Exhibit 99

News Release
Urban Televison Network Corporation
2707 South Cooper,  Suite 119
Arlington, Texas   76015

                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                  Teresa Lomas
                                 (817) 303-7449

Urban  Television  Network  Corporation  (URBT) Releases 2005 Business Update on
Progress to Date Toward Improving the Company's Outlook

CEO  Reports  on First  Ninety  Days of Extreme  Makeover  of the  Company,  Its
Strategic Direction, Revenue Model, Programming and Branding Initiative

Dear Fellow Shareholders,

On May 24, 2005, the Company announced my taking the leadership helm as CEO. The
extreme makeover is well under way. The new look began with our logo and new web
site  www.uatvn.com.  Our business model is intended to build assets and revenue
from areas that  directly  and  positively  impact the future  prospects  of our
target viewers and customers.

Our viewers are African Americans and English speaking  Hispanics,  the emerging
majority.  The  emerging  majority  is the  focus  of all  of our  efforts.  The
commonality  between English  speaking  Hispanics,  the general market,  and the
trend  leading  African  Americans  represents  the sweet spot for targeting our
programming  and brand  positioning.  Our  planned  customers  are  Fortune  500

The first  ninety  days have not been  easy.  It has taken a lot of hard work by
some very good people to get us where we are today - Urban is the only  minority
certified television network composed of broadcast television station affiliates
across the country that air  programming  supplied by your  network's  satellite
transmission distribution system.

We are particularly excited about the inroads we have made on our three areas of

1.       Assets/Revenue  - We are in the  process  of  making  presentations  to
         Fortune  500  companies.   We  are  discussing  several  asset-building
         strategies. We will keep you apprised of our progress.
2.       Measurable  Distribution  - Full Power  stations are our new focus.  We
         have begun discussions with several independent full power stations and
         several large station  groups to increase our affiliate  base. In fact,
         as announced previously, we have recently added several new affiliates.
         We have also begun  discussions  with Nielsen Media Research  regarding
         partnering  with  us in  reaching  and  measuring  urban  viewers,  the
         emerging majority.
3.       Programming  -  Our   programming   has  changed  to  reflect  our  new
         positioning,  led by our EVP  Network  Programming,  Ms.  Sandra  Pate,
         formerly  with  the  Fox  Network.  We  are  planning  new  interactive
         programming to complement our existing interactive programming.  We are
         in the final  stages of planning  the launch of the network  along with
         several  signature  original shows. We are planning that launch for the
         first half of 2006.

We believe that if we focus on the  fundamentals as noted above we will begin to
achieve  the revenue  numbers and ratios that will lead the market to  recognize
our company as a leader in the urban TV marketplace.

What is Urban?
Urban is a  lifestyle  that  follows  the trends set by  African  Americans  who
strongly influence fashion, music, language and general market buying habits. It
is a  diversity  of  cultures,  the  majority  of which are  married  with large
families.  They watch more TV than the national  average and are very responsive
to marketing messages.

What is urban America?
Predominately  African Americans and Hispanics,  it also includes Asians, Multi-
Cultural and other Americans. Urban America is the future new majority

Why target urban America?
Buying Power is well in excess of $1 trillion and growing rapidly.

Why do you believe that Fortune 500 companies will buy your advertising?
Planned Nielsen rated programming.  Our programming  reflects the true diversity
of life in America.
One stop shopping for their minority dollars.
We are certified by the National Minority Supplier Development Council.

What is the long-term plan for Urban Television Network Corporation?
URBT's  business  model  of  combining   Nielsen  ratings   (supplemented   with
interactive  feedback  from  viewers)  with urban  programming  and  Fortune 500
companies is not difficult to understand.  Performance,  meaning  revenue growth
and  profits,  is at the core of our  long-term  efforts.  URBT has a relatively
large shareholder base. This shareholder base is predominately  retail,  made up
largely of individual investors versus  institutional  investors such as pension
funds, mutual funds and insurance companies.  Institutional  investors typically
buy and hold  larger  numbers of shares for longer  periods of time than  retail
investors,  which have a higher ratio of traders.  It is important that over the
long term we appeal to these institutional investors.

Performance   and   recognition   by  industry   analysts  will  help  to  build
institutional investment recognition.  However,  institutional investors are not
permitted by their own mandates  and  investment  charters to invest in over the
counter stocks. Accordingly, it is important that we move to a national exchange
where institutional  investors will be permitted to purchase the Company's stock
and build large positions as a part of their overall portfolio.

URBT is  planning  to move toward a national  exchange  listing.  In addition to
planning  for revenue and asset value  growth,  we plan to update the  company's
regulatory filings,  accounting footnotes and corporate governance procedures to
assure  they meet or  exceed  the  increased  administrative  requirements  of a
national exchange.  Our planned goal is to obtain a national exchange listing in
the 2006 calendar year.

Management and Employee Commitment
On behalf of management and everyone working here at URBT, I sincerely thank all
of our  shareholders  for their patience and support.  We are passionate here at
URBT about our business  model and the results we believe we can derive from it.
We are urban market  enthusiasts  and are  genuinely  excited about our business
prospects. We recognize that many shareholders have believed in us and have been
frustrated by the stock price.  We thank you even more for  persevering  through
the  frustration.  We are all working hard here at URBT  committed to building a
recognized urban market leader that is recognized by both of our market sectors,
viewers and Fortune 500 companies along with the financial marketplace.  We have
made substantial progress  positioning  ourselves for the opportunities that are
before us. The path is not always  easy,  but we do  sincerely  believe that the
shareholders will not regret their resolve and perseverance.

Thank You,
Jacob Miles
CEO & Chairman
Urban Television Network Corp.

Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains  forward-looking  statements and information as that term
is  defined  in the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995,  and,
therefore,  is  subject  to  certain  risks and  uncertainties.  There can be no
assurance that the actual results,  business conditions,  business developments,
losses  and  contingencies  and  local  and  foreign  factors  will  not  differ
materially from those suggested in the forward-looking statements as a result of
various  factors,   including  market  conditions,   competition,   advances  in
technology and other factors.