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                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                           unaudited financial results
                  for the NINE months ended 31st december, 2001

In view of the fact that Hang Fung Gold Technology Limited (the "Company") is an
associate  of S.W.  Lam,  Inc.  which is quoted on the National  Association  of
Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Electronic  Bulletin Board, the quarterly and annual
results of the  Company  and S.W.  Lam,  Inc.  are  accordingly  required  to be
simultaneously disseminated in Hong Kong and the United States.

The Directors of Hang Fung Gold Technology Limited (the "Company")  announce the
unaudited  consolidated  income statements of the Company,  its subsidiaries and
associates (collectively the "Group") for the three months and nine months ended
31st  December,  2001 together with  comparative  figures for the  corresponding
periods in 2000 as follows:

                                                       Nine months ended                Three months ended
                                                         31st December                     31st December
                                                      2001            2000              2001           2000
                                     Note          HK$'000         HK$'000           HK$'000        HK$'000
                                                           (Unaudited)                       (Unaudited)
Turnover                              (2)            968,475         802,849           350,322         372,172
Cost of sales                                       (825,641)       (668,785)         (298,651)       (321,748)
                                               -------------   -------------     -------------   -------------
Gross profit                                         142,834         134,064            51,671          50,424
Selling and distribution expenses                    (22,438)        (11,831)          (10,789)         (4,264)
General and administrative expenses                  (59,195)        (46,655)          (22,768)        (14,751)
Impairment loss on goodwill arising
  on acquisition of associates        (1)               --          (188,142)             --              --
                                               -------------   -------------     -------------   -------------
Profit from operations                                61,201        (112,564)           18,114          31,409
Interest income                                        6,027           5,475             1,402           1,532
Interest expense                                     (25,079)        (18,496)           (7,803)         (6,953)
Share of loss of associates and provision for
  doubtful receivables from an associate              (8,500)         (4,623)           (2,869)         (3,884)
                                               -------------   -------------     -------------   -------------
Profit before taxation                                33,649        (130,208)            8,844          22,104
Taxation                              (3)             (3,372)         (5,000)             (972)         (2,000)
Profit attributable to shareholders                   30,277        (135,208)            7,872          20,104
                                               =============   =============     =============   =============
Dividend - interim                                      --              --                --              --
                                               =============   =============     =============   =============

Earnings/(Loss) per share             (4)
  - Basic                                        0.568 cents   (3.235) cents
                                               =============   =============

  - Diluted                                      0.565 cents   (3.199) cents
                                               =============   =============


1.   Principal accounting policies

     The  unaudited   consolidated  income  statements  have  been  prepared  in
     accordance with the principal  accounting policies set out in the Company's
     annual  accounts for the year ended 31st March,  2001,  except for goodwill
     set out below.

     Effective  from 1st April,  2001, the Company has adopted SSAP 30 "Business
     Combination",  goodwill  arising  on  acquisitions  is  capitalised  in the
     balance sheet and amortised to the income  statement in accordance with the
     pattern of the  related  economic  benefits  flowing to the  Company.  This
     change in accounting policy has been applied  retrospectively.  As a result
     of  this  change  in  accounting  policy,  the  goodwill  of  approximately
     HK$188,142,000,  which was previously eliminated against reserves, has been
     reinstated and an impairment loss of approximately  HK$188,142,000 has been
     recognised in corresponding period in 2000.

2.   Turnover

     Analysis of the Group's turnover by geographical locations is as follows:

                                                              Nine months ended
                                                                31st December
                                                              2001          2000
                                                          Turnover      Turnover
                                                          HK$'000       HK$'000

     By geographical locations
      Mainland China and Hong Kong                        658,560       487,329
      South East Asia                                     125,925       112,399
      Europe                                               58,068        77,073
      The United States of America                         78,466        76,271
      Others                                               47,456        49,777
                                                         --------      --------

                                                          968,475       802,849
                                                         ========      ========

     Turnover  by  geographical  locations  is  determined  on the  basis of the
destination of delivery of products.

3.   Taxation

     Taxation in the consolidated income statements represents:

                                                              Nine months ended
                                                                31st December
                                                              2001       2000
                                                           HK$'000    HK$'000

     Hong Kong taxation                                     3,372         5,000
                                                         ========      ========

     The Company is exempted  from  taxation  in Bermuda  until 2016.  Hong Kong
     profits tax was  provided at the rate of 16% (2000:  16%) on the  estimated
     assessable profit arising in or derived from Hong Kong.

     There was no significant  unprovided deferred taxation as at 31st December,

4.   Earnings/(Loss) per share

     (a)  Basic earnings/(loss) per share
          The  calculation  of basic  earnings/(loss)  per share is based on the
          profit  attributable to shareholders of HK$30,277,000  (2000:  loss of
          HK$135,208,000) and 5,332,000,000 shares (2000:  4,179,425,000 shares)
          in issue during the period.

     (b)  Diluted earnings/(loss) per share
          The calculation of diluted  earnings/(loss)  per share is based on the
          profit  attributable to shareholders of HK$30,277,000  (2000:  loss of
          HK$135,208,000)  and on the weighted  average number of  5,362,577,396
          shares (2000:  4,226,132,000  shares) in issue during the period after
          adjusting for the effects of all dilutive potential shares. The effect
          of the dilutive  potential  shares  resulting from the exercise of the
          outstanding  employee share options on the weighted  average number of
          shares  in issue  during  the  period  was  30,577,396  shares  (2000:
          46,707,000   shares),   which  were   deemed  to  have  issued  at  no
          consideration  if all  outstanding  employee  share  options  had been
          exercised on the date when the employee share options were granted.

5.   Comparative figures

     Certain  comparative  figures  have been  reclassified  to  conform  to the
     current period presentation.

Turnover for the nine months ended 31st December, 2001 amounted to approximately
HK$968,475,000  representing an increase of 20.6% over the corresponding  period
in 2000.  Profit from operation  before  impairment loss on goodwill  arising on
acquisition of associates was HK$61,201,000 (2000: HK$75,578,000).  The decrease
in profit was due to (1) change of product  mix of  increase  in  proportion  of
sales of gold products of relatively lower gross profit margin;  (2) increase in
selling and administrative  expenses which was mainly due to increase in size of
operation  and business in general,  expansion of  distribution  network and the
establishment of the "3D-Gold Tourism Exhibition Hall"; and (3) adoption of more
competitive pricing strategy to cope with increasing competition and to increase
market share.

Profit  attributable to shareholders  before impairment loss on goodwill arising
on  acquisition of associates  amounted to  approximately  HK$30,277,000  (2000:
HK$52,934,000).  The  decrease  in profit was mainly due to (1) the  increase in
share of loss of  associates  and  provision  for  doubtful  receivable  from an
associate  and (2) the  increase  in  interest  expense  due to increase of bank
borrowings  for  expanding  distribution  network and the  establishment  of the
"3D-Gold Tourism Exhibition Hall".

On 1st March,  2002,  the Company has passed a  resolution  to reduce the entire
share premium  accounts to zero by canceling  the entire  amount  HK$328,220,000
standing to the credit of the share premium accounts as at 1st March,  2002. The
cancelled  amount will be transferred to the contributed  surplus account of the
Company.  The amount of HK$200,693,000  in the contributed  surplus account will
then be set off against the accumulated deficit of the Company as at 31st March,
2001 of  HK$200,693,000.  As a  result,  the  Company  will  enable  to  declare
dividends to  shareholders  of the Company at an earlier  opportunity and make a
distribution to shareholders out of the contributed  surplus account as and when
they consider it appropriate to do so.

The Directors do not recommend any third interim dividend in respect of the nine
months ended 31st December, 2001 (2000: Nil).

Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries purchased,  sold or redeemed any
of the Company's listed  securities  during the nine months ended 31st December,

                                                          On behalf of the Board
                                                               Lam Sai Wing

Hong Kong, 21st March, 2002