This  Ratification  and  Amendment  Agreement  made and entered into in New
York,  New York,  this ___ day of May,  1999,  by and  between  Alcohol  Sensors
International,  Ltd., a corporation  existing under and by virtue of the laws of
the  State of New York,  with its  principal  place of  business  located  at 28
Brandywine  Drive,  Deer  Park,  New York  11729  ("Borrower")  and  Acquisition
Funding,  LLC, a New York limited liability company, with its principal place of
business located at 949 Edgewood Avenue, Pelham Manor, New York 10803 ("AFL").

     WHEREAS,  certain financing  arrangements were entered into on April 30th ,
1999 by and between Borrower and AFL (the "Financing"); and

     WHEREAS,  in order to secure the obligations of Borrower to AFL pursuant to
the Financing,  Borrower granted to AFL a security interest in and to all of its
assets  including,  but not  limited to,  accounts  receivable,  chattel  paper,
inventory, furniture and fixtures, machinery and equipment, leasehold interests,
general intangibles,  including licenses,  trademarks,  tradenames, tax refunds,
patents and patents pending and all property  recovered as a result of transfers
or obligations  avoided under  Bankruptcy  Code Sections 544, 545, 547, 548, 551
and 553.

     WHEREAS,  AFL has perfected  its security  interest in and to the assets of
Borrower, inter alia, by duly filing UCC-1 Financing Statements; and

     WHEREAS,  performance  of all of the  obligations  of  Borrower  under  the
Financing, including the payment of attorney's fees and all other costs and fees
of AFL, is secured by the assets of Borrower; and

     WHEREAS,  Borrower  filed  a  bankruptcy  petition  in  the  United  States
Bankruptcy  Court for the Eastern  District  of New York on May ____,  1999 (the
"Bankruptcy Case"); and

     WHEREAS,  pursuant to an Order of the United States Bankruptcy Court of the
Eastern District of New York issued May ____,  1999,  Borrower was authorized to
enter  into a  post-petition  ratification  and  amendment  agreement  with  AFL
reaffirming,   restating  and  ratifying  the  Financing  and  to  grant  AFL  a
super-priority  security  interest  in and to  all of  Borrower's  post-petition
assets consisting of all now existing and hereafter  acquired personal property,
wherever located,  and of whatever kind or nature,  whether acquired prior to or
after  the  commencement  of  Borrower's  Bankruptcy  Case,  including,  without
limitation,  accounts receivable,  inventory,  furniture and fixtures, machinery
and equipment,  leasehold interests,  general  intangibles,  including licenses,
patents, patents pending,  tradenames,  trademarks, tax refunds and all property
recovered as a result of transfers or obligations  avoided under Bankruptcy Code
Sections 544, 545, 547, 548, 551 and 553 (the "Finance Order").

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of and in order  to  induce  AFL,  its
successors,  endorsees or assigns to grant and continue to grant such  advances,
loans or  extensions of credit  directly or indirectly to Borrower,  the parties
hereto agree as follows:

     1. This Agreement  reaffirms,  restates and ratifies that certain  Security
Agreement  dated April 30, 1999 by and between AFL and  Borrower and any and all
other documents executed by Borrower and delivered to AFL in connection with the

     2. The Borrower hereby:  (i) acknowledges,  covenants and agrees that there
are no  defenses,  offsets or  counterclaims  to any of the  obligations  of the
Borrower under the Financing;  and (ii)  reacknowledges and reaffirms all of the
terms, conditions,  covenants and obligations contained in the Financing, except
as modified herein.

     3. The Borrower hereby grants AFL a first lien and security interest in and
to all of the Borrower's post-petition assets consisting of all now existing and
hereafter acquired personal property,  wherever located, and of whatever kind or
nature,  whether  acquired prior to or after the  commencement of the Bankruptcy
Case, including, without limitation,  accounts receivable,  inventory, furniture
and fixtures, machinery and equipment, leasehold interests, general intangibles,
including  licenses,  patents,  patents  pending,  trademarks,  tradenames,  tax
refunds and all  property  recovered  as a result of  transfers  or  obligations
avoided under Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 545, 547, 548, 551 and 553.

     4. The  Borrower  and AFL hereby  agree that if there is any  inconsistency
between this Agreement or any of the documents  executed in connection  with the
Financing and the Finance  Order,  the terms and provisions of the Finance Order
shall control.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have hereunto  executed this Agreement
as of the year and date first above written.

                                     ALCOHOL SENSORS INTERNATIONAL, LTD.

                                         Edward Gould, President

                                     AQUISITION FUNDING, LLC

                                         Michael Recca, Managing Member

     This Security Agreement,  made and entered into in New York, New York, this
30th day of April, 1999, by and between ALCOHOL SENSORS  INTERNATIONAL,  LTD., a
corporation  existing  under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York,
with its principal place of business located at 28 Brandywine  Drive, Deer Park,
New York 11729  ("Borrower")  and  ACQUISITION  FUNDING  LLC, a New York limited
liability company,  with its principal place of business located at 949 Edgewood
Avenue,  Pelham Manor,  New York 10803  ("AFL").  This  Agreement sets forth the
terms and  conditions  upon which AFL may, in its sole and absolute  discretion,
make loans, advances and other financial accommodations to or for the benefit of
Borrower upon the security referred to herein.


     1.1.  All terms used herein  which are defined in Article 1 or Article 9 of
the Uniform  Commercial  Code (the "UCC")  shall have the same  meaning as given
therein unless otherwise defined in this Agreement. All references to the plural
shall also mean the singular.

     1.2.  "Account"  or  "Accounts"  shall mean all of  Borrower's  present and
hereafter created accounts  receivable,  contract rights,  general  intangibles,
security  deposits,  letters  of credit,  trade  styles,  trademarks,  trademark
applications, chattel paper, notes, drafts, acceptances, leases, lease payments,
rents, tax refunds,  options to purchase real or personal property,  securities,
stock options,  customer lists, insurance claims,  patents, patent applications,
documents,  instruments,  copyrights, claims, and any other choses in action, as
such  terms  may be  defined  in the UCC,  including,  without  limitation,  all
obligations  for the payment of money arising out of Borrower's  sale,  lease or
other  disposition  of  goods or  other  property  or  Borrower's  rendition  of
services,  and to all of Borrower's  merchandise  which is  represented  thereby
whether delivered or undelivered, all monies, credit balances, deposits, deposit
accounts,  all claims and  property  recovered  by or on behalf of the  Borrower
including,  but not limited to, all property  recovered as a result of transfers
or  obligations  avoided under the Bankruptcy  Code and to all proceeds  thereof
including,  but not limited to, the proceeds of any insurance thereon whether or
not specifically assigned to AFL.

     1.3.  "Account  Debtor"  shall  mean  each  debtor  or  obligor  in any way
obligated on or in connection with any Account.

     1.4. "Collateral" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1 hereof.

     1.5. "Costs and Expenses" shall include, but not be limited to commissions,
fees,  appraisal fees, taxes,  title insurance  premiums,  internal and external
audit expenses for routine and non-routine audits,  field examination  expenses,
filing,   recording  and  search  expenses,   reasonable   attorney's  fees  and
disbursements  (as may be  incurred  with  respect to the  effectuation  of this
Agreement or any claim of any kind or nature or  litigation  whatsoever  arising
out of or as a result of the  interpretation  of this Agreement or the financing
provided for hereunder, including, but not limited to, all fees and expenses for
the service and filing of papers,  premiums on bonds and  undertakings,  fees of
marshals, sheriffs, custodians,  auctioneers and others, travel expenses and all
court costs and collection charges), Closing Fees (as defined herein), Exit Fees
(as defined herein),  postage, wire transfer fees, check dishonor fees and other
out  of  pocket  expenses  arising  out  of or  relating  to  the  negotiations,
preparation,  consummation,  administration and enforcement of this Agreement or
any other agreement  between Borrower and AFL including,  but not limited to any
guaranty of the Obligations (as defined herein).

     1.6. "Default Rate of Interest" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
3.2 hereof.

     1.7.  "Events of  Default"  shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1

     1.8 "Exit Fee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.5 hereof.

     1.9. "Line of Credit" as used herein is solely for the purpose of computing
the  Closing Fee and the Exit Fee and does not  represent  any amount or amounts
available  for  borrowing  purposes  nor any limit as to the  amount or  amounts
available  for  borrowing  purposes,  each of which shall be determined at AFL's
sole and absolute discretion.  Subject to the preceding sentence Borrower's Line
of Credit is $1,000,000.

     1.10 "Obligations" shall mean any and all loans, advances,  accommodations,
indebtedness,  liabilities, Costs and Expenses and all obligations of every kind
and nature owing by Borrower to AFL,  however  evidenced,  whether as principal,
guarantor or otherwise,  whether  arising under this  Agreement,  any supplement
hereto, or otherwise,  whether now existing or hereafter arising, whether direct
or indirect,  absolute or contingent,  joint or several, due or not due, primary
or  secondary,  liquidated  or  unliquidated,  secured or  unsecured,  original,
renewed,  modified or extended,  and whether  arising  directly or acquired from
others (including, without limitation, wherever applicable, AFL's participations
or  interests  in  Borrower's  obligations  to others)  and  including,  without
limitation, AFL's charges, of whatever nature, commissions,  interest, expenses,
costs and attorneys' fees, all of which are chargeable to Borrower in connection
with any of the foregoing.

     1.11. "Records" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(f) hereof.

     Section 2. LOANS AND ADVANCES

     2.1. AFL shall from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, make
loans,  advances  and other  financial  accommodations  to or for the benefit of
Borrower of up to $1,000,000  (the "Loan  Advance").  The Loan Advance  together
with all other obligations shall be repaid to AFL upon the earlier of: (a) April
26, 2000; (b) confirmation of a plan of reorganization in Borrower's  Chapter 11
bankruptcy case in the United States  Bankruptcy  Court for the Eastern District
of New York (the  "Bankruptcy  Case");  or (c) upon any Event of  Default as set
forth in this  Agreement or in any  financing  order  entered in the  Borrower's
Bankruptcy Case.

     2.2. All Obligations  shall be charged to an account in the Borrower's name
as maintained on AFL's books.  AFL shall render to Borrower a monthly  statement
of its account (the  "Statement") by facsimile,  which notice shall be deemed to
be received  when  confirmation  of facsimile  transmittal  is  received,  which
Statement shall be deemed correct,  accepted by, and  conclusively  binding upon
Borrower as an account stated,  except to the extent that Borrower shall deliver
to AFL written notice of any specific exceptions thereto within thirty (30) days
after the date such Statement is received.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if
Borrower fails to advise AFL of any change in Borrower's  facsimile number or if
AFL is unable to obtain confirmation of a facsimile transmittal to Borrower, AFL
may render such  Statement  to Borrower in  accordance  with Section 9.5 of this

     2.3. All principal,  interest,  fees, charges,  Costs and Expenses incurred
with or in respect of this Agreement or any supplement or amendment  hereto (all
of which shall be  cumulative  and not  exclusive)  and any and all  Obligations
shall be charged as an advance to Borrower's account as maintained by AFL.

     2.4. All Obligations shall be payable at AFL's office specified above or at
such other place as AFL may hereafter designate from time to time. If requested,
Borrower shall execute and deliver to AFL one or more  promissory  notes in form
and substance satisfactory to AFL to further evidence the Obligations.

     2.5 Borrower shall pay AFL monthly: all interest,  fees, charges, Costs and
Expenses,  incurred  with or in respect of this  Agreement or any  supplement or
amendment  hereto  ("Charges").  All Charges shall be reflected on the Statement
and shall be payable to AFL on or before the first day of the month  immediately
following the month in which AFL rendered such Statement.  AFL may, from time to
time, in its sole and absolute discretion, agree in writing to allow all or some
of the Charges to accrue and become part of the Obligations.


     3.1. AFL is authorized to charge the Borrower's  loan account as an advance
on the first day of each  month as  follows:  (a) all fees,  charges,  Costs and
Expenses; and (b) interest on Borrower's loan balance. Interest shall be payable
by Borrower  to AFL at the per annum Prime Rate (the "Prime  Rate") plus 8% (the
"Interest  Rate").  As used herein the term "Prime Rate" shall be deemed to mean
the prime  commercial  rate  charged by  Citibank,  N.A.,  in effect on the date
hereof  (whether or not such rate is the lowest rate available at such bank) and
as same may be adjusted  upwards or  downwards  from time to time.  The Interest
Rate shall never be less than six (6%)  percent  per annum nor greater  than the
highest rate  permitted  by law.  Any change in the  Interest  Rate shall become
effective on the first day of the month  following  the month in which the Prime
Rate shall have been  increased or  decreased,  as the case may be. The Interest
Rate shall be  calculated  based on a three hundred sixty (360) day year for the
actual  number  of  days  elapsed  and  shall  be  charged  to  Borrower  on all
Obligations.  All interest  charged or chargeable to Borrower shall be deemed as
an additional advance and shall become part of the Obligations.

     3.2.  Borrower  agrees  that upon the  occurrence  of any Event of  Default
(whether caused by the Borrower, an Account Debtor or others), the Interest Rate
on all Obligations  shall  immediately  convert to a rate per annum which is two
(2%) percent in excess of the rate which would  otherwise be applicable  thereto
(the "Default Rate of Interest") and all interest  accruing  hereunder  together
with all Obligations shall thereafter be payable upon demand.

     3.3. In no event shall the  Interest  Rate or the Default  Rate of Interest
exceed the highest rate permitted under any applicable law or regulation. If any
part or  provision  of this  Agreement  is in  contravention  of any such law or
regulation such part or provision shall be deemed amended to conform thereto and
any payments of interest made in excess of such highest rate permitted,  if any,
shall be deemed to be payments of  principal  Obligations  to the extent of such

     3.4. Borrower shall pay AFL a Closing Fee in the amount of two (2%) percent
of the Line of Credit payable upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

     3.5.  Unless the Plan of  Reorganization  filed by Borrower  in  Borrower's
Bankruptcy  Case is confirmed and is not objected to by AFL,  Borrower shall pay
AFL an Exit Fee in the amount of nine (9%)  percent of the Line of Credit  which
shall be deemed fully earned upon the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement
and shall be payable upon the earlier of: (a) April 26, 2000; (b) upon any Event
of Default under this  Agreement;  or (c) the  termination  of this Agreement in
accordance with its terms.


     4.1. As security for the prompt performance, observance and payment in full
of all Obligations, Borrower hereby grants to AFL a continuing security interest
in,  lien  upon and  right of  setoff  against,  and  Borrower  hereby  assigns,
transfers,  pledges and sets over to AFL the following (which, together with any
of  Borrower's  other  property  in which  AFL may at any time  have a  security
interest or lien,  whether  pursuant to any supplement or amendment  hereto,  or
otherwise,   all  of  which  are  herein   collectively   referred   to  as  the
"Collateral"):  (a) all of Borrower's  present and future  Accounts;  (b) all of
Borrower's monies,  securities and other property and the proceeds thereof,  now
or hereafter held or received by, or in transit to, AFL from or for Borrower, or
for  the  account  of  Borrower,  whether  for  safekeeping,   pledge,  custody,
transmission,  collection or otherwise,  and all of Borrower's deposits (general
or special) including, but not limited to security deposits,  balances, sums and
credits with AFL at any time  existing or with a third party for the  Borrower's
account; (c) all of Borrower's present and future right, title and interest, and
all of Borrower's present and future rights,  remedies,  security and liens, in,
to and in respect  of the  Accounts  and other  Collateral,  including,  without
limitation,   rights  of  stoppage  in  transit,   replevin,   repossession  and
reclamation and other rights and remedies of an unpaid vendor, lienor or secured
party, guarantees or other contracts of suretyship with respect to the Accounts,
deposits or other security for the obligation of any Account Debtor,  and credit
and other insurance;  (d) all of Borrower's  present and future right, title and
interest  in, to and in respect of all goods  relating to, or which by sale have
resulted in,  Accounts  including,  without  limitation,  all goods described in
invoices,  documents,  contracts  or  instruments  with respect to, or otherwise
representing or evidencing, any Accounts or other Collateral,  including without
limitation, all returned,  reclaimed or repossessed goods; (e) all of Borrower's
present and future deposit  accounts;  (f) all of Borrower's  present and future
books, records, ledger cards, computer programs (including all software and data
contained in or by any computer whether in the possession of the Borrower or any
other party) and other property and general  intangibles  evidencing or relating
to the Accounts and any other  Collateral or any Account  Debtor,  together with
the file cabinets, containers, tapes or disks, in which the foregoing are stored
("Records");  (g)  all of  Borrower's  presently  owned  or  hereafter  acquired
inventory;  (h) all of Borrower's  machinery and  equipment,  whether  presently
owned or hereinafter  acquired  subject to any existing  purchase money security
interest;  (i) all other of Borrower's present and future general intangibles of
every kind and description, including, without limitation, customer lists, stock
options,  patent,   trademark  and  copyright  applications,   trade  names  and
trademarks,  and the  goodwill  of the  business  symbolized  thereby,  patents,
copyrights,  licenses and Federal,  State and local tax refund  claims,  leases,
rents and insurance claims of all kinds; (j) all property  recovered as a result
of transfers or obligations avoided under bankruptcy Sections 544, 545, 547, 548
and 553; and (k) all proceeds of the foregoing, in any form, including,  without
limitation,  all  claims  against  third  parties  for  loss  or  damage  to  or
destruction  of any or all of the  foregoing.  The  security  interests  granted
herein shall remain effective  whether or not the Collateral  covered thereby is
acceptable to AFL for the purposes of any loans or advances  contemplated  under
this Agreement.


     5.1.  AFL or AFL's  representatives  shall at all times have free access to
and right of inspection of the Collateral upon one (1) business day prior notice
provided,  however,  if AFL alleges the  occurrence of an Event of Default,  AFL
will not have to give prior  notice  and AFL shall  have full  access to and the
right to examine  and make  copies of  Borrower's  Records,  to perform  general
audits and to do whatever else AFL deems  necessary to protect AFL's  interests.
AFL may at any time make  copies  of the  Records  or  require  Borrower  or its
accountants  or auditors  to deliver  any copies of Records to AFL.  AFL may, at
AFL's cost and expense,  use any of  Borrower's  personnel,  supplies,  computer
equipment  (including  all  computer  programs,  software and data) and space at
Borrower's places of business or at any other place as AFL may designate, as may
be reasonably necessary for the handling of collections.  All costs and expenses
incurred  by AFL  pursuant  to this  Section  shall be  charged as an advance to
Borrower's account as maintained by AFL and become part of the Obligations.

     5.2. All returns of  merchandise,  credits,  issued by Borrower,  claims or
disputes  of Account  Debtors  whether or not  accepted  by Borrower or given an
allowance of any nature  shall be reported by Borrower to AFL at least  monthly.
Each such report shall be accompanied by copies of all documentation provided to
Borrower in support of all merchandise  returns,  credits,  claims and disputes.
Borrower shall  immediately upon obtaining  knowledge  thereof report to AFL all
reclaimed,  repossessed and returned goods,  Account Debtor claims and any other
matter affecting the value, enforceability or collectability of Accounts.

     5.3 All claims and disputes relating to Accounts shall be adjusted within a
reasonable time at Borrower's own cost and expense.

     5.4.  AFL is  authorized  and  empowered  at any time,  with or without the
occurrence of an Event of Default,  to compromise or extend the time for payment
of any  Account,  for such  amounts  and upon such  terms as AFL may in its sole
discretion determine, and to accept the return of the merchandise represented by
any Account,  all without  prior  notice to or consent by Borrower,  and without
discharging  or  affecting  Borrower's  Obligations  hereunder  to  any  extent,
provided  however,  that AFL shall promptly give Borrower notice of such action,
and Borrower will, upon demand,  pay to AFL the amount of any allowance given or
authorized by AFL  hereunder,  AFL in its discretion may allow the amount of any
allowance  given or  authorized  by AFL hereunder to be charged as an advance to
Borrower's account as maintained by AFL and become part of the Obligations.  AFL
shall have the right (in addition to its other rights  hereunder or  otherwise),
upon AFL alleging the  occurrence  of an Event of Default and without  notice to
Borrower, to appropriate,  set off and apply to the payment of any or all of the
Obligations,  any portion or all of the Collateral,  in such manner as AFL shall
in AFL's sole discretion  determine,  to enforce  payment of any Collateral,  to
settle,  compromise  or release in whole or in part,  any  amounts  owing on any
Collateral,  to prosecute  any action,  suit or  proceeding  with respect to the
Collateral,  to extend the time of payment  of any and all  Collateral,  to make
allowances and adjustments  with respect  thereto,  to issue credits in AFL's or
Borrower's  name,  to sell,  assign  and  deliver  the  Collateral  (or any part
thereof) at public or private sale, for cash,  upon credit or otherwise at AFL's
sole  option and  discretion,  and AFL may bid or become  purchaser  at any such
sale, free from any right of redemption which is hereby expressly waived.


     Borrower  hereby  represents,  warrants and  covenants to AFL the following
(which shall survive the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement),  the truth
and  accuracy of which,  and  continuing  compliance  with,  being a  continuing
condition of the making of all loans and advances  hereunder by AFL or under any
supplement or amendment hereto:

     6.1.  Except as set forth on Schedule "A" annexed  hereto and  incorporated
herein by reference,  Borrower is and shall be the owner of the Collateral  free
and clear of all liens,  security  interests,  claims and  encumbrances of every
kind and nature,  except in favor of AFL or as otherwise consented to in writing
by AFL, and Borrower  shall  indemnify and defend AFL from and against all cost,
loss and expense with regard to the same. None of Borrower's Accounts nor any of
its  inventory  has been  previously  sold or assigned  to any  person,  firm or
corporation  and will not be sold or  assigned,  other than to AFL,  at any time
during the term of this  Agreement  without  first  obtaining  AFL's  consent in
writing.  Borrower  shall not execute any security  agreement  or UCC  financing
statement  in favor of any other  party or borrow  against  the  security of any
corporate  asset,  including  but not limited to the  Collateral,  without first
obtaining AFL's consent in writing.

     6.2. (a) Without first obtaining AFL's consent in writing Borrower will not
directly or indirectly sell,  lease,  transfer,  abandon or otherwise dispose of
all or any  portion of  Borrower's  property or assets  (except in the  ordinary
course of  business)  or  consolidate  or merge with or into any other entity or
permit  any other  entity to  consolidate  or merge with or into  Borrower;  (b)
Borrower  will  preserve,  renew and keep in full  force and  effect  Borrower's
existence and good standing as a corporation  and its rights and franchises with
respect thereto;

     (c)  Borrower  will  continue  to  engage in  business  of the same type as
Borrower is engaged as of the date hereof; and

     (d)  Borrower  will give AFL thirty (30) days prior  written  notice of any
proposed  change in Borrower's  corporate  name which notice shall set forth the
new name.

     6.3.  Borrower's  Records and principal  executive office are maintained at
the address referred to herein.  Borrower shall not change such location without
AFL's prior written consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) and prior
to making any such change,  Borrower agrees to execute any additional  financing
statements or other documents or notices which AFL may require.

     6.4. Borrower shall maintain its shipping forms, invoices and other related
documents in a form reasonably satisfactory to AFL and shall maintain its books,
records and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
consistently applied.

     6.5.  Borrower agrees to furnish AFL with: (a) monthly  detailed  inventory
report,  accounts payable report, sales report; (b) monthly operating reports as
required in  Borrower's  Bankruptcy  Case;  (c) quarterly  financial  statements
(including balance sheet, statement of income and surplus account, and cash flow
statement);  (d) copies of all reports  delivered to members of Borrower's Board
of Directors;  and (e) copies of any and all Bankruptcy  filings,  together with
any and all pleadings in any  litigation in which Borrower is now, or may become
a party; (f) with such other information  regarding  Borrower's business affairs
and  financial  condition  as AFL may  reasonably  request,  including,  without
limitation,  cash flow and other  projections,  earnings  forecasts,  schedules,
agings and  reports.  Borrower  hereby  irrevocably  authorizes  and directs all
accountants,  auditors  and any  other  third  parties  to  deliver  to AFL,  at
Borrower's expense,  copies of Borrower's financial  statements,  papers related
thereto,  and other accounting records of any kind or nature in their possession
and to  disclose  to AFL any  information  they  may have  regarding  Borrower's
business  affairs  and  financial  condition.  Borrower  shall  furnish AFL with
internal  financial  statements within ninety (90) days of the end of its fiscal
year  end.  All  financial  statements  and  information  shall  fairly  present
Borrower's financial condition and the results of Borrower's  operations for the
periods in which the financial statements are furnished.

     6.6. All statements made and all unpaid balances appearing in the invoices,
documents and  instruments  evidencing each Account are true and correct and are
in all respects what they purport to be and all signatures and endorsements that
appear thereon are genuine and all  signatories and endorsers have full capacity
to contract.  None of the transactions  underlying or giving rise to any Account
shall  violate  any state or  federal  laws or  regulations,  and all  documents
relating  to the  Accounts  shall  be  legally  sufficient  under  such  laws or
regulations and shall be legally  enforceable in accordance with their terms and
all recording,  filing and other  requirements of giving public notice under any
applicable law have been and shall be duly complied with.

     6.7. To the best of Borrower's  knowledge,  Borrower's  federal,  state and
local taxes of every kind and nature,  including,  but not limited to employment
taxes,  other than for the years 1997 and 1998,  are  current,  and there are no
pending tax audits or examinations with respect to Borrower's federal,  state or
local tax returns.

     6.8  Borrower  shall  duly  pay  and  discharge  all  taxes,   assessments,
contributions  and governmental  charges upon or against it or its properties or
assets prior to the date on which penalties  attach  thereto.  Borrower shall be
liable  for all taxes and  penalties  imposed  upon any  transaction  under this
Agreement or any  supplement or amendment  hereto or giving rise to the Accounts
or any other  Collateral or which AFL may be required to withhold or pay for any
reason. Borrower agrees to indemnify and hold AFL harmless with respect thereto,
and to repay to AFL on demand the  amount  thereof,  and until paid by  Borrower
such amounts shall be added to and included in Borrower's Obligations.

     6.9.  Except as set forth on Schedule "B" annexed  hereto and  incorporated
herein by reference,  there is no investigation  by any state,  federal or local
agency  pending or  threatened  against  Borrower and there is no action,  suit,
proceeding or claim pending or threatened  against Borrower or Borrower's assets
or goodwill or affecting any transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or any
supplement or amendment  hereto,  or any  agreements,  instruments  or documents
delivered in connection herewith or therewith before any court,  arbitrator,  or
governmental or administrative body or agency which if adversely determined with
respect to Borrower  would result in any material  adverse  change in Borrower's
business, properties, assets, goodwill or condition, financial or otherwise.

     6.10.  The  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement,  any
supplement or amendment  hereto,  or any  agreements,  instruments and documents
executed and delivered in connection  herewith,  are within Borrower's corporate
powers, have been duly authorized,  are not in contravention of law or the terms
of  Borrower's  charter,  by-laws  or  other  incorporation  papers,  or of  any
indenture,  agreement or  undertaking  to which  Borrower is a party or by which
Borrower is bound.

     6.11.  Borrower  shall  keep and  maintain,  at its sole cost and  expense,
satisfactory  and  complete  Records  including  records  of all  Accounts,  all
payments received and credits granted thereon, and all other dealings therewith.
Borrower shall execute and deliver all papers and instruments, and do all things
necessary to effectuate  this  Agreement and  facilitate  the  collection of the
Accounts.  AFL is hereby vested with all of Borrower's  rights,  securities  and
guarantees  with  respect to each  Account,  including  the right of stoppage in
transit.  Each Account  created by Borrower shall be deemed  assigned to AFL and
shall become its property.

     6.12.  Borrower's  obligations as set forth in this Agreement  shall remain
applicable and enforceable as against Borrower should AFL be merged into or with
any other entity,  including,  but not limited to, its parent  corporation.  AFL
shall give Borrower notice of any such merger if AFL is not the surviving entity
of such merger.

     6.13.  AFL's agents and examiners shall have the right at any time upon one
(1) business day prior notice to review, inspect, examine, check and make copies
of extracts from Borrower's Records during business hours.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, AFL's agents and examiners shall have the right at any time after AFL
alleges the  occurrence  of an Event of Default for the purposes of this Section
6.13 only, AFL shall send Borrower  notice of such  allegation of the occurrence
of an Event of Default  by  facsimile  and upon  transmittal  of such  notice by
facsimile  have immediate  access to review,  inspect,  examine,  check and make
copies of extracts from Borrower's Records during business hours.

     6.14. Borrower shall, at Borrower's  expense,  duly execute and deliver, or
shall  cause  to be  duly  executed  and  delivered,  such  further  agreements,
instruments and documents,  including,  without limitation,  additional security
agreements,  mortgages,  deeds  of  trust,  deeds  to  secure  debt,  collateral
assignments,  UCC financing statements or amendments and continuations  thereof,
landlord's or  mortgagee's  waivers of liens and consents to the exercise by AFL
of all of its rights and remedies  hereunder,  under any supplement or amendment
hereto, or applicable law with respect to the Collateral. In addition,  Borrower
shall do or cause to be done such further acts as may be necessary or proper, in
AFL's opinion, to evidence,  perfect, maintain and enforce its security interest
and the priority  thereof in and to the Collateral  and to otherwise  effect the
provisions and purposes of this Agreement or any supplement or amendment hereto.
Where permitted by law,  Borrower hereby  authorizes AFL to execute and file one
or more UCC financing statements covering the Collateral signed only by AFL.

     6.15. Borrower shall, at Borrower's expense,  maintain liability insurance,
including without limitation,  Director's and Officers Liability  Insurance,  in
such amounts and with such  insurance  companies as may be  acceptable to AFL in
its sole and absolute discretion.


     7.1.   Borrower  hereby  appoints  AFL  or  AFL's  designee  as  Borrower's
attorney-in-fact,  at Borrower's  own cost and expense,  to exercise at any time
all or any of the following powers which, being coupled with an interest,  shall
be irrevocable  until all Obligations have been paid in full: (a) to execute and
file in Borrower's name financing  statements and amendments  under the UCC; (b)
to sign  Borrower's name on any invoice or bill of lading relating to any of the
Collateral;  (c) to sign Borrower's name on any drafts against Account  Debtors;
(d) to  transmit  to Account  Debtors  notice of AFL's  interest  therein and to
request from such Account  Debtors at any time, in AFL's or  Borrower's  name or
that of AFL's  designee,  information  concerning  the  Accounts and the amounts
owing thereon;  (e) to notify Account  Debtors to make payment  directly to AFL;
(f) to take or  bring,  in  AFL's or  Borrower's  name,  and in  AFL's  sole and
absolute discretion all steps, actions, suits or proceedings deemed necessary or
desirable by AFL to effect  collection of the  Collateral  (after such action is
taken,  AFL shall promptly give Borrower  notice of such action);  and (g) to do
all other acts and things necessary to carry out this Agreement. Borrower hereby
releases AFL and AFL's  officers,  employees and  designees,  from all liability
arising  from any act or acts under this  Agreement or in  furtherance  thereof,
whether by omission or commission,  and whether based upon any error of judgment
or mistake of law or fact except for willful misconduct or gross negligence.

     Section 8. EVENTS OF DEFAULT

     8.1. All Obligations shall be, at AFL's option, immediately due and payable
without  notice or demand and the provision of this Agreement (or any supplement
or  amendment  hereto) as to future  loans and advances to or for the benefit of
Borrower shall, at AFL's option,  terminate forthwith upon the occurrence of any
one or more of the following events of default (the "Events of Default"): (a) if
Borrower  shall  fail to pay AFL when due any  amounts  owing to AFL  under  any
Obligation,  or  shall  breach  any  of  the  terms,  covenants,  conditions  or
provisions of this  Agreement,  any supplement or amendment  hereto or any other
agreement  between  Borrower  and AFL; (b) if any  guarantor,  endorser or other
person  liable on the  Obligations  shall  terminate or breach any of the terms,
covenants,  conditions  or  provisions  of any  guaranty,  endorsement  or other
agreement  of such person with,  or in favor of AFL; (c) if any  representation,
warranty,  or  statement  of fact  made to AFL at any  time  by  Borrower  or on
Borrower's  behalf is false or  misleading;  (d) if the  Borrower's  Chapter  11
bankruptcy proceeding shall be dismissed or converted to one pursuant to Chapter
7, or if any order is entered in the Borrower's Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding
which grants any party relief from the automatic stay under 11 U.S.C.  ss.362 to
which AFL has not consented, or if Borrower shall fail to meet its post-petition
obligations as they mature,  or if Borrower or any Guarantor,  endorser or other
person liable on the Obligations suspends or discontinues doing business for any
reason,  or if a receiver,  custodian or trustee of any kind is  appointed  with
regard to any property of Borrower,  or  Guarantor,  or endorser or other person
liable on the Obligations; (e) if a bankruptcy petition is filed by Borrower and
a  financing  order in form and  substance  acceptable  to AFL is not entered in
Borrower's  Bankruptcy  Case; (f) if there shall be a material adverse change in
Borrower's business,  assets or condition (financial or otherwise) from the date
hereof; (g) if there is any change in Borrower's  majority control or ownership;
(h) if there is any change in the management of the Borrower including,  but not
limited to,  Edward  Gould no longer being  President of Borrower,  or Rosemarie
Massimillo  no longer being  Secretary  of  Borrower;  or (i) if at any time AFL
shall, in AFL's sole and absolute discretion,  consider the Obligations insecure
or any part of the Collateral unsafe,  insecure or insufficient and Borrower (or
other person or entity  acting on  Borrower's  behalf) shall not on AFL's demand
furnish other Collateral or make payment on account, satisfactory to AFL.

     8.2. In the event AFL seeks to take possession of all or any portion of the
Collateral by judicial process (including,  but not limited to, AFL obtaining an
order of attachment,  a temporary  restraining order, a preliminary or permanent
injunction or otherwise)  against the Borrower or with regard to the Collateral,
Borrower  irrevocably  waives:  (a) the posting of any bond,  surety or security
with respect  thereto  which might  otherwise  be  required,  (b) any demand for
possession  prior to the  commencement  of any suit or  action  to  recover  the
Collateral,  and (c) any requirement that AFL retain  possession and not dispose
of any Collateral until after trial or final judgment.

     8.3.  Borrower agrees that the giving of five (5) days' notice by AFL, sent
by certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested to Borrower's  address set forth
herein,  designating  the place and time of any public sale or of the time after
which any private sale or other intended  disposition of the Collateral is to be
made,  shall be deemed to be reasonable  notice thereof and Borrower  waives any
other notice with respect thereto.

     8.4.  The net cash  proceeds  resulting  from the  exercise of any of AFL's
rights or remedies under this  Agreement , under the UCC or otherwise,  shall be
applied by AFL to the payment of the Obligations in such order as AFL may elect,
and Borrower shall remain liable to AFL for any deficiency. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, if AFL enters into any credit transaction, directly
or indirectly,  in connection with the disposition of any Collateral,  AFL shall
have the option, at any time, in AFL's sole and absolute  discretion,  to reduce
the Obligations by the amount of such credit  transaction or any part thereof or
to defer the reduction thereof until actual receipt by AFL of cash in connection

     8.5. The  enumeration of the foregoing  rights and remedies is not intended
to be exclusive,  and such rights and remedies are in addition to and not by way
of  limitation  of any other  rights or  remedies  AFL may have under the UCC or
other  applicable  law.  AFL shall  have the right,  in AFL's sole and  absolute
discretion,  to determine  which rights and remedies,  and in which order any of
the same,  are to be  exercised,  and to  determine  which  Collateral  is to be
proceeded  against and in which  order,  and the exercise of any right or remedy
shall not preclude the exercise of any others, all of which shall be cumulative.

     8.6. No act,  failure or delay by AFL shall  constitute  a waiver of any of
its rights or remedies.  No single or partial  waiver by AFL of any provision of
this  Agreement  or any  supplement  or amendment  hereto,  or breach or default
thereunder,  or of any right or remedy  which AFL may have  shall  operate  as a
waiver of any other provision,  breach,  default, right or remedy or of the same
provision, breach, default, right or remedy on a future occasion.

     8.7. Borrower waives presentment, notice of dishonor, protest and notice of
protest of all  instruments  included in or evidencing any of the Obligations or
the  Collateral  and  any and all  notices  or  demands  whatsoever  (except  as
expressly  provided  herein).  AFL may, at all times,  proceed  directly against
Borrower or any guarantor or endorser to enforce  payment of the Obligations and
shall not be  required  to take any action of any kind to  preserve,  collect or
protect AFL's or Borrower's rights in the Collateral.

     Section 9. MISCELLANEOUS

     9.1. This Agreement shall become effective upon acceptance by AFL and shall
continue  in full force and effect for a term  ending the  earlier of: (a) April
26,  2000;  (b) upon any Event of  Default  under this  Agreement;  or (c) until
terminated  pursuant to the terms  hereof.  No  termination  of this  Agreement,
however,  shall relieve or discharge Borrower of Borrower's duties,  obligations
and covenants  hereunder until all Obligations  have been paid in full and AFL's
continuing  security  interest in and to the  Collateral  shall remain in effect
until all such Obligations have been fully discharged.

     9.2. If AFL  terminates  this  Agreement upon the occurrence of an Event of
Default or if Borrower terminates this Agreement as to future transactions other
than on April 26, 2000, in view of the  impracticality and extreme difficulty in
ascertaining AFL's actual damages and by mutual agreement of the parties as to a
reasonable  calculation  of AFL's  lost  profits as a result  thereof,  Borrower
hereby agrees that it shall  immediately pay to AFL by wire transfer,  certified
check or bank cashier's check,  Borrower's entire  Obligations owing thereunder,
plus  liquidated  damages of an amount equal to the amount of interest  that AFL
would have received for the remainder of the unexpired term of this Agreement if
this Agreement had not been  terminated.  Prior to its actual receipt of payment
as  aforesaid,  AFL shall be free to exercise,  without  limitation,  all of its
rights under this  Agreement or under any other  agreement it may then have with
Borrower.  Borrower's  default  of any  provision  under this  Agreement  may be
considered  and  construed at the sole option of AFL, as a  termination  of this
Agreement by Borrower. The liquidated damages provided for in this paragraph 9.2
shall be deemed  included  in the  Obligations  and shall be  presumed to be the
amount of damages  sustained by AFL due to the Borrower's early  termination and
Borrower  agrees that such  damages are  reasonable  and  appropriate  under the
circumstances currently existing.

     9.3.  This  Agreement,  and any  supplement  or  amendment  hereto  and any
agreements,  instruments or documents delivered or to be delivered in connection
herewith,  constitute  the entire  agreement and  understanding  between AFL and
Borrower concerning the subject matter hereof and thereof and as such supersedes
all other prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings,  negotiations and
discussions,   representations,   warranties,  commitments,  offers,  contracts,
whether  written or oral, all of which are merged into this  Agreement.  AFL and
Borrower  agree that  neither  party  shall be bound by anything  not  expressed
herein, nor shall this Agreement be modified orally.

     9.4. All  amendments to and  modifications  of this  Agreement  shall be in
writing and signed by Borrower and AFL, which requirements shall not be modified
by oral agreement or by course of conduct.

     9.5. All notices,  requests and demands to or upon the  respective  parties
hereto shall be deemed to have been duly given or made: (a) by hand, immediately
upon sending; (b) upon posting if by Federal Express,  Express Mail or any other
overnight  delivery  service;  or  (c)  if by  facsimile  upon  confirmation  of
facsimile transmittal. All notices, requests and demands are to be given or made
to the  respective  parties at the  addresses  set forth herein or at such other
addresses as either party may designate in writing by notice in accordance  with
the provisions of this paragraph.

     9.6.  Borrower  and AFL each hereby  waive all rights to a trial by jury in
any  action  or  proceeding  of any  kind  arising  out of or  relating  to this
Agreement,  any supplement or amendment hereto, the Obligations,  the Collateral
or any such  other  transaction.  Borrower  hereby  waives  all of its rights of
setoff and rights to interpose any defenses and/or counterclaims in the event of
any litigation  with respect to any matter  connected with this  Agreement,  any
supplement or amendment  hereto,  the  Obligations,  the Collateral or any other
transaction  between the  parties.  Borrower  hereby  irrevocably  consents  and
submits to the  exclusive  jurisdiction  and venue of the  Supreme  Court of the
State of New York or the United States  District Court for the Eastern  District
of New York or prior to confirmation of a plan of  reorganization  in Borrower's
Bankruptcy Case in the United States  Bankruptcy  Court for the Eastern District
of New York in connection  with any action or proceeding of any kind arising out
of or relating to this Agreement,  any supplement hereto,  the Obligations,  the
Collateral or any such other transaction.

     9.7. In any litigation  brought by AFL, Borrower waives personal service of
any summons,  complaint or other process and agrees that service  thereof may be
made by certified or registered mail directed to Borrower at Borrower's  address
set forth below and  service so made shall be  complete  five (5) days after the
same shall  have been  posted.  Within  twenty  (20) days  after  such  mailing,
Borrower  shall  appear and answer such  summons,  complaint  or other  process,
failing which Borrower shall be deemed in default and judgment may be entered by
AFL  against  Borrower  for the  amount of the  claim  and for any other  relief
requested therein.

     9.8.  This  Agreement  and all  transactions  hereunder  are  deemed  to be
consummated in the State of New York and shall be governed by and interpreted in
accordance with the substantive and procedural laws of the State of New York. If
any part or provision of this Agreement  shall be determined to be invalid or in
contravention   of  any  applicable   law  or  regulation  of  the   controlling
jurisdiction,  such part or provision  shall be severed  without  affecting  the
validity of any other part or provision of this Agreement.

     9.9 Borrower  hereby  consents to and authorizes  AFL to issue  appropriate
press  releases  and  to  cause  a  tombstone  to be  published  announcing  the
consummation of this transaction and the aggregate amount thereof.

     9.10.  This Agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the parties hereto
and their successors and assigns.
                                        ALCOHOL SENSORS INTERNATIONAL, LTD.

                                            EDWARD GOULD, President



      MICHAEL RECCA, Managing Member


     I, Rosemarie  Massimillo,  do hereby certify that I am Secretary of ALCOHOL
SENSORS INTERNATIONAL, LTD., a corporation organized under the laws of the State
of New  York,  and that a special  meeting  of the  Board of  Directors  of said
corporation,  duly held at its office on April 30,  1999,  at which a quorum was
present  and acting  throughout,  the  following  resolutions  were duly  moved,
seconded and unanimously adopted:

     RESOLVED: That it is to the best interest of this corporation to enter into
a financing agreement with ACQUISITION FUNDING LLC.

     RESOLVED:  That any  officer or  officers  of this  corporation  are hereby
authorized  and  empowered,  on its behalf,  to execute said  agreement  and any
modification  thereof,  and any such formal schedules of assignment of accounts,
transfer of instruments, financial and other statements, and any and all further
agreements,  papers,  documents  and  certificates,  as may from time to time be
required by said  ACQUISITION  FUNDING  LLC.,  upon any matters or  transactions
arising  under  said  agreement  or in  connection  with any  further  financial
arrangements with this corporation; and it was further

     RESOLVED:  That  all  acts of the  officers  of this  corporation,  and all
agreements, modifications,  transfers, assignments, certificates and statements,
which  they or any of them may do,  execute  or  deliver  in  pursuance  of said
agreement and to facilitate  transactions  thereunder,  are hereby  ratified and
approved; and

     I further certify that the foregoing  resolutions  remain in full force and
effect, and have not been rescinded or modified.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto  set my hand as  Secretary  of said
corporation, and affixed its corporate seal, by order of its Board of Directors,
this 30th day of April, 1999.

                                               ROSEMARIE MASSIMILLO, Secretary


- ---------------------------------


entered into effective as of this 30th day of April, 1999 by and between ALCOHOL
SENSORS  INTERNATIONAL,  LTD., a corporation existing under and by virtue of the
laws of the State of New York, with its principal  place of business  located at
28 Brandywine  Drive,  Deer Park, New York 11729  ("Borrower"),  and ACQUISITION
FUNDING LLC, a New York limited liability  company,  with its principal place of
business located at 949 Edgewood Avenue, Pelham, New York 10803 ("AFL").

     WHEREAS,  AFL has  provided  and/or will  provide  Borrower  with a loan of

     WHEREAS, Borrower has an obligation to repay the loan; and

     WHEREAS,  Borrower  has agreed to provide AFL with a security  interest in,
among other things,  certain  intellectual  property to secure  repayment of the
loan in  accordance  with  the  terms of a  Security  Agreement  (the  "Security
Agreement") executed concurrently herewith.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


     Borrower  hereby  grants to AFL a security  interest  in all of  Borrower's
collateral  described in Paragraph 2 below ("Collateral") in order to secure the
payment and performance of the obligations of Borrower to AFL, (hereinafter, the


     a. The  Collateral  under this  Agreement  includes  all  right,  title and
interest  of  Borrower  in all  intellectual  property,  now owned or  hereafter
acquired  by  Borrower,  in any  country,  including,  without  limitation,  the

     1. U.S.  Design  Patent No.  D-370,065  issued May 21, 1996 For:  Hand-Held
Breath  Analyzer  Housing  Design  Inventors:  Peter  L.  Squillante,   Alan  J.

     2. U.S.  Patent  No.  5,734,090  issued  March 31,  1998  For:  Method  And
Apparatus For Sonic Breath  Determination  Inventors:  R. Koppel,  E. Kirchmeier
Corresponding Taiwan Patent No. 84-114114 of May 6, 1997

     3. U.S. Design Patent No.  D-404,131  issued January 12, 1999 For:  Housing
For  A  Hand-Held  Breath   Monitoring   Device  Inventor:   Michael   Ghazarian
Corresponding   design   registrations   issued  in  Belgium,  The  Netherlands,
Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, France, Great Britain, and Italy.

     4. Patent Cooperation Treaty ("PCT")  application serial number US 97/18355
filed   October   1997   (and   that   certain    subsequent   filing   of   the
continuation-in-part  ("CIP")  application serial number 8/947,041 filed October
8, 1997) for "Breath Monitoring  Apparatus"  including all national and regional
applications resulting therefrom.

     5. U.S. Patent No. 5,780,973  issued July 14, 1998 for "Vehicle  Windshield
Wiper-Light Control System Incorporation Daytime Running Light Modes," issued in
the names of J. Lively, R. Koppel and E. Kirchmeier.

     6. U.S. Trademark and Registration  therefor bearing U.S.  Registration No.
1,973,994 of May 14, 1996 for the mark "SENS-O-LOCK."

     b. With respect to Borrower's  intellectual  property, the Collateral shall
also  include,  but not be limited to: (i) all  royalties or proceeds  resulting
from said  intellectual  property;  (ii) all causes of action  for  infringement
thereof, now existing or hereafter arising;  (iii) all reissues,  extensions and
renewals thereof;  (iv) all rights of priority under International  Conventions,
all  corresponding  foreign  applications,  and all  registrations  which may be
granted  thereon  in the  United  States  or any  foreign  country;  and (v) all
goodwill  associated with the Borrower's  intellectual  property,  especially as
such goodwill relates to marks (trademark(s) and service mark(s)).


     Borrower represents, covenants and warrants that:

     a. The  Collateral is legally owned by it and is and will be free and clear
of any liens, claims, taxes, encumbrances and equities of every kind and nature;
except  that U.S.  Patent No.  5,780,973  of July 14,  1998 and PCT  application
serial number US 97/18355 filed October 1997 (and that certain subsequent filing
of the  continuation-in-part  ("CIP")  application serial number 8/947,041 filed
October 8, 1997) does not  appear to have been  assigned  as of record  from the
Inventors to Borrower.

     b.  Borrower has the  unqualified  right to enter into this  Agreement  and
perform its terms;

     c.  Borrower  has used and will  continue  to use for the  duration of this
Agreement,   proper   statutory  notice  in  connection  with  its  use  of  the
intellectual property enumerated herein;

     d. Borrower  hereby grants to AFL and its employees and agents the right to
visit Borrower's plants and facilities which manufacture,  inspect or store said
products,  and to inspect the  products  and quality  control  records  relating

     e. That until all of the  Obligations  shall have been  satisfied  in full,
Borrower will not enter into any agreement  (for example,  a license  agreement)
which is inconsistent with Borrower's Obligations under this Agreement,  without
AFL's prior written consent which consent AFL shall not unreasonably withhold;

     f. If before the  Obligations  shall have been satisfied in full,  Borrower
shall obtain new rights to any new  patents,  trademarks  or other  intellectual
property,  the provisions of Paragraph 1 shall  automatically  apply thereto and
Borrower  shall give AFL prompt written  notice  thereof,  and shall execute any
amendment to Paragraph 1 hereof  adding such new  patents,  trademarks  or other
intellectual property;

     g. During the term of this  Agreement,  Borrower will,  consistent with the
exercise of reasonable  business  judgment in defending AFL's security  interest
therein,  defend Collateral against all claims and demands of all persons at any
time  claiming the same or any  interest  therein,  and,  except in the ordinary
course of  business,  will not sell or  otherwise  transfer  or  dispose  of the
Collateral,  or any part  thereof  without  the  written  consent of AFL,  which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     h. Borrower will,  promptly upon the request by AFL, execute and deliver to
AFL any form UCC financing statements and other documents which are necessary or
desirable to perfect or continue the perfection of the security  interest in the
Collateral created  hereunder,  and will take all actions which are necessary to
protect the Collateral against the rights,  claims or interests of third persons
or to effect  the  purposes  of this  Agreement.  Furthermore,  Borrower  hereby
appoints AFL as its  attorneys-in-fact  with full rights hereunder and authority
to execute any  documents  necessary  to perfect  AFL's  security  interest  and
otherwise enforce its rights hereunder. The parties hereto acknowledge that this
power of attorney is coupled with an interest and is irrevocable.

     i.  Borrower  agrees to defend,  indemnify  and hold AFL harmless  from and
against  any  damages,  liabilities,  losses and  expenses  (including,  but not
limited to, actual  attorneys' fees,  disbursements of counsel and interest from
the date such damages, liabilities, losses and expenses are incurred to the date
of payment) of any kind based upon a breach of any  representation,  warranty or
covenant  made  by  Borrower  herein,  or by  reason  of any  claim,  action  or
proceedings asserted or instituted as a result of any matter or thing covered by
such representations, warranties, or covenants. 


     If Borrower  breaches any provision of this  Agreement or fails to make any
payment pursuant to the Security  Agreement,  AFL, may, at its option,  exercise
any or all rights and remedies  provided for by law  including,  but not limited
to, the applicable New York Uniform Commercial Code provisions,  and may proceed
by an action or actions at law or in equity to recover the indebtedness  secured
hereunder to foreclose  this Agreement and sell the  Collateral,  or any portion
thereof,  pursuant  to a  judgment  or decree of a court or courts of  competent
jurisdiction. If any Event of Default as defined in the Security Agreement shall
have been  alleged by AFL,  AFL shall have,  in addition to all other rights and
remedies  given it by this  Agreement,  those  allowed by law and the rights and
remedies of a secured party under the Uniform  Commercial Code as enacted in any
jurisdiction  wherein any rights,  title and  interest in and to the  Collateral
exist or can be claimed and,  without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,
AFL may  immediately,  without  demand of  performance  and without other notice
(except as set forth next below) or demand whatsoever to Borrower,  all of which
are  hereby  expressly  waived,  and  without  advertisement,  sell at public or
private sale or otherwise  realize upon, in New York, or elsewhere,  all or from
time to time any of any of the Intellectual Property , or any interest which the
Borrower  may have  therein,  and after  deducting  from the proceeds of sale or
other  disposition of the  collateral  all expenses  (including all expenses for
broker's fees and legal  services),  shall apply the residue of such proceeds to
the payment of the  Obligations.  Any remainder of the proceeds after payment in
full of the Obligations  shall be paid over to the Borrower.  Notice of any sale
or other  disposition of the collateral  shall be given to Borrower by certified
mail,  return receipt  requested,  at least five (5) days before the time of any
intended public or private sale or other  disposition of the  Collateral,  which
Borrower  hereby  agrees  shall  be  reasonable  notice  of such  sale or  other
disposition. At any such sale or other disposition, any holder of any Notice (as
defined in the Security  Agreement) or AFL may, to the extent  permissible under
applicable law, purchase the whole or any part of the collateral sold, free from
any right of  redemption  on the part of Borrower,  which right is hereby waived
and  released.  In the event AFL alleges the  occurrence  of an Event of Default
under the Security  Agreement,  Borrower  hereby  authorizes and empowers AFL to
make,  constitute and appoint any officer or agent of AFL as AFL may select,  in
its exclusive direction,  as Borrower's true and lawful  attorney-in-fact,  with
the power to endorse Borrower's name on all applications,  documents, papers and
instruments  necessary  for AFL to use the  Collateral  or to grant or issue any
exclusive or  nonexclusive  license to use same to anyone else, or necessary for
AFL to assign,  pledge,  convey or otherwise transfer title in or dispose of the
Collateral to anyone else. Borrower hereby ratifies all that such attorney shall
lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue  hereof.  This power of attorney shall
be irrevocable for the life of this Agreement.


     a. This  Agreement  shall commence as of the effective date set forth above
and shall  continue in force and effect  until all amounts  owing by Borrower to
AFL have been paid in full.

     b. This  Agreement  shall be construed in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of New York. In the event any legal action becomes necessary to enforce or
interpret the terms of this  Agreement,  the parties agree that such action will
be brought in the state courts of New York or in the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern   District  of  New  York,  or  prior  to  confirmation  of  a  plan  of
reorganization  in Borrower's  Bankruptcy  Case in the United States  Bankruptcy
Court for the Eastern  District of New York,  the parties  hereby  submit to the
jurisdiction  of said courts.  This  Agreement  shall be binding on the parties,
their affiliated companies and on their successors and assigns.

     c.  If any  provision  of  this  Agreement  should  be  held  to be void or
unenforceable,  such provision  will be treated as severable,  leaving valid the
remainder  of this  Agreement.

     d. If Borrower fails to comply with any of its Obligations  hereunder,  AFL
may do so in Borrower's  name or in AFL's name, but at Borrower's  expense,  and
Borrower  hereby  agrees to reimburse  AFL in full for all  expenses,  including
attorneys'  fees incurred by AFL in protecting,  defending and  maintaining  the

     e. No course of  dealing  between  Borrower  and AFL,  nor any  failure  to
exercise,  nor any delay in exercising,  on the part of AFL, any right, power or
privilege  hereunder or under the Security  Agreement  shall operate as a waiver
thereof;  nor shall any  single  or  partial  exercise  of any  right,  power or
privilege hereunder or thereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof
or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

     f. All of AFL's rights and remedies with respect to the collateral, whether
established hereby or by the Security  Agreement,  or by any other agreements or
by law shall be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
duly executed on the date identified above.


By:                                         By:
   ---------------------------                 ---------------------------
   Signature                                   Signature

Printed Name:----------------               Printed Name:-----------------    

Title:-----------------------               Title:------------------------    

                            SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY

                  ) ss.
COUNTY OF         )

corporation  existing  under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York,
with its principal place of business located at 28 Brandywine  Drive, Deer Park,
New York 11729 ("Borrower"), hereby appoints and constitutes ACQUISITION FUNDING
LLC, a New York limited liability company,  with its principal place of business
located at 949 Edgewood Avenue,  Pelham Manor, New York 10803 ("Secured  Party")
its true and lawful  attorney  upon the  occurrence  of an Event of Default,  as
defined in the Security Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Borrower
and the Secured Party (the "Security  Agreement") or the  Intellectual  Property
Security  Agreement,  dated  as of the date  hereof,  between  Borrower  and the
Secured Party (the "Intellectual  Property Security  Agreement") with full power
of substitution, and with full power and authority to perform the following acts
on behalf of Borrower:
     1. For the purpose of  assigning,  selling or  otherwise  disposing  of all
right, title and interest of Borrower in and to any and all of the Collateral as
such term is defined in the Security  Agreement  together with the  Intellectual
Property described in the Intellectual  Property Security  Agreement,  including
without limitation, the following: (a) the patents set forth in the Intellectual
Property  Security  Agreement;  (b) the  trademarks  shown  in the  Intellectual
Property  Security  Agreement;  (c) any and all licenses to said patents  and/or
trademarks set forth in the Intellectual  Property Security  Agreement;  and (d)
all other rights to letters patents and  applications  for letters patent now or
hereafter  acquired by  Borrower,  the  inventions  covered by such  patents and
patent applications,  and all reissues,  divisions,  continuations,  extensions,
renewals and  continuations-in-part  thereof,  and for the purpose of recording,
registering,  applying for registration of, or accomplishing any other formality
with respect to the  foregoing,  to execute and deliver any and all  agreements,
documents,  instruments of assignment or other papers  necessary or advisable to
effect such purpose; and

     2. To execute  all  documents,  statements,  certificates  or other  papers
necessary  or  advisable  in order to obtain  the  purposes  described  above as
Secured Party may in its sole discretion determine.

     This power of attorney is made  pursuant to the Security  Agreement and the
Intellectual  Property  Security  Agreement  and may not be  revoked  until  the
payment, performance and fulfillment of all Borrower's covenants and obligations
under the Security Agreement and the Intellectual Property Security Agreement.

                                                  ALCOHOL SENSORS
                                                  INTERNATIONAL, LTD.


Subscribed and Sworn to
before me on April 27, 1999

- ------------------------
Notary Public