MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC.
                             905 East Walnut Street
                              Garland, Texas 75040

                     To Be Held AT 11:00 A.M., LOCAL TIME ON
                                February 28, 2002

Dear Stockholder:

         You are  invited  to attend  the  Annual  Meeting  of  stockholders  of
Micropac Industries, Inc., to be held at the Garland Performing Arts Center, 300
N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas for the following purposes:

         To elect  five  directors  to serve  until the next  annual  meeting of
stockholders or until their respective successors are elected and qualified; and

         To transact such other business that may properly be brought before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business on January 17,
2002, as the record date for the meeting.  Only  stockholders  of record at that
time  are  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote  at the  Annual  Meeting  or any
adjournment thereof.

         The  enclosed  proxy is  solicited  by the  Board of  Directors  of the
Company.  Further  information  regarding  the  matters  to be acted upon at the
Annual Meeting are contained in the attached Proxy Statement.


                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                       JAMES K. MURPHEY, Secretary

DATED:   January 29, 2002

                            MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC.
                             905 EAST WALNUT STREET
                              GARLAND, TEXAS 75040

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                     FOR THE
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                February 28, 2002

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of  proxies  by the  Board  of  Directors  of  Micropac  Industries,  Inc.  (the
"Company") for use at the Company's Annual Meeting of Stockholders  that will be
held on February 28, 2002,  at the time and place and for the purposes set forth
in the foregoing  notice.  This Proxy  Statement,  the foregoing  notice and the
enclosed  proxy are first  being sent to  stockholders  on or about  February 6,

         The Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders  for the fiscal year ended
November 30, 2001 is enclosed.

         The Board of Directors  does not intend to bring any matter  before the
meeting except those specifically indicated in the foregoing notice and does not
know of anyone else who  intends to do so. If any other  matters  properly  come
before the meeting,  however,  the persons named in the enclosed proxy, or their
duly constituted  substitutes acting at the meeting, will be authorized to vote,
or otherwise act thereon in accordance  with their judgment on such matters.  If
the enclosed proxy is executed and returned prior to voting at the meeting,  the
shares  represented  thereby will be voted in accordance  with the  instructions
marked thereon. In the absence of instructions, the shares will be voted FOR the
election as directors  of the Company of the five  persons  named in the section
captioned "Election of Directors".

         Any proxy may be revoked at any time prior to its exercise by notifying
the Company's  Secretary in writing, by delivering a duly executed proxy bearing
a later date, or by attending the meeting and voting in person.

         Only  holders  of record of common  stock at the close of  business  on
January 17, 2002 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the  meeting.  On that
date there were 3,127,151 shares of common stock  outstanding,  each of which is
entitled  to one vote in  person  or by proxy on all  matters  properly  brought
before the meeting.  Cumulative voting of shares in the election of directors is

         The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of a majority of
the outstanding common stock is necessary to constitute a quorum at the meeting.
In order to be elected a director,  a nominee  must  receive a plurality  of the
votes cast at the meeting for the election of directors.  Other matters, if any,
to be voted on at the meeting require the affirmative  vote of a majority of the
shares present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting.

                            MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC.

         The  following  table shows the number and  percentage of shares of the
Company's  common  stock  beneficially  owned  (a) by each  person  known by the
Company to own 5% or more of the outstanding  common stock, (b) by each director
and nominee, and (c) by all present officers and directors as a group.

Name and Address                      Number of Shares         Percent
of Beneficial Owner                   Beneficially Owned       of Class(1)
- -------------------                   ------------------       -----------

Heinz-Werner Hempel (2)(3)                1,952,577               62.4%
Hanseatische Waren-Gesellschaft
         MBH & Co., KG
Am Wall 127
28195 Bremen 1 Germany

Nicholas Nadolsky (3)                       548,836               17.6 %
1322 Briar Hollow
Garland, Texas 75043

H. Kent Hearn (3)                             3,500               Less than .1%
1409 Briar Hollow
Garland, Texas 75043

James K. Murphey (3)                            -0-                    -
2290 One Galleria Tower
13355 Noel Road, L.B.75
Dallas, Texas 75240

Ms. Connie Wood (4)                           6,000               Less than .2%
106 Cedarview
Rockwall, Texas 75087

All officers and directors                 2,510,913              80.3%
  as a group (5 Persons)
- -----------------------

(1)      Calculated on the basis of the 3,127,151  outstanding shares. There are
         no options, warrants, or convertible securities outstanding.

(2)      The Company  and Mr.  Heinz-Werner  Hempel are parties to an  Ancillary
         Agreement entered into in March 1987. The Ancillary Agreement primarily
         obligates  the Company to register  Mr.  Hempel's  stock and allows Mr.
         Hempel to participate in any sale of stock by the Company.

(3)      A director of the Company.  Each incumbent  director has been nominated
         for reelection at the Annual Meeting.

(4)      Ms. Wood,  the Company's  President,  has been nominated by the Company
         for election to the Board of Directors.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Board of Directors has determined that the Board should be composed
of five  directors  and five  directors are to be elected at the Meeting to hold
office until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders  or until their  respective
successors are elected and qualified. Proxies solicited hereby will be voted FOR
the election of the five  nominees  named below unless  authority is withheld by
the  stockholder.  Messrs.  Nadolsky,  Hearn,  Hempel and Murphey are  currently
directors of the Company.

                                     Position(s) With
Name                       Age       the Company                 Director Since
- ----                       ---       ----------------            --------------

Nicholas Nadolsky          68        Chairman of the Board       March 1974
                                     Chief Executive Officer
                                     and a Director

H. Kent Hearn              66        Director                    February 1983

Heinz-Werner Hempel        73        Director                    February 1997

James K. Murphey           59        Director                    March 1990

Connie Wood                62        President                   N/A

         Mr. Nadolsky has served as the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company
for more than twenty-eight (28) years.

         Mr. Hearn is currently  employed as a  stockbroker  by  Milkie/Ferguson
Investments, Inc. Mr. Hearn was formerly employed by Harris Securities,  Dallas,

         Mr.   Hempel   is  the  Chief   Operating   Officer   of   Hanseatrsche
Waren-Gesellschaft MBH & Co, KG, Bremen Germany.

         Mr. Murphey is an attorney and member of the law firm Glast, Phillips &
Murray,  P.C. in Dallas,  Texas.  Prior to 2001, Mr. Murphey was a member of the
law firm of Secore & Waller, L.L.P. in Dallas, Texas.

         Ms. Wood is the President of the Company and was elected to such office
in May 1999. Prior to May 1999, Ms. Wood was a Vice President of the Company.

         The Board of  Directors  held four (4)  meetings  during the year ended
November 2001. Directors receive a fee of $500.00 for each meeting. Mr. Nadolsky
received  fees of  $2,000  in 2001,  which  amount  is  included  in the  "Other
Compensations"  column.  All of the Directors  other than Mr. Hempel  personally
attended all of the meetings. Mr. Hempel attended two of the meetings.



         The  following   table  shows  as  of  November  30,  2001,   all  cash
compensation  paid to, or accrued  and vested  for the  account of Mr.  Nicholas
Nadolsky, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer and Ms. Connie Wood,

                               Annual Compensation

Name and                           Annual                  Other     All Other
Principal Position          Year   Salary         Bonus    Comp.    Compensation

Nicholas Nadolsky,          2001   $340,695.96      -0-    $2,000    $44,184.37
Chairman of the Board       2000   $325,651.30      -0-    $2,000    $20,823.34
and Chief Executive         1999   $316,571.38      -0-    $2,000   $729,086.12
Officer (1)

Connie Wood,                2001   $146,423.04      -0-              $13,671.36
President                   2000   $134,903.80      -0-              $12,839.70
                            1999   $125,192.27      -0-              $10,768.82
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)      Mr.  Nadolsky has been  employed as the Chairman of the Board and Chief
         Executive  Officer  since May 1974  pursuant to  employment  agreements
         which  have  been  periodically   amended  and  renewed.   The  present
         employment  agreement was renewed  effective March 1, 1999 and provides
         that if the Company elects to terminate the employment  agreement prior
         to March 1, 2004,  for reasons other than Mr.  Nadolsky's  inability or
         unwillingness to perform his  obligations,  the Company is obligated to
         pay Mr.  Nadolsky his salary for eighteen (18) months after the date of

Benefit Plans
- -------------

         The  Company  maintains  a Family  Medical  Reimbursement  Plan for the
benefit  of its  executive  officers  and their  dependents.  The Plan is funded
through a group insurance  policy issued by an independent  carrier and provides
for  reimbursement of 100% of all bona fide medical and dental expenses that are
not  covered by other  medical  insurance  plans.  During the fiscal  year ended
November 30, 2001, Mr. Nadolsky  received  reimbursements  of $12,188.56 and Ms.
Wood  received  $4,970.02,   which  amounts  are  included  in  the  "All  Other
Compensation" columns shown in the preceding remuneration table.

         In July 1984, the Company  adopted a Salary  Reduction Plan pursuant to
Section 401(k) of the Internal  Revenue Code. The Plan's  benefits are available
to all Company  employees who are at least 18 years of age and have completed at
least six months of service to the Company as of the  beginning  of a Plan year.
Plan  participants  may elect to defer up to 15% of their total  compensation as
their contributions, subject to the maximum allowed by the Internal Revenue code
401(k),  and the Company  matches their  contributions  up to a maximum of 6% of
their total  compensation.  A  participant's  benefits vest to the extent of 20%
after  three years of eligible  service  and become  fully  vested at the end of
seven years.

         During the fiscal  year ended  November  30,  2001,  the  Company  made
contributions  to the Plan for Mr. Nadolsky in the amount of $10,500 and for Ms.
Wood in the amount of  $8,701.34,  which  amounts are included in the "All Other
Compensation" column shown in the preceding remuneration table.

         Mr.  Nadolsky's  employment  agreement  provides that Mr.  Nadolsky may
elect to carry over any unused vacation times to subsequent  periods or elect to
be paid for such unused vacation time. In 2001, Mr. Nadolsky  elected to be paid
for all prior unused vacation time in the amount of $21,495.81 and the amount of
such  payment is included in the "All Other  Compensation"  column  shown in the
preceding remuneration table.

         On January  15,  2001,  the Board of  Directors  adopted  the  Micropac
Industries,  Inc. 2001 Employee Stock Option Plan. To date, no options have been
granted under the Plan.

Interest In Certain Transactions
- --------------------------------

         On  January  15,  2001,  the  Board of  Directors,  with  Mr.  Nadolsky
abstaining,  approved an offer for the Company to purchase 500,000 shares of Mr.
Nadolsky's  common stock at a cash purchase price of $2.50 per share for a total
price of $1,250,000.  Mr.  Nadolsky  accepted this offer and sold 500,000 of his
shares on February 5, 2001, for $1,250,000.

         In January 2001,  the Board of Directors  approved the entering into an
agreement   under  the  term  of  which  the  Company   would,   under   certain
circumstances,  agree to  purchase  Mr.  Nadolsky's  remaining  shares of common

         Since 1980,  the Company has leased a 4,800  square-foot  building from
Mr.  Nadolsky which is used primarily for  manufacturing.  The lease  originally
provided for a monthly  rental of $1,900 (an amount  based upon a January  1984,
independent  appraisal  of the  building's  value)  and was to have  expired  on
January 1, 1987.  Since 1987,  the Company has  extended  the term of this lease
from time to time.  The last renewal of the lease was on July 1, 1999 for a five
(5) year period at a monthly  rental rate of  $2,906.20.  The rental paid to Mr.
Nadolsky  pursuant  to this  lease was  $36,758.48  for the  fiscal  year  ended
November 30, 2001.


         Arthur  Andersen LLP has served as independent  accountants  since 1975
and has been  responsible for the Company's  financial audit for the fiscal year
ended November 30, 2001.

         Management  anticipates that a representative  from Arthur Andersen LLP
will be  present at the Annual  Meeting  to be given the  opportunity  to make a
statement  if  he  desires  to  do  so.  It  is  also   anticipated   that  such
representative  will be  available  to respond  to  appropriate  questions  from

                                   AUDIT FEES

         Arthur  Andersen  LLP has billed the Company  $54,000 for  professional
services for the audit of the Company's  financial  statements  for 2001 and the
review of the interim financial statements included in the Quarterly Reports.

         In  addition  to the audit  fees,  Arthur  Andersen  LLP has billed the
Company $26,615 for tax advisory and tax return preparation services.


         The Board of Directors  does not have standing  audit,  nominating,  or
compensation committee or committees performing similar functions.

         The  Board  of  directors  has  discussed   with   management  and  the
independent  auditors  the  quality  and  adequacy  of  the  Company's  internal
controls.  The  directors  have  considered  and reviewed  with the  independent
auditors their audit plans, the scope of the audit, the  identification of audit

         The Board of Directors  has reviewed the  Company's  audited  financial
statements  for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2001, and discussed them with
management  and  the  Company's   independent   auditors.   Management  has  the
responsibility  for the  preparation  and integrity of the  Company's  financial
statements  and  the  independent  auditors  have  the  responsibility  for  the
examination of those  statements.  Based on this and discussions with management
and the independent  auditors,  the Board of Directors has recommended  that the
Company's audited financial  statements be included in its Annual Report on Form
10-KSB  for the  fiscal  year  ended  November  30,  2001  for  filing  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  It is not the duty of the Directors to plan
or conduct audits, to determine that Company's financial statements are complete
and accurate and are in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States. Those responsibilities  belong to management and Company's
independent  auditors.  In giving its recommendations,  the Directors considered
(a)  management's  representation  that  such  financial  statements  have  been
prepared  with  integrity and  objectivity  and in  conformity  with  accounting
principles  generally  accepted in the United States,  and (b) the report of the
Company's independent auditors with respect to such financial statements.

         The Board of Directors  has received and reviewed  written  disclosures
and a letter from the  independent  accountant's  required  by the  Independence
Standards Board Standard No. 1, entitled  "Independence  Discussions  with Audit
Committee,"  as  amended  to  date,  and  has  discussed  with  the  independent
accountants their independence from management.

                         COST OF SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

         The Company will bear the costs of the  solicitation of proxies for the
Meeting,  including  the  cost  of  preparing,   assembling  and  mailing  proxy
materials,  the handling and  tabulation of proxies  received and all charges to
brokerage houses and other institutions,  nominees and fiduciaries in forwarding
such  materials to  beneficial  owners.  In addition to the mailing of the proxy
material,  such  solicitation may be made in person or by telephone or telegraph
by directors, officers and regular employees of the Company.

                             STOCKHOLDERS PROPOSALS

         Any stockholder proposing to have any appropriate matter brought before
the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders  scheduled for February 2003 must submit
such proposal in accordance  with the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  Such proposal should be sent to Mr. Dave Hendon,  P. 0. Box 469017,
Garland, Texas 75046, no later than November 1, 2002.