SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Filed by the Registrant [X] Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ] Check the appropriate box: [ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement [ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) [X] Definitive Proxy Statement [ ] Definitive Additional Materials [ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12 DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter) N/A (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant) Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): [X] No fee required [ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11. 1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: N/A 2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: N/A 3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined: N/A 4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: N/A 5) Total fee paid: $0. [ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. 1) Amount Previously Paid: $0. 2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: N/A 3) Filing Party: N/A 4) Date Filed: N/A DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED 205 West 8800 South P.O. Box 91 Paradise, Utah 84328-0091 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 1:00 P.M. (EST) To Our Shareholders: As many of you are aware, the Special Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at the Holiday Inn located on Route 22 West in Springfield, New Jersey, was adjourned. The meeting was adjourned because it was deemed by regulatory authorities that the information concerning the merger transaction involving the Company and, Inc. was not sufficiently detailed to meet rules governing proxy solicitations. Please be advised that a new meeting of shareholders will be held at the Holiday Inn located on Route 22 West in Springfield, New Jersey on Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 1:00 p.m., Daylights Savings Time, for the following purposes: 1. Approval of Merger Transaction with Incorporated 2. Approval of Increase in Capitalization of Class A Common Shares from 25,000,000 Shares to 50,000,000 Shares 3. Approval of 1 for 21 Reverse Stock Split of Class A Common Shares 4. Approval of Change of Voting Rights of Class A Common Shares from 1/10 Vote Per Share to 1 Vote Per Share 5. Election of Samuel Gaer, Marni Gaer and Ronald Comerchero to the Company's Board of Directors 6. Ratification of the appointment of Samuel Klein & Company, CPAs as the Company's independent auditors. 7. Change of the Company's Name to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. 8. Consideration of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The enclosed Proxy Statement relating to these proposals supercedes the Proxy Statement previously sent to you under cover of a Notice dated March 21, 2001. All shareholders of record of the Company's common stock at the close of business on July 30, 2002 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the September 12, 2002 Special Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. At least a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company present in person or by proxy is required for a quorum. By Order of the Board of Directors DATED: August 9, 2002 Scott Lybbert, Secretary DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED PROXY BALLOT SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS Please complete, sign and provide any additional information on this Proxy Ballot and return it to the Company by mail to the office of Robert H. Jaffe & Associates, P.A., 8 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey 07081 in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope provided prior to Thursday, September 12, 2002. The undersigned shareholder of Digitran Systems, Incorporated (the "Company") hereby appoints Scott Lybbert, Secretary of the Company, or instead of him, _____________________________________________, as nominee of the undersigned to attend and act for and on behalf of the undersigned at the special meeting of the shareholders of the Company to be held on Thursday, the 12th day of September 2002, and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof, to the same extent and with the same power as if the undersigned was personally present at the said meeting or such adjournment or adjournments thereof and without limiting the generality of the power hereby conferred, the proxy nominees designated above are directed, with regard to the shares registered in the name of the undersigned, to vote in accordance with the following instructions. Unless otherwise indicated, your proxy will be voted in favor of any nomination or proposal indicated below. YOU MAY VOTE INDIVIDUALLY AS TO EACH PROPOSED DIRECTOR BELOW FOR WITHHELD DIRECTOR Mr. Samuel A. Gaer Mrs. Marni Gaer Mr. Ronald Comerchero OTHER MATTERS FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN PROPOSAL Merger Transaction With Incorporated Increase In Capitalization of Class A Common Stock From 25,000,000 Shares To 50,000,000 Shares 1 for 21 Reverse Split of Class A Common Stock Increase In Voting Rights Of Class A Common Stock From 1/10 Vote Per Share to 1 Vote Per Share Ratification To Engage Samuel Klein & Company, CPAs As Independent Accountants For The Company. Change of Name of the Company to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. OTHER SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS AND/OR NOMINATIONS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Check here if you plan to attend meeting. Print Shareholder Name(s) exactly SIGNATURE as they appear on your Certificate: Date Complete If Known: Certificate #: No. of Shares: PROXY STATEMENT DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Delaware Corporation) SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 THIS PROXY STATEMENT IS BEING MAILED TO ALL SHAREHOLDERS OF RECORD AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON JULY 30, 2002 IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOLICITATION OF THEIR VOTE BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED ("the Company" or "DSI") with regard to the Special Shareholder Meeting to be held on Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, Springfield, New Jersey. The principal purpose of the Special Shareholder Meeting is to approve a proposed merger transaction (the "Merger") between the Company, its wholly owned subsidiary DSI Acquisition, Inc. ("DSI Acquisition") and Incorporated ("TradinGear"), a privately held Delaware corporation. This Proxy Statement should be reviewed in connection with the Company's Annual Report filed on SEC Form 10-KSB for fiscal year ended April 30, 2002, which is attached as an Exhibit to this Proxy Statement. All of the Company's SEC reports are available at the website of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") which may be found at The Company's SEC CIK number is 0000876134. VARIOUS ITEMS OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE COMPANY RELATED TO THIS PROXY STATEMENT ARE SET-OUT IN THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR 20012 ON SEC FORM 10-KSB. SUCH DETAILED INFORMATION MAY BE RELEVANT IN REVIEWING THIS PROXY STATEMENT, BUT IS NOT NECESSARILY REPEATED IN THIS DOCUMENT. A copy of the October 31, 2001 Agreement and Plan of Merger between the Company, DSI Acquisition, a Delaware corporation recently formed by the Company as a wholly-owned subsidiary, and TradinGear (the "Merger Agreement") is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A. The Company's shareholders are encouraged to read the Merger Agreement and an Addendum to that Agreement dated December 31, 2001, which is attached as Exhibit B, in their entirety and the other information contained in this document carefully before deciding how to vote. The shares represented by valid proxies, which are properly executed and received by the Secretary to the Company prior to the Special Meeting, will be voted in accordance with specifications therein. 1 Record Date for the Special Meeting The Company's Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on July 30, 2002 as the record date for determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting. Solicitation and Voting The solicitation of proxies will be conducted by mail and the Company will bear all attendant costs. These costs will include reimbursements paid to brokerage firms and others for their expenses incurred in forwarding solicitation material regarding the Special Meeting to beneficial owners of the Company's Common Stock. The Company may conduct further solicitation personally or telephonically through its officers, directors and regular employees, none of whom will receive additional compensation for assisting with the solicitation. These holdings of the Company's Class A common shares (pre-reverse split) of the Company's officers and directors who are participating in the solicitation are: Aaron Etra - 502,100 shares, Gary Blum - -590, 821 shares, Quentin Casperson - 553,300 shares and Scott Lybbert - 1,200,123 shares. Robert H. Jaffe, Esq., counsel for the Company, also will participate in the solicitation. He owns 1,635,950 pre-reverse split Class A common shares and will receive 50,000 post-reverse split Class A common shares upon the completion of the Merger. As of July 30, 2002, the authorized capital stock of the Company consisted of (i) 25,000,000 shares of Class A common stock, $0.01 par value per share, of which 24,347,699 shares are issued and outstanding; (ii) 5,000,000 shares of Class B common stock, $0.01 par value per share, of which 2,000,000 shares are issued and outstanding; and (iii) 1,000,000 shares of Eight (8%) Percent Cumulative Preferred Stock of which 51,500 shares were issued and outstanding. As provided in the Company's Articles of Incorporation, the Class A common stock carries with it the right to one-tenth of a vote per share (for a total of 2,434,769 votes), the Class B common stock carries with it the right to one vote per share (for a total of 2,000,000 votes) and the Preferred Stock carries with it the right to one-tenth of a vote per share (for a total of 5,150 votes), for a total of 4,439,919 votes. All outstanding shares of the Company's common stock and preferred stock (the "Company's Shares") have are personal liability attaching to the ownership thereof, have no pre-emptive rights and are free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances. The Company's Shares have no cumulative voting provisions. The Class A and Class B common shares will share equally, pro-rata, in any dividends declared by the Company, and the rights of the Class A and Class B common shares to receive dividends are subordinated to the rights of the preferred shares. Actual votes cast will be determined by the physical counting of votes in person or proxy by the Inspector of Elections to be appointed prior to the meeting by the Board of Directors. Any dispute as to votes or entitlement to vote will be decided by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Revocability of Proxy Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be revoked by the person giving it at any time before it is used by delivering written notice to the Company (sent to the attention of the Secretary of the Company) at the address set forth above, or by a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by attending the Special Meeting and voting in person. Attendance at the Special Meeting, in and of itself, will not constitute revocation of a proxy. 2 Vote Required In general, each proposal to be voted upon will be adopted only by the affirmative vote of a majority of shares voted at the meeting on that proposal. Adoption of proposals for the 1 for 21 reverse split of the Class A common stock and to increase the vote of the Class A common stock from 1/10 of a vote per share to 1 vote per share also will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the Class A shares voted on these two proposals. Directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. There are no matters to be voted upon as described by this Proxy upon which management will proceed absent majority shareholder approval as described above. There can be no assurance that the resolutions being voted upon at the Special Meeting will be approved. It is very important that as many shareholders as possible are represented and voting in person or by proxy at the Special Meeting. Quorum, Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes A majority of all of the 4,439,919 issued and outstanding voting shares of the Company as of the record date, represented in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Special Meeting. The Inspector of Elections will ascertain whether a quorum is present, tabulate votes and determine the voting results on all matters presented at the Special Meeting. If a quorum is not obtained, the Special Meeting may be postponed or adjourned without notice for the purpose of allowing additional time for obtaining additional proxies or votes, and at any subsequent reconvening of the Special Meeting, all proxies will be voted in the same manner as the proxies would have been voted at the original convening of the Special Meeting, except for any proxies that have been effectively revoked or withdrawn prior to the subsequent Special Meeting. If you submit a proxy that indicates an abstention from voting in all manners, your shares will be counted as present for the purpose of determining a quorum at the Special Meeting, but they will not be voted on any matter at the Special Meeting. In addition, the failure of a shareholder to return a proxy will have the effect of reducing the number of votes cast at the Special Meeting thereby also reducing the number of votes needed to approve the resolutions to be voted on. Under the rules that govern brokers who have record ownership of shares that are held in "street name" for their clients, who are the beneficial owners of the shares, brokers have discretion to vote those shares on routine matters but not on non-routine matters. The approval of the merger with TradinGear and the other resolutions being presented at the Special Meeting are not considered a routine matter. Accordingly, brokers will not have discretionary voting authority to vote your shares at the Special Meeting. A "broker non-vote" occurs when brokers do not have discretionary voting authority and have not received instructions from the beneficial owners of the shares. At the Special Meeting, broker non-votes will be counted for the purpose of determining the presence of the quorum but will not be counted for the purpose of determining the number of votes cast on a matter. Consequently, shareholders are urged to return the enclosed proxy ballot marked to indicate their vote. 3 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED MERGER * The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, DSI Acquisitions, Inc. will merge with Incorporated (TradinGear). As a result, TradinGear will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. (See "Proposal I") * The business of TradinGear is software development for securities and commodities exchanges and custom orders. (See "Business of TradinGear") * Since its inception in July 1999, TradinGear has had revenues from operations, but no profits. (See "Financial Statements of TradinGear") * After the Merger, the present shareholders of TradinGear will own approximately 94% of the outstanding common stock of the Company and the present officers and directors of TradinGear will own approximately 60% of the outstanding common stock of the Company. (See "Control of the Company After The Merger") * As a condition of the Merger, the Class A common shares presently held by the shareholders of the Company will be reverse split on a 1 for 21 basis. (See "Proposal I") * As a condition of the Merger, the three holders of the Company's 2,000,000 Class B common shares, Julie T. Reeves, Evelyn R. Call and Rigel Hulett, have agreed to a reverse split of their shares on a 1 for 20 basis and to exchange the resulting 100,000 Class B common shares for 100,000 post-split Class A common shares. (See "Proposal III") * As a condition of the Merger, the current directors of TradinGear: Samuel Gaer, Marni Gaer and Ronald Comerchero, will become the directors of the Company. (See "Proposal V") * As a condition of the Merger, the Company will change its name to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. (See "Proposal VII") * It is proposed that the authorized capital of the Company be increased from 25,000,000 Class A common shares to 50,000,000 Class A common shares. (See "Proposal II") * It is proposed that the voting rights of the Class A common shares be increased from 1/10 vote per share to 1 vote per share. (See "Proposal IV") * It is proposed that Samuel Klein & Company, CPAs, who are currently the independent accountants for TradinGear, become the independent accountants for the Company. (See "Proposal VI") * Shareholders of the Company have certain dissenters' rights. (See "Rights of Dissenting Stockholders") MATTERS SUBJECT TO SHAREHOLDER VOTE INTRODUCTION There are seven separate proposals each of which is subject to shareholder vote. However, all seven pertain to Proposal I - Merger with TradinGear. Proposals II through VII are conditioned upon Proposal I being approved. Therefore, if Proposal I is not approved, or if it is approved but the Merger is not consummated, then Proposals II through VII will be moot and will not be effected by the Company even if there has been a favorable vote for these proposals. If Proposal I - Merger with TradinGear - is approved, then the Merger still will not be consummated unless Proposal III - the one for twenty-one reverse split of the Company's Class A common stock, Proposal V - - the election of TradinGear's nominees for directors and Proposal VII - the change of the Company's name to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. - are all approved, since these are conditions precedent for the consummation of the Merger. Assuming the consummation of the Merger, the ownership of the Company and its affiliates both before and after the Merger will be: BEFORE THE MERGER Owners of Digitran Systems, Incorporated Votes 1. Holders of Class A Common Shares - 1/10 vote per share 2,434,769 2. Holders of Class B Common Shares - 1 vote per share 2,000,000 3. Holders of Preferred Shares - 1/10 vote per share 5,150 4,439,919 DIGITRAN SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 100% 100% Digitran Acquisitions, Inc. Digitran, Inc. AFTER THE MERGER Owners of Class A common shares of TGFIN Holdings, Inc. (formerly Digitran Systems, Incorporated) Votes 1. Present Shareholders of TradinGear 19,154,309 2. Present Holders of Class A Common Shares 1,159,414 3. Former Holders of Class B Common Shares 100,000 4. Present Holders of Preferred Shares 5,150 5. Holders of Shares Issued at Closing as Finders Fees 200,000 20,618,873 TGFIN HOLDINGS, INC. (formerly Digitran Systems, Incorporated) 100% 9% Incorporated Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. (merged with Digitran (merged with Digitran, Inc.) Acquisition, Inc.) PROPOSAL I MERGER WITH TRADINGEAR Material Terms of the Transaction The following is a description of the material aspects of the acquisition of and merger with TradinGear, including the Merger Agreement. While the Company believes that the following description covers the material terms of the Merger Agreement, the description may not contain all of the information that is important to you. You should read this entire document and the other documents referred to carefully for a more complete understanding of the transaction, in particular the Merger Agreement attached as Exhibit A. The discussion of the Merger Agreement is qualified in its entirety by reference to the document. There have been no negotiations, transactions or material contracts during the past two years between the Company and TradinGear concerning any merger, consolidations, acquisition, election of the Company's directors or sale or any other transfer of a material amount of assets of the Company or of TradinGear except as set forth in the Agreement and Plan of Merger among the Company, TradinGear and DSI Acquisition. The Merger Agreement as modified by the Addendum, provides that TradinGear will merge with DSI Acquisition, a newly formed subsidiary of the Company, for the purpose of implementing this transaction. Copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of DSI Acquisition are attached hereto. In turn, the Company will issue 19,154,309 post reverse-split Class A shares of the Company to DSI Acquisition, which would then distribute those shares to the shareholders of TradinGear on the basis of one share of Class A common stock for one share of TradinGear common stock. As a condition precedent to the closing of the merger, TradinGear requires that the holders of Class B common stock, which on a post-split basis would constitute 100,000 shares, to exchange the 100,000 shares of Class B common stock for Class A common stock, thus eliminating any outstanding Class B common shares. As a condition precedent to this transaction, Digitran, Inc., a Utah corporation ("Digi Utah"), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Corporation, would be merged into an Arizona corporation known as Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. ("DSSI"), which is owned by the heirs of Loretta P. Trevers, the recently deceased president of the Company. As a result of this merger transaction, the Company would own a nine (9%) percent interest in DSSI and the heirs of Loretta P. Trevors would own 91%. Based on separate financial statements for Digi Utah dated as of April 30, 2001, there is no net asset value to be placed on the investment made by the Company in this subsidiary. Management of the Company therefore believes the merger of Digi Utah with DSSI provides the best opportunity to dispose of this now defunct subsidiary. In recent years, the Company has been a holding company, conducting its operations through Digi Utah. Digi Utah had been in the business of manufacturing petroleum, crane and truck simulation systems for industry training, and now limits its business to petroleum simulation systems only, where it markets both the software and the simulator. The current financial status of the Company, exclusive of Digi Utah (which is being merged into DSSI) is that it has assets of less than $1,000 and liabilities of less than $50,000 and has no on-going business. The Merger Agreement contains a number of representations made by the Company, DSI Acquisition and TradinGear. Among other items, each of the entities represented that it was in good standing in its state of domicile; that the Merger Agreement was duly authorized by the respective boards of directors; that the financial information provided to the other entities was true and correct in all material respects; that there had been no material changes since the date of the financial information; that there were no legal or administrative actions pending or contemplated which involved the entities or their properties, except as disclosed in the Merger Agreement; and that all federal and state corporate tax returns had been filed and, where required, corporate taxes have been paid. The Board of Directors of the Company believes that this proposed Merger will be beneficial to the shareholders of the Company because, since TradinGear will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, the Company's shareholders presumably would benefit from the business of TradinGear. The Company's directors believe the business of TradinGear to be far more viable than that of Digi Utah. However, shareholders of the Company should note that, upon the consummation of the Merger, the present shareholders of TradinGear will own approximately 94% of the Company's outstanding common stock, and the current officers and directors of TradinGear will own approximately 60% of the Company's outstanding common stock and, accordingly, will be able to control the affairs of the Company, including the election of directors. The Merger will be treated as a purchase for accounting purposes. The directors of the Company do not believe that there should be any material federal tax consequences to the Company's shareholders as a result of the Merger since the Company's shareholders will continue to hold the same securities that they hold at present. For the Merger to be consummated, Proposals I, III, V and VII all must be approved. 4 The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the Merger Agreement; subject to approval of a majority of the Company's shareholders. Assuming approval by the shareholders of the Company, the shareholders of TradinGear will receive on a pro rata basis one share of post-split Class A common stock for each of the 19,154,309 issued and outstanding shares of TradinGear. The Company will then change its name to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. The Board of Directors and the Shareholders of TradinGear also have approved the Merger Agreement. Prior to the closing of the transaction each of the entities that were signatories to the Merger Agreement, were granted full access to any material information about the entities, their business or properties. The entities conducted their business in the same manner prior to closing as they had done prior to executing the Merger Agreement. Adoption of this Proposal I will require the affirmative vote of a majority of shares voted at the meeting. RIGHTS OF DISSENTING STOCKHOLDERS Under the Delaware General Corporation Law ("DGCL"), dissenting stockholders who follow prescribed statutory procedures are entitled to appraisal rights in certain mergers or consolidations. Section 262 of the DGCL sets forth the rights of stockholders of the Company who object to the Merger Agreement and wish to avail themselves of these appraisal rights. The material provisions of Section 262 are summarized herein. However, this summary does not purport to be a complete statement of Section 262, and a shareholder who may wish to dissent is advised to review carefully, alone or with such shareholder's adviser, all of Section 262 and, specifically, Section 262(d)(1) thereof with respect to the dissenting shareholder serving upon the Company a written demand for appraisal. Section 262 provides that any stockholder of the Company who does NOT vote in favor of the Merger Agreement may be paid, in cash, the fair value of his shares, provided each and every one of the provisions of Section 262 is strictly complied with, within the time provided therefore. Prior to September 12, 2002, the date of the taking of the vote of the stockholders of the Company on the Merger, a dissenting stockholder seeking appraisal must file with the Company, addressed to the attention of Scott Lybbert, Secretary of the Company, a written demand for appraisal, stating that the stockholder intends to demand payment for his shares if the Merger occurs (a "Notice of Demand for Appraisal"). A negative vote on the Merger does not constitute a "Notice of Demand for Appraisal" pursuant to Section 262. Failure by a stockholder to vote against the Merger Agreement will not, however, constitute a waiver of rights under Section 262 of the DGCL provided that a written Notice of Demand for Appraisal is properly filed and such stockholder has not voted in favor of the Merger Agreement. BUSINESS OF TRADINGEAR GENERAL Incorporated ("TradinGear"), organized under the laws of the State of Delaware on July 7, 1999, is a software development company providing open access online securities, futures and commodities trading systems, software platforms for the operation of securities and commodity exchanges and custom order execution systems. Open access means that a TradinGear system can accept and send messages from and to anywhere, and is not limited by any one or several forms or formats. Online securities, futures and commodities trading systems refer to electronic trading systems accessible via the internet, intranet or closed proprietary network. A software platform is another term for a trading system, which TradinGear seeks to provide not only to securities and commodity exchanges, but also to "built to suit" - (i.e. "customer order"), for example, for a hedge fund which might want a system which could match trades internally. TradinGear has experienced net operating losses since its inception. TradinGear's revenues will be derived from the selling of licenses and services, and from charging annual software maintenance fees, for all products that are licensed as required in its agreements. TradinGear competes in the financial systems technology market. This market is large and highly competitive, encompassing the gamut of electronic financial transaction systems, and there can be no assurance that TradinGear will be able to operate profitably in this environment. Although TradinGear has focused its efforts on developing systems that focus on the securities, futures and commodities markets, its management believes that its software is readily adaptable and designed to allow the trading of a variety of products. TradinGear provides its products as a neutral third party. Existing stock and commodity exchange clearing, billing and price reporting systems can be interfaced and/or integrated with TradinGear's systems. TradinGear believes that its product line is flexible, utilizes industry standards and allows the customer to have their orders routed to and/or cleared by anyone. TradinGear introduced its first generation of software products and generated initial revenue during the fourth quarter of 1999. TradinGear finished development of its second generation of over-the-counter ("OTC") exchange systems, order management systems (which allows customers to keep track of orders or portfolios), and broker-dealer solutions (helping the broker-dealer manage its web site, track customer orders, accounts, portfolio information, etc.) and began customer installation in June of 2001. TradinGear's goal is to continue to develop products which customers want, and will pay for, by bringing the latest technology to traditional trading environments. TradinGear's end-to-end electronic systems (from order origination up to clearing) are designed to 5 permit broker-dealers and exchanges to capitalize on new technology, while retaining the feel of a conventional operation. This means that using a TradinGear system does not require the customer to change its way of doing business to any predetermined "TradinGear - only" way. Electronic Communications Networks ("ECN's") are believed to offer more efficient markets than the traditional exchanges. Electronic alternatives to traditional securities markets and broker-dealers are becoming more popular, and these markets need to keep up. TradinGear intends to offer its products to fill these needs of the traditional exchanges. TradinGear is committed to developing cutting-edge technology solutions to facilitate electronic trading. Currently TradinGear is focused on the financial services, domestic and international equity and commodity exchanges and the securities, futures and commodities brokerage industry. TradinGear hopes to also expand into additional markets where its technology enables efficient, secure, and price-transparent trading. TradinGear's systems are designed from scratch; without the use of software designed for now obsolete computer platforms ("legacy code") or the building of TradinGear's system on top of another system. TradinGear's solutions make use of the newest technologies and are easily customized. All of the systems produced by TradinGear have complete risk management Functions, which allows the customer to preset limits regarding a multitude of parameters, such as volatility, price, order size, security or industry concentration, etc., and are of production quality, ready to use. TradinGear believes that it is able to develop and deploy its systems rapidly due to its approach to the development of its trading software solutions. Before marketing its first system, TradinGear developed a "core" library of approximately 300 generic trading routines and functions. Each component in the library was mapped around what is known as the "F.I.X." protocol ("Financial Information exchange" - a common computer language for sending and receiving financial information) and has the ability to be custom tailored for virtually any purpose. When developing a custom solution, TradinGear picks the appropriate base components and "extends" or modifies their functionality to suit the task at hand. By combining its available components, TradinGear creates a trading system unique to the customer, but easily maintainable for TradinGear's developers and administrators. REVENUE SOURCES TradinGear expects to earn revenue from its customers on many levels. Some principal points of collections are: * Licensing Fees * Customization * Monthly/Annual Maintenance * Dedicated Support Contracts * Change Requests/Modifications * Consulting and Product Planning 6 Licensing and Customization Fees are negotiated between TradinGear and the customer. Maintenance fees are generally a fixed percentage cost of the contract and any enhancements, while Support fees generally are a fixed fee payable monthly, quarterly or semi-annually, depending upon customer preferences. The customer can choose different levels of support, and can purchase this support in increments of "dedicated persons" of TradinGear. A typical support agreement might call for one half of a dedicated person. Change Requests and Modifications occur at various times during the course of business, and are quoted and billed at TradinGear's prevailing rates, either on a time and materials basis or as a flat fixed-fee. PRODUCTS TradinGear provides comprehensive technical and trading solutions for the brokerage and financial industry. TradinGear's TGFIN trading network utilizes its own SmartMatch relative pricing matching technology. In addition, some trading products support the use of SmartRoute, TradinGear's advanced order routing management system. Exchange Floor Automation And Market Maker/Order Management System: TGFIN (TradinGear Financial Instrument Network) TradinGear's TGFIN, initially designed for trading fixed income products (e.g. bonds), has evolved into a generic exchange and order routing/market making system capable of trading anything that can be quoted or traded using TradinGear's proprietary SmartMatch relative pricing matching engine. The system has the ability to show breadth and depth of market in the form of Nasdaq Level II-style screens and easily customizable user interfaces designed to customer specifications. The TGFIN is the basis for several of TradinGear's sub-product lines, such as TGFIN/MM, TradinGear's Nasdaq(Registered) Market Maker system. TradinGear seeks to compete by pricing its TGFIN/MM significantly lower than the competition. The TGFIN/MM is not burdened by the overhead of maintaining a physical network; but instead the system utilizes the customer's existing Nasdaq connectivity to form its own network. TradinGear's goal is to position TGFIN/MM as a high quality, low cost alternative to the more traditional, expensive, and "heavy" market making and order management systems. TGFIN/MM allows complete order and position tracking for each user, and uses pop-up notifications and sounds for transaction confirmations. All transactions, positions and risk can be monitored through the administrator's terminal, which can add, remove or lockout traders and/or individual securities/markets, as well as monitor the customer's overall exposure, positions, orders and order history. The development of a product by TradinGear begins with the customer and TradinGear agreeing upon a functional specification, in which TradinGear addresses the needs of the customer and maps them to functions available in the existing system. A development period is then entered in which TradinGear's technicians assemble the various pre-fabricated software components from its own library to meet the customer specification. The next step is for an internal test version to be released to TradinGear's Quality Assurance Department for initial testing. Quality Assurance determines if the product meets specifications, and where it is 7 deficient. Collaboration between Quality Assurance and Development take place, with interaction from the customer, until the product is ready for Beta Release. At "Beta Release" (a final testing version), the software is installed at the Beta location (generally at TradinGear's test facility) for testing by the customer. The customer performs an analysis to determine if the product meets specifications. "Initial Acceptance" follows this. At Initial Acceptance, the software, once substantially up to specification, is accepted by the customer, pending final delivery and final fixes. The software is then delivered, installed on the production system and tested by the customer, with TradinGear having the right to be present. Once the system performs to specification, the customer gives final approval ("Final Acceptance") and accepts the product. Maintenance and Support by TradinGear then begin. The customer's level of technical sophistication varies, and generally TradinGear's technicians perform the implementation. A typical physical hardware implementation can consist of the following tasks: (1) Configure servers: (a) Install Operating System (if not factory installed) (b) Install Database Software (c) Connect to Network/Internet (d) Install TradinGear's application software (e) Test (2) Configure customer/installation program: (a) Prepare installation package for desired operating system (b) Install on test computer(s) (c) Test Typically, the physical implementation above will take less than 2 man- days, providing the correct equipment and networking is in place. A typical software implementation varies, depending upon the amount of customization needed to the "front end" or visual portion of the software. Out of the box, with little or no tailoring, a system can be implemented in as little as 30 days (2 developers working 25 days, or 50 man-days). An all-out major customization may take several man-months, and the greatest problem that is encountered is the ever-changing requirements and additions to the technical specifications that are deemed by the customer to be "mission critical" during development. 8 MARKETING PLANS To date, TradinGear has found that the most effective marketing tool has been customer reference and word of mouth, and TradinGear hopes to build on this with an aggressive marketing campaign. The main media for Company advertising will be conventions, trade shows, and print ads in industry publications. Segment Identification TradinGear's primary target markets have been identified as: * Solutions for Regional Exchanges * Proprietary Trading Firms/Hedge Funds * The Exchange Market EXCHANGE-SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS TradinGear's marketing effort is targeting more traditional securities; futures and commodities exchanges that want to automate and integrate existing floor-based operations with online operations and/or exchanges. To this audience, TradinGear believes that its TGFIN solution will prove to be an elegant, attractive and relatively low-cost/low-risk environment in which to conduct business. In addition, certain regional stock and commodity exchanges are converting existing systems to electronic or hybrid-electronic trading systems. Such exchanges would be prospective licensees for TGFIN. TradinGear hopes that as these exchanges begin to realize the advantage of having an all- electronic trading platform, and/or the potential benefits of augmenting their traditional exchange structure with some kind of electronic system, their own members will realize that ECN's can provide them with more efficient markets, better prices and easier access. PROPRIETARY TRADING FIRMS/HEDGE FUNDS TradinGear also is selling its products to proprietary trading firms and hedge funds. TradinGear has found that the highly modular architecture of its systems makes them good candidates for firms wishing to implement customized trading systems utilizing their own proprietary algorithms and/or strategies. By providing customers with a 'toolkit' that can be integrated into a variety of front-end applications and programming languages such as Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, and Java, these firms can use TradinGear's risk management, trade routing, and order management functionality without divulging or changing their existing business processes. 9 THE EXCHANGE MARKET TradinGear believes that its TGFIN software offers exchanges the opportunity to streamline their trading systems and expand their scope of operations. Currently, exchanges that are not directly connected to the Nasdaq system can not make markets on Nasdaq issues. Their "open outcry" floor traders are limited to filling their orders only with bid prices and ask prices they can hear, and then only as fast as two people can match orders. TradinGear's TGFIN software addresses these problems. It can expand an exchange's trading market and can allow the exchange to fill orders more quickly and effectively by matching throughout the entire exchange, not just between traders within earshot of each other. The exchange marketplace also includes dozens of regional futures and stock exchanges that have been reluctant to implement electronic trading systems due to resistance-to-change factors. These exchanges are now beginning to see the advantages of a "hybrid" marketplace, utilizing electronic means to communicate and match trades while using traditional open-outcry functionality for price discovery and liquidity. TradinGear believes that TGFIN is an ideal candidate for such implementation. 10 MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Introduction The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated historical financial statements of Incorporated ("TradinGear") and related notes thereto for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2000 and December 31, 2001 (audited) and the fiscal quarters ended March 31, 2001 and March 31, 2002 (unaudited) included as Exhibit D to this Proxy Statement. This discussion contains forward-looking statements regarding the business and industry of TradinGear within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the current plans and expectations of TradinGear and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future activities and results of operations to be materially different from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. Results of Operations For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2000 and December 31, 2001 For the year ended December 31, 2001 TradinGear's consolidated revenues increased to $1,128,836, as compared to $242,778 for the year ended December 31, 2000. This increase is attributable primarily to the sales and initial delivery of TradinGear's new exchange systems platforms software. Operating loss from continuing operations decreased significantly to $436,651 for the year ended December 31, 2001, as compared to a loss of $1,208,319 for the year ended December 31, 2000. This decrease is due primarily to the significant increase in revenues, with only a slight increase in operating costs to $1,565,487 for the year ended December 31, 2001 from $1,451,097 for the year ended December 31, 2000. Despite the significant increase in revenues, general and administrative expenses declined by $35,144, to $601,098 for the year ended December 31, 2001 from $636,242 for the year ended December 31, 2000. This decline resulted from TradinGear's ability to support increased sales and revenues without having to increase its payroll, which remained constant at 8 employees throughout 2001. Website costs (essentially, a one-time expense incurred during fiscal 2000) declined to $4,508 for the year ended December 31, 2001 from $87,629 for the year ended December 31, 2000. Development costs remained virtually constant ($426,544 for the year ended December 31, 2001 as compared to $418,044 for the year ended December 31, 2000) as TradinGear refined existing products and developed new products for the marketplace. The significant increase in consulting fees (to $496,530 for the year ended December 31, 2001 from $286,179 for the year ended December 31, 2000) principally reflects consulting and professional agreements entered into by TradinGear during 2001. After deductions for Other Expenses (primarily a one-time realized loss of $79,450 on the sale of securities in fiscal 2000) and a Provision for Income Tax, TradinGear had a net loss for the year ended December 31, 2001 of $467,761, down significantly from $1,282,702 for the year ended December 31, 2000, for the reasons set forth above. Results of Operations for the Fiscal Quarters Ended March 31, 2001 and March 31, 2002 For the quarter ended March 31, 2002, TradinGear's consolidated revenues increased to $235,655, as compared to $187,502 for the quarter ended March 31, 2001. This increase also is attributable primarily to the sales and initial delivery of TradinGear's new exchange systems platforms software. Loss from operations increased to $217,486 for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 as compared to $160,131 for the quarter ended March 31, 2001, reflecting significant increases in two components of Costs and Expenses. The increase in general and administrative costs to $267,211 for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 from $200,050 for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 is attributable primarily to the 8 employees being on the payroll of TradinGear during much of 2001, but not during the first quarter, and in 2002. The significant increase in consulting fees from $11,200 for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 up to $60,680 for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 continues to reflect consulting and professional agreements entered into by TradinGear during 2001. After a provision for income tax of $1,649 for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 (none for the quarter ended March 31, 2001), TradinGear had a net loss for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 of $219,307, as compared to a net loss of $160,131 for the quarter ended March 31, 2001, for the reasons stated above. TradinGear files Federal Tax Returns, which reflect net operating loss carry forwards. At December 31, 2001 and March 31, 2002, TradinGear has net operating loss carry-forwards in excess of $2,000,000. TradinGear has not recorded any income tax 11 benefit for the year ended December 31, 2001 or the quarter ended March 31, 2002. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 contains provisions that may limit the net operating loss carry-forwards available to be used in any given year in the event of significant changes in ownership. Management cannot presently determine the probability of any tax benefit being realized in future periods. Liquidity and Capital Resources As of December 31, 2001, TradinGear had cash and cash equivalents of $230,360, a positive working capital position of $183,142 and no significant debt. As of March 31, 2002, TradinGear had cash and cash equivalents of $160,743, a positive working capital position of $338,187 and no significant debt. For the year ended December 31, 2001 the net cash used in operating activities was $96,620 ($361,295 for the quarter ended March 31, 2002) as compared with cash used in operating activities in the year ended December 31, 2000 of $730,571 ($75,468 for the quarter ended March 31, 2001). During the year ended December 31, 2001, TradinGear's negative cash flow was funded primarily by the issuance of common stock for $281,125 resulting in net cash flow from financing activities of $281,125, as compared to no cash flow from financing activities in the year ended December 31, 2000. During the quarter ended March 31, 2002, TradinGear's negative cash flow was funded by the issuance of common stock for $298,000, resulting in net cash flow from financing activities of $298,000 for the quarter ended March 31, 2002, as compared to no cash proceeds from financing activities for the quarter ended March 31, 2001. TradinGear believes that additional working capital and development and marketing financing will be available as needed, either from additional sales of common shares or debt (of which TradinGear had none as at March 31, 2002) or both. However, there can be no assurance that TradinGear would be able to obtain sufficient debt or equity financing or, if obtained, that it will be on favorable terms. If TradinGear is unable to secure additional financing, its ability to implement its growth strategy would be impaired and its financial condition and results of operations would be materially adversely affected. TradinGear does not believe that the consummation of the Merger between TradinGear and the Company will have any significant impact upon its needs for additional capital (see "Going Forward and Subsequent Events" below). Going Forward And Subsequent Events Assuming the successful consummation of the merger between TradinGear and the Company, and the acquisition of Digitran, Inc. by Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc., all as set forth elsewhere in this Proxy Statement, the business of TGFIN Holdings, Inc. (formerly Digitran Systems Incorporated) will be the business of its wholly-owned subsidiary, TradinGear (with the added legal and accounting costs attributable to the SEC periodic reporting obligations of a publicly-held company, which are not expected to be material). TradinGear's growth and development plan is based upon using its modular trading systems technology to rapidly assemble and deliver trading solutions for the exchange, broker-dealer and hedge fund marketplaces. TradinGear believes that it can offer prospective customers solutions that are custom- tailored, as well as being faster, cheaper and easier to use than those of competitors. TradinGear also anticipates reaching a marketplace of customers of existing customers. In addition, TradinGear intends to develop additional product lines to keep pace with the changing state-of-the-art technology of the market. TradinGear's software is designed on a "modular" basis, which is intended to allow rapid adaptation to changes in the marketplace. However, this is an area 12 of rapidly changing technology and regulation, and there can be no assurance that TradinGear will be able to remain competitive as the technology evolves, or that changing regulations will not severely hamper TradinGear's ability to do business. To date, TradinGear has had no formal marketing plan, and all sales have been by "word of mouth". TradinGear anticipates initiating a more structured marketing strategy during the current fiscal year, which will require the training key personnel for sales, as well as broadening its exposure in the marketplace via trade shows and limited advertising in the print media. TradinGear does not expect a material increase in capital expenditures in connection with its marketing. TRADINGEAR RISK FACTORS PRIOR TO VOTING ON THE PROPOSED MERGER BETWEEN DSI ACQUISITION, INC. AND TRADINGEAR, SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY SHOULD CONSIDER CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING RISK FACTORS REGARDING TRADINGEAR. Recently Formed Entity With Limited Business Experience TradinGear was formed in July 1999 and has had limited business activity and experience. To expand its current business, TradinGear will have to employ experienced personnel, establish a corporate infrastructure to serve customers, solicit customers for use of these on-line services and acquire the necessary computer and communications equipment and license appropriate software to enable it to implement its business activities. The lack of the TradinGear's established business experience in these areas increases the risks involved for holders of the common stock of the Company. Lack Of Profitability The TradinGear has experienced a net loss from operations since its inception, with a total net loss from July 7, 1999 through December 31, 2001 of $2,235,019. There can be no assurance as to when, or if, TradinGear's operations will become profitable. Need For Additional Funds; Lack Of Commitments For Future Financing Substantially greater funds than presently available will be required before TradinGear will be able to significantly develop and market its business, as well as for additional working capital required by TradinGear's lack of profitability. There can be no assurance that TradinGear will be able to acquire such additional funding, or at what cost, or in sufficient amounts. 13 Competition Barriers to entry into TradinGear's business are not significant so that the TradinGear may expect even greater competition from a larger number of firms in the future. Further, many of its competitors and proposed competitors will have significantly greater financial, technological and other resources than TradinGear now has or may, in the reasonably foreseeable future, attain. See "Business - Competition." Government Regulation. A number of TradinGear's present and prospective customers, specifically stock exchanges and stock brokerage companies, are subject to extensive regulation under both federal and state laws. Therefore TradinGear, in dealing with stock exchanges and brokerage companies, may be required to comply with many complex laws and rules, the compliance with which could result in additional costs to TradinGear. Since TradinGear does deal with customers who are themselves regulated, there can be no assurance that federal or state agencies will not attempt to regulate TradinGear's own business activities. If enacted or deemed applicable to TradinGear, such laws, rules or regulations could be imposed on TradinGear's activities or its business, thereby rendering TradinGear's business or operations more costly or burdensome, less efficient or even impossible, any of which could have a material adverse effect on TradinGear's business, financial condition and operating results and therefore on the stock price of the Company's common shares. Need For Infrastructure; Equipment And Personnel To Be Put In Place At present, TradinGear does not own or lease the necessary computer and communications equipment, which will be required to expand significantly its business activities. For this reason, TradinGear relies upon certain third- party computer systems or third-party service providers. Any interruption in these third-party services, or deterioration in their performance, could be disruptive to TradinGear's business. In the event that current arrangements with any of such third parties is terminated, TradinGear may not be able to find an alternative source of systems support on a timely basis or on commercially reasonable terms. In addition, While TradinGear believes that it will be able to hire and retain the necessary personnel to direct and expand its activities, TradinGear's business prospects will be dependent upon the continued employment and performance of its senior management; its ability to retain and motivate other officers and key employees; and its ability to identify, attract, hire, train, retain and motivate other highly skilled technical, managerial, marketing, administrative and customer service personnel, each prepared for their various roles in a public reporting entity. Competition for personnel is intense. If TradinGear does not succeed in attracting new employees or retaining and motivating its current and future employees, its business could suffer significantly. See "Business - Personnel" and "Management." This additional staffing will take time, require additional funds, and will also involve a learning and integration process before such systems and personnel may be expected to function seamlessly for the conduct of TradinGear's business. 14 Intellectual Property Rights TradinGear will attempt to register its trademarks and service marks in the United States and internationally. However, effective trademark, service mark, copyright and trade secret protection may not be available in every country in which TradinGear seeks to make its services available. TradinGear currently owns the trademark "Trade Virtually Anywhere" and has applied for the trademark "TradinGear". TradinGear currently owns the Internet domain names, and Internet regulatory bodies generally regulate domain names. The regulation of domain names in the United States and in foreign countries is subject to change. Regulatory bodies could establish additional top-level domains, appoint additional domain name registrars or modify the requirements for holding domain names. As a result, TradinGear may not acquire or maintain the domain names in all of the countries in which it proposes to conduct business. The relationship between regulations governing domain names and laws protecting trademarks and similar proprietary rights is unclear. Therefore, TradinGear could be unable to prevent third parties from acquiring domain names that infringe or otherwise decrease the value of its trademarks and other proprietary rights. Business Qualification, Tax And Related Laws TradinGear intends to offer its services in multiple states, and may acquire customers who conduct business in such states. These jurisdictions may claim that TradinGear is required to qualify to do business as a foreign corporation in each such state. TradinGear's failure to qualify as a foreign corporation in a jurisdiction where it is required to do so could subject it to taxes and penalties for the failure to so qualify. International Expansion. TradinGear intends to explore opportunities for expanding its business into international markets by, among other things, seeking as customers' stock exchanges, securities firms and financial institutions located overseas. However, there are various risks associated with international expansion. They include language barriers, unexpected changes in regulatory requirements, trade barriers, problems in difficulties in staffing and operating foreign operations, changes in currency exchange rates, difficulties in enforcing contracts and other legal rights, economic and political instability and problems in collection. Change Of Control Provisions TradinGear is subject to certain Delaware laws that could have the effect of delaying, deterring or preventing a change in its control. In addition, after the Merger, a significant amount of the common stock of the Company will be held by the current executive officers and directors of TradinGear, thus having the effect of discouraging potential takeover attempts or making it more difficult for stockholders to change management. See "Description of Capital Stock." 15 Dividend Policy Since inception, TradinGear has not paid any cash dividends on its common stock. TradinGear intends to retain future earnings, if any, to provide funds for the operation of its business and, accordingly, does not anticipate paying any cash dividends on the stock of the Company in the reasonably foreseeable future. See "Dividend Policy." Effect Of Proposed Merger If the proposed Merger is consummated, TradinGear will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of TGFIN Holdings, Inc. ("TGFIN"). The financial statements of TGFIN will be the financial statements of TradinGear consolidated, as of the date of the Merger, with the financial statements of the Company and DSI Acquisition, Inc. (which has no assets, liabilities or operations). As a result, the business of TradinGear (TGFIN) will, in effect, become the business of the Company. There can be no assurance that the market price of the common shares of TGFIN will be equal to or greater than the current market price of the common shares of the Company. Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements Some of the statements under "Risk Factors," "Business" and elsewhere in this Proxy Statement constitute forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may," "will," "should," "could," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continue" or the negative of such terms or other comparable terminology. TRADINGEAR MANAGEMENT The Officers and Directors of TradinGear are as follows: Name Age Positions Samuel Gaer 35 Chairman of the Board, President Marni Gaer 35 Secretary, Treasurer, Director Ronald Comerchero 48 Director Bruce Frank 42 Vice President Samuel Gaer Chairman of the Board, President Samuel Gaer became the President and a Director of TradinGear upon its incorporation in July 1999. Mr. Gaer has twelve years experience in financial markets and financial software. He started his career on Wall Street after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business in 1988. At that time he leased a seat on the New York Commodities Exchange ("COMEX"). In 1989 he formed Gaer Trading Group, a floor brokerage business, which merged with Millennium Futures Group in 1993, forming what was then the 16 largest floor brokerage operation on the COMEX, servicing the major Wall Street trading houses. In 1995 Mr. Gaer founded AustinSoft, Inc., a developer of financial analysis software for options traders. AustinSoft's Option Trader line of software won Stocks and Commodities Magazine's Readers' Choice Awards from 1996-1999. In 1998 Mr. Gaer formed a risk arbitrage fund. In July 1999 Mr. Gaer formed TradinGear for the purpose of developing and providing electronic information systems for exchanges, while still involved in AustinSoft for the individual trader. Marni Gaer Secretary, Treasurer, Director Marni Gaer became the Secretary and Treasurer and a Director, as well as corporate counsel, of TradinGear in October 1999. Since 1992, Ms. Gaer has been and currently serves as Vice-President and General Counsel for International Printing Corporation, a family business located in Queens, New York, where her responsibilities include union and labor negotiations and general corporate law. She will devote approximately 85% of her professional time to TradinGear. Ms. Gaer earned her JD from Brooklyn Law School in 1991 and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in 1988. Marni Gaer is the wife of Samuel Gaer. Ron Comerchero - Director Ronald Comerchero became a Director of TradinGear in October 1999. He has twenty years experience in the trading business, Mr. Comerchero became a Member of the New York Mercantile Exchange ("NYMEX") in 1981, and worked as an independent floor trader until 1995. During that time he served as a Director of the New York Mercantile Exchange, and was the Chairperson of the Arbitration Committee and Vice Chair of the Business Conduct and Membership Committee. In 1995 he became Managing Director of Pioneer Futures, one of the largest independent clearinghouses on the NYMEX. In 1998 he became an allied member of Valhalla Partners, and currently is responsible for risk management procedures implemented at Valhalla and (through Valhalla Management) risk management at Catalyst Trading LLC. Bruce Frank Vice-President Bruce Frank joined TradinGear as a Vice President in March 2001. From February 1998 through February 2001 he was the chief operating officer of Javelin Technologies and from February 1997 through February 1998 he was a senior manager at Arthur, Andersen & Co., marketing and managing consulting engagements. Mr. Frank is a graduate of Pace University (B.A., Computer Science, 1988). Executive Compensation Except for Mr. Gaer, none of TradinGear's Officers or Directors has an employment contract, and Directors are not compensated for serving as such. For the year ended December 31, 2001, Samuel Gaer was paid $140,000, Marni Gaer was paid $30,000 and Bruce Frank was paid $17,000. Ronald Comerchero was paid $1,000 for serving as a director. No Officer or Director of TradinGear 17 has been awarded compensation in the form of TradinGear common stock. No officer or director holds any options or warrants to purchase common stock of TradinGear. DESCRIPTION OF TRADINGEAR SECURITIES Common Stock TradinGear is authorized to issue up to 30,000,000 shares of common stock, $.0001 par value ("Common Stock"). As of the date of this Proxy Statement, 19,154,309 shares of Common Stock were issued and outstanding. The holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters voted on by stockholders, including elections of directors, and, except as otherwise required by law, the holders of such shares will exclusively possess all voting power. There is no cumulative voting for the election of directors. The holders of Common Stock are entitled to such dividends as may be declared from time to time by the Board from funds available therefore and, upon liquidation, are entitled to receive a pro rata distribution of all assets of TradinGear available for distribution to such holders. No holder of Common Stock has any preemptive right to subscribe to any securities of TradinGear of any kind of class, or any conversion rights, or any liabilities for calls or assessments. At present, TradinGear acts as its own registrar and transfer agent. Indemnification Of Directors And Executive Officers And Limitation Of Liability Section 145 of the Delaware General Corporation Law ("DGCL") authorizes a corporation's board of directors to grant indemnity to directors and officers in terms sufficiently broad to permit such indemnification under certain circumstances for liabilities (including reimbursement for expenses incurred) arising under the Securities Act. As permitted by the DGCL, TradinGear's Certificate of Incorporation includes a provision that eliminates the personal liability of its directors for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, except for liability (i) for any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to TradinGear or its stockholders; (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or that involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law; (iii) under section 174 of the DGCL (regarding unlawful dividends and stock purchases) or (iv) for any transaction from which the director derived an improper personal benefit. 18 INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS IN THE TRANSACTION The directors and executive officers of the Company and TradinGear have interests in the merger transaction as described in this section. Control of The Company After The Merger After the Merger, the current officers and directors of TradinGear will own approximately 60% of the outstanding common stock of the Company, and accordingly will be able to control the affairs of the Company, including the election of directors. Stock Ownership Of Certain Beneficial Owners And Management Digitran Systems, Incorporated The Company knows of no person or group, except the following, which, as of the date of this Proxy Statement, beneficially owns and has the right to vote more than 5% of the various voting shares in the Company: Name and Address Voting Shares Percentage Of Beneficial Owner Beneficially Owned (1) Owned (2) Julie T. Reeves 600,000 13.5% 1051 North Ash Drive Chandler, AZ 85234 Evelyn R. Call 600,000 13.5% 14878 Steep Mountain Drive Draper, UT 84020 Rigel Hulett 600,000 13.5% P.O. Box 345 Reserve, NM 87830 ___________________ (1) For the purposes of this chart, shares are aggregated by voting rights. Thus, for voting purposes, shares of Class A Common Stock are only listed at 10% of the actual number issued. (2) As at the date hereof, the Company had outstanding 2,000,000 Class B common shares (one vote per share), 24,347,699 shares of Class A Common Stock (1/10th vote per share) and 51,500 shares of Preferred Stock (1/10th vote per share), for a total of 4,434,770 total votes outstanding, upon which these percentages are based. 19 Incorporated Incorporated knows of no person or group, except the following, which, as of the date of this Proxy Statement, beneficially owns and has the right to vote more than 5% of the voting shares of Incorporated: Name and Address Voting Shares Percentage Of Beneficial Owner Beneficially Owned Owned (1) Ronald Comerchero 2,000,000 10.4% 205 Third Avenue, 7K New York, NY 10003 Bruce Frank 1,710,584 8.9% 238 Christopher Street Montclair, NJ 07043 Norman Fuchs 1,200,000 6.3% 5 Flagpole Lane East Setauket, NY 11733 Marni Gaer (2) 2,050,000 10.7% 39 Broadway, Suite 740 New York, NY 10006 Samuel Gaer 6,750,000 35.2% 39 Broadway, Suite 740 New York, NY 10006 Global Net Financial (3) 1,338,889 7.0% 7284 West Palmetto Park Boca Raton, FL 33433 ____________________ (1) Unless otherwise indicated, each person named in the table exercises sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares beneficially owned. As at the date hereof, Incorporated had outstanding 19,154,309 shares of its common stock. (2) Marni Gaer is the wife of Samuel Gaer. Includes 100,000 shares held in trust for the children of Marni and Samuel Gaer, of which Marni Gaer is the Trustee. (3) Global Net Financial was owned by Mr. Alan Jacobs and presently is owned by New Media Spark which is owned by Mr. Chuck Berry. TGFIN Holdings, Inc. If the Merger is effected, TGFIN Holdings, Inc. (formerly the Company) will have outstanding 20,613,723 shares of its Class A Common Stock, consisting of 1,159,414 presently outstanding shares of its Class A Common Stock (the 24,347,699 Class A Common Shares presently outstanding after the proposed 1 for 21 reverse stock split), 100,000 shares issued for the 20 Company's 100,000 Class B Common Shares (the 2,000,000 Class B Common Shares presently outstanding after the proposed 1 for 20 reverse stock split), 200,000 shares issued to various parties at the closing of the Merger and 19,154,309 shares issued to the shareholders of TradinGear. The ownership of the Class A Common Shares by the officers and directors of TGFIN Holdings, Inc. and by those persons who will own beneficially and have the right to vote more than 5% of the Class A Common shares of TGFIN Holdings, Inc. are set forth below: Name and Address Voting Shares Percentage Of Beneficial Owner Beneficially Owned Owned (1) Ronald Comerchero 2,000,000 9.7% 205 Third Avenue, 7K New York, NY 10003 (Director) Bruce Frank 1,710,584 8.3% 238 Christopher Street Montclair, NJ 07043 (Vice-President) Norman Fuchs 1,200,000 5.8% 5 Flagpole Lane East Setauket, NY 11733 Marni Gaer (2) 2,050,000 9.9% 39 Broadway, Suite 740 New York, NY 10006 (Secretary, Treasurer, Director) Samuel Gaer 6,750,000 32.7% 39 Broadway, Suite 740 New York, NY 10006 (Chairman, President) Global Net Financial (3) 1,338,889 6.5% 7284 West Palmetto Park Boca Raton, FL 33433 All Officers and Directors 12,510,584 60.7% As a Group (4 persons) ___________________ (1) Unless otherwise indicated, each person named in the table exercises sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares beneficially owned. If the Merger is effected, TGFIN Holdings Inc. (formerly the Company) will have outstanding 20,613,723 shares of its Class A Common Stock. (2) Marni Gaer is the wife of Samuel Gaer. Includes 100,000 shares held in trust for the children of Marni and Samuel Gaer, of which Marni Gaer is the Trustee. (3) Global Net Financial was owned by Mr. Alan Jacobs and presently is owned by New Media Spark which is owned by Mr. Chuck Berry. 21 LITIGATION TradinGear is not involved in any material litigation. SUMMARY UNAUDITED PRO FORMA CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL DATA The following unaudited pro forma consolidated financial data for TGFIN Holdings, Inc.("TGFIN") is based on the historical financial statements of TradinGear.Com Incorporated ("TradinGear'') and Digitran Systems Incorporated (the "Company'') which appear elsewhere in this Proxy Statement and has been prepared on a pro forma basis to give effect to the merger under the purchase method of accounting, as if the transaction had occurred at January 1, 2001 for each operating period presented. The pro forma information was prepared based upon certain assumptions described below and may not be indicative of results that actually would have occurred had the merger occurred at the beginning of the last full fiscal year presented or of results which may occur in the future. The unaudited pro forma consolidated financial data and accompanying notes should be read in conjunction with the annual and interim financial statements and notes thereto of TradinGear and the Company appearing elsewhere herein and incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement . The unaudited pro forma consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2002 presents the financial position of TGFIN as if the merger had occurred on that date and was prepared utilizing the unaudited TradinGear balance sheet as of March 31, 2002 and the Company's audited balance sheet as of April 30, 2002. The pro forma consolidated statements of operations data presented assumes the merger occurred at the beginning of the periods presented, it should not be assumed that TradinGear and the Company would have achieved the unaudited pro forma consolidated results if they had actually been combined during the periods shown. The merger is expected to be accounted for as a purchase. The stockholders of TradinGear will receive one share of common stock of TGFIN for each share of TradinGear common stock held and the stockholders of the Company will receive one share of TGFIN for every twenty one shares of common stock held, resulting in the current stockholders of TradinGear owning approximately 93% of TGFIN common stock. The proposed plan of merger is subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, regulatory approvals and the receipt of stockholder approval from both the TradinGear and the Company. The unaudited pro forma consolidated results are based on estimates and assumptions, which are preliminary and have been made solely for the purpose of developing such pro forma information. The unaudited pro forma consolidated results are not necessarily an indication of the results that would have been achieved had such transactions been consummated as of the dates indicated or that may be achieved in the future. The unaudited pro forma consolidated results should be read in conjunction with the historical consolidated financial statements and notes thereto set forth herein, and other financial information pertaining to the Company and TradinGear. 22 TGFIN HOLDINGS, INC. PRO FORMA CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) TG Digitran System Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Adjustments Results March 31, April 30, 2002 2002 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 160,743 $ 5,233 $ - $ 165,976 Accounts receivable, net 164,154 - - 164,154 Prepaid expenses 32,895 - - 32,895 Deferred costs 59,899 - (59,899) (1) - ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Total Current Assets $ 417,691 5,233 (59,899) 363,025 Property and equipment, net 147,512 - - 147,512 Deposits 101,621 - - 101,621 ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Total Assets $ 666,824 $ 5,233 $ (59,899) $ 612,158 =========== =========== ========== ========== LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 20,763 17,841 - 38,604 Accrued expenses 58,741 - - 58,741 Income tax payable - - - - Deferred revenue - - - - ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Total Current Liabilities 79,504 17,841 - 97,345 ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Stockholders' Equity: Preferred Stock ($0.01 par value) - 506 - 506 Common Stock ($.0001 par value) 1,963 263,497 (263,371)(2) 2,109 - - (20)(1) - Additional paid-in- capital 3,349,527 10,533,928 (10,547,168)(2) 3,276,368 - - (79,980)(1) - - 139,899 (1) Less: Deferred compensation relating to compensation stock issued (309,844) - - (309,844) Retained earnings (Deficit) (2,454,326) (10,810,539) 10,810,539 (2)(2,454,326) ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- Total Stockholders' Equity 587,320 (12,608) (59,899) 514,813 ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 666,824 $ 5,233 $ (59,899) $ 612,158 ============ ============ =========== ========== See accompanying notes to these pro forma financial statements. 23 TGFIN HOLDINGS, INC. PRO FORMA CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATION (UNAUDITED) For the Three Months Ended TG Digitran Pro Forma Results Revenues: Software license fees $ 235,655 $ - $ 235,655 Costs and Expense: General and administrative 267,211 - 267,211 Website costs - - - Development costs 114,476 - 114,476 Consulting costs 60,680 - 60,680 Depreciation expense 10,774 - 10,774 ------------ ------------- -------------- Total Costs and Expenses 453,141 - 453,141 ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss from Operations (217,486) - (217,486) Other Revenue (Expense) Realized loss on sale of securities - - - Interest income - - - Miscellaneous revenue - - - Finance Charges (172) - (172) ------------ ------------- -------------- (172) - (172) ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss from continuing operation (217,658) - (217,658) Income (Loss) from discontinuing operation - 3,114,385 3,114,385 ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Income (Loss) before Provision for Income Tax (217,658) 3,114,385 2,896,727 ------------ ------------- -------------- Provision for Income Tax 1,649 - 1,649 ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss $ (219,307) $ 3,114,385 $ 2,895,078 ============ ============= ============== Loss per Share: Basic and diluted income (loss) per share from continuing operations $ - $ - $ (0.01) ------------ ------------- -------------- discontinued operations - - $ 0.15 ------------ ------------- -------------- Total basic and diluted income (loss) per share $ - $ - $ 0.14 ============ ============= ============== Basic and diluted common shares outstanding - - 21,086,319 ============ ============= ============== CONTINUED TGFIN HOLDINGS, INC. PRO FORMA CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATION (UNAUDITED) For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 TG Digitran Pro Forma Results Revenues: Software license fees $ 1,128,836 $ - $ 1,128,836 Costs and Expense: General and administrative 601,098 - 601,098 Website costs 4,508 - 4,508 Development costs 426,544 - 426,544 Consulting costs 496,530 - 496,530 Depreciation expense 36,807 - 36,807 ------------ ------------- -------------- Total Costs and Expenses 1,565,487 - 1,565,487 ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss from Operations (436,651) - (436,651) ------------ ------------- -------------- Other Revenue (Expense) Realized loss on sale of securities - - - Interest income - - - Miscellaneous revenue 11,737 - 11,737 Finance Charges (35,172) - (35,172) ------------ ------------- -------------- (23,435) - (23,435) ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss from continuing operation (460,086) - (460,086) Loss from discontinuing operation - 302,064 302,064 ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss before Provision for Income Tax (460,086) 302,064 (158,022) ------------ ------------- -------------- Provision for Income Tax 7,675 - 7,675 ------------ ------------- -------------- Net Loss $ (467,761) $ 302,064 $ (165,697) ============ ============= ============== Loss per Share: Basic and diluted Income (loss) per share from continuing operations $ - $ - $ (0.02) ------------ ------------- -------------- Discontinued operations - - $ 0.01 ------------ ------------- -------------- Total basic and diluted Income (loss) per share $ - $ - $ (0.01) ============ ============= ============== Basic and diluted common shares outstanding - - 21,086,319 ============ ============= ============== See accompanying notes to these pro forma financial statements. 24 NOTES TO PRO FORMA CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS On October 31, 2001 TradinGear and the Company entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger. Under the terms of the Agreement, the shareholders of TradinGear will receive one share of common stock of the Company for each share of common stock held and the stockholders of the Company will receive one share for each share of common stock held after a 1 for 21 reverse stock split, resulting in the current stockholders of TradinGear owning approximately 93% of common stock. Pro Forma Adjustments (1) To record charges of $ 139,899 to additional paid in capital for costs incurred in connection with the merger consisting of the issuance of 200,000 shares (post revenue split) of the company's common stock to consultants valued at $80,000 and to write-off deferred cost of merger of $ 59,899. The issuance of the 200,000 shares of common stock was contingent upon the completion of the merger. (2) To record the merger of TradinGear and the Company and the issuance of 19,626,809 shares of common stock to the shareholders of TradinGear resulting in total issued outstanding common stock of approximate 21,086,319 and the elimination of the Company's accumulated deficit as a result of the merger. 25 PROPOSAL II AMENDMENT OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED SHARES OF CLASS A COMMON STOCK FROM 25,000,000 TO 50,000,000 The Company is currently authorized to issue (i) 25,000,000 shares of Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of which 24,347,699 shares are issued and outstanding; (ii) 5,000,000 shares of Class B common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of which 2,000,000 shares are issued and outstanding; and (iii) 1,000,000 shares of Eight Percent (8%) Cumulative Preferred Stock, of which 51,500 shares are issued and outstanding. The purpose of the proposal is to comply with one of the provisions of the Merger Agreement to provide enough Class A Common Stock to be available for issuance in the future for possible acquisitions, financing and other transactions. As of the date of this Proxy Statement, there is no particular transaction under consideration by the Company other than the TradinGear Merger. The Board of Directors Recommends that the Stockholders Vote for Proposal II. PROPOSAL III APPROVAL OF A 1 FOR 21 REVERSE SPLIT OF THE COMPANY'S CLASS A COMMON STOCK Implementation of this proposal will enable the shareholders of TradinGear to hold a more than a majority of the shareholder voting rights after consummation of the Merger. The purpose of this proposal is to comply with one of the provisions of the Merger Agreement. This proposal will authorize a reduction of the issued and outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock from 24,347,699 shares to 1,159,414 shares. The three holders of the Company's 2,000,000 shares of Class B common stock, Julie T. Reeves, Evelyn R. Call and Rigel Hulett, already have agreed, subject to the consummation of the Merger, to a 1 for 20 reverse split of these shares, and to exchange the resultant 100,000 Class B common shares for 100,000 Class A common shares. Since, pursuant to the Merger Agreement, TradinGear shareholders are to receive 19,154,309 shares of the Company's Class A common stock and certain finders are to receive 200,000 shares of Class A common stock, the total Class A common shares outstanding post-merger would be 20,613,723, of which the TradinGear shareholders would hold 19,154,309, or approximately 94%. Without the 1 for 20 reverse split, the total Class A common shares outstanding post-merger would be 43,802,008, of which the TradinGear shareholders would hold 19,154,309, or 44%. Voting rights and other rights of the Class A stockholders will not be altered by this reverse stock split, except where a small stockholder may own only a fractional interest after the reverse stock split, which will be eliminated and that person will cease to be a stockholder. The Company believes that there are no shareholders who would have only fractional share interests after the reverse stock split. Consummation of this reverse stock split will have no material federal tax consequences to Class A stockholders. The par value of the Common Stock will remain at $.01 following the reverse stock split. As a consequence, the aggregate par value of the outstanding Common Stock will be reduced, while the aggregate capital in excess of par value attributable to the outstanding Common Stock for statutory 26 and accounting purposes will be correspondingly increased. The resolution approving the reverse stock split will provide that this increase in capital in excess of par value will be treated as capital for statutory purposes. The conversion ratios of any of the Company's outstanding stock options and securities having a conversion or redemption feature, such as the outstanding warrants, will be correspondingly adjusted upon the consummation of the reverse stock split. At the effective date of the reverse stock split (which will be the Closing Date of the Merger), (i) each share of Class A Common Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior thereto (the "Old Class A Common Stock") will be reclassified as and changed into 1/21 of a share of the Company's Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 (the "New Class A Common Stock"), and (ii) each share of Class B Common Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior thereto (the "Old Class B Common Stock") will be reclassified as and changed into 1/20 of a share of the Company's Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 (the "New Class B Common Stock"), subject to the elimination of fractional share interests as described in this Proxy Statement. Shortly after the effective date, the Company will send transmittal forms to the holders of Old Common Stock, to be used in forwarding their certificates of Old Common Stock for surrender and exchange for certificates representing whole shares of New Common Stock. No certificates or scrip representing fractional share interests in the New Common Stock will be issued and no such fractional share interests will entitle the holder thereof to any rights as a stockholder of the Company. All such fractional share interests will be eliminated and cancelled at the Closing of the Merger The Board Of Directors Recommends That The Stockholders Vote For Proposal III. 27 PROPOSAL IV APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF VOTING RIGHTS OF CLASS A COMMON SHARES FROM 1/10 VOTE PER SHARE TO 1 VOTE PER SHARE After all Class B common shares have been exchanged for Class A common shares, the only common shares of the Company outstanding will be its Class A common shares, which at present are entitled to one-tenth vote per share. By increasing the voting rights of the Class A common shares to one vote per share, holders of Class A common shares are protected from having their voting rights disproportionately diluted should Class B common shares be issued in the future. The Company has no present plans to issue any Class B common shares. This Proposal IV will be considered only if the Merger Agreement is approved and the Merger is consummated. Even if this proposal is approved, it will NOT be put into effect by the Company unless the Merger is consummated. However, approval of this Proposal is not a condition precedent for the consummation of the Merger. The Board of Directors Recommends That The Stockholders Vote FOR Proposal IV. PROPOSAL V ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The Certificate of Incorporation of the Company provides for the Company's Board of Directors to serve until their successors have been duly elected and qualified or until they resign, become disqualified or disabled, or are otherwise removed. The nominees for election to the Board of Directors, and their prospective executive offices, are listed below: Name Age Positions Samuel Gaer 35 Chairman of the Board, President Marni Gaer 35 Secretary, Treasurer, Director Ronald Comerchero 48 Director The nominees are the officers and directors of TradinGear, and their backgrounds are discussed elsewhere in this Proxy Statement. There have been no transactions since the beginning of the Company's last fiscal year to which the director were or are a party in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000 and where the nominee has a direct or indirect material interest in the transaction except for the Merger Agreement. Directors hold their offices until the next annual meeting of the stockholders and thereafter until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. Executive officers are elected by the Board of Directors on an annual basis and serve at the direction of the Board. There is no family relationship between any prospective director and executive officer of the Company, except that Samuel Gaer and Marni Gaer are husband and wife. During the fiscal year ending April 30, 2001 (the "Last Fiscal Year"), the Company's Board of Directors held three (3) meetings. The Board has held two (2) meetings in calendar year 2001 to date. The Board of Directors does not have separately standing audit, nominating or compensation committees. The Board as a whole addresses all audit and compensation issues, as well as other matters. Summary Information As To Prospective Executive Officers and Directors Anticipated Number of Shares Percentage of Issued and NAME Compensation (Beneficial & Legal) Outstanding after Merger SAMUEL H. GAER $140,000 6,750,000 32.7 MARNI GAER $30,000 2,050,000 9.9 RONALD COMERCHERO $ 1,000 2,000,000 9.7 BRUCE FRANK $30,000 1,710,584 8.3 Bruce Frank is not a director nominee. There is no current policy for compensation to be paid to directors. Assuming the Merger transaction is approved, it is contemplated that present outside director Ronald Comerchero will receive fees in the approximate amount of $1,000 for attending directors' meeting during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002. The Board Of Directors Recommends That The Stockholders Vote For Proposal III. 28 PROPOSAL VI RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS The Board of Directors intends to appoint Samuel Klein and Company, CPAs as independent certified public accountants for the Company to examine the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003. The appointment of Samuel Klein and Company, CPAs is subject to ratification of the shareholders and a ballot soliciting your vote for such ratification is part of these proxy materials. The present Board of Directors as well as the nominees to be elected recommends adoption of the resolution appointing the foregoing accounting firm as the independent auditors for the Company. HJ & Associates of Salt Lake City, Utah were the Company's auditors for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002. The Present Board Of Directors And The Nominees For Election Recommend That The Stockholders Vote For Proposal VI. PROPOSAL VII CHANGE OF NAME FROM DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED TO TGFIN HOLDINGS, INC. It is a condition precedent to the consummation of the Merger that the name of the Company be changed to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. so as to more accurately reflect the fact that the business of the Company no longer is that of Digitran Systems, Incorporated and instead is that of TradinGear. The Board Of Directors Recommends That The Stockholders Vote for Proposal VII. SECTION 16(A) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP COMPLIANCE Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") requires the Company's executive officers and persons who beneficially own more than 10% of the Company's Common Stock to file initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). Such persons are required by SEC regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms filed by such persons. Based solely on the Company's review of such forms furnished to the Company and representations from certain reporting persons, the Company believes that all filing requirements applicable to the Company's executive officers, directors and more than 10% shareholders were complied with during the Last Fiscal Year and will be completed as to new shareholders promptly upon consummation of the Merger transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Certain additional required information concerning remuneration, other compensation and ownership of securities by the Directors and Officers of the Company is set forth in the Company's Form 10-KSB Report dated April 30, 2002, which is being transmitted together with this Proxy Statement. Since the demise of the Company's president, Loretta P. Trevors, no compensation has been paid to any officer or director subsequent to April 30, 2001, except for the issuance of a Class A common stock to Aaron Etra, director (75,000 shares), Scott Lybbert, secretary (200,000 shares), and Quentin R. Casperson, II, president (75,000 shares) for service rendered during the period May 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. In addition, 675,000 shares of Class A common stock was issued to counsel and other third parties who performed services for the Company during the same period. 29 CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS The Company is not aware of any other significant relationships or transactions that need to be reported in its Form 10-KSB and/or this Proxy Statement. Management is not presently authorized or holds any stock options or other stock rights. No new rights or options are being created as part of the Merger. OTHER MATTERS The Special Meeting is called for the purposes set forth in the Notice of Meeting. The Board of Directors does not intend to present, and has not been informed that any other person intends to present, any matters for action at the Special Meeting other than those specifically referred to in the Notice of Meeting and this Proxy Statement. Any stockholder may present a matter from the floor for consideration at a meeting so long as the procedures established for such meeting and the Bylaws are followed. If any other matters are properly brought before the Special Meeting, it is the intention of the proxy holders to vote on such matters in accordance with their judgment. STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS There were no shareholders proposals submitted for consideration at this Special Meeting. The Company must receive stockholder proposals intended for consideration at the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders no later than December 31, 2002. Such proposals may be included in the next proxy statement if they comply with certain rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC. FINANCIAL REPORTS & OTHER IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Audited financial statements of the Company on a combined basis with its wholly owned subsidiary, Digitran, Inc., for the years April 30, 20001 and April 30, 20012 are contained in the SEC Form 10-KSB filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and attached as Exhibit C to this Proxy Statement. Also attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit D are audited financial statements of TradinGear for the calendar years ended December 31, 2000 and 2001 and unaudited financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2002. Further Information All references to each document referred to in this Proxy Statement are qualified in their entirety by reference to the complete contents of such document. Copies of these documents may be obtained by shareholders, without cost, upon request from management at the mailing address of the, Incorporated, 39 Broadway, Suite 740, New York, New York 10006. 30 Dated: August 9, 2002 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: /s/Scott Lybbert Scott Lybbert, Secretary 31 Exhibits to Proxy Statement Exhibit A - Agreement and Plan of Merger dated October 31, 2001 Exhibit B - Addendum dated December 31, 2001 to Agreement and Plan of Merger Exhibit C - Annual Report dated April 30, 2002 filed by Digitran Systems, Inc. on SEC Form 10-KSB (Including Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2002) Exhibit D - Audited Financial Statements of, Inc. for the Period Ended December 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000 and Unaudited Financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2002. 32 EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of October 31, 2001 (the "Agreement"), by and between Digitran Systems, Incorporated ("DSI" or "the Public Company") a Delaware corporation, and DSI Acquisition, Inc., a wholly owned newly formed Delaware subsidiary of DSI, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Acquisition, Inc.", both of whom have an address for mailing purposes c/o Robert H. Jaffe, Esq., Robert H. Jaffe & Associates, P.A., 8 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 and Incorporated, a Delaware Corporation ("TradinGear" or "the Surviving Corporation"), having its principal place for the transaction of business at 39 Broadway, Suite 740, New York, New York 10006. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, as of October 22, 2001, shareholders of TradinGear (exclusive of treasury stock) collectively own of record approximately 18,934,309 shares (the "TradinGear Shares") which presently constitute all of the issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of TradinGear; and WHEREAS, before giving effect to a reverse stock split on a one share for twenty-one share basis for its Class A common stock and a one share for twenty share basis for its Class B common stock ("the Stock Split"), the capitalization of DSI consists of 25,000,000 shares of Class A common stock, $0.01 par value, of which 24,347,699 shares are issued and outstanding as of October 22, 2001, 5,000,000 shares of Class B common stock, $0.01 par value, of which 2,000,000 shares were issued and outstanding as of October 22, 2001, and 1,000,000 shares of Eight (8%) Percent Cumulative Preferred Stock, $0.01 par value, of which 51,500 shares were issued and outstanding as of October 22, 2001; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to accomplish a merger (the "Merger Transaction") between DSI Acquisition, Inc. and TradinGear under circumstances where TradinGear will be the surviving entity, TradinGear will be a wholly- owned subsidiary of DSI and each shareholder of TradinGear will receive one share of post-split DSI Class A common stock for every share of TradinGear common stock then owned; and WHEREAS, at the closing of the Merger Transaction contemplated by this Agreement, DSI will not have any tangible assets except possibly an investment in Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc., an Arizona corporation and its investment in Acquisition, Inc. and its liabilities will not exceed $50,000 except for a contingent liability consisting of accrued dividends owed to holders of the Public Company's preferred stock not to exceed $260,000; and WHEREAS, the present operating subsidiary of DSI is a wholly-owned Utah corporation known as Digitran, Inc., which has 1,000 common shares issued and outstanding, all of which are owned by DSI; and WHEREAS, this Agreement contemplates that, at the time of the closing of the Merger Transaction, the 1,000 shares of Digitran, Inc. held by DSI, representing all of the issued and outstanding shares of Digitran, Inc., will have been sold and/or merged into Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc., an Arizona corporation owned by the heirs of Loretta P. Trevers, the deceased president of DSI; and WHEREAS, this Agreement contemplates that, at the time of the closing of the Merger Transaction, the holder of the presently outstanding 2,000,000 DSI Class B common shares will have tendered those shares back to DSI, where they will be held as treasury shares of DSI, and, in exchange, will have been issued 100,000 post-split DSI Class A common shares, and WHEREAS, this Agreement contemplates that, prior to the closing of the Merger Transaction, the shareholders of DSI will have approved an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of DSI changing the name of DSI to TG FIN Holdings, Inc. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I BASIC TRANSACTION Section 1.1: (a) The Merger. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, DSI Acquisition, Inc. will merge with and into TradinGear ("the Merger"). TradinGear shall be the corporation surviving the Merger ("the Surviving Corporation"). At the time of closing of the merger transaction, DSI will deliver approximately 18,934,309 post-split Class A common shares of DSI common stock to DSI Acquisition, Inc. for distribution to the shareholders of TradinGear subsequent to the merger on the basis of one share of DSI Class A common stock for every one share of TradinGear common stock. (b) Closing. The closing of the merger transaction contemplated by this Agreement ("the Closing") shall take place at the offices of Robert H. Jaffe & Associates, P.A. ("Representative"), 8 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey 07081, commencing at 9:00 a.m. on the business day following the satisfaction or waiver of all conditions to the obligations of the parties to consummate the merger transaction contemplated hereby. (c) Actions at the Closing. At the Closing, (1) the parties will deliver to each other the various certificates and documents referred to in this Agreement, (2) DSI Acquisition, Inc. and TradinGear will file with the Secretary of State of Delaware, a Certificate of Merger and (3) DSI will file with the Secretary of State of Delaware an amendment to its Certificate of Incorporation changing its name to TG FIN Holdings, Inc. (d) Effect of Merger. (1) Effective Date. The merger shall become effective at the time TradinGear files the Certificate of Merger evidencing its merger with and into DSI Acquisitions, Inc. with the Secretary of State of Delaware ("the Effective Time"). The Merger shall have the effect set forth in the Delaware General Corporation Law. (2) Certificate of Incorporation. After the merger, the Certificate of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation shall be amended and restated at and as of the Effective Time to read as did the Certificate of Incorporation of DSI Acquisition, Inc. immediately prior to the Effective Time. (3) Bylaws. After the merger, the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation shall be amended and restated at and as of the Effective Time to read as did the Bylaws of DSI Acquisition, Inc. immediately prior to the Effective Time. (4) Directors and Officers. The directors and officers of TradinGear before the merger shall become the directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation and of DSI at and as of the Effective Time. (5) Conversion of TradinGear Shares. At and as of the Effective Time (a) each TradinGear Share (other than any Dissenting Share) shall be converted into the right to receive a proportionate number of post-split DSI shares equal to the percentage of TradinGear shares previously held multiplied by the number of DSI shares issued to DSI Acquisition, Inc. prior to the merger. (6) Closing of Transfer Records. After the close of business on the Closing Date, transfers of TradinGear Shares outstanding prior to the Effective Time shall not be made on the stock transfer books of the Surviving Corporation. ARTICLE II REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF DSI AND DSI ACQUISITION, INC. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. represent and warrant to TradinGear as follows: Section 2.1 Organization and Qualification. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. are corporations duly incorporated, duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware. They have the corporate power and authority to own or lease and operate all of their properties and assets and to carry on their business as such business is now being conducted. They are duly licensed or qualified to do business and are in good standing in the State of Delaware and in all jurisdictions in which the nature of the business of DSI and DSI Acquisitions, Inc, or the character or location of the properties and assets owned or least by either of them makes such licensing or qualifications necessary. The legal representative of DSI and of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. (the "Representative") has provided to TradinGear copies of the certificate of incorporation and by-laws of DSI and of DSI Acquisitions, Inc., certified by its assistant secretary to be complete and correct, as amended. Section 2.2 Capitalization of DSI. The authorized capital stock of DSI consists of (i) 25,000,000 shares of Class A common stock, $0.01 par value per share, of which 24,347,699 shares are issued and outstanding as of September 15, 2001; (ii) 5,000,000 shares of Class B common stock, $0.01 par value per share, of which 2,000,000 shares are issued and outstanding as of October 22, 2001; and (iii) 1,000,000 shares of Eight (8%) Percent Cumulative Preferred Stock of which 51,500 shares were issued and outstanding as of October 22, 2001. As provided in DSI's Articles of Incorporation, the Class A common stock carries with it the right to vote one-tenth of a vote per share, the Class B common stock carries with it the right to vote one vote per share and the Preferred Stock carries with it the right to vote one-tenth of a vote per share. All outstanding shares of DSI common stock and preferred stock are validly issued, fully paid for and nonassessable with no personal liability attaching to the ownership thereof, free of pre-emptive rights and free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances. Except as may be set forth in the Disclosure Document attached hereto as Exhibit A ("Disclosure Document"), there are no shares of DSI common stock issued or outstanding except as referred to above, and there are no calls, subscriptions, warrants, rights, agreements or commitments of any character obligating DSI, contingently or otherwise, to issue shares of its common stock or to register shares of its common stock under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), or any other applicable federal or state securities laws. Section 2.3 Authority. DSI has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out its obligations hereunder. Other than approval by a majority of its shareholders and by its board of directors, no proceedings on the part of DSI are necessary to authorize this Agreement or the Merger Transaction contemplated hereby. This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of DSI enforceable in accordance with its terms. Section 2.4 Capitalization of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. The authorized capital stock of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. consists 100 shares of common stock, no par value, of which 100 shares were issued and outstanding as of October 22, 2001. As provided in DSI Acquisitions, Inc. Articles of Incorporation, the common stock carries with it the right to vote one vote per share. All outstanding shares of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. common stock are validly issued, fully paid for and nonassessable with no personal liability attaching to the ownership thereof and free of pre-emptive rights. Except as may be set forth in the Disclosure Document, there are no shares of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. common stock issued or outstanding except as referred to above, and there are no calls, subscriptions, warrants, rights, agreements or commitments of any character obligating DSI Acquisitions, Inc., contingently or otherwise, to issue shares of its common stock or to register shares of its common stock under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), or any other applicable federal or state securities laws. Section 2.5 Authority. DSI Acquisitions, Inc. has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out its obligations hereunder. Other than approval by its shareholders and by its board of directors, no proceedings on the part of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. are necessary to authorize this Agreement or the Merger Transaction contemplated hereby. This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of DSI Acquisitions, Inc. enforceable in accordance with its terms. Section 2.6 No Violations. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by DSI and by DSI Acquisition, Inc. will not violate any provisions of their respective certificates of incorporation or by-laws, or conflict with any law, rule, statute or regulation to which they are subject or violate or result in a default under any agreement to which they are a party or by which they are bound. Section 2.7 Investments. DSI has not made any investments and does not own capital stock in any corporation other than its operating subsidiary, Digitran, Inc., and newly formed wholly owned Delaware subsidiary, DSI Acquisition, Inc. Section 2.8 Consents and Approvals. Other than as set forth in Sections 2.3 and 2.5 above, no permit, consent, approval or authorization of, or declaration, filing or registration with any public body or authority or other person, firm or entity is necessary in connection with the execution and delivery by DSI and DSI Acquisitions, Inc. of this Agreement or the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby. Section 2.9 Compliance with Law. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. hold all licenses, franchises, permits and authorizations necessary for the lawful conduct of their businesses, and have complied and are in compliance with all applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of all federal, state, local and foreign governmental bodies, agencies and subdivisions having, asserting or claiming jurisdiction over them or over any part of their operations. In connection with the sale of its securities, and in connection with the special meeting of its shareholders required to obtain approval of the Merger Transaction, DSI has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the 1933 Act, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Act, as amended (the "1934 Act"), all rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and the laws, rules and regulations of each state in which such securities were offered for sale. Section 2.10 Financial Statements. The Representatives have provided to TradinGear copies of the financial statements of DSI and its subsidiary, Digitran, Inc., for the fiscal years ended April 30, 2001 and April 30, 2000 including balance sheets, statements of operations, statement of changes in shareholders' equity for such years and the footnotes thereto. The aforesaid financial statements represent (a) the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of DSI, as of the respective dates and for the respective periods indicated, and (b) have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") consistently applied. Section 2.11 Existing Condition. Since April 30, 2001, and except as disclosed in the Disclosure Document, and except for the sale and/or merger of all of the shares of Digitran, Inc. to Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc., neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. have: (a) incurred any liabilities out of the ordinary course of business; (b) sold, encumbered, assigned or transferred any of their assets; (c) made or suffered any amendment or termination of any material agreement, contract, commitment, lease under which DSI is lessee, or canceled, modified or waived any significant debts or claims held by it or waived any rights of significant value, whether or not in the ordinary course of business; (d) suffered any damage, destruction or loss, whether or not covered by insurance; (e) suffered any material adverse change in their business, operations, assets, properties, prospects or condition (financial or otherwise); (f) made commitments or agreements for capital expenditures; (g) hired any employees or increased the salaries or other compensation of, or made any advance or loan to, any of their employees or consultants or made any increase in, or any addition to, other benefits to which any of their employees may be entitled; (h) changed any of the accounting principles followed by them or the methods of applying such principles; or (i) entered into any transaction other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice or a transaction that would serve to reduce outstanding liabilities. Section 2.12 Title to Properties; Leasehold Interests. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. have good and valid title to all properties and assets, real and personal, free and clear of all mortgages, liens, pledges, security interests, charges, claims, restrictions and other encumbrances and defects of title of any nature whatsoever, except for liens for taxes not yet due and payable. Section 2.13 Condition of Tangible Assets. All material items of tangible personal property are in good condition and repair, subject to normal wear and tear, and are usable in the regular and ordinary course of business of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. Section 2.14 Books of Account. The books, records and accounts of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. maintained with respect to their business accurately and fairly reflect, in reasonable detail, all their transactions and all their assets and liabilities. Neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. has engaged in any transaction, maintained any bank account or used any of their funds except for transactions, bank accounts and funds which have been and are reflected in their normally maintained books and records. Section 2.15 Litigation. No litigation, including any arbitration, investigation or other proceeding of or before any court, arbitrator or governmental or regulatory official, body or authority is pending or, to the best of their knowledge, is threatened against DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. other than the suits listed in the Disclosure Document. Neither DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. is a party to or subject to the provisions of any judgment, order, writ, injunction, decree or award of any court, arbitrator or governmental or regulatory official, body or authority which may materially and adversely affect the business or assets of DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. Section 2.16 Contracts and Commitments. Except as listed and annexed to the Disclosure Document, neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. is a party to any written or oral: (a) agreement, contract or commitment with any present or former employee or consultant or for the employment of any person, other than contracts terminable at will without future liability; (b) agreement, contract or commitment for the future purchase of, or payment for, equipment, supplies or products, or for the performance of services by a third party except for any agreement, contract or commitment arising in the ordinary course of business; (c) agreement, contract or commitment to finance any acquisition of or purchase any asset or to perform any service; or (d) note, debenture, bond, equipment trust agreement, letter of credit agreement, loan agreement or is a party to any contract or commitment for the borrowing or lending of money or agreement or arrangement for a line of credit or guarantee, pledge or undertaking of the indebtedness of any other person. (e) warrant or option agreement where the holder has the right to purchase shares of DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc.; Each of the agreements, contracts, commitments, leases, plans and other instruments, documents and undertakings referenced in the Disclosure Document is valid and enforceable in accordance with its terms except as the enforceability thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. are not in default of the performance, observance or fulfillment of any material obligations, covenants or conditions contained therein; and no event has occurred which with or without the giving of notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default thereunder. Furthermore, except as may be disclosed in the Disclosure Document, no such agreement, contract, commitment, lease, plan or other instrument, document or undertaking, in the reasonable opinion of DSI, contains any contractual requirement with which there is a likelihood that DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. would be unable to comply. Section 2.17 No Broker or Finder. Except as set forth in Section 8.2 herein, neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. has dealt with or retained any finder or broker whose fees or expenses have been paid by DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. or for whose fees or expenses they would be responsible in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby. Section 2.18 Employee Benefit Plans and Arrangements. Neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. has sponsored, maintained or supported, or otherwise been a party to, is in default under, or had any liability or accrued obligations under, any plan, program, fund or arrangement, either qualified or non-qualified for federal income tax purposes, relating to the employees of DSI or any of its subsidiaries, whether for the benefit of a single individual or for more than one individual, and whether or not funded, including, without limitation, any incentive or other benefit arrangement for employees, their dependents and/or their beneficiaries and any "employee pension benefit plan" or "employee welfare benefit plan", as such terms are defined in Section 3 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"). Neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. has, at any time, maintained or contributed or been required to maintain or contribute to any "Multi-Employer Plan" as such term is defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA. Section 2.19 Completeness of Disclosure. No representation or warranty in this Agreement or in the annexed Disclosure Document nor in any other certificate, exhibit, statement, document or instrument furnished or to be furnished to TradinGear by DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. pursuant to this Agreement, or in connection with the negotiation, execution or performance of this Agreement, contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated or necessary to make any statement made, not misleading. Section 2.20 Tax Matters. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. have filed or will file on a timely basis (including all extensions) all tax returns which were required to have been filed, or are hereafter required to be filed up to the Closing Date by them (including, without limitation, all federal, state, county, local and foreign tax returns) and such returns are complete and accurate in all material respects, and DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. have paid or provided for all taxes, interest or penalties which have been incurred or are due and payable pursuant to such returns or pursuant to any assessments received by either of them in connection with such returns. No foreign, federal, state, local or other taxing authority has provided either DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. with any notice of, any questions relating to, or claims asserted for, taxes against DSI or DSI Acquisition, Inc. for which either may be liable. All taxes which DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. are required by law to withhold or collect have been duly withheld or collected and, to the extent required, have been paid over to the proper governmental authorities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DSI has been advised by its accountants that the manner in which Digitran, Inc. is sold and/or merged with Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. could result in a taxable event for DSI. Whether the disposition of Digitran, Inc. will result in a taxable event and what would be the tax consequences is a matter that would be determined prior to Closing. ARTICLE III REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF TRADINGEAR TradinGear represents and warrants to DSI and to DSI Acquisition, Inc. as follows: Section 3.1 Organization and Qualification of TradinGear. TradinGear is a corporation duly incorporated, duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware. The Corporation has the corporate power and authority to own or lease and operate all of its properties and assets and to carry on its business as such business is now being conducted and is duly licensed or qualified to do business and is in good standing in all jurisdictions in which the nature of its business or the character or location of the properties and assets owned or leased by it makes such licensing or qualifications necessary and where the failure to qualify would not have a material adverse effect on operations, properties, assets, liabilities, earnings or business. Section 3.2 Capitalization and Ownership of TradinGear. The authorized capital stock of TradinGear consists of 30,000,000 shares of common stock, no par value per share, of which approximately 18,934,309 shares are issued and outstanding as at October 22, 2001 . All outstanding shares of TradinGear common stock are validly issued and outstanding, fully paid and nonassessable with no personal liability attaching to the ownership thereof, free of preemptive rights and are owned free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances. No securities are issued or outstanding except for the aforementioned 18,934,309 shares of common stock and, at Closing, there will be no options, calls, subscriptions, warrants, rights, agreements or commitments of any character obliging TradinGear on a contingent basis or otherwise, to issue shares of its common stock Section 3.3 Authority. TradinGear has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out its obligations hereunder. Other than approval by its shareholders and by its board of directors, no proceedings, on the part of TradinGear are necessary to authorize this Agreement or the Merger Transaction contemplated hereby. This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and bind obligation of TradinGear enforceable in accordance with its terms. Section 3.4 Consents and Approvals. Other than as set forth in Section 3.3 above, no permit, consent, approval or authorization of, or declaration, filing or registration with, any public body or authority or other person, firm or entity is necessary in connection with the execution and delivery by TradinGear of this Agreement or the consummation by TradinGear of the transactions contemplated hereby. Section 3.5 Financial Statements. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. have received copies of the unaudited financial statements of TradinGear completed for the period ending June 30, 2001 by Samuel Klein and Company, certified public accountants for TradinGear. These financial statements present fairly the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of DSI, as of the respective dates and for the respective periods indicated, and have been prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied. Section 3.6 Completeness of Disclosure. No representation or warranty in this Agreement nor any certificate, exhibit, statements, document or instrument furnished or to be furnished to DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. by TradinGear in connection with the negotiation, execution or performance of this Agreement, contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated or necessary to make any statement made, not misleading. ARTICLE IV SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 4.1 Survival of Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties made by the parties to this Agreement or in any certificate, exhibit, document or instrument furnished hereunder shall survive for one year from the Closing of the transactions contemplated hereby, except for matters not disclosed or discoverable at the time of Closing, in which case, and as regards to such matters, the representations and warranties shall survive for one year from the time such matters are disclosed or are discoverable. ARTICLE V AGREEMENTS PENDING CLOSING Section 5.1 Agreement Pending the Closing. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. covenant and agree that, pending the Closing and except as otherwise agreed to in writing by TradinGear, they will: (a) Business in the Ordinary Course. Conduct their business solely in the ordinary course. (b) Maintenance of Physical Assets. Continue to maintain and service the physical assets used in the conduct of their business in the same manner as has been their consistent past practice. (c) Employees and Business Relations. Continue to maintain their business relations and relations with their employees in the same manner as has been their consistent past practice. (d) Compliance with Law. etc. Comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders applicable to their operations, assets or properties in respect thereof, the noncompliance with which might materially affect their business or assets. (e) Cooperation. Cooperate with the other parties to this Agreement and use their best efforts to cause all of the conditions to the obligations on their part to be performed under this Agreement to be satisfied before or immediately after the Closing Date. (f) Sales of Assets; Negotiations. Without the prior written consent of TradinGear, neither DSI nor DSI Acquisition, Inc. will initiate or participate in any discussions or negotiations or enter into any agreement to sell or encumber any part of its assets except for the disposition of Digitran, Inc. to Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. in a manner so as to avoid or minimize any tax impact. (g) Press Releases. No party to this Agreement shall give notice to third parties or otherwise make any public statement or release concerning this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby except for such written information as shall have been approved in writing by the representatives of TradinGear as to form and content. ARTICLE VI CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE CLOSING AND ADDITIONAL COVENANTS OF DSI AND DSI ACQUISITION, INC. Section 6.1 Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of TradinGear. All obligations of TradinGear under this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment or satisfaction, and DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. covenant and agree to fulfill or satisfy, prior to or at the Closing, each of the following conditions precedent: (a) Representations and Warranties True as of the Closing Date. The representations and warranties of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. contained in this Agreement or in the annexed Disclosure Document shall be true on the date of this Agreement without regard to any updates furnished by DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc., shall be true after the date of this Agreement and shall be true on the Closing Date with the same effect as though such representations and warranties were made as of such date. (b) Compliance with this Agreement. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. shall have performed and complied with all agreements and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by them prior to or at the Closing, including, but no limited to: (1) DSI shall have issued and outstanding no more than 1,459,414 of its post-split Class A common shares, including the 100,000 post-split Class A common shares issued in exchange for DSI's issued and outstanding 2,000,000 Class B common shares and including the 200,000 post- split Class A common shares to be issued pursuant to Section 8.2 of this Agreement. DSI shall have issued and outstanding no shares of its Class B common stock. DSI shall have issued and outstanding no more than 51,500 of its Eight (8%) Percent Cumulative Preferred Stock. (2) Digitran, Inc. shall have been sold and/or merged into Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc., in a transaction approved by the directors and shareholders of DSI pursuant to the laws of the State of Delaware. (3) DSI shall have acquired the approval of the Merger Transaction and related transactions from the majority of the holders of DSI common stock, including both Class A and Class B whose approval DSI has deemed necessary to effect the transaction. DSI shall have acquired this approval pursuant to a Proxy Statement or Information Statement filed with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission as required by Section 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. (4) DSI shall have acquired the approval of its shareholders to change the name of DSI to TG FIN Holdings, Inc. (c) No Threatened or Pending Litigation. On the Closing Date, no suit, action or other proceeding, or injunction or final judgment relating thereto, shall be threatened or be pending before any court or government or regulatory official, body or authority in which it is sought to restrain or prohibit or to obtain damages or other relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, and no investigation that might result in any such suit, action or proceeding shall be pending or threatened, including, but not limited to a claim for appraisal rights pursuant to Section 262 of the Delaware Corporation Law . (d) Consents and Approvals. All of the consents required to carry out the transactions contemplated hereunder have been obtained by the closing date, or will be obtained by the closing date including resolutions of the board of directors and stockholders of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. approving the entry into this Agreement and the carrying out of transactions contemplated herein. (e) Material Adverse Changes. There has been no material adverse change in the business, operations, assets or properties of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. (f) Approval of Counsel; Corporate Matters. All actions, proceedings, resolutions, instruments and documents required to carry out this Agreement and all other related legal matters shall have been approved on the Closing Date by counsel for TradinGear in the exercise of its reasonable judgment. (g) Certificates. DSI shall have delivered to DSI Acquisition, Inc. approximately 18,934,309 shares of its Class A common stock constituting the assets of DSI Acquisition, Inc. immediately prior to the merger. DSI shall also have delivered to the representatives of TradinGear such other documents, instruments, certifications and further assurances as its counsel may reasonably require. (h) Resignations. Subsequent to the election of three qualified nominees of TradinGear to be directors of DSI and their acceptance of the legal duties and obligations related thereto, all officers and predecessor directors of DSI shall have submitted written resignations. (i) Tax Returns. Prior to the Closing, DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. shall have delivered to TradinGear copies of all federal, state and local tax returns filed since January 1, 1999. (j) Opinion of Counsel. At the Closing, DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. shall deliver to TradinGear a legal opinion of Julian D. Jensen, Esq., counsel to DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc., acceptable to TradinGear in substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. (k) No Liabilities. At closing, DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. shall have no liabilities or obligations, including any tax liability as a consequence of the disposition of its wholly owned subsidiary, Digitran, Inc., either accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise, in excess of $50,000 except for accrued dividends on its preferred cumulative stock of approximately $257,500 which is deemed to be a contingent obligation of the Public Company requiring payment of preferred dividends prior to payment of any dividends on its common stock. At the Closing, DSI and DSI Acquisitions, Inc. shall provide to TradinGear, in form acceptable to Samuel Klein and Company, certified public accountants to TradinGear, a "cold comfort" letter from Scott Lybbert, the acting financial officer of DSI. . For purposes of this Agreement, the terms "liabilities" shall include, without limitation, any direct or indirect indebtedness, guaranty, endorsement, indemnity, claim, loss, damage, deficiency, cost, expense, or obligation, fixed or unfixed, choate or inchoate, liquidated or unliquidated, secured or unsecured or a reserve for any of the foregoing. Section 6.2 Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. All obligations of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. under this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment or satisfaction, prior to or at the Closing, of each of the following conditions precedent: (a) Representations and Warranties True as of the Closing Date. The representations and warranties of TradinGear contained in this Agreement or in any list, certificate or document delivered by TradinGear to DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be true on the Closing Date with the same effect as though such representations and warranties were made as of such date. (b) Compliance with this Agreement. TradinGear shall have performed and complied with all agreements and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by them prior to or at the Closing. (c) No Threatened or Pending Litigation. On the Closing Date, no suit, action or other proceeding, or injunction of final judgment relating thereto, shall be threatened or be pending against TradinGear before any court or governmental or regulatory official, body or authority in which it is sought to restrain or prohibit or to obtain damages or other relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, and no investigation that might result in any such suit, action or proceeding shall be pending or threatened. (d) Material Adverse Changes. There shall have been no material adverse changes in the business, operations, assets or properties of TradinGear. (e) Approval of Counsel; Corporate Matters. All actions, proceedings, resolutions, instruments and documents required to carry out this Agreement and all other related legal matters shall have been approved on the Closing Date by counsel for DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. in the exercise of its reasonable judgment. (f) Certificates. TradinGear shall have delivered to DSI such other documents, instruments, certifications and further assurances as its counsel may reasonably require. (g) Opinion of Counsel. At the Closing, TradinGear shall deliver to DSI a legal opinion of Mark Gasarch, Esq., counsel to TradinGear, in a form attached hereto as Exhibit B. ARTICLE VII FURTHER ASSURANCES AND CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT Section 7.1 Acts to be Performed by TradinGear. Following the Closing Date, representatives of TradinGear shall cause DSI to: (a) accept the resignation of its present registered agent in the States of Delaware and Utah and appoint a successor thereto; (b) change the address of its registered office in the State of Delaware; (c) change the address of its principal executive offices and to take all actions necessary to qualify to transact business in the jurisdiction thereof and all other jurisdictions in which the nature of business conducted by DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. or the character or location of the properties and assets owned or leased by it make such qualification necessary, except where the failure to so qualify would not have a material adverse effect on the Public Company; (d) make the appropriate filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to effectuate each of the foregoing actions and make such other filings as would be appropriate for a reporting company. (e) change the name of DSI to TG FIN Holdings, Inc. and apply to the NASDAQ/OTC Bulletin Board to trade the shares of DSI under the name of TG FIN Holdings, Inc. with an appropriate NASDAQ symbol, the first choice of which is TFIN. Section 7.2 Further Assurances. After the Closing Date, DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. and TradinGear agree to execute, acknowledge and deliver instruments of conveyance and transfer and will take such other actions and execute and deliver such other documents, certifications and further assurances as the other may reasonably require in order to perfect the merger transaction contemplated hereby. In addition, each of the parties will cooperate by executing and delivering to the other such additional instruments and documents and take such other actions as may be reasonably requested from time to time by any other party necessary to carry out, evidence and confirm the intended purposes of this Agreement. ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS Section 8.1 Termination. (a) Anything herein or elsewhere to the contrary notwithstanding, this Agreement may be terminated by written notice of termination at any time before the Closing Date only as follows: (i) by mutual consent of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. and TradinGear; (ii) by TradinGear at any time if the representations and warranties of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. prove to be materially incorrect when made or at any time prior to the Closing; (iii) by DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. if then representations and warranties of TradinGear are found to have been materially incorrect when made or at any time prior to the Closing; or (iv) by either DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. or TradinGear if the transactions contemplated by this Agreement do not close on or before December 31, 2001 unless extended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties. (b) In the event of the termination and abandonment of this Agreement, this Agreement shall become void and have no effect, without any liability on the part of any of the parties or their directors or officers or stockholders. Section 8.2 Brokers' and Finder's Fees. Each party represents and warrants to the other that all negotiations relative to this Agreement have been carried on by it directly without the intervention of any person except for Robert H. Jaffe, Esq. of Springfield, New Jersey. In recognition of the broker and finder services rendered by Mr. Jaffe, at the Closing Date 50,000 post reverse split Class A common shares of DSI shall be issued to him and, pursuant to his direction, 50,000 post reverse split Class A common shares of DSI shall be issued to Conkaeli Enterprises, Inc., of Morganville, New Jersey or its designee and 100,000 post reverse split Class A common shares of DSI shall be issued to Kim Hemphill of Spokane, Washington, or his designee. DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. agree to indemnify and hold TradinGear harmless against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and expenses which may be asserted against or incurred by TradinGear as a result of DSI's or DSI Acquisition, Inc.'s dealings, arrangements or agreements with any other person beside Mr. Jaffe or Mr. Hemphill. Section 8.3 Income, Sales, Transfer and Documentary Taxes; etc. TradinGear shall pay all federal, state and local income taxes, if any, due as a result of the Merger Transaction. Section 8.4 Expenses. Each party shall pay its own expenses incidental to the preparation of this Agreement and the consummation of the Merger Transaction and other transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Section 8.5 Contents of Agreement; Parties in Interest; etc. This Agreement, including the annexed Disclosure Document, sets forth the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. It shall not be amended or modified except by written instrument duly executed by representatives of DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc. and TradinGear. Any and all previous agreements and understandings between or among the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, whether written or oral, are superseded by this Agreement. Section 8.6 Assignment and Binding Effect. This Agreement may not be assigned prior to the Closing by either party without the prior written consent of the other. Section 8.7 Waiver. Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived at any time by the party entitled to the benefit thereof by a written instrument duly executed by such party. Section 8.8 Notices. Any notice, request, demand, waiver, consent, approval or other communication which is required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given only if delivered personally or sent by air courier, delivery charges prepaid, or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or by facsimile transmission, confirmation received, as follows: If to DSI and DSI Acquisition, Inc., to: Quentin R. Casperson, President Digitran Systems, Inc. c/o 80 Thomas Court Logan, Utah 84321 Fax No. 435-753-3909 With a required copy to: Robert H. Jaffe, Esq. Robert H. Jaffe & Associates, P.A. 8 Mountain Avenue Springfield, New Jersey 07081 Fax No. (973) 467-2246 and If to TradinGear, to: Mr. Samuel Gaer, Inc. 39 Broadway, Suite 740 New York, New York 10006 Fax No. (212) 363-4030 With a required copy to: Mark Gasarch, Esq. 40 West 57th Street 33rd Floor New York, NY 10019 Fax No. (212) 956-7216 or to such other address as the addressee may have specified in a notice duly given to the sender as provided herein. Such notice, request, demand, waiver, consent, approval or other communications will be deemed to have been given as of the date so delivered, telephoned or mailed. Section 8.9 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware. Section 8.10 No Benefit to Others. The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement are for the sole benefit of the parties hereto. Section 8.11 Section Headings. All section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, do not form a part of this Agreement and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Section 8.12 Schedules and Exhibits. All Exhibits referred to herein are intended to be and hereby are specifically made a part of this Agreement. Section 8.13 Severability. Any provision of this Agreement which is invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without invalidating or rendering unenforceable the remaining provisions. Section 8.14 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and any party hereto may execute any such counterpart, each of which when executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts taken together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall become binding when one or more counterparts taken together shall have been executed and delivered by all of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INC. ATTEST: L/S_________________________ L/S__________________________ Quentin R. Casperson, President Scott E. Lybbert, Assistant Secretary DSI ACQUISITION, INC. ATTEST: L/S________________________ L/S__________________________ Quentin R. Casperson, President Scott E. Lybbert, Assistant Secretary TRADINGEAR.COM INCORPORATED ATTEST: L/S________________________ L/S__________________________ Samuel Gaer, President Marni Gaer, Secretary EXHIBIT B ADDENDUM DATED DECEMBER 31, 2001 TO AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER DATED AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2001 This Addendum, dated as of December 31, 2001, amends the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of October 31, 2001 (the "Agreement"), by and between Digitran Systems, Incorporated ("DSI" or "the Public Company") a Delaware corporation, and DSI Acquisition, Inc., a wholly owned newly formed Delaware subsidiary of DSI, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Acquisition, Inc.", both of whom have an address for mailing purposes c/o Robert H. Jaffe, Esq., Robert H. Jaffe & Associates, P.A., 8 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 and Incorporated, a Delaware Corporation ("TradinGear" or "the Surviving Corporation"), having its principal place for the transaction of business at 39 Broadway, Suite 740, New York, New York 10006. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, as of October 22, 2001, shareholders of TradinGear (exclusive of treasury stock) collectively own of record 19,154,309 shares (the "TradinGear Shares") which presently constitute all of the issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of TradinGear; and WHEREAS, in the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of October 31, 2001, the number of issued and outstanding shares of TradinGear was incorrectly stated to be 18,934,309; WHEREAS, the parties where to correct the Agreement and Plan of Merger to conform with the actual number of issued and outstanding shares of TradinGear; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants contained in this Addendum, the parties agree as follows: Where ever in the Agreement and Plan of Merger reference is made to 18,934,309 shares of the common stock of TradinGear, and/or the fact that, upon consummation of the proposed merger, DSI will issue shares of its common stock to DSI Acquisition, Inc. to be distributed to the shareholders of TradinGear, that figure is deemed to be adjusted to state 19, 154,309. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Addendum on the date first above written. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INC. ATTEST: L/S____________________________ L/S__________________________ Quentin R. Casperson, President Scott E. Lybbert, Assistant Secretary DSI ACQUISITION, INC. ATTEST: L/S___________________________ L/S__ _____________________ Quentin R. Casperson, President Scott E. Lybbert, Assistant Secretary TRADINGEAR.COM INCORPORATED ATTEST: L/S_ ______________________ L/S____________________________ Samuel Gaer, President Marni Gaer, Secretary EXHIBIT C U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 __________ FORM 10-KSB [x] Annual Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [Fee Required] For the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002 [ ] Transition Report under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [No Fee Required] Commission file Number: 1-11034 DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (Name of small business issuer in its charter) Delaware 72-0861671 (State or other jurisdiction I.R.S. Employer of incorporation or organization) Identification Number) 205 West 8800 South P.O. Box 91 Paradise, Utah 84328-0091 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code) Issuer's telephone number: (435) 757-4408 Securities registered under Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act: Name of each exchange on Title of each class which registered Common Stock $.01 Par value OTC Bulletin Board Series 1 Class A 8% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock None Securities registered under Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act: None (continued on following page) Check whether the Issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES [X] NO [ ] Check if disclosure of delinquent filers in response to Item 405 of Regulation S-B is not contained in this form, and no disclosure will be contained, to the best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10- KSB or any amendment to this Form 10-KSB. [ ] State Issuer's revenues for its most recent fiscal year: 2002 - $-0-. State the aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non- affiliates of the Registrant computed by reference to the price at which the stock was sold, or the average bid and asked prices of such stock, as of a specified date within the past 60 days. The aggregate market value of the Registrant's voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant was approximately $1,293,360 at April 30, 2002, computed at the closing quotation for the Registrant's common stock of $0.06 as of April 30, 2002 State the number of shares outstanding of each of the Issuer's classes of common equity as of the latest practicable date: at July 26, 2002 there were 24,349,699 shares of the Registrant's Common Stock, 2,000,000 shares of Class B Common Stock, and 50,500 shares outstanding of 8% Cumulative Preferred Stock outstanding. Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (Check one):Yes[ ]No [X] Documents Incorporated by reference: None PART I ITEM 1 DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS History Digitran Systems, Incorporated ("DSI") is a holding company, incorporated under the laws of Delaware in 1985. DSI conducted all of its business operations through its wholly owned subsidiary, Digitran, Inc. ("DI"), until April 29, 2002. DI was originally formed under the laws of the state of Louisiana in 1979, and later reincorporated under the laws of the state of Utah in 1982. When DI became the operating subsidiary of DSI, it possessed technology in Petroleum Drilling Simulation hardware and software. Subsequently, DI developed similar simulation hardware and software products for Crane Operations and Truck Driving Operations. In its product lines, Digitran became the worldwide market leader, and still has an overwhelming lead in installations. In November 1999, DI entered into an agreement to sell the rights to market its Crane and Truck divisions, although not all of the Agreements' provisions were satisfied until December 30, 2001. Also, on April 29, 2002, DSI spun-off DI, by exchanging 100% of the shares of DI, along with the Petroleum Drilling Simulation business, installation base, customers, assets and liabilities for a 9% investment in the acquirer. DSI will be seeking shareholder approval by way of a Definitive Proxy, shareholder meeting and shareholder vote with respect to the potential acquisition of a new operating company. Since the proposed transaction is a reverse merger, the transaction will potentially involve a change in any or all of the following: controlling shareholders, management, business, Board of Directors, external auditors, transfer agent, yearend, business name or address. As used in "ITEM 1 DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS" the term "Company" refers to the combined operations of Digitran Systems, Incorporated and Digitran, Inc. unless the reference is specific to the year ending date of April 30, 2002 in which case, only Digitran Systems, Incorporated (DSI) is referred. The Company Digitran Systems, Incorporated ("the Company"), as of April 30, 2002, had no operating business to describe, except to indicate that it is a holding company with minimal assets and liabilities, and has the purpose of acquiring an operating company. Since it is a holding company, momentarily without an operating subsidiary, it is presented in the financial statements for the current year as a development stage company. The results of operations for the years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001 are presented as those from the discontinued operations of Digitran, Inc. An extraordinary gain was recognized in the current year upon completion of the disposition of Digitran, Inc. Digitran, Inc. primarily develops, manufactures and markets simulator training systems which are used to train personnel in the petroleum drilling simulation industry. The Company began marketing its first simulator training systems in 1979 and currently markets a variety of simulator training systems for petroleum operations. Going Concern Qualification The financial statements of the Company have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. For the year ended April 30, 2002 the "going concern" assumption is qualified due to the Company's current financial condition, the Company's inability to achieve and sustain profitable operations in recent years, and because it momentarily has no operating subsidiary. Description of the Business: The following captions apply to the business of Digitran, Inc., previously discontinued and disposed of. Since Digitran, Inc. was part of the Company for most of the year ended April 30, 2002, Digitran, Inc. and its operations and policies are described herein, even though it is currently operating under new ownership and management: Existing Simulator Training Systems The simulator training systems generally consist of an instructor's console; various student consoles; visual, motion and sound subsystems; cab controls and instrumentation; hardware interface computers and main simulation computers. The entire set of mechanical, electronic and computer subsystems are controlled by the operating system and simulation software. The simulators are designed and manufactured by Digitran engineers to appear, feel and work like the real-world equipment that is being simulated. Training simulators provided safer, more frequent and more diverse training opportunities than actual equipment, and at a lower cost and risk. Crane Operations Simulator Training Systems The Company developed simulator training systems to train operators of various types of cranes for use in the maritime and construction industries. These include, but are not limited to, training systems for: Type of Crane Where Mounted Principal Purpose Gantry-Single Lift Port Dock Container Management Gantry-Twin Lift Port Dock Container Management Gantry-Rubber Tire Port Dock Container Management Pedestal Port Dock Cargo/Supplies Management Ship Gantry Ship Cargo/Supplies Management Ship Pedestal Ship Container/Cargo/Supplies Offshore Lattice Oil Drilling Rig Container/Cargo/Supplies Lattice Truck Bulk Materials Management Telescopic Truck Precision Materials Mgt. Tower Stationary Heavy Construction Mgt. The crane simulation systems provide customers with simulation equipment that can be tailored to the various specific needs of each customer. The cab enables users to simulate many different kinds of cranes with the same system. The universal cab features interchangeable control panels designed to closely resemble crane controls. Included within the simulation experience is the capability to modify and complicate a scenario so that it resembles actual working conditions. The crane operations simulator training systems were designed to give the trainee hands-on experience in picking up and moving cargo loads under varying normal, abnormal and emergency conditions and to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to operate a large crane. Once a trainee completes a simulation scenario, the computer analyzes his performance and generates a printed summary for review. Petroleum Operations Simulator Training Systems The market for simulator training systems for the petroleum industry originated in the mid-1970's and grew in response to increased use of advanced technologies in petroleum operations. Because of the high costs and environmental risks of accidents in the petroleum industry, particularly in off-shore locations, there is an increasing need to train production and engineering personnel in order to reduce the risk of accidents caused by operator error. The Company's main petroleum products are briefly summarized below: TYPE OF SIMULATOR/SOFTWARE TRAINING AREAS Drilling and Well Control Day to day operations and emergencies: Full size, portable and Drilling techniques ultra lite versions Land or off-shore operations Blowout Prevention Cementing Directional Drilling Mud analysis's Treatment Drill Stem Testing, etc. Production and Workover Procedures and Theory of Production and Full size and portable versions Workover operations: Land and off-shore operations Forward and reverse circulation Reservoir flow testing Bullheading Lubricate and Bleeding Formation fracturing Equipment failures, etc. Student Training Programs Drill Track Directional Drilling Drill Trainer Cost Estimation Truck Simulation Systems. The Company developed a truck simulator for use in training drivers in varying types of truck use, from mining and over-the-road hauling using single, double, triple and tanker trailers, to localized applications such as those found within ports, terminals and airports. The truck simulator consists of a truck cab, motion base, projection screen and instructor's console similar to those found in the Company's crane simulation systems. The truck simulator is equipped with an operator's cab which offers interchangeable left-hand and right-hand driving modes for domestic and international compatibility. The cab is positioned on hydraulic actuators located underneath the simulator cab which provides vibrations present under normal driving conditions, jolts during rough driving conditions, and motion caused by braking, accelerating, turning and skidding. In addition, the driver trainee views computer generated, textured images on a wrap-around screen with rear-view insets. The visual system offers the driving students the ability to view such things as oncoming vehicles, road hazards, weather conditions, and details such as highway markers. The truck simulator offers the ability to train drivers in highway, rural, mountain and urban terrain. The system also includes an instructor's console, giving the instructor control over all simulation parameters such as problem situations and environmental conditions, allowing the instructor to view the entire simulation from the console. The system may be installed in a 48-foot long climate-controlled trailer for transportation to various training sites, or in a permanent facility. Sales The Company had no revenues for the year ended April 30, 2002. Marketing Since the Company's traditional products require considerable customer education and post sales support, the Company primarily markets its simulators through direct contacts between its own personnel and potential customers. The Company has also engaged independent agents who are generally paid on a commission basis. The Company provides sales literature, videos, a corporate background brochure as well as direct mail campaigns targeted to specific industries. Sales from direct mail require follow-up with telephone contacts, sales calls, product demonstrations and proposal submissions. Marketing Strategy The target markets for the Company's crane products include maritime universities and training centers, major world ports (or minor port "cooperatives"), port authorities and port terminals, insurance risk management centers, unions and industry trade associations, construction contractors and crane manufacturers. In the petroleum industry, the target markets include large oil companies, major drilling contractors, petroleum engineering institutions, colleges, universities and petroleum training centers. The market segment for the truck simulation systems includes companies in the commercial trucking industry, the private trucking industry, professional trucking schools and institutions conducting truck driver training, as well as state and federal agencies, transit authorities, and the union associated with professional truck drivers. Significant Customers During the fiscal years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001, net sales to the following customers accounted for more than 10% of the Company's sales: 2002 2001 University of Kuwait -0- 74,185 Port of Singapore -0- 25,461 The Company's significant customers usually changed from year to year. Competition The overall simulator training system market, which includes aviation, military, nuclear power plant and petroleum operations simulators, is dominated by large companies and divisions including Evan's and Sutherland Computer Corporation, Boeing Aerospace Corporation, McDonnel-Douglas Corporation, the Link Division of Singer Corporation, Hughes Aircraft Corporation, Westinghouse Corporation, General Electric Corporation and others. While the Company's simulator training systems do not compete with any of the simulator training systems manufactured by these large companies and divisions, such companies and divisions have the resources and ability necessary to develop simulator training systems in the markets in which the Company is participating. There is no assurance that these large companies and divisions will not develop simulator training systems which will compete with the Company's products. The Company believes that Drilling Systems, Ltd. based in the United Kingdom and CS Manufacturing of Albuquerque, New Mexico are its primary competitors in the petroleum operations simulator training systems market. Drilling Systems, Ltd. has been in the business of making petroleum operations simulator training systems since 1988. CS Manufacturing has been in business for approximately 7 years and its predecessor, CS Simtran, Inc. for over 20 years. There is no assurance that additional competitors will not enter the market. Competition within the petroleum industry has become increasingly price competitive resulting in lowered profit margins. Competition in the crane operations simulator training systems at present includes Maritime Dynamics of the United Kingdom. Maritime Dynamics has relatively few installations and does not compete well against the Company. Management believes that preemptive marketing efforts taken by the Company to inhibit new sales by this competitor, together with a technologically superior simulation system, should ensure continued success within the crane simulation product line. Professional Truck Driving Simulators (a joint venture of FAAC, Inc. and Perceptronics, Inc.) and Doron Precision Systems, Inc. are believed by the Company to be its main competitors in the truck operations training industry. While there are other entities involved in the manufacture and sale of simulators to the trucking industry the Company is not aware of any which utilize the high graphics quality and reality of motion on a price competitive basis with the Company. An additional competitor is ISIM, a relatively new company in this field. The Company believes its simulator training systems can compete based on price, quality, technology, service and ease of use, including the ability to incorporate customer specific features and customizations. Manufacturing and Sources of Supply The Company generally will not build a simulator without an order. On occasion, however, it will build one of each kind of significant simulator to use for demonstrations and trade shows. This practice also allows for quicker deliveries of contracted sales. The Company designs and specifies the mechanical and electronic components and subassemblies that comprise the simulators. The Company then subcontracts with third party vendors for the manufacture and fabrication of such components and subassemblies. While some simulator components are procured "off-the-shelf", the Company performs all of the assembly, integration, testing and quality control prior to installation of the simulators. The Company also conducts performance and functionality tests after installation to ensure that the training system is operating according to specifications. Normally, payment for the simulation system is subject to acceptance procedures by the customer, before and/or after shipment. The Company chooses to procure certain simulator components from single sources. A majority of the components of the simulation systems are available from multiple sources and to date there have been no significant negative effects on the Company arising from the use of a single source for certain components. The Company currently uses a wide variety of semiconductor chips from manufacturers including Intel, Motorola, NEC and others. Most of the peripheral equipment is also procured from other industry manufacturers including Hewlett-Packard, Mitsubishi and Gateway. In addition, the Company utilizes high-end graphics computers and main simulation computers from Silicon Graphics, Inc., Star Technologies and Evans and Sutherland, Inc. Since many components used in the simulators are unique to the Company's products, suppliers sometimes require lead times and minimum orders. The Company is careful to manage its projects so as to keep its investment in inventory parts relatively low, yet ample. Product Warranty and Service The Company warrants its simulator training systems to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months following delivery. During the warranty period, the Company will repair or replace the defective part without charge. At the end of the warranty period, customers can purchase extended maintenance agreements. The Company's simulator training systems are equipped with built-in hardware diagnostic abilities which help identify failures, if any. Users of petroleum systems are given a spare parts kit which contains parts and tools to enable them to routinely maintain the simulator. Most of the Company's simulator training systems also are equipped with a modem so that the Company can monitor a system via telecommunications to assist and instruct training personnel in maintenance and service procedures by telephone. The Company also provides "on-site" service and maintenance when required. Warranty costs have been relatively low to date. Research and Development For fiscal years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001, the company spent no resources on Research and Development, due to economic restraints. All sales were of existing products or contracts. Foreign Sales and Concentration of Credit Risk Most of the Company's business activity is with oil companies, port authorities, training institutions and various other entities, often outside the United States. One or several customers can account for a large portion of the Company's earnings. See "ITEM 1 DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Significant Customers". Normally, the Company attempts to secure shipments to points outside the United States through letters of credit or progress payments. See Note 1 to the Financial Statements under "Concentration of Credit Risk". In cases for which shipments are made on open account, the Company normally retains title to the equipment by virtue of the terms of its contracts until significant payment has been secured. Although the Company has attempted to protect its rights to equipment sold in foreign countries, sales with extended payment terms are subject to additional risks that upon default, the Company may incur additional expenses to collect the receivable or repossess the simulator. In addition, sales to certain countries may require additional documentation and/or licenses. Foreign sales can be subject to additional risks associated with international banking, currencies and other considerations which can affect payment terms and other matters. Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks The Company does not hold any patents which it deems material to its business and has not sought patent protection for the technology it uses in its products. The Company protects the program codes used in its products as trade secrets by utilizing nondisclosure agreements with its employees, customers and others who are permitted access to such codes. The Company has obtained software copyrights on essentially all the software incorporated into the Company's non-transportation products. Copyrights provide only limited protection. The Company has no trademarks. Employees As of April 30, 2002, the Company had no full-time employees and no part time employees. Work performed on behalf of the Company, is done by shareholders and professional service providers at the request of the Board of Directors. As of April 30, 2001, the Company had no full-time and 4 part-time employees. The previous Chairman, President, CEO, CFO and only full-time employee during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2001, Ms. Loretta Trevers, passed away on April 27, 2001. In addition, the Company utilized several sales agents on a commission basis and engaged various consultants. The Company is not a party to any collective bargaining agreements. ITEM 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As of April 30, 2002 the company had no tangible assets and no real property. ITEM 3 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS The former operating subsidiary of the Company, Digitran, Inc., a Utah corporation, had incurred all the Company's operating expenses. Digitran Systems, Incorporated, as a stand-alone entity has never operated, but did guarantee loans from certain financial institutions. As of December 31, 2001, all such guarantees or obligations had been satisfied. In the normal course of business, there may be various other legal actions and proceedings pending which seek damages against the Company. As of July 26, 2002 there were no known claims asserted or threatened against Digitran Systems, Incorporated, except for nominal (<$50,000) merger related expenses, the payment of which is contingent upon approval and consummation of the merger transaction. ITEM 4 SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS The last annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company was held on February 29, 1996. The results of this meeting were duly reported in Form 10- KSB as filed for the year ended April 30, 1996. Because the cost of the annual meeting was considered to be prohibitive in view of other cash requirements, the Company elected not to have an annual meeting in each year since 1996. Approval of the potential merger with a new operating company will be submitted to the shareholders for a vote at a shareholder's meeting, when appropriate. See also ITEM 6: MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OR PLAN OF OPERATIONS-Plan of Operations and Management's Future Plans. PART II ITEM 5 MARKET FOR COMMON EQUITY AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS Market Information Market information for the stock symbol of DGTS (listed on the OTC Bulletin Board) follows: 2002 2001 High Low High Low 1st Quarter 3/64 1/128 9/64 1/24 2nd Quarter 5/64 1/64 1/10 1/32 3rd Quarter 3/32 1/128 1/32 1/256 4th Quarter 1/16 3/64 1/64 1/256 Shareholders As of April 30, 2002, the Company had 779 record holders of its Common Stock and 3 record holder of its Class B Common Stock as well as 12 record holders of its Series 1, Class A 8% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock (the Preferred Stock) as reflected on the books of the Company's transfer agent. Dividends The Company had not paid any dividends on its Common Stock and the Board of Directors of the Company presently intends to pursue a policy of retaining earnings, if any, for use in the Company's operations and to finance expansion of its business. The declaration and payment of dividends in the future on the Common Stock will be determined by the Board of Directors in light of conditions then existing, including the Company's earnings, financial condition, capital requirements and other factors. In addition, as noted below, the Company is in arrears in the payment of dividends on its Preferred Stock. Dividends are not payable on any other class of stock ranking junior to such Preferred Stock until the full cumulative dividend requirements of the Preferred Stock have been satisfied. Holders of Preferred Stock are entitled to receive cumulative dividends at the annual rate of 8% per annum on the stated value of the stock designated at $7.00 per share, payable semi-annually on September 15 and March 15. No dividends have been paid since March 15, 1993 resulting in dividends in arrears of approximately $266,400 as of April 30, 2002 and $239,100 as of April 30, 2001. Dividends on Preferred Stock cannot be paid as long as there exists an Accumulated Deficit. Given the amount of the Accumulated Deficit, it is not likely that Dividends will be allowed for several years. Therefore, the Company has offered, and most shareholders have agreed, to convert the preferred shares into common shares under the belief that the share price of common stock would recover its value and exceed the continued accrual of dividends on Preferred Stock. There are not sufficient preferred shares (left unconverted) to trade publicly. The Company will continue to encourage Preferred shareholders to convert their shares into common stock so they might recover their investment more quickly. ITEM 6 MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OR PLAN OF OPERATION The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements and notes thereto. See "ITEM 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS". Management's Discussion For several years now, the company had been unsuccessful in achieving profitable operations, generating cash from operations or attracting sufficient equity or debt financing to sustain its then current level of operations. Consequently, the company was finally compelled to drastically reduce its work force, sell its assets and settle its debts in any way possible, including conversion of debt into the company's stock. Ultimately, the company disposed of its operating unit, Digitran, Inc. and is searching for another operating company to acquire, which is most likely to be accomplished in a reverse merger. Liquidity and Capital Resources The company has virtually no liquidity nor the ability to borrow (short term or long term) based upon its assets or capital resources. The company's ability to attract loans secured by sales contracts was also exhausted. Therefore, in fiscal 2002, no cash was generated through operations or borrowings. During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002, cash of $107,500 was contributed to the company: $70,000 was received from shareholders and $37,500 was received by a potential reverse merger candidate. Payments toward notes payable were $2,500. The company has the potential to begin generating cash through operations once it has successfully merged with an operating company. However, the company's ability to do so is subject to the effects and risks of: competition, product demand, rapidly changing technology, world-wide economic conditions, market acceptance of the target operating company's products, etc. There were no capital expenditures or investments in either fiscal year 2002 or 2001. Plan of Operations and Management's Future Plans Management is actively pursuing a reverse merger transaction, which is expected to be presented to shareholders by Definitive Proxy, in the very near future. Proposed Reverse Merger The proposed reverse merger with, Inc. is summarized below. Full details will be included with the Definitive Proxy to be filed with the SEC and subsequently presented to shareholders. The following is subject to shareholder approval: A. The existing Class A Common shares, numbering 24,349,699 will be reverse split on a 21 to 1 basis; B. The existing Class B Common shares, numbering 2,000,000 will be exchanged for Class A Common shares and be reverse split on a 20 to 1 basis. C. The company will create a new wholly-owned subsidiary, named Digitran Acquisitions, Inc., which will merge with, Inc. D. The shareholders of, Inc. have approximately 19,630,000 shares issued and outstanding. After the company executes the reverse split of the Digitran Systems, Incorporated shares, the, Inc shareholders will own approximately 94% of the Company. E. The company will then change its name, corporate location, Board of Directors, external auditors and stock symbol. The company will no longer be in the simulation software business, but in the brokerage software business (the business of, Inc.) and will be managed by the officers of, Inc. Spin-off of Digitran, Inc. A condition precedent to the Merger with, Inc., was the spin-off of Digitran, Inc., which was accomplished in a Share Exchange transaction effective April 29, 2002. This transaction is detailed in the discussion below: The company exchanged 1,000 shares (100%) of the stock of Digitran, Inc., a Utah corporation to Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. ("DSSI"), an Arizona Corporation for 90 shares (9%) of DSSI. On July 16, 2002, DSSI completed its obligations for the closing of the transaction by recording the Share Exchange Agreement with the State of Arizona, after representatives of each company physically exchanged share certificates on July 6, 2002. The Share Exchange Agreement, dated April 15, 2002 calls for an effective date of April 29, 2002, irrespective of the date of the actual share exchange. Therefore, the disposition of Digitran, Inc. is reflected in the Company's financial statements for the year ended April 30, 2002. Digitran, Inc. was the Company's operating subsidiary or division and held the Petroleum Drilling Simulation Systems (software) business. Although this subsidiary had nominal physical assets with no recorded book value at the time it entered into the Share Exchange Agreement, it maintained a worldwide lead in customer base and installations as well as the value of the Digitran Trade name, which is still recognized on a worldwide basis. The Board of Directors also felt an obligation to the division's customers to seek a manner in which the division could continue to service the needs of the customers and the marketplace that Digitran, Inc. had created. Included in the exchange of 100% of the shares of Digitran, Inc, the Company transferred its Petroleum drilling Simulation Systems Business, history, installation base, customers, software, trade name, source code, assets and liabilities. The assets at the time of the exchange were carried at zero ($-0-) value and the related liabilities were approximately $3.3 million. The principals of DSSI are related parties to Digitran Systems, Incorporated. They are the heirs and in-laws of Ms. Loretta Trevers. Ms Trevers was the former (and now deceased) Co-founder, Chairman, CEO, CFO, and controlling shareholder of Digitran Systems, Incorporated. As such, they are familiar with the adverse financial condition of Digitran, Inc. and best prepared to overcome the problems facing this division and to continue operations. They are represented in Management of DSSI through Stuart Reeves, a former son-in-law to Ms. Trevers. The heirs of Ms. Trevers are also the controlling shareholders in Digitran Systems, Incorporated, although, under the provisions of a proposed Merger Transaction, reported previously on Form 8-k on November 11, 2001, they would exchange their control position with the principals of, Inc., the reverse merger candidate for Digitran Systems, Incorporated. Although not expected, should the Merger with, Inc. not be completed, the company's management will continue to entertain all viable potential alternatives to provide creditor satisfaction and shareholder value including, but not limited to: mergers, acquisitions, reverse acquisitions, joint ventures, debt-restructures, spin-offs, realization of the company's intangible assets or value, etc. Alternatives will continue to be distinguished and favored based upon how well it provides for the existing creditors and shareholders. Management's Discussion and Analysis of the Results of Operations 2002 vs. 2001. Results of Operations: The Company has reported its operations as Discontinued Operations for the past two years. Therefore, no Revenues or Operating Expenses have been reported on the Statement of Operations. As reported in Note 10: DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS: revenues for the year ended April 30, 2002 declined 100% from the $99,646 reported for fiscal year ended April 30, 2001, because there were no revenues for fiscal year 2002. Consequently, there were no Cost of sales for 2002, also a 100% decline from the prior year's amount of $87,923. The company did receive capital contributions of $107,500 during fiscal year 2002 and spent virtually all of it on legal and accounting fees, debt settlements, the resolution of outstanding obligations of Digitran Systems, Incorporated and on the normal recurring expenses associated with maintaining a public company. In addition, 1,000,000 shares of the company's stock, valued at $20,000 were issued for services. Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased to approximately $124,500 from approximately $589,000, or 79% due primarily to the settlement of a lawsuit in which Digitran, Inc. and the purchaser of the Crane and Truck divisions of Digitran, Inc. were jointly seeking damages against a former contractor, for alleged contract violations. Legal fees for that action alone were approximately $250,000. Also, Ms. Loretta Trevers was a full-time employee in fiscal 2001, conducting selling, general and administrative functions for the company while it was still generating revenues. Compensation charged to Ms. Loretta Trevers for fiscal year 2001 was approximately $82,000. Ms. Trevers passed away on April 27, 2001. The company has liberally and generously accrued interest on all outstanding obligations, including accounts payable and accrued liabilities. This is why accounts payable and accrued liabilities have increased steadily over the years and seemingly beyond the company's ability to incur. This interest was accrued on all debt instruments at their stated rates, as well as on all accrued liabilities and accounts payable at an imputed rate of 8%-- whether or not such interest was charged by the creditor. For the fiscal years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001, the interest accrued on outstanding obligations was approximately $276,000, and 130,586, respectively. The amount for fiscal year 2002 is significantly greater than the previous year because this was the first year in which additional interest was accrued for certain accrued liabilities. The company recorded two extraordinary gains during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002. The first was for the forgiveness of debt arising out of settlement of the sale of the Crane and Truck divisions of Digitran, Inc. This sale was originated in November of 1999 and completed in December of 2001. The gain was recognized on a cash basis, as the ultimate resolution and amounts were uncertain and contingent upon events then future to the date of the Agreement. The Agreement called for the purchaser to pay certain liabilities on behalf of the Company in exchange for the rights to the Crane and Truck divisions of Digitran, Inc. In December of 2001, the purchaser and Digitran, Inc. signed mutual waivers of claims arising out of the original agreement, in which certain debts of Digitran were forgiven and certain obligations of the purchaser were forgiven. This was a non-cash transaction. In addition, a small loan was settled for $2,500 in cash whereby $9,006 of interest and principal was forgiven. Therefore, a total gain of $446,065 on the forgiveness of debt was recorded during fiscal year ended April 30, 2002. The second extraordinary gain recorded by the company was for the disposal (spin-off) of Digitran, Inc., the company's operating subsidiary. The Company exchanged 100% of its shares of Digitran, Inc., a Utah corporation, along with the Petroleum Drilling Simulation business, installation base, customers, assets and liabilities for a 9% investment in the acquirer, Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc., an Arizona corporation. Even though Digitran Inc.'s Petroleum division is recognized as the worldwide leader in customer base and installation base, at the time of the exchange, the company carried its assets at zero ($-0-) book value, yet it was encumbered with $3.3 million in debt. Consequently, upon disposition of the subsidiary, the company booked a gain on disposition of subsidiary of $3,370,905. This was also a non- cash transaction. No element of this transaction occurred during fiscal year 2001. ITEM 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Consolidated Financial Statements are filed as part of this Annual Report on Form 10-KSB. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS April 30, 2002 DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS April 30, 2002 C O N T E N T S Independent Auditors' Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Balance Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Statements of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Statements of Shareholders' (Deficit). . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Statements of Cash Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Notes to the Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Digitran Systems, Incorporated Paradise, Utah We have audited the balance sheet of Digitran Systems, Incorporated (a development stage company) as of April 30, 2002, and the related statements of operations, shareholders' (deficit), and cash flows for the years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001 and from inception of the development stage on May 1, 2001 through April 30, 2002. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Digitran Systems, Incorporated (a development stage company) as of April 30, 2002, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001 and from inception of the development stage on May 1, 2001 through April 30, 2002, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, the Company has incurred recurring operating losses, and has an accumulated deficit. These conditions raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. Management's plans regarding those matters also are described in Note 1. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. /S/HJ & Associates, LLC HJ & Associates, LLC Salt Lake City, Utah July 2, 2002 DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Balance Sheet ASSETS April 30, 2002 CURRENT ASSETS Restricted cash $ 5,233 ----------- Total Current Assets 5,233 ----------- TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,233 =========== LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' (DEFICIT) CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 17,841 ----------- Total Current Liabilities 17,841 ----------- SHAREHOLDERS' (DEFICIT) Preferred stock, $0.01 par value: 1,000,000 shares authorized, 50,500 shares issued and outstanding, (entitled to one-tenth vote per share) 506 Common stock, $0.01 par value: 25,000,000 shares authorized, 24,349,699 shares issued and outstanding (entitled to one-tenth vote per share) 243,497 Class B common stock, $0.01 par value: 5,000,000 shares authorized, 2,000,000 shares issued and outstanding (entitled to one vote per share) 20,000 Additional paid-in capital 10,533,928 Deficit accumulated prior to the development stage (14,226,988) Retained earnings accumulated during development stage 3,416,449 ----------- Total Shareholders' (Deficit) (12,608) ----------- TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' (DEFICIT) $ 5,233 =========== The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Statements of Operations From Inception of the Development For the years ended Stage on April 30, May 1, 2001 to 2002 2001 April 30, 2002 REVENUES $ - $ - $ - ---------- ---------- ------------- OPERATING COSTS - - - ---------- ---------- ------------- OPERATING LOSS - - - ---------- ---------- ------------- OPERATING LOSS BEFORE DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS - - - ---------- ---------- ------------- DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Loss from operations (Note 10) (400,521) (616,044) (400,521) Gain on disposal of subsidiary (Note 10) 3,370,905 - 3,370,905 ---------- ---------- ------------- Income (Loss) before extraordinary item 2,970,384 (616,044) 2,970,384 Gain in disposal of debt 446,065 - 446,065 ---------- ---------- ------------- NET INCOME (LOSS) 3,416,449 (616,044) 3,416,449 ---------- ---------- ------------- OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) Dividends on convertible preferred stock; unpaid (28,280) (28,840) (28,840) ---------- ---------- ------------- Total Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) $3,388,169 $ (644,884) $ 3,387,609 ========== ========== ============= BASIC INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE Continuing operations $ (0.00) $ (0.00) Discontinued operations (0.02) (0.03) Extraordinary 0.16 0.00 ---------- ---------- Total Income (Loss) Per Share $ 0.14 $ (0.03) ========== ========== WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OF COMMON STOCK 23,883,447 22,500,947 ========== ========== FULLY DILUTED INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE Continuing operations (0.00) (0.00) Discontinued operations (0.02) (0.03) Extraordinary items 0.16 0.00 ---------- ---------- Total income (loss) per fully diluted share $ 0.14 $ (0.03) ========== ========== FULLY DILUTED SHARES OF COMMON STOCK 24,301,547 22,500,947 ========== ========== The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Deficit For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 and 2001 Preferred Stock Common Stock Shares Amount Shares Amount Balance at April 30, 2000 53,650 537 22,487,174 224,872 Conversion of preferred shares (2,150) (21) 22,659 227 Reversal of Class B issuance - - - - Shares issued for services - - 392,341 3,923 Shares issued for debt - - 445,525 4,455 Net loss for the year ended April 30, 2001 - - - - Balance, April 30, 2001 51,500 $ 516 23,347,699 $ 233,477 Shares issued for services - - 1,000,000 10,000 Contributed Capital - - - - Preferred shares converted into common shares (1,000) (10) 2,000 20 Net income for the year ended April 30, 2002 - - - - Balance, April 30, 2002 50,500 $ 506 24,349,699 $ 243,497 CONTINUED DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Deficit For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 and 2001 Class B Capital in Common Stock Excess of Accumulated Shares Amount Par Value Deficit Balance at April 30, 2000 2,600,000 26,000 10,380,683 (13,610,944) Conversion of preferred shares - - (206) - Reversal of Class B issuance (600,000) (6,000) (54,000) - Shares issued for services - - 35,311 - Shares issued for debt - - 54,650 - Net loss for the year ended April 30, 2001 - - - (616,044) Balance, April 30, 2001 2,000,000 $ 20,000 $10,416,438 $(14,226,988) Shares issued for services - - 10,000 - Contributed Capital - - 107,500 - Preferred shares converted into common shares - - (10) - Net income for the year ended April 30, 2002 - - - 3,416,449 Balance, April 30, 2002 2,000,000 $ 20,000 $10,533,928 $(10,810,539) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Statements of Cash Flows From Inception of the Development For the years ended Stage on April 30, May 1, 2001 to 2002 2001 April 30, 2002 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income (loss) $ 3,416,449 $(616,044) $ 3,416,449 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash used in operating activities: Gain on forgiveness of debt (446,065) - (446,065) Gain on disposal of subsidiary (3,370,905) - (3,370,905) Gain on reversal of stock - (60,000) - Issuance of common stock for services 20,000 39,234 20,000 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Decrease in accounts receivable - 74,770 - Increase in accounts payable and other current liabilities 280,413 532,382 280,413 ----------- --------- ----------- Net Cash Used In Operating Activities (100,108) (29,658) (100,108) ----------- --------- ----------- CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES - - - ----------- --------- ----------- CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Payments on notes payable (2,500) (6,000) (2,500) Contributed Capital 107,500 - 107,500 ----------- --------- ----------- Net Cash Provided (Used) by Financing Activities 105,000 (6,000) 105,000 ----------- --------- ----------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH 4,892 (35,658) 4,892 CASH AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 341 35,999 341 ----------- --------- ----------- CASH AT END OF YEAR $ 5,233 $ 341 $ 5,233 =========== ========= =========== The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF BUSINESS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES History and Business Activity Digitran Systems, Incorporated (the Company) was formed under the laws of the State of Delaware in March 1985 as Mark, Inc. The Company began business operations in September 1985 when it acquired all the outstanding shares of Digitran, Inc., and the Company changed its name to Digitran Systems, Incorporated. In 1992, Digitran, Inc. introduced a digital petroleum well pressure control simulator training system. In addition, Digitran, Inc. has developed crane training simulation systems for the construction and maritime crane industries and a truck driving training simulation system. In 1999, the Company started Digital Simulation Systems, Inc., (DSSI) a 95%-owned subsidiary. During the year ended April 30, 2000, the Company disposed of all of its fixed assets and operations except for its petroleum services operations. Essentially, the Company discontinued its operations. For the year ended April 30, 2002, the Company is considered a development stage company. All prior activity has been reclassified as discontinued operations. On May 1, 2001, the Company relinquished its rights in DSSI to a related party. At that time, DSSI had no assets, liabilities, or operations. During April 2002, the Company entered into a stock exchange agreement with the new owners of DSSI in which they would exchange all the issued and outstanding shares of Digitran, Inc. for 90 shares of common stock in DSSI. Digitran, Inc. had rights to the petroleum division which were being carried at a book value of $ -0- and liabilities with a book value of approximately $ 3.3 million. Going Concern The Company has suffered recurring losses from operations and has a shareholders' deficit of approximately $12,600 as of April 30, 2002. The Company plans to merge with an existing operating company. These conditions raise substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The accompanying financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of asset carrying amounts or the amount and classification of liabilities that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. The Company continues to rely on the sale and exchange of its securities to fund its operations. Cash At April 30, 2002, the Company's attorney held $5,233 in an attorney's trust account to be used for Company operating expenses. This amount has been classified as restricted as the Company does not have immediate access to or control over the funds. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF BUSINESS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Revenue Recognition The Company recognizes revenue on the manufacture and sale of computer driven simulation equipment. Sales may also be generated through contractual agreements between the company and their customers which require the Company to manufacture the product and/or customize some of the software applications for specific training scenarios. Where the Company is required to develop and manufacture a simulator, the Company contracts with other entities to complete the project. As of April 30, 2002 and 2001, there were no significant contracts in progress. In October 1999, the Company entered into an agreement to sell software rights. Revenue from this transaction has been delayed and recognized as cash is received from the purchasing company due to the low reliability of collections. As specified by SAB 101, revenue is not to be recognized until both earned and realized or realizable. During the year ended April 30, 2001, the Company recognized approximately $91,000 in revenue associated with the software sale which is equal to the amount collected from the purchaser. Basic Loss Per Share Basic loss per common share is based on net loss after preferred stock dividend requirements and the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, including Class B common stock, during each year after giving effect to stock options considered to be dilutive common stock equivalents, determined using the treasury stock method. The weighted-average number of shares of common stock used to compute the basic earnings (loss) per share was increased by 418,100 shares for the year ended April 30, 2002 for the assumed exercise of stock options in computing the diluted per-share data. Shares issuable upon exercise of stock options were not included in computing the diluted per-share data for the year ended April 30, 2001, because to do so would be anti-dilutive. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF BUSINESS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. NOTE 2- NEWLY ISSUED ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS During the years ended April 30, 2002 and 2001, the Company adopted the provisions of FASB Statement No. 140 "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities (a replacement of FASB Statement No. 125.), FASB Statement No. 141, "Business Combinations," FASB Statement No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets," FASB Statement No. 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations," FASB Statement No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets," and FIN 44 "Accounting for Certain Transactions Involving Stock Compensation (an interpretation of APB Opinion No. 25.)." The effect of these adopted provisions on the Company's financial statements was not significant. NOTE 3 - CAPITAL STOCK The Company's capital stock consists of common stock, Class B common stock and preferred stock. The common stock provides for a noncumulative $0.05 per share annual dividend and a $0.01 per share liquidation preference over Class B common. In addition, the Company must pay the holders of the common stock a dividend per share at least equal to any dividend paid to the holders of Class B common. Holders of the common stock are entitled to one-tenth of a vote for each share held. Class B common may not receive a dividend until an annual dividend of at least $0.05 is paid on the common stock. Holders of Class B common have preemptive rights with respect to the Class B common stock and may convert each share of Class B common into one share of the common stock at any time. Holders of Class B common are entitled to one vote per share held. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 3 - CAPITAL STOCK (Continued) The Series 1 Class A 8% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock has a par value of $0.01 per share. As of April 30, 2002, there were 50,500 shares outstanding. Holders of preferred shares are entitled to cumulative dividends of 8% per annum on the stated value of the stock, designated at $7 per share. Dividends are payable semi- annually on September 15 and March 15. No dividends have been paid since March 15, 1993, resulting in dividends in arrears for 2002 and 2001 of approximately $266,400 and $239,100 respectively, or $5.27 and $4.64 per share, respectively. Dividends are not payable on any other class of stock ranking junior to the preferred stock until the full cumulative dividend requirements of the preferred stock have been satisfied. The preferred stock carries a liquidation preference equal to its stated value plus any unpaid dividends. Convertibility of any preferred stock issued may be exercised at the option of the holder thereof at a stated rate of one share of common stock for each preferred share converted. From time to time, shareholders have exercised this and various other conversion features offered by the Company. Holders of the preferred stock are entitled to one-tenth of a vote for each share of preferred stock held. The Company may, at its option, redeem at any time all shares of the preferred stock or some of them upon notice to each preferred stockholder at a per share price equal to the stated value ($7.00) plus all accrued and unpaid dividends thereon (whether or not declared) to the date fixed for redemption, subject to certain other provisions and requirements. NOTE 4 - INCOME TAXES The income tax benefit differs from the amount computed at federal statutory rates as follows: For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 2001 Income tax benefit (expense) at statutory rate $ (1,305,851) $ 234,097 Change in valuation allowance - (234,097) Benefit of operating loss carryforward 1,305,851 - ------------ ----------- $ - $ - ============ =========== Deferred tax assets (liabilities) are comprised of the following: For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 2001 Net operating loss carryforward $ 3,738,491 $ 5,044,342 Valuation allowance (3,738,491) (5,044,342) ------------ ----------- $ - $ - ============ =========== DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 4 - INCOME TAXES (Continued) At April 30, 2002, the Company has a net operating loss carryforward available to offset future taxable income of approximately $10,800,000, which will begin to expire in 2008. If substantial changes in the Company's ownership should occur, there would also be an annual limitation of the amount of NOL carryforwards which could be utilized. No tax benefit had been reported in the financial statements, because the Company believes there is a 50% or greater chance the carryforwards will expire unused. The tax benefits of the loss carryforwards are offset by a valuation allowance of the same amount. NOTE 5 - SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION Non-Cash Financing Activities For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 2001 Issuance of stock for services $ 20,000 $ 39,234 Common stock issued for payment of debt - 59,105 ---------- ---------- Total $ 20,000 $ 98,339 ========== ========== During the year ended April 30, 2001, the Company converted 2,150 shares of preferred stock to 22,659 shares of common stock in accordance with the preferred stock conversion feature. For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 2001 Interest paid $ - $ 734 ========== ========== Income taxes paid $ - $ - ========== ========== DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 6 - MAJOR CUSTOMERS AND EXPORT SALES Sales to major customers which exceeded 10% of net sales are as follows: Their sales have been reclassified as part of the discontinued operations (Note 10) For the Years Ended April 30, 2002 2001 University of Kuwait $ - $ 74,185 Port of Singapore $ - $ 25,461 Export sales to unaffiliated customers were as follows: For the Years Ended April 30, Region 2002 2001 Asia $ - $ 25,461 Middle East - 74,185 ---------- ---------- $ - $ 99,646 ========== ========== NOTE 7 - STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS Information regarding the Company's stock options and warrants are summarized below: Weighted Number of Average Options and Option Price Warrants Per Share Outstanding at April 30, 2001 1,225,805 $ 0.81 Granted - - Exercised - - Expired or canceled (807,705) 0.84 ---------- --------- Outstanding at April 30, 2002 418,100 $ 0.76 ========== ========= Options and warrants exercisable at April 30, 2002 and 2001 were 418,100 and 1,225,805, respectively. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 8 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES In the normal course of business, there may be various other legal actions and proceedings pending which seek damages against the Company. Management believes that the amount, if any, that may result from these claims, will not have a material adverse affect on the financial statements. Digitran, Inc, (the wholly owned subsidiary) has not filed any federal quarterly payroll withholding reports to the IRS since March of 1998. Digitran, Inc. has accrued the tax withholding liability for these reports and has estimated and accrued related penalties and interest. These accrued and accumulated payroll tax amounts will be a continuing liability of the corporation until fully paid. It is the intent of Digitran, Inc. to pursue a workable payment schedule with the appropriate taxing authorities until fully current. On April 15, 2002 the Company disposed of Digitran, Inc. (See Note 1). Consequently it is uncertain what, if any, action the IRS may pursue regarding the collection of these taxes. In April 2002 the Company disposed of its subsidiary operations and all related assets and liabilities to Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. (See Note 10). NOTE 9 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS The Company is negotiating the terms of an agreement whereby the Company would form a new subsidiary in order to complete a reverse merger with an operating company. DIGITRAN SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED (A Development Stage Company) Notes to the Financial Statements April 30, 2002 and 2001 NOTE 10 - DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS On April 15, 2002, the board of directors elected to dispose of Digitran, Inc. The following is a summary of the loss from discontinued operations resulting from the elimination of the operations. The financial statements have been retroactively restated to reflect this event. No tax benefit has been attributed to the discontinued operations. For the Year Ended April 30, 2002 2001 NET SALES $ - $ 99,646 COST OF SALES - 87,923 ------------ --------- GROSS PROFIT - 11,723 ------------ --------- EXPENSES Selling, general and administrative expenses 124,517 588,848 Depreciation and amortization - - ------------ --------- Total Expenses 124,517 588,848 ------------ --------- LOSS FROM OPERATIONS (124,517) (577,125) ------------ --------- OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest expense (276,004) (130,586) Gain on disposal of assets - 91,667 ------------ --------- Total Other Income (Expense) (276,004) (38,919) ------------ --------- LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAXES (400,521) (616,044) INCOME TAX BENEFIT - - ------------ --------- NET LOSS $ (400,521) $(616,044) ============ ========= As part of the disposal of Digitran, Inc., the Company recognized a gain on disposal of $3,370,905 which related to liabilities being transferred to Digitran Simulation Systems, Inc. ITEM 8 CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE None PART III ITEM 9 DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, PROMOTERS AND CONTROL PERSONS The names, ages and positions of the directors and executive officers of the Company are as follows: NAME AGE POSITION Aaron Etra 61 Chairman, Director Gary Blum 61 Director Quentin Casperson 53 President Scott Lybbert 44 Corporate Secretary Directors are elected at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders and serve until their successors have been elected and qualified. Officers are elected by and serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors and serve until their successors have been elected and qualified. All persons held the same position with Digitran, Inc. and Digitran Systems, Incorporated, until April 29, 2002. As of that date, all the officers listed above have resigned their positions with Digitran, Inc. Loretta P. Trevers was one of the original founders of the Company in 1979. She served as President and CEO from March of 1994 and as Chairman of the Board since 1985. She had been a trustee for the Utah Information Technology Association since 1990. Ms. Trevers passed away on April 27, 2001. Before passing away, she authorized her voting power to be used to appoint Aaron Etra, a then existing Director, as Chairman of the Board. Aaron Etra has been the President of Investors & Developers Associates, Inc., a developer of commercial, residential and industrial property in the U.S., since 1981 as well as President of Henceforth Hibernia Inc., a biotechnology and consumer products and research and development company since 1998. Mr. Etra has been an Attorney and a counselor at law since 1966 specializing in commercial, corporate, tax and personal law. His professional education includes a J.D. in Law at Columbia University in 1965, L.L.M. in Law at New York University in 1966, a B.A. in Political Science and Economics at Yale University in 1962 and he attended the Hague Academy of International Law during the summers of 1964-65. Mr. Etra received no compensation for the year ended April 30, 2001. Gary Blum was appointed director of the Company in October 1994. Mr. Blum is the principal of the Law offices of Gary Blum, Los Angeles, California, which he founded in June 1988. Mr. Blum received an MBA and JD from the University of Southern California in 1978. Mr. Blum received no compensation for the years ended April 30, 2002 or 2001. Quentin Casperson and Scott Lybbert are Shareholders who are assisting the company primarily to protect their investment. They were acting upon the request of Ms. Loretta Trevers, and continue to act at the request of the Board of Directors. Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. ITEM 10 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION The following table sets forth certain specified information Concerning the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and any executive officer whose total annual salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 (the Named Executive Officers). None Payments of approximately $-0- and $82,000 were charged to Ms. Loretta Trevers during fiscal year ended April 30, 2002 and 2001, respectively. Also, no amounts were owed to her or from her, as of either April 30, 2002 or 2001. Aaron Etra received 75,000 shares as compensation for his duties as Chairman of the Board in fiscal year 2002. Other Items There were no exercises of stock options (or tandem stock Appreciation rights) and freestanding appreciation rights (or unexercised options or stock appreciation rights) made during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002 by any Named Executive Officer. However, Scott Lybbert forfeited his unexercised options to facilitate potential reverse merger transactions. The following table represents outstanding options by officers of the Company: Options and Stock Issuances AGGREGATED OPTION/SAR EXERCISES IN LAST FISCAL YEAR AND FY-END OPTION/SAR VALUES (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Number of Value of Unexercised Unexercised Options/SARs Options/SARs at FY-End (#)at FY-End ($) Shares Acquired Exercisable/ Exercisable/ Name on Exercise (#) Value Realized($)Unexercisable Unexercisable Aaron Etra (Chairman, Director) 2002 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 2001 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 Gary Blum (Director) 2002 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 2001 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 Quentin Casperson (President) 2002 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 2001 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 Scott Lybbert (Corporate Secretary) 2002 -0- -0- 0/0 $0/0 2001 -0- -0- 150,000/0 $0/0 Director Compensation At the discretion of the Chairman of the Board, an option exercisable for a period of five years to acquire 10,000 shares of Common Stock at a price based on market value on the first trading day in January of the year could be granted to each currently serving Director. No options were granted during the fiscal years ended April 30, 2002 or 2001. The Company's Bylaws as well as Delaware and Utah corporate statutes provide for indemnification of and advances of expenses (including legal fees) under certain circumstances for officers and directors who are a party to or threaten to be made a party to any proceeding by reason of the fact that they are a director, officer or employee of the Company, against expenses and amounts paid in settlement of such actions. ITEM 11 SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT The following table sets forth as of July 26, 2002 the number of shares of Common Stock, Series 1 Class A 8% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Preferred Stock") and Class B Common Stock beneficially owned by each person known to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock, Preferred Stock and Class B Common Stock, by each director and each officer of the Company and by all officers and directors as a group. Unless otherwise indicated, all persons have sole voting and investment power over such shares, subject to community property laws. Name and Number Number Address of of shares Percent of of outstanding Beneficial of outstanding outstanding shares of Class B Owner\Identity Common Common Common of Group Stock Stock Stock Julie T. Reeves 1051 North Ash Drive Chandler, AZ 84234 1,358,324 5.58% 666,666 Evelyn R. Call 14878 Steep Mountain Drive Draper, UT 84020 1,358,324 5.58% 666,666 Rigel Hulett P.O. Box 345 Reserve, NM 87830 1,358,324 5.58% 666,666 Robert H. Jaffe 8 Mountain Avenue Springfield, NJ 1,649,250 6.73% 0 Clayton Paul Hilliard P.O. Box 52745 Lafayette, LA 70505 1,301,904 5.35% 0 Scott Lybbert* 2666 Oakwood Drive Bountiful, UT 84010 1,200,123 4.93% 0 Gary Blum* 3278 Wilshire Blvd, #603 Los Angeles, CA 90010 535,480 2.19% 0 Quentin Casperson* 205 W. 8800 South Paradise, UT 84328 556,000 2.28% 0 Aaron Etra* 1350 Avenue/Americas 29th Floor New York, NY 10021 502,100 2.06% 0 All executive officers and directors as a group (4 persons) 2,793,703 11.47% 0 Name and Percent of Number and Address of Outstanding Percent of Beneficial Shares of Outstanding Percent of Owner\Identity Class B and Shares of Total Voting of Group Common stock Preferred stock Power Julie T. Reeves 1051 North Ash Drive Chandler, AZ 84234 33.33% 0 18.07% Evelyn R. Call 14878 Steep Mountain Drive Draper, UT 84020 33.33% 0 18.07% Rigel Hulett P.O. Box 345 Reserve, NM 87830 33.33% 0 18.07% Robert H. Jaffe 8 Mountain Avenue Springfield, NJ 0 0 4.16% Clayton Paul Hilliard P.O. Box 52745 Lafayette, LA 70505 0 0 2.93% Scott Lybbert* 2666 Oakwood Drive Bountiful, UT 84010 0 0 2.70% Gary Blum* 3278 Wilshire Blvd, #603 Los Angeles, CA 90010 0 0 1.21% Quentin Casperson* 205 W. 8800 South Paradise, UT 84328 0 0 1.25% Aaron Etra* 1350 Avenue/Americas 29th Floor New York, NY 10021 0 0 1.13% All executive officers and directors as a group (4 persons) 0 0 6.29% *Indicates current officer or director of the Company. ITEM 12 CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS Other than payment of employee and third party obligations of the Company by Loretta Trevers and as duly reported under ITEM 10, Expenses, there is nothing to report in this category. ITEM 13 EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K (A) Exhibits: Regulation S-B Exhibit Number 23 Consent of HJ & Associates (B) 8-K Current Reports 8-K Current Report dated July 22, 2002 8-K Current Report dated March 19, 2002 8-K Current Report dated November 11, 2001 Signatures /s/ Aaron Etra Chairman of the Board, Director ------------------------- Aaron Etra July 26, 2002 /s/ Gary Blum Director ------------------------- Gary Blum July 26, 2002 /s/ Quentin Casperson President ------------------------- Quentin Casperson July 26, 2002 /s/ Scott Lybbert Corporate Secretary ------------------------- Scott Lybbert July 26, 2002 EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT D TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT The Board of Directors and Stockholders TradinGear.Com, Incorporated New York, New York We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of TradinGear.Com, Incorporated as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of TradinGear.Com, Incorporated as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the results of operations and cash flows for each of the years then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. /s/Samuel Klein and Company SAMUEL KLEIN AND COMPANY Newark, New Jersey April 10, 2002 TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED BALANCE SHEETS December 31, December 31, ASSETS 2001 2000 - ------ ------------ ----------- Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 230,360 $ 97,257 Accounts receivable, net - 50,300 Investments, available for sale Securities - 755,847 Prepaid expenses 6,801 - Deferred costs 59,899 - ----------- ----------- Total Current Assets 297,060 903,404 Property and equipment, net 151,964 137,369 Deposits 101,621 101,621 ----------- ----------- Total Assets $ 550,645 $ 1,142,394 =========== =========== LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 31,087 $ 326,918 Accrued expenses 38,431 25,000 Income tax payable 4,300 - Deferred revenue 40,000 130,000 ----------- ----------- Total Current Liabilities 113,818 481,918 ----------- ----------- Stockholders' Equity: Common stock ($.0001 par value, 30,000,000 shares authorized, 18,829,309 and 17,788,987 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively) 1,883 1,779 Additional paid-in-capital 3,051,607 2,733,143 Less: Deferred compensation relating To stock issued to consultants (381,644) (307,188) Retained earnings (deficit) (2,235,019) (1,767,258) ----------- ----------- Total Stockholders' Equity 436,827 660,476 ----------- ----------- Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 550,645 $ 1,142,394 =========== =========== These accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS For the Years Ended December 31, 2001 2000 Revenues: Software license fees $ 1,128,836 $ 242,778 Costs and Expense: General and administrative 601,098 636,242 Website costs 4,508 87,629 Development costs 426,544 418,044 Consulting fees 496,530 286,179 Depreciation expense 36,807 23,003 ----------- ----------- Total Costs and Expenses 1,565,487 1,451,097 ----------- ----------- Net Loss from Operations (436,651) (1,208,319) ----------- ----------- Other Revenue (Expense) Realized loss on sale of securities (79,450) Interest Income 5,445 Miscellaneous revenue 11,737 Finance charges (35,172) ----------- ----------- (23,435) (74,005) ----------- ----------- Net Loss before Provision for Income Tax (460,086) (1,282,324) Provision for Income Tax 7,675 378 ----------- ----------- Net Loss $ (467,761) $(1,282,702) =========== =========== Loss per Share: Basic and diluted loss per share $ (0.02) $ (0.07) =========== =========== Basic and diluted common shares outstanding 18,829,309 18,829,309 =========== =========== These accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000 Common Stock Par Value $.0001 ---------------------------------------------------- Common Additional Number Stock Paid-In Deferred of Shares Amount Capital Compensation Balances, January 1, 2000 17,788,987 1,779 2,733,143 $(515,063) Reclassification of Unrealized Loss on Available for Sale Securities - - - - Amortization of deferred compensation - - - 207,875 Net Loss for the Year Ended December 31, 2000 - - - - ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- Balances December 31, 2000 17,788,987 1,779 2,733,143 (307,188) Issuance of Common Stock 785,926 79 281,046 - Common stock issued in exchange for accounts payable 1,378,870 138 483,987 - Common stock issued for services 881,373 88 309,202 (291,700) Cancellation of Common Stock (2,005,847) (201) (755,771) - Amortization of deferred compensation - - - 217,244 Net Loss for the Year Ended December 31, 2001 - - - - ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- Balances December 31, 2001 18,829,309 $ 1,883 $ 3,051,607 $(381,644) ========== ========== =========== ========= [CONTINUED] TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000 Unrealized Retained Gain/(Loss) Total Earnings Available Stockholders' (Deficit) For Sale Equity Balances, January 1, 2000 (484,556) 667,188 2,402,491 Reclassification of Unrealized Loss on Available for Sale Securities - (667,188) (667,188) Amortization of deferred compensation - - 207,875 Net Loss for the Year Ended December 31, 2000 (1,282,702) - (1,282,702) --------------- ----------- ------------ Balances December 31, 2000 (1,767,258) - 660,476 Issuance of Common Stock - - 281,125 Common stock issued in exchange for accounts payable - - 484,125 Common stock issued for services - - 17,590 Cancellation of Common Stock - - (755,972) Amortization of deferred compensation - - 217,244 Net Loss for the Year Ended December 31, 2001 (467,761) - (467,761) --------------- ----------- ----------- Balances, December 31, 2001 $ (2,235,019) $ - $ 436,827 =============== =========== =========== These accompanying notes are integral part of financial statements. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the Years Ended December 31, 2001 2000 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Net Loss $(467,761) $(1,282,702) Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 36,807 23,003 Loss on sale of investments - 79,450 Amortization of deferred compensation 217,244 207,875 Compensation costs of common stock issued to consultant 17,590 - Changes in assets and liabilities, net of effect from: Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable 50,300 (50,300) Increase in prepaid Expenses (6,801) - Increase in deferred Costs (59,899) - Increase in deposits - (101,621) Increase in accounts Payable and accrued Expenses 205,900 264,378 Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue (90,000) 130,000 Increase (decrease) in Accrued tax payable - (654) ---------- ----------- Net cash used in Operating activities (96,620) (730,571) ---------- ----------- Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Purchase of property and Equipment (51,402) (84,426) Sale of Investments - 261,800 ---------- ---------- Net cash provided by (Used in) investing Activities (51,402) 177,374 ---------- ---------- Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Cash proceeds from officer's loan 28,000 - Repayment of officer's loan (28,000) - Issuance of common stock 281,125 - ---------- ---------- Net Cash provided by Financing Activities 281,125 - ---------- ---------- Net Increase (decrease) in cash and Cash Equivalents 133,103 (553,197) Cash and Cash Equivalents, beginning of period 97,257 650,454 ---------- ---------- Cash and Cash Equivalents, end of period $ 230,360 $ 97,257 ========== ========== These accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the Years Ended December 31, 2001 2000 Cash paid during the period for: Income Taxes $ 3,425 $ - ========== ========== Interest $ 9,200 $ - ========== ========== Supplemental Disclosures of Noncash Investing and Financing Activities: Common Stock Issued (Cancelled) in exchange for marketable securities $ (755,847) $ - ========== ========== Common Stock issued in exchange for accounts payable $ 484,125 $ - ========== ========== Common Stock issued for Services $ 309,290 $ - ========== ========== These accompanying notes are integral part of these financial statements. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 1. THE COMPANY AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Company TradinGear.Com, Incorporated ("TG" or the "Company") was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware on July 7, 1999. TradinGear.Com, Inc. produces trading software designed for the financial services industry. The Company's software technology is designed to provide stock exchanges and broker dealers in the securities industry the ability to offer to its customers an on-line electronic system for securities trading. Fair Value of Financial Instruments Carrying amounts of certain of the Company's financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents, trade receivable, accounts payable and other accrued liabilities, approximate fair value because of their short maturities. Revenue Recognition The Company's revenues are derived principally from providing its customers with software applications that enable them to conduct stock transactions online. Additional revenue may be derived from post contract support services such as maintenance/service contracts, hosting upgrades and enhancements. These revenues are recognized according to the statement of position 97-2 (SOP 97-2), "Software Revenues Recognition," which requires that revenue recognized from software arrangements be allocated to each element of the arrangement based on the relative fair values of the elements. Revenue on product sales is recognized upon completion of each stage of production and acceptance of the stage by the customer. The Company's post contract support services revenue is recognized over the period during which the service is expected to be performed. The software arrangement provides for no right of return on refunds and are fixed or determinable. Deferred revenue represents amounts received on uncompleted projects. Use of Management's Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Investments The Company accounts for its investments in debt and equity securities in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" (SFAS 115), which requires that investments in debt securities and marketable equity securities be designated as trading, held-to-maturity or available-for-sale. Management determines the appropriate classification of its investments in debt and equity securities at the time of purchase and reevaluates such determinations at each balance sheet date. Debt securities for which the Company does not have the intent or ability to hold to maturity are classified as available for sale, along with any investments in equity securities. Securities available for sale are carried at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses, net of income taxes, reported as a separate component of Stockholders' Equity. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 1. THE COMPANY AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Property, Plant and Equipment Property and equipment are recorded at cost and being depreciated for financial accounting purposes on the straight-line method over their respective estimated useful lives ranging from three to thirty-nine years. Upon retirement or other disposition of these assets, the cost and related accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and the resulting gains or losses are reflected in the results of operations. Expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to operations. Renewals and betterments are capitalized. Depreciation of leased equipment under capital leases is included in depreciation. Product Development Costs incurred in conjunction with the development of new products are charged to expense as incurred. Material software development costs subsequent to the establishment of technological feasibility will be capitalized. Based upon the Company's product development process, technological feasibility is established upon the completion of a working model. To date attainment of technological feasibility and general release to customers have substantially coincided. Impairment of Long-Lived Assets The Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121 (SFAS 121), "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed of". SFAS 121 requires that if facts and circumstances indicate that the cost of fixed assets or other assets may be impaired, an evaluation of recoverability would be performed by comparing the estimated future undiscounted pre-tax cash flows associated with the asset to the asset's carrying value to determine if a write-down to market value or discounted pre-tax cash flow value would be required. Comprehensive Income The Company has adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 130 (SFAS 130), "Reporting on Comprehensive Income". This statement establishes rules for the reporting of comprehensive income and its components which require that certain items such as foreign currency translation adjustments, unrealized gains and losses on certain investments in debt and equity securities, minimum pension liability adjustments and unearned compensation expense related to stock issuances to employees be presented as separate components of stockholders' equity. The adoption of SFAS 130 had no impact on total shareholders' equity. Stock-Based Compensation The Company will follow Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, (APT 25), "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" in accounting for future employee stock option plans. Under APB 25, when the exercise price of the Company's employee stock options equals or is above the market price of the underlying stock on the date of grant, no compensation expense is recognized. In accounting for options granted to persons other than employees, the provisions of Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 123, (FASB 123), "Accounting for Stock Based Compensation" are applied in accordance with FASB 123 at the fair value of these options. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 1. THE COMPANY AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Earnings (Loss) Per Share The Company will calculate earnings (loss) per share in accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Computation of Earnings Per Share" and SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 98. Accordingly, basic earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of common and dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding during the period. Common equivalent shares consist of the incremental common shares issuable upon the conversion of the Preferred Stock (using the if-converted method) and shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options (using the treasury stock method); common equivalent shares are excluded from the calculation if their effect is anti-dilutive. Earnings (loss) per share in these financial statements has been computed as if the outstanding shares as of December 31, 2001 were outstanding for all periods. Income Taxes The Company follows Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, (SFAS 109) "Accounting for Income Taxes". SFAS 109 requires the recognition of deferred tax liabilities and assets for the expected future tax consequences of events that have been included in the financial statements or tax returns. Under this method, deferred tax liabilities and assets are determined based on the difference between the financial statement carrying amounts and tax bases of assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect in the years in which the differences are expected to reverse. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized. Start-Up Activities The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued Statement of Position 98-5 (SOP 98-5), "Reporting the Costs of Start-Up Activities". SOP 98-5 requires start-up costs, as defined, to be expensed as incurred and is effective for financial statements for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1998. The Company expenses all start-up costs as incurred in accordance with this statement and therefore the issuance of SOP 98-5 will have no material impact on the Company's financial statements. Recent Accounting Pronouncements In July 2001 the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 141, "Business Combinations" (SFAS 141) and Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets" (SFAS 142). SFAS 141 requires that all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001 be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting and is effective for all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001. SFAS 142 requires that goodwill be tested for impairment under certain circumstances, and written off when impaired, rather then being amortized as previous standards required. SFAS 142 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2001. Early application is permitted for entities with fiscal years beginning after March 15, 2001 provided that the first interim period financial statements have not been previously issued. The adoption of SFAS 141 had no effect on the Company's operating results or financial condition. The Company is currently assessing the impact of SFAS 142 on its operating results and financial condition. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 1. THE COMPANY AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Reclassifications Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior year balances to conform to the current year presentation. 2. INVESTMENTS As of December 31, 2000 and 2001 the Company classified their investments as available for sale securities. Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available for sale securities which are reported at fair value are included as a separate component of stockholders' equity. Investments at December 31, 2000 consist of the following: Unrealized Cost Market Gain (Loss) Available for sale securities: Marketable Equity Securities $1,097,097 $755,847 $ - The Company had no investments at December 31, 2001. 3. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE The Company provides an allowance for doubtful accounts equal to the estimated uncollectible amounts. The Company's estimate is based on historical collection experience and a review of the current status of trade accounts receivable. It is reasonably possible that the Company's estimate of the allowance for doubtful accounts will change. Accounts receivable consist of the following: December December 31, 2001 31, 2000 Accounts Receivable Trade - $ 50,300 TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 4. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Property and equipment, at cost, and their respective useful lives consist of the following at December 31, Estimated Useful 2001 2000 Lives Computer equipment $198,208 $148,580 5 Office equipment 7,654 5,880 5 Leasehold improvements 7,350 7,350 5 213,212 161,810 Less: Accumulated improvements 61,248 24,441 $151,964 $137,369 5. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION On July 10, 2001 Samuel Gaer, the CEO of TradinGear.Com, Incorporated, agreed to lend the Company $28,000 at a rate of six percent (6%) and due on demand. At December 31, 2001 the note had been repaid in full. 6. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES For the period from inception (July 7, 1999) to December 31, 2001 the Company had accumulated losses of $2,235,019. No federal tax expense or benefit has been reported in the financial statements due to the uncertainty of future operations. 7. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Litigation The Company is subject from time to time to litigation arising from the normal course of business. In management's opinion, any such contingencies would be covered under its existing insurance policies or would not materially affect the Company's financial position oar results of operations. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 7. COMMITMENTS AND CONTENGENCIES (Continued) Litigation (Continued) Norman Fuchs ("Fuchs"), a former director of the Company, and ATH Ventures, Inc. ("ATH"), a company controlled by Fuchs, have commenced an action against the Company and against Ausinsoft, Inc., an entity of which Samuel Gaer, the President, Director and principal shareholder of the Company, is also an officer, director and shareholder. The action seeks monetary damages and shares of the Company's common stock. Subsequently, Fuchs and ATH commenced an action seeking to enjoin the merger as discussed in Note 8 and petitioned the Court for a Temporary Restraining Order ("TRO"). The Company defended this action and on January 10, 2002 the TRO expired without action and Fuchs, ATH and the Company engaged in preliminary settlement discussions which concluded in a February 14, 2002 settlement agreement and no monetary damages or obligations to the Company. Leases The Company leases office equipment and office space under noncancellable operating leases. Commitments under these leases at December 31, 2001 are as follows: 2002 $139,082 2003 142,855 2004 146,741 2005 150,743 2006 90,725 $670,146 Employment Agreements On December 10, 1999 the Company entered into an employment agreement with Samuel H. Gaer, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The agreement is for a term of three years commencing January 1, 2000 and provides for a base annual salary of $120,000 and for bonuses as determined by the Company's Board of Directors. 401(k) Plan and Profit Sharing Plan The Company has approved a 401(k) Plan and a Profit Sharing Plan which cover full-time employees who have attained the age of 21 and have completed at least one year of service with the Company. Under the 401(k) Plan, an employee may contribute an amount up to 25% of his compensation to the 401(k) Plan on a pretax basis not to exceed the current Federal limitation of $10,500 per year (as adjusted for cost of living increase). Amounts contributed to the 401(k) Plan are nonforfeitable. Under the Profit Sharing Plan, a member in the plan participates in the Company's contributions to the Plan as of December 31 in any year, with allocations to individual accounts based on annual compensation. An employee does not fully vest in the plan until completion of three years of employment. The Board of Directors determine the Company's contributions to the plan on a discretionary basis. The Company has not made any contributions to date. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 8. COMMON STOCK The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of 30,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $.0001 per share. The Company issued 13,280,000 shares of common stock to the founders of the Company for $.0001 per share, the par value of the Company's common stock. During July 1999 the Company issued 1,263,000 shares of common stock to two consultants for services rendered and a two year agreement which provided the Company with office space and services through June 2001. The total value of the services and consulting agreement was estimated to be $661,500. During October 1999 the Company issued 10,000 shares of its common stock to a consultant for services valued at $5,000. In addition, during October 1999 the Company issued 500,000 shares of its common stock to professionals for services rendered valued at $150,000 and for future professional services to be rendered through December 2002 valued at $100,000. Also, during the fourth quarter of 1999 the Company sold 1,980,140 shares of its common stock to four investors for cash of $500,000 and the receipts of marketable equity securities valued at $341,250 or for a total consideration of $841,250. In November 1999 the Company issued 755,847 shares of its common stock valued at $755,847 in conjunction with the Company entering into a license agreement to provide its proprietary software suite in exchange for marketable equity securities of the same value. This agreement and exchange of securities ultimately became the subject of a dispute in late 2000 which was settled in 2001 with the parties agreeing to cancel the outstanding shares exchanged and with the Company retaining $110,000 for its software suite that it received and recorded as revenue during 2000. As part of this settled dispute the Company, in a separate action, terminated the employment of one of its officers and the Company was returned 1,250,000 shares of its common stock that it originally issued to this individual for cancellation. In April 2001 the Company sold 710,585 shares of its common stock for $250,000 to an investor consultant. The Company also issued 500,000 of its common stock to this individual in exchange for a two year consulting agreement valued at $175,950 which expired in April 2002. Also, during April 2001 the Company issued 1,710,584 shares in satisfaction of amounts owed to a consultant amounting to $262,500 and for future consulting services valued at $337,500, or a total of $600,000. During the fourth quarter of 2001 the Company issued 25,000 shares of its common stock to an investor for $10,000. In addition, the Company issued to a consultant 100,000 shares of its common stock for services rendered valued at $17,585 and $20,000. The Company also issued to this consultant for $1,000 an option to purchase 50,000 shares of its common stock at $0.40 per share commencing December 21, 2001 and ending on December 21, 2004. TRADINGEAR.COM, INCORPORATED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2001 (Continued) 9. PROPOSED MERGER On September 15, 2001, the Company and Digitran Systems, Inc. (a publicly held Delaware company together with its subsidiaries herein referred to as "DSI") entered into an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization ("the Agreement"). The Agreement describes a merger transaction whereby TG will become a wholly owned subsidiary of DSI which public company in turn will change its name to TGFIN Holdings, Inc. ("TGFIN"). The Agreement is subject to shareholder approval of both companies and is also subject to certain conditions, including, but not limited to, submission for approval of proxy material to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Agreement calls for the shareholders of TG to receive 19,154,369 shares of the reorganized TGFIN or one share of TGFIN for each share of TG share held after giving effect to a reverse stock split of DSI shares and its change in name. The result will be that the shareholders of TG will own approximately 93% of the outstanding shares of the reorganized TGFIN. The merger transaction will be accounted for as a purchase with TG being deemed the acquiror for accounting and financial reporting purposes. However, since the stockholders of TG will own approximately 93% of the outstanding shares of the reorganized TGFIN no step up basis or goodwill will be recorded by TG. This accounting treatment is in accordance with the view of Securities and Exchange Commission staff members that the acquisition by a public shell of the assets of a business from a private company should be accounted for at historical cost and accounted for as a reverse merger.