Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [   ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive  Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                                  Sawtek Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5) Total fee paid:

[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary  materials.
[ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by  Exchange  Act
        Rule  0-11(a)(2) and  identify  the  filing  for  which  the  offsetting
        fee  was  paid previously. Identify the  previous filing by registration
        statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        1)  Amount Previously Paid:______________________
        2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:________________
        3)  Filing Party:_____________________________
        4)  Date Filed:______________________

Notice of
Annual Meeting
of Shareholders
and Proxy Statement

December 10, 1997

Dear Shareholder:

You are cordially invited to attend the 1998 annual meeting of shareholders. The
meeting will be held at the corporate offices of Sawtek Inc., 1818 South Highway
441, Apopka, Florida, on Friday, January 23, 1998, starting at 10:00 a.m.

The notice of the meeting and the proxy  statement on the following  pages cover
the  formal  business  of  the  meeting,  which  includes  the  election  of the
directors,  a proposal to amend the Sawtek Inc.  Second Stock Option Plan, and a
proposal to adopt the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option Plan for Acquired Companies.

Following the business session,  I will report on current  operations and on our
plans.  Following these reports,  there will be an open discussion period during
which your  questions and comments will be welcome.  We hope you will be able to
join us.


Steven P. Miller
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders

- ---------------------------------------------

The  annual  meeting  of the  shareholders  of Sawtek  Inc.  will be held at the
corporate offices of Sawtek Inc., 1818 South Highway 441, Apopka, Florida 32703,
on Friday, January 23, 1998, starting at 10:00 a.m. for the following purposes:

    1. To elect directors.
    2. To consider and act upon a proposal to amend the Sawtek Inc. Second Stock
       Option Plan.
    3. To consider and act upon a proposal to adopt the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option
       Plan for Acquired Companies.
    4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

Holders of Common  Stock of record at the close of  business on December 9, 1997
will be entitled to vote at the meeting.

By order of the Board of Directors

                                                         WILLIAM A. GRIMM
Apopka, Florida
December 10, 1997

                                IMPORTANT NOTICE

                      To assure your representation at the
                 meeting, please complete, date, sign, and mail
                             promptly the enclosed
                 proxy for which a return envelope is provided.

Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Scheduled for January 23, 1998

General Information
- -------------------
The accompanying  proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company. A
shareholder  may  revoke  his proxy at any time prior to the time it is voted at
the meeting by filing  with the  Secretary  of the  Company a written  notice of
revocation,  by duly executing and delivering a subsequent proxy bearing a later
date, or by attending the meeting and voting in person.

The record date for shareholders  entitled to vote at the meeting is December 9,

The Company has only one class of outstanding  shares,  namely Common Stock, par
value $.0005 per share, of which there were 20,771,805 shares outstanding on the
record date and 96 holders of record.  Many  shareholders  hold their  shares in
"street name." The Company believes it has more than 3,000 beneficial  owners of
its Common Stock. Each share is entitled to one vote.

The shares  represented  by each valid proxy will be voted at the meeting or any
adjournment thereof, and, if a choice is specified in the proxy, the shares will
be voted in accordance  with such  specification.  If no vote is specified,  the
shares will be voted as set forth in the  accompanying  proxy.  The  election of
directors,  the proposal to amend the Sawtek Inc.  Second Stock Option Plan, and
the proposal to adopt the Sawtek Inc.  Stock Option Plan for Acquired  Companies
each require a majority of the votes cast. With respect to  abstentions,  shares
are considered present at the meeting for a particular proposal,  but since they
are not  affirmative  votes for the proposal,  they will have the same effect as
votes against the proposal.  With respect to shares held in brokerage  accounts,
shares  which are not voted by the  broker  are not  considered  present  at the
meeting for the particular proposal.

So far as the  directors of the Company are aware,  no matters will be presented
to the  meeting  for  action  on the  part of the  shareholders  other  than the
election of the  directors,  the proposal to amend the Sawtek Inc.  Second Stock
Option  Plan,  and the  proposal to adopt the Sawtek Inc.  Stock Option Plan for
Acquired Companies.  If any other matter is properly brought before the meeting,
it is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the proxy to vote the  shares to
which the proxy relates in accordance with their best judgment.

The  cost of  soliciting  proxies  will be borne by the  Company.  Officers  and
employees may, by letter,  telephone, or in person, make additional requests for
the return of proxies. The Company will reimburse brokerage houses,  custodians,
nominees and others for their out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with
such  solicitation.  The Company also has retained ADP Corporation to aid in the
solicitation of proxies at an estimated fee of $5,000. This Proxy Statement, the
accompanying  proxy and a copy of the Company's Annual Report for the year ended
September 30, 1997, are being mailed to shareholders  commencing on December 10,

Shareholder Item #1

Election of Directors
- ---------------------
All of the members of the Company's  Board of Directors are elected  annually at
the annual meeting of shareholders.  The five members are Steven P. Miller, Neal
J. Tolar, Robert C. Strandberg, Bruce S. White, and Willis C. Young, and each of
them are standing for re-election. In accordance with the Bylaws of Sawtek Inc.,
all  directors  hold office  until the next annual  meeting and until his or her
successor shall be elected and shall qualify,  subject, however, to prior death,
resignation, retirement,  disqualification or removal from office. Vacancies may
be filled by the remaining directors.

The authorized  number of directors is presently set at five. From time to time,
the Board considers  potential  candidates,  and as an appropriate  candidate is
identified the Board will consider increasing the number of directors.

The persons named in the  accompanying  proxy will vote in favor of electing the
nominees to serve for the terms identified above,  unless otherwise specified in
the proxy.  If any nominee shall become  unavailable  for election,  the proxies
will be voted for the election of such  persons,  if any, as shall be designated
by the Board of Directors.

None of the nominees nor any of the incumbent  directors is related to any other
nominee  or  director  or to  any  executive  officer  of  the  Company  or  its
subsidiaries by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Biographical summaries of the nominees and of the continuing directors appear on
the  following  pages  and data  with  respect  to the  number  of shares of the
Company's Common Stock beneficially owned by them as of October 31, 1997 are set
forth in the table on page 21.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote in favor of each named nominee.


Board of Directors
- ------------------

Steven P. Miller
- ----------------
Mr. Miller,  49,  co-founded  the Company,  has served as a Director since 1979,
Chief  Executive  Officer  since 1986,  Chairman  since  February  1996,  and as
President from 1979 to April 1997. Prior to joining the Company,  he was manager
of the SAW Device  Engineering and Development  Laboratory at Texas  Instruments
Incorporated  ("TI"),  an  electronics  manufacturer.  He joined TI in 1969. Mr.
Miller has a B.S. degree in Electrical  Engineering from the South Dakota School
of Mines and Technology.

Neal J. Tolar
- -------------
Dr. Tolar, 55,  co-founded the Company,  has served as Senior Vice President and
Chief Technical  Officer since June 1995 and a Director since 1979. He served as
Vice President of Operations and  Engineering  from 1979 to June 1995.  Prior to
joining the Company, he was a member of the technical staff in the RF Technology
Group of the  Corporate  Research  Laboratory  at TI. He joined TI in 1967.  Dr.
Tolar has a Ph.D. in Ceramic  Engineering from the University of Utah and a B.S.
degree in Ceramic Engineering from Mississippi State University.

Robert C. Strandberg
- --------------------
Mr.  Strandberg,  40, has been a Director of the Company since October 1995. Mr.
Strandberg  has served as President and Chief  Executive  Officer of PSC Inc., a
manufacturer  of bar code readers since May 1997,  and Executive  Vice President
from  November  1996 to May  1997.  From  May  1996  to  November  1996,  he was
self-employed as a business  consultant.  Mr. Strandberg was the Chairman of the
Board  of  Directors,   President  and  Chief   Executive   Officer  of  Datamax
International  Corporation,  a manufacturer of bar code printers, from September
1991 to April  1996.  From 1988 to 1991,  he was Vice  President  of  Finance at
Datamax.  From 1986 to 1988, he worked for GTECH, a lottery management  company,
in the areas of finance and strategic  planning.  Mr.  Strandberg  has an M.B.A.
degree from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration and a B.S. degree
in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University.

Bruce S. White
- --------------
Mr. White,  64, has been a Director of the Company  since April 1996.  Mr. White
has  served  as  Corporate  Vice  President  of AVNET  Inc.,  a  distributor  of
electronic  components,  since  January  1996,  and  President  of the  Penstock
Division of AVNET Inc.  since July 1994.  From 1974 to July 1994,  Mr. White was
the President and Chief Executive Officer of Penstock Inc., a company he founded
to distribute RF and microwave components.  Penstock is a distributor of certain
products  manufactured by Sawtek.  In fiscal 1997, sales from Sawtek to Penstock
were  approximately  $1.4 million.  Mr. White holds a B.A. degree in Mathematics
from Colgate  University,  and B.S. and M.S.  degrees in Electrical  Engineering
from Michigan State University.


Willis C. Young
- ---------------
Mr. Young,  56, has been a Director of the Company since  February  1996. He has
served as a Senior  Partner  of the  Atlanta  office  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP,  an
international accounting and consulting firm since January 1996. From April 1995
to  December  1995,  Mr.  Young  was  the  Chief  Financial  Officer  for  Hayes
Microcomputer  Products,  Inc.,  a  manufacturer  of  modems  and  communication
equipment,  where he was  engaged  to  assist  in the  implementation  of Hayes'
restructuring  in  bankruptcy.  From 1965 to March 1995,  Mr. Young held various
positions  with BDO  Seidman,  LLP,  and from  1988 to March  1995 he was a Vice
Chairman and a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Young has a B.S. degree in
Accounting from Ferris State University. He is a Certified Public Accountant.

Information on Board of Directors and Committees
- ------------------------------------------------

Meetings and Attendance
- -----------------------
During  the year,  there were six  meetings  of the Board of  Directors  and two
meetings of the standing  committees of the Board.  All directors  attended more
than 75  percent of the  aggregate  of all  meetings  of the Board and the Board
committees on which they served.

Committees of the Board
- -----------------------
The Board has  established  two  committees  to assist in the  discharge  of its
responsibilities, the principal functions of each committee are described below.
In addition, the Board as a whole serves as the Nominating Committee.

The Audit Committee  assists the Board in ensuring that the Company's  financial
auditing and reporting practices,  procedures and controls are within acceptable
limits of sound practice and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Committee meets  periodically with the independent  auditors,  together with
representatives of management, as appropriate,  for the purpose of reviewing the
scope and  results  of the  annual  audit of the  financial  statements  and the
recommendations  of the  auditors.  The  Committee  also  reviews the nature and
extent  of  non-audit  professional  services  performed  by the  auditors.  The
Committee  held one meeting  during the past twelve  months.  The members of the
Committee are Messrs. Young (Chairman), Tolar and Strandberg.

The   Compensation   Committee   assists  the  Board  in  reviewing  the  annual
compensation  and bonuses to the  executive  officers.  The  Committee  held one
meeting during the past twelve months.  The members of the Committee are Messrs.
Strandberg (Chairman), White and Young.

Directors' Compensation
- -----------------------
Each of the three  non-employee  directors  currently receive an annual retainer
fee of $8,000.

Messrs. Strandberg, White and Young each were granted options to purchase 20,000
shares of the Company's Common Stock. The options are non-statutory  options and
are  priced  at the fair  market  value on the date of grant.  One-third  of the
option shares become  exercisable  on the  anniversary  of the date of grant and
one-third on each of the two succeeding  anniversary  dates.  The option term is
five years.


Report on Executive Compensation
- --------------------------------

- -------
For the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,  1997,  the  Compensation  Committee
approved the base  compensation  and bonuses paid and stock  options  granted to
several levels of management including the CEO and the other executive officers.

Compensation Philosophy
- -----------------------
The goal of the Company is to align  business  objectives  and  overall  Company
performance and executive compensation. The Company needs to attract, retain and
reward  executive  officers  and other key  individuals  who  contribute  to the
long-term  success  of the  Company  and  to  further  motivate  them  to  build
shareholder  value.  The Board of  Directors  has  adopted a total  compensation
package comprised of base salary, bonus, and stock option awards as follows:

     Base Salary:  Each executive officer's base salary is reviewed on an annual
     basis.  Among those factors taken into consideration are (1) individual and
     corporate  performance,(2)  level of responsibility,  (3) prior experience,
     (4) breadth of knowledge of the industry, and (5) competitive pay practices
     as reported by the American  Electronics  Association  for comparable  size

     Bonus:  Bonuses  are paid  only if the  Company  and  individual  executive
     officers achieve the performance objective for the year. Generally, bonuses
     are based on the level of net income for the Company  and other  factors as
     determined by the Compensation Committee.

     Stock  Option  Grants:  The  Company  provides   significant   equity-based
     incentives   for   executives  and  other  key  employees  to  ensure  that
     individuals  are  motivated  over the long term to respond to the Company's
     business challenges and opportunities as owners and not just as employees.

Chief Executive Officer  Compensation 
- -------------------------------------
Mr.  Miller's  base  salary and bonus were  determined  in  accordance  with the
criteria described in the "Base Salary" and "Bonus" sections of this report. Mr.
Miller's  base salary of $216,000  and cash bonus of $142,000  reflect the Board
and the  Committee's  assessment of (i) the favorable  operating  results of the
Company  for the past  fiscal  year,  (ii) his  leadership,  and (iii) his broad
involvement  in the overall  operation and growth of the Company.  The Board has
set his base  compensation  for  fiscal  1998 at  $245,000.  Mr.  Miller was not
granted any stock options in fiscal 1997.


Potential Limitation on Company Deductions
- ------------------------------------------
Internal  Revenue Code Section  162(m)  denies a deduction to any  publicly-held
corporation for compensation  paid to certain employees in a taxable year to the
extent  that  compensation  exceeds  $1,000,000  for a covered  employee.  It is
possible that compensation attributable to stock options, when combined with all
other types of compensation received by a covered employee from the Company, may
cause this limitation to be exceeded in any particular year.

There are a number of exceptions to this rule, such as compensation paid under a
shareholder  approved  "performance-based  compensation"  plan and certain stock
options granted prior to the Company being publicly-traded.

The Board of Directors  believes  that at the present  time it is unlikely  that
eligible  compensation  under Section 162(m) paid to any executive  officer in a
taxable year will exceed one million dollars.  Therefore, the Board of Directors
has  not  established  a  policy  for  determining   which  forms  of  incentive
compensation  awarded to  executive  officers  shall be  designed  to qualify as
"performance-based compensation."

                        Robert C. Strandberg - Chairman
                                Willis C. Young
                                 Bruce S. White

Selection of Auditors
- ---------------------
Representatives  of Ernst & Young LLP,  independent  auditors,  who  audited the
books of the Company for the year ended  September 30, 1997,  are expected to be
present at the  shareholders'  meeting to make a statement if they so desire and
to be available to respond to appropriate questions of shareholders. The Company
has not reviewed fees and other arrangements for auditing services, and
accordingly  the Board of Directors has not  considered  the selection of public
accountants for the year ending September 30, 1998.

Shareholder Proposals for the 1999 Annual Meeting
- -------------------------------------------------
Shareholder  proposals  intended to be presented  at the 1999 annual  meeting of
shareholders  and to be included in the  Company's  proxy  statement and form of
proxy for that  meeting must be received by the Company no later than August 14,


Shareholder Item #2

Proposed Amendment to the Sawtek Inc. Second Stock Option Plan
- --------------------------------------------------------------
A proposal  will be  presented  at the  meeting to approve an  amendment  to the
Sawtek Inc. Second Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") which was adopted by the Board
of Directors on November 1, 1997, subject to approval by the shareholders of the

The Plan was originally  adopted by the  shareholders of the Company in 1995 and
was  intended to advance the  interests of the Company by  generating  increased
incentives  for its key  employees  and directors to contribute to the Company's
growth and profitability, thereby enhancing shareholder value. The Plan provides
for the granting of stock options to officers,  key  employees,  directors,  and
consultants.  The Plan is  administered  by the  Board of  Directors.  The total
number of shares of stock which may be issued by the  Company  under the Plan is
two million  (2,000,000);  however,  the Company may not grant  options for more
than one million  shares until such time as all of the shares held by the Sawtek
Inc.  Employee  Stock  Ownership and 401(k) Plan ("ESOP") have been allocated to
the  participants of the ESOP. The ESOP shares were  originally  scheduled to be
allocated to participants by September 30, 1998. However, in September 1997, the
Company  restructured the ESOP allocation and stretched it out over a seven-year
period ending September 30, 2003. The Company  restructured the ESOP allocations
to spread the cost and benefits over a seven-year  period rather than a two-year
period in the belief that it could use the ESOP benefit as a tool to attract and
retain employees which, in turn, reduces costs, improves  productivity,  thereby
enhancing shareholder value.

As a result of the stretch out of the ESOP  allocations,  the Board of Directors
approved an  amendment  to the Plan to provide  for  granting of options for the
second one million  shares  beginning  February 1, 1998.  The Board of Directors
believes that if the Plan is not amended,  the Company's  ability to grant stock
options to officers, key employees,  and others eligible for option grants would
be unnecessarily restricted. A copy of the Plan may be obtained from the Company
upon request.

Paragraph 3(a) of the Sawtek Inc. Second Stock Option Plan provides:

   3.  Stock Subject to Option.

       (a) Total Number of Shares. The total number of shares of Stock which may
           be issued by the  Company  to all  Optionees  under  this Plan is two
           million  (2,000,000)  shares,  provided,  however, no Option shall be
           issued  hereunder for the purchase of shares in excess of one million
           (1,000,000)  shares  until  such  time  as  all  shares  held  by the
           Company's ESOP have been allocated to participants thereof. The total
           number  of shares of Stock  which may be so issued  may be  increased
           only by a resolution  adopted by the Board of Directors  and approved
           by the shareholders of the Company.


The proposed  amendment amends paragraph 3 in its entirety as follows:

       Stock Subject to Option.

       (a) Total Number of Shares. The total number of shares of Stock which may
           be issued by the  Company  to all  Optionees  under  this Plan is two
           million  (2,000,000)  shares;  provided,  however, no Option shall be
           issued  hereunder for the purchase of shares in excess of one million
           (1,000,000)  shares until after January 31, 1998. The total number of
           shares of Stock  which may be so issued  may be  increased  only by a
           resolution  adopted by the Board of  Directors  and  approved  by the
           shareholders of the Company.

The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the adoption of
the amendment to the Sawtek Inc. Second Stock Option Plan.


Shareholder Item #3

Proposal to Adopt the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option Plan for Acquired Companies
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
A proposal  will be  presented  at the  meeting to adopt the Sawtek  Inc.  Stock
Option Plan for Acquired  Companies  (the "New Plan"),  which was adopted by the
Board of Directors on November 1, 1997,  subject to approval by the shareholders
of the Company.  The complete  text of the New Plan is set forth in Exhibit A to
this Proxy Statement and  shareholders  are urged to review it together with the
following  information,  which is  qualified  in its  entirety by  reference  to
Exhibit A.

The Board of Directors  believes that  acquisitions of complimentary  technology
firms may play a key  element  to the  long-term  success  and growth of Sawtek.
Usually,  these  firms  are  controlled  by a few  key  individuals  such as the
founders, key scientists, and key managers of the company, and often have a need
for additional key  individuals  after the  acquisition.  The Board of Directors
believes that it is important to tie these  individuals'  performance to that of
the overall  Company and the Board of  Directors  believes  that the granting of
stock options to these key individuals is an appropriate  method to achieve this

The New Plan is  administered  by the Board of  Directors.  The New Plan expires
five (5) years from the date it is approved by the  Shareholders.  Option grants
must be at 100% of the  fair  market  value  of  Sawtek  Inc.  Common  Stock  as
determined  by the closing  price on the date of the grant as  published  in the
Wall  Street  Journal.  Once an option is granted it may not be  re-priced.  All
amendments to the New Plan require approval by the Shareholders.

As a result,  the Board of Directors  approved the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option Plan
for  Acquired  Companies,  which  provides for the granting of up to one million
(1,000,000)  shares  of  Common  Stock,  solely  to key  employees  of  Acquired

The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the adoption of
the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option Plan for Acquired Companies.


Exhibit A

- ----------------------------------------------------
Sawtek Inc., a Florida  corporation  (the  "Company"),  hereby adopts the Sawtek
Inc. Stock Option Plan for Acquired Companies (the "New Plan") for key employees
and  officers,  present  and future,  of acquired  companies  or  businesses  in
accordance with the following terms and conditions:

   1.  Purpose of the Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to advance the growth and
       development  of the Company by affording an  opportunity to key employees
       and officers,  present and future, of companies or businesses acquired by
       Sawtek Inc. or any of its subsidiaries by purchase, merger, or otherwise,
       collectively  referred to as an "Acquired  Entity," to purchase shares of
       the  Company's  Common  Stock and to provide  incentives  for them to put
       forth maximum efforts for the success of the Company's business. The Plan
       is intended to permit certain  designated stock options granted under the
       Plan to qualify as  Incentive  Stock  Options  under  Section  422 of the
       Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

   2.  Definitions.  For purposes of this Plan, the following  capitalized terms
       shall have the meanings set forth below:

       (a) "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the Company.

       (b) "Code"  means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  currently in
           effect or as hereafter amended.

       (c) "Company" means Sawtek Inc., a Florida corporation.

       (d) "Eligible   Employee"   means  all  present  and  future   executive,
           managerial,  technical,  and  other  key  employees  of any  Acquired

       (e) "Incentive  Stock  Option(s)"  means a  stock  option  granted  to an
           Eligible  Employee to  purchase  shares of Stock which is intended to
           qualify as an "incentive  stock option," as defined in Section 422 of
           the Code.

       (f) "Non-qualified  Stock  Option(s)"  means a stock option granted to an
           Eligible  Employee to purchase  shares of Stock which is not intended
           to qualify as an  "incentive  stock option" as defined in Section 422
           of the Code.

       (g) "Option" means any unexercised  and unexpired  Incentive Stock Option
           or Non-qualified  Stock Option issued under this Plan, or any portion
           thereof remaining unexercised and unexpired.

       (h) "Option  Agreement"  means a written  agreement  by and  between  the
           Company and an Optionee setting forth the terms and conditions of the
           Option granted by the Board of Directors to such Optionee.

       (i) "Optionee"  means any  Eligible  Employee who is granted an Option as
           provided in the Plan.

       (j) "Plan"  shall  mean the  Company's  Stock  Option  Plan for  Acquired

       (k) "Stock" means  authorized and unissued shares of the Company's Common
           Stock, or treasury shares of such class.


       (l) "Subsidiary" means any present or future "subsidiary  corporation" of
           the  Company,  as such term is defined in Section  424(f) of the Code
           and which the Board of  Directors  has  elected  to be covered by the

       (m) Where  applicable,  the terms used in this Plan have the same meaning
           as the terms used in the Code and the  regulations and rulings issued
           thereunder and pursuant thereto, with reference to Options.

       (n) Wherever  appropriate,  words used in this Plan in the  singular  may
           mean the plural,  the plural may mean the singular and the  masculine
           may mean the feminine or neuter.

   3.  Stock Subject to Option.

       (a) Total Number of Shares. The total number of shares of Stock which may
           be issued by the  Company  to all  Optionees  under  this Plan is one
           million (1,000,000) shares.

       (b) Expired Options.  If any Option granted under this Plan is terminated
           or expires for any reason whatsoever, in whole or in part, the shares
           (or  remaining  shares) of Stock  subject to that  particular  Option
           shall again be available for grant under this Plan.

   4.  Administration of the Plan.

       (a) Board of Directors.  This Plan shall be  administered by the Board of
           Directors  who  may,  from  time  to  time,  issue  orders  or  adopt
           resolutions,  not  inconsistent  with the  provisions of the Plan, to
           interpret the  provisions  and supervise  the  administration  of the
           Plan.  All  determinations  shall  be by the  affirmative  vote  of a
           majority of the members of the Board of Directors at a meeting called
           for such  purpose,  or reduced to writing and signed by a majority of
           the  members  of the Board of  Directors.  Subject  to the  Company's
           Bylaws,  all  decisions  made by the Board of  Directors in selecting
           Optionees,  establishing the number of shares and terms applicable to
           each Option,  and in construing  the provisions of this Plan shall be
           final, conclusive and binding on all persons,  including the Company,
           shareholders,  Optionees,  and purchasers of shares  pursuant to this
           Plan.  No member of the Board of  Directors  shall be liable  for any
           action or  determination  made in good faith with respect to the Plan
           or an Option granted hereunder.

       (b) Stock Option Plan Committee.  The Board of Directors may from time to
           time appoint a Stock Option Plan  Committee,  consisting  of not less
           than two (2) directors (the "Committee").  The Board of Directors may
           delegate  to such  Committee  full  power and  authority  to take any
           action  required or  permitted  to be taken by the Board of Directors
           under this Plan,  subject to restrictions on affiliate  participation
           under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, pertaining to, among other
           things,  Section 16(b). The Board of Directors may from time to time,
           at its sole  discretion,  remove  members  from or add members to the
           Committee.  Vacancies  may be filled by the Board of Directors  only.
           Where the context  requires,  the Board of  Directors  shall mean the
           Committee,  if appointed,  for matters dealing with administration of
           the Plan.

       (c) Compliance  with Internal  Revenue  Code.  The Board of Directors (or
           committee if appointed)  shall at all times  administer this Plan and
           make interpretations  hereunder in such a manner that Options granted
           hereunder  designated  as  Incentive  Stock  Options  will  meet  the
           requirements of Section 422 of the Code.


   5.  Selection of Optionees.

       (a) Discretion of the Board of Directors. All Eligible Employees shall be
           eligible to receive  Options  pursuant to this Plan.  In  determining
           which Eligible  Employees  shall be offered  Options,  as well as the
           terms thereof,  the Board of Directors  shall  evaluate,  among other
           things, (i) the duties and  responsibilities  of Eligible  Employees,
           (ii) their past and prospective  contributions  to the success of the
           Acquired  Company,  (iii) the extent to which they are performing and
           will continue to perform outstanding  services for the benefit of the
           Acquired  Company,  and  (iv)  such  other  factors  as the  Board of
           Directors deems relevant.

       (b) Limitation on Grant of Options.  An Incentive Stock Option may not be
           granted to any Optionee if the grant of such Option to such  Optionee
           would otherwise cause the aggregate fair market value  (determined at
           the time the Option is  granted)  of the Stock for which  Options are
           exercisable  for the first time by such Optionee  under all Incentive
           Stock Option Plans of the Company  during any calendar year to exceed
           $100,000.  Non-qualified  Stock  Options  may be granted to  Eligible
           Employees at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.

   6.  Option  Agreement.  Subject to the  provisions of this Plan,  each Option
       granted to an  Optionee  shall be set forth in an Option  Agreement  upon
       such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors determines, including
       a vesting  schedule.  Each such Option  Agreement  shall  incorporate the
       provisions of this Plan by reference.  The date of the grant of an Option
       is the date specified in the Option Agreement. Any Option Agreement shall
       clearly identify such Options as Incentive Stock Options or Non-qualified
       Stock Options.

   7.  Option Prices.

       (a) Determination  of Option Price.  The option price for Stock shall not
           be less than one hundred  percent  (100%) of the fair market value of
           the Stock on the date of the grant of such  Option.  The option price
           for Stock granted to an Eligible Employee who possesses more than ten
           percent  (10%) of the total  combined  voting power of all classes of
           common stock of the Company (a "Ten Percent  Shareholder")  shall not
           be less than one hundred ten percent  (110%) of the fair market value
           of the Stock on the date of the grant of such Option.

       (b) Determination of Fair Market Value. For the purpose of this Plan, the
           fair market value of the Stock on the date of granting an Option (the
           "Grant  Date")  shall  be the  closing  price  on the  Grant  Date as
           published in the Wall Street Journal.

       (c) Determination of Stock Ownership. For purposes of paragraphs 7 and 8,
           an optionee's  common stock  ownership  shall be determined by taking
           into account the rules of constructive ownership set forth in Section
           424(d) of the Code.

       (d) No Repricing.  No Option  granted under this Plan shall be amended to
           reduce the option price.


   8.  Term of Option. The term of an Option may vary within the sole discretion
       of the  Board  of  Directors,  provided,  however,  that  the  term of an
       Incentive  Stock Option granted to an Eligible  Employee shall not exceed
       ten (10)  years  from the date of grant of such  Incentive  Stock  Option
       (five (5) years in the case of a Ten Percent Shareholder).  An Option may
       be cancelled  only in connection  with the  termination  of employment or
       death of the  Optionee  (as more  particularly  described  in paragraph 9

   9.  Exercise of Option.

       (a) Limitation  on  Exercise  of  Option.  Except as  otherwise  provided
           herein, the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion,  may limit an
           Option by  restricting  its exercise in whole or in part to specified
           vesting  periods or until  specified  conditions  have occurred.  The
           vesting periods and any restrictions  will be set forth in the Option

       (b) Exercise Prior to  Cancellation.  An Option shall be exercisable only
           during  the  term  of  the  Option  as  long  as the  Optionee  is in
           "Continuous  Employment" with the Acquired Company,  the Company, any
           Subsidiary,  or any successor thereof.  Notwithstanding the preceding
           sentence,  as long as the Option's  term has not  expired,  an Option
           which is otherwise  exercisable  in  accordance  with its  provisions
           shall be exercisable

           (i)   for a  period ending ninety (90)  days  after  the   Optionee's
                 Continuous  Employment has terminated,  unless the Optionee was
                 terminated  for cause,  in which case the Option  terminates on
                 notice of termination of employment; or

           (ii)  by the  estate of the  Optionee,  within one (1) year after the
                 date of the Optionee's  death, if the Optionee should die while
                 in Continuous Employment; or

           (iii) within one (1) year after the Optionee's  Continuous Employment
                 terminates,  if the  Optionee  becomes  disabled (as defined in
                 Section 22(e) of the Code) during  Continuous  Employment  with
                 the Company and such disability is the cause of termination.

           For purposes of this Plan,  the term  "Continuous  Employment"  shall
           mean  service  as a  common  law  employee  and  the  absence  of any
           interruption  or  termination  of  employment  (or  termination  of a
           consulting  contract)  by  the  Acquired  Company,  the  Company,  or
           Subsidiary  which now exists or hereafter is organized or acquired by
           the  Company.   Continuous   Employment   shall  not  be   considered
           interrupted in the case of sick leave,  military  leave, or any other
           leave of absence  approved by the Company or in the case of transfers
           between the Acquired Company, the Company, or between any Subsidiary,
           or successor  thereof.  The term "cause" as used in this subparagraph
           9(b) shall  mean:  (i)  commission  of a felony or a charge of theft,
           dishonesty,  fraud  or  embezzlement;   (ii)  failure  to  adhere  to
           reasonable   directives  and  policies,   willful   disobedience   or
           insubordination;   (iii)   disclosing   to  a  competitor   or  other
           unauthorized person, proprietary information,  confidences,  or trade
           secrets of the Acquired  Company,  the Company,  or Subsidiary;  (iv)
           recruitment of Acquired Company,  Company, or Subsidiary personnel on
           behalf  of a  competitor  or  potential  competitor  of the  Acquired
           Company,  the Company,  or Subsidiary,  or any successor thereof;  or
           (v)solicitation  of business on behalf of a  competitor  or potential
           competitor of the Acquired Company,  the Company,  or Subsidiary,  or
           any successor thereof.


       (c) Method of  Exercising  an Option.  Subject to the  provisions  of any
           particular Option, including any provisions relating to vesting of an
           Option,  an Optionee may exercise an Option,  in whole or in part, by
           written  notice to the  Company  stating in such  written  notice the
           number of shares of Stock such Optionee  elects to purchase under the
           Option, and the time of the delivery thereof,  which time shall be at
           least  fifteen (15) days after the giving of such  notice,  unless an
           earlier date shall have been  mutually  agreed upon.  Upon receipt of
           such written notice, the Company shall provide the Optionee with that
           information  required by the applicable state and federal  securities
           laws. If, after receipt of such information,  the Optionee desires to
           withdraw  such notice of exercise,  the  Optionee  may withdraw  such
           notice of exercise by notifying the Company, in writing, prior to the
           time set forth for  delivery of the shares of Stock.  In no event may
           an Option be exercised  after the expiration of its term. An Optionee
           is under no obligation to exercise an Option or any part thereof.

       (d) Payment  for  Option  Stock.  The  exercise  of any  Option  shall be
           contingent  upon receipt by the Company of cash,  (or if permitted by
           the Board of  Directors,  shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock or
           cancellation  of a vested portion of the Stock Option),  in an amount
           equal  to  the  full  option  price  of the  shares  of  Stock  being
           purchased. The Board of Directors may, but is not required to, accept
           a promissory note, secured or unsecured,  in the amount of the option
           price made by the Optionee on terms and  conditions  satisfactory  to
           the Board of Directors.

       (e) Delivery of Stock to Optionee.  Provided  the Optionee has  delivered
           proper notice of exercise and full payment of the option  price,  the
           Company shall  undertake and follow all necessary  procedures to make
           prompt  delivery of the number of shares of Stock which the  Optionee
           elects  to  purchase  at the  time  specified  in such  notice.  Such
           delivery,  however,  may be postponed at the sole  discretion  of the
           Company  to  enable  the  Company  to  comply  with  any   applicable
           procedures,  regulations, or listing requirements of any governmental
           agency, stock exchange,  or regulatory  authority.  As a condition to
           the  issuance  of shares of  Stock,  the  Company  may  require  such
           additional payments from the Optionee as may be required to allow the
           Company to withhold any income taxes which Company deems necessary to
           insure  the  Company  that it can  comply  with any  federal or state
           income tax withholding requirements.

   10. Non-transferability.  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 9(b) (ii)
       and (iii) hereof, an Option  granted to an Optionee may be exercised only
       during such  Optionee's  lifetime by such Optionee.  An Option may not be
       sold,  exchanged,   assigned,  pledged,  encumbered,   hypothecated,   or
       otherwise  transferred  except  by will or by the  laws  of  descent  and
       distribution.  No Option or any right  there  under  shall be  subject to
       execution,  attachment,  or  similar  process  by  any  creditors  of the
       Optionee. Upon any attempted assignment, transfer, pledge, hypothecation,
       or other  encumbrance of any Option  contrary to the  provisions  hereof,
       such Option and all rights  thereunder  shall  immediately  terminate and
       shall be null and void with respect to the transferee or assignee.


   11. Compliance with the Securities Laws.

       (a) Optionee's Written Statement. The Board of Directors may, in its sole
           discretion,  require that at the time an Optionee  elects to exercise
           his or her Option, he or she shall furnish a written statement to the
           Company  that  he or  she is  acquiring  such  shares  of  Stock  for
           investment  purposes  only  and  that he or she has no  intention  of
           reselling or otherwise  disposing of such Stock, along with a written
           acknowledgment  that the Option and the shares of Stock pertaining to
           the Option are not  registered  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as
           amended (the "Act"),  the Florida securities laws, or any other state
           securities  laws.  In the event that  shares of Stock  subject to the
           Option are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, an
           Optionee shall no longer be required to comply with this subparagraph
       (b) Registration  Requirements.  If at any  time the  Board of  Directors
           determines, in its sole discretion,  that the listing,  registration,
           or  qualification  of the shares of Stock  subject to the Option upon
           any  securities  exchange  or under any state or  federal  securities
           laws,  or the  consent,  or approval of any  governmental  regulatory
           body,  is necessary or desirable as a condition  of, or in connection
           with, the issuance or purchase of shares thereunder,  then the Option
           may not be  exercised,  in  whole or in part,  unless  such  listing,
           registration,  qualification,  consent  or  approval  shall have been
           effected  or  obtained  (and the same  shall  have  been  free of any
           conditions not acceptable to the Board of Directors).

       (c) Restrictions  on Transfer of Shares.  The shares of Stock acquired by
           an Optionee  pursuant to the exercise of an Option hereunder shall be
           freely transferable; provided, however, that such shares of Stock may
           not be sold,  transferred,  pledged,  or  hypothecated,  unless (i) a
           registration statement covering the securities is effective under the
           Act and  appropriate  state  securities  laws,  or (ii) an opinion of
           counsel,  satisfactory  to the  Company,  that such  sale,  transfer,
           pledge, or hypothecation may legally be made without  registration of
           such shares under federal or state  securities laws has been received
           by the Company.

       (d) Restrictive Legend. In order to enforce the restrictions imposed upon
           shares of Stock under this Plan,  the Company shall make  appropriate
           notation  in its stock  records  or, if  applicable,  shall  issue an
           appropriate  stock  transfer   instruction  to  the  Company's  stock
           transfer  agent.  In  addition,  the  Company  may  cause a legend or
           legends to be placed on any certificates representing shares of Stock
           issued  pursuant  to this Plan,  which  legend or legends  shall make
           appropriate  reference  to such  restrictions  in  substantially  the
           following form:

           The shares of Common Stock  evidenced by this  certificate  have been
           issued under the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option Plan for Acquired Companies
           (the  "Plan")  and are  subject to the terms and  provisions  of such

           These shares have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
           1933, as amended,  the Florida Securities and Investor Protection Act
           or any other state  securities laws, and,  therefore,  cannot be sold
           unless  they  are  subsequently  registered  under  the  Act  and any
           applicable  state  securities  laws,  or  unless  an  exemption  from
           registration is available.


   12. Changes  in  Capital  Structure  of  Company.  In the  event of a capital
       adjustment    resulting   from   a   stock    dividend,    stock   split,
       reclassification,   recapitalization,   or  by   reason   of  a   merger,
       consolidation,  or other  reorganization  in  which  the  Company  is the
       surviving corporation, the Board of Directors shall make such adjustment,
       if any,  as it may deem  appropriate  in the  number  and kind of  shares
       authorized  by this Plan,  or in the number,  option  price,  and kind of
       shares covered by the Options  granted.  The Company shall give notice of
       any  adjustment  to each  Optionee  and such  adjustment  shall be deemed
       conclusive.  The foregoing  adjustments  and the manner of application of
       the  foregoing  provisions  shall be  determined  solely  by the Board of
       Directors,  and any such  adjustment  may provide for the  elimination of
       fractional shares.

   13. Reorganization,   Dissolution  or  Liquidation.   In  the  event  of  the
       dissolution or  liquidation of the Company,  or any merger or combination
       in which the Company is not a surviving  corporation is involved,  or the
       Company transfers  substantially all of its assets or property to another
       corporation,  or in the event any other  corporation  acquires control of
       the Company in a  reorganization  within the meaning of Section 368(a) of
       the Code, all outstanding Options shall thereupon terminate,  unless such
       Options  are  assumed or  substitutes  therefor  are issued  (within  the
       meaning  of Section  424(a) of the Code) by the  surviving  or  acquiring
       corporation  in any such merger,  combination,  or other  reorganization.
       Notwithstanding  the previous  sentence,  the Company shall give at least
       fifteen  (15) days  written  notice of such  transaction  to  holders  of
       unexercised   Options  prior  to  the  effective  date  of  such  merger,
       combination,  reorganization,  dissolution, or liquidation.  The Board of
       Directors,  in its sole  discretion,  may elect to accelerate the vesting
       schedules  of all Options  previously  issued upon such  notice,  and the
       holders  thereof may exercise such Options prior to such effective  date,
       notwithstanding any time limitation  previously placed on the exercise of
       such Options.

   14. Dividends; Voting Stock.

       (a) Dividends.  Purchasers  of  Stock  pursuant  to  this  Plan  will  be
           entitled,  after  issuance  of  their  stock  certificates,   to  any
           dividends  that  may be  declared  and  paid on the  shares  of Stock
           registered in their names. A stock certificate representing dividends
           declared and paid in shares of Stock shall be issued and delivered to
           the  purchaser   after  such  shares  have  been  registered  in  the
           purchaser's  name. Such stock  certificate shall bear the legends set
           forth above and shall be subject to the  provisions of this Plan, the
           Option Agreement and any escrow arrangement.
       (b) Voting Rights. Purchasers of shares of the Stock shall be entitled to
           receive all notices of meetings and  exercise all voting  rights of a
           shareholder with respect to the shares of Stock purchased.

       (c) Rights  as  Shareholder.  An  Optionee  shall  have  no  rights  as a
           shareholder  with respect to any shares  covered by his or her Option
           until  exercise  of  the  Option  and  the  date  of  issuance  of  a
           certificate to him for such shares.  No adjustment  shall be made for
           dividends  or other  rights for which the record date is prior to the
           date such certificate is issued.


   15. Amendment and Termination of the Plan.

       (a) No  Amendment  Without  Shareholder  Approval.  This Plan may only be
           amended by obtaining the approval of the Company's shareholders.

       (b) Automatic Termination. This Plan shall terminate five (5) years after
           its approval by the share holders of the Company, unless the Board of
           Directors  shall, in its discretion,  elect to terminate this Plan at
           an earlier  date.  Options may be granted under this Plan at any time
           and from time to time  prior to  termination  of the Plan  under this
           subparagraph  15(b).  Any Option  outstanding at the time the Plan is
           terminated under this subparagraph  15(b)shall remain in effect until
           the Option is exercised or expires.

   16. Miscellaneous.

       (a) Notices. All notices and elections by an Optionee shall be in writing
           and  delivered in person or by mail to the  President or Treasurer of
           the Company at the principal office of the Company.

       (b) Effective  Date of the Plan. The effective date of this Plan shall be
           the date of its approval by the shareholders of the Company.

       (c) Employment.  Nothing in the Plan or in any Option granted  hereunder,
           or in any Stock Option  Agreement  relating thereto shall confer upon
           any employee of the Acquired Company, the Company, or any Subsidiary,
           or any successor thereof,  the right to continue in the employ of the
           Acquired Company, the Company, or any Subsidiary.

       (d) Plan  Binding.  The Plan shall be  binding  upon the  successors  and
           assigns of the Company.

       (e) Gender. Whenever used herein, nouns in the singular shall include the
           plural, and the masculine pronoun shall include the feminine gender.

       (f) Headings.  Captioned headings of paragraphs and subparagraphs  hereof
           are inserted for convenience and reference, and constitute no part of
           the Plan.

       (g) Applicable Law. The validity,  interpretation and enforcement of this
           Plan are governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida
           and the United States of America.


Performance Graph
- -----------------
The graph below compares the performance of the Company's  Common Stock with the
performance of the NASDAQ composite index and the Hambrecht &Quist communication
sector  component of its Growth and  Technology  Index.  The comparison of total
return on  investment  for the period  assumes  that $100 was invested on May 1,
1996 (the date the Company went public) in the Company and each of the indices.

                    Comparison of Total Return among NASDAQ
            Composite Index and the H&Q Communication Sector of its
                  Growth and Technology Index and Sawtek Inc.

                                                                End of Period Values
                                                 May 1, 1996     September 30, 1996   September 30, 1997
                                                 -----------     ------------------   ------------------
  Sawtek                                            $100               $200                  $356
  NASDAQ Composite with dividends re-invested       $100               $103                  $142
  Hambrecht & Quist Communication Sector Index      $100               $101                  $113


Summary Compensation Table
- --------------------------

The table below  illustrates  annual and long-term  compensation for services to
the Company for the  years ended  September  30,  1997,  1996 and 1995 for those
executives who, as of September 30, 1997,  were (i) the Chief Executive  Officer
and (ii) the other four most highly compensated executives of the Company.

                                                                           Other           Total Option
Name and Position             Year        Salary          Bonus      Compensation (3)      Grants # (1)
- -----------------             ----        ------          -----      ----------------      ------------ 
Steven P. Miller              1997       $216,000        $142,004        $ 4,078                     --
   Chairman & Chief           1996        199,992         714,274         48,521                     --
   Executive Officer          1995        158,184         239,341         22,817                     --

Neal J. Tolar                 1997        180,000         118,604          5,529                     --
   Senior Vice President &    1996        167,003         692,831         39,594                     --
   Chief Technical Officer    1995        146,037         220,041         22,964                     --

Gary A. Monetti               1997        141,000          85,050          3,490                 20,000
   President & Chief          1996        109,990          73,098         27,759                     --
   Operating Officer          1995         97,565         111,438         14,398                     --

Thomas L. Shoquist (2)        1997        118,000          46,895          3,715                     --
   Vice President-Quality     1996        113,526          58,367         27,349                     --
                              1995        106,850         102,533         16,210                     --

Raymond A. Link               1997        130,000          79,604          3,612                 15,000
   Vice President-Finance &   1996        106,194          74,683         15,097                 60,000
   Chief Financial Officer    1995              *               *              *                100,000
*     Mr. Link  joined the Company in Fiscal 1995 and earned less than  $100,000
      in Fiscal 1995. 
(1)   Amounts  shown  represent  the number of shares  subject to qualified  and
      non-qualified stock options granted each year.
(2)   Mr. Shoquist retired from Sawtek Inc. on October 1, 1997.
(3)   The amounts reported include the following:

                               Contributions to the Sawtek Inc.     Taxable         Premiums       Estate and
                               Employee Stock Ownership Plan      Portion of     for Disability   Tax Planning
Name                    Year       # of Shares  Cost Basis      Life Insurance      Insurance       Services
- ----                    ----       -----------  ----------      --------------   --------------   ------------ 
Steven P. Miller        1997          6,127       $ 2,757          $ 1,321               --               --
                        1996         19,771        20,329            1,218            2,245           24,729
                        1995         32,048        14,421            1,218            3,363            3,815

Neal J. Tolar           1997          6,127         2,757            2,772               --               --
                        1996         19,771        20,329            2,556               --           16,709
                        1995         32,048        14,421            1,636            6,542              365

Gary A. Monetti         1997          7,080         3,186              304               --               --
                        1996         19,771        20,329              224               --            7,206
                        1995         31,498        14,174              224               --               --

Thomas L. Shoquist      1997          7,080         3,186              529               --               --
                        1996         19,771        20,329            1,020               --            6,000
                        1995         34,654        15,594              616               --               --

Raymond A. Link         1997          7,080         3,186              426               --               --
                        1996         14,360        14,765              332               --               --


Option Grants in FY97

                                                                                          Potential Realizable Value at
                                   % of       Exercise     Market Price                   Assumed Rate of Stock Price
                                   Total        Price      Per Share at    Expiration     Appreciation for Option Term
                 # Granted (1)   Grants (2)   Per Share    Date of Grant      Date             0%       5%        10%
                 -------------   ----------   ---------    -------------   ----------         ---    --------  --------   
Steven P. Miller      --            --           --            --              --             --        --         --
Neal J. Tolar         --            --           --            --              --             --        --         --

Gary A. Monetti     20,000         8.18%       $28.75        $28.75          3/26/07          $0     $361,614  $916,402

Thomas L. Shoquist    --            --           --            --              --             --        --         --

Raymond A. Link     15,000         6.13%       $28.75        $28.75          3/26/07          $0     $271,211  $687,302

(1)   The options  become  exercisable at a rate of 25% per year over four years
      and have a term of 10 years. The potential  realizable value is calculated
      based on the term of the option at the time of the grant (10 years). Stock
      price  appreciation of 5% and 10% is assumed pursuant to rules promulgated
      by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and does not  represent  the
      Company's prediction of its stock performance.
(2)   Based on an aggregate of 244,500  options  granted to employees,  officers
      and Directors of the Company in fiscal 1997 including the Named  Executive

Aggregate Option Exercises in Fiscal Year 1997 and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                   Number of Securities
                    # of Shares                   Underlying Unexercised              Value of In-the-Money
                     Acquired         Value    Options at September 30, 1997     Options at September 30, 1997 (2)
                    On Exercise   Realized (1)  Exercisable   Unexercisable        Exercisable  Unexercisable
                    -----------   ------------  -----------   -------------        -----------  -------------
Steven P. Miller        --             --            --            --                  --            --

Neal J. Tolar           --             --            --            --                  --            --

Gary A. Monetti       94,250       $2,788,394      167,980        23,750           $7,748,078    $  520,494

Thomas L. Shoquist      --             --            --            --                  --            --

Raymond A. Link       40,000       $1,011,888       25,000       110,000           $1,139,513    $4,125,525
(1)   Based on the product of (i) the fair market  value of the Common  Stock at
      the date of  exercise  minus the  exercise  price  and (ii) the  number of
      shares acquired upon exercise.
(2)   Based on the product of (i) the fair market  value of the Common  Stock at
      September  30, 1997 ($46.25 per share)  minus the exercise  price and (ii)
      the number of shares acquired upon exercise.


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
Directors, Executive Officers and Five Percent (5%) Shareholders

                                                                 Shares Beneficially Owned
Principal Shareholders                                        Number                 Percent
- ----------------------                                        ------                 ------- 
Employee Stock Ownership and 401(k) Plan (1)                 6,569,669                31.63%
   ("The ESOP")

Pilgrim Baxter & Associates, Ltd. (2)                        2,077,369                10.00%
   1255 Drummers Lane, Suite 300
   Wayne, PA  14087-1590

Executive Officers and Directors

Steven P. Miller (3)                                         1,217,346                 5.86%

Neal J. Tolar (4)                                            1,041,827                 5.02%

Gary A. Monetti (5)                                            204,230                 0.98%

Raymond A. Link (6)                                             34,874                     *

Robert C. Strandberg (7)                                        10,134                     *

Bruce S. White (8)                                              16,667                     *

Willis C. Young (8)                                              6,667                     *

All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group (8 persons)  2,531,745                12.19%
*     Less than 1% of the outstanding Common Stock.
(1)   Marine  Midland  Bank is the  Trustee of the ESOP.  The ESOP,  through its
      Trustee,  exercises sole dispositive and voting control over these shares,
      all of which  are held by the ESOP as  record  owner.  Includes  4,039,445
      shares  allocated to  participants'  accounts and 2,530,224 shares not yet
      allocated to participants' account. Each ESOP participant, with respect to
      certain  matters,  controls  the voting of shares  allocated to his or her
      account by  instructing  the Trustee how such shares  shall be voted.  The
      Trustee controls the voting of all unallocated shares.
(2)   The Company has relied on information supplied directly by this firm.
(3)   Includes 406,323 shares held by Sawmill Investment Limited  Partnership of
      which Mr.  Miller is the general  partner  and 787,835  shares held by Via
      Capri  Investment  Limited  Partnership  of which Mr.  Miller has indirect
      voting  control,  and 23,188  shares  held in trust for his  majority  age
      children.  Excludes  108,497 shares owned by the ESOP but allocated to his
(4)   Excludes  shares owned by his majority age children for which he disclaims
      any  beneficial  interest.  Excludes  147,543 shares owned by the ESOP but
      allocated to his account.  Includes  331,201 shares held by MOP Investment
      Limited   Partnership  and  710,626  held  by  MOPNJ  Investment   Limited
      Partnership of which Dr. Tolar has indirect voting control.
(5)   Includes  options to purchase  171,730 shares of Common Stock  exercisable
      within 60 days of October 31, 1997.  Excludes  98,569  shares owned by the
      ESOP but allocated to his account.
(6)   Includes  options to purchase  25,000  shares of Common Stock  exercisable
      within 60 days of October 31, 1997.  Excludes  17,354  shares owned by the
      ESOP but allocated to his account.
(7)   Includes  options to purchase  9,334  shares of Common  Stock  exercisable
      within 60 days of October 31, 1997.
(8)   Includes  options to purchase  6,667  shares of Common  Stock  exercisable
      within 60 days of October 31, 1997.



hereby authorized, with full power of substitution, to represent and to vote the
stock of the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to
be held on January 23, 1998,  or at any  adjournment,  upon such business as may
properly come before the meeting,  including the following items as set forth in
the Proxy Statement.

1.    Election of Directors,  Nominees:
      Steven P. Miller, Neal J. Tolar, Robert C. Strandberg, Bruce S. White,
      Willis C. Young

                                             For the above
                                           slate of nominees         Withheld
      Election of Directors                      _______              ______ 

      If withheld, please list the nominee(s) that you are not in favor of:


2.    Amendment to the Sawtek Inc. Second Stock Option Plan:

                                                For the
                                               Amendment             Withheld

                                                _______               ______
3.    Adoption of the Sawtek Inc. Stock Option Plan for Acquired Companies:

                                               For the
                                               Amendment             Withheld

                                                _______               ______
You are encouraged to specify your choices by marking the appropriate  box. This
Proxy,  when properly  executed,  is voted in the manner  directed herein by the
undersigned  stockholder.  If no direction is made, this Proxy will be voted for
the election of  Directors,  for the  amendment to the Sawtek Inc.  Second Stock
Option  Plan,  and for the  adoption  of the Sawtek Inc.  Stock  Option Plan for
Acquired  Companies.  The Proxies  cannot  vote your shares  unless you sign and
return the ballot. In their discretion,  the Proxies are authorized to vote upon
such other business as may properly come before this meeting.

________  I plan to attend the meeting.

      Signature(s) ________________________________   Date _________________
      Signature    ________________________________   Date _________________ 

      Please sign  exactly as name  appears  above.  When  signing as  attorney,
      executor,  administrator,  Trustee,  or guardian,  give your full title as
      such. All joint owners must sign.

(change of address)                               Shares held in your name:
_____________________________________             _________________________