Exhibit 1

The  agreement is signed in Suzhou City,  Jiangsu  Province of China on June 11,
2005 by the following parties

      Party A: 38 persons including and represented by Shi Mingsheng
      Address: No. 859, Panxu Road, Canglang District, Suzhou City
      Tel: 86-512-68207173
      Fascimile: 86-512-68202801
      Representative: Shi Mingsheng                  Nationality: Chinese

      Party B: China Biopharmaceuticals Holdings Inc.
      Contact Address: Suite 2005, 156 West 56th St., New York 10019, USA
      Tel: 917-650-9201
      Fascimile: 212-3101682
      Representative: MAO, Peng                      Nationality: Canada

     (1)  Party  A  (consisting  of 38  persons)  is all the  shareholders  (For
          details of shareholders,  please see attached List of Shareholders) of
          Suzhou Erye  Pharmaceutical  Limited  Company  (Referred  to as "Erye"
          hereafter), a legally registered limited liability company established
          according  to the laws of the  People's  Republic  of China  ("China")
          laws, who authorizes its representative Shi Mingsheng to represent all
          the  shareholders to sign this agreement (For details,  please see the
          Trust Deed); Party B is a legally registered limited liability company
          according to Delaware Law of the United States of America ("U.S.A.").

     (2)  In Accordance with The Company Law of China, The Contract Law of China
          as well as other  prevailing laws and  regulations,  Part B decides to
          make  investment  in Erye,  and Erye  will  become a  foreign-invested
          company  according to Chinese laws (Referred to as the "Joint Venture"


     (3)  The Joint Venture will maintain its original business scope of Erye

     (4)  If the remaining issues regarding the operation and development of the
          Joint Venture  related to this  cooperation are not fully provided for
          in detail in this agreement,  the both parties will make supplementary
          provisions and conduct negotiations to resolve the issues according to
          the relevant  regulations and specified  principles  stipulated within
          this agreement.

     1. Representations and Warranties

     1.1. The  representations  and warranties  jointly made by the both parties
     are listed as follows:

     (1)  The both parties have all the civil rights and capacity of disposition
          and are qualified for signing and  implementation  of this  agreement,
          and at the same time, the signing and implementation of this agreement
          will not violate any or all the legal documents such as regulations on
          the Company  Regulation,  Contract and Agreement which imposes certain
          restrictions on it.

     (2)  The both parties have already carried out all the required  actions or
          will do so, to obtain the consent, approval,  authorization and permit
          required by signing and implementation of this agreement.

     (3)  In keeping with the principles of reliability  and  creditability  and
          responsibility, both parties will make utmost efforts to work in close
          cooperation to promote the smooth  implementation  of this  agreement.
          The  parties  will  follow  the   principles  set  forth  within  this
          agreement, and will not impede the implementation of this agreement.

     The  representations  and  warranties  that Party A makes to Party B are as

     1.2. The  representations  and warranties that Party A makes to Party B are
     listed as follows:


     (1)  All  the  materials  having  been  or to be  provided  by  party A are
          authentic, complete, accurate with no misleading information.

     (2)  The registered capital of Erye has been fully  contributed;  Erye owns
          the legal ownership and use rights of the total assets.

     (3)  Erye  has  obtained  necessary  rights  and  permits,  authorizations,
          approvals and consent  required for medicine  production  and business
          operation (At least include  business  license  issued by the Industry
          and Commerce  Administrative  Bureau). The business scope of Erye does
          not go beyond the  operational  scope approved as well as the rules of
          the Company's articles.

     (4)  Within 30 working days after this  agreement  is signed,  Party B will
          dispatch an auditing  recognized by SEC of U.S.A. to conduct  auditing
          of Erye,  Party A and Erye promise to make full  cooperation  with the
          auditing firm.

     (5)  Both  parties  promise  that the  signing and  implementation  of this
          agreement will not generate any serious  negative impacts on operation
          and profit contribution of Erye.

     (6)  Party A shall reveal all the issues  regarding the mortgage of assets,
          sponsor and related lawsuit and arbitration as well as  administrative
          penalties received etc.

     (7)  Party A hereby agrees with Party B that it will effect the appropriate
          registration for the Company with the State Administration of Industry
          and  Commerce  within  14  working  days  of  the  execution  of  this
          agreement. Both parties agree that before the Joint Venture's business
          license is obtained, unless Party B agrees in writing :

          i.   There will be no material  change in the  contributed  assets and
               debt of Erye and Party A will  maintain  normal cash flow for the
               operational activities;

          ii.  Erye is not allowed to  distribute  dividends to Erye's  existing


          iii. Erye  will not  change  its  status  of  actual  control  and its

     (8)  Within 14 working days of obtaining the business  license of the Joint
          Venture,  both parties shall convene the first meeting of the board of
          directors of the Joint Venture.

     1.3. The  representations  and warranties that Party B makes to Party A are
     listed as follows:

     (1)  All  the  materials  having  been  or to be  provided  to  party A are
          authentic, timely and complete.

     (2)  Duly implement the capital contribution obligations.

     (3)  Party  B  recognizes  all  the  contracts   entered  into  before  the
          establishment  of Joint  Venture,  and will cause the Joint Venture to
          duly fulfill the implementation of this agreement.

      2. Investment

     2.1.  The scope of the  capital  assets of this  cooperation  refers to the
     total assets appearing on the financials of Erye.

     2.2. This joint investment adopts method of increasing  registered capital.
     After the  completion  of  investment  from  Party B,  Erye  will  become a
     foreign-invested  company  with Party A holding 49% of the total shares and
     Party B holds 51 % of the total shares of the Company.

     3. Arrangement of the transaction

     3.1.  Party B or its  wholly  owned  Subsidiary,  China  Biopharmaceuticals
     Corp.,  shall pay US$2,200,000 in cash to the Joint Venture and at the same
     time  acquire the  increased  capital of Erye.  Party B promises to party A
     that within 30 working days after the auditing  result is completed Party B
     will remit US$ 1,200,  000 in cash to the Foreign  Currency Bank Account of
     the Joint Venture,  and will remit the remaining  US$1, 000, 000 in cash to
     the Foreign  Currency Bank Account of the Joint  Venture  within 90 working
     days after the first payment is made.

     3.2.  Party B or its  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  China  Biopharmaceuticals
     Corp., shall remit US$800,000 in cash to Fullbright Finance Limited. Within
     the ten working days after this  agreement  is signed,  Party B shall remit
     Fullbright  Finance  Limited  US$200,000,  and  will  remit  the  remaining
     US$600,000 in cash to  Fullbright  Finance  Limited  within 90 working days
     after finalizing the auditing of Erye.


     3.3.  Within 30 working days after this agreement is signed,  Party B shall
     distribute 700,000 shares of common stock to Highacheive  Holdings Limited,
     1,300,000  shares  of  common  stock to  Purewealth  Finance  Limited,  and
     1,000,000 shares of common stock to Future View Finance Limited.

     3.4. Arrangement of rewards

     Under the precondition that the Joint Venture finalizes the auditing report
     and  also  accomplishes  the  performance   requirements,   Party  B  shall
     distribute  300,000  shares of its common  stock to Party A or its assigned
     natural person or legal representative before January 31st, 2006.

     3.5. On the base of  accomplishment  of this  transaction,  the transaction
     price paid by party B is US$3,000,000 with 3,300,000 shares of common stock
     of Party B.

     4. The board of directors of the Joint Venture

     4.1. The board of directors of the Joint  Venture  consists of six persons,
     three of whom are  appointed by Party A and three of whom are  appointed by
     Party B.  Among the  directors  appointed  by Party A, one of whom shall be
     recommended  to act as director of Party B subject to the approval of Party
     B's shareholders. If this director fails to be elected director of board of
     Party B, then this  director  shall have the right to audit the  meeting of
     the board of directors of Party B, enjoying the right to full  knowledge of
     the operation of Party B subject to the duty of confidentiality.

     The  Chairman  of the board  shall be  appointed  by party A, and the chief
     financial officer shall be appointed by party B.

     When the Joint  Venture  is  initially  set up, Shi  Mingsheng  will be the
     Chairman  of the  board  of the  Joint  Venture.  Meanwhile,  Party B shall
     recommend  to its  shareholders  that Shi  Mingsheng  hold the  position of
     director of board of Party B.

     4.2. The important  events of the Joint Venture shall be voted and approved
     by 75% of the total directors of the board,  and the important events shall
     mainly include but not limited to the followings:

     (1)  Modification of article of the Joint Venture.


     (2)  Disposal of all the key assets of the Joint Venture.

     (3)  Change of structure of managerial level.

     (4)  External sponsorship, mortgages, hypothecation and loans.

     (5)  Determine  the  operational  plan  and  investment  plan of the  Joint

     (6)  Others related to the key  development  plans and  orientations of the
          Joint Venture.

     (7)  The insider  transactions  among the company,  shareholders  and other
          relevant parties.

     4.3.  Other  than  listed on  article  4.2.,  when  events are voted in tie
     without a simple majority then it shall be determined and final approved by
     the chairman of board.

     5. Finance and taxation

     The  transaction  price set does not include the  undistributed  profits of
     Erye  before the  ownership  has  transferred,  which shall be owned by the
     original shareholders of Erye. The specific definition of the undistributed
     profits  of  Erye  before  the  ownership  has   transferred  is  that  the
     undistributed  profits  of  Erye on the day  Party A and  Party B sign  the
     agreement  and jointly  recognized  by the both parties plus the  generated
     reasonable  profits during the period of the day the agreement is signed to
     the day the ownership has transferred to Party B.

     6. Operation and development

     6.1.  While  Party B is  making  investment  in Erye,  Party A and  Party B
     promise that the both parties or their related parties  (companies) neither
     engage  in or get  involved  in the  production  of the  chemical  medicine
     products  individually or by cooperating  with the third party which causes
     direct competition between the Parties and Erye, nor enjoying any rights or
     benefits within companies abovementioned.

     6.2.  Party B promises that after the  establishment  of the Joint Venture,
     Party B shall get approval of the Joint Venture  before  determines to make
     investment  in or  establish  joint  operations  with  any  chemical  drugs
     manufacturer which might compete against the Joint Venture,.


     6.3.  Considering the long period of input and output of medicine industry,
     and to  ensure  the  stable  development  of the Joint  Venture,  after the
     establishment of the Joint Venture, Party B promises that it will introduce
     the new drugs and technology  through  project  cooperation  etc. The Joint
     Venture is in charge of business operation, and the reserved cash flow will
     not be used when the new  drugs  technology  is  obtained,  and the  profit
     distribution  are to be negotiated  and determined by Party B and the Joint
     Venture later. The specific  contents in this regard is to be stipulated in
     formal contract of specific projects.

     Party B promises that within the first three years after the  establishment
     of the Joint  Venture,  the capital used in this project shall not be lower
     than US$500,000 annually.

      7. Distribution of profits of the disposal of the land use right

     7.1.  The  scope of the land use right  refers  to the land  assets of Erye
     Pharmaceutical  Co., Ltd.,  namely No. 859, Panxu Road, Suzhou City with an
     area of 45024.2m(2).

     7.2.  Objective  of the  disposal  of the  land is to  coordinate  with the
     government's land developing plan as well as for the long-term  development
     of the Joint Venture.

     7.3. The Joint Venture is planning to  relocating.  Party B or the investor
     introduced  by Party B  promises  that it shall bear the  removal  fees and
     construction  fees  for the  Joint  Venture's  new  plant,  and all  assets
     generated  from this  relocation  belongs to the Joint  Venture.  The Joint
     Venture  shall  appoint Mr. Shi  Mingsheng  to take charge of this issue of
     establishing a company specifically for this land developing project.

     7.4. 49% of the proceeds obtained from the disposal of the land right shall
     belong  to  SFuzhou  Erye  Economic  and  Trade  Limited  Company,  and the
     remaining  proceeds is used for expansion and increasing  production of the
     Joint Venture.

     8. The prerequisite  condition of this cooperation is that Party B shall be
     re-listed on the Nasdaq Stock  Market,  otherwise,  the both parties  shall
     resume the  property  rights of the existing  assets to the original  state
     before this agreement is signed.


     9. After successful  cooperation of the both parties, Party A has rights to
     transfer its owned shares of Erye to Party A's controlled companies.  Under
     this circumstance, Party B shall waive its priority of purchasing.

      10. Others

     10.1.  This  agreement is not allowed to be  terminated by one side without
     breach, and shall be governed by Chinese laws.

     10.2. If any of the parties breaches the agreement, the non-breaching party
     has rights to ask the breaching  party for  compensations  due to breach of

     10.3. If the proposal,  contracts and articles  having been signed  between
     Party A and Party B and having been delivered to the relevant  governmental
     organizations  for  inspection  and approval and this  agreement  signed is
     found to have different interpretation, this agreement shall take effect.

     10.4. If any dispute arises  between the two parties,  the dispute shall be
     negotiated  and settled within 30 working days. If the  negotiation  fails,
     the two  parties  can go to the Chinese  International  Economic  and Trade
     Arbitration Committee to have arbitration.

     10.5. For issues fails to be mentioned in this  agreement,  the two parties
     may sign  supplementary  agreement  or  attachment,  which forms  effective
     components of this agreement with the same legal effect.

     10.6.  This  agreement  is in  quadruplicate,  with two copies held by each

     Party A: 38 persons including and represented by Shi Mingsheng
     Authorized representative:

     Party B: China Biopharmaceuticals Holdings Inc.
     Authorized representative:
