(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION


Filed by the registrant                           [X]
Filed by a party other than the registrant        [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary  proxy  statement 
[ ]  Definitive  proxy statement 
[ ]  Definitive additional materials
[ ]  Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                          FREEDOM INVESTMENT TRUST II
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                          FREEDOM INVESTMENT TRUST II
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(i)(2) or
     Item 22(a)(2) or Schedule 14A (sent by wire transmission).

                       JOHN HANCOCK GOLD & GOVERNMENT FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK REGIONAL BANK FUND
                            JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL FUND
                           JOHN HANCOCK DISCOVERY FUND


Dear Fellow Shareholder:

As an investor in one of the funds noted above,  you are cordially  invited to a
special shareholder meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 1996, to be held at 9:00 A.M.
in your Fund's offices at the location shown on the enclosed proxy statement. At
this  meeting,  you will be asked to  consider  and  approve  several  proposals
pertaining to your Fund. These are highlighted  below, and are discussed in more
detail in your proxy statement.

You will notice that this proxy statement  addresses several funds. This is part
of our effort to minimize printing and administrative  expenses for your Fund --
and,  therefore,  for you. However,  if you invest in more than one John Hancock
fund,  you may  receive  other proxy  statements.  Be sure to review and vote on
these as well.

Listed  below is a brief  explanation  of the  proposals  you  will  find in the
enclosed proxy statement:

o  Election  of your  Fund's  Board  of  Trustees.  The  Board  of  Trustees  is
responsible for protecting your interests as a shareholder of the Fund. You will
find a list of nominees and a brief  description  of their  backgrounds  in your
proxy statement.

o  Increased  investment  flexibility  for  several  funds by  relaxing  certain
investment   restrictions,   such  as  the  single  issuer  limitation  and  the
restriction  on investing in other  investment  companies.  These  proposals are
detailed in Proposals 4 and 5 of your proxy statement,  and are intended to give
the affected funds more  flexibility  to take advantage of potential  investment
opportunities.  The proposals do not apply to the Special  Opportunities Fund or
the International Fund.

o Other  administrative  issues such as adopting a new  investment  contract and
restating  your Fund's  Declaration  of Trust.  Both of these  proposals  aim to
increase  efficiency by bringing the administration of your Fund into conformity
with that of other John Hancock funds.  These changes will have no effect on the
way your Fund is managed.



No  matter  how  large  or small  your  investment  may be,  your  vote  makes a
difference. We urge you to review the enclosed proxy statement carefully, and to
vote by  completing,  signing and returning the enclosed proxy ballot form(s) to
us  immediately.  Your prompt  response  will help avoid the cost of  additional
mailings. For your convenience, we have enclosed a postage-paid envelope.

If you have any questions,  please call your John Hancock Funds Customer Service
Representative  at  1-800-225-5291,  Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and
8:00 P.M. Eastern time.


                                                  /s/ Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.
                                                  Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.
                                                  Chairman and CEO


Dear Fellow Global Income Fund Shareholder:

You are cordially invited to a special  shareholder  meeting on Wednesday,  June
26, 1996, to be held at 9:00 A.M. in your Fund's office at the location shown on
the enclosed proxy statement. At this meeting, you will be asked to consider and
approve certain  investment and  administrative  changes to your Fund. These are
highlighted below, and are discussed in more detail in your proxy statement.

You will notice that this proxy statement  addresses several funds. This is part
of our effort to minimize printing and administrative  expenses for your Fund --
and,  therefore,  for you. However,  if you invest in more than one John Hancock
fund,  you may  receive  other proxy  statements.  Be sure to review and vote on
these as well.

Listed  below is a brief  explanation  of the  proposals  you  will  find in the
enclosed proxy statement.

Election of your Fund's Board of Trustees.  At the meeting, you will be asked to
elect the Board of Trustees for your Fund.  Your  trustees are  responsible  for
protecting  your  interests as a shareholder of the Fund.  Your proxy  statement
includes  a list of  nominees  and a  brief  description  of  each  individual's

Increased   investment   flexibility  for  your  Fund.  By  relaxing  investment
restrictions,  such as the  single  issuer  limitation  and the  restriction  on
investing  in  other  investment  companies,  your  Fund  will  enjoy  increased
flexibility in taking advantage of potential investment opportunities.

An amended investment objective. Currently, the Global Income Fund is restricted
to investing only in debt securities  that are highly rated. As a result,  it is
unable  to  take  advantage  of many  investment  opportunities  in the  broader
marketplace that might help increase yield or total return. The proposed change,
which is outlined in your proxy,  will allow the Fund to seek a broader range of
global  investment   opportunities   while  maintaining  its  proven  investment
selection process and focused portfolio management style.

Other  administrative  issues.  Adopting a new investment contract and restating
your Fund's  Declaration  of Trust should  increase  efficiency  by bringing the
administration  of your Fund into  conformity  with that of other  John  Hancock
funds. These changes will have no effect on the way your Fund is managed.



No  matter  how  large or small  your  investment  may be,  your vote is makes a
difference.  We urge you to  consider  these  proposal  and vote by  completing,
signing and returning  the enclosed  proxy ballot form to us  immediately.  Your
prompt response will help your Fund avoid the cost of additional  mailings.  For
your convenience, we have provided a postage-paid envelope.

If you have  questions  regarding  the proposed  changes,  please call your John
Hancock Funds Customer Service Representative at 1-800-225-5291,  Monday through
Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Eastern time.

                                                  /s/ Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.

                                                  Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.
                                                  Chairman and CEO

                                    PROXY #4

                       JOHN HANCOCK GOLD & GOVERNMENT FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK REGIONAL BANK FUND
                   (each a series of Freedom Investment Trust)

                            JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL INCOME FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL FUND
                 (each a series of Freedom Investment Trust II)

                           JOHN HANCOCK DISCOVERY FUND
                   (a series of Freedom Investment Trust III)

                           (collectively, the "Funds")

                              101 Huntington Avenue
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02199

                            TO BE HELD JUNE 26, 1996

     A Special  Meeting of  Shareholders of each Fund will be held at the Funds'
offices located on the 2nd floor at 101 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts
02199,  at 9:00 a.m.,  Eastern time, on Wednesday,  June 26, 1996. The telephone
number of each Fund is  1-800-225-5291.  The  Special  Meetings of the Funds are
expected  to be  held  concurrently  and are  referred  to  collectively  as the
"Meeting."  The purpose of the Meeting is to consider and act upon the following

(1)  To elect sixteen Trustees to hold office until their respective  successors
     have been duly elected and qualified.  For  Disciplined  Growth Fund,  John
     Hancock Financial Industries Fund ("Financial  Industries Fund"), Gold Fund
     and Bank Fund voting  together with the other series of Freedom Trust I and
     Global Fund, Global Income Fund,  International  Fund,  Short-Term Fund and
     Special Opportunities Fund voting together with the other series of Freedom
     Trust II.

(2)  To  approve a new  investment  management  contract  between  John  Hancock
     Advisers, Inc. and

     (a)  John Hancock Disciplined Growth Fund ("Disciplined  Growth Fund"). For
          Disciplined Growth Fund voting separately.

     (b)  John  Hancock  Gold &  Government  Fund ("Gold  Fund").  For Gold Fund
          voting separately.

     (c)  John Hancock  Regional Bank Fund ("Bank  Fund").  For Bank Fund voting

     (d)  John  Hancock  Global  Fund  ("Global  Fund").  For Global Fund voting

     (e)  John Hancock  Global Income Fund ("Global  Income  Fund").  For Global
          Income Fund voting separately.

     (f)  John  Hancock   International   Fund   ("International   Fund").   For
          International Fund voting separately.

     (g)  John Hancock Short-Term Strategic Income Fund ("Short-Term Fund"). For
          Short-Term Fund voting separately.

     (h)  John  Hancock  Special  Opportunities  Fund  ("Special   Opportunities
          Fund"). For Special Opportunities Fund voting separately.

(3)  To approve an Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust for:

     (a)  Freedom Trust I. For  Disciplined  Growth Fund,  Financial  Industries
          Fund,  Gold Fund and Bank Fund voting  together  with other  series of
          Freedom Trust I.

     (b)  Freedom Trust II. For Global Fund,  Global Income Fund,  International
          Fund, Short- Term Fund and Special  Opportunities Fund voting together
          with other series of Freedom Trust II.

     (c)  Freedom Investment Trust III. For Discovery Fund voting separately.

(4)  To  eliminate  the  fundamental  investment  restriction  on investing in a
     single class of securities of an issuer.  For Disciplined Growth Fund, Gold
     Fund, Bank Fund and Global Fund, each voting separately.

(5)  To redesignate as nonfundamental the fundamental  investment restriction on
     investing  in other  investment  companies.  For  Disciplined  Growth Fund,
     Global Fund, Global Income Fund and Short-Term Fund voting separately.

(6)  To amend the  fundamental  investment  objective of Global Income Fund. For
     Global Income Fund voting separately.

(7)  To transact other business that may properly come before the Meeting or any
     adjournment of the Meeting.


     Shareholders  of record of each Fund as of the close of  business on May 1,
1996 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting or any  adjournment of
the Meeting. The proxy statement and proxy card are being mailed to shareholders
on or about May 17, 1996.

                                            THOMAS H. DROHAN
                                            Senior Vice President and



Boston, Massachusetts 
May 17, 1996


                       JOHN HANCOCK GOLD & GOVERNMENT FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK REGIONAL BANK FUND
                   (each a series of Freedom Investment Trust)

                            JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL INCOME FUND
                         JOHN HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL FUND
                 (each a series of Freedom Investment Trust II)

                           JOHN HANCOCK DISCOVERY FUND
                   (a series of Freedom Investment Trust III)

                           (collectively, the "Funds")

                              101 Huntington Avenue
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02199


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of  Trustees  (the  "Trustees")  of each of the  investment
companies (the "Trusts") on behalf of themselves or their respective series (the
"Funds") set forth below.

              The Trusts                              The Funds

 Freedom Investment Trust               John Hancock Disciplined Growth Fund 
 ("Freedom Trust I")                    (the "Disciplined Growth Fund")

                                        John Hancock Financial Industries Fund 
                                        ("Financial Industries Fund")

                                        John Hancock Gold & Government Fund 
                                        (the "Gold Fund")

                                        John Hancock Regional Bank Fund 
                                        (the "Bank Fund")

Freedom Investment Trust II             John Hancock Global Fund (the "Global 
("Freedom Trust II")                    Fund")

                                        John Hancock Global Income Fund (the 
                                        "Global Income Fund")

                                        John Hancock International Fund (the 
                                        "International Fund")

                                        John Hancock Short-Term Strategic Income
                                        Fund (the "Short-Term Fund")

                                        John Hancock Special Opportunities Fund 
                                        (the "Special Opportunities Fund")

Freedom Investment Trust III            John Hancock Discovery Fund (the 
("Freedom Trust III")                   "Discovery Fund")

     For  purposes of this Proxy  Statement,  the term "Funds" will also include
the Trusts where appropriate.

     The proxies will be used at the special meeting of each Fund's shareholders
to be held  concurrently  (collectively,  the  "Meeting") at the Funds'  offices
located on the 2nd floor at 101 Huntington Avenue, Boston,  Massachusetts 02199,
at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on Wednesday, June 26, 1996.

     Proxies will be solicited by mail and may also be solicited in person or by
telephone by officers, directors and/or registered representatives of the Funds'
principal  distributor,  John Hancock Funds, Inc. ("John Hancock Funds"), and by
employees,  officers  and/or  directors  of John  Hancock  Advisers,  Inc.  (the
"Adviser").  In addition,  the Funds'  transfer  agent,  John  Hancock  Investor
Services Corporation ("Investor Services") will solicit proxies in person and/or
by  telephone  at a cost to each Fund of  between  $3,000 and  $5,000.  Investor
Services plans to engage an independent proxy solicitation firm,  _________,  to
assist in soliciting proxies at an additional cost to each Fund of approximately
$________.  The Adviser will  reimburse  the Gold Fund for a pro rata portion of
this proxy solicitation cost.

     The cost of preparing and mailing this Proxy Statement and the accompanying
Notice and proxy card will be borne by each Fund.  The  mailing  address of each
Fund,  the Adviser,  John Hancock Funds and Investor  Services is 101 Huntington
Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199. This Proxy Statement and the proxy card are
being mailed to shareholders of each Fund on or about May 17, 1996.

     Each Fund will furnish without charge, a copy of its Annual Report and most
recent  Semi-Annual  Report  succeeding  the  Annual  Report,  if  any,  to  any
shareholder upon request. Shareholders desiring to obtain a copy of their Fund's
report(s) should direct all written requests to the attention of their Fund, 101
Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199 or should call John Hancock Funds
at 1-800-225-5291.



     The Trustees  have fixed the close of business on May 1, 1996 as the record
date (the "Record Date") for determining the  shareholders of each Fund entitled
to notice of and to vote at the Meeting.  Shareholders of record of each Fund on
the  Record  Date  are  entitled  to one vote per  share at the  Meeting  or any
adjournment of the Meeting relating to their Fund.

     As of April  22,  1996,  each  Fund had the  following  number of shares of
beneficial interest of each class outstanding:

                                 Class A Shares        Class B Shares
         Funds                     Outstanding           Outstanding

Disciplined Growth Fund
Financial Industries Fund
Gold Fund
Bank Fund
Global Fund
Global Income Fund
International Fund
Short-Term Fund
Special Opportunities Fund
Discovery Fund

     As of April 22, 1996, the following persons or entities owned  beneficially
or of record more than 5% of the outstanding  Class A and Class B shares of each

                                 Owners of more        Owners of more
                                   than 5% of            than 5% of
         Funds                   Class A Shares        Class B Shares

Disciplined Growth Fund
Financial Industries Fund
Gold Fund
Bank Fund
Global Fund
Global Income Fund
International Fund
Short-Term Fund
Special Opportunities Fund
Discovery Fund


                         SUMMARY OF VOTING ON PROPOSALS

     Although each Fund is participating  separately in the Meeting, proxies are
being solicited  through the use of this combined Proxy Statement.  Shareholders
of Funds  that are series of the same  Trust  will vote  separately  as to those
Proposals  which uniquely  affect their Fund.  Each class of shares of each Fund
will vote  together  with the other  class of  shares  of that  Fund.  Voting by
shareholders  of one Fund or class will not  affect  voting by any other Fund or

Proposal               Fund Entitled to Vote

(1)                    Disciplined Growth Fund, Financial
                       Industries Fund, Gold Fund and Bank                      
                       Fund will vote together with the                         
                       other series of Freedom Trust I and                      
                       Global Fund, Global Income Fund,                         
                       International Fund, Short-Term Fund                      
                       and Special Opportunities Fund will                      
                       vote together with the other series                      
                       of Freedom Trust II.                                     
(2)  (a)               Gold Fund will vote separately.

     (b)               Bank Fund will vote separately.

     (c)               Disciplined Growth Fund will vote separately.

     (d)               Global Fund will vote separately.

     (e)               Global Income Fund will vote separately.

     (f)               International Fund will vote separately.

     (g)               Short-Term Fund will vote separately.

     (h)               Special Opportunities Fund will vote separately.

(3)  (a)               Disciplined Growth Fund, Financial Industries Fund, Gold
                       Fund and Bank Fund will vote together with the other
                       series of Freedom Trust I.

     (b)               Global   Fund,    Global   Income   Fund,
                       International  Fund,  Short-Term Fund and
                       Special   Opportunities  Fund  will  vote
                       together with the other series of Freedom
                       Trust II.

     (c)               Discovery Fund will vote separately.

(4)                    Disciplined Growth Fund, Gold Fund, Bank Fund and
                       Global Fund will each vote separately.

(5)                    Disciplined Growth Fund, Global Fund, Global Income
                       Fund and Short-Term Fund will each vote separately.

(6)                    Global Income Fund will vote separately.


                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

                  (For shareholders of Disciplined Growth Fund,
                    Financial Industries Fund, Gold Fund and
                   Bank Fund voting together and shareholders
                       of Global Fund, Global Income Fund,
                     International Fund, Short-Term Fund and
                        Special Opportunities Fund voting
                  together, in each case with the shareholders
                of each other series in their respective Trusts)

     The Funds (also  referred  to herein as the "Panel C Funds") are  currently
governed  by a Board of  Trustees  which will be known as the Panel C  Trustees.
Other funds in the John  Hancock fund complex (the "Panel A Funds") are governed
by a different Board of Trustees (the "Panel A Trustees"). On March 5, 1996, the
Panel A Trustees and the Panel C Trustees,  including the Trustees on each Panel
who are not  "interested  persons" (as defined by the Investment  Company Act of
1940,  as amended  (the "1940 Act")) of the Funds (the  "Independent  Trustees")
voted to approve and to recommend to the  shareholders of their respective Funds
that they approve,  a proposal to consolidate the Panel A Trustees and the Panel
C Trustees so that each Fund will be governed by the same Board of Trustees. The
Panel C Trustees hereby recommend to shareholders of each of the Funds that they
re-elect  their current  Trustees and elect the Panel A Trustees  (collectively,
the "Nominees").

     Eight of the sixteen Nominees  currently serve as Panel C Trustees and nine
of the sixteen Nominees currently serve as Panel A Trustees (Mr. Boudreau serves
on both Panels).  Information concerning the Nominees and other relevant factors
is discussed below in this Proposal 1.

     Using the enclosed form of proxy,  a shareholder  may authorize the proxies
to vote his or her shares for the  Nominees  or may  withhold  from the  proxies
authority  to vote  his or her  shares  for one or more of the  Nominees.  If no
contrary instructions are given, the proxies will vote FOR the Nominees. Each of
the Nominees has consented to his or her  nomination  and has agreed to serve if
elected. If, for any reason, any Nominee should not be available for election or
able to serve as a Trustee,  the proxies  will  exercise  their  voting power in
favor of such substitute Nominee, if any, as the Trustees may designate. None of
the Funds has any reason to believe  that it will be  necessary  to  designate a
substitute Nominee.

Information Concerning Nominees

     The  following  table sets forth each  Nominee's  principal  occupation  or
employment  during the past five  years.  The table also sets forth the Panel on
which each  Nominee  currently  serves and the date each of the Panel C Trustees
first became a Trustee of each Panel C Trust (Trusts are referenced  rather than
the Funds for ease of reference).


Name, Age and                                Principal Occupation
Position With                                    or Employment                            First Became
  Each Fund                                  During Last Five Years                         A Trustee
  ---------                                  ----------------------                         ---------
Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.*                     Chairman and Chief Executive            Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 51)                                     Officer of the Adviser and The          Freedom Trust II: 1992
Chairman and Chief Executive                 Berkeley Financial Group ("The     
Officer, Panel A and C Funds;                Berkeley Group"); Chairman, John   
Nominee                                      Hancock Advisers International Ltd.
                                             ("Advisers International"), NM     
                                             Capital Management, Inc. ("NM      
                                             Capital"), John Hancock Funds,     
                                             Investor Services, First Signature 
                                             Bank and Trust Company and         
                                             Sovereign Asset Management         
                                             Corporation ("SAMCorp"); Director, 
                                             John Hancock Capital Corp., John   
                                             Hancock Freedom Securities Corp.   
                                             and New England/Canada Business    
                                             Council; Member, Investment Company
                                             Institute Board of Governors;      
                                             Director, Asia Strategic Growth    
                                             Fund, Inc.; Trustee, Museum of     
                                             Science; Vice Chairman President,  
                                             the Adviser (until July 1992);     
                                             Chairman, John Hancock             
                                             Distributors, Inc. (until April    
                                             1994); Trustee or Director and     
                                             Chairman of 61 funds managed by the

Douglas M. Costle                            Director, Chairman of the Board and     Freedom Trust I: 1991
(age 56)                                     Distinguished Senior Fellow,            Freedom Trust II: 1991
Panel C Trustee; Nominee                     Institute for Sustainable          
                                             Communities, Montpelier, Vermont   
                                             (since 1991); Dean, Vermont Law    
                                             School (until 1991); Director, Air 
                                             and Water Technologies Corporation 
                                             (environmental services and        
                                             equipment), Niagara Mohawk Power   
                                             Company (electric services) and    
                                             MITRE Corporation (governmental    
                                             consulting services); Trustee or   
                                             Director of 12 funds managed by the


    Leland O. Erdahl                         Director of Santa Fe Ingredients        Freedom Trust I: 1984
    (age 67)                                 Company of California, Inc. and         Freedom Trust II: 1987
    Panel C Trustee; Nominee                 Santa Fe Ingredients Company, Inc. 
                                             (private food processing           
                                             companies); Director of Uranium    
                                             Resources, Inc.; President of      
                                             Stolar, Inc. (from 1987 to 1991)   
                                             and President of Albuquerque       
                                             Uranium Corporation (from 1985 to  
                                             1992); Director of Freeport-McMoRan
                                             Copper & Gold Company, Inc., Hecla 
                                             Mining Company, Canyon Resources   
                                             Corporation and Original Sixteen to
                                             One Mine, Inc. (from 1984 to 1987  
                                             and from 1991 to 1995) (management 
                                             consultant); Trustee or Director of
                                             12 funds managed by the Adviser.   

Richard A. Farrell                           President of Farrell, Healer & Co.,     Freedom Trust I: 1984
(age 63)                                     (venture capital management firm)       Freedom Trust II: 1986
Panel C Trustee; Nominee                     (since 1980); Prior to 1980, headed
                                             the venture capital group at Bank  
                                             of Boston Corporation; Trustee or  
                                             Director of 12 funds managed by the

William F. Glavin                            President, Babson College; Vice         Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 65)                                     Chairman, Xerox Corporation (until      Freedom Trust II: 1992
Panel C Trustee; Nominee                     June 1989); Director, Caldor Inc., 
                                             Reebok, Ltd. (since 1994) and Inco.
                                             Ltd; Trustee or Director of 12     
                                             funds managed by the Adviser.      

Dr. John A. Moore                            President and Chief Executive         Freedom Trust I: 1991
(age 57)                                     Officer, Institute for Evaluating     Freedom Trust II: 1991
Panel C Trustee; Nominee                     Health Risks (nonprofit          
                                             institution) (since September    
                                             1989); Trustee or Director of 12 
                                             funds managed by the Adviser.    

Patti McGill Peterson                        President, St. Lawrence University;     Freedom Trust I: 1993
(age 52)                                     Director, Niagara Mohawk Power          Freedom Trust II: 1993
Panel C Trustee; Nominee                     Corporation and Security Mutual    
                                             Life; Trustee or Director of 12    
                                             funds managed by the Adviser.      


John W. Pratt                                Professor of Business                   Freedom Trust I: 1984
(age 64)                                     Administration at Harvard               Freedom Trust II: 1986
Panel C Trustee; Nominee                     University Graduate School of   
                                             Business Administration (since  
                                             1961); Trustee or Director of 12
                                             funds managed by the Adviser.   
Dennis S. Aronowitz                                              
(age 64)                                     Professor of Law, Boston University
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     School of Law; Trustee, Brookline
                                             Savings Bank; Trustee or Director
                                             of 16 funds managed by the Adviser.

Richard P. Chapman, Jr.                      President, Brookline Savings Bank; 
(age 61)                                     Director, Federal Home Loan Bank of
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     Boston (lending); Director, Lumber 
                                             Insurance Companies (fire and      
                                             casualty insurer); Trustee,        
                                             Northeastern University; Director, 
                                             Depositors Insurance Fund, Inc.    
                                             (insurer); Trustee or Director of  
                                             16 funds managed by the Adviser.   

William J. Cosgrove                          Vice President, Senior Banker and
(age 63)                                     Senior Credit Officer, Citibank, 
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     N.A. (retired September, 1991);  
                                             Executive Vice President, Citadel
                                             Group Representative Inc.; EVP   
                                             Resource Evaluations Inc.        
                                             (consulting) (until October 1993);
                                             Trustee, the Hudson City Savings  
                                             Bank (until October 1993; Trustee
                                             or Director of 16 funds managed by
                                             the Adviser.                      

Gail D. Fosler                               Vice President and Chief Economist,
(age 48)                                     The Conference Board (nonprofit    
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     economic and business research);   
                                             Trustee or Director of 16 funds    
                                             managed by the Adviser.            


Bayard Henry                                 Corporate Advisor; Director,      
(age 64)                                     Fiduciary Trust Company (trust    
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     company); Director, Groundwater   
                                             Technology, Inc. (remediation);   
                                             Director, Samuel Cabot, Inc.;     
                                             Advisor, Kestrel Venture          
                                             Management; Trustee or Director of
                                             16 funds managed by the Adviser.

Anne C. Hodsdon*                             President and Chief Operating      
(age 42)                                     Officer, the Adviser and John      
President, Panel A and C Funds;              Hancock open-end funds; Director,  
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     Advisers International; Executive  
                                             Vice President, the Adviser (until 
                                             December 1994); Senior Vice        
                                             President, the Adviser (until      
                                             December 1993); Vice President, the
                                             Adviser (until 1991); Trustee or   
                                             Director of 56 funds managed by the

Richard S. Scipione*                         General Counsel, John Hancock      
(age 58)                                     Mutual Life Insurance Company;     
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     Director, the Adviser, John Hancock
                                             Funds, Investor Services, John     
                                             Hancock Distributors, Inc., John   
                                             Hancock Subsidiaries, Inc., John   
                                             Hancock Property and Casualty      
                                             Insurance and its affiliates (until
                                             November 1993), SAMCorp and NM     
                                             Capital; Trustee, The Berkeley     
                                             Group; Director, JH Networking     
                                             Insurance Agency, Inc.; Trustee or 
                                             Director of 44 funds managed by the

Edward J. Spellman                           Partner, KPMG Peat Marwick LLP     
(age 63)                                     (retired June, 1990); Trustee or   
Panel A Trustee; Nominee                     Director of 16 funds managed by the

- ----------

* "Interested person," as defined in the 1940 Act, of the Funds or the Adviser.

     The  number of shares of  beneficial  interest  of each  class of the Funds
beneficially owned by each of the Nominees,  directly or indirectly, as of April
22, 1996, is as follows:

                            (See Chart on next page)


                           Disciplined      Financial
                             Growth         Industries
                              Fund             Fund            Gold Fund         Bank Fund        Global Fund    Global Income Fund 

                        Class A  Class B  Class A  Class B  Class A  Class B  Class A  Class B  Class A  Class B  Class A  Class B
                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.

Douglas M. Costle

Leland O. Erdahl

Richard A. Farrell

William F. Glavin

Dr. John A. Moore

Patti McGill Peterson

John W. Pratt

Dennis S. Aronowitz

Richard P. Chapman, Jr.

William J. Cosgrove

Gail D. Fosler

Bayard Henry

Anne C. Hodsdon

Richard S. Scipione

Edward J. Spellman

                       International Fund   Short-Term Fund    Opportunities Fund
                        Class A  Class B    Class A  Class B    Class A  Class B       
                        -------  -------    -------  -------    -------  -------       


     The information as to beneficial  ownership set forth in the above chart is
based on statements furnished to the Funds by the Nominees.  Each has all voting
and investment powers with respect to the shares indicated.

     None of the Nominees beneficially owned individually,  and the Nominees and
executive  officers of each Fund as a group did not beneficially  own, in excess
of one  percent  of the  outstanding  shares of any of the Funds as of April 22,

     The Board of Trustees of each of the Funds held four  meetings,  during the
last  completed  fiscal year of each Fund.  With respect to each Fund no Trustee
attended  fewer than 75% of the aggregate of (1) the total number of meetings of
the  Trustees of each Fund;  and (2) the total  number of  meetings  held by all
committees of the Trustees on which he or she served.

     Each Fund has an Audit Committee of the Trustees. The Committee members for
each Fund are: Messrs.  Costle,  Erdahl,  Farrell,  Glavin, Moore, Pratt and Ms.
Peterson. Each of the members of each Audit Committee is an Independent Trustee.
The Audit  Committee  of each Fund held two meetings  during the last  completed
fiscal year of each Fund.

     The  functions  performed  by the  Audit  Committee  of  each  Fund  are to
recommend  annually  to the  Trustees  a firm of  independent  certified  public
accountants to audit the books and records of each Fund for the ensuing year; to
monitor that firm's  performance;  to review with the firm the scope and results
of each audit and  determine the need,  if any, to extend audit  procedures;  to
confer with the firm and representatives of each Fund on matters concerning each
of the Funds' financial statements and reports, including the appropriateness of
their  accounting  practices and of their internal  controls and procedures;  to
evaluate  the  independence  of the firm;  to  review  procedures  to  safeguard
portfolio securities;  to approve the purchase by each Fund from the firm of all
non-audit  services;  to review all fees paid to the firm;  to  recommend to the
Trustees, at the request of the Fund's officers or Trustees, a resolution of any
potential  or actual  conflict  of  interest,  and to  facilitate  communication
between the firm and each Fund's officers and Trustees.

     Each Fund has a Special  Nominating  Committee of the Trustees known as the
Administration Committee (the "Committee").  The Committee members for each Fund
are Messrs. Costle, Erdahl, Farrell,  Glavin, Moore, Pratt and Ms. Peterson. All
of the members of each of the Committees are Independent Trustees. The Committee
of each Fund held four meetings  during the last  completed  fiscal year of each

     Included among the functions of the Committee of each Fund is the selection
and nomination for  appointment  and election of candidates to serve as Trustees
who are not  "interested  persons," as defined in the 1940 Act.  Each  Committee
also  coordinates  with Trustees who are interested  persons in the selection of
Fund officers. Each Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders
to serve as Trustees provided that the shareholders submit such  recommendations
in  compliance  with all of the  pertinent  provisions  of Rule 14a-8  under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Executive Officers

     The table  below lists the  executive  officers of each Fund except for the
Chairman (Mr. Boudreau) and the President (Ms.  Hodsdon).  Information about Mr.
Boudreau and Ms. Hodsdon is provided under "Information Concerning Nominees."


Name, Age and Position                         Principal Occupation During
With Each Trust                                    The Past Five Years              First Became an Officer
- ---------------                                    -------------------              -----------------------
Robert G. Freedman                           Vice Chairman and Chief Investment      Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 57)                                     Officer, the Adviser and each of        Freedom Trust II: 1992
Vice Chairman and Chief Investment           the John Hancock funds; President, 
Officer                                      the Adviser (until December 1994); 
                                             Director, the Adviser, Advisers    
                                             International, John Hancock Funds, 
                                             Investor Services, SAMCorp and NM  
                                             Capital; Senior Vice President, The
                                             Berkeley Group.                    

James B. Little                              Senior Vice President, the Adviser,     Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 61)                                     The Berkeley Group, John Hancock        Freedom Trust II: 1992
Senior Vice President                        Funds, and Investor Services;      
and Chief Financial Officer                  Senior Vice President and Chief    
                                             Financial Officer, each of the John
                                             Hancock funds.                     

Thomas H. Drohan                             Senior Vice President and               Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 59)                                     Secretary, the Adviser, The             Freedom Trust II: 1992
Senior Vice President                        Berkeley Group and each of the John
and Secretary                                Hancock funds; Senior Vice         
                                             President, Investor Services, John 
                                             Hancock Funds and John Hancock     
                                             Distributors (until 1994);         
                                             Director, Advisers International;  
                                             Secretary, NM Capital.             

John A. Morin                                Vice President, the Adviser,           Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 45)                                     Investor Services and John Hancock     Freedom Trust II: 1992
Vice President                               Funds; Vice President and         
                                             Compliance Officer, certain John  
                                             Hancock funds; Counsel, John      
                                             Hancock Mutual Life Insurance     
                                             Company; Vice President and       
                                             Assistant Secretary, The Berkeley 


Susan S. Newton                              Vice President and Assistant            Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 46)                                     Secretary, the Adviser; Vice            Freedom Trust II: 1992
Vice President,                              President, Assistant Secretary and 
Assistant Secretary                          Compliance Officer, certain John   
and Compliance Officer                       Hancock funds; Vice President and  
                                             Secretary, John Hancock Funds,     
                                             Investor Services and John Hancock 
                                             Distributors (until 1994);         
                                             Secretary, SAMCorp; Vice President,
                                             The Berkeley Group.                

James J. Stokowski                           Vice President, the Adviser; Vice     Freedom Trust I: 1992
(age 49)                                     President and Treasurer, each of      Freedom Trust II: 1992
Vice President and Treasurer                 the John Hancock funds.          

Remuneration of Officers and Trustees

     The following tables provide information regarding the compensation paid by
each Fund and the other investment companies in the John Hancock fund complex to
the current  Independent  Trustees for their services for the fiscal year end of
each Fund. Mr. Boudreau,  Ms. Hodsdon,  Mr. Scipione and each of the officers of
the Funds are  interested  persons of the  Adviser  who are  compensated  by the
Adviser and affiliates and receive no compensation from the Funds.

                                                            Aggregate Compensation From Each Fund
                                                               For Each Fund's Last Fiscal Year

                      Disciplined   Financial                                     Global                                  Special
                         Growth    Industries    Gold         Bank      Global    Income    International  Short-Term  Opportunities
                         Fund         Fund       Fund         Fund       Fund      Fund         Fund          Fund         Fund
                         ----         ----       ----         ----       ----      ----         ----          ----         ----
Independent Trustee
- -------------------

Douglas M. Costle        $2,105                 $   704      $13,754   $ 2,283    $ 2,190      $136         $ 2,003       $ 4,239
Leland O. Erdahl         $2,105                 $   704      $13,754   $ 2,283    $ 2,190      $136         $ 2,003       $ 4,239
Richard A. Farrell       $2,183                 $   731      $14,218   $ 2,367    $ 2,271      $143         $ 2,078       $ 4,396
William F. Glavin        $  630                 $    84      $ 4,214   $   670    $   651      $ 28         $ 1,835       $ 1,240
Dr. John A. Moore        $2,105                 $   704      $13,754   $ 2,283    $ 2,190      $136         $ 2,003       $ 4,239
Patti McGill Peterson    $2,105                 $   704      $13,754   $ 2,283    $ 2,190      $136         $ 2,003       $ 4,239
John W. Pratt            $2,105                 $   704      $13,754   $ 2,283    $ 2,190      $136         $ 2,003       $ 4,239

Total                    $4,335                 $87,202      $13,338   $14,452    $13,872      $851         $13,928       $26,831


                               Total Compensation*
                               Pension or Retirement       From Each Fund and
                                 Benefits Accrued          Other Funds in the
                                    as Part of              John Hancock Fund
Independent Trustee           each Fund's Expenses1            Complex

Douglas M. Costle                   $     0                     $ 41,750
Leland O. Erdahl                          0                     $ 41,750
Richard A. Farrell                        0                     $ 43,250
William F. Glavin                   $16,291                     $ 37,500
Dr. John A. Moore                         0                     $ 41,750
Patti McGill Peterson                     0                     $ 41,750
John W. Pratt                             0                     $ 41,750

Total                               $16,291                     $289,500
                                    =======                     ========
- ----------

*    Total  compensation  from each Fund and other John  Hancock  funds is as of
     December 31, 1995. As of such date there were  sixty-one  funds in the John
     Hancock fund  complex,  of which each of the  Independent  Trustees  served

1    Represents  the  aggregate  value as of December  31, 1995 of the amount of
     Trustees' fees deferred by each Independent  Trustee under the John Hancock
     Deferred Compensation Plan for Independent Trustees (the "Plan"). Under the
     Plan, the  Independent  Trustees may elect to defer the receipt of all or a
     portion of their  Trustees'  fees  payable by each fund in the John Hancock
     fund  complex.  The  value of an  Independent  Trustee's  Plan  account  is
     determined by a hypothetical  investment of the deferred  Trustees' fees in
     certain John Hancock funds selected by the Independent  Trustee from a list
     of designated  funds.  The  Independent  Trustees do not  beneficially  own
     shares of any John Hancock fund under the Plan and a fund's  obligation  to
     make payments of amounts deferred under the Plan is an unsecured liability,
     payable  solely  from  that  fund's  general  assets.  If the  value of the
     Independent  Trustees'  Plan  accounts in all the John  Hancock  funds were
     actually  received  and  invested on December  31, 1995 by the  Independent
     Trustees  in  shares  of the John  Hancock  funds  against  which  the Plan
     accounts are valued,  the Independent  Trustees  participating  in the Plan
     would own shares of the John Hancock funds as set forth below:


       Shares Assuming Hypothetical Investment of Deferred Trustees' Fees

                            Special                Special
                          Opportunities             Value
                              Fund                  Fund
                              ----                  ----

Independent Trustee
- -------------------

Douglas M. Costle
Leland O. Erdahl
Richard A. Farrell
William F. Glavin
Dr. John A. Moore            1,309                   566
Patti McGill Peterson
John W. Pratt

Trustees' Recommendation


Required Vote

     Because your Fund is part of an overriding Trust, your vote will be counted
on a Trust-wide  basis.  Shareholders  of each Fund which is a series of a Trust
vote  together  with each  other  Fund that is a series of the same Trust on the
election of Trustees for their Trust.  Shareholders of Funds which are series of
different Trusts vote separately. Election of each Nominee of a Trust requires a
plurality  of votes of the  shareholders  of the  entire  Trust  present  at the
meetings  of the  Shareholders  of each  Fund  which is a series  of the  Trust,
provided, in each case, that there is a quorum.

                  PROPOSALS 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(f),
                                  2(g) and 2(h)


                (For shareholders of each Fund voting separately)


     The  investment  portfolios of each of the Funds are managed by the Adviser
pursuant to Advisory  Agreements  dated November 6, 1986, as restated January 1,
1994 (the  "Existing  Agreements").  The Existing  Agreements  were  approved by
shareholders of each Fund at meetings held on [DATES].


     At a meeting on March 5, 1996,  the  Trustees of each Fund,  including  the
Independent  Trustees,  voted to approve, and to recommend that the shareholders
of their respective Funds approve,  the adoption of a new investment  management
contract for each Fund in the form attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A
(the "New Agreements"),  in place of the Existing  Agreements.  The terms of the
New  Agreements are  substantially  identical,  but would  reflect:  (1) greater
flexibility to allocate certain legal and accounting  expenses to each Fund, (2)
differences in expense  limitation  provisions and (3) additional  changes noted
below to conform the Funds'  investment  management  contracts  to those of most
other  funds  in the  John  Hancock  fund  complex.  Material  similarities  and
differences between the Existing Agreements and the New Agreements are set forth

Material Similarities Between the Existing Agreements and the New Agreements

     Under the Existing Agreements and the New Agreements,  the Adviser provides
each Fund with a continuous investment program for the management of its assets.
The Adviser  provides  overall  investment  advice and  management of each Fund,
subject to the overall  supervision and review by the Trustees and to the Fund's
investment  objectives,  restrictions  and policies,  as described in the Fund's
prospectuses and statements of additional information.

     The rate and terms of payment of the  advisory  fee paid to the  Adviser by
each Fund is identical under its Existing  Agreement and the New Agreement.  The
advisory  fee paid by each of the  Funds is paid  monthly  at the  annual  rates
described below.

                                                                    Amount of
                                                                  Advisory Fee
                                  Annual Rate                     Paid for Last
Fund                            of Advisory Fee                   Fiscal Year*
- ----                            ---------------                   ------------
Disciplined Growth Fund         0.75% of average daily net          $866,401
                                assets up to $500,000,000;          (0.75% of average daily net
                                and 0.65% on amounts in             assets)
                                excess of $500,000,000.

Gold Fund                       0.80% of average daily net          $354,905
                                assets up to $500,000,000;          (0.80% of average daily net
                                and 0.75% on amounts in             assets)
                                excess of $500,000,000.

Bank Fund                       0.80% of average daily net          $7,644,892
                                assets up to $500,000,000;          (0.78% of average daily net
                                and 0.75% on amounts in             assets)
                                excess of $500,000,000.

Global Fund                     1.00% of average daily net          $1,169,884
                                assets up to $100,000,000;          (0.96% of average daily net
                                0.80% on the next                   assets)
                                $200,000,000; 0.75% on the
                                next $200,000,000 and
                                0.625% on amounts in
                                excess of $500,000,000.


Global Income Fund              0.75% of average daily net          $840,527
                                assets up to $250,000,000;          (0.75% of average daily net
                                and 0.70% on amounts in             assets)
                                excess of $250,000,000.

International                   Fund 1.00% of average  daily net    $0 
                                assets up to $250,000,000;          (0.00% of average daily net
                                0.80% on the next $250,000,000;     assets)  
                                0.75% on the next  $250,000,000  
                                and  0.625% on  amounts  in 
                                excess of $750,000,000.

Short-Term Fund                 0.65% of average daily net          $682,732
                                assets up to $500,000,000;          (0.80% of average daily net
                                and 0.60% on amounts in             assets)
                                excess of $500,000,000.

Special Opportunities  Fund     0.80% of  average  daily net        $1,870,771 
                                assets up to $500,000,000;          (0.80% of average  daily  net  
                                0.75% on the  next $500,000,000;    assets)
                                and 0.70% on amounts in excess of

- -----------------------
*    The latest fiscal year of each Fund ended October 31, 1995.

     Under each Agreement,  the Adviser pays all expenses it incurs with respect
to the performance of its duties thereunder,  including expenses associated with
office space and related  equipment.  The Funds bear all other material expenses
as described in the Agreements (see Subsection A below). Each Agreement provides
that such  Agreement will be effective for a period of up to two years after its
adoption  and then for one year  periods  thereafter  so long as it is  annually
approved by (i) a majority of the  Independent  Trustees of the applicable  Fund
and  (ii)  either  (a)  the  Trustees  of the  Fund or (b) a 1940  Act  Majority
Shareholder  Vote (as defined in the "Vote  Required"  section of this  Proposal
below) of the Fund or Funds. Each Agreement also provides that the Agreement may
be terminated on 60 days' written  notice  without  penalty by either a 1940 Act
Majority  Shareholder  Vote of the affected  Fund or Funds,  the Trustees of the
Fund(s) or the Adviser. Each Agreement automatically  terminates upon assignment
as defined by the 1940 Act. Each Agreement  provides that the obligations of the
affected  Fund  or  Funds  are  not  binding  on the  Trustees  of the  Fund(s),
shareholders,  officers,  employees,  agents  or  nominees  of  the  Fund(s)  as
individuals but bind only the Trust (under the Existing  Agreements) or the Fund
(under each of the New Agreements) and its property.

Material Differences Between the Existing Agreements and the New Agreements

     A. Accounting Expenses

     Under the Existing Agreements,  the Adviser furnishes and bears the cost of
personnel  and  related  expenses  to  perform  financial,  tax  and  accounting
functions.  The Adviser  compensates all such personnel who are employees of the
Adviser or an affiliate of the Adviser. The Funds are responsible for paying


expenses  associated  with  any  independent  accountants.  This  allocation  of
expenses  gives the Adviser  little or no incentive  to expand the scope,  or to
dedicate more  personnel and  facilities to the  performance  of accounting  and
financial  services  provided  internally to the Funds.  Instead,  it creates an
incentive to have accounting and financial  services provided by outside vendors
at a higher cost than would be charged by the Adviser  for  performing  the same
service internally.

     The New Agreements  provide that each Fund will be  responsible  for paying
all fees and  expenses  associated  with  ordinary  accounting,  financial,  tax
services  provided to the Funds,  including an allocable  portion of the cost of
the Adviser's  personnel  performing such services for the Fund.  Including this
provision  in the New  Agreements  will  bring  the  Funds'  expense  allocation
procedures into  conformity  with those of other John Hancock mutual funds.  The
new provision will allow the Trustees the  flexibility to approve the payment of
compensation to the Adviser for providing day-to-day accounting,  financial, tax
and  bookkeeping  services to the Funds.  Although no proposal to compensate the
Adviser for these services has yet been submitted to or approved by the Trustees
of any Fund, the Adviser expects to present such a proposal in the fall of 1996.

     As stated  below,  the Funds'  expense  ratios and the fees received by the
Adviser  will be  slightly  higher than they are now if the  Trustees  approve a
proposal to compensate the Adviser for performing financial,  accounting and tax
services. However, because of the increased complexity of mutual fund accounting
and  taxation  currently,  it is  expected  that future  costs to service  these
complexities  which  would be required to be  performed  by higher cost  outside
vendors  will  result in cost offset to the Funds.  The cost  savings may partly
offset  the  additional  cost  associated  with  compensating  the  Adviser  for
financial, accounting and tax services provided by its personnel.

     Set forth in the chart below are the annual operating expenses paid by each
Fund with respect to each of its classes of shares for its last completed fiscal
year ending  October 31, 1995 under the Existing  Agreements.  Also set forth in
the chart  below are the  operating  expenses  that would have been paid by each
Fund for the same period if the New Agreements had been in place.


       Fund and
      Net Assets            Operating Expenses Under    Operating Expenses Under
   (as of 10/31/95)            Existing Agreements           New Agreements

 Disciplined Growth Fund
 Class A: $27,691,989         1.46% Class A Shares          1.48% Class A Shares
 Class B: $86,177,676         2.11% Class B Shares          2.13% Class B Shares

 Gold Fund
 Class A: $18,299,704         1.60% Class A Shares          1.62% Class A Shares
 Class B: $16,918,895         2.32% Class B Shares          2.34% Class B Shares

 Bank Fund
 Class A: $486,637,887        1.39% Class A Shares          1.41% Class A Shares
 Class B: $1,236,447,489      2.09% Class B Shares          2.11% Class B Shares

 Global Fund
 Class A: $93,597,600         1.87% Class A Shares          1.89% Class A Shares
 Class B: $24,569,722         2.57% Class B Shares          2.59% Class B Shares

 Global Income Fund
 Class A: $35,334,449         1.48% Class A Shares          1.50% Class A Shares
 Class B: $65,599,953         2.16% Class B Shares          2.18% Class B Shares

 International Fund
 Class A: $4,215,377          1.64% Class A Shares          1.64% Class A Shares
 Class B: $3,989,586          2.52% Class B Shares          2.52% Class B Shares

 Short-Term Fund
 Class A: $16,996,512         1.33% Class A Shares          1.35% Class A Shares
 Class B: $84,601,074         2.07% Class B Shares          2.09% Class B Shares
 Special Opportunities Fund
 Class A: $101,561,612        1.59% Class A Shares          1.61% Class A Shares
 Class B: $137,363,798        2.30% Class B Shares          2.32% Class B Shares

     Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement  contains  comparative fee tables showing
the amount of fees and expenses paid by each Fund under the Existing  Agreements
as a  percentage  of average  net  assets  and the  amount of fees and  expenses
shareholders would have paid indirectly if the New Agreements had been in effect
and the Trustees had approved the compensation of the Adviser for its accounting
services.  The information in the tables is an estimate based on actual expenses
for the Funds' fiscal year ended  October 31, 1995.  Also set forth in Exhibit B
is an illustrative example of expenses shareholders of each Fund would pay under
the Existing Agreements and the New Agreements.


     B. Advisory Fee Limitations

     Under the Existing  Agreements,  if the total expenses of a Fund (exclusive
of interest,  taxes,  brokerage expenses and extraordinary items) for any fiscal
year exceed the lowest expense  limitation  imposed by any state in which shares
of the Fund are qualified  for sale,  the Adviser will pay or reimburse the Fund
for that excess up to the amount of the advisory fees payable by the Fund during
that fiscal  year.  The amount of the monthly  advisory  fee payable by the Fund
will be reduced to the  extent  that the  monthly  expenses  of the Fund,  on an
annualized basis, exceed the foregoing limitations.  If at the end of the fiscal
year, the expenses of the Fund are within the foregoing  limitation,  any excess
amount previously withheld from the monthly advisory fee during such fiscal year
will be paid to the Adviser.

     Under the New Agreements,  this provision has been modified to state simply
that the Adviser will adhere to applicable state law. It requires the Adviser to
reduce its fee and make  additional  arrangements  only as  required in order to
comply  with  applicable  state law.  This  language  incorporates  the  minimum
requirements  of state  laws  both as  currently  in  effect  and as they may be
enacted or amended in the future.  The Adviser  may,  however,  make  additional
arrangements  at its  discretion  to reduce  expenses of the Funds  beyond those
required  by state  law.  The New  Agreements  contain an  additional  provision
permitting  the Adviser to refrain from imposing all or a portion of its fee (in
advance of the time its fee would otherwise accrue) and/or undertake to make any
other  payments or  arrangements  necessary to limit the Funds'  expenses to any
level the Adviser may specify.  Any fee reduction or undertaking will constitute
a binding modification of the applicable New Agreement while it is in effect but
may be  discontinued  or  modified  prospectively  by the  Adviser  at any time.
Neither  of these  revised  provisions  will  have any  immediate  effect on the
advisory fee rates payable by the Funds or the expense ratios of the Funds.

     C. Other Differences Between the Existing Agreements and the New Agreements

     The New  Agreements  provide that the Funds will bear the allocable cost of
the  Adviser's  employees who render legal  services to the Funds.  Although the
Adviser  reserves  the right to do so, the Adviser has no current  intention  of
allocating  these  costs to the  Funds  and will not do so until  the  Trustees,
including the Independent Trustees, approve the allocation.  Accordingly,  there
will  be no  immediate  increase  in the  Funds'  expenses  as a  result  of the
inclusion  of this  provision in the New  Agreements.  The New  Agreements  also
provide  that  the  Funds  will be  responsible  for  the  expense  of  periodic
calculations of the net asset value of the shares of the Funds.

     With respect to the  calculation of the advisory fees to be paid under each
of the New  Agreements,  the New Agreements  provide that the "average daily net
assets"  of the Funds  will be  calculated  on the basis set forth in the Funds'
Prospectuses or otherwise  consistent with the 1940 Act. The Existing Agreements
provide no  description  of how the Funds'  "average  daily net assets"  will be

     Each Agreement  provides that the Adviser may provide  investment  advisory
services to other clients;  however, the New Agreements further provide that the
Adviser  may  provide  services  to  other  investment  companies  and  that the
officers,  directors and employees of the Adviser and its parent may continue to
engage in providing portfolio management services to other investment companies.
The New  Agreements  also  provide  that the Adviser is under no  obligation  to
acquire any particular  investment on behalf of a Fund if, in the Adviser's sole
discretion,  it is not  feasible  or  desirable  to acquire a  position  in that
investment on behalf of the Fund.


     The New Agreements provide that, in connection with the purchase or sale of
securities  for the  account of the Funds,  neither  the  Adviser nor any of its
subsidiaries, directors, officers or employees will act as principal or agent or
receive any commission  except as the 1940 Act permits.  If the Adviser  advises
persons concerning shares of the Funds, the Adviser will be acting solely on its
own behalf and not on behalf of the Funds. The New Agreements further state that
the Adviser and its affiliates can buy, sell and trade  securities for their own

     The New  Agreements  provide that the Adviser may  subcontract  some of its
work  for the  Funds to  other  investment  advisers.  The New  Agreements  also
specifically  provide that the subcontract  must be signed by the Fund that is a
party  thereto  and the  Adviser,  approved  by the  vote of a  majority  of the
Trustees who are not  interested  persons of the Adviser,  the subadviser or the
Fund and by a 1940 Act Majority Shareholder Vote of the applicable Fund. The New
Agreements further provide that any fee, compensation or expense to be paid to a
subadviser  will  be paid  by the  Adviser  (not  by the  Funds).  The  Existing
Agreements   do  not  contain  any   provision   regarding   subcontracting   or

     Each New Agreement  provides that each Fund may use the name "John Hancock"
or names similar to those of John Hancock Advisers,  Inc. or John Hancock Mutual
Life  Insurance  Company  only while the  Agreement  is in effect.  John Hancock
Mutual Life Insurance Company reserves the right to grant nonexclusive rights to
use of the name "John Hancock" to other investment companies and entities.

     Each  Agreement  limits  the  liability  of the  Adviser  for any  error of
judgment, mistake of law or loss to any Fund unless such liability arises out of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or reckless disregard by the
Adviser of its obligations under the Agreement.  Each Existing Agreement further
provides  that nothing in the  Agreement  protects any Trustee or officer of the
Fund  against any  liability  to which that person might be subject by reason of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of that
person's  obligations  under the Agreement.  The New Agreements  contain no such
exception  because it serves no purpose;  such  Trustees  and  officers  are not
parties to, and do not assume any liabilities under, the New Agreements. The New
Agreements  clarify that  individuals  who are employees of either a Fund or the
Adviser will be deemed to be acting  solely for the Fund when acting  within the
scope of their  employment  by the Fund and not as  employees  or  agents of the

     Each  Existing  Agreement  provides that the Agreement may be amended as to
any  Fund  by a 1940  Act  Majority  Shareholder  Vote  of  that  Fund.  The New
Agreements specifically require that the Adviser agree to the amendment and also
require that any amendment be in writing.  The New  Agreements  further  provide
that no amendment,  transfer,  assignment,  sale,  hypothecation or pledge of an
Agreement  will be effective  until  approved by (i) the  Trustees,  including a
majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Adviser, and (ii)
a 1940 Act Majority Shareholder Vote of the applicable Fund.

     The New Agreements clarify that a Fund is not liable for obligations of any
other  series of its Trust  and no other  series of the Trust is liable  for the
Fund's  obligations  under the  Agreements.  The New  Agreements  contain  other
miscellaneous provisions including a provision that the obligations of each Fund
are  not  personally  binding  on  shareholders,   and  provisions  establishing
governing law and the severability of provisions. The Existing Agreements do not
contain any similar provisions.

     The form and style of the New  Agreements is  substantially  different from
the form and style of the Existing Agreements.

     Each of the changes  described under this subsection C reflect an effort to
provide  the Funds  with an  up-to-date  investment  management  contract  which
conforms substantially to the contracts of the other John Hancock funds.


     If approved, the New Agreements will each become effective on July 1, 1996.

     For the text of the New  Agreements,  see  Exhibit A attached to this Proxy
Statement. This description of the New Agreements and comparison to the Existing
Agreements are qualified in their entirety by reference to Exhibit A.

Trustees' Evaluation and Recommendation

     At the meeting of the Trustees on March 5, 1996,  the  Trustees,  including
the  Independent  Trustees,   approved  the  New  Agreements.   In  making  this
determination,  the Trustees considered several factors,  including the increase
in expenses to be borne by the Funds;  the greater  flexibility  accorded to the
Funds with respect to accounting  services;  the scope and quality of accounting
services the Funds can obtain from the Adviser and outside  vendors;  provisions
of the  contracts  of other  funds in the John  Hancock  fund  complex;  and the
benefits to the Adviser of its relationship with the Funds. The Trustees believe
the New  Agreements  to be  reasonable,  fair and in the best  interests  of the
Funds' shareholders.


Vote Required

     Approval of Proposals 2(a),  2(b),  2(c),  2(d),  2(e), 2(f), 2(g) and 2(h)
requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities
of the respective  Funds. For purposes of approving these Proposals,  a majority
of outstanding  voting securities shall mean for each Fund the lesser of (i) 67%
or more of the shares of the Fund  represented at the Meeting if at least 50% of
all outstanding shares of the Fund are represented at the Meeting or (ii) 50% or
more of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund  entitled to vote at the Meeting (a
"1940 Act Majority Shareholder Vote").

The Investment Adviser

     The Adviser is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of The Berkeley  Financial  Group
("The Berkeley Group"), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of John Hancock Asset
Management.  John Hancock Asset Management is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of John
Hancock Subsidiaries,  Inc., which is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of John Hancock
Mutual Life Insurance  Company (the "Life Company").  The address of the Adviser
is 101 Huntington Avenue, Boston,  Massachusetts 02199. The address of the other
entities is John Hancock Place,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02117. The directors of
the Adviser and their  principal  occupations  or employment are set forth under
the caption "Directors of the Adviser." The Adviser provides investment advisory
services  to  other  mutual  funds  with  investment  objectives   substantially
identical to those of the Funds. See Exhibit C for a list of those funds and the
advisory fee rates paid by those funds.

Brokerage Commissions on Portfolio Transactions

     During the fiscal year ended  October  31,  1995 of each Fund,  none of the
Funds paid brokerage commissions to affiliated brokers.

Other  Material  Payments  by the Funds to the  Adviser  and  Affiliates  of the

     For the fiscal year ended  October 31, 1995,  the Funds paid the  following
amounts to John Hancock  Funds for  distribution  related  services on behalf of
Class A, Class B and Class C shares, if any:


Disciplined Growth Fund            $   62,799      Class A Shares
                                   $  251,285      Class B Shares

Gold Fund                          $    3,733      Class A Shares
                                   $   66,652      Class B Shares

Bank Fund                          $8,366,103      Class A Shares
                                   $1,931,207      Class B Shares

Global Fund                        $  132,895      Class A Shares
                                   $   61,845      Class B Shares

Global Income Fund                 $   23,002       Class A Shares
                                   $  205,763      Class B Shares

International Fund                 $   21,905      Class A Shares
                                   $   27,200      Class B Shares

Short-Term Fund                    $  128,857      Class A Shares
                                   $   85,980      Class B Shares

Special Opportunities              $  443,675      Class A Shares
Fund                               $  741,870      Class B Shares

     It is expected  that John  Hancock  Funds will  continue  to provide  these
services to the Funds.

Directors of the Adviser

     Edward J. Boudreau,  Jr.,  Chairman of the Funds,  the principal  executive
officer of the Adviser.  Mr. Boudreau's  principal  occupations and address,  as
well as those of the other Directors of the Adviser, are set forth below.

Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.                 Chairman and Chief Executive    
101 Huntington Avenue                   Officer, the Adviser and The    
Boston, MA 02199                        Berkeley Group; Chairman and    
                                        Managing Director, John Hancock 
                                        Advisers International Ltd.;         
                                        Chairman, John Hancock Funds and     
                                        Investor Services (collectively,     
                                        the "Affiliated Companies");         
                                        Chairman, NM Capital Management,     
                                        Inc.; Chairman, Sovereign Asset      
                                        Management Corporation; and          
                                        Chairman, First Signature Bank &     

Stephen L. Brown                        Chairman and Chief Executive      
John Hancock Place                      Officer, the Life Company;        
Boston, MA 02117                        Director, the Adviser and the     
                                        Affiliated Companies; Trustee, The
                                        Berkeley Group and John Hancock   
                                        Asset Management.                      


Foster L. Aborn                         Vice Chairman, Director and        
John Hancock Place                      President, Investment and Pension  
Boston, MA  02117                       Sector, the Life Company; Director,
                                        the Adviser, Independence          
                                        Investment Associates, Inc., John       
                                        Hancock Funds, Investor Services,       
                                        and John Hancock Subsidiaries,          
                                        Inc.; Trustee, The Berkeley Group       
                                        and John Hancock Asset Management;      
                                        Director, Hancock Venture Partners,     
                                        Inc.; Director, John Hancock            
                                        Capital Growth Management, Inc.;        
                                        and Director, John Hancock Capital      
                                        Corp. and John Hancock Freedom          
                                        Securities Corp.                        
David F. D'Alessandro                   Senior Executive Vice President, Retail
John Hancock Place                      Sector, the Life Company; Director, the
Boston, MA 02117                        Adviser and the Affiliated Companies;
                                        Trustee, the Berkeley Group.

Richard S. Scipione                     Director, the Adviser, NM Capital
John Hancock Place                      Management, Inc., Sovereign Asset  
Boston,                                 MA 02117 Management Corporation and
                                        Investor Services; General Counsel,
                                        the Life Company; and Trustee, The      
                                        Berkeley Group.                         

Thomas E. Moloney                       Chief Financial Officer, the Life 
John Hancock Place                      Company; Director, the Adviser and
Boston, MA 02117                        the Affiliated Companies; and     
                                        Trustee, The Berkeley Group.      
John M. DeCiccio                        Senior Vice President, Investment 
John Hancock Place                      Technology and Financial          
Boston, MA  02117                       Management, the Life Company;     
                                        Director, the Adviser and the     
                                        Affiliated Companies; and Trustee,     
                                        The Berkeley Group.                    
Jeanne M. Livermore                     Senior Vice President, Group       
John Hancock Place                      Pension Guaranteed and Stable Value
Boston, MA  02117                       Products, the Life Company;        
                                        Director, the Adviser, the         
                                        Affiliated Companies and John           
                                        Hancock Advisers International          
                                        Ltd.; and Trustee, The Berkeley         

John Goldsmith                          Chairman and Chief Executive   
One Beacon Street                       Officer, John Hancock Freedom  
Boston, MA 02108                        Securities Corp.; Director, the
                                        Adviser and the Affiliated     
                                        Companies; and Trustee, The         
                                        Berkeley Group.                     
Richard O. Hansen                       Vice President, Managerial        
John Hancock Place                      Department, the Life Company;     
Boston, MA 02117                        Director, the Adviser and the     
                                        Affiliated Companies; and Trustee,
                                        The Berkeley Group.                    


William C. Fletcher                     Director, the Adviser, John Hancock
53 State Street                         Funds, Investor Services; President
Boston, MA 02109                        and Director, Independence         
                                        Investment Associates, Inc.;       
                                        Trustee, The Berkeley Group;            
                                        Trustee, President and Chief            
                                        Executive Officer, John Hancock         
                                        Asset Management; and Director,         
                                        Hancock Natural Resource Group,         
                                        Inc. and John Hancock Energy            
                                        Resources Management, Inc.              

Robert G. Freedman                      Vice Chairman and Chief Investment 
101 Huntington Avenue                   Director, the Adviser; Director,   
Boston, MA 02199                        the Adviser, NM Capital Management,
                                        Inc., Sovereign Asset Management   
                                        Corporation and the Affiliated          
                                        Companies; Senior Vice President,       
                                        The Berkeley Group; and Director,       
                                        John Hancock Advisers International     

Robert H. Watts                         President, Chief Executive Officer
John Hancock Place                      and Director, John Hancock        
Boston, MA 02117                        Distributors, Inc.; and Director, 
                                        the Adviser and the Affiliated    

David A. King                           President, Chief Executive Officer
101 Huntington Avenue                   and Director, Investor Services;  
Boston, MA 02199                        Director, the Adviser and the     
                                        Affiliated Companies.             

     In addition to Messrs.  Boudreau and Freedman,  the  following  persons are
officers,  trustees  and/or  directors  of the  Funds and the  Adviser:  Anne C.
Hodsdon, President of the Funds and President and Chief Operating Officer of the
Adviser;  Thomas H. Drohan, Senior Vice President and Secretary of the Funds and
the Adviser;  James B. Little, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of the Funds and Senior Vice  President  of the  Adviser;  John A.  Morin,  Vice
President of the Funds and  Executive  Vice  President of the Adviser;  Susan S.
Newton, Vice President,  Assistant Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Funds
and  Vice  President  and  Assistant  Secretary  of the  Adviser;  and  James J.
Stokowski,  Vice  President and Treasurer of the Funds and Vice President of the


                          PROPOSALS 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c)


             (For shareholders of Disciplined Growth Fund, Financial
                 Industries Fund, Gold Fund and Bank Fund voting
                together and shareholders of Global Fund, Global
              Income Fund, International Fund, Short-Term Fund and
                 Special Opportunities Fund voting together and
                shareholders of Discovery Fund, in each case with
                  each other series in their respective Trusts)


     The  Master  Trust  Agreements  of the Funds  (collectively,  the  "Current
Declarations")  have not changed  significantly since they were last amended and
restated  on  September  10,  1991 with  respect  to  Disciplined  Growth  Fund,
Financial  Industries  Fund,  Gold Fund and Bank Fund and  Global  Fund,  Global
Income Fund,  International Fund, Short-Term Fund and Special Opportunities Fund
and May 14, 1991 with respect to Discovery  Fund. The Current  Declarations  are
proposed to be amended and  restated  (as amended  and  restated,  the  "Amended
Declarations") to provide the Trustees with greater  flexibility to manage their
respective  Funds and to take advantage of potential  investment  opportunities.
This  enhanced  flexibility  may result in the more  efficient  operation of the
Funds and lower costs. In addition, the Amended Declarations contain more modern
provisions  then  the  Current  Declarations.   The  Amended  Declarations  also
substantially  conform to the  governing  documents  of other  funds in the John
Hancock fund complex.

     In connection with the adoption of the Amended  Declarations,  the Trustees
of each Fund will amend their  respective  By-Laws to conform  them as needed to
the Fund's  Amended  Declaration.  The  Amended  Declarations,  each of which is
substantially  in the form  attached to this Proxy  Statement as Exhibit D, will
become effective on July 1, 1996, if approved by the shareholders.

     The description of the Amended Declaration of each Fund is qualified in its
entirety  by the full  text of the  proposed  Amended  Declaration  set forth as
Exhibit D to this Proxy Statement.

Material   Differences   Between  the  Current   Declarations  and  the  Amended

     Each Current  Declaration  is  substantially  similar to the other  Current
Declarations.  The Amended Declarations would be substantially identical to each
other.  Set forth below is a description of the material  differences  among the
Current Declarations and the Amended Declarations. Differences among each of the
Current Declarations are also described where appropriate.


     A.   Shareholder Voting Rights

          (i)  Merger, Consolidation, Sale of Assets

     The  Amended  Declaration  of each Fund would  provide  that the Fund could
merge or consolidate  into, or sell, lease or exchange all or substantially  all
of its assets to any other entity when  authorized  by (a) a vote of the holders
of two-thirds of the Fund's  outstanding  shares  present at a meeting called to
consider the question, (b) a written consent signed by the holders of two-thirds
of the Fund's outstanding shares, or (c) a 1940 Act Majority Shareholder Vote or
written  consent  of the  same  proportion  of  shareholders  of the Fund if the
merger, consolidation or sale, lease or exchange of assets is recommended by the
Fund. No prior  shareholder  approval would be required if another entity merged
or consolidated  into or sold,  leased or exchanged all or substantially  all of
its assets to the Fund.

     Except as noted, the Current  Declaration of each Fund requires the Fund to
obtain a 1940 Act  Majority  Shareholder  Vote  before  either  (a)  merging  or
consolidating  into or selling all or substantially all of its assets to another
entity or (b) having  another  entity merge or  consolidate  into or sell all or
substantially  all of its  assets  to  the  Fund.  The  Current  Declaration  of
Discovery  Fund does not require  prior  shareholder  approval in the event that
another entity is merging or consolidating  into or selling all or substantially
all of its assets to Discovery Fund.

     The Amended  Declaration of each Fund would also provide that the Fund may,
without prior  shareholder  approval,  create  another  entity and then merge or
consolidate  into or sell  all or  substantially  all of its  assets  to the new
entity.  The  Fund  could  also  contract  with  the  new  entity.  The  Current
Declarations have no similar provisions.

          (ii) Termination of a Fund or Class of Shares

     The Amended  Declaration  of each Fund would  provide  that the Fund or any
class of shares of the Fund may be  terminated  by (a) a vote of the  holders of
two-thirds of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund or class present at a meeting
called to consider the question,  (b) a written consent signed by the holders of
two-thirds  of the  Fund's  or  class'  outstanding  shares,  or (c) a 1940  Act
Majority  Shareholder  Vote  or  written  consent  of  the  same  proportion  of
shareholders  of the Fund or  class if the  termination  is  recommended  by the
Fund's  Trustees.  The Fund or class  could  also be  terminated  without  prior
shareholder  approval  upon  notice  to  shareholders  by  means  of  a  written
instrument  signed  by a  majority  of the  Fund's  Trustees,  stating  that the
Trustees have  determined  that  continuing the Fund or class is not in the best
interests of the Fund or class or their  respective  shareholders.  In addition,
the Trustees  could abolish any series or class of shares if there are no shares
of such series or class outstanding by means of a written instrument executed by
a majority of the Trustees.

     The Current Declaration of each Fund provides that the Fund or any class of
shares of the Fund may be terminated  by a majority of the Trustees,  subject to
an affirmative  1940 Act Majority  Shareholder Vote of the shares of the Fund or

          (iii) Amendment of Declaration of Trust

     The Amended Declaration of each Fund would provide that the Declaration may
be amended upon approval of a majority of the Trustees of the Fund without prior
shareholder  approval.  However,  the Trustees may not adopt  amendments  to the
Amended  Declaration  which  would (1)  impair  the  voting  or other  rights of
shareholders  prescribed  by law,  or (2) impair  the  exemption  from  personal
liability of


the shareholders,  Trustees,  officers, employees and agents of the Funds or (3)
permit assessments upon shareholders.

     The Current  Declaration of each Fund provides that the  Declaration may be
amended upon the  approval of a majority of the Fund's  Trustees  without  prior
shareholder  approval,  unless such  amendment  would repeal the  limitations on
personal liability of any shareholder or Trustee or would repeal the prohibition
on assessments  upon  shareholders.  If the amendment would repeal these rights,
then the prior consent of each shareholder or Trustee  affected is required.  In
addition,  any  amendment to the  Declaration  that would  adversely  affect the
rights of  shareholders  requires  the prior  affirmative  vote of  holders of a
majority of the Fund's shares entitled to vote.

          (iv) Establishment of Series and Classes

     The Amended  Declaration and Current Declaration of each Fund provides that
the Trustees  may  establish  and  designate  additional  series of the Fund and
additional classes of shares. The Current  Declaration  further provides that if
such  establishment  and designation  would adversely  effect any of the already
established  series or classes,  then prior approval of holders of a majority of
the shares of the affected series or class is required. The Amended Declarations
would not contain a similar provision.

          (v)  Acquisition of Assets

     The Amended  Declaration  of each Fund would  provide that the Trustees may
issue shares to another party in exchange for other assets and  businesses.  The
Current Declarations do not contain a similar provision.

          (vi) Voting Procedures

     The Amended  Declaration  of each Fund would  provide  that,  with  certain
exceptions,  all shares of all  classes of all Funds vote  together  as a single
class.  With  respect to matters  which  affect a single  Fund or class or which
affect only certain Funds or classes  identically,  only the shareholders of the
affected Fund(s) or class(es) will be entitled to vote.

     The  Current   Declaration  of  each  Fund  provides  that,   with  certain
exceptions,  shareholders of each Fund vote  separately  from other Funds.  With
respect to matters  affecting  only certain Funds or classes,  only the affected
Fund(s) or class(es) will vote.

     B.   Redemption and Repurchase of Shares

     The  Amended  Declaration  for each Fund  would  provide  that in the event
redemptions are suspended by the Fund, shareholders could revoke any application
for  redemption of shares not honored prior to the  suspension  and resubmit the
redemption  request  when the  suspension  is lifted and the price might be more
favorable. The Current Declarations do not contain similar provisions.

     The Amended Declaration for each Fund would provide that the Trustees could
withhold from any redemption  proceeds any amounts arising from liability of the
redeeming  shareholder  to the Fund or in  connection  with any tax  withholding
requirements.   The  Amended   Declaration   would  also  provide  that  account
administration  fees and other similar  charges could be deducted  directly from
the income and other distributions paid to a shareholder's  account. The Current
Declarations do not contain similar provisions.


     In addition to the material  differences  described above,  there are other
substantive and stylistic  differences between the Amended  Declarations and the
Current  Declarations.  You are urged to review the form of Amended  Declaration
attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit D.

Trustees' Evaluation and Recommendation

     At a  meeting  of the  Trustees  of each Fund  held on March 5,  1996,  the
Trustees, including the Independent Trustees of each Fund approved, and voted to
recommend to  shareholders  that they  approve,  a proposal to amend and restate
their  respective  Current  Declaration.  In taking  this action and making this
recommendation,   the  Trustees  considered  the  likelihood  that  the  Amended
Declarations will result in more efficient and economical operation of the Funds
by giving the  Trustees  more  flexibility  to manage the Funds and adapt  their
respective  Declarations to changes in applicable law, industry developments and
other changes.  This greater  flexibility  should reduce the need for costly and
time-consuming proxy solicitations and shareholders' meetings.

     Approval  of the  Amended  Declarations  will not  result in changes in the
Trustees,  officers,  investment  programs  and services or any  operations  and
services of the Funds that are described in the Funds' current Prospectuses.

     If the proposed changes are not approved by the shareholders,  each Current
Declaration will continue in its existing form. Alternatively,  the Trustees may
consider submitting to shareholders at a future meeting other proposals to amend
and restate the Current Declarations.


Vote Required

     Approval of Proposals 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) requires an affirmative  1940 Act
Majority  Shareholder  Vote  of,  respectively,  (i)  the  aggregate  shares  of
Disciplined  Growth Fund,  Financial  Industries  Fund, Gold Fund and Bank Fund,
together with each other series of Freedom Trust I, (ii) the aggregate shares of
Global Fund, Global Income Fund, International Fund, Short-Term Fund and Special
Opportunities  Fund,  together  with each other series of Freedom  Trust II, and
(iii) Discovery Fund.

                                   PROPOSAL 4

                        ON INVESTING IN A SINGLE CLASS OF
                             SECURITIES OF AN ISSUER

                  (For shareholders of Disciplined Growth Fund,
            Gold Fund, Bank Fund, and Global Fund voting separately)

     Each of Disciplined Growth Fund, Gold Fund, Bank Fund and Global Fund has a
fundamental  investment  restriction  regarding  investing  in a single class of
securities of an issuer which states that the Funds may not:


     Acquire  more  than 5% of any  class of  securities  of an  issuer,  except
     securities  issued or guaranteed by the U.S.  Government or its agencies or
     instrumentalities.  For this  purpose,  all  outstanding  bonds  and  other
     evidences  of  indebtedness  shall be deemed a single class  regardless  of
     maturities,  priorities,  coupon rates,  series,  designations,  conversion
     rights, security or other differences, and with respect to the Global Fund,
     all preferred stocks of an issuer shall be deemed a single class.

     At the meeting of the  Trustees  on March 5, 1996,  the  Trustees  voted to
approve,  and to recommend to shareholders  of each of Disciplined  Growth Fund,
Gold Fund,  Bank Fund and Global Fund that they approve,  the elimination of the
Funds' fundamental  investment restriction regarding investing in a single class
of securities of an issuer.

     Neither the 1940 Act nor state "blue sky" laws  currently  require that the
Funds have the above  investment  restriction.  This change is being proposed to
permit the Funds to acquire more than 5% of the  securities of a single class of
an issuer (subject to 1940 Act and tax  diversification  policies) to the extent
that the Adviser  believes  that such an  investment  would be beneficial to the
Funds.  The  Trustees  believe that the Funds would  benefit from more  flexible
restrictions  on  investments  in  a  single  issuer  and  from  conforming  its
diversification restrictions more closely to those of other John Hancock funds.

Trustees' Recommendation


Required Vote

     Approval of  Proposal 4 requires a 1940 Act  Majority  Shareholder  Vote of
each of Gold Fund, Bank Fund, Disciplined Growth Fund and Global Fund.

                                   PROPOSAL 5


           (For shareholders of Disciplined Growth Fund, Global Fund,
            Global Income Fund and Short-Term Fund voting separately)

     Each of  Disciplined  Growth  Fund,  Global  Fund,  Global  Income Fund and
Short-Term  Fund currently has an existing  fundamental  investment  restriction
regarding  investments in investment  companies  which states that the Funds may

     Purchase  securities  of other  open-end  investment  companies,  except in
     connection with a merger, consolidation,  acquisition or reorganization; or
     purchase  more  than  3% of  the  total  outstanding  voting  stock  of any
     closed-end  investment  company  if more than 5% of a Fund's  total  assets
     would be invested in securities of any closed-end  investment  company,  or
     more than 10% of the Fund's total assets would be invested in securities of
     any closed-end investment companies in general. In addition, a Fund may not
     invest in the  securities  of  closed-end  investment  companies  except by
     purchase in the open market involving only customary broker's commissions.


     At the meeting of the  Trustees  on March 5, 1996,  the  Trustees  voted to
approve,  and to recommend to  shareholders of Disciplined  Growth Fund,  Global
Fund,   Global  Income  Fund  and  Short-Term   Fund  that  they  approve,   the
redesignation as nonfundamental of the above fundamental investment restriction.
If  redesignated  as  proposed,  the  Trustees  would  amend the  nonfundamental
restriction to provide that each Fund may not:

     Purchase a security if, as a result,  (i) more than 10% of the Fund's total
     assets would be invested in the securities of other  investment  companies,
     (ii) the Fund  would  hold  more than 3% of the  total  outstanding  voting
     securities  of any one  investment  company,  or (iii)  more than 5% of the
     Fund's  total  assets  would  be  invested  in the  securities  of any  one
     investment company. These limitations do not apply to (a) the investment of
     cash collateral, received by the Fund in connection with lending the Fund's
     portfolio securities, in the securities of open-end investment companies or
     (b) the purchase of shares of any investment  company in connection  with a
     merger,  consolidation,  reorganization or purchase of substantially all of
     the assets of another investment  company.  Subject to the above percentage
     limitations,  the Fund may, in  connection  with the John Hancock  Group of
     Funds  Deferred  Compensation  Plan  for  Independent   Trustees/Directors,
     purchase  securities of other investment  companies within the John Hancock
     Group of Funds.  The Fund may not  purchase  the  shares of any  closed-end
     investment  company except in the open market where no commission or profit
     to a sponsor or dealer  results  from the  purchase,  other than  customary
     brokerage fees.

     This  change  is being  proposed  to  provide  the  Funds  with  additional
investment and administrative flexibility.  Currently, the Funds may only invest
in  securities  of other  open-end  investment  companies in  connection  with a
merger,  consolidation,  acquisition or reorganization.  The Funds may invest in
the securities of closed-end  investment companies subject to certain percentage
and other  limitations.  The  change  set forth in this  Proposal  would  permit
investment  by the Funds in  securities  of open-end and  closed-end  investment
companies subject to the percentage  limitations set forth in the nonfundamental
restriction.  The percentage  limitations  would not apply in cases of a merger,
consolidation,  acquisition or  reorganization  or with respect to investment by
the  Funds of any  cash  collateral  they are  holding  in  open-end  investment
companies. If this Proposal is approved, the Funds will have more flexibility to
invest in  securities of other  investment  companies and will be better able to
take advantage of potential  investment  opportunities.  In addition,  by making
this investment restriction  nonfundamental,  the Trustees will be able to amend
the  restriction  without  incurring  the  delay  and  cost of  obtaining  prior
shareholder approval.  The Trustees believe that approval of this Proposal would
be beneficial to shareholders of the Funds.

Trustees' Recommendation


Required Vote

     Approval of  Proposal 5 requires a 1940 Act  Majority  Shareholder  Vote of
each of Disciplined  Growth Fund, Global Fund, Global Income Fund and Short-Term


                                   PROPOSAL 6

                              OF GLOBAL INCOME FUND

                    (For shareholders of Global Income Fund)

     At the  meeting on March 5,  1996,  the  Trustees  of Global  Income  Fund,
including the Independent Trustees,  voted to approve, and voted to recommend to
Global Income  Fund's  shareholders  that they approve,  a proposal to amend the
Fund's  investment  objective and to  redesignate  the  investment  objective as

Proposed Amended Investment Objective

     Global Income Fund's current investment objective (the "Current Objective")
is to:

     ...achieve a high total investment  return, a combination of current income
     and  capital  appreciation,  by  investing  in a global  portfolio  of high
     quality,  fixed income securities.  Normally, the Fund will invest in fixed
     income   securities   denominated   in  at  least   three   currencies   or
     multi-currency units, including the U.S. Dollar.

     The Fund's proposed investment  objective (the "Proposed  Objective") would
be to:

     ...achieve a high total investment  return, a combination of current income
     and capital appreciation.

     Currently,  the Fund will normally  invest at least 65% of its total assets
in debt  securities  issued or  guaranteed  by the U.S.  Government  or  foreign
governments or  institutions.  The Fund may only invest in debt securities which
are high  grade  and which are  rated  either A or better by  Standard  & Poor's
Rating Group  ("S&P") or Moody's  Investors  Service,  Inc.  ("Moody's")  or, if
unrated, are determined by the Adviser to be of similar creditworthiness. If the
Proposed  Objective is approved,  the Fund will be able to invest in lower-rated
and  non-investment  grade debt  securities,  commonly  referred to as "emerging
market" or "junk"  bonds.  The  Trustees  of the Fund will add a  nonfundamental
investment policy to the Fund's currently existing  investment policies allowing
the Fund to invest up to 35% of its total assets in "emerging  market" or "junk"
bonds if the Proposed Objective is approved by shareholders.

     In making their  determination  to recommend  this  Proposal,  the Trustees
considered  the  fact  that,  by  being  restricted  to  investing  only in debt
securities  that are highly rated,  the Fund is unable to take advantage of many
investment  opportunities.  The Trustees expect that the Proposed Objective will
give the Fund greater flexibility to take advantage of a broader range of global
investment  opportunities  while  maintaining  the proven  investment  selection
process and focused portfolio management style currently used by the Fund.

     The Trustees also considered the fact that  lower-grade and  non-investment
grade debt  securities  are  speculative  and entail risks greater than those of
higher quality debt, including a higher risk of issuer default.  Lower-grade and
non-investment grade debt securities,  however, offer investors the potential of
higher income and returns than is generally  the case with higher  quality debt.
If this Proposal is approved,  the Fund will be able to maintain a more balanced


     The  Trustees  also  reviewed  the  investment  objectives  and policies of
competing non-proprietary global income funds. Most of such other funds have the
flexibility to invest in lower-grade and non-investment  grade debt and most are
permitted to invest up to 35% of their assets in non-investment  grade debt. The
Fund, therefore, is at a competitive disadvantage. If this Proposal is approved,
the Fund will be conforming  its  investment  objective and policies to those of
most other non-proprietary  global income funds and will be in a better position
to compete with such funds.  Although  there can be no  certainty,  the Trustees
believe that the Fund will be in a better position to capture a greater share of
the global income fund market and to increase its asset size if this Proposal is
adopted.  An  increase  in asset  size of the Fund may  enable  the Fund to take
advantage of economies of scale and thereby reduce costs.

     The  Proposed  Objective  will be  nonfundamental,  which  means  that  the
investment  objective may be changed at the discretion of the Trustees without a
shareholder  vote.  The  Trustees  believe that the ability to change the Fund's
investment objective will enable the Fund to better respond to changing economic
and market  conditions  without  incurring the expense and delay associated with
holding a shareholders'  meeting.  If the Trustees were to decide at some future
date to amend the Fund's investment objective,  no change would become effective
until the Fund's  prospectus  and statement of additional  information  had been
amended or supplemented to disclose the change.

Trustees' Recommendation


Vote Required

     Approval of  Proposal 6 requires a 1940 Act  Majority  Shareholder  Vote of
Global Income Fund.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Fund's management knows of no business to be brought before the Meeting
except as described  above.  However,  if any other matters properly come before
the Meeting,  the persons  named in the enclosed form of proxy intend to vote on
these matters in accordance with their best judgment. If shareholders would like
additional  information  about the  matters  proposed  for  action,  the  Fund's
management will be glad to hear from them and to provide further information.

                        PROXIES AND VOTING AT THE MEETING

     Any person  giving a proxy has the power to revoke it any time prior to its
exercise by executing a superseding  proxy or by submitting a written  notice of
revocation to the Secretary of the applicable  Fund. In addition,  although mere
attendance at the Meeting will not revoke a proxy, a Fund shareholder present at
the  Meeting  may  withdraw  his or her proxy and vote in person.  All  properly
executed and unrevoked proxies received in time for the Meeting will be voted in
accordance with the instructions  contained in the proxies. If no instruction is
given, the persons named as proxies will vote the shares of the Fund represented
thereby in favor of the matters set forth in Proposals 2(a),  2(b),  2(c), 2(d),
2(e),  2(f),  2(g),  2(h),  3(a), 3(b), 3(c), 4, 5 and 6 and for the Nominees in
Proposal 1, and will use their best judgment in connection  with the transaction
of other  business that may properly come before the Meeting or any  adjournment


     In  addition,  John  Hancock  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  (the  "Life
Company")  will vote  shares of any of the Funds held in  individual  retirement
accounts or tax shelter  accounts  for which the Life  Company acts as custodian
and with respect to which no proxies have been received by the Life Company. The
Life  Company  will  vote  such  shares  in the same  proportion  as it has been
instructed  to vote Fund shares held by all such accounts for which proxies have
been  received.  The Fund shares  voted by the Life  Company  will be counted as
present at the Meeting for purposes of establishing a quorum.

     In the event  that,  at the time any  session  of the  Meeting is called to
order,  a quorum is not present in person or by proxy for any Fund,  the persons
named as proxies with respect to the Fund may vote those  proxies that have been
received  to adjourn  the Fund's  Meeting to a later  date.  In the event that a
quorum is present  but  sufficient  votes by a Fund's  shareholders  in favor of
Proposals 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(f), 2(g), 2(h), 3(a), 3(b), 3(c), 4, 5
and 6 and for the  Nominees  in Proposal 1 have not been  received,  the persons
named as proxies with respect to the Fund will vote those proxies which they are
entitled to vote in favor of the relevant Proposal for such an adjournment,  and
will vote those proxies  required to be voted  against the Proposal  against any
adjournment.  A  shareholder  vote for a Fund may be taken on one or more of the
Proposals  prior to the  adjournment  if sufficient  votes for its approval have
been received and it is otherwise appropriate.

     Shares of  beneficial  interest  of each Fund  represented  in person or by
proxy (including shares which abstain or do not vote with respect to one or more
of the  Proposals  presented  for  shareholder  approval)  will be  counted  for
purposes of determining whether a quorum is present with respect to each Fund at
the Meeting. Abstentions will be treated as shares that are present and entitled
to vote with respect to the Proposal, but will not be counted as a vote in favor
of a Proposal. Accordingly, an abstention from voting on a Proposal has the same
effect as a vote against the Proposal.

     If a broker or nominee  holding  shares in "street  name"  indicates on the
proxy that it does not have  discretionary  authority to vote as to a particular
Proposal,  those shares will not be  considered  as present and entitled to vote
with respect to the Proposal.  Accordingly, a "broker non-vote" has no effect on
the voting in  determining  whether a Nominee has been elected as a Trustee of a
Fund or a Proposal has been adopted  pursuant to subsection  (i) of the 1940 Act
Majority Shareholder Vote definition. However, in determining whether a Proposal
has  been  adopted  pursuant  to  subsection  (ii)  of  the  1940  Act  Majority
Shareholder Vote definition,  a "broker non-vote" will have the same effect as a
vote against the Proposal because shares  represented by a "broker non-vote" are
considered outstanding shares.

     In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail or in person,  each Fund
may also arrange to have votes  recorded by telephone by officers and  employees
of the Fund or by  personnel  of the  Adviser,  John  Hancock  Funds or Investor
Services.   The  telephone  voting  procedure  is  designed  to  authenticate  a
shareholder's identity, to allow a shareholder to authorize the voting of shares
in accordance with the shareholder's instructions and to confirm that the voting
instructions have been properly recorded.  If these procedures were subject to a
successful  legal  challenge,  these telephone votes would not be counted at the
Meeting.  None of the Funds has sought an opinion of counsel on this  matter and
is unaware of any such challenge at this time.

     A shareholder  will be called on a recorded  line at the  telephone  number
appearing in the shareholder's  account records and will be asked to provide the
shareholder's  Social  Security  number or other  identifying  information.  The
shareholder  will then be given an opportunity to authorize  proxies to vote his
or her shares at the Meeting in accordance with the shareholder's  instructions.
To ensure that the


shareholder's  instructions have been recorded  correctly,  the shareholder will
also receive a confirmation  of the voting  instructions  in the mail. A special
toll-free number will be available in case the voting  information  contained in
the  confirmation  is  incorrect.  If the  shareholder  decides  after voting by
telephone to attend the Meeting,  the  shareholder  can revoke the proxy at that
time and vote the shares at the Meeting.

                             SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

     The  Funds  are  not  required,  and do not  intend,  to hold  meetings  of
shareholders  each  year.  Instead,  meetings  will be  held  only  when  and if
required.  Any shareholders  desiring to present a proposal for consideration at
the next  meeting for  shareholders  of their  respective  Funds must submit the
proposal in  writing,  so that it is  received  by the  appropriate  Fund at 101
Huntington Avenue,  Boston,  Massachusetts 02199 within a reasonable time before
any meeting.


Boston, Massachusetts
May 17, 1996                  JOHN HANCOCK DISCIPLINED GROWTH FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK FINANCIAL INDUSTRIES FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK GOLD & GOVERNMENT FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK REGIONAL BANK FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL INCOME FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL FUND
                              JOHN HANCOCK DISCOVERY FUND


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 [NAME OF FUND]
                          (a series of [Name of Trust])

                              101 Huntington Avenue
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02199
                                  July 1, 1996

John Hancock Advisers, Inc.
101 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

                         Investment Management Contract

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     [Name of Trust] (the  "Trust"),  of which [Name of Fund] (the  "Fund") is a
series,  has  been  organized  as  a  business  trust  under  the  laws  of  The
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  to  engage  in the  business  of an  investment
company. The Trust's shares of beneficial interest, no par value, may be divided
into  series,  each  series  representing  the entire  undivided  interest  in a
separate portfolio of assets. This Agreement relates solely to the Fund.

     The Board of  Trustees  of the Trust (the  "Trustees")  has  selected  John
Hancock Advisers,  Inc. (the "Adviser") to provide overall investment advice and
management for the Fund, and to provide  certain other  services,  as more fully
set forth below,  and the Adviser is willing to provide such advice,  management
and services under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

     Accordingly,  the  Adviser and the Trust,  on behalf of the Fund,  agree as

     1.   DELIVERY  OF  DOCUMENTS.  The Trust has  furnished  the Ad- viser with
copies, properly certified or otherwise authenticated, of each of the following:

     (a)  Master Trust Agreement,  dated  ____________,  as amended from time to
          time (the "Declaration of Trust");

     (b)  By-Laws of the Trust as in effect on the date hereof;

     (c)  Resolutions  of the  Trustees  selecting  the  Adviser  as  investment
          adviser for the Fund and approving the form of this Agreement;

                                        - 1 -

     (d)  Commitments,  limitations and  undertakings  made by the Fund to state
          securities  or "blue sky"  authorities  for the purpose of  qualifying
          shares of the Fund for sale in such states; and

     (e)  The Trust's Code of Ethics.

     The Trust will furnish to the Adviser  from time to time  copies,  properly
certified or otherwise authenticated, of all amendments of or supplements to the
foregoing, if any.

     2.   INVESTMENT AND  MANAGEMENT  SERVICES.  The  Adviser  will use its best
efforts to provide to the Fund continuing and suitable  investment programs with
respect to investments,  consistent with the investment objectives, policies and
restrictions of the Fund. In the performance of the Adviser's duties  hereunder,
subject always (x) to the provisions contained in the documents delivered to the
Adviser  pursuant  to  Section  1, as each of the same may from  time to time be
amended  or  supplemented,  and (y) to the  limitations  set forth in the Fund's
then-current  Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information included in the
registration  statement  of the Trust as in effect  from time to time  under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act"), the Adviser will, at its own expense:

     (a)  furnish the Fund with advice and recommendations,  consistent with the
          investment  objectives,  policies and  restrictions  of the Fund, with
          respect to the  purchase,  holding and  disposition  of portfolio  se-
          curities,   alone  or  in  consultation   with  any  subad-  viser  or
          subadvisers  appointed  pursuant to this  Agreement and subject to the
          provisions of any sub- investment  management  contract respecting the
          re- sponsibilities of such subadviser or subadvisers;

     (b)  advise the Fund in connection with policy  decisions to be made by the
          Trustees  or  any  committee   thereof  with  respect  to  the  Fund's
          investments  and,  as  requested,  furnish  the  Fund  with  research,
          economic  and   statistical   data  in  connection   with  the  Fund's
          investments and investment policies;

     (c)  provide  administration of the day-to-day investment operations of the

     (d)  submit such reports relating to the valuation of the Fund's securities
          as the Trustees may reason- ably request;

                                        - 2 -

     (e)  assist the Fund in any negotiations relating to the Fund's investments
          with issuers,  investment banking firms, securities brokers or dealers
          and other institutions or investors;

     (f)  consistent with the provisions of Section 7 of this  Agreement,  place
          orders for the purchase, sale or exchange of portfolio securities with
          brokers  or  dealers  selected  by  the  Adviser,   PROVIDED  that  in
          connection  with the placing of such orders and the  selection of such
          brokers or dealers  the  Adviser  shall seek to obtain  execution  and
          pricing  within the policy  guidelines  determined by the Trustees and
          set forth in the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of
          the Fund as in effect from time to time;

     (g)  provide  office space and office  equipment and  supplies,  the use of
          accounting equipment when required, and necessary executive,  clerical
          and secretarial personnel for the administration of the affairs of the

     (h)  from  time to time or at any  time  requested  by the  Trustees,  make
          reports  to the Fund of the  Adviser's  performance  of the  foregoing
          services and furnish advice and recommendations  with respect to other
          aspects of the business and affairs of the Fund;

     (i)  maintain all books and records  with respect to the Fund's  securities
          transactions required by the 1940 Act, including subparagraphs (b)(5),
          (6), (9) and (10) and  paragraph (f) of Rule 31a-1  thereunder  (other
          than  those  records  being  maintained  by the  Fund's  custodian  or
          transfer  agent) and preserve such records for the periods  prescribed
          therefor by Rule 31a-2 of the 1940 Act (the  Adviser  agrees that such
          records are the  property of the Fund and will be  surrendered  to the
          Fund promptly upon request therefor);

     (j)  obtain  and  evaluate   such   information   relating  to   economies,
          industries,  businesses,  securities  markets  and  securities  as the
          Adviser may deem necessary or useful in the discharge of the Adviser's
          duties hereunder;

     (k)  oversee,  and use the Adviser's best efforts to assure the performance
          of the  activities  and services of the  custodian,  transfer agent or
          other similar agents retained by the Fund;

                                        - 3 -

     (l)  give  instructions  to  the  Fund's  custodian  as  to  deliveries  of
          securities to and from such  custodian and transfer of payment of cash
          for the account of the Fund; and

     (m)  appoint and employ one or more  sub-advisors  satisfactory to the Fund
          under sub-investment management agreements.

     3.   EXPENSES PAID BY THE ADVISER. The Adviser will pay:

     (a)  the  compensation  and expenses of all  officers and  employees of the

     (b)  the expenses of office rent,  telephone  and other  utilities,  office
          furniture, equipment, supplies and other expenses of the Fund; and

     (c)  any other  expenses  incurred  by the Adviser in  connection  with the
          performance of its duties hereunder.

     4.   EXPENSES OF THE FUND NOT PAID BY THE ADVISER.  The Adviser will not be
required  to pay any  expenses  which this  Agreement  does not  expressly  make
payable  by it. In  particular,  and  without  limiting  the  generality  of the
foregoing  but subject to the  provisions  of Section 3, the Adviser will not be
required to pay under this Agreement:

     (a)  any and all  expenses,  taxes and  governmental  fees  incurred by the
          Trust or the Fund prior to the ef- fective date of this Agreement;

     (b)  without  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing  clause (a), the
          expenses  of  organizing  the  Trust and the Fund  (including  without
          limitation,  legal, accounting and auditing fees and expenses incurred
          in  connection  with the matters  referred to in this clause (b)),  of
          initially  registering shares of the Trust under the Securities Act of
          1933, as amended,  and of  qualifying  the shares for sale under state
          securities laws for the initial offering and sale of shares;

     (c)  the  compensation  and  expenses  of Trustees  who are not  interested
          persons (as used in this  Agreement,  such term shall have the meaning
          specified in the 1940 Act) of the Adviser and of independent advisers,
          independent contractors,  consultants, managers and other unaffiliated
          agents employed by the Fund other than through the Adviser;

                                        - 4 -

     (d)  legal, accounting,  financial,  management,  tax and auditing fees and
          expenses of the Fund  (including  an allocable  portion of the cost of
          its employees rendering such services to the Fund);

     (e)  the fees and  disbursements  of  custodians  and  depositories  of the
          Fund's assets,  transfer agents,  disbursing  agents,  plan agents and

     (f)  taxes and  governmental  fees  assessed  against the Fund's assets and
          payable by the Fund;

     (g)  the cost of preparing and mailing dividends, dis- tributions, reports,
          notices and proxy materials to shareholders of the Fund;

     (h)  brokers' commissions and underwriting fees;

     (i)  the  expense of  periodic  calculations  of the net asset value of the
          shares of the Fund; and

     (j)  insurance  premiums  on  fidelity,  errors  and omis-  sions and other

     5.   COMPENSATION OF THE ADVISER. [Complete as  appropriate.]  The "average
daily net  assets" of the Fund  shall be deter-  mined on the basis set forth in
the  Fund's  Prospectus  or  otherwise  consistent  with  the  1940  Act and the
regulations promulgated thereunder.  The Adviser will receive a pro rata portion
of such  monthly fee for any periods in which the Adviser  serves as  investment
adviser  to the Fund for less than a full  month.  On any day that the net asset
value  calculation is suspended as specified in the Fund's  Prospectus,  the net
asset value for purposes of calculating  the advisory fee shall be calculated as
of the date last determined.

     In the event that  normal  operating  expenses  of the Fund,  exclusive  of
certain  expenses  prescribed  by state  law,  are in excess  of any  limitation
imposed  by the law of a state  where  the Fund has  registered  its  shares  of
beneficial  interest,  the fee  payable  to the  Adviser  will be reduced to the
extent  required by law, and the Adviser will make any  additional  arrangements
that the Adviser is required by law to make.

     In  addition,  the  Adviser may agree not to impose all or a portion of its
fee (in advance of the time its fee would otherwise  accrue) and/or undertake to
make any other payments or  arrangements  necessary to limit the Fund's expenses
to any level the Adviser may specify.  Any fee  reduction or  undertaking  shall
constitute a binding  modification  of this Agreement  while it is in effect but
may be discontinued or modified prospectively by the Adviser at any time.

                                        - 5 -

contained shall prevent the Adviser or any affiliate or associate of the Adviser
from  engaging in any other  business or from  acting as  investment  adviser or
investment  manager  for any  other  person or  entity,  whether  or not  having
investment  policies or portfolios similar to the Fund's; and it is specifically
understood  that  officers,  directors and employees of the Adviser and those of
its parent  company,  John  Hancock  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company,  or other
affiliates may continue to engage in providing portfolio management services and
advice  to other  investment  companies,  whether  or not  registered,  to other
investment  advisory  clients of the  Adviser or of its  affiliates  and to said
affiliates themselves.

     The Adviser  shall have no obligation to acquire with respect to the Fund a
position in any  investment  which the  Adviser,  its  officers,  affiliates  or
employees  may  acquire  for its or their own  accounts  or for the  account  of
another client, if, in the sole discretion of the Adviser, it is not feasible or
desirable  to  acquire  a  position  in such  investment  on behalf of the Fund.
Nothing  herein   contained   shall  prevent  the  Adviser  from  purchasing  or
recommending  the  purchase of a  particular  security  for one or more funds or
clients while other funds or clients may be selling the same security.

     7.   AVOIDANCE OF  INCONSISTENT POSITION.  In connection  with purchases or
sales of portfolio  securities for the account of the Fund,  neither the Adviser
nor any of its investment management  subsidiaries,  nor any of the Adviser's or
such investment management subsidiaries'  directors,  officers or employees will
act as principal or agent or receive any commission,  except as may be permitted
by the  1940  Act and  rules  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder.  If any
occasions shall arise in which the Adviser advises persons concerning the shares
of the Fund, the Adviser will act solely on its own behalf and not in any way on
behalf of the Fund. Nothing herein contained shall limit or restrict the Adviser
or any of its officers,  affiliates or employees from buying, selling or trading
in any securities for its or their own account or accounts.

     8.   NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE.  Neither the Trust,  the Fund nor the
Adviser are partners of or joint  venturers  with each other and nothing  herein
shall be construed so as to make them such partners or joint venturers or impose
any liability as such on any of them.

     9.  NAME OF THE TRUST AND THE FUND. The Trust and the Fund may use the name
"John  Hancock" or any name or names  derived from or similar to the names "John
Hancock Advisers, Inc." or "John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company" only for
so long as this  Agreement  remains  in effect.  At such time as this  Agreement
shall no longer be in effect, the Trust and the Fund will (to the extent

                                        - 6 -

that they  lawfully  can) cease to use such a name or any other name  indicating
that the Fund is advised by or otherwise  connected  with the Adviser.  The Fund
acknowledges that it has adopted the name ["Name of Fund"] through permission of
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company,  a Massachusetts  insurance company,
and agrees that John Hancock  Mutual Life Insurance  Company  reserves to itself
and any successor to its business the right to grant the  nonexclusive  right to
use  the  name  "John  Hancock"  or any  similar  name  or  names  to any  other
corporation or entity,  including but not limited to any  investment  company of
which John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance  Company or any subsidiary or affiliate
thereof shall be the investment adviser.

     10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF THE ADVISER. The Adviser shall not be liable
for any error of  judgment  or  mistake of law or for any loss  suffered  by the
Trust in connection with the matters to which this Agreement  relates,  except a
loss resulting from willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence on the
part of the Adviser in the performance of its duties or from reckless  disregard
by it of its  obligations  and duties  under this  Agreement.  Any person,  even
though  also  employed by the  Adviser,  who may be or become an employee of and
paid by the  Trust  shall  be  deemed,  when  acting  within  the  scope  of his
employment by the Fund, to be acting in such employment solely for the Trust and
not as the Adviser's employee or agent.

     11. DURATION AND TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall remain
in force until June 30, 1998, and from year to year thereafter, but only so long
as such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by (a) a majority
of the Trustees who are not interested  persons of the Adviser or (other than as
Board  members) of the Fund,  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose
of voting on such  approval,  and (b) either (i) the Trustees or (ii) a majority
of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund.  This  Agreement may, on 60
days'  written  notice,  be  terminated  at any time  without the payment of any
penalty by the vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the
Fund, by the Trustees or by the Adviser. Termination of this Agreement shall not
be deemed to terminate or otherwise  invalidate  any  provisions of any contract
between the  Adviser and any other  series of the Trust.  This  Agreement  shall
automatically  terminate in the event of its  assignment.  In  interpreting  the
provisions of this Section 11, the definitions  contained in Section 2(a) of the
1940 Act (particularly the definitions of "assignment,"  "interested person" and
"voting security") shall be applied.

     12.  AMENDMENT OF THIS  AGREEMENT.  No provision of this  Agreement  may be
changed,  waived,  discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party against which  enforcement  of the change,  waiver,
discharge or termination

                                        - 7 -

is sought, and no amendment, transfer, assignment, sale, hypothecation or pledge
of this  Agreement  shall  be  effective  until  approved  by (a) the  Trustees,
including  a majority  of the  Trustees  who are not  interested  persons of the
Adviser or (other  than as  Trustees)  of the Fund,  cast in person at a meeting
called for the  purpose of voting on such  approval,  and (b) a majority  of the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act.

     13.  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed in
accordance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts.

     14.  SEVERABILITY.  The provisions of this Agreement are independent of and
separable  from each  other,  and no  provision  shall be  affected  or rendered
invalid or  unenforceable by virtue of the fact that for any reason any other or
others of them may be deemed invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part.

     15.  MISCELLANEOUS.  The  captions  in  this  Agreement  are  included  for
convenience  of  reference  only  and  in no  way  define  or  limit  any of the
provisions  hereof or  otherwise  affect  their  construction  or  effect.  This
Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in two or more  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which together  shall  constitute
one and the same instrument.  The name [Name of Fund] is a series designation of
the Trustees under the Trust's  Declaration of Trust.  The  Declaration of Trust
has been filed with the Secretary of State of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The obligations of the Fund are not personally binding upon, nor shall resort be
had to the private  property of, any of the  Trustees,  shareholders,  officers,
employees or agents of the Trust,  but only upon the Fund and its property.  The
Fund shall not be liable for the  obligations  of any other  series of the Trust
and no other series shall be liable for the Fund's obligations hereunder.

                                             Yours very truly,

                                             [NAME OF TRUST]
                                             on behalf of [Name of Fund]

                                             By: _______________________________

                                             Title: ____________________________

                                        - 8 -

The foregoing contract 
is hereby agreed to as 
of the date hereof.


By: ______________________________

Title: ___________________________

                                        - 9 -

                                    EXHIBIT B

                             COMPARATIVE FEE TABLES

                                         Existing              New
Gold Fund                                Agreement          Agreement
- ---------                                ---------          ---------
                                     Class A  Class B    Class A  Class B
                                     -------  -------    -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee.................    0.80%    0.80%        0.80%   0.80%
  12b-1 fee......................    0.30%    1.00%        0.30%   1.00%
  Other expenses.................    0.52%    0.52%        0.54%   0.54%
  Total Fund operating expenses..    1.62%    2.32%        1.64%   2.34%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
Class A Shares.............       $66        $66        $ 99        $ 99        $135       $134        $235       $233
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........        74         74         103         102         145        144         250        248
 -Assuming no redemption...        24         24          73          72         125        124         250        248

                                         Existing              New
Bank Fund                                Agreement          Agreement
- ---------                                ---------          ---------
                                     Class A  Class B   Class A  Class B
                                     -------  -------   -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee ................    0.78%    0.78%        0.78%   0.78%
  12b-1 fee......................    0.30%    1.00%        0.30%   1.00%
  Other expenses.................    0.31%    0.31%        0.33%   0.33%
  Total Fund operating expenses..    1.39%    2.09%        1.41%   2.11%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------

Class A Shares.............        $64       $64         $92        $92         $123       $122        $211       $209
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........         71        71          96         95          133        132         226        224
 -Assuming no redemption...         21        21          66         65          113        112         226        224


                                        Existing               New
Disciplined Growth Fund                 Agreement            Agreement
- -----------------------                 ---------            ---------
                                    Class A  Class B      Class A  Class B
                                    -------  -------      -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee ................    0.75%    0.75%        0.75%   0.75%
  12b-1 fee......................    0.30%    1.00%        0.30%   1.00%
  Other expenses.................    0.40%    0.40%        0.42%   0.42%
  Total Fund operating expenses..    1.45%    2.15%        1.47%   2.17%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------

Class A Shares.............       $64        $64          $94        $94        $126       $125        $217       $215
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........        72         72           98         97         136        135         233        231
 -Assuming no redemption...        22         22           68         67         116        115         233        231


                                         Existing              New
Global Fund                              Agreement          Agreement
                                    Class A  Class B    Class A  Class B
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee .........           0.96%    0.96%      0.96%    0.96%
  12b-1 fee...............           0.30%    1.00%      0.30%    1.00%
  Other expenses..........           0.61%    0.61%      0.63%    0.63%
  Total gross Fund
    operating expenses....           1.87%    2.57%      1.89%    2.59%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
Class A Shares.............        $68       $68         $106       $106        $147        $146       $260       $258
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........         76        76          111        110         158         157        275        273
 -Assuming no redemption...         26        26           81         80         138         137        275        273


                                         Existing              New
Global Income Fund                       Agreement          Agreement
- ------------------                       ---------          ---------
                                    Class A  Class B      Class A  Class B
                                    -------  -------      -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee ................    0.75%    0.75%        0.75%   0.75%
  12b-1 fee......................    0.30%    1.00%        0.30%   1.00%
  Other expenses.................    0.43%    0.43%        0.45%   0.45%
  Total Fund operating expenses..    1.48%    2.18%        1.50%   2.20%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------

Class A Shares.............        $59       $59         $90        $90         $123       $122        $216        $214
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........         72        72          99         98          138        137         236         234
 -Assuming no redemption...         22        22          69         68          118        117         236         234


                                        Existing             New
International Fund                      Agreement         Agreement
- ------------------                      ---------         ---------
                                   Class A  Class B    Class A  Class B
                                   -------  -------    -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee .........            1.00%    1.00%      1.00%    1.00%
  12b-1 fee...............            0.30%    1.00%      0.30%    1.00%
  Other expenses..........            3.58%    3.58%      3.60%    3.60%
  Total gross Fund
    operating expenses....            4.88%    5.58%      4.90%    5.60%

  Management fee waiver and
    expense reimbursement.            3.16%    3.16%      3.18%    3.18%
  Total net Fund operating
    expenses..............            1.72%    2.42%      1.72%    2.42%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------

Class A Shares.............        $66       $66       $ 99         $ 99        $135       $135        $235       $235
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........         75        75        105          105         149        149         256        256
 -Assuming no redemption...         25        25         75           75         129        129         256        256


                                          Existing             New
Short-Term Fund                          Agreement          Agreement
- ---------------                          ---------          ---------
                                    Class A  Class B      Class A  Class B
                                    -------  -------      -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee (net of waiver
    by Adviser)..................    0.65%    0.65%        0.65%   0.65%
  12b-1 fee......................    0.30%    1.00%        0.30%   1.00%
  Other expenses.................    0.42%    0.42%        0.44%   0.44%
  Total Fund operating expenses..    1.37%    2.07%        1.39%   2.09%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
Class A Shares.............        $44       $44          $73        $72        $104       $103        $192        $190
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........         51        51           75         85         112        111         200         198
 -Assuming no redemption...         21        21           65         65         112        111         200         198


                                          Existing             New
Special Opportunities Fund                Agreement         Agreement
- --------------------------                ---------         ---------
                                     Class A  Class B    Class A  Class B
                                     -------  -------    -------  -------
  Annual Fund Operating Expenses
  (as a percentage of average net

  Management fee .........            0.80%    0.80%      0.80%    0.80%
  12b-1 fee...............            0.30%    1.00%      0.30%    1.00%
  Other expenses..........            0.49%    0.49%      0.51%    0.51%
  Total Fund operating
    expenses..............            1.59%    2.29%      1.61%    2.31%


     The following  table  illustrates  the expenses on a $1,000  investment you
would pay under the  Existing  Agreement  and the New  Agreement,  assuming a 5%
annual return:

                                      1 Year                3 Years                5 Years                10 Years
                                      ------                -------                -------                --------
                                   New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing       New     Existing
                                Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement   Agreement  Agreement
                                ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------

Class A Shares.............        $65       $65        $ 98        $ 98        $133        $132       $232       $229
Class B Shares
 -Assuming complete redemption
  at end of period.........         73        73         102         102         144         143        247        245
 -Assuming no redemption...         23        23          72          72         124         123        247        245

     The  purpose of the  examples  and the tables set forth  above is to assist
investors in understanding the various costs and expenses of investing in shares
of each Fund.  The examples  above should not be considered  representations  of
past or future  expenses of the Funds.  Actual  expenses  may be higher or lower
than those shown above.


                                    EXHIBIT C

     The Adviser  provides  investment  advisory  services to the following John
Hancock funds with investment objectives substantially identical to those of the
following Funds:

I. Disciplined Growth Fund

                                      Asset Size                    Advisory
       Name of Fund                 (as of 4/22/96)                    Fee
       ------------                 ---------------                    ---
Special Opportunities Fund              $                   0.80% of the first $500,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.75% of
                                                            the next $500,000,000; and 0.70%
                                                            in excess of $1,000,000,000

Discovery Fund                          $                   0.75% of the first $750,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; and 0.70%
                                                            in excess of $750,000,000          
John Hancock Special Equities Fund      $                   0.85%  of the  first $250,000,000   
                                                            of average daily net assets; and 0.80%        
                                                            in excess of $250,000,000          
John Hancock Growth Fund                $                   0.80% of the first $250,000,000 of 
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.75% of 
                                                            the next $250,000,000; and 0.70%   
                                                            in excess of $500,000,000          
John Hancock Emerging Growth Fund       $                   0.75% of average daily net assets
John Hancock Multi-Sector Growth Fund   $                   0.80%  of the  first $500,000,000
                                                            of   average daily net assets; 0.75% 
                                                            in excess of $500,000,000             
John Hancock Independence Growth Fund   $                   0.80%  of the  first $500,000,000 
                                                            of average daily net assets;  0.75% 
                                                            in excess of $500,000,000             
II. Global Fund
                                      Asset Size                    Advisory                    
       Name of Fund                (as of 4/22/96)                     Fee                      
       ------------                ---------------                     ---                      
International Fund                      $                   1.00% of the first $250,000,000 of 
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.80% of 
                                                            the next $250,000,000; 0.75% of    
                                                            the next $250,000,000; and 0.625%  
                                                            in excess of $750,000,000          
John Hancock International Equity Fund $                    0.90% of the first $500,000,000 of        
                                                            average  daily net  assets; 0.65%    
                                                            in excess of $500,000,000                       

III. Global Income Fund

                                      Asset Size                    Advisory
       Name of Fund                (as of 4/22/96)                    Fee

John Hancock Global Bond Fund           $                   0.75% of the first $250,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.70% in
                                                            excess of $250,000,000

IV. International Fund

                                      Asset Size                    Advisory
       Name of Fund                (as of 4/22/96)                    Fee

Global Fund                             $                   1.00% of the first $100,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.80% of
                                                            the next $200,000,000; 0.75% of
                                                            the next $200,000,000; and 0.625%
                                                            in excess of $500,000,000

John Hancock International Equity Fund                      $ 0.90% of the first $500,000,000 of
                                                            average  daily net  assets; 0.65% in    
                                                            excess of $500,000,000

V. Short-Term Fund

                                      Asset Size                    Advisory
       Name of Fund                (as of 4/22/96)                    Fee

John Hancock Strategic Income Fund      $                   0.60% of the first $100,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.45% of
                                                            the next $150,000,000; 0.40% of
                                                            the next $250,000,000; 0.35% of
                                                            the next $150,000,000; and 0.30%
                                                            in excess of $650,000,000

VI.  Special Opportunities Fund

                                      Asset Size                    Advisory
       Name of Fund                (as of 4/22/96)                    Fee

Disciplined Growth Fund                 $                   0.75% of average daily net assets

Discovery Fund                          $                   0.75% of the first $750,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; and 0.70%
                                                            in excess of $750,000,000

John Hancock Special Equities Fund                          $ 0.85%  of the  first $250,000,000 
                                                            of average daily net assets; and 0.80%
                                                            in excess of $250,000,000


John Hancock Growth Fund                $                   0.80% of the first $250,000,000 of
                                                            average daily net assets; 0.75% of
                                                            the next $250,000,000; and 0.70%
                                                            in excess of $500,000,000

John Hancock Emerging Growth Fund       $                   0.75% of average daily net assets

John Hancock Multi-Sector Growth Fund   $                   0.80%  of the  first $500,000,000 of   
                                                            average daily net assets;  0.75% in
                                                            excess of $500,000,000

John Hancock Independence Growth Fund   $                   0.80%  of the  first $500,000,000 of   
                                                            average daily net assets;  0.75% in
                                                            excess of $500,000,000


                                    EXHIBIT D

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                              DECLARATION OF TRUST
                                 [NAME OF TRUST]
                              101 Huntington Avenue
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02199

                              Dated _______ , 1996

     DECLARATION  OF  TRUST  made  this  __day  of  ___________,   1996  by  the
undersigned  (together  with all other  persons from time to time duly  elected,
qualified and serving as Trustees in accordance  with the  provisions of Article
II hereof, the "Trustees");

     WHEREAS,  pursuant to a  declaration  of trust  executed  and  delivered on
_________ (the "Original Declaration"), the Trustees established a trust for the
investment and reinvestment of funds contributed thereto;

     WHEREAS,  the Trustees divided the beneficial  interest in the trust assets
into transferable shares of beneficial interest, as provided therein;

     WHEREAS,  the Trustees declared that all money and property  contributed to
the trust established thereunder be held and managed in trust for the benefit of
the holders,  from time to time,  of the shares of  beneficial  interest  issued
thereunder and subject to the provisions thereof;

     WHEREAS, the Trustees desire to amend and restate the Original Declaration;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  foregoing  premises  and  the
agreements  contained herein, the undersigned,  being all of the Trustees of the
trust, hereby amend and restate the Original Declaration as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                              NAME AND DEFINITIONS

     Section 1.1.  Name.  The name of the trust created  hereby is "John Hancock
[Name] Trust" (the "Trust").

     Section 1.2.  Definitions.  Wherever  they are used herein,  the  following
terms have the following respective meanings:

     (a) "Administrator"  means the party, other than the Trust, to the contract
described in Section 3.3 hereof.

     (b)  "By-laws"  means the By-laws  referred  to in Section  2.8 hereof,  as
amended from time to time.

     (c) "Class" means any division of shares within a Series in accordance with
the provisions of Article V.

     (d) The terms "Commission" and "Interested  Person" have the meanings given
them in the 1940  Act.  Except  as such  term may be  otherwise  defined  by the
Trustees in conjunction with the establishment of any Series,  the term "vote of
a majority  of the  Outstanding  Shares  entitled  to vote"  shall have the same
meaning as is assigned to the term "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting
securities" in the 1940 Act.

     (e)  "Custodian"  means any Person  other than the Trust who has custody of
any Trust  Property as required by Section  17(f) of the 1940 Act,  but does not
include a system  for the  central  handling  of  securities  described  in said
Section 17(f).

     (f)  "Declaration"  means this Declaration of Trust as amended from time to
time.  Reference  in this  Declaration  of  Trust  to  "Declaration,"  "hereof,"
"herein," and "hereunder"  shall be deemed to refer to this  Declaration  rather
than exclusively to the article or section in which such words appear.

     (g)  "Distributor"  means the party,  other than the Trust, to the contract
described in Section 3.1 hereof.

     (h) "Fund" or "Funds"  individually  or  collectively,  means the  separate
Series of the Trust, together with the assets and liabilities assigned thereto.

     (i) "Fundamental  Restrictions" means the investment restrictions set forth
in the  Prospectus  and Statement of Additional  Information  for any Series and
designated as fundamental restrictions therein with respect to such Series.

     (j) "His" shall include the feminine and neuter,  as well as the masculine,

     (k)  "Investment  Adviser"  means the party,  other than the Trust,  to the
contract described in Section 3.2 hereof.

     (l) The "1940 Act" means the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended
from time to time.

     (m) "Person" means and includes  individuals,  corporations,  partnerships,
trusts,  associations,  joint ventures and other entities,  whether or not legal
entities, and governments and agencies and political subdivisions thereof.

     (n)  "Prospectus"  means the  Prospectuses  and  Statements  of  Additional
Information  included  in the  Registration  Statement  of the  Trust  under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  as such  Prospectuses  and  Statements of
Additional  Information  may be  amended  or  supplemented  and  filed  with the
Commission from time to time.

     (o) "Series"  individually  or  collectively  means the separately  managed
component(s)  of the Trust (or, if the Trust shall have only one such component,
then that one) as may be  established  and  designated  from time to time by the
Trustees pursuant to Section 5.11 hereof.

     (p) "Shareholder" means a record owner of Outstanding Shares.


     (q) "Shares" means the equal proportionate units of interest into which the
beneficial  interest in the Trust shall be divided from time to time,  including
the  Shares of any and all  Series or of any Class  within  any  Series  (as the
context may require)  which may be  established  by the  Trustees,  and includes
fractions of Shares as well as whole  Shares.  "Outstanding"  Shares means those
Shares shown from time to time on the books of the Trust or its  Transfer  Agent
as then issued and  outstanding,  but shall not include  Shares  which have been
redeemed  or  repurchased  by the  Trust  and  which are at the time held in the
treasury of the Trust.

     (r)  "Transfer  Agent" means any Person other than the Trust who  maintains
the  Shareholder  records of the Trust,  such as the list of  Shareholders,  the
number of Shares credited to each account, and the like.

     (s) "Trust" means [Name of Trust].

     (t) "Trustees" means the persons who have signed this Declaration,  so long
as they shall  continue in office in accordance  with the terms hereof,  and all
other persons who now serve or may from time to time be duly elected,  qualified
and serving as Trustees in accordance  with the provisions of Article II hereof,
and reference  herein to a Trustee or the Trustees shall refer to such person or
persons in this capacity or their capacities as trustees hereunder.

     (u) "Trust Property" means any and all property, real or personal, tangible
or intangible,  which is owned or held by or for the account of the Trust or the
Trustees,  including  any and all assets of or allocated to any Series or Class,
as the context may require.

                                   ARTICLE II


     Section 2.1. General Powers. The Trustees shall have exclusive and absolute
control  over the Trust  Property and over the business of the Trust to the same
extent  as if the  Trustees  were the sole  owners  of the  Trust  Property  and
business  in their own  right,  but with such  powers  of  delegation  as may be
permitted  by this  Declaration.  The  Trustees  shall have power to conduct the
business of the Trust and carry on its operations in any and all of its branches
and maintain offices both within and without The Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,
in any and all  states of the  United  States of  America,  in the  District  of
Columbia, and in any and all commonwealths, territories, dependencies, colonies,
possessions,  agencies or  instrumentalities of the United States of America and
of foreign  governments,  and to do all such other  things and  execute all such
instruments as they deem necessary,  proper or desirable in order to promote the
interests  of the  Trust  although  such  things  are  not  herein  specifically
mentioned. Any determination as to what is in the interests of the Trust made by
the Trustees in good faith shall be conclusive.  In construing the provisions of
this  Declaration,  the presumption shall be in favor of a grant of power to the

     The  enumeration  of any  specific  power  herein shall not be construed as
limiting  the  aforesaid  powers.  Such powers of the  Trustees may be exercised
without order of or resort to any court.


     Section 2.2. Investments. The Trustees shall have the power:

     (a) To operate as and carry on the business of an investment  company,  and
exercise  all the  powers  necessary  and  appropriate  to the  conduct  of such

     (b) To invest in, hold for  investment,  or reinvest in, cash;  securities,
including  common,  preferred  and  preference  stocks;  warrants;  subscription
rights;  profit-sharing  interests or participations and all other contracts for
or evidence of equity interests;  bonds,  debentures,  bills, time notes and all
other  evidences of  indebtedness;  negotiable  or  non-negotiable  instruments;
government securities,  including securities of any state, municipality or other
political subdivision thereof, or any governmental or quasi-governmental  agency
or instrumentality;  and money market instruments including bank certificates of
deposit,  finance paper, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances and all kinds of
repurchase agreements, of any corporation,  company, trust, association, firm or
other business  organization  however  established,  and of any country,  state,
municipality   or  other   political   subdivision,   or  any   governmental  or
quasi-governmental agency or instrumentality;  any other security, instrument or
contract  the  acquisition  or  execution  of  which  is not  prohibited  by any
Fundamental Restriction;  and the Trustees shall be deemed to have the foregoing
powers with respect to any  additional  securities in which the Trust may invest
should the Fundamental Restrictions be amended.

     (c) To acquire (by purchase,  subscription or otherwise), to hold, to trade
in and deal in, to acquire any rights or options to purchase or sell, to sell or
otherwise  dispose of, to lend and to pledge any such securities,  to enter into
repurchase   agreements,   reverse   repurchase   agreements,   firm  commitment
agreements, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, interest rate, mortgage
or currency swaps, and interest rate caps,  floors and collars,  to purchase and
sell options on securities,  indices, currency, swaps or other financial assets,
futures  contracts and options on futures  contracts of all  descriptions and to
engage  in  all  types  of  hedging,   risk  management  or  income  enhancement

     (d) To exercise all rights,  powers and privileges of ownership or interest
in all  securities  and repurchase  agreements  included in the Trust  Property,
including the right to vote thereon and  otherwise act with respect  thereto and
to do all acts for the preservation,  protection, improvement and enhancement in
value of all such securities and repurchase agreements.

     (e) To  acquire  (by  purchase,  lease  or  otherwise)  and to  hold,  use,
maintain,  develop and dispose of (by sale or otherwise)  any property,  real or
personal, including cash or foreign currency, and any interest therein.

     (f) To borrow money and in this connection issue notes or other evidence of
indebtedness;  to  secure  borrowings  by  mortgaging,   pledging  or  otherwise
subjecting  as  security  the Trust  Property;  and to  endorse,  guarantee,  or
undertake the  performance  of any  obligation or engagement of any other Person
and to lend Trust Property.

     (g)  To  aid  by  further  investment  any  corporation,   company,  trust,
association  or firm,  any obligation of or interest in which is included in the
Trust  Property  or in the  affairs  of which the  Trustees  have any  direct or
indirect  interest;  to do all acts and things  designed to  protect,  preserve,
improve or enhance the value of such obligation or interest; and to guarantee or
become surety on any or all of the contracts,  stocks, bonds, notes,  debentures
and other obligations of any such corporation,  company,  trust,  association or


     (h) To enter into a plan of distribution and any related agreements whereby
the Trust may finance  directly or  indirectly  any activity  which is primarily
intended to result in the distribution and/or servicing of Shares.

     (i) To adopt on behalf of the Trust or any Series  thereof  an  alternative
purchase  plan  providing  for the  issuance of  multiple  Classes of Shares (as
authorized herein at Section 5.11).

     (j) In  general  to carry  on any  other  business  in  connection  with or
incidental to any of the foregoing powers, to do everything necessary,  suitable
or proper for the  accomplishment of any purpose or the attainment of any object
or the  furtherance  of any power  hereinbefore  set forth,  either  alone or in
association  with  others,  and to do every  other  act or thing  incidental  or
appurtenant  to or arising out of or connected  with the  aforesaid  business or
purposes, objects or powers.

     The foregoing  clauses shall be construed  both as objects and powers,  and
the  foregoing  enumeration  of  specific  powers  shall not be held to limit or
restrict in any manner the general powers of the Trustees.

     Notwithstanding  any other provision  herein,  the Trustees shall have full
power  in  their   discretion  as  contemplated  in  Section  8.5,  without  any
requirement  of  approval  by  Shareholders,  to invest part or all of the Trust
Property (or part or all of the assets of any Series),  or to dispose of part or
all of the  Trust  Property  (or part or all of the  assets of any  Series)  and
invest the proceeds of such  disposition,  in  securities  issued by one or more
other  investment  companies  registered  under  the 1940  Act.  Any such  other
investment  company may (but need not) be a trust  (formed under the laws of any
state) which is classified as a partnership  or  corporation  for federal income
tax purposes.

     The  Trustees  shall not be limited to investing  in  obligations  maturing
before the possible  termination of the Trust, nor shall the Trustees be limited
by any law limiting the investments which may be made by fiduciaries.

     Section 2.3.  Legal Title.  Legal title to all the Trust  Property shall be
vested in the  Trustees as joint  tenants  except that the  Trustees  shall have
power to cause legal title to any Trust Property to be held by or in the name of
one or more of the  Trustees,  or in the name of the Trust or any  Series of the
Trust,  or in the name of any other  Person  as  nominee,  on such  terms as the
Trustees  may  determine,  provided  that the  interest of the Trust  therein is
deemed appropriately protected. The right, title and interest of the Trustees in
the Trust  Property  and the  Property  of each  Series of the Trust  shall vest
automatically  in each  Person  who may  hereafter  become a  Trustee.  Upon the
termination of the term of office, resignation, removal or death of a Trustee he
shall  automatically  cease to have any right,  title or  interest in any of the
Trust Property,  and the right,  title and interest of such Trustee in the Trust
Property shall vest  automatically in the remaining  Trustees.  Such vesting and
cessation of title shall be effective whether or not conveyancing documents have
been executed and delivered.

     Section 2.4. Issuance and Repurchase of Shares. The Trustees shall have the
power to issue, sell, repurchase, redeem, retire, cancel, acquire, hold, resell,
reissue,  dispose of, transfer, and otherwise deal in Shares and, subject to the
provisions set forth in Articles VI and VII and Section 5.11 hereof, to apply to
any such repurchase, redemption, retirement, cancellation or


acquisition  of Shares any funds or property  of the Trust or of the  particular
Series with respect to which such Shares are issued,  whether capital or surplus
or otherwise,  to the full extent now or hereafter  permitted by the laws of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts governing business corporations.

     Section  2.5.  Delegation;  Committees.  The  Trustees  shall  have  power,
consistent with their continuing  exclusive authority over the management of the
Trust and the Trust  Property,  to  delegate  from time to time to such of their
number or to officers, employees or agents of the Trust the doing of such things
and the  execution  of such  instruments  either in the name of the Trust or any
Series of the Trust or the names of the  Trustees or  otherwise  as the Trustees
may deem  expedient,  to the same extent as such  delegation is permitted by the
1940 Act.

     Section  2.6.  Collection  and Payment.  The  Trustees  shall have power to
collect  all  property  due to the Trust;  to pay all claims,  including  taxes,
against the Trust  Property;  to  prosecute,  defend,  compromise or abandon any
claims  relating to the Trust  Property;  to  foreclose  any  security  interest
securing any obligations,  by virtue of which any property is owed to the Trust;
and to enter into releases, agreements and other instruments.

     Section 2.7.  Expenses.  The Trustees shall have the power to incur and pay
any expenses which in the opinion of the Trustees are necessary or incidental to
carry  out  any of the  purposes  of  this  Declaration,  and to pay  reasonable
compensation from the funds of the Trust to themselves as Trustees. The Trustees
shall fix the compensation of all officers, employees and Trustees.

     Section 2.8. Manner of Acting; By-laws. Except as otherwise provided herein
or in the  By-laws,  any  action to be taken by the  Trustees  may be taken by a
majority of the Trustees present at a meeting of Trustees, including any meeting
held by  means of a  conference  telephone  circuit  or  similar  communications
equipment  by means of which all persons  participating  in the meeting can hear
each other, or by written consents of a majority of Trustees then in office. The
Trustees may adopt By-laws not inconsistent with this Declaration to provide for
the conduct of the business of the Trust and may amend or repeal such By-laws to
the extent such power is not reserved to the Shareholders.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  provisions  of  this  Section  2.8  and in
addition to such provisions or any other provision of this Declaration or of the
By-laws,  the Trustees may by resolution appoint a committee  consisting of less
than the  whole  number of  Trustees  then in  office,  which  committee  may be
empowered to act for and bind the Trustees and the Trust, as if the acts of such
committee were the acts of all the Trustees then in office,  with respect to the
institution,  prosecution, dismissal, settlement, review or investigation of any
action,  suit or  proceeding  which shall be pending or threatened to be brought
before any court, administrative agency or other adjudicatory body.

     Section 2.9.  Miscellaneous  Powers.  The Trustees shall have the power to:
(a) employ or contract with such Persons as the Trustees may deem  desirable for
the  transaction of the business of the Trust or any Series  thereof;  (b) enter
into joint ventures,  partnerships  and any other  combinations or associations;
(c) remove  Trustees,  fill  vacancies in, add to or subtract from their number,
elect and  remove  such  officers  and  appoint  and  terminate  such  agents or
employees as they consider  appropriate,  and appoint from their own number, and
terminate,  any one or more  committees  which may  exercise  some or all of the
power and authority of the Trustees as the Trustees may determine; (d) purchase,
and pay for out of Trust Property or the property of the  appropriate  Series of
the Trust, insurance policies insuring the Shareholders, Trustees, officers,


employees, agents, investment advisers, administrators,  distributors,  selected
dealers or  independent  contractors  of the Trust against all claims arising by
reason of holding any such  position or by reason of any action taken or omitted
by any such Person in such capacity,  whether or not constituting negligence, or
whether or not the Trust would have the power to indemnify  such Person  against
such liability; (e) establish pension, profit-sharing, share purchase, and other
retirement,  incentive and benefit plans for any Trustees,  officers,  employees
and  agents of the Trust;  (f) to the extent  permitted  by law,  indemnify  any
person with whom the Trust or any Series  thereof has  dealings,  including  the
Investment  Adviser,  Administrator,  Distributor,  Transfer  Agent and selected
dealers,  to  such  extent  as  the  Trustees  shall  determine;  (g)  guarantee
indebtedness or contractual  obligations of others; (h) determine and change the
fiscal year and taxable  year of the Trust or any Series  thereof and the method
by which  its or their  accounts  shall  be kept;  and (i)  adopt a seal for the
Trust,  but the  absence  of such seal  shall not  impair  the  validity  of any
instrument executed on behalf of the Trust.

     Section 2.10. Principal Transactions. Except for transactions not permitted
by the 1940 Act or rules  and  regulations  adopted,  or orders  issued,  by the
Commission  thereunder,  the  Trustees  may,  on  behalf of the  Trust,  buy any
securities  from or sell any  securities  to, or lend any assets of the Trust or
any Series  thereof to any  Trustee or officer of the Trust or any firm of which
any such Trustee or officer is a member  acting as  principal,  or have any such
dealings with the Investment Adviser,  Distributor or Transfer Agent or with any
Interested  Person of such Person;  and the Trust or a Series thereof may employ
any such  Person,  or firm or  company  in which  such  Person is an  Interested
Person, as broker, legal counsel, registrar, transfer agent, dividend disbursing
agent or custodian upon customary terms.

     Section 2.11.  Litigation.  The Trustees  shall have the power to engage in
and to prosecute,  defend,  compromise,  abandon,  or adjust by arbitration,  or
otherwise,  any  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  disputes,  claims,  and demands
relating to the Trust,  and out of the assets of the Trust or any Series thereof
to pay or to satisfy  any  debts,  claims or  expenses  incurred  in  connection
therewith,  including those of litigation,  and such power shall include without
limitation the power of the Trustees or any appropriate  committee  thereof,  in
the  exercise  of their or its good faith  business  judgment,  to  dismiss  any
action, suit, proceeding,  dispute,  claim, or demand,  derivative or otherwise,
brought by any person,  including a  Shareholder  in its own name or the name of
the  Trust,  whether  or not  the  Trust  or any of the  Trustees  may be  named
individually  therein or the subject  matter arises by reason of business for or
on behalf of the Trust.

     Section 2.12. Number of Trustees. The initial Trustees shall be the persons
initially signing the Original  Declaration.  The number of Trustees (other than
the initial  Trustees)  shall be such number as shall be fixed from time to time
by vote of a majority of the  Trustees,  provided,  however,  that the number of
Trustees shall in no event be less than one (1).

     Section 2.13.  Election and Term.  Except for the Trustees  named herein or
appointed to fill  vacancies  pursuant to Section 2.15 hereof,  the Trustees may
succeed  themselves and shall be elected by the Shareholders  owning of record a
plurality of the Shares voting at a meeting of  Shareholders  on a date fixed by
the  Trustees.  Except in the event of  resignations  or  removals  pursuant  to
Section 2.14 hereof, each Trustee shall hold office until such time as less than
a majority of the Trustees holding office has been elected by  Shareholders.  In
such event the Trustees  then in office shall call a  Shareholders'  meeting for
the election of Trustees.  Except for the foregoing circumstances,  the Trustees
shall continue to hold office and may appoint successor Trustees.


     Section  2.14.  Resignation  and Removal.  Any Trustee may resign his trust
(without the need for any prior or  subsequent  accounting)  by an instrument in
writing signed by him and delivered to the other  Trustees and such  resignation
shall be effective upon such delivery, or at a later date according to the terms
of the  instrument.  Any of the Trustees may be removed  (provided the aggregate
number of Trustees after such removal shall not be less than one) with cause, by
the action of two-thirds of the remaining Trustees or by action of two-thirds of
the   outstanding   Shares  of  the  Trust  (for  purposes  of  determining  the
circumstances  and procedures  under which any such removal by the  Shareholders
may  take  place,  the  provisions  of  Section  16(c)  of the  1940 Act (or any
successor  provisions)  shall be  applicable  to the same extent as if the Trust
were subject to the provisions of that Section). Upon the resignation or removal
of a Trustee,  or his  otherwise  ceasing to be a Trustee,  he shall execute and
deliver such  documents as the remaining  Trustees shall require for the purpose
of conveying to the Trust or the remaining  Trustees any Trust  Property held in
the name of the resigning or removed  Trustee.  Upon the  incapacity or death of
any Trustee,  his legal  representative  shall execute and deliver on his behalf
such  documents  as the  remaining  Trustees  shall  require as  provided in the
preceding sentence.

     Section 2.15.  Vacancies.  The term of office of a Trustee shall  terminate
and a vacancy  shall occur in the event of his death,  retirement,  resignation,
removal, bankruptcy, adjudicated incompetence or other incapacity to perform the
duties of the office of a Trustee.  No such vacancy  shall  operate to annul the
Declaration or to revoke any existing  agency  created  pursuant to the terms of
the  Declaration.  In the  case of an  existing  vacancy,  including  a  vacancy
existing  by reason of an  increase  in the number of  Trustees,  subject to the
provisions of Section 16(a) of the 1940 Act, the remaining  Trustees  shall fill
such vacancy by the appointment of such other person as they in their discretion
shall see fit,  made by vote of a majority of the Trustees  then in office.  Any
such appointment shall not become effective,  however, until the person named in
the  vote  approving  the  appointment  shall  have  accepted  in  writing  such
appointment  and agreed in writing to be bound by the terms of the  Declaration.
An appointment of a Trustee may be made in anticipation of a vacancy to occur at
a later date by reason of  retirement,  resignation or increase in the number of
Trustees,  provided that such  appointment  shall not become  effective prior to
such retirement,  resignation or increase in the number of Trustees.  Whenever a
vacancy in the number of Trustees  shall occur,  until such vacancy is filled as
provided in this  Section  2.15,  the  Trustees in office,  regardless  of their
number,  shall have all the powers  granted to the Trustees and shall  discharge
all the duties  imposed  upon the  Trustees  by the  Declaration.  The vote by a
majority  of the  Trustees  in office,  fixing the number of  Trustees  shall be
conclusive evidence of the existence of such vacancy.

     Section 2.16.  Delegation of Power to Other  Trustees.  Any Trustee may, by
power of attorney,  delegate his power for a period not exceeding six (6) months
at any one time to any other Trustee or Trustees; provided that in no case shall
fewer  than two (2)  Trustees  personally  exercise  the  powers  granted to the
Trustees under this Declaration except as herein otherwise expressly provided.


                                   ARTICLE III


     Section 3.1.  Distribution  Contract.  The Trustees may in their discretion
from time to time enter into an exclusive or non-exclusive distribution contract
or  contracts  providing  for the  sale of the  Shares  to net the  Trust or the
applicable  Series of the Trust not less than the amount provided for in Section
7.1 of Article VII hereof,  whereby the  Trustees  may either  agree to sell the
Shares to the other party to the  contract or appoint  such other party as their
sales agent for the Shares, and in either case on such terms and conditions,  if
any, as may be prescribed in the By-laws,  and such further terms and conditions
as the Trustees may in their  discretion  determine  not  inconsistent  with the
provisions  of this  Article III or of the By-laws;  and such  contract may also
provide  for the  repurchase  of the Shares by such other  party as agent of the

     Section 3.2.  Advisory or  Management  Contract.  The Trustees may in their
discretion  from time to time  enter  into one or more  investment  advisory  or
management  contracts or, if the Trustees  establish  multiple Series,  separate
investment  advisory or management  contracts with respect to one or more Series
whereby  the other party or parties to any such  contracts  shall  undertake  to
furnish   the   Trust   or  such   Series   management,   investment   advisory,
administration,  accounting,  legal,  statistical  and research  facilities  and
services,  promotional or marketing  activities,  and such other  facilities and
services, if any, as the Trustees shall from time to time consider desirable and
all upon such  terms and  conditions  as the  Trustees  may in their  discretion
determine.  Notwithstanding any provisions of the Declaration,  the Trustees may
authorize the  Investment  Advisers,  or any of them,  under any such  contracts
(subject to such general or specific  instructions as the Trustees may from time
to time adopt) to effect  purchases,  sales,  loans or  exchanges  of  portfolio
securities  and other  investments of the Trust on behalf of the Trustees or may
authorize  any  officer,  employee or Trustee to effect such  purchases,  sales,
loans or exchanges pursuant to recommendations of such Investment  Advisers,  or
any of  them  (and  all  without  further  action  by the  Trustees).  Any  such
purchases, sales, loans and exchanges shall be deemed to have been authorized by
all of the Trustees. The Trustees may, in their sole discretion,  call a meeting
of Shareholders in order to submit to a vote of Shareholders at such meeting the
approval or continuance of any such investment advisory or management  contract.
If the Shareholders of any one or more of the Series of the Trust should fail to
approve any such  investment  advisory or management  contract,  the  Investment
Adviser may nonetheless  serve as Investment  Adviser with respect to any Series
whose Shareholders approve such contract.

     Section 3.3. Administration Agreement. The Trustees may in their discretion
from time to time enter into an  administration  agreement  or, if the  Trustees
establish multiple Series or Classes,  separate  administration  agreements with
respect to each Series or Class, whereby the other party to such agreement shall
undertake  to manage the  business  affairs of the Trust or of a Series or Class
thereof  and  furnish  the  Trust or a Series  or a Class  thereof  with  office
facilities, and shall be responsible for the ordinary clerical,  bookkeeping and
recordkeeping  services  at such office  facilities,  and other  facilities  and
services,  if any, and all upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees may in
their discretion determine.

     Section 3.4. Service  Agreement.  The Trustees may in their discretion from
time to time enter into Service Agreements with respect to one or more Series or
Classes  thereof  whereby  the other  parties to such  Service  Agreements  will
provide  administration and/or support services pursuant to administration plans
and service  plans,  and all upon such terms and  conditions  as the Trustees in
their discretion may determine.


     Section 3.5. Transfer Agent. The Trustees may in their discretion from time
to time enter into a transfer agency and shareholder  service  contract  whereby
the other party to such contract shall undertake to furnish  transfer agency and
shareholder  services  to the  Trust.  The  contract  shall  have such terms and
conditions as the Trustees may in their  discretion  determine not  inconsistent
with the Declaration. Such services may be provided by one or more Persons.

     Section 3.6. Custodian. The Trustees may appoint or otherwise engage one or
more banks or trust  companies,  each having an aggregate  capital,  surplus and
undivided  profits  (as  shown in its last  published  report)  of at least  two
million dollars  ($2,000,000) to serve as Custodian with authority as its agent,
but subject to such restrictions, limitations and other requirements, if any, as
may be  contained in the By-laws of the Trust.  The Trustees may also  authorize
the Custodian to employ one or more sub-custodians, including such foreign banks
and securities depositories as meet the requirements of applicable provisions of
the 1940 Act, and upon such terms and  conditions  as may be agreed upon between
the Custodian and such sub-custodian, to hold securities and other assets of the
Trust  and to  perform  the acts  and  services  of the  Custodian,  subject  to
applicable provisions of law and resolutions adopted by the Trustees.

     Section 3.7. Affiliations of Trustees or Officers, Etc. The fact that:

          (i) any of the Shareholders,  Trustees or officers of the Trust or any
Series thereof is a shareholder,  director, officer, partner, trustee, employee,
manager, adviser or distributor of or for any partnership,  corporation,  trust,
association  or other  organization  or of or for any parent or affiliate of any
organization,  with which a contract of the character described in Sections 3.1,
3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 above or for services as Custodian, Transfer Agent or disbursing
agent or for providing  accounting,  legal and printing  services or for related
services may have been or may hereafter be made, or that any such  organization,
or any parent or affiliate  thereof,  is a Shareholder  of or has an interest in
the Trust, or that

          (ii)  any  partnership,   corporation,  trust,  association  or  other
organization  with which a contract of the character  described in Sections 3.1,
3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 above or for services as Custodian, Transfer Agent or disbursing
agent or for related  services  may have been or may  hereafter be made also has
any  one or  more  of  such  contracts  with  one or  more  other  partnerships,
corporations, trusts, associations or other organizations, or has other business
or interests,

shall  not  affect  the  validity  of  any  such  contract  or  disqualify   any
Shareholder,  Trustee or officer of the Trust from voting upon or executing  the
same or create any liability or accountability to the Trust or its Shareholders.

     Section 3.8.  Compliance with 1940 Act. Any contract  entered into pursuant
to Sections 3.1 or 3.2 shall be consistent with and subject to the  requirements
of  Section  15 of the  1940  Act  (including  any  amendment  thereof  or other
applicable  Act of Congress  hereafter  enacted),  as modified by any applicable
order or orders of the  Commission,  with respect to its  continuance in effect,
its termination and the method of authorization and approval of such contract or
renewal thereof.


                                   ARTICLE IV

                               TRUSTEES AND OTHERS

     Section  4.1. No Personal  Liability  of  Shareholders,  Trustees,  Etc. No
Shareholder shall be subject to any personal liability  whatsoever to any Person
in connection  with Trust  Property or the acts,  obligations  or affairs of the
Trust or any Series thereof. No Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Trust
or any Series thereof shall be subject to any personal  liability  whatsoever to
any Person,  other than to the Trust or its  Shareholders,  in  connection  with
Trust  Property or the affairs of the Trust,  except to the extent  arising from
bad faith,  willful  misfeasance,  gross negligence or reckless disregard of his
duties with  respect to such Person;  and all such Persons  shall look solely to
the Trust  Property,  or to the Property of one or more  specific  Series of the
Trust if the claim arises from the conduct of such Trustee, officer, employee or
agent with respect to only such Series, for satisfaction of claims of any nature
arising  in  connection  with the  affairs  of the  Trust.  If any  Shareholder,
Trustee,  officer,  employee,  or agent,  as such,  of the  Trust or any  Series
thereof, is made a party to any suit or proceeding to enforce any such liability
of the Trust or any Series thereof, he shall not, on account thereof, be held to
any personal  liability.  The Trust shall  indemnify  and hold each  Shareholder
harmless from and against all claims and liabilities,  to which such Shareholder
may become  subject  by reason of his being or having  been a  Shareholder,  and
shall  reimburse such  Shareholder or former  Shareholder  (or his or her heirs,
executors,  administrators  or other legal  representatives  or in the case of a
corporation  or other entity,  its corporate or other general  successor) out of
the Trust Property for all legal and other expenses  reasonably  incurred by him
in  connection  with  any such  claim  or  liability.  The  indemnification  and
reimbursement  required  by the  preceding  sentence  shall be made  only out of
assets of the one or more Series whose Shares were held by said  Shareholder  at
the time the act or event  occurred  which  gave  rise to the claim  against  or
liability of said  Shareholder.  The rights accruing to a Shareholder under this
Section  4.1 shall not impair any other right to which such  Shareholder  may be
lawfully entitled, nor shall anything herein contained restrict the right of the
Trust or any Series  thereof to  indemnify  or  reimburse a  Shareholder  in any
appropriate situation even though not specifically provided herein.

     Section 4.2. Non-Liability of Trustees, Etc. No Trustee,  officer, employee
or agent of the Trust or any Series  thereof  shall be liable to the Trust,  its
Shareholders,  or to any  Shareholder,  Trustee,  officer,  employee,  or  agent
thereof  for any action or  failure to act  (including  without  limitation  the
failure to compel in any way any former or acting  Trustee to redress any breach
of trust) except for his own bad faith, willful misfeasance, gross negligence or
reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of his office.

     Section 4.3. Mandatory  Indemnification.  (a) Subject to the exceptions and
limitations contained in paragraph (b) below:

          (i) every person who is, or has been, a Trustee,  officer, employee or
agent of the Trust  (including  any  individual  who  serves at its  request  as
director, officer, partner, trustee or the like of another organization in which
it  has  any  interest  as  a  shareholder,  creditor  or  otherwise)  shall  be
indemnified  by the Trust,  or by one or more Series thereof if the claim arises
from his or her conduct with respect to only such Series,  to the fullest extent
permitted  by law against all  liability  and  against all  expenses  reasonably
incurred or paid by him in connection with any claim, action, suit or proceeding
in which he becomes


involved as a party or otherwise by virtue of his being or having been a Trustee
or  officer  and  against  amounts  paid or  incurred  by him in the  settlement

          (ii) the words "claim,"  "action," "suit," or "proceeding" shall apply
to all  claims,  actions,  suits or  proceedings  (civil,  criminal,  or  other,
including  appeals),  actual  or  threatened;  and  the  words  "liability"  and
"expenses" shall include, without limitation, attorneys' fees, costs, judgments,
amounts paid in settlement, fines, penalties and other liabilities.

(b) No indemnification shall be provided hereunder to a Trustee or officer:

          (i)  against  any  liability  to the  Trust,  a Series  thereof or the
Shareholders by reason of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or
reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of his office;

          (ii) with respect to any matter as to which he shall have been finally
adjudicated  not to have acted in good faith in the  reasonable  belief that his
action was in the best interest of the Trust or a Series thereof;

          (iii) in the event of a settlement or other  disposition not involving
a final  adjudication as provided in paragraph (b)(ii) resulting in a payment by
a Trustee or officer, unless there has been a determination that such Trustee or
officer did not engage in willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or
reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of his office:

               (A) by the court or other body  approving the settlement or other

               (B) based upon a review of readily available facts (as opposed to
               a full  trial-type  inquiry)  by (x)  vote of a  majority  of the
               Non-interested  Trustees  acting on the matter  (provided  that a
               majority of the Non-interested Trustees then in office act on the
               matter) or (y) written opinion of independent legal counsel; or

               (C)  by a  vote  of a  majority  of the  Shares  outstanding  and
               entitled   to  vote   (excluding   Shares   owned  of  record  or
               beneficially by such individual).

     (c) The rights of indemnification herein provided may be insured against by
policies maintained by the Trust, shall be severable, shall not affect any other
rights to which any Trustee or officer may now or hereafter  be entitled,  shall
continue  as to a person who has ceased to be such  Trustee or officer and shall
inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of such
a person. Nothing contained herein shall affect any rights to indemnification to
which  personnel  of the Trust or any Series  thereof  other than  Trustees  and
officers may be entitled by contract or otherwise under law.

     (d) Expenses of  preparation  and  presentation  of a defense to any claim,
action,  suit or proceeding of the character  described in paragraph (a) of this
Section  4.3 may be  advanced  by the Trust or a Series  thereof  prior to final
disposition  thereof  upon  receipt  of an  undertaking  by or on  behalf of the
recipient  to repay such amount if it is  ultimately  determined  that he is not
entitled to indemnification under this Section 4.3, provided that either:


          (i)  such  undertaking  is  secured  by a  surety  bond or some  other
appropriate  security provided by the recipient,  or the Trust or Series thereof
shall be insured against losses arising out of any such advances; or

          (ii) a majority of the  Non-interested  Trustees  acting on the matter
(provided that a majority of the  Non-interested  Trustees act on the matter) or
an independent legal counsel in a written opinion shall determine,  based upon a
review of readily  available  facts (as opposed to a full  trial-type  inquiry),
that  there is reason to believe  that the  recipient  ultimately  will be found
entitled to indemnification.

     As used in this Section 4.3, a  "Non-interested  Trustee" is one who (i) is
not an "Interested  Person" of the Trust (including anyone who has been exempted
from  being an  "Interested  Person"  by any  rule,  regulation  or order of the
Commission), and (ii) is not involved in the claim, action, suit or proceeding.

     Section 4.4. No Bond Required of Trustees. No Trustee shall be obligated to
give  any  bond or  other  security  for the  performance  of any of his  duties

     Section 4.5. No Duty of Investigation; Notice in Trust Instruments, Etc. No
purchaser,  lender,  transfer agent or other Person dealing with the Trustees or
any officer,  employee or agent of the Trust or a Series  thereof shall be bound
to make any inquiry concerning the validity of any transaction  purporting to be
made by the Trustees or by said officer,  employee or agent or be liable for the
application of money or property paid,  loaned,  or delivered to or on the order
of the  Trustees  or of said  officer,  employee  or  agent.  Every  obligation,
contract,  instrument,  certificate,  Share,  other  security  of the Trust or a
Series thereof or undertaking,  and every other act or thing whatsoever executed
in  connection  with the  Trust  shall be  conclusively  presumed  to have  been
executed or done by the  executors  thereof  only in their  capacity as Trustees
under this Declaration or in their capacity as officers,  employees or agents of
the Trust or a Series thereof. Every written obligation,  contract,  instrument,
certificate,  Share,  other  security  of  the  Trust  or a  Series  thereof  or
undertaking  made or issued by the Trustees may recite that the same is executed
or made by them not  individually,  but as Trustees under the  Declaration,  and
that the  obligations of the Trust or a Series thereof under any such instrument
are not binding upon any of the Trustees or Shareholders individually,  but bind
only the Trust Property or the Trust Property of the applicable  Series, and may
contain any further recital which they may deem appropriate, but the omission of
such recital shall not operate to bind the Trustees  individually.  The Trustees
shall at all times  maintain  insurance for the protection of the Trust Property
or the Trust  Property of the applicable  Series,  its  Shareholders,  Trustees,
officers,  employees  and  agents in such  amount  as the  Trustees  shall  deem
adequate to cover  possible  tort  liability,  and such other  insurance  as the
Trustees in their sole judgment shall deem advisable.

     Section 4.6. Reliance on Experts, Etc. Each Trustee, officer or employee of
the Trust or a Series thereof shall, in the performance of his duties,  be fully
and completely  justified and protected with regard to any act or any failure to
act  resulting  from  reliance  in good faith upon the books of account or other
records of the Trust or a Series  thereof,  upon an opinion of counsel,  or upon
reports  made  to the  Trust  or a  Series  thereof  by any of its  officers  or
employees or by the Investment  Adviser,  the  Administrator,  the  Distributor,
Transfer Agent,  selected dealers,  accountants,  appraisers or other experts or
consultants selected with reasonable care by the Trustees, officers or employees
of the  Trust,  regardless  of  whether  such  counsel  or expert  may also be a


                                    ARTICLE V

                          SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST

     Section  5.1.  Beneficial  Interest.  The  interest  of  the  beneficiaries
hereunder  shall be divided  into  transferable  Shares of  beneficial  interest
without par value. The number of such Shares of beneficial  interest  authorized
hereunder is unlimited.  The Trustees shall have the exclusive authority without
the  requirement of Shareholder  approval to establish and designate one or more
Series of shares and one or more Classes  thereof as the Trustees deem necessary
or desirable.  Each Share of any Series shall  represent an equal  proportionate
Share in the assets of that Series with each other Share in that Series. Subject
to the  provisions of Section 5.11 hereof,  the Trustees may also  authorize the
creation of  additional  Series of Shares (the proceeds of which may be invested
in separate,  independently managed portfolios) and additional Classes of Shares
within any Series. All Shares issued hereunder  including,  without  limitation,
Shares  issued in  connection  with a  dividend  in Shares or a split in Shares,
shall be fully paid and nonassessable.

     Section 5.2. Rights of Shareholders. The ownership of the Trust Property of
every description and the right to conduct any business  hereinbefore  described
are vested  exclusively  in the  Trustees,  and the  Shareholders  shall have no
interest therein other than the beneficial  interest  conferred by their Shares,
and  they  shall  have no right to call for any  partition  or  division  of any
property,  profits, rights or interests of the Trust nor can they be called upon
to share or assume any losses of the Trust or suffer an  assessment  of any kind
by virtue of their  ownership of Shares.  The Shares shall be personal  property
giving only the rights  specifically set forth in this  Declaration.  The Shares
shall not entitle the holder to preference, preemptive, appraisal, conversion or
exchange rights, except as the Trustees may determine with respect to any Series
or Class of Shares.

     Section 5.3. Trust Only. It is the intention of the Trustees to create only
the  relationship  of Trustee  and  beneficiary  between the  Trustees  and each
Shareholder from time to time. It is not the intention of the Trustees to create
a  general   partnership,   limited   partnership,   joint  stock   association,
corporation,  bailment  or any form of legal  relationship  other  than a trust.
Nothing  in  this   Declaration   of  Trust  shall  be  construed  to  make  the
Shareholders,  either by themselves or with the Trustees, partners or members of
a joint stock association.

     Section 5.4. Issuance of Shares. The Trustees in their discretion may, from
time to time without a vote of the  Shareholders,  issue Shares,  in addition to
the then issued and outstanding Shares and Shares held in the treasury,  to such
party or parties and for such amount and type of  consideration,  including cash
or  property,  at such time or times and on such terms as the  Trustees may deem
best,  except that only Shares  previously  contracted  to be sold may be issued
during any period when the right of redemption is suspended  pursuant to Section
6.9  hereof,  and  may in  such  manner  acquire  other  assets  (including  the
acquisition  of assets  subject to, and in connection  with the  assumption  of,
liabilities)  and  businesses.  In connection  with any issuance of Shares,  the
Trustees  may issue  fractional  Shares and  Shares  held in the  treasury.  The
Trustees  may from time to time divide or combine the Shares of the Trust or, if
the Shares be divided into Series or Classes, of any Series or any Class thereof
of the Trust,  into a greater or lesser  number  without  thereby  changing  the
proportionate  beneficial  interests  in  the  Trust  or in the  Trust  Property
allocated or belonging  to such Series or Class.  Contributions  to the Trust or
Series  thereof may be accepted  for,  and Shares  shall be redeemed  as,  whole
Shares and/or 1/1000ths of a Share or integral multiples thereof.


     Section 5.5.  Register of Shares. A register shall be kept at the principal
office of the Trust or an office of the Transfer  Agent which shall  contain the
names and  addresses of the  Shareholders  and the number of Shares held by them
respectively  and a record of all  transfers  thereof.  Such  register  shall be
conclusive  as to who are the holders of the Shares and who shall be entitled to
receive  dividends or distributions or otherwise to exercise or enjoy the rights
of  Shareholders.  No  Shareholder  shall be entitled to receive  payment of any
dividend or distribution,  nor to have notice given to him as provided herein or
in the  By-laws,  until he has given his address to the  Transfer  Agent or such
other officer or agent of the Trustees as shall keep the said register for entry
thereon. It is not contemplated that certificates will be issued for the Shares;
however, the Trustees, in their discretion,  may authorize the issuance of share
certificates and promulgate appropriate rules and regulations as to their use.

     Section  5.6.  Transfer  of Shares.  Shares  shall be  transferable  on the
records of the Trust only by the record holder thereof or by his agent thereunto
duly authorized in writing,  upon delivery to the Trustees or the Transfer Agent
of a duly executed  instrument  of transfer,  together with such evidence of the
genuineness of each such execution and authorization and of other matters as may
reasonably be required. Upon such delivery the transfer shall be recorded on the
register of the Trust.  Until such  record is made,  the  Shareholder  of record
shall be deemed to be the holder of such Shares for all purposes  hereunder  and
neither the  Trustees  nor any  transfer  agent or  registrar  nor any  officer,
employee or agent of the Trust  shall be affected by any notice of the  proposed

     Any person  becoming  entitled to any Shares in  consequence  of the death,
bankruptcy,  or  incompetence of any  Shareholder,  or otherwise by operation of
law,  shall be recorded  on the  register of Shares as the holder of such Shares
upon production of the proper  evidence  thereof to the Trustees or the Transfer
Agent,  but until such record is made, the Shareholder of record shall be deemed
to be the holder of such  Shares for all  purposes  hereunder  and  neither  the
Trustees  nor any Transfer  Agent or  registrar  nor any officer or agent of the
Trust shall be affected by any notice of such death, bankruptcy or incompetence,
or other operation of law.

     Section 5.7.  Notices.  Any and all notices to which any Shareholder may be
entitled and any and all communications  shall be deemed duly served or given if
mailed,  postage  prepaid,  addressed to any  Shareholder  of record at his last
known address as recorded on the register of the Trust.

     Section 5.8.  Treasury  Shares.  Shares held in the treasury  shall,  until
resold  pursuant to Section 5.4, not confer any voting  rights on the  Trustees,
nor shall  such  Shares be  entitled  to any  dividends  or other  distributions
declared with respect to the Shares.

     Section 5.9. Voting Powers.  The Shareholders shall have power to vote only
(i) for the election of Trustees as provided in Section 2.13;  (ii) with respect
to any investment  advisory contract entered into pursuant to Section 3.2; (iii)
with  respect  to  termination  of the  Trust or a Series  or Class  thereof  as
provided in Section 8.2; (iv) with respect to any amendment of this  Declaration
to the  limited  extent and as provided in Section  8.3;  (v) with  respect to a
merger,  consolidation  or sale of assets as provided in Section 8.4;  (vi) with
respect to  incorporation  of the Trust to the extent and as provided in Section
8.5; (vii) to the same extent as the  stockholders of a  Massachusetts  business
corporation  as to whether or not a court action,  proceeding or claim should or
should not be brought or maintained  derivatively or as a class action on behalf
of the Trust or a Series  thereof or the  Shareholders  of either;  (viii)  with
respect to any plan adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 (or any successor rule) under
the 1940 Act, and related matters; and


(ix) with  respect to such  additional  matters  relating to the Trust as may be
required by this Declaration, the By-laws or any registration of the Trust as an
investment  company  under the 1940 Act with the  Commission  (or any  successor
agency) or as the Trustees may consider necessary or desirable. As determined by
the  Trustees  without  the  vote or  consent  of  shareholders,  on any  matter
submitted  to a vote of  Shareholders  either  (i)  each  whole  Share  shall be
entitled  to one vote as to any matter on which it is  entitled to vote and each
fractional  Share shall be entitled to a  proportionate  fractional vote or (ii)
each dollar of net asset value (number of Shares owned times net asset value per
share of such Series or Class,  as applicable)  shall be entitled to one vote on
any matter on which such Shares are entitled to vote and each fractional  dollar
amount shall be entitled to a proportionate  fractional  vote. The Trustees may,
in conjunction  with the  establishment  of any further Series or any Classes of
Shares, establish conditions under which the several Series or Classes of Shares
shall  have  separate  voting  rights or no  voting  rights.  There  shall be no
cumulative  voting in the  election of Trustees.  Until  Shares are issued,  the
Trustees  may  exercise  all  rights  of  Shareholders  and may take any  action
required by law, this  Declaration  or the By-laws to be taken by  Shareholders.
The By-laws may include further provisions for Shareholders'  votes and meetings
and related matters.

     Section 5.10.  Meetings of  Shareholders.  No annual or regular meetings of
Shareholders  are  required.  Special  meetings of the  Shareholders,  including
meetings  involving  only the holders of Shares of one or more but less than all
Series or  Classes  thereof,  may be called at any time by the  Chairman  of the
Board, President, or any Vice-President of the Trust, and shall be called by the
President or the  Secretary at the request,  in writing or by  resolution,  of a
majority of the Trustees,  or at the written request of the holder or holders of
ten percent (10%) or more of the total number of Outstanding Shares of the Trust
entitled to vote at such  meeting.  Meetings of the  Shareholders  of any Series
shall be called by the President or the Secretary at the written  request of the
holder  or  holders  of ten  percent  (10%)  or  more  of the  total  number  of
Outstanding Shares of such Series of the Trust entitled to vote at such meeting.
Any such request shall state the purpose of the proposed meeting.

     Section  5.11.  Series  or Class  Designation.  (a)  Without  limiting  the
authority  of the  Trustees  set forth in Section 5.1 to two and  designate  any
further Series or Classes,  the Trustees hereby establish the following  Series,
each of which  consists of [a single  Class][two  Classes] of Shares:  [Names of
Series] (the "Existing Series").

     (b) The Shares of the Existing Series and Class thereof herein  established
and designated and any Shares of any further Series and Classes thereof that may
from  time to time be  established  and  designated  by the  Trustees  shall  be
established  and  designated,  and the  variations  in the  relative  rights and
preferences as between the different  Series shall be fixed and  determined,  by
the Trustees  (unless the Trustees  otherwise  determine with respect to further
Series  or  Classes  at the time of  establishing  and  designating  the  same);
provided, that all Shares shall be identical except that there may be variations
so fixed and  determined  between  different  Series or  Classes  thereof  as to
investment  objective,  policies  and  restrictions,   purchase  price,  payment
obligations,  distribution expenses,  right of redemption,  special and relative
rights as to dividends and on liquidation,  conversion rights,  exchange rights,
and  conditions  under which the several  Series or Classes  shall have separate
voting rights,  all of which are subject to the limitations set forth below. All
references to Shares in this Declaration  shall be deemed to be Shares of any or
all Series or Classes as the context may require.


     (c) As to any Existing Series and Classes herein established and designated
and any  further  division  of  Shares of the Trust  into  additional  Series or
Classes, the following provisions shall be applicable:

          (i) The number of  authorized  Shares and the number of Shares of each
Series or Class thereof that may be issued shall be unlimited.  The Trustees may
classify or reclassify any unissued Shares or any Shares  previously  issued and
reacquired of any Series or Class into one or more Series or one or more Classes
that may be established  and designated from time to time. The Trustees may hold
as treasury shares (of the same or some other Series or Class), reissue for such
consideration  and on such terms as they may determine,  or cancel any Shares of
any Series or Class  reacquired  by the Trust at their  discretion  from time to

          (ii) All consideration  received by the Trust for the issue or sale of
Shares of a particular  Series or Class,  together with all assets in which such
consideration  is invested or reinvested,  all income,  earnings,  profits,  and
proceeds  thereof,  including  any proceeds  derived from the sale,  exchange or
liquidation  of  such  assets,  and any  funds  or  payments  derived  from  any
reinvestment  of  such  proceeds  in  whatever  form  the  same  may  be,  shall
irrevocably  belong to that Series for all purposes,  subject only to the rights
of  creditors  of such  Series  and  except  as may  otherwise  be  required  by
applicable  tax laws,  and shall be so recorded upon the books of account of the
Trust. In the event that there are any assets,  income,  earnings,  profits, and
proceeds  thereof,  funds,  or payments  which are not readily  identifiable  as
belonging to any particular  Series,  the Trustees shall allocate them among any
one or more of the Series  established  and designated from time to time in such
manner  and on such  basis as they,  in their  sole  discretion,  deem  fair and
equitable.  Each such allocation by the Trustees shall be conclusive and binding
upon the Shareholders of all Series for all purposes. No holder of Shares of any
Series shall have any claim on or right to any assets  allocated or belonging to
any other Series.

          (iii) The assets belonging to each particular  Series shall be charged
with the  liabilities of the Trust in respect of that Series or the  appropriate
Class  or  Classes  thereof  and  all  expenses,  costs,  charges  and  reserves
attributable  to that  Series  or  Class or  Classes  thereof,  and any  general
liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges or  reserves of the Trust which are not
readily  identifiable  as belonging to any particular  Series shall be allocated
and  charged  by the  Trustees  to and  among  any  one or  more  of the  Series
established and designated from time to time in such manner and on such basis as
the Trustees in their sole discretion  deem fair and equitable.  Each allocation
of liabilities,  expenses,  costs, charges and reserves by the Trustees shall be
conclusive and binding upon the  Shareholders  of all Series and Classes for all
purposes.   The  Trustees  shall  have  full  discretion,   to  the  extent  not
inconsistent  with the 1940 Act, to determine which items are capital;  and each
such  determination  and  allocation  shall be  conclusive  and binding upon the
Shareholders.  The assets of a  particular  Series of the Trust  shall  under no
circumstances  be charged with  liabilities  attributable to any other Series or
Class thereof of the Trust. All persons extending credit to, or contracting with
or having any claim against a particular Series or Class of the Trust shall look
only to the  assets  of that  particular  Series  for  payment  of such  credit,
contract or claim.

          (iv) The power of the Trustees to pay dividends and make distributions
shall be governed by Section 7.2 of this Declaration. With respect to any Series
or Class,  dividends and distributions on Shares of a particular Series or Class
may be paid with such  frequency  as the Trustees  may  determine,  which may be
daily or otherwise,  pursuant to a standing  resolution or  resolutions  adopted
only once or with such frequency as the Trustees may  determine,  to the holders
of Shares of that Series or Class,  from such of the income and  capital  gains,
accrued or


realized,  from  the  assets  belonging  to that  Series,  as the  Trustees  may
determine,  after providing for actual and accrued liabilities belonging to that
Series or Class.  All  dividends  and  distributions  on Shares of a  particular
Series or Class shall be distributed pro rata to the Shareholders of that Series
or Class in  proportion  to the number of Shares of that Series or Class held by
such  Shareholders  at the time of record  established  for the  payment of such
dividends or distribution.

          (v) Each Share of a Series of the Trust shall  represent a  beneficial
interest in the net assets of such Series.  Each holder of Shares of a Series or
Class thereof  shall be entitled to receive his pro rata share of  distributions
of income and  capital  gains made with  respect to such  Series or Class net of
expenses.  Upon  redemption  of his Shares or  indemnification  for  liabilities
incurred  by reason of his being or  having  been a  Shareholder  of a Series or
Class,  such  Shareholder  shall be paid solely out of the funds and property of
such Series of the Trust.  Upon  liquidation or termination of a Series or Class
thereof of the Trust,  Shareholders  of such  Series or Class  thereof  shall be
entitled  to  receive  a pro rata  share of the net  assets  of such  Series.  A
Shareholder  of a  particular  Series of the  Trust  shall  not be  entitled  to
participate in a derivative or class action on behalf of any other Series or the
Shareholders of any other Series of the Trust.

          (vi) On each matter submitted to a vote of Shareholders, all Shares of
all Series and Classes shall vote as a single class; provided, however, that (1)
as to any matter with respect to which a separate vote of any Series or Class is
required by the 1940 Act or is required by  attributes  applicable to any Series
or Class or is  required  by any Rule  12b-1  plan,  such  requirements  as to a
separate  vote by that  Series or Class  shall  apply,  (2) to the extent that a
matter  referred to in clause (1) above,  affects  more than one Class or Series
and the  interests  of each such Class or Series in the  matter  are  identical,
then,  subject to clause (3) below,  the Shares of all such affected  Classes or
Series shall vote as a single Class;  (3) as to any matter which does not affect
the interests of a particular Series or Class, only the holders of Shares of the
one or more affected  Series or Classes  shall be entitled to vote;  and (4) the
provisions of the following sentence shall apply. On any matter that pertains to
any  particular  Class of a  particular  Series  or to any Class  expenses  with
respect to any Series which  matter may be submitted to a vote of  Shareholders,
only Shares of the affected  Class or that Series,  as the case may be, shall be
entitled to vote except that:  (i) to the extent said matter  affects  Shares of
another Class or Series,  such other Shares shall also be entitled to vote,  and
in such cases Shares of the affected  Class,  as the case may be, of such Series
shall be voted in the aggregate together with such other Shares; and (ii) to the
extent  that said matter does not affect  Shares of a  particular  Class of such
Series,  said  Shares  shall not be  entitled to vote  (except  where  otherwise
required by law or permitted by the  Trustees  acting in their sole  discretion)
even though the matter is submitted to a vote of the  Shareholders  of any other
Class or Series.

          (vii)  Except as  otherwise  provided in this  Article V, the Trustees
shall have the power to determine  the  designations,  preferences,  privileges,
payment  obligations,  limitations  and rights,  including  voting and  dividend
rights,  of each  Class and Series of Shares.  Subject  to  compliance  with the
requirements  of the 1940 Act, the Trustees  shall have the authority to provide
that the  holders  of Shares  of any  Series  or Class  shall  have the right to
convert or exchange  said Shares into Shares of one or more Series or Classes of
Shares in accordance with such requirements, conditions and procedures as may be
established by the Trustees.

          (viii) The  establishment  and designation of any Series or Classes of
Shares shall be effective  upon the execution by a majority of the then Trustees
of an  instrument  setting  forth such  establishment  and  designation  and the
relative  rights and  preferences  of such  Series or Classes,  or as  otherwise
provided in such instrument. At any time that there are no Shares


outstanding  of any  particular  Series  or  Class  previously  established  and
designated,  the Trustees may by an  instrument  executed by a majority of their
number  abolish  that  Series or Class  and the  establishment  and  designation
thereof. Each instrument referred to in this section shall have the status of an
amendment to this Declaration.

     Section 5.12. Assent to Declaration of Trust. Every Shareholder,  by virtue
of having become a  Shareholder,  shall be held to have  expressly  assented and
agreed to the terms hereof and to have become a party hereto.

                                   ARTICLE VI


     Section  6.1.  Redemption  of Shares.  (a) All Shares of the Trust shall be
redeemable,  at the  redemption  price  determined in the manner set out in this
Declaration.  Redeemed  or  repurchased  Shares may be resold by the Trust.  The
Trust may  require  any  Shareholder  to pay a sales  charge to the  Trust,  the
underwriter,  or any other person  designated by the Trustees upon redemption or
repurchase  of  Shares  in such  amount  and upon  such  conditions  as shall be
determined from time to time by the Trustees.

     (b) The Trust  shall  redeem the Shares of the Trust or any Series or Class
thereof at the price determined as hereinafter set forth, upon the appropriately
verified  written  application  of the record holder thereof (or upon such other
form of request as the Trustees may  determine)  at such office or agency as may
be designated  from time to time for that purpose by the Trustees.  The Trustees
may from time to time specify additional  conditions,  not inconsistent with the
1940 Act,  regarding  the  redemption  of Shares in the Trust's  then  effective

     Section 6.2. Price.  Shares shall be redeemed at a price based on their net
asset value determined as set forth in Section 7.1 hereof as of such time as the
Trustees shall have theretofore prescribed by resolution. In the absence of such
resolution,  the redemption  price of Shares deposited shall be based on the net
asset value of such Shares  next  determined  as set forth in Section 7.1 hereof
after receipt of such application.  The amount of any contingent  deferred sales
charge or redemption fee payable upon  redemption of Shares may be deducted from
the proceeds of such redemption.

     Section  6.3.  Payment.  Payment of the  redemption  price of Shares of the
Trust or any Series or Class thereof shall be made in cash or in property to the
Shareholder at such time and in the manner,  not inconsistent  with the 1940 Act
or other  applicable  laws, as may be specified from time to time in the Trust's
then effective Prospectus(es),  subject to the provisions of Section 6.4 hereof.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Trustees may withhold from such  redemption
proceeds any amount arising (i) from a liability of the redeeming Shareholder to
the  Trust or (ii) in  connection  with any  Federal  or state  tax  withholding

     Section 6.4. Effect of Suspension of  Determination of Net Asset Value. If,
pursuant to Section 6.9 hereof,  the Trustees  shall declare a suspension of the
determination  of net asset value with  respect to Shares of the Trust or of any
Series or Class thereof,  the rights of Shareholders  (including those who shall
have applied for redemption pursuant to Section 6.1 hereof but who shall not yet
have  received  payment) to have Shares  redeemed and paid for by the Trust or a
Series  or Class  thereof  shall be  suspended  until  the  termination  of such
suspension is declared.


Any record holder who shall have his redemption  right so suspended may,  during
the period of such  suspension,  by appropriate  written notice of revocation at
the office or agency where  application  was made,  revoke any  application  for
redemption  not honored and  withdraw  any Share  certificates  on deposit.  The
redemption  price of Shares  for  which  redemption  applications  have not been
revoked shall be based on the net asset value of such Shares next  determined as
set forth in Section 7.1 after the termination of such  suspension,  and payment
shall be made  within  seven (7) days after the date upon which the  application
was made plus the period after such application  during which the  determination
of net asset value was suspended.

     Section 6.5.  Repurchase  by  Agreement.  The Trust may  repurchase  Shares
directly,  or through  the  Distributor  or  another  agent  designated  for the
purpose,  by agreement  with the owner  thereof at a price not exceeding the net
asset value per share determined as of the time when the purchase or contract of
purchase  is made or the net  asset  value  as of any  time  which  may be later
determined pursuant to Section 7.1 hereof,  provided payment is not made for the
Shares prior to the time as of which such net asset value is determined.

     Section 6.6. Redemption of Shareholder's  Interest.  The Trustees, in their
sole discretion,  may cause the Trust to redeem all of the Shares of one or more
Series or Class thereof held by any Shareholder if the value of such Shares held
by such  Shareholder  is less than the minimum amount  established  from time to
time by the Trustees.

     Section  6.7.  Redemption  of  Shares  in Order  to  Qualify  as  Regulated
Investment  Company;  Disclosure of Holding.  (a) If the Trustees  shall, at any
time and in good faith,  be of the opinion that direct or indirect  ownership of
Shares or other  securities of the Trust has or may become  concentrated  in any
Person to an extent which would  disqualify the Trust or any Series of the Trust
as a regulated  investment company under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, then
the Trustees shall have the power by lot or other means deemed equitable by them
(i) to call for redemption by any such Person a number,  or principal amount, of
Shares or other securities of the Trust or any Series of the Trust sufficient to
maintain or bring the direct or indirect ownership of Shares or other securities
of the Trust or any Series of the Trust into  conformity  with the  requirements
for such  qualification  and (ii) to refuse to transfer or issue Shares or other
securities  of the  Trust  or  any  Series  of the  Trust  to any  Person  whose
acquisition of the Shares or other  securities of the Trust or any Series of the
Trust in question would result in such disqualification. The redemption shall be
effected at the redemption price and in the manner provided in Section 6.1.

     (b) The holders of Shares or other securities of the Trust or any Series of
the Trust shall upon demand disclose to the Trustees in writing such information
with respect to direct and indirect  ownership of Shares or other  securities of
the Trust or any Series of the Trust as the  Trustees  deem  necessary to comply
with the  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  or to
comply with the requirements of any other taxing authority.

     Section 6.8.  Reductions in Number of  Outstanding  Shares  Pursuant to Net
Asset Value Formula.  The Trust may also reduce the number of outstanding Shares
of the Trust or of any Series of the Trust pursuant to the provisions of Section

     Section 6.9.  Suspension  of Right of  Redemption.  The Trust may declare a
suspension  of the  right of  redemption  or  postpone  the date of  payment  or
redemption for the whole or any part of any period (i) during which the New York
Stock Exchange is closed other than customary weekend and holiday closings, (ii)
during which trading on the New York Stock Exchange is


restricted, (iii) during which an emergency exists as a result of which disposal
by the Trust or a Series  thereof of  securities  owned by it is not  reasonably
practicable  or it is not  reasonably  practicable  for the  Trust  or a  Series
thereof  fairly to  determine  the value of its net  assets,  or (iv) during any
other period when the Commission may for the protection of  Shareholders  of the
Trust by order permit  suspension of the right of redemption or  postponement of
the  date  of  payment  or  redemption;   provided  that  applicable  rules  and
regulations  of  the  Commission  shall  govern  as to  whether  the  conditions
prescribed in clauses (ii),  (iii), or (iv) exist.  Such  suspension  shall take
effect at such time as the Trust  shall  specify but not later than the close of
business on the business day next following the  declaration of suspension,  and
thereafter  there shall be no right of redemption or payment on redemption until
the Trust shall  declare the  suspension at an end,  except that the  suspension
shall terminate in any event on the first day on which said stock exchange shall
have reopened or the period specified in (ii) or (iii) shall have expired (as to
which in the absence of an official ruling by the Commission,  the determination
of the Trust shall be  conclusive).  In the case of a suspension of the right of
redemption,  a  Shareholder  may either  withdraw his request for  redemption or
receive  payment based on the net asset value existing after the  termination of
the suspension.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                        DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE,
                          NET INCOME AND DISTRIBUTIONS

     Section 7.1. Net Asset Value. The net asset value of each outstanding Share
of the Trust or of each Series or Class thereof shall be determined on such days
and at such time or times as the Trustees may determine. The value of the assets
of the Trust or any Series  thereof may be determined  (i) by a pricing  service
which utilizes  electronic  pricing  techniques  based on general  institutional
trading, (ii) by appraisal of the securities owned by the Trust or any Series of
the Trust,  (iii) in certain  cases,  at amortized  cost,  or (iv) by such other
method as shall be deemed to reflect the fair value thereof,  determined in good
faith by or under the  direction of the  Trustees.  From the total value of said
assets,  there shall be deducted all indebtedness,  interest,  taxes, payable or
accrued,  including  estimated  taxes on unrealized  book profits,  expenses and
management  charges  accrued to the appraisal  date,  net income  determined and
declared  as a  distribution  and all other  items in the nature of  liabilities
which shall be deemed  appropriate,  as incurred by or allocated to the Trust or
any Series or Class of the Trust. The resulting amount which shall represent the
total net assets of the Trust or Series or Class thereof shall be divided by the
number of Shares of the Trust or Series or Class thereof outstanding at the time
and the  quotient so  obtained  shall be deemed to be the net asset value of the
Shares  of the  Trust or Series  or Class  thereof.  The net asset  value of the
Shares shall be  determined  at least once on each business day, as of the close
of regular  trading on the New York Stock  Exchange  or as of such other time or
times as the  Trustees  shall  determine.  The  power and duty to make the daily
calculations  may be delegated by the Trustees to the  Investment  Adviser,  the
Administrator,  the  Custodian,  the Transfer  Agent or such other Person as the
Trustees  by  resolution  may  determine.  The  Trustees  may  suspend the daily
determination  of net asset  value to the extent  permitted  by the 1940 Act. It
shall not be a violation  of any  provision  of this  Declaration  if Shares are
sold,  redeemed or  repurchased  by the Trust at a price other than one based on
net  asset  value if the net  asset  value  is  affected  by one or more  errors
inadvertently made in the pricing of portfolio securities or in accruing income,
expenses or liabilities.


     Section 7.2.  Distributions  to  Shareholders.  (a) The Trustees shall from
time to time  distribute  ratably  among the  Shareholders  of the Trust or of a
Series or Class thereof such proportion of the net profits,  surplus  (including
paid-in  surplus),  capital,  or assets of the Trust or such  Series held by the
Trustees  as they may deem  proper.  Such  distributions  may be made in cash or
property  (including  without limitation any type of obligations of the Trust or
Series or Class or any assets thereof),  and the Trustees may distribute ratably
among the Shareholders of the Trust or Series or Class thereof additional Shares
of the Trust or Series or Class thereof  issuable  hereunder in such manner,  at
such  times,  and  on  such  terms  as  the  Trustees  may  deem  proper.   Such
distributions  may be among  the  Shareholders  of the  Trust or Series or Class
thereof at the time of declaring a distribution or among the Shareholders of the
Trust or Series or Class thereof at such other date or time or dates or times as
the Trustees shall  determine.  The Trustees may in their  discretion  determine
that, solely for the purposes of such  distributions,  Outstanding  Shares shall
exclude Shares for which orders have been placed  subsequent to a specified time
on the date the  distribution  is declared or on the next  preceding  day if the
distribution  is  declared  as of a day on which  Boston  banks are not open for
business, all as described in the then effective Prospectus under the Securities
Act of 1933.  The Trustees may always retain from the net profits such amount as
they may deem necessary to pay the debts or expenses of the Trust or a Series or
Class thereof or to meet  obligations of the Trust or a Series or Class thereof,
or as they may deem  desirable to use in the conduct of its affairs or to retain
for future  requirements  or extensions of the business.  The Trustees may adopt
and offer to Shareholders such dividend reinvestment plans, cash dividend payout
plans or related plans as the Trustees shall deem appropriate.  The Trustees may
in  their  discretion  determine  that an  account  administration  fee or other
similar charge may be deducted directly from the income and other  distributions
paid on Shares to a Shareholder's account in each Series or Class.

     (b) Inasmuch as the  computation of net income and gains for Federal income
tax  purposes  may vary from the  computation  thereof on the  books,  the above
provisions  shall  be  interpreted  to give  the  Trustees  the  power  in their
discretion  to  distribute  for any fiscal  year as  ordinary  dividends  and as
capital gains  distributions,  respectively,  additional  amounts  sufficient to
enable the Trust or a Series or Class  thereof to avoid or reduce  liability for

     Section  7.3.  Determination  of Net  Income;  Constant  Net  Asset  Value;
Reduction of Outstanding Shares.  Subject to Section 5.11 hereof, the net income
of the  Series and  Classes  thereof of the Trust  shall be  determined  in such
manner as the Trustees shall provide by resolution.  Expenses of the Trust or of
a Series or Class  thereof,  including the advisory or management  fee, shall be
accrued each day. Each Class shall bear only expenses relating to its Shares and
an allocable share of Series expenses in accordance with such policies as may be
established by the Trustees from time to time and as are not  inconsistent  with
the provisions of this  Declaration  or of any applicable  document filed by the
Trust with the  Commission or of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Such net income may be  determined  by or under the direction of the Trustees as
of the close of regular  trading on the New York Stock  Exchange  on each day on
which  such  market is open or as of such  other  time or times as the  Trustees
shall  determine,  and,  except as  provided  herein,  all the net income of any
Series  or  Class,  as so  determined,  may be  declared  as a  dividend  on the
Outstanding  Shares of such Series or Class. If, for any reason,  the net income
of any Series or Class determined at any time is a negative  amount,  or for any
other reason,  the Trustees  shall have the power with respect to such Series or
Class (i) to offset each  Shareholder's  pro rata share of such negative  amount
from the accrued  dividend  account of such  Shareholder,  or (ii) to reduce the
number of  Outstanding  Shares of such Series or Class by reducing the number of
Shares in the account of such  Shareholder by that number of full and fractional
Shares which represents the amount of such excess negative net income,  or (iii)


cause to be recorded on the books of the Trust an asset account in the amount of
such negative net income,  which account may be reduced by the amount,  provided
that the same shall  thereupon  become the property of the Trust with respect to
such  Series or Class and shall  not be paid to any  Shareholder,  of  dividends
declared  thereafter upon the Outstanding  Shares of such Series or Class on the
day such negative net income is experienced, until such asset account is reduced
to zero. The Trustees shall have full  discretion to determine  whether any cash
or property  received shall be treated as income or as principal and whether any
item of expense  shall be charged to the income or the  principal  account,  and
their   determination   made  in  good  faith  shall  be  conclusive   upon  the
Shareholders.  In the case of stock dividends received,  the Trustees shall have
full discretion to determine, in the light of the particular circumstances,  how
much if any of the value  thereof  shall be treated as income,  the balance,  if
any, to be treated as principal.

     Section 7.4. Power to Modify Foregoing  Procedures.  Notwithstanding any of
the  foregoing  provisions  of this  Article  VII,  but subject to Section  5.11
hereof,  the Trustees may prescribe,  in their absolute  discretion,  such other
bases and times for  determining  the per Share net asset value of the Shares of
the Trust or a Series or Class thereof or net income of the Trust or a Series or
Class thereof,  or the declaration and payment of dividends and distributions as
they may deem  necessary or desirable.  Without  limiting the  generality of the
foregoing,  the Trustees may  establish  several  Series or Classes of Shares in
accordance with Section 5.11, and declare  dividends  thereon in accordance with
Section 5.11(d)(iv).

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                            AMENDMENT; MERGERS, ETC.

     Section 8.1. Duration.  The Trust shall continue without limitation of time
but subject to the provisions of this Article VIII.

     Section 8.2.  Termination of the Trust or a Series or a Class. The Trust or
any Series or Class thereof may be terminated by (i) the affirmative vote of the
holders of not less than two-thirds of the  Outstanding  Shares entitled to vote
and present in person or by proxy at any meeting of Shareholders of the Trust or
the appropriate Series or Class thereof, (ii) by an instrument or instruments in
writing  without a meeting,  consented  to by the holders of  two-thirds  of the
Outstanding Shares of the Trust or a Series or Class thereof; provided, however,
that, if such termination as described in clauses (i) and (ii) is recommended by
the  Trustees,  the vote or written  consent of the holders of a majority of the
Outstanding  Shares of the Trust or a Series or Class  thereof  entitled to vote
shall be sufficient  authorization,  or (iii) notice to Shareholders by means of
an  instrument in writing  signed by a majority of the Trustees,  stating that a
majority of the Trustees has determined that the  continuation of the Trust or a
Series or a Class thereof is not in the best interest of such Series or a Class,
the Trust or their  respective  shareholders  as a result of  factors  or events
adversely  affecting  the  ability  of such  Series  or a Class or the  Trust to
conduct its business and  operations  in an  economically  viable  manner.  Such
factors and events may  include  (but are not  limited  to) the  inability  of a
Series or Class or the Trust to  maintain  its  assets at an  appropriate  size,
changes  in laws or  regulations  governing  the Series or Class or the Trust or
affecting  assets of the type in which such Series or Class or the Trust invests
or economic  developments  or trends having a significant  adverse impact on the
business  or  operations  of  such  Series  or  Class  or the  Trust.  Upon  the
termination of the Trust or the Series or Class,


          (i) The Trust,  Series or Class shall carry on no business  except for
the purpose of winding up its affairs.

          (ii) The Trustees  shall  proceed to wind up the affairs of the Trust,
Series or Class and all of the powers of the  Trustees  under  this  Declaration
shall continue  until the affairs of the Trust,  Series or Class shall have been
wound up,  including  the power to fulfill or  discharge  the  contracts  of the
Trust,  Series or Class,  collect its assets,  sell, convey,  assign,  exchange,
transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the remaining Trust Property
or Trust Property  allocated or belonging to such Series or Class to one or more
persons at public or private sale for  consideration  which may consist in whole
or in part of cash,  securities or other property of any kind,  discharge or pay
its  liabilities,  and do all other acts  appropriate to liquidate its business;
provided  that any sale,  conveyance,  assignment,  exchange,  transfer or other
disposition  of all or  substantially  all the Trust  Property or Trust Property
allocated  or  belonging  to such  Series  or Class  that  requires  Shareholder
approval in  accordance  with Section 8.4 hereof  shall  receive the approval so

          (iii)  After  paying or  adequately  providing  for the payment of all
liabilities,  and upon  receipt  of such  releases,  indemnities  and  refunding
agreements  as they  deem  necessary  for their  protection,  the  Trustees  may
distribute  the  remaining  Trust  Property  or the  remaining  property  of the
terminated  Series  or  Class,  in cash or in kind or  partly  each,  among  the
Shareholders of the Trust or the Series or Class  according to their  respective

     (b) After termination of the Trust, Series or Class and distribution to the
Shareholders  as herein  provided,  a majority of the Trustees shall execute and
lodge among the  records of the Trust and file with the Office of the  Secretary
of The  Commonwealth of Massachusetts an instrument in writing setting forth the
fact of such  termination,  and the Trustees shall  thereupon be discharged from
all further  liabilities  and duties with respect to the Trust or the terminated
Series or Class,  and the rights and interests of all  Shareholders of the Trust
or the terminated Series or Class shall thereupon cease.

     Section 8.3. Amendment Procedure.  (a) This Declaration may be amended by a
vote of the holders of a majority of the Shares outstanding and entitled to vote
or by any instrument in writing,  without a meeting, signed by a majority of the
Trustees and consented to by the holders of a majority of the Shares outstanding
and entitled to vote.

     (b) This  Declaration  may be amended by a vote of a majority of  Trustees,
without approval or consent of the Shareholders, except that no amendment can be
made by the  Trustees  to  impair  any  voting or other  rights of  shareholders
prescribed by Federal or state law. Without limiting the foregoing, the Trustees
may amend this  Declaration  without the approval or consent of Shareholders (i)
to change the name of the Trust or any  Series,  (ii) to add to their  duties or
obligations or surrender any rights or powers  granted to them herein;  (iii) to
cure any ambiguity,  to correct or supplement any provision  herein which may be
inconsistent  with any other  provision  herein or to make any other  provisions
with respect to matters or questions  arising under this Declaration  which will
not be  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of this  Declaration;  and  (iv) to
eliminate or modify any provision of this  Declaration  which (a)  incorporates,
memorializes  or sets  forth an  existing  requirement  imposed  by or under any
Federal or state statute or any rule,


regulation or interpretation  thereof or thereunder or (b) any rule, regulation,
interpretation or guideline of any Federal or state agency,  now or hereafter in
effect, including without limitation, requirements set forth in the 1940 Act and
the rules and  regulations  thereunder  (and  interpretations  thereof),  to the
extent any change in applicable law liberalizes, eliminates or modifies any such
requirements, but the Trustees shall not be liable for failure to do so.

     (c) The  Trustees may also amend this  Declaration  without the approval or
consent of Shareholders if they deem it necessary to conform this Declaration to
the  requirements  of  applicable  Federal or state laws or  regulations  or the
requirements  of the  regulated  investment  company  provisions of the Internal
Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended,  or if requested or required to do so by any
Federal agency or by a state Blue Sky commissioner or similar official,  but the
Trustees shall not be liable for failing so to do.

     (d) Nothing  contained in this  Declaration  shall permit the  amendment of
this  Declaration  to  impair  the  exemption  from  personal  liability  of the
Shareholders, Trustees, officers, employees and agents of the Trust or to permit
assessments upon Shareholders.

     (e) A  certificate  signed by a majority of the Trustees  setting  forth an
amendment  and  reciting  that it was duly  adopted  by the  Trustees  or by the
Shareholders as aforesaid or a copy of the Declaration, as amended, and executed
by a majority of the Trustees,  shall be conclusive  evidence of such  amendment
when lodged among the records of the Trust.

     Section 8.4.  Merger,  Consolidation  and Sale of Assets.  The Trust or any
Series may merge or consolidate into any other corporation,  association,  trust
or other organization or may sell, lease or exchange all or substantially all of
the Trust  Property or Trust  Property  allocated  or  belonging to such Series,
including  its  good  will,   upon  such  terms  and  conditions  and  for  such
consideration  when and as authorized at any meeting of Shareholders  called for
the purpose by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of two-thirds of the Shares
of the Trust or such  Series  outstanding  and  entitled  to vote and present in
person  or by  proxy  at a  meeting  of  Shareholders,  or by an  instrument  or
instruments  in  writing  without a  meeting,  consented  to by the  holders  of
two-thirds of the Shares of the Trust or such Series;  provided,  however, that,
if such merger,  consolidation,  sale,  lease or exchange is  recommended by the
Trustees,  the vote or  written  consent of the  holders  of a  majority  of the
Outstanding  Shares  of the  Trust  or such  Series  entitled  to vote  shall be
sufficient  authorization;  and any such merger,  consolidation,  sale, lease or
exchange  shall be deemed for all purposes to have been  accomplished  under and
pursuant to Massachusetts law.

     Section  8.5.  Incorporation.  The  Trustees  may cause to be  organized or
assist  in  organizing  a  corporation  or  corporations  under  the laws of any
jurisdiction or any other trust, partnership,  association or other organization
to take over all or any  portion  of the Trust  Property  or the Trust  Property
allocated  or  belonging to such Series or to carry on any business in which the
Trust shall directly or indirectly  have any interest,  and to sell,  convey and
transfer  all or any  portion  of  the  Trust  Property  or the  Trust  Property
allocated  or  belonging  to  such  Series  to  any  such  corporation,   trust,
association or organization in exchange for the shares or securities  thereof or
otherwise,  and to lend money to, subscribe for the shares or securities of, and
enter  into  any  contracts  with  any  such  corporation,  trust,  partnership,
association or organization, or any corporation, partnership, trust, association
or  organization  in which the Trust or such Series holds or is about to acquire
shares  or any  other  interest.  The  Trustees  may  also  cause  a  merger  or
consolidation   between  the  Trust  or  any  successor  thereto  and  any  such
corporation, trust, partnership, association or other organization if and to the
extent permitted by law, as provided


under the law then in effect.  Nothing  contained  herein  shall be construed as
requiring  approval of  Shareholders  for the  Trustees to organize or assist in
organizing one or more corporations, trusts, partnerships, associations or other
organizations  and selling,  conveying or  transferring  all or a portion of the
Trust Property to such organization or entities.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                             REPORTS TO SHAREHOLDERS

     The Trustees shall at least  semi-annually  submit to the  Shareholders  of
each  Series a written  financial  report of the  transactions  of the Trust and
Series thereof,  including financial statements which shall at least annually be
certified by independent public accountants.

                                    ARTICLE X


     Section 10.1.  Execution  and Filing.  This  Declaration  and any amendment
hereto  shall be filed in the office of the  Secretary  of The  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts  and in such  other  places as may be  required  under the laws of
Massachusetts  and may also be filed or  recorded  in such  other  places as the
Trustees deem  appropriate.  Each  amendment so filed shall be  accompanied by a
certificate  signed and  acknowledged  by a Trustee stating that such action was
duly taken in a manner  provided  herein,  and  unless  such  amendment  or such
certificate sets forth some later time for the  effectiveness of such amendment,
such amendment  shall be effective upon its execution.  A restated  Declaration,
integrating  into a single  instrument all of the provisions of the  Declaration
which are then in effect and  operative,  may be executed from time to time by a
majority of the Trustees and filed with the  Secretary  of The  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts.  A restated  Declaration  shall,  upon  execution,  be conclusive
evidence of all amendments  contained  therein and may thereafter be referred to
in lieu of the original Declaration and the various amendments thereto.

     Section 10.2.  Governing Law. This  Declaration is executed by the Trustees
and delivered in The  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  and with reference to the
laws thereof, and the rights of all parties and the validity and construction of
every provision  hereof shall be subject to and construed  according to the laws
of said Commonwealth.

     Section 10.3. Counterparts. This Declaration may be simultaneously executed
in several  counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original,  and
such counterparts, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument, which
shall be sufficiently evidenced by any such original counterpart.

     Section 10.4.  Reliance by Third Parties.  Any  certificate  executed by an
individual  who,  according to the records of the Trust  appears to be a Trustee
hereunder,  certifying  (a) the number or identity of Trustees or  Shareholders,
(b) the due authorization of the execution of any instrument or writing, (c) the
form of any vote passed at a meeting of Trustees or  Shareholders,  (d) the fact
that the number of Trustees or Shareholders  present at any meeting or executing
any written instrument  satisfies the requirements of this Declaration,  (e) the
form of any By-laws  adopted by or the identity of any  officers  elected by the
Trustees, or (f) the existence of any fact or


facts  which  in any  manner  relate  to the  affairs  of the  Trust,  shall  be
conclusive  evidence  as to the  matters  so  certified  in favor of any  Person
dealing with the Trustees and their successors.

     Section  10.5.  Provisions  in Conflict  with Law or  Regulations.  (a) The
provisions  of  this  Declaration  are  severable,  and  if the  Trustees  shall
determine,  with  the  advice  of  counsel,  that any of such  provisions  is in
conflict with the 1940 Act, the regulated  investment  company provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or with other applicable laws and regulations, the
conflicting  provision shall be deemed never to have  constituted a part of this
Declaration;  provided, however, that such determination shall not affect any of
the remaining  provisions of this  Declaration or render invalid or improper any
action taken or omitted prior to such determination.

     (b) If  any  provision  of  this  Declaration  shall  be  held  invalid  or
unenforceable in any  jurisdiction,  such invalidity or  unenforceability  shall
attach only to such provision in such  jurisdiction  and shall not in any manner
affect such provision in any other  jurisdiction  or any other provision of this
Declaration in any jurisdiction.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this instrument as of the
___ of __________, 1996.

                                            Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            34 Swan Road
                                            Winchester, Massachusetts 01890

                                            Dennis S. Aronowitz
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            29 Lee Road
                                            Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167

                                            Richard P. Chapman, Jr.
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            107 Upland Road
                                            Brookline, Massachusetts 02146


                                            William J. Cosgrove
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            20 Buttonwood Place
                                            Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

                                            Gail D. Fosler
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            4104 Woodbine Street
                                            Chevy Chase, Maryland

                                            Bayard Henry
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            65 Goddard Avenue
                                            Brookline, Massachusetts 02146

                                            Anne C. Hodsdon
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            135 Woodland Road
                                            Hampton, New Hampshire 03842

                                            Richard S. Scipione
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            4 Sentinel Road
                                            Hingham, Massachusetts 02043

                                            Edward J. Spellman
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            259C Commercial Boulevard
                                            Suite 200
                                            Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida 33308


                                            Douglas M. Costle
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            RR2 Box 480
                                            Woodstock, Vermont 05091

                                            Leland O. Erdahl
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            8046 MacKenzie Court
                                            Las Vegas, Nevada 89129

                                            Richard A. Farrell
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            50 Beacon Street
                                            Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945

                                            Dr. John A. Moore
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            P. O. Box 474
                                            Wicomico, Virginia 22579

                                            William F. Glavin
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            56 Whiting Road
                                            Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181

                                            Patti McGill Peterson
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            54 E. Main Street
                                            Canton, New York 13617


                                            John W. Pratt
                                            as Trustee and not individually,
                                            2 Gray Gardens East
                                            Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138


                                                           _______________, 1996

     Then personally appeared the above-named persons,  Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.,
Dennis S.  Aronowitz,  Richard P. Chapman,  Jr.,  William J.  Cosgrove,  Gail D.
Fosler, Bayard Henry, Anne C. Hodsdon, Richard S. Scipione,  Edward J. Spellman,
Douglas M. Costle,  Leland O. Erdahl,  Richard A. Farrell,  William Glavin,  Dr.
John A. Moore,  Patti McGill Peterson and John W. Pratt,  who  acknowledged  the
foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed.

                                            Before me,

                                            Notary Public

My commission expires:


                         JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL INCOME FUND


     The undersigned,  revoking  previous  proxies,  hereby appoint(s) Edward J.
Boudreau,  Jr.,  Susan  S.  Newton  and  James B.  Little,  with  full  power of
substitution  in each,  to vote all the  shares of  beneficial  interest  of the
above-referenced  Fund which the  undersigned  is (are)  entitled to vote at the
Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of the Fund to be held at 101
Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts,  on June 26, 1996 at 9:00 a.m., Boston
time, and at any  adjournment  of the Meeting.  All powers may be exercised by a
majority of said proxy holders or substitutes  voting or acting, or, if only one
votes and acts,  then by that one.  Receipt of the Proxy Statement dated May 17,
1996 is hereby acknowledged. If not revoked, this proxy shall be voted:

                                                  PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN
                                                  PROMPTLY IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

                                                  Date __________________, 1996

                                                  NOTE: Signature(s) should
                                                  agree with name(s) printed
                                                  herein. When signing as
                                                  attorney, executor,
                                                  administrator, trustee or
                                                  guardian, please give your
                                                  full title as such. If a
                                                  corporation, please sign in
                                                  full corporate name by
                                                  president or other authorized
                                                  officer. If a partnership,
                                                  please sign in partnership
                                                  name by authorized person.



JUDGEMENT.  Please vote by filling in the  appropriate  boxes  below,  as shown,
using blue or black ink or dark pencil.
Do not use red ink.

     (1)To elect sixteen Trustees to hold office until their respective
     successors have been duly elected and qualified.

               Dennis S. Aronowitz               William F. Glavin
               Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.           Bayard Henry
               Richard P. Chapman, Jr.           Anne C. Hodsdon
               William J. Cosgrove               Dr. John A. Moore
               Douglas M. Costle                 Patti McGill Peterson
               Leland O. Erdahl                  John W. Pratt
               Richard A. Farrell                Richard S. Scipione
               Gail D. Fosler                    Edward J. Spellman


     (2) To approve a new investment management contract between John Hancock
     Advisers, Inc. and the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (3) To approve an Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust for the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (4) Proposal 4 as set forth in the Proxy Statement is not applicable to
     your Fund.

     (5) To redesignate as nonfundamental the Fund's fundamental investment
     restriction on investing in other investment companies.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (6) To amend the Fund's fundamental investment objective as set forth in
     Proposal 6 of this Proxy Statement.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|




     The undersigned,  revoking  previous  proxies,  hereby appoint(s) Edward J.
Boudreau,  Jr.,  Susan  S.  Newton  and  James B.  Little,  with  full  power of
substitution  in each,  to vote all the  shares of  beneficial  interest  of the
above-referenced  Fund which the  undersigned  is (are)  entitled to vote at the
Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of the Fund to be held at 101
Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts,  on June 26, 1996 at 9:00 a.m., Boston
time, and at any  adjournment  of the Meeting.  All powers may be exercised by a
majority of said proxy holders or substitutes  voting or acting, or, if only one
votes and acts,  then by that one.  Receipt of the Proxy Statement dated May 17,
1996 is hereby acknowledged. If not revoked, this proxy shall be voted:

                                                  PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN
                                                  PROMPTLY IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

                                                  Date __________________, 1996

                                                  NOTE: Signature(s) should
                                                  agree with name(s) printed
                                                  herein. When signing as
                                                  attorney, executor,
                                                  administrator, trustee or
                                                  guardian, please give your
                                                  full title as such. If a
                                                  corporation, please sign in
                                                  full corporate name by
                                                  president or other authorized
                                                  officer. If a partnership,
                                                  please sign in partnership
                                                  name by authorized person.



JUDGEMENT.  Please vote by filling in the  appropriate  boxes  below,  as shown,
using blue or black ink or dark pencil.
Do not use red ink.

     (1) To  elect  sixteen  Trustees  to hold  office  until  their  respective
     successors have been duly elected and qualified.

               Dennis S. Aronowitz                William F. Glavin
               Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.            Bayard Henry
               Richard P. Chapman, Jr.            Anne C. Hodsdon
               William J. Cosgrove                Dr. John A. Moore
               Douglas M. Costle                  Patti McGill Peterson
               Leland O. Erdahl                   John W. Pratt
               Richard A. Farrell                 Richard S. Scipione
               Gail D. Fosler                     Edward J. Spellman


     (2) To approve a new investment  management  contract  between John Hancock
     Advisers, Inc. and the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (3) To approve an Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust for the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (4)  Proposal 4 as set forth in the Proxy  Statement is not  applicable  to
     your Fund.

     (5) To  redesignate as  nonfundamental  the Fund's  fundamental  investment
     restriction on investing in other investment companies.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (6)  Proposal 6 as set forth in the Proxy  Statement is not  applicable  to
     your Fund.


                            JOHN HANCOCK GLOBAL FUND


     The undersigned,  revoking  previous  proxies,  hereby appoint(s) Edward J.
Boudreau,  Jr.,  Susan  S.  Newton  and  James B.  Little,  with  full  power of
substitution  in each,  to vote all the  shares of  beneficial  interest  of the
above-referenced  Fund which the  undersigned  is (are)  entitled to vote at the
Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of the Fund to be held at 101
Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts,  on June 26, 1996 at 9:00 a.m., Boston
time, and at any  adjournment  of the Meeting.  All powers may be exercised by a
majority of said proxy holders or substitutes  voting or acting, or, if only one
votes and acts,  then by that one.  Receipt of the Proxy Statement dated May 17,
1996 is hereby acknowledged. If not revoked, this proxy shall be voted:

                                                  PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN
                                                  PROMPTLY IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

                                                  Date __________________, 1996

                                                  NOTE: Signature(s) should
                                                  agree with name(s) printed
                                                  herein. When signing as
                                                  attorney, executor,
                                                  administrator, trustee or
                                                  guardian, please give your
                                                  full title as such. If a
                                                  corporation, please sign in
                                                  full corporate name by
                                                  president or other authorized
                                                  officer. If a partnership,
                                                  please sign in partnership
                                                  name by authorized person.



JUDGEMENT.  Please vote by filling in the  appropriate  boxes  below,  as shown,
using blue or black ink or dark pencil.
Do not use red ink.

     (1) To elect sixteen Trustees to hold office until their respective
     successors have been duly elected and qualified.

               Dennis S. Aronowitz                William F. Glavin
               Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.            Bayard Henry
               Richard P. Chapman, Jr.            Anne C. Hodsdon
               William J. Cosgrove                Dr. John A. Moore
               Douglas M. Costle                  Patti McGill Peterson
               Leland O. Erdahl                   John W. Pratt
               Richard A. Farrell                 Richard S. Scipione
               Gail D. Fosler                     Edward J. Spellman


     (2) To approve a new investment management contract between John Hancock
     Advisers, Inc. and the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (3) To approve an Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust for the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (4) To eliminate the Fund's fundamental investment restriction on investing
     in a single class of securities of an issuer.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (5) To redesignate as nonfundamental the Fund's fundamental investment
     restriction on investing in other investment companies.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (6) Proposal 6 as set forth in the Proxy Statement is not applicable to
     your Fund.


                         JOHN HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL FUND


     The undersigned,  revoking  previous  proxies,  hereby appoint(s) Edward J.
Boudreau,  Jr.,  Susan  S.  Newton  and  James B.  Little,  with  full  power of
substitution  in each,  to vote all the  shares of  beneficial  interest  of the
above-referenced  Fund which the  undersigned  is (are)  entitled to vote at the
Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of the Fund to be held at 101
Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts,  on June 26, 1996 at 9:00 a.m., Boston
time, and at any  adjournment  of the Meeting.  All powers may be exercised by a
majority of said proxy holders or substitutes  voting or acting, or, if only one
votes and acts,  then by that one.  Receipt of the Proxy Statement dated May 17,
1996 is hereby acknowledged. If not revoked, this proxy shall be voted:

                                                  PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN
                                                  PROMPTLY IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

                                                  Date __________________, 1996

                                                  NOTE: Signature(s) should
                                                  agree with name(s) printed
                                                  herein. When signing as
                                                  attorney, executor,
                                                  administrator, trustee or
                                                  guardian, please give your
                                                  full title as such. If a
                                                  corporation, please sign in
                                                  full corporate name by
                                                  president or other authorized
                                                  officer. If a partnership,
                                                  please sign in partnership
                                                  name by authorized person.



JUDGEMENT.  Please vote by filling in the  appropriate  boxes  below,  as shown,
using blue or black ink or dark pencil. Do not use red ink.

     (1) To  elect  sixteen  Trustees  to hold  office  until  their  respective
     successors have been duly elected and qualified.

               Dennis S. Aronowitz               William F. Glavin
               Edward J. Boudreau, Jr.           Bayard Henry
               Richard P. Chapman, Jr.           Anne C. Hodsdon
               William J. Cosgrove               Dr. John A. Moore
               Douglas M. Costle                 Patti McGill Peterson
               Leland O. Erdahl                  John W. Pratt
               Richard A. Farrell                Richard S. Scipione
               Gail D. Fosler                    Edward J. Spellman


     (2) To approve a new investment  management  contract  between John Hancock
     Advisers, Inc. and the Fund.
                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (3) To approve an Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust for the Fund.

                        ----                   ----                   ----
               FOR     |____|     AGAINST     |____|     ABSTAIN     |____|

     (4)  Proposal 4 as set forth in the Proxy  Statement is not  applicable  to
     your Fund.

     (5)  Proposal 5 as set forth in the Proxy  Statement is not  applicable  to
     your Fund.

     (6)  Proposal 6 as set forth in the Proxy  Statement is not  applicable  to
     your Fund.