As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 7, 2006.

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (RULE 14A-101)


                              FILE NUMBER 811-21777

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

[X]  Filed by the Registrant

[ ]  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                             JOHN HANCOCK FUNDS III
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                             JOHN HANCOCK FUNDS III
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[ ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c) (1) (ii), 14a-6 (i) (1), or
    14a-6 (i) (2) or Item 22(a) (2) or schedule 14A (sent by wire transmission).

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[X] No fee required.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             Important Information
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------

                                                               December 13, 2006

Dear Shareholder:

We want to share with you the details of an important proxy that is enclosed and
requires your action. It is being sent to you because you own one or more of the
seven funds that are impacted. They are:

John Hancock Growth Fund                   John Hancock Intrinsic Value Fund
John Hancock Growth Opportunities Fund     John Hancock U.S. Core Fund
John Hancock International Core Fund       John Hancock Value Opportunities Fund
John Hancock International Growth Fund

In June of this year,  John Hancock  added these seven new offerings to our fund
family.  All  seven  of these  funds  are  sub-advised  by GMO,  a  Boston-based
institutional  money manager.  Unlike all of the other funds in the John Hancock
family, these seven funds are currently overseen by a group of Trustees who also
have  responsibility  for our multi-managed  Lifestyle and Lifecycle  Portfolios
that are offered both as part of our retail  mutual fund line-up and also within
our retirement plan and variable annuity products.

We would like to  consolidate  responsibility  for the  oversight of these seven
funds to the same group of Trustees that oversees  John  Hancock's  other retail
mutual funds.

Each of these funds is a series  within a trust  entitled John Hancock Funds III
("JHF  III") and you are being  asked to elect  "new"  trustees  to serve on JHF
III's Board of Trustees.  Three of the nominees are already trustees of JHF III,
while the remaining six nominees are current trustees of the other retail mutual
funds in the John Hancock family.

The enclosed proxy statement  describes each Trustee's  qualifications and lists
the other John  Hancock  funds they  oversee.  Please  take the time to read the
enclosed  materials.  If you own  shares of more  than one of the  funds  listed
above,  you will receive a proxy card for each of those  funds.  Please vote one
for each fund.  This combined  proxy  statement may save you the time of reading
more than one  document  before  you  vote.  Remember,  your  vote is  extremely
important, no matter how large or small your fund holdings.

We  encourage  you to vote by  telephone  using the number that  appears on your
proxy  card(s).  There is a shareholder  meeting being held on December 21, 2006
regarding this matter. If you later decide to attend,  you may revoke your proxy
and vote your  shares in person at the  meeting.  Whichever  voting  method  you
chose,  please take the time to read the full text of the proxy statement before
you vote.

Your vote is very  important to us. If you have any  questions  before you vote,
please call a John Hancock Customer Service  Representative  at  1-800-225-5291.
Thank you for your  assistance in helping us with the realignment of the various

boards that oversee your funds. We appreciate your continued investment with the
John Hancock family of funds.


                                                    /s/Keith F. Hartstein

                                                    Keith F. Hartstein
                                                    President and Chief
                                                    Executive Officer


601 Congress Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02210-2805

Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
to be Held on December 21, 2006

To the Shareholders of the above funds:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of
Growth Fund, Growth Opportunities Fund,  International Core Fund,  International
Growth Fund,  Intrinsic Value Fund, U.S. Core Fund and Value  Opportunities Fund
(each a "Fund" and together the "Funds"), each a separate series of John Hancock
Funds  III ("JHF  III"),  will be held at an  office  of JHF III,  601  Congress
Street, Boston,  Massachusetts  02210-2805,  on December 21, 2006, at 10:00 a.m.
Eastern  Time.  The  purpose  of the  Meeting  is to  consider  and act upon the
following  proposal,  and to transact  such other  business as may properly come
before the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

1.   To elect a Board of Trustees of JHF III.

2.   To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting or
     any adjournment of the meeting.

The Board of Trustees  has fixed the close of  business on November  30, 2006 as
the record date for the  determination  of the shareholders of each of the Funds
entitled  to  notice  of,  and to vote at,  such  Meeting  and any  adjournments

                                             By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                             Thomas Kinzler

Boston, Massachusetts
December 13, 2006

Your vote is important--please vote your shares promptly.

Shareholders  are invited to attend the Meeting in person.  Any  shareholder who
does not  expect to attend the  Meeting  is urged to vote  using the  touch-tone
telephone voting instructions found below or indicate voting instructions on the
enclosed proxy card,  date and sign it, and return it in the envelope  provided,
which  needs no  postage  if  mailed  in the  United  States.  In order to avoid
unnecessary expense, we ask your cooperation in responding  promptly,  no matter
how large or small your holdings may be.


The following  general  rules for executing  proxy cards may be of assistance to
you and help avoid the time and expense  involved in validating your vote if you
fail to execute your proxy card properly.

1.   Individual Accounts: Your name should be signed exactly as it appears in
the registration on the proxy card.

2.   Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the party signing
should conform exactly to a name shown in the registration.

3.   All other accounts should show the capacity of the individual signing. This
can be shown either in the form of the account registration itself or by the
individual executing the proxy card.


1.   Read the proxy statement, and have your proxy card handy.

2.   Call the toll-free number indicated on your proxy card.

3.   Enter the control number found on the front of your proxy card.

4.   Follow the recorded instructions to cast your vote.






This Proxy Statement is furnished to shareholders ("Shareholders") in connection
with a solicitation  of proxies made by, and on behalf of, the Board of Trustees
("Trustees" or "Board") of John Hancock Funds III ("JHF III") and each series of
JHF III set forth above (each a "Fund" and  together  the "Funds") to be used at
the Special Meeting of Shareholders of JHF III and at any  adjournments  thereof
(the  "Meeting"),  to be held on December 21, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time at
601 Congress Street, Boston,  Massachusetts 02210, an office of JHF III and John
Hancock Investment  Management  Services,  LLC ("JHIMS"),  the Funds' investment
adviser.  You may  request a free copy of the  Funds'  most  recent  semi-annual
shareholder  report free of charge by sending a written  request to the Funds at
601 Congress  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02210, or by calling John Hancock
Funds at 1-800-225-5291.

The  purpose  of the  Meeting  is set  forth  in the  accompanying  Notice.  The
solicitation  is being made primarily by the mailing of this Proxy Statement and
the  accompanying  proxy  cards on or about  December  13,  2006.  Supplementary
solicitations may be made by mail, telephone,  telegraph,  facsimile, electronic
means or by personal interview by representatives of JHF III.

Shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on  November  30,  2006,  are
entitled to receive  notice of, and to vote at, the  Meeting.  Shareholders  are
entitled  to one vote for each Fund  share  held and  fractional  votes for each
fractional Fund share held.  Shareholders can vote only on matters affecting the
Fund(s) of which they are  Shareholders.  Shares  represented  by  executed  and
unrevoked  proxies  will be voted in  accordance  with the  specifications  made
thereon. If any enclosed form of proxy is executed and returned, it nevertheless
may be revoked by another proxy, by calling the toll-free telephone number or by
letter directed to the relevant Fund, which must indicate the Shareholder's name
and account number. To be effective, such revocation must be received before the
Meeting. In addition, any Shareholder who attends the Meeting in person may vote
by ballot at the Meeting, thereby canceling any proxy previously given.

Votes cast for all Funds count towards the election of Trustees, therefore it is
essential that Shareholders who own shares in more than one Fund complete, date,
sign and return each proxy card they receive.

Information as to the number of shares  outstanding and share ownership for each
Fund is set forth on Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.

The principal executive offices of each Fund are located at 601 Congress Street,
Boston,  Massachusetts  02210.  Copies of each Fund's  most  recent  Semi-Annual
Report is available upon request,  without charge, by writing to the Fund at 601
Congress  Street,   Boston,   Massachusetts   02210,  or  by  calling  toll-free

o      Growth Fund                                   ("Growth")
o      Growth Opportunities Fund                     ("Growth Opportunities")
o      International Core Fund                       ("International Core")


o      International Growth Fund                     ("International Growth")
o      Intrinsic Value Fund                          ("Intrinsic Value")
o      U.S. Core Fund                                ("U.S. Core")
o      Value Opportunities Fund                      ("Value Opportunities")

VOTE  REQUIRED:  Approval  of  Proposal 1  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a
plurality  of the shares of JHF III voted in person or by proxy at the  Meeting.
With  respect  to the  Proposal,  votes to  ABSTAIN  and  broker  non-votes,  if
applicable, will have the same effect as votes cast AGAINST the Proposal.


The  purpose of this  proposal is to elect a Board of Trustees of JHF III. It is
intended  that the enclosed  proxy will be voted for the  nominees  listed below
unless such authority has been withheld in the proxy. A nominee shall be elected
immediately  upon  shareholder  approval,  unless he or she is proposed to begin
service at a later date.

Three of the nominees  already  serve as Trustees of JHF III while the remaining
six nominees are current  trustees of other funds in the John Hancock  family of
funds.  The election of a number of new trustees to JHF III is being proposed in
connection with  consolidation  of  responsibilities  of the various boards that
oversee  investment  companies  sponsored  by John  Hancock.  The Funds are sold
primarily to investors who purchase  shares through  brokers and other financial
intermediaries.  Other John  Hancock-sponsored  funds that are primarily sold in
this manner  currently  are  overseen by a board of trustees  consisting  of the
nominees proposed to be elected for JHF III. Accordingly,  the proposed election
will align  oversight of the Funds under the same Board members that oversee all
other  similarly  marketed  John Hancock  mutual  funds.  Boards with  different
members will  continue to oversee  other John  Hancock-sponsored  funds that are
marketed primarily to retirement plan and variable insurance product investors.

Nominees  Charles  L.  Ladner,  William  H.  Cunningham  and James R. Boyle each
presently  serve  as  Trustees  of JHF  III and  have  served  in that  capacity
continuously  since  originally  elected in August 2005.  Those Trustees who are
currently  serving as Trustees to JHF III,  but who are not  nominees  ("Current
Trustees")  will  continue to serve as Trustees  until such time as the nominees
are duly  elected by  Shareholders  at the  Meeting.  At such time,  the Current
Trustees will resign and the newly elected Trustees will assume their positions.

In the election of Trustees,  those  nominees  receiving  the highest  number of
votes cast at the Meeting, provided a quorum is present, shall be elected.

"Interested" nominees are those persons who are "interested persons" (as defined
in the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act")) of JHF III,
because  of,  among  other  reasons,  their  positions  held  with  JHIMS  or an
affiliate.   Those  nominees  who  are  not   interested   persons  of  JHF  III
("Independent" nominees) and those Interested nominees are set forth below under
the  appropriate  headings.  The business  address of each of the Interested and
Independent  nominees  is: John Hancock  Funds,  601  Congress  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02210. Information about each nominee's ownership of shares of the
Funds and other relevant  information,  including  information  about the Funds'
officers, is set forth in Appendix B and Appendix D to this Proxy Statement.

At a meeting held September  28-29,  2006, the Nominating  Committee  (discussed
herein) of JHF III  recommended  to the full Board the nomination of the Trustee
nominees set forth below.  The full Board then  approved  such  nominations  and
authorized  calling  the  Meeting  and the  solicitation  of  proxies  for  this


Nominees for Election:

                                                                                                           of Funds
                                                                                                           in Fund
Name and                      Principal Occupation(s) and other                                   Year of  Overseen
Year of Birth                 Directorships during the Past Five Years                            Election by Trustee
- --------------------          -----------------------------------------------------------------   -------- ----------
Independent Nominees

James F. Carlin               Director and Treasurer, Alpha Analytical Inc. (chemical analysis)   N/A      53
(1940)                        (since 1985); Part Owner and Treasurer, Lawrence Carlin Insurance
                              Agency, Inc. (since 1995); Part Owner and Vice President, Mone
                              Lawrence Carlin Insurance Agency, Inc. (since 1996); Chairman and
                              CEO, Carlin Consolidated, Inc. (management/investments) (since
                              1987); Trustee, Massachusetts Health and Education Tax Exempt
                              Trust (since 1993); Director of the following: Uno Restaurant
                              Corp. (until 2001); Trustee of John Hancock Funds (since 2005)*.

Richard P. Chapman, Jr.       President and Chief Executive Officer, Brookline Bancorp, Inc.      N/A      53
(1935)                        (lending) (since 1972); and Director, Northeast Retirement
                              Services, Inc. (retirement administration) (since 1998). Chairman,
                              Northeastern University Board of Trustees (since 2004); Trustee of
                              John Hancock (since 2005)*.

William H. Cunningham         Former Chancellor, University of Texas System and former President  2005     143
(1944)                        of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Chairman and CEO, IBT
                              Technologies (until 2001); Director of the following: John Hancock
                              Funds (since 2005)*, John Hancock Funds III (since 2005)*,
                     (until 2004), STC Broadcasting, Inc. and Sunrise
                              Television Corp. (until 2001), Symtx, Inc. (electronic
                              manufacturing) (since 2001), Adorno/Rogers Technology, Inc. (until
                              2004), Pinnacle Foods Corporation (until 2003), rateGenius (until
                              2003), Jefferson-Pilot Corporation (diversified life insurance
                              company) (until 2006), New Century Equity Holdings (formerly
                              Billing Concepts) (until 2001), eCertain (until 2001),
                     (until 2001), Agile Ventures (until 2001),
                              (until 2001), Southwest Airlines, Introgen, and Viasystems Group,
                              Inc. (electronic manufacturer (until 2003); Advisory Director, Q
                              Investments (until 2003); Advisory Director, JPMorgan Chase
                              (formerly Texas Commerce Bank-Austin), LIN Television (since
                              2002), WilTel Communications (until 2003) and Hayes Lemmerz
                              International, Inc. (diversified automotive parts supply company)
                              (since 2003).

Ronald R. Dion                Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, R. M. Bradley & Co., Inc.;    N/A      53
(1946)                        Chairman and Trustee of John Hancock Funds (since 2005)*;
                              Director, The New England Council and Massachusetts Roundtable;
                              Director, Boston Stock Exchange; Trustee, North Shore Medical
                              Center; Director, BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. and a corporator of
                              the Eastern Bank; Trustee, Emmanuel College;. Director, Boston
                              Municipal Research Bureau; Member of the Advisory Board, Carroll
                              Graduate School of Management at Boston College.

Charles L. Ladner             Chairman and Trustee, Dunwoody Village, Inc. (retirement services)  2005     143
(1938)                        (until 2003); Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
                              UGI Corporation (public utility holding company) (retired 1998);
                              Vice President and Director for AmeriGas, Inc. (retired 1998);
                              Director, Parks and History Association (until 2007); Chairman
                              (2004-2005) and Trustee (since 2005) of John Hancock Funds*.

John A. Moore                 President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Evaluating     N/A      53
(1939)                        Health Risks, (nonprofit institution) (until 2001). Senior
                              Scientist, Sciences International (health research) (until 2003);
                              Principal, Hollyhouse (consulting) (since 2000); Director, CIIT
                              (nonprofit research) (since 2002); Trustee of John Hancock Funds
                              (since 1996)*.

Patti McGill Peterson         Executive Director, Council for International Exchange of Scholars  N/A      53
(1943)                        and Vice President, Institute of International Education (since
                              1998); Former President of Wells College and St. Lawrence
                              University; Director, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (until
                              2003); Director, Ford Foundation, International Fellowships
                              Program (since 2002); Director, Lois Roth Endowment (since 2002);
                              Director, Council for International Exchange (since 2003); Trustee
                              of John Hancock Funds (since 2005)*.

Steven R. Pruchansky          Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Greenscapes of Southwest      N/A      53
(1944)                        Florida, Inc. (since 2000); Managing Director, JonJames, LLC (real
                              estate) (since 2001); Trustee of John Hancock Funds (since 2005)*.

Interested Nominee

James R. Boyle**              Chairman and Director, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, The Berkeley     2005     237
(1959)                        Financial Group, LLC ("The Berkeley Group") (holding company) and
                              John Hancock Funds, LLC.*; President, John Hancock Annuities;
                              Executive Vice President, John Hancock Life Insurance Company
                              (since June, 2004); President U.S. Annuities; Senior Vice
                              President, The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (U.S.A) (prior
                              to 2004).


*    The  Trustee  serves on one or more  boards  within the John  Hancock  fund
     complex.  The number of funds listed as overseen by the Trustee  represents
     the total number of funds in the John Hancock fund complex  overseen by the
**   "Interested person," as defined in the 1940 Act, of the Funds and JHIMS.

If elected,  the Trustees will hold office without limit in time except that (a)
any Trustee may  resign;  (b) any Trustee may be removed by written  instrument,
signed by at least  two-thirds of the number of Trustees  prior to such removal;
and (c) a Trustee may be removed at any  Special  Meeting of  shareholders  by a
two-thirds  vote of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of JHF III.  In case a
vacancy  shall for any  reason  exist,  the  remaining  Trustees  will fill such
vacancy  by  appointing  another  Trustee,  so long as,  immediately  after such
appointment,   at  least  two-thirds  of  the  Trustees  have  been  elected  by
shareholders.  If, at any time,  less than a majority  of the  Trustees  holding
office has been elected by the  shareholders,  the Trustees  then in office will
promptly  call a  shareholders'  meeting  for the purpose of electing a Board of
Trustees.  Otherwise,  there will normally be no meeting of shareholders for the
purpose of electing Trustees.

Each  Fund  typically  pays its  Trustees  its  allocated  portion  of an annual
retainer  and a fee per  meeting  attended  for the Funds and other funds in the
John Hancock family of funds. For more information on the amount of compensation
paid to each  nominee by a Fund and by all funds in the John  Hancock  family of
funds for which such  nominee  served as Trustee,  see  Appendix B to this Proxy

For  additional  information on the number of meetings of the Board held and the
committees of JHF III, refer to Appendix B to this Proxy Statement.


Investment Adviser, Sub-Adviser, Distributor and Transfer Agent

John  Hancock  Investment  Management  Services,  LLC,  located at 601  Congress
Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, serves as each Fund's investment adviser.

Grantham,  Mayo,  Van  Otterloo & Co. LLC,  located at 40 Rowes  Wharf,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02110, serves as each Fund's investment sub-adviser.

John Hancock Funds, LLC., located at 601 Congress Street, Boston,  Massachusetts
02210, serves as each Fund's principal underwriter and distribution agent.

John Hancock  Signature  Services,  Inc.,  located at 1 John Hancock Way,  Suite
1001, Boston, Massachusetts 02217, serves as the Funds' transfer agent.

Voting Information

Approval  of Proposal 1 requires  the  affirmative  vote of a  plurality  of the
shares of JHF III voted in person or by proxy at the  Meeting.  With  respect to
the Proposal,  votes to ABSTAIN and broker non-votes,  if applicable,  will have
the same  effect as votes cast  AGAINST  the  Proposal.  Shares  represented  by
executed  and  unrevoked   proxies  will  be  voted  in   accordance   with  the
specifications  made thereon,  and if no voting  instructions are given,  shares
will be voted "FOR" the proposal.  Any shareholder  giving a proxy may revoke it
at any time before it is exercised by submitting to the Fund a written notice of
revocation or a subsequently  executed proxy, by calling the toll-free telephone
number or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.

If a proxy is properly  executed and returned  accompanied  by  instructions  to
withhold  authority to vote,  represents a broker  "non-vote"  (that is, a proxy
from  a  broker  or  nominee  indicating  that  such  person  has  not  received
instructions  from the  beneficial  owner or other person  entitled to vote Fund
shares on a  particular  matter with respect to which the broker or nominee does
not have a discretionary  power) or is marked with an abstention  (collectively,
"abstentions"),  the Fund shares  represented  thereby will be  considered to be
present at the Meeting for purposes of determining the existence of a quorum for
the transaction of business.  Abstentions will not constitute a vote in favor of
the proposal.

A quorum must be present in order for the  Meeting to take place.  A "quorum" is
established  if the holders of a majority of the shares  issued and  outstanding
and entitled to vote at the Meeting are present either in person or by proxy. If
a quorum is not present at the Meeting, the persons named as proxies may propose
one or more  adjournments  of the  Meeting  to permit  further  solicitation  of


Shares of each Fund  will be voted in the  aggregate  and not by class of shares
with  respect  to the  proposal.  In  accordance  with JHF  III's  Proxy  Voting
Policies,  proxies  for shares of each Fund held by any of the  Lifestyle  Funds
(i.e., the Lifestyle Aggressive Portfolio, Lifestyle Growth Portfolio, Lifestyle
Balanced  Portfolio,  Lifestyle  Moderate  Portfolio and Lifestyle  Conservative
Portfolio)  will be voted  in the same  proportion  as votes  cast by all  other
shareholders of such Fund.

Costs of the Meeting

The costs of the Meeting, including the solicitation of proxies, will be paid by
JHIMS, the Funds' investment adviser.  Persons holding shares for the beneficial
owner(s)  as nominees  will be  reimbursed  by JHIMS,  upon  request,  for their
reasonable  expenses in sending  soliciting  material to the  principals  of the
accounts. In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail, Trustees, officers
and  employees  of the Funds or of JHIMS  may  solicit  proxies  in person or by
telephone.  John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. has been retained to assist in
the  solicitation  of proxies at no additional cost to the Funds or shareholders

Telephone Voting

In addition to soliciting  proxies by mail,  by fax or in person,  the Funds may
also arrange to have votes  recorded by  telephone by officers and  employees of
the Funds or by the personnel of JHIMS or the transfer  agent or solicitor.  The
telephone  voting procedure is designed to verify a shareholder's  identity,  to
allow a shareholder  to authorize  the voting of shares in  accordance  with the
shareholder's instructions and to confirm that the voting instructions have been
properly recorded.

o    A shareholder  will be called on a recorded line at the telephone number in
the Funds' account records and will be asked to provide the shareholder's social
security number or other identifying information.

o    The shareholder  will then be given an opportunity to authorize  proxies to
vote his or her  shares at the  meeting  in  accordance  with the  shareholder's

Alternatively, a shareholder may call the Funds' Voice Response Unit to vote:

o    Read the proxy statement and have your proxy card at hand.

o    Call the toll-free-number located on your proxy card.

o    Follow recorded instructions.

With  both  methods  of  telephone  voting,  to  ensure  that the  shareholder's
instructions have been recorded  correctly,  the shareholder will also receive a
confirmation of the voting instructions.

If the shareholder decides after voting by telephone to attend the Meeting,  the
shareholder  can  revoke  the  proxy at that  time and  vote the  shares  at the


The Board knows of no other business to be brought before the Meeting.  However,
if any other matters properly come before the Meeting,  it is the intention that
proxies that do not contain specific  instructions to the contrary will be voted
on  such  matters  in  accordance  with  the  judgment  of the  persons  therein


The  firm  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  ("PwC")  has  been  selected  as the
independent  registered public accounting firm for the Funds. PwC, in accordance
with  Independence  Standards  Board  Standard No. 1, has confirmed to JHF III's
Audit Committee that it is independent with respect to the Funds.

The independent  registered  public  accounting  firm examines annual  financial
statements  for the  Funds  and  provides  other  audit-related,  non-audit  and
tax-related services to the Funds. Representatives of PwC are not expected to be
present at the Meeting,  but have been given the opportunity to make a statement
if they so desire and will be available  should any matter arise requiring their

JHF III's Audit  Committee  must  pre-approve  all audit and non-audit  services
provided by the independent  registered  public  accounting firm relating to the
operations or financial reporting of the Funds. Prior to the commencement of any


audit or non-audit  services to a Fund, the Audit Committee reviews the services
to determine  whether they are appropriate and permissible under applicable law.
Information  relating to audit and non-audit  services provided to the Funds and
its affiliates is set forth in Appendix C.


JHF III does not hold  annual  shareholder  meetings.  Shareholders  wishing  to
submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent shareholder
meeting  should send their  written  proposals to the  Secretary of JHF III, 601
Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.


Please advise the Funds, in care of John Hancock,  601 Congress Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts  02210,  whether other persons are beneficial owners of shares for
which proxies are being  solicited and, if so, the number of copies of the Proxy
Statement and Semi-Annual  Reports you wish to receive in order to supply copies
to the beneficial owners of the respective shares.


                                                                      APPENDIX A


Set forth below for each Fund is  information  as to the number of shares of the
Fund  outstanding  and  those  shareholders  known by the Fund,  if any,  to own
beneficially  5% or more  of the  Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities  as of
November 30, 2006.

                                                                                                Amount of    Percentage of
Name of Fund                 Name and Address of Shareholder                                   Shares Held    Shares Held
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value Opportunities A        John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                725,000.000       87.41
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

US Core A                    John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                730,000.000       88.25
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Core A         John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                415,768.402       65.61
                             38500 Woodward Ave
                             Bloomfield Hills MI 48304-5047

International Core A         MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        50,962.161        8.04
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

International Core A         John Hancock Life Insurance Co                                     46,196.489        7.29
                             John Hancock Place
                             PO Box 111
                             Boston MA 02117-0111

Growth Opportunities A       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 72,502.733        5.81
                             38500 Woodward Ave
                             Bloomfield Hills MI 48304-5047

Growth Opportunities A       Charles Schwab & Co Inc                                            9,140.801         5.81
                             Mutual Funds Dept
                             101 Montgomery St
                             San Francisco CA 94104-4151

Growth Opportunities A       John Hancock Life Insurance Co                                     8,055.859         5.12
                             John Hancock Place
                             PO Box 111
                             Boston MA 02117-0111

Growth A                     John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                730,000.000       83.28
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth A                     Stephen A & Diana L Goldberg Foundation Inc                        47,851.598        5.46
                             1615 M St NW Ste 850
                             Washington DC 20036-3219

International Growth A       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                725,000.000       94.37
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Intrinsic Value B            John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        23.48
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Intrinsic Value B            Pershing LLC                                                       2,722.970        12.79
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Intrinsic Value B            Luz M Marquez                                                      1,617.487         7.60
                             17030 Nanes Dr Ste 205
                             Houston TX 77090-2500


Intrinsic Value B            First Clearing LLC                                                 1,500.715         7.05
                             Joseph Miller IRA/Rollover
                             19855 Greenbriar Drive
                             Tarzana CA 91356-5428

Intrinsic Value B            Pershing LLC                                                       1,421.103         6.67
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Intrinsic Value B            MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        1,302.026         6.11
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

Intrinsic Value B            Pershing LLC                                                       1,097.204         5.15
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Intrinsic Value B            Luz M Marquez TTEE                                                 1,097.106         5.15
                             Marquez and Associates PA Pension Plan
                             Houston TX 77090-2500

Value Opportunities B        John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        28.48
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Value Opportunities B        MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        3,175.995        18.09
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

Value Opportunities B        Pershing LLC                                                       2,150.024        12.25
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Value Opportunities B        Pershing LLC                                                       1,091.181         6.22
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Value Opportunities B        Pershing LLC                                                        953.289          5.43
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

US Core B                    John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        45.75
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

US Core B                    NFS LLC FEBO                                                       1,132.246        10.36
                             NFS/FMTC Rollover IRA
                             FBO Peter G Manson
                             4 Frost Cmn
                             Slingerlands NY 12159-2405

US Core B                    Pershing LLC                                                        903.751          8.27
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

US Core B                    LPL Financial Services                                              698.959          6.40
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

US Core B                    Oppenheimer & Co Inc. FBO Maud Whalen & Judith Whalen Jtten         553.506          5.07
                             2507 SE 66th Ave
                             Portland OR 97206-1207

International Core B         John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 2,783.964        16.04
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Core B         NFS LLC FEBO                                                       1,428.627         8.23
                             NFS/FMTC R/O IRA
                             FBO Margaret B Burnham
                             13 Brewster Rd
                             Kingston MA 02364-1403


International Core B         American Enterprise Investment Svcs                                1,103.753         6.36
                             PO Box 9446
                             Minneapolis MN 55474-0001

International Core B         Luz M Marquez                                                       959.434          5.53
                             17030 Nanes Dr Ste 205
                             Houston TX 77090-2500

Growth Opportunities B       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 4,510.600        48.27
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth Opportunities B       Oppenheimer & Co Inc                                               1,008.958        10.80
                             FBO Douglas C Purdy R/O IRA
                             125 Broad St
                             New York NY 10004-2400

Growth Opportunities B       NFS LLC FEBO                                                        876.384          9.38
                             NFS/FMTC IRA
                             FBO Gerald Rumold
                             18 Sebastian Ct
                             Hopewell Jct NY 12533-6704

Growth B                     John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        45.71
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth B                     MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        3,183.699        29.11
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

Growth B                     First Clearing Corp                                                1,122.086        10.26
                             Rosenberg Family Exemption
                             23057 Park Este
                             Calabasas CA 91302-1794

Growth B                     John Medieros                                                       590.634          5.40
                             Kathryn P Medeiros
                             JT WROS
                             6 Patnode Ave
                             Hope RI 02831-1718

International Growth B       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        35.85
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Growth B       RBC Dain Rauscher                                                  2,516.311        18.04
                             Custodian Sharon K Mitchell
                             Segregated Rollover IRA
                             16212 Edgemont Drive
                             Fort Myers FL 33908-3654

International Growth B       Pershing LLC                                                       1,314.001         9.42
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Intrinsic Value I            John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        90.14
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Intrinsic Value I            NFS LLC FEBO                                                        546.992          9.86
                             Keith F Hartstein
                             Sarah L Hartstein
                             17 Trailside Rd
                             Medfield MA 02052-2237

Value Opportunities I        John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        45.98
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804


Value Opportunities I        Morgan Stanley & Co                                                1,000.000         9.20
                             FBO Steven Mayer
                             10829 Pleasant Hill Dr
                             Potomac Md 20854-1512

Value Opportunities I        NFS LLC FEBO                                                        929.527          8.55
                             NFS/FMTC IRA
                             FBO Stephen W Mahoney
                             74 Park Ln
                             Concord MA 01742-1620

Value Opportunities I        NFS LLC FEBO                                                        902.527          8.30
                             Susan D Egmont
                             85 E India Row Apt 24F
                             Boston MA 02110-3395

Value Opportunities I        NFS LLC FEBO                                                        692.521          6.37
                             Annmarie Errichetti
                             Mark A Keroack
                             12701 Southwest Hwy
                             Palos Park IL 60464-1875

Value Opportunities I        LPL Financial Services                                              667.169          6.13
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

Value Opportunities I        NFS LLC FEBO                                                        574.164          5.28
                             NFS/FMTC R/O IRA
                             FBO Scott L Young
                             108 Austin Rd
                             Sudbury MA 01776-2644

Value Opportunities I        NFS LLC FEBO                                                        562.061          5.17
                             NFS/FMTC R/O IRA
                             FBO Edward J Campbell
                             77 Hathaway Cir
                             Arlington MA 02476-7209

Value Opportunities I        NFS LLC FEBO                                                        546.720          5.03
                             Keith F Hartstein
                             Sarah L Hartstein
                             17 Trailside Rd
                             Medfield MA 02052-2237

US Core I                    John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        90.17
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

US Core I                    NFS LLC FEBO                                                        545.094          9.83
                             Keith F Hartstein
                             Sarah L Hartstein
                             17 Trailside Rd
                             Medfield MA 02052-2237

International Core I         John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 2,783.964        54.72
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Core I         Morgan Stanley & Co FBO                                            1,000.000        19.66
                             K Enokido & T Crouse TTEEs
                             Choptank Pacific Corp Defined U/A DTD 1/1/95 Benefit Pension
                             PO Box 250
                             Grafton NH 03240-0250

International Core I         Morgan Stanley & CO FBO                                            1,000.000        19.66
                             Lynne L Dorsey Sage Dorsey & Greg Fields TTEEs
                             Lynne Loening Dorsey Trust
                             3120 Kennett Pike
                             Wilmington DE 19807-3052

International Core I         NFS LLC FEBO                                                        303.448          5.96
                             Keith F Hartstein
                             Sarah L Hartstein
                             17 Trailside Rd
                             Medfield MA 02052-2237


Growth Opportunities I       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 4,510.000        59.70
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth Opportunities I       RBC Dain Rauscher Cust                                             1,345.372        17.81
                             Donald E Zahrli
                             289 Andes Dr
                             Glen Carbon IL 62034-1318

Growth Opportunities I       RBC Dain Rauscher Custodian                                         618.059          8.18
                             Thomas C Fulton
                             Individual Retirement Account
                             PO Box 631806
                             Littleton CO 80163

Growth Opportunities I       RBC Dain Rauscher Custodian                                         586.907          7.77
                             Sandra L Perkins
                             Individual Retirement Account
                             PO Box 631806
                             Littleton CO 80163

Growth Opportunities I       NFS LLC FEBO                                                        494.604          6.55
                             Keith F Hartstein
                             Sarah L Hartstein
                             17 Trailside Rd
                             Medfield MA 02052-2237

Growth I                     Northern Trust Co Custodian FBO                                   237,271.379       65.29
                             First Universe Trust
                             PO Box 92956
                             Chicago IL 60675-2956

Growth I                     Northern Trust Co Custodian                                        48,195.749       13.26
                             JBR #4 Jacob 2005 Trust
                             PO Box 92956
                             Chicago IL 60675-2956

Growth I                     Northern Trust Co Custodian                                        48,195.749       13.26
                             JBR #4 Isaac 2005 Trust
                             PO Box 92956
                             Chicago IL 60675-2956

Growth I                     First Republic Trust                                               23,479.749        6.46
                             First Republic Trust Co
                             111 Pine St
                             San Francisco CA 94111-5602

International Growth I       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        90.27
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Growth I       NFS LLC FEBO                                                        538.688          9.73
                             Keith F Hartstein
                             Sarah L Hartstein
                             17 Trailside Rd
                             Medfield MA 02052-2237

Intrinsic Value C            John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        29.75
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Intrinsic Value C            NFS LLC FEBO                                                       2,536.349        15.09
                             NFS/FMTC R/O IRA
                             FBO Bob D Littlefield
                             2131 N Nail Pkwy
                             Oklahoma City OK 73160-4529

Intrinsic Value C            NFS LLC FEBO                                                       2,035.346        12.11
                             NFS/FMTC R/O IRA
                             FBO Richard E Bowman
                             PO Box 272
                             Custer City OK 73639-0272


Intrinsic Value C            NFS LLC FEBO                                                       1,302.622         7.75
                             NFS/FMTC Rollover IRA
                             FBO Betty R Sullivan
                             PO Box 105
                             Shallowater TX 79363-0105

Value Opportunities C        MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        11,653.969       18.56
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

Value Opportunities C        LPL Financial Services                                             5,870.237         9.35
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

Value Opportunities C        John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000         7.96
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

US Core C                    MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                       106,179.089       89.31
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

International Core C         MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        11,560.423       24.27
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

International Core C         John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 2,783.964         5.84
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Core C         First Clearing LLC                                                 2,734.482         5.74
                             Pamela Ballard Family Liv Tr
                             Pamela Ballard TTEE UA
                             DTD 03/27/01
                             13065 Fort St

International Core C         Coquelicot Hall Familytrust                                        2,636.436         5.53
                             Coquelicot Hall TTEE
                             DTD 06/10/1999
                             23 Ridge Rd
                             Sausalito CA 94965-2063

Growth Opportunities C       MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        5,454.478        25.34
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

Growth Opportunities C       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 4,510.600        20.95
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth Opportunities C       Pershing LLC                                                       1,160.631         5.39
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Growth Opportunities C       Pershing LLC                                                       1,119.069         5.20
                             PO Box 2052
                             Jersey City NJ 07303-2052

Growth Opportunities C       LPL Financial Services                                             1,101.322         5.12
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

Growth C                     MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        17,603.314       61.21
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484


Growth C                     John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        17.38
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth C                     First Clearing LLC                                                 1,894.640         6.59
                             Franz Josef Pum Tr
                             23417 Covello St
                             West Hills CA 91304-5334

International Growth C       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        24.70
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Growth C       MLPF&S for the Sole Benefit                                        2,840.334        14.03
                             of Its Customers
                             Attn: Fund Administration 97C55
                             4800 Deer Lake Drive East 2nd Fl
                             Jacksonville FL 32246-6484

International Growth C       LPL Financial Services                                             2,283.105        11.28
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

International Growth C       LPL Financial Services                                             1,611.803         7.96
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

International Growth C       LPL Financial Services                                             1,464.904         7.24
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

International Growth C       LPL Financial Services                                             1,288.541         6.37
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

International Growth C       LPL Financial Services                                             1,172.058         5.79
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

International Growth C       LPL Financial Services                                             1,092.669         5.40
                             9785 Towne Centre Dr
                             San Diego CA 92121-1968

Intrinsic Value R1           John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Value Opportunities R1       John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

US Core R1                   John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Core R1        John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 2,783.964        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth Opportunities R1      John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 4,510.600        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

Growth R1                    John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804

International Growth R1      John Hancock Life Insurance Co USA                                 5,000.000        100.00
                             Attn: Kelly A Conway
                             601 Congress St Fl 9
                             Boston MA 02210-2804


International Core NAV       JHFII Lifestyle Balanced                                          7,438,580.39      27.00
                             601 Congress Street
                             Boston, MA 02210-2804

International Core NAV       JHFII Lifestyle Moderate                                          2,472,479.33       9.00
                             601 Congress Street
                             Boston, MA 02210-2804

International Core NAV       JHFII Lifestyle Aggressive                                        5,478,051.81      20.00
                             601 Congress Street
                             Boston, MA 02210-2804

International Core NAV       JHFII Lifestyle Growth                                           11,955,486.38      43.00
                             601 Congress Street
                             Boston, MA 02210-2804


                                                                      APPENDIX B

Board and Trustee Information
Trustee Ownership of Fund Shares

The table below indicates the dollar range of each nominee's ownership of shares
of each Fund and the aggregate dollar range of shares of other funds in the John
Hancock  family of funds for  which he or she is a  Trustee,  in each case as of
October 31, 2006.  As of October 31, 2006,  the nominees and officers of JHF III
and  each of the  Funds  owned  in the  aggregate  less  than 1% of each  Fund's
outstanding shares.

Ranges are: None, $1-$10,000, $10,001-$50,000, $50,001-$100,000,
$100,001-$500,000, $500,001-$1,000,000 or over $1,000,000.

Dollar Range of Fund Shares                                                                           Interested Nominee
                                                                                                        James R. Boyle
Growth Fund                                                                                                  None
Growth Opportunities Fund                                                                                    None
International Core Fund                                                                                      None
International Growth Fund                                                                                    None
Intrinsic Value Fund                                                                                         None
U.S. Core Fund                                                                                               None
Value Opportunities Fund                                                                                     None
Aggregate Dollar Range of Fund Shares in All Funds Overseen Within Fund Family                               None

Dollar Range of Fund Shares                                   Independent Nominees
                                James F.    Richard P.    William H.   Ronald R. Charles L.  John A.     Patti     Steven R.
                                 Carlin    Chapman, Jr.   Cunningham     Dion      Ladner     Moore      McGill   Pruchansky

Growth Fund                        None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None
Growth Opportunities Fund          None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None
International Core Fund            None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None
International Growth Fund          None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None
Intrinsic Value Fund               None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None
U.S. Core Fund                     None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None
Value Opportunities Fund           None        None          None        None       None       None       None      None

Aggregate Dollar Range of Fund   $50,001-   $100,001-     $100,001-    $500,001-  $50,001-  $100,001-  $100,001-  $100,001-
Shares in All Funds Overseen     $100,000    $500,000      $500,000    $1,000,000 $100,000   $500,000   $500,000  $500,000
Within Fund Family


Trustee Compensation

The following table sets forth  information  describing the compensation of each
Independent  nominee for his or her services for the Funds from inception,  June
12, 2006, to October 31, 2006.

                   Compensation Table--Independent Trustees(1)

Aggregate Compensation                                       James F.       Richard P.         William H.       Ronald R.
from a Fund                                                   Carlin       Chapman, Jr.      Cunningham(2)        Dion
Growth Fund                                                    N/A             N/A                 $6              N/A
Growth Opportunities Fund                                      N/A             N/A                 $1              N/A
International Core Fund                                        N/A             N/A                $107             N/A
International Growth Fund                                      N/A             N/A                 $5              N/A
Intrinsic Value Fund                                           N/A             N/A                 $5              N/A
U.S. Core Fund                                                 N/A             N/A                 $5              N/A
Value Opportunities Fund                                       N/A             N/A                 $5              N/A
Total Compensation from the Fund Complex (3)                 $10,250         $11,000            $21,750          $80,250

Aggregate Compensation                                      Charles L.    John A.       Patti McGill         Steven R.
from a Fund                                                 Ladner(2)      Moore          Peterson           Pruchansky
Growth Fund                                                     $6          N/A              N/A                N/A
Growth Opportunities Fund                                       $1          N/A              N/A                N/A
International Core Fund                                        $107         N/A              N/A                N/A
International Growth Fund                                       $5          N/A              N/A                N/A
Intrinsic Value Fund                                            $5          N/A              N/A                N/A
U.S. Core Fund                                                  $5          N/A              N/A                N/A
Value Opportunities Fund                                        $5          N/A              N/A                N/A
Total Compensation from the Fund                             $22,250      $20,750          $11,000            $20,250
Complex (3)

(1)  James R. Boyle is an  interested  person of JHF III and the other  funds in
     the John Hancock Family of Funds and is compensated by John Hancock and not
     the Funds.

(2)  Estimated  future  compensation  to each  Trustee  as of  fiscal  year  end
     February 28, 2007, is: $12,000.

(3)  The John  Hancock  funds  complex  includes  all funds in the John  Hancock
     family of funds.  Information is as of October 31, 2006 for 252 funds of 31
     trusts in the fund complex.  As of October 31, 2006,  the Trustees  accrued
     deferred  compensation from the John Hancock Deferred  Compensation Plan as
     follows:  Cunningham:  $160,687, Dion: $529,053, Ladner: $82,144, Peterson:
     $65,320, Pruchansky: $117,039.

General Board Information

Correspondence  intended for each Independent and Interested Trustee may be sent
to the attention of the  individual  Trustee or to the Board of Trustees at John
Hancock, 601 Congress Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts 02210. The current process
for collecting and organizing shareholder communications requires that the Board
of  Trustees  receive  copies  of  all  communications   addressed  to  it.  All
communications  addressed to the Board of Trustees or any individual Trustee are
logged and sent to the Board or individual Trustee. The Funds do not hold annual
meetings  and,  therefore,  do not  have  a  policy  with  regard  to  Trustees'
attendance  at such  meetings.  However,  as a matter of practice,  at least one
Trustee attends special meetings.


Committees and Committee Meetings

The  Board of  Trustees  has  established  various  committees  to  support  the
Independent  Trustees in acting  independently in pursuing the best interests of
the Funds and their  shareholders.  The  committees  facilitate  the  timely and
efficient  consideration  of all matters of importance to Independent  Trustees,
each Fund, and Fund  shareholders  and to facilitate  compliance  with legal and
regulatory  requirements.  Currently,  the Board of Trustees  has four  standing
committees. The members of each committee will vary.

The Board established the following committees:  (i) an Audit Committee composed
solely of Independent  Trustees;  (ii) a Nominating Committee composed of all of
the  Independent  Trustees;  (iii) a  Compliance  Committee  composed  solely of
Independent  Trustees;  and  (iv) one  Investment  Committee,  three  investment
subcommittees each composed solely of Independent Trustees.  The Audit Committee
is responsible  for the review of internal and external  accounting and auditing
procedures of JHF III and, among other things,  the  consideration and selection
of the independent  registered  public  accounting firm for JHF III, approval of
all significant services proposed to be performed by the independent  registered
public accounting firm and consideration of the possible effect of such services
on such firm's  independence.  The Nominating  Committee is responsible  for the
consideration  and nomination of  Independent  Trustee  candidates.  Nominations
should be forwarded to the attention of the Secretary of JHF III at 601 Congress
Street,   Boston,   MA  02210.  The  Compliance   Committee  reviews  and  makes
recommendations  to the full Board regarding certain compliance matters relating
to JHF III. Each Investment  subcommittee reviews investment matters relating to
a particular group of Funds.

Copies  of  the  Audit  Committee  Charter,  Compliance  Committee  charter  and
Investment Committee Charter are attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit 1.

As of October 31, 2006, the Board of Trustees met six times, the Audit Committee
met four times, the Nominating  Committee met one time, the Compliance Committee
met four times and the  Investment  Committees  met four times.  During the last
fiscal year, each Current Board member attended at least 75% of the aggregate of
all  meetings of the Board (held  during the period he or she was a Trustee) and
75% of the  meetings  held by a  committee  of the Board on which he or she sits
(during the period he or she served).


                                                                      APPENDIX C


The Funds commenced operations on June 12, 2006. The Independent Auditor has not
billed JHF III for (i) services  rendered in connection with the annual audit of
the Funds' financial  statements;  (ii) assurance and services rendered that are
reasonably  related  to the  performance  of the audit or  review of the  Funds'
financial  statements;  (iii) professional services rendered for tax compliance,
tax planning and tax advice,  including  primarily the review of each Fund's tax
returns;  (iv) other products and services provided;  and (v) non-audit services
provided to affiliates of John Hancock.

Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures.  JHF III's Audit Committee
has established  policies and procedures (the "Policy") for pre-approval (within
specified fee limits) of the  Independent  Auditor's  engagements  for non-audit
services  to the Funds and  certain  affiliates  without  specific  case-by-case
consideration. Pre-approval considerations include whether the proposed services
are compatible  with  maintaining the Independent  Auditor's  independence.  The
Policy  and  services  covered  therein  are  considered  annually  by the Audit
Committee. In addition, proposed services requiring pre-approval but not covered
by the Policy are considered from time to time as necessary.

Registered  Public Accounting Firm  Independence.  JHF III's Audit Committee has
considered  whether the  provision of non-audit  services  that were rendered to
service  affiliates  which did not  require  pre-approval  are  compatible  with
maintaining the Independent Auditors independence.


                                                                      APPENDIX D


The  executive  officers  of the Funds are set  forth in the  table  below.  The
executive  officers hold office  without limit in time,  except that any officer
may  resign or may be removed by a vote of a  majority  of the  Trustees  at any
regular meeting or any special meeting of the Trustees.  Correspondence intended
for each  executive  officer can be sent to each officers at John  Hancock,  601
Congress Street, Boston Massachusetts 02210.

Name and                             Principal Occupation(s) and other
Year of Birth        Officer Since   Directorships during the Past Five Years
- ------------------   -------------   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Keith F. Hartstein   President and   Senior Vice President, Manulife Financial Corporation (since 2004);
(1956)               Chief           Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, the Adviser, The
                     Executive       Berkeley Group, John Hancock Funds, LLC (since 2005); Director, MFC
                     Officer         Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC ("MFC Global (U.S.)") (since
                     (since 2005)    2005); Director, John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (since 2005);
                                     President and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock Investment Management
                                     Services, LLC (since 2006); President and Chief Executive Officer, John
                                     Hancock Funds II, John Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust;
                                     Director, Chairman and President, NM Capital Management, Inc. (since
                                     2005); Chairman, Investment Company Institute Sales Force Marketing
                                     Committee (since 2003); Director, President and Chief Executive Officer,
                                     MFC Global (U.S.) (2005-2006); Executive Vice President, John Hancock
                                     Funds, LLC (until 2005).

John G. Vrysen       Chief           Director, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, the
(1955)               Financial       Adviser, The Berkeley Group and John Hancock Funds, LLC (since 2005);
                     Officer         Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock
                     (since 2005)    Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2005), Vice President and
                                     Chief Financial Officer, MFC Global (U.S.) (since 2005); Director, John
                                     Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (since 2005); Chief Financial Officer,
                                     John Hancock Funds, John Hancock Funds II, John Hancock Funds III, and
                                     John Hancock Trust (since 2005); Vice President and General Manager,
                                     Fixed Annuities, U.S. Wealth Management (until 2005); Vice President,
                                     Operations Manulife Wood Logan (2000-2004).

Bruce R. Speca       Senior Vice     President and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock Investment Management
(1956)               President,      Service, LLC (since 2006), John Hancock Advisers, LLC (since 2006);
                     Investments     Executive Vice President, Investment Management Services, John Hancock
                     (since 2006)    Financial Services (until 2006); Senior Managing Director, Pioneer
                                     Investment Management (until 2002).

Gordon Shone         Treasurer       Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Trust, since
(1956)               (since 2005)    2003; Senior Vice President, John Hancock Life Insurance Company
                                     (U.S.A.), January 2001 to present. Vice President, The Manufacturers Life
                                     Insurance Company (U.S.A.), August 1998 to December 2000.

Francis V. Knox, Jr. Vice President  Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock Investment
(1947)               and Chief       Management Services, LLC, the Adviser and MFC Global (U.S.) (since 2005);
                     Compliance      Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock Funds II, John
                     Officer         Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (since 2005); Vice President and
                     (since 2005)    Assistant Treasurer, Fidelity Group of Funds (until 2004); Vice President
                                     and Ethics & Compliance Officer, Fidelity Investments (until 2001).

Thomas M. Kinzler    Secretary and   Vice President and Counsel, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.)
(1955)               Chief Legal     (since 2006); Secretary and Chief Legal Officer, John Hancock Funds, John
                     Officer (since  Hancock Funds II, John Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (since
                     2006)           2006); Vice President and Associate General Counsel for Massachusetts
                                     Mutual Life Insurance Company (1999-2006); Secretary and Chief Legal
                                     Counsel, MML Series Investment Fund (2000-2006); Secretary and Chief
                                     Legal Counsel, MassMutual Institutional Funds (2000-2004); Secretary and
                                     Chief Legal Counsel, MassMutual Select Funds and MassMutual Premier Funds


                                    EXHIBIT 1

                               John Hancock Trust
                              John Hancock Funds II
                             John Hancock Funds III
                    (each referred to herein as the "Trust,"
                          collectively as the "Trusts")
                             Audit Committee Charter

Overall Role and Responsibility

The Audit  Committee (the  "Committee")  shall assist the Board of Trustees (the
"Board") of the Trust in its oversight role with respect to:

     -  the financial reporting process,

     -  the system of internal control over financial reporting, and

     -  the independent audit process.

The function of the  Committee  is  oversight.  Management  is  responsible  for
financial  reporting and  maintaining  appropriate  systems for  accounting  and
internal  control over financial  reporting.  The  independent  accountants  are
responsible for planning and carrying out a proper audit and for providing other
audit and non-audit services for which they may be engaged by the Trust.


The Committee  shall consist of at least three Trustees of the Trust who are not
"interested  persons" of the Trust as defined in the  Investment  Company Act of
1940 (the "1940 Act") ("Independent  Trustees").  The full Board shall designate
the members of the Committee and the Committee  chair.  Committee  members shall
serve at the pleasure of the Board.

The Board shall determine  annually whether any member of the Audit Committee is
an "audit committee financial expert" as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR.


The Committee  shall meet as often as required,  but at least four times a year.
Meetings may be called and notice given by the Committee  chair or a majority of
the  members  of the  Committee.  Members  may attend  meetings  in person or by
telephone.  The Committee may act by written consent to the extent  permitted by
law and the  Trust's  Declaration  of Trust and  By-Laws.  The  Committee  shall
maintain  minutes or other records of its meetings and  activities and report to
the  Board on any  action  it takes  not  later  than the next  following  Board

The Committee may delegate any portion of its authority, including the authority
to  grant  preapprovals  of  audit  and  permitted  non-audit  services,   to  a
subcommittee  of one or more members.  Any decisions of a subcommittee  to grant
preapprovals  shall be  presented  to the full  Committee no later than its next
regularly scheduled meeting.

The Committee may meet privately and may admit  non-members  by invitation.  The
Committee   shall  meet  with   management  and  the   independent   accountants
periodically in separate  executive  sessions,  and may meet with internal legal
counsel  and  compliance  personnel  of  the  Trust's  investment  adviser  (the
"Adviser") and with representatives of the Trust's service providers, to discuss
matters that relate to the areas for which the Committee has responsibility.

The affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Committee participating
in any meeting of the Committee is necessary for the adoption of any resolution.
No resolution  may be adopted  unless at least 50% of the Committee  members are
present at the meeting in person or by telephone.

The Committee  shall have the resources and authority  appropriate  to discharge
its  responsibilities,  including  authority  to retain and  compensate  special
counsel and other experts or consultants at the expense of the Trust.


The  Committee  shall  review and assess the  adequacy of this  Charter at least
annually  and,  where  necessary,  will  recommend  changes to the Board for its
approval.  The  Board  may  amend  this  Charter  at any  time  in  response  to
recommendations from the Committee or on its own motion.

The Committee  shall  undertake and review with the Board an annual  performance
evaluation  of  the  Committee,  which  shall  compare  the  performance  of the
Committee  with  the  requirements  of this  Charter  and set  forth  goals  and
objectives of the Committee for the upcoming year. The performance evaluation by
the  Committee  shall  be  conducted  in  such  manner  as the  Committee  deems
appropriate.  The report to the Board may take the form of an oral report by the
Committee chair or any other member of the Committee designated by the Committee
to make this report.

Duties and Powers of the Committee

To carry out its purposes, the Committee shall:

Selection of Independent Accountants

Recommend the selection, retention or termination of the independent accountants
by the Independent Trustees of the Trust.

Review and  evaluate  matters  potentially  affecting  the  capabilities  of the
independent  accountants,  and in that connection obtain an understanding of the
independent  accountants'  quality  control  procedures and results of review by
third parties.

Preapprove  the engagement of the  independent  accountants to provide an annual
audit of and opinion on the Trust's financial statements.

Preapprove all other audit services  provided by the independent  accountants to
the Trust.

Preapprove all non-audit services provided by the independent accountants to the
Trust,  the Adviser or any entity  controlling,  controlled  by or under  common
control with the Adviser (an "Adviser Affiliate") that provides ongoing services
to the Trust, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial
reporting of the Trust.

Develop,  to the  extent  it deems  appropriate,  policies  and  procedures  for
preapproval of the independent accountants to provide non-audit services.

Consider the controls  applied by the  independent  accountants and any measures
taken by management in an effort to assure that all items requiring  preapproval
by the Committee are timely identified and referred to the Committee.

Review the performance of the independent accountants.

Review  and  preapprove  the fees  proposed  to be  charged  to the Trust by the
independent accountants for each audit and non-audit service.

Evaluation of Independence

Review  and  evaluate  matters   potentially   affecting  the  independence  and
capabilities of the independent accountants, and in that connection:

     -    Receive from the  independent  accountants a formal written  statement
          delineating the relationships between the independent  accountants and
          the Trust and its affiliates,  consistent with Independence  Standards
          Board Standard Number 1.

     -    Consider  whether  the  non-audit  services  provided  by the  Trust's
          independent  accountants to the Adviser or any Adviser  Affiliate that
          provides  ongoing  services  to the  Trust,  which  services  were not
          preapproved by the  Committee,  are compatible  with  maintaining  the
          independence of the independent accountants.

Recommend  that  the  full  Board  take  such  action  as  the  Committee  deems
appropriate to insure the independence of the independent accountants.

Oversight of Audit Process


Review  the  arrangements  for and scope of the  annual  audit  and any  special

Review with the fund accountants and the independent accountants:

     -    Significant current financial reporting issues and practices.

     -    Significant  matters  arising  in the  preparation  of the  annual and
          interim  financial  statements,   and  assess  whether  the  financial
          statements reflect appropriate accounting policies.

     -    Their qualitative  judgments about the  appropriateness,  not just the
          acceptability,  of  accounting  principles  and  financial  disclosure
          practices   used  or   proposed  to  be  adopted  by  the  Trust  and,
          particularly,  about  the  degree  of  preferability,  neutrality  and
          objectivity of its accounting principles and underlying estimates.

Inquire of management and the independent accountants regarding:

     -    Significant risks to or exposure of the Trust and the steps management
          has taken to minimize such risks or exposure.

     -    Significant tax accounting  policies  elected by the Trust  (including
          matters affecting qualification under Subchapter M and Subchapter L of
          the Internal Revenue Code) and their effect on amounts distributed and
          reported to shareholders for Federal tax purposes.

     -    Pricing and valuation matters generally, and specifically with respect

          -    Procedures used to assess the securities  valuations  provided by
               external pricing sources,  particularly where such valuations are
               not based on prices last quoted in organized markets.

          -    Procedures  established by the Board to value securities at "fair
               value" as determined in good faith,  their  conclusions as to the
               reasonableness  of  the  procedures,  management's  adherence  to
               established  "fair value"  procedures  and adequacy of supporting

     -    Audit  adjustments  recorded in the annual  financial  statements  and
          adjustments  not  recorded   because  their  effects  were  considered
          immaterial,  both individually and in the aggregate,  to the financial
          statements  taken as a whole,  with a view to gaining an understanding
          of   management's   and  the  independent   accountants'   concept  of

Receive  from the  independent  accountants  one or more  reports on the matters
specified in Rule 2-07 of Regulation S-X, including:

     -    All critical accounting policies and practices to be used.

     -    All  alternative   treatments  within  generally  accepted  accounting
          principles  for  policies  and  practices  related to material  items,
          including  ramifications  of the use of  alternative  disclosures  and
          treatments and the treatment preferred by the independent accountants.

     -    Other  material   written   communications   between  the  independent
          accountants and management,  such as any management letter or schedule
          of unadjusted differences.

     -    All non-audit services provided to the Adviser or an Adviser Affiliate
          that were not preapproved by the Committee.

Review with  management and the  independent  accountants  the results of annual
audits and related comments, with particular focus on the following items:

     -    The  independent  accountants'  audit of the Trust's annual  financial
          statements,  including  footnotes  and  its  report  thereon,  and any
          significant audit findings, including any adjustments to the financial
          statements recommended by the independent accountants.

     -    The  independent  accountants'  reasoning in accepting or  questioning
          significant estimates by management.


     -    The independent  accountants'  views as to the adequacy of disclosures
          in the Trust's financial  statements in relation to generally accepted
          accounting principles.

     -    Any serious  difficulties  or  disputes  with  management  encountered
          during the course of the audit.

     -    Any significant changes to the audit plan.

     -    Other  matters  related to the  conduct  of the audit  which are to be
          communicated  to  the  Committee  under  generally  accepted  auditing

Review of Financial Statements

Recommend to the Board the selection, pursuant to Section 32(b) of the 1940 Act,
of  the  Trust's  principal  accounting  officer  who  will  participate  in the
preparation of any financial statement of the Trust that is to be filed with the

Review with counsel legal and regulatory matters that may have a material impact
on the Trust's financial  statements,  related compliance  policies and programs
and reports received from regulators.

Review  the  Trust's  financial  statements  and other  financial  reports to be
presented to the Board at Board meetings.

Recommend to the Board that the financial  statements be included in the interim
and annual reports of the Trust.

Oversight of Internal Controls

Consider and review with management and the independent accountants:

     -    The  adequacy  of  the  internal  controls,   including   computerized
          information  system  controls  and  controls  over the daily net asset
          valuation process (including valuation of securities).

     -    The  adequacy of internal  controls at  servicing  agents  employed on
          behalf of the  Trust,  including  significant  comments  contained  in
          service auditors' reports on those controls.

     -    Findings  and  recommendations  of  the  independent   accountants  on
          internal  controls  maintained  both  by the  Trust  and  its  service
          providers,  together  with  responses of the  appropriate  management,
          including the status of previous audit recommendations.

     -    Any reports prepared by management dealing with internal controls.

Review with the Trust's  principal  executive  officer and  principal  financial
officer in connection with required certifications on Form N-CSR any significant
deficiencies  in the design or  operation  of internal  control  over  financial
reporting  or material  weaknesses  therein and any  reported  evidence of fraud
involving  management  or other  employees  who have a  significant  role in the
Trust's internal control over financial reporting.

Inquire,  to the extent the  Committee  deems  appropriate  with  respect to the
integrity of the Trust's  financial  statements,  into the internal control over
financial  reporting  of  third-party  service  providers  such  as  custodians,
transfer agents and accounting and other recordkeeping service agents.

Meet periodically with representatives of internal audit to:

     -    Review the scope of the internal  audit work as it relates to services
          provided to each of the Trusts by their adviser and its affiliates.

     -    Review the results of internal audits performed.

Review of Other Matters


     -    The Trust's expense allocation reports to be presented to the Board.

     -    The  amortized  cost  allocation  reports for the Trust's money market


     -    Matters related to the declaration of dividends and  distributions for
          Trust portfolios.

     -    Matters   related  to  the  Trust's   compliance  with  fidelity  bond
          requirements under Rule 17g-1 under the 1940 Act.


The Audit Committee shall follow the procedures below for the receipt, retention
and treatment of complaints regarding  accounting,  internal accounting controls
or auditing matters ("Complaints"):

Complaints Received Directly by the Trust

Any Complaints received directly by the Trust from shareholders, contract owners
or any other  person will be  forwarded  to the  Secretary of the Trust who will
then forward the Complaint to the Committee chair.

Any reports from attorneys or the independent accountants of possible violations
of federal or state law or  fiduciary  duty shall be  forwarded  directly to the
Committee chair.

Anonymous Submission of Complaints by Employees

Employees of the Trust, the Adviser or any Adviser  Affiliate  ("Employees") may
anonymously  submit  Complaints to the Committee by forwarding  the Complaint to
the Corporate  Secretary of Manulife Financial  Corporation  ("MFC") in a sealed
envelope  addressed to the Chair of the Audit  Committee  care of the  Corporate
Secretary.  The Corporate Secretary will then forward the sealed envelope to the
Chair of the MFC Audit  Committee  who will then  forward it to the Chair of the

The Committee  will request the Adviser to provide  appropriate  notice (such as
posting on the company  intranet  site) to  Employees  of these  procedures  for
anonymous submission of complaints.


                               John Hancock Trust
                              John Hancock Funds II
                             John Hancock Funds III
                           (individually, the "Trust"
                           collectively, the "Trusts")

                          Compliance Committee Charter

Overall Role and Responsibility

The Compliance Committee (the "Committee") shall assist the Board of Trustees in
its oversight role with respect to Trust compliance matters.

Membership and Meetings

The  Committee  shall  consist of at least  three  independent  Trustees  of the
Trust1.  Interested  Trustees i.e., persons who are "interested  persons" of the
Trust as  defined in the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940 (the "1940  Act") may
serve on the  Committee as ex-officio  members.  The Chairman of the Board shall
recommend Committee  assignments and a Committee chair with such assignments and
chair being  approved by the full Board of  Trustees.  Committee  members  shall
serve at the  pleasure  of the Board of  Trustees  for such term or terms as the
Board may determine.

Structure and Operations

The Committee  shall meet as often as required,  but at least four times a year.
The  Committee  shall  report to the Board on its  activities  after each of its

The affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Committee participating
in any meeting of the Committee is necessary for the adoption of any resolution.
No resolution  may be adopted  unless at least 50% of the Committee  members are
present at the meeting.

The  Committee  shall  review and assess the  adequacy of this  Charter at least
annually  and,  where  necessary,  will  recommend  changes to the Board for its

The Committee  shall  undertake and review with the Board an annual  performance
evaluation  of  the  Committee,  which  shall  compare  the  performance  of the
Committee  with  the  requirements  of this  Charter  and set  forth  goals  and
objectives of the Committee for the upcoming year. The performance evaluation by
the  Committee  shall  be  conducted  in  such  manner  as the  Committee  deems
appropriate.  The report to the Board may take the form of an oral report by the
chairperson of the Committee or any other member of the Committee  designated by
the Committee to make this report.

Specific Duties of the Committee

The specific duties of the Committee include the following duties as well as any
other duties the Committee and the Board may from time to time deem  appropriate
for the Committee to assume.

Chief Compliance Officer and Trust Compliance Program

     1.   Meet at least quarterly with the Trust's Chief Compliance Officer (the
          "CCO").  The CCO  will  meet  annually  with  the  full  Board  at its
          March/April  meeting  to  present  the  annual  report  regarding  the
          Compliance Program of the Trust(2) and the Compliance Programs of each
          of its Service  Providers(3)  as required by Rule 38a-1 under the 1940


(1)Independent  Trustees  are  defined  as  Trustees  of the  Trust  who are not
"interested  persons"  (as defined in the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as
amended (the "1940 Act")) of the John Hancock Trust (the "Trust"),  John Hancock
Investment Management Services, LLC (the "Adviser"),  John Hancock Distributors,
LLC or any of the subadvisers to the Trust portfolios.

(2)The  policies and procedures of the Trust relating to compliance with federal
securities laws (as defined in Rule 38a-1 under the 1940 Act).


(3)The policies and procedures of the Trust's adviser,  each of its subadvisers,
its principal  underwriter,  any  administrator  and any transfer  agent for the
Trust relating to compliance  with federal  securities  laws (as defined in Rule
38a-1 under the 1940 Act) and in the case of any adviser or subadviser  relating
to compliance with Rule 206(4)-7 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.


     2.   Review matters relating to the Compliance Program of the Trust and the
          Compliance  Programs of its Service  Providers and compliance  matters
          relating to the Trust and its Service Providers as may be presented to
          the Committee by the CCO.

     3.   Make  recommendations  to the  full  Board  regarding  changes  to the
          Trust's Compliance Program, as may be necessary from time to time.

     4.   Review the Compliance  Programs for proposed  Trust Service  Providers
          with the CCO, including subadvisers and their code of ethics, and make
          recommendations  regarding approval of such Compliance Programs to the
          full Board.

     5.   Review regulatory inquires and other matters relating to the Trust and
          its Service Providers as may be presented to the Committee by the CCO.

     6.   Review the CCO's goals and objectives and make  recommendations to the
          full  Board  regarding  the  CCO's   compensation,   bonus  and  merit

     7.   Review the CCO's annual  budget and make  recommendations  to the full
          Board regarding the amount of such budget that should be an expense of
          the Trust.

Code of Ethics

     1.   Review the Code of Ethics (and any  amendments  thereto) of the Trust,
          the Trust's principal  underwriter and the Trust's adviser and each of
          its subadvisers and make  recommendations  to the full Board regarding
          their approval of these codes and the approval of any material changes
          to these codes.

     2.   Review the Code of Ethics certifications  required by Rule 17j-1 under
          the  1940  Act to be  made  to the  Trust  by  the  following  Service
          Providers at least annually and upon approval of, or any amendment to,
          such Service Provider's Code of Ethics:  (a) the Trust's adviser,  (b)
          each Trust subadviser and (c) the Trust's principal underwriter.

Affiliated Transactions

     1.   Review  proposed  changes to the following  Trust  procedures and make
          recommendations  to the full  Board  regarding  the  approval  of such
          changes, as may be necessary from time to time.

          Rule 10f-3 procedures

          Rule 17a-7 procedures

          Rule 17e-1 procedures

     2.   Review reports relating to the following affiliated  transactions on a
          quarterly basis and make  recommendations  to the full Board regarding
          the approval of such transactions:

          Rule 10f-3 transactions

          Rule 17a-7 transactions

          Rule 17e-1 transactions

Money Market Funds

     1.   Annually review the Trust's Rule 2a-7 procedures relating to the Money
          Market Trust and make  recommendations to the full Board regarding the
          approval  of such  procedures.  Review  any  proposed  changes  to the
          Trust's  Rule 2a-7  procedures  and make  recommendations  to the full
          Board regarding the approval of such amendments.

     2.   Review the money market funds quarterly  report on Rule 2a-7 Portfolio
          Holdings and Ratings.

Proxy Voting

     1.   Annually   review  the  Trust's  Proxy  Voting   procedures  and  make
          recommendations  to the full Board for amendments  thereto,  as may be
          necessary from time to time.


Liquidity Policies

     1.   Annually   review  the   Trust's   Rule  144A   procedures   and  make
          recommendations  to the full Board  regarding  the  approval  of these
          procedures.  Review  any  proposed  changes to the  Trust's  Rule 144A
          procedures and make  recommendations  to the full Board  regarding the
          approval of such amendments.

Foreign Markets

     1.   Review   proposed   entry   into   new   foreign   markets   and  make
          recommendations  to the full Board for  approval,  as may be necessary
          from time to time.

Portfolio Holdings Information

     1.   Review  proposed   amendments  to  the  Trust's   Portfolio   Holdings
          Disclosure Policy and make recommendations to the full Board regarding
          the approval of such amendments.

     2.   Review and approve  proposed  additional  persons/entities  to receive
          Trust  portfolio  holding  information in accordance  with the Trust's
          Portfolio Holdings Disclosure Policy.

     3.   Review reports on additional  entities  approved to receive  portfolio
          holding  information  pursuant to procedures  adopted on disclosure of
          portfolio holdings.

Regulatory Environment

     1.   Review regulatory changes or initiatives, including rule proposals and
          rule  adoptions,  relating  to  Trust  compliance  matters  as  may be
          presented to the Committee from time to time.

Independent Experts

Each Subcommittee  shall have the authority to retain such independent  experts,
as it may deem necessary or advisable for its purposes.  The expenses related to
such engagement shall be funded by the Trust.


                John Hancock Funds II and John Hancock Funds III
                                 (the "Trusts")

                          Investment Committee Charter

Overall Role and Responsibility

The Investment  Committee (the "Committee") of each Trust shall assist the Board
of Trustees in its  oversight  role with  respect to  portfolios  managed by the
adviser to such Trust (the "Adviser").

Membership and Meetings

The  Committee of each Trust shall  consist of all the  independent  Trustees of
such Trust. In addition,  the two interested  Trustees and the President of such
Trust shall serve on the Committee as ex-officio members.  The Committee of each
Trust  shall have three  Subcommittees  with the  independent  Trustees  divided
equally  among  the  three  Subcommittees.  Each  Subcommittee  shall  have  one
ex-officio  member.  The  Chairman  of the Board of each Trust  shall  recommend
Subcommittee  assignments  and a Subcommittee  chair with such  assignments  and
chair being approved by the full Board of Trustees.  Subcommittee  members shall
serve at the pleasure of the  relevant  Board of Trustees for such term or terms
as the Board may determine. It is anticipated that Subcommittee assignments will
rotate on a periodic basis.

Structure and Operations

The  subadvisers  to the portfolios of each Trust (the  "Subadvisers")  shall be
divided  equally  among the  Subcommittees.  Due to the fact that the  Lifestyle
Funds invest in other  portfolios  of John Hancock Funds II that are reviewed by
each of the Subcommittees,  the Lifestyle Funds will continued to be reviewed by
the full Boards and not by a particular Subcommittee of a Board.

Each  Subcommittee  shall  meet as often as  required  but at least four times a
year.  Each  Subcommittee  shall report to the relevant  Board on its activities
after each of its meetings.

The   affirmative   vote  of  a  majority  of  the  members  of  a  Subcommittee
participating  in any meeting of the  Subcommittee is necessary for the adoption
of any  resolution.  No  resolution  may be  adopted  unless at least 50% of the
Subcommittee members are present at the meeting.

The Committee of each Trust shall review and assess the adequacy of this Charter
at least annually and, where necessary,  will recommend  changes to the relevant
Board for its approval.

Each  Subcommittee  shall undertake and review with the relevant Board an annual
performance evaluation of the Subcommittee,  which shall compare the performance
of the  Subcommittee  with the  requirements of this Charter and set forth goals
and  objectives  of  the  Committee  for  the  upcoming  year.  The  performance
evaluation  by the  Committee of each Trust shall be conducted in such manner as
its Subcommittee deems  appropriate.  The report to each Board may take the form
of an oral report by the chairperson of the  subcommittee or any other member of
the subcommittee designated by the Subcommittee to make this report.

Specific Duties of Each Subcommittee

     o    Review  investment  performance  (including  performance  reports  and
          presentations)   of  the  portfolios   managed  by  the   Subcommittee

     o    Meet at least four times a year with the  Adviser  and its  investment
          and compliance personnel regarding the Subcommittee Subadvisers.

     o    As needed, meet with specific Subcommittee Subadvisers.

     o    Review  compliance with the investment  objectives and policies of the
          portfolios  managed by the  subadvisers  overseen by the  Subcommittee
          (the "Subcommittee Subadvisers").

     o    Review due diligence reports prepared by the investment and compliance
          personnel of the Adviser regarding the Subcommittee Subadvisers.

     o    Review the Proxy Voting  Policies (and any amendments  thereto) of the
          Subcommittee Subadvisers.


     o    Review  and  recommend  any  required  action  to each  Board  for the
          portfolios managed by a Subcommittee Subadviser,  including changes in
          fundamental and nonfundamental  investment  policies and restrictions,
          partial or full closings to new investors and portfolio name changes.

Appendix A to the Investment  Committee  Charter sets forth various criteria the
Subcommittee   may  consider  in  reviewing  each  portfolio  and   Subcommittee

Independent Experts

Each Subcommittee shall have the authority to retain such independent experts as
it may deem  necessary or advisable  for its purposes.  The expenses  related to
such engagement shall be funded by the appropriate Trust.


                                                                      APPENDIX A

In reviewing each portfolio and its Subadviser,  the  Subcommittee  may consider
the following  matters.  A Subcommittee  is not required to review each of these
criteria and may review other criteria in addition to those listed below.

Review of Portfolio Compliance

     o    Review of a portfolio's  compliance with its investment  objective and
          policies as stated in the prospectus/SAI.

     o    Review of whether any "style drift" as occurred.

     o    Review of portfolio turnover.

     o    Review of the portfolio's risk profile

Review of Portfolio Performance

     o    Review of the risk/return relative to the portfolio's benchmark.

     o    Review of the returns relative to those of competitor funds.

     o    Review  of  the   components  of  performance   (security   selection,
          allocation choices and trading)

Review of the Subadviser Organization

     o    Review the Subadviser organization and its management style.

     o    Review any  recent  changes to the  Subadviser  organization  (such as
          recent changes in ownership and management)

     o    Review the portfolio management process (oversight,  systems, research
          and buy/sell discipline).

     o    Review of the Subadviser's rankings as to comparable firms in terms of
          organization, resources, processes and results.

     o    Review of the  relationship of the  methodology for portfolio  manager

Review of Other Matters that May Affect a Portfolio/Subadviser

     o    Review of market events (severe downturns etc.).

     o    Review of changes in regulations  that may affect the portfolio or the

     o    Review of industry  changes  (consolidations  of  investment  advisory
          firms etc.) that may affect the portfolio or the Subadviser.


                               FORM OF PROXY CARD

                             JOHN HANCOCK FUNDS III

                                   Growth Fund
                            Growth Opportunities Fund
                             International Core Fund
                            International Growth Fund
                              Intrinsic Value Fund
                                 U.S. Core Fund
                            Value Opportunities Fund

The undersigned  shareholder(s)  of the above  referenced  fund(s) (the "Fund"),
hereby appoint(s) Thomas Kinzler and Betsy Seel, and each of them, the attorneys
and proxies of the  undersigned,  with full power of  substitution,  to vote, as
indicated  herein,  all of the  shares of the Fund  standing  in the name of the
undersigned at the close of business on November 30, 2006, at a Special  Meeting
of Shareholders to be held at John Hancock Funds, 601 Congress  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts  02210 at 10:00 a.m.,  on December  21,  2006,  and at any and all
adjournments  thereof,  with all of the powers the undersigned  would possess if
then and there  personally  present and  especially  (but  without  limiting the
general  authorization  and  power  hereby  given) to vote as  indicated  on the
proposal, as more fully described in the Proxy Statement for the meeting.

Please mark boxes in blue or black ink.

1.   Election of Trustees:

For all Nominees /_/                  Withhold Authority /_/                        Withhold Authority /_/
                                      only for those Nominee(s)                     for all Nominees
                                      whose name(s) I have
                                      written Below

Nominees for Election are: James F. Carlin,  Richard P. Chapman,  Jr., Ronald R.
Dion, John A. Moore,  Patti McGill Peterson,  Steven R.  Pruchansky,  William H.
Cunningham, Charles L. Ladner and James R. Boyle.


2.   In their  discretion,  to vote on such other  matters as may properly  come
before the meeting and any adjournment(s) thereof.


     1. Call Toll-Free 1-888-221-0697, enter the control number listed below and
follow the recorded instructions; or

     2. Return this Proxy Card,  signed and dated, in the enclosed  postage-paid



          Signature(s)  should be  exactly  as name or names  appearing  on this
          proxy.  If shares are held jointly,  each  shareholder is requested to
          sign,  but only one signature is required.  If signing is by attorney,
          executor, administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give full title.
          By signing  this proxy  card,  receipt of the  accompanying  Notice of
          Special Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement is acknowledged.

                                      Dated: _____________________________, 2006



          If you are NOT voting by Telephone, Please Sign,
          Date and Return the Proxy Card Promptly Using
          the Enclosed Envelope



                                   for mailing
                                   your proxy
                                 card promptly!



                                   John Hancock Funds, LLC
                                   MEMBER NASD
                                   601 Congress Street
                                   Boston, MA 02210-2805

                                   1-800-554-6713 TDD
                                   1-800-338-8080 EASI-Line


                                                                    JHF3PX 12/06