Agreement made and entered in multiple parts on this 15th day of April,
2002, by and between Digitran Systems, Incorporated a Delaware corporation
("DSI") c/o of Robert H. Jaffe & Associates, 8 Mountain Avenue, Springfield,
New Jersey 07081 with the Estate of Loretta Trevers ("Trevers Estate") by and
through Stuart Reeves, its Personal Representative, of P. 0. Box 540301, North
Salt Lake City, Utah 84054 to complete the within share exchange as
hereinafter described in Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Whenever both
parties are collectively referred to in this Agreement, they shall be
designated as the "Parties".


     WHEREAS, DSI is a public entity and has a fully owned subsidiary known
as Digitran Incorporated ("DI") which it would like to exchange with the
Trevers Estate for an approximate 9% of the shares of Digitran Simulation
Systems, Inc. ("DSSI");

     WHEREAS, DSSI is substantially owned by the Loretta Trevers Estate,
which has agreed to convey approximately 9% or 90 shares of DSSI to DSJ in
exchange for the 1,000 shares of DI. held by DSI;

     WHEREAS, as a result of the foregoing described share exchange
transactions, DSI would own 9% ofDSSI being 90 shares and the Trevers Estate
would own 100% of Digitran, Inc. shares, being 1,000 shares.

     NOW THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree and covenant as follows:

     Section 1.0. Consideration. This Agreement is fully and adequately
supported by the share exchange described herein; and, independently, by the
mutual covenants and undertakings set-out in this Agreement.

      Section 2.0. Share Transfers. Upon the terms and subject to conditions
of this Agreement, and in accordance with the corporate law of the state of
incorporation of each of the corporate entities where shares are being
exchanged, the parties shall effect the following share transfers at closing;

      2.1   DSI will convey in fully negotiable form the 1,000 restricted
            shares of Digitran, Inc. currently held by it to the Trevers
            Estate, or to such individual or individual members of the Trevers
            Estate as shall be designated at closing in writing by the
            Personal Representative of such estate.

      2.2   In exchange for the foregoing tender, and as a condition thereof
            at closing, the Trevers Estate shall deliver properly endorsed and
            fully negotiable restricted stock certificates for 90 shares of
            DSSI, constituting not less than 9% of the issued and outstanding
            shares of such corporation to and in the name of Digitran Systems,

Section 3.0. Closing.

      3.1   The closing for this share exchange shall occur on or before
            April 29, 2002 by the mutual tender to each Party by mail of the
            respective exchange shares at the address indicated below. If the
            actual exchange takes place after April 29, 2002, the Parties
            shall treat this transaction retroactively as if it has been
            closed on or before April 29, 2002.

      3.2   In the event that the exchanged shares do not facially appear to
            meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Parties shall notify
            each other in writing and both Parties shall then have ten
            business days in which to correct any deficiency in the tender of
            shares so that the closing may be completed. Failing the
            resolution within such time by the Parties, the Parties shall
            return the respective shares in the manner described in paragraph
            3.1 to each party tendering such shares for the closing purposes
            and deem that this Agreement was not closed and is fully
            rescinded and terminated.

      3.3   The Parties to this Agreement may mutually modify any date or
            term of closing as they shall mutually agree upon, provided that
            any such modification shall be memorialized in a writing and
            attached as an Addendum to this Agreement.

Section 4.0. Representations and Undertaking of the Parties:.

      4.1   Each Party represents and agrees that the share transfer
            described herein does not require any shareholder approval of the
            issuing entities as this exchange is deemed a private share
            transfer between individual shareholders.

      4.2   Each Party to this Agreement fully represents and asserts that
            they are intimately familiar with the management, business,
            accounting and related affairs of each of the corporate entities
            whose shares are being exchanged and have had access to and time
            to review all books, records and information concerning such
            entity and waive any requirement of further disclosure or due
            diligence. Further, each Party receiving shares represents that
            they are a sophisticated business investor as relates to the
            subject share exchanges and do not require any further securities
            disclosure or other information concerning the companies whose
            shares they are acquiring or disposing under the terms of this

      4.3   Each Party receiving shares understands and represents that the
            shares that they are receiving are restricted securities which
            have not been registered; that they are fully familiar with the
            terms and limitations applicable to restricted securities; that
            they have had an opportunity to discuss with their own counsel
            the nature of restricted securities; and that they are fully
            agreeable and accept the restricted securities being exchanged as
            part of this Agreement and do so without any commitment or
            representation of tradeability or registration rights as to such

      4.4   Each Party hereto further agrees and recognizes that all of the
            entities involved other than Digitran Systems, Inc., are
            privately held corporations and do not have public markets and
            are not likely in the future to have public markets developed.

      4.5   All parties hereto recognize Stuart Reeves as the duly appointed
            and designated Personal Representative of the Estate of Loretta
            Trevers, deceased, and that he has full and exclusive capacity
            and power to exchange and convey shares issued in the name of
            Loretta Trevers or her estate, or any designated heir, and that
            he is doing so for and on behalf of the heirs of such estate and
            may act without specific further authorization, endorsement or
            writing from such heirs.

      4.6   It is further understood and agreed by all Parties to this
            Agreement that DI is a wholly owned subsidiary of DSI which has a
            negative net worth.

      4.7   All Parties to this Agreement represent that there are no liens,
            encumbrances, adverse claims of ownership or other rights or
            entitlements as to the stock being exchanged which would require
            consent, approval or release of any third Party for the
            conveyances of such shares in this exchange and represent and
            warrant title to such shares to the Party receiving the exchange
            shares from liens, or encumbrances and adverse claims.

      4.8   Each Party to this Agreement further warrants to all other
            Parties that there are no agreements, procedures, governmental
            approvals or any other requirements to be completed, to the best
            of their knowledge, for the closing and completion of the
            exchange of shares described by this Agreement and that such
            exchange does not require any further compliance with law or

      4.9   Each Party to this Agreement warrants and represents to the other
            Parties that they are not aware of any adverse claims, material
            legal or administrative proceedings, lawsuits or substantial
            accounting or business changes which would adversely affect any
            of the companies for which shares are being exchanged which has
            not been fully and completely disclosed to the other parties to
            this Agreement. Further, each Party further agrees that they will
            not engage in any actions or proceedings which would
            be adverse to the value or interest acquired by 'any other Party
            in the shares exchanged and will act with good faith to complete
            this exchange and to preserve value in such shares between the
            Parties, both before and after Closing.

      4.10  Each Party represents that they are acquiring the shares
            exchanged for investment purpose only and not with a view to
            resell or distribution.

      4.11  No exchange of shares hereunder will violate any statute, rule or
            regulation or require the consent or participation of any other
            Party so far as known by any of the Parties to this share

     Section 5.0. Notices. Any notice or other communications required or
permitted hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be delivered
personally, sent by certified or registered mail or other equivalent proven
means of delivery at the address set forth below

      If to Trevers Estate:

      Stuart Reeves, Personal Representative
      P.0. Box 540301
      North Salt Lake, UT 84054

     If to Digitran Systems, Inc.:

     c/o Scott Lybert, Secretary
     205 West 88008 South
     P.O. Box 91
     Paradise, UT 84320

      cc: Quentin R. Casperson
      80 Thomas Court
      Logan,UT 84321

      Section 6.0. Miscellaneous.

      6.1   Assignment. This Agreement and all provisions herewith shall be
            binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and
            their respective successors, legal representatives and permitted
            assigns, but neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,
            interests or obligations under it shall be assigned by any of the
            Parties without the prior written consent of the other Party.

      6.2   Complete Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire
            understanding of the parties and the described related
            transactions and supersedes all prior arrangements or
            understandings with respect thereto, and there are no
            restrictions, agreements, promises, representations, warranties,
            covenants or undertakings other than those expressly set forth in
            this Agreement.

      6.3   Modifications Amendments and Waivers. At any time prior to

            Closing: (a) all parties hereto may, by written agreement, modify,
            amend or supplement any term or provision of this Agreement; and
            (b) any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived by
            written agreement of the Party which is entitled to the benefits
            thereof. Otherwise this writing shall not be amended or subject
            to parol evidence and is a final integrated Agreement.

      6.4   Invalid Provisions. If any provision of this Agreement is held to
            be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any present or future
            law, and if the rights or obligations of any Party hereto under
            this Agreement will not be materially and adversely affected
            thereby: (a) such provision will be fully severable; (b) this
            Agreement will be construed and enforced as if such illegal,
            invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part
            hereof; and (c) the remaining provisions of this Agreement wilt
            remain in full force and effect and will not be affected by the
            illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance

      6.5   Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
            the State of Utah (regardless of the laws that might be
            applicable under principles of conflicts of law) as to all
            matters, including but not limited to, matters of validity,
            construction, effect and performance.

      6.6   Survival of Covenants. The covenants and undertaking of the
            Parties to this Agreement shall survive closing and remain
            binding upon the respective Party.

      6.7   Action at Law Equity. Should any term or provision of this
            Agreement be violated and an action brought for enforcement at
            law or at equity, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to all
            reasonable costs of court and attorney fees.

      6.8   Authorized Signatory. Each Party to this Agreement signing on
            behalf of a corporate entity represents that he has been fully
            and duly authorized to enter into and execute this Agreement
            pursuant to resolution of the governing board of such corporation
            and the individual Personal Representative signing this Agreement
            represents that he is acting for and within his capacity and
            charge as a Personal Representative of the Estate of Loretta


By:______________________________      By:____________________________
    Stuart Reeves                          Quentin Casperson
    Personal Representative                President