Exhibit 3.1

Filed July 14, 1998
Office of the Secretary of State
State of Nevada

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                          TRICOM TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC.

We the  undersigned,  having  associated  ourselves for the purpose of forming a
    corporation under the general corporation laws of the State of Nevada do
                                 hereby certify:


          The name of the corporation is: TRICOM TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC.


The  registered  office is located at 9101 W. Sahara  Ave.,  Ste.  105-159,  Las
Vegas,  NV 89117 and the registered  agent,  James Neusom is located at: 9101 W.
Sahara Ave., Ste. 105-159, Las Vegas, NV 89117.

I, James Neusom II, hereby accept  appointment as the  registered  agent for the
above referenced corporation in accordance with NRS 78.090.

                                                    /s/ James I. Neusom, II
                                                        James I. Neusom, II


This  corporation  is organized for the object and purposes of engaging in every
lawful activity, subject to expressed limitations.


This amount of total  authorized  capital  stock of this  corporation  is Sixty-
Million  (60,000,000)  shares of common  stock  having  par value of $0.001  per
share,  and said stock  being  non-assessable.  Holders  of this stock  shall be
entitled to vote at all corporate elections and may cast one vote for each share
held in their name.


The members of the governing board of this  corporation are styled directors and
there are one (1) in number and the names and post  office  address of the first
board of directors are as follows:

     Name                                       Address

James Neusom              9101 W. Sahara Ave., Ste. 105-159, Las Vegas, NV 89117

The number of  members  of the board of  directors  may,  from time to time,  be
increased,  but never less than one, in the manner  provided  for by the General
Corporation  Law.  Director(s)  need not be a  stockholder,  not to  exceed  ten


The board of directors shall have the power and authority to issue capital stock
in exchange  for money or other  assets,  or as legal  payment for any  services


The names and post office  address of each of the  incorporators  signing  these
articles of incorporation are as follows:

    Name                                         Address

James Neusom              9101 W. Sahara Ave., Ste. 105-159, Las Vegas, NV 89117


The duration of the existence of this corporation is perpetual.


As fully as possible under the laws of the State of Nevada as they now exist and
as they may from  time to time be  revised,  the  corporation  intends  that its
directors  be  protected  from legal  action by  stockholders  or other  persons
(natural or  otherwise)  on account of service as directors  of the  corporation
sonic record, inc. a director shall not be liable for damages for actions of the
corporation to stockholders or to any other person (natural or otherwise) unless
such  director  engaged in  personal  fraud  directly  affecting  such action or
actions of the corporation.

In witness  whereof,  we have subscribed our undersigned  names this 16th day of
July, 1998.

                                                         /s/ James I. Neusom
                                                             James Neusom

STATE OF NEVADA            ss.
County of Clark

On 7-15-98  before me, the  undersigned,  a Notary Public in and for said State,
personally  appeared James Neusom personally known to me (or proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.

Signature /s/ Frances R. Wilson                              [Notary Seal]
              Frances R. Wilson