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                               Counsellors at Law

                  60 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109
                         617-526-6000 o fax 617-526-5000

                                                                DRAFT:  12/30/98

                                                  March 26, 1999

Board of Trustees
John Hancock Declaration Trust, on behalf of
John Hancock V.A. World Bond Fund and
John Hancock V.A. Strategic Income Fund
101 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts  02199

Dear Members of the Board of Trustees:

         You have  requested our opinion  regarding  certain  federal income tax
consequences  described below of the acquisition by John Hancock V.A.  Strategic
Income Fund  ("Acquiring  Fund"),  a series of John  Hancock  Declaration  Trust
("Trust"),  of all of the assets of John Hancock V.A. World Bond Fund ("Acquired
Fund"),  a different  series of Trust, in exchange solely for (i) the assumption
by  Acquiring  Fund of all of the  liabilities  of  Acquired  Fund  and (ii) the
issuance  of  voting  shares  of  beneficial  interest  of  Acquiring  Fund (the
"Acquiring  Fund  Shares") to Acquired  Fund,  followed by the  distribution  by
Acquired  Fund, in liquidation of Acquired Fund, of the Acquiring Fund Shares to
the  shareholders  of Acquired  Fund and the  termination  of Acquired Fund (the
foregoing together constituting the "reorganization" or the "transaction").

         In rendering  this opinion,  we have examined and relied upon the facts
stated and  representations  made in (i) the combined  prospectus  for Acquiring
Fund and  Acquired  Fund,  dated May 1, 1998,  (ii) the  combined  statement  of
additional  information for Acquiring Fund and Acquired Fund, dated May 1, 1998,
(iii) the Notice of Meeting of Shareholders Scheduled for March 18, 1999 and the
accompanying  proxy statement and prospectus  relating to the transaction  dated
February  12,  1999 (the  "Proxy  Statement"),  (iv) the  Agreement  and Plan of
Reorganization,  made December 9, 1998, between Acquiring Fund and Acquired Fund
(the "Agreement"),  (v) the  representation  letters on behalf of Acquiring Fund
and Acquired Fund  referred to below and (vi) such other  documents as we deemed

Board of Trustees
John Hancock V.A. World Bond Fund
John Hancock V.A. Strategic Income Fund
March 26, 1999
Page 1
         In our  examination of documents,  we have assumed the  authenticity of
original documents,  the accuracy of copies, the genuineness of signatures,  and
the legal  capacity  of  signatories.  We have  assumed  that all parties to the
Agreement have acted and will act in accordance  with the terms of the Agreement
and all other  documents  relating to the  transaction  and that the transaction
will be  consummated  pursuant  to the  terms  and  conditions  set forth in the
Agreement  without the waiver or  modification of any such terms and conditions.
Furthermore,   we  have  assumed  that  all  representations  contained  in  the
Agreement,  as well as those  representations  contained  in the  representation
letters  referred to below are,  on the date  hereof,  true and  complete in all
material  respects,  and that any  representation  made in any of the  documents
referred  to  herein  "to the best of the  knowledge  and  belief"  (or  similar
qualification) of any person or party is correct without such qualification.  We
have not  attempted to verify  independently  such  representations,  but in the
course of our representation, nothing has come to our attention that would cause
us to question the accuracy thereof.

         The conclusions  expressed herein represent our judgment  regarding the
proper treatment of certain aspects of the transaction affecting Acquiring Fund,
Acquired Fund and the shareholders of Acquired Fund on the basis of our analysis
of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code"),  case law,
Treasury  regulations and the rulings and other  pronouncements  of the Internal
Revenue  Service  (the  "Service")  which  exist at the  time  this  opinion  is
rendered. Such authorities are subject to prospective or retroactive change, and
we do not undertake  any  responsibility  to advise you of any such change.  Our
opinion  represents  our best  judgment  regarding  how a court would  decide if
presented with the issues  addressed  herein and is not binding upon the Service
or any court.  Moreover,  our  opinion  does not provide  any  assurance  that a
position taken in reliance on such opinion will not be challenged by the Service
and does not constitute any representation or warranty that such position, if so
challenged, will not be rejected by a court.

         This opinion  addresses only the specific  United States federal income
tax  consequences of the  transaction set forth below,  and does not address any
other federal,  state, local, or foreign income, estate, gift, transfer,  sales,
or other tax  consequences  that may result  from the  transaction  or any other


         We  understand  that  the  facts  relating  to the  transaction  are as
described hereinafter.

         Acquiring Fund is a series of Trust, a business trust established under
the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1995. Trust is registered as an
open-end investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
(the "1940 Act").  Acquiring  Fund has been  operating as an investment  company
since the inception of business in 1996. Acquiring Fund is one of fifteen series
of Trust. Acquired Fund is a separate,  different series of Trust. Acquired Fund
has been  operating as an investment  company since the inception of business in
1996.  Each series of Trust has assets and  liabilities  that are separate  from
those of each  other  series of  Trust,  and each such  series is  treated  as a
separate  corporation and regulated  investment  company under Section 851(g) of
the Code.

         The  investment  objective of Acquiring Fund is to seek a high level of
current  income.  Acquiring  Fund invests  primarily in foreign  government  and
corporate fixed income securities;  U.S. Government securities; and lower-rated,
high yield, high risk fixed income securities of U.S. issuers.

         The  investment  objective  of  Acquired  Fund is to seek a high  total
investment  return,  a combination of current  income and capital  appreciation.
Acquired  Fund  invests   primarily  in  a  global  portfolio  of  fixed  income
securities,  including  U.S.  Government,  municipal  and  foreign  governmental
securities;  obligations  of  supranational  organizations;  and  obligations of
foreign corporations or financial institutions.

         Shares  of  Acquiring  Fund and  Acquired  Fund are  available  only to
insurance  company  separate  accounts of John  Hancock  Mutual  Life  Insurance
Company (the "Company") and other life insurance companies, in order to fund the
benefits  under  variable  annuity  contracts  and/or  variable  life  insurance
contracts (individually, a "Contract," and collectively, the "Contracts") issued
by the Company or such other companies.

         The steps comprising the reorganization, as set forth in the Agreement,
are as follows:

         (i) Acquired  Fund will  transfer to  Acquiring  Fund all of its assets
(consisting,  without  limitation,  of  portfolio  securities  and  instruments,
dividend and interest  receivables,  cash and other assets). In exchange for the
assets  transferred to it, Acquiring Fund will (A) assume all of the liabilities
of  Acquired  Fund  (comprising  all of its known and  unknown  liabilities  and
referred  to  hereinafter  as the  "Acquired  Fund  Liabilities")  and (B) issue
Acquiring  Fund Shares to Acquired  Fund that have an aggregate  net asset value
equal to the value of the assets transferred to Acquiring Fund by Acquired Fund,
less the Acquired Fund Liabilities assumed by Acquiring Fund.

         (ii)  Promptly  after the  transfer  of its assets to  Acquiring  Fund,
Acquired  Fund will  distribute  in  liquidation  the  Acquiring  Fund Shares it
receives in the exchange to Acquired Fund  shareholders pro rata in exchange for
their  surrender  of their  shares  of  beneficial  interest  of  Acquired  Fund
("Acquired Fund Shares").
         (iii) After such exchanges, liquidation and distribution, the existence
of Acquired Fund will be promptly  terminated in accordance  with  Massachusetts

         The Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  thereby were approved
by the Board of  Trustees of Trust,  on behalf of  Acquiring  Fund and  Acquired
Fund, at a meeting held on December 8, 1998. Acquired Fund shareholders approved
the transaction at a meeting held on March 18, 1999. Acquiring Fund shareholders
are not required and were not asked to approve the transaction.

         Massachusetts law does not provide dissenters' rights for Acquired Fund
shareholders  in  the  transaction.  Additionally,  it is  the  position  of the
Division of Investment Management of the Securities and Exchange Commission that
appraisal rights, in contexts such as the reorganization,  are inconsistent with
Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act and are  therefore  preempted and  invalidated  by
such rule. Consequently, Acquired Fund shareholders will not have dissenters' or
appraisal rights in the transaction.

         Our  opinions  set forth  below are  subject to the  following  factual
assumptions  being true and  correct  (including  statements  relating to future
actions and facts represented to be to the best knowledge of management, whether
or not known). To the extent any such fact relates to a "shareholder," we assume
that the fact is true and correct whether the term  "shareholder" is interpreted
to refer to (1) the Company or another life insurance company that is the record
owner of the Acquired Fund Shares or the Acquiring Fund Shares or (2) the holder
of a Contract  issued by the Company or another life  insurance  company that is
based in whole or in part upon the  performance  of Acquired  Fund or  Acquiring
Fund.  Authorized  representatives  of  Acquiring  Fund and  Acquired  Fund have
represented  to  us  by  letters  of  even  date  herewith  that  the  following
assumptions are true and correct:

         (a)  Neither  Acquiring  Fund nor any  person  treated  as  related  to
Acquiring Fund under Treasury  Regulation Section  1.368-1(e)(3) has any plan or
intention  to redeem or otherwise  reacquire  any of the  Acquiring  Fund Shares
received by  shareholders  of  Acquired  Fund in the  transaction  except in the
ordinary  course of  Acquiring  Fund's  business  in  connection  with its legal
obligation  under  Section  22(e)  of  the  1940  Act as a  registered  open-end
investment  company  to  redeem  its  own  shares  (which  obligation  is not in
connection  with,  modified  in  connection  with,  or in any way related to the

         (b) After the  transaction,  Acquiring  Fund will continue the historic
business of Acquired Fund and will use all of the assets  acquired from Acquired
Fund,  which are Acquired  Fund's historic  business  assets,  i.e.,  assets not
acquired as part of or in  contemplation  of the  transaction,  in the  ordinary
course of a business.

         (c)  Acquiring  Fund  has no plan  or  intention  to sell or  otherwise
dispose of any assets of Acquired Fund acquired in the  transaction,  except for
dispositions  made in the ordinary  course of its business  (i.e.,  dispositions
resulting from investment  decisions made after the  reorganization on the basis
of investment  considerations  independent of the reorganization) or to maintain
its  qualification as a regulated  investment  company under Subchapter M of the
Code or its compliance with the  diversification  requirements of Section 817(h)
of the Code.

         (d) The shareholders of Acquiring Fund and the shareholders of Acquired
Fund will  bear  their  respective  expenses,  if any,  in  connection  with the

         (e)  Acquiring  Fund and Acquired  Fund will each bear its own expenses
incurred in connection  with the  transaction.  Any liabilities of Acquired Fund
attributable  to such  expenses  that remain  unpaid on the closing  date of the
transaction   and  are  assumed  by  Acquiring  Fund  in  the   transaction  are
attributable to Acquired Fund's expenses that are solely and directly related to
the  transaction  in accordance  with the  guidelines  established  in Rev. Rul.
73-54, 1973-1 C.B. 187.

         (f) There is no indebtedness between Acquiring Fund and Acquired Fund.

         (g) Acquired  Fund has elected to be treated as a regulated  investment
company under Subchapter M of the Code, has qualified as a regulated  investment
company for each taxable  year since  inception,  and  qualifies as such for its
taxable year ending on the closing date of the transaction.

         (h) Acquiring Fund has elected to be treated as a regulated  investment
company under Subchapter M of the Code, has qualified as a regulated  investment
company for each taxable year since  inception,  and qualifies as such as of the
date of the transaction.

         (i) Neither  Acquiring Fund nor Acquired Fund is under the jurisdiction
of a  court  in a Title  11 or  similar  case  within  the  meaning  of  Section
368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

         (j)  Acquiring  Fund  does not own and has  never  owned,  directly  or
indirectly, any shares of Acquired Fund.

         (k) Acquiring  Fund will not pay cash in lieu of  fractional  shares in
connection with the transaction.

         (l) As of the date of the  transaction,  the fair  market  value of the
Acquiring  Fund  Shares  issued to Acquired  Fund in exchange  for the assets of
Acquired Fund is  approximately  equal to the fair market value of the assets of
Acquired Fund received by Acquiring  Fund,  minus the Acquired Fund  Liabilities
assumed by Acquiring Fund.  Acquiring Fund will not furnish any consideration in
connection  with the  acquisition  of  Acquired  Fund's  assets  other  than the
assumption  of  these  Acquired  Fund  Liabilities  and the  issuance  of  these
Acquiring Fund Shares.

         (m) The principal  business  purposes of the transaction are to combine
the  assets  of  Acquiring  Fund and  Acquired  Fund in order to  capitalize  on
economies  of scale in  expenses,  including  the  costs of  accounting,  legal,
transfer agency,  insurance,  custodial, and administrative services, to benefit
from Acquiring Fund's  anticipated  better  performance and better potential for
asset growth and expense reduction, and to increase diversification.

         (n) As of the date of the  transaction,  the fair  market  value of the
Acquiring  Fund Shares  received by each  shareholder  that holds  Acquired Fund
Shares is  approximately  equal to the fair market  value of the  Acquired  Fund
Shares  surrendered by such  shareholder.  No property other than Acquiring Fund
Shares will be  distributed  to  shareholders  of Acquired  Fund in exchange for
their Acquired Fund Shares, nor will any such shareholder  receive cash or other
property as part of the transaction.

         (o) There is no plan or  intention  on the part of any  shareholder  of
Acquired Fund that owns beneficially 5% or more of the Acquired Fund Shares and,
to the best  knowledge  of  management  of  Acquired  Fund,  there is no plan or
intention  on the  part of the  remaining  shareholders  of  Acquired  Fund,  in
connection  with the  transaction,  to engage in any  transaction  with Acquired
Fund,  Acquiring  Fund,  or any person  treated as related to  Acquired  Fund or
Acquiring  Fund under the  standards  made  applicable  by  Treasury  Regulation
Section  1.368-1(e)(1)(i)  involving the sale, redemption,  exchange,  transfer,
pledge, or other  disposition  resulting in a direct or indirect transfer of the
risks of ownership  (a "Sale") of any of the Acquired  Fund Shares or any of the
Acquiring Fund Shares to be received in the  transaction  that,  considering all
Sales,  would reduce the  aggregate  ownership of the  Acquiring  Fund Shares by
former  Acquired Fund  shareholders  to a number of shares having a value, as of
the date of the  transaction,  of less than fifty  percent (50%) of the value of
all of the formerly  outstanding  Acquired Fund Shares as of the same date.  All
Sales involving shares of Acquired Fund and Acquiring Fund held by Acquired Fund
shareholders that have occurred or will occur in connection with the transaction
are taken into account for purposes of this representation. No such Sale that is
in connection with the transaction  has, to the best knowledge of the management
of Acquired Fund, occurred on or prior to the date of the transaction.

         (p) Acquired  Fund assets  transferred  to Acquiring  Fund  comprise at
least  ninety  percent  (90%) of the fair market  value of the net assets and at
least seventy percent (70%) of the fair market value of the gross assets held by
Acquired  Fund  immediately  prior  to the  transaction.  For  purposes  of this
representation,   amounts  used  by  Acquired   Fund  to  pay  its   outstanding
liabilities,   including   reorganization  expenses,  and  all  redemptions  and
distributions  (except for  redemptions in the ordinary  course of business upon
demand of a  shareholder  that  Acquired Fund is required to make as an open-end
investment company pursuant to Section 22(e) of the 1940 Act and regular, normal
dividends,   which  dividends  include  any  final  distribution  of  previously
undistributed  investment  company  taxable  income  and net  capital  gain  for
Acquired Fund's final taxable year ending on the date of the  transaction)  made
by Acquired Fund immediately preceding the transaction are taken into account as
assets of Acquired Fund held immediately prior to the transaction.

         (q) The Acquired Fund  Liabilities  assumed by Acquiring  Fund plus the
liabilities,  if any, to which the transferred  assets are subject were incurred
by Acquired  Fund in the ordinary  course of its business or are expenses of the

         (r) The fair market value of the Acquired  Fund assets  transferred  to
Acquiring  Fund  equals or  exceeds  the sum of the  Acquired  Fund  Liabilities
assumed by Acquiring  Fund and the amount of  liabilities,  if any, to which the
transferred assets are subject.

         (s) The total adjusted basis of the Acquired Fund assets transferred to
Acquiring  Fund  equals or  exceeds  the sum of the  Acquired  Fund  Liabilities
assumed by Acquiring  Fund and the amount of  liabilities,  if any, to which the
transferred assets are subject.

         (t)    Acquired    Fund    does   not   pay    compensation    to   any


         On the basis of and subject to the  foregoing  and in reliance upon the
representations described above, we are of the opinion that:

         (a) The  acquisition by Acquiring Fund of all of the assets of Acquired
Fund solely in exchange for the  issuance of  Acquiring  Fund Shares to Acquired
Fund and the  assumption  of all of the Acquired Fund  Liabilities  by Acquiring
Fund,  followed by the distribution by Acquired Fund, in liquidation of Acquired
Fund,  of Acquiring  Fund Shares to Acquired Fund  shareholders  in exchange for
their Acquired Fund Shares and the termination of Acquired Fund, will constitute
a "reorganization"  within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code.  Acquiring
Fund and  Acquired  Fund will each be "a party to a  reorganization"  within the
meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

         (b) No gain or loss will be  recognized  by Acquired  Fund upon (i) the
transfer  of all of its assets to  Acquiring  Fund  solely in  exchange  for the
issuance of Acquiring  Fund Shares to Acquired Fund and the assumption of all of
the Acquired Fund  Liabilities  by Acquiring Fund and (ii) the  distribution  by
Acquired Fund of such Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of Acquired Fund
(Sections 361(a) and 361(c) of the Code).

         (c) No gain or loss  will be  recognized  by  Acquiring  Fund  upon the
receipt of the assets of Acquired  Fund solely in exchange  for the  issuance of
Acquiring Fund Shares to Acquired Fund and the assumption of all of the Acquired
Fund Liabilities by Acquiring Fund (Section 1032(a) of the Code).

         (d) The basis of the assets of Acquired Fund acquired by Acquiring Fund
will be, in each instance, the same as the basis of those assets in the hands of
Acquired Fund immediately prior to the transfer (Section 362(b) of the Code).

         (e) The tax holding  period of the assets of Acquired Fund in the hands
of Acquiring Fund will, in each instance,  include  Acquired  Fund's tax holding
period for those assets (Section 1223(2) of the Code).

         (f) The  shareholders  of Acquired Fund will not recognize gain or loss
upon the exchange of all of their Acquired Fund Shares solely for Acquiring Fund
Shares as part of the transaction (Section 354(a)(1) of the Code).

         (g) The basis of the  Acquiring  Fund Shares  received by the  Acquired
Fund  shareholders  in the  transaction  will be the  same as the  basis  of the
Acquired Fund Shares  surrendered in exchange therefor (Section 358(a)(1) of the

         (h) The tax holding  period of the  Acquiring  Fund Shares  received by
Acquired Fund shareholders will include,  for each shareholder,  the tax holding
period for the Acquired Fund Shares surrendered in exchange  therefor,  provided
that the  Acquired  Fund Shares  were held as capital  assets on the date of the
exchange (Section 1223(1) of the Code).

         No opinion is expressed  or implied  regarding  the federal  income tax
consequences to Acquiring Fund,  Acquired Fund or Acquired Fund  shareholders of
any conditions existing at the time of, effects resulting from, or other aspects
of the  transaction  except as expressly  set forth above.  In  particular,  and
without limitation of the foregoing,  no opinion is expressed  regarding whether
the Company or any other life insurance company or any holder of any Contract is
properly  treated  under  the  Code as the  owner of  Acquired  Fund  Shares  or
Acquiring  Fund Shares.  This opinion may not be relied upon except with respect
to the consequences  specifically  discussed herein nor may it be relied upon by
persons  or  entities  to whom it is not  addressed,  other  than with our prior
written consent.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            Hale and Dorr LLP
