Exhibit 2.1

                             PLAN OF REORGANIZATION
                               AGREEMENT OF MERGER

Agreement"),  by  and  between  ORSUS  XELENT  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  a  Delaware
corporation   (the   "subsidiary"),   and  UNIVERSAL  FLIRTS  CORP,  a  Delaware
corporation  (the "Parent"),  said  corporations  being  hereafter  collectively
referred to as the "Constituent Corporations",  is made and entered into on this
7th day of April, 2005.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  the respective Boards of Directors of each of the Constituent
Corporations deem it advisable and in the best interest of each such corporation
and their respective shareholders that Subsidiary be merged with and into Parent
in the manner contemplated  herein and have adopted  resolutions  approving this
Merger Agreement;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and  the  mutual
covenants and agreements  herein  contained,  and for the purpose of stating the
terms and  conditions  of the merger of  Subsidiary  with and into  Parent  (the
"Merger"),  the mode of  effectuating  the  same,  and such  other  details  and
provisions  as are deemed  desirable,  the parties  hereto have  agreed,  and do
hereby agree,  subject to the terms and  conditions  hereinafter  set forth,  as

                                    ARTICLE 1

                                 Plan of Merger

         1.1  Merger.  On  the  Effective  Date  (as  hereinafter  defined),  in
accordance with the provisions of Section 253 of the General  Corporation Law of
Delaware  and  Section  368(a)(1)(A)  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,
Subsidiary  shall be  merged  with and into  Parent,  which  shall be  sometimes
referred to herein as the "Surviving  Corporation",  upon the terms set forth in
the subsequent provisions of this Merger Agreement.

         1.2 Effective  Date and Closing.  The Merger shall become  effective on
April 18, 2005. The date and time at which the Merger becomes effective shall be
the  "Effective  Date"  referred to in this Merger  Agreement.  The closing (the
"Closing")  shall be held at the  offices of Parent,  or such other place as the
parties hereto may agree upon, immediately prior to the Effective Date. The date
on which the Closing is held is hereinafter referred to as the "Closing Date".

         1.3 Disposition of Shares.  The mode of carrying the Merger into effect
and the manner and the disposition of the shares of the Constituent Corporations
shall be as follows:


                  (a) Parent  Shares.  Each share of the Common  Stock of Parent
         issued and outstanding  immediately  prior to the Effective Date of the
         Merger shall be retained by the shareholders of Parent as shares of the
         Surviving Corporation.

                  (b)  Subsidiary  Shares.  At the Effective Date of the Merger,
         each share of issued and outstanding  Common Stock of Subsidiary  shall
         be canceled.

         1.4 Effect of Merger. At the Effective Date the existence of Subsidiary
as a distinct entity shall cease. At that time all rights,  privileges,  powers,
franchises and interests of Parent and Subsidiary, respectively, in and to every
type of property,  whether real,  personal or mixed, and chooses in action shall
be  transferred to and vested in Parent by virtue of the Merger without any deed
or other transfer.  Parent, without any order or other action on the part of any
court or  otherwise,  shall  possess all and  singular  the rights,  privileges,
powers  and  franchises,   and  shall  be  subject  to  all  the   restrictions,
disabilities  and  duties of the  Constituent  Corporations,  and all  property,
whether real,  personal or mixed, of each of the Constituent  Corporations,  and
all debts due to any of the  Constituent  Corporations on whatever  account,  as
well as for stock  subscriptions  and all other things in action or belonging to
each of said Constituent Corporations,  shall be vested in Parent. All property,
rights,  privileges,  powers and franchises, and all and every other interest of
the Constituent  Corporations  as of the Effective Date shall  thereafter be the
property of Parent to the same  extent and effect as such was of the  respective
Constituent  Corporations prior to the Effective Date, and the title to any real
estate vested by deed or otherwise in any of the Constituent  Corporations shall
not revert or be in any way impaired by reason of the Merger; provided, however,
that all  rights of  creditors  and all liens  upon any  property  of any of the
Constituent  Corporations shall thenceforth attach to Parent and may be enforced
against it to the same extent as if said debts, liabilities, and duties had been
incurred or contracted by Parent. Parent shall carry on business with the assets
of the  Constituent  Corporations.  The  established  offices and  facilities of
Parent  and  Subsidiary  immediately  prior  to  the  Merger  shall  become  the
established offices and facilities of Parent.

         1.5  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  Surviving   Corporation.   The
Certificate of Incorporation of Parent, as existing on the Effective Date, shall
continue in full force and effect as the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the
Surviving  Corporation  until altered or amended as provided by law, except that
pursuant to the Merger the name of the Parent  shall be changed to Orsus  Xelent
Technologies, Inc.

         1.6 Bylaws of Surviving Corporation.  The Bylaws of Parent, as existing
on the Effective Date,  shall continue in full force and effect as the Bylaws of
the Surviving Corporation until altered,  amended or repealed as provided in the
Bylaws or as provided by law.

         1.7 Directors and Officers of Surviving Corporation.  The Directors and
Officers of Parent shall be and become the Directors and Officers, respectively,
of the Surviving  Corporation  until their  successors shall be duly elected and
qualified or until their sooner death, resignation or removal.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                           Interim Conduct of Business

         Except as hereinafter  set forth,  pending  consummation of the Merger,
each of the Constituent Corporations will carry on its business in substantially
the same manner as  heretofore  and will use its best  efforts to  maintain  its
business  organization  intact, and to maintain its relationships with customers
and others having business relationships with it.

         Notwithstanding the preceding, except with the prior consent in writing
from Parent, pending consummation of the Merger, Subsidiary shall not:

                  (a) Declare or pay any dividend or make any other distribution
         on its shares.

                  (b) Create or issue any indebtedness for borrowed money.

                  (c) Enter into any  transaction  other than those  involved in
         carrying on its business in the ordinary course of business.


                                    ARTICLE 3

                               General Provisions

         3.1 Headings.  The section and paragraph  headings or titles herein are
for  convenience  and do not limit the scope or effect of any  provision of this
Merger Agreement.

         3.2 Binding Agreement.  This Merger Agreement shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their  respective  successors  and
assigns;  provided,  however,  that this Merger Agreement may not be assigned by
any party without the written consent of the other party.

         3.3  Amendments.  This  Merger  Agreement  may be  amended  only  by an
instrument in writing executed by all parties hereto.

         3.4 Counterparts.  This Merger Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts  all of which shall be  considered  one and the same  agreement and
shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of
the parties and delivered to the other parties.

         3.5  Governing  Law.  This Merger  Agreement  shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware.

         3.6  Entire  Agreement.  This  Merger  Agreement  contains  the  entire
agreement  between  Subsidiary  and  Parent  with  respect  to the  transactions
contemplated  herein and supersedes all previous  negotiations,  commitments and

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the Constituent  Corporations  has caused
this Merger  Agreement to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized
officer as of the date first above written.


                                                 UNIVERSAL FLIRTS CORP

                                                 By: /s/ Wang Xin
                                                    WANG XIN,
                                                    Chief Executive Officer


                                                 ORSUS XELENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                                 By: /s/ Wang Xin
                                                    WANG XIN,
                                                    Chief Executive Officer
