

                                  BY AND AMONG

                                 CRYOTHERM, Inc.

                                ITS STOCKHOLDERS


                            TOMAHAWK INDUSTRIES, Inc.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

       ARTICLE I - AGREEMENT..................................................1

   1.1 Plan of Reorganization.................................................1
   1.2 Exchange of Stock......................................................1
   1.3 Delivery of Shares.....................................................2
   1.4 Capital Structure of Cryotherm, Inc....................................2
   1.5 Present Capital Structure of TOMAHAWK..................................3
   1.6 Capital Structure of TOMAHAWK at the Closing...........................3
   1.7 No Changes in Capitalization...........................................4
   1.8 Capital Structure of TOMAHAWK After the Closing........................4

       ARTICLE II - CLOSING; EFFECTIVE DATE...................................4

   2.1 Closing................................................................4
   2.2 Closing Documents......................................................4


   3.1 Organization and Qualification; Subsidiaries...........................5
   3.2 Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws...................................5
   3.3 Authority Relative to This Agreement...................................6
   3.4 No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents.............................6
   3.5 Compliance; Permits....................................................7
   3.6 Financial Statements...................................................7
   3.7 Commission Filings.....................................................8
   3.8 OTCBB..................................................................8
   3.9 State Takeover Statutes................................................9
   3.10No Undisclosed Liabilities.............................................9
   3.11Absence of Certain Changes or Events...................................9
   3.12Absence of Litigation..................................................9
   3.13Employee Benefit Plans................................................10
   3.14Labor Matters.........................................................10
   3.15Restrictions on Business Activities...................................10
   3.16Title to Property.....................................................10
   3.18Environmental Matters.................................................11
   3.19Intangible Assets.....................................................11
   3.20Agreements, Contracts and Commitments.................................12
   3.22Directors and Officers................................................13
   3.23Transfer Agent........................................................13
   3.24Stock Transfer Records................................................13

   3.25Corporate Record Books................................................13
   3.26Related Party Transactions............................................13
   3.27Lack of Disputes......................................................13
   3.28Board Approval........................................................14
   3.29Vote Required.........................................................14
   3.31Confidentiality and Non Disclosure....................................14
   3.32Access to Information.................................................14

 AND THE STOCKHOLDERS........................................................14

   4.2 Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws..................................15
   4.3 Authority Relative to This Agreement..................................15
   4.4 No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents............................15
   4.5 Compliance; Permits...................................................16
   4.6 Financial Statements..................................................17
   4.7 No Undisclosed Liabilities............................................17
   4.8 Absence of Litigation.................................................17
   4.9 Labor Matters.........................................................17
   4.10Restrictions on Business Activities...................................17
   4.11Title to Property.....................................................18
   4.13Environmental Matters.................................................18
   4.14Intangible Assets.....................................................19
   4.15Directors and Officers................................................19
   4.16Corporate Record Books................................................19
   4.17Lack of Disputes......................................................19
   4.18Board Approval........................................................20
   4.19Vote Required.........................................................20
   4.21Confidentiality and Non Disclosure....................................20
   4.22Access to Information.................................................20

       ARTICLE V - TERMINATION, AMENDMENT AND WAIVERS........................20

   5.1 Termination...........................................................20
   5.2 Notice of Termination; Effect of Termination..........................21
   5.3 Fees and Expenses.....................................................21
   5.4 Amendment.............................................................21
   5.5 Waiver................................................................21


   6.1 Public Disclosure.....................................................21

       ARTICLE VII - GENERAL PROVISIONS......................................21

   7.1 Non-Survival..........................................................21
   7.2 Notices...............................................................22
   7.3 Further Assurances....................................................22
   7.4 Interpretation........................................................22
   7.5 Counterparts..........................................................22
   7.6 Entire Agreement; Third Party Beneficiaries...........................22
   7.7 Severability..........................................................22
   7.8 Other Remedies; Specific Performance..................................22
   7.9 Governing Law.........................................................23


List of CYRO Shareholders..             A                                    24


     This Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  is entered into on this ___ day
of  July,  2002  ("Agreement"),   by  and  among  Cryotherm,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation ("CRYO"), the undersigned  stockholders of CRYO (the "Stockholders")
and Tomahawk Industries, Inc., a Nevada corporation ("TOMAHAWK").


          WHEREAS, the Stockholders own beneficially and of record all

          of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock, par

          value $.001 per share (the "CRYO Common Stock"), of CRYO;

     WHEREAS,  TOMAHAWK  desires to acquire  100% of the issued and  outstanding
CRYO Common  Stock,  making CRYO a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of TOMAHAWK and the
Stockholders  desire to make a  tax-free  exchange  of their CRYO  Common  Stock
solely  for shares of common  stock,  par value  $.001 per share (the  "TOMAHAWK
Common Stock"), of TOMAHAWK; and

     WHEREAS,  the parties intend,  by entering into this Agreement,  to adopt a
plan of reorganization within the meaning of Section 368 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants,  promises and agreements
set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

     1.1 Plan of Reorganization.  CRYO, the Stockholders and TOMAHAWK agree that
one hundred  (100%) percent of the issued and  outstanding  Common Stock of CRYO
shall  be  acquired  by  TOMAHAWK  in a  transaction  qualifying  as a  tax-free
stock-for-stock  exchange  pursuant  to  Section  368(a)(1)(B)  of the  Code  in
exchange solely for shares of TOMAHAWK Common Stock.

     1.2 Exchange of Stock. As of the date hereof, CRYO has 10,000,000 shares of
Common Stock issued and  outstanding.  At the Closing (as hereinafter  defined),
all of such shares of CRYO Common Stock will be exchanged for 10,000,000  shares
of restricted post reverse split TOMAHAWK Common Stock. A list of the holders of


CRYO Common Stock,  how many shares they own, and the shares of TOMAHAWK  Common
Stock each is to  receive  will be  provided  by CRYO to  TOMAHAWK  at least two
business  days prior to the date on which the  Closing  Date.  This list of CRYO
shareholders shall be attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The Stockholders represent
and warrant to TOMAHAWK that the shares of TOMAHAWK  Common Stock that each will
receive are being acquired for investment for each Stockholder's own account and
not with a view to sale,  resale  or  distribution  except  in  compliance  with
applicable  federal and state securities laws. The Stockholders  understand that
the shares of TOMAHAWK  Common Stock they will acquire have not been  registered
under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended  (the  "Securities  Act"),  and
applicable  state  securities  law,  that they are  "restricted  securities"  as
defined under the Securities  Act and that the  certificates  representing  such
shares  of  TOMAHAWK  Common  Stock  will  bear a  legend  to such  effect.  The
Stockholders  further represent and warrant to TOMAHAWK that they are Accredited
Investors  (as defined  pursuant to the  Securities  Act) and that if any of the
Stockholders is an entity, it was not organized for the purpose of acquiring the
TOMAHAWK Common Stock. The Stockholders have had access and examined through the
Edgar program of the Securities and Exchange Commission all reports, filings and
other  documents  filed by TOMAHAWK with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC").

     1.3 Delivery of Shares.  At the Closing,  certificates  representing all of
the issued and  outstanding  shares of CRYO Common  Stock shall be  delivered to
TOMAHAWK,  duly endorsed for transfer or accompanied by appropriate stock powers
duly  executed.  TOMAHAWK will receive valid title to such shares of CRYO Common
Stock,  free and  clear of all liens and  other  encumbrances.  At the  Closing,
TOMAHAWK shall issue and deliver to the  Stockholders  shares of TOMAHAWK Common
Stock as provided in the list delivered to TOMAHAWK pursuant to Section 1.2.

     1.4  Capital  Structure  of  CRYO.  The  authorized  capital  stock of CRYO
consists of 10,000,000  shares of CRYO Common Stock, of which 10,000,000  shares
are issued and outstanding. No other class of stock is authorized.

     1.5 Present Capital Structure of TOMAHAWK.  The authorized capital stock of
TOMAHAWK  consists of  200,000,000  shares of TOMAHAWK  Common  Stock,  of which
56,637,228 shares are issued and outstanding,  and no shares of preferred stock.
All of the issued and outstanding TOMAHAWK Common Stock has been duly authorized
and validly issued,  and is fully paid and  nonassessable and was issued free of
preemptive rights. Except for this Agreement,  there are no outstanding options,
warrants, conversion rights, preemptive rights or other rights to subscribe for,
purchase  or  otherwise  acquire  any shares of TOMAHAWK  Common  Stock,  or any
obligation of TOMAHAWK to issue any shares of TOMAHAWK Common Stock.


     1.6 Capital Structure of TOMAHAWK at the Closing. All of the liabilities of
TOMAHAWK  shall be  satisfied  in full  prior to the  Closing  so that as of the
Closing it will have no assets or  liabilities.  Prior to the Closing,  TOMAHAWK
shall  duly  and  validly  adopt,  in form  and  substance  acceptable  to CRYO,
corporate  resolutions by unanimous written consent of the Board of Directors of
TOMAHAWK and by the written consent of the holders of a majority of the TOMAHAWK
Common Stock to authorize and approve the following actions:

     (a) An amendment to its Articles of  Incorporation  to change the corporate
name to  Cryotherm  Incorporated,  or such other name as may be mutually  agreed
between TOMAHAWK and CRYO.

     (b) Approving and  authorizing  the execution,  delivery and performance of
this  Agreement  by TOMAHAWK,  including  the  issuance of  25,000,000  new post
reverse split shares of restricted TOMAHAWK Common Stock to the Stockholders.

     (c)  Approving and adopting an amendment to the By-laws of TOMAHAWK so that
as of the Closing Date the By-laws shall be identical to the current  By-laws of

     (d) Electing  Lawrence M. Shultz,  Sally J. Shultz and Kenneth D. Rickel as
Directors of TOMAHAWK as of the Closing Date.

     (e) A resolution  to reverse  split the common stock of TOMAHAWK on a 1:400
with  fractional  shares  rounded  down.  Such post split common shares shall be
referred to in this agreement as new shares.

     (f) A resolution to register and issue 950,000 shares of S-8 for payment to
consultants for services rendered.

     1.7 No Changes in  Capitalization.  Other than as described in Section 1.6,
prior to the Closing Date,  TOMAHAWK will not (i) make any change in its Article
of  Incorporation  or By-laws,  issue any additional  shares of TOMAHAWK  Common
Stock or any other security or grant any option, warrant or right to acquire any


shares  of  TOMAHAWK  Common  Stock or any other  security  or alter or make any
change in any of its outstanding  securities or its  capitalization,  whether by
reason  of  a   reclassification,   recapitalization,   split,  stock  dividend,
combination,  exchange  or  otherwise,  or  (ii)  redeem,  retire,  purchase  or
otherwise acquire,  directly or indirectly,  any shares of TOMAHAWK Common Stock
or any other security or declare or pay any dividends or other  distributions in
respect of such shares or securities.

     1.8 Capital  Structure of TOMAHAWK  After the  Closing.  After the Closing,
including the actions  described in Section 1.6, the following  shall  represent
all of the issued and outstanding securities of TOMAHAWK:

                                       Post-Closing Shares of
     Holders                           TOMAHAWK Common Stock     Percentage

Stockholders                                  25,950,000             99.46%

Pre-Closing Holders of TOMAHAWK Common
                                                 141,590               .54%
                                              ----------         ----------
                  Totals                      26,091,159            100.00%

                                   ARTICLE II
                             CLOSING; EFFECTIVE DATE

     2.1 Closing. The closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
(the "Closing")  shall take place at 10:00 A.M., New York time, on July 26, 2002
or at such  other  time and date as the  parties  shall  agree in  writing  (the
"Closing Date"), at the offices of Steven Siskind,  645 Fifth Avenue,  New York,
New York 10022 or at such other place as the parties shall agree in writing.

     2.2  Closing  Documents.  (a)  At  the  Closing,  TOMAHAWK,  CRYO  and  the
Stockholders shall deliver all certificates.

     (b) The effective  date of the  reorganization,  for  accounting  purposes,
shall be determined by new  management in  co-ordination  with current  Tomahawk

     c) All  certificates,  instruments,  opinions  and  other  documents  to be
executed  or  delivered  by or on behalf of  TOMAHAWK  or Mr.  Little  under the
provisions of this Agreement,  and all other actions and proceedings to be taken
by or on behalf of  TOMAHAWK or Mr.  Little in  furtherance  of the  transaction
contemplated hereby, shall be satisfactory in form and substance to CRYO and the


                                   ARTICLE III
                                   OF TOMAHAWK

     TOMAHAWK  represents and warrants to CRYO and the Stockholders as set forth
in this Article III:

     3.1 Organization and Qualification; Subsidiaries. TOMAHAWK was incorporated
in Nevada on May 13, 1980.  TOMAHAWK is duly incorporated,  validly existing and
in good standing under the laws of Nevada and has the requisite  corporate power
and authority to own,  lease and operate its assets and  properties and to carry
on its  business as it is now being  conducted  and as proposed to be  conducted
after  the  Closing.  TOMAHAWK  is in  possession  of  all  franchises,  grants,
authorizations,  licenses, permits, easements, consents, certificates, approvals
and orders  necessary to own,  lease and operate the  properties  it purports to
own, operate or lease and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted.
TOMAHAWK is duly qualified or licensed as a foreign  corporation to do business,
and is in good  standing,  in  each  jurisdiction  where  the  character  of the
properties owned, leased or operated by it or the nature of its activities makes
such  qualification  or  licensing  necessary.   Other  than  pursuant  to  this
Agreement,  TOMAHAWK does not directly or  indirectly  own, or have the right or
obligation  to  acquire,  any equity or  similar  interest  in, or any  interest
convertible or exchangeable or exercisable  for, any equity or similar  interest
in, any corporation,  partnership,  limited liability company,  joint venture or
other business, association or entity.

     3.2 Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. TOMAHAWK has previously furnished
directly or through filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission to CRYO
and  the   Stockholders   a  complete  and  correct  copy  of  its  Articles  of
Incorporation  and Bylaws as amended to date. Such Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws are in full force and effect.  TOMAHAWK is not in violation of any of the
provisions of its Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws.

     3.3  Authority  Relative  to This  Agreement.  TOMAHAWK  has all  necessary
corporate  power and  authority  to execute and deliver  this  Agreement  and to
perform its obligations hereunder and, subject to obtaining the approval of this
Agreement  by the  holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of TOMAHAWK


Common Stock, to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby. The execution
and delivery of this Agreement by TOMAHAWK and the  consummation  by TOMAHAWK of
the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly and validly  authorized by
all necessary  corporate  action on the part of TOMAHAWK and no other  corporate
proceedings on the part of TOMAHAWK are necessary to authorize this Agreement or
to consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby (other than the approval of
this  Agreement  by the  holders  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of
TOMAHAWK  Common Stock).  This Agreement has been duly and validly  executed and
delivered  by  TOMAHAWK  and,  assuming  the due  authorization,  execution  and
delivery  by  CRYO  and  the  Stockholders,  constitutes  a  legal  and  binding
obligation of TOMAHAWK,  enforceable  against  TOMAHAWK in  accordance  with its

     3.4 No Conflict;  Required  Filings and  Consents.  (a) The  execution  and
delivery  of this  Agreement  by TOMAHAWK do not,  and the  performance  of this
Agreement by TOMAHAWK  shall not,  (i) conflict  with or violate its Articles of
Incorporation  or  Bylaws,  (ii)  subject  to  obtaining  the  approval  of this
Agreement  by the  holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of TOMAHAWK
Common  Stock,  conflict  with or  violate  any law,  rule,  regulation,  order,
judgment  or  decree  applicable  to  TOMAHAWK  or by  which  it or  any  of its
properties is bound or affected,  or (iii) result in any breach of or constitute
a default (or an event that with notice or lapse of time or both would  become a
default) under, or impair  TOMAHAWK's  rights or alter the rights or obligations
of any  third  party  under,  or give  to  others  any  rights  of  termination,
amendment,  acceleration or cancellation of, or result in the creation of a lien
or encumbrance  on any of the properties or assets of TOMAHAWK  pursuant to, any
note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,  contract,  agreement, lease, license, permit,
franchise or other  instrument or obligation to which  TOMAHAWK is a party or by
which TOMAHAWK or any of its properties is bound or affected.

     (b) The  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by TOMAHAWK do not, and
the  performance of this  Agreement by TOMAHAWK shall not,  require any consent,
approval,  authorization  or permit of, or filing with or  notification  to, any
court,   administrative  agency,   commission,  or  governmental  or  regulatory
authority,  domestic or foreign, except for applicable requirements,  if any, of
the  Securities  Act,  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange   Act"),   state  securities  laws,  and  the  rules  and  regulations
thereunder, and the rules and regulations of NASDAQ.


     3.5  Compliance;  Permits.  (a)  TOMAHAWK  is not in conflict  with,  or in
default or  violation  of, (i) any law,  rule,  regulation,  order,  judgment or
decree  applicable  to  TOMAHAWK or by which any of its  properties  is bound or
affected,  or (ii) any note, bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  contract,  agreement,
lease,  license,  permit,  franchise or other  instrument or obligation to which
TOMAHAWK is a party or by which  TOMAHAWK or any of its  properties  is bound or
affected.  No  investigation or review by any governmental or regulatory body or
authority  is pending  or, to the  knowledge  of  TOMAHAWK,  threatened  against
TOMAHAWK,  nor has any governmental or regulatory body or authority indicated an
intention to conduct the same.

     (b) TOMAHAWK holds all permits, licenses, variances, exemptions, orders and
approvals from governmental  authorities which are necessary or desirable to the
operation of the business of TOMAHAWK  (collectively,  the "TOMAHAWK  Permits").
TOMAHAWK  is in  compliance  in all  respects  with the  terms  of the  TOMAHAWK

     3.6 Financial Statements TOMAHAWK has:

     (a) Filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission financials statements
that are accurate and that are required by the Commission.

     (b) All the Financial  Statements  have been  prepared in  accordance  with
generally  accepted   accounting   principles  ("GAAP")   consistently   applied
throughout the periods  involved.  As of the date of any of such balance sheets,
except to the extent reflected therein, TOMAHAWK did not have any liabilities or
obligations  (absolute  or  contingent)  which  should be reflected in a balance
sheet or the notes  thereto  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP,  and all assets
reflected  therein are  properly  reported  and present  fairly the value of the
assets of TOMAHAWK in accordance  with GAAP.  Such  statements of operations and
comprehensive  income  present  fairly the results of operations of TOMAHAWK for
the periods  indicated.  Such statements of changes in shareholders'  equity and
cash flows present fairly the information,  which should be presented therein in
accordance  with GAAP. As of the Closing  Date,  TOMAHAWK will have no assets or

     (c) The  financial and other books and records of TOMAHAWK are complete and
correct and have been maintained in accordance with good business and accounting
practices,  and the Financial  Statements can be reconciled  with such books and


     3.7 Commission Filings. Since such date TOMAHAWK was first required to make
(or has voluntarily made) such filings,  TOMAHAWK believes it has filed with the
SEC all Annual Reports on Form 10-KSB, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-QSB, Current
Reports on Form 8-K, proxy materials,  registration statements and other reports
and documents required to be filed by it pursuant to federal securities laws and
has made all other filings with the SEC required to be made  (collectively,  the
"TOMAHAWK Commission Filings").  TOMAHAWK has satisfied all requirements to be a
"small  business  issuer" as defined  pursuant to the Exchange Act. The TOMAHAWK
Commission Filings,  including all Financial  Statements  included therein,  (i)
were prepared in all material  respects in accordance  with the  requirements of
the Exchange Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder,  and the Securities
Act and the rules and regulations  thereunder,  as the case may be, and (ii) did
not (as of their respective  filing dates,  mailing dates or effective dates, as
the case may be)  contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to
state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not  misleading.  TOMAHAWK has complied  with and is, as of the date hereof,  in
compliance with all state securities or "Blue Sky" laws and regulations.

     3.8  OTCBB.  TOMAHAWK  and its market  makers  have  complied  with and are
current with all  applicable  requirements  for the TOMAHAWK  Common Stock to be
quoted on the OTC Bulletin  Board  ("OTCBB")  under the symbol  "TMHK".  Neither
TOMAHAWK nor any of its market  makers have  received  any notice,  nor to their
knowledge is it  threatened,  that at any time the TOMAHAWK  Common Stock may no
longer be eligible to be quoted on the OTCBB.

     The shares of TOMAHAWK  Common Stock issuable to the  Stockholders  and the
consultants pursuant to this Agreement, when issued, will be duly authorized and
validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable and free of any preemptive rights
and will be  eligible  to be quoted on the  OTCBB.  There has been no stop order
issued by any regulatory authority including,  without limitation, the NASD, the
SEC or any state  regulatory  authority  relating to  TOMAHAWK  or the  TOMAHAWK
Common Stock and TOMAHAWK  has not received any notice of any  investigation  or
other proceeding that could result in any stop order.

     3.9 State Takeover Statutes. TOMAHAWK and its Board of Directors have taken
all  action  required  to be  taken  in order  to  render  inapplicable  to this
Agreement  and  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  the  provisions  of all
anti-takeover  and related,  affiliated or interested party transaction laws and
regulations of any state,  including,  without  limitation,  Sections  78.378 to
78.3793 and 78.411 to 78.444 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.


     3.10 No  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  TOMAHAWK does not have any  liabilities
(absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise) except (i) liabilities provided for
in TOMAHAWK's balance sheet as the 10-KSB dated April 20, 2002, or (ii) banking,
accounting,   legal  and  printing  fees   associated   with  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement,  which do not exceed $5,000.00 in the aggregate.
All of such fees will be  reimbursed  to  TOMAHAWK  by the  holders of  TOMAHAWK
Common Stock prior to the Closing.

     3.11 Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Since April 30, 2002,  TOMAHAWK
has conducted no business and has incurred no liabilities,  except in connection
with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  which liabilities do not
exceed  $100.00  in the  aggregate  (all of which  liabilities  will  have  been
reimbursed  as provided in Section 3.11 prior to the  Closing).  Since April 30,
2002  material  change  has  occurred  in  the  financial   condition,   assets,
liabilities or business of TOMAHAWK.

     3.12  Absence  of  Litigation.   There  are  no  claims,   actions,  suits,
investigations  or  proceedings  pending  or,  to  the  knowledge  of  TOMAHAWK,
threatened  against  TOMAHAWK or any  properties  or rights of TOMAHAWK or as to
which TOMAHAWK has received any written  notice or assertion,  before any court,
arbitrator or  administrative,  governmental  or  regulatory  authority or body,
domestic or foreign.

     3.13 Employee Benefit Plans. TOMAHAWK is not a party to any oral or written
(i) contract for the employment of any officer or employee; (ii) profit sharing,
bonus,  deferred   compensation,   pension  or  retirement  plan,  agreement  or
arrangement;  (iii) collective bargaining agreement;  or (iv) employee fringe or
benefit plan,  commitment or other  arrangements  (whether or not set forth in a
written document and including, without limitation, all "employee benefit plans"
within the meaning of Section 3(3) of the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security
Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA"),  that covers any active or former  employee,
director or consultant of TOMAHAWK, or with respect to which TOMAHAWK has or may
in the future have liability.

     3.14 Labor Matters.  There is no litigation pending or, to the knowledge of
TOMAHAWK,  threatened, between TOMAHAWK and any of its employees. As of the date
of  this  Agreement,  TOMAHAWK  is  not a  party  to any  collective  bargaining
agreement  or other  labor  union  contract  applicable  to persons  employed by
TOMAHAWK nor does TOMAHAWK know of any  activities or  proceedings  of any labor
union to organize any such employees. As of the date of this Agreement, TOMAHAWK
has no knowledge  of any  strikes,  slowdowns,  work  stoppages or lockouts,  or
threats thereof, by or with respect to any employees of TOMAHAWK.


     3.15 Restrictions on Business Activities. There is no agreement,  judgment,
injunction,  order or decree binding upon TOMAHAWK which has or could reasonably
be expected to have the effect of prohibiting or impairing any business practice
of TOMAHAWK,  any acquisition of property by TOMAHAWK or the conduct of business
by TOMAHAWK as  currently  conducted  or as proposed to be  conducted  after the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     3.16 Title to Property. TOMAHAWK owns no real property.

     3.17 Taxes.  Prior to the Closing,  TOMAHAWK will have timely filed all tax
returns required to be filed by it, have paid all Taxes (as defined below) shown
thereon  to be due and  have  provided  adequate  accruals  in all  respects  in
accordance  with GAAP in its  financial  statements  for any Taxes that have not
been paid, whether or not shown as being due on any returns. In addition, (i) no
claim for unpaid Taxes that are currently,  or will be prior to the Closing, due
and  payable  has become a lien  against  the  property  of TOMAHAWK or is being
asserted against TOMAHAWK, (ii) no audit of any Tax Return (as defined below) of
TOMAHAWK  is being  conducted  by a tax  authority,  (iii) no  extension  of the
statute  of  limitations  on the  assessment  of any Taxes has been  granted  by
TOMAHAWK and is currently in effect and (iv) there is no agreement,  contract or
arrangement  to which  TOMAHAWK is a party that may result in the payment of any
amount that would not be deductible pursuant to Sections 280G, 162(a) (by reason
of being unreasonable in amount), 162(b) through (p) or 404 of the Code. As used
herein, "Taxes" shall mean all taxes of any kind, including, without limitation,
those on or measured by or referred to as income, gross receipts, sales, use, ad
valorem, franchise, profits, license, withholding,  payroll, employment, excise,
severance, stamp, occupation, premium, value added, property or windfall profits
taxes,  customs,  duties or  similar  fees,  assessments  or charges of any kind
whatsoever,  together with any interest and any  penalties,  additions to tax or
additional amounts imposed by any governmental  authority,  domestic or foreign.
As used herein, "Tax Return" shall mean any return, report or statement required
to be filed with any governmental authority with respect to Taxes.


         3.18 Environmental Matters. TOMAHAWK (i) has obtained all applicable
permits, licenses and other authorizations which are required under Federal,
state or local laws relating to pollution or protection of the environment,
including laws relating to emissions, discharges, releases or threatened
releases of pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials or wastes
into ambient air, surface water, ground water, or land or otherwise relating to
the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal,
transport, or handling of pollutants, contaminants or hazardous or toxic
materials or wastes by TOMAHAWK (or its respective agents); (ii) is in material
compliance with all terms and conditions of such required permits, licenses and
authorizations, and also is in compliance with all other limitations,
restrictions, conditions, standards, prohibitions, requirements, obligations,
schedules and timetables contained in such laws or contained in any regulation,
code, plan, order, decree, judgment, notice or demand letter issued, entered,
promulgated or approved thereunder; (iii) as of the date hereof, is not aware of
nor has received notice of any event, condition, circumstance, activity,
practice, incident, action or plan which is reasonably likely to interfere with
or prevent continued compliance or which would give rise to any common law or
statutory liability, or otherwise form the basis of any claim, action, suit or
proceeding, based on or resulting from TOMAHAWK's (or any of its respective
agents) manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage,
disposal, transport, or handling, or the emission, discharge, or release into
the environment, of any pollutant, contaminant, or hazardous or toxic material
or waste; and (iv) has taken all actions necessary under applicable requirements
of Federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations to register any products
or materials required to be registered by TOMAHAWK (or any of its respective

     3.19 Intangible Assets.  TOMAHAWK has full rights to all patents and patent
applications  (pending or in the process of  preparation),  domestic or foreign,
patent rights, trademarks, trade names and licenses under the patents of others,
trade secrets,  secret processes and other proprietary  rights of every kind and
nature  used by  TOMAHAWK  at any time or  necessary  for use by TOMAHAWK in its
business as presently  conducted.  None of the foregoing are owned or controlled
in  whole or in part  directly  or  indirectly  by any of  TOMAHAWK's  officers,
directors, employees,  consultants or independent contractors. All such patents,
patent  applications,  patent  rights and  licenses  are valid and  effective in
accordance  with their terms,  and all such trade names,  trade secrets,  secret


processes and other proprietary  rights are valid and effective.  The conduct of
TOMAHAWK's  business  or any  other  actions  by  TOMAHAWK  has not and does not
infringe upon the patents,  trademarks,  trade  secrets,  or copyrights or other
intellectual  property rights of any other party.  TOMAHAWK has not received any
notice  of any claim of  infringement.  There are no  agreements,  contracts  or
obligations  under which TOMAHAWK is obligated with respect to, or is using, any
patents, patent applications,  patent rights, trademarks,  trade names, licenses
under  the  patents  of  others,  trade  secrets,   secret  processes  or  other
proprietary rights.

     3.20 Agreements, Contracts and Commitments.  TOMAHAWK is not a party to and
is not bound by:

     (a) any employment or consulting agreement, contract or commitment with any
officer, director or member of TOMAHAWK's Board of Directors;

     (b) any agreement or plan, including,  without limitation, any stock option
plan, stock  appreciation right plan or stock purchase plan, any of the benefits
of which  will be  increased,  or the  vesting  of  benefits  of  which  will be
accelerated,  by the occurrence of any of the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement or the value of any of the benefits of which will be calculated on the
basis of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

     (c) any agreement,  contract or commitment containing any covenant limiting
in any  respect  the right of  TOMAHAWK  to engage in any line of business or to
compete with any person; or

     (d) any  agreement,  contract or commitment  currently in force relating to
the  disposition  or acquisition by TOMAHAWK after the date of this Agreement of
any assets not in the ordinary  course of business or pursuant to which TOMAHAWK
has any material  ownership  interest in any corporation,  partnership,  limited
liability company, joint venture or other business enterprise.

     TOMAHAWK is not and, to TOMAHAWK's knowledge,  no other party is in breach,
violation or default under, and TOMAHAWK has not received written notice that it
has breached, violated or defaulted under, any of the terms or conditions of any
of the  agreements,  contracts or commitments to which TOMAHAWK is a party or by
which any of its properties is bound or affected.


     3.21  Insurance.  TOMAHAWK has timely made all claims  under all  insurance
policies and fidelity bonds.  There is no claim by TOMAHAWK pending under any of
such  policies  or bonds as to which  coverage  has been  questioned,  denied or
disputed by the underwriters of such policies or bonds.

     3.22  Directors  and  Officers.  TOMAHAWK  has  delivered  to CRYO  and the
Stockholders  a complete  list of the current Board of Directors and officers of

     3.23 Transfer Agent. Executive Registrar acts as TOMAHAWK's transfer agent.
TOMAHAWK  does not owe any  money to  Executive  Registrar  and  TOMAHAWK  is in
compliance with all relative agreements.

     3.24 Stock Transfer Records.  The stock transfer books and stock ledgers of
TOMAHAWK are in good order,  complete,  accurate,  and up to date,  and with all
necessary signatures, and set forth all stock and securities issued, transferred
and surrendered. No duplicate certificate has been issued at any time heretofore
without an adequate  indemnity  agreement and/or bond being posted.  No transfer
has been made without  surrender of the proper  certificate  duly endorsed.  All
certificates  so  surrendered  have been duly  cancelled and are attached to the
proper stubs with all necessary stock powers attached hereto.

     3.25 Corporate  Record Books. The corporate record books of TOMAHAWK are in
reasonable order,  accurate, up to date, with all necessary signatures,  and set
forth all recent meetings and actions set forth in all  certificates of votes of
stockholders or directors furnished to anyone at any time.

     3.26 Related  Party  Transactions.  Neither any officer nor any director or
employee of TOMAHAWK,  nor any spouse or child of any of them, has any direct or
indirect  interest in any  competitor,  supplier,  customer or transfer agent or
market  maker for any  securities  of  TOMAHAWK or in any person from whom or to
whom TOMAHAWK leases any real or personal property,  or in any other person with
whom TOMAHAWK is doing business.

     3.27 Lack of Disputes.  There is  currently no dispute,  pending or, to the
knowledge of TOMAHAWK, threatened,  anticipated or contemplated of any kind with
any customer, supplier, source of financing,  employee, landlord, or licensee of


     3.28 Board Approval. The Board of Directors of TOMAHAWK has, as of the date
of this Agreement, (i) approved, subject to stockholder approval, this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) determined that this Agreement is
in the best interests of the  stockholders  of TOMAHAWK and is on terms that are
fair to such  stockholders  and  (iii)  recommended  that  the  stockholders  of
TOMAHAWK approve this Agreement.

     3.29 Vote Required.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the outstanding  shares of TOMAHAWK Common Stock is the only vote of the holders
of any class or series of  TOMAHAWK's  capital  stock  necessary to approve this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

     3.30 Disclosures.  None of the representations or warranties by TOMAHAWK in
this  Agreement and no statement  contained in any  certificate or other writing
furnished by TOMAHAWK in connection herewith contains or will contain any untrue
statement  of a  material  fact or omits or will omit to state a  material  fact
necessary  in order to make the  statements  contained  herein  or  therein  not

     3.31  Confidentiality and Non Disclosure.  None of the parties hereto shall
disclose to any third party any information  obtained pursuant to this Agreement
or relating to any other party which is not otherwise generally available to the
public  or not  already  within  its  knowledge,  except as may be  required  by
applicable law or as expressly agreed by the parties.

     3.32 Access to  Information.  TOMAHAWK has provided CRYO, the  Stockholders
and their  representatives  (i) full access to all of its  offices,  properties,
books, records, documents and personnel and furnished such information regarding
TOMAHAWK as they may have  requested;  and (ii) any and all  relevant  documents
regarding securities filings,  broker dealer due diligence packages and offering
memorandums and copies of all SEC filings.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                          OF CRYO AND THE STOCKHOLDERS

     CRYO and the Stockholders represent and warrant to TOMAHAWK as set forth in
this Article IV:


     4.1 Organization and  Qualification.  CRYO was duly incorporated in January
2002 and validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of Delaware and
has the requisite  corporate  power and authority to own,  lease and operate its
assets and properties and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted.
CRYO is in  possession  of all  franchises,  grants,  authorizations,  licenses,
permits, easements,  consents,  certificates,  approvals and orders necessary to
own, lease and operate the  properties it purports to own,  operate or lease and
to carry on its business as it is now being conducted. CRYO is duly qualified or
licensed as a foreign  corporation to do business,  and is in good standing,  in
each  jurisdiction  where  the  character  of the  properties  owned,  leased or
operated  by it or the  nature of its  activities  makes such  qualification  or
licensing necessary.

     4.2 Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. CRYO has previously  furnished to
TOMAHAWK a complete and correct copy of its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
as amended to date. Such Articles of Incorporation  and Bylaws are in full force
and effect. CRYO is not in violation of any of the provisions of its Articles of
Incorporation or Bylaws.

     4.3 Authority Relative to This Agreement.  CRYO has all necessary corporate
power and  authority  to execute and deliver this  Agreement  and to perform its
obligations  hereunder and,  subject to obtaining the approval of this Agreement
by the holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of CRYO Common Stock, to
consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby. The execution and delivery of
this  Agreement  by CRYO  and  the  consummation  by  CRYO  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  have been duly and  validly  authorized  by all  necessary
corporate  action on the part of CRYO and no other corporate  proceedings on the
part of CRYO are  necessary to authorize  this  Agreement or to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby (other than the approval of this Agreement by
the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of CRYO Common Stock).  This
Agreement  has been duly and  validly  executed  and  delivered  by CRYO and the
Stockholders  and,  assuming the due  authorization,  execution  and delivery by
TOMAHAWK,   constitutes  a  legal  and  binding   obligation  of  CRYO  and  the
Stockholders,  enforceable  against CRYO and the Stockholders in accordance with
its terms.

     4.4 No Conflict;  Required  Filings and  Consents.  (a) The  execution  and
delivery  of  this  Agreement  by  CRYO  and the  Stockholders  do not,  and the
performance  of this  Agreement  by CRYO and the  Stockholders  shall  not,  (i)
conflict  with or violate  CRYO's  Articles  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws,  (ii)
subject to obtaining the approval of this Agreement by the holders of a majority


of the  outstanding  shares of CRYO Common  Stock,  conflict with or violate any
law, rule, regulation,  order, judgment or decree applicable to CRYO or by which
it or any of its properties is bound or affected,  or (iii) result in any breach
of or  constitute  a default  (or an event that with  notice or lapse of time or
both would become a default)  under, or impair CRYO's rights or alter the rights
or  obligations  of any  third  party  under,  or give to others  any  rights of
termination,  amendment,  acceleration  or  cancellation  of,  or  result in the
creation of a lien or  encumbrance  on any of the  properties  or assets of CRYO
pursuant to, any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,  contract,  agreement, lease,
license,  permit, franchise or other instrument or obligation to which CRYO is a
party or by which CRYO or any of its properties is bound or affected.

     (b)  The  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  by  CRYO  and  the
Stockholders  do not,  and the  performance  of this  Agreement  by CRYO and the
Stockholders shall not, require any consent,  approval,  authorization or permit
of, or  filing  with or  notification  to,  any  court,  administrative  agency,
commission, or governmental or regulatory authority, domestic or foreign, except
for applicable  requirements,  if any, of the Securities  Act, the Exchange Act,
state securities laws, and the rules and regulations  thereunder,  and the rules
and regulations of NASDAQ.

     4.5 Compliance; Permits. (a) CRYO is not in conflict with, or in default or
violation  of,  (i)  any  law,  rule,  regulation,  order,  judgment  or  decree
applicable to CRYO or by which any of its  properties  is bound or affected,  or
(ii) any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,  contract, agreement, lease, license,
permit,  franchise or other instrument or obligation to which CRYO is a party or
by which CRYO or any of its properties is bound or affected. No investigation or
review by any governmental or regulatory body or authority is pending or, to the
knowledge  of  CRYO,  threatened  against  CRYO,  nor  has any  governmental  or
regulatory body or authority indicated an intention to conduct the same.

     (b) CRYO holds all permits,  licenses,  variances,  exemptions,  orders and
approvals from governmental  authorities which are necessary or desirable to the
operation of the business of CRYO (collectively, the "CRYO Permits"). CRYO is in
compliance in all respects with the terms of the CRYO Permits.


     4.6  Financial  Statements.  (a) CRYO has  delivered  to  TOMAHAWK  a fully
audited and  compiled  balance  sheet of CRYO and the related  audited  compiled
profit  and  loss  statement  for the  period  from  inception  to May 31,  2002
(collectively, the "CRYO Financial Statements").

     (b) The CRYO Financial Statements present fairly the value of the assets of
CRYO as of May 31, 2002 and the results of operations for the period  indicated.
The CRYO Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP consistently

     (c) Since the date of the CRYO  Financial  Statements,  there  have been no
material  adverse  changes in the financial  condition,  assets,  liabilities or
business of CRYO,  nor any  increase  paid,  or agreed to, in the  compensation,
retirement benefits or other commitments to employees of CRYO.

     4.7  No  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  CRYO  does  not  have  any  liabilities
(absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise) except (i) liabilities provided for
in the CRYO  Financial  Statements,  (ii)  liabilities  incurred in the ordinary
course of  business,  or (iii)  banking,  accounting,  legal and  printing  fees
associated with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     4.8 Litigation.  There are no claims,  actions,  suits,  investigations  or
proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of CRYO, threatened against CRYO or any
properties or rights of CRYO or as to which CRYO has received any written notice
or assertion,  before any court,  arbitrator or administrative,  governmental or
regulatory authority or body, domestic or foreign.

     4.9 Labor Matters.  There is no litigation  pending or, to the knowledge of
CRYO, threatened,  between CRYO and any of its employees. As of the date of this
Agreement,  CRYO is not a party to any collective  bargaining agreement or other
labor union contract  applicable to persons  employed by CRYO nor does CRYO know
of any  activities  or  proceedings  of any  labor  union to  organize  any such
employees.  As of the  date of this  Agreement,  CRYO  has no  knowledge  of any
strikes,  slowdowns,  work stoppages or lockouts, or threats thereof, by or with
respect to any employees of CRYO.

     4.10 Restrictions on Business Activities. There is no agreement,  judgment,
injunction,  order or decree binding upon CRYO which has or could  reasonably be
expected to have the effect of prohibiting or impairing any business practice of
CRYO, any  acquisition of property by CRYO or the conduct of business by CRYO as
currently conducted.


     4.11 Title to Property.  CRYO has good and  defensible  title to all of its
properties and assets,  free and clear of all liens,  charges and  encumbrances;
and all leases  pursuant to which CRYO leases  from others  material  amounts of
real  or  personal  property  are in  good  standing,  valid  and  effective  in
accordance  with their  respective  terms,  and there is not,  under any of such
leases, any existing default or event of default (or any event which with notice
or  lapse of time,  or  both,  would  constitute  a  default).  All the  plants,
structures and equipment of CRYO are in good operating condition and repair.

     4.12  Taxes.  Prior to the  Closing,  CRYO will have  timely  filed all tax
returns  required to be filed by it, have paid all Taxes shown thereon to be due
and have provided  adequate  accruals in all respects in accordance with GAAP in
its financial  statements for any Taxes that have not been paid,  whether or not
shown as being due on any returns.  In  addition,  (i) no claim for unpaid Taxes
that are currently,  or will be prior to the Closing, due and payable has become
a lien against the property of CRYO or is being asserted  against CRYO,  (ii) no
audit of any Tax Return of CRYO is being conducted by a tax authority,  (iii) no
extension of the statute of  limitations on the assessment of any Taxes has been
granted  by CRYO and is  currently  in effect  and (iv)  there is no  agreement,
contract or  arrangement to which CRYO is a party that may result in the payment
of any amount that would not be deductible pursuant to Sections 280G, 162(a) (by
reason of being unreasonable in amount), 162(b) through (p) or 404 of the Code.

     4.13 Environmental  Matters.  CRYO (i) has obtained all applicable permits,
licenses and other  authorizations  which are required under  Federal,  state or
local laws  relating to pollution or protection  of the  environment,  including
laws  relating to  emissions,  discharges,  releases or  threatened  releases of
pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic materials or wastes into ambient
air,  surface  water,  ground  water,  or  land  or  otherwise  relating  to the
manufacture,   processing,  distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,
transport,  or  handling  of  pollutants,  contaminants  or  hazardous  or toxic
materials  or wastes by CRYO (or its  respective  agents);  (ii) is in  material
compliance with all terms and conditions of such required permits,  licenses and
authorizations,   and  also  is  in  compliance  with  all  other   limitations,
restrictions,  conditions, standards, prohibitions,  requirements,  obligations,
schedules and timetables  contained in such laws or contained in any regulation,
code, plan, order, decree,  judgment,  notice or demand letter issued,  entered,


promulgated or approved thereunder; (iii) as of the date hereof, is not aware of
nor  has  received  notice  of any  event,  condition,  circumstance,  activity,
practice,  incident, action or plan which is reasonably likely to interfere with
or prevent  continued  compliance  or which would give rise to any common law or
statutory  liability,  or otherwise form the basis of any claim, action, suit or
proceeding,  based on or resulting from CRYO's (or any of its respective agents)
manufacture,   processing,  distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,
transport,  or  handling,  or the  emission,  discharge,  or  release  into  the
environment,  of any pollutant,  contaminant,  or hazardous or toxic material or
waste; and (iv) has taken all actions necessary under applicable requirements of
Federal,  state or local laws,  rules or regulations to register any products or
materials required to be registered by CRYO (or any of its respective agents).

     4.14  Intangible  Assets.  CRYO has full  rights to all  patents and patent
applications  (pending or in the process of  preparation),  domestic or foreign,
patent rights, trademarks, trade names and licenses under the patents of others,
trade secrets,  secret processes and other proprietary  rights of every kind and
nature used by CRYO at any time or necessary  for use by CRYO in its business as
presently conducted.  All such patents,  patent applications,  patent rights and
licenses are valid and  effective in accordance  with their terms,  and all such
trade names,  trade secrets,  secret processes and other proprietary  rights are
valid and effective. The conduct of CRYO's business or any other actions by CRYO
has not and does not infringe upon the patents,  trademarks,  trade secrets,  or
copyrights or other  intellectual  property rights of any other party.  CRYO has
not received any notice of any claim of infringement.

     4.15 Directors and Officers. CRYO has delivered to TOMAHAWK a complete list
of the current Board of Directors and officers of TOMAHAWK.

     4.16 Corporate Record Books. The corporate record books of CRYO are in good
order,  complete,  accurate, up to date, with all necessary signatures,  and set
forth  all  meetings  and  actions  set  forth in all  certificates  of votes of
stockholders or directors furnished to anyone at any time.

     4.17 Lack of Disputes.  There is  currently no dispute,  pending or, to the
knowledge of CRYO, threatened,  anticipated or contemplated of any kind with any
customer,  supplier,  source of financing,  employee,  landlord,  or licensee of

     4.18 Board Approval.  The Board of Directors of CRYO has, as of the date of
this Agreement,  (i) approved,  subject to stockholder approval,  this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) determined that this Agreement is
in the best interests of the  stockholders of CRYO and is on terms that are fair
to such stockholders and (iii) recommended that the stockholders of CRYO approve
this Agreement.


     4.19 Vote Required.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the  outstanding  shares of CRYO Common Stock is the only vote of the holders of
any class or series of CRYO's capital stock  necessary to approve this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby.

     4.20 Disclosures. None of the representations or warranties by CRYO in this
Agreement  and no  statement  contained  in any  certificate  or  other  writing
furnished  by CRYO in  connection  herewith  contains or will contain any untrue
statement  of a  material  fact or omits or will omit to state a  material  fact
necessary  in order to make the  statements  contained  herein  or  therein  not

     4.21  Confidentiality and Non Disclosure.  None of the parties hereto shall
disclose to any third party any information  obtained pursuant to this Agreement
or relating to any other party which is not otherwise generally available to the
public  or not  already  within  its  knowledge,  except as may be  required  by
applicable law or as expressly agreed by the parties.

     4.22  Access  to   Information.   CRYO  has   provided   TOMAHAWK  and  its
representatives  (i)  full  access  to all of its  offices,  properties,  books,
records,  documents and personnel and furnished such information  regarding CRYO
as they may have requested;  and (ii) any and all relevant  documents  regarding
securities   filings,   broker  dealer  due  diligence   packages  and  offering

                                    ARTICLE V

     5.1  Termination.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated at any time prior to
Closing,  whether before or after the requisite approvals of the stockholders of

     (a) by mutual written consent duly authorized by the Boards of Directors of

     (b) by  either  CRYO  or  TOMAHAWK  if the  Closing  shall  not  have  been
consummated by August 1, 2002, for any reason; provided, however, that the right
to terminate this Agreement  under this Section 5.1(b) shall not be available to
any  party  whose  action or  failure  to act has been a  principal  cause of or
resulted  in the failure of the Closing to occur on or before such date and such
action or failure to act constitutes a breach of this Agreement;


     (c) by CRYO,  upon a breach of any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or
agreement on the part of TOMAHAWK;

     (d) by TOMAHAWK, upon a breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or
agreement on the part of CRYO or the Stockholders; or

     (e) by either CRYO or TOMAHAWK if a  governmental  entity shall have issued
an order,  decree or ruling or taken any other  action,  in any case  having the
effect of  permanently  restraining,  enjoining  or  otherwise  prohibiting  the
transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement,  which order,  decree,  ruling or
other action is final and cannot be appealed.

     5.2 Notice of Termination;  Effect of Termination.  Any termination of this
Agreement pursuant t Section 5.1 will be effective immediately upon the delivery
of written notice by the terminating  party to the other parties hereto.  In the
event of any such  termination,  this Agreement  shall be of no further force or
effect, except (i) as set forth in this Section 5.2, Section 5.3 and Article VII
(General  Provisions),  each of which  shall  survive  the  termination  of this
Agreement,  and (ii) nothing  herein shall relieve any party from  liability for
any breach of this Agreement.

     5.3 Fees and  Expenses.  Except as set forth in this  Section 5.3, all fees
and expenses in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby shall be paid by the party  incurring such fees and expenses,  whether or
not the Closing occurs.

     5.4  Amendment.  This  Agreement  may be amended only by an  instrument  in
writing signed by all of the parties.

     5.5 Waiver. Any party may (i) waive any inaccuracies in the representations
and warranties made to such party contained herein or in any document  delivered
pursuant  hereto or (ii)  waive  compliance  with or  fulfillment  of any of the
agreements or conditions  for the benefit of such party  contained  herein.  The
waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any provision of this Agreement  shall
not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach, whether or not
similar.  Any waiver must be in an instrument  in writing  signed by the waiving
party. Delay in exercising any right under this Agreement shall not constitute a
waiver of such right.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     6.1 Public Disclosure.  CRYO and TOMAHAWK will consult with each other and,
to the extent  practicable,  agree before issuing any press release or otherwise
making any public  statement with respect to this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby and will not issue any such press release or make any public
statement  prior to such  consultation,  except as may be required by law or any
listing  agreement with a national  securities  exchange or NASDAQ.  The parties
have  agreed to the text of the press  release  announcing  the  signing of this
Agreement and the Closing.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

     7.1 Non-Survival.  The representations and warranties of TOMAHAWK, CRYO and
the Stockholders  contained in this Agreement shall terminate at the Closing and
only the covenants and agreements  that by their terms survive the Closing shall
survive the Closing.

     7.2 Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder  shall be in
writing and shall be delivered or sent, with the copies indicated,  if delivered
personally,  by registered or certified mail (postage  pre-paid,  return receipt
requested),  fax  (with  confirmation  and  additional  copy  sent by  overnight
delivery  service)  or  overnight  delivery  service  (by a  reputable  national
carrier)  to the  parties  as follows  (or at such other  address as a party may
specify by notice given pursuant to this Section):

                  (a)   If to TOMAHAWK:
                        Glenn Little
                        211 W. Wall
                        Midland, Texas 79701
                        Fax: (915) 682-2560

                  (b)   If to CRYO or the Stockholders:

                        Lawrence M. Shultz
                        29341/2Beverly Glen Circle
                        Suite 301
                        Bel Air, California 90077


     All notices shall be deemed given and received one business day after their
delivery to the addresses for the respective party, with the copies indicated as
provided in this Section.

     7.3  Further  Assurances.  At any time,  and from  time to time,  after the
Closing,  each party will  execute  such  additional  instruments  and take such
additional  action as may be reasonably  requested by any other party to confirm
or perfect title to any property transferred hereunder or otherwise to carry out
and effect the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

     7.4  Interpretation.  The table of contents and headings  contained in this
Agreement  are for  reference  purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

     7.5   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  all of which shall be considered  one and the same  agreement and
shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of
the parties and delivered to the other  parties,  it being  understood  that all
parties need not sign the same counterpart.

     7.6 Entire  Agreement;  Third Party  Beneficiaries.  This Agreement and the
documents  and  instruments  and other  agreements  among the parties  hereto as
contemplated by or referred to herein (a) constitute the entire  agreement among
the parties with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and  supersede all prior
agreements  and  understandings,  both written and oral,  among the parties with
respect to the subject  matter  hereof;  and (b) are not intended to confer upon
any other  person  any  rights or  remedies  hereunder,  except as  specifically
provided in Section 7.11.

     7.7 Severability.  In the event that any provision of this Agreement or the
application thereof, becomes or is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction
to be illegal,  void or  unenforceable,  the  remainder of this  Agreement  will
continue in full force and effect and the application of such provision to other
persons or  circumstances  will be  interpreted  so as  reasonably to effect the
intent of the parties hereto.  The parties further agree to replace such void or
unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and enforceable provision
that will achieve,  to the extent  possible,  the  economic,  business and other
purposes of such void or unenforceable provision.

     7.8 Other  Remedies;  Specific  Performance.  Except as otherwise  provided
herein,  any and all remedies  herein  expressly  conferred upon a party will be
deemed  cumulative with and not exclusive of any other remedy conferred  hereby,
or by law or equity  upon such  party,  and the  exercise  by a party of any one
remedy will not preclude the exercise of any other  remedy.  The parties  hereto
agree  that  irreparable  damage  would  occur  in  the  event  that  any of the
provisions  of this  Agreement  were not  performed  in  accordance  with  their
specific terms or were  otherwise  breached.  It is accordingly  agreed that the


parties  shall be  entitled  to seek an  injunction  or  injunctions  to prevent
breaches of this Agreement and to enforce  specifically the terms and provisions
hereof in any court of the United States or any state having jurisdiction,  this
being in  addition to any other  remedy to which they are  entitled at law or in

     7.9  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of  Nevada,  regardless  of the laws that
might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law thereof.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
executed as of the date first written above.

                            Tomahawk Industries, Inc.


                            Cryotherm Inc.



             Exhibit A     Cryotherm Pre- and Post-Merger
                                                        Old Cryo    Post Merger

             Camilo S. Jorge                             140,000        350,000
             Angela Larosa                               300,000        750,000
             Mark Larosa                                 500,000      1,250,000
             I.M. James                                  500,000      1,250,000
             Joyce H. James                              300,000        750,000
             Glenn Little                                340,000        850,000
             Kenneth Rickel                               40,000        100,000
             Jason Phillip Davis                          10,000         25,000
             Grobstein, Horwath & Company                 10,000         25,000
             Louis Capuano                                10,000         25,000
             Ronald Suess                                 10,000         25,000
             James McDonnell                              10,000         25,000
             Mel Levine                                   10,000         25,000
             Sam Guzik                                    20,000         50,000
             Anthony Cascio                               40,000        100,000
             Kevin Meagher                               100,000        250,000
             Brooke Wolff                                 40,000        100,000
             Geoffrey Harris                              50,000        125,000
             Mike Hopkins                                 20,000         50,000

             Eddie Holt                                    8,000         20,000
             Tom Parry                                    32,000         80,000
             Cletus Babin                                 12,000         30,000
             Raye Rody                                     8,000         20,000
             Wayne McLaurin                               10,000         25,000
             Robert D. Hunt,II                            20,000         50,000
             Mary Agnes Hunt                               8,000         20,000
             Raymond A. Blacklidge                        20,000         50,000
             Lawrence and Cindy Hill                       8,000         20,000
             Doris C. Jeanfreau                              400          1,000
             Mary Lindsay Ingraham                         2,000          5,000
             Eric and Paula Eidson                         2,000          5,000
             Robert & Dianne Hunt                      3,669,600      9,174,000

             Larry and Sally Shultz                    2,530,000      6,325,000
             Alexander Shultz                            400,000      1,000,000
             Eric Shultz                                 400,000      1,000,000
             Brian Shultz                                400,000      1,000,000
             Emil Jorge                                   20,000         50,000
