EXHIBIT 10.23.2

                                PLEDGE AGREEMENT

         This Pledge Agreement is entered into as of the 12th day of July, 2001,
by Wedgwood Partners, Ltd., Limited Partnership ("Pledgor"),  in favor of Vestin
Mortgage (the "Secured Party").

                                    SECTION I

         SECURITY INTEREST.  For value received,  the receipt and sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged,  including,  without limitation,  the agreement by
Secured  Party to make a loan to Pledgor,  pursuant to a Promissory  Note in the
principal amount of $12,000,000  entered into on the date hereof between Pledgor
and Secured  Party (the "Note"),  Pledgor has granted,  and does hereby grant to
Secured Party, a security  interest in and agrees and acknowledges  that Secured
Party have and shall  continue  to have a  security  interest  in the  following
described property, to-wit:

                  6,000,000   shares  of  the   outstanding   Series  H
                  Preferred  Stock,  par  value  $0.10,  of  Greenbriar
                  Corporation,  a Nevada  corporation,  (the  "Issuer")
                  currently owned by Pledgor;

together with all moneys, income, proceeds and benefits attributable or accruing
to such  property  including,  but not limited to, all stock  rights,  rights to
subscribe,  liquidating dividends, stock dividends, dividends paid in stock, new
security  or other  properties  or benefits  to which  Secured  Party are or may
hereafter  become  entitled to receive on account of such  property.  All of the
property in which Secured  Party are hereby  granted a security  interest  shall
herein  sometimes be called the  "Collateral"  and/or the "Pledged  Securities".
Such Pledged Securities shall be issued in the name of the Pledgor and delivered
to Secured  Party,  together  with  stock  powers  signed in blank,  in order to
perfect the Security  Interest in the shares.  The shares will be delivered from
such holder to the Pledgor upon payment in full of the obligations.

                                   SECTION II

         OBLIGATIONS. The Collateral granted hereby is to secure the payment and
performance of any and all indebtedness,  obligations,  and liabilities incurred
by the Pledgor to the Secured Party  pursuant to the terms and provisions of the

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                                   SECTION III

         EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  The  occurrence of any of the  following  events or
conditions shall constitute an "Event of Default":

                  (b)      Default in the payment of the Note when due;

                  (c)      The levy of any attachment, execution, garnishment or
                  other  process  against all or any part of the  Collateral  in
                  connection  with  any  lien,  debt,  judgment,  assessment  or
                  obligation of Pledgor, or the levy of any such process against
                  any other  property  of  Pledgor  which  would  tend to have a
                  material  adverse effect upon Pledgor'  ability to perform its
                  obligations to Secured Party; or

                  (d)      Any  representation  or  warranty  made by Pledgor in
                  this Pledge Agreement or in any other agreement,  certificate,
                  financial or other  statement  furnished  by Pledgor  pursuant
                  hereto or in  connection  herewith  is untrue in any  material
                  respect as of the date made or furnished.

                                   SECTION IV

         REMEDIES OF SECURED  PARTY.  Upon the happening of any Event of Default
specified  herein,  and at any time  thereafter,  at the  option  of the  holder
thereof,  the Note shall become immediately due and payable without presentment,
demand,  notice of intention to accelerate,  notice of  acceleration,  notice of
non-payment,  protest,  notice of dishonor,  or any other notice  whatsoever  to
Pledgor,  and Secured  Party shall have and may exercise  with  reference to the
Collateral  and Note any and all of the rights and  remedies of a secured  party
under the Uniform  Commercial Code as then in effect in the State of Nevada, and
as  otherwise  granted  herein or under any other  applicable  law (all of which
rights and remedies shall be cumulative),  including,  without  limitation,  the
right to sell the Pledged Securities,  or any part thereof, at public or private
sale or at any  broker's  board or on any  securities  exchange,  for cash or on
credit,  or for future  delivery  without  assumption of any credit risk, and at
such price or prices as Secured Party may deem satisfactory.

                  Secured  Party may be the  purchaser of all or any part of the
Collateral  and/or the Pledged  Securities so sold at any public sale (or if the
Pledged  Securities are of a type customarily sold in a recognized market or are
of a type which is the subject of widely distributed  standard price quotations,
at any private  sale) and  thereafter  hold the same  absolutely,  free from any
right or claim or right of whatever kind.  Secured Party is hereby authorized at
any such sale,  if it deems it advisable  so to do, to restrict the  prospective
bidders or  purchasers  of any of the  Pledged  Securities  to persons  who will
represent  and  agree  that  they are  purchasing  for  their  own  account  for
investment,  and  not  with a view  to the  distribution  or  sale of any of the
Pledged  Securities.  Upon any such sale,  Secured Party shall have the right to
deliver,  assign and transfer to the purchaser thereof the Pledged Securities so
sold. Each purchaser at any such sale shall hold the Pledged  Securities so sold
absolutely free from any claim or right of whatever kind.

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         Secured  Party  shall  give  Pledgor  ten days'  written  notice of its
intention to make any such public or private  sale or sale at broker's  board or
on a securities exchange. Such notice, in the case of a public sale, shall state
the time and place  fixed for such sale,  and, in the case of sale at a broker's
board or on a  securities  exchange,  shall state the board or exchange at which
such  sale is to be made and the day on which  the  Pledged  Securities,  or the
portion  thereof so being sold,  will first be offered for sale at such board or
exchange.  Any  such  public  sale  shall be held at such  time or times  within
ordinary  business hours and at such place or places as Secured Party may fix in
the notice of such sale. At any such sale, the Pledged Securities may be sold in
one lot as an entirety or in separate  parcels as Secured  Party may  determine.
Secured  Party shall not be obligated to make any such sale pursuant to any such
notice. Secured Party may, without notice or publication,  adjourn any public or
private sale or cause the same to be adjourned from time to time by announcement
at the time and place fixed for the sale,  and such sale may be made at any time
or place to which  the same may be so  adjourned.  In case of any sale of all or
any part of the Pledged Securities on credit or for future delivery, the Pledged
Securities so sold may be retained by Secured Party until the purchase  price is
paid by the purchaser  thereof,  but Secured Party shall not incur any liability
due to any  failure  of such  purchaser  to  take  up and  pay  for the  Pledged
Securities so sold and, upon such failure,  such Pledged Securities may again be
sold upon like notice.  Instead of exercising the power of sale herein conferred
upon it,  Secured  Party may  proceed  by a suit or suits at law or in equity to
foreclose the security  interests herein granted and sell the Collateral  and/or
Pledged Securities,  or any part thereof,  under a judgment or decree of a court
or courts of competent jurisdiction.

         Secured Party is hereby  granted the right,  after the occurrence of an
Event of  Default,  to transfer at any time to itself or its nominee the Pledged
Securities,  or any part thereof,  and  thereafter to exercise all voting rights
with respect to any such Pledged  Securities so  transferred  and to receive the
proceeds,  payments, moneys, income or benefits attributable or accruing thereto
and to hold the same as security for the Note, or at Secured  Party's  election,
to apply  such  amounts to the Note,  whether or not then due,  in such order as
Secured  Party  may  elect,  or,  Secured  Party  may,  at its  option,  without
transferring such Pledged Securities to its nominee,  exercise all voting rights
with respect to the Pledged  Securities  and vote all or any part of the Pledged
Securities at any regular or special meeting of shareholders.

                                    SECTION V


                  Pursuant to the Certificate of  Designations,  Preferences and
Rights of Preferred  Stock creating the shares of Series H Preferred  Stock (the
"Certificate"),  the Shares  pledges as collateral do not have the right to vote
unless  there has been a change of control of the Issuer or unless  there  shall
occur an event of default under the loan  documents.  A special event of default
for purposes of this Agreement and the Certificate is hereby created as follows:
The special  event of default shall be deemed to be one or more of the following
events:  (i) there  shall have  occurred a renewed  attempt by LSOF  Opportunity
Fund, L.P. in litigation  pending in the District Court of Dallas County,  Texas
to assert  control of the Issuer  through the  issuance of common  stock to LSOF
pursuant to an order of such court;  or (ii) the  negotiations  between LSOF and
the Issuer in progress on the date of this Agreement shall be abandoned  without
concluding a final agreement.

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                  In the event of the special  default  defined by this Section,
the Issuer shall give notice to the Secured  Party,  and the sole and  exclusive
remedy of Secured  Party shall be that the Shares  constituting  the  Collateral
shall immediately and without further action by any party become fully voting by
the registered  owner thereof as provided in the  Certificate.  In the event the
default shall be cured,  the Shares shall be restored to the  non-voting  status
described in the Certificate.

                                   SECTION VI


         Secured  Party shall not be  obligated  to take any steps  necessary to
preserve any rights in the Collateral against prior Party.

         No delay or omission  on the part of Secured  Party in  exercising  any
rights hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any such right or any other right.
A waiver  on any one or more  occasions  shall not be  construed  as a bar to or
waiver of any right or remedy on any future occasion.

         It is the  intention  of the  parties to comply with  applicable  usury
laws;  accordingly,  it is agreed  that  notwithstanding  any  provision  to the
contrary in this Pledge  Agreement,  no such provision shall require the payment
or permit the collection of interest in excess of the maximum  permitted by such

         All rights of Secured Party hereunder shall inure to the benefit of its
successors and assigns;  however, this Agreement and the rights of Secured Party
hereunder may not be transferred or assigned  without the consent of the Issuer.
The rights and  remedies of Secured  Party  hereunder  are  cumulative,  and the
exercise  of any  one or more  of the  remedies  provided  herein  shall  not be
construed as a waiver of any of the other remedies of Secured Party.

         The security  interest  hereby granted and all the terms and provisions
hereof shall continue in full force and effect, and all the terms and provisions
hereof  shall  remain  effective  as between the Party,  until the  repayment by
Pledgor of the Note.

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         This Pledge  Agreement and the security  interest herein granted are in
addition  to, and not in  substitution,  novation or  discharge  of, any and all
prior or  contemporaneous  agreements and security interests in favor of Secured
Party or assigned to Secured Party by Pledgor.  All rights,  powers and remedies
of Secured  Party in all such  agreements  are  cumulative,  but in the event of
actual conflict in terms and conditions, the terms and conditions of this Pledge
Agreement shall govern and control.

         Any  provision of this Pledge  Agreement  found to be invalid under the
laws of the State of Nevada,  or any other state  having  jurisdiction  or other
applicable  law, shall be invalid only with respect to the offending  provision.
All  words  used  herein  shall be  construed  of such  gender  or number as the
circumstances  require. The laws of the State of Nevada and, as applicable,  the
laws of the United States of America,  shall govern this Pledge  Agreement,  its
construction, interpretation and enforcement.


         This Pledge  Agreement  may be executed in any number of  counterparts,
all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Party hereto have caused this agreement to be
executed as of the date first above written.

                                      WEDGWOOD PARTNERS, LTD.
                                      LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                      By:  GRB, LLC, a Nevada limited liability
                                      Company, General Partner

                                      By: Greenbriar Acquisition Corporation, a
                                      Nevada Corporation, Manager

                                      By:  /s/ Gene S. Bertcher
                                           Executive Vice President

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                                      VESTIN MORTGAGE

                                      By:  /s/ Stephen J. Byrne
                                      Stephen J. Byrne, Chief Executive Officer


                                      GREENBRIAR CORPORATION

                                      By:  /s/ Gene S. Bertcher
                                      Gene S. Bertcher, Executive Vice President

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