shall make advances (the "Advances") to the
Debtor  in  an  amount  up  to  $1,000,000   (inclusive   of  the   Pre-Petition
Indebtedness).  Advances  shall bear  interest at the rate of eight (8%) percent
above  the prime  rate  charged  by  Citibank  from  time to time.  Said rate of
interest is  identical  to the amount  charged by AFL prior to the date on which
this case was filed (the "Filing Date").

     b. As security for post-petition advances by AFL, the Debtor shall grant to
AFL liens and security  interests in and to the  Debtor's  post-petition  assets
consisting  of all  now  existing  and  hereafter  acquired  personal  property,
wherever located,  and of whatever kind or nature,  whether acquired prior to or
after the  Filing  Date,  including  without  limitation,  accounts  receivable,
inventory, furniture and fixtures, machinery and equipment, leasehold interests,
general intangibles,  patents,  patents pending,  trade names,  trademarks,  tax
refunds and all  property  recovered  as a result of  transfers  or  obligations
avoided  under  sections  544,  545,  547,  548,  551 and 553 of the  Code  (the
"Post-Petition Collateral"). The grant of the security interests shall be senior
to any other interests, subject only to

     (1) liens  and  security  agreements  granted  AFL  under the  Pre-Petition

     (2)  validly  perfected  pre-petition  liens  which are  superior  to AFL's
security interests, and not subject to avoidance under the Code,

     (3) the Carve-out, as such term is hereinafter defined.

     c. AFL shall be granted a  Super-Priority  Claim  under  ?364(c)(1)  of the
Code,  having  priority in right of payment over any and all other  obligations,
liabilities  and  indebtedness  of the Debtor,  now in  existence  or  hereafter
incurred by the Debtor and over all  administrative  expenses or priority claims
of a kind  specified in or ordered  pursuant to sections 326, 330, 331,  503(b),
506(c) or 507(a), subject only to the Carveout.

     d. AFL will  receive an exit fee of $45,000  following  a default  under or
other  termination of the Financing  Agreements,  a sale of substantially all of
the Debtor's assets, or confirmation of a plan of  reorganization  which has not
been filed by Debtor and approved by AFL.

     e. to the extent the Post-Petition Collateral of the Debtor is insufficient
to pay the fees to the  Office of the  United  States  Trustee,  pursuant  to 28
U.S.C. 1930(a) (6) (the "UST Fees") and the reasonable fees and expenses,  fixed
by orders of this  Court,  of Marilyn  Simon &  Associates,  bankruptcy  counsel
retained by the Debtor  ("MS&A"),  net of any  pre-petition  retainers paid, the
liens,  security interests and the Superpriority  Claim recognized or granted to
AFL under the Financing  Agreements or the Proposed  Financing  Order,  shall be
junior  and  subordinate  to the  claims  for UST  Fees,  without  limit and the
post-petition   claims  of  MS&A,   not  to  exceed  $25,000  in  the  aggregate
(collectively, the "Carveout").

     8.  Pending  the  hearing  scheduled  by the  prefixed  order,  the  Debtor
anticipates  that it will need to borrow sums from AFL to  continue  operations,
pay necessary expenses including  post-petition rent, gross payroll,  utilities,
make certain purchases and pay other charges.  Accordingly,  the Debtor believes
that it is absolutely  essential for its continued  operation  that the Proposed
Financing  Order be approved on an interim basis  pending the hearing  scheduled
herein. As set forth in the affidavit  pursuant to Local Rule 1007-3, the Debtor
will  require  approximately  $105,000  during  the  first  thirty  (30) days of
operations.  It is  estimated  that,  if the  hearing to consider  the  Proposed
Financing  Order is  conducted  within the first two (2) weeks  after the Filing
Date, the following expenses will have to be paid:

                  Gross Payroll                      $13,769.22
                  Rent                               $ 1,354.16
                  Purchases of Product               $10,000.00
                  Operating Overhead                 $20,000.00
                                    TOTAL            $45,123.38

     9.  Because of the  Debtor's  essential  need for funds under the  Proposed
Financing  Order, the Debtor proposes to send notice of this application by hand
delivery  or an  overnight  mail  service  upon AFL,  the  twenty  (20)  largest
unsecured  creditors of the Debtor,  all creditors known to assert liens against
the Debtor's  assets,  all parties  having filed a notice of  appearance in this
case  and  the  United  States  Trustee.   Applicants  submit  that,  under  the
circumstances,  such notice fulfills the  requirements of Rules 2002 and 4001 of
the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.  WHEREFORE,  the Debtors respectfully
request that the Court enter the prefixed order scheduling  hearing and for such
other and further relief as to this court is just and proper.

Dated:  New York,
New York May 7, 1999

                         ALCOHOL SENSORS INTERNATIONAL, LTD.
                         Debtor and Debtor in Possession

                         By: s/Edward S. Gould         
                             EDWARD S. GOULD, President

Attorneys for the
Debtor and Debtor in Possession

By:   s/Marilyn Simon
         Marilyn Simon  MS-6537
         200 Park Avenue South
         New York, New York 10003-1503
         (212) 529-4400

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In re:                                                 Chapter 11
                                                       Case No.

                                                       FINANCING AGREEMENT WITH
                                                       ACQUISITION FUNDING, LLC
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     The above captioned  debtor and debtor in possession (the "Debtor")  having
moved by order  scheduling  hearing  dated  May 10,  1999  (the  "Prior  Order")
pursuant to section 364(c) of the Bankruptcy  Code (the "Code") and Rule 4001(c)
of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, to ratify, assume, adopt and amend
a certain pre-petition financing, loan and security agreement (the "Pre-Petition
Agreement") by and between the Debtor and Acquisition  Funding,  LLC ("AFL"), in
accordance   with  a  certain   ratification   and  amendment   agreement   (the
"Ratification Agreement"), which together with the Pre-Petition Agreements shall
be referred to hereinafter collectively as the Financing Agreements,  annexed as
Exhibit "B" to the  Application,  and notice of the hearing having been given to
AFL, the twenty (20) largest  unsecured  creditors of the Debtor,  all creditors
known to assert liens against the Debtor's  assets,  all parties  having filed a
notice of appearance  in this case and the United States  Trustee as provided in
the Prior Order and a preliminary  hearing and final hearing thereon having been
held on May 25, 1999 and June 7, 1999,  respectively,  and upon the record taken
before me, after due deliberation and sufficient cause appearing therefor, and

     THE COURT HAVING FOUND and determined that
     1. the Debtor is unable to obtain  unsecured credit allowable under section
503(b)(1) of the Code as an administrative expense;

     2. the Debtor is unable to obtain  secured  credit,  except under the terms
and conditions provided in this order; and

     3. it is in the best  interests  of the estate that the Debtor be permitted
to enter into the Financing Agreements and, thereby, receive advances to pay for
operating  expenses  including  rent,  gross  payroll,  utilities,  make certain
purchases and pay other charges; it is

     ORDERED, that the Debtor is hereby authorized to enter into and perform the
Financing Agreements the terms of which are hereby approved except that the exit
fee is void and unenforceable, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that the Debtor be, and  hereby  is,  authorized  to execute  and
deliver  to AFL the  Financing  Agreements,  including  without  limitation  the
Ratification  Agreement and such other documents as may be reasonably  requested
by AFL to effectuate the transactions contemplated thereby, and it is further
     ORDERED, that the Debtor be, and hereby is, authorized to borrow money from
time to time from AFL in accordance  with and upon the terms and  conditions set
forth in the  Financing  Agreements,  and AFL is  authorized to make such loans,
advances and other financial accommodations to the Debtor, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that  payment to AFL of all  indebtedness  to AFL incurred by the
Debtor  after the  commencement  of the  Debtor's  proceeding  under  chapter 11
("Indebtedness")  shall be secured by a first lien and security  interest on the
Debtor's  post-petition  assets  consisting  of all now existing  and  hereafter
acquired personal  property,  wherever located,  and of whatever kind or nature,
whether  acquired  prior to or after the  commencement  of the  chapter 11 case,
including without  limitation,  accounts  receivable,  inventory,  furniture and
fixtures,  machinery and equipment,  leasehold  interests,  general intangibles,
patents, patents pending, trade names, trademarks,  tax refunds and all property
recovered as a result of transfers or  obligations  avoided under  sections 544,
545, 547, 548, 551 and 553 of the Code (the "Post-Petition Collateral"), and the
grant of the security interests shall be senior to any other interests,  subject
only to; 

     a.  liens and  security  agreements  granted  AFL  under  the  Pre-Petition

     b.  validly  perfected  pre-petition  liens  which  are  superior  to AFL's
security interests, and not subject to avoidance under the Code,

     c. the Carve-out, as such term is hereinafter defined, and

     and it is further

     ORDERED,  that  to the  extent  the  unsecured  assets  of the  Debtor  are
insufficient to pay the UST Fees and the reasonable fees and expenses,  fixed by
orders of this Court, of Marilyn Simon & Associates, bankruptcy counsel retained
by the Debtor ("MS&A"),  net of any  pre-petition  retainer paid, the liens, and
security interests granted to AFL under the Financing  Agreements or this Order,
shall be junior and  subordinate  to (i) the claims for the fees  payable to the
Office of the United  States  Trustee,  pursuant to 28 U.S.C.  1930(a) (6) (the
"UST Fees"),  without limit and (ii) the  post-petition  claims of MS&A,  not to
exceed  $25,000  in the  aggregate  (collectively,  the  "Carveout"),  and it is

     ORDERED,  that except as provided in the Financing  Agreements,  the Debtor
may not at any time apply for or acquiesce in an application  for an order which
authorizes (a) under section 363 of the Code, the use, sale or lease of property
of the  estate  in which  AFL has a lien,  or  security  interest,  or (b) under
section  364  of  the  Code,  the  obtaining  of  credit  or  the  incurring  of
indebtedness  (i)  secured by a lien or security  interest on property  which is
equal or senior to that  possessed  by AFL or (ii)  entitled to a priority as an
administrative  expense  which is superior to the  administration  claim AFL has
herein, unless AFL shall have consented thereto in writing, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that the automatic  stay provided for under section 362(a) of the
Code be, and hereby is modified to the extent  necessary to permit the Debtor to
permit the  execution  and filing of any  financing  statements or other similar
documents  which may in AFL's  discretion  be  desirable,  though no such filing
shall be necessary for perfection of the liens and security interests granted to
AFL, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that the Debtor is  authorized  and directed to reimburse AFL for
all  present  and  future  reasonable  costs  and  expenses  incurred  by AFL to
effectuate the financing transactions contemplated by this Order, including, but
not limited to filing fees,  reasonable  audit and field  examination  expenses,
other costs and expenses,  and the reasonable  fees of counsel to effectuate and
administer said  transactions and to enforce AFL's rights  hereunder.  Copies of
such  invoices  shall be delivered to and reviewed by the committee of unsecured
creditors  ("Committee"),  if  appointed,  and the office of the  United  States
Trustee, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that in the event of the termination of the Financing  Agreements
by AFL as to future  transactions  as a result of the  occurrence of an event of
default thereunder,  or the conversion of this case to a case under chapter 7 of
the Code, or at any time  thereafter,  then upon three  business day's notice to
the Debtor and the Office of the United States  Trustee,  any chapter 11 trustee
that may be appointed, the chairman of the Committee, if appointed, and if there
be a counsel to a Committee,  then to such  counsel,  AFL shall be relieved from
the  automatic  stay under  section  362 of the Code and shall be  permitted  to
assert its rights as a secured party after default against its  collateral,  all
without further order of this Court; provided, however, nothing contained herein
shall limit the rights AFL may then already  possess by reason of the  financing
authorized  herein,  consisting of  notification  financing as  contemplated  by
section  9-502 of the  Uniform  Commercial  Code as  adopted by the State of New
York, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that the  provisions  of this Order  shall  survive  entry of any
subsequent  order  whether the same be an order  confirming a chapter 11 plan or
for relief under chapter 7 of the Code,  and the  provisions  of this Order,  as
well as the liens and security  interests  arising  pursuant  hereto in favor of
AFL,  shall continue in this and any  subsequent  proceeding  under the Code and
shall be binding on the Debtor's  successors and assigns  (including any Trustee
or other fiduciary hereafter  appointed as a legal  representative of the Debtor
or with  respect to property of the Debtor's  estate  whether in this chapter 11
case or any subsequent  chapter 7 case),  and such liens and security  interests
shall  maintain their priority as provided for under this Order until all of the
Indebtedness is paid in full; and it is further

     ORDERED, that no obligation arising under the Financing Agreements shall be
extended  or affected by any plan  confirmed  in this  chapter 11 case or by any
other action hereafter taken or relief sought in this chapter 11 case, and it is

     ORDERED,  that AFL shall be  entitled to the full  protection  of 11 U.S.C.
section 364(e),  and in the event any or all of the provisions of this Order are
hereafter  modified,  vacated or stayed by subsequent order of this Court or any
other Court, such stay, modification or vacatur shall not affect the validity of
any  indebtedness to AFL incurred  pursuant to this Order, and which is incurred
prior to the  effective  date of such  stay,  modification  or  vacatur,  or the
validity  and  enforceability  of  any  lien,   security  interest  or  priority
authorized  herein with  respect to any such debt to AFL;  and,  notwithstanding
such  stay,  modification  or  vacatur,  any  obligations  of the  Debtor to AFL
pursuant  to this  Order  arising  prior  to the  effective  date of such  stay,
modification  or vacatur  shall be  governed  in all  respects  by the  original
provisions  of this  Order  and AFL  shall  be  entitled  to all of its  rights,
privileges and benefits,  including,  without  limitation,  the liens,  security
interests, priorities and collection rights granted herein to or for the benefit
of AFL.

     ORDERED, that all amounts, obligations, debts and liabilities of the Debtor
to AFL whether incurred pre-petition or post-petition,  shall become immediately
due and payable in the event that the present  chapter 11 case is dismissed  and
shall become  immediately due in the event the chapter 11 case is converted to a
liquidation under chapter 7 of the Code, and it is further

     ORDERED,  that if there is any  inconsistency  between  this  Order and the
Financing Agreements,  the terms and provisions of this Order shall control; and
it is further

     ORDERED,  that the Debtor is authorized and directed to take such steps and
execute such  instruments  or documents  as may be necessary to  effectuate  the
terms and conditions hereof.

Dated:   New York, New York
         May   , 1999

                                        UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY