[Letterhead of Andrews Kurth LLP]

                                  July 19, 2004

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Securities and Exchange Commission
410 Fifth Street NW
Washington, DC  20549
Attention:  Barbara C. Jacobs - Mail Stop 4561

         Re:      Assure Data, Inc.
                  Registration Statement on Form SB-2 filed June 23, 2005
                  File No. 333-121347

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         We  are  filing  today  Amendment  No.  Five  to  the   above-captioned
Registration  Statement  and are  responding  to each of your  comments  in your
letter dated July 13, 2005 in the amendment and as discussed below.

         We are  also  sending  a  courtesy  copy  of the  amended  Registration
Statement to Morgan  Youngwood and Jeffrey  Werbitt,  blacklined to show changes
from  Amendment No. 4. Page  references  described in this letter pertain to the
clean courtesy copy and not necessarily to either the courtesy  blackline or the
Edgar version.

Use of Proceeds, page 9
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1.       We note your response to prior comment 2 that management advised Assure
         Data that they have  committed  to  advance  the  offering  costs if no
         shares are sold.  Please  revise  your  disclosure  to clarify  whether
         management will only advance  offering costs if no shares are sold. Who
         will pay the shortfall of your offering  expenses if you obtain nominal
         proceeds that are  inadequate to pay the  expenses?  Also,  revise your
         disclosure  to  provide  a  materially  complete   description  of  the
         arrangement that Assure Data has with its officers.  Is there a written
         agreement with the officers?

         The  disclosure  in "Uses of Proceeds"  has been  clarified.  A written
         commitment  to cover any deficit in offering  costs has been signed and
         included as Exhibit 10.2. Page 9

Securities and Exchange Commission
July 19, 2004
Page 2

Description of Business, page 10
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2.       We refer  you to  prior  comment  3.  You  disclose  that  Assure  Data
         contacted a vendor that is willing to provide a select email listing of
         information  technology employees and consultants.  Please confirm that
         there are no other  fees or  expenses  associated  with  Assure  Data's
         acquisition of the referenced  email listing.  In this regard,  tell us
         whether any of the offering  proceeds  will be utilized to purchase the
         email  listing.  Also,  advise  whether there are any privacy  concerns
         related to the  acquisition  and/or  utilization  of the  select  email
         listing.  For example,  how was the information  collected and how will
         the information be used?.

         The  payment  terms  have been  clarified,  and a  statement  regarding
         privacy issues has been added. Page 10.

Competition, page 14
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3.       We note that you refer to Dun & Bradstreet in response to prior comment
         4. Please furnish the source of the statistic from Dun & Bradstreet. To
         expedite our review clearly highlight the applicable portion or section
         containing the  statistics.  Also,  supplementally  tell us whether the
         source of the  statistics  is publicly  available  without cost or at a
         nominal expense. If the source is not publicly available, tell us why a
         consent is not needed to use the  statistic in your  prospectus.  Also,
         revise to provide a more complete citation to the research derived from
         Dun & Bradstreet. For example, as applicable, disclose the title of the
         source of information and its date.

         The Company has found a more up to date source of these  statistics and
         replaced  the Dun &  Bradstreet  reference.  The new source is publicly
         available via the Internet. Page 14.

4.       Please  revise to disclose the basis for your belief that the number of
         potential  customers  in North  America is over 2.2 million  based upon
         your research through Dun & Bradstreet of companies with gross sales of
         more than $100,000 or more than 15 employees.  In this regard  disclose
         why you  concluded  that all  companies in North  America with sales of
         more than $100,000 or more than 15 employees are potential customers.

         A statement of the basis for the Company's belief has been added.  Page

Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation, page 14
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5.       We note that you estimate  that the annual cost to be a small  business
         reporting company to be approximately $3,000 a month. We also note that
         you disclose that Assure Data will have adequate financial resources to
         meet its financial obligations as you currently conduct business for at
         least twelve  months.  In light of the fact that you anticipate a short

Securities and Exchange Commission
July 19, 2004
Page 3

         fall of $170 a month, please reconcile your disclosure. In this regard,
         please  discuss  whether  you  will  be able  to  meet  your  financial
         obligations,  including the annual cost to be a reporting company,  for
         the next twelve  months if you only  receive  nominal  proceeds in this
         offering. Also, you should consider the impact of purchasing the select
         email  listing  when  discussing  your  ability to meet your  financial
         obligations.  Further,  consider additional risk factor disclosure that
         addresses the additional cash needs of the company  resulting from your
         reporting obligation

         Language has been added to "Resources"  to address these matters.  Page

6.       We note that you have commitments  from additional  companies that will
         be active  customers  by June 30,  2005.  To the extent  that these are
         definitive  and  binding  agrees,  please  disclose.   Otherwise,  your
         disclosure  should also address your  liquidity if Assure Data does not
         receive additional revenue from additional companies.

         This  disclosure  has been  clarified  to state  that  there are active
         negotiations, but not commitments.

Notes to Financial Statements, December 31, 2004
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Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-7
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Revenue Recognition
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7.       We note your  response to prior  comment  number 9 in the letter  dated
         June 23, 2005. As previously requested, revise your revenue recognition
         policy to include the related revenue  recognition  criteria considered
         in determining when to recognize revenue and how management  determines
         when those criteria have been met. Specifically,  since it appears that
         the  monthly  fee is  recognized  based on the  provisions  of SAB 104,
         indicate how you determine that the following criteria have been met:

         o        Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists;

         o        Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered;

         o        The seller's price to the buyer is fixed or determinable; and

         o        Collectibility is reasonably assured.

We have expanded our disclosure on page F-7 for revenue  recognition  for set-up
fees under SAB 104 to specifically state the four revenue  recognition  criteria
included  therein  and  that  revenue  is  recognized  based  on  the  Company's
determination that these criteria have been met.

Securities and Exchange Commission
July 19, 2004
Page 4

Notes to financial Statements, March 31, 2005, page F-14
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8.       We note the  increase  in due to related  party of  $11,311  during the
         three months  ended March 31,  2005.  Revise to disclose the nature and
         terms of this  increase.  Also tell us what  consideration  you gave to
         including a similar  discussion  in Certain  Relationships  and Related
         Transactions on page 19.

We have added a related  party  footnote to page F-14 to disclose the nature and
terms of the increase in due to related party and included a similar  discussion
in Certain Relationships and Related Transactions on page 19.

         Please contact the undersigned if you have any further comment.

                                                     Sincerely yours,

                                                      /s/ Ronald L. Brown
                                                     Ronald L. Brown

cc:      Bob Lisle
         Palmer Miles